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Sealtest Variety Hour (Dorothy Lamour)

Even when she was not on The Road in her sarong, Dorothy Lamour channeled Bing and Bob as hostess of The Sealtest Variety Theatre.

Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour)

40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 19 hours, 17 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
20 Audio CDs

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"Cavalcade Gild"

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Dorothy Lamour
(1914 – 1996)

Dorothy LamourSee 
Musical Variety

Dorothy LamourStealtest VarietyFirst playing as "Front and Center," the show changed in Sept. 1948 to The Sealtest Variety Theater. On Thursday nights at 9:30, it was a variety comedy show with glamorous Dorothy Lamour as "hostess with the mostess". The show was known by fans as The Dorothy Lamour Show. Dorothy began life as Mary Leta Dorothy Slaton, was Miss New Orleans of 1931, and sang in her first hubby Herbie Kaye's band on the way to Hollywood and her trademark attire, the sarong. She wore it in her very first picture, Paramount's "The Jungle Princess" of 1936, and America loved the combination. She's beloved for being the book between the bookends of Bob and Bing in the classic series of Paramount romps, the "Road to " pictures. These were a perfect potpourri of adventure, slapstick, ad libs, Hollywood inside jokes and great song and patter numbers. Of these she said "I was the happiest and highest-paid straight woman in the business." Her nicknames were "the beautiful one" and, of course, "the Sarong."

Dorothy LamourAfter signing with Paramount, she immediately starting guesting on radio, and her bright, youthful delivery of a song landed her a featured spot on The Chase and Sanborn Radio Hour with Don Ameche and Bergen and McCarthy. Dorothy was just a lovely ray of sunshine before the squall that threw Mae West overboard as far as network radio was concerned on the infamous "Mae West as Eve" broadcast of that show, which is available on the Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy Collection. The War War II years saw Dorothy give her all (with a sarong and a song) for the war effort, and the "Road Crew" really were on the road a great deal! She appeared on radio often, which led to "Front and Center."

After the war when this show became "peacetime" and was re-named The Sealtest Variety Theater. Dorothy's guest list packed famous stars like sardines into the half-hour. There was Bob Hope, David Niven, Joan Davis, Sydney Greenstreet, Van Johnson, Boris Karloff, Gregory Peck, Ray Milland, and Burt Lancaster among many more. The radio stars of the day were well represented too, such as Edgar Bergen, The Nelson Family (The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet), Jim and Marion Jordan (Fibber McGee and Molly), Ed Gardner (Duffy's Tavern) and Harold Peary (of The Great Guildersleeve and Honest Harold), Dick Powell (Richard Diamond) and many more. Every week it was at least one big star, and sometimes two or three. One show is a wild and wooly attempt at a live remote that has a certain cache among old time radio buffs. But that's an anomaly. The show's essence is pure fun and entertainment, with The Crew Chiefs singing when Dorothy wasn't, and a good band under the direction of Henry Russell to keep the tempo way up.

In 1949, actor Eddie Bracken signed on as a continuing feature. Johnny Lang announced, with the whole three-year affair directed by Glenhall Taylor. In John Dunning's "On the Air, The Encyclopedia of Old Time Radio," Taylor recalls that Dorothy Lamour was warm and unpretentious. He remembered her saying at the start of the series, "I can't sing and I can't act, it's up to you guys to make me look good." Obviously, a great deal of Hollywood's screen and radio talent rallied 'round Dorothy, and did their darndest to make The Sealtest Variety Theater a star-studded half hour of radio variety each and every

Sealtest Ice CreamFor more radio variety, please see Bing Crosby, Dinah Shore Collection, Burns and Allen, Command Performance, Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, and The Phil Harris and Alice Faye Show featured comedy and songs, as did Jack Benny.

Please note these Sealtest Variety Hour programs can also be found on the Divas of . See also: Front & Center, the 1947 predecessor program of Sealtest Variety Hour also starring Dorothy Lamour.

See also: Sealtest Vilage Store (starring Joan Davis and later Eve Arden).

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    Received SEALTEST VARIETY THEATER, a show I'd never heard of. Didn't listen to it, but now that I know my car can play mp3 discs, I randomly grabbed that disc the other day and I've been surprised how much I've enjoyed the episodes! Lots of major guest stars, some good writing, good music, real laughs, and I now have a whole new respect for the talents of Dorothy Lamour, whose long and varied career seems these days to have been largely relegated in memory to being Hope and Crosby's "straight man." For anyone who, like me, has ignored it, may I suggest giving the series a try?

    Steve Verified Purchase

    There's an episode with Burt Lancaster that's absolutely hilarious (1949-04-07). In another broadcast I heard earlier today had Dorothy saying, "Burt Lancaster, if you're listening tonight, I'm sorry!"

    Bill Verified Purchase

    I've only listened to the Christmas and New Year shows, which I like very much. Time to give the rest of the series a shot!

    Rick Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 19 hours, 17 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 19 hours, 17 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 17 minutes
    2. Sealtest 480909 01 Waiting Room.mp3
    3. Sealtest 480916 02 Sir Lancelot.mp3
    4. Sealtest 480923 03 Love Pact.mp3
    5. Sealtest 481007 04 Pirate Of New Orleans.mp3
    6. Sealtest 481014 05 Daniel Boon Crush.mp3
    7. Sealtest 481021 06 Happy Ending.mp3
    8. Sealtest 481104 08 Sleight Of Hand.mp3
    9. Sealtest 481111 09.mp3
    10. Sealtest 481118 10 Cavalcade Gildersleeve.mp3
    11. Sealtest 481125 11.mp3
    12. Sealtest 481202 12.mp3
    13. Sealtest 481209 13.mp3
    14. Sealtest 481216 14 Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    15. Sealtest 481223 15 Christmas Show.mp3
    16. Sealtest 481230 16 New Years Show.mp3
    17. Sealtest 490106 17 Cornel Wilde.mp3
    18. Sealtest 490113 18 Gene Kelly.mp3
    19. Sealtest 490120 19 Lloyd Nolan.mp3
    20. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks.mp3
    21. Sealtest 490203 21 Joan Davis.mp3
    22. Sealtest 490217 22 Dean Martin.mp3
    23. Sealtest 490224 23 Detective Show Parodys.mp3
    24. Sealtest 490303 24 Brian Ahern.mp3
    25. Sealtest 490310 25 Richard Widmark.mp3
    26. Sealtest 490317 26 Live From Shamrock Hotel.mp3
    27. Sealtest 490324 27 Alan Young.mp3
    28. Sealtest 490407 28 Burt Lancaste.mp3
    29. Sealtest 490414 29 Victor Moore.mp3
    30. Sealtest 490421 30 Edgar Bergen.mp3
    31. Sealtest 490428 31 Betting.mp3
    32. Sealtest 490505 32 Sidney Greenstreet.mp3
    33. Sealtest 490512 33 New Boyfriend.mp3
    34. Sealtest 490519 34 How To Become A Fighter.mp3
    35. Sealtest 490526 35 James Stewart.mp3
    36. Sealtest 490602 36 Charles Laugton.mp3
    37. Sealtest 490609 37 New Neighbor.mp3
    38. Sealtest 490616 38 Quiz Show Spoof.mp3
    39. Sealtest 490623 39 Boris Karloff.mp3
    40. Sealtest 490630 40 Dan Duryea.mp3
    41. Sealtest 490707 41 Last Show Harold Peary.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 19 hours, 17 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    278 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 17 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – 278 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 17 minutes
    2. Sealtest 480909 01 Waiting Room.mp3
    3. Sealtest 480916 02 Sir Lancelot.mp3
    4. Sealtest 480923 03 Love Pact.mp3
    5. Sealtest 481007 04 Pirate Of New Orleans.mp3
    6. Sealtest 481014 05 Daniel Boon Crush.mp3
    7. Sealtest 481021 06 Happy Ending.mp3
    8. Sealtest 481104 08 Sleight Of Hand.mp3
    9. Sealtest 481111 09.mp3
    10. Sealtest 481118 10 Cavalcade Gildersleeve.mp3
    11. Sealtest 481125 11.mp3
    12. Sealtest 481202 12.mp3
    13. Sealtest 481209 13.mp3
    14. Sealtest 481216 14 Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    15. Sealtest 481223 15 Christmas Show.mp3
    16. Sealtest 481230 16 New Years Show.mp3
    17. Sealtest 490106 17 Cornel Wilde.mp3
    18. Sealtest 490113 18 Gene Kelly.mp3
    19. Sealtest 490120 19 Lloyd Nolan.mp3
    20. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks.mp3
    21. Sealtest 490203 21 Joan Davis.mp3
    22. Sealtest 490217 22 Dean Martin.mp3
    23. Sealtest 490224 23 Detective Show Parodys.mp3
    24. Sealtest 490303 24 Brian Ahern.mp3
    25. Sealtest 490310 25 Richard Widmark.mp3
    26. Sealtest 490317 26 Live From Shamrock Hotel.mp3
    27. Sealtest 490324 27 Alan Young.mp3
    28. Sealtest 490407 28 Burt Lancaste.mp3
    29. Sealtest 490414 29 Victor Moore.mp3
    30. Sealtest 490421 30 Edgar Bergen.mp3
    31. Sealtest 490428 31 Betting.mp3
    32. Sealtest 490505 32 Sidney Greenstreet.mp3
    33. Sealtest 490512 33 New Boyfriend.mp3
    34. Sealtest 490519 34 How To Become A Fighter.mp3
    35. Sealtest 490526 35 James Stewart.mp3
    36. Sealtest 490602 36 Charles Laugton.mp3
    37. Sealtest 490609 37 New Neighbor.mp3
    38. Sealtest 490616 38 Quiz Show Spoof.mp3
    39. Sealtest 490623 39 Boris Karloff.mp3
    40. Sealtest 490630 40 Dan Duryea.mp3
    41. Sealtest 490707 41 Last Show Harold Peary.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    40 recordings on 20 Audio CDs. Total playtime 19 hours, 17 min
    40 recordings on 20 Audio CDs
    total playtime 19 hours, 17 min

    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A001

    1. Sealtest 480909 01 Waiting Room
    2. Sealtest 480916 02 Sir Lancelot

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A002

    1. Sealtest 480923 03 Love Pact
    2. Sealtest 481007 04 Pirate Of New Orleans

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A003

    1. Sealtest 481014 05 Daniel Boon Crush
    2. Sealtest 481021 06 Happy Ending

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A004

    1. Sealtest 481104 08 Sleight Of Hand
    2. Sealtest 481111 09

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A005

    1. Sealtest 481118 10 Cavalcade Gildersleeve
    2. Sealtest 481125 11

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A006

    1. Sealtest 481202 12
    2. Sealtest 481209 13

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A007

    1. Sealtest 481216 14 Fibber Mcgee
    2. Sealtest 481223 15 Christmas Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A008

    1. Sealtest 481230 16 New Years Show
    2. Sealtest 490106 17 Cornel Wilde

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A009

    1. Sealtest 490113 18 Gene Kelly
    2. Sealtest 490120 19 Lloyd Nolan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A010

    1. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks
    2. Sealtest 490203 21 Joan Davis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A011

    1. Sealtest 490217 22 Dean Martin
    2. Sealtest 490224 23 Detective Show Parodys

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A012

    1. Sealtest 490303 24 Brian Ahern
    2. Sealtest 490310 25 Richard Widmark

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A013

    1. Sealtest 490317 26 Live From Shamrock Hotel
    2. Sealtest 490324 27 Alan Young

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A014

    1. Sealtest 490407 28 Burt Lancaste
    2. Sealtest 490414 29 Victor Moore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A015

    1. Sealtest 490421 30 Edgar Bergen
    2. Sealtest 490428 31 Betting

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A016

    1. Sealtest 490505 32 Sidney Greenstreet
    2. Sealtest 490512 33 New Boyfriend

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A017

    1. Sealtest 490519 34 How To Become A Fighter
    2. Sealtest 490526 35 James Stewart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A018

    1. Sealtest 490602 36 Charles Laugton
    2. Sealtest 490609 37 New Neighbor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A019

    1. Sealtest 490616 38 Quiz Show Spoof
    2. Sealtest 490623 39 Boris Karloff

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Sealtest Variety (Dorothy Lamour) Disc A020

    1. Sealtest 490630 40 Dan Duryea
    2. Sealtest 490707 41 Last Show Harold Peary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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