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The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet

The "adventures" of Ozzie & Harriet are based on the daily stuff that happens to all good suburban couples in family sitcoms.

Ozzie and Harriet

106 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 35 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
52 Audio CDs

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Ozzie & Harriet Nelson Family
Family Situation Comedy (1944 - 54)
Ozzie and Harriet
Ozzie, Harriet, and Joe Penner
Ozzie, Harriet, and Joe Penner
Ozzie Harriet Advertisement

The full title is The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. Well, maybe adventures might be a stretch, compared to a superhero's exploits. The "adventures" of Ozzie and Harriet are based on the daily stuff that happens to all good suburban couples, as seen through the rose colored glasses of Ozzie Nelson. Behind his easygoing exterior, Ozzie was a very hard-working media producer. In fact, Ozzie Nelson and Bing Crosby are perfect examples of that American style called "laid back," though both diligently worked their way up via years of music on the road.

Ozzie rode the dance band craze out of college and kept going. He saw a wonderful girl singer in a movie short feature and hired her. Harriet Hilliard was her name. Together, Ozzie and Harriet sang duets, and they really clicked. Via radio remotes, the nation grew to know their names.

"America's favorite young couple," with two bouncing baby boys, David and Ricky, moved to Hollywood, Ozzie felt he and Harriet knew as much about vocal delivery as anyone else in the radio business, and decided to give it a try. Why not be themselves? He began working on scripts instead of music. Ozzie played himself as the well-meaning but sometimes slightly goofy Dad who is aided and abetted by his next-door neighbor Thorny (John Brown). Harriet is the wise, loving and quietly hip Mom who makes everything just right. Boys will be boys (and grow up). Several youngsters played David and Ricky, with Tommy Bernard best known as David, and Henry Blair as Ricky. Finally, Ozzie gave in to public pressure, and let the boys join the radio show as themselves.

Like The Life of Riley, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet served as a perfect example for family sit-coms to come on TV, and both went from radio to TV without missing a beat. For more family situation comedies, see also:BlondieThe Aldrich Family, The Life of Riley, The Goldbergs, Phil Harris and Alice Faye, The Great Gildersleeve, and Vic and Sade.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    23     0


    These old Ozzie and Harriet shows are great- good clean entertainment. I had to tell my wife I could not watch Desperate Housewives with her on the TV...too much garbage. As a five year old I remember my mom listening to The Easy Aces (looking forward to your CD). I think they came on daily around 7pm on network from NYC. (look up Goodman Ace). We had the radio on during the afternoon and evening. I was a big fan of the Lone Ranger, and the voice of it’s narrator FRED FOY motivated me to want to be an announcer. I was always intrigued by the development of the Lone Ranger Character on those shows including his relationship with an Indian! There is one for breaking stereotypes. In later years I happened to need a trust lawyer when in Honolulu and I was referred by my bank to GEORGE W TRENDLE, JR. Who told me many stories about the creation and broadcasts of his fathers great creation with writer Fran Stryker. By the way you may be amused to learn that Trendle recycled his Lone Ranger scripts for his other series. SGT PRESTON of the Yukon and The GREEN HORNET. I also remember MIKE WALLACE (CBS newsman) was the announcer for SKY KING sponsored by Peter Pan Peanut butter. Mom tuned into the dramas: LUX RADIO THEATER, SUSPENSE and INNER SANCTUM (I hated the intro…too scary). The BELL TELEPHONE HOUR, Donald Vorhees conducting. NBC Symphony ….The MET OPERA with Norman Cross host. Mom did not listen to the comedy shows but I had an old radio near my bedside and would tune into Baby Snooks, Henry Aldrich, Ozzie and Harriet, Our Miss Brooks (on radio before TV) Bing Crosby was on radio frequently. I was not prohibited from listening to any show…but I had to have lights out by 9PM (but I kept the radio on quietly falling asleep to many a nights dramas. I always like the soothing voice of JOEL McCREA on 'Tales of The Texas Rangers'…great narratives. Gene Autry from Melody Ranch. The first 15 minutes was a drama and the last musical variety. I was not encouraged to listen to any shows but just enjoyed what was on and if I did not care to listen would go to my own diversions. As a teen ager I had a phono oscillator radio transmiter and would play my own programming from my bedroom to the kitchen radio…(I was on the air from 3:15 PM to 6PM and even played dinner music for us).

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Just had to add my kudos to your great website.... I just received my orders a week or so ago, and have been thoroly enjoying every nuance of each CD... even the "bell tones" twixt the radio shows really bring back the wonderful memories, Soooo.... Many warm thanks for bring the past back to me, to savor once again....

    Bob Verified Purchase

    Ozzie and Harriet are really enjoyable to listen too.

    Richard Verified Purchase

    Very good show ! “Ozzie & Harriet” also had radio runs as well as many other shows. Only “Have Gun, will travel” went from television to radio

    John Verified Purchase

    I'm in my late 30's and had not previously heard about the Harriett and Ozzie Radio show. I first came across the show when I once heard it on an online old time radio station which was broadcasting classic Christmas shows. In less than a minute I was already hooked. At the end of the broadcast I looked up the show on wikipedia and read all about it. I started to search the web to try to find more of their episodes. Finally, I came across OTRCAT.com where I purchased the whole series of Ozzie and Harriet, and thoroughly enjoyed listening to all their shows. I even managed to locate a old 1940's valve radiogram still in original working condition, and connected my MP3 player to its turntable input, so that I could listen to the Ozzie and Harriett radio show with the authentic sound and feel of the bygone days of radio entertainment. There is nothing on television today that still contains the innocence, family humour, morals and lessons taught in this show. I'm so happy I have discovered this little gem.

    Rico Verified Purchase

    Great fun to listen to The Adventures Of Ozzie and Harriet! Especially when David and Ricky started apperaing on the show. The quality is really quite good. Very pleased with this purchase.

    Al Verified Purchase

    I like the humor of Ozzie and Harriet. It is low key and natural. I always wondered, exactly what is Ozzie's employment on the show? The humor doesn't as much as some comedy shows.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    like this show like the humer directed toward ozzie.

    Ray Verified Purchase

    I love Ozzie and Harriet. This is a great collection, and you can't beat the cost. I highly recommend this. Nice company to work with.


    I love the low key humor of the Ozzie and Harriet radio program. This is a great collection of shows. So far my favorite episodes are the Easter show, where the family decide to go to the early morning Son Rise service and the Valentine show when Ozzie decides not buy a box of candy for Harriet, but rather to buy her something more original. The exchange at the department store is hilarious. I also enjoy the silver plate commercials. My Mother had a set of Roger Brothers and was always proud to set a beautiful table for special occasions and holidays. The advertisements bring back those lovely childhood memories.

    Pam Verified Purchase

    These shows are a lot of fun to listen to! I was a kid when the Adventures of Ozzie and Harriette was on TV. Some of the later radio shows parallel TV episodes. I really enjoy these shows!

    Al Verified Purchase

    Every time I listen to Ozzie and Harriet I am reminded of how I felt when I first heard the programs on radio. I was the same age as Ricky Nelson and could easily relate to his shenanigans.

    William Verified Purchase

    If you like the Ozzie & Harriet television show you will love the radio just just as much.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    The Ozzie and Harriet recordings arrived yesterday. Thanks again for super service. I'm looking forward to listening to them and again, thanks for letting me know about their availability. Have a great day.

    Bob Verified Purchase

    As the other collections I have purchased, Ozzie and Harriet takes me back to younger time. Thank you for your efforts. Have recommended you to many of my friends.

    Lars Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    106 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 35 min
    106 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 35 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Ozzie Harriet 441119 Enters Essay Contest.mp3
    3. Ozzie Harriet 441203 The Lost Wallet.mp3
    4. Ozzie Harriet 450128 Ozzie The Hypnotist.mp3
    5. Ozzie Harriet 450311 Tax Return The Blue Suit.mp3
    6. Ozzie Harriet 450325 Ozzie Learns About Reincarnation.mp3
    7. Ozzie Harriet 450520 The New Arrival.mp3
    8. Ozzie Harriet 450812 Antique Vase.mp3
    9. Ozzie Harriet 450826 David Sells Ozzies Suit.mp3
    10. Ozzie Harriet 450902 The Drip.mp3
    11. Ozzie Harriet 450909 David Fights The Jones Boys.mp3
    12. Ozzie Harriet 450916 Lodge Of Unicorns.mp3
    13. Ozzie Harriet 450919 David Had Fight With Jones Boy.mp3
    14. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment Bldg Next Door.mp3
    15. Ozzie Harriet 450930 Exaggeration.mp3
    16. Ozzie Harriet 451007 The Prince's Gift Aka The Camel.mp3
    17. Ozzie Harriet 460120 Ozzie Runs For Office.mp3
    18. Ozzie Harriet 460623 Ozzie Thinks He Will Be A New Father.mp3
    19. Ozzie Harriet 461103 Ozzie Runs for Office {AFRS#008}.mp3
    20. Ozzie Harriet 461201 Ricky'S Third Prize.mp3
    21. Ozzie Harriet 461208 Rickys Third Prize In School.mp3
    22. Ozzie Harriet 470223 Unique Bowling Approach.mp3
    23. Ozzie Harriet 470302 March 3rd Dilemna.mp3
    24. Ozzie Harriet 470420 Disintegrating Family.mp3
    25. Ozzie Harriet 470914 New Dress.mp3
    26. Ozzie Harriet 471012 Retreat From Civilization.mp3
    27. Ozzie Harriet 480116 Jury Duty.mp3
    28. Ozzie Harriet 480123 The Argument.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 480220 Community Baseball Team.mp3
    30. Ozzie Harriet 481017 Ozzie Promises to Take the Boys Hiking.mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 481024 The Matchmaker.mp3
    32. Ozzie Harriet 481031 Haunted House.mp3
    33. Ozzie Harriet 481107 Ozzie Is In A Rut.mp3
    34. Ozzie Harriet 481114 Evening Alone.mp3
    35. Ozzie Harriet 481121 172 Intellectual Curiosity.mp3
    36. Ozzie Harriet 481128 The Third Degree.mp3
    37. Ozzie Harriet 481205 174 Guests - Bing Crosby.mp3
    38. Ozzie Harriet 481212 Worrying About Worrying.mp3
    39. Ozzie Harriet 481219 Christmas Gifts.mp3
    40. Ozzie Harriet 481226 No Show For Christmas.mp3
    41. Ozzie Harriet 490102 The Knitting Contest.mp3
    42. Ozzie Harriet 490109 Sports Heroes.mp3
    43. Ozzie Harriet 490116 The Neglected.mp3
    44. Ozzie Harriet 490123 Card Tricks.mp3
    45. Ozzie Harriet 490130 Ozzie Takes Bus Driving Test.mp3
    46. Ozzie Harriet 490206 House Cleaning.mp3
    47. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Ozzie Buys A Valentine.mp3
    48. Ozzie Harriet 490220 Name Game.mp3
    49. Ozzie Harriet 490227 The Nelson Bank.mp3
    50. Ozzie Harriet 490306 Crystal Ball.mp3
    51. Ozzie Harriet 490313 Income Tax Problems.mp3
    52. Ozzie Harriet 490320 Argument About Rover Boys.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 55 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490327 Compliments.mp3
    3. Ozzie Harriet 490410 Nosy Neighbors.mp3
    4. Ozzie Harriet 490417 Easter Show.mp3
    5. Ozzie Harriet 490424 Man Superman.mp3
    6. Ozzie Harriet 491028 Advice.mp3
    7. Ozzie Harriet 500127 The Riviera Ballet.mp3
    8. Ozzie Harriet 500526 The Gardners.mp3
    9. Ozzie Harriet 500602 Bridal Shower.mp3
    10. Ozzie Harriet 500609 Party.mp3
    11. Ozzie Harriet 501027 Halloween.mp3
    12. Ozzie Harriet 501103 New Dress.mp3
    13. Ozzie Harriet 510601 Cigar Smoking.mp3
    14. Ozzie Harriet 511005 Sales Resistance.mp3
    15. Ozzie Harriet 511005 The Manicure.mp3
    16. Ozzie Harriet 511102 David'S Date, Yes Man.mp3
    17. Ozzie Harriet 511116 Sidewalk Superintendents.mp3
    18. Ozzie Harriet 511130 Thorny'S Gift.mp3
    19. Ozzie Harriet 511214 Going To A Concert.mp3
    20. Ozzie Harriet 520125 The Dental Receptionist.mp3
    21. Ozzie Harriet 520321 026 Ego Builder.mp3
    22. Ozzie Harriet 520404 Building A Boat.mp3
    23. Ozzie Harriet 520418 Home Town Ball Team.mp3
    24. Ozzie Harriet 520425 Too Much Change.mp3
    25. Ozzie Harriet 520509 Invitation To Dinner.mp3
    26. Ozzie Harriet 520516 034 The Farmer.mp3
    27. Ozzie Harriet 520606 Buried Treasure.mp3
    28. Ozzie Harriet 521128 The Handy Man.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 530501 Baseball Coach.mp3
    30. Ozzie Harriet 530626 Be On Time.mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 530918 David Discovered Girls.mp3
    32. Ozzie Harriet 530925 Upholstry Prize.mp3
    33. Ozzie Harriet 531009 Trading Neckties With Thorny.mp3
    34. Ozzie Harriet 531016 The New Street Light.mp3
    35. Ozzie Harriet 531030 Homemade Ice Cream.mp3
    36. Ozzie Harriet 531106 Redecorating The Women'S Club.mp3
    37. Ozzie Harriet 531211 Cup Of Coffee.mp3
    38. Ozzie Harriet 531225 Lost Christmas Gift.mp3
    39. Ozzie Harriet 540108 Fifi La Plume.mp3
    40. Ozzie Harriet 540122 PTA Treasurer.mp3
    41. Ozzie Harriet 540129 The Electric Train.mp3
    42. Ozzie Harriet 540205 Afrs Sacrifice Aka Birthday Present.mp3
    43. Ozzie Harriet 540212 The Loud Shirt.mp3
    44. Ozzie Harriet 540219 J23 Come As You Are.mp3
    45. Ozzie Harriet 540409 Harriet As A Baseball Manager.mp3
    46. Ozzie Harriet 540528 David's Pipe.mp3
    47. Ozzie Harriet 540604 Ozzies Night Out.mp3
    48. Ozzie Harriet 540611 Golf Widower.mp3
    49. Ozzie Harriet 540618 The Grammrian (final episode).mp3
    50. Ozzie Harriet Backyard Treasure Hunt.mp3
    51. Ozzie Harriet Magazine Contest.mp3
    52. Ozzie Harriet Nelson Two Sleepy People.mp3
    53. Ozzie Harriet North Woods.mp3
    54. Ozzie Harriet The Drip.mp3
    55. Ozzie Harriett 511019 287 Cleaning Out Closets.mp3
    56. Ozzie Harriett xxxxxx xxx Promo.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    106 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 35 min
    106 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1307 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 35 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – 663 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ozzie Harriet 441119 Enters Essay Contest.mp3
    3. Ozzie Harriet 441203 The Lost Wallet.mp3
    4. Ozzie Harriet 450128 Ozzie The Hypnotist.mp3
    5. Ozzie Harriet 450311 Tax Return The Blue Suit.mp3
    6. Ozzie Harriet 450325 Ozzie Learns About Reincarnation.mp3
    7. Ozzie Harriet 450520 The New Arrival.mp3
    8. Ozzie Harriet 450812 Antique Vase.mp3
    9. Ozzie Harriet 450826 David Sells Ozzies Suit.mp3
    10. Ozzie Harriet 450902 The Drip.mp3
    11. Ozzie Harriet 450909 David Fights The Jones Boys.mp3
    12. Ozzie Harriet 450916 Lodge Of Unicorns.mp3
    13. Ozzie Harriet 450919 David Had Fight With Jones Boy.mp3
    14. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment Bldg Next Door.mp3
    15. Ozzie Harriet 450930 Exaggeration.mp3
    16. Ozzie Harriet 451007 The Prince's Gift Aka The Camel.mp3
    17. Ozzie Harriet 460120 Ozzie Runs For Office.mp3
    18. Ozzie Harriet 460623 Ozzie Thinks He Will Be A New Father.mp3
    19. Ozzie Harriet 461103 Ozzie Runs for Office {AFRS#008}.mp3
    20. Ozzie Harriet 461201 Ricky'S Third Prize.mp3
    21. Ozzie Harriet 461208 Rickys Third Prize In School.mp3
    22. Ozzie Harriet 470223 Unique Bowling Approach.mp3
    23. Ozzie Harriet 470302 March 3rd Dilemna.mp3
    24. Ozzie Harriet 470420 Disintegrating Family.mp3
    25. Ozzie Harriet 470914 New Dress.mp3
    26. Ozzie Harriet 471012 Retreat From Civilization.mp3
    27. Ozzie Harriet 480116 Jury Duty.mp3
    28. Ozzie Harriet 480123 The Argument.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 480220 Community Baseball Team.mp3
    30. Ozzie Harriet 481017 Ozzie Promises to Take the Boys Hiking.mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 481024 The Matchmaker.mp3
    32. Ozzie Harriet 481031 Haunted House.mp3
    33. Ozzie Harriet 481107 Ozzie Is In A Rut.mp3
    34. Ozzie Harriet 481114 Evening Alone.mp3
    35. Ozzie Harriet 481121 172 Intellectual Curiosity.mp3
    36. Ozzie Harriet 481128 The Third Degree.mp3
    37. Ozzie Harriet 481205 174 Guests - Bing Crosby.mp3
    38. Ozzie Harriet 481212 Worrying About Worrying.mp3
    39. Ozzie Harriet 481219 Christmas Gifts.mp3
    40. Ozzie Harriet 481226 No Show For Christmas.mp3
    41. Ozzie Harriet 490102 The Knitting Contest.mp3
    42. Ozzie Harriet 490109 Sports Heroes.mp3
    43. Ozzie Harriet 490116 The Neglected.mp3
    44. Ozzie Harriet 490123 Card Tricks.mp3
    45. Ozzie Harriet 490130 Ozzie Takes Bus Driving Test.mp3
    46. Ozzie Harriet 490206 House Cleaning.mp3
    47. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Ozzie Buys A Valentine.mp3
    48. Ozzie Harriet 490220 Name Game.mp3
    49. Ozzie Harriet 490227 The Nelson Bank.mp3
    50. Ozzie Harriet 490306 Crystal Ball.mp3
    51. Ozzie Harriet 490313 Income Tax Problems.mp3
    52. Ozzie Harriet 490320 Argument About Rover Boys.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 55 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490327 Compliments.mp3
    3. Ozzie Harriet 490410 Nosy Neighbors.mp3
    4. Ozzie Harriet 490417 Easter Show.mp3
    5. Ozzie Harriet 490424 Man Superman.mp3
    6. Ozzie Harriet 491028 Advice.mp3
    7. Ozzie Harriet 500127 The Riviera Ballet.mp3
    8. Ozzie Harriet 500526 The Gardners.mp3
    9. Ozzie Harriet 500602 Bridal Shower.mp3
    10. Ozzie Harriet 500609 Party.mp3
    11. Ozzie Harriet 501027 Halloween.mp3
    12. Ozzie Harriet 501103 New Dress.mp3
    13. Ozzie Harriet 510601 Cigar Smoking.mp3
    14. Ozzie Harriet 511005 Sales Resistance.mp3
    15. Ozzie Harriet 511005 The Manicure.mp3
    16. Ozzie Harriet 511102 David'S Date, Yes Man.mp3
    17. Ozzie Harriet 511116 Sidewalk Superintendents.mp3
    18. Ozzie Harriet 511130 Thorny'S Gift.mp3
    19. Ozzie Harriet 511214 Going To A Concert.mp3
    20. Ozzie Harriet 520125 The Dental Receptionist.mp3
    21. Ozzie Harriet 520321 026 Ego Builder.mp3
    22. Ozzie Harriet 520404 Building A Boat.mp3
    23. Ozzie Harriet 520418 Home Town Ball Team.mp3
    24. Ozzie Harriet 520425 Too Much Change.mp3
    25. Ozzie Harriet 520509 Invitation To Dinner.mp3
    26. Ozzie Harriet 520516 034 The Farmer.mp3
    27. Ozzie Harriet 520606 Buried Treasure.mp3
    28. Ozzie Harriet 521128 The Handy Man.mp3
    29. Ozzie Harriet 530501 Baseball Coach.mp3
    30. Ozzie Harriet 530626 Be On Time.mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 530918 David Discovered Girls.mp3
    32. Ozzie Harriet 530925 Upholstry Prize.mp3
    33. Ozzie Harriet 531009 Trading Neckties With Thorny.mp3
    34. Ozzie Harriet 531016 The New Street Light.mp3
    35. Ozzie Harriet 531030 Homemade Ice Cream.mp3
    36. Ozzie Harriet 531106 Redecorating The Women'S Club.mp3
    37. Ozzie Harriet 531211 Cup Of Coffee.mp3
    38. Ozzie Harriet 531225 Lost Christmas Gift.mp3
    39. Ozzie Harriet 540108 Fifi La Plume.mp3
    40. Ozzie Harriet 540122 PTA Treasurer.mp3
    41. Ozzie Harriet 540129 The Electric Train.mp3
    42. Ozzie Harriet 540205 Afrs Sacrifice Aka Birthday Present.mp3
    43. Ozzie Harriet 540212 The Loud Shirt.mp3
    44. Ozzie Harriet 540219 J23 Come As You Are.mp3
    45. Ozzie Harriet 540409 Harriet As A Baseball Manager.mp3
    46. Ozzie Harriet 540528 David's Pipe.mp3
    47. Ozzie Harriet 540604 Ozzies Night Out.mp3
    48. Ozzie Harriet 540611 Golf Widower.mp3
    49. Ozzie Harriet 540618 The Grammrian (final episode).mp3
    50. Ozzie Harriet Backyard Treasure Hunt.mp3
    51. Ozzie Harriet Magazine Contest.mp3
    52. Ozzie Harriet Nelson Two Sleepy People.mp3
    53. Ozzie Harriet North Woods.mp3
    54. Ozzie Harriet The Drip.mp3
    55. Ozzie Harriett 511019 287 Cleaning Out Closets.mp3
    56. Ozzie Harriett xxxxxx xxx Promo.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    106 recordings on 52 Audio CDs. Total playtime 47 hours, 35 min
    106 recordings on 52 Audio CDs
    total playtime 47 hours, 35 min

    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A001

    1. Ozzie Harriet Backyard Treasure Hunt
    2. Ozzie Harriet Magazine Contest
    3. Ozzie Harriet Nelson Two Sleepy People

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A002

    1. Ozzie Harriet North Woods
    2. Ozzie Harriet The Drip
    3. Ozzie Harriett xxxxxx xxx Promo

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A003

    1. Ozzie Harriet 441119 Enters Essay Contest
    2. Ozzie Harriet 441203 The Lost Wallet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A004

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450128 Ozzie The Hypnotist
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450311 Tax Return The Blue Suit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A005

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450325 Ozzie Learns About Reincarnation
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450520 The New Arrival

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A006

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450812 Antique Vase
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450826 David Sells Ozzies Suit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A007

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450902 The Drip
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450909 David Fights The Jones Boys

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A008

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450916 Lodge Of Unicorns
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450919 David Had Fight With Jones Boy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A009

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment Bldg Next Door
    2. Ozzie Harriet 450930 Exaggeration

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A010

    1. Ozzie Harriet 451007 The Prince's Gift Aka The Camel
    2. Ozzie Harriet 460120 Ozzie Runs For Office

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A011

    1. Ozzie Harriet 460623 Ozzie Thinks He Will Be A New Father
    2. Ozzie Harriet 461103 Ozzie Runs for Office {AFRS#008}

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A012

    1. Ozzie Harriet 461201 Ricky'S Third Prize
    2. Ozzie Harriet 461208 Rickys Third Prize In School

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A013

    1. Ozzie Harriet 470223 Unique Bowling Approach
    2. Ozzie Harriet 470302 March 3rd Dilemna

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A014

    1. Ozzie Harriet 470420 Disintegrating Family
    2. Ozzie Harriet 470914 New Dress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A015

    1. Ozzie Harriet 471012 Retreat From Civilization
    2. Ozzie Harriet 480116 Jury Duty

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A016

    1. Ozzie Harriet 480123 The Argument
    2. Ozzie Harriet 480220 Community Baseball Team

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A017

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481017 Ozzie Promises to Take the Boys Hiking
    2. Ozzie Harriet 481024 The Matchmaker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A018

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481031 Haunted House
    2. Ozzie Harriet 481107 Ozzie Is In A Rut

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A019

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481114 Evening Alone
    2. Ozzie Harriet 481121 172 Intellectual Curiosity

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A020

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481128 The Third Degree
    2. Ozzie Harriet 481205 174 Guests - Bing Crosby

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A021

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481212 Worrying About Worrying
    2. Ozzie Harriet 481219 Christmas Gifts

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A022

    1. Ozzie Harriet 481226 No Show For Christmas
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490102 The Knitting Contest

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A023

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490109 Sports Heroes
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490116 The Neglected

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A024

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490123 Card Tricks
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490130 Ozzie Takes Bus Driving Test

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A025

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490206 House Cleaning
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490213 Ozzie Buys A Valentine

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A026

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490220 Name Game
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490227 The Nelson Bank

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A027

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490306 Crystal Ball
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490313 Income Tax Problems

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A028

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490320 Argument About Rover Boys
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490327 Compliments

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A029

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490410 Nosy Neighbors
    2. Ozzie Harriet 490417 Easter Show

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A030

    1. Ozzie Harriet 490424 Man Superman
    2. Ozzie Harriet 491028 Advice

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A031

    1. Ozzie Harriet 500127 The Riviera Ballet
    2. Ozzie Harriet 500526 The Gardners

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A032

    1. Ozzie Harriet 500602 Bridal Shower
    2. Ozzie Harriet 500609 Party

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A033

    1. Ozzie Harriet 501027 Halloween
    2. Ozzie Harriet 501103 New Dress

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A034

    1. Ozzie Harriet 510601 Cigar Smoking
    2. Ozzie Harriet 511005 Sales Resistance

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A035

    1. Ozzie Harriet 511005 The Manicure
    2. Ozzie Harriett 511019 287 Cleaning Out Closets

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A036

    1. Ozzie Harriet 511102 David'S Date, Yes Man
    2. Ozzie Harriet 511116 Sidewalk Superintendents

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A037

    1. Ozzie Harriet 511130 Thorny'S Gift
    2. Ozzie Harriet 511214 Going To A Concert

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A038

    1. Ozzie Harriet 520125 The Dental Receptionist
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520321 026 Ego Builder

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A039

    1. Ozzie Harriet 520404 Building A Boat
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520418 Home Town Ball Team

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A040

    1. Ozzie Harriet 520425 Too Much Change
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520509 Invitation To Dinner

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A041

    1. Ozzie Harriet 520516 034 The Farmer
    2. Ozzie Harriet 520606 Buried Treasure

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A042

    1. Ozzie Harriet 521128 The Handy Man
    2. Ozzie Harriet 530501 Baseball Coach

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A043

    1. Ozzie Harriet 530626 Be On Time
    2. Ozzie Harriet 530918 David Discovered Girls

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A044

    1. Ozzie Harriet 530925 Upholstry Prize
    2. Ozzie Harriet 531009 Trading Neckties With Thorny

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A045

    1. Ozzie Harriet 531016 The New Street Light
    2. Ozzie Harriet 531030 Homemade Ice Cream

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A046

    1. Ozzie Harriet 531106 Redecorating The Women'S Club
    2. Ozzie Harriet 531211 Cup Of Coffee

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A047

    1. Ozzie Harriet 531225 Lost Christmas Gift
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540108 Fifi La Plume

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A048

    1. Ozzie Harriet 540122 PTA Treasurer
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540129 The Electric Train

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A049

    1. Ozzie Harriet 540205 Afrs Sacrifice Aka Birthday Present
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540212 The Loud Shirt

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A050

    1. Ozzie Harriet 540219 J23 Come As You Are
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540409 Harriet As A Baseball Manager

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A051

    1. Ozzie Harriet 540528 David's Pipe
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540604 Ozzies Night Out

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    Ozzie and Harriet Disc A052

    1. Ozzie Harriet 540611 Golf Widower
    2. Ozzie Harriet 540618 The Grammrian (final episode)

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