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John Dehner Collection

The famous voice behind the bad guy on Gunsmoke and the good guy, Paladin, on Have Gun, Will Travel, and various guys on Suspense, John Dehner appeared in some of the greatest radio shows of yesteryear.

John Dehner

407 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 187 hours, 27 min)
available in the following formats:

7 MP3 CDs
207 Audio CDs

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"ESCAPE: The Notebook"

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John Dehner
(1915 – 1992)

John Dehner
Other great radio actors seem to have been born to become great radio actors, but John Dehner is an exception. John Dehner was destined to be great, regardless of the field into which he put his efforts.

John DehnerJohn Dehner was an an atypical actor, working as an animator, WWII army publicist, disc jockey, and pianist before hitting the stage and the airwaves. He was born in Staton Island to an artist father and grew up in Europe. After returning to the US, he tried his hand at acting and worked like a horse, playing in up to seven movies a year.

Dehner was born John Forkum in 1915, Staten Island, NY. His father was an artist who took his family all over the world in search of work and inspiration. John attended grammar school in Norway and France, and high school in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. He studied to be an artist at the University of California, but became an actor instead.

Dehner spent the last half of the 30's in New York pursuing a theater career, but there were few jobs as the Depression wound down. Realizing that as long as he was going to starve, he might as well starve in sunny California. There, his artistic training got him hired as an Assistant Animator (Dehner drew the Owl sequences in Bambi and the Beethoven sequence in Fantasia).

Dehner left Disney in answer to the Nation's call, and his skills with language and media made him more valuable in Army public relations than on the front lines. When he left the service, he wanted to be an actor instead of an artist. So I went into radio Dehner said. Radio announcing, and drifted into radio news and was news editor of stations KMBC and KFWB and I left that because I just drifted back into acting.

John DehnerAs an announcer, Dehner won a Peabody Award for his coverage of the first United Nations Conference, but it just was not as satisfying as acting. As a journeyman radio actor, John Dehner was everywhere, he appeared in the cast of nearly every network prime-time hit, as well as most of the low budget time-fillers. CBS producer/director Norman MacDonnell appreciated with Dehner's voice, and found a way to include on most of his projects, especially when Suspense or Escape took a trip to the Old West.

There was something in the voice of the man from Staten Island who grew up in Europe that brought to mind sagebrush and long days in the saddle. Dehner was MacDonnell's early choice to play Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke. At the time, Dehner feared typecasting in Western radio roles. Although Dehner would appear in a huge variety of guest roles, he is most associated with his starring roles in a pair of Westerns.

Frontier Gentleman came to the air in 1958, a time when there were already plenty of Adult Westerns. The hook for Gentleman was Dehner's character, a disgraced British Army Officer who was on a personal exile in the West. J.B. Kendall had a sense of wonder at the expanse and beauty of the West, but tempered by melancholy for the way life has treated him and treats the Westerners he meets. Although remarkably well played and produced, Frontier Gentleman lasted only a single season; a victim of the growing dominance of TV.

That season ended a week before the radio premier of Have Gun, Will Travel. Some commenters consider Have Gun, Will Travel on the radio to be MacDonnell's revenge for having Gunsmoke taken away when it went to the small screen. Have Gun, Will Travel is unique as a program which started on TV before coming to radio. The first seasons used stories from Gene Roddenberry's TV scripts, heavily adapted for radio. The later radio episodes were original stories, some of which filled the the back-story of the character Paladin.

One of Dehner's movies, Terror at MidnightPaladin was played on TV by Richard Boone, and in many ways, Paladin was Richard Boone. Dehner made it a point to pay little attention to Boone's Paladin, knowing that any sense of imitation would harm the radio version. More than a few critics find Dehner's Paladin superior.

John DehnerHowever, radio's Have Gun, Will Travel was a victim of the same purge known as "the Day The Radio Soap Opera Died"; the last episode aired two days after CBS canceled their remaining daytime soaps. The Golden Age of Radio would come to an official close on Sept 30, 1962, but John Dehner would continue to work in film and TV, nearly until the time of his death in 1992.

Dehner found himself a character actor on radio westerns. Included are this collection are episodes of him playing the bad guy on Gunsmoke and Paladin on Have Gun, Will Travel. John appeared in some of the greatest old time radio shows of yesteryear including Escape, Let George Do It, NBC University Theater, Phillip Marlowe, Rogers of the Gazette, Suspense and Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, just to name a few. In all those years and all those parts, John Dehner used to say, with a laugh, that as an actor he never kissed or won a girl.

John Dehner on the Radio

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    4     1


    He co-starred in the 4th Chapter of The Alder Matter (YTJD). I also heard him on The Red Forest episode of Escape. On TV, he was in Andy Griffith Show on TV I think? I remember one where he played a huckster selling snake oil.

    Eric Verified Purchase

    More like he sold firewater to Aunt Bea and the Ladies Club!


    He's not in radio hall of fame but he absolutely should be!

    Bob Verified Purchase

    An unmistakable voice! And a former artist for the Disney studio - you can see him at work in the live action half of The Reluctant Dragon (alongside Alan Ladd) made in 1941. The Baby Weems segment is voiced by Gerald Mohr - 3 of the radio world's most prolific actors in a single film!

    Frances Verified Purchase

    One of the all time great radio voices.

    Dale Verified Purchase

    should be in the radio hall of fame! terrible that he’s not. was in everything.

    Bob Verified Purchase

    Call me crazy but this is something I think about: What was Paladin’s first name? Or like Cher or Prince, was he just Paladin? Hilarious if his first name was something like Irving.


    Paladin's real name was Clay Alexander — perhaps. On the television show, Paladin's true name is never given. Though it remains a point of debate amongst fans, one of the tie-in books, which expands on the origin story shown in the episode "Genesis," his real name is given as Clay Alexander. He took the name Paladin from that of the foremost knights in Charlemagne's court.


    His real name was Paul Ladin but Hey Boy kept mispronouncing it Paladin and it stuck.


    He did a great comedic turn as the patriarchal villain (self-parody) in "Support Your Local Gunfighter" with James Garner. Ellen Corby played his sister.

    Guy Verified Purchase

    should be and is not in radio hall of fame.


    He was on a lot of radio shows! He even wrote a couple of radio scripts, but I don't recall the series. Could listen to him reading the phone book!

    Ellen Verified Purchase

    I seem to remember that he primarily played villain roles in movies and TV shows.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    That's why he was such an odd choice for the Doris Day sitcom. Guess viewers who knew his acting history saw the hard side to the character. I don't remember the character being warm and fuzzy by any means.


    character actors, especially earlier in their career, often get typecast into playing the same kind of role for most of their movies and TV shows. I guess John just had that menacing or bad guy look that he was cast in those roles by the casting directors of the films or shows. What they call “central casting”.

    Ken Verified Purchase

    My favorite TV performance was a 77 Sunset Strip where he played ... John Dehner ... the story was set at a movie studio and they needed an actor to portray a doctor and he happed to be at the studio! Great voice, alwats always a delight to view!

    Bob Verified Purchase

    One of the best! Also, good guy, have gun will travel, Englishman in west (title?),


    I first came across him on Doris Day's sitcom in the 70s. Years later I discovered him as a radio star. Very prolific and a joy to listen to


    Unmistakable and such a voice! It shocked me to realize that he also did "old-timer" voices on Gunsmoke.

    Lee Verified Purchase

    One of my favorite OTR voices is John Dehner. In his hay day, the man was everywhere! Radio, film, tv.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    Another gorgeous voice! And he really understoond voice acting! Listen to the test version of the first episode of /Frontier Gentleman/, with Ben Wrignt, then listen to Dehner's performance of the same material. In the middle, Kendal delivers a line that leads to a donnybrook. Wright delivers it perfectly…but then, when you year Dehner deliver the same line, you know why /he's/ a star. Magnificent!

    Sarah Verified Purchase

    He was awesome! One of the few that looked like he sounded.


    He was no stranger to The Twilight Zone. "The Jungle" was probably is finest episode. Also "Mr. Garrity and the Graves" was another great episode he was in.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    I like that one too, I think "The Jungle" is one of the scariest episodes and that last shot chills me every time. My all-time favorite Twilight Episode is called "The Howling Man.


    I like that too, but I think my favorite is "Stop over in a Quiet Town.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    One of my favorites... As much as I liked "Have Gun..." Dehner was terrific as a journalist, just the right tone of curiosity and detachment...

    Bob Verified Purchase

    He did Frontier Gentleman, a English newspaper reporter covering the old West a few months before he did Have Gun Will Travel.. Wonderful actor, in radio and TV. Always a delight.


    Don't forget he was Doris' boss on the Doris Day Show and Native of Staten Island

    Andy Verified Purchase

    DID A LOT OF GUNSMOKE RADIO and have gun will travil as the radio paldin and another western show where he was the star. He was also in many films.

    Wardell Verified Purchase

    Frontier Gentleman... one of the best. Also wrote a lot of radio drama.

    James Verified Purchase

    he was one heck of TALENT. I think he started out as a cartoonist as well. I could be mistaken on this however.

    Steven Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    407 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00. Total playtime 187 hours, 27 min
    407 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00
    total playtime 187 hours, 27 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 60 shows – total playtime 28 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Baker'S Theater Of Stars 530412 08 The New Man.mp3
    3. Black Book 520217 (1) On Schedule.mp3
    4. Emotion 490706 Jetatura.mp3
    5. Escape 480718 047 Habit.mp3
    6. Escape 480815 049 The Fugitive.mp3
    7. Escape 480822 050 Ss San Pedro.mp3
    8. Escape 480905 052 Dream Of Armageddon.mp3
    9. Escape 490212 055 The Lost Special.mp3
    10. Escape 490219 056 The Orient Express.mp3
    11. Escape 490416 067 The General Died At Dawn.mp3
    12. Escape 490423 068 The Great Impersonation.mp3
    13. Escape 500214 098 Two If By Sea.mp3
    14. Escape 500228 100 The Man Who Won The War.mp3
    15. Escape 500310 101 Port Royal.mp3
    16. Escape 500407 105 Ambassador Of Poker.mp3
    17. Escape 500421 107 Shanghai Document.mp3
    18. Escape 500623 116 Sundown.mp3
    19. Escape 500714 119 Shark Bait.mp3
    20. Escape 500721 120 Yellow Wake.mp3
    21. Escape 501006 126 Sleeping Draught.mp3
    22. Escape 501013 127 Roulette.mp3
    23. Escape 501105 131 Earth Abides 1o2.mp3
    24. Escape 501112 132 Earth Abides 2o2.mp3
    25. Escape 501210 136 A Passenger To Bali.mp3
    26. Escape 501217 137 Wild Jack Rett.mp3
    27. Escape 501224 138 The Cave.mp3
    28. Escape 510114 141 A Bullet For Mr Smith.mp3
    29. Escape 510216 142 Killer Mine.mp3
    30. Escape 510725 146 The Earthman.mp3
    31. Escape 510815 149 Rough Shoot.mp3
    32. Escape 521116 157 Loup Garou.mp3
    33. Escape 521214 161 Four Went Home.mp3
    34. Escape 530208 169 Jetsam.mp3
    35. Escape 530315 174 The Man With The Steel Teeth.mp3
    36. Escape 530503 181 Lili And The Colonel.mp3
    37. Escape 530531 185 Good Thing A.mp3
    38. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action.mp3
    39. Escape 530726 193 The Notebook.mp3
    40. Escape 530802 194 The Red Forest.mp3
    41. Escape 530927 202 The Untouchable.mp3
    42. Escape 531004 203 Zero Hour.mp3
    43. Escape 540311 205 Bird Of Paradise.mp3
    44. Escape 540325 207 The Second Shot.mp3
    45. Escape 540408 209 The Scarlet Plague.mp3
    46. Escape 540415 210 Affair At Mandrake.mp3
    47. Escape 540506 211 The Adversary.mp3
    48. Escape 540610 226 Benchillina And The Fisherman.mp3
    49. Ft 481208 095 Herbert Has Ideas.mp3
    50. Ft 490406 112 Night Elevator.mp3
    51. Ft 490810 130 Fountain Of Youth.mp3
    52. Ft 490907 134 Song Of Roland.mp3
    53. Ft 490928 137 Evangeline.mp3
    54. Ft 491123 145 Courtship Of Miles Standis.mp3
    55. Ft 491214 148 Other Wise Man.mp3
    56. Ft 531007 339 Turn Off Lights.mp3
    57. Ft 531014 340 Ballad Of Dan Mcbirdy.mp3
    58. Ft 531209 348 Legend Of High Chin Bob.mp3
    59. Ft 540310 361 Its Gift.mp3
    60. Ft 540324 363 Night Caller.mp3
    61. Ft 541201 398 Summer Replacement.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 64 shows – total playtime 39 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hallmark Hall Of Fame 540103 34 Tom Mix.mp3
    3. Judge 520213 Death of a Playboy, John Dehner.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 480726 Arnold Lumas Case.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 491031 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 491219 Follow That Train.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 500109 The Silent Waterfall.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 500710 Isl In The Desert.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 510129 Christmas In January.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 510226 See Me Once You'Ve Seen Me Twice.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 510326 No Escape From The Jungle.mp3
    12. Lux 530831 845 One Last September (Afrs).mp3
    13. Man Called X 520219 72 Half Penny Stamp.mp3
    14. Nbcut 481010 011 An American Tragedy.mp3
    15. Nbcut 481107 015 Arrowsmith.mp3
    16. Nbcut 490102 022 Main Street.mp3
    17. Nbcut 490109 023 The Grapes Of Wrath.mp3
    18. Nbcut 490116 024 All The King'S Men.mp3
    19. Nbcut 490320 032 The Marble Fawn.mp3
    20. Nbcut 490410 035 Moby Dick.mp3
    21. Nbcut 490508 039 Red Badge Of Courage.mp3
    22. Nbcut 490716 049 Point Of No Return.mp3
    23. Nbcut 490730 051 This Side Of Paradise.mp3
    24. Nbcut 491113 064 Babylon Revisited.mp3
    25. Nbcut 491127 066 Point Of No Return.mp3
    26. Nbcut 500205 074 Track Of The Cat.mp3
    27. Nbcut 500709 096 The Time Of Man.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 481024 B05 Heart Of Gold.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490108 B15 The Restless Day.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490402 B27 Last Laugh.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490423 B30 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490514 B33 Promise To Pay.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490827 B47 The Eager Witnes.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 491001 B52 Tale Of The Mermaid.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500307 B74 The Monkey'S Uncle.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500411 B79 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500606 B87 The Uneasy Head.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500628 B90 Pelican'S Roost.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500922 B102 The White Carnation.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500929 B103 Big Book.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 510707 B104 Seasidesabbatical.mp3
    42. Richard Diamond 500830 064 Bigfoot Grafton.mp3
    43. Richard Diamond 520208 123 Eddie Burke Case.mp3
    44. Richard Diamond 530628 147 Mr Heiden Gun Maker.mp3
    45. Rogers Of The Gazette 530708 01 Newspaper Takeover.mp3
    46. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 03 Dirty Politics.mp3
    47. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 Partisan Politics (Rehearsal).mp3
    48. Rogers Of The Gazette 530916 11 Illyria Box Supper.mp3
    49. Rogers Of The Gazette 530923 12 Farm Sale Day.mp3
    50. Rogers Of The Gazette 531008 13 Leahs Eudora Notes.mp3
    51. Rogers Of The Gazette 531015 14 Maggie Barbara.mp3
    52. Rogers Of The Gazette 531029 16 Old Cornet.mp3
    53. Rogers Of The Gazette 531105 17 Toast Of Vienna.mp3
    54. Rogers Of The Gazette 531111 18 Town Clock.mp3
    55. Rogers Of The Gazette 531118 19 Do It Now.mp3
    56. Rogers Of The Gazette 531125 20 The Princess Theatre Reopens.mp3
    57. Rogers Of The Gazette 540120 27 Somethings Troubling Will.mp3
    58. Romance 500704 03 Germelshausen.mp3
    59. Romance 510716 03 China Run.mp3
    60. Screen Dir P'House 490515 019 Hold Back The Dawn.mp3
    61. Screen Dir P'House 491118 043 The Uninvited (Alt).mp3
    62. Screen Dir P'House 491125 044 Spiral Staircase.mp3
    63. Screen Dir P'House 491230 49 One Way Passage.mp3
    64. Screen Dir P'House 500331 062 The Dark Mirror.mp3
    65. Screen Dir P'House 501214 081 The Lady Gambles.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Silent Men 520402 21 Trouble At Suez.mp3
    3. Stars Over Hollywood 540130 109 Just For You.mp3
    4. Stars Over Hollywood 540227 113 Hundred Dollar Bill.mp3
    5. Suspense 491124 360 The Long Wait.mp3
    6. Suspense 491201 361 Mission Completed.mp3
    7. Suspense 491229 365 The Bullet.mp3
    8. Suspense 500316 376 Motive For Murder.mp3
    9. Suspense 500504 383 Statement Of Mary.mp3
    10. Suspense 501019 399 The Wages Of Sin.mp3
    11. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter.mp3
    12. Suspense 530126 497 The Spencer Brothers.mp3
    13. Suspense 531102 524 Ordeal In Donner Pass.mp3
    14. Suspense 531214 530 Mystery Of The Marie Roqet.mp3
    15. Suspense 540315 543 The Girl In Car 32.mp3
    16. Suspense 540426 549 The Bertillion Method.mp3
    17. Suspense 540720 561 Telling Anthony Ellis.mp3
    18. Suspense 540727 562 Destruction.mp3
    19. Suspense 541014 567 Lost.mp3
    20. Suspense 541104 570 The Last Letter O.mp3
    21. Suspense 541125 573 Shooting Star.mp3
    22. Suspense 541202 574 The Shot.mp3
    23. Suspense 541223 577 Premonition.mp3
    24. Vsq 47100915 Tattooed Beaver Baby Food For.mp3
    25. Vsq 471203 22 The Green Tourist The Temple.mp3
    26. Vsq 480107 27 The Derelict And The Wandering.mp3
    27. Whistler 481121 338 The Lovely Look.mp3
    28. Whistler 500507 414 Fatal Error.mp3
    29. Whistler 500611 419 The Sucessful Marriage.mp3
    30. Whistler 500625 421 The Manhunt.mp3
    31. Whistler 500730 426 With My Own Eyes.mp3
    32. Whistler 501105 440 Just Like A Man.mp3
    33. Whistler 501203 444 Lady The Knife.mp3
    34. Whistler 501210 445 Clock On The Tower.mp3
    35. Whistler 510311 458 High Death.mp3
    36. Whistler 510506 466 Two And One Makes Murder.mp3
    37. Whistler 510708 475 The Witness.mp3
    38. Whistler 520106 501 Episode At Thunder Mountain.mp3
    39. Whistler 531129 598 Lady On A Yacht.mp3
    40. Wild Bill Hickok 520328 065 Wild Miller Of Payute Falls.mp3
    41. Wild Bill Hickok 520530 083 Whine Of The Saw.mp3
    42. Ytjd 490821 016 Out Of The Fire Into The Frying.mp3
    43. Ytjd 491126 027 Skull Canyon Mine.mp3
    44. Ytjd 491203 028 Bodyguard To Anne Connelly.mp3
    45. Ytjd 500203 035 The Loyal B. Martin Matter Aka Death Takes.mp3
    46. Ytjd 500224 038 The Archeologist.mp3
    47. Ytjd 500418 046 The Story Of Thr Tenoeight.mp3
    48. Ytjd 500523 051 Earl Chadwick Matter.mp3
    49. Ytjd 500713 058 The Calgary Matter.mp3
    50. Ytjd 500930 066 Howard Caldwell Matter.mp3
    51. Ytjd 501021 069 The Jack Madi.mp3
    52. Ytjd 501118 073 Nora Faulkner Matter.mp3
    53. Ytjd 501216 076 Leland Blackburn Matter.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 80 shows – total playtime 35 hours, 56 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Gunsmoke 520607 007 Buffalo Hunters.mp3
    3. Gunsmoke 520816 017 The Lynching.mp3
    4. Gunsmoke 520830 019 The Juniper Tree.mp3
    5. Gunsmoke 520913 021 Home Surgery.mp3
    6. Gunsmoke 520927 023 The Railroad Rehearsal.mp3
    7. Gunsmoke 521010 025 Hinkado.mp3
    8. Gunsmoke 521107 029 Tara.mp3
    9. Gunsmoke 521129 032 Kitty.mp3
    10. Gunsmoke 521206 033 I Don'T Know.mp3
    11. Gunsmoke 521220 035 Christmas Story.mp3
    12. Gunsmoke 521227 036 The Cabin.mp3
    13. Gunsmoke 530103 037 Westbound.mp3
    14. Gunsmoke 530110 038 Word Of Honor.mp3
    15. Gunsmoke 530124 040 The Old Lady.mp3
    16. Gunsmoke 530221 044 Meshougah.mp3
    17. Gunsmoke 530228 045 Trojan War.mp3
    18. Gunsmoke 530307 046 Absalom.mp3
    19. Gunsmoke 530321 048 Pussycats.mp3
    20. Gunsmoke 530411 051 Gonif.mp3
    21. Gunsmoke 530418 052 Bum'S Rush.mp3
    22. Gunsmoke 530509 055 The Buffalo Hunter.mp3
    23. Gunsmoke 530523 057 Print Asper.mp3
    24. Gunsmoke 530530 058 Fall Semester.mp3
    25. Gunsmoke 530606 059 Sundown.mp3
    26. Gunsmoke 530613 060 Spring Term.mp3
    27. Gunsmoke 530620 061 Wind.mp3
    28. Gunsmoke 530718 065 Wild West.mp3
    29. Gunsmoke 530725 066 Hickock.mp3
    30. Gunsmoke 530801 067 Boy.mp3
    31. Gunsmoke 530808 068 Sky.mp3
    32. Gunsmoke 530815 069 Moon.mp3
    33. Gunsmoke 530822 070 Gone Straight.mp3
    34. Gunsmoke 530829 071 Jessie.mp3
    35. Gunsmoke 530905 072 The Sutler.mp3
    36. Gunsmoke 530912 073 Prairie Happy.mp3
    37. Gunsmoke 530919 074 There Was Never A Horse.mp3
    38. Gunsmoke 530926 075 Fawn.mp3
    39. Gunsmoke 531003 076 How To Kill A Friend.mp3
    40. Gunsmoke 531010 077 How To Die For Nothing.mp3
    41. Gunsmoke 531017 078 Yorky.mp3
    42. Gunsmoke 531024 079 Buffalo Hunters.mp3
    43. Gunsmoke 531031 080 How To Kill A Woman.mp3
    44. Gunsmoke 531114 082 Professor Lute Bone.mp3
    45. Gunsmoke 531121 083 Custer.mp3
    46. Gunsmoke 531226 088 The Guitar.mp3
    47. Gunsmoke 540102 089 Stage Holdup.mp3
    48. Gunsmoke 540109 090 The Jokes On Us.mp3
    49. Gunsmoke 540116 091 The Bear [Low Volume].mp3
    50. Gunsmoke 540130 093 Gun Smuggler.mp3
    51. Gunsmoke 540206 094 Big Broad.mp3
    52. Gunsmoke 540220 096 Last Fling.mp3
    53. Gunsmoke 540227 097 Bad Boy.mp3
    54. Gunsmoke 540306 098 The Gentleman.mp3
    55. Gunsmoke 540320 100 Old Friend.mp3
    56. Gunsmoke 540327 101 Blood Money.mp3
    57. Gunsmoke 540403 102 Mr And Mrs Amber.mp3
    58. Gunsmoke 540410 103 Greater Love.mp3
    59. Gunsmoke 540417 104 What The Whiskey Drummer Heard.mp3
    60. Gunsmoke 540424 105 Murder Warrant.mp3
    61. Gunsmoke 540508 107 The Constable.mp3
    62. Gunsmoke 540515 108 Indian Horse.mp3
    63. Gunsmoke 540529 110 Feud.mp3
    64. Gunsmoke 540605 111 Blacksmith.mp3
    65. Gunsmoke 540619 113 Going Bad.mp3
    66. Gunsmoke 540626 114 Claustrophobia.mp3
    67. Gunsmoke 540705 116 Hack Prine.mp3
    68. Gunsmoke 540712 117 Texas Cowboys.mp3
    69. Gunsmoke 540802 120 No Indians.mp3
    70. Gunsmoke 540809 121 Joe Phy.mp3
    71. Gunsmoke 540816 122 Mavis Mccloud.mp3
    72. Gunsmoke 540823 123 Young Man With A Gun.mp3
    73. Gunsmoke 540906 125 Handcuffs.mp3
    74. Gunsmoke 540920 127 The F U.mp3
    75. Gunsmoke 540927 128 Helping Hand.mp3
    76. Gunsmoke 541002 129 Matt Gets It.mp3
    77. Gunsmoke 541009 130 Love Of A Good Woman.mp3
    78. Gunsmoke 541016 131 Kitty Caught.mp3
    79. Gunsmoke 541113 135 Wrong Man.mp3
    80. Gunsmoke 541127 137 Cooter.mp3
    81. Gunsmoke 541211 139 Bone Hunters.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 42 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. FG580130 00 The Shelton Brothers (audition).mp3
    3. FG580202 01 The Shelton Brothers.mp3
    4. FG580209 02 Charlie Meeker.mp3
    5. FG580216 03 Honky Tonkers.mp3
    6. FG580223 04 Kendall's Last Stand.mp3
    7. FG580302 05 The Lost Mine.mp3
    8. FG580309 06 The Claim Jumpers.mp3
    9. FG580316 07 Big Sam for Governor.mp3
    10. FG580323 08 The Actress.mp3
    11. FG580330 09 Gentle Virtue.mp3
    12. FG580404 10 Powder River Kid.mp3
    13. FG580413 11 The Trial.mp3
    14. FG580420 12 Aces and Eights.mp3
    15. FG580427 13 Random Notes.mp3
    16. FG580504 14 Daddy Buckbucks.mp3
    17. FG580511 15 The Cannibal.mp3
    18. FG580518 16 Advice To The Lovelorn.mp3
    19. FG580525 17 The Cowboy.mp3
    20. FG580601 18 School Days.mp3
    21. FG580608 19 The Bellboy's Prisoner.mp3
    22. FG580615 20 The Well.mp3
    23. FG580629 21 Gambling Lady.mp3
    24. FG580706 22 Education of Kid Yancey.mp3
    25. FG580713 23 Justice of the Peace.mp3
    26. FG580720 24 Jesse James part1.mp3
    27. FG580727 25 Jesse James part2.mp3
    28. FG580803 26 Nebraska Jack.mp3
    29. FG580810 27 The Cat Man.mp3
    30. FG580817 28 Wonder Boy.mp3
    31. FG580824 29 Belle Siddon's Encore.mp3
    32. FG580831 30 Belle Siddon Strikes Back.mp3
    33. FG580907 31 The Last of Belle Siddon.mp3
    34. FG580914 32 A Horse For Kendall.mp3
    35. FG580921 33 Indian Lover.mp3
    36. FG580928 34 The Gold Digger.mp3
    37. FG581005 35 The Librarian.mp3
    38. FG581012 36 Aces and Eights.mp3
    39. FG581019 37 The Preacher.mp3
    40. FG581026 38 The Rainmaker.mp3
    41. FG581102 39 Nasty People.mp3
    42. FG581109 40 Holiday.mp3
    43. FG581116 41 Random Notes.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 54 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. HGWT 581111 e0001 Audition 1.mp3
    3. HGWT 581111 e0002 Audition 2.mp3
    4. HGWT 581111 e0003 Audition 3.mp3
    5. HGWT 581123 e001 Strange Vendetta.mp3
    6. HGWT 581130 e002 Road To Wickenberg.mp3
    7. HGWT 581207 e003 Ella West.mp3
    8. HGWT 581214 e004 The Outlaw.mp3
    9. HGWT 581221 e005 Hanging Cross.mp3
    10. HGWT 581228 e006 No Visitors.mp3
    11. HGWT 590104 e007 Helen Abjinian.mp3
    12. HGWT 590111 e008 The Englishman.mp3
    13. HGWT 590118 e009 The Bells of Perdido.mp3
    14. HGWT 590125 e010 The Teacher.mp3
    15. HGWT 590201 e011 A Matter of Ethics.mp3
    16. HGWT 590208 e012 Killer's Widow.mp3
    17. HGWT 590215 e013 Return of Dr Thackery.mp3
    18. HGWT 590222 e014 WinchesterQuarantine.mp3
    19. HGWT 590301 e015 Heyboy's Revenge.mp3
    20. HGWT 590308 e016 Monster on Moon Ridge.mp3
    21. HGWT 590315 e017 Death of a Young Gunfighter.mp3
    22. HGWT 590322 e018 Five Books Of Owen Deaver.mp3
    23. HGWT 590329 e019 Sense of Justice.mp3
    24. HGWT 590405 e020 Maggie O'Banyon.mp3
    25. HGWT 590412 e021 The Colonel and the Lady.mp3
    26. HGWT 590419 e022 Birds of a Feather.mp3
    27. HGWT 590426 e023 The Gunsmith.mp3
    28. HGWT 590503 e024 Gun Shy.mp3
    29. HGWT 590510 e025 The Statue of San Sabastian.mp3
    30. HGWT 590517 e026 Lady Kane eThe Silver Queen.mp3
    31. HGWT 590524 e027 In An Evil Time.mp3
    32. HGWT 590531 e028 Blind Courage.mp3
    33. HGWT 590607 e029 Roped.mp3
    34. HGWT 590614 e030 Bitter Wine.mp3
    35. HGWT 590621 e031 North Fork.mp3
    36. HGWT 590628 e032 Homecoming.mp3
    37. HGWT 590705 e033 Comanche.mp3
    38. HGWT 590712 e034 Young Gun.mp3
    39. HGWT 590719 e035 Deliver the Body.mp3
    40. HGWT 590726 e036 The Wager.mp3
    41. HGWT 590802 e037 High Wire.mp3
    42. HGWT 590809 e038 Finn Alley.mp3
    43. HGWT 590816 e039 The Lady.mp3
    44. HGWT 590823 e040 Bonanza.mp3
    45. HGWT 590830 e041 Love Birds.mp3
    46. HGWT 590906 e042 All That Glitters.mp3
    47. HGWT 590913 e043 Treasure Hunt.mp3
    48. HGWT 590920 e044 Stardust.mp3
    49. HGWT 590927 e045 Like Father.mp3
    50. HGWT 591004 e046 The Contessa.mp3
    51. HGWT 591011 e047 Stopover in Tombstone.mp3
    52. HGWT 591018 e048 Brothers Lost.mp3
    53. HGWT 591025 e049 When in Rome.mp3
    54. HGWT 591101 e050 Wedding Day.mp3
    55. HGWT 591108 e051 Assignment in Stone's Crossing.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 55 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. HGWT 591115 e052 Landfall.mp3
    3. HGWT 591122 e053 Fair Fugitive.mp3
    4. HGWT 591129 e054 Bitter Vengeance.mp3
    5. HGWT 591206 e055 anything i want (incomplete).mp3
    6. HGWT 591213 e056 Out of Evil.mp3
    7. HGWT 591220 e057 Ranch Carnival.mp3
    8. HGWT 591227 e058 About Face.mp3
    9. HGWT 600103 e059 Return Engagement.mp3
    10. HGWT 600110 e060 The Lonely One.mp3
    11. HGWT 600117 e061 French Leave.mp3
    12. HGWT 600124 e062 Nataehon.mp3
    13. HGWT 600131 e063 Bad Bert.mp3
    14. HGWT 600207 e064 The Boss.mp3
    15. HGWT 600214 e065 Bring 'Em Back Alive.mp3
    16. HGWT 600221 e066 That Was No Lady.mp3
    17. HGWT 600228 e067 Doll House in Diamond Springs.mp3
    18. HGWT 600306 e068 Somebody Out There Hates Me.mp3
    19. HGWT 600313 e069 Montana Vendetta.mp3
    20. HGWT 600320 e070 Caesar's Wife.mp3
    21. HGWT 600327 e071 They Told Me You Were Dead.mp3
    22. HGWT 600403 e072 Shanghai is a Verb.mp3
    23. HGWT 600410 e073 So True, Mr Barnum.mp3
    24. HGWT 600417 e074 Prunella's Fellow.mp3
    25. HGWT 600424 e075 Irish Luck.mp3
    26. HGWT 600501 e076 Dressed to Kill.mp3
    27. HGWT 600508 e077 Pat Murphy.mp3
    28. HGWT 600515 e078 Lena Countryman.mp3
    29. HGWT 600522 e079 The Lucky Penny Mine.mp3
    30. HGWT 600529 e080 Dusty and His Uncle Muncie.mp3
    31. HGWT 600605 e081 Apache Concerto.mp3
    32. HGWT 600612 e082 The Search for Willie Dawson.mp3
    33. HGWT 600619 e083 Too, Too Solid Town.mp3
    34. HGWT 600626 e084 Doctor from Vienna.mp3
    35. HGWT 600703 e085 Dad Blamed Luck.mp3
    36. HGWT 600710 e086 Five Days to Yuma.mp3
    37. HGWT 600717 e087 Little Guns.mp3
    38. HGWT 600724 e088 Delta Queen.mp3
    39. HGWT 600731 e089 My Son Must Die.mp3
    40. HGWT 600807 e090 Viva.mp3
    41. HGWT 600814 e091 Extended Viva.mp3
    42. HGWT 600821 e092 The Warrent.mp3
    43. HGWT 600828 e093 For the Birds.mp3
    44. HGWT 600904 e094 Eat Crow.mp3
    45. HGWT 600911 e095 Dead Line.mp3
    46. HGWT 600918 e096 Nellie Watson's Son.mp3
    47. HGWT 600925 e097 Bringing Up Ollie.mp3
    48. HGWT 601002 e098 Telinka.mp3
    49. HGWT 601009 e099 Sam Crow.mp3
    50. HGWT 601016 e100 Stardust.mp3
    51. HGWT 601023 e101 Hell Knows No Fury.mp3
    52. HGWT 601030 e102 Oil.mp3
    53. HGWT 601106 e103 The Odds.mp3
    54. HGWT 601113 e104 The Map.mp3
    55. HGWT 601120 e105 Martha Nell.mp3
    56. HGWT 601127 e106 From Here to Boston.mp3
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    407 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00. Total playtime 187 hours, 27 min
    407 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00
    3435 MB – total playtime 187 hours, 27 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 60 shows – 400 MB – total playtime 28 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Baker'S Theater Of Stars 530412 08 The New Man.mp3
    3. Black Book 520217 (1) On Schedule.mp3
    4. Emotion 490706 Jetatura.mp3
    5. Escape 480718 047 Habit.mp3
    6. Escape 480815 049 The Fugitive.mp3
    7. Escape 480822 050 Ss San Pedro.mp3
    8. Escape 480905 052 Dream Of Armageddon.mp3
    9. Escape 490212 055 The Lost Special.mp3
    10. Escape 490219 056 The Orient Express.mp3
    11. Escape 490416 067 The General Died At Dawn.mp3
    12. Escape 490423 068 The Great Impersonation.mp3
    13. Escape 500214 098 Two If By Sea.mp3
    14. Escape 500228 100 The Man Who Won The War.mp3
    15. Escape 500310 101 Port Royal.mp3
    16. Escape 500407 105 Ambassador Of Poker.mp3
    17. Escape 500421 107 Shanghai Document.mp3
    18. Escape 500623 116 Sundown.mp3
    19. Escape 500714 119 Shark Bait.mp3
    20. Escape 500721 120 Yellow Wake.mp3
    21. Escape 501006 126 Sleeping Draught.mp3
    22. Escape 501013 127 Roulette.mp3
    23. Escape 501105 131 Earth Abides 1o2.mp3
    24. Escape 501112 132 Earth Abides 2o2.mp3
    25. Escape 501210 136 A Passenger To Bali.mp3
    26. Escape 501217 137 Wild Jack Rett.mp3
    27. Escape 501224 138 The Cave.mp3
    28. Escape 510114 141 A Bullet For Mr Smith.mp3
    29. Escape 510216 142 Killer Mine.mp3
    30. Escape 510725 146 The Earthman.mp3
    31. Escape 510815 149 Rough Shoot.mp3
    32. Escape 521116 157 Loup Garou.mp3
    33. Escape 521214 161 Four Went Home.mp3
    34. Escape 530208 169 Jetsam.mp3
    35. Escape 530315 174 The Man With The Steel Teeth.mp3
    36. Escape 530503 181 Lili And The Colonel.mp3
    37. Escape 530531 185 Good Thing A.mp3
    38. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action.mp3
    39. Escape 530726 193 The Notebook.mp3
    40. Escape 530802 194 The Red Forest.mp3
    41. Escape 530927 202 The Untouchable.mp3
    42. Escape 531004 203 Zero Hour.mp3
    43. Escape 540311 205 Bird Of Paradise.mp3
    44. Escape 540325 207 The Second Shot.mp3
    45. Escape 540408 209 The Scarlet Plague.mp3
    46. Escape 540415 210 Affair At Mandrake.mp3
    47. Escape 540506 211 The Adversary.mp3
    48. Escape 540610 226 Benchillina And The Fisherman.mp3
    49. Ft 481208 095 Herbert Has Ideas.mp3
    50. Ft 490406 112 Night Elevator.mp3
    51. Ft 490810 130 Fountain Of Youth.mp3
    52. Ft 490907 134 Song Of Roland.mp3
    53. Ft 490928 137 Evangeline.mp3
    54. Ft 491123 145 Courtship Of Miles Standis.mp3
    55. Ft 491214 148 Other Wise Man.mp3
    56. Ft 531007 339 Turn Off Lights.mp3
    57. Ft 531014 340 Ballad Of Dan Mcbirdy.mp3
    58. Ft 531209 348 Legend Of High Chin Bob.mp3
    59. Ft 540310 361 Its Gift.mp3
    60. Ft 540324 363 Night Caller.mp3
    61. Ft 541201 398 Summer Replacement.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 64 shows – 546 MB – total playtime 39 hours, 15 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Hallmark Hall Of Fame 540103 34 Tom Mix.mp3
    3. Judge 520213 Death of a Playboy, John Dehner.mp3
    4. Let George Do It 480726 Arnold Lumas Case.mp3
    5. Let George Do It 491031 Every Shot Counts.mp3
    6. Let George Do It 491219 Follow That Train.mp3
    7. Let George Do It 500109 The Silent Waterfall.mp3
    8. Let George Do It 500710 Isl In The Desert.mp3
    9. Let George Do It 510129 Christmas In January.mp3
    10. Let George Do It 510226 See Me Once You'Ve Seen Me Twice.mp3
    11. Let George Do It 510326 No Escape From The Jungle.mp3
    12. Lux 530831 845 One Last September (Afrs).mp3
    13. Man Called X 520219 72 Half Penny Stamp.mp3
    14. Nbcut 481010 011 An American Tragedy.mp3
    15. Nbcut 481107 015 Arrowsmith.mp3
    16. Nbcut 490102 022 Main Street.mp3
    17. Nbcut 490109 023 The Grapes Of Wrath.mp3
    18. Nbcut 490116 024 All The King'S Men.mp3
    19. Nbcut 490320 032 The Marble Fawn.mp3
    20. Nbcut 490410 035 Moby Dick.mp3
    21. Nbcut 490508 039 Red Badge Of Courage.mp3
    22. Nbcut 490716 049 Point Of No Return.mp3
    23. Nbcut 490730 051 This Side Of Paradise.mp3
    24. Nbcut 491113 064 Babylon Revisited.mp3
    25. Nbcut 491127 066 Point Of No Return.mp3
    26. Nbcut 500205 074 Track Of The Cat.mp3
    27. Nbcut 500709 096 The Time Of Man.mp3
    28. Philip Marlowe 481024 B05 Heart Of Gold.mp3
    29. Philip Marlowe 490108 B15 The Restless Day.mp3
    30. Philip Marlowe 490402 B27 Last Laugh.mp3
    31. Philip Marlowe 490423 B30 Cloak Of Kamehameha.mp3
    32. Philip Marlowe 490514 B33 Promise To Pay.mp3
    33. Philip Marlowe 490827 B47 The Eager Witnes.mp3
    34. Philip Marlowe 491001 B52 Tale Of The Mermaid.mp3
    35. Philip Marlowe 500307 B74 The Monkey'S Uncle.mp3
    36. Philip Marlowe 500411 B79 Anniversary Gift.mp3
    37. Philip Marlowe 500606 B87 The Uneasy Head.mp3
    38. Philip Marlowe 500628 B90 Pelican'S Roost.mp3
    39. Philip Marlowe 500922 B102 The White Carnation.mp3
    40. Philip Marlowe 500929 B103 Big Book.mp3
    41. Philip Marlowe 510707 B104 Seasidesabbatical.mp3
    42. Richard Diamond 500830 064 Bigfoot Grafton.mp3
    43. Richard Diamond 520208 123 Eddie Burke Case.mp3
    44. Richard Diamond 530628 147 Mr Heiden Gun Maker.mp3
    45. Rogers Of The Gazette 530708 01 Newspaper Takeover.mp3
    46. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 03 Dirty Politics.mp3
    47. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 Partisan Politics (Rehearsal).mp3
    48. Rogers Of The Gazette 530916 11 Illyria Box Supper.mp3
    49. Rogers Of The Gazette 530923 12 Farm Sale Day.mp3
    50. Rogers Of The Gazette 531008 13 Leahs Eudora Notes.mp3
    51. Rogers Of The Gazette 531015 14 Maggie Barbara.mp3
    52. Rogers Of The Gazette 531029 16 Old Cornet.mp3
    53. Rogers Of The Gazette 531105 17 Toast Of Vienna.mp3
    54. Rogers Of The Gazette 531111 18 Town Clock.mp3
    55. Rogers Of The Gazette 531118 19 Do It Now.mp3
    56. Rogers Of The Gazette 531125 20 The Princess Theatre Reopens.mp3
    57. Rogers Of The Gazette 540120 27 Somethings Troubling Will.mp3
    58. Romance 500704 03 Germelshausen.mp3
    59. Romance 510716 03 China Run.mp3
    60. Screen Dir P'House 490515 019 Hold Back The Dawn.mp3
    61. Screen Dir P'House 491118 043 The Uninvited (Alt).mp3
    62. Screen Dir P'House 491125 044 Spiral Staircase.mp3
    63. Screen Dir P'House 491230 49 One Way Passage.mp3
    64. Screen Dir P'House 500331 062 The Dark Mirror.mp3
    65. Screen Dir P'House 501214 081 The Lady Gambles.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – 333 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 16 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Silent Men 520402 21 Trouble At Suez.mp3
    3. Stars Over Hollywood 540130 109 Just For You.mp3
    4. Stars Over Hollywood 540227 113 Hundred Dollar Bill.mp3
    5. Suspense 491124 360 The Long Wait.mp3
    6. Suspense 491201 361 Mission Completed.mp3
    7. Suspense 491229 365 The Bullet.mp3
    8. Suspense 500316 376 Motive For Murder.mp3
    9. Suspense 500504 383 Statement Of Mary.mp3
    10. Suspense 501019 399 The Wages Of Sin.mp3
    11. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter.mp3
    12. Suspense 530126 497 The Spencer Brothers.mp3
    13. Suspense 531102 524 Ordeal In Donner Pass.mp3
    14. Suspense 531214 530 Mystery Of The Marie Roqet.mp3
    15. Suspense 540315 543 The Girl In Car 32.mp3
    16. Suspense 540426 549 The Bertillion Method.mp3
    17. Suspense 540720 561 Telling Anthony Ellis.mp3
    18. Suspense 540727 562 Destruction.mp3
    19. Suspense 541014 567 Lost.mp3
    20. Suspense 541104 570 The Last Letter O.mp3
    21. Suspense 541125 573 Shooting Star.mp3
    22. Suspense 541202 574 The Shot.mp3
    23. Suspense 541223 577 Premonition.mp3
    24. Vsq 47100915 Tattooed Beaver Baby Food For.mp3
    25. Vsq 471203 22 The Green Tourist The Temple.mp3
    26. Vsq 480107 27 The Derelict And The Wandering.mp3
    27. Whistler 481121 338 The Lovely Look.mp3
    28. Whistler 500507 414 Fatal Error.mp3
    29. Whistler 500611 419 The Sucessful Marriage.mp3
    30. Whistler 500625 421 The Manhunt.mp3
    31. Whistler 500730 426 With My Own Eyes.mp3
    32. Whistler 501105 440 Just Like A Man.mp3
    33. Whistler 501203 444 Lady The Knife.mp3
    34. Whistler 501210 445 Clock On The Tower.mp3
    35. Whistler 510311 458 High Death.mp3
    36. Whistler 510506 466 Two And One Makes Murder.mp3
    37. Whistler 510708 475 The Witness.mp3
    38. Whistler 520106 501 Episode At Thunder Mountain.mp3
    39. Whistler 531129 598 Lady On A Yacht.mp3
    40. Wild Bill Hickok 520328 065 Wild Miller Of Payute Falls.mp3
    41. Wild Bill Hickok 520530 083 Whine Of The Saw.mp3
    42. Ytjd 490821 016 Out Of The Fire Into The Frying.mp3
    43. Ytjd 491126 027 Skull Canyon Mine.mp3
    44. Ytjd 491203 028 Bodyguard To Anne Connelly.mp3
    45. Ytjd 500203 035 The Loyal B. Martin Matter Aka Death Takes.mp3
    46. Ytjd 500224 038 The Archeologist.mp3
    47. Ytjd 500418 046 The Story Of Thr Tenoeight.mp3
    48. Ytjd 500523 051 Earl Chadwick Matter.mp3
    49. Ytjd 500713 058 The Calgary Matter.mp3
    50. Ytjd 500930 066 Howard Caldwell Matter.mp3
    51. Ytjd 501021 069 The Jack Madi.mp3
    52. Ytjd 501118 073 Nora Faulkner Matter.mp3
    53. Ytjd 501216 076 Leland Blackburn Matter.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 80 shows – 494 MB – total playtime 35 hours, 56 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Gunsmoke 520607 007 Buffalo Hunters.mp3
    3. Gunsmoke 520816 017 The Lynching.mp3
    4. Gunsmoke 520830 019 The Juniper Tree.mp3
    5. Gunsmoke 520913 021 Home Surgery.mp3
    6. Gunsmoke 520927 023 The Railroad Rehearsal.mp3
    7. Gunsmoke 521010 025 Hinkado.mp3
    8. Gunsmoke 521107 029 Tara.mp3
    9. Gunsmoke 521129 032 Kitty.mp3
    10. Gunsmoke 521206 033 I Don'T Know.mp3
    11. Gunsmoke 521220 035 Christmas Story.mp3
    12. Gunsmoke 521227 036 The Cabin.mp3
    13. Gunsmoke 530103 037 Westbound.mp3
    14. Gunsmoke 530110 038 Word Of Honor.mp3
    15. Gunsmoke 530124 040 The Old Lady.mp3
    16. Gunsmoke 530221 044 Meshougah.mp3
    17. Gunsmoke 530228 045 Trojan War.mp3
    18. Gunsmoke 530307 046 Absalom.mp3
    19. Gunsmoke 530321 048 Pussycats.mp3
    20. Gunsmoke 530411 051 Gonif.mp3
    21. Gunsmoke 530418 052 Bum'S Rush.mp3
    22. Gunsmoke 530509 055 The Buffalo Hunter.mp3
    23. Gunsmoke 530523 057 Print Asper.mp3
    24. Gunsmoke 530530 058 Fall Semester.mp3
    25. Gunsmoke 530606 059 Sundown.mp3
    26. Gunsmoke 530613 060 Spring Term.mp3
    27. Gunsmoke 530620 061 Wind.mp3
    28. Gunsmoke 530718 065 Wild West.mp3
    29. Gunsmoke 530725 066 Hickock.mp3
    30. Gunsmoke 530801 067 Boy.mp3
    31. Gunsmoke 530808 068 Sky.mp3
    32. Gunsmoke 530815 069 Moon.mp3
    33. Gunsmoke 530822 070 Gone Straight.mp3
    34. Gunsmoke 530829 071 Jessie.mp3
    35. Gunsmoke 530905 072 The Sutler.mp3
    36. Gunsmoke 530912 073 Prairie Happy.mp3
    37. Gunsmoke 530919 074 There Was Never A Horse.mp3
    38. Gunsmoke 530926 075 Fawn.mp3
    39. Gunsmoke 531003 076 How To Kill A Friend.mp3
    40. Gunsmoke 531010 077 How To Die For Nothing.mp3
    41. Gunsmoke 531017 078 Yorky.mp3
    42. Gunsmoke 531024 079 Buffalo Hunters.mp3
    43. Gunsmoke 531031 080 How To Kill A Woman.mp3
    44. Gunsmoke 531114 082 Professor Lute Bone.mp3
    45. Gunsmoke 531121 083 Custer.mp3
    46. Gunsmoke 531226 088 The Guitar.mp3
    47. Gunsmoke 540102 089 Stage Holdup.mp3
    48. Gunsmoke 540109 090 The Jokes On Us.mp3
    49. Gunsmoke 540116 091 The Bear [Low Volume].mp3
    50. Gunsmoke 540130 093 Gun Smuggler.mp3
    51. Gunsmoke 540206 094 Big Broad.mp3
    52. Gunsmoke 540220 096 Last Fling.mp3
    53. Gunsmoke 540227 097 Bad Boy.mp3
    54. Gunsmoke 540306 098 The Gentleman.mp3
    55. Gunsmoke 540320 100 Old Friend.mp3
    56. Gunsmoke 540327 101 Blood Money.mp3
    57. Gunsmoke 540403 102 Mr And Mrs Amber.mp3
    58. Gunsmoke 540410 103 Greater Love.mp3
    59. Gunsmoke 540417 104 What The Whiskey Drummer Heard.mp3
    60. Gunsmoke 540424 105 Murder Warrant.mp3
    61. Gunsmoke 540508 107 The Constable.mp3
    62. Gunsmoke 540515 108 Indian Horse.mp3
    63. Gunsmoke 540529 110 Feud.mp3
    64. Gunsmoke 540605 111 Blacksmith.mp3
    65. Gunsmoke 540619 113 Going Bad.mp3
    66. Gunsmoke 540626 114 Claustrophobia.mp3
    67. Gunsmoke 540705 116 Hack Prine.mp3
    68. Gunsmoke 540712 117 Texas Cowboys.mp3
    69. Gunsmoke 540802 120 No Indians.mp3
    70. Gunsmoke 540809 121 Joe Phy.mp3
    71. Gunsmoke 540816 122 Mavis Mccloud.mp3
    72. Gunsmoke 540823 123 Young Man With A Gun.mp3
    73. Gunsmoke 540906 125 Handcuffs.mp3
    74. Gunsmoke 540920 127 The F U.mp3
    75. Gunsmoke 540927 128 Helping Hand.mp3
    76. Gunsmoke 541002 129 Matt Gets It.mp3
    77. Gunsmoke 541009 130 Love Of A Good Woman.mp3
    78. Gunsmoke 541016 131 Kitty Caught.mp3
    79. Gunsmoke 541113 135 Wrong Man.mp3
    80. Gunsmoke 541127 137 Cooter.mp3
    81. Gunsmoke 541211 139 Bone Hunters.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 42 shows – 471 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. FG580130 00 The Shelton Brothers (audition).mp3
    3. FG580202 01 The Shelton Brothers.mp3
    4. FG580209 02 Charlie Meeker.mp3
    5. FG580216 03 Honky Tonkers.mp3
    6. FG580223 04 Kendall's Last Stand.mp3
    7. FG580302 05 The Lost Mine.mp3
    8. FG580309 06 The Claim Jumpers.mp3
    9. FG580316 07 Big Sam for Governor.mp3
    10. FG580323 08 The Actress.mp3
    11. FG580330 09 Gentle Virtue.mp3
    12. FG580404 10 Powder River Kid.mp3
    13. FG580413 11 The Trial.mp3
    14. FG580420 12 Aces and Eights.mp3
    15. FG580427 13 Random Notes.mp3
    16. FG580504 14 Daddy Buckbucks.mp3
    17. FG580511 15 The Cannibal.mp3
    18. FG580518 16 Advice To The Lovelorn.mp3
    19. FG580525 17 The Cowboy.mp3
    20. FG580601 18 School Days.mp3
    21. FG580608 19 The Bellboy's Prisoner.mp3
    22. FG580615 20 The Well.mp3
    23. FG580629 21 Gambling Lady.mp3
    24. FG580706 22 Education of Kid Yancey.mp3
    25. FG580713 23 Justice of the Peace.mp3
    26. FG580720 24 Jesse James part1.mp3
    27. FG580727 25 Jesse James part2.mp3
    28. FG580803 26 Nebraska Jack.mp3
    29. FG580810 27 The Cat Man.mp3
    30. FG580817 28 Wonder Boy.mp3
    31. FG580824 29 Belle Siddon's Encore.mp3
    32. FG580831 30 Belle Siddon Strikes Back.mp3
    33. FG580907 31 The Last of Belle Siddon.mp3
    34. FG580914 32 A Horse For Kendall.mp3
    35. FG580921 33 Indian Lover.mp3
    36. FG580928 34 The Gold Digger.mp3
    37. FG581005 35 The Librarian.mp3
    38. FG581012 36 Aces and Eights.mp3
    39. FG581019 37 The Preacher.mp3
    40. FG581026 38 The Rainmaker.mp3
    41. FG581102 39 Nasty People.mp3
    42. FG581109 40 Holiday.mp3
    43. FG581116 41 Random Notes.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 54 shows – 576 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 41 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. HGWT 581111 e0001 Audition 1.mp3
    3. HGWT 581111 e0002 Audition 2.mp3
    4. HGWT 581111 e0003 Audition 3.mp3
    5. HGWT 581123 e001 Strange Vendetta.mp3
    6. HGWT 581130 e002 Road To Wickenberg.mp3
    7. HGWT 581207 e003 Ella West.mp3
    8. HGWT 581214 e004 The Outlaw.mp3
    9. HGWT 581221 e005 Hanging Cross.mp3
    10. HGWT 581228 e006 No Visitors.mp3
    11. HGWT 590104 e007 Helen Abjinian.mp3
    12. HGWT 590111 e008 The Englishman.mp3
    13. HGWT 590118 e009 The Bells of Perdido.mp3
    14. HGWT 590125 e010 The Teacher.mp3
    15. HGWT 590201 e011 A Matter of Ethics.mp3
    16. HGWT 590208 e012 Killer's Widow.mp3
    17. HGWT 590215 e013 Return of Dr Thackery.mp3
    18. HGWT 590222 e014 WinchesterQuarantine.mp3
    19. HGWT 590301 e015 Heyboy's Revenge.mp3
    20. HGWT 590308 e016 Monster on Moon Ridge.mp3
    21. HGWT 590315 e017 Death of a Young Gunfighter.mp3
    22. HGWT 590322 e018 Five Books Of Owen Deaver.mp3
    23. HGWT 590329 e019 Sense of Justice.mp3
    24. HGWT 590405 e020 Maggie O'Banyon.mp3
    25. HGWT 590412 e021 The Colonel and the Lady.mp3
    26. HGWT 590419 e022 Birds of a Feather.mp3
    27. HGWT 590426 e023 The Gunsmith.mp3
    28. HGWT 590503 e024 Gun Shy.mp3
    29. HGWT 590510 e025 The Statue of San Sabastian.mp3
    30. HGWT 590517 e026 Lady Kane eThe Silver Queen.mp3
    31. HGWT 590524 e027 In An Evil Time.mp3
    32. HGWT 590531 e028 Blind Courage.mp3
    33. HGWT 590607 e029 Roped.mp3
    34. HGWT 590614 e030 Bitter Wine.mp3
    35. HGWT 590621 e031 North Fork.mp3
    36. HGWT 590628 e032 Homecoming.mp3
    37. HGWT 590705 e033 Comanche.mp3
    38. HGWT 590712 e034 Young Gun.mp3
    39. HGWT 590719 e035 Deliver the Body.mp3
    40. HGWT 590726 e036 The Wager.mp3
    41. HGWT 590802 e037 High Wire.mp3
    42. HGWT 590809 e038 Finn Alley.mp3
    43. HGWT 590816 e039 The Lady.mp3
    44. HGWT 590823 e040 Bonanza.mp3
    45. HGWT 590830 e041 Love Birds.mp3
    46. HGWT 590906 e042 All That Glitters.mp3
    47. HGWT 590913 e043 Treasure Hunt.mp3
    48. HGWT 590920 e044 Stardust.mp3
    49. HGWT 590927 e045 Like Father.mp3
    50. HGWT 591004 e046 The Contessa.mp3
    51. HGWT 591011 e047 Stopover in Tombstone.mp3
    52. HGWT 591018 e048 Brothers Lost.mp3
    53. HGWT 591025 e049 When in Rome.mp3
    54. HGWT 591101 e050 Wedding Day.mp3
    55. HGWT 591108 e051 Assignment in Stone's Crossing.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 55 shows – 615 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. HGWT 591115 e052 Landfall.mp3
    3. HGWT 591122 e053 Fair Fugitive.mp3
    4. HGWT 591129 e054 Bitter Vengeance.mp3
    5. HGWT 591206 e055 anything i want (incomplete).mp3
    6. HGWT 591213 e056 Out of Evil.mp3
    7. HGWT 591220 e057 Ranch Carnival.mp3
    8. HGWT 591227 e058 About Face.mp3
    9. HGWT 600103 e059 Return Engagement.mp3
    10. HGWT 600110 e060 The Lonely One.mp3
    11. HGWT 600117 e061 French Leave.mp3
    12. HGWT 600124 e062 Nataehon.mp3
    13. HGWT 600131 e063 Bad Bert.mp3
    14. HGWT 600207 e064 The Boss.mp3
    15. HGWT 600214 e065 Bring 'Em Back Alive.mp3
    16. HGWT 600221 e066 That Was No Lady.mp3
    17. HGWT 600228 e067 Doll House in Diamond Springs.mp3
    18. HGWT 600306 e068 Somebody Out There Hates Me.mp3
    19. HGWT 600313 e069 Montana Vendetta.mp3
    20. HGWT 600320 e070 Caesar's Wife.mp3
    21. HGWT 600327 e071 They Told Me You Were Dead.mp3
    22. HGWT 600403 e072 Shanghai is a Verb.mp3
    23. HGWT 600410 e073 So True, Mr Barnum.mp3
    24. HGWT 600417 e074 Prunella's Fellow.mp3
    25. HGWT 600424 e075 Irish Luck.mp3
    26. HGWT 600501 e076 Dressed to Kill.mp3
    27. HGWT 600508 e077 Pat Murphy.mp3
    28. HGWT 600515 e078 Lena Countryman.mp3
    29. HGWT 600522 e079 The Lucky Penny Mine.mp3
    30. HGWT 600529 e080 Dusty and His Uncle Muncie.mp3
    31. HGWT 600605 e081 Apache Concerto.mp3
    32. HGWT 600612 e082 The Search for Willie Dawson.mp3
    33. HGWT 600619 e083 Too, Too Solid Town.mp3
    34. HGWT 600626 e084 Doctor from Vienna.mp3
    35. HGWT 600703 e085 Dad Blamed Luck.mp3
    36. HGWT 600710 e086 Five Days to Yuma.mp3
    37. HGWT 600717 e087 Little Guns.mp3
    38. HGWT 600724 e088 Delta Queen.mp3
    39. HGWT 600731 e089 My Son Must Die.mp3
    40. HGWT 600807 e090 Viva.mp3
    41. HGWT 600814 e091 Extended Viva.mp3
    42. HGWT 600821 e092 The Warrent.mp3
    43. HGWT 600828 e093 For the Birds.mp3
    44. HGWT 600904 e094 Eat Crow.mp3
    45. HGWT 600911 e095 Dead Line.mp3
    46. HGWT 600918 e096 Nellie Watson's Son.mp3
    47. HGWT 600925 e097 Bringing Up Ollie.mp3
    48. HGWT 601002 e098 Telinka.mp3
    49. HGWT 601009 e099 Sam Crow.mp3
    50. HGWT 601016 e100 Stardust.mp3
    51. HGWT 601023 e101 Hell Knows No Fury.mp3
    52. HGWT 601030 e102 Oil.mp3
    53. HGWT 601106 e103 The Odds.mp3
    54. HGWT 601113 e104 The Map.mp3
    55. HGWT 601120 e105 Martha Nell.mp3
    56. HGWT 601127 e106 From Here to Boston.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    407 recordings on 207 Audio CDs. Total playtime 187 hours, 27 min
    407 recordings on 207 Audio CDs
    total playtime 187 hours, 27 min

    John Dehner Disc A001

    1. Vsq 47100915 Tattooed Beaver Baby Food For
    2. Vsq 471203 22 The Green Tourist The Temple

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    John Dehner Disc A002

    1. Vsq 480107 27 The Derelict And The Wandering
    2. Escape 480718 047 Habit

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    John Dehner Disc A003

    1. Let George Do It 480726 Arnold Lumas Case
    2. Escape 480815 049 The Fugitive

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    John Dehner Disc A004

    1. Escape 480822 050 Ss San Pedro
    2. Escape 480905 052 Dream Of Armageddon

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    John Dehner Disc A005

    1. Nbcut 481010 011 An American Tragedy

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    John Dehner Disc A006

    1. Philip Marlowe 481024 B05 Heart Of Gold

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    John Dehner Disc A007

    1. Nbcut 481107 015 Arrowsmith

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    John Dehner Disc A008

    1. Whistler 481121 338 The Lovely Look
    2. Ft 481208 095 Herbert Has Ideas

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    John Dehner Disc A009

    1. Nbcut 490102 022 Main Street

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    John Dehner Disc A010

    1. Philip Marlowe 490108 B15 The Restless Day

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    John Dehner Disc A011

    1. Nbcut 490109 023 The Grapes Of Wrath

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    John Dehner Disc A012

    1. Nbcut 490116 024 All The King'S Men

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    John Dehner Disc A013

    1. Escape 490212 055 The Lost Special
    2. Escape 490219 056 The Orient Express

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    John Dehner Disc A014

    1. Nbcut 490320 032 The Marble Fawn

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    John Dehner Disc A015

    1. Philip Marlowe 490402 B27 Last Laugh
    2. Ft 490406 112 Night Elevator

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    John Dehner Disc A016

    1. Nbcut 490410 035 Moby Dick

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    John Dehner Disc A017

    1. Escape 490416 067 The General Died At Dawn
    2. Escape 490423 068 The Great Impersonation

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    John Dehner Disc A018

    1. Philip Marlowe 490423 B30 Cloak Of Kamehameha

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    John Dehner Disc A019

    1. Nbcut 490508 039 Red Badge Of Courage

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    John Dehner Disc A020

    1. Philip Marlowe 490514 B33 Promise To Pay
    2. Screen Dir P'House 490515 019 Hold Back The Dawn

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    John Dehner Disc A021

    1. Emotion 490706 Jetatura

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    John Dehner Disc A022

    1. Nbcut 490716 049 Point Of No Return

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    John Dehner Disc A023

    1. Nbcut 490730 051 This Side Of Paradise

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    John Dehner Disc A024

    1. Ft 490810 130 Fountain Of Youth
    2. Ytjd 490821 016 Out Of The Fire Into The Frying

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    John Dehner Disc A025

    1. Philip Marlowe 490827 B47 The Eager Witnes
    2. Ft 490907 134 Song Of Roland

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    John Dehner Disc A026

    1. Ft 490928 137 Evangeline
    2. Philip Marlowe 491001 B52 Tale Of The Mermaid

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    John Dehner Disc A027

    1. Let George Do It 491031 Every Shot Counts

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    John Dehner Disc A028

    1. Nbcut 491113 064 Babylon Revisited

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    John Dehner Disc A029

    1. Screen Dir P'House 491118 043 The Uninvited (Alt)
    2. Ft 491123 145 Courtship Of Miles Standis

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    John Dehner Disc A030

    1. Suspense 491124 360 The Long Wait
    2. Screen Dir P'House 491125 044 Spiral Staircase

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    John Dehner Disc A031

    1. Ytjd 491126 027 Skull Canyon Mine

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    John Dehner Disc A032

    1. Nbcut 491127 066 Point Of No Return

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    John Dehner Disc A033

    1. Suspense 491201 361 Mission Completed
    2. Ytjd 491203 028 Bodyguard To Anne Connelly

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    John Dehner Disc A034

    1. Ft 491214 148 Other Wise Man
    2. Let George Do It 491219 Follow That Train

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    John Dehner Disc A035

    1. Suspense 491229 365 The Bullet
    2. Screen Dir P'House 491230 49 One Way Passage

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    John Dehner Disc A036

    1. Let George Do It 500109 The Silent Waterfall
    2. Ytjd 500203 035 The Loyal B. Martin Matter Aka Death Takes

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    John Dehner Disc A037

    1. Nbcut 500205 074 Track Of The Cat

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    John Dehner Disc A038

    1. Escape 500214 098 Two If By Sea
    2. Ytjd 500224 038 The Archeologist

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    John Dehner Disc A039

    1. Escape 500228 100 The Man Who Won The War
    2. Philip Marlowe 500307 B74 The Monkey'S Uncle

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    John Dehner Disc A040

    1. Escape 500310 101 Port Royal
    2. Suspense 500316 376 Motive For Murder

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    John Dehner Disc A041

    1. Screen Dir P'House 500331 062 The Dark Mirror
    2. Escape 500407 105 Ambassador Of Poker

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    John Dehner Disc A042

    1. Philip Marlowe 500411 B79 Anniversary Gift
    2. Ytjd 500418 046 The Story Of Thr Tenoeight

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    John Dehner Disc A043

    1. Escape 500421 107 Shanghai Document
    2. Suspense 500504 383 Statement Of Mary

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    John Dehner Disc A044

    1. Whistler 500507 414 Fatal Error
    2. Ytjd 500523 051 Earl Chadwick Matter

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    John Dehner Disc A045

    1. Philip Marlowe 500606 B87 The Uneasy Head
    2. Whistler 500611 419 The Sucessful Marriage

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    John Dehner Disc A046

    1. Escape 500623 116 Sundown
    2. Whistler 500625 421 The Manhunt

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    John Dehner Disc A047

    1. Philip Marlowe 500628 B90 Pelican'S Roost
    2. Romance 500704 03 Germelshausen

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    John Dehner Disc A048

    1. Nbcut 500709 096 The Time Of Man

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    John Dehner Disc A049

    1. Let George Do It 500710 Isl In The Desert
    2. Ytjd 500713 058 The Calgary Matter

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    John Dehner Disc A050

    1. Escape 500714 119 Shark Bait
    2. Escape 500721 120 Yellow Wake

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    John Dehner Disc A051

    1. Whistler 500730 426 With My Own Eyes
    2. Richard Diamond 500830 064 Bigfoot Grafton

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    John Dehner Disc A052

    1. Philip Marlowe 500922 B102 The White Carnation
    2. Philip Marlowe 500929 B103 Big Book

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    John Dehner Disc A053

    1. Ytjd 500930 066 Howard Caldwell Matter
    2. Escape 501006 126 Sleeping Draught

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    John Dehner Disc A054

    1. Escape 501013 127 Roulette
    2. Suspense 501019 399 The Wages Of Sin

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    John Dehner Disc A055

    1. Ytjd 501021 069 The Jack Madi
    2. Escape 501105 131 Earth Abides 1o2

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    John Dehner Disc A056

    1. Whistler 501105 440 Just Like A Man
    2. Escape 501112 132 Earth Abides 2o2

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    John Dehner Disc A057

    1. Ytjd 501118 073 Nora Faulkner Matter
    2. Whistler 501203 444 Lady The Knife

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    John Dehner Disc A058

    1. Escape 501210 136 A Passenger To Bali
    2. Whistler 501210 445 Clock On The Tower

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    John Dehner Disc A059

    1. Screen Dir P'House 501214 081 The Lady Gambles

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    John Dehner Disc A060

    1. Ytjd 501216 076 Leland Blackburn Matter
    2. Escape 501217 137 Wild Jack Rett

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    John Dehner Disc A061

    1. Escape 501224 138 The Cave
    2. Escape 510114 141 A Bullet For Mr Smith

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    John Dehner Disc A062

    1. Let George Do It 510129 Christmas In January
    2. Escape 510216 142 Killer Mine

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    John Dehner Disc A063

    1. Let George Do It 510226 See Me Once You'Ve Seen Me Twice
    2. Whistler 510311 458 High Death

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    John Dehner Disc A064

    1. Let George Do It 510326 No Escape From The Jungle
    2. Whistler 510506 466 Two And One Makes Murder

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    John Dehner Disc A065

    1. Suspense 510614 433 The Truth About Jerry Baxter
    2. Philip Marlowe 510707 B104 Seasidesabbatical

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    John Dehner Disc A066

    1. Whistler 510708 475 The Witness
    2. Romance 510716 03 China Run

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    John Dehner Disc A067

    1. Escape 510725 146 The Earthman
    2. Escape 510815 149 Rough Shoot

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    John Dehner Disc A068

    1. Whistler 520106 501 Episode At Thunder Mountain
    2. Richard Diamond 520208 123 Eddie Burke Case

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    John Dehner Disc A069

    1. Judge 520213 Death of a Playboy, John Dehner
    2. Black Book 520217 (1) On Schedule
    3. Man Called X 520219 72 Half Penny Stamp

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    John Dehner Disc A070

    1. Wild Bill Hickok 520328 065 Wild Miller Of Payute Falls
    2. Silent Men 520402 21 Trouble At Suez

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    John Dehner Disc A071

    1. Wild Bill Hickok 520530 083 Whine Of The Saw
    2. Gunsmoke 520607 007 Buffalo Hunters

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    John Dehner Disc A072

    1. Gunsmoke 520816 017 The Lynching
    2. Gunsmoke 520830 019 The Juniper Tree

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    John Dehner Disc A073

    1. Gunsmoke 520913 021 Home Surgery
    2. Gunsmoke 520927 023 The Railroad Rehearsal

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    John Dehner Disc A074

    1. Gunsmoke 521010 025 Hinkado
    2. Gunsmoke 521107 029 Tara

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    John Dehner Disc A075

    1. Escape 521116 157 Loup Garou
    2. Gunsmoke 521129 032 Kitty

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    John Dehner Disc A076

    1. Gunsmoke 521206 033 I Don'T Know
    2. Escape 521214 161 Four Went Home

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    John Dehner Disc A077

    1. Gunsmoke 521220 035 Christmas Story
    2. Gunsmoke 521227 036 The Cabin

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    John Dehner Disc A078

    1. Gunsmoke 530103 037 Westbound
    2. Gunsmoke 530110 038 Word Of Honor

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    John Dehner Disc A079

    1. Gunsmoke 530124 040 The Old Lady
    2. Suspense 530126 497 The Spencer Brothers

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    John Dehner Disc A080

    1. Escape 530208 169 Jetsam
    2. Gunsmoke 530221 044 Meshougah

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    John Dehner Disc A081

    1. Gunsmoke 530228 045 Trojan War
    2. Gunsmoke 530307 046 Absalom

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    John Dehner Disc A082

    1. Escape 530315 174 The Man With The Steel Teeth
    2. Gunsmoke 530321 048 Pussycats

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    John Dehner Disc A083

    1. Gunsmoke 530411 051 Gonif
    2. Baker'S Theater Of Stars 530412 08 The New Man

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    John Dehner Disc A084

    1. Gunsmoke 530418 052 Bum'S Rush
    2. Escape 530503 181 Lili And The Colonel

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    John Dehner Disc A085

    1. Gunsmoke 530509 055 The Buffalo Hunter
    2. Gunsmoke 530523 057 Print Asper

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    John Dehner Disc A086

    1. Gunsmoke 530530 058 Fall Semester
    2. Escape 530531 185 Good Thing A

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    John Dehner Disc A087

    1. Gunsmoke 530606 059 Sundown
    2. Gunsmoke 530613 060 Spring Term

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    John Dehner Disc A088

    1. Escape 530614 187 Clear For Action
    2. Gunsmoke 530620 061 Wind

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    John Dehner Disc A089

    1. Richard Diamond 530628 147 Mr Heiden Gun Maker
    2. Rogers Of The Gazette 530708 01 Newspaper Takeover

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    John Dehner Disc A090

    1. Gunsmoke 530718 065 Wild West
    2. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 03 Dirty Politics

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    John Dehner Disc A091

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 530722 Partisan Politics (Rehearsal)
    2. Gunsmoke 530725 066 Hickock

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    John Dehner Disc A092

    1. Escape 530726 193 The Notebook
    2. Gunsmoke 530801 067 Boy

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    John Dehner Disc A093

    1. Escape 530802 194 The Red Forest
    2. Gunsmoke 530808 068 Sky

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    John Dehner Disc A094

    1. Gunsmoke 530815 069 Moon
    2. Gunsmoke 530822 070 Gone Straight

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    John Dehner Disc A095

    1. Gunsmoke 530829 071 Jessie

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    John Dehner Disc A096

    1. Lux 530831 845 One Last September (Afrs)

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    John Dehner Disc A097

    1. Gunsmoke 530905 072 The Sutler
    2. Gunsmoke 530912 073 Prairie Happy

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    John Dehner Disc A098

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 530916 11 Illyria Box Supper
    2. Gunsmoke 530919 074 There Was Never A Horse

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    John Dehner Disc A099

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 530923 12 Farm Sale Day
    2. Gunsmoke 530926 075 Fawn

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    John Dehner Disc A100

    1. Escape 530927 202 The Untouchable
    2. Gunsmoke 531003 076 How To Kill A Friend

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    John Dehner Disc A101

    1. Escape 531004 203 Zero Hour
    2. Ft 531007 339 Turn Off Lights

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    John Dehner Disc A102

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 531008 13 Leahs Eudora Notes
    2. Gunsmoke 531010 077 How To Die For Nothing

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    John Dehner Disc A103

    1. Ft 531014 340 Ballad Of Dan Mcbirdy
    2. Rogers Of The Gazette 531015 14 Maggie Barbara

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    John Dehner Disc A104

    1. Gunsmoke 531017 078 Yorky
    2. Gunsmoke 531024 079 Buffalo Hunters

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    John Dehner Disc A105

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 531029 16 Old Cornet
    2. Gunsmoke 531031 080 How To Kill A Woman

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    John Dehner Disc A106

    1. Suspense 531102 524 Ordeal In Donner Pass
    2. Rogers Of The Gazette 531105 17 Toast Of Vienna

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    John Dehner Disc A107

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 531111 18 Town Clock
    2. Gunsmoke 531114 082 Professor Lute Bone

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    John Dehner Disc A108

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 531118 19 Do It Now
    2. Gunsmoke 531121 083 Custer

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    John Dehner Disc A109

    1. Rogers Of The Gazette 531125 20 The Princess Theatre Reopens
    2. Whistler 531129 598 Lady On A Yacht

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    John Dehner Disc A110

    1. Ft 531209 348 Legend Of High Chin Bob
    2. Suspense 531214 530 Mystery Of The Marie Roqet

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    John Dehner Disc A111

    1. Gunsmoke 531226 088 The Guitar
    2. Gunsmoke 540102 089 Stage Holdup

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    John Dehner Disc A112

    1. Hallmark Hall Of Fame 540103 34 Tom Mix
    2. Gunsmoke 540109 090 The Jokes On Us

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    John Dehner Disc A113

    1. Gunsmoke 540116 091 The Bear [Low Volume]
    2. Rogers Of The Gazette 540120 27 Somethings Troubling Will

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    John Dehner Disc A114

    1. Gunsmoke 540130 093 Gun Smuggler
    2. Stars Over Hollywood 540130 109 Just For You

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    John Dehner Disc A115

    1. Gunsmoke 540206 094 Big Broad
    2. Gunsmoke 540220 096 Last Fling

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    John Dehner Disc A116

    1. Gunsmoke 540227 097 Bad Boy
    2. Stars Over Hollywood 540227 113 Hundred Dollar Bill

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    John Dehner Disc A117

    1. Gunsmoke 540306 098 The Gentleman
    2. Ft 540310 361 Its Gift

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    John Dehner Disc A118

    1. Escape 540311 205 Bird Of Paradise
    2. Suspense 540315 543 The Girl In Car 32

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    John Dehner Disc A119

    1. Gunsmoke 540320 100 Old Friend
    2. Ft 540324 363 Night Caller

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    John Dehner Disc A120

    1. Escape 540325 207 The Second Shot
    2. Gunsmoke 540327 101 Blood Money
    3. Gunsmoke 540403 102 Mr And Mrs Amber

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    John Dehner Disc A121

    1. Escape 540408 209 The Scarlet Plague
    2. Gunsmoke 540410 103 Greater Love

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    John Dehner Disc A122

    1. Escape 540415 210 Affair At Mandrake
    2. Gunsmoke 540417 104 What The Whiskey Drummer Heard

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    John Dehner Disc A123

    1. Gunsmoke 540424 105 Murder Warrant
    2. Suspense 540426 549 The Bertillion Method

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    John Dehner Disc A124

    1. Escape 540506 211 The Adversary
    2. Gunsmoke 540508 107 The Constable

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    John Dehner Disc A125

    1. Gunsmoke 540515 108 Indian Horse
    2. Gunsmoke 540529 110 Feud

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    John Dehner Disc A126

    1. Gunsmoke 540605 111 Blacksmith
    2. Escape 540610 226 Benchillina And The Fisherman

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    John Dehner Disc A127

    1. Gunsmoke 540619 113 Going Bad
    2. Gunsmoke 540626 114 Claustrophobia

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    John Dehner Disc A128

    1. Gunsmoke 540705 116 Hack Prine
    2. Gunsmoke 540712 117 Texas Cowboys

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    John Dehner Disc A129

    1. Suspense 540720 561 Telling Anthony Ellis
    2. Suspense 540727 562 Destruction

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    John Dehner Disc A130

    1. Gunsmoke 540802 120 No Indians
    2. Gunsmoke 540809 121 Joe Phy

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    John Dehner Disc A131

    1. Gunsmoke 540816 122 Mavis Mccloud
    2. Gunsmoke 540823 123 Young Man With A Gun

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    John Dehner Disc A132

    1. Gunsmoke 540906 125 Handcuffs
    2. Gunsmoke 540920 127 The F U

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    John Dehner Disc A133

    1. Gunsmoke 540927 128 Helping Hand
    2. Gunsmoke 541002 129 Matt Gets It

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    John Dehner Disc A134

    1. Gunsmoke 541009 130 Love Of A Good Woman
    2. Suspense 541014 567 Lost

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    John Dehner Disc A135

    1. Gunsmoke 541016 131 Kitty Caught
    2. Suspense 541104 570 The Last Letter O

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    John Dehner Disc A136

    1. Gunsmoke 541113 135 Wrong Man
    2. Suspense 541125 573 Shooting Star

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    John Dehner Disc A137

    1. Gunsmoke 541127 137 Cooter
    2. Ft 541201 398 Summer Replacement

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    John Dehner Disc A138

    1. Suspense 541202 574 The Shot
    2. Gunsmoke 541211 139 Bone Hunters

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    John Dehner Disc A139

    1. Suspense 541223 577 Premonition
    2. FG580130 00 The Shelton Brothers (audition)

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    John Dehner Disc A140

    1. FG580202 01 The Shelton Brothers
    2. FG580209 02 Charlie Meeker
    3. FG580216 03 Honky Tonkers

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    John Dehner Disc A141

    1. FG580223 04 Kendall's Last Stand
    2. FG580302 05 The Lost Mine
    3. FG580309 06 The Claim Jumpers

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    John Dehner Disc A142

    1. FG580316 07 Big Sam for Governor
    2. FG580323 08 The Actress

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    John Dehner Disc A143

    1. FG580330 09 Gentle Virtue
    2. FG580404 10 Powder River Kid

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    John Dehner Disc A144

    1. FG580413 11 The Trial
    2. FG580420 12 Aces and Eights

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    John Dehner Disc A145

    1. FG580427 13 Random Notes
    2. FG580504 14 Daddy Buckbucks

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    John Dehner Disc A146

    1. FG580511 15 The Cannibal
    2. FG580518 16 Advice To The Lovelorn
    3. FG580525 17 The Cowboy

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    John Dehner Disc A147

    1. FG580601 18 School Days
    2. FG580608 19 The Bellboy's Prisoner

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    John Dehner Disc A148

    1. FG580615 20 The Well
    2. FG580629 21 Gambling Lady

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    John Dehner Disc A149

    1. FG580706 22 Education of Kid Yancey
    2. FG580713 23 Justice of the Peace

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    John Dehner Disc A150

    1. FG580720 24 Jesse James part1
    2. FG580727 25 Jesse James part2

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    John Dehner Disc A151

    1. FG580803 26 Nebraska Jack
    2. FG580810 27 The Cat Man
    3. FG580817 28 Wonder Boy

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    John Dehner Disc A152

    1. FG580824 29 Belle Siddon's Encore
    2. FG580831 30 Belle Siddon Strikes Back

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    John Dehner Disc A153

    1. FG580907 31 The Last of Belle Siddon
    2. FG580914 32 A Horse For Kendall

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    John Dehner Disc A154

    1. FG580921 33 Indian Lover
    2. FG580928 34 The Gold Digger
    3. FG581005 35 The Librarian

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    John Dehner Disc A155

    1. FG581012 36 Aces and Eights
    2. FG581019 37 The Preacher
    3. FG581026 38 The Rainmaker

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    John Dehner Disc A156

    1. FG581102 39 Nasty People
    2. FG581109 40 Holiday
    3. HGWT 581111 e0001 Audition 1
    4. HGWT 581111 e0002 Audition 2
    5. HGWT 581111 e0003 Audition 3

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    John Dehner Disc A157

    1. FG581116 41 Random Notes
    2. HGWT 581123 e001 Strange Vendetta
    3. HGWT 581130 e002 Road To Wickenberg

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    John Dehner Disc A158

    1. HGWT 581207 e003 Ella West
    2. HGWT 581214 e004 The Outlaw

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    John Dehner Disc A159

    1. HGWT 581221 e005 Hanging Cross
    2. HGWT 581228 e006 No Visitors

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    John Dehner Disc A160

    1. HGWT 590104 e007 Helen Abjinian
    2. HGWT 590111 e008 The Englishman

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    John Dehner Disc A161

    1. HGWT 590118 e009 The Bells of Perdido
    2. HGWT 590125 e010 The Teacher

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    John Dehner Disc A162

    1. HGWT 590201 e011 A Matter of Ethics
    2. HGWT 590208 e012 Killer's Widow

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    John Dehner Disc A163

    1. HGWT 590215 e013 Return of Dr Thackery
    2. HGWT 590222 e014 WinchesterQuarantine

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    John Dehner Disc A164

    1. HGWT 590301 e015 Heyboy's Revenge
    2. HGWT 590308 e016 Monster on Moon Ridge

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    John Dehner Disc A165

    1. HGWT 590315 e017 Death of a Young Gunfighter
    2. HGWT 590322 e018 Five Books Of Owen Deaver
    3. HGWT 590329 e019 Sense of Justice

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    John Dehner Disc A166

    1. HGWT 590405 e020 Maggie O'Banyon
    2. HGWT 590412 e021 The Colonel and the Lady
    3. HGWT 590419 e022 Birds of a Feather

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    John Dehner Disc A167

    1. HGWT 590426 e023 The Gunsmith
    2. HGWT 590503 e024 Gun Shy

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    John Dehner Disc A168

    1. HGWT 590510 e025 The Statue of San Sabastian
    2. HGWT 590517 e026 Lady Kane eThe Silver Queen

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    John Dehner Disc A169

    1. HGWT 590524 e027 In An Evil Time
    2. HGWT 590531 e028 Blind Courage

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    John Dehner Disc A170

    1. HGWT 590607 e029 Roped
    2. HGWT 590614 e030 Bitter Wine

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    John Dehner Disc A171

    1. HGWT 590621 e031 North Fork
    2. HGWT 590628 e032 Homecoming
    3. HGWT 590705 e033 Comanche

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    John Dehner Disc A172

    1. HGWT 590712 e034 Young Gun
    2. HGWT 590719 e035 Deliver the Body

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    John Dehner Disc A173

    1. HGWT 590726 e036 The Wager
    2. HGWT 590802 e037 High Wire

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    John Dehner Disc A174

    1. HGWT 590809 e038 Finn Alley
    2. HGWT 590816 e039 The Lady

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    John Dehner Disc A175

    1. HGWT 590823 e040 Bonanza
    2. HGWT 590830 e041 Love Birds

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    John Dehner Disc A176

    1. HGWT 590906 e042 All That Glitters
    2. HGWT 590913 e043 Treasure Hunt

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    John Dehner Disc A177

    1. HGWT 590920 e044 Stardust
    2. HGWT 590927 e045 Like Father

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    John Dehner Disc A178

    1. HGWT 591004 e046 The Contessa
    2. HGWT 591011 e047 Stopover in Tombstone

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    John Dehner Disc A179

    1. HGWT 591018 e048 Brothers Lost
    2. HGWT 591025 e049 When in Rome

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    John Dehner Disc A180

    1. HGWT 591101 e050 Wedding Day
    2. HGWT 591108 e051 Assignment in Stone's Crossing

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    John Dehner Disc A181

    1. HGWT 591115 e052 Landfall
    2. HGWT 591122 e053 Fair Fugitive

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    John Dehner Disc A182

    1. HGWT 591129 e054 Bitter Vengeance
    2. HGWT 591206 e055 anything i want (incomplete)
    3. HGWT 591213 e056 Out of Evil

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    John Dehner Disc A183

    1. HGWT 591220 e057 Ranch Carnival
    2. HGWT 591227 e058 About Face

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    John Dehner Disc A184

    1. HGWT 600103 e059 Return Engagement
    2. HGWT 600110 e060 The Lonely One

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    John Dehner Disc A185

    1. HGWT 600117 e061 French Leave
    2. HGWT 600124 e062 Nataehon

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    John Dehner Disc A186

    1. HGWT 600131 e063 Bad Bert
    2. HGWT 600207 e064 The Boss

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    John Dehner Disc A187

    1. HGWT 600214 e065 Bring 'Em Back Alive
    2. HGWT 600221 e066 That Was No Lady

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    John Dehner Disc A188

    1. HGWT 600228 e067 Doll House in Diamond Springs
    2. HGWT 600306 e068 Somebody Out There Hates Me

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    John Dehner Disc A189

    1. HGWT 600313 e069 Montana Vendetta
    2. HGWT 600320 e070 Caesar's Wife

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    John Dehner Disc A190

    1. HGWT 600327 e071 They Told Me You Were Dead
    2. HGWT 600403 e072 Shanghai is a Verb

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    John Dehner Disc A191

    1. HGWT 600410 e073 So True, Mr Barnum
    2. HGWT 600417 e074 Prunella's Fellow

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    John Dehner Disc A192

    1. HGWT 600424 e075 Irish Luck
    2. HGWT 600501 e076 Dressed to Kill

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    John Dehner Disc A193

    1. HGWT 600508 e077 Pat Murphy
    2. HGWT 600515 e078 Lena Countryman

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    John Dehner Disc A194

    1. HGWT 600522 e079 The Lucky Penny Mine
    2. HGWT 600529 e080 Dusty and His Uncle Muncie

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    John Dehner Disc A195

    1. HGWT 600605 e081 Apache Concerto
    2. HGWT 600612 e082 The Search for Willie Dawson

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    John Dehner Disc A196

    1. HGWT 600619 e083 Too, Too Solid Town
    2. HGWT 600626 e084 Doctor from Vienna

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    John Dehner Disc A197

    1. HGWT 600703 e085 Dad Blamed Luck
    2. HGWT 600710 e086 Five Days to Yuma

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    John Dehner Disc A198

    1. HGWT 600717 e087 Little Guns
    2. HGWT 600724 e088 Delta Queen

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    John Dehner Disc A199

    1. HGWT 600731 e089 My Son Must Die
    2. HGWT 600807 e090 Viva

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    John Dehner Disc A200

    1. HGWT 600814 e091 Extended Viva
    2. HGWT 600821 e092 The Warrent

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    John Dehner Disc A201

    1. HGWT 600828 e093 For the Birds
    2. HGWT 600904 e094 Eat Crow

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    John Dehner Disc A202

    1. HGWT 600911 e095 Dead Line
    2. HGWT 600918 e096 Nellie Watson's Son

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    John Dehner Disc A203

    1. HGWT 600925 e097 Bringing Up Ollie
    2. HGWT 601002 e098 Telinka

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    John Dehner Disc A204

    1. HGWT 601009 e099 Sam Crow
    2. HGWT 601016 e100 Stardust

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    John Dehner Disc A205

    1. HGWT 601023 e101 Hell Knows No Fury
    2. HGWT 601030 e102 Oil

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    John Dehner Disc A206

    1. HGWT 601106 e103 The Odds
    2. HGWT 601113 e104 The Map

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    John Dehner Disc A207

    1. HGWT 601120 e105 Martha Nell
    2. HGWT 601127 e106 From Here to Boston

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