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Crime Classics

"A series of true crime stories from the records and newspapers of every land, from every time. Your host each week is Mr. Thomas Hyland- connoisseur of crime, student of violence, and teller of murders."

Crime Classics

66 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 32 hours, 24 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
33 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from June 29, 1953:

"Crime Classics - The Sudden Death Of James Fisk"

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True Crime stories (1953 - 54)

Elliott LewisThis show introduces itself succinctly "A series of true crime stories from the records and newspapers of every land, from every time. Your host each week, is Mr. Thomas Hyland- connoisseur of crime, student of violence, and teller of murders." Thomas Hyland is played by Lou Merrill, although you'd never know it was an "actor" doing the part. The great Elliott Lewis, actor, producer and director of Suspense, Broadway is my Beat and On Stage is in charge of this very intelligent and enjoyable show. Lewis and his writers collected and developed true crime stories expressly for Crime Classics.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Elliott LewisThomas Hyland's delivery is measured and mild-mannered, as if giving a college lecture. Would that all professors were this interesting! The actors in the stories themselves are uniformly. Sensitive orchestral scores by the great Bernard Hermann, who did Orson Welles' Mercury Theater old time radio show and then Alfred Hitchcock's films, give the stories sophistication and mood. So do the tasteful sound effects. There is a wry, cool-blooded tone to the proceedings.

Each and every story, however bizarre, is actually based on fact. For example, the show on the Younger Brothers of the American West has some very interesting background details concerning Quantrell's Raiders and the Kansas Jayhawks. In the story of "John Hayes, his Head, and How They Were Parted," we hear the tale of a glassblower who blows glass perfectly and completely surrounding the severed head of a unknown deadman. Then it is placed in a museum where it remained pending identification. Thus his killers were found out by the dead man, using his head.

This show is a good companion to other old time old time radio shows that are historically-oriented, such as Cavalcade of America, You Are There, and American Trail. For science and research, the shows Science Magazine of the Air and Adventures in Research are very good.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    17     3


    Well narrated true crimes from years past - voice characters add realistic touch to each show - great reminder of the pleasure I experienced from listening to the radio in my youth

    Thomas Verified Purchase

    Great true crime show. It's creepy and macabre, but also darkly amusing at times.

    Aaron Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    66 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 24 min
    66 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 32 hours, 24 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Cc 521203 000 Crime Bathsheba Spooner Audition.mp3
    3. Cc 530615 001 Crime Bathsheba Spooner.mp3
    4. Cc 530622 002 Peaceful Pass T. Edwin Bartlett Grocer Afrts.mp3
    5. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Afrts.mp3
    6. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Jr.mp3
    7. Cc 530706 004 Shrapnelled Body Charles Drew Sr.mp3
    8. Cc 530713 005 Terrible Deed John White Webster.mp3
    9. Cc 530720 006 Death Picture Hanger.mp3
    10. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died Afrts.mp3
    11. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died.mp3
    12. Cc 530803 008 Mr Throwers Hammer.mp3
    13. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared Afrts.mp3
    14. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared.mp3
    15. Cc 530817 010 Incredible Trial Laura D Fair Afrts.mp3
    16. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family How It Diminished Grew Again.mp3
    17. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family It Diminished Grew Again Afrts.mp3
    18. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero Afrts.mp3
    19. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero.mp3
    20. Cc 530907 013 Torment Henrietta Robinson Why Killed Afrts.mp3
    21. Cc 530930 014 Bloody Bloody Banks Fall River.mp3
    22. Cc 531007 015 Hangman William Palmer Who Won.mp3
    23. Cc 531014 016 Sevenlayered Arsenic Cake Madame Lafarge.mp3
    24. Cc 531021 017 Billy Bonny Bloodletter Also Known As Kid.mp3
    25. Cc 531028 018 John Hayes His Head How They Were Parted.mp3
    26. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played Afrts.mp3
    27. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played.mp3
    28. Cc 531111 020 Blackbeards 14th Wife She Was Not Good For Him.mp3
    29. Cc 531118 021 Triangle On Round Table.mp3
    30. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter Afrts.mp3
    31. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter.mp3
    32. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare Afrts.mp3
    33. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare.mp3
    34. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln Afrts.mp3
    35. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln.mp3
    36. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It Afrts.mp3
    37. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It.mp3
    38. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze Afrts.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – total playtime 14 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze.mp3
    3. Cc 540106 027 Younger Brothers Why Some Them Grew No Older.mp3
    4. Cc 540113 028 How Supan Got Hook Outside Bombay.mp3
    5. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess Afrts.mp3
    6. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess.mp3
    7. Cc 540127 030 Boorn Brothers Hangman Study In Nip Tuck.mp3
    8. Cc 540203 031 Incredible History John Shephard.mp3
    9. Cc 540210 032 Twentythree Knives Against Caesar.mp3
    10. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many Afrts.mp3
    11. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many.mp3
    12. Cc 540224 034 Good Ship Jane Why She Became Flotsam.mp3
    13. Cc 540303 035 Roger Nems How He Though Dead Won Game Afrts.mp3
    14. Cc 540310 036 NH Tiger Brad Ferguson Happened Then Afrts.mp3
    15. Cc 540317 037 Old Sixtoes How He Stopped Construction.mp3
    16. Cc 540331 039 Robbyboy Balfour Wrecked Big Prison Reputation.mp3
    17. Cc 540407 040 Generals Daughter Czars Lt Linen Closet.mp3
    18. Cc 540414 041 James Evans Fireman Extinguished Human Torch.mp3
    19. Cc 540421 042 Cesare Borgia His Most Difficult Murder Afrts.mp3
    20. Cc 540428 043 Widow Magee Three Gypsies Vermont Fandango.mp3
    21. Cc 540505 044 Bunny Baumler His Close Brush With Fame Afrts.mp3
    22. Cc 540512 045 Mr Clarkes Skeleton Mr Arams Closet Afrts.mp3
    23. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers Afrts.mp3
    24. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers.mp3
    25. Cc 540602 047 Mr Jonathon Jewett He Cheated Hangman.mp3
    26. Cc 540609 048 Assassination Leon Trotsky.mp3
    27. Cc 540616 049 Death Baltimore Birdie Friend.mp3
    28. Cc 540623 050 Ali Pasha Turkish Delight Afrts.mp3
    29. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper Afrts.mp3
    30. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    66 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 32 hours, 24 min
    66 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    891 MB – total playtime 32 hours, 24 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 37 shows – 498 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 8 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Cc 521203 000 Crime Bathsheba Spooner Audition.mp3
    3. Cc 530615 001 Crime Bathsheba Spooner.mp3
    4. Cc 530622 002 Peaceful Pass T. Edwin Bartlett Grocer Afrts.mp3
    5. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Afrts.mp3
    6. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Jr.mp3
    7. Cc 530706 004 Shrapnelled Body Charles Drew Sr.mp3
    8. Cc 530713 005 Terrible Deed John White Webster.mp3
    9. Cc 530720 006 Death Picture Hanger.mp3
    10. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died Afrts.mp3
    11. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died.mp3
    12. Cc 530803 008 Mr Throwers Hammer.mp3
    13. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared Afrts.mp3
    14. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared.mp3
    15. Cc 530817 010 Incredible Trial Laura D Fair Afrts.mp3
    16. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family How It Diminished Grew Again.mp3
    17. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family It Diminished Grew Again Afrts.mp3
    18. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero Afrts.mp3
    19. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero.mp3
    20. Cc 530907 013 Torment Henrietta Robinson Why Killed Afrts.mp3
    21. Cc 530930 014 Bloody Bloody Banks Fall River.mp3
    22. Cc 531007 015 Hangman William Palmer Who Won.mp3
    23. Cc 531014 016 Sevenlayered Arsenic Cake Madame Lafarge.mp3
    24. Cc 531021 017 Billy Bonny Bloodletter Also Known As Kid.mp3
    25. Cc 531028 018 John Hayes His Head How They Were Parted.mp3
    26. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played Afrts.mp3
    27. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played.mp3
    28. Cc 531111 020 Blackbeards 14th Wife She Was Not Good For Him.mp3
    29. Cc 531118 021 Triangle On Round Table.mp3
    30. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter Afrts.mp3
    31. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter.mp3
    32. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare Afrts.mp3
    33. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare.mp3
    34. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln Afrts.mp3
    35. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln.mp3
    36. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It Afrts.mp3
    37. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It.mp3
    38. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze Afrts.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 29 shows – 393 MB – total playtime 14 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze.mp3
    3. Cc 540106 027 Younger Brothers Why Some Them Grew No Older.mp3
    4. Cc 540113 028 How Supan Got Hook Outside Bombay.mp3
    5. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess Afrts.mp3
    6. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess.mp3
    7. Cc 540127 030 Boorn Brothers Hangman Study In Nip Tuck.mp3
    8. Cc 540203 031 Incredible History John Shephard.mp3
    9. Cc 540210 032 Twentythree Knives Against Caesar.mp3
    10. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many Afrts.mp3
    11. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many.mp3
    12. Cc 540224 034 Good Ship Jane Why She Became Flotsam.mp3
    13. Cc 540303 035 Roger Nems How He Though Dead Won Game Afrts.mp3
    14. Cc 540310 036 NH Tiger Brad Ferguson Happened Then Afrts.mp3
    15. Cc 540317 037 Old Sixtoes How He Stopped Construction.mp3
    16. Cc 540331 039 Robbyboy Balfour Wrecked Big Prison Reputation.mp3
    17. Cc 540407 040 Generals Daughter Czars Lt Linen Closet.mp3
    18. Cc 540414 041 James Evans Fireman Extinguished Human Torch.mp3
    19. Cc 540421 042 Cesare Borgia His Most Difficult Murder Afrts.mp3
    20. Cc 540428 043 Widow Magee Three Gypsies Vermont Fandango.mp3
    21. Cc 540505 044 Bunny Baumler His Close Brush With Fame Afrts.mp3
    22. Cc 540512 045 Mr Clarkes Skeleton Mr Arams Closet Afrts.mp3
    23. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers Afrts.mp3
    24. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers.mp3
    25. Cc 540602 047 Mr Jonathon Jewett He Cheated Hangman.mp3
    26. Cc 540609 048 Assassination Leon Trotsky.mp3
    27. Cc 540616 049 Death Baltimore Birdie Friend.mp3
    28. Cc 540623 050 Ali Pasha Turkish Delight Afrts.mp3
    29. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper Afrts.mp3
    30. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    66 recordings on 33 Audio CDs. Total playtime 32 hours, 24 min
    66 recordings on 33 Audio CDs
    total playtime 32 hours, 24 min

    Crime Classics Disc A001

    1. Cc 521203 000 Crime Bathsheba Spooner Audition
    2. Cc 530615 001 Crime Bathsheba Spooner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A002

    1. Cc 530622 002 Peaceful Pass T. Edwin Bartlett Grocer Afrts
    2. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A003

    1. Cc 530629 003 Checkered Life Death Colonel James Fisk Jr
    2. Cc 530706 004 Shrapnelled Body Charles Drew Sr

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A004

    1. Cc 530713 005 Terrible Deed John White Webster
    2. Cc 530720 006 Death Picture Hanger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A005

    1. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died Afrts
    2. Cc 530727 007 Final Day General Ketchum How He Died

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A006

    1. Cc 530803 008 Mr Throwers Hammer
    2. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A007

    1. Cc 530810 009 Axe Droot Family How They Fared
    2. Cc 530817 010 Incredible Trial Laura D Fair Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A008

    1. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family How It Diminished Grew Again
    2. Cc 530824 011 Alsop Family It Diminished Grew Again Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A009

    1. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero Afrts
    2. Cc 530831 012 Your Loving Son Nero

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A010

    1. Cc 530907 013 Torment Henrietta Robinson Why Killed Afrts
    2. Cc 530930 014 Bloody Bloody Banks Fall River

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A011

    1. Cc 531007 015 Hangman William Palmer Who Won
    2. Cc 531014 016 Sevenlayered Arsenic Cake Madame Lafarge

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A012

    1. Cc 531021 017 Billy Bonny Bloodletter Also Known As Kid
    2. Cc 531028 018 John Hayes His Head How They Were Parted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A013

    1. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played Afrts
    2. Cc 531104 019 Raschi Among Crocodiles Prank He Played

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A014

    1. Cc 531111 020 Blackbeards 14th Wife She Was Not Good For Him
    2. Cc 531118 021 Triangle On Round Table

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A015

    1. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter Afrts
    2. Cc 531125 022 Killing William Corder Farmers Daughter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A016

    1. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare Afrts
    2. Cc 531202 023 If Body Need Body Just Call Burke Hare

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A017

    1. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln Afrts
    2. Cc 531209 024 Assassination Abraham Lincoln

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A018

    1. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It Afrts
    2. Cc 531216 025 John Judith Crime Didnt Get To Enjoy It

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A019

    1. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze Afrts
    2. Cc 531230 026 Coyle Richardson Hung In Spanking Breeze

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A020

    1. Cc 540106 027 Younger Brothers Why Some Them Grew No Older
    2. Cc 540113 028 How Supan Got Hook Outside Bombay

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A021

    1. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess Afrts
    2. Cc 540120 029 Madeline Smith Maid Or Murderess

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A022

    1. Cc 540127 030 Boorn Brothers Hangman Study In Nip Tuck
    2. Cc 540203 031 Incredible History John Shephard

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A023

    1. Cc 540210 032 Twentythree Knives Against Caesar
    2. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A024

    1. Cc 540217 033 John Baptiste Troppmann Killer Many
    2. Cc 540224 034 Good Ship Jane Why She Became Flotsam

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A025

    1. Cc 540303 035 Roger Nems How He Though Dead Won Game Afrts
    2. Cc 540310 036 NH Tiger Brad Ferguson Happened Then Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A026

    1. Cc 540317 037 Old Sixtoes How He Stopped Construction
    2. Cc 540331 039 Robbyboy Balfour Wrecked Big Prison Reputation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A027

    1. Cc 540407 040 Generals Daughter Czars Lt Linen Closet
    2. Cc 540414 041 James Evans Fireman Extinguished Human Torch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A028

    1. Cc 540421 042 Cesare Borgia His Most Difficult Murder Afrts
    2. Cc 540428 043 Widow Magee Three Gypsies Vermont Fandango

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A029

    1. Cc 540505 044 Bunny Baumler His Close Brush With Fame Afrts
    2. Cc 540512 045 Mr Clarkes Skeleton Mr Arams Closet Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A030

    1. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers Afrts
    2. Cc 540526 046 Lethal Habit Marquise De Brinvilliers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A031

    1. Cc 540602 047 Mr Jonathon Jewett He Cheated Hangman
    2. Cc 540609 048 Assassination Leon Trotsky

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A032

    1. Cc 540616 049 Death Baltimore Birdie Friend
    2. Cc 540623 050 Ali Pasha Turkish Delight Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Crime Classics Disc A033

    1. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper Afrts
    2. Cc 540630 051 Good Evening My Name Is Jack Ripper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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