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The Adventures of Superman Old Time Radio Shows

From 1939 right up into the atomic 1950's, Superman was on call in Metropolis. He fought the good fight through WWII, facing Nazi spies and Japan-based spies and saboteurs, he uncovered run-of-the-lab evil-genius types with their latest beta-tests, he faced beings from other planets both humanoid and robotic as well as the common criminal and the Klu Klux Klan.


1205 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 270 hours, 13 min)
available in the following formats:

12 MP3 CDs
267 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 10, 1941:

"Dragon Steel Part 1"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Superman on the Radio
Juvenile Adventure
Serial (1940 - 51)

Bud CollyerSuperman breaks his chainAdventures of Superman is one of those American icons that has flown high in every decade since his coming to this planet from the exploding Krypton. The comic book hero's place on the radio is super-heroic, with well over a thousand exciting episodes to prove it! And this show is not just for the kids. Superman thrilled

From pre-jet flight in 1939 right up into the atomic 1950s, Superman was on call in Metropolis. He fought the good fight through WWII, facing Nazi spies and Japan-based spies and saboteurs, he uncovered run-of-the-lab evil-genius types with their latest beta-tests, he faced beings from other planets both humanoid and robotic as well as the common criminal and the Klu Klux Klan. All in a days work for Superman! In several episodes, the AC Comics companions Batman & Robin get involved!


Bud Collyer played Superman, and it was kept a secret who he was for years! Joan Alexander does the cynical Lois Lane. Lois is a smart character, who gives the show another point of view and mirrors the WW II working women. As for why a smart reporter can't see the obvious..ah well. Perry White (Julian Noa) and Jimmy Olsen (Jackie Kelk) give Superman orders, advice and grief, not necessarily in that order.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Villains are up-front or over-the-top, and dedicated to doing evil. Some are smart, some just dupes doing their jobs. All the bad guys are refreshingly free of psychological baggage. None can defeat Superman, or can they?

Through many miracles of modern science as outlandish as any conceived by Lex Luthor, OTR fans can relive hours of Superman's "historic"

Click here for more information about comics and funny pages in old time radio. For other great serials, see also: Captain Midnight, Jerry at Fair Oaks, Adventures of Dick Cole, Bobby Benson, Buck Rogers, Dick Tracy, Flash Gordon, Hop Harrigan, Jungle Jim, Magic Island, Sgt Preston, Sky King, Speed Gibson, Terry and the Pirates, and Tom Mix.



Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    37     6


    This is a clear link between the Superman comic books and the Superman TV show and so, from there, to the movies. A significant and overlooked part of comics history.

    William Verified Purchase

    This is my first time listening to an OTR since I was a little kid, and I have to say I'm very pleased. It's really cool hearing all these things that shaped the way the character is portrayed all the way until today. I can't tell you if it's better or worse than others, since it's my only one, but judged on it's own merit I thought it was great.

    Samuel Verified Purchase

    Another great group of Superman shows! These are actually more interesting than lots of other shows I’ve tried. If you listen to these shows you would be thinking all police officers were Irish!!

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Another great batch of Superman radio shows! I was amazed when I learned that these radio episodes are the first ever mention of Kryptonite! I always thought it was invented in the comic books but no, some radio script writer thought it up. It basically saved the Superman franchise in that eventually all good story ideas would have run out since Superman was invincible. But with the introduction of Kryptonite, which was quickly worked into the comic book storylines, interest in a now vulnerable Superman has continued. Love these shows and listen while driving. Thanks John!

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Excellent customer service and high quality shows. Five stars.

    Jo Verified Purchase

    Sort of a neat little quirk of history that that show premiere on February 12, 1940 and end in February, 1951


    In Australia an actor named Leonard Teale was our radio Superman in the late 40s to 50s. Don't know whether the same scripts were used as in the US show. He went on to be quite a well-known tv actor.

    Cathy Verified Purchase

    Jon, I love the way you have curated these hundreds and hundreds of hours of OTR! I am enjoying the Superman episodes but apparently they are a gateway drug into even more credible and enjoyable OTR’s! I’m currently blown away by the Stories By Morse shows! They are classic 40’s adventure: Hidden Treasure, Jungles, Damsels, Traps and Archeology! Kind of an original version of Indiana Jones. Thanks for all your work on this site. Tom

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Has anyone actually eaten Kellogg's Pep, because I never saw it.

    Chris Verified Purchase

    It is no longer made, Chriss but the cereal most like today is

    Walt Verified Purchase

    Thank you, Jon. We know, of course, Supe is going to come out on top and Jungle Jim is never going to get killed or go steady. It’s just kind of jarring to have The Man of Steel trapped in an underwater cave, with Kryptonite sapping his strength and no hope of rescue and the climactic episode coming up on the next track and then, instead of the awaited resolution on the next track, I am told Jimmy Olsen has been kidnapped by aliens, Poco has gone to the Dark Side and Perry White is running a brothel. I appreciate any efforts you make to resolve the problem and understand if it’s just one of those frustrations that life throws at us on occasion. I manage to enjoy the shows anyway and am delighted that you guys are around to provide entertainment from yesteryear.


    I am lucky in that I was able to listen to OTR the first time around and can go back now and hear it with a new perspective. I am currently listening to Superman the second time and it is hard to believe as a youngster I could accept the explanations for why Clark Kent seems to to be able to appear so suddenly in places. In one episode he tells by phone Inspector Henderson he will see him in a few minutes. Henderson asks "Who do you think you are Superman." "Maybe", says Clark. I can't believe the children today accepting that. And in Gildersleeve and his lady friends, I never noticed as a kid how selfish Eve Goodwin is. She really treats Gildy badly and in fact told him in effect she would only marry him if he was elected mayor. He lost and she left.


    You have a lifetime of experiences that shape your points of view. When you were a kid, everything was new (to you). It's the same for everyone. When I was six, I thought TV Batman was they greatest thing ever. When it was time to air I'd run to the bathroom, pull out a towel, put it around my neck and jump off the sofa so my "cape" would flutter like my hero's did. Decades passed and I hadn't seen the show since until a few years ago on reruns. I couldn't believe how bad it was. I never realized in 1966 it was designed to be "campy". It was so bad, it was good. Nothing has changed. Everything is new and a wonder to kids today too. "Unbelievable" stuff they buy into now they will eventually realize was pretty silly when they become adults. On the one hand, it's part of growing up, but on the other hand years of facing the difficulties of life make us lose our sense of magic.


    A child of the TV generation, I stopped watching TV on a regular basis for over 25 years, and convinced OTR is superior to what is on today.

    Scott Verified Purchase

    Almost none of the TV shows from the 70’s hold up on rewatch. A LOT of OTR does though. Jack Benny is every bit as funny as Seinfeld. (Probably because of all the bits that were borrowed)

    Kurt Verified Purchase

    I am almost 80 but that was a different time back then. So you have to think as an 8 year old. Some of the stuff back then made sense but today it doesn’t. Radio was very descriptive. We didn’t have all the gadgets like we have today. Back in the 1940s I never believed that there would be a wrist two way radio that Dick Tracy had. Just enjoy the old stuff. Imagine you needed change to make a phone call.

    Joe Verified Purchase

    I listened as a youngster with the family to The Adventures of Superman but a "forced listen" as I was such a fan that the folks let me listen at the dinner table, and even got a speaker run from the old Zenith to the kitchen on the refrigerator top.

    Will Verified Purchase

    Ordered my mp3 discs several years ago now, from otrcat.com and loved it. Incredibly good sound.

    Adam Verified Purchase

    Did Superman even once back in those years in comics or on radio face an adversary who could physically face him on even terms? I don't think he did. Yet strangely enough, I get the idea that Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Captain Marvel (i.e., Billy Batson's alter ego) could all have held their own against the Man of Steel. But villains? I don't think such existed back then. Right?

    Scott Verified Purchase

    He fought a radioactive Nazi who almost killed him several times. The Atom Man who was injected with liquid kryptonite which he could then use against Superman. It was a long story arc right after the end of World War II

    Jerry Verified Purchase

    Columbia Pictures made a chapter play called Atom Man vs. Superman. It's worth watching.

    Jonathan Verified Purchase

    Talk about second childhood. I received 10 years worth of "Adventures of Superman" which I listened to religiously all through the 1940s. I am reliving my past listening to those broadcasts. It is amazing how much I remember certain details about those stories. Memory is a strange thing--it picks and chooses what it brings to the fore. I find myself anticipating the next episode to see what happens--just like a 10 year old.

    Walter Verified Purchase

    I listen to OTR all day during work. So entertaining and well written. Television writers today should be required to listen to see how drama/comedy is actually done well. Never ceases to amaze me the way the stories are told so well in a concise and moving manner..

    Harry Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    1205 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $60.00. Total playtime 270 hours, 13 min
    1205 recordings on 12 MP3 CDs for just $60.00
    total playtime 270 hours, 13 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 125 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 1).mp3
    3. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 2).mp3
    4. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 1).mp3
    5. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 2).mp3
    6. Superman 400212 e0001 BabyFromKrypton.mp3
    7. Superman 400214 e0002 ClarkKentReporter.mp3
    8. Superman 400216 e0003 Keno'sLandslide.mp3
    9. Superman 400219 e0004 KentCapturedBySeekingKeno.mp3
    10. Superman 400221 e0005 LocomotiveCrewFreed.mp3
    11. Superman 400223 e0006 IntroTrainSwitchThrown.mp3
    12. Superman 400226 e0007 DrDalgrin'sAtomicBeamMachine.mp3
    13. Superman 400228 e0008 YellowMaskStealsFuelForAtomicBeam.mp3
    14. Superman 400301 e0009 YellowMaskThrowsLoisOutOfPlane.mp3
    15. Superman 400304 e0010 FireInSterlingBldgGirlTrapped.mp3
    16. Superman 400306 e0011 RelativeStabsJuneAndersonInHospital.mp3
    17. Superman 400308 e0012 NorthStarMiningCoJonesBrosBoat.mp3
    18. Superman 400311 e0013 BartAndJoeSetFireOnSteamer.mp3
    19. Superman 400313 e0014 KentFallsOffPlaneToCanyonCity,Idah.mp3
    20. Superman 400315 e0015 SupeSavesJuneFromMineExplosion.mp3
    21. Superman 400318 e0016 PrisonRiotWithKenoAndWolfe.mp3
    22. Superman 400320 e0017 KenoAndWolfeHeadForSteamPlantWLois.mp3
    23. Superman 400322 e0018 WolfeVsYellowMask.mp3
    24. Superman 400325 e0019 SupeSavesJeffersonBridge.mp3
    25. Superman 400327 e0020 YellowMaskWillBlowUp.mp3
    26. Superman 400329 e0021 DamWatersAreDivertedFromDireville.mp3
    27. Superman 400401 e0022 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    28. Superman 400403 e0023 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    29. Superman 400405 e0024 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    30. Superman 400408 e0025 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    31. Superman 400410 e0026 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    32. Superman 400412 e0027 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    33. Superman 400415 e0028 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    34. Superman 400417 e0029 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    35. Superman 400419 e0030 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    36. Superman 400422 e0031 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    37. Superman 400424 e0032 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    38. Superman 400426 e0033 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    39. Superman 400429 e0034 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    40. Superman 400501 e0035 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    41. Superman 400503 e0036 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    42. Superman 400506 e0037 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    43. Superman 400508 e0038 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    44. Superman 400510 e0039 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    45. Superman 400513 e0040 BuffaloHills.mp3
    46. Superman 400515 e0041 BuffaloHills.mp3
    47. Superman 400517 e0042 BuffaloHills.mp3
    48. Superman 400520 e0043 BuffaloHills.mp3
    49. Superman 400522 e0044 BuffaloHills.mp3
    50. Superman 400524 e0045 BuffaloHills.mp3
    51. Superman 400527 e0046 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    52. Superman 400529 e0047 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    53. Superman 400531 e0048 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    54. Superman 400603 e0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    55. Superman 400605 e0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    56. Superman 400607 e0051 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    57. Superman 400609 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    58. Superman 400610 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    59. Superman 400611 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    60. Superman 400612 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    61. Superman 400613 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    62. Superman 400614 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    63. Superman 400615 e0055 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    64. Superman 400619 e0056 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    65. Superman 400621 e0057 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    66. Superman 400624 e0058 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart1.mp3
    67. Superman 400626 e0059 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart2.mp3
    68. Superman 400628 e0060 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart3.mp3
    69. Superman 400701 e0061 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart4.mp3
    70. Superman 400703 e0062 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart5.mp3
    71. Superman 400705 e0063 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart6.mp3
    72. Superman 400708 e0064 HappyLandAmusementParkPart1.mp3
    73. Superman 400710 e0065 HappyLandAmusementParkPart2.mp3
    74. Superman 400712 e0066 HappyLandAmusementParkPart3.mp3
    75. Superman 400715 e0067 HappyLandAmusementParkPart4.mp3
    76. Superman 400717 e0068 HappyLandAmusementParkPart5.mp3
    77. Superman 400719 e0069 HappyLandAmusementParkPart6.mp3
    78. Superman 400722 e0070 LighthousePointSmugglersPart1.mp3
    79. Superman 400724 e0071 LighthousePointSmugglersPart2.mp3
    80. Superman 400726 e0072 LighthousePointSmugglersPart3.mp3
    81. Superman 400729 e0073 LighthousePointSmugglersPart4.mp3
    82. Superman 400731 e0074 LighthousePointSmugglersPart5.mp3
    83. Superman 400802 e0075 LighthousePointSmugglersPart6.mp3
    84. Superman 400805 e0076 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart1.mp3
    85. Superman 400807 e0077 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart2.mp3
    86. Superman 400809 e0078 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart3.mp3
    87. Superman 400812 e0079 MayanTreasure,ThePart1.mp3
    88. Superman 400814 e0080 MayanTreasure,ThePart2.mp3
    89. Superman 400816 e0081 MayanTreasure,ThePart3.mp3
    90. Superman 400819 e0082 MayanTreasure,ThePart4.mp3
    91. Superman 400821 e0083 MayanTreasure,ThePart5.mp3
    92. Superman 400823 e0084 MayanTreasure,ThePart6.mp3
    93. Superman 400826 e0085 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart1.mp3
    94. Superman 400828 e0086 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart2.mp3
    95. Superman 400830 e0087 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart3.mp3
    96. Superman 400902 e0088 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart4.mp3
    97. Superman 400904 e0089 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart5.mp3
    98. Superman 400906 e0090 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart6.mp3
    99. Superman 400909 e0091 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart7.mp3
    100. Superman 400911 e0092 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart8.mp3
    101. Superman 400913 e0093 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart9.mp3
    102. Superman 400916 e0094 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart10.mp3
    103. Superman 400918 e0095 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart11.mp3
    104. Superman 400920 e0096 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart12.mp3
    105. Superman 400923 e0097 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    106. Superman 400925 e0098 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    107. Superman 400927 e0099 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    108. Superman 400930 e0100 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    109. Superman 401002 e0101 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    110. Superman 401004 e0102 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    111. Superman 401007 e0103 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    112. Superman 401009 e0104 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    113. Superman 401011 e0105 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    114. Superman 401014 e0106 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    115. Superman 401016 e0107 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    116. Superman 401018 e0108 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    117. Superman 401021 e0109 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    118. Superman 401023 e0110 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    119. Superman 401025 e0111 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    120. Superman 401028 e0112 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    121. Superman 401030 e0113 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    122. Superman 401101 e0114 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    123. Superman 401104 e0115 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    124. Superman 401106 e0116 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    125. Superman 401108 e0117 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    126. Superman 401111 e0118 InvisibleMan,ThePart1.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 125 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Superman 401113 e0119 InvisibleMan,ThePart2.mp3
    3. Superman 401115 e0120 InvisibleMan,ThePart3.mp3
    4. Superman 401118 e0121 InvisibleMan,ThePart4.mp3
    5. Superman 401120 e0122 InvisibleMan,ThePart5.mp3
    6. Superman 401122 e0123 InvisibleMan,ThePart6.mp3
    7. Superman 401125 e0124 InvisibleMan,ThePart7.mp3
    8. Superman 401127 e0125 InvisibleMan,ThePart8.mp3
    9. Superman 401129 e0126 InvisibleMan,ThePart9.mp3
    10. Superman 401202 e0127 InvisibleMan,ThePart10.mp3
    11. Superman 401204 e0128 InvisibleMan,ThePart11.mp3
    12. Superman 401206 e0129 InvisibleMan,ThePart12.mp3
    13. Superman 401209 e0130 InvisibleMan,ThePart13.mp3
    14. Superman 401211 e0131 InvisibleMan,ThePart14.mp3
    15. Superman 401213 e0132 HowlingCoyote,ThePart1.mp3
    16. Superman 401216 e0133 HowlingCoyote,ThePart2.mp3
    17. Superman 401218 e0134 HowlingCoyote,ThePart3.mp3
    18. Superman 401220 e0135 HowlingCoyote,ThePart4.mp3
    19. Superman 401223 e0136 HowlingCoyote,ThePart5.mp3
    20. Superman 401225 e0137 HowlingCoyote,ThePart6.mp3
    21. Superman 401227 e0138 HowlingCoyote,ThePart7.mp3
    22. Superman 401230 e0139 HowlingCoyote,ThePart8.mp3
    23. Superman 410101 e0140 HowlingCoyote,ThePart9.mp3
    24. Superman 410103 e0141 HowlingCoyote,ThePart10.mp3
    25. Superman 410106 e0142 HowlingCoyote,ThePart11.mp3
    26. Superman 410108 e0143 HowlingCoyote,ThePart12.mp3
    27. Superman 410110 e0144 HowlingCoyote,ThePart13.mp3
    28. Superman 410113 e0145 HowlingCoyote,ThePart14.mp3
    29. Superman 410115 e0146 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart1.mp3
    30. Superman 410117 e0147 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart2.mp3
    31. Superman 410120 e0148 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart3.mp3
    32. Superman 410122 e0149 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart4.mp3
    33. Superman 410124 e0150 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart5.mp3
    34. Superman 410127 e0151 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart6.mp3
    35. Superman 410129 e0152 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart7.mp3
    36. Superman 410131 e0153 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart8.mp3
    37. Superman 410203 e0154 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart9.mp3
    38. Superman 410205 e0155 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart10.mp3
    39. Superman 410207 e0156 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart11.mp3
    40. Superman 410210 e0157 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart1.mp3
    41. Superman 410212 e0158 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart2.mp3
    42. Superman 410214 e0159 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart3.mp3
    43. Superman 410217 e0160 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart4.mp3
    44. Superman 410219 e0161 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart5.mp3
    45. Superman 410221 e0162 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart6.mp3
    46. Superman 410224 e0163 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart7.mp3
    47. Superman 410226 e0164 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart8.mp3
    48. Superman 410228 e0165 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart9.mp3
    49. Superman 410303 e0166 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart10.mp3
    50. Superman 410305 e0167 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart1.mp3
    51. Superman 410307 e0168 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart2.mp3
    52. Superman 410310 e0169 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart3.mp3
    53. Superman 410312 e0170 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart4.mp3
    54. Superman 410314 e0171 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart5.mp3
    55. Superman 410317 e0172 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart6.mp3
    56. Superman 410319 e0173 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart7.mp3
    57. Superman 410321 e0174 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart8.mp3
    58. Superman 410324 e0175 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart9.mp3
    59. Superman 410326 e0176 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart10.mp3
    60. Superman 410328 e0177 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart11.mp3
    61. Superman 410331 e0178 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart12.mp3
    62. Superman 410402 e0179 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart13.mp3
    63. Superman 410404 e0180 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart14.mp3
    64. Superman 410407 e0181 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart15.mp3
    65. Superman 410409 e0182 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart16.mp3
    66. Superman 410411 e0183 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart17.mp3
    67. Superman 410414 e0184 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart18.mp3
    68. Superman 410416 e0185 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart19.mp3
    69. Superman 410418 e0186 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart20.mp3
    70. Superman 410421 e0187 NitrateShipment,ThePart1.mp3
    71. Superman 410423 e0188 NitrateShipment,ThePart2.mp3
    72. Superman 410425 e0189 NitrateShipment,ThePart3.mp3
    73. Superman 410428 e0190 NitrateShipment,ThePart4.mp3
    74. Superman 410430 e0191 NitrateShipment,ThePart5.mp3
    75. Superman 410502 e0192 NitrateShipment,ThePart6.mp3
    76. Superman 410505 e0193 NitrateShipment,ThePart7.mp3
    77. Superman 410507 e0194 NitrateShipment,ThePart8.mp3
    78. Superman 410509 e0195 NitrateShipment,ThePart9.mp3
    79. Superman 410512 e0196 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart1.mp3
    80. Superman 410514 e0197 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart2.mp3
    81. Superman 410516 e0198 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart3.mp3
    82. Superman 410519 e0199 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart4.mp3
    83. Superman 410521 e0200 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart5.mp3
    84. Superman 410523 e0201 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart6.mp3
    85. Superman 410526 e0202 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    86. Superman 410528 e0203 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    87. Superman 410530 e0204 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    88. Superman 410602 e0205 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    89. Superman 410604 e0206 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    90. Superman 410606 e0207 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    91. Superman 410609 e0208 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    92. Superman 410611 e0209 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    93. Superman 410613 e0210 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    94. Superman 410616 e0211 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    95. Superman 410618 e0212 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    96. Superman 410620 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    97. Superman 410621 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    98. Superman 410623 e0214 WhitePlague,ThePart1.mp3
    99. Superman 410625 e0215 WhitePlague,ThePart2.mp3
    100. Superman 410627 e0216 WhitePlague,ThePart3.mp3
    101. Superman 410630 e0217 WhitePlague,ThePart4.mp3
    102. Superman 410702 e0218 WhitePlague,ThePart5.mp3
    103. Superman 410704 e0219 WhitePlague,ThePart6.mp3
    104. Superman 410707 e0220 WhitePlague,ThePart7.mp3
    105. Superman 410709 e0221 WhitePlague,ThePart8.mp3
    106. Superman 410711 e0222 FurSmugglingPart1.mp3
    107. Superman 410714 e0223 FurSmugglingPart2.mp3
    108. Superman 410716 e0224 FurSmugglingPart3.mp3
    109. Superman 410718 e0225 FurSmugglingPart4.mp3
    110. Superman 410721 e0226 FurSmugglingPart5.mp3
    111. Superman 410723 e0227 FurSmugglingPart6.mp3
    112. Superman 410725 e0228 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    113. Superman 410728 e0229 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    114. Superman 410730 e0230 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    115. Superman 410801 e0231 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    116. Superman 410804 e0232 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    117. Superman 410806 e0233 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    118. Superman 410808 e0234 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    119. Superman 410811 e0235 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    120. Superman 410813 e0236 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    121. Superman 410815 e0237 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    122. Superman 410818 e0238 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    123. Superman 410820 e0239 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    124. Superman 410822 e0240 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    125. Superman 410825 e0241 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    126. Superman 410827 e0242 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 100 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 410829 e0243 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    3. Superman 410901 e0244 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    4. Superman 410903 e0245 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    5. Superman 410905 e0246 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    6. Superman 410908 e0247 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    7. Superman 410910 e0248 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    8. Superman 410912 e0249 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    9. Superman 410915 e0250 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    10. Superman 410917 e0251 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    11. Superman 410919 e0252 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    12. Superman 410922 e0253 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    13. Superman 410924 e0254 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    14. Superman 410926 e0255 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    15. Superman 410929 e0256 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    16. Superman 411001 e0257 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    17. Superman 411003 e0258 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    18. Superman 411006 e0259 Crooked Oil Association.mp3
    19. Superman 411008 e0260 CrookedOilAssociationPart2.mp3
    20. Superman 411010 e0261 CrookedOilAssociationPart3.mp3
    21. Superman 411013 e0262 CrookedOilAssociationPart4.mp3
    22. Superman 411015 e0263 CrookedOilAssociationPart5.mp3
    23. Superman 411017 e0264 CrookedOilAssociationPart6.mp3
    24. Superman 411020 e0265 CrookedOilAssociationPart7.mp3
    25. Superman 411022 e0266 CrookedOilAssociationPart8.mp3
    26. Superman 411024 e0267 CrookedOilAssociationPart9.mp3
    27. Superman 411027 e0268 CrookedOilAssociationPart10.mp3
    28. Superman 411029 e0269 SilverArrow,ThePart1.mp3
    29. Superman 411031 e0270 SilverArrow,ThePart2.mp3
    30. Superman 411103 e0271 SilverArrow,ThePart3.mp3
    31. Superman 411105 e0272 SilverArrow,ThePart4.mp3
    32. Superman 411107 e0273 SilverArrow,ThePart5.mp3
    33. Superman 411110 e0274 SilverArrow,ThePart6.mp3
    34. Superman 411112 e0275 SilverArrow,ThePart7.mp3
    35. Superman 411114 e0276 PanAmHighway,ThePart1.mp3
    36. Superman 411117 e0277 PanAmHighway,ThePart2.mp3
    37. Superman 411119 e0278 PanAmHighway,ThePart3.mp3
    38. Superman 411121 e0279 PanAmHighway,ThePart4.mp3
    39. Superman 411124 e0280 PanAmHighway,ThePart5.mp3
    40. Superman 411126 e0281 PanAmHighway,ThePart6.mp3
    41. Superman 411128 e0282 PanAmHighway,ThePart7.mp3
    42. Superman 411201 e0283 PanAmHighway,ThePart8.mp3
    43. Superman 411203 e0284 PanAmHighway,ThePart9.mp3
    44. Superman 411205 e0285 PanAmHighway,ThePart10.mp3
    45. Superman 411208 e0286 PanAmHighway,ThePart11.mp3
    46. Superman 411210 e0287 PanAmHighway,ThePart12.mp3
    47. Superman 411212 e0288 PanAmHighway,ThePart13.mp3
    48. Superman 411215 e0289 PanAmHighway,ThePart14.mp3
    49. Superman 411217 e0290 PanAmHighway,ThePart15.mp3
    50. Superman 411219 e0291 MechanicalMan,ThePart1.mp3
    51. Superman 411222 e0292 MechanicalMan,ThePart2.mp3
    52. Superman 411224 e0293 MechanicalMan,ThePart3.mp3
    53. Superman 411226 e0294 MechanicalMan,ThePart4.mp3
    54. Superman 411229 e0295 MechanicalMan,ThePart5.mp3
    55. Superman 411231 e0296 MechanicalMan,ThePart6.mp3
    56. Superman 420000 The Supercharger.mp3
    57. Superman 420102 e0297 MechanicalMan,ThePart7.mp3
    58. Superman 420105 e0298 MechanicalMan,ThePart8.mp3
    59. Superman 420107 e0299 MechanicalMan,ThePart9.mp3
    60. Superman 420109 e0300 MechanicalMan,ThePart10.mp3
    61. Superman 420112 e0301 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart1.mp3
    62. Superman 420114 e0302 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart2.mp3
    63. Superman 420116 e0303 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart3.mp3
    64. Superman 420119 e0304 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart4.mp3
    65. Superman 420121 e0305 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart5.mp3
    66. Superman 420123 e0306 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart6.mp3
    67. Superman 420126 e0307 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart7.mp3
    68. Superman 420128 e0308 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart8.mp3
    69. Superman 420130 e0309 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart9.mp3
    70. Superman 420202 e0310 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart10.mp3
    71. Superman 420204 e0311 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart11.mp3
    72. Superman 420206 e0312 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart12.mp3
    73. Superman 420209 e0313 GhostCar,ThePart1.mp3
    74. Superman 420211 e0314 GhostCar,ThePart2.mp3
    75. Superman 420213 e0315 GhostCar,ThePart3.mp3
    76. Superman 420216 e0316 GhostCar,ThePart4.mp3
    77. Superman 420218 e0317 GhostCar,ThePart5.mp3
    78. Superman 420220 e0318 GhostCar,ThePart6.mp3
    79. Superman 420223 e0319 GhostCar,ThePart7.mp3
    80. Superman 420225 e0320 GhostCar,ThePart8.mp3
    81. Superman 420227 e0321 MysteryForSuperman,APart1.mp3
    82. Superman 420302 e0322 MysteryForSuperman,APart2.mp3
    83. Superman 420304 e0323 MysteryForSuperman,APart3.mp3
    84. Superman 420306 e0324 MysteryForSuperman,APart4.mp3
    85. Superman 420309 e0325 MysteryForSuperman,APart5.mp3
    86. Superman 420907 e0006.mp3
    87. Superman 420908 e0332 The Wolfe - Pt 05.mp3
    88. Superman 420916 e0013.mp3
    89. Superman 420917 e0014 TinyMen,The1.mp3
    90. Superman 420918 e0015 TinyMen,The2.mp3
    91. Superman 420924 e0019 TinyMen,The6.mp3
    92. Superman 420925 e0020 TinyMen,The7.mp3
    93. Superman 420928 e0022 TinyMen.mp3
    94. Superman 420930 e0023 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    95. Superman 421002 e0025 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    96. Superman 421005 e0026 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    97. Superman 421006 e0027 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    98. Superman 421007 e0028 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    99. Superman 421008 e0029 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    100. Superman 421009 e0030 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    101. Superman 421012 e0031 Mystery in Arabia.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 103 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 421014 e0033 BlackNarcissus,The1.mp3
    3. Superman 421015 e0034 BlackNarcissus,The2.mp3
    4. Superman 421016 e0035 BlackNarcissus,The3.mp3
    5. Superman 421019 e0036 BlackNarcissus,The4.mp3
    6. Superman 421020 e0037 BlackNarcissus,The5.mp3
    7. Superman 421022 e0039 BlackNarcissus,The7.mp3
    8. Superman 421027 e0042 HeadlessIndian,The1.mp3
    9. Superman 421028 e0043 HeadlessIndian,The2.mp3
    10. Superman 421029 e0044 HeadlessIndian,The3.mp3
    11. Superman 421030 e0045 HeadlessIndian,The4.mp3
    12. Superman 421102 e0046 HeadlessIndian,The5.mp3
    13. Superman 421103 e0047 HeadlessIndian,The6.mp3
    14. Superman 421104 e0048 HeadlessIndian,The7.mp3
    15. Superman 421105 e0049 HeadlessIndian,The8.mp3
    16. Superman 421106 e0050 HeadlessIndian,The9.mp3
    17. Superman 421109 e0051 HeadlessIndian,The10.mp3
    18. Superman 421110 e0052 HeadlessIndian,The11.mp3
    19. Superman 421111 e0053 HeadlessIndian,The12.mp3
    20. Superman 421112 e0054 HeadlessIndian,The13.mp3
    21. Superman 421113 e0055 HeadlessIndian,The14.mp3
    22. Superman 421116 e0056 HeadlessIndian,The15.mp3
    23. Superman 421117 e0057 HeadlessIndian,The16.mp3
    24. Superman 421118 e0058 HeadlessIndian,The17.mp3
    25. Superman 421119 e0059 HeadlessIndian,The18.mp3
    26. Superman 421123 e0061 MidnightIntruder,The1.mp3
    27. Superman 421126 e0064 MidnightIntruder,The4.mp3
    28. Superman 421127 e0065 MidnightIntruder,The5.mp3
    29. Superman 421130 e0066 MidnightIntruder,The6.mp3
    30. Superman 421201 e0067 MidnightIntruder,The7.mp3
    31. Superman 421202 e0068 MidnightIntruder,The8.mp3
    32. Superman 421203 e0069 MidnightIntruder,The9.mp3
    33. Superman 421209 e0073 MidnightIntruder,The13.mp3
    34. Superman 421210 e0074 LostContinentOfAtlantis1.mp3
    35. Superman 421211 e0075 LostContinentOfAtlantis2.mp3
    36. Superman 421214 e0076 LostContinentOfAtlantis3.mp3
    37. Superman 421215 e0077 LostContinentOfAtlantis4.mp3
    38. Superman 421216 e0078 LostContinentOfAtlantis5.mp3
    39. Superman 421218 e0080 LostContinentOfAtlantis6.mp3
    40. Superman 421221 e0081 LostContinentOfAtlantis7.mp3
    41. Superman 421223 e0083 MysteryShip,The1.mp3
    42. Superman 421224 e0084 MysteryShip,The2.mp3
    43. Superman 421228 e0086 MysteryShip,The4.mp3
    44. Superman 421229 e0087 MysteryShip,The5.mp3
    45. Superman 421230 e0088 MysteryShip,The6.mp3
    46. Superman 421231 e0089 MysteryShip,The7.mp3
    47. Superman 430104 e0415 Tin Men.mp3
    48. Superman 430105 e0002 TinMen,The2.mp3
    49. Superman 430106 e0003 TinMen,The3.mp3
    50. Superman 430107 e0004 TinMen,The4.mp3
    51. Superman 430108 e0005 TinMen,The5.mp3
    52. Superman 430111 e0006 TinMen,The6.mp3
    53. Superman 430112 e0007 TinMen,The7.mp3
    54. Superman 430115 e0010 TinMen,The10.mp3
    55. Superman 430118 e0011 TinMen,The11.mp3
    56. Superman 430119 e0012 TinMen,The12.mp3
    57. Superman 430120 e0013 TinMen,The13.mp3
    58. Superman 430121 e0014 TinMen,The14.mp3
    59. Superman 430122 e0015 TinMen,The15.mp3
    60. Superman 430325 e0060 TheNewHelicopter.mp3
    61. Superman 430326 e0061 TheNewHelicopter.mp3
    62. Superman 430402 e0066 The Vulture.mp3
    63. Superman 430607 e0525 Meteor from Krypton.mp3
    64. Superman 431018 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    65. Superman 431019 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    66. Superman 431020 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    67. Superman 431021 e000 nazi spy ring.mp3
    68. Superman 431021 e0623 New German Weapon.mp3
    69. Superman 431203 e0329 Military Espionage 11.mp3
    70. Superman 431203 The Seagull.mp3
    71. Superman 440105 e0352 Lois And Jimmy Disappear 2.mp3
    72. Superman 440119.mp3
    73. Superman 440225 e0389 Lighthouse Point 4.mp3
    74. Superman 440317 e0404 Mystery Of Clifftown 8.mp3
    75. Superman 440328 411 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 1.mp3
    76. Superman 440410 e0331 GoldenHomingPigeon.mp3
    77. Superman 440421 e0429 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 19.mp3
    78. Superman 440428 e0434 Mystery Desert Springs Birdmen 3.mp3
    79. Superman 440707 e0484 The Seagull (5).mp3
    80. Superman 440802 e0459 Hurdy-Gurdy Man (7).mp3
    81. Superman 440811 e0509 Society of the Crimson Robe (10).mp3
    82. Superman 440824 e0518 Ghosts of the Air.mp3
    83. Superman 440829 e0521 Scorpion.mp3
    84. Superman 440912 e0532 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (2).mp3
    85. Superman 440914 e0444 TheAutomicEnergyGun.mp3
    86. Superman 440914 e0534 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (4).mp3
    87. Superman 441208 e0919 Lois' Uncle John and Missing Plans.mp3
    88. Superman 450103 e0609 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    89. Superman 450104 e0610 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    90. Superman 450110 e0614 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    91. Superman 450111 e0615 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    92. Superman 450129 e0627 SleepingBeauty.mp3
    93. Superman 450131 e0629 StrandedInJungleJaguarAttack.mp3
    94. Superman 450201 e0630 SupermanCapturesJapOtherCommitsSuic.mp3
    95. Superman 450205 e0632 HerkemeneToBeHungByJapLeaderSaki.mp3
    96. Superman 450206 e0633 SupeSavesHerkemene.mp3
    97. Superman 450207 e0634 SakiBurnsIllyriaSupeFightsJapArmy.mp3
    98. Superman 450208 e0635 SupeSavesOlsonFromBurningBuilding.mp3
    99. Superman 450214 e0639 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell.mp3
    100. Superman 450216 e0640 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell.mp3
    101. Superman 450217 e0641 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow.mp3
    102. Superman 450219 e0642 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow.mp3
    103. Superman 450220 e0643 JimAndPocoCapturedByNazis.mp3
    104. Superman 450221 e0645 SupeCapturesCoastGuardCutter.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 112 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Superman 450222 e0646 JimAndUtakHeadingForFireingSquad.mp3
    3. Superman 450223 e0647 SupeRescuesJimAndUtakFoilsNaziBase.mp3
    4. Superman 450301 e0652 MysteryOfTheWaxmen1.mp3
    5. Superman 450302 e0653 MysteryOfTheWaxmen2.mp3
    6. Superman 450320 e0665 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail1.mp3
    7. Superman 450321 e0667 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail2.mp3
    8. Superman 450327 e0671 LoisAndJimTrappedInTombWithNoAir.mp3
    9. Superman 450411 e0683 HappylandsFarmsJimAndAlfredKidnappe.mp3
    10. Superman 450418 e0688 BoyKingOfMorania1.mp3
    11. Superman 450424 e0692 BoyKingOfMorania2.mp3
    12. Superman 450508 e0702 LairOfTheDragon.mp3
    13. Superman 450810 e0770 Flood,The1.mp3
    14. Superman 450813 e0771 Flood,The2.mp3
    15. Superman 450814 e0772 Flood,The3.mp3
    16. Superman 450904 e0787 TheBlackMarket.mp3
    17. Superman 450905 e0788 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105B6.mp3
    18. Superman 450906 e0789 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    19. Superman 450907 e0790 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C2.mp3
    20. Superman 450910 e0791 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    21. Superman 450911 e0792 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C4.mp3
    22. Superman 450912 e0791 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang.mp3
    23. Superman 450912 e0793 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    24. Superman 450913 e0794 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C6.mp3
    25. Superman 450914 e0795 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    26. Superman 450917 e0796 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D2.mp3
    27. Superman 450918 e0797 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    28. Superman 450919 e0798 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D4.mp3
    29. Superman 450920 e0799 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    30. Superman 450921 e0800 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D6.mp3
    31. Superman 450924 e0801 MeteorOrKryptonite2.mp3
    32. Superman 450925 e0802 MeteorOrKryptonite2.mp3
    33. Superman 450926 e0803 ScarletWidow,The1.mp3
    34. Superman 450927 e0804 ScarletWidow,The2.mp3
    35. Superman 450928 e0805 ScarletWidow,The3.mp3
    36. Superman 451001 e0806 ScarletWidow,The4.mp3
    37. Superman 451002 e0807 ScarletWidow,The5.mp3
    38. Superman 451003 e0808 ScarletWidow,The6.mp3
    39. Superman 451004 e0809 ScarletWidow,The7.mp3
    40. Superman 451005 e0810 ScarletWidow,The8.mp3
    41. Superman 451008 e0811 ScarletWidow,The9.mp3
    42. Superman 451009 e0812 ScarletWidow,The10.mp3
    43. Superman 451010 e0813 AtomMan,The1.mp3
    44. Superman 451011 e0814 AtomMan,The2.mp3
    45. Superman 451012 e0815 AtomMan,The3.mp3
    46. Superman 451015 e0816 AtomMan,The4.mp3
    47. Superman 451016 e0817 AtomMan,The5.mp3
    48. Superman 451017 e0818 AtomMan,The6.mp3
    49. Superman 451018 e0819 AtomMan,The7.mp3
    50. Superman 451019 e0820 AtomMan,The8.mp3
    51. Superman 451022 e0821 AtomMan,The9.mp3
    52. Superman 451023 e0822 AtomMan,The10.mp3
    53. Superman 451024 e0823 AtomMan,The11.mp3
    54. Superman 451025 e0824 AtomMan,The12.mp3
    55. Superman 451026 e0825 AtomMan,The13.mp3
    56. Superman 451029 e0826 AtomMan,The14.mp3
    57. Superman 451030 e0827 AtomMan,The15.mp3
    58. Superman 451031 e0828 AtomMan,The16.mp3
    59. Superman 451101 e0829 AtomMan,The17.mp3
    60. Superman 451102 e0830 AtomMan,The18.mp3
    61. Superman 451105 e0831 AtomMan,The19.mp3
    62. Superman 451106 e0832 AtomMan,The20.mp3
    63. Superman 451107 e0833 AtomManInMetropolis1.mp3
    64. Superman 451108 e0834 AtomManInMetropolis2.mp3
    65. Superman 451109 e0835 AtomManInMetropolis3.mp3
    66. Superman 451112 e0836 AtomManInMetropolis4.mp3
    67. Superman 451113 e0837 AtomManInMetropolis5.mp3
    68. Superman 451114 e0838 AtomManInMetropolis6.mp3
    69. Superman 451115 e0839 AtomManInMetropolis7.mp3
    70. Superman 451116 e0840 AtomManInMetropolis8.mp3
    71. Superman 451119 e0841 AtomManInMetropolis9.mp3
    72. Superman 451120 e0842 AtomManInMetropolis10.mp3
    73. Superman 451121 e0843 AtomManInMetropolis11.mp3
    74. Superman 451122 e0844 AtomManInMetropolis12.mp3
    75. Superman 451123 e0845 AtomManInMetropolis13.mp3
    76. Superman 451126 e0846 AtomManInMetropolis14.mp3
    77. Superman 451127 e0847 AtomManInMetropolis15.mp3
    78. Superman 451128 e0848 AtomManInMetropolis16.mp3
    79. Superman 451129 e0849 AtomManInMetropolis17.mp3
    80. Superman 451130 e0850 AtomManInMetropolis18.mp3
    81. Superman 451203 e0851 AtomManInMetropolis19.mp3
    82. Superman 451204 e0852 LookingForKryptonite1.mp3
    83. Superman 451205 e0853 LookingForKryptonite2.mp3
    84. Superman 451206 e0854 LookingForKryptonite3.mp3
    85. Superman 451207 e0855 LookingForKryptonite4.mp3
    86. Superman 451210 e0856 LookingForKryptonite5.mp3
    87. Superman 451211 e0857 LookingForKryptonite6.mp3
    88. Superman 451212 e0858 LookingForKryptonite7.mp3
    89. Superman 451213 e0859 LookingForKryptonite8.mp3
    90. Superman 451214 e0860 LookingForKryptonite9.mp3
    91. Superman 451217 e0861 LookingForKryptonite10.mp3
    92. Superman 451218 e0862 LookingForKryptonite11.mp3
    93. Superman 451219 e0863 LookingForKryptonite12.mp3
    94. Superman 451220 e0864 LookingForKryptonite13.mp3
    95. Superman 451221 e0865 LookingForKryptonite14.mp3
    96. Superman 451224 e0866 LookingForKryptonite15.mp3
    97. Superman 451225 e0867 LookingForKryptonite16.mp3
    98. Superman 451226 e0868 LookingForKryptonite17.mp3
    99. Superman 451227 e0869 LookingForKryptonite18.mp3
    100. Superman 451228 e0870 LookingForKryptonite19.mp3
    101. Superman 451231 e0871 LookingForKryptonite20.mp3
    102. Superman 460101 e0872 LookingForKryptonite21.mp3
    103. Superman 460102 e0873 LookingForKryptonite22.mp3
    104. Superman 460103 e0874 LookingForKryptonite23.mp3
    105. Superman 460104 e0875 LookingForKryptonite24.mp3
    106. Superman 460107 e0876 LookingForKryptonite25.mp3
    107. Superman 460108 e0877 LookingForKryptonite26.mp3
    108. Superman 460109 e0878 TalkingCat,The1.mp3
    109. Superman 460110 e0879 TalkingCat,The2.mp3
    110. Superman 460111 e0880 TalkingCat,The3.mp3
    111. Superman 460114 e0881 TalkingCat,The4.mp3
    112. Superman 460115 e0882 TalkingCat,The5.mp3
    113. Superman 460116 e0883 TalkingCat,The6.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 101 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Superman 460117 e0884 TalkingCat,The7.mp3
    3. Superman 460118 e0885 TalkingCat,The8.mp3
    4. Superman 460121 e0886 TalkingCat,The9.mp3
    5. Superman 460122 e0887 TalkingCat,The10.mp3
    6. Superman 460123 e0888 TalkingCat,The11.mp3
    7. Superman 460124 e0889 TalkingCat,The12.mp3
    8. Superman 460125 e0890 TalkingCat,The13.mp3
    9. Superman 460128 e0891 TalkingCat,The14.mp3
    10. Superman 460129 e0892 IsThereAnotherSuperman1.mp3
    11. Superman 460130 e0893 IsThereAnotherSuperman2.mp3
    12. Superman 460131 e0894 IsThereAnotherSuperman3.mp3
    13. Superman 460201 e0895 IsThereAnotherSuperman4.mp3
    14. Superman 460204 e0896 IsThereAnotherSuperman5.mp3
    15. Superman 460205 e0897 IsThereAnotherSuperman6.mp3
    16. Superman 460206 e0898 IsThereAnotherSuperman7.mp3
    17. Superman 460207 e0899 IsThereAnotherSuperman8.mp3
    18. Superman 460208 e0900 IsThereAnotherSuperman9.mp3
    19. Superman 460211 e0901 IsThereAnotherSuperman10.mp3
    20. Superman 460212 e0902 IsThereAnotherSuperman11.mp3
    21. Superman 460213 e0903 IsThereAnotherSuperman12.mp3
    22. Superman 460214 e0904 IsThereAnotherSuperman13.mp3
    23. Superman 460215 e0905 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    24. Superman 460218 e0906 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    25. Superman 460219 e0907 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    26. Superman 460220 e0908 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    27. Superman 460221 e0909 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    28. Superman 460222 e0910 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    29. Superman 460225 e0911 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    30. Superman 460228 e0914 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    31. Superman 460301 e0915 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    32. Superman 460304 e0916 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    33. Superman 460305 e0917 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    34. Superman 460306 e0918 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    35. Superman 460307 e0919 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    36. Superman 460308 e0920 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    37. Superman 460311 e0921 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    38. Superman 460312 e0922 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    39. Superman 460313 e0923 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    40. Superman 460314 e0924 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    41. Superman 460315 e0925 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth1.mp3
    42. Superman 460318 e0926 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth2.mp3
    43. Superman 460319 e0927 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth3.mp3
    44. Superman 460320 e0928 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth1.mp3
    45. Superman 460321 e0929 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth2.mp3
    46. Superman 460322 e0930 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth3.mp3
    47. Superman 460325 e0931 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth4.mp3
    48. Superman 460326 e0932 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth5.mp3
    49. Superman 460327 e0933 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth6.mp3
    50. Superman 460328 e0934 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth7.mp3
    51. Superman 460401 e0936 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth9.mp3
    52. Superman 460415 e1268 Story of Century.mp3
    53. Superman 460612 e0988 ClanOfTheFieryCross3.mp3
    54. Superman 460613 e0989 ClanOfTheFieryCross4.mp3
    55. Superman 460614 e0990 ClanOfTheFieryCross5.mp3
    56. Superman 460617 e0991 ClanOfTheFieryCross6.mp3
    57. Superman 460618 e0992 ClanOfTheFieryCross7.mp3
    58. Superman 460619 e0993 ClanOfTheFieryCross8.mp3
    59. Superman 460620 e0994 ClanOfTheFieryCross9.mp3
    60. Superman 460621 e0995 ClanOfTheFieryCross10.mp3
    61. Superman 460624 e0996 ClanOfTheFieryCross11.mp3
    62. Superman 460625 e0997 ClanOfTheFieryCross12.mp3
    63. Superman 460626 e0998 ClanOfTheFieryCross13.mp3
    64. Superman 460627 e0999 ClanOfTheFieryCross14.mp3
    65. Superman 460628 e1000 ClanOfTheFieryCross15.mp3
    66. Superman 460701 e1001 ClanOfTheFieryCross16.mp3
    67. Superman 460702 e1002 HoratioFHorn,Detective1.mp3
    68. Superman 460703 e1003 HoratioFHorn,Detective2.mp3
    69. Superman 460704 e1004 HoratioFHorn,Detective3.mp3
    70. Superman 460705 e1005 HoratioFHorn,Detective4.mp3
    71. Superman 460708 e1006 HoratioFHorn,Detective5.mp3
    72. Superman 460709 e1007 HoratioFHorn,Detective6.mp3
    73. Superman 460710 e1008 HoratioFHorn,Detective7.mp3
    74. Superman 460711 e1009 HoratioFHorn,Detective8.mp3
    75. Superman 460712 e1010 HoratioFHorn,Detective9.mp3
    76. Superman 460715 e1011 HoratioFHorn,Detective10.mp3
    77. Superman 460716 e1012 HoratioFHorn,Detective11.mp3
    78. Superman 460717 e1013 HoratioFHorn,Detective12.mp3
    79. Superman 460718 e1014 HoratioFHorn,Detective13.mp3
    80. Superman 460719 e1015 HoratioFHorn,Detective14.mp3
    81. Superman 460722 e1016 HoratioFHorn,Detective15.mp3
    82. Superman 460723 e1017 HoratioFHorn,Detective16.mp3
    83. Superman 460724 e1018 HoratioFHorn,Detective17.mp3
    84. Superman 460725 e1019 HoratioFHorn,Detective18.mp3
    85. Superman 460726 e1020 HoratioFHorn,Detective19.mp3
    86. Superman 460729 e1021 HoratioFHorn,Detective20.mp3
    87. Superman 460730 e1022 HoratioFHorn,Detective21.mp3
    88. Superman 460731 e1023 HoratioFHorn,Detective22.mp3
    89. Superman 460801 e1024 SecretMenaceStrikes,The1.mp3
    90. Superman 460802 e1025 SecretMenaceStrikes,The2.mp3
    91. Superman 460805 e1026 SecretMenaceStrikes,The3.mp3
    92. Superman 460806 e1027 SecretMenaceStrikes,The4.mp3
    93. Superman 460807 e1028 SecretMenaceStrikes,The5.mp3
    94. Superman 460808 e1029 SecretMenaceStrikes,The6.mp3
    95. Superman 460809 e1030 SecretMenaceStrikes,The7.mp3
    96. Superman 460812 e1031 SecretMenaceStrikes,The8.mp3
    97. Superman 460813 e1032 SecretMenaceStrikes,The9.mp3
    98. Superman 460814 e1033 SecretMenaceStrikes,The10.mp3
    99. Superman 460815 e1034 SecretMenaceStrikes,The11.mp3
    100. Superman 460816 e1035 SecretMenaceStrikes,The12.mp3
    101. Superman 460819 e1036 SecretMenaceStrikes,The13.mp3
    102. Superman 460820 e1037 SecretMenaceStrikes,The14.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 100 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 460402 e0937 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth10.mp3
    3. Superman 460403 e0938 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth11.mp3
    4. Superman 460404 e0939 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth12.mp3
    5. Superman 460405 e0940 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth13.mp3
    6. Superman 460408 e0941 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth14.mp3
    7. Superman 460409 e0942 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth15.mp3
    8. Superman 460410 e0943 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth16.mp3
    9. Superman 460411 e0944 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth17.mp3
    10. Superman 460412 e0945 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth18.mp3
    11. Superman 460413 e0946 The story of the century 12 of 12.mp3
    12. Superman 460415 1268 Story of Century.mp3
    13. Superman 460416 e0947 HateMongers,The1.mp3
    14. Superman 460417 e0948 HateMongers,The2.mp3
    15. Superman 460418 e0949 HateMongers,The3.mp3
    16. Superman 460419 e0950 HateMongers,The4.mp3
    17. Superman 460424 e0953 HateMongers,The7.mp3
    18. Superman 460425 e0954 HateMongers,The8.mp3
    19. Superman 460426 e0955 HateMongers,The9.mp3
    20. Superman 460429 e0956 HateMongers,The10.mp3
    21. Superman 460430 e0957 HateMongers,The11.mp3
    22. Superman 460501 e0958 HateMongers,The12.mp3
    23. Superman 460502 e0959 HateMongers,The13.mp3
    24. Superman 460503 e0960 HateMongers,The14.mp3
    25. Superman 460506 e0961 HateMongers,The15.mp3
    26. Superman 460507 e0962 HateMongers,The16.mp3
    27. Superman 460508 e0963 HateMongers,The17.mp3
    28. Superman 460509 e0964 HateMongers,The18.mp3
    29. Superman 460510 e0965 HateMongers,The19.mp3
    30. Superman 460513 e0966 HateMongers,The20.mp3
    31. Superman 460514 e0967 HateMongers,The21.mp3
    32. Superman 460515 e0968 HateMongers,The22.mp3
    33. Superman 460516 e0969 HateMongers,The23.mp3
    34. Superman 460517 e0970 HateMongers,The24.mp3
    35. Superman 460520 e0971 HateMongers,The25.mp3
    36. Superman 460521 e0972 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    37. Superman 460522 al vincent's corrupt political machine 02.mp3
    38. Superman 460523 e0974 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    39. Superman 460524 al vincent's corrupt political machine 04.mp3
    40. Superman 460527 e0976 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    41. Superman 460528 al vincent's corrupt political machine 06.mp3
    42. Superman 460529 e0978 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    43. Superman 460530 al vincent's corrupt political machine 08.mp3
    44. Superman 460531 e0980 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    45. Superman 460603 al vincent's corrupt political machine 10.mp3
    46. Superman 460604 e0982 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    47. Superman 460605 al vincent's corrupt political machine 12.mp3
    48. Superman 460606 e0984 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    49. Superman 460607 al vincent's corrupt political machine 14.mp3
    50. Superman 460610 e0986 ClanOfTheFieryCross1.mp3
    51. Superman 460611 e0987 ClanOfTheFieryCross2.mp3
    52. Superman 460821 e1038 SecretMenaceStrikes,The15.mp3
    53. Superman 460822 e1039 CandyMeyer'sBigStory1.mp3
    54. Superman 460823 e1040 CandyMeyer'sBigStory2.mp3
    55. Superman 460826 e1041 CandyMeyer'sBigStory3.mp3
    56. Superman 460827 e1042 CandyMeyer'sBigStory4.mp3
    57. Superman 460828 e1043 CandyMeyer'sBigStory7.mp3
    58. Superman 460829 e1044 CandyMeyer'sBigStory8.mp3
    59. Superman 460830 e1045 CandyMeyer'sBigStory9.mp3
    60. Superman 460902 e1046 CandyMeyer'sBigStory10.mp3
    61. Superman 460903 e1047 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    62. Superman 460904 e1048 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    63. Superman 460905 e1049 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    64. Superman 460906 e1050 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    65. Superman 460909 e1051 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    66. Superman 460911 e1052 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    67. Superman 460912 e1053 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    68. Superman 460913 e1054 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    69. Superman 460916 e1055 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    70. Superman 460917 e1056 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    71. Superman 460918 1380 George Latimer Crooked Political Boss.mp3
    72. Superman 460918 e1057 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    73. Superman 460919 e1059 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    74. Superman 460920 e1060 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    75. Superman 460923 e1061 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    76. Superman 460924 e1062 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    77. Superman 460925 e1063 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    78. Superman 460926 e1064 DeadVoice,The2.mp3
    79. Superman 460927 e1065 DeadVoice,The2.mp3
    80. Superman 460930 e1066 DeadVoice,The3.mp3
    81. Superman 461001 e1067 DeadVoice,The4.mp3
    82. Superman 461002 e1068 DeadVoice,The5.mp3
    83. Superman 461003 e1069 DeadVoice,The6.mp3
    84. Superman 461004 e1070 DeadVoice,The7.mp3
    85. Superman 461007 e1071 DeadVoice,The8.mp3
    86. Superman 461008 e1072 DeadVoice,The9.mp3
    87. Superman 461009 e1073 DeadVoice,The10.mp3
    88. Superman 461010 e1074 DeadVoice,The11.mp3
    89. Superman 461011 e1075 DeadVoice,The12.mp3
    90. Superman 461014 e1076 DeadVoice,The13.mp3
    91. Superman 461015 e1077 DeadVoice,The14.mp3
    92. Superman 461016 e1078 DeadVoice,The15.mp3
    93. Superman 461017 e1079 CounterfeitMoney1.mp3
    94. Superman 461018 e1080 CounterfeitMoney2.mp3
    95. Superman 461021 e1081 CounterfeitMoney3.mp3
    96. Superman 461022 e1082 CounterfeitMoney4.mp3
    97. Superman 461023 e1083 CounterfeitMoney5.mp3
    98. Superman 461024 e1084 CounterfeitMoney6.mp3
    99. Superman 461025 e1085 CounterfeitMoney7.mp3
    100. Superman 461028 e1086 CounterfeitMoney8.mp3
    101. Superman 461029 e1087 CounterfeitMoney9.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 98 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 461030 e1088 CounterfeitMoney10.mp3
    3. Superman 461031 e1089 CounterfeitMoney11.mp3
    4. Superman 461101 e1090 CounterfeitMoney12.mp3
    5. Superman 461104 e1091 CounterfeitMoney13.mp3
    6. Superman 461105 e1092 CounterfeitMoney14.mp3
    7. Superman 461106 e1093 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    8. Superman 461107 e1094 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    9. Superman 461108 e1095 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    10. Superman 461111 e1096 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    11. Superman 461112 e1097 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    12. Superman 461113 e1098 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    13. Superman 461114 e1099 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    14. Superman 461115 e1100 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    15. Superman 461118 e1101 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    16. Superman 461119 e1102 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    17. Superman 461120 e1103 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    18. Superman 461121 e1104 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    19. Superman 461122 e1105 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    20. Superman 461125 e1106 SecretLetter,The1.mp3
    21. Superman 461126 e1107 SecretLetter,The2.mp3
    22. Superman 461127 e1108 SecretLetter,The3.mp3
    23. Superman 461128 e1109 SecretLetter,The4.mp3
    24. Superman 461129 e1110 SecretLetter,The5.mp3
    25. Superman 461202 e1111 SecretLetter,The6.mp3
    26. Superman 461203 e1112 SecretLetter,The7.mp3
    27. Superman 461204 e1113 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    28. Superman 461205 e1114 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    29. Superman 461206 e1115 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    30. Superman 461209 e1116 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    31. Superman 461210 e1117 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    32. Superman 461211 e1118 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    33. Superman 461212 e1119 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    34. Superman 461213 e1120 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    35. Superman 461216 e1121 PhonyHousingRacket,The1.mp3
    36. Superman 461217 e1122 PhonyHousingRacket,The2.mp3
    37. Superman 461218 e1123 PhonyHousingRacket,The3.mp3
    38. Superman 461219 e1124 PhonyHousingRacket,The4.mp3
    39. Superman 461220 e1125 PhonyHousingRacket,The5.mp3
    40. Superman 461223 e1126 PhonyHousingRacket,The6.mp3
    41. Superman 461224 e1127 PhonyHousingRacket,The7.mp3
    42. Superman 461225 e1128 PhonyHousingRacket,The8.mp3
    43. Superman 461226 e1129 PhonyHousingRacket,The9.mp3
    44. Superman 461227 e1130 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The1.mp3
    45. Superman 461230 e1131 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The2.mp3
    46. Superman 461231 e1132 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The3.mp3
    47. Superman 470000 Magic Wishing Ring.mp3
    48. Superman 470000 The Flying Train.mp3
    49. Superman 470102 e1134 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The5.mp3
    50. Superman 470103 e1135 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The6.mp3
    51. Superman 470106 e1136 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The7.mp3
    52. Superman 470107 e1137 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The8.mp3
    53. Superman 470108 e1138 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The9.mp3
    54. Superman 470109 e1139 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11391.mp3
    55. Superman 470110 e1140 Phony inheritance racket 2 of 8.mp3
    56. Superman 470113 e1141 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11413.mp3
    57. Superman 470114 e1142 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11424.mp3
    58. Superman 470115 e1143 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11435.mp3
    59. Superman 470116 e1144 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11446.mp3
    60. Superman 470117 e1145 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11457.mp3
    61. Superman 470120 e1146 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11468.mp3
    62. Superman 470121 e1147 DroughtInFreeville1.mp3
    63. Superman 470122 e1148 DroughtInFreeville2.mp3
    64. Superman 470123 e1149 DroughtInFreeville3.mp3
    65. Superman 470124 e1150 DroughtInFreeville4.mp3
    66. Superman 470127 e1151 DroughtInFreeville5.mp3
    67. Superman 470128 e1152 DroughtInFreeville6.mp3
    68. Superman 470129 e1153 DroughtInFreeville7.mp3
    69. Superman 470130 e1154 DroughtInFreeville8.mp3
    70. Superman 470131 e1155 DroughtInFreeville9.mp3
    71. Superman 470203 e1156 DroughtInFreeville10.mp3
    72. Superman 470204 e1157 DroughtInFreeville11.mp3
    73. Superman 470205 e1158 DroughtInFreeville12.mp3
    74. Superman 470206 e1159 DroughtInFreeville13.mp3
    75. Superman 470207 e1160 DroughtInFreeville14.mp3
    76. Superman 470210 e1161 DroughtInFreeville15.mp3
    77. Superman 470211 e1162 DroughtInFreeville16.mp3
    78. Superman 470212 e1163 MonkeyBurglar,The1.mp3
    79. Superman 470213 e1164 MonkeyBurglar,The2.mp3
    80. Superman 470214 e1165 MonkeyBurglar,The3.mp3
    81. Superman 470217 e1166 MonkeyBurglar,The4.mp3
    82. Superman 470218 e1167 MonkeyBurglar,The5.mp3
    83. Superman 470219 e1168 MonkeyBurglar,The6.mp3
    84. Superman 470220 e1169 MonkeyBurglar,The7.mp3
    85. Superman 470221 e1170 MonkeyBurglar,The8.mp3
    86. Superman 470224 e1171 MonkeyBurglar,The9.mp3
    87. Superman 470225 e1172 MonkeyBurglar,The10.mp3
    88. Superman 470226 e1173 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    89. Superman 470227 e1174 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    90. Superman 470228 e1175 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    91. Superman 470303 e1176 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    92. Superman 470304 e1177 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    93. Superman 470305 e1178 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    94. Superman 470306 e1179 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    95. Superman 470307 e1180 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    96. Superman 470310 e1181 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    97. Superman 470311 e1182 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    98. Superman 470312 e1183 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    99. Superman 470313 e1184 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 100 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 20 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 470314 e1185 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    3. Superman 470317 e1186 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    4. Superman 470318 e1187 ManWithoutAFace,The1.mp3
    5. Superman 470319 e1188 ManWithoutAFace,The2.mp3
    6. Superman 470320 e1189 ManWithoutAFace,The3.mp3
    7. Superman 470321 e1190 ManWithoutAFace,The4.mp3
    8. Superman 470324 e1191 ManWithoutAFace,The5.mp3
    9. Superman 470325 e1192 ManWithoutAFace,The6.mp3
    10. Superman 470326 e1193 ManWithoutAFace,The7.mp3
    11. Superman 470327 e1194 ManWithoutAFace,The8.mp3
    12. Superman 470328 e1195 ManWithoutAFace,The9.mp3
    13. Superman 470331 e1196 ManWithoutAFace,The10.mp3
    14. Superman 470401 e1197 ManWithoutAFace,The11.mp3
    15. Superman 470402 e1198 ManWithoutAFace,The12.mp3
    16. Superman 470403 e1199 ManWithoutAFace,The13.mp3
    17. Superman 470404 e1200 ManWithoutAFace,The14.mp3
    18. Superman 470407 e1201 ManWithoutAFace,The15.mp3
    19. Superman 470408 e1202 ManWithoutAFace,The16.mp3
    20. Superman 470409 e1203 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet1.mp3
    21. Superman 470410 e1204 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet2.mp3
    22. Superman 470411 e1205 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet3.mp3
    23. Superman 470414 e1206 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet4.mp3
    24. Superman 470415 e1207 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet5.mp3
    25. Superman 470416 e1208 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet6.mp3
    26. Superman 470417 e1209 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet7.mp3
    27. Superman 470418 e1210 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet8.mp3
    28. Superman 470421 e1211 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet9.mp3
    29. Superman 470422 e1212 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet10.mp3
    30. Superman 470423 e1213 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet11.mp3
    31. Superman 470424 e1214 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet12.mp3
    32. Superman 470425 e1215 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet13.mp3
    33. Superman 470428 e1216 PhantomOfTheSea,The1.mp3
    34. Superman 470429 e1217 PhantomOfTheSea,The2.mp3
    35. Superman 470430 e1218 PhantomOfTheSea,The3.mp3
    36. Superman 470501 e1219 PhantomOfTheSea,The4.mp3
    37. Superman 470502 e1220 PhantomOfTheSea,The5.mp3
    38. Superman 470505 e1221 PhantomOfTheSea,The6.mp3
    39. Superman 470506 e1222 PhantomOfTheSea,The7.mp3
    40. Superman 470507 e1223 PhantomOfTheSea,The8.mp3
    41. Superman 470508 e1224 PhantomOfTheSea,The9.mp3
    42. Superman 470509 e1225 PhantomOfTheSea,The10.mp3
    43. Superman 470512 e1226 PhantomOfTheSea,The11.mp3
    44. Superman 470513 e1227 PhantomOfTheSea,The12.mp3
    45. Superman 470514 e1228 SupermanVsKryptonite1.mp3
    46. Superman 470515 e1229 SupermanVsKryptonite2.mp3
    47. Superman 470516 e1230 SupermanVsKryptonite3.mp3
    48. Superman 470519 e1231 SupermanVsKryptonite4.mp3
    49. Superman 470520 e1232 SupermanVsKryptonite5.mp3
    50. Superman 470521 e1233 SupermanVsKryptonite6.mp3
    51. Superman 470522 e1234 SupermanVsKryptonite7.mp3
    52. Superman 470523 e1235 SupermanVsKryptonite8.mp3
    53. Superman 470526 e1236 SupermanVsKryptonite9.mp3
    54. Superman 470527 e1237 SupermanVsKryptonite10.mp3
    55. Superman 470528 e1238 SupermanVsKryptonite11.mp3
    56. Superman 470529 e1239 SupermanVsKryptonite12.mp3
    57. Superman 470530 e1240 SupermanVsKryptonite13.mp3
    58. Superman 470602 e1241 SupermanVsKryptonite14.mp3
    59. Superman 470603 e1242 SupermanVsKryptonite15.mp3
    60. Superman 470604 e1243 SupermanVsKryptonite16.mp3
    61. Superman 470605 e1244 SupermanVsKryptonite17.mp3
    62. Superman 470606 e1245 SupermanVsKryptonite18.mp3
    63. Superman 470609 e1246 SupermanVsKryptonite19.mp3
    64. Superman 470610 e1247 SupermanVsKryptonite20.mp3
    65. Superman 470611 e1248 SupermanVsKryptonite21.mp3
    66. Superman 470612 e1249 SupermanVsKryptonite22.mp3
    67. Superman 470613 e1250 SupermanVsKryptonite23.mp3
    68. Superman 470616 e1251 SupermanVsKryptonite24.mp3
    69. Superman 470617 e1252 SupermanVsKryptonite25.mp3
    70. Superman 470618 e1253 SupermanVsKryptonite26.mp3
    71. Superman 470619 e1254 SupermanVsKryptonite27.mp3
    72. Superman 470620 e1255 SupermanVsKryptonite28.mp3
    73. Superman 470623 e1256 SupermanVsKryptonite29.mp3
    74. Superman 470624 e1257 SupermanVsKryptonite30.mp3
    75. Superman 470625 e1258 SupermanVsKryptonite31.mp3
    76. Superman 470626 e1259 SupermanVsKryptonite32.mp3
    77. Superman 470627 e1260 SupermanVsKryptonite33.mp3
    78. Superman 470926 BillJohnstoneAuditionForAudSupermanRole.mp3
    79. Superman 470929 e1261 SecretRocket,The1.mp3
    80. Superman 470930 e1262 SecretRocket,The2.mp3
    81. Superman 471001 e1263 SecretRocket,The3.mp3
    82. Superman 471002 e1264 SecretRocket,The4.mp3
    83. Superman 471003 e1265 SecretRocket,The5.mp3
    84. Superman 471006 e1266 SecretRocket,The6.mp3
    85. Superman 471007 e1267 SecretRocket,The7.mp3
    86. Superman 471008 e1268 SecretRocket,The8.mp3
    87. Superman 471009 e1269 SecretRocket,The9.mp3
    88. Superman 471010 e1270 SecretRocket,The10.mp3
    89. Superman 471013 e1271 SecretRocket,The11.mp3
    90. Superman 471014 e1272 SecretRocket,The12.mp3
    91. Superman 471015 e1273 SecretRocket,The13.mp3
    92. Superman 471016 e1274 SecretRocket,The14.mp3
    93. Superman 471017 e1275 SecretRocket,The15.mp3
    94. Superman 471020 e1276 SecretRocket,The16.mp3
    95. Superman 471021 e1277 SecretRocket,The17.mp3
    96. Superman 471022 e1278 SecretRocket,The18.mp3
    97. Superman 471023 e1279 SecretRocket,The19.mp3
    98. Superman 471024 e1280 RulerOfDarkness,The1.mp3
    99. Superman 471027 e1281 RulerOfDarkness,The2.mp3
    100. Superman 471028 e1282 RulerOfDarkness,The3.mp3
    101. Superman 471029 e1283 RulerOfDarkness,The4.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 100 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 471030 e1284 RulerOfDarkness,The5.mp3
    3. Superman 471031 e1285 RulerOfDarkness,The6.mp3
    4. Superman 471103 e1286 RulerOfDarkness,The7.mp3
    5. Superman 471104 e1287 RulerOfDarkness,The8.mp3
    6. Superman 471105 e1288 RulerOfDarkness,The9.mp3
    7. Superman 471106 e1289 RulerOfDarkness,The10.mp3
    8. Superman 471107 e1290 RulerOfDarkness,The11.mp3
    9. Superman 471110 e1291 RulerOfDarkness,The12.mp3
    10. Superman 471111 e1292 RulerOfDarkness,The13.mp3
    11. Superman 471112 e1293 RulerOfDarkness,The14.mp3
    12. Superman 471113 e1294 RulerOfDarkness,The15.mp3
    13. Superman 471114 e1295 RulerOfDarkness,The16.mp3
    14. Superman 471117 e1296 RulerOfDarkness,The17.mp3
    15. Superman 471118 e1297 RulerOfDarkness,The18.mp3
    16. Superman 471119 e1298 RulerOfDarkness,The19.mp3
    17. Superman 471120 e1299 RulerOfDarkness,The20.mp3
    18. Superman 471121 e1300 RulerOfDarkness,The21.mp3
    19. Superman 471124 e1301 RulerOfDarkness,The22.mp3
    20. Superman 471125 e1302 RulerOfDarkness,The23.mp3
    21. Superman 471126 e1303 RulerOfDarkness,The24.mp3
    22. Superman 471127 e1304 PenniesForPlunder1.mp3
    23. Superman 471128 e1305 PenniesForPlunder2.mp3
    24. Superman 471201 e1306 PenniesForPlunder3.mp3
    25. Superman 471202 e1307 PenniesForPlunder4.mp3
    26. Superman 471203 e1308 PenniesForPlunder5.mp3
    27. Superman 471204 e1309 PenniesForPlunder6.mp3
    28. Superman 471205 e1310 PenniesForPlunder7.mp3
    29. Superman 471208 e1311 PenniesForPlunder8.mp3
    30. Superman 471209 e1312 PenniesForPlunder9.mp3
    31. Superman 471210 e1313 PenniesForPlunder10.mp3
    32. Superman 471211 e1314 PenniesForPlunder11.mp3
    33. Superman 471212 e1315 PenniesForPlunder12.mp3
    34. Superman 471215 e1316 PenniesForPlunder13.mp3
    35. Superman 471216 e1317 PenniesForPlunder14.mp3
    36. Superman 471217 e1318 PenniesForPlunder15.mp3
    37. Superman 471218 e1319 PenniesForPlunder16.mp3
    38. Superman 471219 e1320 PenniesForPlunder17.mp3
    39. Superman 471222 e1321 PenniesForPlunder18.mp3
    40. Superman 471231 e1328 Hunger,Inc4.mp3
    41. Superman 480102 e1330 Hunger,Inc6.mp3
    42. Superman 480102 e1650 Hunger Inc.mp3
    43. Superman 480105 e1331 Hunger,Inc7.mp3
    44. Superman 480106 e1332 Hunger,Inc8.mp3
    45. Superman 480107 e1333 Hunger,Inc9.mp3
    46. Superman 480108 e1334 Hunger,Inc10.mp3
    47. Superman 480109 e1335 Hunger,Inc11.mp3
    48. Superman 480112 e1336 Hunger,Inc12.mp3
    49. Superman 480113 e1337 Hunger,Inc13.mp3
    50. Superman 480114 e1338 DeadMan'sSecret1.mp3
    51. Superman 480115 e1339 DeadMan'sSecret2.mp3
    52. Superman 480116 e1340 DeadMan'sSecret3.mp3
    53. Superman 480119 e1341 DeadMan'sSecret4.mp3
    54. Superman 480120 e1342 DeadMan'sSecret5.mp3
    55. Superman 480121 e1343 DeadMan'sSecret6.mp3
    56. Superman 480122 e1344 DeadMan'sSecret7.mp3
    57. Superman 480123 e1345 DeadMan'sSecret8.mp3
    58. Superman 480126 e1346 DeadMan'sSecret9.mp3
    59. Superman 480127 e1347 DeadMan'sSecret10.mp3
    60. Superman 480128 e1348 DeadMan'sSecret11.mp3
    61. Superman 480129 e1349 DeadMan'sSecret12.mp3
    62. Superman 480130 e1350 DeadMan'sSecret13.mp3
    63. Superman 480202 e1351 DeadMan'sSecret14.mp3
    64. Superman 480203 e1352 Batman'sGreatMystery1.mp3
    65. Superman 480204 e1353 Batman'sGreatMystery2.mp3
    66. Superman 480205 e1354 Batman'sGreatMystery3.mp3
    67. Superman 480206 e1355 Batman'sGreatMystery4.mp3
    68. Superman 480209 e1356 Batman'sGreatMystery5.mp3
    69. Superman 480210 e1357 Batman'sGreatMystery6.mp3
    70. Superman 480211 e1358 Batman'sGreatMystery7.mp3
    71. Superman 480212 e1359 Batman'sGreatMystery8.mp3
    72. Superman 480213 e1360 Batman'sGreatMystery9.mp3
    73. Superman 480216 e1361 Batman'sGreatMystery10.mp3
    74. Superman 480217 e1362 Batman'sGreatMystery11.mp3
    75. Superman 480218 e1363 KingdomUnderTheSea1.mp3
    76. Superman 480219 e1364 KingdomUnderTheSea2.mp3
    77. Superman 480220 e1365 KingdomUnderTheSea3.mp3
    78. Superman 480223 e1366 KingdomUnderTheSea4.mp3
    79. Superman 480224 e1367 KingdomUnderTheSea5.mp3
    80. Superman 480225 e1368 KingdomUnderTheSea6.mp3
    81. Superman 480226 e1369 KingdomUnderTheSea7.mp3
    82. Superman 480227 e1370 KingdomUnderTheSea8.mp3
    83. Superman 480301 e1371 KingdomUnderTheSea9.mp3
    84. Superman 480302 e1372 KingdomUnderTheSea10.mp3
    85. Superman 480303 e1373 KingdomUnderTheSea11.mp3
    86. Superman 480304 e1374 KingdomUnderTheSea12.mp3
    87. Superman 480305 e1375 KingdomUnderTheSea13.mp3
    88. Superman 480308 e1376 KingdomUnderTheSea14.mp3
    89. Superman 480309 e1377 KingdomUnderTheSea15.mp3
    90. Superman 480310 e1378 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13781.mp3
    91. Superman 480311 e1379 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13792.mp3
    92. Superman 480312 e1380 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13803.mp3
    93. Superman 480315 e1381 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13814.mp3
    94. Superman 480316 e1382 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13825.mp3
    95. Superman 480317 e1383 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13836.mp3
    96. Superman 480318 e1384 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13847.mp3
    97. Superman 480319 e1385 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13858.mp3
    98. Superman 480322 e1386 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13869.mp3
    99. Superman 480323 e1387 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138710.mp3
    100. Superman 480324 e1388 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138811.mp3
    101. Superman 480325 e1389 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138912.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 100 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 480326 e1390 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139013.mp3
    3. Superman 480329 e1391 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139114.mp3
    4. Superman 480330 e1392 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139215.mp3
    5. Superman 480331 e1393 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139316.mp3
    6. Superman 480401 e1394 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139417.mp3
    7. Superman 480402 e1395 SkinGame,The1.mp3
    8. Superman 480405 e1396 SkinGame,The2.mp3
    9. Superman 480406 e1397 SkinGame,The3.mp3
    10. Superman 480407 e1398 SkinGame,The4.mp3
    11. Superman 480408 e1399 SkinGame,The5.mp3
    12. Superman 480409 e1400 SkinGame,The6.mp3
    13. Superman 480412 e1401 SkinGame,The7.mp3
    14. Superman 480413 e1402 SkinGame,The8.mp3
    15. Superman 480414 e1403 SkinGame,The9.mp3
    16. Superman 480415 e1404 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14041.mp3
    17. Superman 480416 e1405 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14052.mp3
    18. Superman 480419 e1406 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14063.mp3
    19. Superman 480420 e1407 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14074.mp3
    20. Superman 480421 e1408 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14085.mp3
    21. Superman 480422 e1409 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14096.mp3
    22. Superman 480423 e1410 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14107.mp3
    23. Superman 480426 e1411 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14118.mp3
    24. Superman 480427 e1412 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14129.mp3
    25. Superman 480428 e1413 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141310.mp3
    26. Superman 480429 e1414 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141411.mp3
    27. Superman 480430 e1415 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141512.mp3
    28. Superman 480503 e1416 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141613.mp3
    29. Superman 480504 e1417 GhostBrigade,The1.mp3
    30. Superman 480505 e1418 GhostBrigade,The2.mp3
    31. Superman 480506 e1419 GhostBrigade,The3.mp3
    32. Superman 480507 e1420 GhostBrigade,The4.mp3
    33. Superman 480510 e1421 GhostBrigade,The5.mp3
    34. Superman 480511 e1422 GhostBrigade,The6.mp3
    35. Superman 480512 e1423 GhostBrigade,The7.mp3
    36. Superman 480513 e1424 GhostBrigade,The8.mp3
    37. Superman 480514 e1425 GhostBrigade,The9.mp3
    38. Superman 480517 e1426 GhostBrigade,The10.mp3
    39. Superman 480518 e1427 GhostBrigade,The11.mp3
    40. Superman 480519 e1428 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4131D5.mp3
    41. Superman 480520 e1429 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    42. Superman 480521 e1430 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A1.mp3
    43. Superman 480524 e1431 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    44. Superman 480525 e1432 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A3.mp3
    45. Superman 480526 e1433 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    46. Superman 480527 e1434 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A5.mp3
    47. Superman 480528 e1435 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    48. Superman 480531 e1436 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B1.mp3
    49. Superman 480601 e1437 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    50. Superman 480602 e1438 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B3.mp3
    51. Superman 480603 e1439 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    52. Superman 480604 e1440 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B5.mp3
    53. Superman 480607 e1441 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    54. Superman 480608 e1442 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C1.mp3
    55. Superman 480609 e1443 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    56. Superman 480610 e1444 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C3.mp3
    57. Superman 480611 e1445 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    58. Superman 480614 e1446 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The1.mp3
    59. Superman 480615 e1447 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The2.mp3
    60. Superman 480616 e1448 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The3.mp3
    61. Superman 480617 e1449 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The4.mp3
    62. Superman 480618 e1450 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The5.mp3
    63. Superman 480621 e1451 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The6.mp3
    64. Superman 480622 e1452 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The7.mp3
    65. Superman 480623 e1453 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The8.mp3
    66. Superman 480624 e1454 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The9.mp3
    67. Superman 480625 e1455 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The10.mp3
    68. Superman 480628 e1456 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The11.mp3
    69. Superman 480629 e1457 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The12.mp3
    70. Superman 480630 e1458 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The13.mp3
    71. Superman 480701 e1459 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The14.mp3
    72. Superman 480702 e1460 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The15.mp3
    73. Superman 480705 e1461 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The16.mp3
    74. Superman 480706 e1462 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The17.mp3
    75. Superman 480707 e1463 VoiceOfDoom,The1.mp3
    76. Superman 480708 e1464 VoiceOfDoom,The2.mp3
    77. Superman 480709 e1465 VoiceOfDoom,The3.mp3
    78. Superman 480712 e1466 VoiceOfDoom,The4.mp3
    79. Superman 480713 e1467 VoiceOfDoom,The5.mp3
    80. Superman 480714 e1468 VoiceOfDoom,The6.mp3
    81. Superman 480715 e1469 VoiceOfDoom,The7.mp3
    82. Superman 480716 e1470 VoiceOfDoom,The8.mp3
    83. Superman 480719 e1471 VoiceOfDoom,The9.mp3
    84. Superman 480720 e1472 VoiceOfDoom,The10.mp3
    85. Superman 480721 e1473 VoiceOfDoom,The11.mp3
    86. Superman 480722 e1474 VoiceOfDoom,The12.mp3
    87. Superman 480723 e1475 VoiceOfDoom,The13.mp3
    88. Superman 480726 e1476 VoiceOfDoom,The14.mp3
    89. Superman 480727 e1477 VoiceOfDoom,The15.mp3
    90. Superman 480728 e1478 VoiceOfDoom,The16.mp3
    91. Superman 480729 e1479 VoiceOfDoom,The17.mp3
    92. Superman 480730 e1480 VoiceOfDoom,The18.mp3
    93. Superman 480802 e1481 VoiceOfDoom,The19.mp3
    94. Superman 480803 e1482 VoiceOfDoom,The20.mp3
    95. Superman 480804 e1483 VoiceOfDoom,The21.mp3
    96. Superman 480805 e1484 VoiceOfDoom,The22.mp3
    97. Superman 480806 e1485 VoiceOfDoom,The23.mp3
    98. Superman 480809 e1486 VoiceOfDoom,The24.mp3
    99. Superman 480810 e1487 VoiceOfDoom,The25.mp3
    100. Superman 480811 e1488 VoiceOfDoom,The26.mp3
    101. Superman 480812 e1489 VoiceOfDoom,The27.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 41 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. Behind Mike 411130 63 Impersonations Famous People.mp3
    3. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    4. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle.mp3
    5. Fred Allen Interviews Superman Writer Jerry Siegel.mp3
    6. Texaco Star Th 410305 22 Little Red Riding Hood.mp3
    7. Superman 480813 e1490 VoiceOfDoom,The28.mp3
    8. Superman 480816 e1491 MysteryOfTheLetter,The1.mp3
    9. Superman 480817 e1492 MysteryOfTheLetter,The2.mp3
    10. Superman 480818 e1493 MysteryOfTheLetter,The3.mp3
    11. Superman 480819 e1494 MysteryOfTheLetter,The4.mp3
    12. Superman 480820 e1495 MysteryOfTheLetter,The5.mp3
    13. Superman 480823 e1496 MysteryOfTheLetter,The6.mp3
    14. Superman 480824 e1497 MysteryOfTheLetter,The7.mp3
    15. Superman 480825 e1498 MysteryOfTheLetter,The8.mp3
    16. Superman 480826 e1499 MysteryOfTheLetter,The9.mp3
    17. Superman 480827 e1500 MysteryOfTheLetter,The10.mp3
    18. Superman 480830 e1501 MysteryOfTheLetter,The11.mp3
    19. Superman 480831 e1502 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    20. Superman 480901 e1503 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    21. Superman 480902 e1504 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    22. Superman 480909 e1509 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    23. Superman 480910 e1510 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    24. Superman 481224 e1584 The Trap.mp3
    25. Superman 490304 e0012 MysteryOfTheTenThousandDollarGhost.mp3
    26. Superman 490307 e0013 MysteryOfTheFlyingMonster.mp3
    27. Superman 490309 e0014 TheCaseOfDoubleTrouble.mp3
    28. Superman 491029 00061 Case of Courageous Cobbler.mp3
    29. Superman 491029 e0001 TheMysteryOfTheWalkingDead.mp3
    30. Superman 491105 e0002 Courageous Cobbler.mp3
    31. Superman 491119 e0004 OneMinuteToDeath.mp3
    32. Superman 491126 e0005 PuzzleOfThePoisonPomegranate.mp3
    33. Superman 491203 0066 Death Rides Roller Coaster.mp3
    34. Superman 491210 e0007 MysteryOfTheMechanicalMonster.mp3
    35. Superman 491217 e0068 Diamond of Death.mp3
    36. Superman 491224 e0069 Highway to Murder.mp3
    37. Superman 491231 e0010 MysteryOfTheLittleMen.mp3
    38. Superman 500107 e0011 GhostOfBillyBaker.mp3
    39. Superman 500114 e0072 Voices of the Dead.mp3
    40. Superman 500121 e0013 DeadMenTellNoTales.mp3
    41. Superman 501123 e0050 TheStoryOfMarinaBaum.mp3
    42. Superman Promo for Cocomar.mp3
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    1205 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00. Total playtime 270 hours, 13 min
    1205 recordings on 12 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $60.00
    7497 MB – total playtime 270 hours, 13 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 125 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 1 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 1).mp3
    3. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 2).mp3
    4. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 1).mp3
    5. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 2).mp3
    6. Superman 400212 e0001 BabyFromKrypton.mp3
    7. Superman 400214 e0002 ClarkKentReporter.mp3
    8. Superman 400216 e0003 Keno'sLandslide.mp3
    9. Superman 400219 e0004 KentCapturedBySeekingKeno.mp3
    10. Superman 400221 e0005 LocomotiveCrewFreed.mp3
    11. Superman 400223 e0006 IntroTrainSwitchThrown.mp3
    12. Superman 400226 e0007 DrDalgrin'sAtomicBeamMachine.mp3
    13. Superman 400228 e0008 YellowMaskStealsFuelForAtomicBeam.mp3
    14. Superman 400301 e0009 YellowMaskThrowsLoisOutOfPlane.mp3
    15. Superman 400304 e0010 FireInSterlingBldgGirlTrapped.mp3
    16. Superman 400306 e0011 RelativeStabsJuneAndersonInHospital.mp3
    17. Superman 400308 e0012 NorthStarMiningCoJonesBrosBoat.mp3
    18. Superman 400311 e0013 BartAndJoeSetFireOnSteamer.mp3
    19. Superman 400313 e0014 KentFallsOffPlaneToCanyonCity,Idah.mp3
    20. Superman 400315 e0015 SupeSavesJuneFromMineExplosion.mp3
    21. Superman 400318 e0016 PrisonRiotWithKenoAndWolfe.mp3
    22. Superman 400320 e0017 KenoAndWolfeHeadForSteamPlantWLois.mp3
    23. Superman 400322 e0018 WolfeVsYellowMask.mp3
    24. Superman 400325 e0019 SupeSavesJeffersonBridge.mp3
    25. Superman 400327 e0020 YellowMaskWillBlowUp.mp3
    26. Superman 400329 e0021 DamWatersAreDivertedFromDireville.mp3
    27. Superman 400401 e0022 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    28. Superman 400403 e0023 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    29. Superman 400405 e0024 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    30. Superman 400408 e0025 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    31. Superman 400410 e0026 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    32. Superman 400412 e0027 EmeraldOfTheIncas.mp3
    33. Superman 400415 e0028 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    34. Superman 400417 e0029 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    35. Superman 400419 e0030 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    36. Superman 400422 e0031 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    37. Superman 400424 e0032 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    38. Superman 400426 e0033 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket.mp3
    39. Superman 400429 e0034 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    40. Superman 400501 e0035 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    41. Superman 400503 e0036 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    42. Superman 400506 e0037 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    43. Superman 400508 e0038 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    44. Superman 400510 e0039 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField.mp3
    45. Superman 400513 e0040 BuffaloHills.mp3
    46. Superman 400515 e0041 BuffaloHills.mp3
    47. Superman 400517 e0042 BuffaloHills.mp3
    48. Superman 400520 e0043 BuffaloHills.mp3
    49. Superman 400522 e0044 BuffaloHills.mp3
    50. Superman 400524 e0045 BuffaloHills.mp3
    51. Superman 400527 e0046 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    52. Superman 400529 e0047 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    53. Superman 400531 e0048 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    54. Superman 400603 e0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    55. Superman 400605 e0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    56. Superman 400607 e0051 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer.mp3
    57. Superman 400609 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    58. Superman 400610 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    59. Superman 400611 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    60. Superman 400612 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    61. Superman 400613 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    62. Superman 400614 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    63. Superman 400615 e0055 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    64. Superman 400619 e0056 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    65. Superman 400621 e0057 Horace Morton's Weather Machine.mp3
    66. Superman 400624 e0058 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart1.mp3
    67. Superman 400626 e0059 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart2.mp3
    68. Superman 400628 e0060 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart3.mp3
    69. Superman 400701 e0061 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart4.mp3
    70. Superman 400703 e0062 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart5.mp3
    71. Superman 400705 e0063 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart6.mp3
    72. Superman 400708 e0064 HappyLandAmusementParkPart1.mp3
    73. Superman 400710 e0065 HappyLandAmusementParkPart2.mp3
    74. Superman 400712 e0066 HappyLandAmusementParkPart3.mp3
    75. Superman 400715 e0067 HappyLandAmusementParkPart4.mp3
    76. Superman 400717 e0068 HappyLandAmusementParkPart5.mp3
    77. Superman 400719 e0069 HappyLandAmusementParkPart6.mp3
    78. Superman 400722 e0070 LighthousePointSmugglersPart1.mp3
    79. Superman 400724 e0071 LighthousePointSmugglersPart2.mp3
    80. Superman 400726 e0072 LighthousePointSmugglersPart3.mp3
    81. Superman 400729 e0073 LighthousePointSmugglersPart4.mp3
    82. Superman 400731 e0074 LighthousePointSmugglersPart5.mp3
    83. Superman 400802 e0075 LighthousePointSmugglersPart6.mp3
    84. Superman 400805 e0076 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart1.mp3
    85. Superman 400807 e0077 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart2.mp3
    86. Superman 400809 e0078 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart3.mp3
    87. Superman 400812 e0079 MayanTreasure,ThePart1.mp3
    88. Superman 400814 e0080 MayanTreasure,ThePart2.mp3
    89. Superman 400816 e0081 MayanTreasure,ThePart3.mp3
    90. Superman 400819 e0082 MayanTreasure,ThePart4.mp3
    91. Superman 400821 e0083 MayanTreasure,ThePart5.mp3
    92. Superman 400823 e0084 MayanTreasure,ThePart6.mp3
    93. Superman 400826 e0085 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart1.mp3
    94. Superman 400828 e0086 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart2.mp3
    95. Superman 400830 e0087 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart3.mp3
    96. Superman 400902 e0088 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart4.mp3
    97. Superman 400904 e0089 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart5.mp3
    98. Superman 400906 e0090 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart6.mp3
    99. Superman 400909 e0091 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart7.mp3
    100. Superman 400911 e0092 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart8.mp3
    101. Superman 400913 e0093 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart9.mp3
    102. Superman 400916 e0094 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart10.mp3
    103. Superman 400918 e0095 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart11.mp3
    104. Superman 400920 e0096 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart12.mp3
    105. Superman 400923 e0097 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    106. Superman 400925 e0098 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    107. Superman 400927 e0099 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    108. Superman 400930 e0100 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    109. Superman 401002 e0101 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    110. Superman 401004 e0102 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The.mp3
    111. Superman 401007 e0103 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    112. Superman 401009 e0104 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    113. Superman 401011 e0105 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    114. Superman 401014 e0106 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    115. Superman 401016 e0107 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    116. Superman 401018 e0108 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    117. Superman 401021 e0109 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    118. Superman 401023 e0110 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    119. Superman 401025 e0111 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    120. Superman 401028 e0112 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    121. Superman 401030 e0113 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    122. Superman 401101 e0114 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    123. Superman 401104 e0115 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    124. Superman 401106 e0116 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    125. Superman 401108 e0117 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber.mp3
    126. Superman 401111 e0118 InvisibleMan,ThePart1.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 125 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 57 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Superman 401113 e0119 InvisibleMan,ThePart2.mp3
    3. Superman 401115 e0120 InvisibleMan,ThePart3.mp3
    4. Superman 401118 e0121 InvisibleMan,ThePart4.mp3
    5. Superman 401120 e0122 InvisibleMan,ThePart5.mp3
    6. Superman 401122 e0123 InvisibleMan,ThePart6.mp3
    7. Superman 401125 e0124 InvisibleMan,ThePart7.mp3
    8. Superman 401127 e0125 InvisibleMan,ThePart8.mp3
    9. Superman 401129 e0126 InvisibleMan,ThePart9.mp3
    10. Superman 401202 e0127 InvisibleMan,ThePart10.mp3
    11. Superman 401204 e0128 InvisibleMan,ThePart11.mp3
    12. Superman 401206 e0129 InvisibleMan,ThePart12.mp3
    13. Superman 401209 e0130 InvisibleMan,ThePart13.mp3
    14. Superman 401211 e0131 InvisibleMan,ThePart14.mp3
    15. Superman 401213 e0132 HowlingCoyote,ThePart1.mp3
    16. Superman 401216 e0133 HowlingCoyote,ThePart2.mp3
    17. Superman 401218 e0134 HowlingCoyote,ThePart3.mp3
    18. Superman 401220 e0135 HowlingCoyote,ThePart4.mp3
    19. Superman 401223 e0136 HowlingCoyote,ThePart5.mp3
    20. Superman 401225 e0137 HowlingCoyote,ThePart6.mp3
    21. Superman 401227 e0138 HowlingCoyote,ThePart7.mp3
    22. Superman 401230 e0139 HowlingCoyote,ThePart8.mp3
    23. Superman 410101 e0140 HowlingCoyote,ThePart9.mp3
    24. Superman 410103 e0141 HowlingCoyote,ThePart10.mp3
    25. Superman 410106 e0142 HowlingCoyote,ThePart11.mp3
    26. Superman 410108 e0143 HowlingCoyote,ThePart12.mp3
    27. Superman 410110 e0144 HowlingCoyote,ThePart13.mp3
    28. Superman 410113 e0145 HowlingCoyote,ThePart14.mp3
    29. Superman 410115 e0146 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart1.mp3
    30. Superman 410117 e0147 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart2.mp3
    31. Superman 410120 e0148 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart3.mp3
    32. Superman 410122 e0149 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart4.mp3
    33. Superman 410124 e0150 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart5.mp3
    34. Superman 410127 e0151 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart6.mp3
    35. Superman 410129 e0152 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart7.mp3
    36. Superman 410131 e0153 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart8.mp3
    37. Superman 410203 e0154 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart9.mp3
    38. Superman 410205 e0155 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart10.mp3
    39. Superman 410207 e0156 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart11.mp3
    40. Superman 410210 e0157 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart1.mp3
    41. Superman 410212 e0158 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart2.mp3
    42. Superman 410214 e0159 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart3.mp3
    43. Superman 410217 e0160 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart4.mp3
    44. Superman 410219 e0161 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart5.mp3
    45. Superman 410221 e0162 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart6.mp3
    46. Superman 410224 e0163 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart7.mp3
    47. Superman 410226 e0164 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart8.mp3
    48. Superman 410228 e0165 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart9.mp3
    49. Superman 410303 e0166 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart10.mp3
    50. Superman 410305 e0167 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart1.mp3
    51. Superman 410307 e0168 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart2.mp3
    52. Superman 410310 e0169 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart3.mp3
    53. Superman 410312 e0170 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart4.mp3
    54. Superman 410314 e0171 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart5.mp3
    55. Superman 410317 e0172 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart6.mp3
    56. Superman 410319 e0173 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart7.mp3
    57. Superman 410321 e0174 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart8.mp3
    58. Superman 410324 e0175 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart9.mp3
    59. Superman 410326 e0176 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart10.mp3
    60. Superman 410328 e0177 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart11.mp3
    61. Superman 410331 e0178 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart12.mp3
    62. Superman 410402 e0179 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart13.mp3
    63. Superman 410404 e0180 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart14.mp3
    64. Superman 410407 e0181 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart15.mp3
    65. Superman 410409 e0182 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart16.mp3
    66. Superman 410411 e0183 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart17.mp3
    67. Superman 410414 e0184 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart18.mp3
    68. Superman 410416 e0185 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart19.mp3
    69. Superman 410418 e0186 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart20.mp3
    70. Superman 410421 e0187 NitrateShipment,ThePart1.mp3
    71. Superman 410423 e0188 NitrateShipment,ThePart2.mp3
    72. Superman 410425 e0189 NitrateShipment,ThePart3.mp3
    73. Superman 410428 e0190 NitrateShipment,ThePart4.mp3
    74. Superman 410430 e0191 NitrateShipment,ThePart5.mp3
    75. Superman 410502 e0192 NitrateShipment,ThePart6.mp3
    76. Superman 410505 e0193 NitrateShipment,ThePart7.mp3
    77. Superman 410507 e0194 NitrateShipment,ThePart8.mp3
    78. Superman 410509 e0195 NitrateShipment,ThePart9.mp3
    79. Superman 410512 e0196 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart1.mp3
    80. Superman 410514 e0197 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart2.mp3
    81. Superman 410516 e0198 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart3.mp3
    82. Superman 410519 e0199 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart4.mp3
    83. Superman 410521 e0200 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart5.mp3
    84. Superman 410523 e0201 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart6.mp3
    85. Superman 410526 e0202 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    86. Superman 410528 e0203 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    87. Superman 410530 e0204 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    88. Superman 410602 e0205 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    89. Superman 410604 e0206 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    90. Superman 410606 e0207 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    91. Superman 410609 e0208 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    92. Superman 410611 e0209 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    93. Superman 410613 e0210 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    94. Superman 410616 e0211 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    95. Superman 410618 e0212 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    96. Superman 410620 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    97. Superman 410621 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine.mp3
    98. Superman 410623 e0214 WhitePlague,ThePart1.mp3
    99. Superman 410625 e0215 WhitePlague,ThePart2.mp3
    100. Superman 410627 e0216 WhitePlague,ThePart3.mp3
    101. Superman 410630 e0217 WhitePlague,ThePart4.mp3
    102. Superman 410702 e0218 WhitePlague,ThePart5.mp3
    103. Superman 410704 e0219 WhitePlague,ThePart6.mp3
    104. Superman 410707 e0220 WhitePlague,ThePart7.mp3
    105. Superman 410709 e0221 WhitePlague,ThePart8.mp3
    106. Superman 410711 e0222 FurSmugglingPart1.mp3
    107. Superman 410714 e0223 FurSmugglingPart2.mp3
    108. Superman 410716 e0224 FurSmugglingPart3.mp3
    109. Superman 410718 e0225 FurSmugglingPart4.mp3
    110. Superman 410721 e0226 FurSmugglingPart5.mp3
    111. Superman 410723 e0227 FurSmugglingPart6.mp3
    112. Superman 410725 e0228 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    113. Superman 410728 e0229 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    114. Superman 410730 e0230 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    115. Superman 410801 e0231 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    116. Superman 410804 e0232 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    117. Superman 410806 e0233 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    118. Superman 410808 e0234 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    119. Superman 410811 e0235 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    120. Superman 410813 e0236 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    121. Superman 410815 e0237 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    122. Superman 410818 e0238 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    123. Superman 410820 e0239 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    124. Superman 410822 e0240 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    125. Superman 410825 e0241 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    126. Superman 410827 e0242 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 100 shows – 555 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 20 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Superman 410829 e0243 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine.mp3
    3. Superman 410901 e0244 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    4. Superman 410903 e0245 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    5. Superman 410905 e0246 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    6. Superman 410908 e0247 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    7. Superman 410910 e0248 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    8. Superman 410912 e0249 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    9. Superman 410915 e0250 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    10. Superman 410917 e0251 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    11. Superman 410919 e0252 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    12. Superman 410922 e0253 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    13. Superman 410924 e0254 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    14. Superman 410926 e0255 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    15. Superman 410929 e0256 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    16. Superman 411001 e0257 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    17. Superman 411003 e0258 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned.mp3
    18. Superman 411006 e0259 Crooked Oil Association.mp3
    19. Superman 411008 e0260 CrookedOilAssociationPart2.mp3
    20. Superman 411010 e0261 CrookedOilAssociationPart3.mp3
    21. Superman 411013 e0262 CrookedOilAssociationPart4.mp3
    22. Superman 411015 e0263 CrookedOilAssociationPart5.mp3
    23. Superman 411017 e0264 CrookedOilAssociationPart6.mp3
    24. Superman 411020 e0265 CrookedOilAssociationPart7.mp3
    25. Superman 411022 e0266 CrookedOilAssociationPart8.mp3
    26. Superman 411024 e0267 CrookedOilAssociationPart9.mp3
    27. Superman 411027 e0268 CrookedOilAssociationPart10.mp3
    28. Superman 411029 e0269 SilverArrow,ThePart1.mp3
    29. Superman 411031 e0270 SilverArrow,ThePart2.mp3
    30. Superman 411103 e0271 SilverArrow,ThePart3.mp3
    31. Superman 411105 e0272 SilverArrow,ThePart4.mp3
    32. Superman 411107 e0273 SilverArrow,ThePart5.mp3
    33. Superman 411110 e0274 SilverArrow,ThePart6.mp3
    34. Superman 411112 e0275 SilverArrow,ThePart7.mp3
    35. Superman 411114 e0276 PanAmHighway,ThePart1.mp3
    36. Superman 411117 e0277 PanAmHighway,ThePart2.mp3
    37. Superman 411119 e0278 PanAmHighway,ThePart3.mp3
    38. Superman 411121 e0279 PanAmHighway,ThePart4.mp3
    39. Superman 411124 e0280 PanAmHighway,ThePart5.mp3
    40. Superman 411126 e0281 PanAmHighway,ThePart6.mp3
    41. Superman 411128 e0282 PanAmHighway,ThePart7.mp3
    42. Superman 411201 e0283 PanAmHighway,ThePart8.mp3
    43. Superman 411203 e0284 PanAmHighway,ThePart9.mp3
    44. Superman 411205 e0285 PanAmHighway,ThePart10.mp3
    45. Superman 411208 e0286 PanAmHighway,ThePart11.mp3
    46. Superman 411210 e0287 PanAmHighway,ThePart12.mp3
    47. Superman 411212 e0288 PanAmHighway,ThePart13.mp3
    48. Superman 411215 e0289 PanAmHighway,ThePart14.mp3
    49. Superman 411217 e0290 PanAmHighway,ThePart15.mp3
    50. Superman 411219 e0291 MechanicalMan,ThePart1.mp3
    51. Superman 411222 e0292 MechanicalMan,ThePart2.mp3
    52. Superman 411224 e0293 MechanicalMan,ThePart3.mp3
    53. Superman 411226 e0294 MechanicalMan,ThePart4.mp3
    54. Superman 411229 e0295 MechanicalMan,ThePart5.mp3
    55. Superman 411231 e0296 MechanicalMan,ThePart6.mp3
    56. Superman 420000 The Supercharger.mp3
    57. Superman 420102 e0297 MechanicalMan,ThePart7.mp3
    58. Superman 420105 e0298 MechanicalMan,ThePart8.mp3
    59. Superman 420107 e0299 MechanicalMan,ThePart9.mp3
    60. Superman 420109 e0300 MechanicalMan,ThePart10.mp3
    61. Superman 420112 e0301 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart1.mp3
    62. Superman 420114 e0302 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart2.mp3
    63. Superman 420116 e0303 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart3.mp3
    64. Superman 420119 e0304 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart4.mp3
    65. Superman 420121 e0305 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart5.mp3
    66. Superman 420123 e0306 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart6.mp3
    67. Superman 420126 e0307 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart7.mp3
    68. Superman 420128 e0308 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart8.mp3
    69. Superman 420130 e0309 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart9.mp3
    70. Superman 420202 e0310 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart10.mp3
    71. Superman 420204 e0311 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart11.mp3
    72. Superman 420206 e0312 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart12.mp3
    73. Superman 420209 e0313 GhostCar,ThePart1.mp3
    74. Superman 420211 e0314 GhostCar,ThePart2.mp3
    75. Superman 420213 e0315 GhostCar,ThePart3.mp3
    76. Superman 420216 e0316 GhostCar,ThePart4.mp3
    77. Superman 420218 e0317 GhostCar,ThePart5.mp3
    78. Superman 420220 e0318 GhostCar,ThePart6.mp3
    79. Superman 420223 e0319 GhostCar,ThePart7.mp3
    80. Superman 420225 e0320 GhostCar,ThePart8.mp3
    81. Superman 420227 e0321 MysteryForSuperman,APart1.mp3
    82. Superman 420302 e0322 MysteryForSuperman,APart2.mp3
    83. Superman 420304 e0323 MysteryForSuperman,APart3.mp3
    84. Superman 420306 e0324 MysteryForSuperman,APart4.mp3
    85. Superman 420309 e0325 MysteryForSuperman,APart5.mp3
    86. Superman 420907 e0006.mp3
    87. Superman 420908 e0332 The Wolfe - Pt 05.mp3
    88. Superman 420916 e0013.mp3
    89. Superman 420917 e0014 TinyMen,The1.mp3
    90. Superman 420918 e0015 TinyMen,The2.mp3
    91. Superman 420924 e0019 TinyMen,The6.mp3
    92. Superman 420925 e0020 TinyMen,The7.mp3
    93. Superman 420928 e0022 TinyMen.mp3
    94. Superman 420930 e0023 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    95. Superman 421002 e0025 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    96. Superman 421005 e0026 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    97. Superman 421006 e0027 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    98. Superman 421007 e0028 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    99. Superman 421008 e0029 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    100. Superman 421009 e0030 MysteryInArabia.mp3
    101. Superman 421012 e0031 Mystery in Arabia.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 103 shows – 692 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 44 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Superman 421014 e0033 BlackNarcissus,The1.mp3
    3. Superman 421015 e0034 BlackNarcissus,The2.mp3
    4. Superman 421016 e0035 BlackNarcissus,The3.mp3
    5. Superman 421019 e0036 BlackNarcissus,The4.mp3
    6. Superman 421020 e0037 BlackNarcissus,The5.mp3
    7. Superman 421022 e0039 BlackNarcissus,The7.mp3
    8. Superman 421027 e0042 HeadlessIndian,The1.mp3
    9. Superman 421028 e0043 HeadlessIndian,The2.mp3
    10. Superman 421029 e0044 HeadlessIndian,The3.mp3
    11. Superman 421030 e0045 HeadlessIndian,The4.mp3
    12. Superman 421102 e0046 HeadlessIndian,The5.mp3
    13. Superman 421103 e0047 HeadlessIndian,The6.mp3
    14. Superman 421104 e0048 HeadlessIndian,The7.mp3
    15. Superman 421105 e0049 HeadlessIndian,The8.mp3
    16. Superman 421106 e0050 HeadlessIndian,The9.mp3
    17. Superman 421109 e0051 HeadlessIndian,The10.mp3
    18. Superman 421110 e0052 HeadlessIndian,The11.mp3
    19. Superman 421111 e0053 HeadlessIndian,The12.mp3
    20. Superman 421112 e0054 HeadlessIndian,The13.mp3
    21. Superman 421113 e0055 HeadlessIndian,The14.mp3
    22. Superman 421116 e0056 HeadlessIndian,The15.mp3
    23. Superman 421117 e0057 HeadlessIndian,The16.mp3
    24. Superman 421118 e0058 HeadlessIndian,The17.mp3
    25. Superman 421119 e0059 HeadlessIndian,The18.mp3
    26. Superman 421123 e0061 MidnightIntruder,The1.mp3
    27. Superman 421126 e0064 MidnightIntruder,The4.mp3
    28. Superman 421127 e0065 MidnightIntruder,The5.mp3
    29. Superman 421130 e0066 MidnightIntruder,The6.mp3
    30. Superman 421201 e0067 MidnightIntruder,The7.mp3
    31. Superman 421202 e0068 MidnightIntruder,The8.mp3
    32. Superman 421203 e0069 MidnightIntruder,The9.mp3
    33. Superman 421209 e0073 MidnightIntruder,The13.mp3
    34. Superman 421210 e0074 LostContinentOfAtlantis1.mp3
    35. Superman 421211 e0075 LostContinentOfAtlantis2.mp3
    36. Superman 421214 e0076 LostContinentOfAtlantis3.mp3
    37. Superman 421215 e0077 LostContinentOfAtlantis4.mp3
    38. Superman 421216 e0078 LostContinentOfAtlantis5.mp3
    39. Superman 421218 e0080 LostContinentOfAtlantis6.mp3
    40. Superman 421221 e0081 LostContinentOfAtlantis7.mp3
    41. Superman 421223 e0083 MysteryShip,The1.mp3
    42. Superman 421224 e0084 MysteryShip,The2.mp3
    43. Superman 421228 e0086 MysteryShip,The4.mp3
    44. Superman 421229 e0087 MysteryShip,The5.mp3
    45. Superman 421230 e0088 MysteryShip,The6.mp3
    46. Superman 421231 e0089 MysteryShip,The7.mp3
    47. Superman 430104 e0415 Tin Men.mp3
    48. Superman 430105 e0002 TinMen,The2.mp3
    49. Superman 430106 e0003 TinMen,The3.mp3
    50. Superman 430107 e0004 TinMen,The4.mp3
    51. Superman 430108 e0005 TinMen,The5.mp3
    52. Superman 430111 e0006 TinMen,The6.mp3
    53. Superman 430112 e0007 TinMen,The7.mp3
    54. Superman 430115 e0010 TinMen,The10.mp3
    55. Superman 430118 e0011 TinMen,The11.mp3
    56. Superman 430119 e0012 TinMen,The12.mp3
    57. Superman 430120 e0013 TinMen,The13.mp3
    58. Superman 430121 e0014 TinMen,The14.mp3
    59. Superman 430122 e0015 TinMen,The15.mp3
    60. Superman 430325 e0060 TheNewHelicopter.mp3
    61. Superman 430326 e0061 TheNewHelicopter.mp3
    62. Superman 430402 e0066 The Vulture.mp3
    63. Superman 430607 e0525 Meteor from Krypton.mp3
    64. Superman 431018 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    65. Superman 431019 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    66. Superman 431020 e000 nazi spy ring (r).mp3
    67. Superman 431021 e000 nazi spy ring.mp3
    68. Superman 431021 e0623 New German Weapon.mp3
    69. Superman 431203 e0329 Military Espionage 11.mp3
    70. Superman 431203 The Seagull.mp3
    71. Superman 440105 e0352 Lois And Jimmy Disappear 2.mp3
    72. Superman 440119.mp3
    73. Superman 440225 e0389 Lighthouse Point 4.mp3
    74. Superman 440317 e0404 Mystery Of Clifftown 8.mp3
    75. Superman 440328 411 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 1.mp3
    76. Superman 440410 e0331 GoldenHomingPigeon.mp3
    77. Superman 440421 e0429 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 19.mp3
    78. Superman 440428 e0434 Mystery Desert Springs Birdmen 3.mp3
    79. Superman 440707 e0484 The Seagull (5).mp3
    80. Superman 440802 e0459 Hurdy-Gurdy Man (7).mp3
    81. Superman 440811 e0509 Society of the Crimson Robe (10).mp3
    82. Superman 440824 e0518 Ghosts of the Air.mp3
    83. Superman 440829 e0521 Scorpion.mp3
    84. Superman 440912 e0532 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (2).mp3
    85. Superman 440914 e0444 TheAutomicEnergyGun.mp3
    86. Superman 440914 e0534 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (4).mp3
    87. Superman 441208 e0919 Lois' Uncle John and Missing Plans.mp3
    88. Superman 450103 e0609 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    89. Superman 450104 e0610 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    90. Superman 450110 e0614 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    91. Superman 450111 e0615 The Man in the Velvet Shoes.mp3
    92. Superman 450129 e0627 SleepingBeauty.mp3
    93. Superman 450131 e0629 StrandedInJungleJaguarAttack.mp3
    94. Superman 450201 e0630 SupermanCapturesJapOtherCommitsSuic.mp3
    95. Superman 450205 e0632 HerkemeneToBeHungByJapLeaderSaki.mp3
    96. Superman 450206 e0633 SupeSavesHerkemene.mp3
    97. Superman 450207 e0634 SakiBurnsIllyriaSupeFightsJapArmy.mp3
    98. Superman 450208 e0635 SupeSavesOlsonFromBurningBuilding.mp3
    99. Superman 450214 e0639 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell.mp3
    100. Superman 450216 e0640 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell.mp3
    101. Superman 450217 e0641 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow.mp3
    102. Superman 450219 e0642 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow.mp3
    103. Superman 450220 e0643 JimAndPocoCapturedByNazis.mp3
    104. Superman 450221 e0645 SupeCapturesCoastGuardCutter.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 112 shows – 678 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 40 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. Superman 450222 e0646 JimAndUtakHeadingForFireingSquad.mp3
    3. Superman 450223 e0647 SupeRescuesJimAndUtakFoilsNaziBase.mp3
    4. Superman 450301 e0652 MysteryOfTheWaxmen1.mp3
    5. Superman 450302 e0653 MysteryOfTheWaxmen2.mp3
    6. Superman 450320 e0665 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail1.mp3
    7. Superman 450321 e0667 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail2.mp3
    8. Superman 450327 e0671 LoisAndJimTrappedInTombWithNoAir.mp3
    9. Superman 450411 e0683 HappylandsFarmsJimAndAlfredKidnappe.mp3
    10. Superman 450418 e0688 BoyKingOfMorania1.mp3
    11. Superman 450424 e0692 BoyKingOfMorania2.mp3
    12. Superman 450508 e0702 LairOfTheDragon.mp3
    13. Superman 450810 e0770 Flood,The1.mp3
    14. Superman 450813 e0771 Flood,The2.mp3
    15. Superman 450814 e0772 Flood,The3.mp3
    16. Superman 450904 e0787 TheBlackMarket.mp3
    17. Superman 450905 e0788 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105B6.mp3
    18. Superman 450906 e0789 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    19. Superman 450907 e0790 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C2.mp3
    20. Superman 450910 e0791 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    21. Superman 450911 e0792 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C4.mp3
    22. Superman 450912 e0791 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang.mp3
    23. Superman 450912 e0793 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    24. Superman 450913 e0794 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C6.mp3
    25. Superman 450914 e0795 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    26. Superman 450917 e0796 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D2.mp3
    27. Superman 450918 e0797 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    28. Superman 450919 e0798 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D4.mp3
    29. Superman 450920 e0799 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang.mp3
    30. Superman 450921 e0800 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D6.mp3
    31. Superman 450924 e0801 MeteorOrKryptonite2.mp3
    32. Superman 450925 e0802 MeteorOrKryptonite2.mp3
    33. Superman 450926 e0803 ScarletWidow,The1.mp3
    34. Superman 450927 e0804 ScarletWidow,The2.mp3
    35. Superman 450928 e0805 ScarletWidow,The3.mp3
    36. Superman 451001 e0806 ScarletWidow,The4.mp3
    37. Superman 451002 e0807 ScarletWidow,The5.mp3
    38. Superman 451003 e0808 ScarletWidow,The6.mp3
    39. Superman 451004 e0809 ScarletWidow,The7.mp3
    40. Superman 451005 e0810 ScarletWidow,The8.mp3
    41. Superman 451008 e0811 ScarletWidow,The9.mp3
    42. Superman 451009 e0812 ScarletWidow,The10.mp3
    43. Superman 451010 e0813 AtomMan,The1.mp3
    44. Superman 451011 e0814 AtomMan,The2.mp3
    45. Superman 451012 e0815 AtomMan,The3.mp3
    46. Superman 451015 e0816 AtomMan,The4.mp3
    47. Superman 451016 e0817 AtomMan,The5.mp3
    48. Superman 451017 e0818 AtomMan,The6.mp3
    49. Superman 451018 e0819 AtomMan,The7.mp3
    50. Superman 451019 e0820 AtomMan,The8.mp3
    51. Superman 451022 e0821 AtomMan,The9.mp3
    52. Superman 451023 e0822 AtomMan,The10.mp3
    53. Superman 451024 e0823 AtomMan,The11.mp3
    54. Superman 451025 e0824 AtomMan,The12.mp3
    55. Superman 451026 e0825 AtomMan,The13.mp3
    56. Superman 451029 e0826 AtomMan,The14.mp3
    57. Superman 451030 e0827 AtomMan,The15.mp3
    58. Superman 451031 e0828 AtomMan,The16.mp3
    59. Superman 451101 e0829 AtomMan,The17.mp3
    60. Superman 451102 e0830 AtomMan,The18.mp3
    61. Superman 451105 e0831 AtomMan,The19.mp3
    62. Superman 451106 e0832 AtomMan,The20.mp3
    63. Superman 451107 e0833 AtomManInMetropolis1.mp3
    64. Superman 451108 e0834 AtomManInMetropolis2.mp3
    65. Superman 451109 e0835 AtomManInMetropolis3.mp3
    66. Superman 451112 e0836 AtomManInMetropolis4.mp3
    67. Superman 451113 e0837 AtomManInMetropolis5.mp3
    68. Superman 451114 e0838 AtomManInMetropolis6.mp3
    69. Superman 451115 e0839 AtomManInMetropolis7.mp3
    70. Superman 451116 e0840 AtomManInMetropolis8.mp3
    71. Superman 451119 e0841 AtomManInMetropolis9.mp3
    72. Superman 451120 e0842 AtomManInMetropolis10.mp3
    73. Superman 451121 e0843 AtomManInMetropolis11.mp3
    74. Superman 451122 e0844 AtomManInMetropolis12.mp3
    75. Superman 451123 e0845 AtomManInMetropolis13.mp3
    76. Superman 451126 e0846 AtomManInMetropolis14.mp3
    77. Superman 451127 e0847 AtomManInMetropolis15.mp3
    78. Superman 451128 e0848 AtomManInMetropolis16.mp3
    79. Superman 451129 e0849 AtomManInMetropolis17.mp3
    80. Superman 451130 e0850 AtomManInMetropolis18.mp3
    81. Superman 451203 e0851 AtomManInMetropolis19.mp3
    82. Superman 451204 e0852 LookingForKryptonite1.mp3
    83. Superman 451205 e0853 LookingForKryptonite2.mp3
    84. Superman 451206 e0854 LookingForKryptonite3.mp3
    85. Superman 451207 e0855 LookingForKryptonite4.mp3
    86. Superman 451210 e0856 LookingForKryptonite5.mp3
    87. Superman 451211 e0857 LookingForKryptonite6.mp3
    88. Superman 451212 e0858 LookingForKryptonite7.mp3
    89. Superman 451213 e0859 LookingForKryptonite8.mp3
    90. Superman 451214 e0860 LookingForKryptonite9.mp3
    91. Superman 451217 e0861 LookingForKryptonite10.mp3
    92. Superman 451218 e0862 LookingForKryptonite11.mp3
    93. Superman 451219 e0863 LookingForKryptonite12.mp3
    94. Superman 451220 e0864 LookingForKryptonite13.mp3
    95. Superman 451221 e0865 LookingForKryptonite14.mp3
    96. Superman 451224 e0866 LookingForKryptonite15.mp3
    97. Superman 451225 e0867 LookingForKryptonite16.mp3
    98. Superman 451226 e0868 LookingForKryptonite17.mp3
    99. Superman 451227 e0869 LookingForKryptonite18.mp3
    100. Superman 451228 e0870 LookingForKryptonite19.mp3
    101. Superman 451231 e0871 LookingForKryptonite20.mp3
    102. Superman 460101 e0872 LookingForKryptonite21.mp3
    103. Superman 460102 e0873 LookingForKryptonite22.mp3
    104. Superman 460103 e0874 LookingForKryptonite23.mp3
    105. Superman 460104 e0875 LookingForKryptonite24.mp3
    106. Superman 460107 e0876 LookingForKryptonite25.mp3
    107. Superman 460108 e0877 LookingForKryptonite26.mp3
    108. Superman 460109 e0878 TalkingCat,The1.mp3
    109. Superman 460110 e0879 TalkingCat,The2.mp3
    110. Superman 460111 e0880 TalkingCat,The3.mp3
    111. Superman 460114 e0881 TalkingCat,The4.mp3
    112. Superman 460115 e0882 TalkingCat,The5.mp3
    113. Superman 460116 e0883 TalkingCat,The6.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 101 shows – 656 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 52 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. Superman 460117 e0884 TalkingCat,The7.mp3
    3. Superman 460118 e0885 TalkingCat,The8.mp3
    4. Superman 460121 e0886 TalkingCat,The9.mp3
    5. Superman 460122 e0887 TalkingCat,The10.mp3
    6. Superman 460123 e0888 TalkingCat,The11.mp3
    7. Superman 460124 e0889 TalkingCat,The12.mp3
    8. Superman 460125 e0890 TalkingCat,The13.mp3
    9. Superman 460128 e0891 TalkingCat,The14.mp3
    10. Superman 460129 e0892 IsThereAnotherSuperman1.mp3
    11. Superman 460130 e0893 IsThereAnotherSuperman2.mp3
    12. Superman 460131 e0894 IsThereAnotherSuperman3.mp3
    13. Superman 460201 e0895 IsThereAnotherSuperman4.mp3
    14. Superman 460204 e0896 IsThereAnotherSuperman5.mp3
    15. Superman 460205 e0897 IsThereAnotherSuperman6.mp3
    16. Superman 460206 e0898 IsThereAnotherSuperman7.mp3
    17. Superman 460207 e0899 IsThereAnotherSuperman8.mp3
    18. Superman 460208 e0900 IsThereAnotherSuperman9.mp3
    19. Superman 460211 e0901 IsThereAnotherSuperman10.mp3
    20. Superman 460212 e0902 IsThereAnotherSuperman11.mp3
    21. Superman 460213 e0903 IsThereAnotherSuperman12.mp3
    22. Superman 460214 e0904 IsThereAnotherSuperman13.mp3
    23. Superman 460215 e0905 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    24. Superman 460218 e0906 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    25. Superman 460219 e0907 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    26. Superman 460220 e0908 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    27. Superman 460221 e0909 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    28. Superman 460222 e0910 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    29. Superman 460225 e0911 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    30. Superman 460228 e0914 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    31. Superman 460301 e0915 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    32. Superman 460304 e0916 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    33. Superman 460305 e0917 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    34. Superman 460306 e0918 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    35. Superman 460307 e0919 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    36. Superman 460308 e0920 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    37. Superman 460311 e0921 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    38. Superman 460312 e0922 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    39. Superman 460313 e0923 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    40. Superman 460314 e0924 TheRadarRocket.mp3
    41. Superman 460315 e0925 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth1.mp3
    42. Superman 460318 e0926 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth2.mp3
    43. Superman 460319 e0927 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth3.mp3
    44. Superman 460320 e0928 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth1.mp3
    45. Superman 460321 e0929 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth2.mp3
    46. Superman 460322 e0930 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth3.mp3
    47. Superman 460325 e0931 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth4.mp3
    48. Superman 460326 e0932 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth5.mp3
    49. Superman 460327 e0933 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth6.mp3
    50. Superman 460328 e0934 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth7.mp3
    51. Superman 460401 e0936 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth9.mp3
    52. Superman 460415 e1268 Story of Century.mp3
    53. Superman 460612 e0988 ClanOfTheFieryCross3.mp3
    54. Superman 460613 e0989 ClanOfTheFieryCross4.mp3
    55. Superman 460614 e0990 ClanOfTheFieryCross5.mp3
    56. Superman 460617 e0991 ClanOfTheFieryCross6.mp3
    57. Superman 460618 e0992 ClanOfTheFieryCross7.mp3
    58. Superman 460619 e0993 ClanOfTheFieryCross8.mp3
    59. Superman 460620 e0994 ClanOfTheFieryCross9.mp3
    60. Superman 460621 e0995 ClanOfTheFieryCross10.mp3
    61. Superman 460624 e0996 ClanOfTheFieryCross11.mp3
    62. Superman 460625 e0997 ClanOfTheFieryCross12.mp3
    63. Superman 460626 e0998 ClanOfTheFieryCross13.mp3
    64. Superman 460627 e0999 ClanOfTheFieryCross14.mp3
    65. Superman 460628 e1000 ClanOfTheFieryCross15.mp3
    66. Superman 460701 e1001 ClanOfTheFieryCross16.mp3
    67. Superman 460702 e1002 HoratioFHorn,Detective1.mp3
    68. Superman 460703 e1003 HoratioFHorn,Detective2.mp3
    69. Superman 460704 e1004 HoratioFHorn,Detective3.mp3
    70. Superman 460705 e1005 HoratioFHorn,Detective4.mp3
    71. Superman 460708 e1006 HoratioFHorn,Detective5.mp3
    72. Superman 460709 e1007 HoratioFHorn,Detective6.mp3
    73. Superman 460710 e1008 HoratioFHorn,Detective7.mp3
    74. Superman 460711 e1009 HoratioFHorn,Detective8.mp3
    75. Superman 460712 e1010 HoratioFHorn,Detective9.mp3
    76. Superman 460715 e1011 HoratioFHorn,Detective10.mp3
    77. Superman 460716 e1012 HoratioFHorn,Detective11.mp3
    78. Superman 460717 e1013 HoratioFHorn,Detective12.mp3
    79. Superman 460718 e1014 HoratioFHorn,Detective13.mp3
    80. Superman 460719 e1015 HoratioFHorn,Detective14.mp3
    81. Superman 460722 e1016 HoratioFHorn,Detective15.mp3
    82. Superman 460723 e1017 HoratioFHorn,Detective16.mp3
    83. Superman 460724 e1018 HoratioFHorn,Detective17.mp3
    84. Superman 460725 e1019 HoratioFHorn,Detective18.mp3
    85. Superman 460726 e1020 HoratioFHorn,Detective19.mp3
    86. Superman 460729 e1021 HoratioFHorn,Detective20.mp3
    87. Superman 460730 e1022 HoratioFHorn,Detective21.mp3
    88. Superman 460731 e1023 HoratioFHorn,Detective22.mp3
    89. Superman 460801 e1024 SecretMenaceStrikes,The1.mp3
    90. Superman 460802 e1025 SecretMenaceStrikes,The2.mp3
    91. Superman 460805 e1026 SecretMenaceStrikes,The3.mp3
    92. Superman 460806 e1027 SecretMenaceStrikes,The4.mp3
    93. Superman 460807 e1028 SecretMenaceStrikes,The5.mp3
    94. Superman 460808 e1029 SecretMenaceStrikes,The6.mp3
    95. Superman 460809 e1030 SecretMenaceStrikes,The7.mp3
    96. Superman 460812 e1031 SecretMenaceStrikes,The8.mp3
    97. Superman 460813 e1032 SecretMenaceStrikes,The9.mp3
    98. Superman 460814 e1033 SecretMenaceStrikes,The10.mp3
    99. Superman 460815 e1034 SecretMenaceStrikes,The11.mp3
    100. Superman 460816 e1035 SecretMenaceStrikes,The12.mp3
    101. Superman 460819 e1036 SecretMenaceStrikes,The13.mp3
    102. Superman 460820 e1037 SecretMenaceStrikes,The14.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 100 shows – 658 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. Superman 460402 e0937 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth10.mp3
    3. Superman 460403 e0938 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth11.mp3
    4. Superman 460404 e0939 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth12.mp3
    5. Superman 460405 e0940 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth13.mp3
    6. Superman 460408 e0941 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth14.mp3
    7. Superman 460409 e0942 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth15.mp3
    8. Superman 460410 e0943 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth16.mp3
    9. Superman 460411 e0944 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth17.mp3
    10. Superman 460412 e0945 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth18.mp3
    11. Superman 460413 e0946 The story of the century 12 of 12.mp3
    12. Superman 460415 1268 Story of Century.mp3
    13. Superman 460416 e0947 HateMongers,The1.mp3
    14. Superman 460417 e0948 HateMongers,The2.mp3
    15. Superman 460418 e0949 HateMongers,The3.mp3
    16. Superman 460419 e0950 HateMongers,The4.mp3
    17. Superman 460424 e0953 HateMongers,The7.mp3
    18. Superman 460425 e0954 HateMongers,The8.mp3
    19. Superman 460426 e0955 HateMongers,The9.mp3
    20. Superman 460429 e0956 HateMongers,The10.mp3
    21. Superman 460430 e0957 HateMongers,The11.mp3
    22. Superman 460501 e0958 HateMongers,The12.mp3
    23. Superman 460502 e0959 HateMongers,The13.mp3
    24. Superman 460503 e0960 HateMongers,The14.mp3
    25. Superman 460506 e0961 HateMongers,The15.mp3
    26. Superman 460507 e0962 HateMongers,The16.mp3
    27. Superman 460508 e0963 HateMongers,The17.mp3
    28. Superman 460509 e0964 HateMongers,The18.mp3
    29. Superman 460510 e0965 HateMongers,The19.mp3
    30. Superman 460513 e0966 HateMongers,The20.mp3
    31. Superman 460514 e0967 HateMongers,The21.mp3
    32. Superman 460515 e0968 HateMongers,The22.mp3
    33. Superman 460516 e0969 HateMongers,The23.mp3
    34. Superman 460517 e0970 HateMongers,The24.mp3
    35. Superman 460520 e0971 HateMongers,The25.mp3
    36. Superman 460521 e0972 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    37. Superman 460522 al vincent's corrupt political machine 02.mp3
    38. Superman 460523 e0974 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    39. Superman 460524 al vincent's corrupt political machine 04.mp3
    40. Superman 460527 e0976 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    41. Superman 460528 al vincent's corrupt political machine 06.mp3
    42. Superman 460529 e0978 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    43. Superman 460530 al vincent's corrupt political machine 08.mp3
    44. Superman 460531 e0980 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    45. Superman 460603 al vincent's corrupt political machine 10.mp3
    46. Superman 460604 e0982 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    47. Superman 460605 al vincent's corrupt political machine 12.mp3
    48. Superman 460606 e0984 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41.mp3
    49. Superman 460607 al vincent's corrupt political machine 14.mp3
    50. Superman 460610 e0986 ClanOfTheFieryCross1.mp3
    51. Superman 460611 e0987 ClanOfTheFieryCross2.mp3
    52. Superman 460821 e1038 SecretMenaceStrikes,The15.mp3
    53. Superman 460822 e1039 CandyMeyer'sBigStory1.mp3
    54. Superman 460823 e1040 CandyMeyer'sBigStory2.mp3
    55. Superman 460826 e1041 CandyMeyer'sBigStory3.mp3
    56. Superman 460827 e1042 CandyMeyer'sBigStory4.mp3
    57. Superman 460828 e1043 CandyMeyer'sBigStory7.mp3
    58. Superman 460829 e1044 CandyMeyer'sBigStory8.mp3
    59. Superman 460830 e1045 CandyMeyer'sBigStory9.mp3
    60. Superman 460902 e1046 CandyMeyer'sBigStory10.mp3
    61. Superman 460903 e1047 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    62. Superman 460904 e1048 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    63. Superman 460905 e1049 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    64. Superman 460906 e1050 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    65. Superman 460909 e1051 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    66. Superman 460911 e1052 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    67. Superman 460912 e1053 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    68. Superman 460913 e1054 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    69. Superman 460916 e1055 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    70. Superman 460917 e1056 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    71. Superman 460918 1380 George Latimer Crooked Political Boss.mp3
    72. Superman 460918 e1057 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    73. Superman 460919 e1059 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    74. Superman 460920 e1060 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    75. Superman 460923 e1061 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    76. Superman 460924 e1062 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    77. Superman 460925 e1063 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss.mp3
    78. Superman 460926 e1064 DeadVoice,The2.mp3
    79. Superman 460927 e1065 DeadVoice,The2.mp3
    80. Superman 460930 e1066 DeadVoice,The3.mp3
    81. Superman 461001 e1067 DeadVoice,The4.mp3
    82. Superman 461002 e1068 DeadVoice,The5.mp3
    83. Superman 461003 e1069 DeadVoice,The6.mp3
    84. Superman 461004 e1070 DeadVoice,The7.mp3
    85. Superman 461007 e1071 DeadVoice,The8.mp3
    86. Superman 461008 e1072 DeadVoice,The9.mp3
    87. Superman 461009 e1073 DeadVoice,The10.mp3
    88. Superman 461010 e1074 DeadVoice,The11.mp3
    89. Superman 461011 e1075 DeadVoice,The12.mp3
    90. Superman 461014 e1076 DeadVoice,The13.mp3
    91. Superman 461015 e1077 DeadVoice,The14.mp3
    92. Superman 461016 e1078 DeadVoice,The15.mp3
    93. Superman 461017 e1079 CounterfeitMoney1.mp3
    94. Superman 461018 e1080 CounterfeitMoney2.mp3
    95. Superman 461021 e1081 CounterfeitMoney3.mp3
    96. Superman 461022 e1082 CounterfeitMoney4.mp3
    97. Superman 461023 e1083 CounterfeitMoney5.mp3
    98. Superman 461024 e1084 CounterfeitMoney6.mp3
    99. Superman 461025 e1085 CounterfeitMoney7.mp3
    100. Superman 461028 e1086 CounterfeitMoney8.mp3
    101. Superman 461029 e1087 CounterfeitMoney9.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 98 shows – 625 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 51 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. Superman 461030 e1088 CounterfeitMoney10.mp3
    3. Superman 461031 e1089 CounterfeitMoney11.mp3
    4. Superman 461101 e1090 CounterfeitMoney12.mp3
    5. Superman 461104 e1091 CounterfeitMoney13.mp3
    6. Superman 461105 e1092 CounterfeitMoney14.mp3
    7. Superman 461106 e1093 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    8. Superman 461107 e1094 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    9. Superman 461108 e1095 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    10. Superman 461111 e1096 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    11. Superman 461112 e1097 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    12. Superman 461113 e1098 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    13. Superman 461114 e1099 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    14. Superman 461115 e1100 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    15. Superman 461118 e1101 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    16. Superman 461119 e1102 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    17. Superman 461120 e1103 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    18. Superman 461121 e1104 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    19. Superman 461122 e1105 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The.mp3
    20. Superman 461125 e1106 SecretLetter,The1.mp3
    21. Superman 461126 e1107 SecretLetter,The2.mp3
    22. Superman 461127 e1108 SecretLetter,The3.mp3
    23. Superman 461128 e1109 SecretLetter,The4.mp3
    24. Superman 461129 e1110 SecretLetter,The5.mp3
    25. Superman 461202 e1111 SecretLetter,The6.mp3
    26. Superman 461203 e1112 SecretLetter,The7.mp3
    27. Superman 461204 e1113 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    28. Superman 461205 e1114 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    29. Superman 461206 e1115 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    30. Superman 461209 e1116 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    31. Superman 461210 e1117 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    32. Superman 461211 e1118 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    33. Superman 461212 e1119 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    34. Superman 461213 e1120 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The.mp3
    35. Superman 461216 e1121 PhonyHousingRacket,The1.mp3
    36. Superman 461217 e1122 PhonyHousingRacket,The2.mp3
    37. Superman 461218 e1123 PhonyHousingRacket,The3.mp3
    38. Superman 461219 e1124 PhonyHousingRacket,The4.mp3
    39. Superman 461220 e1125 PhonyHousingRacket,The5.mp3
    40. Superman 461223 e1126 PhonyHousingRacket,The6.mp3
    41. Superman 461224 e1127 PhonyHousingRacket,The7.mp3
    42. Superman 461225 e1128 PhonyHousingRacket,The8.mp3
    43. Superman 461226 e1129 PhonyHousingRacket,The9.mp3
    44. Superman 461227 e1130 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The1.mp3
    45. Superman 461230 e1131 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The2.mp3
    46. Superman 461231 e1132 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The3.mp3
    47. Superman 470000 Magic Wishing Ring.mp3
    48. Superman 470000 The Flying Train.mp3
    49. Superman 470102 e1134 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The5.mp3
    50. Superman 470103 e1135 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The6.mp3
    51. Superman 470106 e1136 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The7.mp3
    52. Superman 470107 e1137 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The8.mp3
    53. Superman 470108 e1138 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The9.mp3
    54. Superman 470109 e1139 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11391.mp3
    55. Superman 470110 e1140 Phony inheritance racket 2 of 8.mp3
    56. Superman 470113 e1141 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11413.mp3
    57. Superman 470114 e1142 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11424.mp3
    58. Superman 470115 e1143 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11435.mp3
    59. Superman 470116 e1144 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11446.mp3
    60. Superman 470117 e1145 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11457.mp3
    61. Superman 470120 e1146 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11468.mp3
    62. Superman 470121 e1147 DroughtInFreeville1.mp3
    63. Superman 470122 e1148 DroughtInFreeville2.mp3
    64. Superman 470123 e1149 DroughtInFreeville3.mp3
    65. Superman 470124 e1150 DroughtInFreeville4.mp3
    66. Superman 470127 e1151 DroughtInFreeville5.mp3
    67. Superman 470128 e1152 DroughtInFreeville6.mp3
    68. Superman 470129 e1153 DroughtInFreeville7.mp3
    69. Superman 470130 e1154 DroughtInFreeville8.mp3
    70. Superman 470131 e1155 DroughtInFreeville9.mp3
    71. Superman 470203 e1156 DroughtInFreeville10.mp3
    72. Superman 470204 e1157 DroughtInFreeville11.mp3
    73. Superman 470205 e1158 DroughtInFreeville12.mp3
    74. Superman 470206 e1159 DroughtInFreeville13.mp3
    75. Superman 470207 e1160 DroughtInFreeville14.mp3
    76. Superman 470210 e1161 DroughtInFreeville15.mp3
    77. Superman 470211 e1162 DroughtInFreeville16.mp3
    78. Superman 470212 e1163 MonkeyBurglar,The1.mp3
    79. Superman 470213 e1164 MonkeyBurglar,The2.mp3
    80. Superman 470214 e1165 MonkeyBurglar,The3.mp3
    81. Superman 470217 e1166 MonkeyBurglar,The4.mp3
    82. Superman 470218 e1167 MonkeyBurglar,The5.mp3
    83. Superman 470219 e1168 MonkeyBurglar,The6.mp3
    84. Superman 470220 e1169 MonkeyBurglar,The7.mp3
    85. Superman 470221 e1170 MonkeyBurglar,The8.mp3
    86. Superman 470224 e1171 MonkeyBurglar,The9.mp3
    87. Superman 470225 e1172 MonkeyBurglar,The10.mp3
    88. Superman 470226 e1173 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    89. Superman 470227 e1174 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    90. Superman 470228 e1175 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    91. Superman 470303 e1176 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    92. Superman 470304 e1177 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    93. Superman 470305 e1178 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    94. Superman 470306 e1179 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    95. Superman 470307 e1180 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    96. Superman 470310 e1181 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    97. Superman 470311 e1182 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    98. Superman 470312 e1183 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    99. Superman 470313 e1184 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 100 shows – 641 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 20 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Superman 470314 e1185 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    3. Superman 470317 e1186 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation.mp3
    4. Superman 470318 e1187 ManWithoutAFace,The1.mp3
    5. Superman 470319 e1188 ManWithoutAFace,The2.mp3
    6. Superman 470320 e1189 ManWithoutAFace,The3.mp3
    7. Superman 470321 e1190 ManWithoutAFace,The4.mp3
    8. Superman 470324 e1191 ManWithoutAFace,The5.mp3
    9. Superman 470325 e1192 ManWithoutAFace,The6.mp3
    10. Superman 470326 e1193 ManWithoutAFace,The7.mp3
    11. Superman 470327 e1194 ManWithoutAFace,The8.mp3
    12. Superman 470328 e1195 ManWithoutAFace,The9.mp3
    13. Superman 470331 e1196 ManWithoutAFace,The10.mp3
    14. Superman 470401 e1197 ManWithoutAFace,The11.mp3
    15. Superman 470402 e1198 ManWithoutAFace,The12.mp3
    16. Superman 470403 e1199 ManWithoutAFace,The13.mp3
    17. Superman 470404 e1200 ManWithoutAFace,The14.mp3
    18. Superman 470407 e1201 ManWithoutAFace,The15.mp3
    19. Superman 470408 e1202 ManWithoutAFace,The16.mp3
    20. Superman 470409 e1203 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet1.mp3
    21. Superman 470410 e1204 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet2.mp3
    22. Superman 470411 e1205 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet3.mp3
    23. Superman 470414 e1206 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet4.mp3
    24. Superman 470415 e1207 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet5.mp3
    25. Superman 470416 e1208 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet6.mp3
    26. Superman 470417 e1209 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet7.mp3
    27. Superman 470418 e1210 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet8.mp3
    28. Superman 470421 e1211 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet9.mp3
    29. Superman 470422 e1212 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet10.mp3
    30. Superman 470423 e1213 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet11.mp3
    31. Superman 470424 e1214 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet12.mp3
    32. Superman 470425 e1215 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet13.mp3
    33. Superman 470428 e1216 PhantomOfTheSea,The1.mp3
    34. Superman 470429 e1217 PhantomOfTheSea,The2.mp3
    35. Superman 470430 e1218 PhantomOfTheSea,The3.mp3
    36. Superman 470501 e1219 PhantomOfTheSea,The4.mp3
    37. Superman 470502 e1220 PhantomOfTheSea,The5.mp3
    38. Superman 470505 e1221 PhantomOfTheSea,The6.mp3
    39. Superman 470506 e1222 PhantomOfTheSea,The7.mp3
    40. Superman 470507 e1223 PhantomOfTheSea,The8.mp3
    41. Superman 470508 e1224 PhantomOfTheSea,The9.mp3
    42. Superman 470509 e1225 PhantomOfTheSea,The10.mp3
    43. Superman 470512 e1226 PhantomOfTheSea,The11.mp3
    44. Superman 470513 e1227 PhantomOfTheSea,The12.mp3
    45. Superman 470514 e1228 SupermanVsKryptonite1.mp3
    46. Superman 470515 e1229 SupermanVsKryptonite2.mp3
    47. Superman 470516 e1230 SupermanVsKryptonite3.mp3
    48. Superman 470519 e1231 SupermanVsKryptonite4.mp3
    49. Superman 470520 e1232 SupermanVsKryptonite5.mp3
    50. Superman 470521 e1233 SupermanVsKryptonite6.mp3
    51. Superman 470522 e1234 SupermanVsKryptonite7.mp3
    52. Superman 470523 e1235 SupermanVsKryptonite8.mp3
    53. Superman 470526 e1236 SupermanVsKryptonite9.mp3
    54. Superman 470527 e1237 SupermanVsKryptonite10.mp3
    55. Superman 470528 e1238 SupermanVsKryptonite11.mp3
    56. Superman 470529 e1239 SupermanVsKryptonite12.mp3
    57. Superman 470530 e1240 SupermanVsKryptonite13.mp3
    58. Superman 470602 e1241 SupermanVsKryptonite14.mp3
    59. Superman 470603 e1242 SupermanVsKryptonite15.mp3
    60. Superman 470604 e1243 SupermanVsKryptonite16.mp3
    61. Superman 470605 e1244 SupermanVsKryptonite17.mp3
    62. Superman 470606 e1245 SupermanVsKryptonite18.mp3
    63. Superman 470609 e1246 SupermanVsKryptonite19.mp3
    64. Superman 470610 e1247 SupermanVsKryptonite20.mp3
    65. Superman 470611 e1248 SupermanVsKryptonite21.mp3
    66. Superman 470612 e1249 SupermanVsKryptonite22.mp3
    67. Superman 470613 e1250 SupermanVsKryptonite23.mp3
    68. Superman 470616 e1251 SupermanVsKryptonite24.mp3
    69. Superman 470617 e1252 SupermanVsKryptonite25.mp3
    70. Superman 470618 e1253 SupermanVsKryptonite26.mp3
    71. Superman 470619 e1254 SupermanVsKryptonite27.mp3
    72. Superman 470620 e1255 SupermanVsKryptonite28.mp3
    73. Superman 470623 e1256 SupermanVsKryptonite29.mp3
    74. Superman 470624 e1257 SupermanVsKryptonite30.mp3
    75. Superman 470625 e1258 SupermanVsKryptonite31.mp3
    76. Superman 470626 e1259 SupermanVsKryptonite32.mp3
    77. Superman 470627 e1260 SupermanVsKryptonite33.mp3
    78. Superman 470926 BillJohnstoneAuditionForAudSupermanRole.mp3
    79. Superman 470929 e1261 SecretRocket,The1.mp3
    80. Superman 470930 e1262 SecretRocket,The2.mp3
    81. Superman 471001 e1263 SecretRocket,The3.mp3
    82. Superman 471002 e1264 SecretRocket,The4.mp3
    83. Superman 471003 e1265 SecretRocket,The5.mp3
    84. Superman 471006 e1266 SecretRocket,The6.mp3
    85. Superman 471007 e1267 SecretRocket,The7.mp3
    86. Superman 471008 e1268 SecretRocket,The8.mp3
    87. Superman 471009 e1269 SecretRocket,The9.mp3
    88. Superman 471010 e1270 SecretRocket,The10.mp3
    89. Superman 471013 e1271 SecretRocket,The11.mp3
    90. Superman 471014 e1272 SecretRocket,The12.mp3
    91. Superman 471015 e1273 SecretRocket,The13.mp3
    92. Superman 471016 e1274 SecretRocket,The14.mp3
    93. Superman 471017 e1275 SecretRocket,The15.mp3
    94. Superman 471020 e1276 SecretRocket,The16.mp3
    95. Superman 471021 e1277 SecretRocket,The17.mp3
    96. Superman 471022 e1278 SecretRocket,The18.mp3
    97. Superman 471023 e1279 SecretRocket,The19.mp3
    98. Superman 471024 e1280 RulerOfDarkness,The1.mp3
    99. Superman 471027 e1281 RulerOfDarkness,The2.mp3
    100. Superman 471028 e1282 RulerOfDarkness,The3.mp3
    101. Superman 471029 e1283 RulerOfDarkness,The4.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 100 shows – 643 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 39 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. Superman 471030 e1284 RulerOfDarkness,The5.mp3
    3. Superman 471031 e1285 RulerOfDarkness,The6.mp3
    4. Superman 471103 e1286 RulerOfDarkness,The7.mp3
    5. Superman 471104 e1287 RulerOfDarkness,The8.mp3
    6. Superman 471105 e1288 RulerOfDarkness,The9.mp3
    7. Superman 471106 e1289 RulerOfDarkness,The10.mp3
    8. Superman 471107 e1290 RulerOfDarkness,The11.mp3
    9. Superman 471110 e1291 RulerOfDarkness,The12.mp3
    10. Superman 471111 e1292 RulerOfDarkness,The13.mp3
    11. Superman 471112 e1293 RulerOfDarkness,The14.mp3
    12. Superman 471113 e1294 RulerOfDarkness,The15.mp3
    13. Superman 471114 e1295 RulerOfDarkness,The16.mp3
    14. Superman 471117 e1296 RulerOfDarkness,The17.mp3
    15. Superman 471118 e1297 RulerOfDarkness,The18.mp3
    16. Superman 471119 e1298 RulerOfDarkness,The19.mp3
    17. Superman 471120 e1299 RulerOfDarkness,The20.mp3
    18. Superman 471121 e1300 RulerOfDarkness,The21.mp3
    19. Superman 471124 e1301 RulerOfDarkness,The22.mp3
    20. Superman 471125 e1302 RulerOfDarkness,The23.mp3
    21. Superman 471126 e1303 RulerOfDarkness,The24.mp3
    22. Superman 471127 e1304 PenniesForPlunder1.mp3
    23. Superman 471128 e1305 PenniesForPlunder2.mp3
    24. Superman 471201 e1306 PenniesForPlunder3.mp3
    25. Superman 471202 e1307 PenniesForPlunder4.mp3
    26. Superman 471203 e1308 PenniesForPlunder5.mp3
    27. Superman 471204 e1309 PenniesForPlunder6.mp3
    28. Superman 471205 e1310 PenniesForPlunder7.mp3
    29. Superman 471208 e1311 PenniesForPlunder8.mp3
    30. Superman 471209 e1312 PenniesForPlunder9.mp3
    31. Superman 471210 e1313 PenniesForPlunder10.mp3
    32. Superman 471211 e1314 PenniesForPlunder11.mp3
    33. Superman 471212 e1315 PenniesForPlunder12.mp3
    34. Superman 471215 e1316 PenniesForPlunder13.mp3
    35. Superman 471216 e1317 PenniesForPlunder14.mp3
    36. Superman 471217 e1318 PenniesForPlunder15.mp3
    37. Superman 471218 e1319 PenniesForPlunder16.mp3
    38. Superman 471219 e1320 PenniesForPlunder17.mp3
    39. Superman 471222 e1321 PenniesForPlunder18.mp3
    40. Superman 471231 e1328 Hunger,Inc4.mp3
    41. Superman 480102 e1330 Hunger,Inc6.mp3
    42. Superman 480102 e1650 Hunger Inc.mp3
    43. Superman 480105 e1331 Hunger,Inc7.mp3
    44. Superman 480106 e1332 Hunger,Inc8.mp3
    45. Superman 480107 e1333 Hunger,Inc9.mp3
    46. Superman 480108 e1334 Hunger,Inc10.mp3
    47. Superman 480109 e1335 Hunger,Inc11.mp3
    48. Superman 480112 e1336 Hunger,Inc12.mp3
    49. Superman 480113 e1337 Hunger,Inc13.mp3
    50. Superman 480114 e1338 DeadMan'sSecret1.mp3
    51. Superman 480115 e1339 DeadMan'sSecret2.mp3
    52. Superman 480116 e1340 DeadMan'sSecret3.mp3
    53. Superman 480119 e1341 DeadMan'sSecret4.mp3
    54. Superman 480120 e1342 DeadMan'sSecret5.mp3
    55. Superman 480121 e1343 DeadMan'sSecret6.mp3
    56. Superman 480122 e1344 DeadMan'sSecret7.mp3
    57. Superman 480123 e1345 DeadMan'sSecret8.mp3
    58. Superman 480126 e1346 DeadMan'sSecret9.mp3
    59. Superman 480127 e1347 DeadMan'sSecret10.mp3
    60. Superman 480128 e1348 DeadMan'sSecret11.mp3
    61. Superman 480129 e1349 DeadMan'sSecret12.mp3
    62. Superman 480130 e1350 DeadMan'sSecret13.mp3
    63. Superman 480202 e1351 DeadMan'sSecret14.mp3
    64. Superman 480203 e1352 Batman'sGreatMystery1.mp3
    65. Superman 480204 e1353 Batman'sGreatMystery2.mp3
    66. Superman 480205 e1354 Batman'sGreatMystery3.mp3
    67. Superman 480206 e1355 Batman'sGreatMystery4.mp3
    68. Superman 480209 e1356 Batman'sGreatMystery5.mp3
    69. Superman 480210 e1357 Batman'sGreatMystery6.mp3
    70. Superman 480211 e1358 Batman'sGreatMystery7.mp3
    71. Superman 480212 e1359 Batman'sGreatMystery8.mp3
    72. Superman 480213 e1360 Batman'sGreatMystery9.mp3
    73. Superman 480216 e1361 Batman'sGreatMystery10.mp3
    74. Superman 480217 e1362 Batman'sGreatMystery11.mp3
    75. Superman 480218 e1363 KingdomUnderTheSea1.mp3
    76. Superman 480219 e1364 KingdomUnderTheSea2.mp3
    77. Superman 480220 e1365 KingdomUnderTheSea3.mp3
    78. Superman 480223 e1366 KingdomUnderTheSea4.mp3
    79. Superman 480224 e1367 KingdomUnderTheSea5.mp3
    80. Superman 480225 e1368 KingdomUnderTheSea6.mp3
    81. Superman 480226 e1369 KingdomUnderTheSea7.mp3
    82. Superman 480227 e1370 KingdomUnderTheSea8.mp3
    83. Superman 480301 e1371 KingdomUnderTheSea9.mp3
    84. Superman 480302 e1372 KingdomUnderTheSea10.mp3
    85. Superman 480303 e1373 KingdomUnderTheSea11.mp3
    86. Superman 480304 e1374 KingdomUnderTheSea12.mp3
    87. Superman 480305 e1375 KingdomUnderTheSea13.mp3
    88. Superman 480308 e1376 KingdomUnderTheSea14.mp3
    89. Superman 480309 e1377 KingdomUnderTheSea15.mp3
    90. Superman 480310 e1378 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13781.mp3
    91. Superman 480311 e1379 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13792.mp3
    92. Superman 480312 e1380 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13803.mp3
    93. Superman 480315 e1381 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13814.mp3
    94. Superman 480316 e1382 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13825.mp3
    95. Superman 480317 e1383 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13836.mp3
    96. Superman 480318 e1384 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13847.mp3
    97. Superman 480319 e1385 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13858.mp3
    98. Superman 480322 e1386 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13869.mp3
    99. Superman 480323 e1387 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138710.mp3
    100. Superman 480324 e1388 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138811.mp3
    101. Superman 480325 e1389 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138912.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 100 shows – 635 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. Superman 480326 e1390 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139013.mp3
    3. Superman 480329 e1391 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139114.mp3
    4. Superman 480330 e1392 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139215.mp3
    5. Superman 480331 e1393 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139316.mp3
    6. Superman 480401 e1394 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139417.mp3
    7. Superman 480402 e1395 SkinGame,The1.mp3
    8. Superman 480405 e1396 SkinGame,The2.mp3
    9. Superman 480406 e1397 SkinGame,The3.mp3
    10. Superman 480407 e1398 SkinGame,The4.mp3
    11. Superman 480408 e1399 SkinGame,The5.mp3
    12. Superman 480409 e1400 SkinGame,The6.mp3
    13. Superman 480412 e1401 SkinGame,The7.mp3
    14. Superman 480413 e1402 SkinGame,The8.mp3
    15. Superman 480414 e1403 SkinGame,The9.mp3
    16. Superman 480415 e1404 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14041.mp3
    17. Superman 480416 e1405 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14052.mp3
    18. Superman 480419 e1406 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14063.mp3
    19. Superman 480420 e1407 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14074.mp3
    20. Superman 480421 e1408 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14085.mp3
    21. Superman 480422 e1409 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14096.mp3
    22. Superman 480423 e1410 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14107.mp3
    23. Superman 480426 e1411 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14118.mp3
    24. Superman 480427 e1412 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14129.mp3
    25. Superman 480428 e1413 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141310.mp3
    26. Superman 480429 e1414 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141411.mp3
    27. Superman 480430 e1415 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141512.mp3
    28. Superman 480503 e1416 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141613.mp3
    29. Superman 480504 e1417 GhostBrigade,The1.mp3
    30. Superman 480505 e1418 GhostBrigade,The2.mp3
    31. Superman 480506 e1419 GhostBrigade,The3.mp3
    32. Superman 480507 e1420 GhostBrigade,The4.mp3
    33. Superman 480510 e1421 GhostBrigade,The5.mp3
    34. Superman 480511 e1422 GhostBrigade,The6.mp3
    35. Superman 480512 e1423 GhostBrigade,The7.mp3
    36. Superman 480513 e1424 GhostBrigade,The8.mp3
    37. Superman 480514 e1425 GhostBrigade,The9.mp3
    38. Superman 480517 e1426 GhostBrigade,The10.mp3
    39. Superman 480518 e1427 GhostBrigade,The11.mp3
    40. Superman 480519 e1428 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4131D5.mp3
    41. Superman 480520 e1429 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    42. Superman 480521 e1430 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A1.mp3
    43. Superman 480524 e1431 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    44. Superman 480525 e1432 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A3.mp3
    45. Superman 480526 e1433 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    46. Superman 480527 e1434 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A5.mp3
    47. Superman 480528 e1435 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    48. Superman 480531 e1436 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B1.mp3
    49. Superman 480601 e1437 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    50. Superman 480602 e1438 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B3.mp3
    51. Superman 480603 e1439 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    52. Superman 480604 e1440 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B5.mp3
    53. Superman 480607 e1441 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    54. Superman 480608 e1442 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C1.mp3
    55. Superman 480609 e1443 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    56. Superman 480610 e1444 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C3.mp3
    57. Superman 480611 e1445 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty.mp3
    58. Superman 480614 e1446 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The1.mp3
    59. Superman 480615 e1447 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The2.mp3
    60. Superman 480616 e1448 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The3.mp3
    61. Superman 480617 e1449 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The4.mp3
    62. Superman 480618 e1450 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The5.mp3
    63. Superman 480621 e1451 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The6.mp3
    64. Superman 480622 e1452 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The7.mp3
    65. Superman 480623 e1453 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The8.mp3
    66. Superman 480624 e1454 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The9.mp3
    67. Superman 480625 e1455 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The10.mp3
    68. Superman 480628 e1456 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The11.mp3
    69. Superman 480629 e1457 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The12.mp3
    70. Superman 480630 e1458 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The13.mp3
    71. Superman 480701 e1459 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The14.mp3
    72. Superman 480702 e1460 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The15.mp3
    73. Superman 480705 e1461 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The16.mp3
    74. Superman 480706 e1462 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The17.mp3
    75. Superman 480707 e1463 VoiceOfDoom,The1.mp3
    76. Superman 480708 e1464 VoiceOfDoom,The2.mp3
    77. Superman 480709 e1465 VoiceOfDoom,The3.mp3
    78. Superman 480712 e1466 VoiceOfDoom,The4.mp3
    79. Superman 480713 e1467 VoiceOfDoom,The5.mp3
    80. Superman 480714 e1468 VoiceOfDoom,The6.mp3
    81. Superman 480715 e1469 VoiceOfDoom,The7.mp3
    82. Superman 480716 e1470 VoiceOfDoom,The8.mp3
    83. Superman 480719 e1471 VoiceOfDoom,The9.mp3
    84. Superman 480720 e1472 VoiceOfDoom,The10.mp3
    85. Superman 480721 e1473 VoiceOfDoom,The11.mp3
    86. Superman 480722 e1474 VoiceOfDoom,The12.mp3
    87. Superman 480723 e1475 VoiceOfDoom,The13.mp3
    88. Superman 480726 e1476 VoiceOfDoom,The14.mp3
    89. Superman 480727 e1477 VoiceOfDoom,The15.mp3
    90. Superman 480728 e1478 VoiceOfDoom,The16.mp3
    91. Superman 480729 e1479 VoiceOfDoom,The17.mp3
    92. Superman 480730 e1480 VoiceOfDoom,The18.mp3
    93. Superman 480802 e1481 VoiceOfDoom,The19.mp3
    94. Superman 480803 e1482 VoiceOfDoom,The20.mp3
    95. Superman 480804 e1483 VoiceOfDoom,The21.mp3
    96. Superman 480805 e1484 VoiceOfDoom,The22.mp3
    97. Superman 480806 e1485 VoiceOfDoom,The23.mp3
    98. Superman 480809 e1486 VoiceOfDoom,The24.mp3
    99. Superman 480810 e1487 VoiceOfDoom,The25.mp3
    100. Superman 480811 e1488 VoiceOfDoom,The26.mp3
    101. Superman 480812 e1489 VoiceOfDoom,The27.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 41 shows – 396 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 31 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. Behind Mike 411130 63 Impersonations Famous People.mp3
    3. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    4. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle.mp3
    5. Fred Allen Interviews Superman Writer Jerry Siegel.mp3
    6. Texaco Star Th 410305 22 Little Red Riding Hood.mp3
    7. Superman 480813 e1490 VoiceOfDoom,The28.mp3
    8. Superman 480816 e1491 MysteryOfTheLetter,The1.mp3
    9. Superman 480817 e1492 MysteryOfTheLetter,The2.mp3
    10. Superman 480818 e1493 MysteryOfTheLetter,The3.mp3
    11. Superman 480819 e1494 MysteryOfTheLetter,The4.mp3
    12. Superman 480820 e1495 MysteryOfTheLetter,The5.mp3
    13. Superman 480823 e1496 MysteryOfTheLetter,The6.mp3
    14. Superman 480824 e1497 MysteryOfTheLetter,The7.mp3
    15. Superman 480825 e1498 MysteryOfTheLetter,The8.mp3
    16. Superman 480826 e1499 MysteryOfTheLetter,The9.mp3
    17. Superman 480827 e1500 MysteryOfTheLetter,The10.mp3
    18. Superman 480830 e1501 MysteryOfTheLetter,The11.mp3
    19. Superman 480831 e1502 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    20. Superman 480901 e1503 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    21. Superman 480902 e1504 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    22. Superman 480909 e1509 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    23. Superman 480910 e1510 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo.mp3
    24. Superman 481224 e1584 The Trap.mp3
    25. Superman 490304 e0012 MysteryOfTheTenThousandDollarGhost.mp3
    26. Superman 490307 e0013 MysteryOfTheFlyingMonster.mp3
    27. Superman 490309 e0014 TheCaseOfDoubleTrouble.mp3
    28. Superman 491029 00061 Case of Courageous Cobbler.mp3
    29. Superman 491029 e0001 TheMysteryOfTheWalkingDead.mp3
    30. Superman 491105 e0002 Courageous Cobbler.mp3
    31. Superman 491119 e0004 OneMinuteToDeath.mp3
    32. Superman 491126 e0005 PuzzleOfThePoisonPomegranate.mp3
    33. Superman 491203 0066 Death Rides Roller Coaster.mp3
    34. Superman 491210 e0007 MysteryOfTheMechanicalMonster.mp3
    35. Superman 491217 e0068 Diamond of Death.mp3
    36. Superman 491224 e0069 Highway to Murder.mp3
    37. Superman 491231 e0010 MysteryOfTheLittleMen.mp3
    38. Superman 500107 e0011 GhostOfBillyBaker.mp3
    39. Superman 500114 e0072 Voices of the Dead.mp3
    40. Superman 500121 e0013 DeadMenTellNoTales.mp3
    41. Superman 501123 e0050 TheStoryOfMarinaBaum.mp3
    42. Superman Promo for Cocomar.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    1205 recordings on 267 Audio CDs. Total playtime 270 hours, 13 min
    1205 recordings on 267 Audio CDs
    total playtime 270 hours, 13 min

    Superman Disc A001

    1. Fred Allen Interviews Superman Writer Jerry Siegel
    2. Superman Promo for Cocomar
    3. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 1)
    4. Superman 390000 The Origin of Superman (Audition Part 2)
    5. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 1)
    6. Superman 390000 The Shark (Audition Part 2)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Superman Disc A002

    1. Superman 400212 e0001 BabyFromKrypton
    2. Superman 400214 e0002 ClarkKentReporter
    3. Superman 400216 e0003 Keno'sLandslide
    4. Superman 400219 e0004 KentCapturedBySeekingKeno
    5. Superman 400221 e0005 LocomotiveCrewFreed

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Superman Disc A003

    1. Superman 400223 e0006 IntroTrainSwitchThrown
    2. Superman 400226 e0007 DrDalgrin'sAtomicBeamMachine
    3. Superman 400228 e0008 YellowMaskStealsFuelForAtomicBeam
    4. Superman 400301 e0009 YellowMaskThrowsLoisOutOfPlane
    5. Superman 400304 e0010 FireInSterlingBldgGirlTrapped

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    Superman Disc A004

    1. Superman 400306 e0011 RelativeStabsJuneAndersonInHospital
    2. Superman 400308 e0012 NorthStarMiningCoJonesBrosBoat
    3. Superman 400311 e0013 BartAndJoeSetFireOnSteamer
    4. Superman 400313 e0014 KentFallsOffPlaneToCanyonCity,Idah
    5. Superman 400315 e0015 SupeSavesJuneFromMineExplosion
    6. Superman 400318 e0016 PrisonRiotWithKenoAndWolfe

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    Superman Disc A005

    1. Superman 400320 e0017 KenoAndWolfeHeadForSteamPlantWLois
    2. Superman 400322 e0018 WolfeVsYellowMask
    3. Superman 400325 e0019 SupeSavesJeffersonBridge
    4. Superman 400327 e0020 YellowMaskWillBlowUp
    5. Superman 400329 e0021 DamWatersAreDivertedFromDireville
    6. Superman 400401 e0022 EmeraldOfTheIncas

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    Superman Disc A006

    1. Superman 400403 e0023 EmeraldOfTheIncas
    2. Superman 400405 e0024 EmeraldOfTheIncas
    3. Superman 400408 e0025 EmeraldOfTheIncas
    4. Superman 400410 e0026 EmeraldOfTheIncas
    5. Superman 400412 e0027 EmeraldOfTheIncas
    6. Superman 400415 e0028 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket

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    Superman Disc A007

    1. Superman 400417 e0029 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket
    2. Superman 400419 e0030 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket
    3. Superman 400422 e0031 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket
    4. Superman 400424 e0032 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket
    5. Superman 400426 e0033 Dinnelli'sProtectionRacket
    6. Superman 400429 e0034 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField

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    Superman Disc A008

    1. Superman 400501 e0035 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField
    2. Superman 400503 e0036 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField
    3. Superman 400506 e0037 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField
    4. Superman 400508 e0038 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField
    5. Superman 400510 e0039 AirplaneDisastersAtBridgersField
    6. Superman 400513 e0040 BuffaloHills

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    Superman Disc A009

    1. Superman 400515 e0041 BuffaloHills
    2. Superman 400517 e0042 BuffaloHills
    3. Superman 400520 e0043 BuffaloHills
    4. Superman 400522 e0044 BuffaloHills
    5. Superman 400524 e0045 BuffaloHills

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    Superman Disc A010

    1. Superman 400527 e0046 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer
    2. Superman 400529 e0047 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer
    3. Superman 400531 e0048 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer
    4. Superman 400603 e0049 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer
    5. Superman 400605 e0050 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer
    6. Superman 400607 e0051 Alonzo Craig Arctic Explorer

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    Superman Disc A011

    1. Superman 400609 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    2. Superman 400610 e0052 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    3. Superman 400611 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    4. Superman 400612 e0053 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    5. Superman 400613 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine

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    Superman Disc A012

    1. Superman 400614 e0054 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    2. Superman 400615 e0055 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    3. Superman 400619 e0056 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    4. Superman 400621 e0057 Horace Morton's Weather Machine
    5. Superman 400624 e0058 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart1
    6. Superman 400626 e0059 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart2

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    Superman Disc A013

    1. Superman 400628 e0060 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart3
    2. Superman 400701 e0061 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart4
    3. Superman 400703 e0062 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart5
    4. Superman 400705 e0063 HansHolbein'sDollFactoryPart6
    5. Superman 400708 e0064 HappyLandAmusementParkPart1
    6. Superman 400710 e0065 HappyLandAmusementParkPart2

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    Superman Disc A014

    1. Superman 400712 e0066 HappyLandAmusementParkPart3
    2. Superman 400715 e0067 HappyLandAmusementParkPart4
    3. Superman 400717 e0068 HappyLandAmusementParkPart5
    4. Superman 400719 e0069 HappyLandAmusementParkPart6
    5. Superman 400722 e0070 LighthousePointSmugglersPart1
    6. Superman 400724 e0071 LighthousePointSmugglersPart2

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    Superman Disc A015

    1. Superman 400726 e0072 LighthousePointSmugglersPart3
    2. Superman 400729 e0073 LighthousePointSmugglersPart4
    3. Superman 400731 e0074 LighthousePointSmugglersPart5
    4. Superman 400802 e0075 LighthousePointSmugglersPart6
    5. Superman 400805 e0076 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart1
    6. Superman 400807 e0077 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart2

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    Superman Disc A016

    1. Superman 400809 e0078 PillarOfFireAtGravesEndPart3
    2. Superman 400812 e0079 MayanTreasure,ThePart1
    3. Superman 400814 e0080 MayanTreasure,ThePart2
    4. Superman 400816 e0081 MayanTreasure,ThePart3
    5. Superman 400819 e0082 MayanTreasure,ThePart4
    6. Superman 400821 e0083 MayanTreasure,ThePart5

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    Superman Disc A017

    1. Superman 400823 e0084 MayanTreasure,ThePart6
    2. Superman 400826 e0085 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart1
    3. Superman 400828 e0086 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart2
    4. Superman 400830 e0087 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart3
    5. Superman 400902 e0088 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart4

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    Superman Disc A018

    1. Superman 400904 e0089 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart5
    2. Superman 400906 e0090 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart6
    3. Superman 400909 e0091 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart7
    4. Superman 400911 e0092 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart8
    5. Superman 400913 e0093 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart9

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    Superman Disc A019

    1. Superman 400916 e0094 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart10
    2. Superman 400918 e0095 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart11
    3. Superman 400920 e0096 ProfessorThorp'sBathespherePart12
    4. Superman 400923 e0097 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The
    5. Superman 400925 e0098 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The

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    Superman Disc A020

    1. Superman 400927 e0099 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The
    2. Superman 400930 e0100 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The
    3. Superman 401002 e0101 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The
    4. Superman 401004 e0102 CurseOfDeadMan'sIsland,The
    5. Superman 401007 e0103 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    6. Superman 401009 e0104 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    7. Superman 401011 e0105 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    8. Superman 401014 e0106 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    9. Superman 401016 e0107 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    10. Superman 401018 e0108 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    11. Superman 401021 e0109 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    12. Superman 401023 e0110 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    13. Superman 401025 e0111 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    14. Superman 401028 e0112 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    15. Superman 401030 e0113 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    16. Superman 401101 e0114 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    17. Superman 401104 e0115 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    18. Superman 401106 e0116 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    19. Superman 401108 e0117 YellowMaskAndThe$5MillionJewelRobber
    20. Superman 401111 e0118 InvisibleMan,ThePart1
    21. Superman 401113 e0119 InvisibleMan,ThePart2

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    Superman Disc A021

    1. Superman 401115 e0120 InvisibleMan,ThePart3
    2. Superman 401118 e0121 InvisibleMan,ThePart4
    3. Superman 401120 e0122 InvisibleMan,ThePart5
    4. Superman 401122 e0123 InvisibleMan,ThePart6
    5. Superman 401125 e0124 InvisibleMan,ThePart7
    6. Superman 401127 e0125 InvisibleMan,ThePart8

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    Superman Disc A022

    1. Superman 401129 e0126 InvisibleMan,ThePart9
    2. Superman 401202 e0127 InvisibleMan,ThePart10
    3. Superman 401204 e0128 InvisibleMan,ThePart11
    4. Superman 401206 e0129 InvisibleMan,ThePart12
    5. Superman 401209 e0130 InvisibleMan,ThePart13
    6. Superman 401211 e0131 InvisibleMan,ThePart14

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    Superman Disc A023

    1. Superman 401213 e0132 HowlingCoyote,ThePart1
    2. Superman 401216 e0133 HowlingCoyote,ThePart2
    3. Superman 401218 e0134 HowlingCoyote,ThePart3
    4. Superman 401220 e0135 HowlingCoyote,ThePart4
    5. Superman 401223 e0136 HowlingCoyote,ThePart5
    6. Superman 401225 e0137 HowlingCoyote,ThePart6

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    Superman Disc A024

    1. Superman 401227 e0138 HowlingCoyote,ThePart7
    2. Superman 401230 e0139 HowlingCoyote,ThePart8
    3. Superman 410101 e0140 HowlingCoyote,ThePart9
    4. Superman 410103 e0141 HowlingCoyote,ThePart10
    5. Superman 410106 e0142 HowlingCoyote,ThePart11
    6. Superman 410108 e0143 HowlingCoyote,ThePart12

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    Superman Disc A025

    1. Superman 410110 e0144 HowlingCoyote,ThePart13
    2. Superman 410113 e0145 HowlingCoyote,ThePart14
    3. Superman 410115 e0146 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart1
    4. Superman 410117 e0147 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart2
    5. Superman 410120 e0148 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart3
    6. Superman 410122 e0149 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart4

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    Superman Disc A026

    1. Superman 410124 e0150 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart5
    2. Superman 410127 e0151 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart6
    3. Superman 410129 e0152 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart7
    4. Superman 410131 e0153 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart8
    5. Superman 410203 e0154 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart9
    6. Superman 410205 e0155 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart10

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    Superman Disc A027

    1. Superman 410207 e0156 BlackPearlOfOsyrus,ThePart11
    2. Superman 410210 e0157 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart1
    3. Superman 410212 e0158 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart2
    4. Superman 410214 e0159 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart3
    5. Superman 410217 e0160 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart4
    6. Superman 410219 e0161 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart5

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    Superman Disc A028

    1. Superman 410221 e0162 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart6
    2. Superman 410224 e0163 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart7
    3. Superman 410226 e0164 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart8
    4. Superman 410228 e0165 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart9
    5. Superman 410303 e0166 Dragon'sTeeth,ThePart10

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    Superman Disc A029

    1. Texaco Star Th 410305 22 Little Red Riding Hood
    2. Superman 410305 e0167 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart1

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    Superman Disc A030

    1. Superman 410307 e0168 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart2
    2. Superman 410310 e0169 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart3
    3. Superman 410312 e0170 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart4
    4. Superman 410314 e0171 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart5
    5. Superman 410317 e0172 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart6
    6. Superman 410319 e0173 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart7

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    Superman Disc A031

    1. Superman 410321 e0174 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart8
    2. Superman 410324 e0175 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart9
    3. Superman 410326 e0176 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart10
    4. Superman 410328 e0177 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart11
    5. Superman 410331 e0178 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart12
    6. Superman 410402 e0179 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart13

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    Superman Disc A032

    1. Superman 410404 e0180 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart14
    2. Superman 410407 e0181 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart15
    3. Superman 410409 e0182 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart16
    4. Superman 410411 e0183 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart17
    5. Superman 410414 e0184 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart18
    6. Superman 410416 e0185 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart19

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    Superman Disc A033

    1. Superman 410418 e0186 LastOfTheClipperShipsPart20
    2. Superman 410421 e0187 NitrateShipment,ThePart1
    3. Superman 410423 e0188 NitrateShipment,ThePart2
    4. Superman 410425 e0189 NitrateShipment,ThePart3
    5. Superman 410428 e0190 NitrateShipment,ThePart4
    6. Superman 410430 e0191 NitrateShipment,ThePart5

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    Superman Disc A034

    1. Superman 410502 e0192 NitrateShipment,ThePart6
    2. Superman 410505 e0193 NitrateShipment,ThePart7
    3. Superman 410507 e0194 NitrateShipment,ThePart8
    4. Superman 410509 e0195 NitrateShipment,ThePart9
    5. Superman 410512 e0196 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart1
    6. Superman 410514 e0197 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart2

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    Superman Disc A035

    1. Superman 410516 e0198 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart3
    2. Superman 410519 e0199 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart4
    3. Superman 410521 e0200 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart5
    4. Superman 410523 e0201 GraysonSubmarine,ThePart6
    5. Superman 410526 e0202 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    6. Superman 410528 e0203 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine

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    Superman Disc A036

    1. Superman 410530 e0204 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    2. Superman 410602 e0205 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    3. Superman 410604 e0206 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    4. Superman 410606 e0207 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    5. Superman 410609 e0208 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    6. Superman 410611 e0209 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine

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    Superman Disc A037

    1. Superman 410613 e0210 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    2. Superman 410616 e0211 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    3. Superman 410618 e0212 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    4. Superman 410620 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    5. Superman 410621 e0213 MrDeutchAndTheRadiumMine
    6. Superman 410623 e0214 WhitePlague,ThePart1

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    Superman Disc A038

    1. Superman 410625 e0215 WhitePlague,ThePart2
    2. Superman 410627 e0216 WhitePlague,ThePart3
    3. Superman 410630 e0217 WhitePlague,ThePart4
    4. Superman 410702 e0218 WhitePlague,ThePart5
    5. Superman 410704 e0219 WhitePlague,ThePart6
    6. Superman 410707 e0220 WhitePlague,ThePart7

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    Superman Disc A039

    1. Superman 410709 e0221 WhitePlague,ThePart8
    2. Superman 410711 e0222 FurSmugglingPart1
    3. Superman 410714 e0223 FurSmugglingPart2
    4. Superman 410716 e0224 FurSmugglingPart3
    5. Superman 410718 e0225 FurSmugglingPart4
    6. Superman 410721 e0226 FurSmugglingPart5

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    Superman Disc A040

    1. Superman 410723 e0227 FurSmugglingPart6
    2. Superman 410725 e0228 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    3. Superman 410728 e0229 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    4. Superman 410730 e0230 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    5. Superman 410801 e0231 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    6. Superman 410804 e0232 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine

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    Superman Disc A041

    1. Superman 410806 e0233 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    2. Superman 410808 e0234 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    3. Superman 410811 e0235 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    4. Superman 410813 e0236 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    5. Superman 410815 e0237 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    6. Superman 410818 e0238 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine

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    Superman Disc A042

    1. Superman 410820 e0239 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    2. Superman 410822 e0240 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    3. Superman 410825 e0241 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    4. Superman 410827 e0242 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    5. Superman 410829 e0243 DrRoeblingAndTheVoiceMachine
    6. Superman 410901 e0244 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned

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    Superman Disc A043

    1. Superman 410903 e0245 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    2. Superman 410905 e0246 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    3. Superman 410908 e0247 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    4. Superman 410910 e0248 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    5. Superman 410912 e0249 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    6. Superman 410915 e0250 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned

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    Superman Disc A044

    1. Superman 410917 e0251 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    2. Superman 410919 e0252 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    3. Superman 410922 e0253 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    4. Superman 410924 e0254 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    5. Superman 410926 e0255 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    6. Superman 410929 e0256 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned

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    Superman Disc A045

    1. Superman 411001 e0257 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    2. Superman 411003 e0258 MetropolisFootballTeamPoisoned
    3. Superman 411006 e0259 Crooked Oil Association
    4. Superman 411008 e0260 CrookedOilAssociationPart2
    5. Superman 411010 e0261 CrookedOilAssociationPart3

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    Superman Disc A046

    1. Superman 411013 e0262 CrookedOilAssociationPart4
    2. Superman 411015 e0263 CrookedOilAssociationPart5
    3. Superman 411017 e0264 CrookedOilAssociationPart6
    4. Superman 411020 e0265 CrookedOilAssociationPart7
    5. Superman 411022 e0266 CrookedOilAssociationPart8

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    Superman Disc A047

    1. Superman 411024 e0267 CrookedOilAssociationPart9
    2. Superman 411027 e0268 CrookedOilAssociationPart10
    3. Superman 411029 e0269 SilverArrow,ThePart1
    4. Superman 411031 e0270 SilverArrow,ThePart2
    5. Superman 411103 e0271 SilverArrow,ThePart3

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    Superman Disc A048

    1. Superman 411105 e0272 SilverArrow,ThePart4
    2. Superman 411107 e0273 SilverArrow,ThePart5
    3. Superman 411110 e0274 SilverArrow,ThePart6
    4. Superman 411112 e0275 SilverArrow,ThePart7
    5. Superman 411114 e0276 PanAmHighway,ThePart1

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    Superman Disc A049

    1. Superman 411117 e0277 PanAmHighway,ThePart2
    2. Superman 411119 e0278 PanAmHighway,ThePart3
    3. Superman 411121 e0279 PanAmHighway,ThePart4
    4. Superman 411124 e0280 PanAmHighway,ThePart5
    5. Superman 411126 e0281 PanAmHighway,ThePart6

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    Superman Disc A050

    1. Superman 411128 e0282 PanAmHighway,ThePart7
    2. Behind Mike 411130 63 Impersonations Famous People
    3. Superman 411201 e0283 PanAmHighway,ThePart8
    4. Superman 411203 e0284 PanAmHighway,ThePart9

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    Superman Disc A051

    1. Superman 411205 e0285 PanAmHighway,ThePart10
    2. Superman 411208 e0286 PanAmHighway,ThePart11
    3. Superman 411210 e0287 PanAmHighway,ThePart12
    4. Superman 411212 e0288 PanAmHighway,ThePart13
    5. Superman 411215 e0289 PanAmHighway,ThePart14
    6. Superman 411217 e0290 PanAmHighway,ThePart15

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    Superman Disc A052

    1. Superman 411219 e0291 MechanicalMan,ThePart1
    2. Superman 411222 e0292 MechanicalMan,ThePart2
    3. Superman 411224 e0293 MechanicalMan,ThePart3
    4. Superman 411226 e0294 MechanicalMan,ThePart4
    5. Superman 411229 e0295 MechanicalMan,ThePart5

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    Superman Disc A053

    1. Superman 411231 e0296 MechanicalMan,ThePart6
    2. Superman 420000 The Supercharger
    3. Superman 420102 e0297 MechanicalMan,ThePart7
    4. Superman 420105 e0298 MechanicalMan,ThePart8
    5. Superman 420107 e0299 MechanicalMan,ThePart9
    6. Superman 420109 e0300 MechanicalMan,ThePart10

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    Superman Disc A054

    1. Superman 420112 e0301 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart1
    2. Superman 420114 e0302 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart2
    3. Superman 420116 e0303 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart3
    4. Superman 420119 e0304 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart4
    5. Superman 420121 e0305 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart5

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    Superman Disc A055

    1. Superman 420123 e0306 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart6
    2. Superman 420126 e0307 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart7
    3. Superman 420128 e0308 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart8
    4. Superman 420130 e0309 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart9
    5. Superman 420202 e0310 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart10

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    Superman Disc A056

    1. Superman 420204 e0311 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart11
    2. Superman 420206 e0312 LitaTheLeopardWomanPart12
    3. Superman 420209 e0313 GhostCar,ThePart1
    4. Superman 420211 e0314 GhostCar,ThePart2
    5. Superman 420213 e0315 GhostCar,ThePart3

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    Superman Disc A057

    1. Superman 420216 e0316 GhostCar,ThePart4
    2. Superman 420218 e0317 GhostCar,ThePart5
    3. Superman 420220 e0318 GhostCar,ThePart6
    4. Superman 420223 e0319 GhostCar,ThePart7
    5. Superman 420225 e0320 GhostCar,ThePart8

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    Superman Disc A058

    1. Superman 420227 e0321 MysteryForSuperman,APart1
    2. Superman 420302 e0322 MysteryForSuperman,APart2
    3. Superman 420304 e0323 MysteryForSuperman,APart3
    4. Superman 420306 e0324 MysteryForSuperman,APart4
    5. Superman 420309 e0325 MysteryForSuperman,APart5

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    Superman Disc A059

    1. Superman 420907 e0006
    2. Superman 420908 e0332 The Wolfe - Pt 05
    3. Superman 420916 e0013
    4. Superman 420917 e0014 TinyMen,The1

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    Superman Disc A060

    1. Superman 420918 e0015 TinyMen,The2
    2. Superman 420924 e0019 TinyMen,The6
    3. Superman 420925 e0020 TinyMen,The7
    4. Superman 420928 e0022 TinyMen

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    Superman Disc A061

    1. Superman 420930 e0023 MysteryInArabia
    2. Superman 421002 e0025 MysteryInArabia
    3. Superman 421005 e0026 MysteryInArabia
    4. Superman 421006 e0027 MysteryInArabia

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    Superman Disc A062

    1. Superman 421007 e0028 MysteryInArabia
    2. Superman 421008 e0029 MysteryInArabia
    3. Superman 421009 e0030 MysteryInArabia
    4. Superman 421012 e0031 Mystery in Arabia

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    Superman Disc A063

    1. Superman 421014 e0033 BlackNarcissus,The1
    2. Superman 421015 e0034 BlackNarcissus,The2
    3. Superman 421016 e0035 BlackNarcissus,The3
    4. Superman 421019 e0036 BlackNarcissus,The4

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    Superman Disc A064

    1. Superman 421020 e0037 BlackNarcissus,The5
    2. Superman 421022 e0039 BlackNarcissus,The7
    3. Superman 421027 e0042 HeadlessIndian,The1
    4. Superman 421028 e0043 HeadlessIndian,The2

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    Superman Disc A065

    1. Superman 421029 e0044 HeadlessIndian,The3
    2. Superman 421030 e0045 HeadlessIndian,The4
    3. Superman 421102 e0046 HeadlessIndian,The5
    4. Superman 421103 e0047 HeadlessIndian,The6

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    Superman Disc A066

    1. Superman 421104 e0048 HeadlessIndian,The7
    2. Superman 421105 e0049 HeadlessIndian,The8
    3. Superman 421106 e0050 HeadlessIndian,The9
    4. Superman 421109 e0051 HeadlessIndian,The10

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    Superman Disc A067

    1. Superman 421110 e0052 HeadlessIndian,The11
    2. Superman 421111 e0053 HeadlessIndian,The12
    3. Superman 421112 e0054 HeadlessIndian,The13
    4. Superman 421113 e0055 HeadlessIndian,The14

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    Superman Disc A068

    1. Superman 421116 e0056 HeadlessIndian,The15
    2. Superman 421117 e0057 HeadlessIndian,The16
    3. Superman 421118 e0058 HeadlessIndian,The17
    4. Superman 421119 e0059 HeadlessIndian,The18

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    Superman Disc A069

    1. Superman 421123 e0061 MidnightIntruder,The1
    2. Superman 421126 e0064 MidnightIntruder,The4
    3. Superman 421127 e0065 MidnightIntruder,The5
    4. Superman 421130 e0066 MidnightIntruder,The6

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    Superman Disc A070

    1. Superman 421201 e0067 MidnightIntruder,The7
    2. Superman 421202 e0068 MidnightIntruder,The8
    3. Superman 421203 e0069 MidnightIntruder,The9
    4. Superman 421209 e0073 MidnightIntruder,The13

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    Superman Disc A071

    1. Superman 421210 e0074 LostContinentOfAtlantis1
    2. Superman 421211 e0075 LostContinentOfAtlantis2
    3. Superman 421214 e0076 LostContinentOfAtlantis3
    4. Superman 421215 e0077 LostContinentOfAtlantis4

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    Superman Disc A072

    1. Superman 421216 e0078 LostContinentOfAtlantis5
    2. Superman 421218 e0080 LostContinentOfAtlantis6
    3. Superman 421221 e0081 LostContinentOfAtlantis7
    4. Superman 421223 e0083 MysteryShip,The1

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    Superman Disc A073

    1. Superman 421224 e0084 MysteryShip,The2
    2. Superman 421228 e0086 MysteryShip,The4
    3. Superman 421229 e0087 MysteryShip,The5
    4. Superman 421230 e0088 MysteryShip,The6

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    Superman Disc A074

    1. Superman 421231 e0089 MysteryShip,The7
    2. Superman 430104 e0415 Tin Men
    3. Superman 430105 e0002 TinMen,The2
    4. Superman 430106 e0003 TinMen,The3

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    Superman Disc A075

    1. Superman 430107 e0004 TinMen,The4
    2. Superman 430108 e0005 TinMen,The5
    3. Superman 430111 e0006 TinMen,The6
    4. Superman 430112 e0007 TinMen,The7
    5. Superman 430115 e0010 TinMen,The10

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    Superman Disc A076

    1. Superman 430118 e0011 TinMen,The11
    2. Superman 430119 e0012 TinMen,The12
    3. Superman 430120 e0013 TinMen,The13
    4. Superman 430121 e0014 TinMen,The14

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    Superman Disc A077

    1. Superman 430122 e0015 TinMen,The15
    2. Superman 430325 e0060 TheNewHelicopter
    3. Superman 430326 e0061 TheNewHelicopter
    4. Superman 430402 e0066 The Vulture

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    Superman Disc A078

    1. Superman 430607 e0525 Meteor from Krypton
    2. Superman 431018 e000 nazi spy ring (r)
    3. Superman 431019 e000 nazi spy ring (r)
    4. Superman 431020 e000 nazi spy ring (r)

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    Superman Disc A079

    1. Superman 431021 e000 nazi spy ring
    2. Superman 431021 e0623 New German Weapon
    3. Superman 431203 e0329 Military Espionage 11
    4. Superman 431203 The Seagull

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    Superman Disc A080

    1. Superman 440105 e0352 Lois And Jimmy Disappear 2
    2. Superman 440119
    3. Superman 440225 e0389 Lighthouse Point 4
    4. Superman 440317 e0404 Mystery Of Clifftown 8

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    Superman Disc A081

    1. Superman 440328 411 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 1
    2. Superman 440410 e0331 GoldenHomingPigeon
    3. Superman 440421 e0429 Mystery Of Golden Pigeon 19
    4. Superman 440428 e0434 Mystery Desert Springs Birdmen 3

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    Superman Disc A082

    1. Superman 440707 e0484 The Seagull (5)
    2. Superman 440802 e0459 Hurdy-Gurdy Man (7)
    3. Superman 440811 e0509 Society of the Crimson Robe (10)
    4. Superman 440824 e0518 Ghosts of the Air

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    Superman Disc A083

    1. Superman 440829 e0521 Scorpion
    2. Superman 440912 e0532 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (2)
    3. Superman 440914 e0444 TheAutomicEnergyGun
    4. Superman 440914 e0534 Dr Teufels Atomic Pistol (4)

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    Superman Disc A084

    1. Superman 441208 e0919 Lois' Uncle John and Missing Plans
    2. Superman 450103 e0609 The Man in the Velvet Shoes
    3. Superman 450104 e0610 The Man in the Velvet Shoes
    4. Superman 450110 e0614 The Man in the Velvet Shoes

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    Superman Disc A085

    1. Superman 450111 e0615 The Man in the Velvet Shoes
    2. Superman 450129 e0627 SleepingBeauty
    3. Superman 450131 e0629 StrandedInJungleJaguarAttack
    4. Superman 450201 e0630 SupermanCapturesJapOtherCommitsSuic
    5. Superman 450205 e0632 HerkemeneToBeHungByJapLeaderSaki

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    Superman Disc A086

    1. Superman 450206 e0633 SupeSavesHerkemene
    2. Superman 450207 e0634 SakiBurnsIllyriaSupeFightsJapArmy
    3. Superman 450208 e0635 SupeSavesOlsonFromBurningBuilding
    4. Superman 450214 e0639 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell

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    Superman Disc A087

    1. Superman 450216 e0640 JimAndPocoLockedInPoco'sSpaceShell
    2. Superman 450217 e0641 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow
    3. Superman 450219 e0642 JimAndPoco'sRocketLandsInSnow
    4. Superman 450220 e0643 JimAndPocoCapturedByNazis

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    Superman Disc A088

    1. Superman 450221 e0645 SupeCapturesCoastGuardCutter
    2. Superman 450222 e0646 JimAndUtakHeadingForFireingSquad
    3. Superman 450223 e0647 SupeRescuesJimAndUtakFoilsNaziBase
    4. Superman 450301 e0652 MysteryOfTheWaxmen1

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    Superman Disc A089

    1. Superman 450302 e0653 MysteryOfTheWaxmen2
    2. Superman 450320 e0665 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail1
    3. Superman 450321 e0667 MysteryOfTheGoldenNail2
    4. Superman 450327 e0671 LoisAndJimTrappedInTombWithNoAir

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    Superman Disc A090

    1. Superman 450411 e0683 HappylandsFarmsJimAndAlfredKidnappe
    2. Superman 450418 e0688 BoyKingOfMorania1
    3. Superman 450424 e0692 BoyKingOfMorania2
    4. Superman 450508 e0702 LairOfTheDragon

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    Superman Disc A091

    1. Superman 450810 e0770 Flood,The1
    2. Superman 450813 e0771 Flood,The2
    3. Superman 450814 e0772 Flood,The3
    4. Superman 450904 e0787 TheBlackMarket

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    Superman Disc A092

    1. Superman 450905 e0788 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105B6
    2. Superman 450906 e0789 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang
    3. Superman 450907 e0790 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C2
    4. Superman 450910 e0791 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang

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    Superman Disc A093

    1. Superman 450911 e0792 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C4
    2. Superman 450912 e0791 Dr. Blythe's Confidence Gang
    3. Superman 450912 e0793 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang
    4. Superman 450913 e0794 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105C6
    5. Superman 450914 e0795 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang

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    Superman Disc A094

    1. Superman 450917 e0796 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D2
    2. Superman 450918 e0797 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang
    3. Superman 450919 e0798 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D4
    4. Superman 450920 e0799 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang
    5. Superman 450921 e0800 DrBlytheAndTheConfidenceGang4105D6

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    Superman Disc A095

    1. Superman 450924 e0801 MeteorOrKryptonite2
    2. Superman 450925 e0802 MeteorOrKryptonite2
    3. Superman 450926 e0803 ScarletWidow,The1
    4. Superman 450927 e0804 ScarletWidow,The2
    5. Superman 450928 e0805 ScarletWidow,The3

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    Superman Disc A096

    1. Superman 451001 e0806 ScarletWidow,The4
    2. Superman 451002 e0807 ScarletWidow,The5
    3. Superman 451003 e0808 ScarletWidow,The6
    4. Superman 451004 e0809 ScarletWidow,The7

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    Superman Disc A097

    1. Superman 451005 e0810 ScarletWidow,The8
    2. Superman 451008 e0811 ScarletWidow,The9
    3. Superman 451009 e0812 ScarletWidow,The10
    4. Superman 451010 e0813 AtomMan,The1
    5. Superman 451011 e0814 AtomMan,The2

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    Superman Disc A098

    1. Superman 451012 e0815 AtomMan,The3
    2. Superman 451015 e0816 AtomMan,The4
    3. Superman 451016 e0817 AtomMan,The5
    4. Superman 451017 e0818 AtomMan,The6
    5. Superman 451018 e0819 AtomMan,The7

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    Superman Disc A099

    1. Superman 451019 e0820 AtomMan,The8
    2. Superman 451022 e0821 AtomMan,The9
    3. Superman 451023 e0822 AtomMan,The10
    4. Superman 451024 e0823 AtomMan,The11
    5. Superman 451025 e0824 AtomMan,The12

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    Superman Disc A100

    1. Superman 451026 e0825 AtomMan,The13
    2. Superman 451029 e0826 AtomMan,The14
    3. Superman 451030 e0827 AtomMan,The15
    4. Superman 451031 e0828 AtomMan,The16
    5. Superman 451101 e0829 AtomMan,The17

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    Superman Disc A101

    1. Superman 451102 e0830 AtomMan,The18
    2. Superman 451105 e0831 AtomMan,The19
    3. Superman 451106 e0832 AtomMan,The20
    4. Superman 451107 e0833 AtomManInMetropolis1
    5. Superman 451108 e0834 AtomManInMetropolis2

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    Superman Disc A102

    1. Superman 451109 e0835 AtomManInMetropolis3
    2. Superman 451112 e0836 AtomManInMetropolis4
    3. Superman 451113 e0837 AtomManInMetropolis5
    4. Superman 451114 e0838 AtomManInMetropolis6
    5. Superman 451115 e0839 AtomManInMetropolis7
    6. Superman 451116 e0840 AtomManInMetropolis8

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    Superman Disc A103

    1. Superman 451119 e0841 AtomManInMetropolis9
    2. Superman 451120 e0842 AtomManInMetropolis10
    3. Superman 451121 e0843 AtomManInMetropolis11
    4. Superman 451122 e0844 AtomManInMetropolis12
    5. Superman 451123 e0845 AtomManInMetropolis13
    6. Superman 451126 e0846 AtomManInMetropolis14

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    Superman Disc A104

    1. Superman 451127 e0847 AtomManInMetropolis15
    2. Superman 451128 e0848 AtomManInMetropolis16
    3. Superman 451129 e0849 AtomManInMetropolis17
    4. Superman 451130 e0850 AtomManInMetropolis18
    5. Superman 451203 e0851 AtomManInMetropolis19

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    Superman Disc A105

    1. Superman 451204 e0852 LookingForKryptonite1
    2. Superman 451205 e0853 LookingForKryptonite2
    3. Superman 451206 e0854 LookingForKryptonite3
    4. Superman 451207 e0855 LookingForKryptonite4

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    Superman Disc A106

    1. Superman 451210 e0856 LookingForKryptonite5
    2. Superman 451211 e0857 LookingForKryptonite6
    3. Superman 451212 e0858 LookingForKryptonite7
    4. Superman 451213 e0859 LookingForKryptonite8

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    Superman Disc A107

    1. Superman 451214 e0860 LookingForKryptonite9
    2. Superman 451217 e0861 LookingForKryptonite10
    3. Superman 451218 e0862 LookingForKryptonite11
    4. Superman 451219 e0863 LookingForKryptonite12

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    Superman Disc A108

    1. Superman 451220 e0864 LookingForKryptonite13
    2. Superman 451221 e0865 LookingForKryptonite14
    3. Superman 451224 e0866 LookingForKryptonite15
    4. Superman 451225 e0867 LookingForKryptonite16

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    Superman Disc A109

    1. Superman 451226 e0868 LookingForKryptonite17
    2. Superman 451227 e0869 LookingForKryptonite18
    3. Superman 451228 e0870 LookingForKryptonite19
    4. Superman 451231 e0871 LookingForKryptonite20

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    Superman Disc A110

    1. Superman 460101 e0872 LookingForKryptonite21
    2. Superman 460102 e0873 LookingForKryptonite22
    3. Superman 460103 e0874 LookingForKryptonite23
    4. Superman 460104 e0875 LookingForKryptonite24
    5. Superman 460107 e0876 LookingForKryptonite25

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    Superman Disc A111

    1. Superman 460108 e0877 LookingForKryptonite26
    2. Superman 460109 e0878 TalkingCat,The1
    3. Superman 460110 e0879 TalkingCat,The2
    4. Superman 460111 e0880 TalkingCat,The3

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    Superman Disc A112

    1. Superman 460114 e0881 TalkingCat,The4
    2. Superman 460115 e0882 TalkingCat,The5
    3. Superman 460116 e0883 TalkingCat,The6
    4. Superman 460117 e0884 TalkingCat,The7

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    Superman Disc A113

    1. Superman 460118 e0885 TalkingCat,The8
    2. Superman 460121 e0886 TalkingCat,The9
    3. Superman 460122 e0887 TalkingCat,The10
    4. Superman 460123 e0888 TalkingCat,The11

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    Superman Disc A114

    1. Superman 460124 e0889 TalkingCat,The12
    2. Superman 460125 e0890 TalkingCat,The13
    3. Superman 460128 e0891 TalkingCat,The14
    4. Superman 460129 e0892 IsThereAnotherSuperman1

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    Superman Disc A115

    1. Superman 460130 e0893 IsThereAnotherSuperman2
    2. Superman 460131 e0894 IsThereAnotherSuperman3
    3. Superman 460201 e0895 IsThereAnotherSuperman4
    4. Superman 460204 e0896 IsThereAnotherSuperman5

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    Superman Disc A116

    1. Superman 460205 e0897 IsThereAnotherSuperman6
    2. Superman 460206 e0898 IsThereAnotherSuperman7
    3. Superman 460207 e0899 IsThereAnotherSuperman8
    4. Superman 460208 e0900 IsThereAnotherSuperman9

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    Superman Disc A117

    1. Superman 460211 e0901 IsThereAnotherSuperman10
    2. Superman 460212 e0902 IsThereAnotherSuperman11
    3. Superman 460213 e0903 IsThereAnotherSuperman12
    4. Superman 460214 e0904 IsThereAnotherSuperman13

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    Superman Disc A118

    1. Superman 460215 e0905 TheRadarRocket
    2. Superman 460218 e0906 TheRadarRocket
    3. Superman 460219 e0907 TheRadarRocket
    4. Superman 460220 e0908 TheRadarRocket
    5. Superman 460221 e0909 TheRadarRocket

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    Superman Disc A119

    1. Superman 460222 e0910 TheRadarRocket
    2. Superman 460225 e0911 TheRadarRocket
    3. Superman 460228 e0914 TheRadarRocket
    4. Superman 460301 e0915 TheRadarRocket
    5. Superman 460304 e0916 TheRadarRocket

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    Superman Disc A120

    1. Superman 460305 e0917 TheRadarRocket
    2. Superman 460306 e0918 TheRadarRocket
    3. Superman 460307 e0919 TheRadarRocket
    4. Superman 460308 e0920 TheRadarRocket
    5. Superman 460311 e0921 TheRadarRocket

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    Superman Disc A121

    1. Superman 460312 e0922 TheRadarRocket
    2. Superman 460313 e0923 TheRadarRocket
    3. Superman 460314 e0924 TheRadarRocket
    4. Superman 460315 e0925 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth1
    5. Superman 460318 e0926 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth2

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    Superman Disc A122

    1. Superman 460319 e0927 MysteryOfTheDragon'sTeeth3
    2. Superman 460320 e0928 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth1
    3. Superman 460321 e0929 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth2
    4. Superman 460322 e0930 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth3
    5. Superman 460325 e0931 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth4

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    Superman Disc A123

    1. Superman 460326 e0932 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth5
    2. Superman 460327 e0933 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth6
    3. Superman 460328 e0934 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth7
    4. Superman 460401 e0936 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth9

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    Superman Disc A124

    1. Superman 460402 e0937 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth10
    2. Superman 460403 e0938 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth11
    3. Superman 460404 e0939 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth12
    4. Superman 460405 e0940 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth13

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    Superman Disc A125

    1. Superman 460408 e0941 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth14
    2. Superman 460409 e0942 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth15
    3. Superman 460410 e0943 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth16
    4. Superman 460411 e0944 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth17

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    Superman Disc A126

    1. Superman 460412 e0945 MysteryOfTheJadeTeeth18
    2. Superman 460413 e0946 The story of the century 12 of 12
    3. Superman 460415 1268 Story of Century
    4. Superman 460415 e1268 Story of Century

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    Superman Disc A127

    1. Superman 460416 e0947 HateMongers,The1
    2. Superman 460417 e0948 HateMongers,The2
    3. Superman 460418 e0949 HateMongers,The3
    4. Superman 460419 e0950 HateMongers,The4

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    Superman Disc A128

    1. Superman 460424 e0953 HateMongers,The7
    2. Superman 460425 e0954 HateMongers,The8
    3. Superman 460426 e0955 HateMongers,The9
    4. Superman 460429 e0956 HateMongers,The10

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    Superman Disc A129

    1. Superman 460430 e0957 HateMongers,The11
    2. Superman 460501 e0958 HateMongers,The12
    3. Superman 460502 e0959 HateMongers,The13
    4. Superman 460503 e0960 HateMongers,The14
    5. Superman 460506 e0961 HateMongers,The15

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    Superman Disc A130

    1. Superman 460507 e0962 HateMongers,The16
    2. Superman 460508 e0963 HateMongers,The17
    3. Superman 460509 e0964 HateMongers,The18
    4. Superman 460510 e0965 HateMongers,The19

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    Superman Disc A131

    1. Superman 460513 e0966 HateMongers,The20
    2. Superman 460514 e0967 HateMongers,The21
    3. Superman 460515 e0968 HateMongers,The22
    4. Superman 460516 e0969 HateMongers,The23

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    Superman Disc A132

    1. Superman 460517 e0970 HateMongers,The24
    2. Superman 460520 e0971 HateMongers,The25
    3. Superman 460521 e0972 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    4. Superman 460522 al vincent's corrupt political machine 02

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    Superman Disc A133

    1. Superman 460523 e0974 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    2. Superman 460524 al vincent's corrupt political machine 04
    3. Superman 460527 e0976 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    4. Superman 460528 al vincent's corrupt political machine 06

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    Superman Disc A134

    1. Superman 460529 e0978 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    2. Superman 460530 al vincent's corrupt political machine 08
    3. Superman 460531 e0980 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    4. Superman 460603 al vincent's corrupt political machine 10

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    Superman Disc A135

    1. Superman 460604 e0982 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    2. Superman 460605 al vincent's corrupt political machine 12
    3. Superman 460606 e0984 AlVincent'sCorruptPoliticalMachine41
    4. Superman 460607 al vincent's corrupt political machine 14

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    Superman Disc A136

    1. Superman 460610 e0986 ClanOfTheFieryCross1
    2. Superman 460611 e0987 ClanOfTheFieryCross2
    3. Superman 460612 e0988 ClanOfTheFieryCross3
    4. Superman 460613 e0989 ClanOfTheFieryCross4

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    Superman Disc A137

    1. Superman 460614 e0990 ClanOfTheFieryCross5
    2. Superman 460617 e0991 ClanOfTheFieryCross6
    3. Superman 460618 e0992 ClanOfTheFieryCross7
    4. Superman 460619 e0993 ClanOfTheFieryCross8

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    Superman Disc A138

    1. Superman 460620 e0994 ClanOfTheFieryCross9
    2. Superman 460621 e0995 ClanOfTheFieryCross10
    3. Superman 460624 e0996 ClanOfTheFieryCross11
    4. Superman 460625 e0997 ClanOfTheFieryCross12

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    Superman Disc A139

    1. Superman 460626 e0998 ClanOfTheFieryCross13
    2. Superman 460627 e0999 ClanOfTheFieryCross14
    3. Superman 460628 e1000 ClanOfTheFieryCross15
    4. Superman 460701 e1001 ClanOfTheFieryCross16

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    Superman Disc A140

    1. Superman 460702 e1002 HoratioFHorn,Detective1
    2. Superman 460703 e1003 HoratioFHorn,Detective2
    3. Superman 460704 e1004 HoratioFHorn,Detective3
    4. Superman 460705 e1005 HoratioFHorn,Detective4

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    Superman Disc A141

    1. Superman 460708 e1006 HoratioFHorn,Detective5
    2. Superman 460709 e1007 HoratioFHorn,Detective6
    3. Superman 460710 e1008 HoratioFHorn,Detective7
    4. Superman 460711 e1009 HoratioFHorn,Detective8

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    Superman Disc A142

    1. Superman 460712 e1010 HoratioFHorn,Detective9
    2. Superman 460715 e1011 HoratioFHorn,Detective10
    3. Superman 460716 e1012 HoratioFHorn,Detective11
    4. Superman 460717 e1013 HoratioFHorn,Detective12

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    Superman Disc A143

    1. Superman 460718 e1014 HoratioFHorn,Detective13
    2. Superman 460719 e1015 HoratioFHorn,Detective14
    3. Superman 460722 e1016 HoratioFHorn,Detective15
    4. Superman 460723 e1017 HoratioFHorn,Detective16

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    Superman Disc A144

    1. Superman 460724 e1018 HoratioFHorn,Detective17
    2. Superman 460725 e1019 HoratioFHorn,Detective18
    3. Superman 460726 e1020 HoratioFHorn,Detective19
    4. Superman 460729 e1021 HoratioFHorn,Detective20

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    Superman Disc A145

    1. Superman 460730 e1022 HoratioFHorn,Detective21
    2. Superman 460731 e1023 HoratioFHorn,Detective22
    3. Superman 460801 e1024 SecretMenaceStrikes,The1
    4. Superman 460802 e1025 SecretMenaceStrikes,The2

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    Superman Disc A146

    1. Superman 460805 e1026 SecretMenaceStrikes,The3
    2. Superman 460806 e1027 SecretMenaceStrikes,The4
    3. Superman 460807 e1028 SecretMenaceStrikes,The5
    4. Superman 460808 e1029 SecretMenaceStrikes,The6

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    Superman Disc A147

    1. Superman 460809 e1030 SecretMenaceStrikes,The7
    2. Superman 460812 e1031 SecretMenaceStrikes,The8
    3. Superman 460813 e1032 SecretMenaceStrikes,The9
    4. Superman 460814 e1033 SecretMenaceStrikes,The10

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    Superman Disc A148

    1. Superman 460815 e1034 SecretMenaceStrikes,The11
    2. Superman 460816 e1035 SecretMenaceStrikes,The12
    3. Superman 460819 e1036 SecretMenaceStrikes,The13
    4. Superman 460820 e1037 SecretMenaceStrikes,The14

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    Superman Disc A149

    1. Superman 460821 e1038 SecretMenaceStrikes,The15
    2. Superman 460822 e1039 CandyMeyer'sBigStory1
    3. Superman 460823 e1040 CandyMeyer'sBigStory2
    4. Superman 460826 e1041 CandyMeyer'sBigStory3

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    Superman Disc A150

    1. Superman 460827 e1042 CandyMeyer'sBigStory4
    2. Superman 460828 e1043 CandyMeyer'sBigStory7
    3. Superman 460829 e1044 CandyMeyer'sBigStory8
    4. Superman 460830 e1045 CandyMeyer'sBigStory9

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    Superman Disc A151

    1. Superman 460902 e1046 CandyMeyer'sBigStory10
    2. Superman 460903 e1047 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    3. Superman 460904 e1048 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    4. Superman 460905 e1049 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss

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    Superman Disc A152

    1. Superman 460906 e1050 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    2. Superman 460909 e1051 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    3. Superman 460911 e1052 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    4. Superman 460912 e1053 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss

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    Superman Disc A153

    1. Superman 460913 e1054 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    2. Superman 460916 e1055 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    3. Superman 460917 e1056 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    4. Superman 460918 1380 George Latimer Crooked Political Boss

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    Superman Disc A154

    1. Superman 460918 e1057 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    2. Superman 460919 e1059 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    3. Superman 460920 e1060 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    4. Superman 460923 e1061 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss

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    Superman Disc A155

    1. Superman 460924 e1062 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    2. Superman 460925 e1063 GeorgeLatimer,CrookedPoliticalBoss
    3. Superman 460926 e1064 DeadVoice,The2
    4. Superman 460927 e1065 DeadVoice,The2

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    Superman Disc A156

    1. Superman 460930 e1066 DeadVoice,The3
    2. Superman 461001 e1067 DeadVoice,The4
    3. Superman 461002 e1068 DeadVoice,The5
    4. Superman 461003 e1069 DeadVoice,The6

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    Superman Disc A157

    1. Superman 461004 e1070 DeadVoice,The7
    2. Superman 461007 e1071 DeadVoice,The8
    3. Superman 461008 e1072 DeadVoice,The9
    4. Superman 461009 e1073 DeadVoice,The10

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    Superman Disc A158

    1. Superman 461010 e1074 DeadVoice,The11
    2. Superman 461011 e1075 DeadVoice,The12
    3. Superman 461014 e1076 DeadVoice,The13
    4. Superman 461015 e1077 DeadVoice,The14

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    Superman Disc A159

    1. Superman 461016 e1078 DeadVoice,The15
    2. Superman 461017 e1079 CounterfeitMoney1
    3. Superman 461018 e1080 CounterfeitMoney2
    4. Superman 461021 e1081 CounterfeitMoney3

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    Superman Disc A160

    1. Superman 461022 e1082 CounterfeitMoney4
    2. Superman 461023 e1083 CounterfeitMoney5
    3. Superman 461024 e1084 CounterfeitMoney6
    4. Superman 461025 e1085 CounterfeitMoney7

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Superman Disc A161

    1. Superman 461028 e1086 CounterfeitMoney8
    2. Superman 461029 e1087 CounterfeitMoney9
    3. Superman 461030 e1088 CounterfeitMoney10
    4. Superman 461031 e1089 CounterfeitMoney11

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    Superman Disc A162

    1. Superman 461101 e1090 CounterfeitMoney12
    2. Superman 461104 e1091 CounterfeitMoney13
    3. Superman 461105 e1092 CounterfeitMoney14
    4. Superman 461106 e1093 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The

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    Superman Disc A163

    1. Superman 461107 e1094 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    2. Superman 461108 e1095 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    3. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi
    4. Superman 461111 e1096 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The

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    Superman Disc A164

    1. Superman 461112 e1097 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    2. Superman 461113 e1098 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    3. Superman 461114 e1099 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    4. Superman 461115 e1100 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The

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    Superman Disc A165

    1. Superman 461118 e1101 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    2. Superman 461119 e1102 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    3. Superman 461120 e1103 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    4. Superman 461121 e1104 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The

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    Superman Disc A166

    1. Superman 461122 e1105 DisappearanceOfClarkKent,The
    2. Superman 461125 e1106 SecretLetter,The1
    3. Superman 461126 e1107 SecretLetter,The2
    4. Superman 461127 e1108 SecretLetter,The3

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    Superman Disc A167

    1. Superman 461128 e1109 SecretLetter,The4
    2. Superman 461129 e1110 SecretLetter,The5
    3. Superman 461202 e1111 SecretLetter,The6
    4. Superman 461203 e1112 SecretLetter,The7
    5. Superman 461204 e1113 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The

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    Superman Disc A168

    1. Superman 461205 e1114 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    2. Superman 461206 e1115 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    3. Superman 461209 e1116 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    4. Superman 461210 e1117 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    5. Superman 461211 e1118 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The

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    Superman Disc A169

    1. Superman 461212 e1119 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    2. Superman 461213 e1120 PhonySongPublishingCompany,The
    3. Superman 461216 e1121 PhonyHousingRacket,The1
    4. Superman 461217 e1122 PhonyHousingRacket,The2
    5. Superman 461218 e1123 PhonyHousingRacket,The3

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    Superman Disc A170

    1. Superman 461219 e1124 PhonyHousingRacket,The4
    2. Superman 461220 e1125 PhonyHousingRacket,The5
    3. Superman 461223 e1126 PhonyHousingRacket,The6
    4. Superman 461224 e1127 PhonyHousingRacket,The7
    5. Superman 461225 e1128 PhonyHousingRacket,The8

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    Superman Disc A171

    1. Superman 461226 e1129 PhonyHousingRacket,The9
    2. Superman 461227 e1130 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The1
    3. Superman 461230 e1131 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The2
    4. Superman 461231 e1132 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The3
    5. Superman 470000 Magic Wishing Ring

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    Superman Disc A172

    1. Superman 470000 The Flying Train
    2. Superman 470102 e1134 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The5
    3. Superman 470103 e1135 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The6
    4. Superman 470106 e1136 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The7
    5. Superman 470107 e1137 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The8

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    Superman Disc A173

    1. Superman 470108 e1138 PhonyRestaurantRacket,The9
    2. Superman 470109 e1139 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11391
    3. Superman 470110 e1140 Phony inheritance racket 2 of 8
    4. Superman 470113 e1141 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11413
    5. Superman 470114 e1142 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11424

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    Superman Disc A174

    1. Superman 470115 e1143 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11435
    2. Superman 470116 e1144 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11446
    3. Superman 470117 e1145 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11457
    4. Superman 470120 e1146 PhonyInheritanceRacket,The11468
    5. Superman 470121 e1147 DroughtInFreeville1

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    Superman Disc A175

    1. Superman 470122 e1148 DroughtInFreeville2
    2. Superman 470123 e1149 DroughtInFreeville3
    3. Superman 470124 e1150 DroughtInFreeville4
    4. Superman 470127 e1151 DroughtInFreeville5

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    Superman Disc A176

    1. Superman 470128 e1152 DroughtInFreeville6
    2. Superman 470129 e1153 DroughtInFreeville7
    3. Superman 470130 e1154 DroughtInFreeville8
    4. Superman 470131 e1155 DroughtInFreeville9

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    Superman Disc A177

    1. Superman 470203 e1156 DroughtInFreeville10
    2. Superman 470204 e1157 DroughtInFreeville11
    3. Superman 470205 e1158 DroughtInFreeville12
    4. Superman 470206 e1159 DroughtInFreeville13

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    Superman Disc A178

    1. Superman 470207 e1160 DroughtInFreeville14
    2. Superman 470210 e1161 DroughtInFreeville15
    3. Superman 470211 e1162 DroughtInFreeville16
    4. Superman 470212 e1163 MonkeyBurglar,The1

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    Superman Disc A179

    1. Superman 470213 e1164 MonkeyBurglar,The2
    2. Superman 470214 e1165 MonkeyBurglar,The3
    3. Superman 470217 e1166 MonkeyBurglar,The4
    4. Superman 470218 e1167 MonkeyBurglar,The5

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    Superman Disc A180

    1. Superman 470219 e1168 MonkeyBurglar,The6
    2. Superman 470220 e1169 MonkeyBurglar,The7
    3. Superman 470221 e1170 MonkeyBurglar,The8
    4. Superman 470224 e1171 MonkeyBurglar,The9

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    Superman Disc A181

    1. Superman 470225 e1172 MonkeyBurglar,The10
    2. Superman 470226 e1173 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    3. Superman 470227 e1174 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    4. Superman 470228 e1175 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation

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    Superman Disc A182

    1. Superman 470303 e1176 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    2. Superman 470304 e1177 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    3. Superman 470305 e1178 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    4. Superman 470306 e1179 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation

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    Superman Disc A183

    1. Superman 470307 e1180 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    2. Superman 470310 e1181 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    3. Superman 470311 e1182 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    4. Superman 470312 e1183 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation

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    Superman Disc A184

    1. Superman 470313 e1184 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    2. Superman 470314 e1185 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    3. Superman 470317 e1186 KnightsOfTheWhiteCarnation
    4. Superman 470318 e1187 ManWithoutAFace,The1

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    Superman Disc A185

    1. Superman 470319 e1188 ManWithoutAFace,The2
    2. Superman 470320 e1189 ManWithoutAFace,The3
    3. Superman 470321 e1190 ManWithoutAFace,The4
    4. Superman 470324 e1191 ManWithoutAFace,The5

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    Superman Disc A186

    1. Superman 470325 e1192 ManWithoutAFace,The6
    2. Superman 470326 e1193 ManWithoutAFace,The7
    3. Superman 470327 e1194 ManWithoutAFace,The8
    4. Superman 470328 e1195 ManWithoutAFace,The9

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    Superman Disc A187

    1. Superman 470331 e1196 ManWithoutAFace,The10
    2. Superman 470401 e1197 ManWithoutAFace,The11
    3. Superman 470402 e1198 ManWithoutAFace,The12
    4. Superman 470403 e1199 ManWithoutAFace,The13

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    Superman Disc A188

    1. Superman 470404 e1200 ManWithoutAFace,The14
    2. Superman 470407 e1201 ManWithoutAFace,The15
    3. Superman 470408 e1202 ManWithoutAFace,The16
    4. Superman 470409 e1203 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet1

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    Superman Disc A189

    1. Superman 470410 e1204 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet2
    2. Superman 470411 e1205 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet3
    3. Superman 470414 e1206 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet4
    4. Superman 470415 e1207 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet5

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    Superman Disc A190

    1. Superman 470416 e1208 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet6
    2. Superman 470417 e1209 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet7
    3. Superman 470418 e1210 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet8
    4. Superman 470421 e1211 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet9

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    Superman Disc A191

    1. Superman 470422 e1212 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet10
    2. Superman 470423 e1213 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet11
    3. Superman 470424 e1214 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet12
    4. Superman 470425 e1215 MysteryOfTheLostPlanet13

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    Superman Disc A192

    1. Superman 470428 e1216 PhantomOfTheSea,The1
    2. Superman 470429 e1217 PhantomOfTheSea,The2
    3. Superman 470430 e1218 PhantomOfTheSea,The3
    4. Superman 470501 e1219 PhantomOfTheSea,The4

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    Superman Disc A193

    1. Superman 470502 e1220 PhantomOfTheSea,The5
    2. Superman 470505 e1221 PhantomOfTheSea,The6
    3. Superman 470506 e1222 PhantomOfTheSea,The7
    4. Superman 470507 e1223 PhantomOfTheSea,The8

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    Superman Disc A194

    1. Superman 470508 e1224 PhantomOfTheSea,The9
    2. Superman 470509 e1225 PhantomOfTheSea,The10
    3. Superman 470512 e1226 PhantomOfTheSea,The11
    4. Superman 470513 e1227 PhantomOfTheSea,The12

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    Superman Disc A195

    1. Superman 470514 e1228 SupermanVsKryptonite1
    2. Superman 470515 e1229 SupermanVsKryptonite2
    3. Superman 470516 e1230 SupermanVsKryptonite3
    4. Superman 470519 e1231 SupermanVsKryptonite4

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    Superman Disc A196

    1. Superman 470520 e1232 SupermanVsKryptonite5
    2. Superman 470521 e1233 SupermanVsKryptonite6
    3. Superman 470522 e1234 SupermanVsKryptonite7
    4. Superman 470523 e1235 SupermanVsKryptonite8

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    Superman Disc A197

    1. Superman 470526 e1236 SupermanVsKryptonite9
    2. Superman 470527 e1237 SupermanVsKryptonite10
    3. Superman 470528 e1238 SupermanVsKryptonite11
    4. Superman 470529 e1239 SupermanVsKryptonite12

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    Superman Disc A198

    1. Superman 470530 e1240 SupermanVsKryptonite13
    2. Superman 470602 e1241 SupermanVsKryptonite14
    3. Superman 470603 e1242 SupermanVsKryptonite15
    4. Superman 470604 e1243 SupermanVsKryptonite16

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    Superman Disc A199

    1. Superman 470605 e1244 SupermanVsKryptonite17
    2. Superman 470606 e1245 SupermanVsKryptonite18
    3. Superman 470609 e1246 SupermanVsKryptonite19
    4. Superman 470610 e1247 SupermanVsKryptonite20

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    Superman Disc A200

    1. Superman 470611 e1248 SupermanVsKryptonite21
    2. Superman 470612 e1249 SupermanVsKryptonite22
    3. Superman 470613 e1250 SupermanVsKryptonite23
    4. Superman 470616 e1251 SupermanVsKryptonite24

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    Superman Disc A201

    1. Superman 470617 e1252 SupermanVsKryptonite25
    2. Superman 470618 e1253 SupermanVsKryptonite26
    3. Superman 470619 e1254 SupermanVsKryptonite27
    4. Superman 470620 e1255 SupermanVsKryptonite28

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    Superman Disc A202

    1. Superman 470623 e1256 SupermanVsKryptonite29
    2. Superman 470624 e1257 SupermanVsKryptonite30
    3. Superman 470625 e1258 SupermanVsKryptonite31
    4. Superman 470626 e1259 SupermanVsKryptonite32

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    Superman Disc A203

    1. Superman 470627 e1260 SupermanVsKryptonite33
    2. Superman 470926 BillJohnstoneAuditionForAudSupermanRole
    3. Superman 470929 e1261 SecretRocket,The1
    4. Superman 470930 e1262 SecretRocket,The2
    5. Superman 471001 e1263 SecretRocket,The3

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    Superman Disc A204

    1. Superman 471002 e1264 SecretRocket,The4
    2. Superman 471003 e1265 SecretRocket,The5
    3. Superman 471006 e1266 SecretRocket,The6
    4. Superman 471007 e1267 SecretRocket,The7
    5. Superman 471008 e1268 SecretRocket,The8

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    Superman Disc A205

    1. Superman 471009 e1269 SecretRocket,The9
    2. Superman 471010 e1270 SecretRocket,The10
    3. Superman 471013 e1271 SecretRocket,The11
    4. Superman 471014 e1272 SecretRocket,The12
    5. Superman 471015 e1273 SecretRocket,The13

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    Superman Disc A206

    1. Superman 471016 e1274 SecretRocket,The14
    2. Superman 471017 e1275 SecretRocket,The15
    3. Superman 471020 e1276 SecretRocket,The16
    4. Superman 471021 e1277 SecretRocket,The17
    5. Superman 471022 e1278 SecretRocket,The18

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    Superman Disc A207

    1. Superman 471023 e1279 SecretRocket,The19
    2. Superman 471024 e1280 RulerOfDarkness,The1
    3. Superman 471027 e1281 RulerOfDarkness,The2
    4. Superman 471028 e1282 RulerOfDarkness,The3
    5. Superman 471029 e1283 RulerOfDarkness,The4

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    Superman Disc A208

    1. Superman 471030 e1284 RulerOfDarkness,The5
    2. Superman 471031 e1285 RulerOfDarkness,The6
    3. Superman 471103 e1286 RulerOfDarkness,The7
    4. Superman 471104 e1287 RulerOfDarkness,The8
    5. Superman 471105 e1288 RulerOfDarkness,The9

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    Superman Disc A209

    1. Superman 471106 e1289 RulerOfDarkness,The10
    2. Superman 471107 e1290 RulerOfDarkness,The11
    3. Superman 471110 e1291 RulerOfDarkness,The12
    4. Superman 471111 e1292 RulerOfDarkness,The13
    5. Superman 471112 e1293 RulerOfDarkness,The14

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    Superman Disc A210

    1. Superman 471113 e1294 RulerOfDarkness,The15
    2. Superman 471114 e1295 RulerOfDarkness,The16
    3. Superman 471117 e1296 RulerOfDarkness,The17
    4. Superman 471118 e1297 RulerOfDarkness,The18
    5. Superman 471119 e1298 RulerOfDarkness,The19

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    Superman Disc A211

    1. Superman 471120 e1299 RulerOfDarkness,The20
    2. Superman 471121 e1300 RulerOfDarkness,The21
    3. Superman 471124 e1301 RulerOfDarkness,The22
    4. Superman 471125 e1302 RulerOfDarkness,The23
    5. Superman 471126 e1303 RulerOfDarkness,The24

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    Superman Disc A212

    1. Superman 471127 e1304 PenniesForPlunder1
    2. Superman 471128 e1305 PenniesForPlunder2
    3. Superman 471201 e1306 PenniesForPlunder3
    4. Superman 471202 e1307 PenniesForPlunder4

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    Superman Disc A213

    1. Superman 471203 e1308 PenniesForPlunder5
    2. Superman 471204 e1309 PenniesForPlunder6
    3. Superman 471205 e1310 PenniesForPlunder7
    4. Superman 471208 e1311 PenniesForPlunder8

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    Superman Disc A214

    1. Superman 471209 e1312 PenniesForPlunder9
    2. Superman 471210 e1313 PenniesForPlunder10
    3. Superman 471211 e1314 PenniesForPlunder11
    4. Superman 471212 e1315 PenniesForPlunder12

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    Superman Disc A215

    1. Superman 471215 e1316 PenniesForPlunder13
    2. Superman 471216 e1317 PenniesForPlunder14
    3. Superman 471217 e1318 PenniesForPlunder15
    4. Superman 471218 e1319 PenniesForPlunder16

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    Superman Disc A216

    1. Superman 471219 e1320 PenniesForPlunder17
    2. Superman 471222 e1321 PenniesForPlunder18
    3. Superman 471231 e1328 Hunger,Inc4
    4. Superman 480102 e1330 Hunger,Inc6

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    Superman Disc A217

    1. Superman 480102 e1650 Hunger Inc
    2. Superman 480105 e1331 Hunger,Inc7
    3. Superman 480106 e1332 Hunger,Inc8
    4. Superman 480107 e1333 Hunger,Inc9

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    Superman Disc A218

    1. Superman 480108 e1334 Hunger,Inc10
    2. Superman 480109 e1335 Hunger,Inc11
    3. Superman 480112 e1336 Hunger,Inc12
    4. Superman 480113 e1337 Hunger,Inc13

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    Superman Disc A219

    1. Superman 480114 e1338 DeadMan'sSecret1
    2. Superman 480115 e1339 DeadMan'sSecret2
    3. Superman 480116 e1340 DeadMan'sSecret3
    4. Superman 480119 e1341 DeadMan'sSecret4

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    Superman Disc A220

    1. Superman 480120 e1342 DeadMan'sSecret5
    2. Superman 480121 e1343 DeadMan'sSecret6
    3. Superman 480122 e1344 DeadMan'sSecret7
    4. Superman 480123 e1345 DeadMan'sSecret8

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    Superman Disc A221

    1. Superman 480126 e1346 DeadMan'sSecret9
    2. Superman 480127 e1347 DeadMan'sSecret10
    3. Superman 480128 e1348 DeadMan'sSecret11
    4. Superman 480129 e1349 DeadMan'sSecret12

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    Superman Disc A222

    1. Superman 480130 e1350 DeadMan'sSecret13
    2. Superman 480202 e1351 DeadMan'sSecret14
    3. Superman 480203 e1352 Batman'sGreatMystery1
    4. Superman 480204 e1353 Batman'sGreatMystery2

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    Superman Disc A223

    1. Superman 480205 e1354 Batman'sGreatMystery3
    2. Superman 480206 e1355 Batman'sGreatMystery4
    3. Superman 480209 e1356 Batman'sGreatMystery5
    4. Superman 480210 e1357 Batman'sGreatMystery6

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    Superman Disc A224

    1. Superman 480211 e1358 Batman'sGreatMystery7
    2. Superman 480212 e1359 Batman'sGreatMystery8
    3. Superman 480213 e1360 Batman'sGreatMystery9
    4. Superman 480216 e1361 Batman'sGreatMystery10
    5. Superman 480217 e1362 Batman'sGreatMystery11

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    Superman Disc A225

    1. Superman 480218 e1363 KingdomUnderTheSea1
    2. Superman 480219 e1364 KingdomUnderTheSea2
    3. Superman 480220 e1365 KingdomUnderTheSea3
    4. Superman 480223 e1366 KingdomUnderTheSea4

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    Superman Disc A226

    1. Superman 480224 e1367 KingdomUnderTheSea5
    2. Superman 480225 e1368 KingdomUnderTheSea6
    3. Superman 480226 e1369 KingdomUnderTheSea7
    4. Superman 480227 e1370 KingdomUnderTheSea8

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    Superman Disc A227

    1. Superman 480301 e1371 KingdomUnderTheSea9
    2. Superman 480302 e1372 KingdomUnderTheSea10
    3. Superman 480303 e1373 KingdomUnderTheSea11
    4. Superman 480304 e1374 KingdomUnderTheSea12

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    Superman Disc A228

    1. Superman 480305 e1375 KingdomUnderTheSea13
    2. Superman 480308 e1376 KingdomUnderTheSea14
    3. Superman 480309 e1377 KingdomUnderTheSea15
    4. Superman 480310 e1378 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13781

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    Superman Disc A229

    1. Superman 480311 e1379 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13792
    2. Superman 480312 e1380 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13803
    3. Superman 480315 e1381 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13814
    4. Superman 480316 e1382 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13825

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    Superman Disc A230

    1. Superman 480317 e1383 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13836
    2. Superman 480318 e1384 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13847
    3. Superman 480319 e1385 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13858
    4. Superman 480322 e1386 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume13869

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    Superman Disc A231

    1. Superman 480323 e1387 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138710
    2. Superman 480324 e1388 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138811
    3. Superman 480325 e1389 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume138912
    4. Superman 480326 e1390 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139013

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    Superman Disc A232

    1. Superman 480329 e1391 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139114
    2. Superman 480330 e1392 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139215
    3. Superman 480331 e1393 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139316
    4. Superman 480401 e1394 MysteryOfTheStolenCostume139417

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    Superman Disc A233

    1. Superman 480402 e1395 SkinGame,The1
    2. Superman 480405 e1396 SkinGame,The2
    3. Superman 480406 e1397 SkinGame,The3
    4. Superman 480407 e1398 SkinGame,The4

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    Superman Disc A234

    1. Superman 480408 e1399 SkinGame,The5
    2. Superman 480409 e1400 SkinGame,The6
    3. Superman 480412 e1401 SkinGame,The7
    4. Superman 480413 e1402 SkinGame,The8

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    Superman Disc A235

    1. Superman 480414 e1403 SkinGame,The9
    2. Superman 480415 e1404 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14041
    3. Superman 480416 e1405 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14052
    4. Superman 480419 e1406 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14063
    5. Superman 480420 e1407 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14074

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    Superman Disc A236

    1. Superman 480421 e1408 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14085
    2. Superman 480422 e1409 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14096
    3. Superman 480423 e1410 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14107
    4. Superman 480426 e1411 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14118
    5. Superman 480427 e1412 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The14129

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    Superman Disc A237

    1. Superman 480428 e1413 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141310
    2. Superman 480429 e1414 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141411
    3. Superman 480430 e1415 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141512
    4. Superman 480503 e1416 CrosswordPuzzleMustery,The141613

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    Superman Disc A238

    1. Superman 480504 e1417 GhostBrigade,The1
    2. Superman 480505 e1418 GhostBrigade,The2
    3. Superman 480506 e1419 GhostBrigade,The3
    4. Superman 480507 e1420 GhostBrigade,The4
    5. Superman 480510 e1421 GhostBrigade,The5

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    Superman Disc A239

    1. Superman 480511 e1422 GhostBrigade,The6
    2. Superman 480512 e1423 GhostBrigade,The7
    3. Superman 480513 e1424 GhostBrigade,The8
    4. Superman 480514 e1425 GhostBrigade,The9
    5. Superman 480517 e1426 GhostBrigade,The10

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    Superman Disc A240

    1. Superman 480518 e1427 GhostBrigade,The11
    2. Superman 480519 e1428 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4131D5
    3. Superman 480520 e1429 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    4. Superman 480521 e1430 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A1

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    Superman Disc A241

    1. Superman 480524 e1431 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    2. Superman 480525 e1432 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A3
    3. Superman 480526 e1433 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    4. Superman 480527 e1434 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132A5

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    Superman Disc A242

    1. Superman 480528 e1435 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    2. Superman 480531 e1436 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B1
    3. Superman 480601 e1437 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    4. Superman 480602 e1438 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B3

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    Superman Disc A243

    1. Superman 480603 e1439 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    2. Superman 480604 e1440 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132B5
    3. Superman 480607 e1441 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    4. Superman 480608 e1442 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C1

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    Superman Disc A244

    1. Superman 480609 e1443 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    2. Superman 480610 e1444 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty4132C3
    3. Superman 480611 e1445 MysteryOfTheSleepingBeauty
    4. Superman 480614 e1446 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The1
    5. Superman 480615 e1447 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The2

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    Superman Disc A245

    1. Superman 480616 e1448 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The3
    2. Superman 480617 e1449 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The4
    3. Superman 480618 e1450 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The5
    4. Superman 480621 e1451 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The6
    5. Superman 480622 e1452 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The7

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    Superman Disc A246

    1. Superman 480623 e1453 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The8
    2. Superman 480624 e1454 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The9
    3. Superman 480625 e1455 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The10
    4. Superman 480628 e1456 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The11
    5. Superman 480629 e1457 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The12

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    Superman Disc A247

    1. Superman 480630 e1458 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The13
    2. Superman 480701 e1459 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The14
    3. Superman 480702 e1460 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The15
    4. Superman 480705 e1461 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The16
    5. Superman 480706 e1462 SecretOfMeteorIsland,The17

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    Superman Disc A248

    1. Superman 480707 e1463 VoiceOfDoom,The1
    2. Superman 480708 e1464 VoiceOfDoom,The2
    3. Superman 480709 e1465 VoiceOfDoom,The3
    4. Superman 480712 e1466 VoiceOfDoom,The4
    5. Superman 480713 e1467 VoiceOfDoom,The5

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    Superman Disc A249

    1. Superman 480714 e1468 VoiceOfDoom,The6
    2. Superman 480715 e1469 VoiceOfDoom,The7
    3. Superman 480716 e1470 VoiceOfDoom,The8
    4. Superman 480719 e1471 VoiceOfDoom,The9
    5. Superman 480720 e1472 VoiceOfDoom,The10

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    Superman Disc A250

    1. Superman 480721 e1473 VoiceOfDoom,The11
    2. Superman 480722 e1474 VoiceOfDoom,The12
    3. Superman 480723 e1475 VoiceOfDoom,The13
    4. Superman 480726 e1476 VoiceOfDoom,The14
    5. Superman 480727 e1477 VoiceOfDoom,The15

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    Superman Disc A251

    1. Superman 480728 e1478 VoiceOfDoom,The16
    2. Superman 480729 e1479 VoiceOfDoom,The17
    3. Superman 480730 e1480 VoiceOfDoom,The18
    4. Superman 480802 e1481 VoiceOfDoom,The19
    5. Superman 480803 e1482 VoiceOfDoom,The20

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    Superman Disc A252

    1. Superman 480804 e1483 VoiceOfDoom,The21
    2. Superman 480805 e1484 VoiceOfDoom,The22
    3. Superman 480806 e1485 VoiceOfDoom,The23
    4. Superman 480809 e1486 VoiceOfDoom,The24

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    Superman Disc A253

    1. Superman 480810 e1487 VoiceOfDoom,The25
    2. Superman 480811 e1488 VoiceOfDoom,The26
    3. Superman 480812 e1489 VoiceOfDoom,The27
    4. Superman 480813 e1490 VoiceOfDoom,The28

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    Superman Disc A254

    1. Superman 480816 e1491 MysteryOfTheLetter,The1
    2. Superman 480817 e1492 MysteryOfTheLetter,The2
    3. Superman 480818 e1493 MysteryOfTheLetter,The3
    4. Superman 480819 e1494 MysteryOfTheLetter,The4

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    Superman Disc A255

    1. Superman 480820 e1495 MysteryOfTheLetter,The5
    2. Superman 480823 e1496 MysteryOfTheLetter,The6
    3. Superman 480824 e1497 MysteryOfTheLetter,The7
    4. Superman 480825 e1498 MysteryOfTheLetter,The8

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    Superman Disc A256

    1. Superman 480826 e1499 MysteryOfTheLetter,The9
    2. Superman 480827 e1500 MysteryOfTheLetter,The10
    3. Superman 480830 e1501 MysteryOfTheLetter,The11
    4. Superman 480831 e1502 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo

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    Superman Disc A257

    1. Superman 480901 e1503 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo
    2. Superman 480902 e1504 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo
    3. Superman 480909 e1509 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo
    4. Superman 480910 e1510 MysteryOfTheSilverBuffalo

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    Superman Disc A258

    1. Superman 481224 e1584 The Trap
    2. Superman 490304 e0012 MysteryOfTheTenThousandDollarGhost

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    Superman Disc A259

    1. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle
    2. Superman 490307 e0013 MysteryOfTheFlyingMonster

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    Superman Disc A260

    1. Superman 490309 e0014 TheCaseOfDoubleTrouble
    2. Superman 491029 00061 Case of Courageous Cobbler

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    Superman Disc A261

    1. Superman 491029 e0001 TheMysteryOfTheWalkingDead
    2. Superman 491105 e0002 Courageous Cobbler

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    Superman Disc A262

    1. Superman 491119 e0004 OneMinuteToDeath
    2. Superman 491126 e0005 PuzzleOfThePoisonPomegranate

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    Superman Disc A263

    1. Superman 491203 0066 Death Rides Roller Coaster
    2. Superman 491210 e0007 MysteryOfTheMechanicalMonster

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    Superman Disc A264

    1. Superman 491217 e0068 Diamond of Death
    2. Superman 491224 e0069 Highway to Murder

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    Superman Disc A265

    1. Superman 491231 e0010 MysteryOfTheLittleMen
    2. Superman 500107 e0011 GhostOfBillyBaker

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    Superman Disc A266

    1. Superman 500114 e0072 Voices of the Dead
    2. Superman 500121 e0013 DeadMenTellNoTales

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    Superman Disc A267

    1. Superman 501123 e0050 TheStoryOfMarinaBaum

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