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Old Time Radio Commercials

The cost of free entertainment on your radio was having to listen to commercials, fortunately, many commercials were even more entertaining than the regular programming. Snap up these snappy commercials, and you'll truly be convinced to "make Jello for your own family, yum, yum, yum," "use Ajax the foaming cleanser (bum bum bum bum bum)," and buy "Nabisco, N-A-B-I-S-C-O, it's the name to know."


545 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
10 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 03, 1955:

"J-E-L-L-O Commercial"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Bob Hope advertises for Pepsodent Tooth Paste

Coke 1940s

In the United States, broadcasting and paying for it took a different form than in countries where radio was a State-sponsored activity. In both cases, programs had to be entertaining or listeners would not bother to tune in. State-sponsored radio had an advantage because the government would always pay the bills. In America, the mission of broadcasters was simple: make a profit.

This is not as callous a business model as it might seem; to be profitable, commercial radio stations had to provide more entertaining content than their competitors. The best entertainers wanted to work where they would make the most money, and sponsors wanted to put their money where their message would get the greatest exposure. Although radio might seem like free entertainment for listeners, the price they pay is having to listen to the sponsor's' message, often in the form of commercials.

In the business model of the early networks, blocks of time were sold to sponsors, usually in quarter-hour, half-hour, and full-hour blocks. It was up to the sponsors to fill these blocks with programming (although the network would have the final say as to what went over the air), which is why so many popular OTR programs are remembered by their sponsor's name, such as The Johnson Wax Program with Fibber McGee and MollyThe Camel Caravan, or The Lux Radio Theatre.

This business model left a lot of air time that was not bringing in a profit, so broadcasters began promoting "spot advertisements" or Commercials. A radio commercial is roughly analogous to a partial-page advertisement printed in a newspaper or magazine. Like a print ad, the radio commercial had to get the advertiser's message across and to do that it had to get the audience's attention. In the case of radio commercials that did not have a visual element, this meant that the commercial had to be even more entertaining than the normal programming.

Cream of Wheat 1940s

TV commercials are often perceived as a break in the programing to allow viewers to take a bathroom break and, even though they have pictures to convey the advertiser's message, they are often 'tuned out' by the viewers they are trying to reach. Radio listeners are often doing something else while listening to their favorite programs. Examples would include commuters listening to a DriveTime disk jockey or a housewife crying through her housework with her favorite soap opera playing.

Catchy jingles and creative mental pictures helped to produce "brand recognition". The housewife at the market would spot a package on the shelf and her brain would click to "make JELL-O for your family, Yum, Yum, Yum" or "Nabisco, N-A-B-I-S-C-O, it's the name to know!" As soon as the product went into her basket, the radio commercial's mission was a success.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Old commercials know how to solve all our problems. If the man you married didn't turn out to be the man you thought he was, get him some Arid Deodorant (it also safeguards friendships). Having trouble finding the perfect Christmas gift? "Give Fatima, they're extra mild." Want a complexion like Joan Blondell? Buy Lux Facial Soap, and use it daily - it will make your skin softer, smoother.

Listening to these catchy happy jingles and vintage sales pitches makes Bob Hope's day brighter, and they can do it for you too! So why don't you pick up a copy of your own today? (doo-doo-waaaaaahh!)

See also Commercials for Movies CollectionRadio Jingles, My HometownIntroductions and Theme Musicand Public Service Announcements.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    22     5


    Thank you so much for sending us the instructions on downloading the CD we ordered. My wife figured it out after I had spent nearly an hour trying with no success. (Youth has it's advantages. She's two years younger than I am. 66) Once we (she) got it downloaded she moved it over to iTunes and I was ready to go. I've included some of the commercials mixed in with my playlist and I think it's going to work just fine. Our car club has a show in downtown and I'm the announcer / D.J. I'm excited to see how the crowd reacts to the commercials. It should be fun. Anyway, thanks for the product and the help.

    Tommy Verified Purchase

    There's something about those Autolite spark plug commercials that feels so right to me -- takes me back and makes me smile. Maybe it's the reassurance of hearing about the network of all those thousands of Autolite dealers!

    Patrick Verified Purchase

    The commercial that really turned me off was the one for Lifebuoy Soap. It was a red colored soap that had a kind of medicinal odor and in the commercial the lady would sing "Lifebuoy really stop s (and then a man's voice rather deep would say) B.O. ( body odor}

    Walter Verified Purchase

    Somehow it’s kind of charming when I hear old commercials worked into the body of a radio show but today when I see a character driving and talking about a car that’s an advertiser on a modern tv show I just roll my eyes and get truly annoyed

    GP Verified Purchase

    I like the Lifebouy Commercial that ends with "B-B-B-O-O-O

    Mike Verified Purchase

    I remember the Anacin Commercial from daytime radio soap operas. It said it cured neuritis and neuralgia...Neuritis and Neuralgia...Sounds like a vaudeville team.

    I also remember LAVA Soap....It used to sponsored the FBI in Peace and War and had the Theme from the Three Oranges...They would play it as the announcer would spell out L-A-V-A...

    Mike Verified Purchase

    There’s these ones for Champagne Velvet (CV Beer) where the announcer mysteriously says “and it’s scmyooooooooooove....” (smooth, pronounced in a bizarre and unnatural way, and always as if something is supposed to follow) - that’s a weird one.

    Dale Verified Purchase

    That beer commercial was really obnoxious. I too like the commercials in Fibber & Molly.

    Jack Verified Purchase

    The history of radio commercials is fascinating. In 1922 the first paid commercial to be broadcast on radio was heard on WEAF in New York City. Announcer H.M. Blackwell spoke about Hawthorne Court, a group of apartment buildings in Queens, New York. The Queensboro Realty Company, of Jackson Heights, bought what was called Toll Broadcasting. WEAF, owned by AT&T, sold their block programming, five one minute programs, one a day for five days, for $50 ($698 in 2014) plus long distance toll fees. The Queensboro Realty Company paid $100 for 10 minutes of commercial airtime.

    Tom Verified Purchase

    My favorite otrcat disc

    Dan Verified Purchase

    Looking forward to listening to this. Even here in the UK I remeber "you'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent" It coudnt have been that poplular, it was only available for a few years in the 50's


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    545 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 59 min
    545 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 9 hours, 59 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 545 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 59 minutes
    2. 1940 Buick.mp3
    3. 1943 Kraft Cheese Spreads.mp3
    4. 1943 Kraft Mustard.mp3
    5. 1943 Wwii Waste Kitchen Fats.mp3
    6. 1944 Grape Nuts Flakes.mp3
    7. 1945 Kelloggs Pep.mp3
    8. 1945 WWII Merchant Marine.mp3
    9. 1945 WWII Support.mp3
    10. 1946 House Of Squibb.mp3
    11. 1946 Squibb Dental Cream.mp3
    12. 1948 Life Buoy Health Soap.mp3
    13. 1949 Glocoat Floor Wax.mp3
    14. 1955 Jello.mp3
    15. 1960 Exlax.mp3
    16. 4 Way Cold Tabs.mp3
    17. 45rpm Records.mp3
    18. A And P Food Stores And P Food Stores.mp3
    19. A And W Root Beer And W Root Beer.mp3
    20. Adam Hats.mp3
    21. Adamhats-Trt-0112.mp3
    22. Add Dollars Radio.mp3
    23. Admiral-Trt-0117.mp3
    24. Admiral.mp3
    25. Admiralelectronics.mp3
    26. Advertise On Radio Spot Advertise On Radio Spot.mp3
    27. Advertise Spot1.mp3
    28. Air Force Wants You Air Force Wants You.mp3
    29. Airplane Trip.mp3
    30. Ajax-Thefoamingcleanser-Trt-0041.mp3
    31. Alan Parson L P Spot.mp3
    32. Alka Seltzer 1.mp3
    33. Alka Seltzer 2.mp3
    34. Alka Seltzer 3.mp3
    35. Alka Seltzer 4.mp3
    36. Alka Seltzer Plop Plop.mp3
    37. Alka Seltzer.mp3
    38. Alkaseltzer-Plopplopfizzfizz-Trt-0030.mp3
    39. Alkaseltzer-Trt-0157.mp3
    40. Alpine Cigarettes Alpine Cigarettes.mp3
    41. America With 7 Up 2.mp3
    42. America With 7 Up American With 7 Up.mp3
    43. American Breed For Partridge Weiners.mp3
    44. American Way.mp3
    45. Anacin-Trt-0041.mp3
    46. Anacin.mp3
    47. Anacin1.mp3
    48. Anacin2.mp3
    49. Anacin3.mp3
    50. Anacin4.mp3
    51. Anchor Glass1.mp3
    52. Anchor Hocking.mp3
    53. Anchorhocking-Trt-0045.mp3
    54. Another Day, Another Man Another Day, Another Man.mp3
    55. Arid Deodorant.mp3
    56. Ariddeoderant-Trt-0046.mp3
    57. Art Linkletter Civil Defense Spot Dont Use Phone!.mp3
    58. Auggie Doggie Syndicated Titles W Sub Main Title.mp3
    59. Autolite-Trt-0058.mp3
    60. Autolite.mp3
    61. Autolite01.mp3
    62. Autolite02.mp3
    63. Autolite03.mp3
    64. Autolite04.mp3
    65. Autolite05.mp3
    66. Autolite06.mp3
    67. Autolite07.mp3
    68. Autolite08.mp3
    69. Autolite09.mp3
    70. Autolite10.mp3
    71. Autolite11.mp3
    72. Autolite12.mp3
    73. Autolite13.mp3
    74. B B King MDA PSA.mp3
    75. B J Thomas For Coke.mp3
    76. Bad Pespi Spot.mp3
    77. Band Aid Brand Band Aid Brand.mp3
    78. Bank Americard Bank Americard.mp3
    79. Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins.mp3
    80. Beechnutchewinggum.mp3
    81. Benson and Hedges Radio Spot Benson and Hedges Radio Spot.mp3
    82. Betty Crocker1.mp3
    83. Big Red Gum Big Red Gum.mp3
    84. Billy Taylors T V Billy Taylors T V.mp3
    85. Blood Crisis1.mp3
    86. Blue Coal1.mp3
    87. Blue Coal2.mp3
    88. Blue Coal3.mp3
    89. Blue Coal4.mp3
    90. Bluecoal.mp3
    91. Bob Green and June Foray 7 11 Spot.mp3
    92. Bob Green W K N R Edgewater Park.mp3
    93. Bob Green W K N R Keener 13 Bob Green W K N R Keener 13.mp3
    94. Bob Hope And Bing Crobsy Chesterfield Jingle.mp3
    95. Bob Layne Stamp Of Approval Game.mp3
    96. Bobby Vee Radio Spot.mp3
    97. Boeing Boeing.mp3
    98. Boriskarloffmessagetostationowners.mp3
    99. Boy Scouts.mp3
    100. Bran Flakes.mp3
    101. Bravura Ltd Edition Man Who Hears Different Drum.mp3
    102. Brisk Toothpaste.mp3
    103. Bromo Quinine.mp3
    104. Bromo Seltzer.mp3
    105. Bromoquinine.mp3
    106. Brooke Bond Foods Red Rose Tea.mp3
    107. Brooklyn Bridge Coca Cola Commercial.mp3
    108. Bruiser Budweiser Radio Spot.mp3
    109. Bubbleup.mp3
    110. Bucket Up For Safety Bucket Up For Safety.mp3
    111. Bud1.mp3
    112. Bud2.mp3
    113. Bud3.mp3
    114. Bud4.mp3
    115. Bud5.mp3
    116. Bud6.mp3
    117. Bud7.mp3
    118. Bud8.mp3
    119. Bud9.mp3
    120. Budweiser Radio Spot Budweiser Radio Spot 1960.mp3
    121. Budweiser.mp3
    122. Buick 65 Buick 65.mp3
    123. Buick and More Buick 1959,Sinclair Gas,Oreo Cookies.mp3
    124. Buick Radio Spot.mp3
    125. Buick1.mp3
    126. Bulova.mp3
    127. Bulova1.mp3
    128. Camel Cigarettes.mp3
    129. Camel1.mp3
    130. Camel2.mp3
    131. Campana.mp3
    132. Campbell Soup.mp3
    133. Captain Kangaroo Captain Kangaroo.mp3
    134. Car Cadillac.mp3
    135. Car Chevy.mp3
    136. Car Chrysler.mp3
    137. Car Comet.mp3
    138. Car Dodge.mp3
    139. Car Ford.mp3
    140. Car Lincoln.mp3
    141. Car Mercury.mp3
    142. Car Olds.mp3
    143. Car Plymouth.mp3
    144. Car Pontiacc.mp3
    145. Car Rambler.mp3
    146. Car Studebaker.mp3
    147. Car V W.mp3
    148. Carnation1.mp3
    149. Carters Little Liver Pills.mp3
    150. Caseite1.mp3
    151. Caseite2.mp3
    152. Cbs Radio1.mp3
    153. Cbs Radio2.mp3
    154. Cbs Radio3.mp3
    155. Cbs Radio4.mp3
    156. Cbs Sedan Chair1.mp3
    157. Chain Gang Women 1971.mp3
    158. Chasesanborn Coffee1.mp3
    159. Cheerios1.mp3
    160. Cheerios2.mp3
    161. Chesterfield Chesterfield.mp3
    162. Chesterfield Jingle Chesterfield Jingle.mp3
    163. Chesterfieldcigarettes.mp3
    164. Cheverolet.mp3
    165. Chevrolet 1957.mp3
    166. Chevrolet For 1966.mp3
    167. Chevy Chevy.mp3
    168. Cheyenne Theme Cheyenne Theme.mp3
    169. Chez Louies Chez Louies.mp3
    170. Chiffons Great Shakers Spot.mp3
    171. Chipmunks Chipmunks For Post Cereal.mp3
    172. Chipmunks Ford Motor Company.mp3
    173. Chipmunks Harrys Toy Store 1958.mp3
    174. Chiquita Bananna.mp3
    175. Christmas Chopsticks.mp3
    176. Clark Gasoline.mp3
    177. Classic And Classy 50s To 70s Commericals.mp3
    178. Clippercraft Coats1.mp3
    179. Clippercraft Coats2.mp3
    180. Clippercraft Coats3.mp3
    181. Clorets Radio Spot Clorets Radio Spot.mp3
    182. Coaster For Coke.mp3
    183. Coca Cola Christmas Spot Coca Cola Christmas Spot.mp3
    184. Coca Cola Nothing Like Coke.mp3
    185. Coca Cola Radio Spot 2 Coca Cola Radio Spot 2.mp3
    186. Coco Cola Coca Cola Soundtrack.mp3
    187. Coke Bill Cosby Spec Report 1985.mp3
    188. Coke Catch Wave 1987.mp3
    189. Coke Cola Long Coke Cola Long.mp3
    190. Coke Drifters.mp3
    191. Coke Fortunes.mp3
    192. Coke Four Seasons.mp3
    193. Coke Freddie And Dreamers.mp3
    194. Coke Freddie Cannon.mp3
    195. Coke Gary Lewis And Playboys.mp3
    196. Coke Jan and Dean.mp3
    197. Coke Kingston Trio Things Go Better With Coke Full Version.mp3
    198. Coke Laura Branigan 1985.mp3
    199. Coke Lee Dorsey.mp3
    200. Coke Lesley Gore.mp3
    201. Coke Martha Reeves And Vandellas.mp3
    202. Coke Max Headroom 1985.mp3
    203. Coke Newbeats.mp3
    204. Coke Petula Clark Downtown.mp3
    205. Coke Petula Clark.mp3
    206. Coke Rocko Announcement 1985.mp3
    207. Coke Rocko Teletype 1985.mp3
    208. Coke Roy Orbison Coke Spot.mp3
    209. Coke Roy Orbison.mp3
    210. Coke Supremes.mp3
    211. Coke Tom Jones.mp3
    212. Coke Vogues.mp3
    213. Coke Wayne Fontana And Mindbenders.mp3
    214. Cola Nuts 2.mp3
    215. Cola Nuts.mp3
    216. Coleman.mp3
    217. Colgate Shaving Cream.mp3
    218. Colgate Shaving1.mp3
    219. Colgate Shaving2.mp3
    220. Colgate Shaving3.mp3
    221. Colgate Shaving4.mp3
    222. Colgate Shaving5.mp3
    223. Colgate Tooth Powder.mp3
    224. Columbia Phonograph.mp3
    225. Come Alive Pespi, Petula Clark For Coke, 7 Up Wet and Wild.mp3
    226. Community Chest1.mp3
    227. Competitors Of 7 Up Competitors Of 7 Up.mp3
    228. Coney Island Penny Machine.mp3
    229. Conoco.mp3
    230. Contadina Tomato Paste.mp3
    231. Coors Budwiser B 52 For HBO Buds.mp3
    232. Corniche CHiPs.mp3
    233. Cost Of Living.mp3
    234. Country 7 11 Country 7 11.mp3
    235. Cover Girl By Noxema.mp3
    236. Cream Of Wheat.mp3
    237. Creamo Cigars.mp3
    238. Creamocigars.mp3
    239. Cresta Blanca Wine1.mp3
    240. Cresta Blanca.mp3
    241. Crestablanca.mp3
    242. Crimes V America1.mp3
    243. Crisco.mp3
    244. Cupcakes1.mp3
    245. Customer Traffic.mp3
    246. Daily Drive in.mp3
    247. Darts For Dough1.mp3
    248. Dash Soap1.mp3
    249. Dave Prince Detroit Emerald Spot.mp3
    250. David Naughton Dr Pepper.mp3
    251. Day In Life Seven Up.mp3
    252. Deathrace 2000 Deathrace 2000.mp3
    253. Del Shannon And Royaltones Pepsi Cola Commercial 1965.mp3
    254. Delmonte Catsup1.mp3
    255. Delmonte Catsup2.mp3
    256. Delmonte Catsup3.mp3
    257. Delmonte3.mp3
    258. Delta Airlines Delta Airlines.mp3
    259. Dentine1.mp3
    260. Department Stores Montgomery Wards.mp3
    261. Department Stores Pennys.mp3
    262. Department Stores Sears.mp3
    263. Department Stores Woolworths.mp3
    264. Detroit Dragway Joel Sebastian and Rube Weiss.mp3
    265. Detroit Dragway Spot and 409 Beach Boys.mp3
    266. Dick Clark Gary Puckett And Union Gap Lady Willpower.mp3
    267. Dick Clark Show Open Rock, Roll and Remember.mp3
    268. Dick Feller Credit Card Song.mp3
    269. Dick Purtan Promo Dick Purtan Promo.mp3
    270. Dick Purtan Q 95 W C Z Y For M S.mp3
    271. Dinah Shore See U S In Your Chevrolet.mp3
    272. Dirt Dozen Movie, Heaven Scent, Graduate Movie.mp3
    273. Dodge.mp3
    274. Doublemint Gum.mp3
    275. Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde.mp3
    276. Dr Lyons Tooth Powder.mp3
    277. Dr Pepper and More Dr Pepper, Buick, Sinclair.mp3
    278. Dr Pepper BB King 1.mp3
    279. Dr Pepper Commerical 1977.mp3
    280. Dr Pepper Guys Dr Pepper Guys.mp3
    281. Dr Pepper Jingle Banjo Dr Pepper.mp3
    282. Dr.lyon's Tooth Powder.mp3
    283. Dristan1.mp3
    284. Drive Companion Drive Companion.mp3
    285. Drive With Care With W J B K Drive With Care With W J B K.mp3
    286. Dupont Chemistry1.mp3
    287. Dupont Chemistry2.mp3
    288. Dupont Chemistry3.mp3
    289. Dupont.mp3
    290. Dutch Boy Paints Dutch Boy Paints.mp3
    291. Dutch Cleanser1.mp3
    292. Dutch Cleanser2.mp3
    293. Dutch Cleanser3.mp3
    294. Ed Bush Pespsi Generation.mp3
    295. Elgin American.mp3
    296. Emz Chlorophyl1.mp3
    297. Enco.mp3
    298. Energine Shoe White.mp3
    299. Equitable Insurance1.mp3
    300. Equitable Insurance2.mp3
    301. Exlax.mp3
    302. Exlax1.mp3
    303. Exlax2.mp3
    304. Exlax4.mp3
    305. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 01.mp3
    306. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 02.mp3
    307. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta.mp3
    308. Fatima Cigarettes.mp3
    309. Fitch Shampoo2.mp3
    310. Fitch Shavecream1.mp3
    311. Fitch.mp3
    312. Ford 1964, Buick Wild Cat, 7 Up Real Action, Double Gum 1964.mp3
    313. Ford For 1964 Spot 2.mp3
    314. Ford for 1964.mp3
    315. Ford King Ford King.mp3
    316. Ford Mustang Western Spot.mp3
    317. Ford Mustang.mp3
    318. Ford Radio Spot 2 Ford Radio Sport 2 1964.mp3
    319. Ford Radio Spot Ford Radio Spot 1964.mp3
    320. Ford Trucks 1960 A.mp3
    321. Ford Trucks 1960 B.mp3
    322. Ford Z 95 1987.mp3
    323. Ford.mp3
    324. Ford1.mp3
    325. Ford2.mp3
    326. Ford3.mp3
    327. Ford4.mp3
    328. Ford5.mp3
    329. Four Lads for FORD.mp3
    330. Frigidaire1.mp3
    331. Frigidaire2.mp3
    332. Gem Blades.mp3
    333. Gillette Be Sharp March.mp3
    334. Glocoat Wax.mp3
    335. GM Gardian Maintenance.mp3
    336. Gm Guardian Maintenance.mp3
    337. Good N Plenty Choo Choo.mp3
    338. Goodrich Tires.mp3
    339. Goodyear Life Guard Tires.mp3
    340. Goodyear Lifeguard Tires.mp3
    341. Goodyear Rubber Cement.mp3
    342. Great American Broadcast.mp3
    343. Green Shampoo1.mp3
    344. Groves Nose Drops.mp3
    345. Gulf2.mp3
    346. Gunsmoke1.mp3
    347. Haley's Mineral Oil.mp3
    348. Haleys Mo.mp3
    349. Haleys Mo1.mp3
    350. Hallo Shampoo.mp3
    351. Hopalong Cassidy.mp3
    352. Hot Wheat Meal.mp3
    353. Household Finance Corp.mp3
    354. Ingram Gasoline.mp3
    355. International Sterling.mp3
    356. Ironized Yeast.mp3
    357. Ironized Yeast2.mp3
    358. Ivory Soap.mp3
    359. Jello 1955.mp3
    360. Jello Chocolate Pudding.mp3
    361. Jello1.mp3
    362. Jello2.mp3
    363. Jello3.mp3
    364. Jello4.mp3
    365. Jello5.mp3
    366. Jello6.mp3
    367. Jello7 Magic.mp3
    368. Jergens Lotion.mp3
    369. Johnson Wax1.mp3
    370. Johnsons Carnew1.mp3
    371. Johnsons Glocoat1.mp3
    372. Johnsons Glocoat2.mp3
    373. Kelloggs Pep.mp3
    374. Kellogs Pep.mp3
    375. Kellogs1.mp3
    376. Kraft1 Cheese1.mp3
    377. Kraft2.mp3
    378. Kraft3.mp3
    379. Kraft4 Malted1.mp3
    380. Kraft5 Parfait1.mp3
    381. Kreml1.mp3
    382. Kreml2.mp3
    383. Lava Soap.mp3
    384. Lava.mp3
    385. Lifebouy Health Soap 1948.mp3
    386. Lifebuoy1.mp3
    387. Lifebuoy2.mp3
    388. Lifebuoy3.mp3
    389. Lipton Noodle1.mp3
    390. Lipton1.mp3
    391. Lipton2.mp3
    392. Lipton3.mp3
    393. Long Distance1.mp3
    394. Lucky Beer.mp3
    395. Lucky Strike Cigarettes.mp3
    396. Lucky Strike1.mp3
    397. Luster Cream Shampoo.mp3
    398. Luster Cream.mp3
    399. Lux Toilet Soap.mp3
    400. Lux1.mp3
    401. Lux2.mp3
    402. Lux3.mp3
    403. Lux4.mp3
    404. Lux5.mp3
    405. Lux7song.mp3
    406. Lux8song.mp3
    407. March Of Dimes.mp3
    408. Marlboro.mp3
    409. Maxwell House Coffee.mp3
    410. Maxwell House1.mp3
    411. Maxwell House2.mp3
    412. Maxwell House3.mp3
    413. Mayfield Cigarettes.mp3
    414. Miracle Whip1.mp3
    415. Mr Clean Mr Clean.mp3
    416. Mutual Kid Shows.mp3
    417. Nabisco.mp3
    418. Nash Automobiles.mp3
    419. Nbc1.mp3
    420. Nbc4.mp3
    421. Nescafe.mp3
    422. Nestles.mp3
    423. Northern Electricradio 1955 Commercials 1940s.mp3
    424. Northwest Orient Airlines.mp3
    425. Np27.mp3
    426. Old Spice1.mp3
    427. Oldspice.mp3
    428. Olga Coal.mp3
    429. Ovaltine.mp3
    430. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.mp3
    431. Pabstead Cheese1.mp3
    432. Palmolive Soap.mp3
    433. Palmolive1.mp3
    434. Palmolive2.mp3
    435. Parkay1.mp3
    436. Parkay2.mp3
    437. Patti Cake Cookies.mp3
    438. Pearl1.mp3
    439. Pearl2 1958.mp3
    440. Pepsi Cola1.mp3
    441. Pepsi.mp3
    442. Pepsicola.mp3
    443. Pepsodent.mp3
    444. Pepsodent1 Part.mp3
    445. Pepsodent2.mp3
    446. Pepsodent3.mp3
    447. Perfect Circle Piston Rings.mp3
    448. Pet Milk1.mp3
    449. Philip Morris Cigarettes.mp3
    450. Plymouth.mp3
    451. Pontiac.mp3
    452. Popcicle.mp3
    453. Post Bran Flakes1.mp3
    454. Post Toasties.mp3
    455. Post Toasties1.mp3
    456. Postum.mp3
    457. Prell1.mp3
    458. Quaker Oats1.mp3
    459. Quaker Oats2.mp3
    460. Quaker Oats3.mp3
    461. Quaker Oats4.mp3
    462. Quaker Oats5.mp3
    463. Quaker Oats6.mp3
    464. Quaker Police Whistle1.mp3
    465. Quaker Puffs.mp3
    466. Quaker.mp3
    467. Radio Promo.mp3
    468. Raleigh.mp3
    469. Rambler1.mp3
    470. Rca Part1.mp3
    471. Rca2.mp3
    472. Rexall1.mp3
    473. Rexall2.mp3
    474. Rexall3.mp3
    475. Rexall4.mp3
    476. Rexall5.mp3
    477. Reynolds Aluminum.mp3
    478. Rinso.mp3
    479. Rio Grande Gas1.mp3
    480. Roitan Cigars.mp3
    481. Rolston Cereal.mp3
    482. Roma Wines1.mp3
    483. Sal Hapatica.mp3
    484. Schlitz1.mp3
    485. Schlitz2.mp3
    486. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 01.mp3
    487. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 02.mp3
    488. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 03.mp3
    489. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 04.mp3
    490. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 05.mp3
    491. Shinola1.mp3
    492. Signal Battery.mp3
    493. Signal Gas1.mp3
    494. Signal Gas2.mp3
    495. Signal Gasoline.mp3
    496. Skelly Gas Capmidnight.mp3
    497. Skelly Oil Company.mp3
    498. Spam2.mp3
    499. Spam3.mp3
    500. Spry Cake Improver1.mp3
    501. Studebaker Lark.mp3
    502. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 01.mp3
    503. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 02.mp3
    504. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 03.mp3
    505. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 04.mp3
    506. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 05.mp3
    507. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 06.mp3
    508. Sturdy Dog Food.mp3
    509. Sugar Crinkles1.mp3
    510. Sugar Crinkles2.mp3
    511. Sugar Crinkles3.mp3
    512. Swan Soap1 Part.mp3
    513. Swan Soap2.mp3
    514. Swan Soap3.mp3
    515. Swan Soap4.mp3
    516. Tempo Cigarettes.mp3
    517. Tenderleaf Teaballs1.mp3
    518. Tide Soap1.mp3
    519. Tide Soap2.mp3
    520. Ting Pimple Cream.mp3
    521. Top Value Stamps.mp3
    522. Tums1.mp3
    523. Turtle Wax1.mp3
    524. Vaseline1.mp3
    525. Vaseline2.mp3
    526. Vaturberculosis.mp3
    527. Velveeta.mp3
    528. Velveta1.mp3
    529. Velveta2.mp3
    530. Vimm's Vitamins.mp3
    531. Wheaties Cereal.mp3
    532. Wheaties1.mp3
    533. Wheaties2.mp3
    534. Wheaties3.mp3
    535. Wheaties4.mp3
    536. White King Soap.mp3
    537. Wild Root Cream Oil.mp3
    538. Wildroot1.mp3
    539. Wildroot2.mp3
    540. Wingcigarettes.mp3
    541. Winstoncigarettes.mp3
    542. Wrigley Spearmint Gum 1968 Restored at Audio Solutions.mp3
    543. Wrigley Spearmint Gum Radio Spot.mp3
    544. Wrigleys Spearmint Gum 1967.mp3
    545. Wrigleys1.mp3
    546. Wrigleys2.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    545 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 59 min
    545 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    274 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 59 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 545 shows – 274 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 59 minutes
    2. 1940 Buick.mp3
    3. 1943 Kraft Cheese Spreads.mp3
    4. 1943 Kraft Mustard.mp3
    5. 1943 Wwii Waste Kitchen Fats.mp3
    6. 1944 Grape Nuts Flakes.mp3
    7. 1945 Kelloggs Pep.mp3
    8. 1945 WWII Merchant Marine.mp3
    9. 1945 WWII Support.mp3
    10. 1946 House Of Squibb.mp3
    11. 1946 Squibb Dental Cream.mp3
    12. 1948 Life Buoy Health Soap.mp3
    13. 1949 Glocoat Floor Wax.mp3
    14. 1955 Jello.mp3
    15. 1960 Exlax.mp3
    16. 4 Way Cold Tabs.mp3
    17. 45rpm Records.mp3
    18. A And P Food Stores And P Food Stores.mp3
    19. A And W Root Beer And W Root Beer.mp3
    20. Adam Hats.mp3
    21. Adamhats-Trt-0112.mp3
    22. Add Dollars Radio.mp3
    23. Admiral-Trt-0117.mp3
    24. Admiral.mp3
    25. Admiralelectronics.mp3
    26. Advertise On Radio Spot Advertise On Radio Spot.mp3
    27. Advertise Spot1.mp3
    28. Air Force Wants You Air Force Wants You.mp3
    29. Airplane Trip.mp3
    30. Ajax-Thefoamingcleanser-Trt-0041.mp3
    31. Alan Parson L P Spot.mp3
    32. Alka Seltzer 1.mp3
    33. Alka Seltzer 2.mp3
    34. Alka Seltzer 3.mp3
    35. Alka Seltzer 4.mp3
    36. Alka Seltzer Plop Plop.mp3
    37. Alka Seltzer.mp3
    38. Alkaseltzer-Plopplopfizzfizz-Trt-0030.mp3
    39. Alkaseltzer-Trt-0157.mp3
    40. Alpine Cigarettes Alpine Cigarettes.mp3
    41. America With 7 Up 2.mp3
    42. America With 7 Up American With 7 Up.mp3
    43. American Breed For Partridge Weiners.mp3
    44. American Way.mp3
    45. Anacin-Trt-0041.mp3
    46. Anacin.mp3
    47. Anacin1.mp3
    48. Anacin2.mp3
    49. Anacin3.mp3
    50. Anacin4.mp3
    51. Anchor Glass1.mp3
    52. Anchor Hocking.mp3
    53. Anchorhocking-Trt-0045.mp3
    54. Another Day, Another Man Another Day, Another Man.mp3
    55. Arid Deodorant.mp3
    56. Ariddeoderant-Trt-0046.mp3
    57. Art Linkletter Civil Defense Spot Dont Use Phone!.mp3
    58. Auggie Doggie Syndicated Titles W Sub Main Title.mp3
    59. Autolite-Trt-0058.mp3
    60. Autolite.mp3
    61. Autolite01.mp3
    62. Autolite02.mp3
    63. Autolite03.mp3
    64. Autolite04.mp3
    65. Autolite05.mp3
    66. Autolite06.mp3
    67. Autolite07.mp3
    68. Autolite08.mp3
    69. Autolite09.mp3
    70. Autolite10.mp3
    71. Autolite11.mp3
    72. Autolite12.mp3
    73. Autolite13.mp3
    74. B B King MDA PSA.mp3
    75. B J Thomas For Coke.mp3
    76. Bad Pespi Spot.mp3
    77. Band Aid Brand Band Aid Brand.mp3
    78. Bank Americard Bank Americard.mp3
    79. Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins.mp3
    80. Beechnutchewinggum.mp3
    81. Benson and Hedges Radio Spot Benson and Hedges Radio Spot.mp3
    82. Betty Crocker1.mp3
    83. Big Red Gum Big Red Gum.mp3
    84. Billy Taylors T V Billy Taylors T V.mp3
    85. Blood Crisis1.mp3
    86. Blue Coal1.mp3
    87. Blue Coal2.mp3
    88. Blue Coal3.mp3
    89. Blue Coal4.mp3
    90. Bluecoal.mp3
    91. Bob Green and June Foray 7 11 Spot.mp3
    92. Bob Green W K N R Edgewater Park.mp3
    93. Bob Green W K N R Keener 13 Bob Green W K N R Keener 13.mp3
    94. Bob Hope And Bing Crobsy Chesterfield Jingle.mp3
    95. Bob Layne Stamp Of Approval Game.mp3
    96. Bobby Vee Radio Spot.mp3
    97. Boeing Boeing.mp3
    98. Boriskarloffmessagetostationowners.mp3
    99. Boy Scouts.mp3
    100. Bran Flakes.mp3
    101. Bravura Ltd Edition Man Who Hears Different Drum.mp3
    102. Brisk Toothpaste.mp3
    103. Bromo Quinine.mp3
    104. Bromo Seltzer.mp3
    105. Bromoquinine.mp3
    106. Brooke Bond Foods Red Rose Tea.mp3
    107. Brooklyn Bridge Coca Cola Commercial.mp3
    108. Bruiser Budweiser Radio Spot.mp3
    109. Bubbleup.mp3
    110. Bucket Up For Safety Bucket Up For Safety.mp3
    111. Bud1.mp3
    112. Bud2.mp3
    113. Bud3.mp3
    114. Bud4.mp3
    115. Bud5.mp3
    116. Bud6.mp3
    117. Bud7.mp3
    118. Bud8.mp3
    119. Bud9.mp3
    120. Budweiser Radio Spot Budweiser Radio Spot 1960.mp3
    121. Budweiser.mp3
    122. Buick 65 Buick 65.mp3
    123. Buick and More Buick 1959,Sinclair Gas,Oreo Cookies.mp3
    124. Buick Radio Spot.mp3
    125. Buick1.mp3
    126. Bulova.mp3
    127. Bulova1.mp3
    128. Camel Cigarettes.mp3
    129. Camel1.mp3
    130. Camel2.mp3
    131. Campana.mp3
    132. Campbell Soup.mp3
    133. Captain Kangaroo Captain Kangaroo.mp3
    134. Car Cadillac.mp3
    135. Car Chevy.mp3
    136. Car Chrysler.mp3
    137. Car Comet.mp3
    138. Car Dodge.mp3
    139. Car Ford.mp3
    140. Car Lincoln.mp3
    141. Car Mercury.mp3
    142. Car Olds.mp3
    143. Car Plymouth.mp3
    144. Car Pontiacc.mp3
    145. Car Rambler.mp3
    146. Car Studebaker.mp3
    147. Car V W.mp3
    148. Carnation1.mp3
    149. Carters Little Liver Pills.mp3
    150. Caseite1.mp3
    151. Caseite2.mp3
    152. Cbs Radio1.mp3
    153. Cbs Radio2.mp3
    154. Cbs Radio3.mp3
    155. Cbs Radio4.mp3
    156. Cbs Sedan Chair1.mp3
    157. Chain Gang Women 1971.mp3
    158. Chasesanborn Coffee1.mp3
    159. Cheerios1.mp3
    160. Cheerios2.mp3
    161. Chesterfield Chesterfield.mp3
    162. Chesterfield Jingle Chesterfield Jingle.mp3
    163. Chesterfieldcigarettes.mp3
    164. Cheverolet.mp3
    165. Chevrolet 1957.mp3
    166. Chevrolet For 1966.mp3
    167. Chevy Chevy.mp3
    168. Cheyenne Theme Cheyenne Theme.mp3
    169. Chez Louies Chez Louies.mp3
    170. Chiffons Great Shakers Spot.mp3
    171. Chipmunks Chipmunks For Post Cereal.mp3
    172. Chipmunks Ford Motor Company.mp3
    173. Chipmunks Harrys Toy Store 1958.mp3
    174. Chiquita Bananna.mp3
    175. Christmas Chopsticks.mp3
    176. Clark Gasoline.mp3
    177. Classic And Classy 50s To 70s Commericals.mp3
    178. Clippercraft Coats1.mp3
    179. Clippercraft Coats2.mp3
    180. Clippercraft Coats3.mp3
    181. Clorets Radio Spot Clorets Radio Spot.mp3
    182. Coaster For Coke.mp3
    183. Coca Cola Christmas Spot Coca Cola Christmas Spot.mp3
    184. Coca Cola Nothing Like Coke.mp3
    185. Coca Cola Radio Spot 2 Coca Cola Radio Spot 2.mp3
    186. Coco Cola Coca Cola Soundtrack.mp3
    187. Coke Bill Cosby Spec Report 1985.mp3
    188. Coke Catch Wave 1987.mp3
    189. Coke Cola Long Coke Cola Long.mp3
    190. Coke Drifters.mp3
    191. Coke Fortunes.mp3
    192. Coke Four Seasons.mp3
    193. Coke Freddie And Dreamers.mp3
    194. Coke Freddie Cannon.mp3
    195. Coke Gary Lewis And Playboys.mp3
    196. Coke Jan and Dean.mp3
    197. Coke Kingston Trio Things Go Better With Coke Full Version.mp3
    198. Coke Laura Branigan 1985.mp3
    199. Coke Lee Dorsey.mp3
    200. Coke Lesley Gore.mp3
    201. Coke Martha Reeves And Vandellas.mp3
    202. Coke Max Headroom 1985.mp3
    203. Coke Newbeats.mp3
    204. Coke Petula Clark Downtown.mp3
    205. Coke Petula Clark.mp3
    206. Coke Rocko Announcement 1985.mp3
    207. Coke Rocko Teletype 1985.mp3
    208. Coke Roy Orbison Coke Spot.mp3
    209. Coke Roy Orbison.mp3
    210. Coke Supremes.mp3
    211. Coke Tom Jones.mp3
    212. Coke Vogues.mp3
    213. Coke Wayne Fontana And Mindbenders.mp3
    214. Cola Nuts 2.mp3
    215. Cola Nuts.mp3
    216. Coleman.mp3
    217. Colgate Shaving Cream.mp3
    218. Colgate Shaving1.mp3
    219. Colgate Shaving2.mp3
    220. Colgate Shaving3.mp3
    221. Colgate Shaving4.mp3
    222. Colgate Shaving5.mp3
    223. Colgate Tooth Powder.mp3
    224. Columbia Phonograph.mp3
    225. Come Alive Pespi, Petula Clark For Coke, 7 Up Wet and Wild.mp3
    226. Community Chest1.mp3
    227. Competitors Of 7 Up Competitors Of 7 Up.mp3
    228. Coney Island Penny Machine.mp3
    229. Conoco.mp3
    230. Contadina Tomato Paste.mp3
    231. Coors Budwiser B 52 For HBO Buds.mp3
    232. Corniche CHiPs.mp3
    233. Cost Of Living.mp3
    234. Country 7 11 Country 7 11.mp3
    235. Cover Girl By Noxema.mp3
    236. Cream Of Wheat.mp3
    237. Creamo Cigars.mp3
    238. Creamocigars.mp3
    239. Cresta Blanca Wine1.mp3
    240. Cresta Blanca.mp3
    241. Crestablanca.mp3
    242. Crimes V America1.mp3
    243. Crisco.mp3
    244. Cupcakes1.mp3
    245. Customer Traffic.mp3
    246. Daily Drive in.mp3
    247. Darts For Dough1.mp3
    248. Dash Soap1.mp3
    249. Dave Prince Detroit Emerald Spot.mp3
    250. David Naughton Dr Pepper.mp3
    251. Day In Life Seven Up.mp3
    252. Deathrace 2000 Deathrace 2000.mp3
    253. Del Shannon And Royaltones Pepsi Cola Commercial 1965.mp3
    254. Delmonte Catsup1.mp3
    255. Delmonte Catsup2.mp3
    256. Delmonte Catsup3.mp3
    257. Delmonte3.mp3
    258. Delta Airlines Delta Airlines.mp3
    259. Dentine1.mp3
    260. Department Stores Montgomery Wards.mp3
    261. Department Stores Pennys.mp3
    262. Department Stores Sears.mp3
    263. Department Stores Woolworths.mp3
    264. Detroit Dragway Joel Sebastian and Rube Weiss.mp3
    265. Detroit Dragway Spot and 409 Beach Boys.mp3
    266. Dick Clark Gary Puckett And Union Gap Lady Willpower.mp3
    267. Dick Clark Show Open Rock, Roll and Remember.mp3
    268. Dick Feller Credit Card Song.mp3
    269. Dick Purtan Promo Dick Purtan Promo.mp3
    270. Dick Purtan Q 95 W C Z Y For M S.mp3
    271. Dinah Shore See U S In Your Chevrolet.mp3
    272. Dirt Dozen Movie, Heaven Scent, Graduate Movie.mp3
    273. Dodge.mp3
    274. Doublemint Gum.mp3
    275. Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde.mp3
    276. Dr Lyons Tooth Powder.mp3
    277. Dr Pepper and More Dr Pepper, Buick, Sinclair.mp3
    278. Dr Pepper BB King 1.mp3
    279. Dr Pepper Commerical 1977.mp3
    280. Dr Pepper Guys Dr Pepper Guys.mp3
    281. Dr Pepper Jingle Banjo Dr Pepper.mp3
    282. Dr.lyon's Tooth Powder.mp3
    283. Dristan1.mp3
    284. Drive Companion Drive Companion.mp3
    285. Drive With Care With W J B K Drive With Care With W J B K.mp3
    286. Dupont Chemistry1.mp3
    287. Dupont Chemistry2.mp3
    288. Dupont Chemistry3.mp3
    289. Dupont.mp3
    290. Dutch Boy Paints Dutch Boy Paints.mp3
    291. Dutch Cleanser1.mp3
    292. Dutch Cleanser2.mp3
    293. Dutch Cleanser3.mp3
    294. Ed Bush Pespsi Generation.mp3
    295. Elgin American.mp3
    296. Emz Chlorophyl1.mp3
    297. Enco.mp3
    298. Energine Shoe White.mp3
    299. Equitable Insurance1.mp3
    300. Equitable Insurance2.mp3
    301. Exlax.mp3
    302. Exlax1.mp3
    303. Exlax2.mp3
    304. Exlax4.mp3
    305. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 01.mp3
    306. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 02.mp3
    307. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta.mp3
    308. Fatima Cigarettes.mp3
    309. Fitch Shampoo2.mp3
    310. Fitch Shavecream1.mp3
    311. Fitch.mp3
    312. Ford 1964, Buick Wild Cat, 7 Up Real Action, Double Gum 1964.mp3
    313. Ford For 1964 Spot 2.mp3
    314. Ford for 1964.mp3
    315. Ford King Ford King.mp3
    316. Ford Mustang Western Spot.mp3
    317. Ford Mustang.mp3
    318. Ford Radio Spot 2 Ford Radio Sport 2 1964.mp3
    319. Ford Radio Spot Ford Radio Spot 1964.mp3
    320. Ford Trucks 1960 A.mp3
    321. Ford Trucks 1960 B.mp3
    322. Ford Z 95 1987.mp3
    323. Ford.mp3
    324. Ford1.mp3
    325. Ford2.mp3
    326. Ford3.mp3
    327. Ford4.mp3
    328. Ford5.mp3
    329. Four Lads for FORD.mp3
    330. Frigidaire1.mp3
    331. Frigidaire2.mp3
    332. Gem Blades.mp3
    333. Gillette Be Sharp March.mp3
    334. Glocoat Wax.mp3
    335. GM Gardian Maintenance.mp3
    336. Gm Guardian Maintenance.mp3
    337. Good N Plenty Choo Choo.mp3
    338. Goodrich Tires.mp3
    339. Goodyear Life Guard Tires.mp3
    340. Goodyear Lifeguard Tires.mp3
    341. Goodyear Rubber Cement.mp3
    342. Great American Broadcast.mp3
    343. Green Shampoo1.mp3
    344. Groves Nose Drops.mp3
    345. Gulf2.mp3
    346. Gunsmoke1.mp3
    347. Haley's Mineral Oil.mp3
    348. Haleys Mo.mp3
    349. Haleys Mo1.mp3
    350. Hallo Shampoo.mp3
    351. Hopalong Cassidy.mp3
    352. Hot Wheat Meal.mp3
    353. Household Finance Corp.mp3
    354. Ingram Gasoline.mp3
    355. International Sterling.mp3
    356. Ironized Yeast.mp3
    357. Ironized Yeast2.mp3
    358. Ivory Soap.mp3
    359. Jello 1955.mp3
    360. Jello Chocolate Pudding.mp3
    361. Jello1.mp3
    362. Jello2.mp3
    363. Jello3.mp3
    364. Jello4.mp3
    365. Jello5.mp3
    366. Jello6.mp3
    367. Jello7 Magic.mp3
    368. Jergens Lotion.mp3
    369. Johnson Wax1.mp3
    370. Johnsons Carnew1.mp3
    371. Johnsons Glocoat1.mp3
    372. Johnsons Glocoat2.mp3
    373. Kelloggs Pep.mp3
    374. Kellogs Pep.mp3
    375. Kellogs1.mp3
    376. Kraft1 Cheese1.mp3
    377. Kraft2.mp3
    378. Kraft3.mp3
    379. Kraft4 Malted1.mp3
    380. Kraft5 Parfait1.mp3
    381. Kreml1.mp3
    382. Kreml2.mp3
    383. Lava Soap.mp3
    384. Lava.mp3
    385. Lifebouy Health Soap 1948.mp3
    386. Lifebuoy1.mp3
    387. Lifebuoy2.mp3
    388. Lifebuoy3.mp3
    389. Lipton Noodle1.mp3
    390. Lipton1.mp3
    391. Lipton2.mp3
    392. Lipton3.mp3
    393. Long Distance1.mp3
    394. Lucky Beer.mp3
    395. Lucky Strike Cigarettes.mp3
    396. Lucky Strike1.mp3
    397. Luster Cream Shampoo.mp3
    398. Luster Cream.mp3
    399. Lux Toilet Soap.mp3
    400. Lux1.mp3
    401. Lux2.mp3
    402. Lux3.mp3
    403. Lux4.mp3
    404. Lux5.mp3
    405. Lux7song.mp3
    406. Lux8song.mp3
    407. March Of Dimes.mp3
    408. Marlboro.mp3
    409. Maxwell House Coffee.mp3
    410. Maxwell House1.mp3
    411. Maxwell House2.mp3
    412. Maxwell House3.mp3
    413. Mayfield Cigarettes.mp3
    414. Miracle Whip1.mp3
    415. Mr Clean Mr Clean.mp3
    416. Mutual Kid Shows.mp3
    417. Nabisco.mp3
    418. Nash Automobiles.mp3
    419. Nbc1.mp3
    420. Nbc4.mp3
    421. Nescafe.mp3
    422. Nestles.mp3
    423. Northern Electricradio 1955 Commercials 1940s.mp3
    424. Northwest Orient Airlines.mp3
    425. Np27.mp3
    426. Old Spice1.mp3
    427. Oldspice.mp3
    428. Olga Coal.mp3
    429. Ovaltine.mp3
    430. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.mp3
    431. Pabstead Cheese1.mp3
    432. Palmolive Soap.mp3
    433. Palmolive1.mp3
    434. Palmolive2.mp3
    435. Parkay1.mp3
    436. Parkay2.mp3
    437. Patti Cake Cookies.mp3
    438. Pearl1.mp3
    439. Pearl2 1958.mp3
    440. Pepsi Cola1.mp3
    441. Pepsi.mp3
    442. Pepsicola.mp3
    443. Pepsodent.mp3
    444. Pepsodent1 Part.mp3
    445. Pepsodent2.mp3
    446. Pepsodent3.mp3
    447. Perfect Circle Piston Rings.mp3
    448. Pet Milk1.mp3
    449. Philip Morris Cigarettes.mp3
    450. Plymouth.mp3
    451. Pontiac.mp3
    452. Popcicle.mp3
    453. Post Bran Flakes1.mp3
    454. Post Toasties.mp3
    455. Post Toasties1.mp3
    456. Postum.mp3
    457. Prell1.mp3
    458. Quaker Oats1.mp3
    459. Quaker Oats2.mp3
    460. Quaker Oats3.mp3
    461. Quaker Oats4.mp3
    462. Quaker Oats5.mp3
    463. Quaker Oats6.mp3
    464. Quaker Police Whistle1.mp3
    465. Quaker Puffs.mp3
    466. Quaker.mp3
    467. Radio Promo.mp3
    468. Raleigh.mp3
    469. Rambler1.mp3
    470. Rca Part1.mp3
    471. Rca2.mp3
    472. Rexall1.mp3
    473. Rexall2.mp3
    474. Rexall3.mp3
    475. Rexall4.mp3
    476. Rexall5.mp3
    477. Reynolds Aluminum.mp3
    478. Rinso.mp3
    479. Rio Grande Gas1.mp3
    480. Roitan Cigars.mp3
    481. Rolston Cereal.mp3
    482. Roma Wines1.mp3
    483. Sal Hapatica.mp3
    484. Schlitz1.mp3
    485. Schlitz2.mp3
    486. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 01.mp3
    487. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 02.mp3
    488. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 03.mp3
    489. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 04.mp3
    490. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 05.mp3
    491. Shinola1.mp3
    492. Signal Battery.mp3
    493. Signal Gas1.mp3
    494. Signal Gas2.mp3
    495. Signal Gasoline.mp3
    496. Skelly Gas Capmidnight.mp3
    497. Skelly Oil Company.mp3
    498. Spam2.mp3
    499. Spam3.mp3
    500. Spry Cake Improver1.mp3
    501. Studebaker Lark.mp3
    502. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 01.mp3
    503. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 02.mp3
    504. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 03.mp3
    505. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 04.mp3
    506. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 05.mp3
    507. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 06.mp3
    508. Sturdy Dog Food.mp3
    509. Sugar Crinkles1.mp3
    510. Sugar Crinkles2.mp3
    511. Sugar Crinkles3.mp3
    512. Swan Soap1 Part.mp3
    513. Swan Soap2.mp3
    514. Swan Soap3.mp3
    515. Swan Soap4.mp3
    516. Tempo Cigarettes.mp3
    517. Tenderleaf Teaballs1.mp3
    518. Tide Soap1.mp3
    519. Tide Soap2.mp3
    520. Ting Pimple Cream.mp3
    521. Top Value Stamps.mp3
    522. Tums1.mp3
    523. Turtle Wax1.mp3
    524. Vaseline1.mp3
    525. Vaseline2.mp3
    526. Vaturberculosis.mp3
    527. Velveeta.mp3
    528. Velveta1.mp3
    529. Velveta2.mp3
    530. Vimm's Vitamins.mp3
    531. Wheaties Cereal.mp3
    532. Wheaties1.mp3
    533. Wheaties2.mp3
    534. Wheaties3.mp3
    535. Wheaties4.mp3
    536. White King Soap.mp3
    537. Wild Root Cream Oil.mp3
    538. Wildroot1.mp3
    539. Wildroot2.mp3
    540. Wingcigarettes.mp3
    541. Winstoncigarettes.mp3
    542. Wrigley Spearmint Gum 1968 Restored at Audio Solutions.mp3
    543. Wrigley Spearmint Gum Radio Spot.mp3
    544. Wrigleys Spearmint Gum 1967.mp3
    545. Wrigleys1.mp3
    546. Wrigleys2.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    545 recordings on 10 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 59 min
    545 recordings on 10 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 59 min

    Commercials Disc A001

    1. 1940 Buick
    2. 1943 Kraft Cheese Spreads
    3. 1943 Kraft Mustard
    4. 1943 Wwii Waste Kitchen Fats
    5. 1944 Grape Nuts Flakes
    6. 1945 Kelloggs Pep
    7. 1945 WWII Merchant Marine
    8. 1945 WWII Support
    9. 1946 House Of Squibb
    10. 1946 Squibb Dental Cream
    11. 1948 Life Buoy Health Soap
    12. 1949 Glocoat Floor Wax
    13. 1955 Jello
    14. 1960 Exlax
    15. 4 Way Cold Tabs
    16. 45rpm Records
    17. A And P Food Stores And P Food Stores
    18. A And W Root Beer And W Root Beer
    19. Adam Hats
    20. Adamhats-Trt-0112
    21. Add Dollars Radio
    22. Admiral-Trt-0117
    23. Admiral
    24. Admiralelectronics
    25. Advertise On Radio Spot Advertise On Radio Spot
    26. Advertise Spot1
    27. Air Force Wants You Air Force Wants You
    28. Airplane Trip
    29. Ajax-Thefoamingcleanser-Trt-0041
    30. Alan Parson L P Spot
    31. Alka Seltzer 1
    32. Alka Seltzer 2
    33. Alka Seltzer 3
    34. Alka Seltzer 4
    35. Alka Seltzer Plop Plop
    36. Alka Seltzer
    37. Alkaseltzer-Plopplopfizzfizz-Trt-0030
    38. Alkaseltzer-Trt-0157
    39. Alpine Cigarettes Alpine Cigarettes
    40. America With 7 Up 2
    41. America With 7 Up American With 7 Up
    42. American Breed For Partridge Weiners
    43. American Way
    44. Anacin-Trt-0041
    45. Anacin
    46. Anacin1
    47. Anacin2
    48. Anacin3
    49. Anacin4
    50. Anchor Glass1
    51. Anchor Hocking
    52. Anchorhocking-Trt-0045
    53. Another Day, Another Man Another Day, Another Man
    54. Arid Deodorant
    55. Ariddeoderant-Trt-0046
    56. Art Linkletter Civil Defense Spot Dont Use Phone!
    57. Auggie Doggie Syndicated Titles W Sub Main Title
    58. Autolite-Trt-0058
    59. Autolite
    60. Autolite01
    61. Autolite02
    62. Autolite03
    63. Autolite04
    64. Autolite05
    65. Autolite06
    66. Autolite07
    67. Autolite08
    68. Autolite09
    69. Autolite10
    70. Autolite11
    71. Autolite12
    72. Autolite13
    73. B B King MDA PSA
    74. B J Thomas For Coke
    75. Bad Pespi Spot
    76. Band Aid Brand Band Aid Brand
    77. Bank Americard Bank Americard
    78. Baskin Robbins Baskin Robbins
    79. Beechnutchewinggum
    80. Benson and Hedges Radio Spot Benson and Hedges Radio Spot
    81. Betty Crocker1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A002

    1. Big Red Gum Big Red Gum
    2. Billy Taylors T V Billy Taylors T V
    3. Blood Crisis1
    4. Blue Coal1
    5. Blue Coal2
    6. Blue Coal3
    7. Blue Coal4
    8. Bluecoal
    9. Bob Green and June Foray 7 11 Spot
    10. Bob Green W K N R Edgewater Park
    11. Bob Green W K N R Keener 13 Bob Green W K N R Keener 13
    12. Bob Hope And Bing Crobsy Chesterfield Jingle
    13. Bob Layne Stamp Of Approval Game
    14. Bobby Vee Radio Spot
    15. Boeing Boeing
    16. Boriskarloffmessagetostationowners
    17. Boy Scouts
    18. Bran Flakes
    19. Bravura Ltd Edition Man Who Hears Different Drum
    20. Brisk Toothpaste
    21. Bromo Quinine
    22. Bromo Seltzer
    23. Bromoquinine
    24. Brooke Bond Foods Red Rose Tea
    25. Brooklyn Bridge Coca Cola Commercial
    26. Bruiser Budweiser Radio Spot
    27. Bubbleup
    28. Bucket Up For Safety Bucket Up For Safety
    29. Bud1
    30. Bud2
    31. Bud3
    32. Bud4
    33. Bud5
    34. Bud6
    35. Bud7
    36. Bud8
    37. Bud9
    38. Budweiser Radio Spot Budweiser Radio Spot 1960
    39. Budweiser
    40. Buick 65 Buick 65
    41. Buick and More Buick 1959,Sinclair Gas,Oreo Cookies
    42. Buick Radio Spot
    43. Buick1
    44. Bulova
    45. Bulova1
    46. Camel Cigarettes
    47. Camel1
    48. Camel2
    49. Campana
    50. Campbell Soup
    51. Captain Kangaroo Captain Kangaroo
    52. Car Cadillac
    53. Car Chevy
    54. Car Chrysler
    55. Car Comet
    56. Car Dodge
    57. Car Ford
    58. Car Lincoln
    59. Car Mercury
    60. Car Olds
    61. Car Plymouth
    62. Car Pontiacc
    63. Car Rambler
    64. Car Studebaker
    65. Car V W
    66. Carnation1
    67. Carters Little Liver Pills
    68. Caseite1
    69. Caseite2
    70. Cbs Radio1
    71. Cbs Radio2
    72. Cbs Radio3
    73. Cbs Radio4
    74. Cbs Sedan Chair1
    75. Chain Gang Women 1971
    76. Chasesanborn Coffee1
    77. Cheerios1
    78. Cheerios2
    79. Chesterfield Chesterfield
    80. Chesterfield Jingle Chesterfield Jingle
    81. Chesterfieldcigarettes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A003

    1. Cheverolet
    2. Chevrolet 1957
    3. Chevrolet For 1966
    4. Chevy Chevy
    5. Cheyenne Theme Cheyenne Theme
    6. Chez Louies Chez Louies
    7. Chiffons Great Shakers Spot
    8. Chipmunks Chipmunks For Post Cereal
    9. Chipmunks Ford Motor Company
    10. Chipmunks Harrys Toy Store 1958
    11. Chiquita Bananna
    12. Christmas Chopsticks
    13. Clark Gasoline

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A004

    1. Classic And Classy 50s To 70s Commericals
    2. Clippercraft Coats1
    3. Clippercraft Coats2
    4. Clippercraft Coats3
    5. Clorets Radio Spot Clorets Radio Spot
    6. Coaster For Coke
    7. Coca Cola Christmas Spot Coca Cola Christmas Spot
    8. Coca Cola Nothing Like Coke
    9. Coca Cola Radio Spot 2 Coca Cola Radio Spot 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A005

    1. Coco Cola Coca Cola Soundtrack
    2. Coke Bill Cosby Spec Report 1985
    3. Coke Catch Wave 1987
    4. Coke Cola Long Coke Cola Long
    5. Coke Drifters
    6. Coke Fortunes
    7. Coke Four Seasons
    8. Coke Freddie And Dreamers
    9. Coke Freddie Cannon
    10. Coke Gary Lewis And Playboys
    11. Coke Jan and Dean
    12. Coke Kingston Trio Things Go Better With Coke Full Version
    13. Coke Laura Branigan 1985
    14. Coke Lee Dorsey
    15. Coke Lesley Gore
    16. Coke Martha Reeves And Vandellas
    17. Coke Max Headroom 1985
    18. Coke Newbeats
    19. Coke Petula Clark Downtown
    20. Coke Petula Clark
    21. Coke Rocko Announcement 1985
    22. Coke Rocko Teletype 1985
    23. Coke Roy Orbison Coke Spot
    24. Coke Roy Orbison
    25. Coke Supremes
    26. Coke Tom Jones
    27. Coke Vogues
    28. Coke Wayne Fontana And Mindbenders
    29. Cola Nuts 2
    30. Cola Nuts
    31. Coleman
    32. Colgate Shaving Cream
    33. Colgate Shaving1
    34. Colgate Shaving2
    35. Colgate Shaving3
    36. Colgate Shaving4
    37. Colgate Shaving5
    38. Colgate Tooth Powder
    39. Columbia Phonograph
    40. Come Alive Pespi, Petula Clark For Coke, 7 Up Wet and Wild
    41. Community Chest1
    42. Competitors Of 7 Up Competitors Of 7 Up
    43. Coney Island Penny Machine
    44. Conoco
    45. Contadina Tomato Paste
    46. Coors Budwiser B 52 For HBO Buds
    47. Corniche CHiPs
    48. Cost Of Living
    49. Country 7 11 Country 7 11
    50. Cover Girl By Noxema
    51. Cream Of Wheat
    52. Creamo Cigars
    53. Creamocigars
    54. Cresta Blanca Wine1
    55. Cresta Blanca
    56. Crestablanca
    57. Crimes V America1
    58. Crisco
    59. Cupcakes1
    60. Customer Traffic
    61. Daily Drive in
    62. Darts For Dough1
    63. Dash Soap1
    64. Dave Prince Detroit Emerald Spot
    65. David Naughton Dr Pepper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A006

    1. Day In Life Seven Up
    2. Deathrace 2000 Deathrace 2000
    3. Del Shannon And Royaltones Pepsi Cola Commercial 1965
    4. Delmonte Catsup1
    5. Delmonte Catsup2
    6. Delmonte Catsup3
    7. Delmonte3
    8. Delta Airlines Delta Airlines
    9. Dentine1
    10. Department Stores Montgomery Wards
    11. Department Stores Pennys
    12. Department Stores Sears
    13. Department Stores Woolworths
    14. Detroit Dragway Joel Sebastian and Rube Weiss
    15. Detroit Dragway Spot and 409 Beach Boys
    16. Dick Clark Gary Puckett And Union Gap Lady Willpower
    17. Dick Clark Show Open Rock, Roll and Remember
    18. Dick Feller Credit Card Song
    19. Dick Purtan Promo Dick Purtan Promo
    20. Dick Purtan Q 95 W C Z Y For M S
    21. Dinah Shore See U S In Your Chevrolet
    22. Dirt Dozen Movie, Heaven Scent, Graduate Movie
    23. Dodge
    24. Doublemint Gum
    25. Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde Dr Jekyl, Sister Hyde
    26. Dr Lyons Tooth Powder
    27. Dr Pepper and More Dr Pepper, Buick, Sinclair
    28. Dr Pepper BB King 1
    29. Dr Pepper Commerical 1977
    30. Dr Pepper Guys Dr Pepper Guys
    31. Dr Pepper Jingle Banjo Dr Pepper
    32. Dr.lyon's Tooth Powder
    33. Dristan1
    34. Drive Companion Drive Companion
    35. Drive With Care With W J B K Drive With Care With W J B K
    36. Dupont Chemistry1
    37. Dupont Chemistry2
    38. Dupont Chemistry3
    39. Dupont
    40. Dutch Boy Paints Dutch Boy Paints
    41. Dutch Cleanser1
    42. Dutch Cleanser2
    43. Dutch Cleanser3
    44. Ed Bush Pespsi Generation
    45. Elgin American
    46. Emz Chlorophyl1
    47. Enco
    48. Energine Shoe White
    49. Equitable Insurance1
    50. Equitable Insurance2
    51. Exlax
    52. Exlax1
    53. Exlax2
    54. Exlax4
    55. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 01
    56. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta 02
    57. Fahlifer Motors Lacombe Alberta
    58. Fatima Cigarettes
    59. Fitch Shampoo2
    60. Fitch Shavecream1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Commercials Disc A007

    1. Fitch
    2. Ford 1964, Buick Wild Cat, 7 Up Real Action, Double Gum 1964
    3. Ford For 1964 Spot 2
    4. Ford for 1964
    5. Ford King Ford King
    6. Ford Mustang Western Spot
    7. Ford Mustang
    8. Ford Radio Spot 2 Ford Radio Sport 2 1964
    9. Ford Radio Spot Ford Radio Spot 1964
    10. Ford Trucks 1960 A
    11. Ford Trucks 1960 B
    12. Ford Z 95 1987
    13. Ford
    14. Ford1
    15. Ford2
    16. Ford3
    17. Ford4
    18. Ford5
    19. Four Lads for FORD
    20. Frigidaire1
    21. Frigidaire2
    22. Gem Blades
    23. Gillette Be Sharp March
    24. Glocoat Wax
    25. GM Gardian Maintenance
    26. Gm Guardian Maintenance
    27. Good N Plenty Choo Choo
    28. Goodrich Tires
    29. Goodyear Life Guard Tires
    30. Goodyear Lifeguard Tires
    31. Goodyear Rubber Cement
    32. Great American Broadcast
    33. Green Shampoo1
    34. Groves Nose Drops
    35. Gulf2
    36. Gunsmoke1
    37. Haley's Mineral Oil
    38. Haleys Mo
    39. Haleys Mo1
    40. Hallo Shampoo
    41. Hopalong Cassidy
    42. Hot Wheat Meal
    43. Household Finance Corp
    44. Ingram Gasoline
    45. International Sterling
    46. Ironized Yeast
    47. Ironized Yeast2
    48. Ivory Soap
    49. Jello 1955
    50. Jello Chocolate Pudding
    51. Jello1
    52. Jello2
    53. Jello3
    54. Jello4
    55. Jello5
    56. Jello6
    57. Jello7 Magic
    58. Jergens Lotion
    59. Johnson Wax1
    60. Johnsons Carnew1
    61. Johnsons Glocoat1
    62. Johnsons Glocoat2
    63. Kelloggs Pep

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    Commercials Disc A008

    1. Kellogs Pep
    2. Kellogs1
    3. Kraft1 Cheese1
    4. Kraft2
    5. Kraft3
    6. Kraft4 Malted1
    7. Kraft5 Parfait1
    8. Kreml1
    9. Kreml2
    10. Lava Soap
    11. Lava
    12. Lifebouy Health Soap 1948
    13. Lifebuoy1
    14. Lifebuoy2
    15. Lifebuoy3
    16. Lipton Noodle1
    17. Lipton1
    18. Lipton2
    19. Lipton3
    20. Long Distance1
    21. Lucky Beer
    22. Lucky Strike Cigarettes
    23. Lucky Strike1
    24. Luster Cream Shampoo
    25. Luster Cream
    26. Lux Toilet Soap
    27. Lux1
    28. Lux2
    29. Lux3
    30. Lux4
    31. Lux5
    32. Lux7song
    33. Lux8song
    34. March Of Dimes
    35. Marlboro
    36. Maxwell House Coffee
    37. Maxwell House1
    38. Maxwell House2
    39. Maxwell House3
    40. Mayfield Cigarettes
    41. Miracle Whip1
    42. Mr Clean Mr Clean
    43. Mutual Kid Shows
    44. Nabisco
    45. Nash Automobiles
    46. Nbc1
    47. Nbc4
    48. Nescafe
    49. Nestles
    50. Northern Electricradio 1955 Commercials 1940s
    51. Northwest Orient Airlines
    52. Np27
    53. Old Spice1
    54. Oldspice
    55. Olga Coal
    56. Ovaltine
    57. Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
    58. Pabstead Cheese1
    59. Palmolive Soap
    60. Palmolive1
    61. Palmolive2
    62. Parkay1

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    Commercials Disc A009

    1. Parkay2
    2. Patti Cake Cookies
    3. Pearl1
    4. Pearl2 1958
    5. Pepsi Cola1
    6. Pepsi
    7. Pepsicola
    8. Pepsodent
    9. Pepsodent1 Part
    10. Pepsodent2
    11. Pepsodent3
    12. Perfect Circle Piston Rings
    13. Pet Milk1
    14. Philip Morris Cigarettes
    15. Plymouth
    16. Pontiac
    17. Popcicle
    18. Post Bran Flakes1
    19. Post Toasties
    20. Post Toasties1
    21. Postum
    22. Prell1
    23. Quaker Oats1
    24. Quaker Oats2
    25. Quaker Oats3
    26. Quaker Oats4
    27. Quaker Oats5
    28. Quaker Oats6
    29. Quaker Police Whistle1
    30. Quaker Puffs
    31. Quaker
    32. Radio Promo
    33. Raleigh
    34. Rambler1
    35. Rca Part1
    36. Rca2
    37. Rexall1
    38. Rexall2
    39. Rexall3
    40. Rexall4
    41. Rexall5
    42. Reynolds Aluminum
    43. Rinso
    44. Rio Grande Gas1
    45. Roitan Cigars
    46. Rolston Cereal
    47. Roma Wines1
    48. Sal Hapatica
    49. Schlitz1
    50. Schlitz2
    51. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 01
    52. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 02
    53. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 03
    54. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 04
    55. Schweppes Ginger Ale Commercials 05
    56. Shinola1
    57. Signal Battery
    58. Signal Gas1
    59. Signal Gas2
    60. Signal Gasoline
    61. Skelly Gas Capmidnight
    62. Skelly Oil Company
    63. Spam2
    64. Spam3
    65. Spry Cake Improver1
    66. Studebaker Lark
    67. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 01
    68. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 02
    69. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 03
    70. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 04
    71. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 05

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    Commercials Disc A010

    1. Studebakerradio 1955 Commercials 06
    2. Sturdy Dog Food
    3. Sugar Crinkles1
    4. Sugar Crinkles2
    5. Sugar Crinkles3
    6. Swan Soap1 Part
    7. Swan Soap2
    8. Swan Soap3
    9. Swan Soap4
    10. Tempo Cigarettes
    11. Tenderleaf Teaballs1
    12. Tide Soap1
    13. Tide Soap2
    14. Ting Pimple Cream
    15. Top Value Stamps
    16. Tums1
    17. Turtle Wax1
    18. Vaseline1
    19. Vaseline2
    20. Vaturberculosis
    21. Velveeta
    22. Velveta1
    23. Velveta2
    24. Vimm's Vitamins
    25. Wheaties Cereal
    26. Wheaties1
    27. Wheaties2
    28. Wheaties3
    29. Wheaties4
    30. White King Soap
    31. Wild Root Cream Oil
    32. Wildroot1
    33. Wildroot2
    34. Wingcigarettes
    35. Winstoncigarettes
    36. Wrigley Spearmint Gum 1968 Restored at Audio Solutions
    37. Wrigley Spearmint Gum Radio Spot
    38. Wrigleys Spearmint Gum 1967
    39. Wrigleys1
    40. Wrigleys2

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