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Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud

The decade long feud between Jack Benny and Fred Allen featured barbs between the two comedy greats on multiple old time radio shows.

Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud

37 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 21 hours, 17 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
20 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 26, 1946:

"King for A Day"

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Jack Benny Fred Allen FeudJack Benny Fred Allen FeudSince 1932, Jack Benny long amused radio audiences with his continuing gags, including his ah-hem thrifty spending habits, his perpetual age of 39, that dreadful violin playing.  Fred Allen also began his career in radio comedy since 1932, when he began the show "The Lint Bath Club Revue" with wife Portland Hoffa.  Allen was famous for ad-libbing and cracking up the audience with running comments on the jokes.

After child violinist Stewart Canin's performance on Allen's show, Fred Allen commented that  "a certain alleged violinist" (Jack Benny) should hide in shame.   Although the initial quip from Fred Allen was ad lib, the two met with their writers to expand the gag to their respective old time radio showsJack Benny continued the gag and promised (or threatened according to Allen) to play "The Bee" on his violin on the February 7th, 1937 show, eventually playing it on the February 28th. 

Some memorable lines from the Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud include:

Fred Allen: Jack, you couldn't ad lib a belch after a plate of Hungarian goulash.
Jack Benny: You wouldn't say that if my writers were here.

Allen: Why you fugitive from a Ripley cartoon!

Allen: How long have you been in the cake business?
Benny: Long enough to know a crumb when I see one.

Benny: You ought to do well in pictures, Mr. Allen, now that Boris Karloff is back in England.

Allen: Tomorrow night, in your ermine robe, you will be whisked by bicycle to Orange, New Jersey, where you will be the judge in a chicken-cleaning contest.
Benny: I'm KING for a Day!

Jack Benny Fred Allen FeudThe Benny-Allen feud reached its climax in the famous "King For A Day" sketch on Fred Allen's program, when Fred Allen stole Jack Benny's pants.

The decade long feud between Jack Benny and Fred Allen featured barbs between the two comedy greats on multiple old time radio shows including Allen's Alley, The Jack Benny Program, Command Performance, and The Big Show

The collection is organized chronologically to follow the comedic feud as it unfolded to the radio listener. See also: Down Allen's Alley (with Fred Allen).

See also:

Jack Benny Fred Allen Feud

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    In 1937, Fred Allen and Jack Benny met in one of the biggest publicity gags ever. It was called, "The Battle of the Century." The two comedians locked horns in the ballroom of the Hotel Pierre, exchanging torrid insults that were heard by the second largest audience in the history of radio.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    I am 84 and have a great memory of the shows of the 40s and 50s. Have knowledge of the stars of the 30s. As you know I have a large collection of your programs. I enjoy them all. Would appreciate it is you could put together a collection featuring Dorothy Kirsten from The Railroad Hour and Kraft Music Hall. Thank you for everything you do for us. Vernon Dunning

    Vernon Verified Purchase

    I was glad to hear all the shows in one place and in order. thanks a million.

    David Verified Purchase

    “Jack Benny was born ignorant and has been losing ground ever since”,....Fred Allen,..... wonderful, and the very best of the radio feuds I think !! Enough said !!! Wonderful !!!

    Mark Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    37 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 17 min
    37 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 21 hours, 17 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 37 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 17 minutes
    2. 360405 Jack Benny 728 Clown Hall T.mp3
    3. 360426 Jack Benny 731 Boston Tea Party.mp3
    4. 370103 Jack Benny 814 More Buck Be.mp3
    5. 370124 Jack Benny 817 Jack Practic.mp3
    6. 370131 Jack Benny 818 Nightmares Of Fred Allen.mp3
    7. 370228 Jack Benny 822 Jack's Violi.mp3
    8. 370307 Jack Benny 823 Fight Of The.mp3
    9. 370310 Allen's Alley 623 Tht One Long Pan On Cruise Ship.mp3
    10. 370314 Jack Benny 824 From The Hot.mp3
    11. 380327 Jack Benny 926 Harry Von Ze.mp3
    12. 380518 Allen's Alley 666 Tht House That Jack Built.mp3
    13. 390129 Jack Benny 1018 Jack Goes In.mp3
    14. 390205 Jack Benny 1019 Jack Challen.mp3
    15. 401222 Jack Benny 1212 Christmas Sh.mp3
    16. 421224 Cpusa Christmas Special.mp3
    17. 430110 Allen's Alley 403 T T Jack Benny.mp3
    18. 431225 Cpusa Christmas Special Bob Hope.mp3
    19. 441001 Jack Benny 1601 Jack Looks F.mp3
    20. 441224 Cpusa Special Christmas Sh.mp3
    21. 450114 Jack Benny 1616 Mrs Nussbaum's Restaurant.mp3
    22. 450204 Jack Benny 1619 From St Alba.mp3
    23. 460519 Jack Benny 1734 Fred Allen Asks Jack To Appear.mp3
    24. 460526 Allen's Alley 489 King For A Day.mp3
    25. 470525 Jack Benny 1835 Allen's Alle.mp3
    26. 480509 Allen's Alley 565 Break The Contestant.mp3
    27. 490626 Allen's Alley W Jack Benny Last Show.mp3
    28. 500115 Jack Benny 2119 How Jack And.mp3
    29. 500212 Jack Benny 2123 Allen's Alle.mp3
    30. 501022 Jack Benny Dennis Borrow $5k For Candy Business.mp3
    31. 501105 Big Show Debut Fred Allen, Jimmy Durante.mp3
    32. Benny Allen - Love Thy Neighbor.mp3
    33. Benny Allen Feud 1o6 The Vaudeville Days.mp3
    34. Benny Allen Feud 2o6 Reunited After 7 Years of Feuding.mp3
    35. Benny Allen Feud 3o6 Benny's Boulevard.mp3
    36. Benny Allen Feud 4o6 King for a Day.mp3
    37. Benny Allen Feud 5o6 Mammoth Department Store.mp3
    38. Benny Allen Feud 6o6 The Wright Brothers True Story.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    37 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 21 hours, 17 min
    37 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    300 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 17 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 37 shows – 300 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 17 minutes
    2. 360405 Jack Benny 728 Clown Hall T.mp3
    3. 360426 Jack Benny 731 Boston Tea Party.mp3
    4. 370103 Jack Benny 814 More Buck Be.mp3
    5. 370124 Jack Benny 817 Jack Practic.mp3
    6. 370131 Jack Benny 818 Nightmares Of Fred Allen.mp3
    7. 370228 Jack Benny 822 Jack's Violi.mp3
    8. 370307 Jack Benny 823 Fight Of The.mp3
    9. 370310 Allen's Alley 623 Tht One Long Pan On Cruise Ship.mp3
    10. 370314 Jack Benny 824 From The Hot.mp3
    11. 380327 Jack Benny 926 Harry Von Ze.mp3
    12. 380518 Allen's Alley 666 Tht House That Jack Built.mp3
    13. 390129 Jack Benny 1018 Jack Goes In.mp3
    14. 390205 Jack Benny 1019 Jack Challen.mp3
    15. 401222 Jack Benny 1212 Christmas Sh.mp3
    16. 421224 Cpusa Christmas Special.mp3
    17. 430110 Allen's Alley 403 T T Jack Benny.mp3
    18. 431225 Cpusa Christmas Special Bob Hope.mp3
    19. 441001 Jack Benny 1601 Jack Looks F.mp3
    20. 441224 Cpusa Special Christmas Sh.mp3
    21. 450114 Jack Benny 1616 Mrs Nussbaum's Restaurant.mp3
    22. 450204 Jack Benny 1619 From St Alba.mp3
    23. 460519 Jack Benny 1734 Fred Allen Asks Jack To Appear.mp3
    24. 460526 Allen's Alley 489 King For A Day.mp3
    25. 470525 Jack Benny 1835 Allen's Alle.mp3
    26. 480509 Allen's Alley 565 Break The Contestant.mp3
    27. 490626 Allen's Alley W Jack Benny Last Show.mp3
    28. 500115 Jack Benny 2119 How Jack And.mp3
    29. 500212 Jack Benny 2123 Allen's Alle.mp3
    30. 501022 Jack Benny Dennis Borrow $5k For Candy Business.mp3
    31. 501105 Big Show Debut Fred Allen, Jimmy Durante.mp3
    32. Benny Allen - Love Thy Neighbor.mp3
    33. Benny Allen Feud 1o6 The Vaudeville Days.mp3
    34. Benny Allen Feud 2o6 Reunited After 7 Years of Feuding.mp3
    35. Benny Allen Feud 3o6 Benny's Boulevard.mp3
    36. Benny Allen Feud 4o6 King for a Day.mp3
    37. Benny Allen Feud 5o6 Mammoth Department Store.mp3
    38. Benny Allen Feud 6o6 The Wright Brothers True Story.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    37 recordings on 20 Audio CDs. Total playtime 17 hours, 39 min
    37 recordings on 20 Audio CDs
    total playtime 17 hours, 39 min

    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A001

    1. Benny Allen - Love Thy Neighbor
    2. Benny Allen Feud 1o6 The Vaudeville Days
    3. Benny Allen Feud 2o6 Reunited After 7 Years of Feuding

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A002

    1. Benny Allen Feud 3o6 Benny's Boulevard
    2. Benny Allen Feud 4o6 King for a Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A003

    1. Benny Allen Feud 5o6 Mammoth Department Store
    2. Benny Allen Feud 6o6 The Wright Brothers True Story

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A004

    1. 360405 Jack Benny 728 Clown Hall T
    2. 360426 Jack Benny 731 Boston Tea Party

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A005

    1. 370103 Jack Benny 814 More Buck Be
    2. 370124 Jack Benny 817 Jack Practic

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A006

    1. 370131 Jack Benny 818 Nightmares Of Fred Allen
    2. 370228 Jack Benny 822 Jack's Violi

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A007

    1. 370307 Jack Benny 823 Fight Of The

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A008

    1. 370310 Allen's Alley 623 Tht One Long Pan On Cruise Ship

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A009

    1. 370314 Jack Benny 824 From The Hot
    2. 380327 Jack Benny 926 Harry Von Ze

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A010

    1. 380518 Allen's Alley 666 Tht House That Jack Built

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A011

    1. 390129 Jack Benny 1018 Jack Goes In
    2. 390205 Jack Benny 1019 Jack Challen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A012

    1. 401222 Jack Benny 1212 Christmas Sh

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A013

    1. 421224 Cpusa Christmas Special

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A014

    1. 430110 Allen's Alley 403 T T Jack Benny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A015

    1. 431225 Cpusa Christmas Special Bob Hope

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A016

    1. 441001 Jack Benny 1601 Jack Looks F
    2. 450114 Jack Benny 1616 Mrs Nussbaum's Restaurant

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A017

    1. 450204 Jack Benny 1619 From St Alba
    2. 460519 Jack Benny 1734 Fred Allen Asks Jack To Appear

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A018

    1. 460526 Allen's Alley 489 King For A Day
    2. 470525 Jack Benny 1835 Allen's Alle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A019

    1. 480509 Allen's Alley 565 Break The Contestant
    2. 490626 Allen's Alley W Jack Benny Last Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Benny and Fred Allen Feud Disc A020

    1. 500115 Jack Benny 2119 How Jack And
    2. 500212 Jack Benny 2123 Allen's Alle
    3. 501022 Jack Benny Dennis Borrow $5k For Candy Business

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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