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University of Chicago Roundtable

uses the media of radio as a platform to answer big questions of the day. Topics include war time politics, civil rights, economics, great literature, psychology, nutrition, and more.

University of Chicago Roundtable

112 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 53 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
56 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from December 05, 1948:

"Race Problems and World Peace"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

(1933 - 1955)

University of Chicago 1940University of Chicago Roundtable uses the media of radio as a platform to answer big questions of the day.  Topics include war time politics, civil rights, economics, great literature, psychology, nutrition, and more.

The guests at the round table include a wide variety of intellectuals including senators, journalists, business owners, professors from the University of Chicago and other major universities discuss the topics of the day: 

  • Two senators debate on whether President Truman's Civil Rights Program should be adopted which includes making lynching a federal crime and protecting voting rights.
  • Explaining what rationing means for housewives, business owners, and more.
  • Making housing affordable to everyone.
  • How influential are the Labor Unions in American politics?
  • The American interests in the Chinese Communist revolution
  • What is the current Cancer Research in 1949?
  • What is the role of women in the United States in 1952?
  • A round table from the Gerontological Society of America meets in St. Louis to discuss aging problem.

The show is a fascinating look at the politics, morals, and current thinking of the era.  Each episode features a great panel with some of the biggest and brightest minds of the time which leads to a great discussion and an even better debate.

For more compelling intellectual listening of the era, see also: America Town Meeting of the Air, Speaking of Liberty American Forum of the Air,and Living in an Atomic Age with British philosopher, Sir Bertrand Russel.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    6     0


    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    I used to listen to OTR out of Shenandoah when I was young. They filled their Sunday afternoons with them. My true enjoyment was with CBS Radio Mystery Theater. I have listened to hundreds of those episodes.


    Since I have the benefit of hindsight, I find the round table discussions both.intellectually stimulating and entertaining.

    Edward Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    112 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 59 min
    112 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 53 hours, 59 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 46 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ucrt 411207 Canada A Neighbor At War.mp3
    3. Ucrt 411228 What Does Rationing Mean.mp3
    4. Ucrt 420517 Radio In Wartime.mp3
    5. Ucrt 450415 Tribute To F. D. R..mp3
    6. Ucrt 450812 Atomic Force Meaning For Mankind.mp3
    7. Ucrt 450902 Solution In China No Open Or Close.mp3
    8. Ucrt 460623 U. N. And Bomb No Open Or Close.mp3
    9. Ucrt 460721 What Does Russia Want.mp3
    10. Ucrt 461013 Can Europe Federate No Open.mp3
    11. Ucrt 470309 Should Taxes Be Reduced.mp3
    12. Ucrt 470803 People Yes.mp3
    13. Ucrt 471207 French Revolution Vs. Russian Revolution.mp3
    14. Ucrt 480222 Should U N Army Enforce Partition Of Palestine.mp3
    15. Ucrt 480509 Where Do We Go From Here In Adult Education.mp3
    16. Ucrt 480523 What Terms Can End Cold War.mp3
    17. Ucrt 480530 Should Social Security Be Increased.mp3
    18. Ucrt 480606 Mundtnixon Bill.mp3
    19. Ucrt 480613 South Democratic Convention.mp3
    20. Uocr 480620 746 Republican Convention.mp3
    21. Uocr 480627 747 Do Public Opinion Polls Serve Democracy.mp3
    22. Uocr 480704 748 Jefferson Declaration Of Independence.mp3
    23. Uocr 480711 749 Is There A Crack In Iron Curtain.mp3
    24. Uocr 480718 750 Politics Of Housing.mp3
    25. Uocr 480725 751 Politics Of International Trade.mp3
    26. Uocr 480808 753 Politics Of Inflation.mp3
    27. Uocr 480829 756 Why Did Russia Take Up Marxism.mp3
    28. Uocr 480905 757 Economic Planning In Britain 1.mp3
    29. Uocr 480912 758 Economic Planning In Britain 2.mp3
    30. Uocr 480919 759 Us Of West Europe 2 nd Half Onlyv.mp3
    31. Uocr 480926 760 Great Books In Modern World.mp3
    32. Uocr 481003 761 U.n. Berlin Crisis.mp3
    33. Uocr 481010 762 Why Do People Vote Way They Do.mp3
    34. Uocr 481017 763 France U.n..mp3
    35. Uocr 481024 764 Atomic Energy U.n..mp3
    36. Uocr 481031 765 Emotions World Problems Or War.mp3
    37. Uocr 481107 766 What Happened To Dewey No Close.mp3
    38. Uocr 481114 767 What Does Tafthartley Act Men.mp3
    39. Uocr 481121 768 Chinese Dilemma Today.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 37 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Uocr 481128 769 Tuberculosis Today.mp3
    3. Uocr 481205 770 Race Problems World Peace.mp3
    4. Uocr 481212 771 Election Republican Party.mp3
    5. Uocr 481219 772 Is There Life On Other Planets.mp3
    6. Uocr 481226 773 Equality Of Educational Opportunity.mp3
    7. Uocr 490102 774 Civil Rights Monopoly Labor Justice.mp3
    8. Uocr 490109 775 Problems Of Old Age.mp3
    9. Uocr 490116 776 What Should We Do About Monopoly.mp3
    10. Uocr 490123 777 Should We Adopt Compulsory Health Ins..mp3
    11. Uocr 490130 778 What Shouild Be Done About Federal Budget.mp3
    12. Uocr 490206 779 Should Trumans Civil Rights Prgm Be Adopted.mp3
    13. Uocr 490213 780 National Resources Progress Poverty.mp3
    14. Uocr 490306 783 North Atlantic Pact Russia.mp3
    15. Uocr 490313 784 Guilt By Association.mp3
    16. Uocr 490320 785 What Should Society Expect Colleges Univ.mp3
    17. Uocr 490327 786 Bomb Next War.mp3
    18. Uocr 490403 787 Adolescence In American Culture.mp3
    19. Uocr 490410 788 Cancer Research Today.mp3
    20. Uocr 490424 790 Goethe Unity Of Mankind Today.mp3
    21. Uocr 490508 792 How Powerful Is Labor Leadership.mp3
    22. Uocr 490515 793 Democracy World Hope.mp3
    23. Uocr 490529 795 India After Gandhi No Open Close.mp3
    24. Uocr 490605 Ep 796 Problems Of South Asia.mp3
    25. Uocr 490612 Ep 797 Prisons Gaols.mp3
    26. Uocr 500312 Who Killed Peace.mp3
    27. Uocr 500326 Census Shows Us Up.mp3
    28. Uocr 500402 Whats New About Weather.mp3
    29. Uocr 500409 No Cross No Crown.mp3
    30. Uocr 500423 Government Business.mp3
    31. Uocr 500528 Psychological Aspects Of Maintaining Peace.mp3
    32. Uocr 500604 Understanding Nutrition And Live Longer.mp3
    33. Uocr 500611 Great Ideas.mp3
    34. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis And Ethics.mp3
    35. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis Ethics.mp3
    36. Uocr 500702 Schumann Plan What Does It Mean.mp3
    37. Uocr 500702 Shumann Plan.mp3
    38. Uocr 500709 1. Views Of A Divided World.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 37 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Uocr 500716 2. Security Arms Control.mp3
    3. Uocr 500730 4. Problem Of Asia.mp3
    4. Uocr 500806 5. Pattern For Peace.mp3
    5. Uocr 510805 American British Foreign Policies.mp3
    6. Uocr 510902 Friendly Treaty With Japan.mp3
    7. Uocr 510909 Problems Of Aging Pt 1.mp3
    8. Uocr 510916 Living Arrangements For Elderly Pt 2 Bad Skips.mp3
    9. Uocr 510923 Manpower Defense Skips.mp3
    10. Uocr 511014 Andrew Jackson Democratic Morality.mp3
    11. Uocr 511021 Integrity Of University.mp3
    12. Uocr 511104 Peace Conference From Yugoslavia.mp3
    13. Uocr 511111 Policies Of World Disarmament.mp3
    14. Uocr 511118 How Prudent Is American Foreign Policy.mp3
    15. Uocr 511125 Atomic Weapons National Defense.mp3
    16. Uocr 511202 Should United Nations Be Revised.mp3
    17. Uocr 511216 Japanese Economy Today.mp3
    18. Uocr 511230 Human Implications Of Technical Change.mp3
    19. Uocr 520106 Role Of Africa Noisy.mp3
    20. Uocr 520113 State Of Union Muffled.mp3
    21. Uocr 520120 Schumann Plan Is Discussed.mp3
    22. Uocr 520127 Fight Against Intolerance Scratchy.mp3
    23. Uocr 520203 How Effective Is North Atlantic Alliance.mp3
    24. Uocr 520323 What Cab We Do Now In Europe Very Tinny.mp3
    25. Uocr 520330 Has Truman Doctrine Been Successful.mp3
    26. Uocr 520413 Meaning Of Easter. Wmaq Is 30!.mp3
    27. Uocr 520511 Dilemmas Of Rearmament.mp3
    28. Uocr 520601 American British Capitalism.mp3
    29. Uocr 520608 Changing Role Of Women In U.s..mp3
    30. Uocr 520615 Study Of Man State Of World.mp3
    31. Uocr 520622 Academic Freedom.mp3
    32. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion.mp3
    33. Uocr 520706 1. Can Republicans Defeat Majority Party.mp3
    34. Uocr 520713 2. Philosopher’s Profile Of Presidency.mp3
    35. Uocr 520727 4. Democracy Political Conventions.mp3
    36. Uocr 520803 1. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four.mp3
    37. Uocr 520810 2. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four.mp3
    38. Uocr 520817 Aid For Underdeveloped Areas.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    112 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 53 hours, 59 min
    112 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1483 MB – total playtime 53 hours, 59 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – 488 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 46 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ucrt 411207 Canada A Neighbor At War.mp3
    3. Ucrt 411228 What Does Rationing Mean.mp3
    4. Ucrt 420517 Radio In Wartime.mp3
    5. Ucrt 450415 Tribute To F. D. R..mp3
    6. Ucrt 450812 Atomic Force Meaning For Mankind.mp3
    7. Ucrt 450902 Solution In China No Open Or Close.mp3
    8. Ucrt 460623 U. N. And Bomb No Open Or Close.mp3
    9. Ucrt 460721 What Does Russia Want.mp3
    10. Ucrt 461013 Can Europe Federate No Open.mp3
    11. Ucrt 470309 Should Taxes Be Reduced.mp3
    12. Ucrt 470803 People Yes.mp3
    13. Ucrt 471207 French Revolution Vs. Russian Revolution.mp3
    14. Ucrt 480222 Should U N Army Enforce Partition Of Palestine.mp3
    15. Ucrt 480509 Where Do We Go From Here In Adult Education.mp3
    16. Ucrt 480523 What Terms Can End Cold War.mp3
    17. Ucrt 480530 Should Social Security Be Increased.mp3
    18. Ucrt 480606 Mundtnixon Bill.mp3
    19. Ucrt 480613 South Democratic Convention.mp3
    20. Uocr 480620 746 Republican Convention.mp3
    21. Uocr 480627 747 Do Public Opinion Polls Serve Democracy.mp3
    22. Uocr 480704 748 Jefferson Declaration Of Independence.mp3
    23. Uocr 480711 749 Is There A Crack In Iron Curtain.mp3
    24. Uocr 480718 750 Politics Of Housing.mp3
    25. Uocr 480725 751 Politics Of International Trade.mp3
    26. Uocr 480808 753 Politics Of Inflation.mp3
    27. Uocr 480829 756 Why Did Russia Take Up Marxism.mp3
    28. Uocr 480905 757 Economic Planning In Britain 1.mp3
    29. Uocr 480912 758 Economic Planning In Britain 2.mp3
    30. Uocr 480919 759 Us Of West Europe 2 nd Half Onlyv.mp3
    31. Uocr 480926 760 Great Books In Modern World.mp3
    32. Uocr 481003 761 U.n. Berlin Crisis.mp3
    33. Uocr 481010 762 Why Do People Vote Way They Do.mp3
    34. Uocr 481017 763 France U.n..mp3
    35. Uocr 481024 764 Atomic Energy U.n..mp3
    36. Uocr 481031 765 Emotions World Problems Or War.mp3
    37. Uocr 481107 766 What Happened To Dewey No Close.mp3
    38. Uocr 481114 767 What Does Tafthartley Act Men.mp3
    39. Uocr 481121 768 Chinese Dilemma Today.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 37 shows – 491 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 53 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Uocr 481128 769 Tuberculosis Today.mp3
    3. Uocr 481205 770 Race Problems World Peace.mp3
    4. Uocr 481212 771 Election Republican Party.mp3
    5. Uocr 481219 772 Is There Life On Other Planets.mp3
    6. Uocr 481226 773 Equality Of Educational Opportunity.mp3
    7. Uocr 490102 774 Civil Rights Monopoly Labor Justice.mp3
    8. Uocr 490109 775 Problems Of Old Age.mp3
    9. Uocr 490116 776 What Should We Do About Monopoly.mp3
    10. Uocr 490123 777 Should We Adopt Compulsory Health Ins..mp3
    11. Uocr 490130 778 What Shouild Be Done About Federal Budget.mp3
    12. Uocr 490206 779 Should Trumans Civil Rights Prgm Be Adopted.mp3
    13. Uocr 490213 780 National Resources Progress Poverty.mp3
    14. Uocr 490306 783 North Atlantic Pact Russia.mp3
    15. Uocr 490313 784 Guilt By Association.mp3
    16. Uocr 490320 785 What Should Society Expect Colleges Univ.mp3
    17. Uocr 490327 786 Bomb Next War.mp3
    18. Uocr 490403 787 Adolescence In American Culture.mp3
    19. Uocr 490410 788 Cancer Research Today.mp3
    20. Uocr 490424 790 Goethe Unity Of Mankind Today.mp3
    21. Uocr 490508 792 How Powerful Is Labor Leadership.mp3
    22. Uocr 490515 793 Democracy World Hope.mp3
    23. Uocr 490529 795 India After Gandhi No Open Close.mp3
    24. Uocr 490605 Ep 796 Problems Of South Asia.mp3
    25. Uocr 490612 Ep 797 Prisons Gaols.mp3
    26. Uocr 500312 Who Killed Peace.mp3
    27. Uocr 500326 Census Shows Us Up.mp3
    28. Uocr 500402 Whats New About Weather.mp3
    29. Uocr 500409 No Cross No Crown.mp3
    30. Uocr 500423 Government Business.mp3
    31. Uocr 500528 Psychological Aspects Of Maintaining Peace.mp3
    32. Uocr 500604 Understanding Nutrition And Live Longer.mp3
    33. Uocr 500611 Great Ideas.mp3
    34. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis And Ethics.mp3
    35. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis Ethics.mp3
    36. Uocr 500702 Schumann Plan What Does It Mean.mp3
    37. Uocr 500702 Shumann Plan.mp3
    38. Uocr 500709 1. Views Of A Divided World.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 37 shows – 503 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Uocr 500716 2. Security Arms Control.mp3
    3. Uocr 500730 4. Problem Of Asia.mp3
    4. Uocr 500806 5. Pattern For Peace.mp3
    5. Uocr 510805 American British Foreign Policies.mp3
    6. Uocr 510902 Friendly Treaty With Japan.mp3
    7. Uocr 510909 Problems Of Aging Pt 1.mp3
    8. Uocr 510916 Living Arrangements For Elderly Pt 2 Bad Skips.mp3
    9. Uocr 510923 Manpower Defense Skips.mp3
    10. Uocr 511014 Andrew Jackson Democratic Morality.mp3
    11. Uocr 511021 Integrity Of University.mp3
    12. Uocr 511104 Peace Conference From Yugoslavia.mp3
    13. Uocr 511111 Policies Of World Disarmament.mp3
    14. Uocr 511118 How Prudent Is American Foreign Policy.mp3
    15. Uocr 511125 Atomic Weapons National Defense.mp3
    16. Uocr 511202 Should United Nations Be Revised.mp3
    17. Uocr 511216 Japanese Economy Today.mp3
    18. Uocr 511230 Human Implications Of Technical Change.mp3
    19. Uocr 520106 Role Of Africa Noisy.mp3
    20. Uocr 520113 State Of Union Muffled.mp3
    21. Uocr 520120 Schumann Plan Is Discussed.mp3
    22. Uocr 520127 Fight Against Intolerance Scratchy.mp3
    23. Uocr 520203 How Effective Is North Atlantic Alliance.mp3
    24. Uocr 520323 What Cab We Do Now In Europe Very Tinny.mp3
    25. Uocr 520330 Has Truman Doctrine Been Successful.mp3
    26. Uocr 520413 Meaning Of Easter. Wmaq Is 30!.mp3
    27. Uocr 520511 Dilemmas Of Rearmament.mp3
    28. Uocr 520601 American British Capitalism.mp3
    29. Uocr 520608 Changing Role Of Women In U.s..mp3
    30. Uocr 520615 Study Of Man State Of World.mp3
    31. Uocr 520622 Academic Freedom.mp3
    32. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion.mp3
    33. Uocr 520706 1. Can Republicans Defeat Majority Party.mp3
    34. Uocr 520713 2. Philosopher’s Profile Of Presidency.mp3
    35. Uocr 520727 4. Democracy Political Conventions.mp3
    36. Uocr 520803 1. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four.mp3
    37. Uocr 520810 2. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four.mp3
    38. Uocr 520817 Aid For Underdeveloped Areas.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    112 recordings on 56 Audio CDs. Total playtime 53 hours, 59 min
    112 recordings on 56 Audio CDs
    total playtime 53 hours, 59 min

    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A001

    1. Ucrt 411207 Canada A Neighbor At War
    2. Ucrt 411228 What Does Rationing Mean

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A002

    1. Ucrt 420517 Radio In Wartime
    2. Ucrt 450415 Tribute To F. D. R.

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A003

    1. Ucrt 450812 Atomic Force Meaning For Mankind
    2. Ucrt 450902 Solution In China No Open Or Close

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A004

    1. Ucrt 460623 U. N. And Bomb No Open Or Close
    2. Ucrt 460721 What Does Russia Want

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A005

    1. Ucrt 461013 Can Europe Federate No Open
    2. Ucrt 470309 Should Taxes Be Reduced

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A006

    1. Ucrt 470803 People Yes
    2. Ucrt 471207 French Revolution Vs. Russian Revolution

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A007

    1. Ucrt 480222 Should U N Army Enforce Partition Of Palestine
    2. Ucrt 480509 Where Do We Go From Here In Adult Education

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A008

    1. Ucrt 480523 What Terms Can End Cold War
    2. Ucrt 480530 Should Social Security Be Increased

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A009

    1. Ucrt 480606 Mundtnixon Bill
    2. Ucrt 480613 South Democratic Convention

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A010

    1. Uocr 480620 746 Republican Convention
    2. Uocr 480627 747 Do Public Opinion Polls Serve Democracy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A011

    1. Uocr 480704 748 Jefferson Declaration Of Independence
    2. Uocr 480711 749 Is There A Crack In Iron Curtain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A012

    1. Uocr 480718 750 Politics Of Housing
    2. Uocr 480725 751 Politics Of International Trade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A013

    1. Uocr 480808 753 Politics Of Inflation
    2. Uocr 480829 756 Why Did Russia Take Up Marxism

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A014

    1. Uocr 480905 757 Economic Planning In Britain 1
    2. Uocr 480912 758 Economic Planning In Britain 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A015

    1. Uocr 480919 759 Us Of West Europe 2 nd Half Onlyv
    2. Uocr 480926 760 Great Books In Modern World
    3. Uocr 481003 761 U.n. Berlin Crisis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A016

    1. Uocr 481010 762 Why Do People Vote Way They Do
    2. Uocr 481017 763 France U.n.

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A017

    1. Uocr 481024 764 Atomic Energy U.n.
    2. Uocr 481031 765 Emotions World Problems Or War

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A018

    1. Uocr 481107 766 What Happened To Dewey No Close
    2. Uocr 481114 767 What Does Tafthartley Act Men

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A019

    1. Uocr 481121 768 Chinese Dilemma Today
    2. Uocr 481128 769 Tuberculosis Today

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A020

    1. Uocr 481205 770 Race Problems World Peace
    2. Uocr 481212 771 Election Republican Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A021

    1. Uocr 481219 772 Is There Life On Other Planets
    2. Uocr 481226 773 Equality Of Educational Opportunity

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A022

    1. Uocr 490102 774 Civil Rights Monopoly Labor Justice
    2. Uocr 490109 775 Problems Of Old Age

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A023

    1. Uocr 490116 776 What Should We Do About Monopoly
    2. Uocr 490123 777 Should We Adopt Compulsory Health Ins.

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A024

    1. Uocr 490130 778 What Shouild Be Done About Federal Budget
    2. Uocr 490206 779 Should Trumans Civil Rights Prgm Be Adopted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A025

    1. Uocr 490213 780 National Resources Progress Poverty
    2. Uocr 490306 783 North Atlantic Pact Russia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A026

    1. Uocr 490313 784 Guilt By Association
    2. Uocr 490320 785 What Should Society Expect Colleges Univ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A027

    1. Uocr 490327 786 Bomb Next War
    2. Uocr 490403 787 Adolescence In American Culture

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A028

    1. Uocr 490410 788 Cancer Research Today
    2. Uocr 490424 790 Goethe Unity Of Mankind Today

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A029

    1. Uocr 490508 792 How Powerful Is Labor Leadership
    2. Uocr 490515 793 Democracy World Hope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A030

    1. Uocr 490529 795 India After Gandhi No Open Close
    2. Uocr 490605 Ep 796 Problems Of South Asia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A031

    1. Uocr 490612 Ep 797 Prisons Gaols
    2. Uocr 500312 Who Killed Peace

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A032

    1. Uocr 500326 Census Shows Us Up
    2. Uocr 500402 Whats New About Weather

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A033

    1. Uocr 500409 No Cross No Crown
    2. Uocr 500423 Government Business

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A034

    1. Uocr 500528 Psychological Aspects Of Maintaining Peace
    2. Uocr 500604 Understanding Nutrition And Live Longer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A035

    1. Uocr 500611 Great Ideas
    2. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis And Ethics

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A036

    1. Uocr 500618 Psychoanalysis Ethics
    2. Uocr 500702 Schumann Plan What Does It Mean

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A037

    1. Uocr 500702 Shumann Plan
    2. Uocr 500709 1. Views Of A Divided World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A038

    1. Uocr 500716 2. Security Arms Control
    2. Uocr 500730 4. Problem Of Asia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A039

    1. Uocr 500806 5. Pattern For Peace
    2. Uocr 510805 American British Foreign Policies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A040

    1. Uocr 510902 Friendly Treaty With Japan
    2. Uocr 510909 Problems Of Aging Pt 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A041

    1. Uocr 510916 Living Arrangements For Elderly Pt 2 Bad Skips
    2. Uocr 510923 Manpower Defense Skips

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A042

    1. Uocr 511014 Andrew Jackson Democratic Morality
    2. Uocr 511021 Integrity Of University

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A043

    1. Uocr 511104 Peace Conference From Yugoslavia
    2. Uocr 511111 Policies Of World Disarmament

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A044

    1. Uocr 511118 How Prudent Is American Foreign Policy
    2. Uocr 511125 Atomic Weapons National Defense

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A045

    1. Uocr 511202 Should United Nations Be Revised
    2. Uocr 511216 Japanese Economy Today

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A046

    1. Uocr 511230 Human Implications Of Technical Change
    2. Uocr 520106 Role Of Africa Noisy

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A047

    1. Uocr 520113 State Of Union Muffled
    2. Uocr 520120 Schumann Plan Is Discussed

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A048

    1. Uocr 520127 Fight Against Intolerance Scratchy
    2. Uocr 520203 How Effective Is North Atlantic Alliance

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A049

    1. Uocr 520323 What Cab We Do Now In Europe Very Tinny
    2. Uocr 520330 Has Truman Doctrine Been Successful

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A050

    1. Uocr 520413 Meaning Of Easter. Wmaq Is 30!
    2. Uocr 520511 Dilemmas Of Rearmament

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A051

    1. Uocr 520601 American British Capitalism
    2. Uocr 520608 Changing Role Of Women In U.s.

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A052

    1. Uocr 520615 Study Of Man State Of World
    2. Uocr 520622 Academic Freedom

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A053

    1. Uocr 520629 How To Deal With Communist Subversion
    2. Uocr 520706 1. Can Republicans Defeat Majority Party

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A054

    1. Uocr 520713 2. Philosopher’s Profile Of Presidency
    2. Uocr 520727 4. Democracy Political Conventions

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A055

    1. Uocr 520803 1. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four
    2. Uocr 520810 2. Arabs Point Of View Of Point Four

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    University of Chicago Roundtable Disc A056

    1. Uocr 520817 Aid For Underdeveloped Areas

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