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Gracie Allen for President

Laugh along with Gracie Allen as she runs for the 1940 presidency under the "Surprise Party" ticket!

Gracie for President

15 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 7 hours, 5 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
7 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from April 10, 1940:

"Gracie Wins Wisconsin"

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Vote for Gracie

"Win the Presidential racie ...
Vote for Gracie, Keep voting all day long ... "

Vote for GracieIn the 1940 presidential election, Franklin D Roosevelt had some competitive contenders: Wendell Willkie (GOP) and comedianne, Gracie Allen, of the "Surprise Party."

Gracie Allen's spoof 1940 bid for the presidency was a publicity stunt which boosted ratings of the Burns and Allen Show during a whistle-stop tour across the US.

   Q. "What do you think of the national debt?"

   A. "We ought to be proud of it—it's the biggest in the world."

   Q. "What do you think of the Dies Committee?"

   A. "We've got to keep it going. Who'd color the Easter eggs?"

FDR was ulitmiately reelected for his third term with 54% of the electorate, but Gracie did draw some write-in votes. The collection contains the Feb 28 - May 29, 1940 Burns and Allen broadcasts as well as an episode of Good NewsFibber McGee and Jack Benny Show.

For more Gracie Allen's publicity stunts see the collection of her barging into other radio shows. See also: Election Collection.

Gracie Allen's Concession Telegram to FDR (November 6, 1940):
FDR's Response (November 26, 1940):

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    At least the publicity stunt was known to be a publicity stunt. Unlike the fake assault someone tried to pull off as real to garner sympathy and publicity. I you want attention, don't fake a crime. Do like Gracie and fake a run for the White House.

    Mildred Verified Purchase

    I think George and Gracie were at their best on the broadcasts on radio between 1945 to 50 when they had Meredith Willson telling his corny jokes and Bill (can't think of his last name) doing the commercials and being a lady's man. Gracie was "trying" promote George as a singer and George got off rejoinders.

    Walt Verified Purchase

    I thought the Kangaroo Party was a stroke of genius!!

    Rebecca Verified Purchase

    SO FUNNY. Just can't stop laughing.

    Rick Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    15 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 7 hours, 5 min
    15 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 7 hours, 5 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 15 shows – total playtime 7 hours, 5 minutes
    2. Burns Allen 400228 F22 Government Job.mp3
    3. Burns Allen 400306 F23 Hats Off To Gracie.mp3
    4. Burns Allen 400313 F24 Gracie's Triumphant Return.mp3
    5. Burns Allen 400327 F26 Surprise Party Platform.mp3
    6. Burns Allen 400403 F27 Till The Cows Come Home.mp3
    7. Burns Allen 400410 F28 Gracie Wins Wisconsin.mp3
    8. Burns Allen 400417 F29 All Promises Are Fictitiou.mp3
    9. Burns Allen 400424 F30 The Biggest In The World.mp3
    10. Burns Allen 400508 F32 Aunt Clara Kangaroo.mp3
    11. Burns Allen 400515 F33 Rah Rah In Omaha.mp3
    12. Burns Allen 400522 F34 George's Malady.mp3
    13. Burns Allen 400529 F35 Sweeping Into Office.mp3
    14. Fibber McGee Molly 400305 238 Cleaning Fibber's Closet.mp3
    15. Good News 1940 400229 Wedding Cake.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 400303 1122 Gracie Allen.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    15 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 7 hours, 5 min
    15 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    195 MB – total playtime 7 hours, 5 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 15 shows – 195 MB – total playtime 7 hours, 5 minutes
    2. Burns Allen 400228 F22 Government Job.mp3
    3. Burns Allen 400306 F23 Hats Off To Gracie.mp3
    4. Burns Allen 400313 F24 Gracie's Triumphant Return.mp3
    5. Burns Allen 400327 F26 Surprise Party Platform.mp3
    6. Burns Allen 400403 F27 Till The Cows Come Home.mp3
    7. Burns Allen 400410 F28 Gracie Wins Wisconsin.mp3
    8. Burns Allen 400417 F29 All Promises Are Fictitiou.mp3
    9. Burns Allen 400424 F30 The Biggest In The World.mp3
    10. Burns Allen 400508 F32 Aunt Clara Kangaroo.mp3
    11. Burns Allen 400515 F33 Rah Rah In Omaha.mp3
    12. Burns Allen 400522 F34 George's Malady.mp3
    13. Burns Allen 400529 F35 Sweeping Into Office.mp3
    14. Fibber McGee Molly 400305 238 Cleaning Fibber's Closet.mp3
    15. Good News 1940 400229 Wedding Cake.mp3
    16. Jack Benny 400303 1122 Gracie Allen.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    15 recordings on 7 Audio CDs. Total playtime 7 hours, 5 min
    15 recordings on 7 Audio CDs
    total playtime 7 hours, 5 min

    Gracie for President Disc A001

    1. Burns Allen 400228 F22 Government Job
    2. Good News 1940 400229 Wedding Cake
    3. Jack Benny 400303 1122 Gracie Allen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A002

    1. Fibber McGee Molly 400305 238 Cleaning Fibber's Closet
    2. Burns Allen 400306 F23 Hats Off To Gracie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A003

    1. Burns Allen 400313 F24 Gracie's Triumphant Return
    2. Burns Allen 400327 F26 Surprise Party Platform

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A004

    1. Burns Allen 400403 F27 Till The Cows Come Home
    2. Burns Allen 400410 F28 Gracie Wins Wisconsin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A005

    1. Burns Allen 400417 F29 All Promises Are Fictitiou
    2. Burns Allen 400424 F30 The Biggest In The World

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A006

    1. Burns Allen 400508 F32 Aunt Clara Kangaroo
    2. Burns Allen 400515 F33 Rah Rah In Omaha

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Gracie for President Disc A007

    1. Burns Allen 400522 F34 George's Malady
    2. Burns Allen 400529 F35 Sweeping Into Office

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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