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X-Minus One (X-1)

X Minus One was a science fiction series that was an extension, or revival, of the earlier science fiction series, Dimension X. Both shows are remembered for bringing really first rate science fiction to the air by such authors as Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury.

X Minus One

128 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 53 hours, 19 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
57 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 06, 1957:

"Venus Is A Man's World"

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Galaxy Sci Fi MagazineGalaxy Sci Fi MagazineGalaxy Sci Fi Magazine

Great Science Fiction Series

"Countdown for blastoff... X minus five, four, three, two, X minus one... Fire! From the far horizons of the unknown come transcribed tales of new dimensions in time and space. These are stories of the future; adventures in which you'll live in a million could-be years on a thousand may-be worlds. The National Broadcasting Company in cooperation with Street and Smith, publishers of Astounding Science Fiction presents...X Minus One!"

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

X Minus One was a science fiction series that was an extension, or revival, of the earlier science fiction series, Dimension X. Both shows are remembered for bringing really first rate science fiction to the air by such authors as Isaac Asimov and Ray Bradbury. After the first 15 episodes new versions of Dimension X episodes, X-Minus One continued with new territory featuring new work by modern popular science fiction authors including Philip K. Dick, Fritz Leiber, J.T. McIntosh, Robert A. Heinlein, Frederik Pohl and Theodore Sturgeon among others.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Many of the episodes deal with future human existence.  Martians play a prominent roll in the series, in one episode humans exterminate all the Martians with chickenpox.  Martians later hire an advertising agency to give the invaders popular PR campaign to announce their arrival on our planet.  In another episode, a detective agency is hired to find all the Martins living in America. 

Other episodes deal with the apprehension of scientific progress, common Science Fiction didactic themes, and a hullabaloo of fantastic futuristic melodrama.  Wild plots include crazed computers take over and destroy human life; criminals control androids; empty automated houses; robot wives; astronauts floating in space due to a rocket malfunction; and (of course) atomic weapons destroying the world!  A favorite among Science Fiction fans, this complete series of X-Minus One is an important addition to every Old Time Radio collection. 

For other excellent science fiction series also 2000+, Beyond Tomorrow, and Journey Into Space. There are also excellent sci-fi compilation available including Robots Collection, Sci Fi Listener's Favorites, Science Fiction Authors Collection, and Aliens, Martians, and UFO's Collection. For additional reading see also: Article on Science Fiction in Radio.

Galaxy Sci Fi MagazineGalaxy Sci Fi MagazineGalaxy Sci Fi Magazine

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    54     7


    Like that show. Listen to it a lot

    Bruce Verified Purchase

    Great series. High quality stories and acting. I love re-living, in a different venue, stories from some of my favorite authors from the golden age of science fiction.

    Leathem Verified Purchase

    I love this site so many great show to hear again and some to find for the first time .

    Malcolm Verified Purchase

    X Minus One, as well as Dimension X, is probably one of the best science fiction radio shows. Today, I listened to " The Embassy " and " The Veldt ". Both were well done and fast moving. I was unfamiliar with both stories so I didn't know what would happen on either one.

    Dan Verified Purchase


    James Verified Purchase

    X minus One (X-1)...sounds like a sci-fi math equation if there ever was one. Great name for a great series of stories. Love listening to them.

    Doug Verified Purchase

    Classic sci-fi -- sometimes with a veiled social message. Some are just fun, some Twighlight-Zonelike creepy, and some just make you think.

    William Verified Purchase

    Great shows. Got the set. Used to listen on Armed Forces Network when my family & I lived in Germany, in the 50's.

    Vince Verified Purchase

    I enjoy the old SciFi and this show is great! Love it!

    Circe Verified Purchase

    great si fi show

    Frank Verified Purchase

    Brings me back to the 1950s: X - 1, Jack Benny program, SUS—pense! and so many others. Plus finding new (to me) shows.

    Erin Verified Purchase

    I consider X Minus One as the predecessor to the original Twilight Zone TV series. It is that good. It is the best of Old Time Radio Science Fiction. I have all the episodes and play the MP3s on road trips. Each story is unique and memorable. I recently reordered the series as the first set were worn out. If you want to be truly entertained while driving around, pay the ten bucks and get all 130 episodes.

    James Verified Purchase

    Ray Bradbury was the best sci fi writer for radio and stories ... never reallyu been surpassed!

    Arthur Verified Purchase

    I have them all and listen to them when on a road trip or on lonely nights. The episodes are so different but yet so good, 70 years later they still make new fans. Both X-Minus One & Dimension X hold up remarkably well in the 21st Century. And that’s not just because the basic stories were from solid sci-fi writers but because the adaptions of the stories were so well crafted and well performed...

    Fred Verified Purchase

    X Minus One is in my rotating top 5.... I used to have only a few on cassette, and listened to them so many times I can probably recite them verbatim... "Tunnel Under The World" was terrifying, whereas "Lifeboat Mutiny" was hilarious... very happy we have them all to enjoy....

    Damon Verified Purchase

    "Chain of Command"...1956...a married guy with kids goes on a trip to Washington DC and has a three way with two females from a research lab. Nobody in Standards and Practices read the script before green lighting this one? Yeah, i know...it's a mouse. but still... Adult indeed...

    Chet Verified Purchase

    X Minus 1 was an adult science fiction show. In my opinion this show was a masterpiece on many fronts. You had great writers like Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Philip K. Dick, Robert A. Heinlein, Frederik Pohl and Theodore Sturgeon which made for really compelling Radio. Tsylana is a story that's somewhat "Brave New World" like in nature but has a sense of humor about itself.

    Gregory Verified Purchase

    Agreed!....After X-Minus One finished with the Dimension X scripts, the show's seem to get better and more creative. I often wonder what great shows there could have been if the programs lasted until 1962. The show's would have been great by continuing to draw from Galaxy Sci-Fi magazine!

    Dave Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite series. My favorite episode is "the big parade"---wonderful!

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Classic stories, featuring science fiction greats from the 1950s and 60s, a delightful assortment of tall tales and gleaming, silver spaceships. A treat for nostalgia buffs and fans of the "Golden Age" of the science fiction and suspense genres.

    Cliff Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    128 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 19 min
    128 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 53 hours, 19 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 53 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 550422 AUD And the Moon be still as Bright.mp3
    3. X 1 550424 001 No Contact.mp3
    4. X 1 550501 002 The Parade.mp3
    5. X 1 550508 003 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    6. X 1 550515 004 Universe.mp3
    7. X 1 550522 005 Knock.mp3
    8. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon.mp3
    9. X 1 550605 007 Perigi's Wonderful Dolls.mp3
    10. X 1 550707 008 The Green Hills Of Earth.mp3
    11. X 1 550714 009 Dr Grimshaw's Sanitorium.mp3
    12. X 1 550721 010 Nightmare.mp3
    13. X 1 550728 011 The Embassy.mp3
    14. X 1 550804 012 The Veldt.mp3
    15. X 1 550811 013 Almost Human.mp3
    16. X 1 550818 014 Courtesy.mp3
    17. X 1 550825 015 Cold Equations.mp3
    18. X 1 550901 016 Shanghaied.mp3
    19. X 1 550908 017 The Martian Death March.mp3
    20. X 1 550915 018 The Castaways.mp3
    21. X 1 550922 019 REPEAT And the Moon be Still as Bright.mp3
    22. X 1 551006 020 First Contact.mp3
    23. X 1 551020 021 Child's Play.mp3
    24. X 1 551027 022 Requiem.mp3
    25. X 1 551103 023 Hello, Tomorrow.mp3
    26. X 1 551110 024 The Dwellers In Silence.mp3
    27. X 1 551116 025 The Outer Limit.mp3
    28. X 1 551123 026 There Will Come Soft Rains Zero Hour.mp3
    29. X 1 551130 027 The Vital Factor.mp3
    30. X 1 551207 028 Nightfall.mp3
    31. X 1 551214 029 To The Future.mp3
    32. X 1 551221 030 Marionettes, Inc.mp3
    33. X 1 551228 031 A Logic Named Joe.mp3
    34. X 1 560104 032 The Roads Must Roll.mp3
    35. X 1 560111 033 Time And Time Again.mp3
    36. X 1 560118 034 REPEAT Perigi's Wonderful Dolls.mp3
    37. X 1 560125 035 REPEAT The Parade.mp3
    38. X 1 560201 036 Cave Of Night.mp3
    39. X 1 560208 037 CChute.mp3
    40. X 1 560215 038 Skulking Permit.mp3
    41. X 1 560222 039 Junkyard.mp3
    42. X 1 560229 040 REPEAT Hello, Tomorrow.mp3
    43. X 1 560307 041 A Gun For Dinosaur.mp3
    44. X 1 560314 042 The Tunnel Under The World.mp3
    45. X 1 560321 043 A Thousand Dollars A Plate.mp3
    46. X 1 560328 044 A Pail Of Air.mp3
    47. X 1 560403 045 How To.mp3
    48. X 1 560410 046 Star Bright.mp3
    49. X 1 560417 047 Jaywalker.mp3
    50. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder.mp3
    51. X 1 560501 049 Sea Legs.mp3
    52. X 1 560508 050 The Seventh Order.mp3
    53. X 1 560515 051 Halucination Orbit.mp3
    54. X 1 560522 052 The Defenders.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 57 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 560529 053 Lulungameena.mp3
    3. X 1 560605 054 Project Mastodon.mp3
    4. X 1 560612 055 If You Was A Moklin.mp3
    5. X 1 560619 056 Project Trojan.mp3
    6. X 1 560626 057 Wherever You May Be.mp3
    7. X 1 560703 058 Mr Costello, Hero.mp3
    8. X 1 560710 059 Bad Medicine.mp3
    9. X 1 560717 060 The Old Die Rich.mp3
    10. X 1 560724 061 The Stars Are The Styx.mp3
    11. X 1 560731 062 Student Body.mp3
    12. X 1 560807 063 The Last Martian.mp3
    13. X 1 560814 064 The Snowball Effect.mp3
    14. X 1 560828 065 SurfaceTension.mp3
    15. X 1 560904 066 REPEAT Tunnel Under the World.mp3
    16. X 1 560911 067 The Lifeboat Mutiny.mp3
    17. X 1 560926 068 The Map Makers.mp3
    18. X 1 561003 069 Protective Mimicry.mp3
    19. X 1 561010 070 Colony.mp3
    20. X 1 561017 071 Soldier boy.mp3
    21. X 1 561024 072 Pictures Don't Lie.mp3
    22. X 1 561031 073 Sam This Is You.mp3
    23. X 1 561107 074 Appointment in Tomorrow.mp3
    24. X 1 561114 075 REPEAT The Martian Death March.mp3
    25. X 1 561121 076 Chain Of Command.mp3
    26. X 1 561128 077 The Castaways.mp3
    27. X 1 561205 078 REPEAT There Will Come Soft Rains Zer.mp3
    28. X 1 561212 079 Hostess.mp3
    29. X 1 561219 080 Reluctant Heroes.mp3
    30. X 1 561226 081 Honeymoon In Hell.mp3
    31. X 1 570102 082 The Moon is Green.mp3
    32. X 1 570109 083 A Saucer Of Loneliness.mp3
    33. X 1 570116 084 The Girls From Earth.mp3
    34. X 1 570123 085 Open Warfare.mp3
    35. X 1 570130 086 Caretaker.mp3
    36. X 1 570206 087 Venus Is a Man's World.mp3
    37. X 1 570213 088 The Trap.mp3
    38. X 1 570220 089 Field Study.mp3
    39. X 1 570227 090 Real Gone.mp3
    40. X 1 570306 091 Seventh Victim.mp3
    41. X 1 570313 092 The Lights on Precipice Peak.mp3
    42. X 1 570320 093 Protection.mp3
    43. X 1 570327 094 At the Post.mp3
    44. X 1 570403 095 Martian Sam.mp3
    45. X 1 570410 096 Something For Nothing.mp3
    46. X 1 570417 097 The Discovery Of Mornial Matha.mp3
    47. X 1 570424 098 Mans Best Friend.mp3
    48. X 1 570620 099 Inside Story.mp3
    49. X 1 570627 100 The Category Inventor.mp3
    50. X 1 570704 101 REPEAT Skulking Permit.mp3
    51. X 1 570711 102 Early Model.mp3
    52. X 1 570718 103 The Merchants of Venus.mp3
    53. X 1 570725 104 The Haunted Corpse.mp3
    54. X 1 570801 105 End as a World.mp3
    55. X 1 570808 106 The Scapegoat.mp3
    56. X 1 570815 107 At the Post.mp3
    57. X 1 570822 108 Drop Dead.mp3
    58. X 1 570829 109 Volpla.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 18 shows – total playtime 6 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 570905 110 Saucer of Loneliness.mp3
    3. X 1 570912 111 REPEATThe Old Die Rich.mp3
    4. X 1 570919 112 Tsylana.mp3
    5. X 1 570926 113 The Native Problem.mp3
    6. X 1 571003 114 A Wind Is Rising.mp3
    7. X 1 571010 115 Death Wish.mp3
    8. X 1 571017 116 Point of Departure.mp3
    9. X 1 571024 117 The Light.mp3
    10. X 1 571031 118 Lulu.mp3
    11. X 1 571121 119 The Coffin Cure.mp3
    12. X 1 571128 120 Shock Troop.mp3
    13. X 1 571212 121 The Haunted Corpse.mp3
    14. X 1 571219 122 Double Dare.mp3
    15. X 1 571226 123 Target One.mp3
    16. X 1 580102 124 Prime Difference.mp3
    17. X 1 580109 125 last show Gray Flannel Armor.mp3
    18. X 1 730117 [revival attempt] The Iron Chancellor.mp3
    19. X 1 999999 [extra] not on list' Convict.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    128 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 19 min
    128 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1465 MB – total playtime 53 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 53 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 550422 AUD And the Moon be still as Bright.mp3
    3. X 1 550424 001 No Contact.mp3
    4. X 1 550501 002 The Parade.mp3
    5. X 1 550508 003 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    6. X 1 550515 004 Universe.mp3
    7. X 1 550522 005 Knock.mp3
    8. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon.mp3
    9. X 1 550605 007 Perigi's Wonderful Dolls.mp3
    10. X 1 550707 008 The Green Hills Of Earth.mp3
    11. X 1 550714 009 Dr Grimshaw's Sanitorium.mp3
    12. X 1 550721 010 Nightmare.mp3
    13. X 1 550728 011 The Embassy.mp3
    14. X 1 550804 012 The Veldt.mp3
    15. X 1 550811 013 Almost Human.mp3
    16. X 1 550818 014 Courtesy.mp3
    17. X 1 550825 015 Cold Equations.mp3
    18. X 1 550901 016 Shanghaied.mp3
    19. X 1 550908 017 The Martian Death March.mp3
    20. X 1 550915 018 The Castaways.mp3
    21. X 1 550922 019 REPEAT And the Moon be Still as Bright.mp3
    22. X 1 551006 020 First Contact.mp3
    23. X 1 551020 021 Child's Play.mp3
    24. X 1 551027 022 Requiem.mp3
    25. X 1 551103 023 Hello, Tomorrow.mp3
    26. X 1 551110 024 The Dwellers In Silence.mp3
    27. X 1 551116 025 The Outer Limit.mp3
    28. X 1 551123 026 There Will Come Soft Rains Zero Hour.mp3
    29. X 1 551130 027 The Vital Factor.mp3
    30. X 1 551207 028 Nightfall.mp3
    31. X 1 551214 029 To The Future.mp3
    32. X 1 551221 030 Marionettes, Inc.mp3
    33. X 1 551228 031 A Logic Named Joe.mp3
    34. X 1 560104 032 The Roads Must Roll.mp3
    35. X 1 560111 033 Time And Time Again.mp3
    36. X 1 560118 034 REPEAT Perigi's Wonderful Dolls.mp3
    37. X 1 560125 035 REPEAT The Parade.mp3
    38. X 1 560201 036 Cave Of Night.mp3
    39. X 1 560208 037 CChute.mp3
    40. X 1 560215 038 Skulking Permit.mp3
    41. X 1 560222 039 Junkyard.mp3
    42. X 1 560229 040 REPEAT Hello, Tomorrow.mp3
    43. X 1 560307 041 A Gun For Dinosaur.mp3
    44. X 1 560314 042 The Tunnel Under The World.mp3
    45. X 1 560321 043 A Thousand Dollars A Plate.mp3
    46. X 1 560328 044 A Pail Of Air.mp3
    47. X 1 560403 045 How To.mp3
    48. X 1 560410 046 Star Bright.mp3
    49. X 1 560417 047 Jaywalker.mp3
    50. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder.mp3
    51. X 1 560501 049 Sea Legs.mp3
    52. X 1 560508 050 The Seventh Order.mp3
    53. X 1 560515 051 Halucination Orbit.mp3
    54. X 1 560522 052 The Defenders.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 57 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 560529 053 Lulungameena.mp3
    3. X 1 560605 054 Project Mastodon.mp3
    4. X 1 560612 055 If You Was A Moklin.mp3
    5. X 1 560619 056 Project Trojan.mp3
    6. X 1 560626 057 Wherever You May Be.mp3
    7. X 1 560703 058 Mr Costello, Hero.mp3
    8. X 1 560710 059 Bad Medicine.mp3
    9. X 1 560717 060 The Old Die Rich.mp3
    10. X 1 560724 061 The Stars Are The Styx.mp3
    11. X 1 560731 062 Student Body.mp3
    12. X 1 560807 063 The Last Martian.mp3
    13. X 1 560814 064 The Snowball Effect.mp3
    14. X 1 560828 065 SurfaceTension.mp3
    15. X 1 560904 066 REPEAT Tunnel Under the World.mp3
    16. X 1 560911 067 The Lifeboat Mutiny.mp3
    17. X 1 560926 068 The Map Makers.mp3
    18. X 1 561003 069 Protective Mimicry.mp3
    19. X 1 561010 070 Colony.mp3
    20. X 1 561017 071 Soldier boy.mp3
    21. X 1 561024 072 Pictures Don't Lie.mp3
    22. X 1 561031 073 Sam This Is You.mp3
    23. X 1 561107 074 Appointment in Tomorrow.mp3
    24. X 1 561114 075 REPEAT The Martian Death March.mp3
    25. X 1 561121 076 Chain Of Command.mp3
    26. X 1 561128 077 The Castaways.mp3
    27. X 1 561205 078 REPEAT There Will Come Soft Rains Zer.mp3
    28. X 1 561212 079 Hostess.mp3
    29. X 1 561219 080 Reluctant Heroes.mp3
    30. X 1 561226 081 Honeymoon In Hell.mp3
    31. X 1 570102 082 The Moon is Green.mp3
    32. X 1 570109 083 A Saucer Of Loneliness.mp3
    33. X 1 570116 084 The Girls From Earth.mp3
    34. X 1 570123 085 Open Warfare.mp3
    35. X 1 570130 086 Caretaker.mp3
    36. X 1 570206 087 Venus Is a Man's World.mp3
    37. X 1 570213 088 The Trap.mp3
    38. X 1 570220 089 Field Study.mp3
    39. X 1 570227 090 Real Gone.mp3
    40. X 1 570306 091 Seventh Victim.mp3
    41. X 1 570313 092 The Lights on Precipice Peak.mp3
    42. X 1 570320 093 Protection.mp3
    43. X 1 570327 094 At the Post.mp3
    44. X 1 570403 095 Martian Sam.mp3
    45. X 1 570410 096 Something For Nothing.mp3
    46. X 1 570417 097 The Discovery Of Mornial Matha.mp3
    47. X 1 570424 098 Mans Best Friend.mp3
    48. X 1 570620 099 Inside Story.mp3
    49. X 1 570627 100 The Category Inventor.mp3
    50. X 1 570704 101 REPEAT Skulking Permit.mp3
    51. X 1 570711 102 Early Model.mp3
    52. X 1 570718 103 The Merchants of Venus.mp3
    53. X 1 570725 104 The Haunted Corpse.mp3
    54. X 1 570801 105 End as a World.mp3
    55. X 1 570808 106 The Scapegoat.mp3
    56. X 1 570815 107 At the Post.mp3
    57. X 1 570822 108 Drop Dead.mp3
    58. X 1 570829 109 Volpla.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 18 shows – 177 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 26 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. X 1 570905 110 Saucer of Loneliness.mp3
    3. X 1 570912 111 REPEATThe Old Die Rich.mp3
    4. X 1 570919 112 Tsylana.mp3
    5. X 1 570926 113 The Native Problem.mp3
    6. X 1 571003 114 A Wind Is Rising.mp3
    7. X 1 571010 115 Death Wish.mp3
    8. X 1 571017 116 Point of Departure.mp3
    9. X 1 571024 117 The Light.mp3
    10. X 1 571031 118 Lulu.mp3
    11. X 1 571121 119 The Coffin Cure.mp3
    12. X 1 571128 120 Shock Troop.mp3
    13. X 1 571212 121 The Haunted Corpse.mp3
    14. X 1 571219 122 Double Dare.mp3
    15. X 1 571226 123 Target One.mp3
    16. X 1 580102 124 Prime Difference.mp3
    17. X 1 580109 125 last show Gray Flannel Armor.mp3
    18. X 1 730117 [revival attempt] The Iron Chancellor.mp3
    19. X 1 999999 [extra] not on list' Convict.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    128 recordings on 57 Audio CDs. Total playtime 53 hours, 19 min
    128 recordings on 57 Audio CDs
    total playtime 53 hours, 19 min

    X Minus One Disc A001

    1. X 1 999999 [extra] not on list' Convict
    2. X 1 550422 AUD And the Moon be still as Bright

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A002

    1. X 1 550424 001 No Contact
    2. X 1 550501 002 The Parade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A003

    1. X 1 550508 003 Mars Is Heaven
    2. X 1 550515 004 Universe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A004

    1. X 1 550522 005 Knock
    2. X 1 550529 006 The Man in the Moon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A005

    1. X 1 550605 007 Perigi's Wonderful Dolls
    2. X 1 550707 008 The Green Hills Of Earth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A006

    1. X 1 550714 009 Dr Grimshaw's Sanitorium
    2. X 1 550721 010 Nightmare

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A007

    1. X 1 550728 011 The Embassy
    2. X 1 550804 012 The Veldt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A008

    1. X 1 550811 013 Almost Human
    2. X 1 550818 014 Courtesy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A009

    1. X 1 550825 015 Cold Equations
    2. X 1 550901 016 Shanghaied

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A010

    1. X 1 550908 017 The Martian Death March
    2. X 1 550915 018 The Castaways
    3. X 1 550922 019 REPEAT And the Moon be Still as Bright

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A011

    1. X 1 551006 020 First Contact
    2. X 1 551020 021 Child's Play
    3. X 1 551027 022 Requiem

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A012

    1. X 1 551103 023 Hello, Tomorrow
    2. X 1 551110 024 The Dwellers In Silence

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A013

    1. X 1 551116 025 The Outer Limit
    2. X 1 551123 026 There Will Come Soft Rains Zero Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A014

    1. X 1 551130 027 The Vital Factor
    2. X 1 551207 028 Nightfall

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A015

    1. X 1 551214 029 To The Future
    2. X 1 551221 030 Marionettes, Inc

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A016

    1. X 1 551228 031 A Logic Named Joe
    2. X 1 560104 032 The Roads Must Roll

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    X Minus One Disc A017

    1. X 1 560111 033 Time And Time Again
    2. X 1 560118 034 REPEAT Perigi's Wonderful Dolls

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    X Minus One Disc A018

    1. X 1 560125 035 REPEAT The Parade
    2. X 1 560201 036 Cave Of Night

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    X Minus One Disc A019

    1. X 1 560208 037 CChute
    2. X 1 560215 038 Skulking Permit

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    X Minus One Disc A020

    1. X 1 560222 039 Junkyard
    2. X 1 560229 040 REPEAT Hello, Tomorrow

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    X Minus One Disc A021

    1. X 1 560307 041 A Gun For Dinosaur
    2. X 1 560314 042 The Tunnel Under The World

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    X Minus One Disc A022

    1. X 1 560321 043 A Thousand Dollars A Plate
    2. X 1 560328 044 A Pail Of Air

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    X Minus One Disc A023

    1. X 1 560403 045 How To
    2. X 1 560410 046 Star Bright

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    X Minus One Disc A024

    1. X 1 560417 047 Jaywalker
    2. X 1 560424 048 The Sense Of Wonder

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    X Minus One Disc A025

    1. X 1 560501 049 Sea Legs
    2. X 1 560508 050 The Seventh Order

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    X Minus One Disc A026

    1. X 1 560515 051 Halucination Orbit
    2. X 1 560522 052 The Defenders

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    X Minus One Disc A027

    1. X 1 560529 053 Lulungameena
    2. X 1 560605 054 Project Mastodon

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    X Minus One Disc A028

    1. X 1 560612 055 If You Was A Moklin
    2. X 1 560619 056 Project Trojan

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    X Minus One Disc A029

    1. X 1 560626 057 Wherever You May Be
    2. X 1 560703 058 Mr Costello, Hero

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    X Minus One Disc A030

    1. X 1 560710 059 Bad Medicine
    2. X 1 560717 060 The Old Die Rich

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    X Minus One Disc A031

    1. X 1 560724 061 The Stars Are The Styx
    2. X 1 560731 062 Student Body

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    X Minus One Disc A032

    1. X 1 560807 063 The Last Martian
    2. X 1 560814 064 The Snowball Effect

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    X Minus One Disc A033

    1. X 1 560828 065 SurfaceTension
    2. X 1 560904 066 REPEAT Tunnel Under the World

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    X Minus One Disc A034

    1. X 1 560911 067 The Lifeboat Mutiny
    2. X 1 560926 068 The Map Makers

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    X Minus One Disc A035

    1. X 1 561003 069 Protective Mimicry
    2. X 1 561010 070 Colony

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    X Minus One Disc A036

    1. X 1 561017 071 Soldier boy
    2. X 1 561024 072 Pictures Don't Lie

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    X Minus One Disc A037

    1. X 1 561031 073 Sam This Is You
    2. X 1 561107 074 Appointment in Tomorrow

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    X Minus One Disc A038

    1. X 1 561114 075 REPEAT The Martian Death March
    2. X 1 561121 076 Chain Of Command

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    X Minus One Disc A039

    1. X 1 561128 077 The Castaways
    2. X 1 561205 078 REPEAT There Will Come Soft Rains Zer

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    X Minus One Disc A040

    1. X 1 561212 079 Hostess
    2. X 1 561219 080 Reluctant Heroes

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    X Minus One Disc A041

    1. X 1 561226 081 Honeymoon In Hell
    2. X 1 570102 082 The Moon is Green

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    X Minus One Disc A042

    1. X 1 570109 083 A Saucer Of Loneliness
    2. X 1 570116 084 The Girls From Earth

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    X Minus One Disc A043

    1. X 1 570123 085 Open Warfare
    2. X 1 570130 086 Caretaker
    3. X 1 570206 087 Venus Is a Man's World

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    X Minus One Disc A044

    1. X 1 570213 088 The Trap
    2. X 1 570220 089 Field Study
    3. X 1 570227 090 Real Gone

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    X Minus One Disc A045

    1. X 1 570306 091 Seventh Victim
    2. X 1 570313 092 The Lights on Precipice Peak
    3. X 1 570320 093 Protection

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    X Minus One Disc A046

    1. X 1 570327 094 At the Post
    2. X 1 570403 095 Martian Sam
    3. X 1 570410 096 Something For Nothing

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    X Minus One Disc A047

    1. X 1 570417 097 The Discovery Of Mornial Matha
    2. X 1 570424 098 Mans Best Friend
    3. X 1 570620 099 Inside Story

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    X Minus One Disc A048

    1. X 1 570627 100 The Category Inventor
    2. X 1 570704 101 REPEAT Skulking Permit
    3. X 1 570711 102 Early Model

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    X Minus One Disc A049

    1. X 1 570718 103 The Merchants of Venus
    2. X 1 570725 104 The Haunted Corpse
    3. X 1 570801 105 End as a World

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    X Minus One Disc A050

    1. X 1 570808 106 The Scapegoat
    2. X 1 570815 107 At the Post
    3. X 1 570822 108 Drop Dead

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    X Minus One Disc A051

    1. X 1 570829 109 Volpla
    2. X 1 570905 110 Saucer of Loneliness

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    X Minus One Disc A052

    1. X 1 570912 111 REPEATThe Old Die Rich
    2. X 1 570919 112 Tsylana
    3. X 1 570926 113 The Native Problem

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    X Minus One Disc A053

    1. X 1 571003 114 A Wind Is Rising
    2. X 1 571010 115 Death Wish
    3. X 1 571017 116 Point of Departure

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    X Minus One Disc A054

    1. X 1 571024 117 The Light
    2. X 1 571031 118 Lulu
    3. X 1 571121 119 The Coffin Cure

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    X Minus One Disc A055

    1. X 1 571128 120 Shock Troop
    2. X 1 571212 121 The Haunted Corpse
    3. X 1 571219 122 Double Dare

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    X Minus One Disc A056

    1. X 1 571226 123 Target One
    2. X 1 580102 124 Prime Difference
    3. X 1 580109 125 last show Gray Flannel Armor

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    X Minus One Disc A057

    1. X 1 730117 [revival attempt] The Iron Chancellor

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