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Judy Canova Collection

A hillbilly, hog caller, and hayseed -- Judy Canova started her career in a traveling family group, usually yodeling, singing and playing guitar. The Judy Canova Show opened with a monologue and novelty song, and then broke out into sidesplitting half hour comedy skit.

Judy Canova

103 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 50 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
54 Audio CDs

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"Going To An Opera Masquerade"

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Judy Canova
(1913 – 1983)

Ruby Danridge plays Geranium on Judy Canova ShowJudy Canova with Pigtails
Comedy-variety (1943 - 53)

Judy Canova Show tonight 9 pm at KIRO Colgate Tooth PowderThe pigtails-and-calico fad was huge on college campuses across the United States in 1943, which can be attributed to one Miss Judy Canova, born Juliette Canova, and a direct descendent of Italian sculptor Antonio Canova, whose "The Three Graces" are displayed in the Louvre.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Judy Canova, the character, derived from her then Husband Bob Burns' persona, was first built in to her act early on in her career--basically, a hillbilly, hog caller, and hayseed. Judy started her career in a traveling family group, usually yodeling, singing and playing guitar, with her Sister Annie and her brother Zeke.The sibling trio were called, but what else than the Three Canovas.On a very fortunate night while the Canovas were performing in a nightclub act in New York Cityin 1933, Rudy Vallee, the famous saxophonist and host of his then popularshow Fleischmann Hour, happened tobe in the audience while the Canovas performed. An astonished Vallee approached Judy and asked her to appear on his show.From that moment on, Judy's career left the ground.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

The Judy Canova Show opened with a monologue and novelty song, and then broke out into sidesplitting half hour comedy skit. Judy Canova as CowgirlSometimes, Judy would go off and tell tall tales about her pig, Loverboy, or about her chopped-liver-ice-cream lovin' Cousin Ureenus. Some memorable catchphrases regularly came from the comic genius of cast member Mel Blanc, who played Pedro the Mexican Gardener-Chauffeur; he once uttered "Pardon me for talking in your face, senorita-thirty days hacienda, April, June, and sombrero." One of the most unforgettable catchphrases came in Judy's closing theme Goodnight Soldier during war times, which went "wherever you may be…my heart's lonely…without you."

Disk 1 and 2 are Judy Canova Show while Vol. 3 contains guest appearances in Judy Canova in various programs including Burns and Allen, Command Performance, Dennis Day, Here's To Veterans, Mail Call, Old Gold Comedy, One Man's Family, Radio Hall of Fame, Recollections at 30, Royal Gelatin Hour (Rudy Vallee), Screen Guild Theater, Sealtest Variety Hour, Its Time To Smile, and Which is Which.

See also: Female Comedians of the Golden Age of Radio

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    5     2


    Loved Judy on the radio and loved her in the movies...I actually got to meet her in 1971 at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco..We were in neighboring rooms in the hotel..She was appearing across the alley in the musical "No, No Nanette"

    Art Verified Purchase

    Loved Judy on the radio, loved all of her films, and a actually met her in San Francisco in 1971..She was on the stage in the musical "No-No Nanette"....We were both staying at the St. Francis Hotel on Union Square

    Art Verified Purchase

    "Howdy LuuuuKey"

    Bob Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    103 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 50 hours, 30 min
    103 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 50 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Judy Canova 430706 001 First Show.mp3
    3. Judy Canova 430727 004 Rome Wasnt Built In Day.mp3
    4. Judy Canova 430824 008 Date With Mickey Rooney.mp3
    5. Judy Canova 430831 009 Getting Pig Back To Rancho Canova.mp3
    6. Judy Canova 430907 010 Getting Mineral Water Pig, Lover Boy.mp3
    7. Judy Canova 431012 015 Jailed Breaking Cary Grants House.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 431019 016 Back From Army Camp.mp3
    9. Judy Canova 431109 017 Judy Into Hollywood To Get Turkey.mp3
    10. Judy Canova 431116 018 Description Of Prize Fight.mp3
    11. Judy Canova 440229 033 Just Back From Rancho Canova Motel.mp3
    12. Judy Canova 440307 034 Building Judys New House.mp3
    13. Judy Canova 440314 035 First Rest Home Guest.mp3
    14. Judy Canova 440321 036 Trip To Hollywood Canteen.mp3
    15. Judy Canova 440627 050 Judy Gone For Summer.mp3
    16. Judy Canova 450106 001 Judy To Live With Mrs Uppington.mp3
    17. Judy Canova 450526 021 Prettiest Girl Brentwood Fashion Show.mp3
    18. Judy Canova 450602 022 Like Fish Out Of Waterbrenda Laverne.mp3
    19. Judy Canova 450616 024 Horse Named Crowbait.mp3
    20. Judy Canova 450623 025 Masquerade Ball HQ.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 450630 026 Going Home For Summer.mp3
    22. Judy Canova 450901 027 Judy Comes Back From Farm.mp3
    23. Judy Canova 450915 029 An xclusive Place In Brentwood.mp3
    24. Judy Canova 450922 030 Pony Express Post Office.mp3
    25. Judy Canova 451020 034 Man's Best Friend Is His Dog.mp3
    26. Judy Canova 451103 036 Judy And Saxophone HQ.mp3
    27. Judy Canova 451110 037 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest.mp3
    28. Judy Canova 451117 038 Letter from Cactus Junction.mp3
    29. Judy Canova 451201 040 Judy In New York.mp3
    30. Judy Canova 451222 043 xclusive Brentwood Society Part.mp3
    31. Judy Canova 460105 045 Judy Model.mp3
    32. Judy Canova 460202 049 Genealogy Society.mp3
    33. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction.mp3
    34. Judy Canova 460223 052 Looking For Judys Dream Man.mp3
    35. Judy Canova 460413 059 Trading In Old Car.mp3
    36. Judy Canova 460608 067 Judy Prepares For Quiz Show.mp3
    37. Judy Canova 460615 068 Two Gun Gertie, Play.mp3
    38. Judy Canova 460831 071 Back From Cactus Junction.mp3
    39. Judy Canova 460907 072 Judy's Coming out Party.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Judy Canova 461012 077 Crescent City Gold Rush.mp3
    3. Judy Canova 461019 078 Judy At Radio.mp3
    4. Judy Canova 461109 081 Dreams About Marriage.mp3
    5. Judy Canova 461214 086 Queen Of Rose Bowl.mp3
    6. Judy Canova 461221e087 Quiet Christmas Party.mp3
    7. Judy Canova 461228 088 Western Sketch Amateur Show.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 470201 093 Mrs Prootwhistles Party.mp3
    9. Judy Canova 470222 096 Judy On Wishing Well Quiz Sh.mp3
    10. Judy Canova 470412 103 In Spring, Young Mans Fan.mp3
    11. Judy Canova 470419 104 Hollywood Glamor Contest.mp3
    12. Judy Canova 470426 105 Opera Masquerade.mp3
    13. Judy Canova 470920 118 American Life Magazines Story O.mp3
    14. Judy Canova 471004 120 Judys Screen Test.mp3
    15. Judy Canova 471018 122 Humphrey Cooper, Handsome Actor.mp3
    16. Judy Canova 471129 128 Day In Life Of Judy.mp3
    17. Judy Canova 471206 129 Is Humphrey Cooper Judys Dream Man.mp3
    18. Judy Canova 471213 131 Queen Of Brentwood Rodeo.mp3
    19. Judy Canova 471227 133 Judy's Diary - Radio Program Prospect.mp3
    20. Judy Canova 480103 134 Great Hopes For Leap Year.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 480110 135 Judy Dejected Over Humphrey Coop.mp3
    22. Judy Canova 480117 136 ddie Cantor For President.mp3
    23. Judy Canova 480124 137 Judy Hasnt Made Progress Romant.mp3
    24. Judy Canova 480207 139 Judy Going To Palm Springs.mp3
    25. Judy Canova 480228 142 Publicity.mp3
    26. Judy Canova 480320 145 New Publicity Manager Masquerad.mp3
    27. Judy Canova 480327 146 Publicity Man Tries To Create Ne.mp3
    28. Judy Canova 480403 147 Famous Pr Man Handling Judys Ca.mp3
    29. Judy Canova 480410 148 Judy Gets Ticket On Sunset Blv.mp3
    30. Judy Canova 480424 150 Judy Sees Mrs Pierce About Publi.mp3
    31. Judy Canova 480501 151 An Oscar For Judy.mp3
    32. Judy Canova 480529 155 Judy Reads Scripts.mp3
    33. Judy Canova 480619 158 Interviewing For Road Show.mp3
    34. Judy Canova 480626 159 Leaving On Personal Appearance T.mp3
    35. Judy Canova 481016 162 Judys Conceited Neighbor.mp3
    36. Judy Canova 481023 163 Can Use Mr Hemingways Play.mp3
    37. Judy Canova 481204 169 Lord Chumley Has Dinner With Jud.mp3
    38. Judy Canova 481211 170 Judy Has Chrush On Humphrey.mp3
    39. Judy Canova 490205 178 Judy Sees Two Boyfriends.mp3
    40. Judy Canova 491224 211 Guest Bill Boyd Hopalong Cassidy.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 26 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Burns Allen 430223 J21 Huckleberry Bucket.mp3
    3. Command Perf 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny.mp3
    4. Command Perf 420911 030 Crosby Connee Boswell Kay Kyser.mp3
    5. Command Perf 421103 040 Betty Grable Bergen Judy Canova.mp3
    6. Command Perf 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Xavier Cugat.mp3
    7. Command Perf 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School.mp3
    8. Command Perf 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots.mp3
    9. Command Perf 470805 284 Judy Canova Dave Street Mel Blanc.mp3
    10. Country Fair 000000 01 Judy Canova.mp3
    11. Dennis Day 480925 Dennisroomrentedout.mp3
    12. Heres To Vets 470619 [judy Canova] 1st, Got Saturday Date V.mp3
    13. Its Time To Smile 430113 097 Judy Canova.mp3
    14. Mail Call 440223 079 Jerry Cooper, Judy Canova.mp3
    15. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna.mp3
    16. Old Gold Comedy Theater 450429 26 Scatterbrain.mp3
    17. One Mans Family 520427 20 Th Anniversary Show.mp3
    18. Radio Hall Of Fame 450218 064 How Deep Is Ocean.mp3
    19. Radio Hall Of Fame 451216 107 Judy Canova.mp3
    20. Recollect At 30 570102 28 Ladies Night.mp3
    21. Royal Gelatin Hour 380526 Judy Canova.mp3
    22. Royal Gelatin Hour 380707 Dennis King, Judy Canova.mp3
    23. Royal Gelatin Hour 380915 Brian Aherne.mp3
    24. Screen Guild Theater 450205 231 Joan Of Ozarks.mp3
    25. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks.mp3
    26. Texaco Star Theatre 420628 77 Vacation Plans.mp3
    27. Which is Which 450124 Phil Silvers, Judy Canova.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    103 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 50 hours, 30 min
    103 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1387 MB – total playtime 50 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 38 shows – 484 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 36 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Judy Canova 430706 001 First Show.mp3
    3. Judy Canova 430727 004 Rome Wasnt Built In Day.mp3
    4. Judy Canova 430824 008 Date With Mickey Rooney.mp3
    5. Judy Canova 430831 009 Getting Pig Back To Rancho Canova.mp3
    6. Judy Canova 430907 010 Getting Mineral Water Pig, Lover Boy.mp3
    7. Judy Canova 431012 015 Jailed Breaking Cary Grants House.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 431019 016 Back From Army Camp.mp3
    9. Judy Canova 431109 017 Judy Into Hollywood To Get Turkey.mp3
    10. Judy Canova 431116 018 Description Of Prize Fight.mp3
    11. Judy Canova 440229 033 Just Back From Rancho Canova Motel.mp3
    12. Judy Canova 440307 034 Building Judys New House.mp3
    13. Judy Canova 440314 035 First Rest Home Guest.mp3
    14. Judy Canova 440321 036 Trip To Hollywood Canteen.mp3
    15. Judy Canova 440627 050 Judy Gone For Summer.mp3
    16. Judy Canova 450106 001 Judy To Live With Mrs Uppington.mp3
    17. Judy Canova 450526 021 Prettiest Girl Brentwood Fashion Show.mp3
    18. Judy Canova 450602 022 Like Fish Out Of Waterbrenda Laverne.mp3
    19. Judy Canova 450616 024 Horse Named Crowbait.mp3
    20. Judy Canova 450623 025 Masquerade Ball HQ.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 450630 026 Going Home For Summer.mp3
    22. Judy Canova 450901 027 Judy Comes Back From Farm.mp3
    23. Judy Canova 450915 029 An xclusive Place In Brentwood.mp3
    24. Judy Canova 450922 030 Pony Express Post Office.mp3
    25. Judy Canova 451020 034 Man's Best Friend Is His Dog.mp3
    26. Judy Canova 451103 036 Judy And Saxophone HQ.mp3
    27. Judy Canova 451110 037 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest.mp3
    28. Judy Canova 451117 038 Letter from Cactus Junction.mp3
    29. Judy Canova 451201 040 Judy In New York.mp3
    30. Judy Canova 451222 043 xclusive Brentwood Society Part.mp3
    31. Judy Canova 460105 045 Judy Model.mp3
    32. Judy Canova 460202 049 Genealogy Society.mp3
    33. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction.mp3
    34. Judy Canova 460223 052 Looking For Judys Dream Man.mp3
    35. Judy Canova 460413 059 Trading In Old Car.mp3
    36. Judy Canova 460608 067 Judy Prepares For Quiz Show.mp3
    37. Judy Canova 460615 068 Two Gun Gertie, Play.mp3
    38. Judy Canova 460831 071 Back From Cactus Junction.mp3
    39. Judy Canova 460907 072 Judy's Coming out Party.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 39 shows – 512 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 38 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Judy Canova 461012 077 Crescent City Gold Rush.mp3
    3. Judy Canova 461019 078 Judy At Radio.mp3
    4. Judy Canova 461109 081 Dreams About Marriage.mp3
    5. Judy Canova 461214 086 Queen Of Rose Bowl.mp3
    6. Judy Canova 461221e087 Quiet Christmas Party.mp3
    7. Judy Canova 461228 088 Western Sketch Amateur Show.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 470201 093 Mrs Prootwhistles Party.mp3
    9. Judy Canova 470222 096 Judy On Wishing Well Quiz Sh.mp3
    10. Judy Canova 470412 103 In Spring, Young Mans Fan.mp3
    11. Judy Canova 470419 104 Hollywood Glamor Contest.mp3
    12. Judy Canova 470426 105 Opera Masquerade.mp3
    13. Judy Canova 470920 118 American Life Magazines Story O.mp3
    14. Judy Canova 471004 120 Judys Screen Test.mp3
    15. Judy Canova 471018 122 Humphrey Cooper, Handsome Actor.mp3
    16. Judy Canova 471129 128 Day In Life Of Judy.mp3
    17. Judy Canova 471206 129 Is Humphrey Cooper Judys Dream Man.mp3
    18. Judy Canova 471213 131 Queen Of Brentwood Rodeo.mp3
    19. Judy Canova 471227 133 Judy's Diary - Radio Program Prospect.mp3
    20. Judy Canova 480103 134 Great Hopes For Leap Year.mp3
    21. Judy Canova 480110 135 Judy Dejected Over Humphrey Coop.mp3
    22. Judy Canova 480117 136 ddie Cantor For President.mp3
    23. Judy Canova 480124 137 Judy Hasnt Made Progress Romant.mp3
    24. Judy Canova 480207 139 Judy Going To Palm Springs.mp3
    25. Judy Canova 480228 142 Publicity.mp3
    26. Judy Canova 480320 145 New Publicity Manager Masquerad.mp3
    27. Judy Canova 480327 146 Publicity Man Tries To Create Ne.mp3
    28. Judy Canova 480403 147 Famous Pr Man Handling Judys Ca.mp3
    29. Judy Canova 480410 148 Judy Gets Ticket On Sunset Blv.mp3
    30. Judy Canova 480424 150 Judy Sees Mrs Pierce About Publi.mp3
    31. Judy Canova 480501 151 An Oscar For Judy.mp3
    32. Judy Canova 480529 155 Judy Reads Scripts.mp3
    33. Judy Canova 480619 158 Interviewing For Road Show.mp3
    34. Judy Canova 480626 159 Leaving On Personal Appearance T.mp3
    35. Judy Canova 481016 162 Judys Conceited Neighbor.mp3
    36. Judy Canova 481023 163 Can Use Mr Hemingways Play.mp3
    37. Judy Canova 481204 169 Lord Chumley Has Dinner With Jud.mp3
    38. Judy Canova 481211 170 Judy Has Chrush On Humphrey.mp3
    39. Judy Canova 490205 178 Judy Sees Two Boyfriends.mp3
    40. Judy Canova 491224 211 Guest Bill Boyd Hopalong Cassidy.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 26 shows – 392 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 15 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Burns Allen 430223 J21 Huckleberry Bucket.mp3
    3. Command Perf 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny.mp3
    4. Command Perf 420911 030 Crosby Connee Boswell Kay Kyser.mp3
    5. Command Perf 421103 040 Betty Grable Bergen Judy Canova.mp3
    6. Command Perf 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Xavier Cugat.mp3
    7. Command Perf 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School.mp3
    8. Command Perf 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots.mp3
    9. Command Perf 470805 284 Judy Canova Dave Street Mel Blanc.mp3
    10. Country Fair 000000 01 Judy Canova.mp3
    11. Dennis Day 480925 Dennisroomrentedout.mp3
    12. Heres To Vets 470619 [judy Canova] 1st, Got Saturday Date V.mp3
    13. Its Time To Smile 430113 097 Judy Canova.mp3
    14. Mail Call 440223 079 Jerry Cooper, Judy Canova.mp3
    15. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna.mp3
    16. Old Gold Comedy Theater 450429 26 Scatterbrain.mp3
    17. One Mans Family 520427 20 Th Anniversary Show.mp3
    18. Radio Hall Of Fame 450218 064 How Deep Is Ocean.mp3
    19. Radio Hall Of Fame 451216 107 Judy Canova.mp3
    20. Recollect At 30 570102 28 Ladies Night.mp3
    21. Royal Gelatin Hour 380526 Judy Canova.mp3
    22. Royal Gelatin Hour 380707 Dennis King, Judy Canova.mp3
    23. Royal Gelatin Hour 380915 Brian Aherne.mp3
    24. Screen Guild Theater 450205 231 Joan Of Ozarks.mp3
    25. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks.mp3
    26. Texaco Star Theatre 420628 77 Vacation Plans.mp3
    27. Which is Which 450124 Phil Silvers, Judy Canova.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    103 recordings on 54 Audio CDs. Total playtime 50 hours, 30 min
    103 recordings on 54 Audio CDs
    total playtime 50 hours, 30 min

    Judy Canova Disc A001

    1. Country Fair 000000 01 Judy Canova
    2. Royal Gelatin Hour 380526 Judy Canova

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A002

    1. Royal Gelatin Hour 380707 Dennis King, Judy Canova

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A003

    1. Royal Gelatin Hour 380915 Brian Aherne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A004

    1. Command Perf 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A005

    1. Texaco Star Theatre 420628 77 Vacation Plans

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A006

    1. Command Perf 420911 030 Crosby Connee Boswell Kay Kyser
    2. Command Perf 421103 040 Betty Grable Bergen Judy Canova

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A007

    1. Its Time To Smile 430113 097 Judy Canova
    2. Burns Allen 430223 J21 Huckleberry Bucket

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A008

    1. Judy Canova 430706 001 First Show
    2. Judy Canova 430727 004 Rome Wasnt Built In Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A009

    1. Command Perf 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Xavier Cugat
    2. Judy Canova 430824 008 Date With Mickey Rooney

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A010

    1. Judy Canova 430831 009 Getting Pig Back To Rancho Canova
    2. Judy Canova 430907 010 Getting Mineral Water Pig, Lover Boy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A011

    1. Judy Canova 431012 015 Jailed Breaking Cary Grants House
    2. Judy Canova 431019 016 Back From Army Camp

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A012

    1. Judy Canova 431109 017 Judy Into Hollywood To Get Turkey
    2. Judy Canova 431116 018 Description Of Prize Fight

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A013

    1. Mail Call 440223 079 Jerry Cooper, Judy Canova
    2. Judy Canova 440229 033 Just Back From Rancho Canova Motel

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A014

    1. Judy Canova 440307 034 Building Judys New House
    2. Judy Canova 440314 035 First Rest Home Guest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A015

    1. Judy Canova 440321 036 Trip To Hollywood Canteen
    2. Mail Call 440510 090 F. Langford Judy Canova Jerry Colonna

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A016

    1. Judy Canova 440627 050 Judy Gone For Summer
    2. Judy Canova 450106 001 Judy To Live With Mrs Uppington

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A017

    1. Which is Which 450124 Phil Silvers, Judy Canova
    2. Screen Guild Theater 450205 231 Joan Of Ozarks

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A018

    1. Radio Hall Of Fame 450218 064 How Deep Is Ocean

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A019

    1. Command Perf 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School
    2. Old Gold Comedy Theater 450429 26 Scatterbrain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A020

    1. Judy Canova 450526 021 Prettiest Girl Brentwood Fashion Show
    2. Judy Canova 450602 022 Like Fish Out Of Waterbrenda Laverne

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A021

    1. Judy Canova 450616 024 Horse Named Crowbait
    2. Judy Canova 450623 025 Masquerade Ball HQ

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A022

    1. Judy Canova 450630 026 Going Home For Summer
    2. Command Perf 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A023

    1. Judy Canova 450901 027 Judy Comes Back From Farm
    2. Judy Canova 450915 029 An xclusive Place In Brentwood

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A024

    1. Judy Canova 450922 030 Pony Express Post Office
    2. Judy Canova 451020 034 Man's Best Friend Is His Dog

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A025

    1. Judy Canova 451103 036 Judy And Saxophone HQ
    2. Judy Canova 451110 037 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A026

    1. Judy Canova 451117 038 Letter from Cactus Junction
    2. Judy Canova 451201 040 Judy In New York

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A027

    1. Radio Hall Of Fame 451216 107 Judy Canova
    2. Judy Canova 451222 043 xclusive Brentwood Society Part

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A028

    1. Judy Canova 460105 045 Judy Model
    2. Judy Canova 460202 049 Genealogy Society

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A029

    1. Judy Canova 460209 050 Valentines Flashback Cactus Junction
    2. Judy Canova 460223 052 Looking For Judys Dream Man

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A030

    1. Judy Canova 460413 059 Trading In Old Car
    2. Judy Canova 460608 067 Judy Prepares For Quiz Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A031

    1. Judy Canova 460615 068 Two Gun Gertie, Play
    2. Judy Canova 460831 071 Back From Cactus Junction

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A032

    1. Judy Canova 460907 072 Judy's Coming out Party
    2. Judy Canova 461012 077 Crescent City Gold Rush

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A033

    1. Judy Canova 461019 078 Judy At Radio
    2. Judy Canova 461109 081 Dreams About Marriage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A034

    1. Judy Canova 461214 086 Queen Of Rose Bowl
    2. Judy Canova 461221e087 Quiet Christmas Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A035

    1. Judy Canova 461228 088 Western Sketch Amateur Show
    2. Judy Canova 470201 093 Mrs Prootwhistles Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A036

    1. Judy Canova 470222 096 Judy On Wishing Well Quiz Sh
    2. Judy Canova 470412 103 In Spring, Young Mans Fan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A037

    1. Judy Canova 470419 104 Hollywood Glamor Contest
    2. Judy Canova 470426 105 Opera Masquerade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A038

    1. Heres To Vets 470619 [judy Canova] 1st, Got Saturday Date V
    2. Command Perf 470805 284 Judy Canova Dave Street Mel Blanc

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Judy Canova Disc A039

    1. Judy Canova 470920 118 American Life Magazines Story O
    2. Judy Canova 471004 120 Judys Screen Test

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    Judy Canova Disc A040

    1. Judy Canova 471018 122 Humphrey Cooper, Handsome Actor
    2. Judy Canova 471129 128 Day In Life Of Judy

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    Judy Canova Disc A041

    1. Judy Canova 471206 129 Is Humphrey Cooper Judys Dream Man
    2. Judy Canova 471213 131 Queen Of Brentwood Rodeo

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    Judy Canova Disc A042

    1. Judy Canova 471227 133 Judy's Diary - Radio Program Prospect
    2. Judy Canova 480103 134 Great Hopes For Leap Year

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    Judy Canova Disc A043

    1. Judy Canova 480110 135 Judy Dejected Over Humphrey Coop
    2. Judy Canova 480117 136 ddie Cantor For President

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    Judy Canova Disc A044

    1. Judy Canova 480124 137 Judy Hasnt Made Progress Romant
    2. Judy Canova 480207 139 Judy Going To Palm Springs

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    Judy Canova Disc A045

    1. Judy Canova 480228 142 Publicity
    2. Judy Canova 480320 145 New Publicity Manager Masquerad

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    Judy Canova Disc A046

    1. Judy Canova 480327 146 Publicity Man Tries To Create Ne
    2. Judy Canova 480403 147 Famous Pr Man Handling Judys Ca

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    Judy Canova Disc A047

    1. Judy Canova 480410 148 Judy Gets Ticket On Sunset Blv
    2. Judy Canova 480424 150 Judy Sees Mrs Pierce About Publi

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    Judy Canova Disc A048

    1. Judy Canova 480501 151 An Oscar For Judy
    2. Judy Canova 480529 155 Judy Reads Scripts

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    Judy Canova Disc A049

    1. Judy Canova 480619 158 Interviewing For Road Show
    2. Judy Canova 480626 159 Leaving On Personal Appearance T

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    Judy Canova Disc A050

    1. Dennis Day 480925 Dennisroomrentedout
    2. Judy Canova 481016 162 Judys Conceited Neighbor

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    Judy Canova Disc A051

    1. Judy Canova 481023 163 Can Use Mr Hemingways Play
    2. Judy Canova 481204 169 Lord Chumley Has Dinner With Jud

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    Judy Canova Disc A052

    1. Judy Canova 481211 170 Judy Has Chrush On Humphrey
    2. Sealtest 490127 20 Douglas Fairbanks

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    Judy Canova Disc A053

    1. Judy Canova 490205 178 Judy Sees Two Boyfriends
    2. Judy Canova 491224 211 Guest Bill Boyd Hopalong Cassidy

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    Judy Canova Disc A054

    1. One Mans Family 520427 20 Th Anniversary Show
    2. Recollect At 30 570102 28 Ladies Night

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