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Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy came from the comic strips to the radio in this great serial. He still fights bizarre villains and the 15 minute shows are filled with cliff-hangers. Tune In!

Dick Tracy

72 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 18 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
19 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from September 20, 1945:

"Case of a Man Without a Head"

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Dick Tracy and the Invisible Man Radio Play Script
Juvenile Police Serial (1934 - 48)

Ned WeverA favorite of radio kids, and many adults as well, Dick Tracy on the radio was a long running serial that was based on the very popular Dick Tracy of newspaper comic strip fame. Dick Tracy was the star of movies and several animation series as well, including a 1970's TV animation adaptation that was as true to the original Chester Gould newspaper comic strip as was the radio version. Dick Tracy had debuted in the Detroit Mirror in 1931. Soon it hit New York and Chicago, in the New York Daily News and the Chicago Tribune. By 1937, the comic strip appeared in over 700 newspapers. With a strong, built-in audience, Dick Tracy was perfect serial.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Dick Tracy RadioFirst developed for radio in 1934 for the New England region, the show was an immediate hit and was then done on from 1935-37. Republic Pictures began the Dick Tracy cliffhangers in the movies, which also helped kids get excited about following his adventures on radio. Fifteen minute serials were produced for a full five nights a week in 1938-'39. In 1939, it went to a half-hour, usually playing on Saturdays. With WWII developing, Dick Tracy was put on hold. After a few years, the show again took to the air, and continued from 1943 through '48, first developed as a fifteen minute serial, and then expanding to a half hour in the mid 1940s. Dick Tracy was featured in a series of novels and "Little Big Books" at the time, as well as the Republic cliffhangers and movies.

Chester Gould's newspaper strip featured singular thugs and inventive plots all drawn in a flat, modern-looking cartoon. The strip was heavy on scientific crime detection, using the lab to sift through clues, and ultra-modern inventive devices such as Dick Tracy's two-way wrist radio (1946) that were wild then, and are very big in commercials right now as pager/cell phones (almost wristwatch size.)

On the radio serial, the "good guys" were Dick Tracy, "protector of law and order," his sidekick Pat Patton, and Tracy's investigative team Junior Tracy and Tess Trueheart. The strip and show also starred bizarre villains, with such names as The Blank, Little Face Finney, Pruneface, The Brow and Shakey. The radio cases were always exciting, with plenty of trouble, cliff hanging and narrow escapes. (Please note these Dick Tracy recordings are of mixed quality with some unfortunate hiss)

For more serial adventures, please see True Adventures of Junior G-Men, Superman, The Green Hornet, Tarzan, Jungle Jim, Fu Manchu. Hop Harrigan, Speed Gibson. Terry and the Pirates, Buck Rogers, Space Patrol, Captain Midnight, and I Love a Mystery. Dick Tracy CandyOther shows that were based on popular characters are Sherlock Holmes, Chandu, the Magician, and Nick Carter, Master Detective.

For other classic radio shows based of comics,see also

Dick Tracy Wrist Radio

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    28     4


    Nice to have these shows available! Thank you!

    Dave Verified Purchase

    I love to sit outside with my cup of coffee and listen to these wonderful collections of Old Time Radio. I also love to listen to them on my fishing trips as well. Thank you to everyone at OTRCAT. I am a customer for life.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    This site has so many treasures for me. It is a repository of wonderful shows from a different era and, in my case as a Brit, a different land. I can spend hours lost in the sounds and producing my own mental images. Far superior to a lot of the visual rubbish in the modern entertainment media.

    Jim Verified Purchase

    Dick Tracy was the greatest detective in the newspaper comic strips. It still is. In radio the show was geared to the pre-teen and teenager set. I still liked it.

    John Verified Purchase

    These Dick Tracey broadcasts are a cross between the Sunday Morning comic strip and the film serials, highly enjoyable and reflective of a point in time.

    Warren Verified Purchase

    As a long-time lover and collector of old time radio shows, OTRCAT has proven to be one of the best sources I've found. Their library is extensive and well curated. I especially appreciate their frequent updates to collections with new or improved tracks. Their pricing and purchase options are excellent. This is a great OTR dealer!

    Paul R. Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    72 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 18 hours, 30 min
    72 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 18 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 72 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 30 minutes
    2. Command Performance Dick Tracy In B Flat 450215.mp3
    3. DT 350000 000 Audition Program (tess Disappears).mp3
    4. DT 380208 027 Black Pearl Of Osirus.mp3
    5. DT 380209 028 Pat Goes Overboard.mp3
    6. DT 380210 029 Mystery In Hold.mp3
    7. DT 380211 030 Dick Is Shot.mp3
    8. DT 380214 031 Dick Gets Ring Of Osirus.mp3
    9. DT 380215 032 Dick Finds Black Pearl.mp3
    10. DT 380216 033 Agent Is Murdered.mp3
    11. DT 380217 034 Gang After Ring.mp3
    12. DT 380218 035 Dick Captures Gang (ring Premium).mp3
    13. DT 380221 036 Pat Is Hypnotized.mp3
    14. DT 380222 037 Dick Is Captured.mp3
    15. DT 380223 038 Dick Escapes.mp3
    16. DT 380224 039 Junior Kidnapped.mp3
    17. DT 380225 040 Junior Escapes.mp3
    18. DT 380411 071 Mounties At Pitchblend.mp3
    19. DT 380412 072 Snow Slide.mp3
    20. DT 380413 073 Who Is Purple Rider.mp3
    21. DT 380414 074 Junior Is Kidnapped.mp3
    22. DT 380415 075 Junior Sends A Mirror Message.mp3
    23. DT 380418 076 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Rid.mp3
    24. DT 380419 077 Dick Lassoes Purple Rider.mp3
    25. DT 380420 078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3
    26. DT 380425 081 Tracy Rescued And Kyle Captured.mp3
    27. DT 380426 082 Invisible Ink.mp3
    28. DT 440000 000 Case Of Firebug Murders.mp3
    29. DT 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl (stuck In Snow).mp3
    30. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus (copy 2).mp3
    31. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus.mp3
    32. DT 450501 000 Case Of Empty Safe.mp3
    33. DT 450508 000 On Trail Of Nighthawks.mp3
    34. DT 450622 000 Case Of Pigeon Blood Ruby.mp3
    35. DT 450913 000 Case Of Buried Treasure.mp3
    36. DT 450920 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    37. DT 450921 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    38. DT 450924 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    39. DT 451025 000 Case Of Trained Seal.mp3
    40. DT 451122 000 New Mystery Begins.mp3
    41. DT 460119 000 Case Of Dark Corridor.mp3
    42. DT 460216 000 Case Of Firebug Murders.mp3
    43. DT 460913 000 Case Of Broken Window.mp3
    44. DT 460916 000 Case Of Broken Window.mp3
    45. DT 461211 000 Case Of Campus Murder.mp3
    46. DT 470000 000 Case Of Graveyard Watch.mp3
    47. DT 470114 000 Case Of Careless Black Widow.mp3
    48. DT 470121 000 Case Of Moth And Flame.mp3
    49. DT 470122 000 Case Of Moth And Flame.mp3
    50. DT 470318 000 Case Of The Graveyard Watch.mp3
    51. DT 470515 000 Case Of Noaccount Swindle.mp3
    52. DT 470714 000 Case Of Crooked Finger.mp3
    53. DT 470723 000 Case Of Unfunny Clowns.mp3
    54. DT 470820 000 Case Of Sinister Second.mp3
    55. DT 470903 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    56. DT 470904 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    57. DT 470911 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    58. DT 471010 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    59. DT 471016 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    60. DT 471024 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    61. DT 471031 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    62. DT 471106 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    63. DT 471114 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    64. DT 471118 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    65. DT 471119 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    66. DT 471121 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    67. DT 471216 000 Case Of Poisinous Timber.mp3
    68. DT 471219 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber.mp3
    69. DT 471222 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber.mp3
    70. DT 471231 000 Case Of Big Black Box.mp3
    71. DT 480108 000 Case Of Big Black Box.mp3
    72. DT 480122 000 Case Of Positive Negative.mp3
    73. DT 480127 000 Case Of Positive Negative.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    72 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 18 hours, 30 min
    72 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    508 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 72 shows – 508 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 30 minutes
    2. Command Performance Dick Tracy In B Flat 450215.mp3
    3. DT 350000 000 Audition Program (tess Disappears).mp3
    4. DT 380208 027 Black Pearl Of Osirus.mp3
    5. DT 380209 028 Pat Goes Overboard.mp3
    6. DT 380210 029 Mystery In Hold.mp3
    7. DT 380211 030 Dick Is Shot.mp3
    8. DT 380214 031 Dick Gets Ring Of Osirus.mp3
    9. DT 380215 032 Dick Finds Black Pearl.mp3
    10. DT 380216 033 Agent Is Murdered.mp3
    11. DT 380217 034 Gang After Ring.mp3
    12. DT 380218 035 Dick Captures Gang (ring Premium).mp3
    13. DT 380221 036 Pat Is Hypnotized.mp3
    14. DT 380222 037 Dick Is Captured.mp3
    15. DT 380223 038 Dick Escapes.mp3
    16. DT 380224 039 Junior Kidnapped.mp3
    17. DT 380225 040 Junior Escapes.mp3
    18. DT 380411 071 Mounties At Pitchblend.mp3
    19. DT 380412 072 Snow Slide.mp3
    20. DT 380413 073 Who Is Purple Rider.mp3
    21. DT 380414 074 Junior Is Kidnapped.mp3
    22. DT 380415 075 Junior Sends A Mirror Message.mp3
    23. DT 380418 076 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Rid.mp3
    24. DT 380419 077 Dick Lassoes Purple Rider.mp3
    25. DT 380420 078 Purple Rider Exposed.mp3
    26. DT 380425 081 Tracy Rescued And Kyle Captured.mp3
    27. DT 380426 082 Invisible Ink.mp3
    28. DT 440000 000 Case Of Firebug Murders.mp3
    29. DT 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl (stuck In Snow).mp3
    30. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus (copy 2).mp3
    31. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus.mp3
    32. DT 450501 000 Case Of Empty Safe.mp3
    33. DT 450508 000 On Trail Of Nighthawks.mp3
    34. DT 450622 000 Case Of Pigeon Blood Ruby.mp3
    35. DT 450913 000 Case Of Buried Treasure.mp3
    36. DT 450920 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    37. DT 450921 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    38. DT 450924 000 Case Of Man Without A Head.mp3
    39. DT 451025 000 Case Of Trained Seal.mp3
    40. DT 451122 000 New Mystery Begins.mp3
    41. DT 460119 000 Case Of Dark Corridor.mp3
    42. DT 460216 000 Case Of Firebug Murders.mp3
    43. DT 460913 000 Case Of Broken Window.mp3
    44. DT 460916 000 Case Of Broken Window.mp3
    45. DT 461211 000 Case Of Campus Murder.mp3
    46. DT 470000 000 Case Of Graveyard Watch.mp3
    47. DT 470114 000 Case Of Careless Black Widow.mp3
    48. DT 470121 000 Case Of Moth And Flame.mp3
    49. DT 470122 000 Case Of Moth And Flame.mp3
    50. DT 470318 000 Case Of The Graveyard Watch.mp3
    51. DT 470515 000 Case Of Noaccount Swindle.mp3
    52. DT 470714 000 Case Of Crooked Finger.mp3
    53. DT 470723 000 Case Of Unfunny Clowns.mp3
    54. DT 470820 000 Case Of Sinister Second.mp3
    55. DT 470903 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    56. DT 470904 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    57. DT 470911 000 Case Of Low Hijack.mp3
    58. DT 471010 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    59. DT 471016 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    60. DT 471024 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings.mp3
    61. DT 471031 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    62. DT 471106 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    63. DT 471114 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice.mp3
    64. DT 471118 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    65. DT 471119 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    66. DT 471121 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off.mp3
    67. DT 471216 000 Case Of Poisinous Timber.mp3
    68. DT 471219 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber.mp3
    69. DT 471222 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber.mp3
    70. DT 471231 000 Case Of Big Black Box.mp3
    71. DT 480108 000 Case Of Big Black Box.mp3
    72. DT 480122 000 Case Of Positive Negative.mp3
    73. DT 480127 000 Case Of Positive Negative.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    72 recordings on 19 Audio CDs. Total playtime 18 hours, 30 min
    72 recordings on 19 Audio CDs
    total playtime 18 hours, 30 min

    Dick Tracy Disc A001

    1. DT 350000 000 Audition Program (tess Disappears)
    2. DT 380208 027 Black Pearl Of Osirus
    3. DT 380209 028 Pat Goes Overboard
    4. DT 380210 029 Mystery In Hold

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A002

    1. DT 380211 030 Dick Is Shot
    2. DT 380214 031 Dick Gets Ring Of Osirus
    3. DT 380215 032 Dick Finds Black Pearl
    4. DT 380216 033 Agent Is Murdered

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A003

    1. DT 380217 034 Gang After Ring
    2. DT 380218 035 Dick Captures Gang (ring Premium)
    3. DT 380221 036 Pat Is Hypnotized
    4. DT 380222 037 Dick Is Captured

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A004

    1. DT 380223 038 Dick Escapes
    2. DT 380224 039 Junior Kidnapped
    3. DT 380225 040 Junior Escapes
    4. DT 380411 071 Mounties At Pitchblend

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A005

    1. DT 380412 072 Snow Slide
    2. DT 380413 073 Who Is Purple Rider
    3. DT 380414 074 Junior Is Kidnapped
    4. DT 380415 075 Junior Sends A Mirror Message

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A006

    1. DT 380418 076 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Rid
    2. DT 380419 077 Dick Lassoes Purple Rider
    3. DT 380420 078 Purple Rider Exposed
    4. DT 380425 081 Tracy Rescued And Kyle Captured

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A007

    1. DT 380426 082 Invisible Ink
    2. DT 440000 000 Case Of Firebug Murders
    3. DT 440110 000 Case Of Hooting Owl (stuck In Snow)
    4. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus (copy 2)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A008

    1. DT 440505 000 Espionage At Circus
    2. Command Performance Dick Tracy In B Flat 450215

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A009

    1. DT 450501 000 Case Of Empty Safe
    2. DT 450508 000 On Trail Of Nighthawks
    3. DT 450622 000 Case Of Pigeon Blood Ruby
    4. DT 450913 000 Case Of Buried Treasure

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A010

    1. DT 450920 000 Case Of Man Without A Head
    2. DT 450921 000 Case Of Man Without A Head
    3. DT 450924 000 Case Of Man Without A Head
    4. DT 451025 000 Case Of Trained Seal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A011

    1. DT 451122 000 New Mystery Begins
    2. DT 460119 000 Case Of Dark Corridor
    3. DT 460216 000 Case Of Firebug Murders

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A012

    1. DT 460913 000 Case Of Broken Window
    2. DT 460916 000 Case Of Broken Window
    3. DT 461211 000 Case Of Campus Murder
    4. DT 470000 000 Case Of Graveyard Watch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A013

    1. DT 470114 000 Case Of Careless Black Widow
    2. DT 470121 000 Case Of Moth And Flame
    3. DT 470122 000 Case Of Moth And Flame
    4. DT 470318 000 Case Of The Graveyard Watch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A014

    1. DT 470515 000 Case Of Noaccount Swindle
    2. DT 470714 000 Case Of Crooked Finger
    3. DT 470723 000 Case Of Unfunny Clowns
    4. DT 470820 000 Case Of Sinister Second

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A015

    1. DT 470903 000 Case Of Low Hijack
    2. DT 470904 000 Case Of Low Hijack
    3. DT 470911 000 Case Of Low Hijack
    4. DT 471010 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A016

    1. DT 471016 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings
    2. DT 471024 000 Case Of Book Of Four Kings
    3. DT 471031 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice
    4. DT 471106 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A017

    1. DT 471114 000 Case Of Honorable Mr. Malice
    2. DT 471118 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off
    3. DT 471119 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off
    4. DT 471121 000 Case Of Deadly Tip Off

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A018

    1. DT 471216 000 Case Of Poisinous Timber
    2. DT 471219 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber
    3. DT 471222 000 Case Of Poisonous Timber
    4. DT 471231 000 Case Of Big Black Box

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Dick Tracy Disc A019

    1. DT 480108 000 Case Of Big Black Box
    2. DT 480122 000 Case Of Positive Negative
    3. DT 480127 000 Case Of Positive Negative

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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