This is a hard hitting crime drama, with a distinctive feminine touch. Defense Attorney Martha Ellis Bryant,brilliantly played by Miss Mercedes MacCambridge, has sworn to defend the defenseless. Her clients are all up against hard time, or even the electric chair. But attorney Marty, with her reporter boyfriend Jud Barnes, will stop at nothing to find the real guilty party. And with Marty Ellis brains and daring, they find him every time.
The show is filled with early 1950's sensibilities and images, teens with hot rods and a small under-current of anti-communism. The title role is played by Mercedes MacCambridge, who Orson Welles called "the world's greatest living radio actress." (At the end of one episode, the lady Attorney asks her boyfriend who is singing on the juke box and is told it is Mercedes McCambridge, to which she replies "I didn't know she sang!")
Now at 75, I'll have to go back about 65 years ago...around the mid 50's. Our dad put together two crystal radios for my younger brother and me, strung a long wire antenna across the back yard and at bed-time, we tuned to the strongest signal from Los Angeles as we lived out in the Riverside area.
And there it was...stories so vivid, we could imagine every detail of every episode being broadcast each evening...the cold of the Yukon, the dust from two horses ridden by Cisco and Poncho.
A few years ago, I had my own, one hour weekly radio show on a local broadcast station..."Old Time Radio Hour" lasted 3 years until the station was sold...and I have "Old Time Radio Catalog" to thank, as that's where I purchased nearly 3,000 episodes of the greatest radio shows available!
Dan Verified Purchase
Fran Verified Purchase
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