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Mail Call

These star-packed love letters to the troops, from Hollywood during WWII.

Mail Call

85 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 41 hours, 16 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
42 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from August 23, 1944:

"Nelson Eddy and Burns and Allen"

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Mail Call

Mail CallBefore the age of email, for most Servicemen the most important words they would hear all day would be Mail Call.

Mail Call simply could not come often enough. There could be no better medicine from the strain of being on the front lines or the boredom of long hours waiting for something to happen. The most important thing to come on-board a Navy ship when coming into port were the bags of mail, sometimes weeks old, but filled with news from loved ones back home. True, sometimes that news was a dreaded "Dear John" letter, but more often it was perfumed well-wishes from a Sweetheart, or even just "kitchen-table gossip" from Mom. Often the letter would be tucked into a uniform pocket, closest to the soldier or sailor's heart, to be read and reread when ever there was time for a break.

This was the spirit of the AFRS program Mail Call. The program was a love letter to the troops. Even though it featured many of the most popular and highest paid talent in Hollywood (all providing their services for free to AFRS), the program was not available to the folks back home.

Chester Lauck, Bob Willis, Norris Goff
Chester Lauck, Bob Wills, Norris Goff (1943)

The Armed Forces Radio Service was established in the early months of WWII. Before AFRS was officially established, Command Performance began production March 1, 1942. The Networks also provided shows for the service (with the commercials removed). AFRS produced a number of their own comedy variety programs at their Hollywood Studios, such as G.I. Journal, Jubilee, and G.I. Jive, along with Mail Call.

The guest stars include comedians Bing Crosby, Nelson EddyJack Benny, Tito GuizarTony Martin,  Harpo and Groucho Marx; starlets Cass DaleyBetty Grable, Dinah Shore, Dorothy LamourClaire TrevorTallulah Bankhead, Bette Davis, Betty Hutton, Marilyn Maxwell, Ida Lupino, Joan Davis, and Judy Garland; and comic duos Burns and Allen, among others.

See also the Command Performance and Request Performance.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    85 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 16 min
    85 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 41 hours, 16 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 46 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mail Call 421104 011 Betty Rhodes Bing Crosby Fred Astaire.mp3
    3. Mail Call 421111 012 Bob Burns Shore G Montgomery Mercer.mp3
    4. Mail Call 430109 019 Groucho Betty Grable Judy Garland.mp3
    5. Mail Call 430303 027 Bob Hope Betty Hutton Dick Powell.mp3
    6. Mail Call 430312 028 Orson Welles R Benchley Sons Pioneers.mp3
    7. Mail Call 430331 031 Claire Trevor Connie Haines Bergen.mp3
    8. Mail Call 430407 032 Lionel Barrymore Langford Phil Baker.mp3
    9. Mail Call 430630 044 George Jessel Mary Lee Paulette Goddard.mp3
    10. Mail Call 430715 046 EG Robinson D.Powell M.Hutton A.Miller.mp3
    11. Mail Call 430826 053 Groucho Irene Manning Paulette Goddard.mp3
    12. Mail Call 430930 058 Lionel Barrymore Baby Snooks Dennis Day.mp3
    13. Mail Call 431020 061 Bing N.L.Martin F.Morgan John Conte.mp3
    14. Mail Call 431027 062 B.Grable Carlos Ramirez Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    15. Mail Call 431124 066 Laurel And Hardy.mp3
    16. Mail Call 431201 067 Groucho Marx.mp3
    17. Mail Call 431208 068 Al Pearce Eddie Anderson Janet Blair.mp3
    18. Mail Call 431222 070 W Fred Allen.mp3
    19. Mail Call 440105 072 Benny Garland Mercer Delta Rhythm Boys.mp3
    20. Mail Call 440112 073 B.Crosby Skinnay Ennis Dorothy Lamour.mp3
    21. Mail Call 440209 077 A.Menjou Williams Brothers I.Manning.mp3
    22. Mail Call 440216 078 Bing Richard Crooks Connee Boswell.mp3
    23. Mail Call 440223 079 Lum N Abner Jerry Cooper Judy Canova.mp3
    24. Mail Call 440308 081 Barrymore Connie Haines Pied Pipers.mp3
    25. Mail Call 440315 082 K.Smith R.Benchley William Brothers.mp3
    26. Mail Call 440412 086 Groucho Marx.mp3
    27. Mail Call 440426 088 W Ed Gardner.mp3
    28. Mail Call 440503 089 J.Jones Davis Street Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    29. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna.mp3
    30. Mail Call 440517 091 Judy Garland Jimmy Durante Bing Crosby.mp3
    31. Mail Call 440524 093 P.Goddard WCFields V.Obrien E.Bergen.mp3
    32. Mail Call 440602 094 Bob Hope.mp3
    33. Mail Call 440614 096 Walter Winchell Ginny Simms.mp3
    34. Mail Call 440621 097 J.Blondell J.Melton Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    35. Mail Call 440628 097 Judy Garland Bing Crosby Bob Hope.mp3
    36. Mail Call 440628 098 H.Marshall Marjorie Main Gloria Dehaven.mp3
    37. Mail Call 440726 102 Hawaii B.Crosby C.Haines Betty Grable.mp3
    38. Mail Call 440802 103 Canada Norma Shearer Cecilia Parke.mp3
    39. Mail Call 440809 104 Maine Vallee Sinatra Allen Livingstone.mp3
    40. Mail Call 440823 106 J.Macdonald N.Eddy Burns And Allen.mp3
    41. Mail Call 440913 109 G.Moore L.Albritton M.Maxwell Amos Andy.mp3
    42. Mail Call 440920 110 Don Ameche Joe Besser Nancy Walker.mp3
    43. Mail Call 440927 111 Ginny Simms Johnny Mercer Jo Stafford.mp3
    44. Mail Call 441005 112 K.Kyser G.Gibbs K.Grayson Ish Kabibble.mp3
    45. Mail Call 441011 113 Frances Langford Larry Adler.mp3
    46. Mail Call 441025 115 T.Bankhead Danny Kaye Ethel Smith.mp3
    47. Mail Call 441122 120 Bing Crosby Rise Stevens Garry Moore.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mail Call 441129 121 Carmen Miranda.mp3
    3. Mail Call 441214 123 Dinah Shore.mp3
    4. Mail Call 441221 124 Ann Rutherford.mp3
    5. Mail Call 441227 125 D.Shore C.Ramirez J.Durante V.Obrien.mp3
    6. Mail Call 441228 124 Groucho Marx.mp3
    7. Mail Call 450110 126 A.Rutherford Jo.Mercer G.Moore.mp3
    8. Mail Call 450117 127 G.Marx R.Benchley I.Lupino G.Dehaven.mp3
    9. Mail Call 450124 128 Bing Crosby Lauritz Melchior Cass Daley.mp3
    10. Mail Call 450131 129 J.Allyson H.Hilliard O.Nelson.mp3
    11. Mail Call 450214 131 D.Ameche M.Chapman Bobbie Baker.mp3
    12. Mail Call 450214 133 Frances Langford.mp3
    13. Mail Call 450228 134 D.Haymes King Sist J.Durante E.Jackson.mp3
    14. Mail Call 450307 135 J.Benny P.Goddard C.Colbert J.Crain.mp3
    15. Mail Call 450314 136 Nelson Eddy Cass Daley.mp3
    16. Mail Call 450321 137 F.Morgan Burns Allen H.Marx R.Hayworth.mp3
    17. Mail Call 450328 138 Bing Crosby Betty Davis Jack Benny.mp3
    18. Mail Call 450404 139 Jack Carson.mp3
    19. Mail Call 450411 140 Judy Garland.mp3
    20. Mail Call 450418 141 G.Simms Robert Benchley Gildersleeve.mp3
    21. Mail Call 450425 142 Betty Hutton.mp3
    22. Mail Call 450502 143 B.Hope C.Gable M.Obrien Dame May Whitty.mp3
    23. Mail Call 450516 145 B.Grable George Jessel Mills Brothers.mp3
    24. Mail Call 460116 178 Jack Douglas.mp3
    25. Mail Call 460327 188 G.Marx Kenny Baker Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    26. Mail Call 460501 193 I Got Blues.mp3
    27. Mail Call 460515 195 It’s Just My Luck.mp3
    28. Mail Call 460520 193 G.Murphy V.Obrien Burns-Allen.mp3
    29. Mail Call 470000 Cathy Downs Victor Borge Johnny Green.mp3
    30. Mail Call 470122 231 Gloria Dehaven.mp3
    31. Mail Call 471001 266 Chili Williams F.Sinatra F.Langford.mp3
    32. Mail Call 471008 267 Lina Romay Groucho Marx.mp3
    33. Mail Call 471105 271 Chili Williams Mel Torme Ginny Simms.mp3
    34. Mail Call 471112 272 Chili Williams Mel Torme Melina Miller.mp3
    35. Mail Call 471203 275 Chili Williams H.Carmichael J.Powell.mp3
    36. Mail Call 481013 320 P.Knudsen B.Grable G.Ratoff O.Welles.mp3
    37. Mail Call 481208 328 Frances Gifford Ginny Simms.mp3
    38. Mail Call 490425 340 F.Gifford J.Stafford D.Thomas C.Dennis.mp3
    39. Mail Call Assembled Show Dinah Shore Tony Martin 243.mp3
    40. Mail Call Candy.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    85 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 41 hours, 16 min
    85 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1127 MB – total playtime 41 hours, 16 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 46 shows – 606 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mail Call 421104 011 Betty Rhodes Bing Crosby Fred Astaire.mp3
    3. Mail Call 421111 012 Bob Burns Shore G Montgomery Mercer.mp3
    4. Mail Call 430109 019 Groucho Betty Grable Judy Garland.mp3
    5. Mail Call 430303 027 Bob Hope Betty Hutton Dick Powell.mp3
    6. Mail Call 430312 028 Orson Welles R Benchley Sons Pioneers.mp3
    7. Mail Call 430331 031 Claire Trevor Connie Haines Bergen.mp3
    8. Mail Call 430407 032 Lionel Barrymore Langford Phil Baker.mp3
    9. Mail Call 430630 044 George Jessel Mary Lee Paulette Goddard.mp3
    10. Mail Call 430715 046 EG Robinson D.Powell M.Hutton A.Miller.mp3
    11. Mail Call 430826 053 Groucho Irene Manning Paulette Goddard.mp3
    12. Mail Call 430930 058 Lionel Barrymore Baby Snooks Dennis Day.mp3
    13. Mail Call 431020 061 Bing N.L.Martin F.Morgan John Conte.mp3
    14. Mail Call 431027 062 B.Grable Carlos Ramirez Fibber Mcgee.mp3
    15. Mail Call 431124 066 Laurel And Hardy.mp3
    16. Mail Call 431201 067 Groucho Marx.mp3
    17. Mail Call 431208 068 Al Pearce Eddie Anderson Janet Blair.mp3
    18. Mail Call 431222 070 W Fred Allen.mp3
    19. Mail Call 440105 072 Benny Garland Mercer Delta Rhythm Boys.mp3
    20. Mail Call 440112 073 B.Crosby Skinnay Ennis Dorothy Lamour.mp3
    21. Mail Call 440209 077 A.Menjou Williams Brothers I.Manning.mp3
    22. Mail Call 440216 078 Bing Richard Crooks Connee Boswell.mp3
    23. Mail Call 440223 079 Lum N Abner Jerry Cooper Judy Canova.mp3
    24. Mail Call 440308 081 Barrymore Connie Haines Pied Pipers.mp3
    25. Mail Call 440315 082 K.Smith R.Benchley William Brothers.mp3
    26. Mail Call 440412 086 Groucho Marx.mp3
    27. Mail Call 440426 088 W Ed Gardner.mp3
    28. Mail Call 440503 089 J.Jones Davis Street Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    29. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna.mp3
    30. Mail Call 440517 091 Judy Garland Jimmy Durante Bing Crosby.mp3
    31. Mail Call 440524 093 P.Goddard WCFields V.Obrien E.Bergen.mp3
    32. Mail Call 440602 094 Bob Hope.mp3
    33. Mail Call 440614 096 Walter Winchell Ginny Simms.mp3
    34. Mail Call 440621 097 J.Blondell J.Melton Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    35. Mail Call 440628 097 Judy Garland Bing Crosby Bob Hope.mp3
    36. Mail Call 440628 098 H.Marshall Marjorie Main Gloria Dehaven.mp3
    37. Mail Call 440726 102 Hawaii B.Crosby C.Haines Betty Grable.mp3
    38. Mail Call 440802 103 Canada Norma Shearer Cecilia Parke.mp3
    39. Mail Call 440809 104 Maine Vallee Sinatra Allen Livingstone.mp3
    40. Mail Call 440823 106 J.Macdonald N.Eddy Burns And Allen.mp3
    41. Mail Call 440913 109 G.Moore L.Albritton M.Maxwell Amos Andy.mp3
    42. Mail Call 440920 110 Don Ameche Joe Besser Nancy Walker.mp3
    43. Mail Call 440927 111 Ginny Simms Johnny Mercer Jo Stafford.mp3
    44. Mail Call 441005 112 K.Kyser G.Gibbs K.Grayson Ish Kabibble.mp3
    45. Mail Call 441011 113 Frances Langford Larry Adler.mp3
    46. Mail Call 441025 115 T.Bankhead Danny Kaye Ethel Smith.mp3
    47. Mail Call 441122 120 Bing Crosby Rise Stevens Garry Moore.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – 521 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Mail Call 441129 121 Carmen Miranda.mp3
    3. Mail Call 441214 123 Dinah Shore.mp3
    4. Mail Call 441221 124 Ann Rutherford.mp3
    5. Mail Call 441227 125 D.Shore C.Ramirez J.Durante V.Obrien.mp3
    6. Mail Call 441228 124 Groucho Marx.mp3
    7. Mail Call 450110 126 A.Rutherford Jo.Mercer G.Moore.mp3
    8. Mail Call 450117 127 G.Marx R.Benchley I.Lupino G.Dehaven.mp3
    9. Mail Call 450124 128 Bing Crosby Lauritz Melchior Cass Daley.mp3
    10. Mail Call 450131 129 J.Allyson H.Hilliard O.Nelson.mp3
    11. Mail Call 450214 131 D.Ameche M.Chapman Bobbie Baker.mp3
    12. Mail Call 450214 133 Frances Langford.mp3
    13. Mail Call 450228 134 D.Haymes King Sist J.Durante E.Jackson.mp3
    14. Mail Call 450307 135 J.Benny P.Goddard C.Colbert J.Crain.mp3
    15. Mail Call 450314 136 Nelson Eddy Cass Daley.mp3
    16. Mail Call 450321 137 F.Morgan Burns Allen H.Marx R.Hayworth.mp3
    17. Mail Call 450328 138 Bing Crosby Betty Davis Jack Benny.mp3
    18. Mail Call 450404 139 Jack Carson.mp3
    19. Mail Call 450411 140 Judy Garland.mp3
    20. Mail Call 450418 141 G.Simms Robert Benchley Gildersleeve.mp3
    21. Mail Call 450425 142 Betty Hutton.mp3
    22. Mail Call 450502 143 B.Hope C.Gable M.Obrien Dame May Whitty.mp3
    23. Mail Call 450516 145 B.Grable George Jessel Mills Brothers.mp3
    24. Mail Call 460116 178 Jack Douglas.mp3
    25. Mail Call 460327 188 G.Marx Kenny Baker Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    26. Mail Call 460501 193 I Got Blues.mp3
    27. Mail Call 460515 195 It’s Just My Luck.mp3
    28. Mail Call 460520 193 G.Murphy V.Obrien Burns-Allen.mp3
    29. Mail Call 470000 Cathy Downs Victor Borge Johnny Green.mp3
    30. Mail Call 470122 231 Gloria Dehaven.mp3
    31. Mail Call 471001 266 Chili Williams F.Sinatra F.Langford.mp3
    32. Mail Call 471008 267 Lina Romay Groucho Marx.mp3
    33. Mail Call 471105 271 Chili Williams Mel Torme Ginny Simms.mp3
    34. Mail Call 471112 272 Chili Williams Mel Torme Melina Miller.mp3
    35. Mail Call 471203 275 Chili Williams H.Carmichael J.Powell.mp3
    36. Mail Call 481013 320 P.Knudsen B.Grable G.Ratoff O.Welles.mp3
    37. Mail Call 481208 328 Frances Gifford Ginny Simms.mp3
    38. Mail Call 490425 340 F.Gifford J.Stafford D.Thomas C.Dennis.mp3
    39. Mail Call Assembled Show Dinah Shore Tony Martin 243.mp3
    40. Mail Call Candy.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    85 recordings on 42 Audio CDs. Total playtime 41 hours, 16 min
    85 recordings on 42 Audio CDs
    total playtime 41 hours, 16 min

    Mail Call Disc A001

    1. Mail Call Assembled Show Dinah Shore Tony Martin 243
    2. Mail Call Candy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A002

    1. Mail Call 421104 011 Betty Rhodes Bing Crosby Fred Astaire
    2. Mail Call 421111 012 Bob Burns Shore G Montgomery Mercer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A003

    1. Mail Call 430109 019 Groucho Betty Grable Judy Garland
    2. Mail Call 430303 027 Bob Hope Betty Hutton Dick Powell
    3. Mail Call 430312 028 Orson Welles R Benchley Sons Pioneers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A004

    1. Mail Call 430331 031 Claire Trevor Connie Haines Bergen
    2. Mail Call 430407 032 Lionel Barrymore Langford Phil Baker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A005

    1. Mail Call 430630 044 George Jessel Mary Lee Paulette Goddard
    2. Mail Call 430715 046 EG Robinson D.Powell M.Hutton A.Miller

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A006

    1. Mail Call 430826 053 Groucho Irene Manning Paulette Goddard
    2. Mail Call 430930 058 Lionel Barrymore Baby Snooks Dennis Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A007

    1. Mail Call 431020 061 Bing N.L.Martin F.Morgan John Conte
    2. Mail Call 431027 062 B.Grable Carlos Ramirez Fibber Mcgee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A008

    1. Mail Call 431124 066 Laurel And Hardy
    2. Mail Call 431201 067 Groucho Marx

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A009

    1. Mail Call 431208 068 Al Pearce Eddie Anderson Janet Blair
    2. Mail Call 431222 070 W Fred Allen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A010

    1. Mail Call 440105 072 Benny Garland Mercer Delta Rhythm Boys
    2. Mail Call 440112 073 B.Crosby Skinnay Ennis Dorothy Lamour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A011

    1. Mail Call 440209 077 A.Menjou Williams Brothers I.Manning
    2. Mail Call 440216 078 Bing Richard Crooks Connee Boswell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A012

    1. Mail Call 440223 079 Lum N Abner Jerry Cooper Judy Canova
    2. Mail Call 440308 081 Barrymore Connie Haines Pied Pipers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A013

    1. Mail Call 440315 082 K.Smith R.Benchley William Brothers
    2. Mail Call 440412 086 Groucho Marx

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A014

    1. Mail Call 440426 088 W Ed Gardner
    2. Mail Call 440503 089 J.Jones Davis Street Kathryn Grayson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A015

    1. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna
    2. Mail Call 440517 091 Judy Garland Jimmy Durante Bing Crosby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A016

    1. Mail Call 440524 093 P.Goddard WCFields V.Obrien E.Bergen
    2. Mail Call 440602 094 Bob Hope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A017

    1. Mail Call 440614 096 Walter Winchell Ginny Simms
    2. Mail Call 440621 097 J.Blondell J.Melton Marilyn Maxwell
    3. Mail Call 440628 097 Judy Garland Bing Crosby Bob Hope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A018

    1. Mail Call 440628 098 H.Marshall Marjorie Main Gloria Dehaven
    2. Mail Call 440726 102 Hawaii B.Crosby C.Haines Betty Grable

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A019

    1. Mail Call 440802 103 Canada Norma Shearer Cecilia Parke
    2. Mail Call 440809 104 Maine Vallee Sinatra Allen Livingstone

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A020

    1. Mail Call 440823 106 J.Macdonald N.Eddy Burns And Allen
    2. Mail Call 440913 109 G.Moore L.Albritton M.Maxwell Amos Andy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A021

    1. Mail Call 440920 110 Don Ameche Joe Besser Nancy Walker
    2. Mail Call 440927 111 Ginny Simms Johnny Mercer Jo Stafford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A022

    1. Mail Call 441005 112 K.Kyser G.Gibbs K.Grayson Ish Kabibble
    2. Mail Call 441011 113 Frances Langford Larry Adler

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A023

    1. Mail Call 441025 115 T.Bankhead Danny Kaye Ethel Smith
    2. Mail Call 441122 120 Bing Crosby Rise Stevens Garry Moore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A024

    1. Mail Call 441129 121 Carmen Miranda
    2. Mail Call 441214 123 Dinah Shore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A025

    1. Mail Call 441221 124 Ann Rutherford
    2. Mail Call 441227 125 D.Shore C.Ramirez J.Durante V.Obrien

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A026

    1. Mail Call 441228 124 Groucho Marx
    2. Mail Call 450110 126 A.Rutherford Jo.Mercer G.Moore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A027

    1. Mail Call 450117 127 G.Marx R.Benchley I.Lupino G.Dehaven
    2. Mail Call 450124 128 Bing Crosby Lauritz Melchior Cass Daley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A028

    1. Mail Call 450131 129 J.Allyson H.Hilliard O.Nelson
    2. Mail Call 450214 131 D.Ameche M.Chapman Bobbie Baker

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A029

    1. Mail Call 450214 133 Frances Langford
    2. Mail Call 450228 134 D.Haymes King Sist J.Durante E.Jackson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A030

    1. Mail Call 450307 135 J.Benny P.Goddard C.Colbert J.Crain
    2. Mail Call 450314 136 Nelson Eddy Cass Daley

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A031

    1. Mail Call 450321 137 F.Morgan Burns Allen H.Marx R.Hayworth
    2. Mail Call 450328 138 Bing Crosby Betty Davis Jack Benny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A032

    1. Mail Call 450404 139 Jack Carson
    2. Mail Call 450411 140 Judy Garland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A033

    1. Mail Call 450418 141 G.Simms Robert Benchley Gildersleeve
    2. Mail Call 450425 142 Betty Hutton

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A034

    1. Mail Call 450502 143 B.Hope C.Gable M.Obrien Dame May Whitty
    2. Mail Call 450516 145 B.Grable George Jessel Mills Brothers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A035

    1. Mail Call 460116 178 Jack Douglas
    2. Mail Call 460327 188 G.Marx Kenny Baker Kathryn Grayson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A036

    1. Mail Call 460501 193 I Got Blues
    2. Mail Call 460515 195 It’s Just My Luck

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A037

    1. Mail Call 460520 193 G.Murphy V.Obrien Burns-Allen
    2. Mail Call 470000 Cathy Downs Victor Borge Johnny Green

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A038

    1. Mail Call 470122 231 Gloria Dehaven
    2. Mail Call 471001 266 Chili Williams F.Sinatra F.Langford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A039

    1. Mail Call 471008 267 Lina Romay Groucho Marx
    2. Mail Call 471105 271 Chili Williams Mel Torme Ginny Simms

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A040

    1. Mail Call 471112 272 Chili Williams Mel Torme Melina Miller
    2. Mail Call 471203 275 Chili Williams H.Carmichael J.Powell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A041

    1. Mail Call 481013 320 P.Knudsen B.Grable G.Ratoff O.Welles
    2. Mail Call 481208 328 Frances Gifford Ginny Simms

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Mail Call Disc A042

    1. Mail Call 490425 340 F.Gifford J.Stafford D.Thomas C.Dennis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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