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Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy

Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy not only held the interest of millions of kids after school during two decades, the show helped to prove the value of targeted radio advertising to General Mills and Wheaties.

Jack Armstrong

113 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 27 hours, 33 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
29 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from October 14, 1940:

"Blackbeard Becomes An Ally"

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Jack Armstrong
Juvenile Series 1933-1950

Jack Armstrong"Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong, Jack Armstrong the Alllllllllll American Boy" was your archetypal teenage athlete who encountered not so average adventures. Sponsored by General Mills, kids and pre-teens alike were instructed to tell their moms to buy Wheaties.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Jack's companions, Billy and Betty Fairfield were often in need of rescue by the brave and daring All American Boy, Jack. Their Uncle Jim (Captain Fairfield) was a pilot of the Silver Albatross and led the adventurous group to locations around the world. Uncle Jim added a mature and fatherly component to the show guiding and instructing the Jack and his friends.

Though some episodes were so far-fetched to the point of being ridiculous, this is one of the most entertaining juvenile shows ever made. As crazy as some of the plots seem, the shows producers worked with anthropology professors to better understanding the local customs. In particular, a professor in Manila informed the show's writers of Philippine culture so there is some authenticity in Jack Armstrong's adventures.

From Morocco, to Zanzibar, to Easter Island, to China and the Philippines and from Nazi Germany, to the Ayndes, to Tibet, to becoming an ally of Blackbeard, Jack Armstrong, The All American Boy has seen it all.

This collection includes all known existing episodes.

For more exciting adventure programs, tune in to The Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Captain Midnight and Dick Tracy.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    8     2


    One of my favorite series on OTR...caught tail end of series on the radio as a child

    Art Ciccarelli

    After many years as a 15 minute daily serial, Jack Armstrong, the All American Boy, was heard for the first time as a 30 minute feature on ABC in 1947. Remember, if you want to grow up to be big and strong like Jack Armstrong, keep these three rules in mind: Get plenty of sleep, fresh air and exercise. Make a friend of soap and water, because dirt breeds germs and germs can make people sickly and weak. And for sound nourishment and keen flavor, eat a big bowlful of Wheaties, the Breakfast of Champions, with plenty of milk or cream and some type of fruit.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    A truly amazing serial. I just wish we had more episodes and so less breaks in the story. But this one is so hard to find, yet it is so good. I'm truly hoping that otrcat can come up with more episodes in the future.

    Thom Verified Purchase

    If you loved Jonny Quest, then check out this series. It was the original plan for the JQ cartoon! I love this show and hope more episodes become available.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    This was my favorite show when I was a boy. I identified with Jack and ate plenty of Wheaties. I still do. Tom Ryan

    Thomas Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    113 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 27 hours, 33 min
    113 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 27 hours, 33 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 113 shows – total playtime 27 hours, 33 minutes
    2. Jack 000000 Ep001 Sspelicanafire.mp3
    3. Jack 000000 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican.mp3
    4. Jack 000000 Ep003 Jackgetslinetopelican.mp3
    5. Jack 340104 Ep0004 Rescuesallpelicancrew.mp3
    6. Jack 400902 Ep1500 Easter Island Adventure.mp3
    7. Jack 400927 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure.mp3
    8. Jack 400930 Ep1516 Uncle Jim's Office Is Ransacked.mp3
    9. Jack 401001 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport.mp3
    10. Jack 401002 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart.mp3
    11. Jack 401003 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter.mp3
    12. Jack 401007 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco.mp3
    13. Jack 401008 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner.mp3
    14. Jack 401009 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring.mp3
    15. Jack 401010 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police.mp3
    16. Jack 401011 Ep1525 Betty Hears Footsteps.mp3
    17. Jack 401014 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally.mp3
    18. Jack 401017 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard.mp3
    19. Jack 401018 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift.mp3
    20. Jack 401028 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines.mp3
    21. Jack 401029 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring.mp3
    22. Jack 401104 Ep1541 Close To The Breakers.mp3
    23. Jack 401105 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes.mp3
    24. Jack 401108 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates.mp3
    25. Jack 401113 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas.mp3
    26. Jack 401114 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring.mp3
    27. Jack 401115 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village.mp3
    28. Jack 401118 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila.mp3
    29. Jack 401119 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark.mp3
    30. Jack 401120 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim.mp3
    31. Jack 401121 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim.mp3
    32. Jack 401122 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard.mp3
    33. Jack 401125 Ep1556 Back To The Spindrift.mp3
    34. Jack 401126 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring.mp3
    35. Jack 401127 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring.mp3
    36. Jack 401128 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured.mp3
    37. Jack 401129 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables.mp3
    38. Jack 401202 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle.mp3
    39. Jack 401203 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream.mp3
    40. Jack 401204 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters.mp3
    41. Jack 401205 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch.mp3
    42. Jack 401206 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide.mp3
    43. Jack 401209 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside.mp3
    44. Jack 401210 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down.mp3
    45. Jack 401211 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue.mp3
    46. Jack 401212 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine.mp3
    47. Jack 401213 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels.mp3
    48. Jack 401216 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato.mp3
    49. Jack 401217 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country.mp3
    50. Jack 401218 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero.mp3
    51. Jack 401219 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters.mp3
    52. Jack 401220 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies.mp3
    53. Jack 401223 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift.mp3
    54. Jack 401224 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay.mp3
    55. Jack 401225 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark.mp3
    56. Jack 401226 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape.mp3
    57. Jack 401227 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed.mp3
    58. Jack 401230 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea.mp3
    59. Jack 401231 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235.mp3
    60. Jack 410101 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship.mp3
    61. Jack 410102 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin.mp3
    62. Jack 410103 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium.mp3
    63. Jack 410106 Ep1586 A Clue To Prof Loring.mp3
    64. Jack 410107 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch.mp3
    65. Jack 410108 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns.mp3
    66. Jack 410109 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift.mp3
    67. Jack 410110 Ep1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped.mp3
    68. Jack 410113 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail.mp3
    69. Jack 410114 Ep1592 Tribesmen Converge.mp3
    70. Jack 410115 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief.mp3
    71. Jack 410116 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse.mp3
    72. Jack 410117 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler.mp3
    73. Jack 410120 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again.mp3
    74. Jack 410121 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles.mp3
    75. Jack 410122 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers.mp3
    76. Jack 410123 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou.mp3
    77. Jack 410124 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness.mp3
    78. Jack 410127 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy.mp3
    79. Jack 410128 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help.mp3
    80. Jack 410129 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave.mp3
    81. Jack 410130 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap.mp3
    82. Jack 410131 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave.mp3
    83. Jack 410203 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel.mp3
    84. Jack 410204 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger.mp3
    85. Jack 410205 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave.mp3
    86. Jack 410206 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men.mp3
    87. Jack 410305 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring.mp3
    88. Jack 410306 Ep1629 Jack Rescues Whisper.mp3
    89. Jack 410307 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current.mp3
    90. Jack 410310 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows.mp3
    91. Jack 410311 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man.mp3
    92. Jack 410312 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
    93. Jack 410313 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
    94. Jack 410314 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio.mp3
    95. Jack 410317 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings.mp3
    96. Jack 410318 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last.mp3
    97. Jack 410507 Ep0167 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit.mp3
    98. Jack 410508 Ep1674 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit.mp3
    99. Jack 420420 Landofthesky.mp3
    100. Jack 420421 The Cave Of The Glacier.mp3
    101. Jack 420506 Stealing The Ruby.mp3
    102. Jack 430807 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen.mp3
    103. Jack 440117 Headhuntersstartwar.mp3
    104. Jack 440125 Amphibianfireoverjungle.mp3
    105. Jack 440126 Spider'slairspotted.mp3
    106. Jack 440127 Bettyandbillyinquicksand.mp3
    107. Jack 440202 Diamondsinspider'splane.mp3
    108. Jack 450000 Themutineers.mp3
    109. Jack 450604.mp3
    110. Jack 450904.mp3
    111. Jack 450906.mp3
    112. Jack 450907 Trial of the Silencer.mp3
    113. Jack 470708 Theflyingsaucer.mp3
    114. Jack 480311 Clear The Tracks.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    113 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 27 hours, 33 min
    113 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    403 MB – total playtime 27 hours, 33 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 113 shows – 403 MB – total playtime 27 hours, 33 minutes
    2. Jack 000000 Ep001 Sspelicanafire.mp3
    3. Jack 000000 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican.mp3
    4. Jack 000000 Ep003 Jackgetslinetopelican.mp3
    5. Jack 340104 Ep0004 Rescuesallpelicancrew.mp3
    6. Jack 400902 Ep1500 Easter Island Adventure.mp3
    7. Jack 400927 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure.mp3
    8. Jack 400930 Ep1516 Uncle Jim's Office Is Ransacked.mp3
    9. Jack 401001 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport.mp3
    10. Jack 401002 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart.mp3
    11. Jack 401003 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter.mp3
    12. Jack 401007 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco.mp3
    13. Jack 401008 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner.mp3
    14. Jack 401009 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring.mp3
    15. Jack 401010 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police.mp3
    16. Jack 401011 Ep1525 Betty Hears Footsteps.mp3
    17. Jack 401014 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally.mp3
    18. Jack 401017 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard.mp3
    19. Jack 401018 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift.mp3
    20. Jack 401028 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines.mp3
    21. Jack 401029 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring.mp3
    22. Jack 401104 Ep1541 Close To The Breakers.mp3
    23. Jack 401105 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes.mp3
    24. Jack 401108 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates.mp3
    25. Jack 401113 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas.mp3
    26. Jack 401114 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring.mp3
    27. Jack 401115 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village.mp3
    28. Jack 401118 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila.mp3
    29. Jack 401119 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark.mp3
    30. Jack 401120 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim.mp3
    31. Jack 401121 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim.mp3
    32. Jack 401122 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard.mp3
    33. Jack 401125 Ep1556 Back To The Spindrift.mp3
    34. Jack 401126 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring.mp3
    35. Jack 401127 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring.mp3
    36. Jack 401128 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured.mp3
    37. Jack 401129 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables.mp3
    38. Jack 401202 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle.mp3
    39. Jack 401203 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream.mp3
    40. Jack 401204 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters.mp3
    41. Jack 401205 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch.mp3
    42. Jack 401206 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide.mp3
    43. Jack 401209 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside.mp3
    44. Jack 401210 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down.mp3
    45. Jack 401211 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue.mp3
    46. Jack 401212 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine.mp3
    47. Jack 401213 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels.mp3
    48. Jack 401216 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato.mp3
    49. Jack 401217 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country.mp3
    50. Jack 401218 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero.mp3
    51. Jack 401219 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters.mp3
    52. Jack 401220 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies.mp3
    53. Jack 401223 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift.mp3
    54. Jack 401224 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay.mp3
    55. Jack 401225 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark.mp3
    56. Jack 401226 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape.mp3
    57. Jack 401227 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed.mp3
    58. Jack 401230 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea.mp3
    59. Jack 401231 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235.mp3
    60. Jack 410101 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship.mp3
    61. Jack 410102 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin.mp3
    62. Jack 410103 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium.mp3
    63. Jack 410106 Ep1586 A Clue To Prof Loring.mp3
    64. Jack 410107 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch.mp3
    65. Jack 410108 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns.mp3
    66. Jack 410109 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift.mp3
    67. Jack 410110 Ep1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped.mp3
    68. Jack 410113 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail.mp3
    69. Jack 410114 Ep1592 Tribesmen Converge.mp3
    70. Jack 410115 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief.mp3
    71. Jack 410116 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse.mp3
    72. Jack 410117 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler.mp3
    73. Jack 410120 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again.mp3
    74. Jack 410121 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles.mp3
    75. Jack 410122 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers.mp3
    76. Jack 410123 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou.mp3
    77. Jack 410124 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness.mp3
    78. Jack 410127 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy.mp3
    79. Jack 410128 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help.mp3
    80. Jack 410129 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave.mp3
    81. Jack 410130 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap.mp3
    82. Jack 410131 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave.mp3
    83. Jack 410203 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel.mp3
    84. Jack 410204 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger.mp3
    85. Jack 410205 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave.mp3
    86. Jack 410206 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men.mp3
    87. Jack 410305 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring.mp3
    88. Jack 410306 Ep1629 Jack Rescues Whisper.mp3
    89. Jack 410307 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current.mp3
    90. Jack 410310 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows.mp3
    91. Jack 410311 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man.mp3
    92. Jack 410312 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
    93. Jack 410313 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana.mp3
    94. Jack 410314 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio.mp3
    95. Jack 410317 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings.mp3
    96. Jack 410318 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last.mp3
    97. Jack 410507 Ep0167 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit.mp3
    98. Jack 410508 Ep1674 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit.mp3
    99. Jack 420420 Landofthesky.mp3
    100. Jack 420421 The Cave Of The Glacier.mp3
    101. Jack 420506 Stealing The Ruby.mp3
    102. Jack 430807 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen.mp3
    103. Jack 440117 Headhuntersstartwar.mp3
    104. Jack 440125 Amphibianfireoverjungle.mp3
    105. Jack 440126 Spider'slairspotted.mp3
    106. Jack 440127 Bettyandbillyinquicksand.mp3
    107. Jack 440202 Diamondsinspider'splane.mp3
    108. Jack 450000 Themutineers.mp3
    109. Jack 450604.mp3
    110. Jack 450904.mp3
    111. Jack 450906.mp3
    112. Jack 450907 Trial of the Silencer.mp3
    113. Jack 470708 Theflyingsaucer.mp3
    114. Jack 480311 Clear The Tracks.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    113 recordings on 29 Audio CDs. Total playtime 27 hours, 33 min
    113 recordings on 29 Audio CDs
    total playtime 27 hours, 33 min

    Jack Armstrong Disc A001

    1. Jack 000000 Ep001 Sspelicanafire
    2. Jack 000000 Ep002 Jacktotakelinetopelican
    3. Jack 000000 Ep003 Jackgetslinetopelican
    4. Jack 340104 Ep0004 Rescuesallpelicancrew

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A002

    1. Jack 400902 Ep1500 Easter Island Adventure
    2. Jack 400927 Ep1515 Easter Island Adventure
    3. Jack 400930 Ep1516 Uncle Jim's Office Is Ransacked
    4. Jack 401001 Ep1517 Trailing Dirk To The Airport
    5. Jack 401002 Ep1518 Plotting To Steal The Chart

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A003

    1. Jack 401003 Ep1519 Dirk And Blackbeard Steal A Letter
    2. Jack 401007 Ep1521 Flight To San Francisco
    3. Jack 401008 Ep1522 Strange Visitor On The Schooner
    4. Jack 401009 Ep1523 Mysterious Token From Prof Loring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A004

    1. Jack 401010 Ep1524 Jack And Billy Escape From The Police
    2. Jack 401011 Ep1525 Betty Hears Footsteps
    3. Jack 401014 Ep1526 Blackbeard Becomes An Ally
    4. Jack 401017 Ep1529 Jack Is Swept Overboard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A005

    1. Jack 401018 Ep1530 Fire Breaks Out On The Spindrift
    2. Jack 401028 Ep1536 Arriving In The Philippines
    3. Jack 401029 Ep1537 Warning Of The Power Of The Ring
    4. Jack 401104 Ep1541 Close To The Breakers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A006

    1. Jack 401105 Ep1542 Spindrift Rescued Yates Escapes
    2. Jack 401108 Ep1545 Jack And Billy Trail Yates
    3. Jack 401113 Ep1548 Hostile Moros Attack The Vintas
    4. Jack 401114 Ep1549 Protected By The Magic Ring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A007

    1. Jack 401115 Ep1550 Hostile Moros Attack The Village
    2. Jack 401118 Ep1551 Spindrift Arrives In Manila
    3. Jack 401119 Ep1552 Suprise Visit To The Black Shark
    4. Jack 401120 Ep1553 Suspicious Message From Uncle Jim

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A008

    1. Jack 401121 Ep1554 Searching For Uncle Jim
    2. Jack 401122 Ep1555 Uncle Jim Outsmarts Blackbeard
    3. Jack 401125 Ep1556 Back To The Spindrift
    4. Jack 401126 Ep1557 Dr Shupato Finds The Chart And Ring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A009

    1. Jack 401127 Ep1558 A Henchman Escapes With The Ring
    2. Jack 401128 Ep1559 Jack And Billy Are Captured
    3. Jack 401129 Ep1560 Jack And Billy Turn The Tables
    4. Jack 401202 Ep1561 Pursued Into The Jungle

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A010

    1. Jack 401203 Ep1562 Car Stalls In The Stream
    2. Jack 401204 Ep1563 On To The Land Of The Headhunters
    3. Jack 401205 Ep1564 Negritos With Poison Arrows Watch
    4. Jack 401206 Ep1565 Car Is Blocked By Landslide

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A011

    1. Jack 401209 Ep1566 Slide Sends Car Down Mountainside
    2. Jack 401210 Ep1567 Blackbeard Is Climbing Down
    3. Jack 401211 Ep1568 Jack Billy And Michelle Persue
    4. Jack 401212 Ep1569 Into An Abandoned Mine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A012

    1. Jack 401213 Ep1570 Escaping Through Tunnels
    2. Jack 401216 Ep1571 Jack Waylays Luzaro And Shupato
    3. Jack 401217 Ep1572 Into Headhunter Country
    4. Jack 401218 Ep1573 On The Trail Of Sgt Romero

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A013

    1. Jack 401219 Ep1574 Surrounded By Headhunters
    2. Jack 401220 Ep1575 Trapped In The Cave Of The Mummies
    3. Jack 401223 Ep1576 A Stowaway On The Spindrift
    4. Jack 401224 Ep1577 Escape From Manila Bay

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A014

    1. Jack 401225 Ep1578 Stalked By The Black Shark
    2. Jack 401226 Ep1579 Fighting Off The Typhoon To Escape
    3. Jack 401227 Ep1580 The Spindrifts Sail Is Destroyed
    4. Jack 401230 Ep1581 Safe Arrival In The Sulu Sea

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A015

    1. Jack 401231 Ep1582 Preparing To Dive For The U 235
    2. Jack 410101 Ep1583 Diving To Search For The Ship
    3. Jack 410102 Ep1584 Trapped In The Captains Cabin
    4. Jack 410103 Ep1585 Conclusion Escape With The Uranium

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A016

    1. Jack 410106 Ep1586 A Clue To Prof Loring
    2. Jack 410107 Ep1587 Spice Peddler Has An Unusual Watch
    3. Jack 410108 Ep1588 Yates The Traitor Returns
    4. Jack 410109 Ep1589 Yates Searches The Spindrift

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A017

    1. Jack 410110 Ep1590 Michelle Is Kidnapped
    2. Jack 410113 Ep1591 The Journey Up The Jungle Trail
    3. Jack 410114 Ep1592 Tribesmen Converge
    4. Jack 410115 Ep1593 Tribesmen Have Hostile Chief

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A018

    1. Jack 410116 Ep1594 The Chief And The Talking Horse
    2. Jack 410117 Ep1595 Who Is The Moro Peddler
    3. Jack 410120 Ep1596 The Magic Horse Speaks Again
    4. Jack 410121 Ep1597 Malua Leads The Search For Rifles

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A019

    1. Jack 410122 Ep1598 Jack And Billy Decieve Persuers
    2. Jack 410123 Ep1599 Attacked By The Tamarou
    3. Jack 410124 Ep1600 A Flashlight In The Darkness
    4. Jack 410127 Ep1601 Yates Captuers Betty And Billy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A020

    1. Jack 410128 Ep1602 Michelle Is Sent For Help
    2. Jack 410129 Ep1603 Climbing Toward The Guarded Cave
    3. Jack 410130 Ep1604 Leading The Moro Into A Trap
    4. Jack 410131 Ep1605 A Sentry At The Entrance To Cave

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Jack Armstrong Disc A021

    1. Jack 410203 Ep1606 Into The Secret Tunnel
    2. Jack 410204 Ep1607 Jack And Billy Meet A Stranger
    3. Jack 410205 Ep1608 Finding Lt Rawlings In The Cave
    4. Jack 410206 Ep1609 Trapped In The Cave By Karangs Men

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A022

    1. Jack 410305 Ep1628 Up The River After Prof Loring
    2. Jack 410306 Ep1629 Jack Rescues Whisper
    3. Jack 410307 Ep1630 The Vinta Is Stopped By The Current
    4. Jack 410310 Ep1631 A Hail Of Stones And Arrows

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A023

    1. Jack 410311 Ep1632 Planning To Confront The Medicine Man
    2. Jack 410312 Ep1633 Planning To Enter The Temple Of Kalana
    3. Jack 410313 Ep1634 Entering The Temple Of Kalana
    4. Jack 410314 Ep1635 The Medicine Man Finds The Radio

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A024

    1. Jack 410317 Ep1636 Moro Messenger Brings Tidings
    2. Jack 410318 Ep1637 Finding Prof Loring At Last
    3. Jack 410507 Ep0167 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit
    4. Jack 410508 Ep1674 Adventure of the Uranium Deposit

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A025

    1. Jack 420420 Landofthesky
    2. Jack 420421 The Cave Of The Glacier
    3. Jack 420506 Stealing The Ruby
    4. Jack 430807 Counterfeit Ration Stamps Are Stolen

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A026

    1. Jack 440117 Headhuntersstartwar
    2. Jack 440125 Amphibianfireoverjungle
    3. Jack 440126 Spider'slairspotted
    4. Jack 440127 Bettyandbillyinquicksand

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A027

    1. Jack 440202 Diamondsinspider'splane
    2. Jack 450000 Themutineers
    3. Jack 450604
    4. Jack 450904

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A028

    1. Jack 450906
    2. Jack 450907 Trial of the Silencer
    3. Jack 470708 Theflyingsaucer

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    Jack Armstrong Disc A029

    1. Jack 480311 Clear The Tracks

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