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My Favorite Husband

Lucille Ball stars with Richard Denning in this pre-I Love Lucy radio comedy. They are Liz and George Cooper, "two people who live together and like it."

My Favorite Husband

113 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 48 hours, 56 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
56 Audio CDs

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"Young Matron League Tryout"

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My Favorite Husband
Situation Comedy (1948 - 51)

One of TV's most influential comedies, I Love Lucy has its roots in CBS Radio's My Favorite Husband

Richard Denning and Lucille Ball

The great Sitcoms of early TV owe a greater debt to Old Time Radio than many in the industry care to admit. Most notable were shows that moved almost directly from the radio to the small screen such as The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriett and The Life of Riley. The Aldrich Family and The Adventures of Archie Andrews would influence Teenage-comedies for decades to come. However, one of the most successful and influential TV sitcoms of all time, I Love Lucy also came from the radio, although not as directly.

I Love Lucy was the TV version of My Favorite Husband, which starred everyone's favorite Redhead. The show's path from radio to the small screen is not as direct as some others, but then, getting Favorite on the radio was not as direct as you would think. The story of George and Liz, "two people who live together, and like it!", first appeared in the 1941 best-selling novel Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage by Isabel Scott Rorick. Mrs. Rorick developed her stories for the local Junior League newsletter and based them on her marriage to Ceilan Rorick, a bank worker in Toledo.

Hollywood snapped up Mrs. Rorick's story and released it as Are Husbands Necessary? (1942, Paramount) starring Ray Milland and Betty Field. The Lux Radio Theater adaptation starred George Burns and Gracie Allen. Although Gracie was perfect in the role of a scatter-brained housewife, she was already playing one on CBS (at the time, sponsored by Swan, a rival soap company). By the time CBS was ready to bring the Cugat's to the airwaves, George and Gracie were working for Maxwell House Coffee on NBC.

My Favorite Husband Denning and Ball

The Cugat story was too good of a property to not produce, so CBS went with a rising starlet, Lucille Ball. Lucy had some radio comedy experience supporting Phil Baker and Jack Haley, but the movie studios had primarily used her in ingénue roles. Casting her as Liz Cugat in My Favorite Husband gave her a chance to show off her impeccable comic timing.

Ms. Ball was offered the role of Connie Brooks on Our Miss Brooks, which was closer to production than My Favorite Husband, but Lucy was already committed. Her pal, Eve Arden got the school teacher role. However, when Our Miss Brooks was scheduled to begin its run on July 5, 1948, the program was not quite ready, and the timeslot went to My Favorite Husband. This audition program was a hit with listeners and the network picked it up as a sustained program in the fall lineup.

Although they had a place in the schedule, not all was blissful for the Cugats at 321 Bundy Drive. For one thing, another Cugat, bandleader Xavier Cugat, objected to their name, and although the program was getting good ratings, it was not bringing the network any money yet. That changed on January 7, 1949, the 26th episode, when Lucy opened the show, now as Liz Cooper, with the greeting: "Jell-O everybody!"

Several things were learned over Favorite's run on the radio. One of the most important was that Lucy was a better comedienne when she played in front of a live audience. Realizing they had a bonafide hit on their hands, the network was anxious to transfer the magic by putting Lucy and her costar Richard Denning together on the small screen. Lucy, however, had other ideas.

Lucy and her real-life husband, Cuban bandleader Desi Arnaz were anxious to start a family, so Lucy insisted that if she was going to do any TV work, it would only be with Desi costarring. The development of I Love Lucy is the stuff of Hollywood legend and would involve the founding of Desilu Studios (which would be the birthplace of Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek franchise), a new way to shoot TV sitcoms, and when rival NBC became interested in the program, Desi being hired by CBS Radio to host a game show.

The radio and TV show appeared to be a lot different. For one thing, while George Cooper was married to a scatter-brained girl who was determined to help his career, Ricky Ricardo wanted a "normal" housewife and got a scatter-brained girl who was desperate to break into showbiz. However, many of the stories used on I Love Lucy were direct reworks of Favorite scripts.

For more Lucille Ball recordings, see the Lucille Ball Collection. Easy Aces and My Friend Irma were other shows that featured the ditzy wife. The queen of ditzy wife role was perfected by the Gracie Allen, of Burns and Allen.

This collection included in the larger Lucille Ball and Richard Denning Collections. See also: It's Higgins Sir.

Ticket to see My Favorite Husband

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    17     2


    I was listening to an episode of My Favorite Husband and heard the term "mess cat." I looked it up and learned it was a popular slang term of the day (Late 1940s). Yet I never recall hearing it on ANY other radio show. The only other place I’ve EVER heard it is when they repeat this line on I Love Lucy. Which made me wonder. Why would a slang expression, that’s supposed to be really popular, not ever be used on radio? Except maybe a SINGLE time. Of course it wouldn’t be logical to expect it on EVERY show, or a part of EVERY conversation. But I still find it very strange, it being so rarely used on radio.

    Emily Verified Purchase

    It's funny how slang changes..check out old movies, old blues records, anything from the past...the word 'ruckus' was pronounced 'ROO-kus' in the 20s. I wonder when it became ruk' kus?


    What I recall reading the term used to mean a person who enjoyed carousing and being a slob.

    Emily Verified Purchase

    Obviously it wasn't as popular as that reference claimed it was.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite OTR shows to listen to! Too bad Denning wasn't in the TV version.

    Rhonda Verified Purchase

    Definitly one of my favorites and love the Jello-commercials. The cast worked well with each other.

    Lorraine Verified Purchase

    Our order of My Favorite Husband, and Sam Spade arrived today... so thrilled to hear them. We'll start tonight. Thanks again, your the best.

    Tim Verified Purchase

    A must have for any Lucy fan. I really like that, since you can't see Lucy's facial expressions, the dialogue had to carry the story. It allows all of the talented stars to shine.

    Jill Verified Purchase

    It was wonderful to have so many additional episodes added to the collection. The series is consistently entertaining and introduces fans to the notion that Lucille Ball was much more than just Lucy Ricardo; Liz Cooper (Cugat) is just as appealing as a character.

    Craig Verified Purchase

    One of the best collections I own. Really like to hear some of the episodes that were remade for the TV show.

    Bryan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    113 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 56 min
    113 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 48 hours, 56 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 57 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. My Favorite Husband 480705 aud The Cugats Tenth Wedding.mp3
    3. My Favorite Husband 480723 001 Literary Club's Speaker Comes.mp3
    4. My Favorite Husband 480723 002 The Magazine Photographer.mp3
    5. My Favorite Husband 480806 003 Portrait Painter.mp3
    6. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissin.mp3
    7. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissing Booth.mp3
    8. My Favorite Husband 480820 005 Liz Teaches Samba.mp3
    9. My Favorite Husband 480903 007 Lizs Mother Has Second T.mp3
    10. My Favorite Husband 480910 008 Liz Has Her Fortune Told.mp3
    11. My Favorite Husband 480917 009 Liz And General.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 480924 010 Knitting Baby Booties.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 481002 011 Young Matron League Tryou.mp3
    14. My Favorite Husband 481009 012 Georges Old Flame.mp3
    15. My Favorite Husband 481009 013 Matrons League Game.mp3
    16. My Favorite Husband 481016 014 Liz Sells Dress.mp3
    17. My Favorite Husband 481023 015 Quiz Show.mp3
    18. My Favorite Husband 481106 017 Katy And Roscoe.mp3
    19. My Favorite Husband 481113 018 Learning To Drive.mp3
    20. My Favorite Husband 481120 019 George Attends Teenage.mp3
    21. My Favorite Husband 481127 020 Is There Baby In Ho.mp3
    22. My Favorite Husband 481204 021 Be Your Husbands Best Fr.mp3
    23. My Favorite Husband 481218 023 Lizs New Dresses.mp3
    24. My Favorite Husband 481225 024 Numerology.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 490101 025 Young Matron League Tryou.mp3
    26. My Favorite Husband 490107 026 Over Budget Beans.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 490114 027 Piano Violin Lessons.mp3
    28. My Favorite Husband 490121 028 Marriage License Error.mp3
    29. My Favorite Husband 490128 029 Absolute Truth.mp3
    30. My Favorite Husband 490204 030 Speech For Civic Organiza.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 490218 032 Secretary School.mp3
    33. My Favorite Husband 490225 033 Absent Mindedness.mp3
    34. My Favorite Husband 490304 034 Motherinlaw.mp3
    35. My Favorite Husband 490311 035 Charity Review.mp3
    36. My Favorite Husband 490401 038 April Fools Day.mp3
    37. My Favorite Husband 490408 039 Gun Machine Demand Your.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 490415 040 Horseback Riding.mp3
    39. My Favorite Husband 490422 041 Time Budgeting.mp3
    40. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time.mp3
    41. My Favorite Husband 490506 043 Overweight.mp3
    42. My Favorite Husband 490513 044 Anniversary Presents.mp3
    43. My Favorite Husband 490520 045 Getting Old.mp3
    44. My Favorite Husband 490527 046 Liz In Hospital.mp3
    45. My Favorite Husband 490610 048 Hair Dyed.mp3
    46. My Favorite Husband 490617 049 Television.mp3
    47. My Favorite Husband 490624 050 Liz Changes Her Mind.mp3
    48. My Favorite Husband 490701 051 Reminiscing.mp3
    49. My Favorite Husband 490902 052 Elves.mp3
    50. My Favorite Husband 490916 054 Girls Play Baseball.mp3
    51. My Favorite Husband 490923 055 Attic.mp3
    52. My Favorite Husband 490930 056 Womans Club Election.mp3
    53. My Favorite Husband 491007 057 George Tries For Raise.mp3
    54. My Favorite Husband 491014 058 Television.mp3
    55. My Favorite Husband 491021 059 Superstition.mp3
    56. My Favorite Husband 491028 060 Halloween Surprise Party.mp3
    57. My Favorite Husband 491104 061 Mother In Law.mp3
    58. My Favorite Husband 491111 062 Baby Sitting.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 56 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. My Favorite Husband 491118 063 Katy And Mr Negley.mp3
    3. My Favorite Husband 491125 064 Quiz Show.mp3
    4. My Favorite Husband 491202 065 College Homecoming.mp3
    5. My Favorite Husband 491209 066 French Lessons.mp3
    6. My Favorite Husband 491216 067 Georges Christmas Presents.mp3
    7. My Favorite Husband 491223 068 Sleigh Ride.mp3
    8. My Favorite Husband 491230 069 Liz And George Are Handcu.mp3
    9. My Favorite Husband 500106 070 Is There Another Woman.mp3
    10. My Favorite Husband 500113 071 Liz Teaches Iris To Drive.mp3
    11. My Favorite Husband 500120 072 Liz And Green Wig.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 500127 073 Liz Writes Song.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 500203 074 Country Club Dance.mp3
    14. My Favorite Husband 500210 075 Mrs. Coopers Boyfriend.mp3
    15. My Favorite Husband 500217 076 Liz Teaches Samba.mp3
    16. My Favorite Husband 500224 077 Liz Redecorates House.mp3
    17. My Favorite Husband 500305 078 Womens Rights Pt 1.mp3
    18. My Favorite Husband 500312 079 Womens Rights Pt 2.mp3
    19. My Favorite Husband 500319 080 Wills.mp3
    20. My Favorite Husband 500326 081 Lizs Radio Script.mp3
    21. My Favorite Husband 500409 083 Hobbies.mp3
    22. My Favorite Husband 500416 084 Anniversary.mp3
    23. My Favorite Husband 500423 085 Friendship Award.mp3
    24. My Favorite Husband 500430 086 Spring Housecleaning.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 500514 088 Numerology.mp3
    26. My Favorite Husband 500528 090 Selling Dresses.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 500604 091 George Is Messy.mp3
    28. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim.mp3
    29. My Favorite Husband 500618 093 Be Pal.mp3
    30. My Favorite Husband 500625 094 Dancing Lessons.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 500902 095 Old Clothes To Junkma.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 500909 096 Gossip.mp3
    33. My Favorite Husband 500930 099 Liz Changes Her Mind.mp3
    34. My Favorite Husband 501007 100 Liz Becomes Sculptor.mp3
    35. My Favorite Husband 501014 101 Liz Cooks Dinner For Twel.mp3
    36. My Favorite Husband 501021 102 Safety Drive.mp3
    37. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 501104 104 Two Mrs. Coopers.mp3
    39. My Favorite Husband 501111 105 Vacation From Marriage.mp3
    40. My Favorite Husband 501118 104 Math Contest.mp3
    41. My Favorite Husband 501118 106 Liz Goes To Night School.mp3
    42. My Favorite Husband 501125 107 Lizs Birthday.mp3
    43. My Favorite Husband 501202 108 Trying To Marry Off Peggy.mp3
    44. My Favorite Husband 501209 109 Trying To Cash Prize.mp3
    45. My Favorite Husband 501216 110 Christmas Cards.mp3
    46. My Favorite Husband 501223 111 Christmas Stag.mp3
    47. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs.mp3
    48. My Favorite Husband 510106 113 Liz Substitutes In Club.mp3
    49. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    50. My Favorite Husband 510120 115 Liz Stretches Truth.mp3
    51. My Favorite Husband 510127 116 George Is Drafted.mp3
    52. My Favorite Husband 510203 117 Liz Develops Inferiority.mp3
    53. My Favorite Husband 510210 118 Misunderstanding Of B.mp3
    54. My Favorite Husband 510224 120 Two Mothersinlaw.mp3
    55. My Favorite Husband 510303 121 Passports.mp3
    56. My Favorite Husband 510310 122 Surprise Party.mp3
    57. My Favorite Husband 510324 124 Iris And Lizs Easter.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    113 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 56 min
    113 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1338 MB – total playtime 48 hours, 56 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 57 shows – 672 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 41 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. My Favorite Husband 480705 aud The Cugats Tenth Wedding.mp3
    3. My Favorite Husband 480723 001 Literary Club's Speaker Comes.mp3
    4. My Favorite Husband 480723 002 The Magazine Photographer.mp3
    5. My Favorite Husband 480806 003 Portrait Painter.mp3
    6. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissin.mp3
    7. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissing Booth.mp3
    8. My Favorite Husband 480820 005 Liz Teaches Samba.mp3
    9. My Favorite Husband 480903 007 Lizs Mother Has Second T.mp3
    10. My Favorite Husband 480910 008 Liz Has Her Fortune Told.mp3
    11. My Favorite Husband 480917 009 Liz And General.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 480924 010 Knitting Baby Booties.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 481002 011 Young Matron League Tryou.mp3
    14. My Favorite Husband 481009 012 Georges Old Flame.mp3
    15. My Favorite Husband 481009 013 Matrons League Game.mp3
    16. My Favorite Husband 481016 014 Liz Sells Dress.mp3
    17. My Favorite Husband 481023 015 Quiz Show.mp3
    18. My Favorite Husband 481106 017 Katy And Roscoe.mp3
    19. My Favorite Husband 481113 018 Learning To Drive.mp3
    20. My Favorite Husband 481120 019 George Attends Teenage.mp3
    21. My Favorite Husband 481127 020 Is There Baby In Ho.mp3
    22. My Favorite Husband 481204 021 Be Your Husbands Best Fr.mp3
    23. My Favorite Husband 481218 023 Lizs New Dresses.mp3
    24. My Favorite Husband 481225 024 Numerology.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 490101 025 Young Matron League Tryou.mp3
    26. My Favorite Husband 490107 026 Over Budget Beans.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 490114 027 Piano Violin Lessons.mp3
    28. My Favorite Husband 490121 028 Marriage License Error.mp3
    29. My Favorite Husband 490128 029 Absolute Truth.mp3
    30. My Favorite Husband 490204 030 Speech For Civic Organiza.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 490218 032 Secretary School.mp3
    33. My Favorite Husband 490225 033 Absent Mindedness.mp3
    34. My Favorite Husband 490304 034 Motherinlaw.mp3
    35. My Favorite Husband 490311 035 Charity Review.mp3
    36. My Favorite Husband 490401 038 April Fools Day.mp3
    37. My Favorite Husband 490408 039 Gun Machine Demand Your.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 490415 040 Horseback Riding.mp3
    39. My Favorite Husband 490422 041 Time Budgeting.mp3
    40. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time.mp3
    41. My Favorite Husband 490506 043 Overweight.mp3
    42. My Favorite Husband 490513 044 Anniversary Presents.mp3
    43. My Favorite Husband 490520 045 Getting Old.mp3
    44. My Favorite Husband 490527 046 Liz In Hospital.mp3
    45. My Favorite Husband 490610 048 Hair Dyed.mp3
    46. My Favorite Husband 490617 049 Television.mp3
    47. My Favorite Husband 490624 050 Liz Changes Her Mind.mp3
    48. My Favorite Husband 490701 051 Reminiscing.mp3
    49. My Favorite Husband 490902 052 Elves.mp3
    50. My Favorite Husband 490916 054 Girls Play Baseball.mp3
    51. My Favorite Husband 490923 055 Attic.mp3
    52. My Favorite Husband 490930 056 Womans Club Election.mp3
    53. My Favorite Husband 491007 057 George Tries For Raise.mp3
    54. My Favorite Husband 491014 058 Television.mp3
    55. My Favorite Husband 491021 059 Superstition.mp3
    56. My Favorite Husband 491028 060 Halloween Surprise Party.mp3
    57. My Favorite Husband 491104 061 Mother In Law.mp3
    58. My Favorite Husband 491111 062 Baby Sitting.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 56 shows – 666 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 14 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. My Favorite Husband 491118 063 Katy And Mr Negley.mp3
    3. My Favorite Husband 491125 064 Quiz Show.mp3
    4. My Favorite Husband 491202 065 College Homecoming.mp3
    5. My Favorite Husband 491209 066 French Lessons.mp3
    6. My Favorite Husband 491216 067 Georges Christmas Presents.mp3
    7. My Favorite Husband 491223 068 Sleigh Ride.mp3
    8. My Favorite Husband 491230 069 Liz And George Are Handcu.mp3
    9. My Favorite Husband 500106 070 Is There Another Woman.mp3
    10. My Favorite Husband 500113 071 Liz Teaches Iris To Drive.mp3
    11. My Favorite Husband 500120 072 Liz And Green Wig.mp3
    12. My Favorite Husband 500127 073 Liz Writes Song.mp3
    13. My Favorite Husband 500203 074 Country Club Dance.mp3
    14. My Favorite Husband 500210 075 Mrs. Coopers Boyfriend.mp3
    15. My Favorite Husband 500217 076 Liz Teaches Samba.mp3
    16. My Favorite Husband 500224 077 Liz Redecorates House.mp3
    17. My Favorite Husband 500305 078 Womens Rights Pt 1.mp3
    18. My Favorite Husband 500312 079 Womens Rights Pt 2.mp3
    19. My Favorite Husband 500319 080 Wills.mp3
    20. My Favorite Husband 500326 081 Lizs Radio Script.mp3
    21. My Favorite Husband 500409 083 Hobbies.mp3
    22. My Favorite Husband 500416 084 Anniversary.mp3
    23. My Favorite Husband 500423 085 Friendship Award.mp3
    24. My Favorite Husband 500430 086 Spring Housecleaning.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 500514 088 Numerology.mp3
    26. My Favorite Husband 500528 090 Selling Dresses.mp3
    27. My Favorite Husband 500604 091 George Is Messy.mp3
    28. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim.mp3
    29. My Favorite Husband 500618 093 Be Pal.mp3
    30. My Favorite Husband 500625 094 Dancing Lessons.mp3
    31. My Favorite Husband 500902 095 Old Clothes To Junkma.mp3
    32. My Favorite Husband 500909 096 Gossip.mp3
    33. My Favorite Husband 500930 099 Liz Changes Her Mind.mp3
    34. My Favorite Husband 501007 100 Liz Becomes Sculptor.mp3
    35. My Favorite Husband 501014 101 Liz Cooks Dinner For Twel.mp3
    36. My Favorite Husband 501021 102 Safety Drive.mp3
    37. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game.mp3
    38. My Favorite Husband 501104 104 Two Mrs. Coopers.mp3
    39. My Favorite Husband 501111 105 Vacation From Marriage.mp3
    40. My Favorite Husband 501118 104 Math Contest.mp3
    41. My Favorite Husband 501118 106 Liz Goes To Night School.mp3
    42. My Favorite Husband 501125 107 Lizs Birthday.mp3
    43. My Favorite Husband 501202 108 Trying To Marry Off Peggy.mp3
    44. My Favorite Husband 501209 109 Trying To Cash Prize.mp3
    45. My Favorite Husband 501216 110 Christmas Cards.mp3
    46. My Favorite Husband 501223 111 Christmas Stag.mp3
    47. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs.mp3
    48. My Favorite Husband 510106 113 Liz Substitutes In Club.mp3
    49. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock.mp3
    50. My Favorite Husband 510120 115 Liz Stretches Truth.mp3
    51. My Favorite Husband 510127 116 George Is Drafted.mp3
    52. My Favorite Husband 510203 117 Liz Develops Inferiority.mp3
    53. My Favorite Husband 510210 118 Misunderstanding Of B.mp3
    54. My Favorite Husband 510224 120 Two Mothersinlaw.mp3
    55. My Favorite Husband 510303 121 Passports.mp3
    56. My Favorite Husband 510310 122 Surprise Party.mp3
    57. My Favorite Husband 510324 124 Iris And Lizs Easter.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    113 recordings on 56 Audio CDs. Total playtime 48 hours, 56 min
    113 recordings on 56 Audio CDs
    total playtime 48 hours, 56 min

    My Favorite Husband Disc A001

    1. My Favorite Husband 480705 aud The Cugats Tenth Wedding
    2. My Favorite Husband 480723 001 Literary Club's Speaker Comes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A002

    1. My Favorite Husband 480723 002 The Magazine Photographer
    2. My Favorite Husband 480806 003 Portrait Painter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A003

    1. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissin
    2. My Favorite Husband 480813 004 Charity Bazaar Kissing Booth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A004

    1. My Favorite Husband 480820 005 Liz Teaches Samba
    2. My Favorite Husband 480903 007 Lizs Mother Has Second T

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A005

    1. My Favorite Husband 480910 008 Liz Has Her Fortune Told
    2. My Favorite Husband 480917 009 Liz And General

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A006

    1. My Favorite Husband 480924 010 Knitting Baby Booties
    2. My Favorite Husband 481002 011 Young Matron League Tryou

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A007

    1. My Favorite Husband 481009 012 Georges Old Flame
    2. My Favorite Husband 481009 013 Matrons League Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A008

    1. My Favorite Husband 481016 014 Liz Sells Dress
    2. My Favorite Husband 481023 015 Quiz Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A009

    1. My Favorite Husband 481106 017 Katy And Roscoe
    2. My Favorite Husband 481113 018 Learning To Drive

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A010

    1. My Favorite Husband 481120 019 George Attends Teenage
    2. My Favorite Husband 481127 020 Is There Baby In Ho

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A011

    1. My Favorite Husband 481204 021 Be Your Husbands Best Fr
    2. My Favorite Husband 481218 023 Lizs New Dresses

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A012

    1. My Favorite Husband 481225 024 Numerology
    2. My Favorite Husband 490101 025 Young Matron League Tryou

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A013

    1. My Favorite Husband 490107 026 Over Budget Beans
    2. My Favorite Husband 490114 027 Piano Violin Lessons

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A014

    1. My Favorite Husband 490121 028 Marriage License Error
    2. My Favorite Husband 490128 029 Absolute Truth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A015

    1. My Favorite Husband 490204 030 Speech For Civic Organiza
    2. My Favorite Husband 490211 031 Valentines Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A016

    1. My Favorite Husband 490218 032 Secretary School
    2. My Favorite Husband 490225 033 Absent Mindedness

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A017

    1. My Favorite Husband 490304 034 Motherinlaw
    2. My Favorite Husband 490311 035 Charity Review

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A018

    1. My Favorite Husband 490401 038 April Fools Day
    2. My Favorite Husband 490408 039 Gun Machine Demand Your

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A019

    1. My Favorite Husband 490415 040 Horseback Riding
    2. My Favorite Husband 490422 041 Time Budgeting

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    My Favorite Husband Disc A020

    1. My Favorite Husband 490429 042 Vacation Time
    2. My Favorite Husband 490506 043 Overweight

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A021

    1. My Favorite Husband 490513 044 Anniversary Presents
    2. My Favorite Husband 490520 045 Getting Old

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A022

    1. My Favorite Husband 490527 046 Liz In Hospital
    2. My Favorite Husband 490610 048 Hair Dyed

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A023

    1. My Favorite Husband 490617 049 Television
    2. My Favorite Husband 490624 050 Liz Changes Her Mind

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A024

    1. My Favorite Husband 490701 051 Reminiscing
    2. My Favorite Husband 490902 052 Elves

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A025

    1. My Favorite Husband 490916 054 Girls Play Baseball
    2. My Favorite Husband 490923 055 Attic
    3. My Favorite Husband 490930 056 Womans Club Election

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A026

    1. My Favorite Husband 491007 057 George Tries For Raise
    2. My Favorite Husband 491014 058 Television

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A027

    1. My Favorite Husband 491021 059 Superstition
    2. My Favorite Husband 491028 060 Halloween Surprise Party

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A028

    1. My Favorite Husband 491104 061 Mother In Law
    2. My Favorite Husband 491111 062 Baby Sitting

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A029

    1. My Favorite Husband 491118 063 Katy And Mr Negley
    2. My Favorite Husband 491125 064 Quiz Show

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A030

    1. My Favorite Husband 491202 065 College Homecoming
    2. My Favorite Husband 491209 066 French Lessons

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A031

    1. My Favorite Husband 491216 067 Georges Christmas Presents
    2. My Favorite Husband 491223 068 Sleigh Ride

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A032

    1. My Favorite Husband 491230 069 Liz And George Are Handcu
    2. My Favorite Husband 500106 070 Is There Another Woman

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A033

    1. My Favorite Husband 500113 071 Liz Teaches Iris To Drive
    2. My Favorite Husband 500120 072 Liz And Green Wig

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A034

    1. My Favorite Husband 500127 073 Liz Writes Song
    2. My Favorite Husband 500203 074 Country Club Dance

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A035

    1. My Favorite Husband 500210 075 Mrs. Coopers Boyfriend
    2. My Favorite Husband 500217 076 Liz Teaches Samba

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A036

    1. My Favorite Husband 500224 077 Liz Redecorates House
    2. My Favorite Husband 500305 078 Womens Rights Pt 1

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A037

    1. My Favorite Husband 500312 079 Womens Rights Pt 2
    2. My Favorite Husband 500319 080 Wills

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A038

    1. My Favorite Husband 500326 081 Lizs Radio Script
    2. My Favorite Husband 500409 083 Hobbies

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A039

    1. My Favorite Husband 500416 084 Anniversary
    2. My Favorite Husband 500423 085 Friendship Award

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A040

    1. My Favorite Husband 500430 086 Spring Housecleaning
    2. My Favorite Husband 500514 088 Numerology
    3. My Favorite Husband 500528 090 Selling Dresses

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A041

    1. My Favorite Husband 500604 091 George Is Messy
    2. My Favorite Husband 500611 092 Liz Learns To Swim

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A042

    1. My Favorite Husband 500618 093 Be Pal
    2. My Favorite Husband 500625 094 Dancing Lessons

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A043

    1. My Favorite Husband 500902 095 Old Clothes To Junkma
    2. My Favorite Husband 500909 096 Gossip

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A044

    1. My Favorite Husband 500930 099 Liz Changes Her Mind
    2. My Favorite Husband 501007 100 Liz Becomes Sculptor

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A045

    1. My Favorite Husband 501014 101 Liz Cooks Dinner For Twel
    2. My Favorite Husband 501021 102 Safety Drive

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A046

    1. My Favorite Husband 501028 103 Football Game
    2. My Favorite Husband 501104 104 Two Mrs. Coopers

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A047

    1. My Favorite Husband 501111 105 Vacation From Marriage
    2. My Favorite Husband 501118 104 Math Contest

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A048

    1. My Favorite Husband 501118 106 Liz Goes To Night School
    2. My Favorite Husband 501125 107 Lizs Birthday

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A049

    1. My Favorite Husband 501202 108 Trying To Marry Off Peggy
    2. My Favorite Husband 501209 109 Trying To Cash Prize

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A050

    1. My Favorite Husband 501216 110 Christmas Cards
    2. My Favorite Husband 501223 111 Christmas Stag

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A051

    1. My Favorite Husband 501230 112 Liz Has Flimjabs
    2. My Favorite Husband 510106 113 Liz Substitutes In Club

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A052

    1. My Favorite Husband 510113 114 Cuckoo Clock
    2. My Favorite Husband 510120 115 Liz Stretches Truth

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A053

    1. My Favorite Husband 510127 116 George Is Drafted
    2. My Favorite Husband 510203 117 Liz Develops Inferiority

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A054

    1. My Favorite Husband 510210 118 Misunderstanding Of B
    2. My Favorite Husband 510224 120 Two Mothersinlaw

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A055

    1. My Favorite Husband 510303 121 Passports
    2. My Favorite Husband 510310 122 Surprise Party

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    My Favorite Husband Disc A056

    1. My Favorite Husband 510324 124 Iris And Lizs Easter

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