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Random Rarities 4

A Compilation of Rare Old Time Radio Series!

Random Rarities 04

50 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 21 hours, 29 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
23 Audio CDs

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"World Series Game"

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Robert Q LewisRare Drama, Music, Comedy, Suspense, Mystery, Detective, Crime, Adventure and Science Fiction (1930s-1950s)

ChevalierGet yourself all revved up, because Random Rarities Collection Number Four is ready to take you on a tour of different genres around the world.

American Album of Familiar Music, 1940s, NBC Red Network. A product of the "Hummert Radio Factory", one of the early powerhouses in creating commercially successful radio programming, in this case, classical music sponsored by Bayer Aspirin. One of the episodes included in this collection is a "double rarity" because it was originally broadcast on December 7, 1941, and includes breaking War related bulletins.

Bunco Squad 1950, CBS. Frank Trumbull hosts this story about a conman who swindles a St Louis couple out of their life savings with a publishing scam.

Exploring the Unknown, 1946, Mutual. A well-produced documentary drama based on recent scientific and medical discoveries. Topics from mental illness to Atomic medicine to breaking the sound barrier are covered by A-list actors such as Veronica Lake, Walter Huston, Henry Fonda, and others.

Heartbeat of Broadway, 1959, American Heart Association syndication. A behind-the-scenes look at some of the greatest triumphs in musical theater, including "Oklahoma", "Kiss Me Kate", "My Fair Lady", and "Guys and Dolls" along with an appeal for the Heart Fund.

Hello Sucker, 1952, WMAQ Chicago. A public service program exposing some of the scams which Windy City bad-guys might try to foist upon honest shoppers.

Manhattan Merry-Go-Round, 1940s, Red Network. Another musical offering from Anne and Frank Hummert's "Radio Factory", Merry-Go-Round capitalizes on more popular, "sing-along" numbers.

Veronika LakeMidnight Merry Go Round, 1948, KNX Los Angeles. The best in recorded music, presented nightly by the Kelly Car Company, claiming to be the largest used-car dealer in the world on Figueroa St in downtown Los "An-gill-eez".

The Nebbs, 1945, Mutual Network. Gene and Kathleen Lockhart play Rudy and Fanny Nebbs, characters, popular characters from the comic pages.

Starlight Theater, Syndicated. Spoiled playboy Kip Rennie has squandered his inheritance and believes death is his only option, so he hires a hitman to do the job he is too afraid to do himself.

That's Rich, 1954, CBS. A fun sitcom about Rich, a mediocre talent who'll do anything to break into showbiz.

The Investigator, May 30, 1954, A satirical send-up of the McCarthy witch-hunt, supposing that similar tactics might be used in the afterworld.

The Judge, 1952, CBS, Audition program. "The Death of a Playboy", retired Judge A.J. Adams' years on the bench have taught him that "No crime is perfect", and now he occasionally passes his time as an amateur crime-fighter.

The Man Behind the Gun, 1943-44, CBS. Profiles of fighting men of the United Nations forces in every theater of the War. This episode is "Something for the Girls", a profile of a combat nurse on the front lines in Italy.

The Master's Music Room, Transco transcription. Semi-classical music with no announcements or introduction. The beauty of the music is haunting and a delight on its own, however, to the uninitiated it may be difficult to follow or appreciate the full value of the pieces.

The McCoy, April 22, 1951, NBC audition. Howard Duff stars in this knock-off of The Adventures Of Sam Spade (which goes off the air in two days). "Three Wayward Girls," tells of starlets being murdered in Hollywood in truly hard-boiled fashion.

The Quaker Party, 1938, NBC. After a long engagement on Rudy Vallee's program, Tommy Riggs and his "imaginary friend" Betty Lou Barry are given their own program but the oatmeal folks (the story will seem hauntingly familiar to fans of Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy).

Sparkling Silver Summer Review (The Raymond Paige Musicomedy Show), 1948, NBC. A short and self-contained musical comedy play for radio, the actors are supported by Raymond Paige and his Orchestra.

The Show Goes On, 1949, CBS Radio and TV. A variety program hosted by Robert Q. Lewis, the program is an audition vehicle for nightclub talent and features interviews of interested club owners.

The Songs that Made Them Famous, Saturday Mornings, sponsored by Johnson's CarNu automobile polish. Each week, a different band is featured playing the songs that made them famous.

The World We Live In, 1954 ABC Radio. Inspired by LIFE Magazine's natural history features, "From the endless corridors of outer space to the depths of mystery beneath the seas and oceans and the secrets of time locked within the Earth itself".

Tokyo RoseThe Zero Hour, 1942-1945, NHK. English language propaganda broadcasts from Japanese National Radio are beamed to Allied servicemen in the Pacific Theater. Although she is never named, these are the actual broadcasts of "Tokyo Rose".

Theater of Famous Radio Players, 1945, Mutual, Universal Radio Productions syndication. Well produced and acted dramas featuring some of "Radio Rows" most talented players, including Joseph Kearns, Lurene Tuttle, and host Les Mitchell.

Think, 1953, ABC. Science fiction tales adapted from Ray Bradbury and other classic authors.

This is Jazz, 1947, Mutual. A solid half hour of genuine improvisational New Orleans Jazz and a celebration of the artform.

This Is Paris (The Maurice Chevalier Show), 1949, French Broadcasting System, syndicated. A Hollywood radio production team travels to Paris to bring the best of French showbiz talent to American audiences.

Trobriand the Adventurer, Radioart Guild of America syndication. A pre-War look at the islands of the South Seas. Adventures with trading schooners, headhunters, pearl divers, and beautiful native girls with flowers tucked behind their ears.

The Woman in White, 1944, CBS. An early medical soap opera dealing with a student nurse facing real-world problems at Municipal Hospital.

(Please note that some of the rare recordings in this collection may be of inferior sound quality.)

See also Random Rarities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1314, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2122, and 23.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    2     1


    I listened to disc #10 which contained Trobriond the Adventurer and The Quaker Party. The first is sort of like an old Frank Buck show called Bring 'Em Back Alive. The second reminded me of early Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy. They both have a 1930's sound and feel to the programs.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 29 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 21 hours, 29 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 29 minutes
    2. American Album Of Familiar Music 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C.mp3
    3. American Album Of Familiar Music 451014.mp3
    4. Exploring The Unknown 471220 The Dark Curtain.mp3
    5. Exploring The Unknown The Bell Tolls.mp3
    6. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Guys And Dolls.mp3
    7. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Kiss Me Kate.mp3
    8. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind My Fair Lady.mp3
    9. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Oklahoma.mp3
    10. Hello Sucker 520112 Fur Coats.mp3
    11. Manhattan Merry Go Round 430000.mp3
    12. Manhattan Merrygoround 480808 Thomas L Thomas.mp3
    13. Midnight Merry Go Round 480531 Music.mp3
    14. Nebbs 451007 World Series Game.mp3
    15. Nebbs 451014 The Library Book Drive.mp3
    16. Nebbs 451022 Fannie And George Switch Jobs.mp3
    17. Nebbs 451029 Halloween Surprise.mp3
    18. Starlighttheater Man Hires Hit Man To Kill Him.mp3
    19. That's Rich 531121.mp3
    20. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Auditions For A Nightclub.mp3
    21. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets A Job As An Usher.mp3
    22. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets His Fortune Told.mp3
    23. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Night Club Act.mp3
    24. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Tea Party.mp3
    25. The Investigator 540530.mp3
    26. The Judge 520213 Aud Death Of A Playboy.mp3
    27. The Man Behind The Gun A383.mp3
    28. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10a).mp3
    29. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10b).mp3
    30. The Mccoy 510424 Three Wayward Girls.mp3
    31. The Quaker Party 391001 First Show In Series.mp3
    32. The Raymond Paige Show 470617 No Respect For A Lady.mp3
    33. The Raymond Paige Show 480917 Watchdog.mp3
    34. The Show Goes On 500606 26 Robert Q Lewis.mp3
    35. The Songs That Made Them Famous 2 W Dick Jurgens.mp3
    36. The World We Live In 540416 The Ocean Of Air.mp3
    37. The World We Live In 540423 The Age Of Dinosaurs.mp3
    38. The Zero Hour 440815 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    39. The Zero Hour 440910 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    40. The Zero Hour 450909 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    41. Theateroffamousradioplayers 1930's Can't Argue With Love.mp3
    42. Theateroffamousradioplayers 39 Madam Expose.mp3
    43. Think 53xxxx Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    44. Think 53xxxx The Word.mp3
    45. This Is Jazz 470503 13 1st Everybody Loves My Baby.mp3
    46. This Is Jazz 470510 14 1sr St Louis Blues.mp3
    47. This Is Our Enemy Nazi Youth 1942.mp3
    48. This Is Paris, The Muarice Chevalier Show 01 '1st Louise'.mp3
    49. Triobran The Adventurer Tahiti.mp3
    50. Trobriond,the Adventurer #1 'tahiti#2 'head Hunters'.mp3
    51. Women In White 440607 Eileen Holmes.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 29 min
    50 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    431 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 29 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 50 shows – 431 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 29 minutes
    2. American Album Of Familiar Music 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C.mp3
    3. American Album Of Familiar Music 451014.mp3
    4. Exploring The Unknown 471220 The Dark Curtain.mp3
    5. Exploring The Unknown The Bell Tolls.mp3
    6. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Guys And Dolls.mp3
    7. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Kiss Me Kate.mp3
    8. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind My Fair Lady.mp3
    9. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Oklahoma.mp3
    10. Hello Sucker 520112 Fur Coats.mp3
    11. Manhattan Merry Go Round 430000.mp3
    12. Manhattan Merrygoround 480808 Thomas L Thomas.mp3
    13. Midnight Merry Go Round 480531 Music.mp3
    14. Nebbs 451007 World Series Game.mp3
    15. Nebbs 451014 The Library Book Drive.mp3
    16. Nebbs 451022 Fannie And George Switch Jobs.mp3
    17. Nebbs 451029 Halloween Surprise.mp3
    18. Starlighttheater Man Hires Hit Man To Kill Him.mp3
    19. That's Rich 531121.mp3
    20. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Auditions For A Nightclub.mp3
    21. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets A Job As An Usher.mp3
    22. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets His Fortune Told.mp3
    23. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Night Club Act.mp3
    24. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Tea Party.mp3
    25. The Investigator 540530.mp3
    26. The Judge 520213 Aud Death Of A Playboy.mp3
    27. The Man Behind The Gun A383.mp3
    28. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10a).mp3
    29. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10b).mp3
    30. The Mccoy 510424 Three Wayward Girls.mp3
    31. The Quaker Party 391001 First Show In Series.mp3
    32. The Raymond Paige Show 470617 No Respect For A Lady.mp3
    33. The Raymond Paige Show 480917 Watchdog.mp3
    34. The Show Goes On 500606 26 Robert Q Lewis.mp3
    35. The Songs That Made Them Famous 2 W Dick Jurgens.mp3
    36. The World We Live In 540416 The Ocean Of Air.mp3
    37. The World We Live In 540423 The Age Of Dinosaurs.mp3
    38. The Zero Hour 440815 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    39. The Zero Hour 440910 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    40. The Zero Hour 450909 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri).mp3
    41. Theateroffamousradioplayers 1930's Can't Argue With Love.mp3
    42. Theateroffamousradioplayers 39 Madam Expose.mp3
    43. Think 53xxxx Mars Is Heaven.mp3
    44. Think 53xxxx The Word.mp3
    45. This Is Jazz 470503 13 1st Everybody Loves My Baby.mp3
    46. This Is Jazz 470510 14 1sr St Louis Blues.mp3
    47. This Is Our Enemy Nazi Youth 1942.mp3
    48. This Is Paris, The Muarice Chevalier Show 01 '1st Louise'.mp3
    49. Triobran The Adventurer Tahiti.mp3
    50. Trobriond,the Adventurer #1 'tahiti#2 'head Hunters'.mp3
    51. Women In White 440607 Eileen Holmes.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    50 recordings on 23 Audio CDs. Total playtime 21 hours, 29 min
    50 recordings on 23 Audio CDs
    total playtime 21 hours, 29 min

    Random Rarities 04 Disc A001

    1. Exploring The Unknown The Bell Tolls
    2. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Guys And Dolls
    3. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Kiss Me Kate
    4. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind My Fair Lady

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A002

    1. Heartbeatofbroadway 5902xx The Story Behind Oklahoma
    2. Starlighttheater Man Hires Hit Man To Kill Him

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A003

    1. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Auditions For A Nightclub
    2. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets A Job As An Usher

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A004

    1. That's Rich 5xxxxx Rich Gets His Fortune Told
    2. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Night Club Act

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A005

    1. That's Rich Xxxxxx (xx) Tea Party
    2. The Man Behind The Gun A383

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A006

    1. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10a)
    2. The Masters Music Room 34xxxx (f 10b)
    3. The Songs That Made Them Famous 2 W Dick Jurgens
    4. Theateroffamousradioplayers 1930's Can't Argue With Love

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A007

    1. Theateroffamousradioplayers 39 Madam Expose
    2. Think 53xxxx Mars Is Heaven

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A008

    1. Think 53xxxx The Word
    2. This Is Our Enemy Nazi Youth 1942

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A009

    1. This Is Paris, The Muarice Chevalier Show 01 '1st Louise'
    2. Triobran The Adventurer Tahiti

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A010

    1. Trobriond,the Adventurer #1 'tahiti#2 'head Hunters'
    2. The Quaker Party 391001 First Show In Series

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A011

    1. American Album Of Familiar Music 411207 [2130 Hrs] N B C
    2. Manhattan Merry Go Round 430000
    3. Women In White 440607 Eileen Holmes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A012

    1. The Zero Hour 440815 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A013

    1. The Zero Hour 440910 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A014

    1. The Zero Hour 450909 [nhk] W Ann The Orphan (iva Toguri)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A015

    1. Nebbs 451007 World Series Game
    2. American Album Of Familiar Music 451014

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A016

    1. Nebbs 451014 The Library Book Drive
    2. Nebbs 451022 Fannie And George Switch Jobs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A017

    1. Nebbs 451029 Halloween Surprise
    2. This Is Jazz 470503 13 1st Everybody Loves My Baby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A018

    1. This Is Jazz 470510 14 1sr St Louis Blues
    2. The Raymond Paige Show 470617 No Respect For A Lady

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A019

    1. Exploring The Unknown 471220 The Dark Curtain
    2. Midnight Merry Go Round 480531 Music
    3. Manhattan Merrygoround 480808 Thomas L Thomas

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A020

    1. The Raymond Paige Show 480917 Watchdog
    2. The Show Goes On 500606 26 Robert Q Lewis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A021

    1. The Mccoy 510424 Three Wayward Girls
    2. Hello Sucker 520112 Fur Coats

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A022

    1. The Judge 520213 Aud Death Of A Playboy
    2. That's Rich 531121

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Random Rarities 04 Disc A023

    1. The World We Live In 540416 The Ocean Of Air
    2. The World We Live In 540423 The Age Of Dinosaurs
    3. The Investigator 540530

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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