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Harry S. Truman Recordings

Listen to historic speeches from the 33rd President of the United States, Harry S. Truman.

Harry S Truman

509 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 127 hours, 45 min)
available in the following formats:

7 MP3 CDs
118 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from January 15, 1953:

"Last Speech as President"

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Harry Truman
(1884 – 1972)

Churchill Truman Stalin
Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, and Joseph Stalin

Lauren Bacall & Truman
Harry Truman and Lauren Bacall

Harry Truman was the 33rd President of the United States. He became president after the death of the previous president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was sworn in on April 12, 1945 a little less than a month before Germany surrendered in World War II and less than three months after President Roosevelt started his historic fourth presidential term.

When President Truman ascended to the presidency, he had no experience in foreign politics, knew nothing about the Manhattan Project that produced the world's first atomic bomb, and he didn't know much about domestic politics. President Roosevelt didn't discuss these things with him. Truman became Vice President through a deal brokered by the Democratic National Committee chairman never thinking that Truman would become president. Truman presided over tHarry Trumanhe final few months of World War II, finally giving his authorization to drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

During his two terms as president he faced many challenges. As a matter of fact, no one expected Truman to be re-elected to the presidency in 1948. In the years immediately after the war, moving the country back to  a post war economy was painful. There were shortages and strikes. Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act that monitors labor union activity, overriding the president's veto resulting in a speech to the American public. President Harry Truman created The Federal Civil Defense Administration (FCDA) to prepare and educate the public about the threat of a nuclear attack as well as natural disasters. 

One of the presidents unwritten duties is to address the nation on various issues or to speak at important events. President Truman addressed the nation on several subjects including addressing the crisis in Greece and Turkey. The president needed to explain to the American people that the US was providing military and economic aid to the countries to prevent them falling under the influence of the communist regime in the Soviet Union. This policy was known as the Truman Doctrine. See also recordings of Harry Truman's daughter, Margaret Truman.

See additional Presidential Recordings:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    17     1


    I recently bought an archive of Truman's speeches and public addresses from Otr Cat. Refreshing to hear such an articulate president, a book lover, no less.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    I am a great admirer of President Harry S. Truman.

    Ed Verified Purchase

    A great historical collection. I especially enjoyed President Truman's tour of the newly renovated White House in May 1952. He showed remarkable knowledge of White House and presidential history. I wish some of our current political leaders could be so knowledgeable about our past.

    Mark Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    509 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00. Total playtime 127 hours, 45 min
    509 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00
    total playtime 127 hours, 45 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 80 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19391214 National Defense.mp3
    3. 19400427 Returning Civil Aeronautics Authority Commerce Dept.mp3
    4. 19421102 Voting and the War Effort.mp3
    5. 19440831 Acceptance Speech as the Vice Presidential Nominee.mp3
    6. 19450416 First Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    7. 19450416 Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    8. 19450417 Address Broadcast To Armed Forces.mp3
    9. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P1.mp3
    10. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P2.mp3
    11. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P3.mp3
    12. 19450508 Announcing Surrender Of Germany Version 2.mp3
    13. 19450508 Surrender Of Germany.mp3
    14. 19450626 SF Closing Session Of UN Conference.mp3
    15. 19450628 Honorary Degree from the University of Kansas City.mp3
    16. 19450809 Potsdam Conference.mp3
    17. 19450901 Signing Terms Unconditional Surrender by Japan.mp3
    18. 19450902 VJ Day Address to the Armed Forces.mp3
    19. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P1.mp3
    20. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P2.mp3
    21. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P3.mp3
    22. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P4.mp3
    23. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P5.mp3
    24. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P6.mp3
    25. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P7.mp3
    26. 19451027 Foreign Policy At Navy Day Celebration NYC.mp3
    27. 19460103 the Status of the Reconversion Program.mp3
    28. 19460306 Federal Council of Churches.mp3
    29. 19460323 the Ideals of Democracy.mp3
    30. 19460405 Governing Board of the Pan American Union.mp3
    31. 19460406 Army Day Address.mp3
    32. 19460406 Chicago On Army Day.mp3
    33. 19460412 with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park.mp3
    34. 19460419 Food Conservation.mp3
    35. 19460501 Honorary Degree from Fordham University.mp3
    36. 19460524 Railroad Strike Emergency.mp3
    37. 19460525 Address to a Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    38. 19460609 Address on Price Controls.mp3
    39. 19460703 Philippine Independence.mp3
    40. 19461004 Ending of Major Price Controls.mp3
    41. 19461023 Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    42. 19461111 Armistice Day.mp3
    43. 19461204 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    44. 19470106 State of the Union Address.mp3
    45. 19470303 Mexico City.mp3
    46. 19470306 Foreign Economic Policy.mp3
    47. 19470312 Congress Greece Turkey Truman Doctrine.mp3
    48. 19470312 Truman Doctrine.mp3
    49. 19470405 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    50. 19470421 Annual Luncheon on the Associated Press.mp3
    51. 19470607 35th Division Reunion Memorial Service.mp3
    52. 19470611 Address Before Canadian Parliament.mp3
    53. 19470617 Princeton University Commencement Speech.mp3
    54. 19470620 Veto of Taft-Hartley.mp3
    55. 19470620 Vote Of Tafthartley Bill.mp3
    56. 19470629 National Convention Of Naacp.mp3
    57. 19470704 Independence Day Address at Monticello.mp3
    58. 19470902 Continental Peace and Security.mp3
    59. 19470905 Address a Joint Session of the Brazilian Congress.mp3
    60. 19471005 Citizens Food Committee.mp3
    61. 19471024 Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid.mp3
    62. 19471117 Congress On First Day Of Special Session.mp3
    63. 19471206 Conservation at the Everglades National Park.mp3
    64. 19471224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    65. 19480000 I'm Just Wild About Harry.mp3
    66. 19480107 State of the Union Address.mp3
    67. 19480219 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    68. 19480317 St. Patricks Day New York City.mp3
    69. 19480417 American Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    70. 19480506 National Conference of Family Life.mp3
    71. 19480530 Memorial Day Service.mp3
    72. 19480605 Omaha At Reunion Of 35 Th Division.mp3
    73. 19480605 Reunion of the 35th Division.mp3
    74. 19480614 Greater Los Angeles Press Club.mp3
    75. 19480715 Dnc Acceptance Speech.mp3
    76. 19480715 Philadelphia Upon Accepting Nomination Of Dnc.mp3
    77. 19480727 Message To Special Session Of 80 Th Congress.mp3
    78. 19480906 Labor Day Address.mp3
    79. 19480913 American Association for Advancement in Science.mp3
    80. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Chariton IA.mp3
    81. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Melcher IA.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 10 shows – total playtime 1 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Pueblo CO.mp3
    3. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Salida CO.mp3
    4. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks American Fork UT.mp3
    5. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Helper UT.mp3
    6. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Price UT.mp3
    7. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Provo UT.mp3
    8. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield UT.mp3
    9. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Rosehill CA.mp3
    10. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Sacramento CA.mp3
    11. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Truckee CA.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 93 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Bakersfield CA.mp3
    3. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Burbank CA.mp3
    4. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Fresco CA.mp3
    5. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Modesto CA.mp3
    6. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Mojave CA.mp3
    7. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Tulare CA.mp3
    8. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Colton CA.mp3
    9. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Oceanside CA.mp3
    10. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks PhoenixAZ.mp3
    11. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Yuma AZ.mp3
    12. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Alpine TX.mp3
    13. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Deming NM.mp3
    14. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Lordsburg NM.mp3
    15. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Marfa TX.mp3
    16. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sanderson TX.mp3
    17. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sierra Blanca TX.mp3
    18. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Austin TX.mp3
    19. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Bells TX.mp3
    20. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Georgetown TX.mp3
    21. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Greenville TX.mp3
    22. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Hillsboro TX.mp3
    23. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Temple TX.mp3
    24. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Waco TX.mp3
    25. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Davis OK.mp3
    26. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Gainesville TX.mp3
    27. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Marietta OK.mp3
    28. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Norman OK.mp3
    29. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Pauls Valley OK.mp3
    30. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Purcell OK.mp3
    31. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Sherman TX.mp3
    32. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Whitesboro TX.mp3
    33. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Afton OK.mp3
    34. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Chelsea OK.mp3
    35. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Claremore OK.mp3
    36. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Eufaula OK.mp3
    37. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Holdenville OK.mp3
    38. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Monett MO.mp3
    39. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Neosho MO.mp3
    40. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Seminole OK.mp3
    41. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Shawnee OK.mp3
    42. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield MO.mp3
    43. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vernon IL.mp3
    44. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vinita OK.mp3
    45. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Wewoka OK.mp3
    46. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Hawesville KY.mp3
    47. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Henderson KY.mp3
    48. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Irvington KY.mp3
    49. 19481000 Ronald Reagan Endorses Harry Truman for President.mp3
    50. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Frankfort KY.mp3
    51. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Lexington KY.mp3
    52. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Montgomery WV.mp3
    53. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Morehead KY.mp3
    54. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Olive Hill KY.mp3
    55. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Shelbyville KY.mp3
    56. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Sterling KY.mp3
    57. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Winchester KY.mp3
    58. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Allentown PA.mp3
    59. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport PA.mp3
    60. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Albany NY.mp3
    61. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Amsterdam NY.mp3
    62. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Auburn NY.mp3
    63. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Geneva NY.mp3
    64. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Little Falls NY.mp3
    65. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Seneca Falls NY.mp3
    66. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Utica NY.mp3
    67. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Fostoria OH.mp3
    68. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Hamilton OH.mp3
    69. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Lima OH.mp3
    70. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Ottawa OH.mp3
    71. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Rittman OH.mp3
    72. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Sidney OH.mp3
    73. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Willard OH.mp3
    74. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Crawfordsville IN.mp3
    75. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Danville IL.mp3
    76. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Decatur IL.mp3
    77. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Greenfield IN.mp3
    78. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Richmond IN.mp3
    79. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Tolono IL.mp3
    80. 19481013 Address on Foreign Policy.mp3
    81. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Mankato MN.mp3
    82. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Rochester MN.mp3
    83. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Sparta WI.mp3
    84. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waseca MN.mp3
    85. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waukesha WI.mp3
    86. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Winona MN.mp3
    87. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Hammond IN.mp3
    88. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Kokomo IN.mp3
    89. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Logansport IN.mp3
    90. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Noblesville IN.mp3
    91. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks North Judson IN.mp3
    92. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Tipton IN.mp3
    93. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV.mp3
    94. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Keyser WV.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 114 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19481019 State Fairgrounds Raleigh NC.mp3
    3. 19481023 Rear Platform Remarks Lock Haven PA.mp3
    4. 19481025 Rear Platform Remarks Garrett IN.mp3
    5. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elkhart IN.mp3
    6. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elyria OH.mp3
    7. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Sandusky OH.mp3
    8. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P1.mp3
    9. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P2.mp3
    10. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P3.mp3
    11. 19481027 Mechanics Hall Boston MA.mp3
    12. 19481027 Rear Platform Remarks Farmington MA.mp3
    13. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport CT.mp3
    14. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks New London CT.mp3
    15. 19481030 Kiel Auditorium St Louis MO.mp3
    16. 19481101 with Alben Barkley, Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    17. 19481103 Victory Celebration Independence MO.mp3
    18. 19481103 Victory Speech.mp3
    19. 19490105 Annual Message To Congress On State Of Union.mp3
    20. 19490120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    21. 19490323 President’s Conference on Industrial Safety.mp3
    22. 19490404 Signing Of North Atlantic Treaty.mp3
    23. 19490719 Chicago Imperial Council Session Shrine N America.mp3
    24. 19490927 Democratic Women’s Day.mp3
    25. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P1.mp3
    26. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P2.mp3
    27. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P3.mp3
    28. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P4.mp3
    29. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P5.mp3
    30. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P6.mp3
    31. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P7.mp3
    32. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P8.mp3
    33. 19491024 NYC Cornerstone Laying Of UN Building.mp3
    34. 19491226 Presentation of Statue of Andrew Jackson.mp3
    35. 19500104 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    36. 19500104 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    37. 19500104 State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    38. 19500511 Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam.mp3
    39. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P1.mp3
    40. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P2.mp3
    41. 19500628 Annual Convention Of American Newspaper Guild.mp3
    42. 19500628 Point 4 Program.mp3
    43. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P1.mp3
    44. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P2.mp3
    45. 19500719 Radio TV Address Situation In Korea.mp3
    46. 19501017 War Memorial Opera House San Francisco CA.mp3
    47. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P1.mp3
    48. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P2.mp3
    49. 19501024 Speaks to the UN on Korea.mp3
    50. 19501215 Radio TV National Emergency.mp3
    51. 19510108 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    52. 19510108 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    53. 19510108 State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    54. 19510125 Press Conference.mp3
    55. 19510208 Press Conference.mp3
    56. 19510215 Press Conference.mp3
    57. 19510301 Press Conference.mp3
    58. 19510329 Press Conference P1.mp3
    59. 19510329 Press Conference P2.mp3
    60. 19510405 Press Conference.mp3
    61. 19510411 Radio Report On Korea And On US Policy In Far East.mp3
    62. 19510411 Report To Americans Abt Korea.mp3
    63. 19510418 Press Conference.mp3
    64. 19510503 Press Conference.mp3
    65. 19510507 Address At A Dinner Of Civil Defense Conference.mp3
    66. 19510510 Press Conference.mp3
    67. 19510615 India Emergency Food Aid Act.mp3
    68. 19510625 Tullahoma Tenn Dedic Arnold Engineering Dev Center.mp3
    69. 19510628 Press Conference.mp3
    70. 19510705 Press Conference.mp3
    71. 19510712 Press Conference.mp3
    72. 19510816 Press Conference.mp3
    73. 19510817 National Employ and Physically Handicapped Week.mp3
    74. 19510822 Midwest Flooding.mp3
    75. 19510823 Press Conference.mp3
    76. 19510824 One Million Dollar Check Farm Credit Administration.mp3
    77. 19510824 Remarks to HS Students in the Rose Garden.mp3
    78. 19510830 Press Conference.mp3
    79. 19510831 Floral Replica of a Defense Bond.mp3
    80. 19510906 Dedication of the Organized Reserve Corps Armory.mp3
    81. 19510910 International Bank Reconstruction and Development.mp3
    82. 19510910 International Order of Odd Fellows.mp3
    83. 19510912 United Nations Day.mp3
    84. 19510913 Press Conference.mp3
    85. 19510917 Constitution Day.mp3
    86. 19510927 Press Conference.mp3
    87. 19511004 Press Conference P1.mp3
    88. 19511004 Press Conference P2.mp3
    89. 19511011 Press Conference.mp3
    90. 19511018 Point 4 Agriculture Trainees.mp3
    91. 19511018 Press Conference.mp3
    92. 19511025 Press Conference.mp3
    93. 19511115 Press Conference.mp3
    94. 19511129 Press Conference.mp3
    95. 19511213 Press Conference P1.mp3
    96. 19511213 Press Conference P2.mp3
    97. 19511224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    98. 19520103 Press Conference.mp3
    99. 19520110 Press Conference.mp3
    100. 19520124 Press Conference.mp3
    101. 19520131 Press Conference.mp3
    102. 19520205 Veterans of Foreign Wars Dinner.mp3
    103. 19520207 Press Conference.mp3
    104. 19520214 Press Conference.mp3
    105. 19520220 Press Conference.mp3
    106. 19520221 Masonic Breakfast.mp3
    107. 19520228 Press Conference.mp3
    108. 19520229 Winners of 11th Annual Science Talent Search.mp3
    109. 19520304 US Coast Guard Cutter.mp3
    110. 19520305 Czechoslovak National Council of America.mp3
    111. 19520305 National Advertising Council.mp3
    112. 19520306 4H Club Delegates.mp3
    113. 19520306 Catholic University Dramatic Group.mp3
    114. 19520315 29 Th Scholastic Press Ass..mp3
    115. 19520320 Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 91 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19520329 Jefferson Jackson Day Address.mp3
    3. 19520403 News Conference.mp3
    4. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P1.mp3
    5. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2.mp3
    6. 19520414 Last of Displaced Persons the Zyllka Family.mp3
    7. 19520424 Press Conference P1.mp3
    8. 19520424 Press Conference P2.mp3
    9. 19520501 Press Conference.mp3
    10. 19520503 Gives Tour of the White House.mp3
    11. 19520503 White House Tour.mp3
    12. 19520508 Press Conference.mp3
    13. 19520515 Press Conference.mp3
    14. 19520517 Americans for Democratic Action.mp3
    15. 19520522 Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19520529 Press Conference.mp3
    17. 19520605 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 19520610 Steel Strike P1.mp3
    19. 19520610 Steel Strike P2.mp3
    20. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P1.mp3
    21. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P2.mp3
    22. 19520627 Medal Honor Ronald E Rosser and Jerry K Crump.mp3
    23. 19520703 Press Conference.mp3
    24. 19520726 Address to the DNC P1.mp3
    25. 19520726 Address to the DNC P2.mp3
    26. 19520807 Press Conference.mp3
    27. 19520812 Meeting with Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman.mp3
    28. 19520814 Press Conference.mp3
    29. 19520821 Press Conference.mp3
    30. 19520828 Press Conference.mp3
    31. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV.mp3
    32. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Martinsburg WV.mp3
    33. 19520911 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 19520916 American Hospital Association Convention.mp3
    35. 19520918 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 19520925 Press Conference.mp3
    37. 19520926 United Nations Day.mp3
    38. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P1.mp3
    39. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P2.mp3
    40. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Berthold ND.mp3
    41. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Breckenridge MN.mp3
    42. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Devils Lake ND.mp3
    43. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Grand Forks ND.mp3
    44. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Lakota ND.mp3
    45. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Williston ND.mp3
    46. 19520930 Tiber Dam P1.mp3
    47. 19520930 Tiber Dam P2.mp3
    48. 19521001 Dedication of the Hungry Horse Dam.mp3
    49. 19521001 Kalispell High School.mp3
    50. 19521002 Seattle WA.mp3
    51. 19521002 Tacoma WA.mp3
    52. 19521003 Redding CA.mp3
    53. 19521004 Oakland CA.mp3
    54. 19521004 San Francisco CA.mp3
    55. 19521006 Brigham Young University.mp3
    56. 19521007 Trainside Address Colorado Springs CO.mp3
    57. 19521007 Union Station Plaza.mp3
    58. 19521008 Shenandoah IA.mp3
    59. 19521009 Address in Public Square Cleveland OH.mp3
    60. 19521009 Memorial Hall Address Buffalo NY.mp3
    61. 19521010 Remarks Made at Train Station Yonkers NY.mp3
    62. 19521010 Trainside Remarks Albany NY.mp3
    63. 19521011 Address at Dorrance Brooks Park Harlem NY.mp3
    64. 19521011 Columbus Day Dinner New York NY.mp3
    65. 19521014 Advisory Council on Federal Reports.mp3
    66. 19521016 Hartford CT.mp3
    67. 19521016 National Guard Armory Manchester NH.mp3
    68. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P1.mp3
    69. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P2.mp3
    70. 19521018 Eastern Parkway Arena Brooklyn NY.mp3
    71. 19521018 Providence City Hall Providence RI.mp3
    72. 19521021 Rayburn Plaza Philadelphia PA.mp3
    73. 19521022 Campaign Speech.mp3
    74. 19521022 Syria Mosque Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    75. 19521024 YWCA Training Project.mp3
    76. 19521027 Municipal Auditorium Gary IN.mp3
    77. 19521028 Municipal Auditorium Hibbing MN.mp3
    78. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Saint Paul MN.mp3
    79. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Winona MN.mp3
    80. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Davenport IA.mp3
    81. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Sherman Hotel Chicago IL.mp3
    82. 19521030 State Fair Coliseum Detroit MI.mp3
    83. 19521030 Whistle Stop Speech Muskegon MI.mp3
    84. 19521031 Address at Music Hall Cincinnati OH.mp3
    85. 19521103 35th Division Bust Presentation.mp3
    86. 19521103 Election Eve Remarks Kansas City MO.mp3
    87. 19521103 Radio Remarks on Election Eve Kansas City MO.mp3
    88. 19521105 Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower.mp3
    89. 19521114 Directors National Newspaper Publishers Association.mp3
    90. 19521116 Laying Cornerstone New Temple WA Hebrew Congrgtn.mp3
    91. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P1.mp3
    92. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P2.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 70 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19521120 Press Conference.mp3
    3. 19521204 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 19521211 Press Conference.mp3
    5. 19521215 New Shrine for Declaration of Independence.mp3
    6. 19521217 Wright Memorial Dinner Aero Club.mp3
    7. 19521218 Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation.mp3
    8. 19521218 Press Conference.mp3
    9. 19521219 National War College P1.mp3
    10. 19521219 National War College P2.mp3
    11. 19521231 Press Conference.mp3
    12. 19530000 Washington Merry Go Round Interview.mp3
    13. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P1.mp3
    14. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P2.mp3
    15. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P3.mp3
    16. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P4.mp3
    17. 19530115 Last Speech As President.mp3
    18. 19530115 Presidents Farewell Address-Excerpt.mp3
    19. 19530115 Press Conference P1.mp3
    20. 19530115 Press Conference P2.mp3
    21. 19530123 Homecoming to Independence.mp3
    22. 19530206 Welcome Home Dinner.mp3
    23. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P1.mp3
    24. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P2.mp3
    25. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P1.mp3
    26. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P2.mp3
    27. 19540000 This I Believe.mp3
    28. 19550000 The Man From Independence.mp3
    29. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P1.mp3
    30. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P2.mp3
    31. 19560000 Introduction of James Pendergast.mp3
    32. 19560813 Address to the Democratic National Convention.mp3
    33. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 01 of 12.mp3
    34. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 02 of 12.mp3
    35. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 03 of 12.mp3
    36. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 04 of 12.mp3
    37. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 05 of 12.mp3
    38. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 06 of 12.mp3
    39. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 07 of 12.mp3
    40. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 08 of 12.mp3
    41. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 09 of 12.mp3
    42. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 10 of 12.mp3
    43. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 11 of 12.mp3
    44. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 12 of 12.mp3
    45. 19570216 Combined Jewish Appeal.mp3
    46. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P1.mp3
    47. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P2.mp3
    48. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P3.mp3
    49. 19580304 Young Democrats.mp3
    50. 19580917 US Steel Workers Convention.mp3
    51. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P1.mp3
    52. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P2.mp3
    53. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview P01.mp3
    54. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview.mp3
    55. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P02.mp3
    56. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P03.mp3
    57. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P04.mp3
    58. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P05.mp3
    59. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P06.mp3
    60. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P07.mp3
    61. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P08.mp3
    62. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P09.mp3
    63. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P10.mp3
    64. 19590913 Hadassah Convention.mp3
    65. 19590929 North American Newspaper Alliance Interview.mp3
    66. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P11.mp3
    67. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P12.mp3
    68. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P13.mp3
    69. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P14.mp3
    70. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P15.mp3
    71. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P16.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 51 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P17.mp3
    3. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P18.mp3
    4. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P19.mp3
    5. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P20.mp3
    6. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P21.mp3
    7. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P22.mp3
    8. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P23.mp3
    9. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P24.mp3
    10. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P25.mp3
    11. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P26.mp3
    12. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P27.mp3
    13. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P28.mp3
    14. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P29.mp3
    15. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P30.mp3
    16. 19600628 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    17. 19600628 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    18. 19600702 Criticism of Senator JFK.mp3
    19. 19600702 Resignation as a Delegate to the DNC.mp3
    20. 19600812 American History Textbook.mp3
    21. 19600820 John F Kennedy Press Conf Truman Library.mp3
    22. 19600821 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    23. 19600821 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    24. 19600821 American History Textbook P3.mp3
    25. 19600914 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    26. 19600914 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    27. 19600916 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    28. 19600916 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    29. 19600917 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    30. 19600917 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    31. 19610508 Birthday Call From John Kennedy.mp3
    32. 19621028 Talks with John Kennedy About Cuba.mp3
    33. 19630508 Birthday Call From President Kennedy.mp3
    34. 19630724 Talks With John Kennedy About Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    35. 19630726 John Kennedy Abt Supporting Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    36. 19631201 Interview on Late Presidents Reputation.mp3
    37. 19640000 Civil Rights After World War II.mp3
    38. 19640000 Decision ConflictsTruman Dialogue Future Part 1.mp3
    39. 19640223 Eating Alone.mp3
    40. 19641014 Support of LBJ and HHH.mp3
    41. 19641104 Phone Call With Lyndon Johnson.mp3
    42. 19660531 Medicare PSA.mp3
    43. 19680320 Press Conference.mp3
    44. 19681225 Phone Call Lyndon Johnson Lady Bird Bess Truman.mp3
    45. 19720000 Reports of Deteriorating Health and Death.mp3
    46. 19721226 Death of Harry S Truman.mp3
    47. 19721228 Funeral.mp3
    48. 19750000 Chicago.mp3
    49. 19750000 James Whitemore, Give Em Hell, Harry!.mp3
    50. 19970510 George Curtis, Tour Harry Truman's Private Office.mp3
    51. 19991018 American Presidents Series.mp3
    52. 20070921 Presidential Library Tour.mp3
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    509 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00. Total playtime 127 hours, 45 min
    509 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00
    3509 MB – total playtime 127 hours, 45 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 80 shows – 594 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19391214 National Defense.mp3
    3. 19400427 Returning Civil Aeronautics Authority Commerce Dept.mp3
    4. 19421102 Voting and the War Effort.mp3
    5. 19440831 Acceptance Speech as the Vice Presidential Nominee.mp3
    6. 19450416 First Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    7. 19450416 Joint Session Of Congress.mp3
    8. 19450417 Address Broadcast To Armed Forces.mp3
    9. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P1.mp3
    10. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P2.mp3
    11. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P3.mp3
    12. 19450508 Announcing Surrender Of Germany Version 2.mp3
    13. 19450508 Surrender Of Germany.mp3
    14. 19450626 SF Closing Session Of UN Conference.mp3
    15. 19450628 Honorary Degree from the University of Kansas City.mp3
    16. 19450809 Potsdam Conference.mp3
    17. 19450901 Signing Terms Unconditional Surrender by Japan.mp3
    18. 19450902 VJ Day Address to the Armed Forces.mp3
    19. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P1.mp3
    20. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P2.mp3
    21. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P3.mp3
    22. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P4.mp3
    23. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P5.mp3
    24. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P6.mp3
    25. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P7.mp3
    26. 19451027 Foreign Policy At Navy Day Celebration NYC.mp3
    27. 19460103 the Status of the Reconversion Program.mp3
    28. 19460306 Federal Council of Churches.mp3
    29. 19460323 the Ideals of Democracy.mp3
    30. 19460405 Governing Board of the Pan American Union.mp3
    31. 19460406 Army Day Address.mp3
    32. 19460406 Chicago On Army Day.mp3
    33. 19460412 with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park.mp3
    34. 19460419 Food Conservation.mp3
    35. 19460501 Honorary Degree from Fordham University.mp3
    36. 19460524 Railroad Strike Emergency.mp3
    37. 19460525 Address to a Joint Session of Congress.mp3
    38. 19460609 Address on Price Controls.mp3
    39. 19460703 Philippine Independence.mp3
    40. 19461004 Ending of Major Price Controls.mp3
    41. 19461023 Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    42. 19461111 Armistice Day.mp3
    43. 19461204 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    44. 19470106 State of the Union Address.mp3
    45. 19470303 Mexico City.mp3
    46. 19470306 Foreign Economic Policy.mp3
    47. 19470312 Congress Greece Turkey Truman Doctrine.mp3
    48. 19470312 Truman Doctrine.mp3
    49. 19470405 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    50. 19470421 Annual Luncheon on the Associated Press.mp3
    51. 19470607 35th Division Reunion Memorial Service.mp3
    52. 19470611 Address Before Canadian Parliament.mp3
    53. 19470617 Princeton University Commencement Speech.mp3
    54. 19470620 Veto of Taft-Hartley.mp3
    55. 19470620 Vote Of Tafthartley Bill.mp3
    56. 19470629 National Convention Of Naacp.mp3
    57. 19470704 Independence Day Address at Monticello.mp3
    58. 19470902 Continental Peace and Security.mp3
    59. 19470905 Address a Joint Session of the Brazilian Congress.mp3
    60. 19471005 Citizens Food Committee.mp3
    61. 19471024 Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid.mp3
    62. 19471117 Congress On First Day Of Special Session.mp3
    63. 19471206 Conservation at the Everglades National Park.mp3
    64. 19471224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    65. 19480000 I'm Just Wild About Harry.mp3
    66. 19480107 State of the Union Address.mp3
    67. 19480219 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner.mp3
    68. 19480317 St. Patricks Day New York City.mp3
    69. 19480417 American Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    70. 19480506 National Conference of Family Life.mp3
    71. 19480530 Memorial Day Service.mp3
    72. 19480605 Omaha At Reunion Of 35 Th Division.mp3
    73. 19480605 Reunion of the 35th Division.mp3
    74. 19480614 Greater Los Angeles Press Club.mp3
    75. 19480715 Dnc Acceptance Speech.mp3
    76. 19480715 Philadelphia Upon Accepting Nomination Of Dnc.mp3
    77. 19480727 Message To Special Session Of 80 Th Congress.mp3
    78. 19480906 Labor Day Address.mp3
    79. 19480913 American Association for Advancement in Science.mp3
    80. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Chariton IA.mp3
    81. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Melcher IA.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 10 shows – 43 MB – total playtime 1 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Pueblo CO.mp3
    3. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Salida CO.mp3
    4. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks American Fork UT.mp3
    5. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Helper UT.mp3
    6. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Price UT.mp3
    7. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Provo UT.mp3
    8. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield UT.mp3
    9. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Rosehill CA.mp3
    10. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Sacramento CA.mp3
    11. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Truckee CA.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 93 shows – 347 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Bakersfield CA.mp3
    3. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Burbank CA.mp3
    4. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Fresco CA.mp3
    5. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Modesto CA.mp3
    6. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Mojave CA.mp3
    7. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Tulare CA.mp3
    8. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Colton CA.mp3
    9. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Oceanside CA.mp3
    10. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks PhoenixAZ.mp3
    11. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Yuma AZ.mp3
    12. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Alpine TX.mp3
    13. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Deming NM.mp3
    14. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Lordsburg NM.mp3
    15. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Marfa TX.mp3
    16. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sanderson TX.mp3
    17. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sierra Blanca TX.mp3
    18. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Austin TX.mp3
    19. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Bells TX.mp3
    20. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Georgetown TX.mp3
    21. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Greenville TX.mp3
    22. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Hillsboro TX.mp3
    23. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Temple TX.mp3
    24. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Waco TX.mp3
    25. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Davis OK.mp3
    26. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Gainesville TX.mp3
    27. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Marietta OK.mp3
    28. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Norman OK.mp3
    29. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Pauls Valley OK.mp3
    30. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Purcell OK.mp3
    31. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Sherman TX.mp3
    32. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Whitesboro TX.mp3
    33. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Afton OK.mp3
    34. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Chelsea OK.mp3
    35. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Claremore OK.mp3
    36. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Eufaula OK.mp3
    37. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Holdenville OK.mp3
    38. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Monett MO.mp3
    39. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Neosho MO.mp3
    40. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Seminole OK.mp3
    41. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Shawnee OK.mp3
    42. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield MO.mp3
    43. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vernon IL.mp3
    44. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vinita OK.mp3
    45. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Wewoka OK.mp3
    46. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Hawesville KY.mp3
    47. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Henderson KY.mp3
    48. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Irvington KY.mp3
    49. 19481000 Ronald Reagan Endorses Harry Truman for President.mp3
    50. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Frankfort KY.mp3
    51. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Lexington KY.mp3
    52. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Montgomery WV.mp3
    53. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Morehead KY.mp3
    54. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Olive Hill KY.mp3
    55. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Shelbyville KY.mp3
    56. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Sterling KY.mp3
    57. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Winchester KY.mp3
    58. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Allentown PA.mp3
    59. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport PA.mp3
    60. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Albany NY.mp3
    61. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Amsterdam NY.mp3
    62. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Auburn NY.mp3
    63. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Geneva NY.mp3
    64. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Little Falls NY.mp3
    65. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Seneca Falls NY.mp3
    66. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Utica NY.mp3
    67. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Fostoria OH.mp3
    68. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Hamilton OH.mp3
    69. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Lima OH.mp3
    70. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Ottawa OH.mp3
    71. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Rittman OH.mp3
    72. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Sidney OH.mp3
    73. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Willard OH.mp3
    74. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Crawfordsville IN.mp3
    75. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Danville IL.mp3
    76. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Decatur IL.mp3
    77. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Greenfield IN.mp3
    78. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Richmond IN.mp3
    79. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Tolono IL.mp3
    80. 19481013 Address on Foreign Policy.mp3
    81. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Mankato MN.mp3
    82. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Rochester MN.mp3
    83. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Sparta WI.mp3
    84. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waseca MN.mp3
    85. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waukesha WI.mp3
    86. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Winona MN.mp3
    87. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Hammond IN.mp3
    88. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Kokomo IN.mp3
    89. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Logansport IN.mp3
    90. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Noblesville IN.mp3
    91. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks North Judson IN.mp3
    92. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Tipton IN.mp3
    93. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV.mp3
    94. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Keyser WV.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 114 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19481019 State Fairgrounds Raleigh NC.mp3
    3. 19481023 Rear Platform Remarks Lock Haven PA.mp3
    4. 19481025 Rear Platform Remarks Garrett IN.mp3
    5. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elkhart IN.mp3
    6. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elyria OH.mp3
    7. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Sandusky OH.mp3
    8. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P1.mp3
    9. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P2.mp3
    10. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P3.mp3
    11. 19481027 Mechanics Hall Boston MA.mp3
    12. 19481027 Rear Platform Remarks Farmington MA.mp3
    13. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport CT.mp3
    14. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks New London CT.mp3
    15. 19481030 Kiel Auditorium St Louis MO.mp3
    16. 19481101 with Alben Barkley, Election Eve Remarks.mp3
    17. 19481103 Victory Celebration Independence MO.mp3
    18. 19481103 Victory Speech.mp3
    19. 19490105 Annual Message To Congress On State Of Union.mp3
    20. 19490120 Inaugural Address.mp3
    21. 19490323 President’s Conference on Industrial Safety.mp3
    22. 19490404 Signing Of North Atlantic Treaty.mp3
    23. 19490719 Chicago Imperial Council Session Shrine N America.mp3
    24. 19490927 Democratic Women’s Day.mp3
    25. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P1.mp3
    26. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P2.mp3
    27. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P3.mp3
    28. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P4.mp3
    29. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P5.mp3
    30. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P6.mp3
    31. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P7.mp3
    32. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P8.mp3
    33. 19491024 NYC Cornerstone Laying Of UN Building.mp3
    34. 19491226 Presentation of Statue of Andrew Jackson.mp3
    35. 19500104 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    36. 19500104 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    37. 19500104 State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    38. 19500511 Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam.mp3
    39. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P1.mp3
    40. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P2.mp3
    41. 19500628 Annual Convention Of American Newspaper Guild.mp3
    42. 19500628 Point 4 Program.mp3
    43. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P1.mp3
    44. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P2.mp3
    45. 19500719 Radio TV Address Situation In Korea.mp3
    46. 19501017 War Memorial Opera House San Francisco CA.mp3
    47. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P1.mp3
    48. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P2.mp3
    49. 19501024 Speaks to the UN on Korea.mp3
    50. 19501215 Radio TV National Emergency.mp3
    51. 19510108 State of the Union Address P1.mp3
    52. 19510108 State of the Union Address P2.mp3
    53. 19510108 State of the Union Address P3.mp3
    54. 19510125 Press Conference.mp3
    55. 19510208 Press Conference.mp3
    56. 19510215 Press Conference.mp3
    57. 19510301 Press Conference.mp3
    58. 19510329 Press Conference P1.mp3
    59. 19510329 Press Conference P2.mp3
    60. 19510405 Press Conference.mp3
    61. 19510411 Radio Report On Korea And On US Policy In Far East.mp3
    62. 19510411 Report To Americans Abt Korea.mp3
    63. 19510418 Press Conference.mp3
    64. 19510503 Press Conference.mp3
    65. 19510507 Address At A Dinner Of Civil Defense Conference.mp3
    66. 19510510 Press Conference.mp3
    67. 19510615 India Emergency Food Aid Act.mp3
    68. 19510625 Tullahoma Tenn Dedic Arnold Engineering Dev Center.mp3
    69. 19510628 Press Conference.mp3
    70. 19510705 Press Conference.mp3
    71. 19510712 Press Conference.mp3
    72. 19510816 Press Conference.mp3
    73. 19510817 National Employ and Physically Handicapped Week.mp3
    74. 19510822 Midwest Flooding.mp3
    75. 19510823 Press Conference.mp3
    76. 19510824 One Million Dollar Check Farm Credit Administration.mp3
    77. 19510824 Remarks to HS Students in the Rose Garden.mp3
    78. 19510830 Press Conference.mp3
    79. 19510831 Floral Replica of a Defense Bond.mp3
    80. 19510906 Dedication of the Organized Reserve Corps Armory.mp3
    81. 19510910 International Bank Reconstruction and Development.mp3
    82. 19510910 International Order of Odd Fellows.mp3
    83. 19510912 United Nations Day.mp3
    84. 19510913 Press Conference.mp3
    85. 19510917 Constitution Day.mp3
    86. 19510927 Press Conference.mp3
    87. 19511004 Press Conference P1.mp3
    88. 19511004 Press Conference P2.mp3
    89. 19511011 Press Conference.mp3
    90. 19511018 Point 4 Agriculture Trainees.mp3
    91. 19511018 Press Conference.mp3
    92. 19511025 Press Conference.mp3
    93. 19511115 Press Conference.mp3
    94. 19511129 Press Conference.mp3
    95. 19511213 Press Conference P1.mp3
    96. 19511213 Press Conference P2.mp3
    97. 19511224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    98. 19520103 Press Conference.mp3
    99. 19520110 Press Conference.mp3
    100. 19520124 Press Conference.mp3
    101. 19520131 Press Conference.mp3
    102. 19520205 Veterans of Foreign Wars Dinner.mp3
    103. 19520207 Press Conference.mp3
    104. 19520214 Press Conference.mp3
    105. 19520220 Press Conference.mp3
    106. 19520221 Masonic Breakfast.mp3
    107. 19520228 Press Conference.mp3
    108. 19520229 Winners of 11th Annual Science Talent Search.mp3
    109. 19520304 US Coast Guard Cutter.mp3
    110. 19520305 Czechoslovak National Council of America.mp3
    111. 19520305 National Advertising Council.mp3
    112. 19520306 4H Club Delegates.mp3
    113. 19520306 Catholic University Dramatic Group.mp3
    114. 19520315 29 Th Scholastic Press Ass..mp3
    115. 19520320 Press Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 91 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19520329 Jefferson Jackson Day Address.mp3
    3. 19520403 News Conference.mp3
    4. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P1.mp3
    5. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2.mp3
    6. 19520414 Last of Displaced Persons the Zyllka Family.mp3
    7. 19520424 Press Conference P1.mp3
    8. 19520424 Press Conference P2.mp3
    9. 19520501 Press Conference.mp3
    10. 19520503 Gives Tour of the White House.mp3
    11. 19520503 White House Tour.mp3
    12. 19520508 Press Conference.mp3
    13. 19520515 Press Conference.mp3
    14. 19520517 Americans for Democratic Action.mp3
    15. 19520522 Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19520529 Press Conference.mp3
    17. 19520605 Press Conference.mp3
    18. 19520610 Steel Strike P1.mp3
    19. 19520610 Steel Strike P2.mp3
    20. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P1.mp3
    21. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P2.mp3
    22. 19520627 Medal Honor Ronald E Rosser and Jerry K Crump.mp3
    23. 19520703 Press Conference.mp3
    24. 19520726 Address to the DNC P1.mp3
    25. 19520726 Address to the DNC P2.mp3
    26. 19520807 Press Conference.mp3
    27. 19520812 Meeting with Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman.mp3
    28. 19520814 Press Conference.mp3
    29. 19520821 Press Conference.mp3
    30. 19520828 Press Conference.mp3
    31. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV.mp3
    32. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Martinsburg WV.mp3
    33. 19520911 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 19520916 American Hospital Association Convention.mp3
    35. 19520918 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 19520925 Press Conference.mp3
    37. 19520926 United Nations Day.mp3
    38. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P1.mp3
    39. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P2.mp3
    40. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Berthold ND.mp3
    41. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Breckenridge MN.mp3
    42. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Devils Lake ND.mp3
    43. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Grand Forks ND.mp3
    44. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Lakota ND.mp3
    45. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Williston ND.mp3
    46. 19520930 Tiber Dam P1.mp3
    47. 19520930 Tiber Dam P2.mp3
    48. 19521001 Dedication of the Hungry Horse Dam.mp3
    49. 19521001 Kalispell High School.mp3
    50. 19521002 Seattle WA.mp3
    51. 19521002 Tacoma WA.mp3
    52. 19521003 Redding CA.mp3
    53. 19521004 Oakland CA.mp3
    54. 19521004 San Francisco CA.mp3
    55. 19521006 Brigham Young University.mp3
    56. 19521007 Trainside Address Colorado Springs CO.mp3
    57. 19521007 Union Station Plaza.mp3
    58. 19521008 Shenandoah IA.mp3
    59. 19521009 Address in Public Square Cleveland OH.mp3
    60. 19521009 Memorial Hall Address Buffalo NY.mp3
    61. 19521010 Remarks Made at Train Station Yonkers NY.mp3
    62. 19521010 Trainside Remarks Albany NY.mp3
    63. 19521011 Address at Dorrance Brooks Park Harlem NY.mp3
    64. 19521011 Columbus Day Dinner New York NY.mp3
    65. 19521014 Advisory Council on Federal Reports.mp3
    66. 19521016 Hartford CT.mp3
    67. 19521016 National Guard Armory Manchester NH.mp3
    68. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P1.mp3
    69. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P2.mp3
    70. 19521018 Eastern Parkway Arena Brooklyn NY.mp3
    71. 19521018 Providence City Hall Providence RI.mp3
    72. 19521021 Rayburn Plaza Philadelphia PA.mp3
    73. 19521022 Campaign Speech.mp3
    74. 19521022 Syria Mosque Pittsburgh PA.mp3
    75. 19521024 YWCA Training Project.mp3
    76. 19521027 Municipal Auditorium Gary IN.mp3
    77. 19521028 Municipal Auditorium Hibbing MN.mp3
    78. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Saint Paul MN.mp3
    79. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Winona MN.mp3
    80. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Davenport IA.mp3
    81. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Sherman Hotel Chicago IL.mp3
    82. 19521030 State Fair Coliseum Detroit MI.mp3
    83. 19521030 Whistle Stop Speech Muskegon MI.mp3
    84. 19521031 Address at Music Hall Cincinnati OH.mp3
    85. 19521103 35th Division Bust Presentation.mp3
    86. 19521103 Election Eve Remarks Kansas City MO.mp3
    87. 19521103 Radio Remarks on Election Eve Kansas City MO.mp3
    88. 19521105 Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower.mp3
    89. 19521114 Directors National Newspaper Publishers Association.mp3
    90. 19521116 Laying Cornerstone New Temple WA Hebrew Congrgtn.mp3
    91. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P1.mp3
    92. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P2.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 70 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 9 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19521120 Press Conference.mp3
    3. 19521204 Press Conference.mp3
    4. 19521211 Press Conference.mp3
    5. 19521215 New Shrine for Declaration of Independence.mp3
    6. 19521217 Wright Memorial Dinner Aero Club.mp3
    7. 19521218 Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation.mp3
    8. 19521218 Press Conference.mp3
    9. 19521219 National War College P1.mp3
    10. 19521219 National War College P2.mp3
    11. 19521231 Press Conference.mp3
    12. 19530000 Washington Merry Go Round Interview.mp3
    13. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P1.mp3
    14. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P2.mp3
    15. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P3.mp3
    16. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P4.mp3
    17. 19530115 Last Speech As President.mp3
    18. 19530115 Presidents Farewell Address-Excerpt.mp3
    19. 19530115 Press Conference P1.mp3
    20. 19530115 Press Conference P2.mp3
    21. 19530123 Homecoming to Independence.mp3
    22. 19530206 Welcome Home Dinner.mp3
    23. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P1.mp3
    24. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P2.mp3
    25. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P1.mp3
    26. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P2.mp3
    27. 19540000 This I Believe.mp3
    28. 19550000 The Man From Independence.mp3
    29. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P1.mp3
    30. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P2.mp3
    31. 19560000 Introduction of James Pendergast.mp3
    32. 19560813 Address to the Democratic National Convention.mp3
    33. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 01 of 12.mp3
    34. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 02 of 12.mp3
    35. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 03 of 12.mp3
    36. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 04 of 12.mp3
    37. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 05 of 12.mp3
    38. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 06 of 12.mp3
    39. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 07 of 12.mp3
    40. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 08 of 12.mp3
    41. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 09 of 12.mp3
    42. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 10 of 12.mp3
    43. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 11 of 12.mp3
    44. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 12 of 12.mp3
    45. 19570216 Combined Jewish Appeal.mp3
    46. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P1.mp3
    47. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P2.mp3
    48. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P3.mp3
    49. 19580304 Young Democrats.mp3
    50. 19580917 US Steel Workers Convention.mp3
    51. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P1.mp3
    52. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P2.mp3
    53. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview P01.mp3
    54. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview.mp3
    55. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P02.mp3
    56. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P03.mp3
    57. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P04.mp3
    58. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P05.mp3
    59. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P06.mp3
    60. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P07.mp3
    61. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P08.mp3
    62. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P09.mp3
    63. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P10.mp3
    64. 19590913 Hadassah Convention.mp3
    65. 19590929 North American Newspaper Alliance Interview.mp3
    66. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P11.mp3
    67. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P12.mp3
    68. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P13.mp3
    69. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P14.mp3
    70. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P15.mp3
    71. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P16.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 51 shows – 595 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 38 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P17.mp3
    3. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P18.mp3
    4. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P19.mp3
    5. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P20.mp3
    6. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P21.mp3
    7. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P22.mp3
    8. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P23.mp3
    9. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P24.mp3
    10. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P25.mp3
    11. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P26.mp3
    12. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P27.mp3
    13. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P28.mp3
    14. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P29.mp3
    15. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P30.mp3
    16. 19600628 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    17. 19600628 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    18. 19600702 Criticism of Senator JFK.mp3
    19. 19600702 Resignation as a Delegate to the DNC.mp3
    20. 19600812 American History Textbook.mp3
    21. 19600820 John F Kennedy Press Conf Truman Library.mp3
    22. 19600821 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    23. 19600821 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    24. 19600821 American History Textbook P3.mp3
    25. 19600914 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    26. 19600914 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    27. 19600916 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    28. 19600916 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    29. 19600917 American History Textbook P1.mp3
    30. 19600917 American History Textbook P2.mp3
    31. 19610508 Birthday Call From John Kennedy.mp3
    32. 19621028 Talks with John Kennedy About Cuba.mp3
    33. 19630508 Birthday Call From President Kennedy.mp3
    34. 19630724 Talks With John Kennedy About Nuclear Test Ban.mp3
    35. 19630726 John Kennedy Abt Supporting Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    36. 19631201 Interview on Late Presidents Reputation.mp3
    37. 19640000 Civil Rights After World War II.mp3
    38. 19640000 Decision ConflictsTruman Dialogue Future Part 1.mp3
    39. 19640223 Eating Alone.mp3
    40. 19641014 Support of LBJ and HHH.mp3
    41. 19641104 Phone Call With Lyndon Johnson.mp3
    42. 19660531 Medicare PSA.mp3
    43. 19680320 Press Conference.mp3
    44. 19681225 Phone Call Lyndon Johnson Lady Bird Bess Truman.mp3
    45. 19720000 Reports of Deteriorating Health and Death.mp3
    46. 19721226 Death of Harry S Truman.mp3
    47. 19721228 Funeral.mp3
    48. 19750000 Chicago.mp3
    49. 19750000 James Whitemore, Give Em Hell, Harry!.mp3
    50. 19970510 George Curtis, Tour Harry Truman's Private Office.mp3
    51. 19991018 American Presidents Series.mp3
    52. 20070921 Presidential Library Tour.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    509 recordings on 118 Audio CDs. Total playtime 118 hours, 41 min
    509 recordings on 118 Audio CDs
    total playtime 118 hours, 41 min

    Harry S Truman Disc A001

    1. 19391214 National Defense
    2. 19400427 Returning Civil Aeronautics Authority Commerce Dept
    3. 19421102 Voting and the War Effort
    4. 19440831 Acceptance Speech as the Vice Presidential Nominee

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    Harry S Truman Disc A002

    1. 19450416 First Joint Session of Congress
    2. 19450416 Joint Session Of Congress
    3. 19450417 Address Broadcast To Armed Forces
    4. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P1
    5. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P2
    6. 19450425 UN Conference on International Organization P3
    7. 19450508 Announcing Surrender Of Germany Version 2
    8. 19450508 Surrender Of Germany

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    Harry S Truman Disc A003

    1. 19450626 SF Closing Session Of UN Conference
    2. 19450628 Honorary Degree from the University of Kansas City
    3. 19450809 Potsdam Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A004

    1. 19450901 Signing Terms Unconditional Surrender by Japan
    2. 19450902 VJ Day Address to the Armed Forces
    3. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P1
    4. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P2
    5. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P3
    6. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P4
    7. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P5
    8. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P6
    9. 19451023 Joint Session of Congress Address P7
    10. 19451027 Foreign Policy At Navy Day Celebration NYC

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    Harry S Truman Disc A005

    1. 19460103 the Status of the Reconversion Program
    2. 19460306 Federal Council of Churches

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    Harry S Truman Disc A006

    1. 19460323 the Ideals of Democracy
    2. 19460405 Governing Board of the Pan American Union
    3. 19460406 Army Day Address

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    Harry S Truman Disc A007

    1. 19460406 Chicago On Army Day
    2. 19460412 with Eleanor Roosevelt, Dedication of Hyde Park
    3. 19460419 Food Conservation

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    Harry S Truman Disc A008

    1. 19460501 Honorary Degree from Fordham University
    2. 19460524 Railroad Strike Emergency
    3. 19460525 Address to a Joint Session of Congress
    4. 19460609 Address on Price Controls
    5. 19460703 Philippine Independence
    6. 19461004 Ending of Major Price Controls

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    Harry S Truman Disc A009

    1. 19461023 Address to the UN General Assembly
    2. 19461111 Armistice Day
    3. 19461204 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree

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    Harry S Truman Disc A010

    1. 19470106 State of the Union Address
    2. 19470303 Mexico City

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    Harry S Truman Disc A011

    1. 19470306 Foreign Economic Policy
    2. 19470312 Congress Greece Turkey Truman Doctrine
    3. 19470312 Truman Doctrine

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    Harry S Truman Disc A012

    1. 19470405 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner
    2. 19470421 Annual Luncheon on the Associated Press

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    Harry S Truman Disc A013

    1. 19470607 35th Division Reunion Memorial Service
    2. 19470611 Address Before Canadian Parliament
    3. 19470617 Princeton University Commencement Speech

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    Harry S Truman Disc A014

    1. 19470620 Veto of Taft-Hartley
    2. 19470620 Vote Of Tafthartley Bill
    3. 19470629 National Convention Of Naacp
    4. 19470704 Independence Day Address at Monticello

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    Harry S Truman Disc A015

    1. 19470902 Continental Peace and Security
    2. 19470905 Address a Joint Session of the Brazilian Congress
    3. 19471005 Citizens Food Committee
    4. 19471024 Inflation and Foreign Economic Aid

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    Harry S Truman Disc A016

    1. 19471117 Congress On First Day Of Special Session
    2. 19471206 Conservation at the Everglades National Park
    3. 19471224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree
    4. 19480000 I'm Just Wild About Harry

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    Harry S Truman Disc A017

    1. 19480107 State of the Union Address

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    Harry S Truman Disc A018

    1. 19480219 Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner
    2. 19480317 St. Patricks Day New York City
    3. 19480417 American Society of Newspaper Editors

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    Harry S Truman Disc A019

    1. 19480506 National Conference of Family Life
    2. 19480530 Memorial Day Service

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    Harry S Truman Disc A020

    1. 19480605 Omaha At Reunion Of 35 Th Division
    2. 19480605 Reunion of the 35th Division

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    Harry S Truman Disc A021

    1. 19480614 Greater Los Angeles Press Club
    2. 19480715 Dnc Acceptance Speech

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    Harry S Truman Disc A022

    1. 19480715 Philadelphia Upon Accepting Nomination Of Dnc
    2. 19480727 Message To Special Session Of 80 Th Congress
    3. 19480906 Labor Day Address

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    Harry S Truman Disc A023

    1. 19480913 American Association for Advancement in Science
    2. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Chariton IA
    3. 19480918 Rear Platform Remarks Melcher IA
    4. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Pueblo CO
    5. 19480920 Rear Platform Remarks Salida CO
    6. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks American Fork UT
    7. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Helper UT

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    Harry S Truman Disc A024

    1. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Price UT
    2. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Provo UT
    3. 19480921 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield UT
    4. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Rosehill CA
    5. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Sacramento CA
    6. 19480922 Rear Platform Remarks Truckee CA

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    Harry S Truman Disc A025

    1. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Bakersfield CA
    2. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Burbank CA
    3. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Fresco CA
    4. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Modesto CA
    5. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Mojave CA

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    Harry S Truman Disc A026

    1. 19480923 Rear Platform Remarks Tulare CA
    2. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Colton CA
    3. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Oceanside CA
    4. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks PhoenixAZ
    5. 19480924 Rear Platform Remarks Yuma AZ
    6. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Alpine TX

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    Harry S Truman Disc A027

    1. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Deming NM
    2. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Lordsburg NM
    3. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Marfa TX
    4. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sanderson TX
    5. 19480925 Rear Platform Remarks Sierra Blanca TX
    6. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Austin TX
    7. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Bells TX
    8. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Georgetown TX
    9. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Greenville TX

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    Harry S Truman Disc A028

    1. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Hillsboro TX
    2. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Temple TX
    3. 19480927 Rear Platform Remarks Waco TX
    4. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Davis OK
    5. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Gainesville TX
    6. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Marietta OK
    7. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Norman OK
    8. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Pauls Valley OK
    9. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Purcell OK

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    Harry S Truman Disc A029

    1. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Sherman TX
    2. 19480928 Rear Platform Remarks Whitesboro TX
    3. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Afton OK
    4. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Chelsea OK
    5. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Claremore OK
    6. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Eufaula OK
    7. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Holdenville OK
    8. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Monett MO
    9. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Neosho MO
    10. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Seminole OK

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    Harry S Truman Disc A030

    1. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Shawnee OK
    2. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Springfield MO
    3. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vernon IL
    4. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Vinita OK
    5. 19480929 Rear Platform Remarks Wewoka OK
    6. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Hawesville KY
    7. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Henderson KY
    8. 19480930 Rear Platform Remarks Irvington KY
    9. 19481000 Ronald Reagan Endorses Harry Truman for President
    10. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Frankfort KY
    11. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Lexington KY
    12. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Montgomery WV

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    Harry S Truman Disc A031

    1. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Morehead KY
    2. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Olive Hill KY
    3. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Shelbyville KY
    4. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Sterling KY
    5. 19481001 Rear Platform Remarks Winchester KY
    6. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Allentown PA
    7. 19481007 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport PA
    8. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Albany NY
    9. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Amsterdam NY
    10. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Auburn NY

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    Harry S Truman Disc A032

    1. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Geneva NY
    2. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Little Falls NY
    3. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Seneca Falls NY
    4. 19481008 Rear Platform Remarks Utica NY
    5. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Fostoria OH
    6. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Hamilton OH
    7. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Lima OH
    8. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Ottawa OH
    9. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Rittman OH

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    Harry S Truman Disc A033

    1. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Sidney OH
    2. 19481011 Rear Platform Remarks Willard OH
    3. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Crawfordsville IN
    4. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Danville IL
    5. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Decatur IL
    6. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Greenfield IN
    7. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Richmond IN

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    Harry S Truman Disc A034

    1. 19481012 Rear Platform Remarks Tolono IL
    2. 19481013 Address on Foreign Policy
    3. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Mankato MN
    4. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Rochester MN
    5. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Sparta WI
    6. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waseca MN

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    Harry S Truman Disc A035

    1. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Waukesha WI
    2. 19481014 Rear Platform Remarks Winona MN
    3. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Hammond IN
    4. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Kokomo IN
    5. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Logansport IN
    6. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Noblesville IN
    7. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks North Judson IN

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    Harry S Truman Disc A036

    1. 19481015 Rear Platform Remarks Tipton IN
    2. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV
    3. 19481016 Rear Platform Remarks Keyser WV
    4. 19481019 State Fairgrounds Raleigh NC
    5. 19481023 Rear Platform Remarks Lock Haven PA
    6. 19481025 Rear Platform Remarks Garrett IN
    7. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elkhart IN
    8. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Elyria OH

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    Harry S Truman Disc A037

    1. 19481026 Rear Platform Remarks Sandusky OH
    2. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P1
    3. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P2
    4. 19481027 Democratic Party Record Show P3
    5. 19481027 Mechanics Hall Boston MA
    6. 19481027 Rear Platform Remarks Farmington MA
    7. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks Bridgeport CT

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    Harry S Truman Disc A038

    1. 19481028 Rear Platform Remarks New London CT
    2. 19481030 Kiel Auditorium St Louis MO
    3. 19481101 with Alben Barkley, Election Eve Remarks
    4. 19481103 Victory Celebration Independence MO
    5. 19481103 Victory Speech

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    Harry S Truman Disc A039

    1. 19490105 Annual Message To Congress On State Of Union
    2. 19490323 President’s Conference on Industrial Safety
    3. 19490404 Signing Of North Atlantic Treaty
    4. 19490719 Chicago Imperial Council Session Shrine N America

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    Harry S Truman Disc A040

    1. 19490927 Democratic Women’s Day
    2. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P1
    3. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P2
    4. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P3

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    Harry S Truman Disc A041

    1. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P4
    2. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P5
    3. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P6
    4. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P7

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    Harry S Truman Disc A042

    1. 19490929 Dinner Honoring William M Boyle Jr P8
    2. 19491024 NYC Cornerstone Laying Of UN Building
    3. 19491226 Presentation of Statue of Andrew Jackson
    4. 19500104 State of the Union Address P1
    5. 19500104 State of the Union Address P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A043

    1. 19500104 State of the Union Address P3
    2. 19500511 Dedication of the Grand Coulee Dam
    3. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P1
    4. 19500609 University of Missouri Commencement Speech P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A044

    1. 19500628 Annual Convention Of American Newspaper Guild
    2. 19500628 Point 4 Program
    3. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P1
    4. 19500709 Address American People on Situation in Korea P2
    5. 19500719 Radio TV Address Situation In Korea

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    Harry S Truman Disc A045

    1. 19501017 War Memorial Opera House San Francisco CA
    2. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P1
    3. 19501024 Address Before the UN General Assembly P2
    4. 19501024 Speaks to the UN on Korea

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    Harry S Truman Disc A046

    1. 19501215 Radio TV National Emergency
    2. 19510108 State of the Union Address P1
    3. 19510108 State of the Union Address P2
    4. 19510108 State of the Union Address P3

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    Harry S Truman Disc A047

    1. 19510125 Press Conference
    2. 19510208 Press Conference
    3. 19510215 Press Conference
    4. 19510301 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A048

    1. 19510329 Press Conference P1
    2. 19510329 Press Conference P2
    3. 19510405 Press Conference
    4. 19510411 Radio Report On Korea And On US Policy In Far East
    5. 19510411 Report To Americans Abt Korea
    6. 19510418 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A049

    1. 19510503 Press Conference
    2. 19510507 Address At A Dinner Of Civil Defense Conference
    3. 19510510 Press Conference
    4. 19510615 India Emergency Food Aid Act
    5. 19510625 Tullahoma Tenn Dedic Arnold Engineering Dev Center
    6. 19510628 Press Conference
    7. 19510705 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A050

    1. 19510712 Press Conference
    2. 19510816 Press Conference
    3. 19510817 National Employ and Physically Handicapped Week
    4. 19510822 Midwest Flooding
    5. 19510823 Press Conference
    6. 19510824 One Million Dollar Check Farm Credit Administration
    7. 19510824 Remarks to HS Students in the Rose Garden

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    Harry S Truman Disc A051

    1. 19510830 Press Conference
    2. 19510831 Floral Replica of a Defense Bond
    3. 19510906 Dedication of the Organized Reserve Corps Armory
    4. 19510910 International Bank Reconstruction and Development
    5. 19510910 International Order of Odd Fellows
    6. 19510912 United Nations Day
    7. 19510913 Press Conference
    8. 19510917 Constitution Day

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    Harry S Truman Disc A052

    1. 19510927 Press Conference
    2. 19511004 Press Conference P1
    3. 19511004 Press Conference P2
    4. 19511011 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A053

    1. 19511018 Point 4 Agriculture Trainees
    2. 19511018 Press Conference
    3. 19511025 Press Conference
    4. 19511115 Press Conference
    5. 19511129 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A054

    1. 19511213 Press Conference P1
    2. 19511213 Press Conference P2
    3. 19511224 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree
    4. 19520103 Press Conference
    5. 19520110 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A055

    1. 19520124 Press Conference
    2. 19520131 Press Conference
    3. 19520205 Veterans of Foreign Wars Dinner
    4. 19520207 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A056

    1. 19520214 Press Conference
    2. 19520220 Press Conference
    3. 19520221 Masonic Breakfast
    4. 19520228 Press Conference
    5. 19520229 Winners of 11th Annual Science Talent Search
    6. 19520304 US Coast Guard Cutter
    7. 19520305 Czechoslovak National Council of America

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    Harry S Truman Disc A057

    1. 19520305 National Advertising Council
    2. 19520306 4H Club Delegates
    3. 19520306 Catholic University Dramatic Group
    4. 19520315 29 Th Scholastic Press Ass.
    5. 19520320 Press Conference
    6. 19520329 Jefferson Jackson Day Address

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    Harry S Truman Disc A058

    1. 19520403 News Conference
    2. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P1
    3. 19520408 Government Operation of the Steel Mills P2
    4. 19520414 Last of Displaced Persons the Zyllka Family
    5. 19520424 Press Conference P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A059

    1. 19520424 Press Conference P2
    2. 19520501 Press Conference
    3. 19520503 Gives Tour of the White House

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    Harry S Truman Disc A060

    1. 19520503 White House Tour
    2. 19520508 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A061

    1. 19520515 Press Conference
    2. 19520517 Americans for Democratic Action
    3. 19520522 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A062

    1. 19520529 Press Conference
    2. 19520605 Press Conference
    3. 19520610 Steel Strike P1
    4. 19520610 Steel Strike P2
    5. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A063

    1. 19520614 Keel Laying of Atomic Energy Submarine P2
    2. 19520627 Medal Honor Ronald E Rosser and Jerry K Crump
    3. 19520703 Press Conference
    4. 19520726 Address to the DNC P1
    5. 19520726 Address to the DNC P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A064

    1. 19520807 Press Conference
    2. 19520812 Meeting with Adlai Stevenson and John Sparkman
    3. 19520814 Press Conference
    4. 19520821 Press Conference
    5. 19520828 Press Conference
    6. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Grafton WV

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    Harry S Truman Disc A065

    1. 19520902 Rear Platform Remarks Martinsburg WV
    2. 19520911 Press Conference
    3. 19520916 American Hospital Association Convention
    4. 19520918 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A066

    1. 19520925 Press Conference
    2. 19520926 United Nations Day
    3. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P1
    4. 19520929 Interview on the Ferdinand Magellan P2
    5. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Berthold ND
    6. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Breckenridge MN
    7. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Devils Lake ND
    8. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Grand Forks ND

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    Harry S Truman Disc A067

    1. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Lakota ND
    2. 19520929 Rear Platform Remarks Williston ND
    3. 19520930 Tiber Dam P1
    4. 19520930 Tiber Dam P2
    5. 19521001 Dedication of the Hungry Horse Dam

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    Harry S Truman Disc A068

    1. 19521001 Kalispell High School
    2. 19521002 Seattle WA
    3. 19521002 Tacoma WA
    4. 19521003 Redding CA

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    Harry S Truman Disc A069

    1. 19521004 Oakland CA
    2. 19521004 San Francisco CA

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    Harry S Truman Disc A070

    1. 19521006 Brigham Young University
    2. 19521007 Trainside Address Colorado Springs CO
    3. 19521007 Union Station Plaza

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    Harry S Truman Disc A071

    1. 19521008 Shenandoah IA
    2. 19521009 Address in Public Square Cleveland OH

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    Harry S Truman Disc A072

    1. 19521009 Memorial Hall Address Buffalo NY
    2. 19521010 Remarks Made at Train Station Yonkers NY
    3. 19521010 Trainside Remarks Albany NY

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    Harry S Truman Disc A073

    1. 19521011 Address at Dorrance Brooks Park Harlem NY
    2. 19521011 Columbus Day Dinner New York NY
    3. 19521014 Advisory Council on Federal Reports

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    Harry S Truman Disc A074

    1. 19521016 Hartford CT
    2. 19521016 National Guard Armory Manchester NH
    3. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A075

    1. 19521017 Symphony Hall Address P2
    2. 19521018 Eastern Parkway Arena Brooklyn NY
    3. 19521018 Providence City Hall Providence RI

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    Harry S Truman Disc A076

    1. 19521021 Rayburn Plaza Philadelphia PA
    2. 19521022 Campaign Speech
    3. 19521022 Syria Mosque Pittsburgh PA
    4. 19521024 YWCA Training Project

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    Harry S Truman Disc A077

    1. 19521027 Municipal Auditorium Gary IN
    2. 19521028 Municipal Auditorium Hibbing MN

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    Harry S Truman Disc A078

    1. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Saint Paul MN
    2. 19521028 Whistle Stop Speech Winona MN
    3. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Davenport IA
    4. 19521029 Whistle Stop Speech Sherman Hotel Chicago IL

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    Harry S Truman Disc A079

    1. 19521030 State Fair Coliseum Detroit MI
    2. 19521030 Whistle Stop Speech Muskegon MI
    3. 19521031 Address at Music Hall Cincinnati OH

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    Harry S Truman Disc A080

    1. 19521103 35th Division Bust Presentation
    2. 19521103 Election Eve Remarks Kansas City MO
    3. 19521103 Radio Remarks on Election Eve Kansas City MO
    4. 19521105 Election of Dwight D. Eisenhower
    5. 19521114 Directors National Newspaper Publishers Association
    6. 19521116 Laying Cornerstone New Temple WA Hebrew Congrgtn
    7. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P1
    8. 19521119 Address to Military Surgeons P2
    9. 19521120 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A081

    1. 19521204 Press Conference
    2. 19521211 Press Conference
    3. 19521215 New Shrine for Declaration of Independence
    4. 19521217 Wright Memorial Dinner Aero Club
    5. 19521218 Commission on the Health Needs of the Nation
    6. 19521218 Press Conference

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    Harry S Truman Disc A082

    1. 19521219 National War College P1
    2. 19521219 National War College P2
    3. 19521231 Press Conference
    4. 19530000 Washington Merry Go Round Interview
    5. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A083

    1. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P2
    2. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P3
    3. 19530108 Budget Seminar and Press Conference P4

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    Harry S Truman Disc A084

    1. 19530115 Last Speech As President
    2. 19530115 Presidents Farewell Address-Excerpt
    3. 19530115 Press Conference P1
    4. 19530115 Press Conference P2
    5. 19530123 Homecoming to Independence

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    Harry S Truman Disc A085

    1. 19530206 Welcome Home Dinner
    2. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P1
    3. 19530626 Reserve Officers Association P2
    4. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P1
    5. 19531116 Harry Dexter White Appointment P2
    6. 19540000 This I Believe

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    Harry S Truman Disc A086

    1. 19550000 The Man From Independence
    2. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P1
    3. 19551007 NY Democratic Committee Candidates Rally P2
    4. 19560000 Introduction of James Pendergast

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    Harry S Truman Disc A087

    1. 19560813 Address to the Democratic National Convention
    2. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 01 of 12
    3. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 02 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A088

    1. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 03 of 12
    2. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 04 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A089

    1. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 05 of 12
    2. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 06 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A090

    1. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 07 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A091

    1. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 08 of 12
    2. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 09 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A092

    1. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 10 of 12
    2. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 11 of 12
    3. 19570000 Interview with Edward R. Murrow 12 of 12

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    Harry S Truman Disc A093

    1. 19570216 Combined Jewish Appeal
    2. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P1
    3. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A094

    1. 19570706 Dedication of the Harry S Truman Library P3
    2. 19580304 Young Democrats

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    Harry S Truman Disc A095

    1. 19580917 US Steel Workers Convention
    2. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A096

    1. 19590704 4th of July Program Liberty Bell Ceremony P2
    2. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview P01

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    Harry S Truman Disc A097

    1. 19590908 MR CITIZEN Interview

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    Harry S Truman Disc A098

    1. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P02
    2. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P03

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    Harry S Truman Disc A099

    1. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P04
    2. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P05
    3. 19590909 MR CITIZEN Interview P06

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    Harry S Truman Disc A100

    1. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P07
    2. 19590910 MR CITIZEN Interview P08

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    Harry S Truman Disc A101

    1. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P09
    2. 19590911 MR CITIZEN Interview P10
    3. 19590913 Hadassah Convention

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    Harry S Truman Disc A102

    1. 19590929 North American Newspaper Alliance Interview
    2. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P11

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    Harry S Truman Disc A103

    1. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P12
    2. 19591021 MR CITIZEN Interview P13
    3. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P14

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    Harry S Truman Disc A104

    1. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P15
    2. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P16
    3. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P17

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    Harry S Truman Disc A105

    1. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P18
    2. 19591022 MR CITIZEN Interview P19
    3. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P20

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    Harry S Truman Disc A106

    1. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P21
    2. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P22
    3. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P23

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    Harry S Truman Disc A107

    1. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P24
    2. 19591023 MR CITIZEN Interview P25
    3. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P26

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    Harry S Truman Disc A108

    1. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P27
    2. 19591116 MR CITIZEN Interview P28
    3. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P29

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    Harry S Truman Disc A109

    1. 19591117 MR CITIZEN Interview P30
    2. 19600628 American History Textbook P1
    3. 19600628 American History Textbook P2
    4. 19600702 Criticism of Senator JFK

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    Harry S Truman Disc A110

    1. 19600702 Resignation as a Delegate to the DNC
    2. 19600812 American History Textbook

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    Harry S Truman Disc A111

    1. 19600820 John F Kennedy Press Conf Truman Library
    2. 19600821 American History Textbook P1

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    Harry S Truman Disc A112

    1. 19600821 American History Textbook P2
    2. 19600821 American History Textbook P3

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    Harry S Truman Disc A113

    1. 19600914 American History Textbook P1
    2. 19600914 American History Textbook P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A114

    1. 19600916 American History Textbook P1
    2. 19600916 American History Textbook P2

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    Harry S Truman Disc A115

    1. 19600917 American History Textbook P1
    2. 19600917 American History Textbook P2
    3. 19610508 Birthday Call From John Kennedy
    4. 19621028 Talks with John Kennedy About Cuba
    5. 19630508 Birthday Call From President Kennedy
    6. 19630724 Talks With John Kennedy About Nuclear Test Ban
    7. 19630726 John Kennedy Abt Supporting Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
    8. 19631201 Interview on Late Presidents Reputation
    9. 19640000 Civil Rights After World War II

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    Harry S Truman Disc A116

    1. 19640000 Decision ConflictsTruman Dialogue Future Part 1
    2. 19640223 Eating Alone
    3. 19641014 Support of LBJ and HHH
    4. 19641104 Phone Call With Lyndon Johnson
    5. 19660531 Medicare PSA
    6. 19680320 Press Conference
    7. 19681225 Phone Call Lyndon Johnson Lady Bird Bess Truman

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    Harry S Truman Disc A117

    1. 19720000 Reports of Deteriorating Health and Death
    2. 19721226 Death of Harry S Truman
    3. 19750000 Chicago

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    Harry S Truman Disc A118

    1. 19970510 George Curtis, Tour Harry Truman's Private Office

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