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One Man's Family

A sweeping saga of One Man’s Family, this serial from the creator of I Love a Mystery, Carlton E. Morse, ran for 27 years, and follows the Barbour family patriarch from San Francisco stock broker to grandfather and beyond.

One Mans Family

397 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 107 hours, 11 min)
available in the following formats:

5 MP3 CDs
108 Audio CDs

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"Episode 77 C11"

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One Man's Family Cast 1947
Serial (1932 -1959)

One Mans FamilyOne Mans Family Old time radio showRadio's most popular and longest running national serial was One Man's Family, the sweeping saga of family life created by that great creator of radio drama, Carlton E. Morse. Morse's work on I Love a Mystery was another facet of his genius for involved, personal plot lines that were loaded with interesting, impressive characters that thought and talked together like real people.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Perhaps it is easiest to state flatly that Carlton E. Morse was the greatest old time radio show creator of them all. Yet that would be unfair to all the other fine creative talents who made radio shows so varied and so entertaining that our lives were enriched and rewarded by their presence.

TOne Man's Family Press release photo, 1950he plot lines are too involved to summarize, and the players would be a list of several dozen. In One Man's Family, the story of an entire family is the idea, and the family was headed by patriarch Henry Barbour, a stern white collar worker when the series began, and a loving, doting grandfather when it finally ended. "The show's success was due in no small part to the magnificent 27-year run as Henry Barbour by J. Anthony Smythe," says John Dunning, who gives a detailed account of the show in his "On the Air, The Encyclopedia of Old Time Radio,". One Man's Family was blessed with fine actors as major cast players, all under the direction of Morse, and most remained with the show through the years, even as the Barbours developed and deepened as a family through the changes that American life and their own actions brought their way.

One Man's Family is a masterpiece of radio serial family drama. No one who heard the show during its vast sweep of broadcast history would deny that.

For other excellent Carlton E Morse productions, see also:

Bromo Quinine

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    10     1


    I just finished listening to One Man's Family. I wasn't sure how much I would like it when I first started. I am not a soap opera person, but I wanted to listen to the show because it was an institution in radio. Plus, I love history, and I saw this show as a window into a time long before I was born. Bottom line, I loved it. I have read Patricia Morse's 6-part story in Movie-Radio Guide from 1942, and Dunning's summary of the family in his Encyclopedia, and while I am glad we have that to help flesh out the early years, it just doesn't compare with the quality of the shows themselves. I found the storylines compelling and believable, the characters interesting and real. They were three dimensional. Sometimes they were sympathetic, sometimes funny, sometimes annoying. Morse's writing (and later Harlen Ware's writing) was crisp and intriguing. I actually cared what happened to each character. And the acting was excellent. In the end it left me wanting more, which I think is a hallmark of a really good show. I want to know if Clifford had twins and did Henry get another grandson to help carry on the family name. Did Pinky ever get his act together? Whatever happened to poor Elwood Giddings? I could go on. Although there are huge gaps in the episodes available, the 1949-1951 period is virtually intact and great listening. If you have been hesitant to listen to this show because it's in the nature of a soap opera, I recommend you give it a chance. This show is not a soap opera. It is a well-developed family drama that can compete with the best of today. I did some searching and couldn't find anything definitive, but does anyone know if Morse (or anyone else) left any of the scripts for this show to any library or collection? I saw that the Library of Congress has a collection but while they list ILAM and ABM scripts, OMF is not mentioned. I recently ordered "One Man's Family Album: An Inside Look at Radio's Longest Running Show", but that is really the only book I have seen on the show. I know in the 1949/1950 time frame Miles Labs was giving away a Barbour Family Album, but I have not come across a copy of that in any of my searching.

    John Verified Purchase

    OTRCAT is a real winner when it comes to OTR. Those hard to find shows are always showing up here on their site, and is a pleasure to buy and listen to. Have been a customer of theirs for probably 15+ yrs and they have never failed me! Highly recommend their fast and courteous service. Hats off to Jon and family for providing a great service!

    Rob Robinson

    Carlton Morse is a master of the plot, his various programs are fascinating and well worth adding to your collection. I have been searching for years for missing chapters of “I Love a Mystery” - hard to find, but worth the search! “One Man’s Family” is yet another example of the Morse talent for the story. This is a must addition for serious collectors!

    Lyndon Verified Purchase

    I remember when it wasn't "Old Time" but cutting edge. "From high atop the the Phil Tower in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma, KVOO presents Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys". Sitting with my Grandmother and her sisters and watching the radio for "Our Gal Sunday", "Just Plain Bill" and later in the day, "One Man's Family". "Good News Tonight" with H. V. Kaltenborn.

    Bill Verified Purchase

    Today, I listened to disc #2 and as an earlier listener commented, it is a family drama presented in a soap opera format. A sign of this is that it was on Sundays in early " prime time ". This was one of the longest running shows of Radio's Golden Age. The writing and acting were good and you couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to the Barbour Family in the next episode.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    397 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00. Total playtime 107 hours, 11 min
    397 recordings on 5 MP3 CDs for just $25.00
    total playtime 107 hours, 11 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 49 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. OMF B040C10 411207 New Incident In Matter Of Irene Franklin.mp3
    3. OMF B040C13 411228 The Last Of 1941.mp3
    4. OMF B043C10 42xxxx.mp3
    5. OMF B044C07 421115.mp3
    6. OMF B044C08 421122 Thanksgiving At The Dairy Ranch.mp3
    7. OMF B046C03 430425.mp3
    8. OMF B046C04 430502 Family Reunion With Marine Jack Barbour.mp3
    9. OMF B047C03 430725 Futher Info Concerning Secret Mission.mp3
    10. OMF B047C06 430815 Further Preparations Claudia's Departure.mp3
    11. OMF B047C08 430829 Claudia Says Goodbye To Her Family.mp3
    12. OMF B048C05 431107 Strength and Glory Of The Human Spirit.mp3
    13. OMF B054C09 450529 Lt Jack Barbour Leaves For Pacific.mp3
    14. OMF B055C08 45xxxx.mp3
    15. OMF B062C05 470427 One Man's Family Celebrates 15th Anniv.mp3
    16. OMF B064C10 471130.mp3
    17. OMF B064C11 471207.mp3
    18. OMF B064C12 471214 Conclusion Of A Treasure Hunt.mp3
    19. OMF B064C13 471221 Twas The Night Before Christmas.mp3
    20. OMF B064C14 471228 New Year's Eve With The Barbour Clan.mp3
    21. OMF B065C01 480104 The Dying Fires Of Europe.mp3
    22. OMF B065C02 480111 Teddy Barbour After Two Years.mp3
    23. OMF B066C06 480509 Father Barbour's Dead Tooth.mp3
    24. OMF B066C07 480516 The Special Delivery Letter.mp3
    25. OMF B067C06 48xxxx.mp3
    26. OMF B069C07 490224.mp3
    27. OMF B069C13 490407 Pay-off In The Clifford Story.mp3
    28. OMF B070C14 490703 San Francisco Answers Back.mp3
    29. OMF B071C01 490704 A Reintroduction To The Barbours.mp3
    30. OMF B071C02 490711 Two Lost Barbours Begin To Find Happiness.mp3
    31. OMF B071C03 490718 Roberta Evans Begins To Sense A Rival.mp3
    32. OMF B071C04 490725 Definite Progress In Family Relations.mp3
    33. OMF B071C05 490801 Father Barbour's Aching Bones.mp3
    34. OMF B071C06 490808 Father Barbour Predicts The Worst.mp3
    35. OMF B071C07 490815 The Return of Joan Roberts Lacey.mp3
    36. OMF B071C08 490822 A Very, Very Tough Stepfather, Indeed.mp3
    37. OMF B071C09 490829 Father Barbour's Rampage What Came Of It.mp3
    38. OMF B071C10 490905 Father Barbour Eavesdropping Episode.mp3
    39. OMF B071C11 490912 Homemade Bread Applesauce Peace Offering.mp3
    40. OMF B071C12 490919 The Return Of The Second Assistant Cook.mp3
    41. OMF B071C13 490926 End Of A Summer Saga.mp3
    42. OMF B072C01 491002 Father Barbour and His Three Sons.mp3
    43. OMF B072C02 491009 Clifford Delves Into His Past.mp3
    44. OMF B072C03 491016 Father Barbour Gets Left Behind.mp3
    45. OMF B072C04 491023 A New Twist To An Old Story.mp3
    46. OMF B072C05 491030 Family Reaction To Rexford Frome.mp3
    47. OMF B072C06 491116 Rex Frome Invades the Barbours.mp3
    48. OMF B072C07 491113 Paul Meets The Lady In The Case.mp3
    49. OMF B072C08 491120 The Dinner That Was Interrupted.mp3
    50. OMF B072C09 491127 Dr. Thompson Opens Paul's Eyes.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 34 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. OMF B072C10 491204 The Family Must Make Its Decision.mp3
    3. OMF B072C11 491211 Clifford Defies The Lightning.mp3
    4. OMF B072C12 491218 A Touch Of Christmas Spirit.mp3
    5. OMF B072C13 491225 Christmas Morning At The Barbour's.mp3
    6. OMF B073C01 500101 What Does The Future Hold.mp3
    7. OMF B073C02 500101 What Does The Future Hold.mp3
    8. OMF B073C03 500108 Paul Makes A Decision.mp3
    9. OMF B073C04 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    10. OMF B073C05 500129 So Near and Yet So Far.mp3
    11. OMF B073C06 500205 Events Leading Up To Celebration.mp3
    12. OMF B073C07 500212 A Day Of Jubilation.mp3
    13. OMF B073C08 500115 Marriage Plans Are Revealed.mp3
    14. OMF B073C09 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    15. OMF B073C10 500129 So Near, And Yet So Far.mp3
    16. OMF B073C11 500205 Events Leading Up To A Celebration.mp3
    17. OMF B073C12 500212 A Day For Jubilation.mp3
    18. OMF B073C13 500219 Father Barber Contemplates A Wedding Gift.mp3
    19. OMF B074C01 500402 Joan Makes A Confession.mp3
    20. OMF B074C02 500409 Father Barbour Has A Caller.mp3
    21. OMF B074C03 500416 Henry Barbour, Defendant.mp3
    22. OMF B074C04 500423 This Job Of Parenting.mp3
    23. OMF B074C05 500430 Joseph Crayton, Fraud Or Genius.mp3
    24. OMF B074C06 500507 Paul's Letter To Teddy.mp3
    25. OMF B074C08 500521 An Evening On The Terrace.mp3
    26. OMF B074C09 500528 Jack Overwhelms Betty.mp3
    27. OMF B074C10 500604 That Crayton Man Again.mp3
    28. OMF B075C03 500607 The Book Of Joan.mp3
    29. OMF B076C01 500710 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    30. OMF B076C09 500720 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    31. OMF B076C11 500724 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    32. OMF B076C12 500725 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    33. OMF B076C13 500726 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    34. OMF B076C14 500727 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    35. OMF B076C15 500728 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    36. OMF B076C16 500731 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    37. OMF B076C18 500802 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    38. OMF B076C19 500803 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    39. OMF B076C20 500804 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    40. OMF B076C21 500807 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    41. OMF B076C25 500811 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    42. OMF B077C01 500814 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    43. OMF B077C04 500817 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    44. OMF B077C09 500824 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    45. OMF B077C10 500825 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    46. OMF B077C11 500828 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    47. OMF B077C12 500829 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    48. OMF B077C13 500830 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    49. OMF B077C14 500831 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    50. OMF B077C15 500901 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    51. OMF B078C01 500904 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    52. OMF B078C02 500905 The Book Of Teddy.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 103 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 45 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. OMF B078C03 500906 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    3. OMF B078C04 500907 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    4. OMF B078C05 500908 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    5. OMF B078C06 500911 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    6. OMF B078C07 500912 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    7. OMF B078C08 500913 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    8. OMF B078C09 500914 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    9. OMF B078C10 500915 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    10. OMF B078C11 500918 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    11. OMF B078C12 500919 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    12. OMF B078C13 500920 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    13. OMF B078C14 500921 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    14. OMF B078C15 500922 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    15. OMF B078C16 500925 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    16. OMF B078C17 500926 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    17. OMF B078C18 500927 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    18. OMF B078C19 500928 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    19. OMF B078C20 500929 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    20. OMF B078C21 501002 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    21. OMF B078C22 501003 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    22. OMF B078C23 501004 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    23. OMF B078C24 501005 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    24. OMF B078C25 501006 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    25. OMF B079C01 501009 Plans For A Belated Honeymoon.mp3
    26. OMF B079C02 501010 More Plans For A Belated Honeymoon.mp3
    27. OMF B079C03 501011 Father Barbour Talks To Jack.mp3
    28. OMF B079C04 501012 Betty and Her Fifteen Day Diet.mp3
    29. OMF B079C05 501013 Teddy Goes To See Paul.mp3
    30. OMF B079C06 501016 Nicollette Consoles Betty.mp3
    31. OMF B079C07 501017 Betty's Long Vigil.mp3
    32. OMF B079C08 501018 Jack Plans A Trip.mp3
    33. OMF B079C09 501019 Paul Goes To See Nicollette.mp3
    34. OMF B079C10 501020 Jack Reports On His Trip.mp3
    35. OMF B079C11 501023 Pinky's Status At Stanford Gets Shaky.mp3
    36. OMF B079C12 501024 Pinky's Troubles Begin.mp3
    37. OMF B079C13 501025 Pinky Calls On His Uncle Paul.mp3
    38. OMF B079C14 501026 Pinky Appeals To His Brother Hank.mp3
    39. OMF B079C15 501027 The Girl With The Big Automobile.mp3
    40. OMF B080C01 501030 Pinky Faces The Music.mp3
    41. OMF B080C02 501031 Henry Confronts His Grandson.mp3
    42. OMF B080C03 501101 Pinky's Lot Is Not A Happy One.mp3
    43. OMF B080C04 501102 Pinky Is Faced With Work.mp3
    44. OMF B080C05 501103 Pinky's First Day Of Slavery.mp3
    45. OMF B080C06 501106 You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But....mp3
    46. OMF B080C07 501107 Oh, My Aching Back.mp3
    47. OMF B080C08 501108 The Girl With A Million Bucks.mp3
    48. OMF B080C09 501109 Up From Slavery.mp3
    49. OMF B080C10 501110 Hazel Comes To Paul.mp3
    50. OMF B080C11 501113 Pinky Returns To Bondage.mp3
    51. OMF B080C12 501114 Pinky's Date With Eunice.mp3
    52. OMF B080C13 501115 Pinky Discloses His Wedding Plans.mp3
    53. OMF B080C14 501116 Pinky Envisions A Rosy Future.mp3
    54. OMF B080C15 501117 Eunice's Father Interviews Pinky.mp3
    55. OMF B080C16 501120 Pinky Makes His Decision.mp3
    56. OMF B080C17 501121 What's Happening With Teddy and Elwood.mp3
    57. OMF B080C18 501122 Teddy Visits The Family Home.mp3
    58. OMF B080C19 501123 Elwood Comes To Dinner At Jack's House.mp3
    59. OMF B080C20 501124 Paul Discusses Teddy With Nicolette.mp3
    60. OMF B081C01 501127 Teddy And Elwood At Home.mp3
    61. OMF B081C02 501128 News From Pinky.mp3
    62. OMF B081C03 501129 Teddy Comes To Spend The Night.mp3
    63. OMF B081C04 501130 Paul Goes To See Elwood.mp3
    64. OMF B081C05 501201 A Marriage At The Crossroads.mp3
    65. OMF B081C06 501204 Father Barbour Fears The Worst.mp3
    66. OMF B081C07 501205 Teddy Confides In Maudie.mp3
    67. OMF B081C08 501206 Paul Meets Maudie Pemberton.mp3
    68. OMF B081C09 501207 Father Barbour Visits Elwood.mp3
    69. OMF B081C10 501208 Paul Gets In Touch With Teddy.mp3
    70. OMF B081C11 501211 Teddy Makes A Further Decision.mp3
    71. OMF B081C12 501212 Elwood Calls On Teddy.mp3
    72. OMF B081C13 501213 Maudie Makes A Date For Teddy.mp3
    73. OMF B081C14 501214 Henry Hears Some Shocking News.mp3
    74. OMF B081C15 501215 Father Barbour Meets Maudie.mp3
    75. OMF B081C16 501218 A Lost and Lonely Girl.mp3
    76. OMF B081C17 501219 Father Barbour Questions Teddy.mp3
    77. OMF B081C18 501220 Teddy Goes To The Sky Ranch.mp3
    78. OMF B081C19 501221 Paul Speaks His Mind.mp3
    79. OMF B081C20 501222 Teddy Encounters Elwood.mp3
    80. OMF B081C21 501225 Christmas At The Barbours.mp3
    81. OMF B081C22 501226 Teddy Moves Back Home.mp3
    82. OMF B081C23 501227 Maudie Calls At The Family Home.mp3
    83. OMF B081C24 501228 Teddy Hears From Elwood.mp3
    84. OMF B081C25 501229 Teddy Gets Some Shocking News.mp3
    85. OMF B082C01 510101 Clifford Makes A Resolution.mp3
    86. OMF B082C03 510103 Clifford Continues His Quest For Work.mp3
    87. OMF B082C04 510104 Henry Goes To Maudie About Clifford.mp3
    88. OMF B082C05 510105 The Conquering Hero.mp3
    89. OMF B082C06 510108 A Family Celebration.mp3
    90. OMF B082C07 510109 Clifford Tells Maudie Where He Stands.mp3
    91. OMF B082C08 510110 The Man Who Didn't Come To Dinner.mp3
    92. OMF B082C09 510111 Clifford Plans A Party.mp3
    93. OMF B082C10 510112 No Maudie, No Work.mp3
    94. OMF B082C11 510115 Clifford Gets A Promotion.mp3
    95. OMF B082C12 510116 Henry Visits Clifford's Office.mp3
    96. OMF B082C13 510117 Maudie Invites Paul To Dinner.mp3
    97. OMF B082C14 510118 Clifford Plays Santa Claus.mp3
    98. OMF B082C15 510119 Henry Puts A Proposition To Clifford.mp3
    99. OMF B082C16 510122 Henry Decides To Close A Deal.mp3
    100. OMF B082C17 510123 Personality vs. Sweat.mp3
    101. OMF B082C18 510124 Fanny Signs On The Dotted Line.mp3
    102. OMF B082C20 510126 Harper and Barbour.mp3
    103. OMF B082C21 510129 Clifford Puts Over A Big Deal.mp3
    104. OMF B082C23 510131 The Engagement Ring.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 81 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 39 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. OMF B082C24 510201 Clifford The Triple Threat Man.mp3
    3. OMF B082C25 510202 Maudie Gives Clifford An Answer.mp3
    4. OMF B082C26 510205 A Rejected Suitor Is Not A Happy Man.mp3
    5. OMF B082C27 510206 Henry Barbour, Realtor.mp3
    6. OMF B083C10 510223 Clifford Speaks Up To Mr. Harper.mp3
    7. OMF B083C13 510228 Margaret Uses Clifford's Car As A Lure.mp3
    8. OMF B083C14 510301 Clifford Has Two Dates At Once.mp3
    9. OMF B083C17 510306 Doctor Thompson's Visit.mp3
    10. OMF B084C04 510323 Quest For Material For Family Scrapbook.mp3
    11. OMF B084C06 510326 Pinky Missing From The Lumber Mill.mp3
    12. OMF B084C07 510327 Pinky Murray, Seaman Recruit.mp3
    13. OMF B084C08 510328 Jack Is Worried About Nicolette.mp3
    14. OMF B084C09 510329 Fanny Comes To Clifford's Rescue.mp3
    15. OMF B084C10 510330 A Pilgrimage To San Diego.mp3
    16. OMF B084C11 510402 The Pilgrims Return.mp3
    17. OMF B084C12 510403 Nicolette Divulges Her Plans.mp3
    18. OMF B084C14 510405 Paul Visits Maudie.mp3
    19. OMF B084C15 510406 Father Barbour's Big Surprise.mp3
    20. OMF B084C16 510409 A Farewell Party.mp3
    21. OMF B084C17 510410 A Report From Pinky.mp3
    22. OMF B084C18 510411 Clifford and Paul Talk It Out.mp3
    23. OMF B084C19 510412 Clifford Finds Employment.mp3
    24. OMF B084C20 510413 Paul Goes To See Elwood.mp3
    25. OMF B084C21 510416 A Pending Divorce.mp3
    26. OMF B084C22 510417 Henry Is Faced With The Inevitable.mp3
    27. OMF B084C23 510418 The Plumber Cometh.mp3
    28. OMF B084C24 510419 Clifford Barbour, Baby Sitter.mp3
    29. OMF B084C25 510420 When It Rains, It Pours.mp3
    30. OMF B085C01 510423 The Unhappy Co-ed.mp3
    31. OMF B085C02 510424 What Is Joan Up To, Anyway.mp3
    32. OMF B085C03 510425 Claudia Has Doubts About Joan.mp3
    33. OMF B085C04 510426 Nicky Asserts Himself.mp3
    34. OMF B085C05 510427 Joan Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands.mp3
    35. OMF B085C08 510502 About Toots Schultz.mp3
    36. OMF B085C09 510503 Joan Plans For Her Apartment.mp3
    37. OMF B085C10 510504 Joan Cancels A Date.mp3
    38. OMF B085C11 510507 The Boy In The Case.mp3
    39. OMF B085C12 510508 Jack Lays Down The Law.mp3
    40. OMF B085C13 510509 Toots In Pursuit Of Knowledge.mp3
    41. OMF B085C14 510510 Is It Miss Toots Shultz or Is It Mrs.mp3
    42. OMF B085C15 510511 A Marriage Is Dissolved.mp3
    43. OMF B085C16 510514 The Path Of Love Is Not Smooth.mp3
    44. OMF B085C17 510515 Goodnight Mary Lou, Goodnight.mp3
    45. OMF B085C18 510516 Ah, These Women.mp3
    46. OMF B085C19 510517 Toots Takes A Night Off.mp3
    47. OMF B085C20 510518 Claudia's Mounting Concern.mp3
    48. OMF B085C21 510521 Meet James Beach.mp3
    49. OMF B085C22 510522 Mother and Daughter Talk It Out.mp3
    50. OMF B085C23 510523 Clifford's Promotion.mp3
    51. OMF B085C24 510524 Young Attorney At Home.mp3
    52. OMF B085C25 510525 Joan and Jim Beach.mp3
    53. OMF B086C01 510528 Henry and Fanny At The Sky Ranch.mp3
    54. OMF B086C02 510529 Clifford Gets In Deeper.mp3
    55. OMF B086C03 510530 Pinky and Battleships.mp3
    56. OMF B086C06 510601 More Responsibilty and Less Cash.mp3
    57. OMF B090C25 51xxxx.mp3
    58. OMF B091C22 520101.mp3
    59. OMF B096C11 520630.mp3
    60. OMF B096C29 520714.mp3
    61. OMF B096C32 52xxxx.mp3
    62. OMF B098C03 520924 Worried About Paul.mp3
    63. OMF B098C32 521104 Joan and Ross.mp3
    64. OMF B099C21 521215 Father Barbour Delayed.mp3
    65. OMF B099C22 521216 Speech Contest.mp3
    66. OMF B099C27 521223 Paul’s Arrival.mp3
    67. OMF B101C05 530410 First Grown-Up Party.mp3
    68. OMF B101C09 530416 Penelope Takes Claudia's Car.mp3
    69. OMF B125C46 560304 The Cure.mp3
    70. OMF B125C47 560305 Consider Makes Pinky A Final Offer.mp3
    71. OMF B125C48 560306 Pinky and The Unsigned Document.mp3
    72. OMF B125C49 560307 The Letter In The Wastebasket.mp3
    73. OMF B126C16 570408 Certified Mail For Barbour.mp3
    74. OMF B126C17 570409 Talk Of A Wedding.mp3
    75. OMF B126C18 570410 Pinky In A Moment Of Indiscretion.mp3
    76. OMF B126C19 570411 Questionaire At Midnight.mp3
    77. OMF B126C31 570429 Father Barbour Congratulates Opposition.mp3
    78. OMF B126C32 570430 A Crowed Day At The Barbour’s.mp3
    79. OMF B126C33 570501 New Move In An Old Game.mp3
    80. OMF B126C34 570502 The Forgotten Birthday.mp3
    81. OMF B126C56 570603 Father Barbour Consults His Lawyer.mp3
    82. OMF B126C61 570610 The Son Of Clifford Barbour.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 113 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. An American Family Saga 440820 Preview of Coming episode.mp3
    3. An American Family Saga.mp3
    4. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 1.mp3
    5. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 2.mp3
    6. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 3.mp3
    7. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 4.mp3
    8. One Mans Family Family Album.mp3
    9. One Mans Family New Zealand Cast Greatings.mp3
    10. Whatever Became of One Mans Family.mp3
    11. OMF B127C10 57xxxx Beginnig Of A Quiet Weekend.mp3
    12. OMF B129C04 580103 Cousin Consider On The Defensive.mp3
    13. OMF B129C05 580106 Jack Barbour and The Christmas Bills.mp3
    14. OMF B129C06 580107 Consider Martin Paints The Town.mp3
    15. OMF B129C07 580108 Lady On A Diet.mp3
    16. OMF B129C08 580109 Claudia Encounters Competition.mp3
    17. OMF B129C09 580110 Claudia Faces Facts.mp3
    18. OMF B129C10 580113 The Message From Nicky.mp3
    19. OMF B129C11 580114 Lesson For Penelope.mp3
    20. OMF B129C12 580115 The Farewell Gift.mp3
    21. OMF B129C13 580116 Belated Echo Of New Year's Eve.mp3
    22. OMF B129C14 580117 The Strange Case Of Consider Martin.mp3
    23. OMF B129C15 580120 Call From Mr. Louis X. Coren.mp3
    24. OMF B129C16 580121 The Awakening.mp3
    25. OMF B129C17 580122 The Interrupted Explanation.mp3
    26. OMF B129C18 580123 Out Of Escrow and Into Trouble.mp3
    27. OMF B129C19 580124 Father Barbour Falls A Lap Behind.mp3
    28. OMF B129C20 580127 Application Of The Golden Rule.mp3
    29. OMF B129C21 580128 The Monster Tinted Green.mp3
    30. OMF B129C22 580129 Henry Barbour's Bedside Manner.mp3
    31. OMF B129C23 580130 Which Concerns A Housewarming.mp3
    32. OMF B129C25 580203 Consider Martin Pays A Call.mp3
    33. OMF B129C26 580204 Wet Matches In A Cave.mp3
    34. OMF B129C27 580205 A Mention Of Chinese Jade.mp3
    35. OMF B129C28 580206 Pinky Offers Gift Charcoal Snowstorm.mp3
    36. OMF B129C29 580207 Young Man In Grave Danger.mp3
    37. OMF B129C30 580210 A Fortune For Pinky.mp3
    38. OMF B129C31 580211 Pinky Sends a telegram from Seattle.mp3
    39. OMF B129C32 580212 Dan Declines Advise.mp3
    40. OMF B129C34 580214 Dan states his Position.mp3
    41. OMF B129C35 580217 The Abrupt Departure Of Consider Martin.mp3
    42. OMF B129C36 580218 Report From Idaho.mp3
    43. OMF B129C37 580219 News From A Ski Slope.mp3
    44. OMF B129C38 580220 Call From The FBI.mp3
    45. OMF B129C39 580221 Penelope Makes A Decision.mp3
    46. OMF B129C40 580224 Big News At The Barbours.mp3
    47. OMF B129C41 580225 The Corporation Wife.mp3
    48. OMF B129C42 580226 The Truth About Bruce Conrad.mp3
    49. OMF B129C43 580227 Pinch Hitter Strikes Out.mp3
    50. OMF B129C44 580228 The General Manager Returns.mp3
    51. OMF B129C45 580303 Beginning Of A House Party.mp3
    52. OMF B129C46 580304 A Matter Of Persuasion.mp3
    53. OMF B129C47 580305 Sad Note From Consider Martin.mp3
    54. OMF B129C49 580307 Daniel Murray's Forced Air Furnace.mp3
    55. OMF B129C50 580310 Sing A Song Of Six Words.mp3
    56. OMF B129C51 580311 A Time For Decision.mp3
    57. OMF B129C52 580312 Acknowledgment Of A Wedding Gift.mp3
    58. OMF B129C55 580317 Report From Pebble Beach.mp3
    59. OMF B129C56 580318 Lost In The Fog.mp3
    60. OMF B129C57 580319 An Eight Car Collision.mp3
    61. OMF B129C58 580320 The Truth About Andy.mp3
    62. OMF B129C59 580321 The Visit To Berkeley.mp3
    63. OMF B130C10 580411 A Front Page Party.mp3
    64. OMF B130C15 580418 A Date With Mr. Mannington.mp3
    65. OMF B130C35 580516 Claudia Tunes Up The Second Fiddle.mp3
    66. OMF B131C10 580714 The Woman Who Stole A Man.mp3
    67. OMF B131C11 580715 A Call To The FBI.mp3
    68. OMF B131C12 580716 Conference With David Norrich.mp3
    69. OMF B131C13 580717 The Danger Of The Middle Years.mp3
    70. OMF B131C14 580718 Sharon Versus Penelope and Vice Versa.mp3
    71. OMF B131C15 580721 Claudia Dreams Of A Royal Wedding.mp3
    72. OMF B131C16 580722 Almost A Princess.mp3
    73. OMF B132C05 581003 Conversation Between Two Sisters.mp3
    74. OMF B132C20 581024 Mr. Todhunter Makes A Speech.mp3
    75. OMF B132C25 581031 Consider Martin Sings A Song At Midnight.mp3
    76. OMF B132C49 581208 The Head Of The House Of Murray.mp3
    77. OMF B132C59 581222 Red Letter Day At The Barbours.mp3
    78. OMF B132C62 581226 Jack Barbour On Waiting Up For Children.mp3
    79. OMF B133C02 581230 The Gift From Mrs. Swan.mp3
    80. OMF B133C07 590107 Consider Martin Sings A Song.mp3
    81. OMF B133C12 590114 Interruptions At The Top Of The House.mp3
    82. OMF B133C17 590121 Seven Dates With Seven Women.mp3
    83. OMF B133C18 590122 Publicity For Penelope Lacey.mp3
    84. OMF B133C22 590128 Apology, Father Barbour Style.mp3
    85. OMF B133C27 590204 How To Set A Wedding Date.mp3
    86. OMF B133C31 590210.mp3
    87. OMF B133C32 590211 Wedding Day In The Afternoon.mp3
    88. OMF B133C37 590218 The Suspect.mp3
    89. OMF B133C42 590226 A Brief Mention Of Sandra Savin.mp3
    90. OMF B133C47 590305 Farewell To A Pretty Girl.mp3
    91. OMF B133C57 590319 Pinky Makes An Announcement.mp3
    92. OMF B133C61 590325 Hank Takes A Forward Step.mp3
    93. OMF B133C62 590326 Betty Drops A Bombshell.mp3
    94. OMF B133C63 590327 The Once Happy Bride.mp3
    95. OMF B134C01 590330 Paul Discusses The Making Of Mountains.mp3
    96. OMF B134C02 590331 Girl With A Torch.mp3
    97. OMF B134C03 590401 Big News For Pinky.mp3
    98. OMF B134C04 590402 The Big Question - Gentleman Or Cad.mp3
    99. OMF B134C05 590403 The Missing Bridegroom.mp3
    100. OMF B134C06 590406 Message From A Happy Bride.mp3
    101. OMF B134C07 590407 Report From Sears Savoy.mp3
    102. OMF B134C08 590408 Betty Salvages A Lesson From Disaster.mp3
    103. OMF B134C09 590409 Spotlight On The Unemployed.mp3
    104. OMF B134C10 590410 Rally Round The Flag Boys.mp3
    105. OMF B134C11 590413 Dating, 1959.mp3
    106. OMF B134C12 590414 Gripman On A Boyhood Dream.mp3
    107. OMF B134C13 590415 The First Quarrel.mp3
    108. OMF B134C14 590416 Mutton Dressed As Lamb.mp3
    109. OMF B134C15 590417 Glimpse Of The Jungle.mp3
    110. OMF B134C16 590420 Big News From Scotland.mp3
    111. OMF B134C17 590421 The Homecoming.mp3
    112. OMF B134C18 590422 Betty Lowers The Boom.mp3
    113. OMF B134C19 590423 The Silent Partner Makes A Move.mp3
    114. OMF B134C20 590424 Confessions Of A Bridegroom.mp3
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    397 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00. Total playtime 107 hours, 11 min
    397 recordings on 5 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $25.00
    2944 MB – total playtime 107 hours, 11 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 49 shows – 587 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 23 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. OMF B040C10 411207 New Incident In Matter Of Irene Franklin.mp3
    3. OMF B040C13 411228 The Last Of 1941.mp3
    4. OMF B043C10 42xxxx.mp3
    5. OMF B044C07 421115.mp3
    6. OMF B044C08 421122 Thanksgiving At The Dairy Ranch.mp3
    7. OMF B046C03 430425.mp3
    8. OMF B046C04 430502 Family Reunion With Marine Jack Barbour.mp3
    9. OMF B047C03 430725 Futher Info Concerning Secret Mission.mp3
    10. OMF B047C06 430815 Further Preparations Claudia's Departure.mp3
    11. OMF B047C08 430829 Claudia Says Goodbye To Her Family.mp3
    12. OMF B048C05 431107 Strength and Glory Of The Human Spirit.mp3
    13. OMF B054C09 450529 Lt Jack Barbour Leaves For Pacific.mp3
    14. OMF B055C08 45xxxx.mp3
    15. OMF B062C05 470427 One Man's Family Celebrates 15th Anniv.mp3
    16. OMF B064C10 471130.mp3
    17. OMF B064C11 471207.mp3
    18. OMF B064C12 471214 Conclusion Of A Treasure Hunt.mp3
    19. OMF B064C13 471221 Twas The Night Before Christmas.mp3
    20. OMF B064C14 471228 New Year's Eve With The Barbour Clan.mp3
    21. OMF B065C01 480104 The Dying Fires Of Europe.mp3
    22. OMF B065C02 480111 Teddy Barbour After Two Years.mp3
    23. OMF B066C06 480509 Father Barbour's Dead Tooth.mp3
    24. OMF B066C07 480516 The Special Delivery Letter.mp3
    25. OMF B067C06 48xxxx.mp3
    26. OMF B069C07 490224.mp3
    27. OMF B069C13 490407 Pay-off In The Clifford Story.mp3
    28. OMF B070C14 490703 San Francisco Answers Back.mp3
    29. OMF B071C01 490704 A Reintroduction To The Barbours.mp3
    30. OMF B071C02 490711 Two Lost Barbours Begin To Find Happiness.mp3
    31. OMF B071C03 490718 Roberta Evans Begins To Sense A Rival.mp3
    32. OMF B071C04 490725 Definite Progress In Family Relations.mp3
    33. OMF B071C05 490801 Father Barbour's Aching Bones.mp3
    34. OMF B071C06 490808 Father Barbour Predicts The Worst.mp3
    35. OMF B071C07 490815 The Return of Joan Roberts Lacey.mp3
    36. OMF B071C08 490822 A Very, Very Tough Stepfather, Indeed.mp3
    37. OMF B071C09 490829 Father Barbour's Rampage What Came Of It.mp3
    38. OMF B071C10 490905 Father Barbour Eavesdropping Episode.mp3
    39. OMF B071C11 490912 Homemade Bread Applesauce Peace Offering.mp3
    40. OMF B071C12 490919 The Return Of The Second Assistant Cook.mp3
    41. OMF B071C13 490926 End Of A Summer Saga.mp3
    42. OMF B072C01 491002 Father Barbour and His Three Sons.mp3
    43. OMF B072C02 491009 Clifford Delves Into His Past.mp3
    44. OMF B072C03 491016 Father Barbour Gets Left Behind.mp3
    45. OMF B072C04 491023 A New Twist To An Old Story.mp3
    46. OMF B072C05 491030 Family Reaction To Rexford Frome.mp3
    47. OMF B072C06 491116 Rex Frome Invades the Barbours.mp3
    48. OMF B072C07 491113 Paul Meets The Lady In The Case.mp3
    49. OMF B072C08 491120 The Dinner That Was Interrupted.mp3
    50. OMF B072C09 491127 Dr. Thompson Opens Paul's Eyes.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 51 shows – 510 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 34 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. OMF B072C10 491204 The Family Must Make Its Decision.mp3
    3. OMF B072C11 491211 Clifford Defies The Lightning.mp3
    4. OMF B072C12 491218 A Touch Of Christmas Spirit.mp3
    5. OMF B072C13 491225 Christmas Morning At The Barbour's.mp3
    6. OMF B073C01 500101 What Does The Future Hold.mp3
    7. OMF B073C02 500101 What Does The Future Hold.mp3
    8. OMF B073C03 500108 Paul Makes A Decision.mp3
    9. OMF B073C04 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    10. OMF B073C05 500129 So Near and Yet So Far.mp3
    11. OMF B073C06 500205 Events Leading Up To Celebration.mp3
    12. OMF B073C07 500212 A Day Of Jubilation.mp3
    13. OMF B073C08 500115 Marriage Plans Are Revealed.mp3
    14. OMF B073C09 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    15. OMF B073C10 500129 So Near, And Yet So Far.mp3
    16. OMF B073C11 500205 Events Leading Up To A Celebration.mp3
    17. OMF B073C12 500212 A Day For Jubilation.mp3
    18. OMF B073C13 500219 Father Barber Contemplates A Wedding Gift.mp3
    19. OMF B074C01 500402 Joan Makes A Confession.mp3
    20. OMF B074C02 500409 Father Barbour Has A Caller.mp3
    21. OMF B074C03 500416 Henry Barbour, Defendant.mp3
    22. OMF B074C04 500423 This Job Of Parenting.mp3
    23. OMF B074C05 500430 Joseph Crayton, Fraud Or Genius.mp3
    24. OMF B074C06 500507 Paul's Letter To Teddy.mp3
    25. OMF B074C08 500521 An Evening On The Terrace.mp3
    26. OMF B074C09 500528 Jack Overwhelms Betty.mp3
    27. OMF B074C10 500604 That Crayton Man Again.mp3
    28. OMF B075C03 500607 The Book Of Joan.mp3
    29. OMF B076C01 500710 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    30. OMF B076C09 500720 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    31. OMF B076C11 500724 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    32. OMF B076C12 500725 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    33. OMF B076C13 500726 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    34. OMF B076C14 500727 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    35. OMF B076C15 500728 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    36. OMF B076C16 500731 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    37. OMF B076C18 500802 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    38. OMF B076C19 500803 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    39. OMF B076C20 500804 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    40. OMF B076C21 500807 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    41. OMF B076C25 500811 The Book Of Rexford Frome.mp3
    42. OMF B077C01 500814 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    43. OMF B077C04 500817 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    44. OMF B077C09 500824 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    45. OMF B077C10 500825 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    46. OMF B077C11 500828 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    47. OMF B077C12 500829 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    48. OMF B077C13 500830 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    49. OMF B077C14 500831 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    50. OMF B077C15 500901 The Book Of Henry.mp3
    51. OMF B078C01 500904 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    52. OMF B078C02 500905 The Book Of Teddy.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 103 shows – 680 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 45 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. OMF B078C03 500906 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    3. OMF B078C04 500907 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    4. OMF B078C05 500908 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    5. OMF B078C06 500911 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    6. OMF B078C07 500912 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    7. OMF B078C08 500913 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    8. OMF B078C09 500914 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    9. OMF B078C10 500915 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    10. OMF B078C11 500918 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    11. OMF B078C12 500919 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    12. OMF B078C13 500920 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    13. OMF B078C14 500921 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    14. OMF B078C15 500922 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    15. OMF B078C16 500925 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    16. OMF B078C17 500926 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    17. OMF B078C18 500927 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    18. OMF B078C19 500928 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    19. OMF B078C20 500929 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    20. OMF B078C21 501002 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    21. OMF B078C22 501003 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    22. OMF B078C23 501004 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    23. OMF B078C24 501005 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    24. OMF B078C25 501006 The Book Of Teddy.mp3
    25. OMF B079C01 501009 Plans For A Belated Honeymoon.mp3
    26. OMF B079C02 501010 More Plans For A Belated Honeymoon.mp3
    27. OMF B079C03 501011 Father Barbour Talks To Jack.mp3
    28. OMF B079C04 501012 Betty and Her Fifteen Day Diet.mp3
    29. OMF B079C05 501013 Teddy Goes To See Paul.mp3
    30. OMF B079C06 501016 Nicollette Consoles Betty.mp3
    31. OMF B079C07 501017 Betty's Long Vigil.mp3
    32. OMF B079C08 501018 Jack Plans A Trip.mp3
    33. OMF B079C09 501019 Paul Goes To See Nicollette.mp3
    34. OMF B079C10 501020 Jack Reports On His Trip.mp3
    35. OMF B079C11 501023 Pinky's Status At Stanford Gets Shaky.mp3
    36. OMF B079C12 501024 Pinky's Troubles Begin.mp3
    37. OMF B079C13 501025 Pinky Calls On His Uncle Paul.mp3
    38. OMF B079C14 501026 Pinky Appeals To His Brother Hank.mp3
    39. OMF B079C15 501027 The Girl With The Big Automobile.mp3
    40. OMF B080C01 501030 Pinky Faces The Music.mp3
    41. OMF B080C02 501031 Henry Confronts His Grandson.mp3
    42. OMF B080C03 501101 Pinky's Lot Is Not A Happy One.mp3
    43. OMF B080C04 501102 Pinky Is Faced With Work.mp3
    44. OMF B080C05 501103 Pinky's First Day Of Slavery.mp3
    45. OMF B080C06 501106 You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But....mp3
    46. OMF B080C07 501107 Oh, My Aching Back.mp3
    47. OMF B080C08 501108 The Girl With A Million Bucks.mp3
    48. OMF B080C09 501109 Up From Slavery.mp3
    49. OMF B080C10 501110 Hazel Comes To Paul.mp3
    50. OMF B080C11 501113 Pinky Returns To Bondage.mp3
    51. OMF B080C12 501114 Pinky's Date With Eunice.mp3
    52. OMF B080C13 501115 Pinky Discloses His Wedding Plans.mp3
    53. OMF B080C14 501116 Pinky Envisions A Rosy Future.mp3
    54. OMF B080C15 501117 Eunice's Father Interviews Pinky.mp3
    55. OMF B080C16 501120 Pinky Makes His Decision.mp3
    56. OMF B080C17 501121 What's Happening With Teddy and Elwood.mp3
    57. OMF B080C18 501122 Teddy Visits The Family Home.mp3
    58. OMF B080C19 501123 Elwood Comes To Dinner At Jack's House.mp3
    59. OMF B080C20 501124 Paul Discusses Teddy With Nicolette.mp3
    60. OMF B081C01 501127 Teddy And Elwood At Home.mp3
    61. OMF B081C02 501128 News From Pinky.mp3
    62. OMF B081C03 501129 Teddy Comes To Spend The Night.mp3
    63. OMF B081C04 501130 Paul Goes To See Elwood.mp3
    64. OMF B081C05 501201 A Marriage At The Crossroads.mp3
    65. OMF B081C06 501204 Father Barbour Fears The Worst.mp3
    66. OMF B081C07 501205 Teddy Confides In Maudie.mp3
    67. OMF B081C08 501206 Paul Meets Maudie Pemberton.mp3
    68. OMF B081C09 501207 Father Barbour Visits Elwood.mp3
    69. OMF B081C10 501208 Paul Gets In Touch With Teddy.mp3
    70. OMF B081C11 501211 Teddy Makes A Further Decision.mp3
    71. OMF B081C12 501212 Elwood Calls On Teddy.mp3
    72. OMF B081C13 501213 Maudie Makes A Date For Teddy.mp3
    73. OMF B081C14 501214 Henry Hears Some Shocking News.mp3
    74. OMF B081C15 501215 Father Barbour Meets Maudie.mp3
    75. OMF B081C16 501218 A Lost and Lonely Girl.mp3
    76. OMF B081C17 501219 Father Barbour Questions Teddy.mp3
    77. OMF B081C18 501220 Teddy Goes To The Sky Ranch.mp3
    78. OMF B081C19 501221 Paul Speaks His Mind.mp3
    79. OMF B081C20 501222 Teddy Encounters Elwood.mp3
    80. OMF B081C21 501225 Christmas At The Barbours.mp3
    81. OMF B081C22 501226 Teddy Moves Back Home.mp3
    82. OMF B081C23 501227 Maudie Calls At The Family Home.mp3
    83. OMF B081C24 501228 Teddy Hears From Elwood.mp3
    84. OMF B081C25 501229 Teddy Gets Some Shocking News.mp3
    85. OMF B082C01 510101 Clifford Makes A Resolution.mp3
    86. OMF B082C03 510103 Clifford Continues His Quest For Work.mp3
    87. OMF B082C04 510104 Henry Goes To Maudie About Clifford.mp3
    88. OMF B082C05 510105 The Conquering Hero.mp3
    89. OMF B082C06 510108 A Family Celebration.mp3
    90. OMF B082C07 510109 Clifford Tells Maudie Where He Stands.mp3
    91. OMF B082C08 510110 The Man Who Didn't Come To Dinner.mp3
    92. OMF B082C09 510111 Clifford Plans A Party.mp3
    93. OMF B082C10 510112 No Maudie, No Work.mp3
    94. OMF B082C11 510115 Clifford Gets A Promotion.mp3
    95. OMF B082C12 510116 Henry Visits Clifford's Office.mp3
    96. OMF B082C13 510117 Maudie Invites Paul To Dinner.mp3
    97. OMF B082C14 510118 Clifford Plays Santa Claus.mp3
    98. OMF B082C15 510119 Henry Puts A Proposition To Clifford.mp3
    99. OMF B082C16 510122 Henry Decides To Close A Deal.mp3
    100. OMF B082C17 510123 Personality vs. Sweat.mp3
    101. OMF B082C18 510124 Fanny Signs On The Dotted Line.mp3
    102. OMF B082C20 510126 Harper and Barbour.mp3
    103. OMF B082C21 510129 Clifford Puts Over A Big Deal.mp3
    104. OMF B082C23 510131 The Engagement Ring.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 81 shows – 540 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 39 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. OMF B082C24 510201 Clifford The Triple Threat Man.mp3
    3. OMF B082C25 510202 Maudie Gives Clifford An Answer.mp3
    4. OMF B082C26 510205 A Rejected Suitor Is Not A Happy Man.mp3
    5. OMF B082C27 510206 Henry Barbour, Realtor.mp3
    6. OMF B083C10 510223 Clifford Speaks Up To Mr. Harper.mp3
    7. OMF B083C13 510228 Margaret Uses Clifford's Car As A Lure.mp3
    8. OMF B083C14 510301 Clifford Has Two Dates At Once.mp3
    9. OMF B083C17 510306 Doctor Thompson's Visit.mp3
    10. OMF B084C04 510323 Quest For Material For Family Scrapbook.mp3
    11. OMF B084C06 510326 Pinky Missing From The Lumber Mill.mp3
    12. OMF B084C07 510327 Pinky Murray, Seaman Recruit.mp3
    13. OMF B084C08 510328 Jack Is Worried About Nicolette.mp3
    14. OMF B084C09 510329 Fanny Comes To Clifford's Rescue.mp3
    15. OMF B084C10 510330 A Pilgrimage To San Diego.mp3
    16. OMF B084C11 510402 The Pilgrims Return.mp3
    17. OMF B084C12 510403 Nicolette Divulges Her Plans.mp3
    18. OMF B084C14 510405 Paul Visits Maudie.mp3
    19. OMF B084C15 510406 Father Barbour's Big Surprise.mp3
    20. OMF B084C16 510409 A Farewell Party.mp3
    21. OMF B084C17 510410 A Report From Pinky.mp3
    22. OMF B084C18 510411 Clifford and Paul Talk It Out.mp3
    23. OMF B084C19 510412 Clifford Finds Employment.mp3
    24. OMF B084C20 510413 Paul Goes To See Elwood.mp3
    25. OMF B084C21 510416 A Pending Divorce.mp3
    26. OMF B084C22 510417 Henry Is Faced With The Inevitable.mp3
    27. OMF B084C23 510418 The Plumber Cometh.mp3
    28. OMF B084C24 510419 Clifford Barbour, Baby Sitter.mp3
    29. OMF B084C25 510420 When It Rains, It Pours.mp3
    30. OMF B085C01 510423 The Unhappy Co-ed.mp3
    31. OMF B085C02 510424 What Is Joan Up To, Anyway.mp3
    32. OMF B085C03 510425 Claudia Has Doubts About Joan.mp3
    33. OMF B085C04 510426 Nicky Asserts Himself.mp3
    34. OMF B085C05 510427 Joan Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands.mp3
    35. OMF B085C08 510502 About Toots Schultz.mp3
    36. OMF B085C09 510503 Joan Plans For Her Apartment.mp3
    37. OMF B085C10 510504 Joan Cancels A Date.mp3
    38. OMF B085C11 510507 The Boy In The Case.mp3
    39. OMF B085C12 510508 Jack Lays Down The Law.mp3
    40. OMF B085C13 510509 Toots In Pursuit Of Knowledge.mp3
    41. OMF B085C14 510510 Is It Miss Toots Shultz or Is It Mrs.mp3
    42. OMF B085C15 510511 A Marriage Is Dissolved.mp3
    43. OMF B085C16 510514 The Path Of Love Is Not Smooth.mp3
    44. OMF B085C17 510515 Goodnight Mary Lou, Goodnight.mp3
    45. OMF B085C18 510516 Ah, These Women.mp3
    46. OMF B085C19 510517 Toots Takes A Night Off.mp3
    47. OMF B085C20 510518 Claudia's Mounting Concern.mp3
    48. OMF B085C21 510521 Meet James Beach.mp3
    49. OMF B085C22 510522 Mother and Daughter Talk It Out.mp3
    50. OMF B085C23 510523 Clifford's Promotion.mp3
    51. OMF B085C24 510524 Young Attorney At Home.mp3
    52. OMF B085C25 510525 Joan and Jim Beach.mp3
    53. OMF B086C01 510528 Henry and Fanny At The Sky Ranch.mp3
    54. OMF B086C02 510529 Clifford Gets In Deeper.mp3
    55. OMF B086C03 510530 Pinky and Battleships.mp3
    56. OMF B086C06 510601 More Responsibilty and Less Cash.mp3
    57. OMF B090C25 51xxxx.mp3
    58. OMF B091C22 520101.mp3
    59. OMF B096C11 520630.mp3
    60. OMF B096C29 520714.mp3
    61. OMF B096C32 52xxxx.mp3
    62. OMF B098C03 520924 Worried About Paul.mp3
    63. OMF B098C32 521104 Joan and Ross.mp3
    64. OMF B099C21 521215 Father Barbour Delayed.mp3
    65. OMF B099C22 521216 Speech Contest.mp3
    66. OMF B099C27 521223 Paul’s Arrival.mp3
    67. OMF B101C05 530410 First Grown-Up Party.mp3
    68. OMF B101C09 530416 Penelope Takes Claudia's Car.mp3
    69. OMF B125C46 560304 The Cure.mp3
    70. OMF B125C47 560305 Consider Makes Pinky A Final Offer.mp3
    71. OMF B125C48 560306 Pinky and The Unsigned Document.mp3
    72. OMF B125C49 560307 The Letter In The Wastebasket.mp3
    73. OMF B126C16 570408 Certified Mail For Barbour.mp3
    74. OMF B126C17 570409 Talk Of A Wedding.mp3
    75. OMF B126C18 570410 Pinky In A Moment Of Indiscretion.mp3
    76. OMF B126C19 570411 Questionaire At Midnight.mp3
    77. OMF B126C31 570429 Father Barbour Congratulates Opposition.mp3
    78. OMF B126C32 570430 A Crowed Day At The Barbour’s.mp3
    79. OMF B126C33 570501 New Move In An Old Game.mp3
    80. OMF B126C34 570502 The Forgotten Birthday.mp3
    81. OMF B126C56 570603 Father Barbour Consults His Lawyer.mp3
    82. OMF B126C61 570610 The Son Of Clifford Barbour.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 113 shows – 627 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. An American Family Saga 440820 Preview of Coming episode.mp3
    3. An American Family Saga.mp3
    4. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 1.mp3
    5. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 2.mp3
    6. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 3.mp3
    7. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 4.mp3
    8. One Mans Family Family Album.mp3
    9. One Mans Family New Zealand Cast Greatings.mp3
    10. Whatever Became of One Mans Family.mp3
    11. OMF B127C10 57xxxx Beginnig Of A Quiet Weekend.mp3
    12. OMF B129C04 580103 Cousin Consider On The Defensive.mp3
    13. OMF B129C05 580106 Jack Barbour and The Christmas Bills.mp3
    14. OMF B129C06 580107 Consider Martin Paints The Town.mp3
    15. OMF B129C07 580108 Lady On A Diet.mp3
    16. OMF B129C08 580109 Claudia Encounters Competition.mp3
    17. OMF B129C09 580110 Claudia Faces Facts.mp3
    18. OMF B129C10 580113 The Message From Nicky.mp3
    19. OMF B129C11 580114 Lesson For Penelope.mp3
    20. OMF B129C12 580115 The Farewell Gift.mp3
    21. OMF B129C13 580116 Belated Echo Of New Year's Eve.mp3
    22. OMF B129C14 580117 The Strange Case Of Consider Martin.mp3
    23. OMF B129C15 580120 Call From Mr. Louis X. Coren.mp3
    24. OMF B129C16 580121 The Awakening.mp3
    25. OMF B129C17 580122 The Interrupted Explanation.mp3
    26. OMF B129C18 580123 Out Of Escrow and Into Trouble.mp3
    27. OMF B129C19 580124 Father Barbour Falls A Lap Behind.mp3
    28. OMF B129C20 580127 Application Of The Golden Rule.mp3
    29. OMF B129C21 580128 The Monster Tinted Green.mp3
    30. OMF B129C22 580129 Henry Barbour's Bedside Manner.mp3
    31. OMF B129C23 580130 Which Concerns A Housewarming.mp3
    32. OMF B129C25 580203 Consider Martin Pays A Call.mp3
    33. OMF B129C26 580204 Wet Matches In A Cave.mp3
    34. OMF B129C27 580205 A Mention Of Chinese Jade.mp3
    35. OMF B129C28 580206 Pinky Offers Gift Charcoal Snowstorm.mp3
    36. OMF B129C29 580207 Young Man In Grave Danger.mp3
    37. OMF B129C30 580210 A Fortune For Pinky.mp3
    38. OMF B129C31 580211 Pinky Sends a telegram from Seattle.mp3
    39. OMF B129C32 580212 Dan Declines Advise.mp3
    40. OMF B129C34 580214 Dan states his Position.mp3
    41. OMF B129C35 580217 The Abrupt Departure Of Consider Martin.mp3
    42. OMF B129C36 580218 Report From Idaho.mp3
    43. OMF B129C37 580219 News From A Ski Slope.mp3
    44. OMF B129C38 580220 Call From The FBI.mp3
    45. OMF B129C39 580221 Penelope Makes A Decision.mp3
    46. OMF B129C40 580224 Big News At The Barbours.mp3
    47. OMF B129C41 580225 The Corporation Wife.mp3
    48. OMF B129C42 580226 The Truth About Bruce Conrad.mp3
    49. OMF B129C43 580227 Pinch Hitter Strikes Out.mp3
    50. OMF B129C44 580228 The General Manager Returns.mp3
    51. OMF B129C45 580303 Beginning Of A House Party.mp3
    52. OMF B129C46 580304 A Matter Of Persuasion.mp3
    53. OMF B129C47 580305 Sad Note From Consider Martin.mp3
    54. OMF B129C49 580307 Daniel Murray's Forced Air Furnace.mp3
    55. OMF B129C50 580310 Sing A Song Of Six Words.mp3
    56. OMF B129C51 580311 A Time For Decision.mp3
    57. OMF B129C52 580312 Acknowledgment Of A Wedding Gift.mp3
    58. OMF B129C55 580317 Report From Pebble Beach.mp3
    59. OMF B129C56 580318 Lost In The Fog.mp3
    60. OMF B129C57 580319 An Eight Car Collision.mp3
    61. OMF B129C58 580320 The Truth About Andy.mp3
    62. OMF B129C59 580321 The Visit To Berkeley.mp3
    63. OMF B130C10 580411 A Front Page Party.mp3
    64. OMF B130C15 580418 A Date With Mr. Mannington.mp3
    65. OMF B130C35 580516 Claudia Tunes Up The Second Fiddle.mp3
    66. OMF B131C10 580714 The Woman Who Stole A Man.mp3
    67. OMF B131C11 580715 A Call To The FBI.mp3
    68. OMF B131C12 580716 Conference With David Norrich.mp3
    69. OMF B131C13 580717 The Danger Of The Middle Years.mp3
    70. OMF B131C14 580718 Sharon Versus Penelope and Vice Versa.mp3
    71. OMF B131C15 580721 Claudia Dreams Of A Royal Wedding.mp3
    72. OMF B131C16 580722 Almost A Princess.mp3
    73. OMF B132C05 581003 Conversation Between Two Sisters.mp3
    74. OMF B132C20 581024 Mr. Todhunter Makes A Speech.mp3
    75. OMF B132C25 581031 Consider Martin Sings A Song At Midnight.mp3
    76. OMF B132C49 581208 The Head Of The House Of Murray.mp3
    77. OMF B132C59 581222 Red Letter Day At The Barbours.mp3
    78. OMF B132C62 581226 Jack Barbour On Waiting Up For Children.mp3
    79. OMF B133C02 581230 The Gift From Mrs. Swan.mp3
    80. OMF B133C07 590107 Consider Martin Sings A Song.mp3
    81. OMF B133C12 590114 Interruptions At The Top Of The House.mp3
    82. OMF B133C17 590121 Seven Dates With Seven Women.mp3
    83. OMF B133C18 590122 Publicity For Penelope Lacey.mp3
    84. OMF B133C22 590128 Apology, Father Barbour Style.mp3
    85. OMF B133C27 590204 How To Set A Wedding Date.mp3
    86. OMF B133C31 590210.mp3
    87. OMF B133C32 590211 Wedding Day In The Afternoon.mp3
    88. OMF B133C37 590218 The Suspect.mp3
    89. OMF B133C42 590226 A Brief Mention Of Sandra Savin.mp3
    90. OMF B133C47 590305 Farewell To A Pretty Girl.mp3
    91. OMF B133C57 590319 Pinky Makes An Announcement.mp3
    92. OMF B133C61 590325 Hank Takes A Forward Step.mp3
    93. OMF B133C62 590326 Betty Drops A Bombshell.mp3
    94. OMF B133C63 590327 The Once Happy Bride.mp3
    95. OMF B134C01 590330 Paul Discusses The Making Of Mountains.mp3
    96. OMF B134C02 590331 Girl With A Torch.mp3
    97. OMF B134C03 590401 Big News For Pinky.mp3
    98. OMF B134C04 590402 The Big Question - Gentleman Or Cad.mp3
    99. OMF B134C05 590403 The Missing Bridegroom.mp3
    100. OMF B134C06 590406 Message From A Happy Bride.mp3
    101. OMF B134C07 590407 Report From Sears Savoy.mp3
    102. OMF B134C08 590408 Betty Salvages A Lesson From Disaster.mp3
    103. OMF B134C09 590409 Spotlight On The Unemployed.mp3
    104. OMF B134C10 590410 Rally Round The Flag Boys.mp3
    105. OMF B134C11 590413 Dating, 1959.mp3
    106. OMF B134C12 590414 Gripman On A Boyhood Dream.mp3
    107. OMF B134C13 590415 The First Quarrel.mp3
    108. OMF B134C14 590416 Mutton Dressed As Lamb.mp3
    109. OMF B134C15 590417 Glimpse Of The Jungle.mp3
    110. OMF B134C16 590420 Big News From Scotland.mp3
    111. OMF B134C17 590421 The Homecoming.mp3
    112. OMF B134C18 590422 Betty Lowers The Boom.mp3
    113. OMF B134C19 590423 The Silent Partner Makes A Move.mp3
    114. OMF B134C20 590424 Confessions Of A Bridegroom.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    397 recordings on 108 Audio CDs. Total playtime 107 hours, 11 min
    397 recordings on 108 Audio CDs
    total playtime 107 hours, 11 min

    One Mans Family Disc A001

    1. An American Family Saga
    2. One Mans Family Family Album
    3. One Mans Family New Zealand Cast Greatings

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    One Mans Family Disc A002

    1. Whatever Became of One Mans Family
    2. OMF B043C10 42xxxx

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    One Mans Family Disc A003

    1. OMF B055C08 45xxxx
    2. OMF B067C06 48xxxx
    3. OMF B090C25 51xxxx
    4. OMF B096C32 52xxxx

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    One Mans Family Disc A004

    1. OMF B127C10 57xxxx Beginnig Of A Quiet Weekend
    2. OMF B040C10 411207 New Incident In Matter Of Irene Franklin
    3. OMF B040C13 411228 The Last Of 1941

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    One Mans Family Disc A005

    1. OMF B044C07 421115
    2. OMF B044C08 421122 Thanksgiving At The Dairy Ranch
    3. OMF B046C03 430425

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    One Mans Family Disc A006

    1. OMF B046C04 430502 Family Reunion With Marine Jack Barbour
    2. OMF B047C03 430725 Futher Info Concerning Secret Mission

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    One Mans Family Disc A007

    1. OMF B047C06 430815 Further Preparations Claudia's Departure
    2. OMF B047C08 430829 Claudia Says Goodbye To Her Family

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    One Mans Family Disc A008

    1. OMF B048C05 431107 Strength and Glory Of The Human Spirit
    2. An American Family Saga 440820 Preview of Coming episode

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    One Mans Family Disc A009

    1. OMF B054C09 450529 Lt Jack Barbour Leaves For Pacific
    2. OMF B062C05 470427 One Man's Family Celebrates 15th Anniv
    3. OMF B064C10 471130

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    One Mans Family Disc A010

    1. OMF B064C11 471207
    2. OMF B064C12 471214 Conclusion Of A Treasure Hunt
    3. OMF B064C13 471221 Twas The Night Before Christmas

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    One Mans Family Disc A011

    1. OMF B064C14 471228 New Year's Eve With The Barbour Clan
    2. OMF B065C01 480104 The Dying Fires Of Europe

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    One Mans Family Disc A012

    1. OMF B065C02 480111 Teddy Barbour After Two Years
    2. OMF B066C06 480509 Father Barbour's Dead Tooth

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    One Mans Family Disc A013

    1. OMF B066C07 480516 The Special Delivery Letter
    2. OMF B069C07 490224
    3. OMF B069C13 490407 Pay-off In The Clifford Story

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    One Mans Family Disc A014

    1. OMF B070C14 490703 San Francisco Answers Back
    2. OMF B071C01 490704 A Reintroduction To The Barbours

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    One Mans Family Disc A015

    1. OMF B071C02 490711 Two Lost Barbours Begin To Find Happiness
    2. OMF B071C03 490718 Roberta Evans Begins To Sense A Rival

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    One Mans Family Disc A016

    1. OMF B071C04 490725 Definite Progress In Family Relations
    2. OMF B071C05 490801 Father Barbour's Aching Bones

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    One Mans Family Disc A017

    1. OMF B071C06 490808 Father Barbour Predicts The Worst
    2. OMF B071C07 490815 The Return of Joan Roberts Lacey

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    One Mans Family Disc A018

    1. OMF B071C08 490822 A Very, Very Tough Stepfather, Indeed
    2. OMF B071C09 490829 Father Barbour's Rampage What Came Of It

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    One Mans Family Disc A019

    1. OMF B071C10 490905 Father Barbour Eavesdropping Episode
    2. OMF B071C11 490912 Homemade Bread Applesauce Peace Offering

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    One Mans Family Disc A020

    1. OMF B071C12 490919 The Return Of The Second Assistant Cook
    2. OMF B071C13 490926 End Of A Summer Saga

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    One Mans Family Disc A021

    1. OMF B072C01 491002 Father Barbour and His Three Sons
    2. OMF B072C02 491009 Clifford Delves Into His Past

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    One Mans Family Disc A022

    1. OMF B072C03 491016 Father Barbour Gets Left Behind
    2. OMF B072C04 491023 A New Twist To An Old Story

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    One Mans Family Disc A023

    1. OMF B072C05 491030 Family Reaction To Rexford Frome
    2. OMF B072C07 491113 Paul Meets The Lady In The Case

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    One Mans Family Disc A024

    1. OMF B072C06 491116 Rex Frome Invades the Barbours
    2. OMF B072C08 491120 The Dinner That Was Interrupted

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    One Mans Family Disc A025

    1. OMF B072C09 491127 Dr. Thompson Opens Paul's Eyes
    2. OMF B072C10 491204 The Family Must Make Its Decision

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    One Mans Family Disc A026

    1. OMF B072C11 491211 Clifford Defies The Lightning
    2. OMF B072C12 491218 A Touch Of Christmas Spirit

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    One Mans Family Disc A027

    1. OMF B072C13 491225 Christmas Morning At The Barbour's
    2. OMF B073C01 500101 What Does The Future Hold

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    One Mans Family Disc A028

    1. OMF B073C02 500101 What Does The Future Hold
    2. OMF B073C03 500108 Paul Makes A Decision

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    One Mans Family Disc A029

    1. OMF B073C08 500115 Marriage Plans Are Revealed
    2. OMF B073C04 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome

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    One Mans Family Disc A030

    1. OMF B073C09 500122 The Sinister Shadow Of Rexford Frome
    2. OMF B073C05 500129 So Near and Yet So Far

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    One Mans Family Disc A031

    1. OMF B073C10 500129 So Near, And Yet So Far
    2. OMF B073C06 500205 Events Leading Up To Celebration

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    One Mans Family Disc A032

    1. OMF B073C11 500205 Events Leading Up To A Celebration
    2. OMF B073C07 500212 A Day Of Jubilation

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    One Mans Family Disc A033

    1. OMF B073C12 500212 A Day For Jubilation
    2. OMF B073C13 500219 Father Barber Contemplates A Wedding Gift

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    One Mans Family Disc A034

    1. OMF B074C01 500402 Joan Makes A Confession
    2. OMF B074C02 500409 Father Barbour Has A Caller

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    One Mans Family Disc A035

    1. OMF B074C03 500416 Henry Barbour, Defendant
    2. OMF B074C04 500423 This Job Of Parenting

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    One Mans Family Disc A036

    1. OMF B074C05 500430 Joseph Crayton, Fraud Or Genius
    2. OMF B074C06 500507 Paul's Letter To Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A037

    1. OMF B074C08 500521 An Evening On The Terrace
    2. OMF B074C09 500528 Jack Overwhelms Betty

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    One Mans Family Disc A038

    1. OMF B074C10 500604 That Crayton Man Again
    2. OMF B075C03 500607 The Book Of Joan
    3. OMF B076C01 500710 The Book Of Rexford Frome

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    One Mans Family Disc A039

    1. OMF B076C09 500720 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    2. OMF B076C11 500724 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    3. OMF B076C12 500725 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    4. OMF B076C13 500726 The Book Of Rexford Frome

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    One Mans Family Disc A040

    1. OMF B076C14 500727 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    2. OMF B076C15 500728 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    3. OMF B076C16 500731 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    4. OMF B076C18 500802 The Book Of Rexford Frome

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    One Mans Family Disc A041

    1. OMF B076C19 500803 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    2. OMF B076C20 500804 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    3. OMF B076C21 500807 The Book Of Rexford Frome
    4. OMF B076C25 500811 The Book Of Rexford Frome

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    One Mans Family Disc A042

    1. OMF B077C01 500814 The Book Of Henry
    2. OMF B077C04 500817 The Book Of Henry
    3. OMF B077C09 500824 The Book Of Henry
    4. OMF B077C10 500825 The Book Of Henry

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    One Mans Family Disc A043

    1. OMF B077C11 500828 The Book Of Henry
    2. OMF B077C12 500829 The Book Of Henry
    3. OMF B077C13 500830 The Book Of Henry
    4. OMF B077C14 500831 The Book Of Henry
    5. OMF B077C15 500901 The Book Of Henry

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    One Mans Family Disc A044

    1. OMF B078C01 500904 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C02 500905 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C03 500906 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B078C04 500907 The Book Of Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A045

    1. OMF B078C05 500908 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C06 500911 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C07 500912 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B078C08 500913 The Book Of Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A046

    1. OMF B078C09 500914 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C10 500915 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C11 500918 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B078C12 500919 The Book Of Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A047

    1. OMF B078C13 500920 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C14 500921 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C15 500922 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B078C16 500925 The Book Of Teddy
    5. OMF B078C17 500926 The Book Of Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A048

    1. OMF B078C18 500927 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C19 500928 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C20 500929 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B078C21 501002 The Book Of Teddy
    5. OMF B078C22 501003 The Book Of Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A049

    1. OMF B078C23 501004 The Book Of Teddy
    2. OMF B078C24 501005 The Book Of Teddy
    3. OMF B078C25 501006 The Book Of Teddy
    4. OMF B079C01 501009 Plans For A Belated Honeymoon
    5. OMF B079C02 501010 More Plans For A Belated Honeymoon

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    One Mans Family Disc A050

    1. OMF B079C03 501011 Father Barbour Talks To Jack
    2. OMF B079C04 501012 Betty and Her Fifteen Day Diet
    3. OMF B079C05 501013 Teddy Goes To See Paul
    4. OMF B079C06 501016 Nicollette Consoles Betty

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    One Mans Family Disc A051

    1. OMF B079C07 501017 Betty's Long Vigil
    2. OMF B079C08 501018 Jack Plans A Trip
    3. OMF B079C09 501019 Paul Goes To See Nicollette
    4. OMF B079C10 501020 Jack Reports On His Trip

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    One Mans Family Disc A052

    1. OMF B079C11 501023 Pinky's Status At Stanford Gets Shaky
    2. OMF B079C12 501024 Pinky's Troubles Begin
    3. OMF B079C13 501025 Pinky Calls On His Uncle Paul
    4. OMF B079C14 501026 Pinky Appeals To His Brother Hank

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    One Mans Family Disc A053

    1. OMF B079C15 501027 The Girl With The Big Automobile
    2. OMF B080C01 501030 Pinky Faces The Music
    3. OMF B080C02 501031 Henry Confronts His Grandson
    4. OMF B080C03 501101 Pinky's Lot Is Not A Happy One

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    One Mans Family Disc A054

    1. OMF B080C04 501102 Pinky Is Faced With Work
    2. OMF B080C05 501103 Pinky's First Day Of Slavery
    3. OMF B080C06 501106 You Can Lead A Horse To Water, But...
    4. OMF B080C07 501107 Oh, My Aching Back

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    One Mans Family Disc A055

    1. OMF B080C08 501108 The Girl With A Million Bucks
    2. OMF B080C09 501109 Up From Slavery
    3. OMF B080C10 501110 Hazel Comes To Paul
    4. OMF B080C11 501113 Pinky Returns To Bondage

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    One Mans Family Disc A056

    1. OMF B080C12 501114 Pinky's Date With Eunice
    2. OMF B080C13 501115 Pinky Discloses His Wedding Plans
    3. OMF B080C14 501116 Pinky Envisions A Rosy Future
    4. OMF B080C15 501117 Eunice's Father Interviews Pinky

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    One Mans Family Disc A057

    1. OMF B080C16 501120 Pinky Makes His Decision
    2. OMF B080C17 501121 What's Happening With Teddy and Elwood
    3. OMF B080C18 501122 Teddy Visits The Family Home
    4. OMF B080C19 501123 Elwood Comes To Dinner At Jack's House
    5. OMF B080C20 501124 Paul Discusses Teddy With Nicolette

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    One Mans Family Disc A058

    1. OMF B081C01 501127 Teddy And Elwood At Home
    2. OMF B081C02 501128 News From Pinky
    3. OMF B081C03 501129 Teddy Comes To Spend The Night
    4. OMF B081C04 501130 Paul Goes To See Elwood

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    One Mans Family Disc A059

    1. OMF B081C05 501201 A Marriage At The Crossroads
    2. OMF B081C06 501204 Father Barbour Fears The Worst
    3. OMF B081C07 501205 Teddy Confides In Maudie
    4. OMF B081C08 501206 Paul Meets Maudie Pemberton

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    One Mans Family Disc A060

    1. OMF B081C09 501207 Father Barbour Visits Elwood
    2. OMF B081C10 501208 Paul Gets In Touch With Teddy
    3. OMF B081C11 501211 Teddy Makes A Further Decision
    4. OMF B081C12 501212 Elwood Calls On Teddy

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    One Mans Family Disc A061

    1. OMF B081C13 501213 Maudie Makes A Date For Teddy
    2. OMF B081C14 501214 Henry Hears Some Shocking News
    3. OMF B081C15 501215 Father Barbour Meets Maudie
    4. OMF B081C16 501218 A Lost and Lonely Girl

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    One Mans Family Disc A062

    1. OMF B081C17 501219 Father Barbour Questions Teddy
    2. OMF B081C18 501220 Teddy Goes To The Sky Ranch
    3. OMF B081C19 501221 Paul Speaks His Mind
    4. OMF B081C20 501222 Teddy Encounters Elwood

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    One Mans Family Disc A063

    1. OMF B081C21 501225 Christmas At The Barbours
    2. OMF B081C22 501226 Teddy Moves Back Home
    3. OMF B081C23 501227 Maudie Calls At The Family Home
    4. OMF B081C24 501228 Teddy Hears From Elwood

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    One Mans Family Disc A064

    1. OMF B081C25 501229 Teddy Gets Some Shocking News
    2. OMF B082C01 510101 Clifford Makes A Resolution
    3. OMF B082C03 510103 Clifford Continues His Quest For Work
    4. OMF B082C04 510104 Henry Goes To Maudie About Clifford

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    One Mans Family Disc A065

    1. OMF B082C05 510105 The Conquering Hero
    2. OMF B082C06 510108 A Family Celebration
    3. OMF B082C07 510109 Clifford Tells Maudie Where He Stands
    4. OMF B082C08 510110 The Man Who Didn't Come To Dinner

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    One Mans Family Disc A066

    1. OMF B082C09 510111 Clifford Plans A Party
    2. OMF B082C10 510112 No Maudie, No Work
    3. OMF B082C11 510115 Clifford Gets A Promotion
    4. OMF B082C12 510116 Henry Visits Clifford's Office

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    One Mans Family Disc A067

    1. OMF B082C13 510117 Maudie Invites Paul To Dinner
    2. OMF B082C14 510118 Clifford Plays Santa Claus
    3. OMF B082C15 510119 Henry Puts A Proposition To Clifford
    4. OMF B082C16 510122 Henry Decides To Close A Deal

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    One Mans Family Disc A068

    1. OMF B082C17 510123 Personality vs. Sweat
    2. OMF B082C18 510124 Fanny Signs On The Dotted Line
    3. OMF B082C20 510126 Harper and Barbour
    4. OMF B082C21 510129 Clifford Puts Over A Big Deal

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    One Mans Family Disc A069

    1. OMF B082C23 510131 The Engagement Ring
    2. OMF B082C24 510201 Clifford The Triple Threat Man
    3. OMF B082C25 510202 Maudie Gives Clifford An Answer
    4. OMF B082C26 510205 A Rejected Suitor Is Not A Happy Man

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    One Mans Family Disc A070

    1. OMF B082C27 510206 Henry Barbour, Realtor
    2. OMF B083C10 510223 Clifford Speaks Up To Mr. Harper
    3. OMF B083C13 510228 Margaret Uses Clifford's Car As A Lure
    4. OMF B083C14 510301 Clifford Has Two Dates At Once

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    One Mans Family Disc A071

    1. OMF B083C17 510306 Doctor Thompson's Visit
    2. OMF B084C04 510323 Quest For Material For Family Scrapbook
    3. OMF B084C06 510326 Pinky Missing From The Lumber Mill
    4. OMF B084C07 510327 Pinky Murray, Seaman Recruit

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    One Mans Family Disc A072

    1. OMF B084C08 510328 Jack Is Worried About Nicolette
    2. OMF B084C09 510329 Fanny Comes To Clifford's Rescue
    3. OMF B084C10 510330 A Pilgrimage To San Diego
    4. OMF B084C11 510402 The Pilgrims Return

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    One Mans Family Disc A073

    1. OMF B084C12 510403 Nicolette Divulges Her Plans
    2. OMF B084C14 510405 Paul Visits Maudie
    3. OMF B084C15 510406 Father Barbour's Big Surprise
    4. OMF B084C16 510409 A Farewell Party

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    One Mans Family Disc A074

    1. OMF B084C17 510410 A Report From Pinky
    2. OMF B084C18 510411 Clifford and Paul Talk It Out
    3. OMF B084C19 510412 Clifford Finds Employment
    4. OMF B084C20 510413 Paul Goes To See Elwood

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    One Mans Family Disc A075

    1. OMF B084C21 510416 A Pending Divorce
    2. OMF B084C22 510417 Henry Is Faced With The Inevitable
    3. OMF B084C23 510418 The Plumber Cometh
    4. OMF B084C24 510419 Clifford Barbour, Baby Sitter

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    One Mans Family Disc A076

    1. OMF B084C25 510420 When It Rains, It Pours
    2. OMF B085C01 510423 The Unhappy Co-ed
    3. OMF B085C02 510424 What Is Joan Up To, Anyway
    4. OMF B085C03 510425 Claudia Has Doubts About Joan

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    One Mans Family Disc A077

    1. OMF B085C04 510426 Nicky Asserts Himself
    2. OMF B085C05 510427 Joan Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands
    3. OMF B085C08 510502 About Toots Schultz
    4. OMF B085C09 510503 Joan Plans For Her Apartment

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    One Mans Family Disc A078

    1. OMF B085C10 510504 Joan Cancels A Date
    2. OMF B085C11 510507 The Boy In The Case
    3. OMF B085C12 510508 Jack Lays Down The Law
    4. OMF B085C13 510509 Toots In Pursuit Of Knowledge

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    One Mans Family Disc A079

    1. OMF B085C14 510510 Is It Miss Toots Shultz or Is It Mrs
    2. OMF B085C15 510511 A Marriage Is Dissolved
    3. OMF B085C16 510514 The Path Of Love Is Not Smooth
    4. OMF B085C17 510515 Goodnight Mary Lou, Goodnight

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    One Mans Family Disc A080

    1. OMF B085C18 510516 Ah, These Women
    2. OMF B085C19 510517 Toots Takes A Night Off
    3. OMF B085C20 510518 Claudia's Mounting Concern
    4. OMF B085C21 510521 Meet James Beach

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    One Mans Family Disc A081

    1. OMF B085C22 510522 Mother and Daughter Talk It Out
    2. OMF B085C23 510523 Clifford's Promotion
    3. OMF B085C24 510524 Young Attorney At Home
    4. OMF B085C25 510525 Joan and Jim Beach

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    One Mans Family Disc A082

    1. OMF B086C01 510528 Henry and Fanny At The Sky Ranch
    2. OMF B086C02 510529 Clifford Gets In Deeper
    3. OMF B086C03 510530 Pinky and Battleships
    4. OMF B086C06 510601 More Responsibilty and Less Cash

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    One Mans Family Disc A083

    1. OMF B091C22 520101
    2. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 1
    3. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 2
    4. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 3
    5. OMF 520427 20th Anniversary Program Part 4
    6. OMF B096C11 520630
    7. OMF B096C29 520714

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    One Mans Family Disc A084

    1. OMF B098C03 520924 Worried About Paul
    2. OMF B098C32 521104 Joan and Ross
    3. OMF B099C21 521215 Father Barbour Delayed
    4. OMF B099C22 521216 Speech Contest

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    One Mans Family Disc A085

    1. OMF B099C27 521223 Paul’s Arrival
    2. OMF B101C05 530410 First Grown-Up Party
    3. OMF B101C09 530416 Penelope Takes Claudia's Car
    4. OMF B125C46 560304 The Cure

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    One Mans Family Disc A086

    1. OMF B125C47 560305 Consider Makes Pinky A Final Offer
    2. OMF B125C48 560306 Pinky and The Unsigned Document
    3. OMF B125C49 560307 The Letter In The Wastebasket
    4. OMF B126C16 570408 Certified Mail For Barbour

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    One Mans Family Disc A087

    1. OMF B126C17 570409 Talk Of A Wedding
    2. OMF B126C18 570410 Pinky In A Moment Of Indiscretion
    3. OMF B126C19 570411 Questionaire At Midnight
    4. OMF B126C31 570429 Father Barbour Congratulates Opposition

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    One Mans Family Disc A088

    1. OMF B126C32 570430 A Crowed Day At The Barbour’s
    2. OMF B126C33 570501 New Move In An Old Game
    3. OMF B126C34 570502 The Forgotten Birthday
    4. OMF B126C56 570603 Father Barbour Consults His Lawyer
    5. OMF B126C61 570610 The Son Of Clifford Barbour

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    One Mans Family Disc A089

    1. OMF B129C04 580103 Cousin Consider On The Defensive
    2. OMF B129C05 580106 Jack Barbour and The Christmas Bills
    3. OMF B129C06 580107 Consider Martin Paints The Town
    4. OMF B129C07 580108 Lady On A Diet
    5. OMF B129C08 580109 Claudia Encounters Competition

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    One Mans Family Disc A090

    1. OMF B129C09 580110 Claudia Faces Facts
    2. OMF B129C10 580113 The Message From Nicky
    3. OMF B129C11 580114 Lesson For Penelope
    4. OMF B129C12 580115 The Farewell Gift
    5. OMF B129C13 580116 Belated Echo Of New Year's Eve

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    One Mans Family Disc A091

    1. OMF B129C14 580117 The Strange Case Of Consider Martin
    2. OMF B129C15 580120 Call From Mr. Louis X. Coren
    3. OMF B129C16 580121 The Awakening
    4. OMF B129C17 580122 The Interrupted Explanation
    5. OMF B129C18 580123 Out Of Escrow and Into Trouble

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    One Mans Family Disc A092

    1. OMF B129C19 580124 Father Barbour Falls A Lap Behind
    2. OMF B129C20 580127 Application Of The Golden Rule
    3. OMF B129C21 580128 The Monster Tinted Green
    4. OMF B129C22 580129 Henry Barbour's Bedside Manner
    5. OMF B129C23 580130 Which Concerns A Housewarming

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    One Mans Family Disc A093

    1. OMF B129C25 580203 Consider Martin Pays A Call
    2. OMF B129C26 580204 Wet Matches In A Cave
    3. OMF B129C27 580205 A Mention Of Chinese Jade
    4. OMF B129C28 580206 Pinky Offers Gift Charcoal Snowstorm
    5. OMF B129C29 580207 Young Man In Grave Danger

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    One Mans Family Disc A094

    1. OMF B129C30 580210 A Fortune For Pinky
    2. OMF B129C31 580211 Pinky Sends a telegram from Seattle
    3. OMF B129C32 580212 Dan Declines Advise
    4. OMF B129C34 580214 Dan states his Position
    5. OMF B129C35 580217 The Abrupt Departure Of Consider Martin

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    One Mans Family Disc A095

    1. OMF B129C36 580218 Report From Idaho
    2. OMF B129C37 580219 News From A Ski Slope
    3. OMF B129C38 580220 Call From The FBI
    4. OMF B129C39 580221 Penelope Makes A Decision
    5. OMF B129C40 580224 Big News At The Barbours

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    One Mans Family Disc A096

    1. OMF B129C41 580225 The Corporation Wife
    2. OMF B129C42 580226 The Truth About Bruce Conrad
    3. OMF B129C43 580227 Pinch Hitter Strikes Out
    4. OMF B129C44 580228 The General Manager Returns

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    One Mans Family Disc A097

    1. OMF B129C45 580303 Beginning Of A House Party
    2. OMF B129C46 580304 A Matter Of Persuasion
    3. OMF B129C47 580305 Sad Note From Consider Martin
    4. OMF B129C49 580307 Daniel Murray's Forced Air Furnace
    5. OMF B129C50 580310 Sing A Song Of Six Words

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    One Mans Family Disc A098

    1. OMF B129C51 580311 A Time For Decision
    2. OMF B129C52 580312 Acknowledgment Of A Wedding Gift
    3. OMF B129C55 580317 Report From Pebble Beach
    4. OMF B129C56 580318 Lost In The Fog

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    One Mans Family Disc A099

    1. OMF B129C57 580319 An Eight Car Collision
    2. OMF B129C58 580320 The Truth About Andy
    3. OMF B129C59 580321 The Visit To Berkeley
    4. OMF B130C10 580411 A Front Page Party

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    One Mans Family Disc A100

    1. OMF B130C15 580418 A Date With Mr. Mannington
    2. OMF B130C35 580516 Claudia Tunes Up The Second Fiddle
    3. OMF B131C10 580714 The Woman Who Stole A Man
    4. OMF B131C11 580715 A Call To The FBI
    5. OMF B131C12 580716 Conference With David Norrich

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    One Mans Family Disc A101

    1. OMF B131C13 580717 The Danger Of The Middle Years
    2. OMF B131C14 580718 Sharon Versus Penelope and Vice Versa
    3. OMF B131C15 580721 Claudia Dreams Of A Royal Wedding
    4. OMF B131C16 580722 Almost A Princess
    5. OMF B132C05 581003 Conversation Between Two Sisters

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    One Mans Family Disc A102

    1. OMF B132C20 581024 Mr. Todhunter Makes A Speech
    2. OMF B132C25 581031 Consider Martin Sings A Song At Midnight
    3. OMF B132C49 581208 The Head Of The House Of Murray
    4. OMF B132C59 581222 Red Letter Day At The Barbours
    5. OMF B132C62 581226 Jack Barbour On Waiting Up For Children

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    One Mans Family Disc A103

    1. OMF B133C02 581230 The Gift From Mrs. Swan
    2. OMF B133C07 590107 Consider Martin Sings A Song
    3. OMF B133C12 590114 Interruptions At The Top Of The House
    4. OMF B133C17 590121 Seven Dates With Seven Women
    5. OMF B133C18 590122 Publicity For Penelope Lacey
    6. OMF B133C22 590128 Apology, Father Barbour Style

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    One Mans Family Disc A104

    1. OMF B133C27 590204 How To Set A Wedding Date
    2. OMF B133C31 590210
    3. OMF B133C32 590211 Wedding Day In The Afternoon
    4. OMF B133C37 590218 The Suspect
    5. OMF B133C42 590226 A Brief Mention Of Sandra Savin
    6. OMF B133C47 590305 Farewell To A Pretty Girl
    7. OMF B133C57 590319 Pinky Makes An Announcement

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    One Mans Family Disc A105

    1. OMF B133C61 590325 Hank Takes A Forward Step
    2. OMF B133C62 590326 Betty Drops A Bombshell
    3. OMF B133C63 590327 The Once Happy Bride
    4. OMF B134C01 590330 Paul Discusses The Making Of Mountains
    5. OMF B134C02 590331 Girl With A Torch
    6. OMF B134C03 590401 Big News For Pinky
    7. OMF B134C04 590402 The Big Question - Gentleman Or Cad

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    One Mans Family Disc A106

    1. OMF B134C05 590403 The Missing Bridegroom
    2. OMF B134C06 590406 Message From A Happy Bride
    3. OMF B134C07 590407 Report From Sears Savoy
    4. OMF B134C08 590408 Betty Salvages A Lesson From Disaster
    5. OMF B134C09 590409 Spotlight On The Unemployed
    6. OMF B134C10 590410 Rally Round The Flag Boys

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    One Mans Family Disc A107

    1. OMF B134C11 590413 Dating, 1959
    2. OMF B134C12 590414 Gripman On A Boyhood Dream
    3. OMF B134C13 590415 The First Quarrel
    4. OMF B134C14 590416 Mutton Dressed As Lamb
    5. OMF B134C15 590417 Glimpse Of The Jungle
    6. OMF B134C16 590420 Big News From Scotland

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    One Mans Family Disc A108

    1. OMF B134C17 590421 The Homecoming
    2. OMF B134C18 590422 Betty Lowers The Boom
    3. OMF B134C19 590423 The Silent Partner Makes A Move
    4. OMF B134C20 590424 Confessions Of A Bridegroom

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