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Random Rarities 12

Randomer and Rarer than before, enjoy these old time radio rarities from the lost vaults of time.

Random Rarities 12

46 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 22 hours, 52 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
24 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Don Amache
King George IV Coronation
Dinah Shore & Frank Sinatra
Shirley Mitchell of McGarry and His Mouse
Kyle Macdonnell
Westinghouse Program Starring John Charles Thomas

Old Time Radio's greatest value is the same as when it was originally broadcast- pure entertainment. However, it is also an audio-Historical Artifact. Like many artifacts, old time radio cannot give us a complete picture. Our Rarities bring to mind the question, if these are the lost episodes, what were the ones that are still lost like?

Most of these Rarities were produced during the Post War period through the mid-Fifties. By this time Radio was a mature medium. The lessons from the War Years had led to the radio production's high point, but the competition from television had yet to materialize.

Adventure Is Your Heritage: Transcribed by the Navy Recruiting Service. A series of 15 minute broadcasts describing famous moments in Naval History. This episode tells the story of the discovery of radar.

Adventure Parade: Mutual Network Program a "Parade of the world's greatest stories. Stories of Action, Mystery and Adventure!" The Pilgrims leaving England for the new world are the topic of this broadcast.

American School Of The Air began broadcasting to classrooms across the country in 1930, and at its high-point was heard by an estimated 3,000,000 students. In 1936, the School presented an abridged version of Shakespeare's romantic tragedy Romeo and Juliet, "the most celebrated love story in all literature". CBS presents a half hour adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The narrator fills in the story while the actors present the Bard's lines.

Citizen Of The World: Norman Corwin presents characters from around the world whose work benefits all of mankind. Part of Corwin's efforts in support of the United Nations.

Stars In the Afternoon: A very fun 90 minute preview of Columbia Broadcasting's 1946-47 season. This is one of Radio's greatest seasons, and the preview focuses on Frank Sinatra and Dinah Shore trying to convince C.B. System (Arthur Q. Bryan) to let them sing.

The City: "An Impression for Radio", stories of many people who don't realize how their lives touch each other, presented with full orchestral support and some of radio's most highly developed sound effects.

City Hospital: "Where life begins and ends". A famous singer is getting ready for a major tour, but her husband wants her to stay with him. However, she has developed nodes on her vocal cords that may be cured with an operation. In another episode, an older woman keeps getting worse, "there are some things even a Doctor can't cure".

Coronation of King George VI: British and NBC broadcast. Interesting history, especially during the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's reign.

The Don Ameche Show: Audition program. Special guest is Maureen O'Hara. Pinky Lee is hired as Maureen's replacement butler.

Dramas Of The Courts: Crime drama set in the criminal courts. In one episode, our hero defends the wife of New York City's District Attorney for murdering the Lieutenant Governor. In another a detective from the homicide squad investigates a murder where his biggest clue is a cigarette lighter left at the scene.

Dyke Easter, Detective: Dyke says "Murder is my business. Only known episode of the program. Dyke comes off as a very hard-boiled detective, but without the gravitas of Philip Marlowe or Sam Spade. A little needs Easter's help after he confesses to murder in "This Time For Creeps".

Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of AT&T: Andre Kostelanetz and His Orchestra provide the music for the 50th anniversary of the telephone company. Several guests praise the telephone, and historic phone calls are reenacted.

Golden Door: A presentation of United Service for New Americans. Stories of refugees coming to find a new life in America after escaping the horrors of the Holocaust.

Hall Of Fame: Hinds Honey and Almond Cream presents characters and music from Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies just before Christmas, 1934.

Invitation To Learning: A discussion of great works of literature. This episode discusses the poem "The Nature of Things", wherein the Roman poet Lucretius explains Epicurean philosophy.

Love Thy Neighbor: An On Air movie trailer for the film starring radio comedy greats Jack Benny and Fred Allen. Filled with quips recalling the Benny-Allen Feud.

Maxwell Coffee Time: Meredith Wilson presents an all music program because "music is as much a part of the American scene as toast and Maxwell House Coffee for breakfast."

McGarry and His Mouse: Very cute program about a rookie cop and his pretty wife.

Metropolitan Opera: Presenting Gilbert and Sullivan's "Yeoman Of The Guard"

Mid Day Merry-Go-Round: Thumping Swing Jazz, apparently originating from Knoxville, TN.

Music A La Mode: Army and Air Force syndication featuring the Norman Paris Trio and songstress Kyle MacDonnell

Mysteries of the Mind: A supposedly scientific presentation, but with plenty of creepy organ music. Hypnosis is explored.

The Mystery Castle: An episode from a Christmas Serial presented by a department store in Youngstown, Ohio.

NBC Summertime Hot Money: An extended commercial for NBC's summer advertising effectiveness.

Navy Hoe Down: Some of the era's best country and western music presented by the Navy and Naval Reserve Recruiting Service.

NBC War Bond Parade: Variety Program in support of the Fourth War Loan drive.

Night Cap Yarns: A series of syndicated quarter hour adventure stories. In one our hero is captured by slavers in Afghanistan. In another we are treated to a story of revenge on the Motor Race Tracks.

Old Kentucky Barn Dance: Country Music show similar to National Barn Dance, originating from Louisville, KY

Once Upon A Time: Syndicated kids program featuring fairy tales and fables. Commercials added locally.

Originals By Bennett: Joan Bennett stars in an audition program where she gets into the fashion game.

Passport For Adams: Robert Young stars as a small town newspaper editor traveling around the world to countries of the United Nations in this Norman Corwin drama.

Rubies of Kali: Audition Program for Steve Canyon, based on the aviation comic strip by Milt Caniff.

The Circle: Variety program featuring Hollywood royalty of 1939. Hosted by Ronald Colman and featuring Cary Grant, Groucho and Chico Marx, Carole Lombard and others.

Treasury Hour: Variety Show supporting War Bond drive. Features Robert Montgomery and Noel Coward.

The Westinghouse Program: Presented on AFRS as the John Charles Thomas Program, presented beautiful music and dramas to a War torn world.

Who Said That?: NBC quiz show based on current news of the late 1940's.

Woolworth Hour: Holiday show from the department store chain featuring Percy Faith and his Orchestra and an adaptation of the angelic story "Twinkle".

Your Family and Mine: Soap Opera sponsored by Sealtest Frozen Foods starring Frank Lovejoy.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I listened to disc #24 today which was The Old Kentucky Barndance from December,1956. This was an entertaining and fast moving show. The 30 minute show was over too soon. Similar in presentation to the Grand Ole Opry, this had its own sound as several of the tunes were "rockabilly" in sound. It was broadcast from WHAS in Louisville, Kentucky. I love Random Rarities.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    46 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 52 min
    46 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 22 hours, 52 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 46 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 52 minutes
    2. Adventure Is Your Heritage 50000 Invisible Fence.mp3
    3. Adventure Parade 481126 465 Bells Of Leyden Sing [ch 55].mp3
    4. American School Of Air 361124 Romeo And Juliet.mp3
    5. Cbs Citizen Of World 490710 Lee J Cobb Norman Corwin.mp3
    6. Cbs Stars Afternoon 460922 Preview Of Cbs 1946 Fall Line Up.mp3
    7. City 470309 Plastic Orchard.mp3
    8. City Hospital 000000 07 Throat Operation Afrs.mp3
    9. City Hospital 000000 11 Woman In Her Seventies.mp3
    10. Coronation Of George Vi 370518.mp3
    11. Don Ameche Show 460624 Love Is Sweeping Nation.mp3
    12. DramasOfTheCourts #11 Blonde Goddess.mp3
    13. DramasOfTheCourts #12 Silver Locket.mp3
    14. Dyke Easter, Detective 490319 This Time For Creeps.mp3
    15. Fiftieth Anniversary ATT 350303.mp3
    16. Golden Door 470716 United Service For New Americans One .mp3
    17. Hall Of Fame, Heinz 341201 Christmas Stocking W W Disney.mp3
    18. Invitation To Learning Nature Of Things.mp3
    19. Love Thy Neighbor 401217.mp3
    20. Maxwell House Coffee Time 460613.mp3
    21. Mcgarry And His Mouse 460710 02 Singing In Glee Club.mp3
    22. Mcgarry His Mouse 460626 01 Gambling At Police Station Afrs.mp3
    23. Metropolitan Opera 440000 043 Yeoman Of Guard Afrs.mp3
    24. Midday Merry Goround 40000x Smile Poor.mp3
    25. Music La Mode 527 Its Wonderful .mp3
    26. Mysteries Of Mind 381111 Esp.mp3
    27. Mystery Castle 471200 09 Trying Solve Mystery Of Packages .mp3
    28. Navy Hoedown Truck Drivin Son Of Gun.mp3
    29. Navy Hoedown Two Dollars In Jukebox 6448.mp3
    30. NBC Summertime Hot Money .mp3
    31. Nbc War Bond Parade 440307 .mp3
    32. Nightcap Yarns 430222 Valley Of Slave Market V.mp3
    33. Nightcap Yarns 430301 Revenge On Race Track V.mp3
    34. Old Kentucky Barndance 561223 00x Fool Around .mp3
    35. Once Upon Time 380000 07 Hansel And Gretel .mp3
    36. Once Upon Time 380000 20 Little Red Hen .mp3
    37. Originals By Bennett 000000 Joan Gets Job Audition.mp3
    38. Passport For Adams 430921 .mp3
    39. Rubies Of Kali. 480902.mp3
    40. The Circle 390122 02 R Colman, C Lombard, G C Marx, C .mp3
    41. Treasury Hour 411021 Robert Montgomery Joined Progress (WC)..mp3
    42. Westinghouse Prg 441224 Juggler of Our Lady.mp3
    43. Westinghouse Program 430000 21 Love Me W.mp3
    44. Who Said That 480827 09 Guests Eli Cubberson Mogan Beatty.mp3
    45. Who Said That 490410 With Robert Trout.mp3
    46. Woolworth Hour Twinkle.mp3
    47. Your Family Mine 390921 Woody In Hospital Speaks Of Love.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    46 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 22 hours, 52 min
    46 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    519 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 52 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 46 shows – 519 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 52 minutes
    2. Adventure Is Your Heritage 50000 Invisible Fence.mp3
    3. Adventure Parade 481126 465 Bells Of Leyden Sing [ch 55].mp3
    4. American School Of Air 361124 Romeo And Juliet.mp3
    5. Cbs Citizen Of World 490710 Lee J Cobb Norman Corwin.mp3
    6. Cbs Stars Afternoon 460922 Preview Of Cbs 1946 Fall Line Up.mp3
    7. City 470309 Plastic Orchard.mp3
    8. City Hospital 000000 07 Throat Operation Afrs.mp3
    9. City Hospital 000000 11 Woman In Her Seventies.mp3
    10. Coronation Of George Vi 370518.mp3
    11. Don Ameche Show 460624 Love Is Sweeping Nation.mp3
    12. DramasOfTheCourts #11 Blonde Goddess.mp3
    13. DramasOfTheCourts #12 Silver Locket.mp3
    14. Dyke Easter, Detective 490319 This Time For Creeps.mp3
    15. Fiftieth Anniversary ATT 350303.mp3
    16. Golden Door 470716 United Service For New Americans One .mp3
    17. Hall Of Fame, Heinz 341201 Christmas Stocking W W Disney.mp3
    18. Invitation To Learning Nature Of Things.mp3
    19. Love Thy Neighbor 401217.mp3
    20. Maxwell House Coffee Time 460613.mp3
    21. Mcgarry And His Mouse 460710 02 Singing In Glee Club.mp3
    22. Mcgarry His Mouse 460626 01 Gambling At Police Station Afrs.mp3
    23. Metropolitan Opera 440000 043 Yeoman Of Guard Afrs.mp3
    24. Midday Merry Goround 40000x Smile Poor.mp3
    25. Music La Mode 527 Its Wonderful .mp3
    26. Mysteries Of Mind 381111 Esp.mp3
    27. Mystery Castle 471200 09 Trying Solve Mystery Of Packages .mp3
    28. Navy Hoedown Truck Drivin Son Of Gun.mp3
    29. Navy Hoedown Two Dollars In Jukebox 6448.mp3
    30. NBC Summertime Hot Money .mp3
    31. Nbc War Bond Parade 440307 .mp3
    32. Nightcap Yarns 430222 Valley Of Slave Market V.mp3
    33. Nightcap Yarns 430301 Revenge On Race Track V.mp3
    34. Old Kentucky Barndance 561223 00x Fool Around .mp3
    35. Once Upon Time 380000 07 Hansel And Gretel .mp3
    36. Once Upon Time 380000 20 Little Red Hen .mp3
    37. Originals By Bennett 000000 Joan Gets Job Audition.mp3
    38. Passport For Adams 430921 .mp3
    39. Rubies Of Kali. 480902.mp3
    40. The Circle 390122 02 R Colman, C Lombard, G C Marx, C .mp3
    41. Treasury Hour 411021 Robert Montgomery Joined Progress (WC)..mp3
    42. Westinghouse Prg 441224 Juggler of Our Lady.mp3
    43. Westinghouse Program 430000 21 Love Me W.mp3
    44. Who Said That 480827 09 Guests Eli Cubberson Mogan Beatty.mp3
    45. Who Said That 490410 With Robert Trout.mp3
    46. Woolworth Hour Twinkle.mp3
    47. Your Family Mine 390921 Woody In Hospital Speaks Of Love.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    46 recordings on 24 Audio CDs. Total playtime 21 hours, 23 min
    46 recordings on 24 Audio CDs
    total playtime 21 hours, 23 min

    Random Rarities 12 Disc A001

    1. Adventure Is Your Heritage 50000 Invisible Fence
    2. DramasOfTheCourts #11 Blonde Goddess
    3. DramasOfTheCourts #12 Silver Locket

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A002

    1. Invitation To Learning Nature Of Things

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A003

    1. Midday Merry Goround 40000x Smile Poor

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A004

    1. Music La Mode 527 Its Wonderful
    2. Navy Hoedown Truck Drivin Son Of Gun
    3. Navy Hoedown Two Dollars In Jukebox 6448
    4. NBC Summertime Hot Money

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A005

    1. Woolworth Hour Twinkle
    2. City Hospital 000000 07 Throat Operation Afrs
    3. City Hospital 000000 11 Woman In Her Seventies

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A006

    1. Originals By Bennett 000000 Joan Gets Job Audition
    2. Hall Of Fame, Heinz 341201 Christmas Stocking W W Disney

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A007

    1. Fiftieth Anniversary ATT 350303

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A008

    1. American School Of Air 361124 Romeo And Juliet
    2. Coronation Of George Vi 370518

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A009

    1. Once Upon Time 380000 07 Hansel And Gretel
    2. Once Upon Time 380000 20 Little Red Hen
    3. Mysteries Of Mind 381111 Esp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A010

    1. The Circle 390122 02 R Colman, C Lombard, G C Marx, C

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A011

    1. Your Family Mine 390921 Woody In Hospital Speaks Of Love

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A012

    1. Love Thy Neighbor 401217

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A013

    1. Treasury Hour 411021 Robert Montgomery Joined Progress (WC).
    2. Westinghouse Program 430000 21 Love Me W

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A014

    1. Nightcap Yarns 430222 Valley Of Slave Market V
    2. Nightcap Yarns 430301 Revenge On Race Track V
    3. Passport For Adams 430921

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A015

    1. Metropolitan Opera 440000 043 Yeoman Of Guard Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A016

    1. Nbc War Bond Parade 440307

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A017

    1. Westinghouse Prg 441224 Juggler of Our Lady
    2. Maxwell House Coffee Time 460613

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A018

    1. Don Ameche Show 460624 Love Is Sweeping Nation
    2. Mcgarry His Mouse 460626 01 Gambling At Police Station Afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A019

    1. Mcgarry And His Mouse 460710 02 Singing In Glee Club
    2. City 470309 Plastic Orchard
    3. Golden Door 470716 United Service For New Americans One

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A020

    1. Mystery Castle 471200 09 Trying Solve Mystery Of Packages
    2. Who Said That 480827 09 Guests Eli Cubberson Mogan Beatty

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A021

    1. Rubies Of Kali. 480902
    2. Adventure Parade 481126 465 Bells Of Leyden Sing [ch 55]

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A022

    1. Dyke Easter, Detective 490319 This Time For Creeps
    2. Who Said That 490410 With Robert Trout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A023

    1. Cbs Citizen Of World 490710 Lee J Cobb Norman Corwin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 12 Disc A024

    1. Old Kentucky Barndance 561223 00x Fool Around

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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