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Joyce Jordan MD

Soap opera about a female doctor in the 1930s, she works in a male dominated profession and looks for respect and love starring Frank Lovejoy, Agnes Moorehead and Mercedes McCambrdige.

Joyce Jordan MD

28 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 6 hours, 45 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs

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"Pre-Thanksgiving Drama"

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Soap Opera pioneer Inra Philips is best known for her intense family dramas. Ms. Philip's soaps developed many of the conventions of the soap opera form, and she gave us such timeless sudsy serials as Today's Children, Right To Happiness, Masquerade, The Brighter Day and the immortal Guiding Light.

Irna Phillips, originator of the show
Irna Phillips, originator of the show
Most of these long running stories were built around situations that soap fans would come to know and love: conflict within powerful families, powerful members of the family disavowing the love interests of the one member who seems to be a decent person, seemingly peaceful towns seething with scandal just below the surface into which strangers with damaging secrets wander in and out.

These situations can be a little hard for those who are not fans of the radio soap opera genre to appreciate. Those who are not fans must wonder just where such preposterously difficult situations could arise. In many cases, they were actual situations that had occurred in some Irna Philips' life. A Chicago area preacher, whose radio talks had given Irna spiritual comfort after giving birth to a stillborn child, inspired her most successful creation, The Guiding Light.

Hospital dramas were an especial favorite of of Philips. Those who were closest to her believe that this is because she found a great deal of comfort, real or imagined, from the medical profession. Irna, the youngest of ten children, had a reputation for hypochondria. Supposedly, this led her to consult with doctors on a daily basis.

Philips' first hospital dramas were The Road Of Life (1938) and Woman in White (1939). The first was the story of a talented young doctor who had to deal with his wife's dysfunctional family, while the later was one of the first programs to explore the inner workings of a large hospital.

Joyce Jordan, Girl Intern premiered at the tail end of the Great Depression. The back story involved Joyce, who had managed to be accepted to and complete medical school, going on to serve her internship on the way to becoming a full fledged doctor. In time, the Girl Intern would become Joyce Jordan, MD.

Although filled with the same desires for husband and family as any young woman in the soaps, Joyce was also driven to succeed in her chosen profession. This was a time when lady doctors were practically unheard of, let alone taken seriously. Standing in her way was a scheming matron determined to interfere in her son's love life, several eligible but not quite desirable suitors, and at least one viperous female who was both a romantic and professional competitor.

Vintage RadioThe continuing story revolves around the life and loves of Joyce Jordan as she faces the struggles of a woman trying to be taken seriously in the medical profession in the late 1930s. Of course Joyce Jordan is also a very attractive young woman who draws the attention of many of the eligible and attractive doctors she works with. As brilliant as she is, she often faces the a choice between her career and the loving attentions of wealthy, attractive and powerful men.

Although Joyce Jordan is a woman worthy of admiration, the program did not shy away from issues which would have been uncomfortable at the time. Some of these were children born out of wedlock, lovers going off to war, and veterans returning to a world remarkably different from the one they went off to defend.

All of the regular devices of the Soaps are featured in Joyce Jordan; plot devices like patients with amnesia and long lost relative, romantic conflicts, cliffhanger endings, and the swelling mood music. Interestingly, while Joyce Jordan M.D. Made use of the familiar organ for dramatic accompaniment, Many of the earlier Joyce Jordan, Girl Intern shows featured a harp in the same role.

Several great radio actresses played Joyce over the years, or appeared in the company, beginning with Elspeth Eric, and including Helen Claire, Betty Winkler, Agnes Moorehead, Mercedes McCambridge, Frank Lovejoy, and many others.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    My mother named me after this Dr Joyce Jordan. She was in HS in early 1940s and dating my dad, whose surname was Jordan

    KJ Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    28 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 45 min
    28 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 6 hours, 45 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 28 shows – total playtime 6 hours, 45 minutes
    2. Jjmd 380530 NBC Debut.mp3
    3. Jjmd 410824.mp3
    4. Jjmd 440607 Joyce Mary Clean House.mp3
    5. Jjmd 450704 Deans Uncle Has Died.mp3
    6. Jjmd 460204 Celia Joyce Troubled Feelings Beautiful Day.mp3
    7. Jjmd 470616 Relaxing But Noisy Plane Ride.mp3
    8. Jjmd 470618 Will Dawson Marry Joyce If He Can Walk.mp3
    9. Jjmd 470703 Can Woman Be A Dr Womantoo.mp3
    10. Jjmd 470804 Dawson Told Off Mrs.blakely.mp3
    11. Jjmd 470827.mp3
    12. Jjmd 470829.mp3
    13. Jjmd 471020 Angry Abt Having Use Walker.mp3
    14. Jjmd 471025 Grace Martin Talks Mr Blakely.mp3
    15. Jjmd 471027 Dr J Talks Richard Burgman.mp3
    16. Jjmd 471120 Dawson Will Be Crippled.mp3
    17. Jjmd 471125 Grace Martin Is Still Poison.mp3
    18. Jjmd 471126 Poison Is Center Of Discussion.mp3
    19. Jjmd 471127 Moving Day To Her Office.mp3
    20. Jjmd 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    21. Jjmd 471212 Joyce Will Perform Operation Resign.mp3
    22. Jjmd 471218 Dr Tracy Alexander Gray Prove Friends.mp3
    23. Jjmd 480505 Bob Andy Dreams.mp3
    24. Jjmd 480514 Andy Shares Her Fears Of Surgery.mp3
    25. Jjmd 480517 Dr Jordon Dr Gaylord Issues.mp3
    26. Jjmd 480518 Andy Admits She Was Selfish Wed Bob.mp3
    27. Jjmd 480520 Before Surgery Andy Talks Bob Engagement.mp3
    28. Jjmd 480720 Deathbed Confession.mp3
    29. Jjmd Says Shell Never Marry Again.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    28 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 6 hours, 45 min
    28 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    186 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 45 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 28 shows – 186 MB – total playtime 6 hours, 45 minutes
    2. Jjmd 380530 NBC Debut.mp3
    3. Jjmd 410824.mp3
    4. Jjmd 440607 Joyce Mary Clean House.mp3
    5. Jjmd 450704 Deans Uncle Has Died.mp3
    6. Jjmd 460204 Celia Joyce Troubled Feelings Beautiful Day.mp3
    7. Jjmd 470616 Relaxing But Noisy Plane Ride.mp3
    8. Jjmd 470618 Will Dawson Marry Joyce If He Can Walk.mp3
    9. Jjmd 470703 Can Woman Be A Dr Womantoo.mp3
    10. Jjmd 470804 Dawson Told Off Mrs.blakely.mp3
    11. Jjmd 470827.mp3
    12. Jjmd 470829.mp3
    13. Jjmd 471020 Angry Abt Having Use Walker.mp3
    14. Jjmd 471025 Grace Martin Talks Mr Blakely.mp3
    15. Jjmd 471027 Dr J Talks Richard Burgman.mp3
    16. Jjmd 471120 Dawson Will Be Crippled.mp3
    17. Jjmd 471125 Grace Martin Is Still Poison.mp3
    18. Jjmd 471126 Poison Is Center Of Discussion.mp3
    19. Jjmd 471127 Moving Day To Her Office.mp3
    20. Jjmd 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    21. Jjmd 471212 Joyce Will Perform Operation Resign.mp3
    22. Jjmd 471218 Dr Tracy Alexander Gray Prove Friends.mp3
    23. Jjmd 480505 Bob Andy Dreams.mp3
    24. Jjmd 480514 Andy Shares Her Fears Of Surgery.mp3
    25. Jjmd 480517 Dr Jordon Dr Gaylord Issues.mp3
    26. Jjmd 480518 Andy Admits She Was Selfish Wed Bob.mp3
    27. Jjmd 480520 Before Surgery Andy Talks Bob Engagement.mp3
    28. Jjmd 480720 Deathbed Confession.mp3
    29. Jjmd Says Shell Never Marry Again.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    28 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 6 hours, 45 min
    28 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 6 hours, 45 min

    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A001

    1. Jjmd Says Shell Never Marry Again
    2. Jjmd 380530 NBC Debut
    3. Jjmd 410824
    4. Jjmd 440607 Joyce Mary Clean House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A002

    1. Jjmd 450704 Deans Uncle Has Died
    2. Jjmd 460204 Celia Joyce Troubled Feelings Beautiful Day
    3. Jjmd 470616 Relaxing But Noisy Plane Ride
    4. Jjmd 470618 Will Dawson Marry Joyce If He Can Walk

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A003

    1. Jjmd 470703 Can Woman Be A Dr Womantoo
    2. Jjmd 470804 Dawson Told Off Mrs.blakely
    3. Jjmd 470827
    4. Jjmd 470829

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A004

    1. Jjmd 471020 Angry Abt Having Use Walker
    2. Jjmd 471025 Grace Martin Talks Mr Blakely
    3. Jjmd 471027 Dr J Talks Richard Burgman
    4. Jjmd 471120 Dawson Will Be Crippled

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A005

    1. Jjmd 471125 Grace Martin Is Still Poison
    2. Jjmd 471126 Poison Is Center Of Discussion
    3. Jjmd 471127 Moving Day To Her Office
    4. Jjmd 471128 Thanksgiving Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A006

    1. Jjmd 471212 Joyce Will Perform Operation Resign
    2. Jjmd 471218 Dr Tracy Alexander Gray Prove Friends
    3. Jjmd 480505 Bob Andy Dreams
    4. Jjmd 480514 Andy Shares Her Fears Of Surgery

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Joyce Jordan MD Disc A007

    1. Jjmd 480517 Dr Jordon Dr Gaylord Issues
    2. Jjmd 480518 Andy Admits She Was Selfish Wed Bob
    3. Jjmd 480520 Before Surgery Andy Talks Bob Engagement
    4. Jjmd 480720 Deathbed Confession

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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