A pioneer in early old time radio shows, The Voice of Firestone was the first commercially sponsored music radio program.The show was a high-culture offering featured classical, operatic, and semi-classical music.In it's zenith, The Voice of Firestone featured a forty-six piece orchestra.
2 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 1 hours, 26 min)
available in the following formats:
1 MP3 CD
2 Audio CDs
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One of the earliest old time radio music shows, The Voice of Firestone began airing in 1928. A pioneer in early old time radio shows, The Voice of Firestone was the firstcommercially sponsored music radio program.Naturally the voice of Firestone advertised Firestone Tires and Rubber, but the show also promoted the 4-H Club, highway safety and the United Nations.
The show was a high-culture offering featured classical, operatic, and semi-classical music. In it's zenith, The Voice of Firestone featured a forty-six piece orchestra. The orchestra leaders were Hugo Mariani (1928-31), William Daly (1931-36), Alfred Wallenstein (1936-43) and Howard Barlow (1943 until show's cancelation).
In 1949, The Voice of Firestone moved to television version of the show which aired simultaneously with the radio series. Eventually the show entertained an audience of over three million people per broadcast.
This rare collection includes June 1951 broadcast and The Voice of Firestone's 25th anniversary program was broadcast November 30, 1953.
For additional classical and opera radio shows, see also:
Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Voice of Firestone Disc A001
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Voice of Firestone Disc A002
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