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The Adventures of Philip Marlowe

Raymond Chandler's action-packed hard boiled detective drama starring Vah Heflin and Gerald Mohr!

Philip Marlowe

106 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 51 hours, 46 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
53 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from June 17, 1947:

"Red Wind"


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Detective Drama (1947 - 51)

Gerald MohrGet this and get it straight. Crime is a sucker's road and those who travel it wind up in the gutter, the prison or the grave.

Philip Marlowe was the brainchild of writer Raymond Chandler, who's own life sounds like the work of fiction. He was born in Chicago to an Irish-immigrant mother and an alcoholic father, who left the family when Chandler was an infant. The single mom moved to Britain under the support of her brother, a successful lawyer. As a young boy, Raymond Chandler was classically educated, but never went to college.

Wanting to return to the States, Raymond Chandler borrowed money from his uncle and moved to LA with hopes of making it big. Instead he bummed around, writing Romantic poetry, picking fruit, and looking for odd jobs. He courted Cissy Pascal who was both married and almost two decades older than Chandler; however, they were deeply in love and were married in 1923.

Vah HeflinIn the 1930s,Raymond Chandler began to write pulp fiction detective fiction "Blackmailers Don't Shoot", was published in Black Mask magazine in 1933. Though his only original screenplay was The Blue Dahlia, Chandler helped co-write screenplays such Billy Wilder Double Indemnity and Alfred Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train. Raymond Chandler introduced his character Philip Marlowe in his first novel, The Big Sleep, was published in 1939.

Philip Marlowe was like many hardboiled detectives at the time, he could take a punch to the face and still have a stinging comeback. He was also morally upright, liked classical music and played chess. In all, there were seven Philip Marlowe novels published all of which have been adapted to film or radio.

Philip Marlowe made a natural transition to film and old time radio. The character was taken and adapted with writers other than Chandler. Numerous leading men filled the role of the rough but complicated Marlowe, Dick Powell, Robert Mitchum, and Humphrey Bogart played Philip Marlowe on the big screen. The first portrayal of Phillip Marlowe on the radio was with Dick Powell, when he played Raymond Chandler's detective on the Lux Radio Theatre in "1945 Murder my Sweet." (which is included in this collection). Two years later, Van Heflin starred as Marlowe in a summer replacement series for the Bob Hope Show. Though the radio show was Chandleresque, it didn't quite have the flow of Chandler's well know similes and metaphors.

June 17, 1947 -
Sept 9, 1947
Van Heflin
Sept 26, 1948 -
Sept 29, 1950
Gerald Mohr
April 11, 1950
(single episode)
William Conrad
July 7, 1951 -
Sept 15, 1951
Gerald Mohr

Raymond Chandler

In September 1948, Gerald Mohr became the third radio Marlowe and is best know for the role with his deep baritone voice and nonchalant delivery. In the April 1950 show, "The Anniversary Gift", William Conrad (who later starred in Gunsmoke) substituted for Mr. Mohr, becoming the fourth person to play the detective. Chandler had little interaction with the radio version of The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, but he did approve of Gerald Mohr portrayal of his hardboiled detective.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    46     5


    I've been hooked on radio mysteries ever since I was a child. Philip Marlowe is an old friend, as is Raymond Chandler, and it's a real pleasure to have all the available adventures in my house. Great stuff!

    Abbot Verified Purchase

    Crime is a sucker's road and those who travel it wind up in: a) the gutter b) prison c) the grave d) all of the above

    Gregg Verified Purchase

    Van Heflin you can keep - he's just not a good radio actor. Gerald Mohr, on the other hand, is brilliant with a voice and acting style that suits radio beautifully

    Frances Verified Purchase

    Just enjoyed an excellent episode of Phillip Marlow, a very professional production. I've been listening to some less than stellar horror recently, so it was a nice change of pace. Oddly enough though, the guy who played Marlow's voice kept reminding me of Phil Hartman. As funny as he was, and quite the talent, I think he would have been great in the golden age of radio. A very good episode though, very touching.

    Alan Verified Purchase

    Gerald Mohr had a unique voice perfectly suited for a tough private eye

    David Verified Purchase

    I always thought that Philip Marlowe should have been sponsored by Philip Morris Cigarettes....The opening could be...."Now stay tuned for the Adventures of Philip Marlowe sponsored by Philip Morris Cigarettes....For the tops in smoking, it's Philip Morris Cigarettes and for the tops in mystery and excitement, it's the Adventures of Philip Marlowe..." Damn, I'm just a few years too late for being a radio advertising copywriter.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    thank you I have all the Jonny Dollar and a lot of the sam spade phillip marlow plue more, I need them to sleep as I have ringing in my ears and it helps me to sleep

    Suz Verified Purchase

    An excellent series and a wonderful performance by Gerald Mohr with top notch supporting actors.

    Frances Verified Purchase

    "Crime is a sucker's road, and those who travel it end up in the gutter, the prison, or the grave. There's no other end. But they never learn." Gerald Mohr, like Bob Bailey, Edmund O'Brien, John Dehner, and William Conrad, has a truly distinctive voice and delivery, and you get him in full bloom in The Adventures of Philip Marlowe. For my money, he is the definitive Philip Marlowe ... all others pale in comparison. This is one of my top 5 favorite OTR shows (the other four being Escape, Suspense, X Minus One, and Yours Truly Johnny Dollar), and I've listened to the entire series many times. Based on the works of Raymond Chandler, the writers of this radio show nailed the essence of Chandler's pithy writing, exquisitely turning metaphor after simile after captivating turn of phrase. It's a real joy to have writing of this caliber brought to life by a talent like Gerald Mohr. It really doesn't get any better than this.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    Ever since a local radio station started playing LIGHTS OUT Sunday evenings from 10 to midnight back in the early 80's, I have been hooked on old time radio. I originally downloaded what I could find from Napster (yes, I am that old) but I was at the whim of whatever was shared. I finally found OTRCAT and I have bought some 30+ radio programs (replacing the crap I got from Napster and other sharing sites)! I haven't regretted a single purchase. I am glad I found you guys! You make those long driving trips much more enjoyable. THANK YOU!

    Geoff Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    106 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 51 hours, 46 min
    106 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 51 hours, 46 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 41 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Philip Marlowe 470612 000 Who Shot Waldo.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 470701 003 Daring Dame Flying Trapeze.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 470708 004 King In Yellow.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 470805 008 Trouble Is My Business.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 480926 001 Red Wind.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 481003 002 Persian Slippers.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 481010 003 Panama Hat.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 481017 004 Where Theres Will.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 481024 005 Heart Of Gold.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 481128 010 Hard Way Out.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 481226 014 Old Acquaintance.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 490108 015 Restless Day.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 490115 016 Black Halo.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 490122 017 Orange Dog.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 490129 018 Easy Mark.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 490205 019 Long Rope.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 490212 020 Lonesome Reunion.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 490305 023 Friend From Detroit.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 490312 024 Grim Hunters.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 490319 025 Dancing Hands.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 490326 026 Green Flame.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 490402 027 Last Laugh.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490409 028 Name To Remember.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 490416 029 Heat Wave.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 490423 030 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 490430 031 Lady In Mink.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490507 032 Feminine Touch.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490514 033 Promise To Pay.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490521 034 Night Tide.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490528 035 Ebony Link.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490604 036 Unfair Lady.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 490611 037 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 490618 038 Busy Body.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 490625 039 Key Man.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 490702 040 Dude From Manhattan.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 490716 042 Headless Peacock.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 490730 043 Mexican Boat Ride.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 490806 044 August Lion.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 490813 045 Indian Giver.mp3
    42. Philip Marlowe 490820 046 Lady Killer.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 25 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Philip Marlowe 500705 091 Girl From Pitchfork Corners.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 500712 092 Iron Coffin.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 500719 093 Last Wish.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 500728 094 Glass Donkey.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 500804 095 Parrots Bed.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 500811 096 Quiet Magpie.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 500818 097 Dark Tunnel.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 500825 098 Collectors Item.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 500901 099 Soft Spot.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 500908 100 Fifth Mask.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 500915 101 Final Payment.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 500922 102 White Carnation.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 500929 103 Big Book.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 510707 104 Seaside Sabbatical.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 510714 105 Dear Dead Days.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 510721 106 Life Can Be Murder.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 510728 107 Good Neighbor Policy.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 510804 108 Long Way Home.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 510818 110 Young Mans Fancy.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 510823 00x Heir For Gstring Rehearsal.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 510825 111 Heir For Gstring.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 510830 00x Nether Nether Land Rehearsal.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 510901 112 Nether Nether Land.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 510908 113 Medium Was Rare.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 510915 114 Sound And Unsound.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    106 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 51 hours, 46 min
    106 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1422 MB – total playtime 51 hours, 46 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 41 shows – 553 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Philip Marlowe 470612 000 Who Shot Waldo.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 470701 003 Daring Dame Flying Trapeze.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 470708 004 King In Yellow.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 470805 008 Trouble Is My Business.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 480926 001 Red Wind.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 481003 002 Persian Slippers.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 481010 003 Panama Hat.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 481017 004 Where Theres Will.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 481024 005 Heart Of Gold.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 481128 010 Hard Way Out.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 481226 014 Old Acquaintance.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 490108 015 Restless Day.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 490115 016 Black Halo.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 490122 017 Orange Dog.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 490129 018 Easy Mark.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 490205 019 Long Rope.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 490212 020 Lonesome Reunion.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 490305 023 Friend From Detroit.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 490312 024 Grim Hunters.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 490319 025 Dancing Hands.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 490326 026 Green Flame.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 490402 027 Last Laugh.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 490409 028 Name To Remember.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 490416 029 Heat Wave.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 490423 030 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 490430 031 Lady In Mink.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490507 032 Feminine Touch.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490514 033 Promise To Pay.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490521 034 Night Tide.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490528 035 Ebony Link.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490604 036 Unfair Lady.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 490611 037 Pigeons Blood.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 490618 038 Busy Body.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 490625 039 Key Man.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 490702 040 Dude From Manhattan.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 490716 042 Headless Peacock.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 490730 043 Mexican Boat Ride.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 490806 044 August Lion.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 490813 045 Indian Giver.mp3
    42. Philip Marlowe 490820 046 Lady Killer.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 40 shows – 539 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic.mp3
    27. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 25 shows – 331 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 2 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Philip Marlowe 500705 091 Girl From Pitchfork Corners.mp3
    3. Philip Marlowe 500712 092 Iron Coffin.mp3
    4. Philip Marlowe 500719 093 Last Wish.mp3
    5. Philip Marlowe 500728 094 Glass Donkey.mp3
    6. Philip Marlowe 500804 095 Parrots Bed.mp3
    7. Philip Marlowe 500811 096 Quiet Magpie.mp3
    8. Philip Marlowe 500818 097 Dark Tunnel.mp3
    9. Philip Marlowe 500825 098 Collectors Item.mp3
    10. Philip Marlowe 500901 099 Soft Spot.mp3
    11. Philip Marlowe 500908 100 Fifth Mask.mp3
    12. Philip Marlowe 500915 101 Final Payment.mp3
    13. Philip Marlowe 500922 102 White Carnation.mp3
    14. Philip Marlowe 500929 103 Big Book.mp3
    15. Philip Marlowe 510707 104 Seaside Sabbatical.mp3
    16. Philip Marlowe 510714 105 Dear Dead Days.mp3
    17. Philip Marlowe 510721 106 Life Can Be Murder.mp3
    18. Philip Marlowe 510728 107 Good Neighbor Policy.mp3
    19. Philip Marlowe 510804 108 Long Way Home.mp3
    20. Philip Marlowe 510818 110 Young Mans Fancy.mp3
    21. Philip Marlowe 510823 00x Heir For Gstring Rehearsal.mp3
    22. Philip Marlowe 510825 111 Heir For Gstring.mp3
    23. Philip Marlowe 510830 00x Nether Nether Land Rehearsal.mp3
    24. Philip Marlowe 510901 112 Nether Nether Land.mp3
    25. Philip Marlowe 510908 113 Medium Was Rare.mp3
    26. Philip Marlowe 510915 114 Sound And Unsound.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    106 recordings on 53 Audio CDs. Total playtime 51 hours, 46 min
    106 recordings on 53 Audio CDs
    total playtime 51 hours, 46 min

    Philip Marlowe Disc A001

    1. Philip Marlowe 470612 000 Who Shot Waldo
    2. Philip Marlowe 470617 001 Red Wind

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A002

    1. Philip Marlowe 470701 003 Daring Dame Flying Trapeze
    2. Philip Marlowe 470708 004 King In Yellow

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A003

    1. Philip Marlowe 470805 008 Trouble Is My Business
    2. Philip Marlowe 480926 001 Red Wind

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A004

    1. Philip Marlowe 481003 002 Persian Slippers
    2. Philip Marlowe 481010 003 Panama Hat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A005

    1. Philip Marlowe 481017 004 Where Theres Will
    2. Philip Marlowe 481024 005 Heart Of Gold

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A006

    1. Philip Marlowe 481128 010 Hard Way Out
    2. Philip Marlowe 481226 014 Old Acquaintance

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A007

    1. Philip Marlowe 490108 015 Restless Day
    2. Philip Marlowe 490115 016 Black Halo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A008

    1. Philip Marlowe 490122 017 Orange Dog
    2. Philip Marlowe 490129 018 Easy Mark

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A009

    1. Philip Marlowe 490205 019 Long Rope
    2. Philip Marlowe 490212 020 Lonesome Reunion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A010

    1. Philip Marlowe 490305 023 Friend From Detroit
    2. Philip Marlowe 490312 024 Grim Hunters

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A011

    1. Philip Marlowe 490319 025 Dancing Hands
    2. Philip Marlowe 490326 026 Green Flame

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A012

    1. Philip Marlowe 490402 027 Last Laugh
    2. Philip Marlowe 490409 028 Name To Remember

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A013

    1. Philip Marlowe 490416 029 Heat Wave
    2. Philip Marlowe 490423 030 Cloak Of Kamehameha

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A014

    1. Philip Marlowe 490430 031 Lady In Mink
    2. Philip Marlowe 490507 032 Feminine Touch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A015

    1. Philip Marlowe 490514 033 Promise To Pay
    2. Philip Marlowe 490521 034 Night Tide

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A016

    1. Philip Marlowe 490528 035 Ebony Link
    2. Philip Marlowe 490604 036 Unfair Lady

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A017

    1. Philip Marlowe 490611 037 Pigeons Blood
    2. Philip Marlowe 490618 038 Busy Body

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A018

    1. Philip Marlowe 490625 039 Key Man
    2. Philip Marlowe 490702 040 Dude From Manhattan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A019

    1. Philip Marlowe 490716 042 Headless Peacock
    2. Philip Marlowe 490730 043 Mexican Boat Ride

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A020

    1. Philip Marlowe 490806 044 August Lion
    2. Philip Marlowe 490813 045 Indian Giver

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A021

    1. Philip Marlowe 490820 046 Lady Killer
    2. Philip Marlowe 490827 047 Eager Witness

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A022

    1. Philip Marlowe 490903 048 Bums Rush
    2. Philip Marlowe 490910 049 Rustin Hickory

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A023

    1. Philip Marlowe 490917 050 Baton Sinister
    2. Philip Marlowe 490924 051 Fatted Calf

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A024

    1. Philip Marlowe 491001 052 Tale Of Mermaid
    2. Philip Marlowe 491008 053 Open Window

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A025

    1. Philip Marlowe 491015 054 Strangle Hold
    2. Philip Marlowe 491022 055 Smokeout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A026

    1. Philip Marlowe 491029 056 Green Witch
    2. Philip Marlowe 491105 057 Fine Italian Hand

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A027

    1. Philip Marlowe 491126 060 Birds On Wing
    2. Philip Marlowe 491203 061 Kid On Corner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Philip Marlowe Disc A028

    1. Philip Marlowe 491210 062 Little Wishbone
    2. Philip Marlowe 491231 065 House That Jacqueline Built

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A029

    1. Philip Marlowe 500107 066 Torch Carriers
    2. Philip Marlowe 500114 067 Covered Bridge

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A030

    1. Philip Marlowe 500121 068 Bid For Freedom
    2. Philip Marlowe 500128 069 Hairpin Turn

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A031

    1. Philip Marlowe 500207 070 Long Arm
    2. Philip Marlowe 500214 071 Grim Echo

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A032

    1. Philip Marlowe 500221 072 Ladies Night
    2. Philip Marlowe 500228 073 Big Step

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A033

    1. Philip Marlowe 500307 074 Monkeys Uncle
    2. Philip Marlowe 500314 075 Vital Statistic

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A034

    1. Philip Marlowe 500321 076 Deep Shadow
    2. Philip Marlowe 500328 077 Sword Of Cebu

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A035

    1. Philip Marlowe 500404 078 Man On Roof
    2. Philip Marlowe 500411 079 Anniversary Gift

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A036

    1. Philip Marlowe 500418 080 Angry Eagle
    2. Philip Marlowe 500425 081 High Collared Cape

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A037

    1. Philip Marlowe 500502 082 Sea Horse Jockey
    2. Philip Marlowe 500509 083 Hiding Place

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A038

    1. Philip Marlowe 500516 084 Cloak Of Kamehameha
    2. Philip Marlowe 500523 085 Foxs Tail

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A039

    1. Philip Marlowe 500530 086 Bedside Manners
    2. Philip Marlowe 500606 087 Uneasy Head

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A040

    1. Philip Marlowe 500614 088 Face To Forget
    2. Philip Marlowe 500621 089 Gold Cobra

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A041

    1. Philip Marlowe 500628 090 Pelicans Roost
    2. Philip Marlowe 500705 091 Girl From Pitchfork Corners

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A042

    1. Philip Marlowe 500712 092 Iron Coffin
    2. Philip Marlowe 500719 093 Last Wish

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A043

    1. Philip Marlowe 500728 094 Glass Donkey
    2. Philip Marlowe 500804 095 Parrots Bed

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A044

    1. Philip Marlowe 500811 096 Quiet Magpie
    2. Philip Marlowe 500818 097 Dark Tunnel

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A045

    1. Philip Marlowe 500825 098 Collectors Item
    2. Philip Marlowe 500901 099 Soft Spot

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A046

    1. Philip Marlowe 500908 100 Fifth Mask
    2. Philip Marlowe 500915 101 Final Payment

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A047

    1. Philip Marlowe 500922 102 White Carnation
    2. Philip Marlowe 500929 103 Big Book

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A048

    1. Philip Marlowe 510707 104 Seaside Sabbatical
    2. Philip Marlowe 510714 105 Dear Dead Days

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A049

    1. Philip Marlowe 510721 106 Life Can Be Murder
    2. Philip Marlowe 510728 107 Good Neighbor Policy

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A050

    1. Philip Marlowe 510804 108 Long Way Home
    2. Philip Marlowe 510818 110 Young Mans Fancy

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A051

    1. Philip Marlowe 510823 00x Heir For Gstring Rehearsal
    2. Philip Marlowe 510825 111 Heir For Gstring

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A052

    1. Philip Marlowe 510830 00x Nether Nether Land Rehearsal
    2. Philip Marlowe 510901 112 Nether Nether Land

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    Philip Marlowe Disc A053

    1. Philip Marlowe 510908 113 Medium Was Rare
    2. Philip Marlowe 510915 114 Sound And Unsound

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