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Franklin D Roosevelt Recordings and FDR Fireside Chats

With his Fireside Chats, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the power of radio to speak directly and intimately to the American people through some of the darkest periods of the Nation's history.

Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats)

337 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 125 hours, 32 min)
available in the following formats:

6 MP3 CDs
122 Audio CDs

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Franklin D. Roosevelt
(1882 – 1945)

FDR 1934
Historic anthology

Franklin Delano Roosevelt utilized the radio to help lead America through the most difficult period in FDR Fireside chatUnited States history. He reminded the country of our hopes and values and the promise in democracy. The President greeted Americans via radio as both friend and leader with sincerity, dignity, and at times a dose of humor. One of the greatest uses of mass media in history, the FDR Fireside mobilized the home front from the Great Depression through World War II.

To reach the greatest amount of people, the Fireside Chats were broadcast on all national networks around 10:00 p.m. Eastern time. And people listened in mass. He asked that people from all walks of life write to him directly and tell him their troubles and millions of letters flooded the White House. The chats thus took the format of a conversation between a people and their president in the midst of a crossroads in the history of the United States.


See additional Presidential Recordings:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    17     1


    In 1933, Eight days after he was inaugurated, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt presented his first presidential address to the nation. It was the first of what were called Roosevelt's famous Fireside Chats. The name, incidentally, was coined by newsman, Robert Trout. He thought that the President sounded as if he was sitting with us in living rooms all over the nation next to a roaring fire, just telling it like it was.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    He was the first president to use the medium

    Melissa Verified Purchase

    Actually Warren Harding was first, followed by Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. But FDR was the first president to capitalize on radio as a both a political and informational tool


    FDR was the first to use it on a regular basis

    Jim Verified Purchase

    When FDR talked to families via the radio, he talked to them as if they were friends, not his subjects....That is why he always started his addresses with "My friends." Although it wasn't the key phrase of his Inaugural Address, it became connected with his philosophy..."The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." My grandmother had a phrase that went...Fear knocked on the door....faith answered and there was no one there." This isn't necessarily religious faith, but the faith a person has in his own ability to handle his own problem with the secure knowledge that it will work.


    I always liked fdr.read a lot about him. These recordings show that he had I think , he had a calming voice needed at that time. Listening to these recordings I can picture him in homes all over, by the fireside talking to families. A great leader.

    Joseph a Verified Purchase

    I recently bought an archive of Truman's speeches and public addresses from Otr Cat. Refreshing to hear such an articulate president, a book lover, no less.

    Jeff Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    Besides being important historical moments they are very entertaining and for those of a certain age, they bring back fond memories. The FDR cds are great. What a comparison with what we have now!

    Leon Verified Purchase

    'We have nothing to fear, but fear itself... ...'

    Graeme Verified Purchase

    Although the Second World War is generally considered a "good War" for the US from a moral standpoint, on February 19, 1942, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, calling for the internment of Japanese-Americans, supposedly to prevent sabotage.

    Jack Verified Purchase

    I love playing these for my Broadcast History class at Troy University. To read FRD's words is important, but to hear him speak them is to understand the power of the new medium of radio and the significance of FDR's use of it.

    Dave Verified Purchase

    I preach on the history of broadcasting at Troy University. These recordings are a vital resource to show modern students how radio moved from entertainment to regular communication between the voter and their elected officials. I was thrilled to get them!

    Dave Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    337 recordings on 6 MP3 CDs for just $30.00. Total playtime 125 hours, 32 min
    337 recordings on 6 MP3 CDs for just $30.00
    total playtime 125 hours, 32 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 59 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FDR 240626 Nyc Remarks To Democratic National Convention.mp3
    3. FDR 280627 Happy Warrior Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 320407 Dem Party Lucky Strike Program.mp3
    5. FDR 320702 Dem Convention Accepting Nomination President.mp3
    6. FDR 320730 Democratic Party Platform.mp3
    7. FDR 321002 Philosophy Social Justice Through Social Action.mp3
    8. FDR 321105 Campaign Speech From Madison Square Garden.mp3
    9. FDR 321109 Victory In 1932 Presidential Election.mp3
    10. FDR 321122 Washington Press Club.mp3
    11. FDR 330215 Presidentelect FDR Comments Upon His Arrival.mp3
    12. FDR 330304 First Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. FDR 330312 Fireside Chat Banking.mp3
    14. FDR 330507 Outlining New Deal Program.mp3
    15. FDR 331002 American Legion Convention.mp3
    16. FDR 340305 Message To Code Authorities First Year Nra.mp3
    17. FDR 340710 FDRs Response To President Enrique Oloya Herrera.mp3
    18. FDR 340927 Remarks To Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    19. FDR 340930 Fireside Chat Moving Forward.mp3
    20. FDR 341022 1934 Mobilization For Human Needs Campaign.mp3
    21. FDR 341116 George Rogers Clark Celebration.mp3
    22. FDR 350119 Dedication T. Roosevelt Memoria.mp3
    23. FDR 350428 Fireside Chat Works Relief Program.mp3
    24. FDR 350522 Congress Vetoing Veterans Bonus.mp3
    25. FDR 350613 Us Military Academy Commencement Address.mp3
    26. FDR 350814 Remarks Signing Social Security Act.mp3
    27. FDR 350821 Radio Speech Bsa Canceling Jamboree.mp3
    28. FDR 350824 Radio Young Democratic Clubs.mp3
    29. FDR 350930 Dedication Boulder Dam.mp3
    30. FDR 351024 Radio Detroit Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    31. FDR 351111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    32. FDR 351129 Progress Nt Only Snd Business But Snd Improvement.mp3
    33. FDR 351209 American Farm Bureau Federation.mp3
    34. FDR 351209 Notre Dame Univ.mp3
    35. FDR 351224 Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    36. FDR 360103 State Union Address.mp3
    37. FDR 360108 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    38. FDR 360130 Presidents Third Birthday Ball.mp3
    39. FDR 360208 Patrolmens Benevolent Assc Nyc.mp3
    40. FDR 360208 Radio Greeting To Boy Scouts 26th Anniversary.mp3
    41. FDR 360222 Temple Univ Honorary Doctor Jurisprudence Degree.mp3
    42. FDR 360223 Brotherhood Day.mp3
    43. FDR 360413 Young Democratsclub Maryland.mp3
    44. FDR 360416 Laying Cornerstone Interior Department Building.mp3
    45. FDR 360425 Thomas Jefferson Dinner Address.mp3
    46. FDR 360610 Arkansas Centennial Address.mp3
    47. FDR 360614 Dedication George Rogers Clark Memorial.mp3
    48. FDR 360627 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    49. FDR 360627 Address Accepting Renomination For Presidency.mp3
    50. FDR 360703 Dedication Address.mp3
    51. FDR 360704 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation.mp3
    52. FDR 360711 Dedication Triborough Bridge.mp3
    53. FDR 360723 New York Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    54. FDR 360731 Remarks Visit.mp3
    55. FDR 360814 Address.mp3
    56. FDR 360906 Fireside Chat Drought Conditions.mp3
    57. FDR 360910 Green Pastures Rally.mp3
    58. FDR 360911 Greetings To Third World Power Conference.mp3
    59. FDR 360918 Harvard Univ Tercentenary Celebration.mp3
    60. FDR 360929 Ny Democratic State Committee.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 59 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. FDR 361001 Political Address From Forbes Field.mp3
    3. FDR 361010 Political Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 361014 Political Speech From Chicago Stadium.mp3
    5. FDR 361021 Political Speech.mp3
    6. FDR 361026 Dedication Howard Univ Chemistry Building.mp3
    7. FDR 361028 50th Anniversary Statue Liberty.mp3
    8. FDR 361031 Madison Sq Garden Address American Desire Peace.mp3
    9. FDR 361102 Presidents Election Eve Radio Broadcast.mp3
    10. FDR 361106 Informal Remarks After Reelection.mp3
    11. FDR 361106 Remarks Opening 1936 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    12. FDR 361107 Greeting To 21 American Nations In Buenos Aires.mp3
    13. FDR 361127 Address Before Ntl Congress Supreme Court Brazil.mp3
    14. FDR 361201 Address Before Interamerican Conference.mp3
    15. FDR 361203 Address.mp3
    16. FDR 361224 Community Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    17. FDR 370106 State Union Address.mp3
    18. FDR 370120 2nd Inaugural Address.mp3
    19. FDR 370130 Presidents 4th Birthday Ball.mp3
    20. FDR 370208 Radio Boy Scouts.mp3
    21. FDR 370215 James A. Farley Testimonial Dinner Address.mp3
    22. FDR 370304 Democratic Victory Dinner Address.mp3
    23. FDR 370304 FDR Second Inaug Excerpt.mp3
    24. FDR 370309 Fireside Chat Reorganization Judiciary.mp3
    25. FDR 370329 Remarks To Easter Egg Rollers.mp3
    26. FDR 370414 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    27. FDR 370701 70th Anniversary Canadian Confederation.mp3
    28. FDR 370801 Radio France Dedication American War Monument.mp3
    29. FDR 370818 Celebration Angloamerican Civilization.mp3
    30. FDR 370917 Constitution Day Address.mp3
    31. FDR 370924 Informal Extemporary Remarks.mp3
    32. FDR 370928 Address We In America Are Wiser . . ..mp3
    33. FDR 370928 Dedication Timberline Lodge.mp3
    34. FDR 371005 Dedication Outerlink Bridge.mp3
    35. FDR 371005 Radio Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    36. FDR 371011 Reburial Brigadier General Vb Krzyzanowski.mp3
    37. FDR 371012 Legislation Rcmnd Extraordinary Session Congress.mp3
    38. FDR 371018 Radio Annual Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    39. FDR 371020 Opening New Federal Reserve Building.mp3
    40. FDR 371114 Req Cooperation In Taking Unemployment Census.mp3
    41. FDR 371115 Message At Opening Special Session Congress.mp3
    42. FDR 371224 Christmas Greeting To Nation.mp3
    43. FDR 380103 State Union Address.mp3
    44. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S1.mp3
    45. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S2.mp3
    46. FDR 380129 Presidents 5th Birthday Ball.mp3
    47. FDR 380207 Radio Greetings To Boy Scouts.mp3
    48. FDR 380414 Board Pan American Union.mp3
    49. FDR 380414 Fireside Chat Present Economic Conditions.mp3
    50. FDR 380418 Greetings Easter Egg Rolling Festivities.mp3
    51. FDR 380527 Arthurdale Hs 4th Anual Commencement Exercises.mp3
    52. FDR 380602 Us Naval Academy Graduating Class.mp3
    53. FDR 380624 Report National Affairs.mp3
    54. FDR 380627 Tercentenary Celebration New Sweden.mp3
    55. FDR 380630 Closing Session National Education Assoc..mp3
    56. FDR 380630 Laying Cornerstone Fed Building Ny Worlds Fair.mp3
    57. FDR 380700 Informal Remarks Upon Arrival At Railroad Station.mp3
    58. FDR 380703 Dedication Gettysburg Battlefield.mp3
    59. FDR 380708 Address Accomplishments New Deal.mp3
    60. FDR 380708 Dedication Gutzen Borglum Memorial.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. FDR 380709 Address America Needs Government . . ..mp3
    3. FDR 380714 Treasure Island.mp3
    4. FDR 380815 3rd Anniversary Social Security Act.mp3
    5. FDR 380818 Dedication International Bridge.mp3
    6. FDR 380818 Queens Univ Receiving Honorary Doctor Law Degree.mp3
    7. FDR 380905 Labor Day Address.mp3
    8. FDR 380917 Const Conv Day Ceremonies At Poughkeepsie Ny.mp3
    9. FDR 381014 1938 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    10. FDR 381026 Radio Herald Tribune Forum In Ny.mp3
    11. FDR 381104 Dedicating Will Rogers Memorial In Claremore.mp3
    12. FDR 381104 Election Eve Broadcast.mp3
    13. FDR 381124 Thanksgiving Day Address.mp3
    14. FDR 381205 Receiving Hon Degree Carolina Political Union.mp3
    15. FDR 381215 Th Jefferson Memorial Ground Breaking Ceremonies.mp3
    16. FDR 381224 Community Tree Lighting Ceremonies.mp3
    17. FDR 390104 State Union Address.mp3
    18. FDR 390107 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    19. FDR 390130 Presidents 6th Birthday Ball.mp3
    20. FDR 390208 29th Anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    21. FDR 390218 Opening Golden Gate Exposition.mp3
    22. FDR 390304 Address 150th Anniversary Us Congress.mp3
    23. FDR 390414 150th Anniv Formal Annc Election President Us.mp3
    24. FDR 390414 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    25. FDR 390417 National Parole Conference.mp3
    26. FDR 390426 White House Conference Children In Democracy.mp3
    27. FDR 390430 Remarks Opening New York Worlds Fair.mp3
    28. FDR 390509 Introducing Cabinet Series Freedom Press.mp3
    29. FDR 390510 Remarks Dedication Museum Modern Art.mp3
    30. FDR 390522 Address Before American Retail Federation.mp3
    31. FDR 390612 Graduating Class Atus Military Academy.mp3
    32. FDR 390800 Excerpt.mp3
    33. FDR 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe.mp3
    34. FDR 390903 Speaks About War Beginning In Europe.mp3
    35. FDR 390921 Addresses Excerpt.mp3
    36. FDR 390921 Congress Neutrality Act.mp3
    37. FDR 391009 1939 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    38. FDR 391026 Radio New York Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    39. FDR 391111 Appeal Launching Annual Roll Call Red Cross.mp3
    40. FDR 391115 Laying Cornerstone Jefferson Memorial.mp3
    41. FDR 391119 Laying Cornerstone At FDRl.mp3
    42. FDR 391224 Radio Christmas Greeting To Nation.mp3
    43. FDR 400103 State Union Address.mp3
    44. FDR 400108 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    45. FDR 400119 White House Conference Children In Democracy.mp3
    46. FDR 400130 Presidents 7th Birthday Ball.mp3
    47. FDR 400208 30th Anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    48. FDR 400210 Delegates American Youth Congress.mp3
    49. FDR 400308 Radio Anniversary Farm Dinners.mp3
    50. FDR 400316 Christian Foreign Service Convocation.mp3
    51. FDR 400415 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    52. FDR 400420 Radio Young Democratic Clubs America.mp3
    53. FDR 400510 8th Pan American Scientific Congress.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 78 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. FDR 400516 Message To Congres.mp3
    3. FDR 400526 Fireside Chat National Defense.mp3
    4. FDR 400610 Graduating Class Address.mp3
    5. FDR 400719 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    6. FDR 400719 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 3rd Term.mp3
    7. FDR 400819 Dedication Wkip Radio.mp3
    8. FDR 400822 Sexual Dirt On Wendell Wilkie.mp3
    9. FDR 400823 Conversation Presidents Office Lowell Mellett.mp3
    10. FDR 400823 White House Press Conference 674 Fair.mp3
    11. FDR 400827 White House Press Conference 675 Fairgood.mp3
    12. FDR 400831 Informal Remarks To Roosevelt Home Club.mp3
    13. FDR 400901 Conv Presidents Office Politic Far East Situation.mp3
    14. FDR 400901 Conversation With Phillip Randolph.mp3
    15. FDR 400902 Dedication Address.mp3
    16. FDR 400902 Dedication Chickamauga Dam Part Tva Complex.mp3
    17. FDR 400906 White House Press Conference 678 Good.mp3
    18. FDR 400911 Teamsters Union Convention.mp3
    19. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 1.mp3
    20. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 2.mp3
    21. FDR 400913 White House Press Conference 680.mp3
    22. FDR 400920 Address 200 Anniv Founding Univ Pennsylvania.mp3
    23. FDR 400924 White House Press Conference 682.mp3
    24. FDR 400927 Conf Pres Office Negroes Armed Forces Destryrs Uk.mp3
    25. FDR 400927 White House Press Conference 683.mp3
    26. FDR 400927 White House Reception Loan Destroyers Uk.mp3
    27. FDR 400928 New Washington National Airport.mp3
    28. FDR 401001 President Miss Lehand In Presidents Office.mp3
    29. FDR 401001 White House Press Conference 685.mp3
    30. FDR 401004 FDR Office House Ldrs Re Hitler Mussolini.mp3
    31. FDR 401004 FDRs Side Telephone Conversation Cordell Hull.mp3
    32. FDR 401004 White House Press Conference 686.mp3
    33. FDR 401005 Dedication Three New Schools In Hyde Park.mp3
    34. FDR 401005 Dutchess County Democratic Committee.mp3
    35. FDR 401008 White House Press Conference 688.mp3
    36. FDR 401010 Wh Grp Conf Jap Policy Pacific Conditions Navy.mp3
    37. FDR 401011 Dedication 100000th Housing Unit Terrace Village.mp3
    38. FDR 401012 Address Hemisphere Defense.mp3
    39. FDR 401013 For 1940 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    40. FDR 401016 Registration Day For Selective Service.mp3
    41. FDR 401018 For 1940 White House Press Conference 690.mp3
    42. FDR 401022 White House Press Conference 691.mp3
    43. FDR 401023 Address Opening 1940 Presidential Campaign.mp3
    44. FDR 401024 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    45. FDR 401025 White House Press Conference 692.mp3
    46. FDR 401029 Drawing Number Under Selective Service Act 1940.mp3
    47. FDR 401030 Campaign Your Boys Are Not Going To Be Sent.mp3
    48. FDR 401031 Dedication Ntnl Health Institute Cancer Research.mp3
    49. FDR 401101 Brooklyn Academy Music Paupers Who Not Worth.mp3
    50. FDR 401101 White House Press Conference 693.mp3
    51. FDR 401102 Last Campaign Address 1940 I See An America . ..mp3
    52. FDR 401104 Final Radio Speech 1940 Campaign.mp3
    53. FDR 401104 Remarks At Election Eve Rally.mp3
    54. FDR 401107 Informal Remarks Back Dc After Reelection.mp3
    55. FDR 401108 White House Press Conference 694.mp3
    56. FDR 401111 Address Armistice Day Arlington Cemetery.mp3
    57. FDR 401111 Laying Cornerstone Naval Medical Center.mp3
    58. FDR 401224 Presidents Christmas Greeting.mp3
    59. FDR 401229 Fireside Chat National Security.mp3
    60. FDR 410106 State Union Address.mp3
    61. FDR 410120 Third Inaugural Address.mp3
    62. FDR 410130 8th Birthday Ball.mp3
    63. FDR 410208 3anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    64. FDR 410215 Canadian Victory Loan Campaign.mp3
    65. FDR 410227 13th Annl Awards Dinner Ampas.mp3
    66. FDR 410308 8th Anniversary New Deal Agricultural Policy.mp3
    67. FDR 410315 Excerpt.mp3
    68. FDR 410315 White House Correspondents Association Dinner.mp3
    69. FDR 410317 Dedication National Gallery Art.mp3
    70. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S1.mp3
    71. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S2.mp3
    72. FDR 410430 Pres Purchases Defense Savings Bond.mp3
    73. FDR 410527 Annc Proclamation An Unlimited National Emergency.mp3
    74. FDR 410527 Excerpt Fireside Chat.mp3
    75. FDR 410704 Independence Day Address.mp3
    76. FDR 410721 Urging Extend 1 Yr Limit Sel Service Draftees.mp3
    77. FDR 410901 Labor Day We Shall Do Everything In Our Power.mp3
    78. FDR 410911 Fireside Chat Freedom Seas.mp3
    79. FDR 410928 Liberty Fleet Day Message.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 79 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. FDR 411027 Navy And Total Defense Day Address.mp3
    3. FDR 411027 Support 1941 Community Mobilization Human Needs.mp3
    4. FDR 411106 Delegates International Labor Organization.mp3
    5. FDR 411111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    6. FDR 411207 Statement After Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. FDR 411208 Congress Asking State War To Be Declared.mp3
    8. FDR 411208 Excerpt Day Of Infamy Speech.mp3
    9. FDR 411208 Excerpt Short.mp3
    10. FDR 411209 Fireside Following Declaration War With Japan.mp3
    11. FDR 411215 Address 150th Anniv Ratification Bill Rights.mp3
    12. FDR 411224 Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    13. FDR 420106 State Union Address.mp3
    14. FDR 420130 60th Birthday.mp3
    15. FDR 420223 Fireside Chat Progress War.mp3
    16. FDR 420309 9th Anniversary New Deal Farm Program.mp3
    17. FDR 420428 Fireside Chat National Economic Policy.mp3
    18. FDR 420612 Radio Appeal Scrap Rubber Campaign.mp3
    19. FDR 420614 United Flag Day.mp3
    20. FDR 420806 Remark Presentation Sub Chaser Queen Wilhelmina.mp3
    21. FDR 420831 Dedication Naval Medical Center.mp3
    22. FDR 420903 Intl Student Assembly Better World Will.mp3
    23. FDR 420907 Fireside Chat Cost Living And Progress War.mp3
    24. FDR 420916 Remarks Transfer Submarine Chaser To Norway.mp3
    25. FDR 421005 Opening Community Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    26. FDR 421012 Fireside Chat Report Home Front.mp3
    27. FDR 421107 Radio Broadcast To French North African Invasion.mp3
    28. FDR 421111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    29. FDR 421115 Philippine Day Address.mp3
    30. FDR 421117 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    31. FDR 421126 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation.mp3
    32. FDR 421224 Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    33. FDR 430107 State Union Address.mp3
    34. FDR 430212 White House Correspondents Dinner Address.mp3
    35. FDR 430222 Washingtons Birthday.mp3
    36. FDR 430228 Remarks Opening 1943 Red Cross Fund Drive.mp3
    37. FDR 430413 Jefferson Memorial Dedication Ceremonies.mp3
    38. FDR 430420 Mexican People Response To President Comacho.mp3
    39. FDR 430502 Fireside Chat Federal Seizure Coal Mines.mp3
    40. FDR 430607 Delegates Un Conf Food And Agriculture.mp3
    41. FDR 430610 Transfer Antisubmarine Patrol Vessel Greek Gov.mp3
    42. FDR 430728 Fireside Chat Progress War And Plans For Peace.mp3
    43. FDR 430812 Philippine People.mp3
    44. FDR 430825 Canadian Parliament.mp3
    45. FDR 430908 Fireside Chat Opening 3rd War Loan Drive.mp3
    46. FDR 431005 Opening National War Fund Drive.mp3
    47. FDR 431109 Signing Agreement Un Relief And Rehab Admin..mp3
    48. FDR 431224 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences.mp3
    49. FDR 440000 Excerpt Campaigns.mp3
    50. FDR 440111 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences.mp3
    51. FDR 440129 Radio Broadcast Eve Presidents Birthday.mp3
    52. FDR 440212 Remarks Xfer Destroyer Escort Senegalais French.mp3
    53. FDR 440304 Extra Remarks End Wh Corr Assoc Dinner.mp3
    54. FDR 440605 Fireside Chat.mp3
    55. FDR 440606 Presidents Dday Prayer.mp3
    56. FDR 440612 Fireside Chat Opening 5th War Loan Drive.mp3
    57. FDR 440720 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    58. FDR 440720 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 4th Term.mp3
    59. FDR 440727 Informal Remarks Military Review 7th Inf Division.mp3
    60. FDR 440812 Puget Sound Navy Yard.mp3
    61. FDR 440912 Reviewing Pacific Tour Inspection.mp3
    62. FDR 440923 Teamsters Union Address Opening 1944 Campaign.mp3
    63. FDR 441005 Radio Campaign Address.mp3
    64. FDR 441012 Address Occasion Acceptance Four Freedoms Award.mp3
    65. FDR 441012 Wh Oval Room Address Dipl Missions Am Republc.mp3
    66. FDR 441021 Foreign Policy Assoc. Dinner Peace Like War.mp3
    67. FDR 441021 Opening 1944 National War Fund Drive.mp3
    68. FDR 441027 Campaign Address.mp3
    69. FDR 441028 Campaign Address Economic Bill Rights.mp3
    70. FDR 441102 Campaign Radio Speech White House World Is Rising.mp3
    71. FDR 441104 Campaign Address.mp3
    72. FDR 441106 Election Eve Our Task Now Is To Face.mp3
    73. FDR 441106 Informal Remarks At Post Office.mp3
    74. FDR 441106 Reelection Radio Broadcast.mp3
    75. FDR 441110 Informal Remarks At Union Station Reelec 4th Term.mp3
    76. FDR 441119 Remarks Opening 6th War Loan Drive.mp3
    77. FDR 441224 Christmas Eve Address.mp3
    78. FDR 450106 State Union Message.mp3
    79. FDR 450120 4th Inaugural Address We Have Learned.mp3
    80. FDR 450212 Excerpt.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 10 shows – total playtime 8 hours, 53 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FDR 450301 Report To Congress Crimea Conference.mp3
    3. FDR 450320 Red Cross Fund Drive Presidents Last Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 450413 FDR Memorial Network Broadcast Segments.mp3
    5. FDR 450413 Undlvd Address Prep Jefferson Day Read FDR Jr.mp3
    6. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 2 Of 4.mp3
    7. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 3 Of 4.mp3
    8. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt1.mp3
    9. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt2.mp3
    10. FDR 991011 American Presidents Series.mp3
    11. FDR Americanism Vp Acceptance Speech Excerpts.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    337 recordings on 6 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00. Total playtime 125 hours, 32 min
    337 recordings on 6 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $30.00
    3448 MB – total playtime 125 hours, 32 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 59 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. FDR 240626 Nyc Remarks To Democratic National Convention.mp3
    3. FDR 280627 Happy Warrior Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 320407 Dem Party Lucky Strike Program.mp3
    5. FDR 320702 Dem Convention Accepting Nomination President.mp3
    6. FDR 320730 Democratic Party Platform.mp3
    7. FDR 321002 Philosophy Social Justice Through Social Action.mp3
    8. FDR 321105 Campaign Speech From Madison Square Garden.mp3
    9. FDR 321109 Victory In 1932 Presidential Election.mp3
    10. FDR 321122 Washington Press Club.mp3
    11. FDR 330215 Presidentelect FDR Comments Upon His Arrival.mp3
    12. FDR 330304 First Inaugural Address.mp3
    13. FDR 330312 Fireside Chat Banking.mp3
    14. FDR 330507 Outlining New Deal Program.mp3
    15. FDR 331002 American Legion Convention.mp3
    16. FDR 340305 Message To Code Authorities First Year Nra.mp3
    17. FDR 340710 FDRs Response To President Enrique Oloya Herrera.mp3
    18. FDR 340927 Remarks To Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    19. FDR 340930 Fireside Chat Moving Forward.mp3
    20. FDR 341022 1934 Mobilization For Human Needs Campaign.mp3
    21. FDR 341116 George Rogers Clark Celebration.mp3
    22. FDR 350119 Dedication T. Roosevelt Memoria.mp3
    23. FDR 350428 Fireside Chat Works Relief Program.mp3
    24. FDR 350522 Congress Vetoing Veterans Bonus.mp3
    25. FDR 350613 Us Military Academy Commencement Address.mp3
    26. FDR 350814 Remarks Signing Social Security Act.mp3
    27. FDR 350821 Radio Speech Bsa Canceling Jamboree.mp3
    28. FDR 350824 Radio Young Democratic Clubs.mp3
    29. FDR 350930 Dedication Boulder Dam.mp3
    30. FDR 351024 Radio Detroit Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    31. FDR 351111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    32. FDR 351129 Progress Nt Only Snd Business But Snd Improvement.mp3
    33. FDR 351209 American Farm Bureau Federation.mp3
    34. FDR 351209 Notre Dame Univ.mp3
    35. FDR 351224 Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    36. FDR 360103 State Union Address.mp3
    37. FDR 360108 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    38. FDR 360130 Presidents Third Birthday Ball.mp3
    39. FDR 360208 Patrolmens Benevolent Assc Nyc.mp3
    40. FDR 360208 Radio Greeting To Boy Scouts 26th Anniversary.mp3
    41. FDR 360222 Temple Univ Honorary Doctor Jurisprudence Degree.mp3
    42. FDR 360223 Brotherhood Day.mp3
    43. FDR 360413 Young Democratsclub Maryland.mp3
    44. FDR 360416 Laying Cornerstone Interior Department Building.mp3
    45. FDR 360425 Thomas Jefferson Dinner Address.mp3
    46. FDR 360610 Arkansas Centennial Address.mp3
    47. FDR 360614 Dedication George Rogers Clark Memorial.mp3
    48. FDR 360627 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    49. FDR 360627 Address Accepting Renomination For Presidency.mp3
    50. FDR 360703 Dedication Address.mp3
    51. FDR 360704 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation.mp3
    52. FDR 360711 Dedication Triborough Bridge.mp3
    53. FDR 360723 New York Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    54. FDR 360731 Remarks Visit.mp3
    55. FDR 360814 Address.mp3
    56. FDR 360906 Fireside Chat Drought Conditions.mp3
    57. FDR 360910 Green Pastures Rally.mp3
    58. FDR 360911 Greetings To Third World Power Conference.mp3
    59. FDR 360918 Harvard Univ Tercentenary Celebration.mp3
    60. FDR 360929 Ny Democratic State Committee.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 59 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. FDR 361001 Political Address From Forbes Field.mp3
    3. FDR 361010 Political Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 361014 Political Speech From Chicago Stadium.mp3
    5. FDR 361021 Political Speech.mp3
    6. FDR 361026 Dedication Howard Univ Chemistry Building.mp3
    7. FDR 361028 50th Anniversary Statue Liberty.mp3
    8. FDR 361031 Madison Sq Garden Address American Desire Peace.mp3
    9. FDR 361102 Presidents Election Eve Radio Broadcast.mp3
    10. FDR 361106 Informal Remarks After Reelection.mp3
    11. FDR 361106 Remarks Opening 1936 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    12. FDR 361107 Greeting To 21 American Nations In Buenos Aires.mp3
    13. FDR 361127 Address Before Ntl Congress Supreme Court Brazil.mp3
    14. FDR 361201 Address Before Interamerican Conference.mp3
    15. FDR 361203 Address.mp3
    16. FDR 361224 Community Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    17. FDR 370106 State Union Address.mp3
    18. FDR 370120 2nd Inaugural Address.mp3
    19. FDR 370130 Presidents 4th Birthday Ball.mp3
    20. FDR 370208 Radio Boy Scouts.mp3
    21. FDR 370215 James A. Farley Testimonial Dinner Address.mp3
    22. FDR 370304 Democratic Victory Dinner Address.mp3
    23. FDR 370304 FDR Second Inaug Excerpt.mp3
    24. FDR 370309 Fireside Chat Reorganization Judiciary.mp3
    25. FDR 370329 Remarks To Easter Egg Rollers.mp3
    26. FDR 370414 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    27. FDR 370701 70th Anniversary Canadian Confederation.mp3
    28. FDR 370801 Radio France Dedication American War Monument.mp3
    29. FDR 370818 Celebration Angloamerican Civilization.mp3
    30. FDR 370917 Constitution Day Address.mp3
    31. FDR 370924 Informal Extemporary Remarks.mp3
    32. FDR 370928 Address We In America Are Wiser . . ..mp3
    33. FDR 370928 Dedication Timberline Lodge.mp3
    34. FDR 371005 Dedication Outerlink Bridge.mp3
    35. FDR 371005 Radio Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    36. FDR 371011 Reburial Brigadier General Vb Krzyzanowski.mp3
    37. FDR 371012 Legislation Rcmnd Extraordinary Session Congress.mp3
    38. FDR 371018 Radio Annual Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    39. FDR 371020 Opening New Federal Reserve Building.mp3
    40. FDR 371114 Req Cooperation In Taking Unemployment Census.mp3
    41. FDR 371115 Message At Opening Special Session Congress.mp3
    42. FDR 371224 Christmas Greeting To Nation.mp3
    43. FDR 380103 State Union Address.mp3
    44. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S1.mp3
    45. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S2.mp3
    46. FDR 380129 Presidents 5th Birthday Ball.mp3
    47. FDR 380207 Radio Greetings To Boy Scouts.mp3
    48. FDR 380414 Board Pan American Union.mp3
    49. FDR 380414 Fireside Chat Present Economic Conditions.mp3
    50. FDR 380418 Greetings Easter Egg Rolling Festivities.mp3
    51. FDR 380527 Arthurdale Hs 4th Anual Commencement Exercises.mp3
    52. FDR 380602 Us Naval Academy Graduating Class.mp3
    53. FDR 380624 Report National Affairs.mp3
    54. FDR 380627 Tercentenary Celebration New Sweden.mp3
    55. FDR 380630 Closing Session National Education Assoc..mp3
    56. FDR 380630 Laying Cornerstone Fed Building Ny Worlds Fair.mp3
    57. FDR 380700 Informal Remarks Upon Arrival At Railroad Station.mp3
    58. FDR 380703 Dedication Gettysburg Battlefield.mp3
    59. FDR 380708 Address Accomplishments New Deal.mp3
    60. FDR 380708 Dedication Gutzen Borglum Memorial.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 52 shows – 641 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 19 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. FDR 380709 Address America Needs Government . . ..mp3
    3. FDR 380714 Treasure Island.mp3
    4. FDR 380815 3rd Anniversary Social Security Act.mp3
    5. FDR 380818 Dedication International Bridge.mp3
    6. FDR 380818 Queens Univ Receiving Honorary Doctor Law Degree.mp3
    7. FDR 380905 Labor Day Address.mp3
    8. FDR 380917 Const Conv Day Ceremonies At Poughkeepsie Ny.mp3
    9. FDR 381014 1938 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    10. FDR 381026 Radio Herald Tribune Forum In Ny.mp3
    11. FDR 381104 Dedicating Will Rogers Memorial In Claremore.mp3
    12. FDR 381104 Election Eve Broadcast.mp3
    13. FDR 381124 Thanksgiving Day Address.mp3
    14. FDR 381205 Receiving Hon Degree Carolina Political Union.mp3
    15. FDR 381215 Th Jefferson Memorial Ground Breaking Ceremonies.mp3
    16. FDR 381224 Community Tree Lighting Ceremonies.mp3
    17. FDR 390104 State Union Address.mp3
    18. FDR 390107 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    19. FDR 390130 Presidents 6th Birthday Ball.mp3
    20. FDR 390208 29th Anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    21. FDR 390218 Opening Golden Gate Exposition.mp3
    22. FDR 390304 Address 150th Anniversary Us Congress.mp3
    23. FDR 390414 150th Anniv Formal Annc Election President Us.mp3
    24. FDR 390414 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    25. FDR 390417 National Parole Conference.mp3
    26. FDR 390426 White House Conference Children In Democracy.mp3
    27. FDR 390430 Remarks Opening New York Worlds Fair.mp3
    28. FDR 390509 Introducing Cabinet Series Freedom Press.mp3
    29. FDR 390510 Remarks Dedication Museum Modern Art.mp3
    30. FDR 390522 Address Before American Retail Federation.mp3
    31. FDR 390612 Graduating Class Atus Military Academy.mp3
    32. FDR 390800 Excerpt.mp3
    33. FDR 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe.mp3
    34. FDR 390903 Speaks About War Beginning In Europe.mp3
    35. FDR 390921 Addresses Excerpt.mp3
    36. FDR 390921 Congress Neutrality Act.mp3
    37. FDR 391009 1939 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    38. FDR 391026 Radio New York Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    39. FDR 391111 Appeal Launching Annual Roll Call Red Cross.mp3
    40. FDR 391115 Laying Cornerstone Jefferson Memorial.mp3
    41. FDR 391119 Laying Cornerstone At FDRl.mp3
    42. FDR 391224 Radio Christmas Greeting To Nation.mp3
    43. FDR 400103 State Union Address.mp3
    44. FDR 400108 Jackson Day Dinner Address.mp3
    45. FDR 400119 White House Conference Children In Democracy.mp3
    46. FDR 400130 Presidents 7th Birthday Ball.mp3
    47. FDR 400208 30th Anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    48. FDR 400210 Delegates American Youth Congress.mp3
    49. FDR 400308 Radio Anniversary Farm Dinners.mp3
    50. FDR 400316 Christian Foreign Service Convocation.mp3
    51. FDR 400415 Governing Board Pan American Union.mp3
    52. FDR 400420 Radio Young Democratic Clubs America.mp3
    53. FDR 400510 8th Pan American Scientific Congress.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 78 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. FDR 400516 Message To Congres.mp3
    3. FDR 400526 Fireside Chat National Defense.mp3
    4. FDR 400610 Graduating Class Address.mp3
    5. FDR 400719 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    6. FDR 400719 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 3rd Term.mp3
    7. FDR 400819 Dedication Wkip Radio.mp3
    8. FDR 400822 Sexual Dirt On Wendell Wilkie.mp3
    9. FDR 400823 Conversation Presidents Office Lowell Mellett.mp3
    10. FDR 400823 White House Press Conference 674 Fair.mp3
    11. FDR 400827 White House Press Conference 675 Fairgood.mp3
    12. FDR 400831 Informal Remarks To Roosevelt Home Club.mp3
    13. FDR 400901 Conv Presidents Office Politic Far East Situation.mp3
    14. FDR 400901 Conversation With Phillip Randolph.mp3
    15. FDR 400902 Dedication Address.mp3
    16. FDR 400902 Dedication Chickamauga Dam Part Tva Complex.mp3
    17. FDR 400906 White House Press Conference 678 Good.mp3
    18. FDR 400911 Teamsters Union Convention.mp3
    19. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 1.mp3
    20. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 2.mp3
    21. FDR 400913 White House Press Conference 680.mp3
    22. FDR 400920 Address 200 Anniv Founding Univ Pennsylvania.mp3
    23. FDR 400924 White House Press Conference 682.mp3
    24. FDR 400927 Conf Pres Office Negroes Armed Forces Destryrs Uk.mp3
    25. FDR 400927 White House Press Conference 683.mp3
    26. FDR 400927 White House Reception Loan Destroyers Uk.mp3
    27. FDR 400928 New Washington National Airport.mp3
    28. FDR 401001 President Miss Lehand In Presidents Office.mp3
    29. FDR 401001 White House Press Conference 685.mp3
    30. FDR 401004 FDR Office House Ldrs Re Hitler Mussolini.mp3
    31. FDR 401004 FDRs Side Telephone Conversation Cordell Hull.mp3
    32. FDR 401004 White House Press Conference 686.mp3
    33. FDR 401005 Dedication Three New Schools In Hyde Park.mp3
    34. FDR 401005 Dutchess County Democratic Committee.mp3
    35. FDR 401008 White House Press Conference 688.mp3
    36. FDR 401010 Wh Grp Conf Jap Policy Pacific Conditions Navy.mp3
    37. FDR 401011 Dedication 100000th Housing Unit Terrace Village.mp3
    38. FDR 401012 Address Hemisphere Defense.mp3
    39. FDR 401013 For 1940 Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    40. FDR 401016 Registration Day For Selective Service.mp3
    41. FDR 401018 For 1940 White House Press Conference 690.mp3
    42. FDR 401022 White House Press Conference 691.mp3
    43. FDR 401023 Address Opening 1940 Presidential Campaign.mp3
    44. FDR 401024 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    45. FDR 401025 White House Press Conference 692.mp3
    46. FDR 401029 Drawing Number Under Selective Service Act 1940.mp3
    47. FDR 401030 Campaign Your Boys Are Not Going To Be Sent.mp3
    48. FDR 401031 Dedication Ntnl Health Institute Cancer Research.mp3
    49. FDR 401101 Brooklyn Academy Music Paupers Who Not Worth.mp3
    50. FDR 401101 White House Press Conference 693.mp3
    51. FDR 401102 Last Campaign Address 1940 I See An America . ..mp3
    52. FDR 401104 Final Radio Speech 1940 Campaign.mp3
    53. FDR 401104 Remarks At Election Eve Rally.mp3
    54. FDR 401107 Informal Remarks Back Dc After Reelection.mp3
    55. FDR 401108 White House Press Conference 694.mp3
    56. FDR 401111 Address Armistice Day Arlington Cemetery.mp3
    57. FDR 401111 Laying Cornerstone Naval Medical Center.mp3
    58. FDR 401224 Presidents Christmas Greeting.mp3
    59. FDR 401229 Fireside Chat National Security.mp3
    60. FDR 410106 State Union Address.mp3
    61. FDR 410120 Third Inaugural Address.mp3
    62. FDR 410130 8th Birthday Ball.mp3
    63. FDR 410208 3anniversary Boy Scouts.mp3
    64. FDR 410215 Canadian Victory Loan Campaign.mp3
    65. FDR 410227 13th Annl Awards Dinner Ampas.mp3
    66. FDR 410308 8th Anniversary New Deal Agricultural Policy.mp3
    67. FDR 410315 Excerpt.mp3
    68. FDR 410315 White House Correspondents Association Dinner.mp3
    69. FDR 410317 Dedication National Gallery Art.mp3
    70. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S1.mp3
    71. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S2.mp3
    72. FDR 410430 Pres Purchases Defense Savings Bond.mp3
    73. FDR 410527 Annc Proclamation An Unlimited National Emergency.mp3
    74. FDR 410527 Excerpt Fireside Chat.mp3
    75. FDR 410704 Independence Day Address.mp3
    76. FDR 410721 Urging Extend 1 Yr Limit Sel Service Draftees.mp3
    77. FDR 410901 Labor Day We Shall Do Everything In Our Power.mp3
    78. FDR 410911 Fireside Chat Freedom Seas.mp3
    79. FDR 410928 Liberty Fleet Day Message.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 79 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. FDR 411027 Navy And Total Defense Day Address.mp3
    3. FDR 411027 Support 1941 Community Mobilization Human Needs.mp3
    4. FDR 411106 Delegates International Labor Organization.mp3
    5. FDR 411111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    6. FDR 411207 Statement After Pearl Harbor Attack.mp3
    7. FDR 411208 Congress Asking State War To Be Declared.mp3
    8. FDR 411208 Excerpt Day Of Infamy Speech.mp3
    9. FDR 411208 Excerpt Short.mp3
    10. FDR 411209 Fireside Following Declaration War With Japan.mp3
    11. FDR 411215 Address 150th Anniv Ratification Bill Rights.mp3
    12. FDR 411224 Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    13. FDR 420106 State Union Address.mp3
    14. FDR 420130 60th Birthday.mp3
    15. FDR 420223 Fireside Chat Progress War.mp3
    16. FDR 420309 9th Anniversary New Deal Farm Program.mp3
    17. FDR 420428 Fireside Chat National Economic Policy.mp3
    18. FDR 420612 Radio Appeal Scrap Rubber Campaign.mp3
    19. FDR 420614 United Flag Day.mp3
    20. FDR 420806 Remark Presentation Sub Chaser Queen Wilhelmina.mp3
    21. FDR 420831 Dedication Naval Medical Center.mp3
    22. FDR 420903 Intl Student Assembly Better World Will.mp3
    23. FDR 420907 Fireside Chat Cost Living And Progress War.mp3
    24. FDR 420916 Remarks Transfer Submarine Chaser To Norway.mp3
    25. FDR 421005 Opening Community Mobilization For Human Needs.mp3
    26. FDR 421012 Fireside Chat Report Home Front.mp3
    27. FDR 421107 Radio Broadcast To French North African Invasion.mp3
    28. FDR 421111 Armistice Day Address.mp3
    29. FDR 421115 Philippine Day Address.mp3
    30. FDR 421117 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum.mp3
    31. FDR 421126 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation.mp3
    32. FDR 421224 Christmas Eve Message.mp3
    33. FDR 430107 State Union Address.mp3
    34. FDR 430212 White House Correspondents Dinner Address.mp3
    35. FDR 430222 Washingtons Birthday.mp3
    36. FDR 430228 Remarks Opening 1943 Red Cross Fund Drive.mp3
    37. FDR 430413 Jefferson Memorial Dedication Ceremonies.mp3
    38. FDR 430420 Mexican People Response To President Comacho.mp3
    39. FDR 430502 Fireside Chat Federal Seizure Coal Mines.mp3
    40. FDR 430607 Delegates Un Conf Food And Agriculture.mp3
    41. FDR 430610 Transfer Antisubmarine Patrol Vessel Greek Gov.mp3
    42. FDR 430728 Fireside Chat Progress War And Plans For Peace.mp3
    43. FDR 430812 Philippine People.mp3
    44. FDR 430825 Canadian Parliament.mp3
    45. FDR 430908 Fireside Chat Opening 3rd War Loan Drive.mp3
    46. FDR 431005 Opening National War Fund Drive.mp3
    47. FDR 431109 Signing Agreement Un Relief And Rehab Admin..mp3
    48. FDR 431224 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences.mp3
    49. FDR 440000 Excerpt Campaigns.mp3
    50. FDR 440111 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences.mp3
    51. FDR 440129 Radio Broadcast Eve Presidents Birthday.mp3
    52. FDR 440212 Remarks Xfer Destroyer Escort Senegalais French.mp3
    53. FDR 440304 Extra Remarks End Wh Corr Assoc Dinner.mp3
    54. FDR 440605 Fireside Chat.mp3
    55. FDR 440606 Presidents Dday Prayer.mp3
    56. FDR 440612 Fireside Chat Opening 5th War Loan Drive.mp3
    57. FDR 440720 Acceptance Speech At Dnc.mp3
    58. FDR 440720 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 4th Term.mp3
    59. FDR 440727 Informal Remarks Military Review 7th Inf Division.mp3
    60. FDR 440812 Puget Sound Navy Yard.mp3
    61. FDR 440912 Reviewing Pacific Tour Inspection.mp3
    62. FDR 440923 Teamsters Union Address Opening 1944 Campaign.mp3
    63. FDR 441005 Radio Campaign Address.mp3
    64. FDR 441012 Address Occasion Acceptance Four Freedoms Award.mp3
    65. FDR 441012 Wh Oval Room Address Dipl Missions Am Republc.mp3
    66. FDR 441021 Foreign Policy Assoc. Dinner Peace Like War.mp3
    67. FDR 441021 Opening 1944 National War Fund Drive.mp3
    68. FDR 441027 Campaign Address.mp3
    69. FDR 441028 Campaign Address Economic Bill Rights.mp3
    70. FDR 441102 Campaign Radio Speech White House World Is Rising.mp3
    71. FDR 441104 Campaign Address.mp3
    72. FDR 441106 Election Eve Our Task Now Is To Face.mp3
    73. FDR 441106 Informal Remarks At Post Office.mp3
    74. FDR 441106 Reelection Radio Broadcast.mp3
    75. FDR 441110 Informal Remarks At Union Station Reelec 4th Term.mp3
    76. FDR 441119 Remarks Opening 6th War Loan Drive.mp3
    77. FDR 441224 Christmas Eve Address.mp3
    78. FDR 450106 State Union Message.mp3
    79. FDR 450120 4th Inaugural Address We Have Learned.mp3
    80. FDR 450212 Excerpt.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 10 shows – 244 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 53 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. FDR 450301 Report To Congress Crimea Conference.mp3
    3. FDR 450320 Red Cross Fund Drive Presidents Last Speech.mp3
    4. FDR 450413 FDR Memorial Network Broadcast Segments.mp3
    5. FDR 450413 Undlvd Address Prep Jefferson Day Read FDR Jr.mp3
    6. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 2 Of 4.mp3
    7. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 3 Of 4.mp3
    8. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt1.mp3
    9. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt2.mp3
    10. FDR 991011 American Presidents Series.mp3
    11. FDR Americanism Vp Acceptance Speech Excerpts.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    337 recordings on 122 Audio CDs. Total playtime 112 hours, 31 min
    337 recordings on 122 Audio CDs
    total playtime 112 hours, 31 min

    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A001

    1. FDR Americanism Vp Acceptance Speech Excerpts
    2. FDR 240626 Nyc Remarks To Democratic National Convention
    3. FDR 280627 Happy Warrior Speech
    4. FDR 320407 Dem Party Lucky Strike Program
    5. FDR 320702 Dem Convention Accepting Nomination President

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A002

    1. FDR 320730 Democratic Party Platform
    2. FDR 321002 Philosophy Social Justice Through Social Action
    3. FDR 321105 Campaign Speech From Madison Square Garden

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A003

    1. FDR 321109 Victory In 1932 Presidential Election
    2. FDR 321122 Washington Press Club
    3. FDR 330215 Presidentelect FDR Comments Upon His Arrival
    4. FDR 330304 First Inaugural Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A004

    1. FDR 330312 Fireside Chat Banking
    2. FDR 330507 Outlining New Deal Program
    3. FDR 331002 American Legion Convention

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A005

    1. FDR 340305 Message To Code Authorities First Year Nra
    2. FDR 340710 FDRs Response To President Enrique Oloya Herrera
    3. FDR 340927 Remarks To Herald Tribune Forum

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A006

    1. FDR 340930 Fireside Chat Moving Forward
    2. FDR 341022 1934 Mobilization For Human Needs Campaign
    3. FDR 341116 George Rogers Clark Celebration
    4. FDR 350119 Dedication T. Roosevelt Memoria

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A007

    1. FDR 350428 Fireside Chat Works Relief Program

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A008

    1. FDR 350522 Congress Vetoing Veterans Bonus
    2. FDR 350613 Us Military Academy Commencement Address
    3. FDR 350814 Remarks Signing Social Security Act

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A009

    1. FDR 350821 Radio Speech Bsa Canceling Jamboree
    2. FDR 350824 Radio Young Democratic Clubs
    3. FDR 350930 Dedication Boulder Dam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A010

    1. FDR 351024 Radio Detroit Mobilization For Human Needs
    2. FDR 351111 Armistice Day Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A011

    1. FDR 351129 Progress Nt Only Snd Business But Snd Improvement

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A012

    1. FDR 351209 American Farm Bureau Federation
    2. FDR 351209 Notre Dame Univ
    3. FDR 351224 Christmas Tree Lighting

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A013

    1. FDR 360103 State Union Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A014

    1. FDR 360108 Jackson Day Dinner Address
    2. FDR 360130 Presidents Third Birthday Ball
    3. FDR 360208 Patrolmens Benevolent Assc Nyc
    4. FDR 360208 Radio Greeting To Boy Scouts 26th Anniversary
    5. FDR 360222 Temple Univ Honorary Doctor Jurisprudence Degree
    6. FDR 360223 Brotherhood Day

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A015

    1. FDR 360413 Young Democratsclub Maryland
    2. FDR 360416 Laying Cornerstone Interior Department Building

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A016

    1. FDR 360610 Arkansas Centennial Address
    2. FDR 360614 Dedication George Rogers Clark Memorial

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A017

    1. FDR 360627 Acceptance Speech At Dnc
    2. FDR 360627 Address Accepting Renomination For Presidency
    3. FDR 360703 Dedication Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A018

    1. FDR 360704 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation
    2. FDR 360711 Dedication Triborough Bridge
    3. FDR 360723 New York Herald Tribune Forum
    4. FDR 360731 Remarks Visit

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A019

    1. FDR 360814 Address
    2. FDR 360906 Fireside Chat Drought Conditions

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A020

    1. FDR 360910 Green Pastures Rally

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A021

    1. FDR 360911 Greetings To Third World Power Conference
    2. FDR 360929 Ny Democratic State Committee

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A022

    1. FDR 361001 Political Address From Forbes Field
    2. FDR 361010 Political Speech

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A023

    1. FDR 361014 Political Speech From Chicago Stadium

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A024

    1. FDR 361021 Political Speech
    2. FDR 361026 Dedication Howard Univ Chemistry Building
    3. FDR 361028 50th Anniversary Statue Liberty

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A025

    1. FDR 361031 Madison Sq Garden Address American Desire Peace
    2. FDR 361106 Informal Remarks After Reelection
    3. FDR 361106 Remarks Opening 1936 Mobilization For Human Needs
    4. FDR 361107 Greeting To 21 American Nations In Buenos Aires
    5. FDR 361127 Address Before Ntl Congress Supreme Court Brazil

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A026

    1. FDR 361201 Address Before Interamerican Conference
    2. FDR 361203 Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A027

    1. FDR 361224 Community Christmas Tree Lighting
    2. FDR 370106 State Union Address
    3. FDR 370120 2nd Inaugural Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A028

    1. FDR 370130 Presidents 4th Birthday Ball
    2. FDR 370208 Radio Boy Scouts
    3. FDR 370215 James A. Farley Testimonial Dinner Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A029

    1. FDR 370304 Democratic Victory Dinner Address
    2. FDR 370304 FDR Second Inaug Excerpt

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A030

    1. FDR 370309 Fireside Chat Reorganization Judiciary
    2. FDR 370329 Remarks To Easter Egg Rollers
    3. FDR 370414 Governing Board Pan American Union
    4. FDR 370701 70th Anniversary Canadian Confederation
    5. FDR 370801 Radio France Dedication American War Monument

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A031

    1. FDR 370818 Celebration Angloamerican Civilization

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A032

    1. FDR 370917 Constitution Day Address
    2. FDR 370924 Informal Extemporary Remarks

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A033

    1. FDR 370928 Address We In America Are Wiser . . .
    2. FDR 370928 Dedication Timberline Lodge
    3. FDR 371005 Dedication Outerlink Bridge

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A034

    1. FDR 371005 Radio Herald Tribune Forum
    2. FDR 371011 Reburial Brigadier General Vb Krzyzanowski
    3. FDR 371012 Legislation Rcmnd Extraordinary Session Congress
    4. FDR 371018 Radio Annual Mobilization For Human Needs
    5. FDR 371020 Opening New Federal Reserve Building

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A035

    1. FDR 371114 Req Cooperation In Taking Unemployment Census

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A036

    1. FDR 371115 Message At Opening Special Session Congress
    2. FDR 371224 Christmas Greeting To Nation

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A037

    1. FDR 380103 State Union Address
    2. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S1

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A038

    1. FDR 380108 Jackson Day Dinner Address S2
    2. FDR 380129 Presidents 5th Birthday Ball
    3. FDR 380207 Radio Greetings To Boy Scouts
    4. FDR 380414 Board Pan American Union

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A039

    1. FDR 380414 Fireside Chat Present Economic Conditions
    2. FDR 380418 Greetings Easter Egg Rolling Festivities

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A040

    1. FDR 380527 Arthurdale Hs 4th Anual Commencement Exercises

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A041

    1. FDR 380602 Us Naval Academy Graduating Class
    2. FDR 380624 Report National Affairs

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A042

    1. FDR 380627 Tercentenary Celebration New Sweden

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A043

    1. FDR 380630 Closing Session National Education Assoc.

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A044

    1. FDR 380630 Laying Cornerstone Fed Building Ny Worlds Fair
    2. FDR 380700 Informal Remarks Upon Arrival At Railroad Station

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A045

    1. FDR 380703 Dedication Gettysburg Battlefield
    2. FDR 380708 Address Accomplishments New Deal

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A046

    1. FDR 380708 Dedication Gutzen Borglum Memorial
    2. FDR 380709 Address America Needs Government . . .

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A047

    1. FDR 380714 Treasure Island
    2. FDR 380815 3rd Anniversary Social Security Act

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A048

    1. FDR 380818 Dedication International Bridge
    2. FDR 380818 Queens Univ Receiving Honorary Doctor Law Degree

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A049

    1. FDR 380905 Labor Day Address
    2. FDR 380917 Const Conv Day Ceremonies At Poughkeepsie Ny
    3. FDR 381014 1938 Mobilization For Human Needs

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A050

    1. FDR 381026 Radio Herald Tribune Forum In Ny
    2. FDR 381104 Dedicating Will Rogers Memorial In Claremore
    3. FDR 381104 Election Eve Broadcast
    4. FDR 381124 Thanksgiving Day Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A051

    1. FDR 381205 Receiving Hon Degree Carolina Political Union
    2. FDR 381215 Th Jefferson Memorial Ground Breaking Ceremonies

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A052

    1. FDR 381224 Community Tree Lighting Ceremonies
    2. FDR 390107 Jackson Day Dinner Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A053

    1. FDR 390130 Presidents 6th Birthday Ball
    2. FDR 390208 29th Anniversary Boy Scouts
    3. FDR 390218 Opening Golden Gate Exposition

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A054

    1. FDR 390414 150th Anniv Formal Annc Election President Us
    2. FDR 390414 Governing Board Pan American Union

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A055

    1. FDR 390417 National Parole Conference
    2. FDR 390426 White House Conference Children In Democracy
    3. FDR 390430 Remarks Opening New York Worlds Fair

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A056

    1. FDR 390509 Introducing Cabinet Series Freedom Press

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A057

    1. FDR 390510 Remarks Dedication Museum Modern Art

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A058

    1. FDR 390522 Address Before American Retail Federation
    2. FDR 390612 Graduating Class Atus Military Academy
    3. FDR 390800 Excerpt

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A059

    1. FDR 390903 Fireside Chat War In Europe
    2. FDR 390903 Speaks About War Beginning In Europe
    3. FDR 390921 Addresses Excerpt

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A060

    1. FDR 391009 1939 Mobilization For Human Needs
    2. FDR 391026 Radio New York Herald Tribune Forum

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A061

    1. FDR 391111 Appeal Launching Annual Roll Call Red Cross

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A062

    1. FDR 391115 Laying Cornerstone Jefferson Memorial
    2. FDR 391119 Laying Cornerstone At FDRl

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A063

    1. FDR 391224 Radio Christmas Greeting To Nation
    2. FDR 400103 State Union Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A064

    1. FDR 400108 Jackson Day Dinner Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A065

    1. FDR 400119 White House Conference Children In Democracy
    2. FDR 400130 Presidents 7th Birthday Ball
    3. FDR 400208 30th Anniversary Boy Scouts

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A066

    1. FDR 400210 Delegates American Youth Congress
    2. FDR 400308 Radio Anniversary Farm Dinners
    3. FDR 400316 Christian Foreign Service Convocation
    4. FDR 400415 Governing Board Pan American Union

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A067

    1. FDR 400420 Radio Young Democratic Clubs America
    2. FDR 400510 8th Pan American Scientific Congress
    3. FDR 400516 Message To Congres

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A068

    1. FDR 400526 Fireside Chat National Defense
    2. FDR 400610 Graduating Class Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A069

    1. FDR 400719 Acceptance Speech At Dnc
    2. FDR 400719 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 3rd Term

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A070

    1. FDR 400819 Dedication Wkip Radio
    2. FDR 400822 Sexual Dirt On Wendell Wilkie
    3. FDR 400823 Conversation Presidents Office Lowell Mellett
    4. FDR 400823 White House Press Conference 674 Fair

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A071

    1. FDR 400827 White House Press Conference 675 Fairgood
    2. FDR 400831 Informal Remarks To Roosevelt Home Club
    3. FDR 400901 Conv Presidents Office Politic Far East Situation
    4. FDR 400901 Conversation With Phillip Randolph

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A072

    1. FDR 400902 Dedication Address
    2. FDR 400902 Dedication Chickamauga Dam Part Tva Complex
    3. FDR 400906 White House Press Conference 678 Good

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A073

    1. FDR 400911 Teamsters Union Convention
    2. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 1
    3. FDR 400913 Stmnt Limitation Export Aircraft Plans Designs 2

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A074

    1. FDR 400913 White House Press Conference 680
    2. FDR 400920 Address 200 Anniv Founding Univ Pennsylvania
    3. FDR 400924 White House Press Conference 682

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A075

    1. FDR 400927 Conf Pres Office Negroes Armed Forces Destryrs Uk
    2. FDR 400927 White House Press Conference 683
    3. FDR 400927 White House Reception Loan Destroyers Uk
    4. FDR 400928 New Washington National Airport
    5. FDR 401001 President Miss Lehand In Presidents Office
    6. FDR 401001 White House Press Conference 685

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A076

    1. FDR 401004 FDR Office House Ldrs Re Hitler Mussolini
    2. FDR 401004 FDRs Side Telephone Conversation Cordell Hull
    3. FDR 401004 White House Press Conference 686
    4. FDR 401005 Dedication Three New Schools In Hyde Park
    5. FDR 401005 Dutchess County Democratic Committee

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A077

    1. FDR 401008 White House Press Conference 688
    2. FDR 401010 Wh Grp Conf Jap Policy Pacific Conditions Navy
    3. FDR 401011 Dedication 100000th Housing Unit Terrace Village
    4. FDR 401012 Address Hemisphere Defense
    5. FDR 401013 For 1940 Mobilization For Human Needs

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A078

    1. FDR 401016 Registration Day For Selective Service
    2. FDR 401018 For 1940 White House Press Conference 690
    3. FDR 401022 White House Press Conference 691

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A079

    1. FDR 401023 Address Opening 1940 Presidential Campaign
    2. FDR 401024 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A080

    1. FDR 401025 White House Press Conference 692
    2. FDR 401029 Drawing Number Under Selective Service Act 1940

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A081

    1. FDR 401030 Campaign Your Boys Are Not Going To Be Sent
    2. FDR 401031 Dedication Ntnl Health Institute Cancer Research

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A082

    1. FDR 401101 Brooklyn Academy Music Paupers Who Not Worth
    2. FDR 401101 White House Press Conference 693

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A083

    1. FDR 401102 Last Campaign Address 1940 I See An America . .
    2. FDR 401104 Final Radio Speech 1940 Campaign

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A084

    1. FDR 401104 Remarks At Election Eve Rally
    2. FDR 401107 Informal Remarks Back Dc After Reelection
    3. FDR 401108 White House Press Conference 694
    4. FDR 401111 Address Armistice Day Arlington Cemetery
    5. FDR 401111 Laying Cornerstone Naval Medical Center
    6. FDR 401224 Presidents Christmas Greeting

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A085

    1. FDR 401229 Fireside Chat National Security

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A086

    1. FDR 410106 State Union Address
    2. FDR 410120 Third Inaugural Address
    3. FDR 410130 8th Birthday Ball
    4. FDR 410208 3anniversary Boy Scouts
    5. FDR 410215 Canadian Victory Loan Campaign

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A087

    1. FDR 410227 13th Annl Awards Dinner Ampas
    2. FDR 410308 8th Anniversary New Deal Agricultural Policy
    3. FDR 410315 Excerpt

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A088

    1. FDR 410315 White House Correspondents Association Dinner
    2. FDR 410317 Dedication National Gallery Art
    3. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S1
    4. FDR 410329 Jackson Day Dinner Uss Potomac Ft Lauderdale S2

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A089

    1. FDR 410430 Pres Purchases Defense Savings Bond
    2. FDR 410527 Annc Proclamation An Unlimited National Emergency

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A090

    1. FDR 410527 Excerpt Fireside Chat
    2. FDR 410704 Independence Day Address
    3. FDR 410721 Urging Extend 1 Yr Limit Sel Service Draftees
    4. FDR 410901 Labor Day We Shall Do Everything In Our Power

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A091

    1. FDR 410911 Fireside Chat Freedom Seas
    2. FDR 410928 Liberty Fleet Day Message
    3. FDR 411027 Navy And Total Defense Day Address
    4. FDR 411027 Support 1941 Community Mobilization Human Needs

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A092

    1. FDR 411106 Delegates International Labor Organization
    2. FDR 411111 Armistice Day Address
    3. FDR 411207 Statement After Pearl Harbor Attack
    4. FDR 411208 Congress Asking State War To Be Declared
    5. FDR 411208 Excerpt Day Of Infamy Speech
    6. FDR 411208 Excerpt Short

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A093

    1. FDR 411209 Fireside Following Declaration War With Japan

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A094

    1. FDR 411215 Address 150th Anniv Ratification Bill Rights

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A095

    1. FDR 411224 Christmas Eve Message

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A096

    1. FDR 420106 State Union Address
    2. FDR 420130 60th Birthday

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A097

    1. FDR 420223 Fireside Chat Progress War
    2. FDR 420309 9th Anniversary New Deal Farm Program

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A098

    1. FDR 420428 Fireside Chat National Economic Policy
    2. FDR 420612 Radio Appeal Scrap Rubber Campaign
    3. FDR 420614 United Flag Day
    4. FDR 420806 Remark Presentation Sub Chaser Queen Wilhelmina
    5. FDR 420831 Dedication Naval Medical Center

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A099

    1. FDR 420903 Intl Student Assembly Better World Will
    2. FDR 420907 Fireside Chat Cost Living And Progress War
    3. FDR 420916 Remarks Transfer Submarine Chaser To Norway
    4. FDR 421005 Opening Community Mobilization For Human Needs

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A100

    1. FDR 421012 Fireside Chat Report Home Front
    2. FDR 421107 Radio Broadcast To French North African Invasion
    3. FDR 421111 Armistice Day Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A101

    1. FDR 421115 Philippine Day Address
    2. FDR 421117 Radio Ny Herald Tribune Forum
    3. FDR 421126 Thanksgiving Day Proclamation
    4. FDR 421224 Christmas Eve Message

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A102

    1. FDR 430107 State Union Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A103

    1. FDR 430212 White House Correspondents Dinner Address
    2. FDR 430222 Washingtons Birthday
    3. FDR 430228 Remarks Opening 1943 Red Cross Fund Drive
    4. FDR 430413 Jefferson Memorial Dedication Ceremonies

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A104

    1. FDR 430420 Mexican People Response To President Comacho
    2. FDR 430502 Fireside Chat Federal Seizure Coal Mines
    3. FDR 430607 Delegates Un Conf Food And Agriculture
    4. FDR 430610 Transfer Antisubmarine Patrol Vessel Greek Gov

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A105

    1. FDR 430728 Fireside Chat Progress War And Plans For Peace
    2. FDR 430812 Philippine People
    3. FDR 430825 Canadian Parliament
    4. FDR 430908 Fireside Chat Opening 3rd War Loan Drive
    5. FDR 431005 Opening National War Fund Drive

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A106

    1. FDR 431109 Signing Agreement Un Relief And Rehab Admin.
    2. FDR 431224 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences
    3. FDR 440000 Excerpt Campaigns

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A107

    1. FDR 440111 Fireside Chat Teheran And Cairo Conferences
    2. FDR 440129 Radio Broadcast Eve Presidents Birthday
    3. FDR 440212 Remarks Xfer Destroyer Escort Senegalais French

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A108

    1. FDR 440304 Extra Remarks End Wh Corr Assoc Dinner
    2. FDR 440605 Fireside Chat
    3. FDR 440606 Presidents Dday Prayer
    4. FDR 440612 Fireside Chat Opening 5th War Loan Drive

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A109

    1. FDR 440720 Acceptance Speech At Dnc
    2. FDR 440720 Dem Ntnl Convention Accepting Nomination 4th Term
    3. FDR 440727 Informal Remarks Military Review 7th Inf Division
    4. FDR 440812 Puget Sound Navy Yard

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A110

    1. FDR 440912 Reviewing Pacific Tour Inspection

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A111

    1. FDR 440923 Teamsters Union Address Opening 1944 Campaign

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A112

    1. FDR 441005 Radio Campaign Address
    2. FDR 441012 Address Occasion Acceptance Four Freedoms Award
    3. FDR 441012 Wh Oval Room Address Dipl Missions Am Republc

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A113

    1. FDR 441021 Foreign Policy Assoc. Dinner Peace Like War
    2. FDR 441021 Opening 1944 National War Fund Drive

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A114

    1. FDR 441027 Campaign Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A115

    1. FDR 441028 Campaign Address Economic Bill Rights
    2. FDR 441102 Campaign Radio Speech White House World Is Rising

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A116

    1. FDR 441104 Campaign Address
    2. FDR 441106 Election Eve Our Task Now Is To Face
    3. FDR 441106 Informal Remarks At Post Office

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A117

    1. FDR 441106 Reelection Radio Broadcast
    2. FDR 441110 Informal Remarks At Union Station Reelec 4th Term
    3. FDR 441119 Remarks Opening 6th War Loan Drive
    4. FDR 441224 Christmas Eve Address

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A118

    1. FDR 450106 State Union Message
    2. FDR 450120 4th Inaugural Address We Have Learned
    3. FDR 450212 Excerpt

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A119

    1. FDR 450301 Report To Congress Crimea Conference
    2. FDR 450320 Red Cross Fund Drive Presidents Last Speech
    3. FDR 450413 Undlvd Address Prep Jefferson Day Read FDR Jr

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A120

    1. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 2 Of 4
    2. FDR 450414 Cbs Death Coverage Pt 3 Of 4

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A121

    1. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt1

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    Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR Fireside Chats) Disc A122

    1. FDR 450415 Tribute to President Roosevelt Pt2

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