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Father Knows Best

Starring Robert Young, Father Knows Best is one of the first and best-loved All-American sweet-hearted family situation comedies.

Father Knows Best

157 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 77 hours, 7 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
79 Audio CDs

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"Father's Day Trip"

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Father Knows Best
Situation Comedy (1949 - 52)

Robert Young with MicrophoneFather Knows BestThe radio version of Father Knows Best stars Robert Young as Jim Anderson, and was the forerunner to the classic TV show of the same name. June Whitley plays his wife Margaret, with Jean Vander Pyl later taking the role. The kids act very similar to the way they do on the better-known TV show. Daughter Betty is played on the radio version by Rhoda Williams, Ted Donaldson plays Bud, and Norma Jean Nilsson is great as the littlest Anderson, Kathy. Of course, to Father, Kathy is "Kitten" and Betty is "Princess." Bud is just Bud.

The plots are family friendly, often misunderstandings that get blown out of proportion, generation gap issues or trivial but lesson-inspiring arguments between the kids. Jim Anderson works for an insurance company, but this is little more than background, since the stories invariably begin after Jim enters, saying, "Margaret, I'm home." The sponsor for the three-year run was General Foods. Of course, the Anderson's extol the virtues of the many fine General Foods products drawing a lucid connection between family bliss and consumerism.

Father Knows Best CastRobert Young appeared in his first movie in 1924, and was in many fine films such as Hitchcock's Secret Agent (1936), Northwest Passage (1940), H.M. Pulham, Esq. (1941) and Crossfire (1947). He had ultimately well over a hundred movies to his credit. In the early 1950s Young had effectively retired from films, Yet on the success of the old time radio show, he welcomed the return to on-screen acting, even if the screen was only 9 inches high! The rest of the TV cast are the ones fans of Robert Young Publicity StillNick at Night know and love. Along with Ozzie and Harriet and Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best was one of the first and best-loved All-American sweet-hearted family situation comedies. The old time radio show created a loyal audience that were happy to see their show on the "little screen" after hearing it on the radio.

More radio family situation comedies are Blondie, The Aldrich Family, The Life of Riley, Ozzie and Harriet, The Goldbergs, Phil Harris and Alice Faye, The Great Gildersleeve, and Vic and Sade. Of course, couple-type family comedies were on radio, too, such as Burns and Allen, Fibber McGee and Molly, My Favorite Husband, and Easy Aces. And of course, there were some funny singles such as Our Miss Brooks, The Mel Blanc Show, Life with Luigi, Honest Harold and Jack Benny.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    23     5


    I enjoy my mp3s every night. I am an avid listener of old time radio and try to get others to enjoy it too. My 15 year old granddaughter loves Father Knows Best and some of the other family shows. I think it is important to remember how important radio was to America and pass that along to the younger generation.

    Lynn Verified Purchase

    NBC debuted Father Knows Best on Thursday night. The program aired for five years. Robert Young played the role of Jim Anderson, the ever patient father. And it continued for many years on television, still starring Robert Young as Jim Anderson.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    The rest of the family included wife Margaret, son Bud and lovely daughters Betty (the eldest) and Kathy. The family lived on Maple Street in Springfield.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    These stories are so cute!

    Denise Verified Purchase

    I adore this radio show. I find it much fresher than the tv show. The writing and characters are sharp and the running gags are hilarious. I found it took me some time to separate this version from the tv series. Once I did, I was able to enjoy it more. And appreciate these situations that don’t have a didactic ending. These are just a messy family being messy. Robert Young’s performance here also doesn’t veer too far away from those of his film career. He often played nice, but irritable. As well as bland and placid. I always preferred him as that frustrated human. Seemed more real. The generation gap plays funnier here to me. And the situations, because they don’t have to be created IRL, are much grander in scope. I really enjoy the saccharine opening, because it feels tongue-in-cheek to me. And I adore the Postum commercials, in particular. Not to ramble on. Just to recommend a listed or to give it another try. I haven’t in a while, but was so surprised when I started listening to the whole series. It was a happy find.

    Leslie Verified Purchase

    "Holy cow!"

    David Verified Purchase

    I listen to old time radio when ever I can. It reminds me of the simpler times when all was peaceful and we had to use our imaginations. My favorite radio shows were the Christmas episodes

    Daniel Verified Purchase

    I watched this show on my granpa's RCA Victor TV back in 1955-1959 and was entertained by the show .I never realized that it was on radio as our radio must have been tuned to another station at the time. I have listened to the radio show now and enjoy it as much as the TV program. Thumbs Up!

    Carl Verified Purchase

    I loved the tv show and I love the radio program. The stories are so fun.

    Pam Verified Purchase

    Very good radio show. The quality of the recording is very good, and these are a pleasure to listen to! So glad we found this website!

    April Verified Purchase

    Listening to Father Knows Best takes you back to a simpler time. These shows are so good.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    Love this website and the shows it offers. I have bought both seasons of Father Knows Best but learned today there are additional seasons that were broadcast on the radio.

    Dave Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    157 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 77 hours, 7 min
    157 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 77 hours, 7 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – total playtime 25 hours, 5 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FKB 481220 000 Audition.mp3
    3. FKB 491013 008 Name The Song.mp3
    4. FKB 491027 010 Halloween.mp3
    5. FKB 491124 Kathy's Thanksgiving Play Costume.mp3
    6. FKB 491215 Christmas Shopping for Margaret.mp3
    7. FKB 491229 019 New Year's Eve.mp3
    8. FKB 500105 020 Safety Campaign.mp3
    9. FKB 500112 021 Elusive Card Game.mp3
    10. FKB 500216 026 A Weekend in the Country.mp3
    11. FKB 500223 027 Jim's Birthday.mp3
    12. FKB 500309 029 Income Tax.mp3
    13. FKB 500504 037 An Uncontrolled Dog.mp3
    14. FKB 500511 038 The Golf Challenge.mp3
    15. FKB 500518 039 Betty's Screen Test.mp3
    16. FKB 500525 040 Superstitious Folk.mp3
    17. FKB 500608 042 Time For a New Car.mp3
    18. FKB 500615 043 Father's Day Trip.mp3
    19. FKB 500622 044 A New Housekeeper.mp3
    20. FKB 500629 045 New Arrangements.mp3
    21. FKB 500706 046 Vacation Arrives.mp3
    22. FKB 500907 047 An Efficient House.mp3
    23. FKB 500914 048 Family Car Stolen.mp3
    24. FKB 500921 049 Who Has the Time.mp3
    25. FKB 500928 050 The New Girlfriend.mp3
    26. FKB 501005 051 Family Spending.mp3
    27. FKB 501012 052 The Skunk Must Go.mp3
    28. FKB 501026 054 A Spooky Cemetery.mp3
    29. FKB 501102 055 Too Many Problems.mp3
    30. FKB 501109 056 The Bad Barbecue.mp3
    31. FKB 501116 057 Enterprising Kids.mp3
    32. FKB 501123 058 A Modern Thanksgiving.mp3
    33. FKB 501130 059 Christmas Card Family Picture.mp3
    34. FKB 501207 060 Betty's French Teacher.mp3
    35. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill (AFRS).mp3
    36. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill.mp3
    37. FKB 501221 062 A Hans Christian Andersen Christmas.mp3
    38. FKB 501228 063 Party Preparations.mp3
    39. FKB 510104 064 Taking on City Hall.mp3
    40. FKB 510111 065 Missing Furniture.mp3
    41. FKB 510118 066 Redecoration Woes.mp3
    42. FKB 510125 067 Sound Matchmaking.mp3
    43. FKB 510201 068 Jim Inherits a Ranch in Arizona.mp3
    44. FKB 510208 069 What was his Name.mp3
    45. FKB 510215 070 Orchid for a Lady.mp3
    46. FKB 510222 071 Always Tell Truth.mp3
    47. FKB 510301 072 Rehearsing a Play.mp3
    48. FKB 510308 073 Being a Better Father.mp3
    49. FKB 510315 074 Tax Interruptions.mp3
    50. FKB 510322 075 Stranded Strangers.mp3
    51. FKB 510329 076 Both Bosses Visit.mp3
    52. FKB 510405 077 It Pays to Borrow.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 6 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FKB 510412 078 Carrot Costume Party.mp3
    3. FKB 510419 079 Anniversary Secret.mp3
    4. FKB 510426 080 Aunt Martha Visits.mp3
    5. FKB 510503 081 A Missing Salesman.mp3
    6. FKB 510510 082 Junk Around the House.mp3
    7. FKB 510517 083 Locked Out of the House.mp3
    8. FKB 510524 084 Anniversary Event.mp3
    9. FKB 510531 085 Going to New York.mp3
    10. FKB 510614 087 Father's Day Picnic.mp3
    11. FKB 510621 088 Mother Drives a Car.mp3
    12. FKB 510628 089 Wedding Preparation.mp3
    13. FKB 510705 090 Meaning of Freedoms.mp3
    14. FKB 510906 091 Saving Money to Buy a Boat.mp3
    15. FKB 510913 092 The Circus.mp3
    16. FKB 510920 093 A Diet Discussion.mp3
    17. FKB 510927 094 Billiard Table.mp3
    18. FKB 511011 096 The Rug.mp3
    19. FKB 511018 097 Gossip.mp3
    20. FKB 511101 099 The Tie.mp3
    21. FKB 511108 100 Father of the Year.mp3
    22. FKB 511115 101 The Music Business.mp3
    23. FKB 511122 102 Thanksgiving Prayer.mp3
    24. FKB 511129 103 The Meteor.mp3
    25. FKB 511206 104 Attic Auction.mp3
    26. FKB 511213 105 Planning a Christmas Party.mp3
    27. FKB 520103 108 The Chaperone.mp3
    28. FKB 520110 109 The Family Behind the Man.mp3
    29. FKB 520117 110 The Fashion Expert.mp3
    30. FKB 520124 111 The Motor Scooter.mp3
    31. FKB 520131 112 Emancipation.mp3
    32. FKB 520214 114 Valentine's Day Party.mp3
    33. FKB 520221 115 Secrets of the Attic.mp3
    34. FKB 520228 116 Keeping Up With the Jones.mp3
    35. FKB 520306 117 No Partiality.mp3
    36. FKB 520313 118 Flowers and Candy.mp3
    37. FKB 520327 Jim Gets A Permanent Wave.mp3
    38. FKB 520417 123 New Washing Machine.mp3
    39. FKB 520501 125 My Name is Sam.mp3
    40. FKB 520508 126 Kathy's Twin Sister.mp3
    41. FKB 520515 127 Home Management.mp3
    42. FKB 520522 128 Driving Back from Toledo.mp3
    43. FKB 520529 129 Sorting Through Old Trunk.mp3
    44. FKB 520605 130 Aunt Ethel.mp3
    45. FKB 520612 131 Lead Your Own Life, Bud.mp3
    46. FKB 520619 132 Betty is Stage-Struck.mp3
    47. FKB 520703 134 Treasure Hunt.mp3
    48. FKB 520904 136 Kathy's Engagement Ring.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FKB 520911 137 Watching the Dog.mp3
    3. FKB 520918 138 Weekend Away From Home.mp3
    4. FKB 520925 139 Should Women Work.mp3
    5. FKB 521009 141 Betty and Crooner.mp3
    6. FKB 521016 142 Bud Quits School.mp3
    7. FKB 521030 144 Carnival in Town.mp3
    8. FKB 521106 145 Selling the House.mp3
    9. FKB 521113 146 The Missing Pipes.mp3
    10. FKB 521120 147 The Phantom Prowler.mp3
    11. FKB 521211 150 A Worried Witness.mp3
    12. FKB 521218 151 The Kids Revolt.mp3
    13. FKB 521225 152 Shared Christmas Gifts.mp3
    14. FKB 530101 153 Southern Manners.mp3
    15. FKB 530108 154 Second Family Car.mp3
    16. FKB 530115 155 The Boy Next Door.mp3
    17. FKB 530129 157 Bud Dislikes Girls.mp3
    18. FKB 530205 158 Aunt Thelma Visits.mp3
    19. FKB 530212 159 Babysitting Miseries.mp3
    20. FKB 530219 160 Modernizing the Home.mp3
    21. FKB 530226 161 Banged Up Fender.mp3
    22. FKB 530305 162 Overdue Vacation.mp3
    23. FKB 530312 163 To Build a Brick Wall.mp3
    24. FKB 530319 164 The Missing Wedding Ring.mp3
    25. FKB 530326 165 Uninsured Robin.mp3
    26. FKB 530402 166 Bud's Panama Cat Business Venture.mp3
    27. FKB 530409 167 How to Face Problems.mp3
    28. FKB 530416 168 Family Getaway to Beaver Falls.mp3
    29. FKB 530423 169 Old Father Time.mp3
    30. FKB 530430 170 Springtime Woes.mp3
    31. FKB 530507 171 The Good Old Days.mp3
    32. FKB 530514 172 Sophisticated Bud.mp3
    33. FKB 530521 173 Paper Drive Management.mp3
    34. FKB 530910 189 Remembering Names.mp3
    35. FKB 530917 190 Big Inheritance.mp3
    36. FKB 530924 191 Mind Your Manners.mp3
    37. FKB 531001 192 A Date Mix-Up with Leonard Ralph and Betty.mp3
    38. FKB 531008 193 The Value of Money.mp3
    39. FKB 531015 194 The Life of the Party.mp3
    40. FKB 531022 195 Too Many Peanuts.mp3
    41. FKB 531029 196 Halloween Blues.mp3
    42. FKB 531105 197 Moving to Chicago.mp3
    43. FKB 531112 198 Betty's Engagement.mp3
    44. FKB 531119 199 Missing Uncle.mp3
    45. FKB 531126 200 Thanksgiving.mp3
    46. FKB 531203 201 Too Many Rabbits.mp3
    47. FKB 531224 204 An Old Fashioned Christmas.mp3
    48. FKB 531231 205 New Year's Sitter.mp3
    49. FKB 540107 206 Taking Pictures.mp3
    50. FKB 540114 207 An Unusual Bet.mp3
    51. FKB 540121 208 The Mink Coat Woes.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 9 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FKB 540128 209 Trash Can Lids.mp3
    3. FKB 540204 210 The Telephone Mix-Up.mp3
    4. FKB 540218 212 Betty's Freedom.mp3
    5. FKB 540225 213 Check Writing.mp3
    6. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning (AFRS).mp3
    7. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    8. FKB 540311 215 False Elopement.mp3
    9. FKB 540318 216 Income Tax Mix-Up.mp3
    10. FKB 540325 217 Rainy Day Activity.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    157 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 77 hours, 7 min
    157 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2118 MB – total playtime 77 hours, 7 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 51 shows – 689 MB – total playtime 25 hours, 5 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. FKB 481220 000 Audition.mp3
    3. FKB 491013 008 Name The Song.mp3
    4. FKB 491027 010 Halloween.mp3
    5. FKB 491124 Kathy's Thanksgiving Play Costume.mp3
    6. FKB 491215 Christmas Shopping for Margaret.mp3
    7. FKB 491229 019 New Year's Eve.mp3
    8. FKB 500105 020 Safety Campaign.mp3
    9. FKB 500112 021 Elusive Card Game.mp3
    10. FKB 500216 026 A Weekend in the Country.mp3
    11. FKB 500223 027 Jim's Birthday.mp3
    12. FKB 500309 029 Income Tax.mp3
    13. FKB 500504 037 An Uncontrolled Dog.mp3
    14. FKB 500511 038 The Golf Challenge.mp3
    15. FKB 500518 039 Betty's Screen Test.mp3
    16. FKB 500525 040 Superstitious Folk.mp3
    17. FKB 500608 042 Time For a New Car.mp3
    18. FKB 500615 043 Father's Day Trip.mp3
    19. FKB 500622 044 A New Housekeeper.mp3
    20. FKB 500629 045 New Arrangements.mp3
    21. FKB 500706 046 Vacation Arrives.mp3
    22. FKB 500907 047 An Efficient House.mp3
    23. FKB 500914 048 Family Car Stolen.mp3
    24. FKB 500921 049 Who Has the Time.mp3
    25. FKB 500928 050 The New Girlfriend.mp3
    26. FKB 501005 051 Family Spending.mp3
    27. FKB 501012 052 The Skunk Must Go.mp3
    28. FKB 501026 054 A Spooky Cemetery.mp3
    29. FKB 501102 055 Too Many Problems.mp3
    30. FKB 501109 056 The Bad Barbecue.mp3
    31. FKB 501116 057 Enterprising Kids.mp3
    32. FKB 501123 058 A Modern Thanksgiving.mp3
    33. FKB 501130 059 Christmas Card Family Picture.mp3
    34. FKB 501207 060 Betty's French Teacher.mp3
    35. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill (AFRS).mp3
    36. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill.mp3
    37. FKB 501221 062 A Hans Christian Andersen Christmas.mp3
    38. FKB 501228 063 Party Preparations.mp3
    39. FKB 510104 064 Taking on City Hall.mp3
    40. FKB 510111 065 Missing Furniture.mp3
    41. FKB 510118 066 Redecoration Woes.mp3
    42. FKB 510125 067 Sound Matchmaking.mp3
    43. FKB 510201 068 Jim Inherits a Ranch in Arizona.mp3
    44. FKB 510208 069 What was his Name.mp3
    45. FKB 510215 070 Orchid for a Lady.mp3
    46. FKB 510222 071 Always Tell Truth.mp3
    47. FKB 510301 072 Rehearsing a Play.mp3
    48. FKB 510308 073 Being a Better Father.mp3
    49. FKB 510315 074 Tax Interruptions.mp3
    50. FKB 510322 075 Stranded Strangers.mp3
    51. FKB 510329 076 Both Bosses Visit.mp3
    52. FKB 510405 077 It Pays to Borrow.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 47 shows – 635 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 6 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. FKB 510412 078 Carrot Costume Party.mp3
    3. FKB 510419 079 Anniversary Secret.mp3
    4. FKB 510426 080 Aunt Martha Visits.mp3
    5. FKB 510503 081 A Missing Salesman.mp3
    6. FKB 510510 082 Junk Around the House.mp3
    7. FKB 510517 083 Locked Out of the House.mp3
    8. FKB 510524 084 Anniversary Event.mp3
    9. FKB 510531 085 Going to New York.mp3
    10. FKB 510614 087 Father's Day Picnic.mp3
    11. FKB 510621 088 Mother Drives a Car.mp3
    12. FKB 510628 089 Wedding Preparation.mp3
    13. FKB 510705 090 Meaning of Freedoms.mp3
    14. FKB 510906 091 Saving Money to Buy a Boat.mp3
    15. FKB 510913 092 The Circus.mp3
    16. FKB 510920 093 A Diet Discussion.mp3
    17. FKB 510927 094 Billiard Table.mp3
    18. FKB 511011 096 The Rug.mp3
    19. FKB 511018 097 Gossip.mp3
    20. FKB 511101 099 The Tie.mp3
    21. FKB 511108 100 Father of the Year.mp3
    22. FKB 511115 101 The Music Business.mp3
    23. FKB 511122 102 Thanksgiving Prayer.mp3
    24. FKB 511129 103 The Meteor.mp3
    25. FKB 511206 104 Attic Auction.mp3
    26. FKB 511213 105 Planning a Christmas Party.mp3
    27. FKB 520103 108 The Chaperone.mp3
    28. FKB 520110 109 The Family Behind the Man.mp3
    29. FKB 520117 110 The Fashion Expert.mp3
    30. FKB 520124 111 The Motor Scooter.mp3
    31. FKB 520131 112 Emancipation.mp3
    32. FKB 520214 114 Valentine's Day Party.mp3
    33. FKB 520221 115 Secrets of the Attic.mp3
    34. FKB 520228 116 Keeping Up With the Jones.mp3
    35. FKB 520306 117 No Partiality.mp3
    36. FKB 520313 118 Flowers and Candy.mp3
    37. FKB 520327 Jim Gets A Permanent Wave.mp3
    38. FKB 520417 123 New Washing Machine.mp3
    39. FKB 520501 125 My Name is Sam.mp3
    40. FKB 520508 126 Kathy's Twin Sister.mp3
    41. FKB 520515 127 Home Management.mp3
    42. FKB 520522 128 Driving Back from Toledo.mp3
    43. FKB 520529 129 Sorting Through Old Trunk.mp3
    44. FKB 520605 130 Aunt Ethel.mp3
    45. FKB 520612 131 Lead Your Own Life, Bud.mp3
    46. FKB 520619 132 Betty is Stage-Struck.mp3
    47. FKB 520703 134 Treasure Hunt.mp3
    48. FKB 520904 136 Kathy's Engagement Ring.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – 674 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 33 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. FKB 520911 137 Watching the Dog.mp3
    3. FKB 520918 138 Weekend Away From Home.mp3
    4. FKB 520925 139 Should Women Work.mp3
    5. FKB 521009 141 Betty and Crooner.mp3
    6. FKB 521016 142 Bud Quits School.mp3
    7. FKB 521030 144 Carnival in Town.mp3
    8. FKB 521106 145 Selling the House.mp3
    9. FKB 521113 146 The Missing Pipes.mp3
    10. FKB 521120 147 The Phantom Prowler.mp3
    11. FKB 521211 150 A Worried Witness.mp3
    12. FKB 521218 151 The Kids Revolt.mp3
    13. FKB 521225 152 Shared Christmas Gifts.mp3
    14. FKB 530101 153 Southern Manners.mp3
    15. FKB 530108 154 Second Family Car.mp3
    16. FKB 530115 155 The Boy Next Door.mp3
    17. FKB 530129 157 Bud Dislikes Girls.mp3
    18. FKB 530205 158 Aunt Thelma Visits.mp3
    19. FKB 530212 159 Babysitting Miseries.mp3
    20. FKB 530219 160 Modernizing the Home.mp3
    21. FKB 530226 161 Banged Up Fender.mp3
    22. FKB 530305 162 Overdue Vacation.mp3
    23. FKB 530312 163 To Build a Brick Wall.mp3
    24. FKB 530319 164 The Missing Wedding Ring.mp3
    25. FKB 530326 165 Uninsured Robin.mp3
    26. FKB 530402 166 Bud's Panama Cat Business Venture.mp3
    27. FKB 530409 167 How to Face Problems.mp3
    28. FKB 530416 168 Family Getaway to Beaver Falls.mp3
    29. FKB 530423 169 Old Father Time.mp3
    30. FKB 530430 170 Springtime Woes.mp3
    31. FKB 530507 171 The Good Old Days.mp3
    32. FKB 530514 172 Sophisticated Bud.mp3
    33. FKB 530521 173 Paper Drive Management.mp3
    34. FKB 530910 189 Remembering Names.mp3
    35. FKB 530917 190 Big Inheritance.mp3
    36. FKB 530924 191 Mind Your Manners.mp3
    37. FKB 531001 192 A Date Mix-Up with Leonard Ralph and Betty.mp3
    38. FKB 531008 193 The Value of Money.mp3
    39. FKB 531015 194 The Life of the Party.mp3
    40. FKB 531022 195 Too Many Peanuts.mp3
    41. FKB 531029 196 Halloween Blues.mp3
    42. FKB 531105 197 Moving to Chicago.mp3
    43. FKB 531112 198 Betty's Engagement.mp3
    44. FKB 531119 199 Missing Uncle.mp3
    45. FKB 531126 200 Thanksgiving.mp3
    46. FKB 531203 201 Too Many Rabbits.mp3
    47. FKB 531224 204 An Old Fashioned Christmas.mp3
    48. FKB 531231 205 New Year's Sitter.mp3
    49. FKB 540107 206 Taking Pictures.mp3
    50. FKB 540114 207 An Unusual Bet.mp3
    51. FKB 540121 208 The Mink Coat Woes.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 9 shows – 120 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. FKB 540128 209 Trash Can Lids.mp3
    3. FKB 540204 210 The Telephone Mix-Up.mp3
    4. FKB 540218 212 Betty's Freedom.mp3
    5. FKB 540225 213 Check Writing.mp3
    6. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning (AFRS).mp3
    7. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning.mp3
    8. FKB 540311 215 False Elopement.mp3
    9. FKB 540318 216 Income Tax Mix-Up.mp3
    10. FKB 540325 217 Rainy Day Activity.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    157 recordings on 79 Audio CDs. Total playtime 77 hours, 7 min
    157 recordings on 79 Audio CDs
    total playtime 77 hours, 7 min

    Father Knows Best Disc A001

    1. FKB 481220 000 Audition
    2. FKB 491013 008 Name The Song

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Father Knows Best Disc A002

    1. FKB 491027 010 Halloween
    2. FKB 491124 Kathy's Thanksgiving Play Costume

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Father Knows Best Disc A003

    1. FKB 491215 Christmas Shopping for Margaret
    2. FKB 491229 019 New Year's Eve

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Father Knows Best Disc A004

    1. FKB 500105 020 Safety Campaign
    2. FKB 500112 021 Elusive Card Game

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Father Knows Best Disc A005

    1. FKB 500216 026 A Weekend in the Country
    2. FKB 500223 027 Jim's Birthday

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    Father Knows Best Disc A006

    1. FKB 500309 029 Income Tax
    2. FKB 500504 037 An Uncontrolled Dog

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    Father Knows Best Disc A007

    1. FKB 500511 038 The Golf Challenge
    2. FKB 500518 039 Betty's Screen Test

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    Father Knows Best Disc A008

    1. FKB 500525 040 Superstitious Folk
    2. FKB 500608 042 Time For a New Car

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    Father Knows Best Disc A009

    1. FKB 500615 043 Father's Day Trip
    2. FKB 500622 044 A New Housekeeper

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    Father Knows Best Disc A010

    1. FKB 500629 045 New Arrangements
    2. FKB 500706 046 Vacation Arrives

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    Father Knows Best Disc A011

    1. FKB 500907 047 An Efficient House
    2. FKB 500914 048 Family Car Stolen

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    Father Knows Best Disc A012

    1. FKB 500921 049 Who Has the Time
    2. FKB 500928 050 The New Girlfriend

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    Father Knows Best Disc A013

    1. FKB 501005 051 Family Spending
    2. FKB 501012 052 The Skunk Must Go

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    Father Knows Best Disc A014

    1. FKB 501026 054 A Spooky Cemetery
    2. FKB 501102 055 Too Many Problems

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    Father Knows Best Disc A015

    1. FKB 501109 056 The Bad Barbecue
    2. FKB 501116 057 Enterprising Kids

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    Father Knows Best Disc A016

    1. FKB 501123 058 A Modern Thanksgiving
    2. FKB 501130 059 Christmas Card Family Picture

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    Father Knows Best Disc A017

    1. FKB 501207 060 Betty's French Teacher
    2. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill (AFRS)

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    Father Knows Best Disc A018

    1. FKB 501214 061 Father Becomes Ill
    2. FKB 501221 062 A Hans Christian Andersen Christmas

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    Father Knows Best Disc A019

    1. FKB 501228 063 Party Preparations
    2. FKB 510104 064 Taking on City Hall

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    Father Knows Best Disc A020

    1. FKB 510111 065 Missing Furniture
    2. FKB 510118 066 Redecoration Woes

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    Father Knows Best Disc A021

    1. FKB 510125 067 Sound Matchmaking
    2. FKB 510201 068 Jim Inherits a Ranch in Arizona

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    Father Knows Best Disc A022

    1. FKB 510208 069 What was his Name
    2. FKB 510215 070 Orchid for a Lady

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    Father Knows Best Disc A023

    1. FKB 510222 071 Always Tell Truth
    2. FKB 510301 072 Rehearsing a Play

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    Father Knows Best Disc A024

    1. FKB 510308 073 Being a Better Father
    2. FKB 510315 074 Tax Interruptions

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    Father Knows Best Disc A025

    1. FKB 510322 075 Stranded Strangers
    2. FKB 510329 076 Both Bosses Visit

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    Father Knows Best Disc A026

    1. FKB 510405 077 It Pays to Borrow
    2. FKB 510412 078 Carrot Costume Party

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    Father Knows Best Disc A027

    1. FKB 510419 079 Anniversary Secret
    2. FKB 510426 080 Aunt Martha Visits

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    Father Knows Best Disc A028

    1. FKB 510503 081 A Missing Salesman
    2. FKB 510510 082 Junk Around the House

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    Father Knows Best Disc A029

    1. FKB 510517 083 Locked Out of the House
    2. FKB 510524 084 Anniversary Event

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    Father Knows Best Disc A030

    1. FKB 510531 085 Going to New York
    2. FKB 510614 087 Father's Day Picnic

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    Father Knows Best Disc A031

    1. FKB 510621 088 Mother Drives a Car
    2. FKB 510628 089 Wedding Preparation

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    Father Knows Best Disc A032

    1. FKB 510705 090 Meaning of Freedoms
    2. FKB 510906 091 Saving Money to Buy a Boat

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    Father Knows Best Disc A033

    1. FKB 510913 092 The Circus
    2. FKB 510920 093 A Diet Discussion

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    Father Knows Best Disc A034

    1. FKB 510927 094 Billiard Table
    2. FKB 511011 096 The Rug

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    Father Knows Best Disc A035

    1. FKB 511018 097 Gossip
    2. FKB 511101 099 The Tie

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    Father Knows Best Disc A036

    1. FKB 511108 100 Father of the Year
    2. FKB 511115 101 The Music Business

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    Father Knows Best Disc A037

    1. FKB 511122 102 Thanksgiving Prayer
    2. FKB 511129 103 The Meteor

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    Father Knows Best Disc A038

    1. FKB 511206 104 Attic Auction
    2. FKB 511213 105 Planning a Christmas Party

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    Father Knows Best Disc A039

    1. FKB 520103 108 The Chaperone
    2. FKB 520110 109 The Family Behind the Man

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    Father Knows Best Disc A040

    1. FKB 520117 110 The Fashion Expert
    2. FKB 520124 111 The Motor Scooter

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    Father Knows Best Disc A041

    1. FKB 520131 112 Emancipation
    2. FKB 520214 114 Valentine's Day Party

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    Father Knows Best Disc A042

    1. FKB 520221 115 Secrets of the Attic
    2. FKB 520228 116 Keeping Up With the Jones

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    Father Knows Best Disc A043

    1. FKB 520306 117 No Partiality
    2. FKB 520313 118 Flowers and Candy

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    Father Knows Best Disc A044

    1. FKB 520327 Jim Gets A Permanent Wave
    2. FKB 520417 123 New Washing Machine

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    Father Knows Best Disc A045

    1. FKB 520501 125 My Name is Sam
    2. FKB 520508 126 Kathy's Twin Sister

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    Father Knows Best Disc A046

    1. FKB 520515 127 Home Management
    2. FKB 520522 128 Driving Back from Toledo

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    Father Knows Best Disc A047

    1. FKB 520529 129 Sorting Through Old Trunk
    2. FKB 520605 130 Aunt Ethel

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    Father Knows Best Disc A048

    1. FKB 520612 131 Lead Your Own Life, Bud
    2. FKB 520619 132 Betty is Stage-Struck

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    Father Knows Best Disc A049

    1. FKB 520703 134 Treasure Hunt
    2. FKB 520904 136 Kathy's Engagement Ring

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    Father Knows Best Disc A050

    1. FKB 520911 137 Watching the Dog
    2. FKB 520918 138 Weekend Away From Home

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    Father Knows Best Disc A051

    1. FKB 520925 139 Should Women Work
    2. FKB 521009 141 Betty and Crooner

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    Father Knows Best Disc A052

    1. FKB 521016 142 Bud Quits School
    2. FKB 521030 144 Carnival in Town

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    Father Knows Best Disc A053

    1. FKB 521106 145 Selling the House
    2. FKB 521113 146 The Missing Pipes

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    Father Knows Best Disc A054

    1. FKB 521120 147 The Phantom Prowler
    2. FKB 521211 150 A Worried Witness

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    Father Knows Best Disc A055

    1. FKB 521218 151 The Kids Revolt
    2. FKB 521225 152 Shared Christmas Gifts

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    Father Knows Best Disc A056

    1. FKB 530101 153 Southern Manners
    2. FKB 530108 154 Second Family Car

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    Father Knows Best Disc A057

    1. FKB 530115 155 The Boy Next Door
    2. FKB 530129 157 Bud Dislikes Girls

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    Father Knows Best Disc A058

    1. FKB 530205 158 Aunt Thelma Visits
    2. FKB 530212 159 Babysitting Miseries

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    Father Knows Best Disc A059

    1. FKB 530219 160 Modernizing the Home
    2. FKB 530226 161 Banged Up Fender

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    Father Knows Best Disc A060

    1. FKB 530305 162 Overdue Vacation
    2. FKB 530312 163 To Build a Brick Wall

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    Father Knows Best Disc A061

    1. FKB 530319 164 The Missing Wedding Ring
    2. FKB 530326 165 Uninsured Robin

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    Father Knows Best Disc A062

    1. FKB 530402 166 Bud's Panama Cat Business Venture
    2. FKB 530409 167 How to Face Problems

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    Father Knows Best Disc A063

    1. FKB 530416 168 Family Getaway to Beaver Falls
    2. FKB 530423 169 Old Father Time

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    Father Knows Best Disc A064

    1. FKB 530430 170 Springtime Woes
    2. FKB 530507 171 The Good Old Days

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    Father Knows Best Disc A065

    1. FKB 530514 172 Sophisticated Bud
    2. FKB 530521 173 Paper Drive Management

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    Father Knows Best Disc A066

    1. FKB 530910 189 Remembering Names
    2. FKB 530917 190 Big Inheritance

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    Father Knows Best Disc A067

    1. FKB 530924 191 Mind Your Manners
    2. FKB 531001 192 A Date Mix-Up with Leonard Ralph and Betty

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    Father Knows Best Disc A068

    1. FKB 531008 193 The Value of Money
    2. FKB 531015 194 The Life of the Party

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    Father Knows Best Disc A069

    1. FKB 531022 195 Too Many Peanuts
    2. FKB 531029 196 Halloween Blues

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    Father Knows Best Disc A070

    1. FKB 531105 197 Moving to Chicago
    2. FKB 531112 198 Betty's Engagement

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    Father Knows Best Disc A071

    1. FKB 531119 199 Missing Uncle
    2. FKB 531126 200 Thanksgiving

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    Father Knows Best Disc A072

    1. FKB 531203 201 Too Many Rabbits
    2. FKB 531224 204 An Old Fashioned Christmas

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    Father Knows Best Disc A073

    1. FKB 531231 205 New Year's Sitter
    2. FKB 540107 206 Taking Pictures

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    Father Knows Best Disc A074

    1. FKB 540114 207 An Unusual Bet
    2. FKB 540121 208 The Mink Coat Woes

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    Father Knows Best Disc A075

    1. FKB 540128 209 Trash Can Lids
    2. FKB 540204 210 The Telephone Mix-Up

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    Father Knows Best Disc A076

    1. FKB 540218 212 Betty's Freedom
    2. FKB 540225 213 Check Writing

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    Father Knows Best Disc A077

    1. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning (AFRS)
    2. FKB 540304 214 Spring Cleaning

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    Father Knows Best Disc A078

    1. FKB 540311 215 False Elopement
    2. FKB 540318 216 Income Tax Mix-Up

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    Father Knows Best Disc A079

    1. FKB 540325 217 Rainy Day Activity

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