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Vic Damone Collection

Smooth song stylings of Vic Damone will transport you back to a glimmering bygone era with these old time radio shows.

Vic Damone

16 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours, 22 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs

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"Vic Damone in Guard Sessions"

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Vic Damone
(1928 – 2018)

Vic Damone
Vic DamoneCrooners croon, and few crooned with as much smoothness and swoon-worthy goodness as Vic Damone.

Brooklyn during wartime provided the backdrop for Damone's childhood. Known then as Vito Farinola, he lived the life of an Italian immigrant, combing his hair into a pompadour and soaking in all the sights and sounds of a vibrant community. Singing became part of his life early on, and his fellow Brooklynites became used to the sight of the thin youngster crooning his heart out on street corners. He started performing in halls in front of audiences, his sisters helping out with warm buttermilk to soothe his singer's throat.

A childhood girlfriend of Damone's recalls that the teenaged aspiring singer let loose with a rendition of "Temptation" in her family's kitchen that caused the walls the shake.

Vic Damone and Jerry Lewis

Clearly, his voice needed a larger venue, such as the entire country. Fortunately, his talent was readily recognized and he began cranking out hit singles such as "You Do," "Again," "You're Breaking My Heart," and "My Truly Truly Fair." Over his long career, he'd be known for supplying lovers of romantic ballads with such classics as "My Heart Cries For You," "An Affair To Remember," and "Here in My Heart." His celebrity propelled him into film roles, and of course, he also gave many long performances of his hit songs on radio, as well as other appearances on big radio shows.

Included was a stint hosting Saturday Night Serenade in 1948. He also made a few appearances on Guest Star, which as the name would imply brought on a different star each week who would occupy most of the short program. It was a public service program, drumming up support for war bonds. Damone's appearances on this show took place as his star was rising, in 1947 and 1949.

He also appeared on Hedda Hopper's Hollywood, easing out a few silky tunes not far from Hedda's desk overlooking Hollywood and Vine. This was oddly juxtaposed with a dramatization of the Hemingway short story "The Killers."

Guard Session was a short program for the National Guard featuring recorded music. Damone was the featured artist on several episodes in 1964, which spun a few selections from his new album On The Street Where You Live. The programs, hosted by Martin Block, also included interviews with the crooner himself. He regaled Block and the audience with stories about his own service in the National Guard and his Army service overseas. On one episode, this spun into some verbiage about Damone's boxing and karate exploits.

The Vic Damone collection presents a dazzling slice of Americana, featuring an armed services veteran and esteemed entertainer. The smooth song stylings of Damone will transport you back to a glimmering bygone era.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    I am looking for info details on Vic Damone as a member of the 107th Reg. N.Y.Army National Guard, around year 1950.

    Charles Greco

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    16 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 22 min
    16 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 6 hours, 22 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 16 shows – total playtime 6 hours, 22 minutes
    2. Best Of All 541129 16 Sigmond Romberg Deep In My Heart.mp3
    3. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain.mp3
    4. Guard Session 145 Vic Damone.mp3
    5. Guard Session 146 Vic Damone.mp3
    6. Guard Session 147 Vic Damone.mp3
    7. Guard Session 148 Vic Damone.mp3
    8. Guest Star 471207 036 Vic Damone.mp3
    9. Guest Star 490710 0120 Lover.mp3
    10. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510204 16 Alan Young.mp3
    11. Louella Parsons 511007 Vic Damone.mp3
    12. Martin And Lewis 530421 098 Vic Damone.mp3
    13. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone.mp3
    14. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone.mp3
    15. Pet Milk Show 490312.mp3
    16. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480213 20 Vic Damone.mp3
    17. Vic Damone 470318 Thats Where I Came In.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    16 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 22 min
    16 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    175 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 22 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 16 shows – 175 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 22 minutes
    2. Best Of All 541129 16 Sigmond Romberg Deep In My Heart.mp3
    3. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain.mp3
    4. Guard Session 145 Vic Damone.mp3
    5. Guard Session 146 Vic Damone.mp3
    6. Guard Session 147 Vic Damone.mp3
    7. Guard Session 148 Vic Damone.mp3
    8. Guest Star 471207 036 Vic Damone.mp3
    9. Guest Star 490710 0120 Lover.mp3
    10. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510204 16 Alan Young.mp3
    11. Louella Parsons 511007 Vic Damone.mp3
    12. Martin And Lewis 530421 098 Vic Damone.mp3
    13. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone.mp3
    14. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone.mp3
    15. Pet Milk Show 490312.mp3
    16. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480213 20 Vic Damone.mp3
    17. Vic Damone 470318 Thats Where I Came In.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    16 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 6 hours, 22 min
    16 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 6 hours, 22 min

    Vic Damone Disc A001

    1. Guard Session 145 Vic Damone
    2. Guard Session 146 Vic Damone
    3. Guard Session 147 Vic Damone
    4. Guard Session 148 Vic Damone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A002

    1. Vic Damone 470318 Thats Where I Came In
    2. Guest Star 471207 036 Vic Damone
    3. Spike Jones Spotlight Revue 4748 480213 20 Vic Damone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A003

    1. Pet Milk Show 481009 Vic Damone
    2. Pet Milk Show 481016 Vic Damone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A004

    1. Pet Milk Show 490312
    2. Guest Star 490710 0120 Lover

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A005

    1. Hedda Hoppers Hollywd 510204 16 Alan Young
    2. Louella Parsons 511007 Vic Damone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A006

    1. Martin And Lewis 530421 098 Vic Damone
    2. Ft 540825 384 Beauty And Brain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Vic Damone Disc A007

    1. Best Of All 541129 16 Sigmond Romberg Deep In My Heart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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