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Sci Fi Listener Favorites

Old Time Radio may be the best medium for telling Science Fiction tales. Here is a collection of listeners' favorite broadcasts.

Science Fiction Listener Favorites

71 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 33 hours, 46 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
37 Audio CDs

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"Man Who Was Tomorrow"

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Arch Oboler during a LIGHTS OUT radio performanceJoin Father Payton, Willis Cooper and Arch Oboler as they shoot through space, time, and do donuts around fleets of UFO armies.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

This collection includes Science Fiction listener favorites from and wide range of old time radio classic series. From Suspense to Lights Out to favorites such as Mysterious Traveler and Quite Please, this collection contains the best of old time radio science fiction. Also included are some very rare shows Cloud Nine and Planet Man .

Lady in the future of robotic man and dogThough many of these series are better known for other genres such as horror, drama, and others, their endeavors into the adaptable field of science fiction proves successful. As a genre, science fiction generally reflects cultural mores of the era in which it was produced. So popular were the stories of science experiments gone catawampus or the alien invader that symbolized the larger fear of the spread of communism and Nuclear War.

H.G. Wells mind-boggling story "The Time Machine" about the 19th century scientist who discovered a way to travel through time 100,000 years into the future is performed on Escape. Lux Radio'sThe Day the Earth Stood Still presents the famous story about the day that aliens invaded Earth is also included in this fine collection. Bubble Gun bubble gum!Nathanial Hawthorne's short story Dr. Heidegger's Experiment on Favorite Story questions the marvels of modern medical science and examines the consequence of a medicinal version of the fountain of youth.

Eat martian cupcakes, examine mysterious holes in the earth, and take a rocket to the moon. The Zero Hour has struck and the oldest man in the world is just wrinkling along. So get on your space boots and buckle the strap on that self-oxygenating helmet because it's time to BLAST OFF with with this collection of science fiction listener's favorites!

See also: the available sci-fi compilation available including Ray Bradbury Collection, Robots Collection, Science Fiction Authors Collection, and Aliens, Martians, and UFO's Collection. For additional reading see also: Article on Science Fiction in Radio.For additional reading see also: Article on Science Fiction in Radio.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    19     0


    I love old sci-fi and horror radio plays, and this is a great diverse set. Aliens and ghosts and things from the beyond. Love it!

    Nor Verified Purchase

    Nice quality old time listening for us old timers. Thank you for caring.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Enjoyed this compilation of "Golden Oldies", featuring some big name actors and science fiction/horror concepts popular in the 1950s. Older fans, in particular, will find the stories/plots intriguing and this selection will bring back many fond memories of simpler times, evenings spent crowded around the humming radio, families listening together...

    Cliff Verified Purchase

    How can you beat these deals. So much entertainment....hours and hours, for so little money.


    Some of my favorite episodes from X MINUS ONE include: "Martian Death March," "The Parade", "The Martian Chronicles", "Tunnel Under the World", "Chain of Command", Fritz Leiber's "The Moon is Green", "Soldier Boy" by Michael Schaara, "Surface Tension" by James Blish, "With Folded Hands", "There Will Come Soft Rains", "The Green Hills of Earth", "The Moon Be Still as Bright", "The Map Makers", "Gun for Dinosaur", "Hallucination Orbit", and "To the Future". Other series episodes which come to mind include: Beyond Tomorrow: "Incident at Switchpath" and on CBS Radio Workshop: "A Pride of Carrots", "The Space Merchants", and "Report on the We'uns" Suspense: "Kaleidoscope" are all amazing broadcasts.

    Scott Verified Purchase

    Two favorite broadcasts whose titles I can’t remember. One was an “X Minus One” Show about a bunch of American astronauts who land on a new planet and find a wonderful, welcoming small town atmosphere—then during a Saturday night sing along, when everyone is happy and comfortable, the people on their home planet attack. The other, from the “CBS Radio Mystery Theater,” is about a futuristic scientist who builds a man, Frankenstein style. That one has a shocking ending.

    Dick Verified Purchase

    How can you omit "With Folded Hands" from SciFi Favorites? It's one of the most influential and studied novellas from any era, and a perennial selection in anthologies of SF's Golden Age. It was also one of the works that made Dr. Williamson a Nebula Grand Master.

    Rick Verified Purchase

    Great entertainment, and I do not have to wait a week for the next episode.

    Gary r Verified Purchase

    The disc I listened to was Captain Starr and Planet Man. Both are similar in that they are aimed at the after school crowd. They are reminiscent of earlier shows like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I enjoy listening to this compilation.

    George Verified Purchase

    All the shows on this disc are top shelf. Can't pick a favorite, too hard to do! I think a lot of these innovative shows planted the ideas for future TV programs. And how many big stars got their start in these and other radio shows...a bunch, many of whom are still here today. Wouldn't it be fun to sit down with one of them and reminisce.

    Doug Verified Purchase

    Today I listened to disc #20 which contained 2 episodes from 1950. The first was Escape with a drama called " The Outer Limit". A good sci-fi story representing the people of 1950, and yet perhaps relevant for today's people too. The second show was called Cloud Nine. This was a fantasy story more than science fiction. This story was called "Paris". It demonstrated Radio at its best with words and music. A great disc for anyone wishing to enter the theater of the mind.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    This is an impressive collection. While some shows were familiar to me, with programs by Ray Bradbury and H.G. Wells, others - such as Cloud Nine - were not. I continue to be impressed with the quality of the writing and performing on Quiet Please, which has quite a number of episodes on this CD. The difference between this series and others is that a lot of these early shows were formulaic - mad doctors with lovely daughters - but it is very difficult to characterize any of the Quiet Please shows. Whether by intention or not, clearly Wyllis Cooper influenced Rod Serling. Like all OTRCAT offerings, this CD is an incredible bargain.

    Neil Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    71 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 46 min
    71 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 33 hours, 46 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 71 shows – total playtime 33 hours, 46 minutes
    2. Captain Starr Of Space Queen Nilo Incident.mp3
    3. Cloud Nine 500314 Paris.mp3
    4. Escape 480222 036 (EC) How Love Came To Professor Guildea.mp3
    5. Escape 480509 052 The Time Machine.mp3
    6. Escape 480919 066 The Man Who Could Work Miracles.mp3
    7. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle.mp3
    8. Escape 490326 075 Adaptive Ultimate.mp3
    9. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit.mp3
    10. Escape 500331 116 Green Splotches.mp3
    11. Escape 500602 125 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    12. Escape 510725 159 The Earthmen.mp3
    13. Escape 530329 189 The Invader.mp3
    14. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow.mp3
    15. Escape 531004 216 Zero Hour.mp3
    16. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens.mp3
    17. Favorite Story 480515 35 Dr Heideggers Experiment.mp3
    18. Favorite Story 490528 089 Time Machine.mp3
    19. Ft 530930 338 Journey Of Pegasus.mp3
    20. Ft 531111 344 Martians And Coys.mp3
    21. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash.mp3
    22. Ft 541013 391 Ufo.mp3
    23. Ft 541110 395 At 155 Pounds.mp3
    24. Ft 550112 403 Stranger In Town.mp3
    25. Ft 570703 528 Invasion.mp3
    26. Hall Fantasy 530420 22 Out Of Sky.mp3
    27. Hall Fantasy 530727 Automaton.mp3
    28. Hall Fantasy 530810 Man From The Second Earth.mp3
    29. Hollywood Star Playhouse 520907 29 The Tenth Planet.mp3
    30. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X.mp3
    31. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms.mp3
    32. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones).mp3
    33. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever).mp3
    34. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship.mp3
    35. lux540104 863 Day Earth Stood Still.mp3
    36. lux550208 910 War of the Worlds.mp3
    37. Murder Midnight 500717 Terror out of Space.mp3
    38. Mysterious Traveler 440227 The Good Die Young.mp3
    39. Mysterious Traveler 441007 043 MAN THE INSECTS HATED.mp3
    40. Mysterious Traveler 461229 If You Believe.mp3
    41. Mysterious Traveler 480622 Zero Hour.mp3
    42. Mysterious Traveler 490802 215 Planet Zevius.mp3
    43. Mysterious Traveler 491011 The Last Survivor.mp3
    44. NBC Short Story 520104 26 The Rocket.mp3
    45. Planet Man 013.mp3
    46. Planet Man 053.mp3
    47. Proudly We Hail 511209 e166 Terror At Polgar.mp3
    48. Proudly We Hail 520106 e170 A Matter Of Time.mp3
    49. QuietPlease 470727 e006 I Remember Tomorrow.mp3
    50. QuietPlease 471006 e018 Not Enough Time.mp3
    51. QuietPlease 480202 e035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
    52. QuietPlease 480614 e054 Not Responsible After 30 Years.mp3
    53. QuietPlease 480726 e058 The Man Who Stole A Planet.mp3
    54. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board.mp3
    55. QuietPlease 481003 e068 Meet John Smith.mp3
    56. QuietPlease 481107 e073 Adam And The Darkest Day.mp3
    57. QuietPlease 481121 e075 One For The Book.mp3
    58. QuietPlease 481205 e077 Very Unimportant Person.mp3
    59. QuietPlease 490508 e099 The Other Side Of The Stars.mp3
    60. QuietPlease 490522 e101 The Oldest Man In The World.mp3
    61. QuietPlease 490625 e106 Quiet Please.mp3
    62. Radio Guild Man Who Was Tomorrow.mp3
    63. RCP 490613 How Love came to Prof Guildea.mp3
    64. Sealed Book 470729 BewareOfTomorrow.mp3
    65. SUSP 440518 092 Donovan's Brain, Part One.mp3
    66. SUSP 440525 093 Donovan's Brain, Part Two.mp3
    67. SUSP 540215 539 The Outer Limit.mp3
    68. SUSP 550405 592 Zero Hour.mp3
    69. SUSP 550712 606 Kaleidoscope.mp3
    70. SUSP 570901 714 The Man from Tomorrow.mp3
    71. SUSP 620211 912 The Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln.mp3
    72. Theater Guild OTA 530426 2150 Nineteen Eighty Four.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    71 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 33 hours, 46 min
    71 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    621 MB – total playtime 33 hours, 46 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 71 shows – 621 MB – total playtime 33 hours, 46 minutes
    2. Captain Starr Of Space Queen Nilo Incident.mp3
    3. Cloud Nine 500314 Paris.mp3
    4. Escape 480222 036 (EC) How Love Came To Professor Guildea.mp3
    5. Escape 480509 052 The Time Machine.mp3
    6. Escape 480919 066 The Man Who Could Work Miracles.mp3
    7. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle.mp3
    8. Escape 490326 075 Adaptive Ultimate.mp3
    9. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit.mp3
    10. Escape 500331 116 Green Splotches.mp3
    11. Escape 500602 125 Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    12. Escape 510725 159 The Earthmen.mp3
    13. Escape 530329 189 The Invader.mp3
    14. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow.mp3
    15. Escape 531004 216 Zero Hour.mp3
    16. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens.mp3
    17. Favorite Story 480515 35 Dr Heideggers Experiment.mp3
    18. Favorite Story 490528 089 Time Machine.mp3
    19. Ft 530930 338 Journey Of Pegasus.mp3
    20. Ft 531111 344 Martians And Coys.mp3
    21. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash.mp3
    22. Ft 541013 391 Ufo.mp3
    23. Ft 541110 395 At 155 Pounds.mp3
    24. Ft 550112 403 Stranger In Town.mp3
    25. Ft 570703 528 Invasion.mp3
    26. Hall Fantasy 530420 22 Out Of Sky.mp3
    27. Hall Fantasy 530727 Automaton.mp3
    28. Hall Fantasy 530810 Man From The Second Earth.mp3
    29. Hollywood Star Playhouse 520907 29 The Tenth Planet.mp3
    30. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X.mp3
    31. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms.mp3
    32. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones).mp3
    33. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever).mp3
    34. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship.mp3
    35. lux540104 863 Day Earth Stood Still.mp3
    36. lux550208 910 War of the Worlds.mp3
    37. Murder Midnight 500717 Terror out of Space.mp3
    38. Mysterious Traveler 440227 The Good Die Young.mp3
    39. Mysterious Traveler 441007 043 MAN THE INSECTS HATED.mp3
    40. Mysterious Traveler 461229 If You Believe.mp3
    41. Mysterious Traveler 480622 Zero Hour.mp3
    42. Mysterious Traveler 490802 215 Planet Zevius.mp3
    43. Mysterious Traveler 491011 The Last Survivor.mp3
    44. NBC Short Story 520104 26 The Rocket.mp3
    45. Planet Man 013.mp3
    46. Planet Man 053.mp3
    47. Proudly We Hail 511209 e166 Terror At Polgar.mp3
    48. Proudly We Hail 520106 e170 A Matter Of Time.mp3
    49. QuietPlease 470727 e006 I Remember Tomorrow.mp3
    50. QuietPlease 471006 e018 Not Enough Time.mp3
    51. QuietPlease 480202 e035 Pathetic Fallacy.mp3
    52. QuietPlease 480614 e054 Not Responsible After 30 Years.mp3
    53. QuietPlease 480726 e058 The Man Who Stole A Planet.mp3
    54. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board.mp3
    55. QuietPlease 481003 e068 Meet John Smith.mp3
    56. QuietPlease 481107 e073 Adam And The Darkest Day.mp3
    57. QuietPlease 481121 e075 One For The Book.mp3
    58. QuietPlease 481205 e077 Very Unimportant Person.mp3
    59. QuietPlease 490508 e099 The Other Side Of The Stars.mp3
    60. QuietPlease 490522 e101 The Oldest Man In The World.mp3
    61. QuietPlease 490625 e106 Quiet Please.mp3
    62. Radio Guild Man Who Was Tomorrow.mp3
    63. RCP 490613 How Love came to Prof Guildea.mp3
    64. Sealed Book 470729 BewareOfTomorrow.mp3
    65. SUSP 440518 092 Donovan's Brain, Part One.mp3
    66. SUSP 440525 093 Donovan's Brain, Part Two.mp3
    67. SUSP 540215 539 The Outer Limit.mp3
    68. SUSP 550405 592 Zero Hour.mp3
    69. SUSP 550712 606 Kaleidoscope.mp3
    70. SUSP 570901 714 The Man from Tomorrow.mp3
    71. SUSP 620211 912 The Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln.mp3
    72. Theater Guild OTA 530426 2150 Nineteen Eighty Four.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    71 recordings on 37 Audio CDs. Total playtime 33 hours, 46 min
    71 recordings on 37 Audio CDs
    total playtime 33 hours, 46 min

    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A001

    1. Captain Starr Of Space Queen Nilo Incident
    2. Planet Man 013
    3. Planet Man 053

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A002

    1. Radio Guild Man Who Was Tomorrow
    2. Lights Out 380126 Oxychloride X

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A003

    1. Lights Out 421013 Revolt of the Worms
    2. Lights Out 421222 Meteor Man (The Hungry Ones)
    3. Lights Out 430831 Immortal Gentleman (Live Forever)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A004

    1. Mysterious Traveler 440227 The Good Die Young
    2. SUSP 440518 092 Donovan's Brain, Part One

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A005

    1. SUSP 440525 093 Donovan's Brain, Part Two
    2. Mysterious Traveler 441007 043 MAN THE INSECTS HATED

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A006

    1. Lights Out 450728 The Rocket Ship
    2. Mysterious Traveler 461229 If You Believe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A007

    1. QuietPlease 470727 e006 I Remember Tomorrow
    2. Sealed Book 470729 BewareOfTomorrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A008

    1. Favorite Story 470920 002 Diamond Lens
    2. QuietPlease 471006 e018 Not Enough Time

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A009

    1. QuietPlease 480202 e035 Pathetic Fallacy
    2. Escape 480222 036 (EC) How Love Came To Professor Guildea

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A010

    1. Escape 480509 052 The Time Machine
    2. Favorite Story 480515 35 Dr Heideggers Experiment

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A011

    1. QuietPlease 480614 e054 Not Responsible After 30 Years
    2. Mysterious Traveler 480622 Zero Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A012

    1. QuietPlease 480726 e058 The Man Who Stole A Planet
    2. QuietPlease 480809 e060 The Thing on the Fourble Board

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A013

    1. Escape 480919 066 The Man Who Could Work Miracles
    2. QuietPlease 481003 e068 Meet John Smith

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A014

    1. QuietPlease 481107 e073 Adam And The Darkest Day
    2. QuietPlease 481121 e075 One For The Book

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A015

    1. QuietPlease 481205 e077 Very Unimportant Person
    2. Escape 490305 070 Conqueror's Isle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A016

    1. Escape 490326 075 Adaptive Ultimate
    2. QuietPlease 490508 e099 The Other Side Of The Stars

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A017

    1. QuietPlease 490522 e101 The Oldest Man In The World
    2. Favorite Story 490528 089 Time Machine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A018

    1. RCP 490613 How Love came to Prof Guildea
    2. QuietPlease 490625 e106 Quiet Please

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A019

    1. Mysterious Traveler 490802 215 Planet Zevius
    2. Mysterious Traveler 491011 The Last Survivor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A020

    1. Escape 500207 109 Outer Limit
    2. Cloud Nine 500314 Paris

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A021

    1. Escape 500331 116 Green Splotches
    2. Escape 500602 125 Mars Is Heaven

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A022

    1. Murder Midnight 500717 Terror out of Space
    2. Escape 510725 159 The Earthmen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A023

    1. Proudly We Hail 511209 e166 Terror At Polgar
    2. NBC Short Story 520104 26 The Rocket

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A024

    1. Proudly We Hail 520106 e170 A Matter Of Time
    2. Hollywood Star Playhouse 520907 29 The Tenth Planet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A025

    1. Escape 530329 189 The Invader
    2. Hall Fantasy 530420 22 Out Of Sky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A026

    1. Theater Guild OTA 530426 2150 Nineteen Eighty Four

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A027

    1. Hall Fantasy 530727 Automaton
    2. Hall Fantasy 530810 Man From The Second Earth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A028

    1. Escape 530823 210 The Man From Tomorrow
    2. Ft 530930 338 Journey Of Pegasus

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A029

    1. Escape 531004 216 Zero Hour
    2. Ft 531111 344 Martians And Coys

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A030

    1. lux540104 863 Day Earth Stood Still

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A031

    1. SUSP 540215 539 The Outer Limit
    2. Ft 540707 377 Last Smash

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A032

    1. Ft 541013 391 Ufo
    2. Ft 541110 395 At 155 Pounds

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A033

    1. Ft 550112 403 Stranger In Town

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A034

    1. lux550208 910 War of the Worlds

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A035

    1. SUSP 550405 592 Zero Hour
    2. SUSP 550712 606 Kaleidoscope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A036

    1. Ft 570703 528 Invasion
    2. SUSP 570901 714 The Man from Tomorrow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Science Fiction Listener Favorites Disc A037

    1. SUSP 620211 912 The Man Who Went Back to Save Lincoln

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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