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Peter Lorre Collection

This extensive collection follows the lisping Hungarian's guest appearances on comedy, horror and variety shows.

Peter Lorre

60 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 26 hours, 42 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
27 Audio CDs

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"Peter Lorre in Mystery in the Air: Black Cat"

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Peter Lorre
(1904 – 1964)

Peter Lorre

Peter LorrePeter Lorre, born László Löwenstein in Rosenburg, Hungary, actually ran off from home and joined a traveling Vienna acting troupe when he was only 17 years of age. During his 7-year stint with the troupe, young Peter became a student of the very famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. He also was cast in Fritz Lang's "M" as the psychopathic child killer (Peter Kürten). His work in the film was so incredible, that the then rising Nazi party used his image in "M," unwittingly, on their famous Anti-Semitic poster for their infamous propaganda film, "The Eternal Jew."

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Some might remember Peter Lorre from his role in "the Maltese Falcon" where he played Joel Cairo. Others remember him from the very famous "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" episode, co-starring Steve McQueen, where a deranged killer goes around the country with his collection of pinky-fingers from his victims. But, did you know that Peter Lorre was the very first James Bond Villain? Did you also know that his famous accent was the inspiration for the cartoon character Ren from "Ren and Stimpy?" Peter Lorre and microphoneBut it was his befriending of the famous Spooky Trio, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, and Vincent Price, that earned him eternal praise from society. Their friendship lasted their whole lives as they usually co-starred in each others movies, old time radio shows, and television shows. According to Vincent Price, during Bela Lugosi's funeral, where Lugosi was clad in his famous Dracula costume, when Peter Lorre gazed upon 'Dracula'/Bela, he leaned over to Price and said "Do you think we should drive a stake through his heart just in case?" Indeed, Lorre was just saying it in jest, probably to better cope with his grief due to the loss of his very dear friend. It was Vincent Price that read the eulogy at Peter Lorre's funeral in 1964.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The collection that follows represents Lorre's great appearances on various old time radio shows. This disks also including his famed 1947 summer series, Mystery in the Air and Nightmare. Also included on the disk are some interesting publicity photos of Lorre. See also: Mystery Playhouse

For more radio horror personalities, see also: Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff, Vincent Price, and Boogeymen in Comedy: Screamstars Playing for Laughs Collection

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    19     5


    Its great to hear radio shows with Peter Lorre from Amos and Andy, The Bob Hope Show, The Fred Allen Show, etc. The people from OTRCAT really know their radio to be able to find these shows from so many different sources. Once again you will be entertained for over 26 hours of quality shows when radio was king!

    Marc Verified Purchase

    The high point of Peter Lorre's radio career was the MYSTERY IN THE AIR summer replacement series, and all the existing episodes of that show are in this collection. There are a few shows included by mistake which don't have Lorre on them, and only 5 minutes of a BIG TOWN show from 1949 which doesn't have Lorre in it either. There are also some episodes of MYSTERY PLAYHOUSE, an AFRS show in which Peter Lorre was the host. MYSTERY PLAYHOUSE was an anthology of scary radio programs like INNER SANCTUM, three of which are in this collection. Sadly, outside of MYSTERY IN THE AIR, Peter Lorre was hemmed in by his screen image and did comedic riffs on his Horror and Fantasy films in various radio programs. For the most part, this was a waste of his talent. Conversely, one of his early films for Columbia, CRIME AND PUNISHMENT has an excellent adaptation on MYSTERY IN THE AIR. How unfortunate that this fine series couldn't have run for at least a few years. For Lorre fans, of which I am one, this collection won't disappoint.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Love listening to the old radio shows. Like the detective stories.love Inner Sanctum, Lux Radio Theater, Jack Benny, Broadway is My Beat. Actually everything I have ordered.

    Eveline Verified Purchase

    Long time very happy listener. Great variety. I have never been disappointed with a purchase. Instant download option is the way to go.

    Brian Verified Purchase

    After watching every Peter Lorre movie and television appearance I could find, I wanted to listen to his work on radio. I couldn’t believe it when I found OTRCAT where I could download sixty radio shows with Peter Lorre in them for only five dollars! Where else could I find such a complete collection of Lorre radio shows, and at such a low price. I’m thoroughly enjoying these shows, and I will definitely be back to OTRCAT for more radio shows.

    Joe Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    60 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 42 min
    60 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 26 hours, 42 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 60 shows – total playtime 26 hours, 42 minutes
    2. Amos Andy 431105 Locked Trunk's Secret.mp3
    3. Big Show 520309 Richard Eatham Lorre Joe Frisco.mp3
    4. Big Town 490426 The Hunter.mp3
    5. Bing Crosby 471112 Peter Lorre Kay Thompson.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 470513 Peter Lorre, Martha Tilton.mp3
    7. CPUSA 450419 Peter Lorre.mp3
    8. Birdseye 460509 With Peter Lorre.mp3
    9. Duffy431019 Missing Salami Sandwich Case-Lorre.mp3
    10. Fred 430103 Peter Lorre One Long Pan vs Mr Moto.mp3
    11. Fred 440604 65 Killers.mp3
    12. Fred Allen 391004 001 Search For Dr Livingston.mp3
    13. GI Journal 440712 Bing Crosby Linda Darnell.mp3
    14. Hollywood Fights Back 471026.mp3
    15. Inner Sanctum 410525 Death Is a Joker.mp3
    16. Inner Sanctum 430307 Black Seagull.mp3
    17. Inner Sanctum 441206 Color Blind Formula.mp3
    18. JB410309 Murder at Racquet Club.mp3
    19. JB460224 Palm Springs Shopping.mp3
    20. JB460324 I Stand Cond.mp3
    21. Martin Lewis 490508 With Peter Lorre.mp3
    22. MMT 440411 031 Criminal at Large.mp3
    23. MMT 441212 1063 Bottle Imp.mp3
    24. MMT 441226 1065 The Letter.mp3
    25. MrMrsNorth Frisby Klisby Case.mp3
    26. Mita 470807 Ep 06 Great Barastro.mp3
    27. Mita 470814 Ep 07 Lodger.mp3
    28. Mita 470821 Ep 08 Horla.mp3
    29. Mita 470828 Ep 09 Beyond Good And Evil.mp3
    30. Mita 470904 Ep 10 Mask Of Medusa.mp3
    31. Mita 470911 Ep 11 Queen Of Spades.mp3
    32. Mita 470918 Ep 12 Black Cat.mp3
    33. Mita 470925 Ep 13 Crime And Punishment.mp3
    34. MP Hermits Cave Mr Randalls Discovery.mp3
    35. MP Molle Mt Man In The Velvet Hat.mp3
    36. MP Molle Mt The Cask Of Amontillado.mp3
    37. MP Molle Mt Yours Truly Jack The Ripper.mp3
    38. MP Mr DA Backstage Murder Al Graham Murder.mp3
    39. MP Mr Mrs North Gangster Douglas Grant.mp3
    40. MP Nero Wolfe Last Laugh Murder.mp3
    41. MP The Thin Man Murder In The Record Shop.mp3
    42. MP The Whistler Doctor Prescribes Death.mp3
    43. Nightmare Ad Animal Army.mp3
    44. Nightmare Ad Boa Constrictor.mp3
    45. Nightmare Ad Chopped Up.mp3
    46. Nightmare Ad Drown The Wife.mp3
    47. Nightmare Ad Electrocute The Wife.mp3
    48. Nightmare Chanceofaghost.mp3
    49. Nightmare Coincidence.mp3
    50. Nightmare Theleech.mp3
    51. SGT 430920 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    52. SGT 450416 Mask Of Dimitrios.mp3
    53. Skippy Hollywood Theatre 386 Mr God Johnson.mp3
    54. Spotlight Review 481210 w Peter Lorre.mp3
    55. Spns021 421215 Til Death Do Us Part Peter Lorre.mp3
    56. Spns025 430119 Devils Saint Peter Lorre.mp3
    57. Spns038 430420 Moment Of Darkness.mp3
    58. Spns071 431223 Back For Christmas Peter Lorre.mp3
    59. Spns101 440720 Of Maestro And Men.mp3
    60. Spns156 450830 Nobody Loves Me.mp3
    61. Texaco 440604 The Killers.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    60 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 42 min
    60 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    440 MB – total playtime 26 hours, 42 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 60 shows – 440 MB – total playtime 26 hours, 42 minutes
    2. Amos Andy 431105 Locked Trunk's Secret.mp3
    3. Big Show 520309 Richard Eatham Lorre Joe Frisco.mp3
    4. Big Town 490426 The Hunter.mp3
    5. Bing Crosby 471112 Peter Lorre Kay Thompson.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 470513 Peter Lorre, Martha Tilton.mp3
    7. CPUSA 450419 Peter Lorre.mp3
    8. Birdseye 460509 With Peter Lorre.mp3
    9. Duffy431019 Missing Salami Sandwich Case-Lorre.mp3
    10. Fred 430103 Peter Lorre One Long Pan vs Mr Moto.mp3
    11. Fred 440604 65 Killers.mp3
    12. Fred Allen 391004 001 Search For Dr Livingston.mp3
    13. GI Journal 440712 Bing Crosby Linda Darnell.mp3
    14. Hollywood Fights Back 471026.mp3
    15. Inner Sanctum 410525 Death Is a Joker.mp3
    16. Inner Sanctum 430307 Black Seagull.mp3
    17. Inner Sanctum 441206 Color Blind Formula.mp3
    18. JB410309 Murder at Racquet Club.mp3
    19. JB460224 Palm Springs Shopping.mp3
    20. JB460324 I Stand Cond.mp3
    21. Martin Lewis 490508 With Peter Lorre.mp3
    22. MMT 440411 031 Criminal at Large.mp3
    23. MMT 441212 1063 Bottle Imp.mp3
    24. MMT 441226 1065 The Letter.mp3
    25. MrMrsNorth Frisby Klisby Case.mp3
    26. Mita 470807 Ep 06 Great Barastro.mp3
    27. Mita 470814 Ep 07 Lodger.mp3
    28. Mita 470821 Ep 08 Horla.mp3
    29. Mita 470828 Ep 09 Beyond Good And Evil.mp3
    30. Mita 470904 Ep 10 Mask Of Medusa.mp3
    31. Mita 470911 Ep 11 Queen Of Spades.mp3
    32. Mita 470918 Ep 12 Black Cat.mp3
    33. Mita 470925 Ep 13 Crime And Punishment.mp3
    34. MP Hermits Cave Mr Randalls Discovery.mp3
    35. MP Molle Mt Man In The Velvet Hat.mp3
    36. MP Molle Mt The Cask Of Amontillado.mp3
    37. MP Molle Mt Yours Truly Jack The Ripper.mp3
    38. MP Mr DA Backstage Murder Al Graham Murder.mp3
    39. MP Mr Mrs North Gangster Douglas Grant.mp3
    40. MP Nero Wolfe Last Laugh Murder.mp3
    41. MP The Thin Man Murder In The Record Shop.mp3
    42. MP The Whistler Doctor Prescribes Death.mp3
    43. Nightmare Ad Animal Army.mp3
    44. Nightmare Ad Boa Constrictor.mp3
    45. Nightmare Ad Chopped Up.mp3
    46. Nightmare Ad Drown The Wife.mp3
    47. Nightmare Ad Electrocute The Wife.mp3
    48. Nightmare Chanceofaghost.mp3
    49. Nightmare Coincidence.mp3
    50. Nightmare Theleech.mp3
    51. SGT 430920 Maltese Falcon.mp3
    52. SGT 450416 Mask Of Dimitrios.mp3
    53. Skippy Hollywood Theatre 386 Mr God Johnson.mp3
    54. Spotlight Review 481210 w Peter Lorre.mp3
    55. Spns021 421215 Til Death Do Us Part Peter Lorre.mp3
    56. Spns025 430119 Devils Saint Peter Lorre.mp3
    57. Spns038 430420 Moment Of Darkness.mp3
    58. Spns071 431223 Back For Christmas Peter Lorre.mp3
    59. Spns101 440720 Of Maestro And Men.mp3
    60. Spns156 450830 Nobody Loves Me.mp3
    61. Texaco 440604 The Killers.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    60 recordings on 27 Audio CDs. Total playtime 25 hours, 15 min
    60 recordings on 27 Audio CDs
    total playtime 25 hours, 15 min

    Peter Lorre Disc A001

    1. MrMrsNorth Frisby Klisby Case
    2. MP Hermits Cave Mr Randalls Discovery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A002

    1. MP Molle Mt Man In The Velvet Hat
    2. MP Molle Mt The Cask Of Amontillado

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A003

    1. MP Molle Mt Yours Truly Jack The Ripper
    2. MP Mr DA Backstage Murder Al Graham Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A004

    1. MP Mr Mrs North Gangster Douglas Grant
    2. MP Nero Wolfe Last Laugh Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A005

    1. MP The Thin Man Murder In The Record Shop
    2. MP The Whistler Doctor Prescribes Death
    3. Nightmare Ad Animal Army
    4. Nightmare Ad Boa Constrictor
    5. Nightmare Ad Chopped Up
    6. Nightmare Ad Drown The Wife
    7. Nightmare Ad Electrocute The Wife

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A006

    1. Nightmare Chanceofaghost
    2. Nightmare Coincidence
    3. Nightmare Theleech

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A007

    1. Skippy Hollywood Theatre 386 Mr God Johnson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A008

    1. Fred Allen 391004 001 Search For Dr Livingston

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A009

    1. JB410309 Murder at Racquet Club
    2. Inner Sanctum 410525 Death Is a Joker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A010

    1. Spns021 421215 Til Death Do Us Part Peter Lorre
    2. Fred 430103 Peter Lorre One Long Pan vs Mr Moto

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A011

    1. Spns025 430119 Devils Saint Peter Lorre
    2. Inner Sanctum 430307 Black Seagull

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A012

    1. Spns038 430420 Moment Of Darkness
    2. SGT 430920 Maltese Falcon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A013

    1. Duffy431019 Missing Salami Sandwich Case-Lorre
    2. Amos Andy 431105 Locked Trunk's Secret

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A014

    1. Spns071 431223 Back For Christmas Peter Lorre
    2. MMT 440411 031 Criminal at Large

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A015

    1. Fred 440604 65 Killers
    2. Texaco 440604 The Killers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A016

    1. GI Journal 440712 Bing Crosby Linda Darnell
    2. Spns101 440720 Of Maestro And Men

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A017

    1. Inner Sanctum 441206 Color Blind Formula
    2. MMT 441212 1063 Bottle Imp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A018

    1. MMT 441226 1065 The Letter
    2. SGT 450416 Mask Of Dimitrios

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A019

    1. CPUSA 450419 Peter Lorre
    2. Spns156 450830 Nobody Loves Me

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A020

    1. JB460224 Palm Springs Shopping
    2. JB460324 I Stand Cond

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A021

    1. Birdseye 460509 With Peter Lorre
    2. Bob Hope 470513 Peter Lorre, Martha Tilton

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A022

    1. Mita 470807 Ep 06 Great Barastro
    2. Mita 470814 Ep 07 Lodger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A023

    1. Mita 470821 Ep 08 Horla
    2. Mita 470828 Ep 09 Beyond Good And Evil

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A024

    1. Mita 470904 Ep 10 Mask Of Medusa
    2. Mita 470911 Ep 11 Queen Of Spades

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A025

    1. Mita 470918 Ep 12 Black Cat
    2. Mita 470925 Ep 13 Crime And Punishment

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A026

    1. Hollywood Fights Back 471026
    2. Bing Crosby 471112 Peter Lorre Kay Thompson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Peter Lorre Disc A027

    1. Spotlight Review 481210 w Peter Lorre
    2. Big Town 490426 The Hunter
    3. Martin Lewis 490508 With Peter Lorre

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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