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Aimee Semple McPherson
Aimee Semple McPherson
14 Episodes
1 Volume
Fascinating character in American history and an early pioneer in radio evangelism.More than just a radio minister, she was a movement in 1920s America with millions of followers.

14 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Catholic Hour
Catholic Hour
51 Episodes
1 Volume
Featured different guest speakers on different topics. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (best known as the host of televisions' "Life Is Worth Living" in the 1950s) often hosted the program and proclaimed: "We are at the end of a non-religious era."

51 1
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Cowboy Church of the Air
Cowboy Church of the Air
2 Episodes
1 Volume
Stuart Hamblen was the son of a Methodist Preacher and began his career as a gospel singer.In 1926, he began his career as a radio performer and was a member of the orginal Beverly Hillbillies.After seeing Billy Graham in 1949, Stuart Hamblen devoted his life to Christ and changed the tone of his career.He began his radio show "The Cowboy Church in the Air" and it was syndicated across the country.

2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Eternal Light
Eternal Light
739 Episodes
15 Volume
Part of NBC's Sunday Religious Programming, The Eternal Light was sponsored by the Jewish Theological Seminary. This well-written religious drama was created by the Jewish Theological Seminary and features stories from the Torah, the Bible, and important historical texts.

739 15
Add To Cart: $75.00
Father Coughlin
Father Coughlin
79 Episodes
3 Volume
"The Radio Priest" was a success when he first discussed religious matters in the early days of radio. Father Coughlin stepped on a few toes when he expanded into calls for economic reform and political commentary.

79 3
Add To Cart: $15.00
Father Flanagan Boys Town
Father Flanagan Boys Town
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Hear the harrowing tales of the orphans lost and saved at Father Flanagan's Boys Town.

4 1
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34 Episodes
1 Volume
Based on the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

34 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Greatest Story Ever Told
Greatest Story Ever Told
98 Episodes
2 Volume
Just like the 1965 movie with the same name, The Greatest Story Ever Told featured events from the life of Jesus Christ as told in the Gospels.

98 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons
Herbert W. Armstrong Sermons
88 Episodes
2 Volume
Radio evangelist and prophecy predictor, Herbert W. Armstrong got his start on the airwaves later founding the Worldwide Church of God.

88 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
Hour of Decision
Hour of Decision
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Called "the Pastor to Presidents", Reverend Dr. Billy Graham leads this radio show 30 minutes music and revival.

4 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Hour of Saint Francis
Hour of Saint Francis
10 Episodes
1 Volume
Each 15-minute show examined a moral problem, explored a virtue, or told the stories of everyday people in extraordinary situations.

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Jesus in Old Time Radio
Jesus in Old Time Radio
31 Episodes
1 Volume
Radio celebrates the life of Jesus, from his humble birth in a manger in Bethlehem, through his crucifixion and resurrection, but mostly radio is a means to share Jesus’s message of love and peace.

31 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Living God
Living God
5 Episodes
1 Volume
Here is a fanciful retelling of the Easter Story seen through the eyes of a "Man on the Street" reporter.

5 1
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Lutheran Hour
Lutheran Hour
26 Episodes
1 Volume
"Bringing Christ to the Nations" on the airwaves.

26 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Mother Teresa
Mother Teresa
13 Episodes
1 Volume
Born in 1910, Mother Teresa was recognized as a national hero in India for her work with the poorest of the poor.

13 1
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New Life Movement
New Life Movement
6 Episodes
1 Volume
A syndicated radio ministry of the Disciplined Order of Christ which was founded by Dr. Albert Edward Day.

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Old Fashioned Revival Hour
Old Fashioned Revival Hour
161 Episodes
4 Volume
Classic old time radio Christian evangelicalism.The show was lead by Pastor Charles E Fuller who was one of the first radio ministers.He dedicated his life to the ministry and often traveled around the country and aired live revivals.

161 4
Add To Cart: $20.00
Radio Revival Heart to Heart Hour
Radio Revival Heart to Heart Hour
2 Episodes
1 Volume
is a rare collection of religious and gospel recordings from the 1930's by Charles E Fuller.

2 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Religious Recordings
Religious Recordings
21 Episodes
1 Volume
Uplifting and Inspirational Sermons from Reverend Beale and Reverend Charles Fuller

21 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Ronald Knox
Ronald Knox
4 Episodes
1 Volume
Ronald Knox was an interesting and controversial figure in the Catholic Church in England who broadcast about many subjects on British radio.

4 1
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16 Episodes
1 Volume
A faith based radio show produced by The Navy Chaplain Corp to help Armed Service Members find the right church of their choice and finding strength within.

16 1
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Sunday Down South
Sunday Down South
10 Episodes
1 Volume
Featured "genteel Dixieana" with an evangelical effort, Bible verses were often recited between the musical numbers. Just the thing to listen to on the front porch with the smells of Sunday dinner wafting through the windows...

10 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
Upper Room (So You Want to Stay Married)
Upper Room (So You Want to Stay Married)
6 Episodes
1 Volume
Written by Carlton E Morse, this old time radio show reveals the secret trials and tribulations in your average 1940s marriage.The show begins with the question "So, you want to stay married?"

6 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
20 Episodes
1 Volume
A unique drama anthology with host Robert Young who states, "In the normal course of most any day, every one of us is a witness to matters of life and death. The way we involve ourselves in these vital matters makes our own lives worthwhile or meaningless."

20 1
Add To Cart: $5.00
World Tomorrow
World Tomorrow
91 Episodes
2 Volume
The Biblical scholarship which is the basis of The World Tomorrow broadcasts is second to none.

91 2
Add To Cart: $10.00
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