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Doris Day Collection

Her image as America's Girl Next Door was largely a fabrication of Studio Publicity Offices, in fact, Doris Day was a lady whom life treated unfairly, even cruelly, but she always recovered and came out ahead. Her pretty face got her into pictures, her pictures helped sell her records, and her terrific personality made her a welcome guest on radio.

Doris Day

64 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 26 hours, 4 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
28 Audio CDs

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"Doris Day on Kraft Music Hall"

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Doris Day
(1922 – 2019)

Actresses and Singer (1924-Present)

Doris DayLife is not fair, and Studio Publicity Departments were more interested in creating a profitable image than spreading the truth. Doris Day was presented to the public as the virginal girl next door. G.I.s thought her pin-up represented the kind of girl they wanted to fight for and come home to, forgetting that it was simply a posed picture. Groucho Marx, a good friend of Doris Day, quipped that he knew her "before she was a virgin".

The blonde beauty was born Doris Mary Ann Von Kappelhoff in Cincinnati, Ohio, 1922. Her grandparents were all born in Germany, and her father was a music teacher and choirmaster. Little Doris loved to dance and was doing quite well in her ballet lessons. An automobile accident in October 1937 severely injured her right leg. While convalescing in the hospital, she began singing along with Ella Fitzgerald on the radio and Doris made an important discovery; she could sing, and she could sing well.

Her mother hired a voice teacher for Doris after she was released from the hospital, and her first professional gigs were singing on the air over WLW Cincinnati and singing at a local Chinese restaurant. Her radio appearances caught the attention of bandleaders, and one of the first to hire her, Barney Rapp, convinced her to change her name to Day because Doris Day was easier to get on a marquee than Kappelhoff.

Doris Day DancingAfter Rapp, Doris sang with Bob Crosby's band before landing with Les Brown and His Band of Renown. She began recording with Brown, and their release of "Sentimental Journey" in 1945 became for WWII troops coming home from overseas and settling into the post-War prosperity. Traveling with a Jazz Band was not something "good girls" did. She married Rapp's trombonist, Al Jorden, in 1941 but left him after he beat her while she was eight months pregnant. Her son was born, and Doris married a second time in 1946 to saxophonist George Weidler, but that marriage lasted barely three years.

In 1947, Doris rejoined Les Brown's outfit. Les and his Band of Renown were going into their second year with The Bob Hope Show, so Doris became a part of Hope's gang. She also joined Hope for several USO Tours. Doris married film producer Martin Melcher in 1951, and Melcher began acting as her manager. In the spring of 1952, CBS ran The Doris Day Show, and Les Brown was the bandleader on her program. Through the Fifties, Doris became more and more active in films, and her movies made her records more popular while her music made people want to see more of her movies.

During the Sixties, Ms. Day kept her virginal reputation by starring in a series of romantic comedies with Rock Hudson and Tony Randall, including Pillow Talk (1959), Lover Come Back (1961), and Don't Eat the Flowers (1964). The man-and-woman relationships in these films were very much of the fully clothed, each-with-a-foot-on-the-floor-on-separate-sides-of-the-bed sort. The sexual revolution seemed to pass by Doris Day films, but it was OK because she was making a lot of money. Except, it turned out that she wasn't.

Husband and manager Martin Melcher passed away suddenly in April 1968, and the funeral was barely over when Doris began to realize that not only had Melcher squandered her savings, but she was also deeply in debt to the IRS for back taxes. To add to the insult, Melcher had committed her to a series on CBS TV. The Doris Day Show lasted for five seasons, 1968 to 1973, but the format and even the premise of the show changed from season to season. The biggest change came with the opening of the fourth season in conjunction with the CBS "rural purge". Doris's character had been a widowed mother of two, a city girl with a ranch north of San Francisco. After the purge, Doris became a swinging single career woman, most of the old cast disappeared, including her sons, with no explanation given.

Doris Day

After The Doris Day Show went off the air, Doris essentially gave up acting. She remained active with TV music specials and a talk show from 1985-1986, but she began dedicating more time and effort to supporting The Doris Day Animal Foundation. When her friend Rock Hudson was outed as a closet homosexual who had contracted HIV/AIDs, Day remained by his side in support of her friend. This was a time when many people believed that they could contract the disease simply by holding hands with an AIDs patient.

It is rumored that Day was in talks with her Carmel, California neighbor Clint Eastwood in 2015 to appear in a film he was going to direct, but the project never got off the ground. Doris granted a rare interview to Hollywood Insider on April 4, 2019, just a day after turning 97, where she promoted the work of the Doris Day Animal Foundation and discussed her life and work. Her health was considered quite good, considering her age, but in May she contracted pneumonia. She passed away on May 13, 2019, surrounded by friends.  

Two Stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame have been placed dedicated to Doris Day, one at 6278 Hollywood Blvd for contributions to Recording, and the other at 6735 Hollywood Blvd for Motion Pictures.

This collection of recordings is a sampling of her singing talents and guest appearances in various shows including the Bob Hope Show, Guest Star Radio, Railroad Hour, and volume two includes recordings of her own show, The Doris Day Show.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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    10     1


    A great long life. You brought us so many good times and memories. One of my all time favorite actresses and singers...she will be missed!

    Bill Verified Purchase

    Doris Day, one of the most influential and prolific actresses to ever grace the silver screen, was born Doris Mary Ann Von Kapplehoff to a immigrated German family in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1924. As a child, she was always a playful little girl, wanting what other girls wanted, which was to become a typical ballerina. She loved to dance, sometimes dancing by herself, for hours at a time, but soon her dreams of becoming a dancer were shattered by a horrific automobile accident. Grace smiled upon her again when, at the age of 16, Doris discovered that she could sing, and sing WELL! Doris began singing with local bands and on one separate singing occasion, Doris met her first husband, Al Jorden, whom she married shortly afterwards in 1941, at the age of 17. The marriage was short-lived because of Jorden's obsession with violence. In 1943, the couple divorced. After another failed marriage, that did not last even a year, Doris' agent urged her to take a screen test for motion pictures. It was the mega movie moguls Warner Brothers that caught on quick to Doris' talent, and their pursuit for the perfect face for their pictures was well worth the journey. After a lofty contract signing, Doris went on to star in over 20 films from 1948 to 1953. Some of her most famous films of this period were Calamity Jane, Lucky Me, My Dream is Yours, The Man Who knew Too Much, and Pillow Talk. Her soaring movie career helped her sell her musical album, and further increased her stardom. It was during this time that she met Marty Melcher, her future husband. They were wed in 1951, and in 1953, they adopted a child. Doris' success took her through over 50 smash movie hits, her own show, countless other television appearances, and gold records. Even at the young age of 75+, Doris runs a foundation for the proper care of Animals in the town of Carmel, California.

    John Verified Purchase

    For a number of years I searched my homeland websites for nostalgic music and though successful in some spheres, it was not until I discovered Old Time Radio page I was able to extend my range considerably to the music that I enjoyed. The Forks Day show I thoroughly enjoyed. Would recommend this site to all music lovers.


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    64 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 4 min
    64 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 26 hours, 4 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 54 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Aec 610927 Doris Day Voted Most Popular Actress.mp3
    3. Al Jolson 481230 51 Kraft Mh W Doris Day.mp3
    4. Al Jolson 490428 68 Mh W Doris Day.mp3
    5. Bob Hope 410207 098 Beethoven With Bing Crosby Doris Day.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 461224 321 Bing Crosby General Omar Bradley.mp3
    7. Bob Hope 480000 Doris Day Swan Soap.mp3
    8. Bob Hope 481109 Bob Hope Doris Day And Jack Benny.mp3
    9. Bob Hope 481130 011 At Usc With Doris Day.mp3
    10. Bob Hope 481130 395 Doris Day.mp3
    11. Bob Hope 481207 396 Beethoven Bing And Doris Day.mp3
    12. Bob Hope 490128 March Of Dimes Special Philadephia.mp3
    13. Bob Hope 490419 415 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    14. Bob Hope 490503 417 Lucille Ball.mp3
    15. Bob Hope 491206 435 Jack Benny Doris Day.mp3
    16. Bob Hope 491220 437 Bing Crosby Rhonda Fleming.mp3
    17. Bob Hope 500207 444 Fred Allen.mp3
    18. Bob Hope 500314 449 Fred Allen.mp3
    19. Bob Hope 500321 450 Bing Crosby.mp3
    20. Bob Hope 500328 451 Bing Crosby And Doris Day.mp3
    21. Bob Hope 500606 461 Home Cookin Arthur Godfrey.mp3
    22. Bob Hope 500613 462 Doris Day End Lever Brothers.mp3
    23. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus.mp3
    24. Doris Day 440000 Wlw Auditions.mp3
    25. Doris Day 480911 Swan Show W B Hope J Benny.mp3
    26. Eleanor Roosevelt 590000 Doris Day Gregory Peck Refugees.mp3
    27. Era Les Brown Aho V Doris Dayterry Parker Id Rather B.mp3
    28. Fitch Bandwagon 440702 afrs 108 Les Brown And Doris Day.mp3
    29. Guess Who 471011 Recording Is Doris Day.mp3
    30. Guest Star 480125 0044 Thats My Desire.mp3
    31. Guest Star 501224 0196 Lords Prayer.mp3
    32. Guest Star 511014 0238 Doris Day.mp3
    33. Heres To Veterans 1313 Frank Sinatra.mp3
    34. Kmh 481230 Doris Day.mp3
    35. Kraft Music Hall 4748 Al Jolson 490428 X Swanee Doris Day.mp3
    36. Kraft Music Hall 481230 Smile Doris Day.mp3
    37. Kraft Music Hall 490428 Swanee Doris Day.mp3
    38. Lux Radio Theater 491121 Sorrowful Jones.mp3
    39. Melody Hour 480726 253 Doris Day.mp3
    40. One Night Stand Ep0673 450726 Les Browndoris Day.mp3
    41. Ons 450206 Afrs 596 Les Brown And Doris Day Out Of Nowhere.mp3
    42. Personal Album 0701 Les Brown And His Orchestra Doris Day.mp3
    43. Personal Album 718 Ill Always Be With You By Doris Day.mp3
    44. Philip Morris 470107 Alan Young Doris Day Meet Me Monterey.mp3
    45. Railroad Hour 491121 060 No No Nanette.mp3
    46. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461217 15 Doris Day Oh But I Do.mp3
    47. VPSB 440331 Afrs 324 Les Brown Fine Romance.mp3
    48. VPSB 440905 Net 614 Les Brown Out Of Nowhere.mp3
    49. VPSB 450407 Afrs 643 Les Brown By River Sainte Marie.mp3
    50. VPSB 450419 Afrs 653 Les Brown My Blue Heaven.mp3
    51. VPSB 450425 Afrs 658 Les Brown Blue Skies.mp3
    52. VPSB 450519 Afrs 679 Tommy Dorsey Saturday Night.mp3
    53. VPSB 451112 Afrs 767 Lawrence Welk Tampico.mp3
    54. VPSB Les Brown Please Dont Talk About Me When Im Gone.mp3
    55. Your Melody Hour 480726 Doris Day.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 10 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 45 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Doris Day Show 520328 12 Who Who Who Danny Thomas.mp3
    3. Doris Day Show 520411 14 One Those Thing Ray Bolger Loesser.mp3
    4. Doris Day Show 520418 15 Shanghai Ray Bolger Mary Wickes.mp3
    5. Doris Day Show 520425 16 Oops Guest Gordon Macrae.mp3
    6. Doris Day Show 520502 17 Nobodys Sweetheart Liberace.mp3
    7. Doris Day Show 520509 18 Lovely Day Today Macrae Mary Wickes.mp3
    8. Doris Day Show 520516 19 Wonderful Harry James Guy Mitchell.mp3
    9. Doris Day Show 520523 20 Moonlight Bay Dennis Day Ray Noble.mp3
    10. Doris Day Show 521125 46 Just One Of Those Things.mp3
    11. Doris Day Show 521223 50 Here Comes Santa Claus.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    64 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 26 hours, 4 min
    64 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    716 MB – total playtime 26 hours, 4 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 54 shows – 585 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 18 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Aec 610927 Doris Day Voted Most Popular Actress.mp3
    3. Al Jolson 481230 51 Kraft Mh W Doris Day.mp3
    4. Al Jolson 490428 68 Mh W Doris Day.mp3
    5. Bob Hope 410207 098 Beethoven With Bing Crosby Doris Day.mp3
    6. Bob Hope 461224 321 Bing Crosby General Omar Bradley.mp3
    7. Bob Hope 480000 Doris Day Swan Soap.mp3
    8. Bob Hope 481109 Bob Hope Doris Day And Jack Benny.mp3
    9. Bob Hope 481130 011 At Usc With Doris Day.mp3
    10. Bob Hope 481130 395 Doris Day.mp3
    11. Bob Hope 481207 396 Beethoven Bing And Doris Day.mp3
    12. Bob Hope 490128 March Of Dimes Special Philadephia.mp3
    13. Bob Hope 490419 415 Jimmy Durante.mp3
    14. Bob Hope 490503 417 Lucille Ball.mp3
    15. Bob Hope 491206 435 Jack Benny Doris Day.mp3
    16. Bob Hope 491220 437 Bing Crosby Rhonda Fleming.mp3
    17. Bob Hope 500207 444 Fred Allen.mp3
    18. Bob Hope 500314 449 Fred Allen.mp3
    19. Bob Hope 500321 450 Bing Crosby.mp3
    20. Bob Hope 500328 451 Bing Crosby And Doris Day.mp3
    21. Bob Hope 500606 461 Home Cookin Arthur Godfrey.mp3
    22. Bob Hope 500613 462 Doris Day End Lever Brothers.mp3
    23. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus.mp3
    24. Doris Day 440000 Wlw Auditions.mp3
    25. Doris Day 480911 Swan Show W B Hope J Benny.mp3
    26. Eleanor Roosevelt 590000 Doris Day Gregory Peck Refugees.mp3
    27. Era Les Brown Aho V Doris Dayterry Parker Id Rather B.mp3
    28. Fitch Bandwagon 440702 afrs 108 Les Brown And Doris Day.mp3
    29. Guess Who 471011 Recording Is Doris Day.mp3
    30. Guest Star 480125 0044 Thats My Desire.mp3
    31. Guest Star 501224 0196 Lords Prayer.mp3
    32. Guest Star 511014 0238 Doris Day.mp3
    33. Heres To Veterans 1313 Frank Sinatra.mp3
    34. Kmh 481230 Doris Day.mp3
    35. Kraft Music Hall 4748 Al Jolson 490428 X Swanee Doris Day.mp3
    36. Kraft Music Hall 481230 Smile Doris Day.mp3
    37. Kraft Music Hall 490428 Swanee Doris Day.mp3
    38. Lux Radio Theater 491121 Sorrowful Jones.mp3
    39. Melody Hour 480726 253 Doris Day.mp3
    40. One Night Stand Ep0673 450726 Les Browndoris Day.mp3
    41. Ons 450206 Afrs 596 Les Brown And Doris Day Out Of Nowhere.mp3
    42. Personal Album 0701 Les Brown And His Orchestra Doris Day.mp3
    43. Personal Album 718 Ill Always Be With You By Doris Day.mp3
    44. Philip Morris 470107 Alan Young Doris Day Meet Me Monterey.mp3
    45. Railroad Hour 491121 060 No No Nanette.mp3
    46. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461217 15 Doris Day Oh But I Do.mp3
    47. VPSB 440331 Afrs 324 Les Brown Fine Romance.mp3
    48. VPSB 440905 Net 614 Les Brown Out Of Nowhere.mp3
    49. VPSB 450407 Afrs 643 Les Brown By River Sainte Marie.mp3
    50. VPSB 450419 Afrs 653 Les Brown My Blue Heaven.mp3
    51. VPSB 450425 Afrs 658 Les Brown Blue Skies.mp3
    52. VPSB 450519 Afrs 679 Tommy Dorsey Saturday Night.mp3
    53. VPSB 451112 Afrs 767 Lawrence Welk Tampico.mp3
    54. VPSB Les Brown Please Dont Talk About Me When Im Gone.mp3
    55. Your Melody Hour 480726 Doris Day.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 10 shows – 131 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 45 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Doris Day Show 520328 12 Who Who Who Danny Thomas.mp3
    3. Doris Day Show 520411 14 One Those Thing Ray Bolger Loesser.mp3
    4. Doris Day Show 520418 15 Shanghai Ray Bolger Mary Wickes.mp3
    5. Doris Day Show 520425 16 Oops Guest Gordon Macrae.mp3
    6. Doris Day Show 520502 17 Nobodys Sweetheart Liberace.mp3
    7. Doris Day Show 520509 18 Lovely Day Today Macrae Mary Wickes.mp3
    8. Doris Day Show 520516 19 Wonderful Harry James Guy Mitchell.mp3
    9. Doris Day Show 520523 20 Moonlight Bay Dennis Day Ray Noble.mp3
    10. Doris Day Show 521125 46 Just One Of Those Things.mp3
    11. Doris Day Show 521223 50 Here Comes Santa Claus.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    64 recordings on 28 Audio CDs. Total playtime 26 hours, 4 min
    64 recordings on 28 Audio CDs
    total playtime 26 hours, 4 min

    Doris Day Disc A001

    1. Era Les Brown Aho V Doris Dayterry Parker Id Rather B
    2. Heres To Veterans 1313 Frank Sinatra
    3. Personal Album 0701 Les Brown And His Orchestra Doris Day
    4. Personal Album 718 Ill Always Be With You By Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A002

    1. VPSB Les Brown Please Dont Talk About Me When Im Gone
    2. Bob Hope 410207 098 Beethoven With Bing Crosby Doris Day
    3. Doris Day 440000 Wlw Auditions

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A003

    1. VPSB 440331 Afrs 324 Les Brown Fine Romance
    2. Fitch Bandwagon 440702 afrs 108 Les Brown And Doris Day
    3. VPSB 440905 Net 614 Les Brown Out Of Nowhere

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A004

    1. Ons 450206 Afrs 596 Les Brown And Doris Day Out Of Nowhere
    2. VPSB 450407 Afrs 643 Les Brown By River Sainte Marie
    3. VPSB 450419 Afrs 653 Les Brown My Blue Heaven

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A005

    1. VPSB 450425 Afrs 658 Les Brown Blue Skies
    2. VPSB 450519 Afrs 679 Tommy Dorsey Saturday Night
    3. One Night Stand Ep0673 450726 Les Browndoris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A006

    1. VPSB 451112 Afrs 767 Lawrence Welk Tampico
    2. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461217 15 Doris Day Oh But I Do

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A007

    1. Bob Hope 461224 321 Bing Crosby General Omar Bradley
    2. Philip Morris 470107 Alan Young Doris Day Meet Me Monterey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A008

    1. Guess Who 471011 Recording Is Doris Day
    2. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A009

    1. Bob Hope 480000 Doris Day Swan Soap
    2. Guest Star 480125 0044 Thats My Desire

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A010

    1. Melody Hour 480726 253 Doris Day
    2. Your Melody Hour 480726 Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A011

    1. Doris Day 480911 Swan Show W B Hope J Benny
    2. Bob Hope 481109 Bob Hope Doris Day And Jack Benny

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A012

    1. Bob Hope 481130 011 At Usc With Doris Day
    2. Bob Hope 481130 395 Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A013

    1. Bob Hope 481207 396 Beethoven Bing And Doris Day
    2. Al Jolson 481230 51 Kraft Mh W Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A014

    1. Kmh 481230 Doris Day
    2. Kraft Music Hall 481230 Smile Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A015

    1. Bob Hope 490128 March Of Dimes Special Philadephia
    2. Bob Hope 490419 415 Jimmy Durante

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A016

    1. Al Jolson 490428 68 Mh W Doris Day
    2. Kraft Music Hall 4748 Al Jolson 490428 X Swanee Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A017

    1. Kraft Music Hall 490428 Swanee Doris Day
    2. Bob Hope 490503 417 Lucille Ball

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A018

    1. Lux Radio Theater 491121 Sorrowful Jones

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A019

    1. Railroad Hour 491121 060 No No Nanette
    2. Bob Hope 491206 435 Jack Benny Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A020

    1. Bob Hope 491220 437 Bing Crosby Rhonda Fleming
    2. Bob Hope 500207 444 Fred Allen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A021

    1. Bob Hope 500314 449 Fred Allen
    2. Bob Hope 500321 450 Bing Crosby

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A022

    1. Bob Hope 500328 451 Bing Crosby And Doris Day
    2. Bob Hope 500606 461 Home Cookin Arthur Godfrey

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A023

    1. Bob Hope 500613 462 Doris Day End Lever Brothers
    2. Guest Star 501224 0196 Lords Prayer
    3. Guest Star 511014 0238 Doris Day

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A024

    1. Doris Day Show 520328 12 Who Who Who Danny Thomas
    2. Doris Day Show 520411 14 One Those Thing Ray Bolger Loesser

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A025

    1. Doris Day Show 520418 15 Shanghai Ray Bolger Mary Wickes
    2. Doris Day Show 520425 16 Oops Guest Gordon Macrae

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A026

    1. Doris Day Show 520502 17 Nobodys Sweetheart Liberace
    2. Doris Day Show 520509 18 Lovely Day Today Macrae Mary Wickes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A027

    1. Doris Day Show 520516 19 Wonderful Harry James Guy Mitchell
    2. Doris Day Show 520523 20 Moonlight Bay Dennis Day Ray Noble

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Doris Day Disc A028

    1. Doris Day Show 521125 46 Just One Of Those Things
    2. Doris Day Show 521223 50 Here Comes Santa Claus
    3. Eleanor Roosevelt 590000 Doris Day Gregory Peck Refugees
    4. Aec 610927 Doris Day Voted Most Popular Actress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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