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The Passing Parade

The show featured two or three factual but fantastic stories with John Nesbitt himself serving as host, writer, and storyteller of extraordinary tales.

Passing Parade

40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 39 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
10 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from July 13, 1943:

"Landing on Sicily"

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John NesbittRadio IconCreated by John Nesbitt, true documented stories are featured in The Passing Parade which ran as a summer replacement show for Fibber McGee and Molly. The show featured 2-3 factual but fantastic stories with John Nesbitt himself serving as host, writer, and storyteller.

John Nesbitt got the idea for The Passing Parade while look through old newspaper clippings of strange events kept in trunk in his father's attic. The stories were so extraordinary; he thought they would make an interesting radio show. The stories were seriously documented and researched, and were by all account true. The show was initially called Headlines of the Past and ran off and on between the years 1937-1951.

This collection is also part of the John Nesbitt Collection.

For other seemingly unbelievable facts, see also: Strange As It Seems and Can You Imagine That. For other short stories, see also Ripley's One Minute Shorts, Incredible But True, Five Minute Mysteries and Ellery Queen Minute Mysteries.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 39 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 9 hours, 39 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 39 minutes
    2. Passing Parade 000000 09 Story Of Franz Anton Mesmer.mp3
    3. Passing Parade 000000 10 Elizabeth Woodcock.mp3
    4. Passing Parade 000000 139 Buried Treasure.mp3
    5. Passing Parade 000000 140 Sunken Treasure.mp3
    6. Passing Parade 000000 17 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par.mp3
    7. Passing Parade 000000 18 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par.mp3
    8. Passing Parade 000000 19 Two Alchemists Who Tried To Cre.mp3
    9. Passing Parade 000000 20 Woman Who Was In Coma For N.mp3
    10. Passing Parade 000000 23 Wild Jack Howard.mp3
    11. Passing Parade 000000 24 Man Who Discovered Troy.mp3
    12. Passing Parade 000000 47 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele.mp3
    13. Passing Parade 000000 48 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele.mp3
    14. Passing Parade 000000 A Mighty Liar.mp3
    15. Passing Parade 000000 A Story of Richard Burton.mp3
    16. Passing Parade 000000 A True Ghost Story.mp3
    17. Passing Parade 000000 Cocos Island Treasure Hunting.mp3
    18. Passing Parade 000000 Frank and Jesse James.mp3
    19. Passing Parade 000000 Giant With Large Teeth.mp3
    20. Passing Parade 000000 Hilda Ivan White Mice.mp3
    21. Passing Parade 000000 John Wilkes Booth.mp3
    22. Passing Parade 000000 Johnny Sager Boy Pioneer.mp3
    23. Passing Parade 000000 Man Who Could Not Write.mp3
    24. Passing Parade 000000 Ocean the Great Mine.mp3
    25. Passing Parade 000000 Queen Of The Cattle Rustlers.mp3
    26. Passing Parade 000000 Richard Francis Burton.mp3
    27. Passing Parade 000000 Ship Mystery.mp3
    28. Passing Parade 000000 Sleeping Woman.mp3
    29. Passing Parade 430713 Landing On Sicily.mp3
    30. Passing Parade 431200 Special Story Of Christmas Seals.mp3
    31. Passing Parade 440606 Dday Special.mp3
    32. Passing Parade 490000 Empire State Crash.mp3
    33. Passing Parade 490000 Espionage Agents and Code Breakers.mp3
    34. Passing Parade 490000 Great Spenders.mp3
    35. Passing Parade 490000 Incredible Courage Of Common Men.mp3
    36. Passing Parade 490000 Jekyll Hyde.mp3
    37. Passing Parade 490000 Johnstown Flood.mp3
    38. Passing Parade 490000 Missing Flight of Day and Stuart.mp3
    39. Passing Parade 490000 Morro Castle Disaster.mp3
    40. Passing Parade 490000 Prisoner Of Night.mp3
    41. Passing Parade 490000 Small Incidents.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 39 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    273 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 39 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – 273 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 39 minutes
    2. Passing Parade 000000 09 Story Of Franz Anton Mesmer.mp3
    3. Passing Parade 000000 10 Elizabeth Woodcock.mp3
    4. Passing Parade 000000 139 Buried Treasure.mp3
    5. Passing Parade 000000 140 Sunken Treasure.mp3
    6. Passing Parade 000000 17 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par.mp3
    7. Passing Parade 000000 18 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par.mp3
    8. Passing Parade 000000 19 Two Alchemists Who Tried To Cre.mp3
    9. Passing Parade 000000 20 Woman Who Was In Coma For N.mp3
    10. Passing Parade 000000 23 Wild Jack Howard.mp3
    11. Passing Parade 000000 24 Man Who Discovered Troy.mp3
    12. Passing Parade 000000 47 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele.mp3
    13. Passing Parade 000000 48 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele.mp3
    14. Passing Parade 000000 A Mighty Liar.mp3
    15. Passing Parade 000000 A Story of Richard Burton.mp3
    16. Passing Parade 000000 A True Ghost Story.mp3
    17. Passing Parade 000000 Cocos Island Treasure Hunting.mp3
    18. Passing Parade 000000 Frank and Jesse James.mp3
    19. Passing Parade 000000 Giant With Large Teeth.mp3
    20. Passing Parade 000000 Hilda Ivan White Mice.mp3
    21. Passing Parade 000000 John Wilkes Booth.mp3
    22. Passing Parade 000000 Johnny Sager Boy Pioneer.mp3
    23. Passing Parade 000000 Man Who Could Not Write.mp3
    24. Passing Parade 000000 Ocean the Great Mine.mp3
    25. Passing Parade 000000 Queen Of The Cattle Rustlers.mp3
    26. Passing Parade 000000 Richard Francis Burton.mp3
    27. Passing Parade 000000 Ship Mystery.mp3
    28. Passing Parade 000000 Sleeping Woman.mp3
    29. Passing Parade 430713 Landing On Sicily.mp3
    30. Passing Parade 431200 Special Story Of Christmas Seals.mp3
    31. Passing Parade 440606 Dday Special.mp3
    32. Passing Parade 490000 Empire State Crash.mp3
    33. Passing Parade 490000 Espionage Agents and Code Breakers.mp3
    34. Passing Parade 490000 Great Spenders.mp3
    35. Passing Parade 490000 Incredible Courage Of Common Men.mp3
    36. Passing Parade 490000 Jekyll Hyde.mp3
    37. Passing Parade 490000 Johnstown Flood.mp3
    38. Passing Parade 490000 Missing Flight of Day and Stuart.mp3
    39. Passing Parade 490000 Morro Castle Disaster.mp3
    40. Passing Parade 490000 Prisoner Of Night.mp3
    41. Passing Parade 490000 Small Incidents.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    40 recordings on 10 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 39 min
    40 recordings on 10 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 39 min

    Passing Parade Disc A001

    1. Passing Parade 000000 09 Story Of Franz Anton Mesmer
    2. Passing Parade 000000 10 Elizabeth Woodcock
    3. Passing Parade 000000 139 Buried Treasure
    4. Passing Parade 000000 140 Sunken Treasure
    5. Passing Parade 000000 17 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A002

    1. Passing Parade 000000 18 Story Of Typhoid Mary Par
    2. Passing Parade 000000 19 Two Alchemists Who Tried To Cre
    3. Passing Parade 000000 20 Woman Who Was In Coma For N
    4. Passing Parade 000000 23 Wild Jack Howard
    5. Passing Parade 000000 24 Man Who Discovered Troy
    6. Passing Parade 000000 47 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A003

    1. Passing Parade 000000 48 Story Of Mount Palomar Tele
    2. Passing Parade 000000 A Mighty Liar
    3. Passing Parade 000000 A Story of Richard Burton
    4. Passing Parade 000000 A True Ghost Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A004

    1. Passing Parade 000000 Cocos Island Treasure Hunting
    2. Passing Parade 000000 Frank and Jesse James
    3. Passing Parade 000000 Giant With Large Teeth
    4. Passing Parade 000000 Hilda Ivan White Mice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A005

    1. Passing Parade 000000 John Wilkes Booth
    2. Passing Parade 000000 Johnny Sager Boy Pioneer
    3. Passing Parade 000000 Man Who Could Not Write
    4. Passing Parade 000000 Ocean the Great Mine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A006

    1. Passing Parade 000000 Queen Of The Cattle Rustlers
    2. Passing Parade 000000 Richard Francis Burton
    3. Passing Parade 000000 Ship Mystery
    4. Passing Parade 000000 Sleeping Woman

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A007

    1. Passing Parade 430713 Landing On Sicily
    2. Passing Parade 431200 Special Story Of Christmas Seals
    3. Passing Parade 440606 Dday Special

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A008

    1. Passing Parade 490000 Empire State Crash
    2. Passing Parade 490000 Espionage Agents and Code Breakers
    3. Passing Parade 490000 Great Spenders
    4. Passing Parade 490000 Incredible Courage Of Common Men

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A009

    1. Passing Parade 490000 Jekyll Hyde
    2. Passing Parade 490000 Johnstown Flood
    3. Passing Parade 490000 Missing Flight of Day and Stuart
    4. Passing Parade 490000 Morro Castle Disaster

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Passing Parade Disc A010

    1. Passing Parade 490000 Prisoner Of Night
    2. Passing Parade 490000 Small Incidents

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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