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Edward R Murrow Radio Recordings, News, and I Can Hear It Now

One of the greatest American journalists in broadcast history, he pioneered the reporter on the scene reporting during WWII.

Edward Murrow (Hear It Now)

101 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 39 hours, 20 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
42 Audio CDs

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Edward Murrow
(1908 – 1965)

Edward Murrow

Historical News Broadcasts

"Calling Ed Murrow ... come in Ed Murrow."

Edward Murrow 1938
Edward Murrow Typewriter

Edward R. Murrow was one of the greatest American journalists in broadcast history. He became a household name, after his vivid on the scene reporting during WWII.

Edward R. Murrow was born Egbert Roscoe Murrow in a log cabin North Carolina. When he was a young boy, his family moved across the country to a homestead in Washington State. He was a popular and accomplished student in high school and was the student body president and on the debate team.  He studied speech at Washington State College then moved to New York after graduation.

In 1935, Edward R. Murrow joined CBS and worked with William L. Shirer. When Nazi Germany annexed Austria in 1938 called Anschluss, Edward R. Murrow was in Poland and flew to Vienna giving a first hand account of Anschluss for the radio. It was his first on the scene reporting for CBS and was considered ground breaking at the time.

Soon Edward R. Murrow was on the scene giving live reports throughout Europe on the eve of the second world war. He would be introduced on air with "Calling Ed Murrow ... come in Ed Murrow."

As WWII began, Edward R. Murrow was based in London and gave radio broadcast even during the height of the war and during the German bomb raids on London known as The Blitz.

Edward R. Murrow would open each broadcast with "This is London," and would end with "good night, and good luck." This catchphrase was also used by the then Princess Elizabeth.

When the US entered WWII, Edward R. Murrow flew with Allied Bombing raids giving vivid firsthand accounts of the bombing of Europe. He also reported the horrors he saw at the liberation of Buchenwald concentration camp saying he saw "rows of bodies stacked up like cordwood." He suggested that sensitive listeners turn off their radios for his grisly firsthand account.

In later years, Edward R. Murrow hosted the beloved radio show with regular folks, This I Believe. After gaining fame with his news shows, Edward R Murrow and Fred W Friendly teamed to create this historical chronicle, I Can Hear It Now.

After Edward R. Murrow publicly criticized Senator Joseph McCarthy's Red Scare and communist witch hunt, popularity for the controversial senator plummeted.

Murrow made a fascinating program about the existence of UFO's with Kenneth Arnold and Donald Menzel which is included in this collection.

In 1960, Edward R. Murrow made an important documentary about the conditions of farm laborers called "Harvest of Shame"

Edward R. Murrow continued to work for CBS until President John F. Kennedy offered Murrow the job as Director of the United States Information Agency.

At the too young of age of 57, Edward R. Murrow died of lung cancer after a long life of cigarette smoking.

Edward MurrowThis collection contains many excerpts and full broadcasts of his WWII broadcasts as well as the hourly weekly broadcasts from 1950-51 broadcasts covering current events as well. Using old and recreated clips from transcripts of radio broadcasts, Murrow narrates a short and fascinating series, I Can Hear It Now, about US history from 1932-1949. From prohibition to the end of WWII, Churchill speeches, the Lindburgh flight, and the depression, Murrow brings 30 years of US history alive in this fascinating program.

For additional news commentary, see also:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    34     0


    You can’t go wrong listening to Edward R. Murrow’s CBS broadcasts from London.

    Scott Verified Purchase

    He was an American broadcast journalist and war correspondent. He first gained prominence during World War II with a series of live radio broadcasts from Europe for the news division of CBS. During the war he recruited and worked closely with a team of war correspondents who came to be known as the Murrow Boys. A pioneer of radio and television news broadcasting, Murrow produced a series of reports on his television program See It Now which helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy. Murrow is considered one of journalism's greatest figures, noting his honesty and integrity in delivering the news.

    Fred Verified Purchase

    A fabulous piece of history, should be played for high school students in American or World History class. I watched Edward R. Murrow's TV interviews as a small child. He was one of the great broadcasters of the 20th Century.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    The "Hear it Now" episodes are one of the most interesting parts of this collection. The hour-long program, broadcast every Friday nights during the early 1950s, gave listeners a review of the past week's top news stories, along with compelling human interest features. It was fascinating to hear Gen. Douglas MacArthur after he was fired by President Truman, mobster Frank Costello ("I refuse to answer that question on the grounds it may incriminate me") during the Kefauver crime hearings and many others. Murrow's tight, concise narration holds the listener's interest.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Ed Murrow remains the Gold Standard, and these wonderful broadcasts illustrate very clearly why !! Thankyou!!

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Murrow's reports, especially during the Blitz, began with what became his signature opening, "This is London," delivered with his vocal emphasis on the word this, followed by the hint of a pause before the rest of the phrase.

    Dennis Verified Purchase

    The greatest reporter of the 20th Century!

    Paul Verified Purchase

    He did a program utilizing past recordings of individuals called "I can Hear It Now." This later went to TV as "I can see it now" and he emceed a interview program "Person to Person."

    Mike Verified Purchase

    His broadcasts spotlighting the evil of Senator Joseph McCarthy were perhaps the catalysts of McCarthy's downfall.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    At the end of Sen McCarthy's evil run, I believe his approval rating was roughly 40%

    Paul Verified Purchase

    Edward R. Murrow and his Murrow Boys were the top reporters during World War II — if you don’t count Ernie Pyle. Murrow could always be counted on to tell you the straight truth. He hated phonies and was only too happy to expose them. I was born a while after WW2, but I remember as a child listening to Murrow and then watching him on our tiny 10 inch black and white television. I can barely remember his incredible confrontations with Joe McCarthy, succinctly bringing down that loud-mouthed rabble rouser, but what I do remember are still vivid in my mind. He sometimes had to bow to the commercial demands of CBS and do celebrity interviews which were totally scripted and empty of any worth. Walter Cronkite never worked with Murrow, but they were friendly colleagues and both had a similar dedication to reporting the news fairly and unbiased. Any truly good, dedicated reporter today reveres the standard that Murrow practiced in his long life of journalism.

    Peggy Verified Purchase


    Chaney Verified Purchase

    I have several wonderful MP3s of Edward R. MURROW, both the I can Hear it now as wells news broadcasts. IN this remarkable set of MP3s is a particularly wonderful program on Sugar Ray Robinson, the great Middleweight boxer. Only Volume 2-63 shows- I have a vast 22 hours of material. The sound is fine.

    Stu Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    101 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 39 hours, 20 min
    101 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 39 hours, 20 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Edward Murrow 390717 News From Europe.mp3
    3. Edward Murrow 390828 London Before War Murrow.mp3
    4. Edward Murrow 390903 News From Europe.mp3
    5. Edward Murrow 390919 Robert Trout News Of Europe.mp3
    6. Edward Murrow 400422.mp3
    7. Edward Murrow 400508 Nonconfidence Debate In Commons.mp3
    8. Edward Murrow 400824 Murrow On Blackout.mp3
    9. Edward Murrow 400920 London Rooftop During Blitz.mp3
    10. Edward Murrow 431203 Bombing Run.mp3
    11. Edward Murrow 431203 RAF Bomb Berlin.mp3
    12. Edward Murrow 440817 Counts Parachutes In Holland.mp3
    13. Edward Murrow 450410 Liberation Of Buchenwald.mp3
    14. Edward Murrow 450415 Report From London - Buchenwald.mp3
    15. Edward Murrow 490000 AFRS Voice of the Army.mp3
    16. Edward Murrow 500624 Case For Flying Saucers.mp3
    17. Edward Murrow 510215.mp3
    18. Edward Murrow 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition.mp3
    19. Edward Murrow 520630 Truman Signs Wage Price Control Bill.mp3
    20. Edward Murrow 540000 Response To Mccarthy See It Now.mp3
    21. Edward Murrow 540300 McCarthy.mp3
    22. Edward Murrow 540313 McCarthy Discusses Murrow.mp3
    23. Edward Murrow 540406 Prosecution Of Murrow On See It Now.mp3
    24. Edward Murrow 570523 Kennedy Meditation On Ecclesiates.mp3
    25. Edward Murrow 650430 Tribute.mp3
    26. Edward Murrow Excerpt Commentary On Mccarthy.mp3
    27. Hear It Now 501215 01.mp3
    28. Hear It Now 501222 02.mp3
    29. Hear It Now 501229 03.mp3
    30. Hear It Now 510105 04.mp3
    31. Hear It Now 510112 05.mp3
    32. Hear It Now 510126 07.mp3
    33. Hear It Now 510202 08.mp3
    34. Hear It Now 510209 09.mp3
    35. Hear It Now 510216 10.mp3
    36. Hear It Now 510223 11.mp3
    37. Hear It Now 510302 12.mp3
    38. Hear It Now 510309 13.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 64 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 47 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hear It Now 510316 14 The Kefauver Crime Hearings.mp3
    3. Hear It Now 510323 15 Costello Crime Hearings.mp3
    4. Hear It Now 510330 16 The Human Tick.mp3
    5. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of A Parachute Jump.mp3
    6. Hear It Now 510413 18 Truman Fires Macauthur.mp3
    7. Hear It Now 510420 19 Macauthur Speaks Before Congress.mp3
    8. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea.mp3
    9. Hear It Now 510504 21 Reno And The Divorce Business.mp3
    10. Hear It Now 510511 22 The Macauthortruman Controversy.mp3
    11. Hear It Now 510518 23 Crime Hearings.mp3
    12. Hear It Now 510525 24 Guided Missile Recordings.mp3
    13. Hear It Now 510608 26 Serge Kousevitsky Dies.mp3
    14. Hear It Now 520100 A Pint Of Blood E Murrow.mp3
    15. I Can Hear It Now 01 01 Start Will Rogers.mp3
    16. I Can Hear It Now 01 02 Start Fiorella Laguardia.mp3
    17. I Can Hear It Now 01 03 Start Munich William Shirer.mp3
    18. I Can Hear It Now 01 04 Start Elmer Davis Invasion Of Poland.mp3
    19. I Can Hear It Now 01 05 Start Premier Paul Reynaud.mp3
    20. I Can Hear It Now 01 06 Start Joseph Martin Wendell Wilkie.mp3
    21. I Can Hear It Now 01 07 Start Fdr Declares War.mp3
    22. I Can Hear It Now 01 08 Start D Day.mp3
    23. I Can Hear It Now 01 09 Start Fdr Death.mp3
    24. I Can Hear It Now 01 10 Start Atomic Bomb Ends War.mp3
    25. I Can Hear It Now 02 01 Start Vj Day Celebration.mp3
    26. I Can Hear It Now 02 02 Start Russia Vs Thewest.mp3
    27. I Can Hear It Now 02 03 Start Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    28. I Can Hear It Now 02 04 Start Robt Trout 1946 Congress.mp3
    29. I Can Hear It Now 02 05 Start Marshall Plan.mp3
    30. I Can Hear It Now 02 06 Start Jan Masaryk Un Speech.mp3
    31. I Can Hear It Now 02 07 Start Operation Vittles.mp3
    32. I Can Hear It Now 02 08 Start Chambers And Hiss.mp3
    33. I Can Hear It Now 02 09 Start Republican Convention 1948.mp3
    34. I Can Hear It Now 02 10 Start 1948 Pres Campaign.mp3
    35. I Can Hear It Now 03 01 Start Wilson.mp3
    36. I Can Hear It Now 03 02 Start 1920 s Wilsons Last Speech.mp3
    37. I Can Hear It Now 03 03 Start Harding Presidency.mp3
    38. I Can Hear It Now 03 04 Start Death Of Harding Teapot Dome.mp3
    39. I Can Hear It Now 03 05 Start Teapot Dome Part 2.mp3
    40. I Can Hear It Now 03 06 Start Scopes Trial.mp3
    41. I Can Hear It Now 03 07 Start Dempsey Last Fight.mp3
    42. I Can Hear It Now 03 08 Start Ny Myr Jimmy Walkers Reign.mp3
    43. I Can Hear It Now 03 09 Start Prohibition And Moonshine.mp3
    44. I Can Hear It Now 03 10 Start Boom And Bust.mp3
    45. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 01.mp3
    46. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 02.mp3
    47. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 03.mp3
    48. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 04.mp3
    49. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 05.mp3
    50. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 06.mp3
    51. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 07.mp3
    52. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 08.mp3
    53. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 09.mp3
    54. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 10.mp3
    55. Meet Press 610604.mp3
    56. Murrow Voices from the Moon.mp3
    57. News Montage.mp3
    58. Person to Person with Ed Murrow Jill Corey.mp3
    59. Saturday Night Swing Club 370612 1st Anniv.mp3
    60. This I Believe This I Believe Intro.mp3
    61. What Are We Fighting For 420402 1 Road To War.mp3
    62. Who Killed Michael Farmer Ed Murrow 1958.mp3
    63. Years of Crisis (1955) - 560102.mp3
    64. Years of Crisis (1958) - 581229.mp3
    65. Years of Crisis (1960) - 601228.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    101 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 39 hours, 20 min
    101 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1080 MB – total playtime 39 hours, 20 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – 455 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 32 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Edward Murrow 390717 News From Europe.mp3
    3. Edward Murrow 390828 London Before War Murrow.mp3
    4. Edward Murrow 390903 News From Europe.mp3
    5. Edward Murrow 390919 Robert Trout News Of Europe.mp3
    6. Edward Murrow 400422.mp3
    7. Edward Murrow 400508 Nonconfidence Debate In Commons.mp3
    8. Edward Murrow 400824 Murrow On Blackout.mp3
    9. Edward Murrow 400920 London Rooftop During Blitz.mp3
    10. Edward Murrow 431203 Bombing Run.mp3
    11. Edward Murrow 431203 RAF Bomb Berlin.mp3
    12. Edward Murrow 440817 Counts Parachutes In Holland.mp3
    13. Edward Murrow 450410 Liberation Of Buchenwald.mp3
    14. Edward Murrow 450415 Report From London - Buchenwald.mp3
    15. Edward Murrow 490000 AFRS Voice of the Army.mp3
    16. Edward Murrow 500624 Case For Flying Saucers.mp3
    17. Edward Murrow 510215.mp3
    18. Edward Murrow 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition.mp3
    19. Edward Murrow 520630 Truman Signs Wage Price Control Bill.mp3
    20. Edward Murrow 540000 Response To Mccarthy See It Now.mp3
    21. Edward Murrow 540300 McCarthy.mp3
    22. Edward Murrow 540313 McCarthy Discusses Murrow.mp3
    23. Edward Murrow 540406 Prosecution Of Murrow On See It Now.mp3
    24. Edward Murrow 570523 Kennedy Meditation On Ecclesiates.mp3
    25. Edward Murrow 650430 Tribute.mp3
    26. Edward Murrow Excerpt Commentary On Mccarthy.mp3
    27. Hear It Now 501215 01.mp3
    28. Hear It Now 501222 02.mp3
    29. Hear It Now 501229 03.mp3
    30. Hear It Now 510105 04.mp3
    31. Hear It Now 510112 05.mp3
    32. Hear It Now 510126 07.mp3
    33. Hear It Now 510202 08.mp3
    34. Hear It Now 510209 09.mp3
    35. Hear It Now 510216 10.mp3
    36. Hear It Now 510223 11.mp3
    37. Hear It Now 510302 12.mp3
    38. Hear It Now 510309 13.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 64 shows – 626 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 47 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hear It Now 510316 14 The Kefauver Crime Hearings.mp3
    3. Hear It Now 510323 15 Costello Crime Hearings.mp3
    4. Hear It Now 510330 16 The Human Tick.mp3
    5. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of A Parachute Jump.mp3
    6. Hear It Now 510413 18 Truman Fires Macauthur.mp3
    7. Hear It Now 510420 19 Macauthur Speaks Before Congress.mp3
    8. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea.mp3
    9. Hear It Now 510504 21 Reno And The Divorce Business.mp3
    10. Hear It Now 510511 22 The Macauthortruman Controversy.mp3
    11. Hear It Now 510518 23 Crime Hearings.mp3
    12. Hear It Now 510525 24 Guided Missile Recordings.mp3
    13. Hear It Now 510608 26 Serge Kousevitsky Dies.mp3
    14. Hear It Now 520100 A Pint Of Blood E Murrow.mp3
    15. I Can Hear It Now 01 01 Start Will Rogers.mp3
    16. I Can Hear It Now 01 02 Start Fiorella Laguardia.mp3
    17. I Can Hear It Now 01 03 Start Munich William Shirer.mp3
    18. I Can Hear It Now 01 04 Start Elmer Davis Invasion Of Poland.mp3
    19. I Can Hear It Now 01 05 Start Premier Paul Reynaud.mp3
    20. I Can Hear It Now 01 06 Start Joseph Martin Wendell Wilkie.mp3
    21. I Can Hear It Now 01 07 Start Fdr Declares War.mp3
    22. I Can Hear It Now 01 08 Start D Day.mp3
    23. I Can Hear It Now 01 09 Start Fdr Death.mp3
    24. I Can Hear It Now 01 10 Start Atomic Bomb Ends War.mp3
    25. I Can Hear It Now 02 01 Start Vj Day Celebration.mp3
    26. I Can Hear It Now 02 02 Start Russia Vs Thewest.mp3
    27. I Can Hear It Now 02 03 Start Atomic Energy Commission.mp3
    28. I Can Hear It Now 02 04 Start Robt Trout 1946 Congress.mp3
    29. I Can Hear It Now 02 05 Start Marshall Plan.mp3
    30. I Can Hear It Now 02 06 Start Jan Masaryk Un Speech.mp3
    31. I Can Hear It Now 02 07 Start Operation Vittles.mp3
    32. I Can Hear It Now 02 08 Start Chambers And Hiss.mp3
    33. I Can Hear It Now 02 09 Start Republican Convention 1948.mp3
    34. I Can Hear It Now 02 10 Start 1948 Pres Campaign.mp3
    35. I Can Hear It Now 03 01 Start Wilson.mp3
    36. I Can Hear It Now 03 02 Start 1920 s Wilsons Last Speech.mp3
    37. I Can Hear It Now 03 03 Start Harding Presidency.mp3
    38. I Can Hear It Now 03 04 Start Death Of Harding Teapot Dome.mp3
    39. I Can Hear It Now 03 05 Start Teapot Dome Part 2.mp3
    40. I Can Hear It Now 03 06 Start Scopes Trial.mp3
    41. I Can Hear It Now 03 07 Start Dempsey Last Fight.mp3
    42. I Can Hear It Now 03 08 Start Ny Myr Jimmy Walkers Reign.mp3
    43. I Can Hear It Now 03 09 Start Prohibition And Moonshine.mp3
    44. I Can Hear It Now 03 10 Start Boom And Bust.mp3
    45. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 01.mp3
    46. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 02.mp3
    47. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 03.mp3
    48. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 04.mp3
    49. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 05.mp3
    50. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 06.mp3
    51. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 07.mp3
    52. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 08.mp3
    53. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 09.mp3
    54. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 10.mp3
    55. Meet Press 610604.mp3
    56. Murrow Voices from the Moon.mp3
    57. News Montage.mp3
    58. Person to Person with Ed Murrow Jill Corey.mp3
    59. Saturday Night Swing Club 370612 1st Anniv.mp3
    60. This I Believe This I Believe Intro.mp3
    61. What Are We Fighting For 420402 1 Road To War.mp3
    62. Who Killed Michael Farmer Ed Murrow 1958.mp3
    63. Years of Crisis (1955) - 560102.mp3
    64. Years of Crisis (1958) - 581229.mp3
    65. Years of Crisis (1960) - 601228.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    101 recordings on 42 Audio CDs. Total playtime 37 hours, 50 min
    101 recordings on 42 Audio CDs
    total playtime 37 hours, 50 min

    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A001

    1. Edward Murrow Excerpt Commentary On Mccarthy
    2. I Can Hear It Now 01 01 Start Will Rogers
    3. I Can Hear It Now 01 02 Start Fiorella Laguardia
    4. I Can Hear It Now 01 03 Start Munich William Shirer
    5. I Can Hear It Now 01 04 Start Elmer Davis Invasion Of Poland
    6. I Can Hear It Now 01 05 Start Premier Paul Reynaud
    7. I Can Hear It Now 01 06 Start Joseph Martin Wendell Wilkie
    8. I Can Hear It Now 01 07 Start Fdr Declares War
    9. I Can Hear It Now 01 08 Start D Day
    10. I Can Hear It Now 01 09 Start Fdr Death
    11. I Can Hear It Now 01 10 Start Atomic Bomb Ends War
    12. I Can Hear It Now 02 01 Start Vj Day Celebration
    13. I Can Hear It Now 02 02 Start Russia Vs Thewest
    14. I Can Hear It Now 02 03 Start Atomic Energy Commission
    15. I Can Hear It Now 02 04 Start Robt Trout 1946 Congress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A002

    1. I Can Hear It Now 02 05 Start Marshall Plan
    2. I Can Hear It Now 02 06 Start Jan Masaryk Un Speech
    3. I Can Hear It Now 02 07 Start Operation Vittles
    4. I Can Hear It Now 02 08 Start Chambers And Hiss
    5. I Can Hear It Now 02 09 Start Republican Convention 1948
    6. I Can Hear It Now 02 10 Start 1948 Pres Campaign
    7. I Can Hear It Now 03 01 Start Wilson
    8. I Can Hear It Now 03 02 Start 1920 s Wilsons Last Speech
    9. I Can Hear It Now 03 03 Start Harding Presidency
    10. I Can Hear It Now 03 04 Start Death Of Harding Teapot Dome
    11. I Can Hear It Now 03 05 Start Teapot Dome Part 2
    12. I Can Hear It Now 03 06 Start Scopes Trial
    13. I Can Hear It Now 03 07 Start Dempsey Last Fight
    14. I Can Hear It Now 03 08 Start Ny Myr Jimmy Walkers Reign

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A003

    1. I Can Hear It Now 03 09 Start Prohibition And Moonshine
    2. I Can Hear It Now 03 10 Start Boom And Bust
    3. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 01
    4. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 02
    5. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 03
    6. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 04
    7. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 05
    8. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 06
    9. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 07
    10. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 08
    11. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 09
    12. Edward Murrow I Can Hear It Now 10

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A004

    1. Murrow Voices from the Moon
    2. News Montage
    3. Person to Person with Ed Murrow Jill Corey
    4. This I Believe This I Believe Intro

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A005

    1. Who Killed Michael Farmer Ed Murrow 1958

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A006

    1. Edward Murrow 390717 News From Europe
    2. Edward Murrow 390828 London Before War Murrow
    3. Edward Murrow 390903 News From Europe
    4. Edward Murrow 390919 Robert Trout News Of Europe
    5. Edward Murrow 400422
    6. Edward Murrow 400508 Nonconfidence Debate In Commons
    7. Edward Murrow 400824 Murrow On Blackout
    8. Edward Murrow 400920 London Rooftop During Blitz
    9. What Are We Fighting For 420402 1 Road To War
    10. Edward Murrow 431203 Bombing Run

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A007

    1. Edward Murrow 431203 RAF Bomb Berlin
    2. Edward Murrow 440817 Counts Parachutes In Holland
    3. Edward Murrow 450410 Liberation Of Buchenwald
    4. Edward Murrow 450415 Report From London - Buchenwald
    5. Edward Murrow 490000 AFRS Voice of the Army

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A008

    1. Edward Murrow 500624 Case For Flying Saucers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A009

    1. Hear It Now 501215 01

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A010

    1. Hear It Now 501222 02

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A011

    1. Hear It Now 501229 03

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A012

    1. Hear It Now 510105 04

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A013

    1. Hear It Now 510112 05

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A014

    1. Hear It Now 510126 07

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A015

    1. Hear It Now 510202 08

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A016

    1. Hear It Now 510209 09

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A017

    1. Edward Murrow 510215

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A018

    1. Hear It Now 510216 10

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A019

    1. Hear It Now 510223 11

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A020

    1. Hear It Now 510302 12

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A021

    1. Hear It Now 510309 13

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A022

    1. Hear It Now 510316 14 The Kefauver Crime Hearings

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A023

    1. Edward Murrow 510320 Un Troops Face Stiff Opposition

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A024

    1. Hear It Now 510323 15 Costello Crime Hearings

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A025

    1. Hear It Now 510330 16 The Human Tick

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A026

    1. Hear It Now 510406 17 Recording Of A Parachute Jump

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A027

    1. Hear It Now 510413 18 Truman Fires Macauthur

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A028

    1. Hear It Now 510420 19 Macauthur Speaks Before Congress

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A029

    1. Hear It Now 510427 20 Communist Offensive In Korea

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A030

    1. Hear It Now 510504 21 Reno And The Divorce Business

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A031

    1. Hear It Now 510511 22 The Macauthortruman Controversy

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A032

    1. Hear It Now 510518 23 Crime Hearings

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A033

    1. Hear It Now 510525 24 Guided Missile Recordings

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A034

    1. Hear It Now 510608 26 Serge Kousevitsky Dies

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A035

    1. Hear It Now 520100 A Pint Of Blood E Murrow

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A036

    1. Edward Murrow 520630 Truman Signs Wage Price Control Bill
    2. Edward Murrow 540000 Response To Mccarthy See It Now
    3. Edward Murrow 540300 McCarthy
    4. Edward Murrow 540313 McCarthy Discusses Murrow

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A037

    1. Edward Murrow 540406 Prosecution Of Murrow On See It Now

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A038

    1. Years of Crisis (1955) - 560102

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A039

    1. Edward Murrow 570523 Kennedy Meditation On Ecclesiates

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A040

    1. Years of Crisis (1958) - 581229

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A041

    1. Years of Crisis (1960) - 601228

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    Edward Murrow (Hear It Now) Disc A042

    1. Meet Press 610604
    2. Edward Murrow 650430 Tribute

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