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Mystery is My Hobby

Author Barton Drake in Mystery is My Hobby goes around solving murders almost on a whim.

Mystery is My Hobby

79 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 31 hours, 42 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
38 Audio CDs

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"Stolen Rembrandts"

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Adele Jergens and Glenn Langan
Crime/Detective Series (1947-1948)

Glenn LanganSet in the late 1940s, Mystery is My Hobby featured author Barton Drake, portrayed by Glen Lagan, and a case from his files. Drake is a mystery writer with a penchant for getting himself in trouble. Even though he was often searching for trouble and finding it, the show was never hard-boiled like Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe. Mystery is my Hobby's Drake was more like Lord Peter Wimsey, a worldly, man-about-town type of detective.

old time radio pictureIn an interesting twist, his side kick is police officer Noah Danton. Danton goes everywhere with Drake including trips out of the country to investigate mysteries. Either he worked for a very tolerant department or Drake paid his salary! As police officer's go, Danton is a bit dim. At the end of each episode, Drake has to explain to Danton how he solved the mystery.

Broadcast by the Mutual Radio Network, Mystery is My Hobby was performed before a live audience. The show was on the air from 1945 to 1947. The original title was Murder is My Hobby but the sponsor thought the title was a bit harsh, especially since the sponsor was the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Omaha --a life insurance company sponsoring a show with murder in the title just didn't seem right!


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    19     2


    Favorites are Murder is My Hobby, The Saint and Our Miss Brooks

    kathy Verified Purchase

    Glen Langdan who is the star made a scifi movie. He played the lead in The Amazing Colossal Man.

    Wayne Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    79 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 31 hours, 42 min
    79 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 31 hours, 42 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 79 shows – total playtime 31 hours, 42 minutes
    2. MIMH 000 Buried Treasure Map.mp3
    3. MIMH 000 Case of 65 Women.mp3
    4. MIMH 000 Faithless Wife.mp3
    5. MIMH 000 Gold Prospector.mp3
    6. MIMH 000 Kid Brown is Ko'd.mp3
    7. MIMH 000 Millionaire Threatened.mp3
    8. MIMH 000 Murder at a Magic Show.mp3
    9. MIMH 000 Oil King Murdered.mp3
    10. MIMH 000 Stolen Rembrandts.mp3
    11. MIMH 000 Ticket to Murder.mp3
    12. MIMH 000 Wife Poisoned.mp3
    13. MIMH 001 Allen Fisher is Murdered.mp3
    14. MIMH 002 Monica Feels Threatened.mp3
    15. MIMH 003 Snowbound.mp3
    16. MIMH 004 Dude Ranch.mp3
    17. MIMH 005 Murder in the Ring.mp3
    18. MIMH 006 Who Killed David Austin.mp3
    19. MIMH 007 Murder Bound.mp3
    20. MIMH 008 Short Distance to Murder.mp3
    21. MIMH 009 Blackmail.mp3
    22. MIMH 010 Walking Corpse.mp3
    23. MIMH 011 Death in Mark Adrian's Studio.mp3
    24. MIMH 013 Shots at Curtis Window.mp3
    25. MIMH 014 Eternal Triangle.mp3
    26. MIMH 015 Waiting Game.mp3
    27. MIMH 016 Clearing Peter Wade.mp3
    28. MIMH 017 Father Son.mp3
    29. MIMH 018 Mystery of the Burning Light.mp3
    30. MIMH 019 Arthur Gideon's Memoirs.mp3
    31. MIMH 020 Phony Husband.mp3
    32. MIMH 021 Cinderella for a Day.mp3
    33. MIMH 022 Mink Coat.mp3
    34. MIMH 023 Stella Dix is Murdered.mp3
    35. MIMH 024 Hit Plan Gone Astray.mp3
    36. MIMH 025 Murder at Asa Clark's House.mp3
    37. MIMH 026 Wife Her Friends.mp3
    38. MIMH 027 Woman Shoots Self.mp3
    39. MIMH 028 Andrew Bradford Runs for Gov.mp3
    40. MIMH 028 Ex-Con Candidate.mp3
    41. MIMH 029 Murder the Folsom Point.mp3
    42. MIMH 031 Ben Cramer.mp3
    43. MIMH 032 Chris Pomeroy.mp3
    44. MIMH 033 Sally Anders is Murdered.mp3
    45. MIMH 034 Uncle Howard's Treasure Map.mp3
    46. MIMH 035 Murder at the Arnold House.mp3
    47. MIMH 037 Death of an Old Prospector.mp3
    48. MIMH 038 Thief the Paintings.mp3
    49. MIMH 039 Fishing Trip Ends in Murder.mp3
    50. MIMH 040 Voice of Doom.mp3
    51. MIMH 041 Fugitive Brother.mp3
    52. MIMH 042 Feuding Radio Comedians.mp3
    53. MIMH 043 Stephanie Brent Murdered.mp3
    54. MIMH 045 Body in the Trunk.mp3
    55. MIMH 045 John Crain Murder.mp3
    56. MIMH 046 Morini the Formula.mp3
    57. MIMH 047 Hudson Family Deaths.mp3
    58. MIMH 048 Coin Collector Mystery.mp3
    59. MIMH 048 Murder With a Boomerang.mp3
    60. MIMH 049 Tom Torelli.mp3
    61. MIMH 050 Kenneth Prengle, Polo Player.mp3
    62. MIMH 051 Estelle Wainwright.mp3
    63. MIMH 072 Engaged to Death.mp3
    64. MIMH 112 Two Hours to Live.mp3
    65. MIMH 113 The Ghost Didnt Walk.mp3
    66. MIMH 114 Bullets Make Holes.mp3
    67. MIMH 116 Death is a Twin.mp3
    68. MIMH 117 Murder Can Sometimes Be Pleasant.mp3
    69. MIMH 118 Death Paints With Purple.mp3
    70. MIMH 122 Death Buys Flowers.mp3
    71. MIMH 123 Death Speaks With 10 Fingers.mp3
    72. MIMH 126 471119 Death Asks Questions.mp3
    73. MIMH 127 471126 Death is a Grain of Sand.mp3
    74. MIMH 129 Death Has Blue Eyes.mp3
    75. MIMH 129 Madame Valentine is Fearful.mp3
    76. MIMH 130 Death Has a Hot Foot.mp3
    77. MIMH 132 471231 Death is 1 3.mp3
    78. MIMH 133 480107 Death Loses the Body.mp3
    79. MIMH 134 Death Goes Before Pride.mp3
    80. MIMH 135 Death Writes an Epitath.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    79 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 31 hours, 42 min
    79 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    447 MB – total playtime 31 hours, 42 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 79 shows – 447 MB – total playtime 31 hours, 42 minutes
    2. MIMH 000 Buried Treasure Map.mp3
    3. MIMH 000 Case of 65 Women.mp3
    4. MIMH 000 Faithless Wife.mp3
    5. MIMH 000 Gold Prospector.mp3
    6. MIMH 000 Kid Brown is Ko'd.mp3
    7. MIMH 000 Millionaire Threatened.mp3
    8. MIMH 000 Murder at a Magic Show.mp3
    9. MIMH 000 Oil King Murdered.mp3
    10. MIMH 000 Stolen Rembrandts.mp3
    11. MIMH 000 Ticket to Murder.mp3
    12. MIMH 000 Wife Poisoned.mp3
    13. MIMH 001 Allen Fisher is Murdered.mp3
    14. MIMH 002 Monica Feels Threatened.mp3
    15. MIMH 003 Snowbound.mp3
    16. MIMH 004 Dude Ranch.mp3
    17. MIMH 005 Murder in the Ring.mp3
    18. MIMH 006 Who Killed David Austin.mp3
    19. MIMH 007 Murder Bound.mp3
    20. MIMH 008 Short Distance to Murder.mp3
    21. MIMH 009 Blackmail.mp3
    22. MIMH 010 Walking Corpse.mp3
    23. MIMH 011 Death in Mark Adrian's Studio.mp3
    24. MIMH 013 Shots at Curtis Window.mp3
    25. MIMH 014 Eternal Triangle.mp3
    26. MIMH 015 Waiting Game.mp3
    27. MIMH 016 Clearing Peter Wade.mp3
    28. MIMH 017 Father Son.mp3
    29. MIMH 018 Mystery of the Burning Light.mp3
    30. MIMH 019 Arthur Gideon's Memoirs.mp3
    31. MIMH 020 Phony Husband.mp3
    32. MIMH 021 Cinderella for a Day.mp3
    33. MIMH 022 Mink Coat.mp3
    34. MIMH 023 Stella Dix is Murdered.mp3
    35. MIMH 024 Hit Plan Gone Astray.mp3
    36. MIMH 025 Murder at Asa Clark's House.mp3
    37. MIMH 026 Wife Her Friends.mp3
    38. MIMH 027 Woman Shoots Self.mp3
    39. MIMH 028 Andrew Bradford Runs for Gov.mp3
    40. MIMH 028 Ex-Con Candidate.mp3
    41. MIMH 029 Murder the Folsom Point.mp3
    42. MIMH 031 Ben Cramer.mp3
    43. MIMH 032 Chris Pomeroy.mp3
    44. MIMH 033 Sally Anders is Murdered.mp3
    45. MIMH 034 Uncle Howard's Treasure Map.mp3
    46. MIMH 035 Murder at the Arnold House.mp3
    47. MIMH 037 Death of an Old Prospector.mp3
    48. MIMH 038 Thief the Paintings.mp3
    49. MIMH 039 Fishing Trip Ends in Murder.mp3
    50. MIMH 040 Voice of Doom.mp3
    51. MIMH 041 Fugitive Brother.mp3
    52. MIMH 042 Feuding Radio Comedians.mp3
    53. MIMH 043 Stephanie Brent Murdered.mp3
    54. MIMH 045 Body in the Trunk.mp3
    55. MIMH 045 John Crain Murder.mp3
    56. MIMH 046 Morini the Formula.mp3
    57. MIMH 047 Hudson Family Deaths.mp3
    58. MIMH 048 Coin Collector Mystery.mp3
    59. MIMH 048 Murder With a Boomerang.mp3
    60. MIMH 049 Tom Torelli.mp3
    61. MIMH 050 Kenneth Prengle, Polo Player.mp3
    62. MIMH 051 Estelle Wainwright.mp3
    63. MIMH 072 Engaged to Death.mp3
    64. MIMH 112 Two Hours to Live.mp3
    65. MIMH 113 The Ghost Didnt Walk.mp3
    66. MIMH 114 Bullets Make Holes.mp3
    67. MIMH 116 Death is a Twin.mp3
    68. MIMH 117 Murder Can Sometimes Be Pleasant.mp3
    69. MIMH 118 Death Paints With Purple.mp3
    70. MIMH 122 Death Buys Flowers.mp3
    71. MIMH 123 Death Speaks With 10 Fingers.mp3
    72. MIMH 126 471119 Death Asks Questions.mp3
    73. MIMH 127 471126 Death is a Grain of Sand.mp3
    74. MIMH 129 Death Has Blue Eyes.mp3
    75. MIMH 129 Madame Valentine is Fearful.mp3
    76. MIMH 130 Death Has a Hot Foot.mp3
    77. MIMH 132 471231 Death is 1 3.mp3
    78. MIMH 133 480107 Death Loses the Body.mp3
    79. MIMH 134 Death Goes Before Pride.mp3
    80. MIMH 135 Death Writes an Epitath.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    79 recordings on 38 Audio CDs. Total playtime 31 hours, 42 min
    79 recordings on 38 Audio CDs
    total playtime 31 hours, 42 min

    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A001

    1. MIMH 000 Buried Treasure Map
    2. MIMH 000 Case of 65 Women

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A002

    1. MIMH 000 Faithless Wife
    2. MIMH 000 Gold Prospector

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A003

    1. MIMH 000 Kid Brown is Ko'd
    2. MIMH 000 Millionaire Threatened

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A004

    1. MIMH 000 Murder at a Magic Show
    2. MIMH 000 Oil King Murdered

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A005

    1. MIMH 000 Stolen Rembrandts
    2. MIMH 000 Ticket to Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A006

    1. MIMH 000 Wife Poisoned
    2. MIMH 001 Allen Fisher is Murdered

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A007

    1. MIMH 002 Monica Feels Threatened
    2. MIMH 003 Snowbound

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A008

    1. MIMH 004 Dude Ranch
    2. MIMH 005 Murder in the Ring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A009

    1. MIMH 006 Who Killed David Austin
    2. MIMH 007 Murder Bound

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A010

    1. MIMH 008 Short Distance to Murder
    2. MIMH 009 Blackmail

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A011

    1. MIMH 010 Walking Corpse
    2. MIMH 011 Death in Mark Adrian's Studio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A012

    1. MIMH 013 Shots at Curtis Window
    2. MIMH 014 Eternal Triangle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A013

    1. MIMH 015 Waiting Game
    2. MIMH 016 Clearing Peter Wade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A014

    1. MIMH 017 Father Son
    2. MIMH 018 Mystery of the Burning Light

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A015

    1. MIMH 019 Arthur Gideon's Memoirs
    2. MIMH 020 Phony Husband

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A016

    1. MIMH 021 Cinderella for a Day
    2. MIMH 022 Mink Coat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A017

    1. MIMH 023 Stella Dix is Murdered
    2. MIMH 024 Hit Plan Gone Astray

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A018

    1. MIMH 025 Murder at Asa Clark's House
    2. MIMH 026 Wife Her Friends
    3. MIMH 027 Woman Shoots Self

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A019

    1. MIMH 028 Andrew Bradford Runs for Gov
    2. MIMH 028 Ex-Con Candidate

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A020

    1. MIMH 029 Murder the Folsom Point
    2. MIMH 031 Ben Cramer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A021

    1. MIMH 032 Chris Pomeroy
    2. MIMH 033 Sally Anders is Murdered

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A022

    1. MIMH 034 Uncle Howard's Treasure Map
    2. MIMH 035 Murder at the Arnold House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A023

    1. MIMH 037 Death of an Old Prospector
    2. MIMH 038 Thief the Paintings
    3. MIMH 039 Fishing Trip Ends in Murder

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A024

    1. MIMH 040 Voice of Doom
    2. MIMH 041 Fugitive Brother

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A025

    1. MIMH 042 Feuding Radio Comedians
    2. MIMH 043 Stephanie Brent Murdered
    3. MIMH 045 Body in the Trunk

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A026

    1. MIMH 045 John Crain Murder
    2. MIMH 046 Morini the Formula
    3. MIMH 047 Hudson Family Deaths

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A027

    1. MIMH 048 Coin Collector Mystery
    2. MIMH 048 Murder With a Boomerang

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A028

    1. MIMH 049 Tom Torelli
    2. MIMH 050 Kenneth Prengle, Polo Player

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A029

    1. MIMH 051 Estelle Wainwright
    2. MIMH 072 Engaged to Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A030

    1. MIMH 112 Two Hours to Live
    2. MIMH 113 The Ghost Didnt Walk

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A031

    1. MIMH 114 Bullets Make Holes
    2. MIMH 116 Death is a Twin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A032

    1. MIMH 117 Murder Can Sometimes Be Pleasant
    2. MIMH 118 Death Paints With Purple

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A033

    1. MIMH 122 Death Buys Flowers
    2. MIMH 123 Death Speaks With 10 Fingers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A034

    1. MIMH 129 Death Has Blue Eyes
    2. MIMH 129 Madame Valentine is Fearful

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A035

    1. MIMH 130 Death Has a Hot Foot
    2. MIMH 134 Death Goes Before Pride

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A036

    1. MIMH 135 Death Writes an Epitath
    2. MIMH 126 471119 Death Asks Questions

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A037

    1. MIMH 127 471126 Death is a Grain of Sand
    2. MIMH 132 471231 Death is 1 3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mystery is My Hobby Disc A038

    1. MIMH 133 480107 Death Loses the Body

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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