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Command Performance

"The Best Show that the American Public Never Heard", Command Performance and other AFRS Programs were only heard by Servicemen at Overseas postings. This series has WWII comedy, music and drama its star-studded finest!

Command Performance

334 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 175 hours, 28 min)
available in the following formats:

8 MP3 CDs
174 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from December 24, 1942:

"1942 Christmas Special"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Betty Hutton & Bob Hope on Command Perromance

Betty Hutton, one of many guest performers on Command PerformanceWhen a King or Monarch requests a show to be put on by one of His subjects, it is called a Command Performance. Americans, of course, do not recognize the authority of a Monarch, but to the Showbiz figures of Hollywood in the days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the young men who were going off to fight the War were certainly noble and deserved to be treated like Royalty.

During the Great War, the military took over the entire radio broadcasting industry. After the technology was released in 1919, commercial broadcasting became an important means of communication. During the Inter-War Years, the War Department began seeking ways to use the technology to benefit the military.

Army Units in Alaska and the Panama Canal Zone were dispersed in a series of tiny, isolated outposts far from the central command structure. Many of these outposts were too small to support complex short-wave transmitting and receiving equipment. However, consumer-grade radio receivers were rugged enough for home use and seemed easily adaptable for field use. This would only provide one-way communication between Commanders and the troops in the bush, but it was better than nothing. To help boost the morale of the soldiers at the isolated outposts (and to help ensure that they maintained the equipment for use), the local headquarters began playing recorded music over their local networks.

Bob Hope on a command performance broadcastThese experiments in Panama and Alaska were adopted by the War Department's Morale Service Division (redesignated the Special Service Division in 1942) and became the foundation of the Armed Services Radio Service (AFRS). Partially to avoid competing with commercial broadcasters, AFRS would only operate outside the Continental US, however portable radio stations were built and assigned to every theater of the War.

The technical concerns of the AFRS were relatively simple to solve, creating content was a whole other problem. Which brings us back to Hollywood and the patriotic attitudes of the Stars.

Before the War, LtCol Edward Kirby had been an executive at WSM Nashville (home of The Grand Ol' Opry). After being assigned to Special Services and AFRS, Kirby came up with programs like Yank Swing Session, G.I. Jive, and Downbeat, but his masterstroke was Command Performance which first aired via short-wave transmission on March 1, 1942, just three months after Pearl Harbor. Eleven stations in Australia, Iceland, Ireland, and the Philippines broadcast the first program, and it was noted for lifting the spirits of American and Filipino troops during the Battle of Bataan.

Command Performance was considered the "best program that the American Public never heard". The program became more and more polished as it went along. The A-List Performers were all volunteers and pulled out all the stops to give the men in uniform the best show they could. After the first forty broadcasts, the War Department authorized an edition of Command Performance to be broadcast domestically on Christmas Eve 1942 to "forge a link between the servicemen abroad and the folks on the Home Front".

Kay Starr

Along with great writing, production, and A-List talent, Command Performance's 'hook' was the requests sent in by the troops. Servicemen from around the world were encouraged to write the program and ask for things that would remind them of home. Famous requests included Bing Crosby mixing a bourbon and soda for Bob Hope, Ann Miller tap-dancing in combat boots, a slot machine hitting the jackpot, the foghorns on San Francisco bay, or any of several more. One of the most famous requests was for a pin-up girl like Carol Landis or Lucille Ball to simply sigh into the microphone.

Although the early episodes were broadcast via short-wave, most of the shows were transcribed to 16" disks and shipped to AFRS stations. An article in a 1943 issue of Tune In magazine estimated that Command Performance would need a weekly budget of $50,000 if the talent was not volunteering. After 415 shows, Command Performance was taken off the air in December 1949.

Bob Hope, Dinah Shore, Dorothy Lamour, Danny KayeFred Allen, Frances Langford, Spike Jones, Victor Borge, Frank Sinatra, Burns and Allen, Vincent Price, Ginger Rogers, Gary Cooper, Henny Youngman, Tallulah Bankhead, Betty Grable, Cass DaleyAndrew Sisters, Bette Davis, Esther Williams, James Cagney, Jane Froman, June ForayHelen Forrest, Ingrid Bergman, Judy Garland, Linda Darnell, Bing Crosby, Ethel Merman, Margaret Whiting, Jim BackusOscar Levant, Peter Lawford,Maureen Ohara, Ronald Colman, Rita Hayworth Spencer Tracy, Ava Gardner, John Garfield, Howard Duff, Katharine Hepburn, Gene Tierney, Olivia De Havilland, Veronica Lake, Joe E. BrownJohn Charles Thomas, Celeste HolmJerry Colonna, Marilyn Maxwell, Randolph ScottYehudi Menuhin, Mary Martin, Greer Garson, Joan Davis, Bea Wain, Bert Gordon, Ann Rutherford, Ann Sheridan, Gene Krupa, and more stage, screen, and radio stars entertain the troops with flair.

See also Mail Call, Request Perfromance, WWII Collection, Norman Corwin Collection, and Words .

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    12     1


    Variety show - these bring some of the biggest names in entertainment to the troops overseas and now us who have the benefit of having them recorded. A great show to listen to when preparing dinner or cleaning the house, just something on that doesn't require one's full attention, but songs by some of the biggest singers, and some of the biggest bands make it well worth listening to.

    Peter Verified Purchase

    I am a Sinatra Collector. I have recently begun to collect Old Time Radio Show's starring FS. I am so happy to have found this company. To be able to hear Sinatra in the prime of his career, singing duet's & songs he never recorded commercially. Is such a treasure. I will be back to buy more Sinatra shows from you.

    Kenny Verified Purchase

    I was so lucky being in the UK to find this company who have a really great selection of music which personally I have an interest in. Found them extremely helpful with queries in respect of vocalists. Would recommend them to all.


    These old shows are just tremendous. I was ten years old in the 1930's and visit those years each time I tune in. Keep up the excellent work.

    Bud Lisle

    These shows are a Time Machine that takes us back to a time that some of us vaguely remember and before most of us were born. Such great talent giving their best to those who were far from home and in harm’s way.

    R. E. Verified Purchase

    I have many OTR shows. Each one is a time machine that brings back so many stars and stories.

    R. E. Verified Purchase

    I was a child when these were made so for me these recordings are a Time Machine. There are so many that I may never hear them all…but I’m going to try.

    R. E. Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    334 recordings on 8 MP3 CDs for just $40.00. Total playtime 175 hours, 28 min
    334 recordings on 8 MP3 CDs for just $40.00
    total playtime 175 hours, 28 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 46 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 000000 Benny Goodman Lina Romay Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    3. CP 400823 000 The Rudy Wiedoeft Story.mp3
    4. CP 420301 001 Eddie Cantor Danny Kaye Dinah Shore.mp3
    5. CP 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    6. CP 420313 003 Kate Smith Henny Youngman Robert Benchley.mp3
    7. CP 420315 002 Fred Waring.mp3
    8. CP 420318 004 Fred Allen Henny Youngman Gladys Swarthout.mp3
    9. CP 420329 005 George Jessel Connie Boswell Oscar Levant.mp3
    10. CP 420401 006 Kay Kyser Eddie Cantor Lou Holtz.mp3
    11. CP 420412 007 Gene Tierney Edgar Bergen Betty Hutton.mp3
    12. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker.mp3
    13. CP 420419 009 Shirley Temple Abbott And Costello Fanny Brice.mp3
    14. CP 420423 010 Pat Obrien Frances Langford Frank Morgan.mp3
    15. CP 420428 011 Adolphe Menjou Fibber Mcgee Molly Red Skelton.mp3
    16. CP 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny Judy Canova.mp3
    17. CP 420513 015 National Association Of Broadcasters Show.mp3
    18. CP 420514 013 Edward G Robinson Hedy Lamarr Glenn Miller.mp3
    19. CP 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin Rudy Vallee.mp3
    20. CP 420602 016 Mickey Rooney Amos N Andy Harry James.mp3
    21. CP 420611 017 Don Ameche Bing Crosby Carole Landis.mp3
    22. CP 420618 018 William Powell Gene Autry Judy Garland.mp3
    23. CP 420623 019 Loretta Young Ella Fitzgerald Phil Silvers.mp3
    24. CP 420630 020 Spencer Tracy Groucho Marx Barbara Stanwyck.mp3
    25. CP 420707 021 Bob Hope Lena Horne Rosalind Russell.mp3
    26. CP 420714 022 Edward Arnold Jack Benny Ethel Waters.mp3
    27. CP 420721 023 Pat Obrien Harold Peary Dick Powell.mp3
    28. CP 420728 024 Cary Grant Judy Garland Woody Herman.mp3
    29. CP 420804 025 Clark Gable Bette Davis Count Basie.mp3
    30. CP 420811 026 Walter Pidgeon Mary Martin Marlene Dietrich.mp3
    31. CP 420818 027 Cary Grant Virginia Obrien Freddie Slack.mp3
    32. CP 420825 028 Red Skelton Betty Hutton Benny Goodman.mp3
    33. CP 420830 030 Bing Crosby James Cagney Larry Adler.mp3
    34. CP 420830 031 Bing Crosby Abbott And Costello Kay Kyser.mp3
    35. CP 420904 029 Tallulah Bankhead Gene Krupa Jane Froman.mp3
    36. CP 420922 032 Don Ameche Edgar Bergen Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    37. CP 420929 033 Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey Lionel Hampton.mp3
    38. CP 421007 034 Cary Grant Spike Jones Rise Stevens.mp3
    39. CP 421009 035 Bob Hope Judy Garland Claudette Colbert.mp3
    40. CP 421013 036 Bing Crosby Mary Martin Dinah Shore.mp3
    41. CP 421021 037 Frances Langford Bob Burns Jimmy Dorsey.mp3
    42. CP 421024 038 Linda Darnell Red Skelton Erskine Hawkins.mp3
    43. CP 421027 039 Rita Hayworth Lena Horne. Cass Daley.mp3
    44. CP 421103 040 Betty Grable Edgar Bergen Judy Canova.mp3
    45. CP 421110 041 Jack Benny Alice Faye Cass Daley.mp3
    46. CP 421115 042 Leopold Stokowski.mp3
    47. CP 421209 Dinah Shore Lionel Hampton Assembled Show 42a.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 46 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 420911 Bing Crosby Connee Boswell Bert Wheeler.mp3
    3. CP 421212 043 Cary Grant.mp3
    4. CP 421224 044 Christmas Special.mp3
    5. CP 430102 045 Linda Darnell Ink Spots Cab Calloway.mp3
    6. CP 430106 046 Robert Taylor Lum And Abner King Sisters.mp3
    7. CP 430110 047 Joan Blondell Roy Rogers Connie Haines.mp3
    8. CP 430116 048 Jeanette Macdonald Mills Brothers Virg Obrien.mp3
    9. CP 430123 049 Bob Hope Lena Horne Ginny Simms.mp3
    10. CP 430130 050 Dinah Shore Chill Wills Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    11. CP 430206 051 Rita Hayworth Burns And Allen Betty Hutton.mp3
    12. CP 430213 052 Bing Crosby Janet Blair.mp3
    13. CP 430220 053 Olivia De Havilland F Langford Allan Jones.mp3
    14. CP 430224 054 Tribute To British Army.mp3
    15. CP 430227 055 Betty Grable Margaret Whiting Mel Blanc.mp3
    16. CP 430313 057 Dinah Shore Cornelia O Skinner Freddy Martin.mp3
    17. CP 430320 058 Judy Garland John Charles Thomas Kenny Baker.mp3
    18. CP 430327 059 Kay Kyser Lennie Hayton Hedda Hopper.mp3
    19. CP 430401 060 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Burns.mp3
    20. CP 430403 061 Bob Hope Judy Garland Johnny Mercer.mp3
    21. CP 430417 062 Dinah Shore Pied Pipers Glen Gray.mp3
    22. CP 430424 063 Ann Sheridan Gracie Allen Paul Whiteman.mp3
    23. CP 430501 064 Kate Smith John Charles Thomas Cass Daley.mp3
    24. CP 430505 065 Ginny Simms Gene Autry.mp3
    25. CP 430508 066 Martha Raye Rudy Vallee Mel Blanc.mp3
    26. CP 430515 067 Joan Blondell Dick Powell Martha Tilton.mp3
    27. CP 430522 068 Dinah Shore Sportsmen Ruth Hussey.mp3
    28. CP 430605 069 Betty Hutton Amos N Andy Woody Herman.mp3
    29. CP 430612 070 Bob Crosby Count Basie Jimmy Wakely.mp3
    30. CP 430619 071 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Vaughn Monroe.mp3
    31. CP 430626 072 Fred Macmurray Alice Faye Jimmie Lunceford.mp3
    32. CP 430703 073 Kay Kyser Lena Horne Gertrude Niesen.mp3
    33. CP 430710 074 R Colman Jeanette Macdonald Ella Mae Morse.mp3
    34. CP 430711 075 Bing Crosby Betty Grable Harry James.mp3
    35. CP 430724 076 Dinah Shore Robert Benchley Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    36. CP 430731 077 Katharine Hepburn Ed Gardner Ted Lewis.mp3
    37. CP 430807 078 Greer Garson Nelson Eddy Cass Daley.mp3
    38. CP 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Judy Canova Xavier Cugat.mp3
    39. CP 430821 080 Ginger Rogers Frank Sinatra Arthur Q. Bryan.mp3
    40. CP 430828 081 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Jimmy Durante.mp3
    41. CP 430906 083 Dinah Shore Garry Moore Jimmy Dorsey.mp3
    42. CP 430909 082 Marlene Dietrich Johnny Mercer Zero Mostel.mp3
    43. CP 430911 084 Ginny Simms Andrews Sisters Roy Acuff.mp3
    44. CP 430918 085 Ronald Colman Jascha Heifetz Lena Horne.mp3
    45. CP 430925 086 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Frances Langford.mp3
    46. CP 431002 087 Don Ameche Betty Hutton King Cole Trio.mp3
    47. CP 431009 088 Robert Young Tex Ritter Charlie Spivak.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 46 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 431016 089 Bette Davis John Charles Thomas Georgia Gibbs.mp3
    3. CP 431023 090 Bob Hope Carole Landis Cliff Arquette.mp3
    4. CP 431030 091 Judy Garland Dinah Shore Ginny Simms.mp3
    5. CP 431113 092 Bob Hope Judy Garland Betty Hutton.mp3
    6. CP 431120 093 Ida Lupino Phil Harris Hoosier Hot Shots.mp3
    7. CP 431127 094 Herbert Marshall Edgar Bergen Bob Wills.mp3
    8. CP 431204 095 Dinah Shore Abbott Costello Fats Waller.mp3
    9. CP 431211 096 Salute To Aef North African Network.mp3
    10. CP 431218 097 Allmusic Program.mp3
    11. CP 431218 097 Dinah Shore Bing Cros.mp3
    12. CP 431220 098 Fred Allen Ginny Simms Benny Goodman.mp3
    13. CP 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles.mp3
    14. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 1.mp3
    15. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 2.mp3
    16. CP 440108 100 Shirley Ross Carmen Miranda Veronica Lake.mp3
    17. CP 440115 101 Frances Langford Virginia Obrien Revuers.mp3
    18. CP 440122 102 Bob Hope Joan Leslie Dennis Day.mp3
    19. CP 440131 103 Robert Young Glenn Miller Mary Martin.mp3
    20. CP 440201 104 Bing Crosby Dinah Sho.mp3
    21. CP 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show.mp3
    22. CP 440205 105 Jerry Colonna Fibber Mcgee Molly.mp3
    23. CP 440212 106 Bob Hope Frank Sinatra Judy Garland.mp3
    24. CP 440219 107 Loretta Young Frances Langford Connie Boswell.mp3
    25. CP 440226 108 Dorothy Lamour Virginia Obrien Dick Haymes.mp3
    26. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith San Fernando Valley.mp3
    27. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith Randolph Scott Spade Cooley.mp3
    28. CP 440311 110 Dinah Shore Frank Sinatra Ginny Simms.mp3
    29. CP 440318 111 Bea Wain Johnny Mercer Cliff Nazarro.mp3
    30. CP 440325 112 Don Ameche Cass Daley Carmen Miranda.mp3
    31. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms San Fernando Valley Rough.mp3
    32. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms Lena Horne Spike Jones.mp3
    33. CP 440408 114 Frances Langford Jerry Colonna Jo Stafford.mp3
    34. CP 440415 115 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Yehudi Menuhin.mp3
    35. CP 440422 116 Gene Tierney Roy Acuff Martha Tilton.mp3
    36. CP 440429 117 Olivia De Havilland Bob Crosby Dennis Day.mp3
    37. CP 440506 118 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Betty Hutton.mp3
    38. CP 440513 119 Jerry Colonna Dinah Shore Helen Forrest.mp3
    39. CP 440520 120 Paulette Goddard Jimmy Durante Louis Armstrong.mp3
    40. CP 440527 121 Dinah Shore Dick Haymes Virginia Obrien.mp3
    41. CP 440603 122 Bob Hope Bing Crosby J Garland Frank Sinatra.mp3
    42. CP 440603 123 Allfemale Program.mp3
    43. CP 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw.mp3
    44. CP 440617 125 Jack Benny Harpo Marx Bing Crosby.mp3
    45. CP 440624 126 Allwestern Program.mp3
    46. CP 440701 127 George Murphy Maxine Sullivan Nelson Eddy.mp3
    47. CP 440708 128 Claudette Colbert Jimmy Durante Ronald Colman.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 40 shows – total playtime 21 hours, 48 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 440715 129 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Andrews Sisters.mp3
    3. CP 440722 130 Ronald Colman Ginny Simms Cary Grant.mp3
    4. CP 440730 131 Barbara Stanwyck Dick Haymes June Allyson.mp3
    5. CP 440805 132 Ginger Rogers Virginia Obrien Jimmy Durante.mp3
    6. CP 440812 133 Spencer Tracy Jo Stafford Johnny Mercer.mp3
    7. CP 440819 134 Judy Garland Danny Kaye Helen Forrest.mp3
    8. CP 440826 135 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms.mp3
    9. CP 440902 136 Ladies Night.mp3
    10. CP 440909 919 Groucho Marx.mp3
    11. CP 440913 138 Bob Hope Johnny Mercer June Allyson.mp3
    12. CP 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay.mp3
    13. CP 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers.mp3
    14. CP 441007 141 Dinah Shore Art Tatum Chico Marx.mp3
    15. CP 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show.mp3
    16. CP 441021 143 Eddie Cantor Janet Blair Danny Thomas.mp3
    17. CP 441026 144 Winged Victory Edition.mp3
    18. CP 441101 145 Ethel Merman Joe E Lewis Connie Boswell.mp3
    19. CP 441101 148 Encore CP Assembled Show.mp3
    20. CP 441107 149 Claudette Colbert Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    21. CP 441108 146 Fred Waring Kate Smith Louis Prima.mp3
    22. CP 441118 150 Linda Darnell Woody Herman Amos N Andy.mp3
    23. CP 441123 Sp Thanksgiving Special.mp3
    24. CP 441125 151 Ginny Simms Larry Adler Diana Lynn.mp3
    25. CP 441202 152 Irene Dunne Johnny Mercer Jerome Kern.mp3
    26. CP 441209 153 Fibber Mcgee Molly Cass Daley Illinois Jacquet.mp3
    27. CP 441216 154 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Anita Oday.mp3
    28. CP 441225 1944 Christmas Special.mp3
    29. CP 450111 157 Linda Darnell Janet Blair Jimmy Durante.mp3
    30. CP 450118 158 Burns And Allen Connie Haines C. Aubrey Smith.mp3
    31. CP 450125 159 Frank Morgan Frank Sinatra Andrews Sisters.mp3
    32. CP 450201 160 Gloria De Haven Carmen Miranda Bing Crosby.mp3
    33. CP 450208 161 Jeannie Crain William Bendix Gene Krupa.mp3
    34. CP 450215 162 Dick Tracy In B Flat.mp3
    35. CP 450222 163 John Garfield Dick Haymes Ginny Simms.mp3
    36. CP 450301 164 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone.mp3
    37. CP 450315 166 Jimmy Durante Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall.mp3
    38. CP 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School.mp3
    39. CP 450329 168 Bob Hope Ingrid Bergman Charles Boyer.mp3
    40. CP 450405 169 Bing Crosby Lionel Barrymore Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    41. CP 450412 Kaye Kyser Gary Cooper.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 41 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 450308 165 Frank Sinatra Elizabeth Taylor Margaret Obrien.mp3
    3. CP 450419 170 Kay Kyser Gary Cooper Edward G Robinson.mp3
    4. CP 450419 171 Martha Stewart Peter Lorre Sydney Greenstreet.mp3
    5. CP 450426 172 Bing Crosby Jimmy Durante Ella Mae Morse.mp3
    6. CP 450503 173 Tribute To Walt Disney.mp3
    7. CP 450510 174 Jack Benny Paulette Goddard Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    8. CP 450517 175 Orson Welles.mp3
    9. CP 450524 176 Suppressed Desires.mp3
    10. CP 450531 Charles Boyer Nat King Cole.mp3
    11. CP 450614 179 Ann Rutherford Bob Hope King Sisters.mp3
    12. CP 450621 180 Joan Edwards Jack Carson Arthur Treacher.mp3
    13. CP 450622 181 Herbert Marshall Jack Haley Les Paul.mp3
    14. CP 450705 182 Juke Box Night Salute To Gi Jives 1000th Show.mp3
    15. CP 450712 183 Janet Blair Victor Borge Rise Stevens.mp3
    16. CP 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots Danny Kaye.mp3
    17. CP 450802 186 Allmale Program.mp3
    18. CP 450809 187 Walter Okeefe Rita Hayworth Les Paul.mp3
    19. CP 450814 Spec Victory Extra.mp3
    20. CP 450830 189 Frank Sinatra Humphrey Bogart Victor Borge.mp3
    21. CP 450906 190 Bing Bob Frank And J.mp3
    22. CP 450927 193 Its Only Paper Moon Afrs.mp3
    23. CP 451004 194 Dinah Shore Lum And Abner Alan Reed.mp3
    24. CP 451011 195 Truth Or Consequences Special.mp3
    25. CP 451018 196 Bob Hope Maureen Ohara Jerry Colonna.mp3
    26. CP 451025 197 Eddie Cantor Mel Torme.mp3
    27. CP 451101 198 Ginny Simms. Dennis Day.mp3
    28. CP 451108 199 Frances Langford Bob Crosby Harold Peary.mp3
    29. CP 451115 200 Garry Moore.mp3
    30. CP 451129 201 Linda Darnell Lena Horne Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    31. CP 451213 202 Andrews Sisters Garry Moore Jimmy Durante.mp3
    32. CP 451220 203 Dennis Day Jack Benny June Christy.mp3
    33. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 1.mp3
    34. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 2.mp3
    35. CP 451227 204 Jane Wyman Alan Young Jim Backus.mp3
    36. CP 460103 205 Frances Langford Mel Torme And Meltones.mp3
    37. CP 460110 206 Andrews Sisters Assembled Show.mp3
    38. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show.mp3
    39. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Ever Feeling Moonlight.mp3
    40. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Jack Benny Chico Marx.mp3
    41. CP 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler Assembled Show.mp3
    42. CP 460214 211 Carole Landis Vivian Blaine Bob Burns.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 41 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan.mp3
    3. CP 460228 213 Frank Morgan Marilyn Maxwell Jose Iturbi.mp3
    4. CP 460307 214 Ginger Rogers Burl Ives Kay Starr.mp3
    5. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton.mp3
    6. CP 460321 216 Eddie Cantor Lets Sing Song About Susie.mp3
    7. CP 460406 Army Day Special.mp3
    8. CP 460414 217 Awards Ceremony.mp3
    9. CP 460414 217 Bob Hope Best Picture Lost Weekend.mp3
    10. CP 460421 218 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms.mp3
    11. CP 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters.mp3
    12. CP 460505 220 Kay Kyser Lina Romay Esther Williams.mp3
    13. CP 460512 221 Betty Grable Oscar Levant Danny Kaye.mp3
    14. CP 460526 223 June Allyson Dick Powell The Les Paul Trio.mp3
    15. CP 460529 Fourth Anniversary Special.mp3
    16. CP 460602 224 Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    17. CP 460609 225 Gloria DeHaven.mp3
    18. CP 460616 226 Shirley Temple Anita Ellis Peter Lawford.mp3
    19. CP 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee Lum And Abner.mp3
    20. CP 460630 228 Janet Blair Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda.mp3
    21. CP 460922 231 Dinah Shore.mp3
    22. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street.mp3
    23. CP 460929 233 June Haver Wally Brown Eve Arden.mp3
    24. CP 460929 234 Mary Pickford Mel Blanc Dave Barry.mp3
    25. CP 461020 235 Tyrone Power Walter Okeefe Town Criers.mp3
    26. CP 461027 236 Robert Young Janis Paige Sara Berner.mp3
    27. CP 461103 237 Kay Kyser Laureen The Starlighters Ann Blyth.mp3
    28. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    29. CP 461117 239 Lina Romay.mp3
    30. CP 461124 240 Donna Reed Garry Moore Connie Haines.mp3
    31. CP 461201 241 Judy Garland Frank Sinatra Phil Silvers.mp3
    32. CP 461208 242 Rudy Vallee Dorothy Patrick.mp3
    33. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 1.mp3
    34. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 2.mp3
    35. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Lionel Barrymore.mp3
    36. CP 470119 248 Janet Blair The King Sisters Cornel Wilde.mp3
    37. CP 470209 251 Don Wilson Victor Borge Jimmy Durante.mp3
    38. CP 470223 253 Ginger Rogers Rose Marie Phil Baker.mp3
    39. CP 470302 254 Carole Landis Frank Sinatra Jimmy Durante.mp3
    40. CP 470309 255 Dick Haymes Helen Forrest Peter Lind Hayes.mp3
    41. CP 470316 256 John Payne.mp3
    42. CP 470323 257 Glenn Ford Marilyn Maxwell Phil Silvers.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 44 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. CP 470413 259 Ginnie Powell Alan Young Esther Williams.mp3
    3. CP 470413 260 Donna Reed Danny Thomas James Stewart.mp3
    4. CP 470414 261 Lina Romay.mp3
    5. CP 470414 266 George Murphy Martha Tilton Jerry Colonna.mp3
    6. CP 470504 272 Marilyn Maxwell Frank Sinatra Benny Goodman.mp3
    7. CP 470511 273 Phil Baker.mp3
    8. CP 470514 271 June Havoc Connie Haines Edgar Bergen.mp3
    9. CP 470525 275 Meredith Willson Lina Romay Paulina Carter.mp3
    10. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1.mp3
    11. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 2.mp3
    12. CP 470529 Special Lionel Barrymore Brazil 5th Aniv Pts 13.mp3
    13. CP 470531 276 Bill Goodwin Alan Young Jane Russell.mp3
    14. CP 470701 274 Kay Kyser.mp3
    15. CP 470708 280 Esther Williams Andy Russell Danny Thomas.mp3
    16. CP 470715 281 Eddie Cantor Joan Davis.mp3
    17. CP 470805 284 Judy Canova Mel Blanc.mp3
    18. CP 470902 288 Penny Singleton Virginia Obrien Jack Haley.mp3
    19. CP 470909 289 Groucho Marx.mp3
    20. CP 470909 292 Rudy Vallee Sweeney And March.mp3
    21. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus.mp3
    22. CP 471028 301 Joan Barton Hoagy Carmichael Howard Duff.mp3
    23. CP 471202 290 Ella Raines.mp3
    24. CP 471209 294 Bill Goodwin Frank Loesser Jack Carson.mp3
    25. CP 471216 295 Peter Lind Hayes Mary Healy Turhan Bey.mp3
    26. CP 471223 302 Kay Kyser Marsha Hunt Ilene Woods.mp3
    27. CP 471230 303 Garry Moore.mp3
    28. CP 480106 308 Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    29. CP 480120 307 Anita Ellis Harpo Marx Sweeney And March.mp3
    30. CP 480203 309 Kay Thompson.mp3
    31. CP 480203 310 Vivian Blaine.mp3
    32. CP 480323 314 Martha Tilton Edgar Bergen.mp3
    33. CP 480330 316 Celeste Holm Garry Moore.mp3
    34. CP 480427 319 Constance Moore.mp3
    35. CP 480427 320 Marie McDonald.mp3
    36. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight.mp3
    37. CP 480525 324 Gloria Dehaven Andre Previn Donald Oconnor.mp3
    38. CP 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special.mp3
    39. CP 480601 325 Eddie Cantor Bert Gordon Art Linkletter.mp3
    40. CP 480615 327 Esther Williams, Jack Carson.mp3
    41. CP 480907 340 Lina Romay Garry Moore Steve Allen.mp3
    42. CP 480914 341 Ava Gardner Steve Allen Herb Jeffries.mp3
    43. CP 480921 338 Shirley Ross June Foray.mp3
    44. CP 481019 347 Margaret Whiting Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    45. CP 481130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 30 shows – total playtime 17 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Announcer Hy Averback.mp3
    3. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 1.mp3
    4. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 2.mp3
    5. CP 490125 365 Jimmy Durante Evelyn Knight.mp3
    6. CP 490208 357 Betty Grable Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda.mp3
    7. CP 490215 361 Betty Garrett Jimmy Durante.mp3
    8. CP 490222 362 Gertrude Niesen Danny Kaye.mp3
    9. CP 490329 368 Lina Romay Ed Gardner Danny Thomas.mp3
    10. CP 490503 375 Gloria DeHaven Phil Moore Four Frank Sinatra.mp3
    11. CP 490510 377 Marie McDonald Alan Young.mp3
    12. CP 490531 378 Lucille Ball Bob Hope Leonard Pennario.mp3
    13. CP 490614 379 Margaret Whiting Steve Allen.mp3
    14. CP 490621 376 Evelyn Knight Dick Powell.mp3
    15. CP 490705 381 Gertrude Nniesen.mp3
    16. CP 490830 391 J C Thomas Chili Williams A Young J Foray.mp3
    17. CP 490906 392 Bill Goodwin.mp3
    18. CP 490920 393 Celeste Holm.mp3
    19. CP 491004 395 Dinah Shore.mp3
    20. CP 491011 396 Linda Darnell Garry Moore Bob Carroll.mp3
    21. CP 491018 397 Alexis Smith Dean Martin Jerry Lewis.mp3
    22. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Jack Carson.mp3
    23. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Nellie Lutcher Bobby Jordon.mp3
    24. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards S Wonderful.mp3
    25. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards Ezra Stone.mp3
    26. CP 500314 418 Danny Kaye.mp3
    27. CP 500328 420 Martha Tilton Blow Gabriel Blow.mp3
    28. CP 510000 476 Colleen Gray.mp3
    29. CP 510000 480 Danny Kaye.mp3
    30. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1.mp3
    31. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 2.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    334 recordings on 8 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $40.00. Total playtime 175 hours, 28 min
    334 recordings on 8 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $40.00
    4820 MB – total playtime 175 hours, 28 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 46 shows – 620 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
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      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. CP 000000 Benny Goodman Lina Romay Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    3. CP 400823 000 The Rudy Wiedoeft Story.mp3
    4. CP 420301 001 Eddie Cantor Danny Kaye Dinah Shore.mp3
    5. CP 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead.mp3
    6. CP 420313 003 Kate Smith Henny Youngman Robert Benchley.mp3
    7. CP 420315 002 Fred Waring.mp3
    8. CP 420318 004 Fred Allen Henny Youngman Gladys Swarthout.mp3
    9. CP 420329 005 George Jessel Connie Boswell Oscar Levant.mp3
    10. CP 420401 006 Kay Kyser Eddie Cantor Lou Holtz.mp3
    11. CP 420412 007 Gene Tierney Edgar Bergen Betty Hutton.mp3
    12. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker.mp3
    13. CP 420419 009 Shirley Temple Abbott And Costello Fanny Brice.mp3
    14. CP 420423 010 Pat Obrien Frances Langford Frank Morgan.mp3
    15. CP 420428 011 Adolphe Menjou Fibber Mcgee Molly Red Skelton.mp3
    16. CP 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny Judy Canova.mp3
    17. CP 420513 015 National Association Of Broadcasters Show.mp3
    18. CP 420514 013 Edward G Robinson Hedy Lamarr Glenn Miller.mp3
    19. CP 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin Rudy Vallee.mp3
    20. CP 420602 016 Mickey Rooney Amos N Andy Harry James.mp3
    21. CP 420611 017 Don Ameche Bing Crosby Carole Landis.mp3
    22. CP 420618 018 William Powell Gene Autry Judy Garland.mp3
    23. CP 420623 019 Loretta Young Ella Fitzgerald Phil Silvers.mp3
    24. CP 420630 020 Spencer Tracy Groucho Marx Barbara Stanwyck.mp3
    25. CP 420707 021 Bob Hope Lena Horne Rosalind Russell.mp3
    26. CP 420714 022 Edward Arnold Jack Benny Ethel Waters.mp3
    27. CP 420721 023 Pat Obrien Harold Peary Dick Powell.mp3
    28. CP 420728 024 Cary Grant Judy Garland Woody Herman.mp3
    29. CP 420804 025 Clark Gable Bette Davis Count Basie.mp3
    30. CP 420811 026 Walter Pidgeon Mary Martin Marlene Dietrich.mp3
    31. CP 420818 027 Cary Grant Virginia Obrien Freddie Slack.mp3
    32. CP 420825 028 Red Skelton Betty Hutton Benny Goodman.mp3
    33. CP 420830 030 Bing Crosby James Cagney Larry Adler.mp3
    34. CP 420830 031 Bing Crosby Abbott And Costello Kay Kyser.mp3
    35. CP 420904 029 Tallulah Bankhead Gene Krupa Jane Froman.mp3
    36. CP 420922 032 Don Ameche Edgar Bergen Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    37. CP 420929 033 Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey Lionel Hampton.mp3
    38. CP 421007 034 Cary Grant Spike Jones Rise Stevens.mp3
    39. CP 421009 035 Bob Hope Judy Garland Claudette Colbert.mp3
    40. CP 421013 036 Bing Crosby Mary Martin Dinah Shore.mp3
    41. CP 421021 037 Frances Langford Bob Burns Jimmy Dorsey.mp3
    42. CP 421024 038 Linda Darnell Red Skelton Erskine Hawkins.mp3
    43. CP 421027 039 Rita Hayworth Lena Horne. Cass Daley.mp3
    44. CP 421103 040 Betty Grable Edgar Bergen Judy Canova.mp3
    45. CP 421110 041 Jack Benny Alice Faye Cass Daley.mp3
    46. CP 421115 042 Leopold Stokowski.mp3
    47. CP 421209 Dinah Shore Lionel Hampton Assembled Show 42a.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 46 shows – 631 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 58 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. CP 420911 Bing Crosby Connee Boswell Bert Wheeler.mp3
    3. CP 421212 043 Cary Grant.mp3
    4. CP 421224 044 Christmas Special.mp3
    5. CP 430102 045 Linda Darnell Ink Spots Cab Calloway.mp3
    6. CP 430106 046 Robert Taylor Lum And Abner King Sisters.mp3
    7. CP 430110 047 Joan Blondell Roy Rogers Connie Haines.mp3
    8. CP 430116 048 Jeanette Macdonald Mills Brothers Virg Obrien.mp3
    9. CP 430123 049 Bob Hope Lena Horne Ginny Simms.mp3
    10. CP 430130 050 Dinah Shore Chill Wills Kathryn Grayson.mp3
    11. CP 430206 051 Rita Hayworth Burns And Allen Betty Hutton.mp3
    12. CP 430213 052 Bing Crosby Janet Blair.mp3
    13. CP 430220 053 Olivia De Havilland F Langford Allan Jones.mp3
    14. CP 430224 054 Tribute To British Army.mp3
    15. CP 430227 055 Betty Grable Margaret Whiting Mel Blanc.mp3
    16. CP 430313 057 Dinah Shore Cornelia O Skinner Freddy Martin.mp3
    17. CP 430320 058 Judy Garland John Charles Thomas Kenny Baker.mp3
    18. CP 430327 059 Kay Kyser Lennie Hayton Hedda Hopper.mp3
    19. CP 430401 060 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Burns.mp3
    20. CP 430403 061 Bob Hope Judy Garland Johnny Mercer.mp3
    21. CP 430417 062 Dinah Shore Pied Pipers Glen Gray.mp3
    22. CP 430424 063 Ann Sheridan Gracie Allen Paul Whiteman.mp3
    23. CP 430501 064 Kate Smith John Charles Thomas Cass Daley.mp3
    24. CP 430505 065 Ginny Simms Gene Autry.mp3
    25. CP 430508 066 Martha Raye Rudy Vallee Mel Blanc.mp3
    26. CP 430515 067 Joan Blondell Dick Powell Martha Tilton.mp3
    27. CP 430522 068 Dinah Shore Sportsmen Ruth Hussey.mp3
    28. CP 430605 069 Betty Hutton Amos N Andy Woody Herman.mp3
    29. CP 430612 070 Bob Crosby Count Basie Jimmy Wakely.mp3
    30. CP 430619 071 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Vaughn Monroe.mp3
    31. CP 430626 072 Fred Macmurray Alice Faye Jimmie Lunceford.mp3
    32. CP 430703 073 Kay Kyser Lena Horne Gertrude Niesen.mp3
    33. CP 430710 074 R Colman Jeanette Macdonald Ella Mae Morse.mp3
    34. CP 430711 075 Bing Crosby Betty Grable Harry James.mp3
    35. CP 430724 076 Dinah Shore Robert Benchley Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    36. CP 430731 077 Katharine Hepburn Ed Gardner Ted Lewis.mp3
    37. CP 430807 078 Greer Garson Nelson Eddy Cass Daley.mp3
    38. CP 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Judy Canova Xavier Cugat.mp3
    39. CP 430821 080 Ginger Rogers Frank Sinatra Arthur Q. Bryan.mp3
    40. CP 430828 081 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Jimmy Durante.mp3
    41. CP 430906 083 Dinah Shore Garry Moore Jimmy Dorsey.mp3
    42. CP 430909 082 Marlene Dietrich Johnny Mercer Zero Mostel.mp3
    43. CP 430911 084 Ginny Simms Andrews Sisters Roy Acuff.mp3
    44. CP 430918 085 Ronald Colman Jascha Heifetz Lena Horne.mp3
    45. CP 430925 086 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Frances Langford.mp3
    46. CP 431002 087 Don Ameche Betty Hutton King Cole Trio.mp3
    47. CP 431009 088 Robert Young Tex Ritter Charlie Spivak.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 46 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 17 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. CP 431016 089 Bette Davis John Charles Thomas Georgia Gibbs.mp3
    3. CP 431023 090 Bob Hope Carole Landis Cliff Arquette.mp3
    4. CP 431030 091 Judy Garland Dinah Shore Ginny Simms.mp3
    5. CP 431113 092 Bob Hope Judy Garland Betty Hutton.mp3
    6. CP 431120 093 Ida Lupino Phil Harris Hoosier Hot Shots.mp3
    7. CP 431127 094 Herbert Marshall Edgar Bergen Bob Wills.mp3
    8. CP 431204 095 Dinah Shore Abbott Costello Fats Waller.mp3
    9. CP 431211 096 Salute To Aef North African Network.mp3
    10. CP 431218 097 Allmusic Program.mp3
    11. CP 431218 097 Dinah Shore Bing Cros.mp3
    12. CP 431220 098 Fred Allen Ginny Simms Benny Goodman.mp3
    13. CP 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles.mp3
    14. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 1.mp3
    15. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 2.mp3
    16. CP 440108 100 Shirley Ross Carmen Miranda Veronica Lake.mp3
    17. CP 440115 101 Frances Langford Virginia Obrien Revuers.mp3
    18. CP 440122 102 Bob Hope Joan Leslie Dennis Day.mp3
    19. CP 440131 103 Robert Young Glenn Miller Mary Martin.mp3
    20. CP 440201 104 Bing Crosby Dinah Sho.mp3
    21. CP 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show.mp3
    22. CP 440205 105 Jerry Colonna Fibber Mcgee Molly.mp3
    23. CP 440212 106 Bob Hope Frank Sinatra Judy Garland.mp3
    24. CP 440219 107 Loretta Young Frances Langford Connie Boswell.mp3
    25. CP 440226 108 Dorothy Lamour Virginia Obrien Dick Haymes.mp3
    26. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith San Fernando Valley.mp3
    27. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith Randolph Scott Spade Cooley.mp3
    28. CP 440311 110 Dinah Shore Frank Sinatra Ginny Simms.mp3
    29. CP 440318 111 Bea Wain Johnny Mercer Cliff Nazarro.mp3
    30. CP 440325 112 Don Ameche Cass Daley Carmen Miranda.mp3
    31. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms San Fernando Valley Rough.mp3
    32. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms Lena Horne Spike Jones.mp3
    33. CP 440408 114 Frances Langford Jerry Colonna Jo Stafford.mp3
    34. CP 440415 115 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Yehudi Menuhin.mp3
    35. CP 440422 116 Gene Tierney Roy Acuff Martha Tilton.mp3
    36. CP 440429 117 Olivia De Havilland Bob Crosby Dennis Day.mp3
    37. CP 440506 118 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Betty Hutton.mp3
    38. CP 440513 119 Jerry Colonna Dinah Shore Helen Forrest.mp3
    39. CP 440520 120 Paulette Goddard Jimmy Durante Louis Armstrong.mp3
    40. CP 440527 121 Dinah Shore Dick Haymes Virginia Obrien.mp3
    41. CP 440603 122 Bob Hope Bing Crosby J Garland Frank Sinatra.mp3
    42. CP 440603 123 Allfemale Program.mp3
    43. CP 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw.mp3
    44. CP 440617 125 Jack Benny Harpo Marx Bing Crosby.mp3
    45. CP 440624 126 Allwestern Program.mp3
    46. CP 440701 127 George Murphy Maxine Sullivan Nelson Eddy.mp3
    47. CP 440708 128 Claudette Colbert Jimmy Durante Ronald Colman.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 40 shows – 599 MB – total playtime 21 hours, 48 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. CP 440715 129 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Andrews Sisters.mp3
    3. CP 440722 130 Ronald Colman Ginny Simms Cary Grant.mp3
    4. CP 440730 131 Barbara Stanwyck Dick Haymes June Allyson.mp3
    5. CP 440805 132 Ginger Rogers Virginia Obrien Jimmy Durante.mp3
    6. CP 440812 133 Spencer Tracy Jo Stafford Johnny Mercer.mp3
    7. CP 440819 134 Judy Garland Danny Kaye Helen Forrest.mp3
    8. CP 440826 135 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms.mp3
    9. CP 440902 136 Ladies Night.mp3
    10. CP 440909 919 Groucho Marx.mp3
    11. CP 440913 138 Bob Hope Johnny Mercer June Allyson.mp3
    12. CP 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay.mp3
    13. CP 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers.mp3
    14. CP 441007 141 Dinah Shore Art Tatum Chico Marx.mp3
    15. CP 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show.mp3
    16. CP 441021 143 Eddie Cantor Janet Blair Danny Thomas.mp3
    17. CP 441026 144 Winged Victory Edition.mp3
    18. CP 441101 145 Ethel Merman Joe E Lewis Connie Boswell.mp3
    19. CP 441101 148 Encore CP Assembled Show.mp3
    20. CP 441107 149 Claudette Colbert Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    21. CP 441108 146 Fred Waring Kate Smith Louis Prima.mp3
    22. CP 441118 150 Linda Darnell Woody Herman Amos N Andy.mp3
    23. CP 441123 Sp Thanksgiving Special.mp3
    24. CP 441125 151 Ginny Simms Larry Adler Diana Lynn.mp3
    25. CP 441202 152 Irene Dunne Johnny Mercer Jerome Kern.mp3
    26. CP 441209 153 Fibber Mcgee Molly Cass Daley Illinois Jacquet.mp3
    27. CP 441216 154 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Anita Oday.mp3
    28. CP 441225 1944 Christmas Special.mp3
    29. CP 450111 157 Linda Darnell Janet Blair Jimmy Durante.mp3
    30. CP 450118 158 Burns And Allen Connie Haines C. Aubrey Smith.mp3
    31. CP 450125 159 Frank Morgan Frank Sinatra Andrews Sisters.mp3
    32. CP 450201 160 Gloria De Haven Carmen Miranda Bing Crosby.mp3
    33. CP 450208 161 Jeannie Crain William Bendix Gene Krupa.mp3
    34. CP 450215 162 Dick Tracy In B Flat.mp3
    35. CP 450222 163 John Garfield Dick Haymes Ginny Simms.mp3
    36. CP 450301 164 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone.mp3
    37. CP 450315 166 Jimmy Durante Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall.mp3
    38. CP 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School.mp3
    39. CP 450329 168 Bob Hope Ingrid Bergman Charles Boyer.mp3
    40. CP 450405 169 Bing Crosby Lionel Barrymore Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    41. CP 450412 Kaye Kyser Gary Cooper.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 41 shows – 613 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 19 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. CP 450308 165 Frank Sinatra Elizabeth Taylor Margaret Obrien.mp3
    3. CP 450419 170 Kay Kyser Gary Cooper Edward G Robinson.mp3
    4. CP 450419 171 Martha Stewart Peter Lorre Sydney Greenstreet.mp3
    5. CP 450426 172 Bing Crosby Jimmy Durante Ella Mae Morse.mp3
    6. CP 450503 173 Tribute To Walt Disney.mp3
    7. CP 450510 174 Jack Benny Paulette Goddard Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    8. CP 450517 175 Orson Welles.mp3
    9. CP 450524 176 Suppressed Desires.mp3
    10. CP 450531 Charles Boyer Nat King Cole.mp3
    11. CP 450614 179 Ann Rutherford Bob Hope King Sisters.mp3
    12. CP 450621 180 Joan Edwards Jack Carson Arthur Treacher.mp3
    13. CP 450622 181 Herbert Marshall Jack Haley Les Paul.mp3
    14. CP 450705 182 Juke Box Night Salute To Gi Jives 1000th Show.mp3
    15. CP 450712 183 Janet Blair Victor Borge Rise Stevens.mp3
    16. CP 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots Danny Kaye.mp3
    17. CP 450802 186 Allmale Program.mp3
    18. CP 450809 187 Walter Okeefe Rita Hayworth Les Paul.mp3
    19. CP 450814 Spec Victory Extra.mp3
    20. CP 450830 189 Frank Sinatra Humphrey Bogart Victor Borge.mp3
    21. CP 450906 190 Bing Bob Frank And J.mp3
    22. CP 450927 193 Its Only Paper Moon Afrs.mp3
    23. CP 451004 194 Dinah Shore Lum And Abner Alan Reed.mp3
    24. CP 451011 195 Truth Or Consequences Special.mp3
    25. CP 451018 196 Bob Hope Maureen Ohara Jerry Colonna.mp3
    26. CP 451025 197 Eddie Cantor Mel Torme.mp3
    27. CP 451101 198 Ginny Simms. Dennis Day.mp3
    28. CP 451108 199 Frances Langford Bob Crosby Harold Peary.mp3
    29. CP 451115 200 Garry Moore.mp3
    30. CP 451129 201 Linda Darnell Lena Horne Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    31. CP 451213 202 Andrews Sisters Garry Moore Jimmy Durante.mp3
    32. CP 451220 203 Dennis Day Jack Benny June Christy.mp3
    33. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 1.mp3
    34. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 2.mp3
    35. CP 451227 204 Jane Wyman Alan Young Jim Backus.mp3
    36. CP 460103 205 Frances Langford Mel Torme And Meltones.mp3
    37. CP 460110 206 Andrews Sisters Assembled Show.mp3
    38. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show.mp3
    39. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Ever Feeling Moonlight.mp3
    40. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Jack Benny Chico Marx.mp3
    41. CP 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler Assembled Show.mp3
    42. CP 460214 211 Carole Landis Vivian Blaine Bob Burns.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 41 shows – 606 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 3 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan.mp3
    3. CP 460228 213 Frank Morgan Marilyn Maxwell Jose Iturbi.mp3
    4. CP 460307 214 Ginger Rogers Burl Ives Kay Starr.mp3
    5. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton.mp3
    6. CP 460321 216 Eddie Cantor Lets Sing Song About Susie.mp3
    7. CP 460406 Army Day Special.mp3
    8. CP 460414 217 Awards Ceremony.mp3
    9. CP 460414 217 Bob Hope Best Picture Lost Weekend.mp3
    10. CP 460421 218 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms.mp3
    11. CP 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters.mp3
    12. CP 460505 220 Kay Kyser Lina Romay Esther Williams.mp3
    13. CP 460512 221 Betty Grable Oscar Levant Danny Kaye.mp3
    14. CP 460526 223 June Allyson Dick Powell The Les Paul Trio.mp3
    15. CP 460529 Fourth Anniversary Special.mp3
    16. CP 460602 224 Marilyn Maxwell.mp3
    17. CP 460609 225 Gloria DeHaven.mp3
    18. CP 460616 226 Shirley Temple Anita Ellis Peter Lawford.mp3
    19. CP 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee Lum And Abner.mp3
    20. CP 460630 228 Janet Blair Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda.mp3
    21. CP 460922 231 Dinah Shore.mp3
    22. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street.mp3
    23. CP 460929 233 June Haver Wally Brown Eve Arden.mp3
    24. CP 460929 234 Mary Pickford Mel Blanc Dave Barry.mp3
    25. CP 461020 235 Tyrone Power Walter Okeefe Town Criers.mp3
    26. CP 461027 236 Robert Young Janis Paige Sara Berner.mp3
    27. CP 461103 237 Kay Kyser Laureen The Starlighters Ann Blyth.mp3
    28. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi.mp3
    29. CP 461117 239 Lina Romay.mp3
    30. CP 461124 240 Donna Reed Garry Moore Connie Haines.mp3
    31. CP 461201 241 Judy Garland Frank Sinatra Phil Silvers.mp3
    32. CP 461208 242 Rudy Vallee Dorothy Patrick.mp3
    33. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 1.mp3
    34. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 2.mp3
    35. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Lionel Barrymore.mp3
    36. CP 470119 248 Janet Blair The King Sisters Cornel Wilde.mp3
    37. CP 470209 251 Don Wilson Victor Borge Jimmy Durante.mp3
    38. CP 470223 253 Ginger Rogers Rose Marie Phil Baker.mp3
    39. CP 470302 254 Carole Landis Frank Sinatra Jimmy Durante.mp3
    40. CP 470309 255 Dick Haymes Helen Forrest Peter Lind Hayes.mp3
    41. CP 470316 256 John Payne.mp3
    42. CP 470323 257 Glenn Ford Marilyn Maxwell Phil Silvers.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 44 shows – 627 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 49 minutes
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      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. CP 470413 259 Ginnie Powell Alan Young Esther Williams.mp3
    3. CP 470413 260 Donna Reed Danny Thomas James Stewart.mp3
    4. CP 470414 261 Lina Romay.mp3
    5. CP 470414 266 George Murphy Martha Tilton Jerry Colonna.mp3
    6. CP 470504 272 Marilyn Maxwell Frank Sinatra Benny Goodman.mp3
    7. CP 470511 273 Phil Baker.mp3
    8. CP 470514 271 June Havoc Connie Haines Edgar Bergen.mp3
    9. CP 470525 275 Meredith Willson Lina Romay Paulina Carter.mp3
    10. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1.mp3
    11. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 2.mp3
    12. CP 470529 Special Lionel Barrymore Brazil 5th Aniv Pts 13.mp3
    13. CP 470531 276 Bill Goodwin Alan Young Jane Russell.mp3
    14. CP 470701 274 Kay Kyser.mp3
    15. CP 470708 280 Esther Williams Andy Russell Danny Thomas.mp3
    16. CP 470715 281 Eddie Cantor Joan Davis.mp3
    17. CP 470805 284 Judy Canova Mel Blanc.mp3
    18. CP 470902 288 Penny Singleton Virginia Obrien Jack Haley.mp3
    19. CP 470909 289 Groucho Marx.mp3
    20. CP 470909 292 Rudy Vallee Sweeney And March.mp3
    21. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus.mp3
    22. CP 471028 301 Joan Barton Hoagy Carmichael Howard Duff.mp3
    23. CP 471202 290 Ella Raines.mp3
    24. CP 471209 294 Bill Goodwin Frank Loesser Jack Carson.mp3
    25. CP 471216 295 Peter Lind Hayes Mary Healy Turhan Bey.mp3
    26. CP 471223 302 Kay Kyser Marsha Hunt Ilene Woods.mp3
    27. CP 471230 303 Garry Moore.mp3
    28. CP 480106 308 Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    29. CP 480120 307 Anita Ellis Harpo Marx Sweeney And March.mp3
    30. CP 480203 309 Kay Thompson.mp3
    31. CP 480203 310 Vivian Blaine.mp3
    32. CP 480323 314 Martha Tilton Edgar Bergen.mp3
    33. CP 480330 316 Celeste Holm Garry Moore.mp3
    34. CP 480427 319 Constance Moore.mp3
    35. CP 480427 320 Marie McDonald.mp3
    36. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight.mp3
    37. CP 480525 324 Gloria Dehaven Andre Previn Donald Oconnor.mp3
    38. CP 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special.mp3
    39. CP 480601 325 Eddie Cantor Bert Gordon Art Linkletter.mp3
    40. CP 480615 327 Esther Williams, Jack Carson.mp3
    41. CP 480907 340 Lina Romay Garry Moore Steve Allen.mp3
    42. CP 480914 341 Ava Gardner Steve Allen Herb Jeffries.mp3
    43. CP 480921 338 Shirley Ross June Foray.mp3
    44. CP 481019 347 Margaret Whiting Jack Kirkwood.mp3
    45. CP 481130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 30 shows – 483 MB – total playtime 17 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Announcer Hy Averback.mp3
    3. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 1.mp3
    4. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 2.mp3
    5. CP 490125 365 Jimmy Durante Evelyn Knight.mp3
    6. CP 490208 357 Betty Grable Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda.mp3
    7. CP 490215 361 Betty Garrett Jimmy Durante.mp3
    8. CP 490222 362 Gertrude Niesen Danny Kaye.mp3
    9. CP 490329 368 Lina Romay Ed Gardner Danny Thomas.mp3
    10. CP 490503 375 Gloria DeHaven Phil Moore Four Frank Sinatra.mp3
    11. CP 490510 377 Marie McDonald Alan Young.mp3
    12. CP 490531 378 Lucille Ball Bob Hope Leonard Pennario.mp3
    13. CP 490614 379 Margaret Whiting Steve Allen.mp3
    14. CP 490621 376 Evelyn Knight Dick Powell.mp3
    15. CP 490705 381 Gertrude Nniesen.mp3
    16. CP 490830 391 J C Thomas Chili Williams A Young J Foray.mp3
    17. CP 490906 392 Bill Goodwin.mp3
    18. CP 490920 393 Celeste Holm.mp3
    19. CP 491004 395 Dinah Shore.mp3
    20. CP 491011 396 Linda Darnell Garry Moore Bob Carroll.mp3
    21. CP 491018 397 Alexis Smith Dean Martin Jerry Lewis.mp3
    22. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Jack Carson.mp3
    23. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Nellie Lutcher Bobby Jordon.mp3
    24. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards S Wonderful.mp3
    25. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards Ezra Stone.mp3
    26. CP 500314 418 Danny Kaye.mp3
    27. CP 500328 420 Martha Tilton Blow Gabriel Blow.mp3
    28. CP 510000 476 Colleen Gray.mp3
    29. CP 510000 480 Danny Kaye.mp3
    30. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1.mp3
    31. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 2.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    334 recordings on 174 Audio CDs. Total playtime 168 hours, 21 min
    334 recordings on 174 Audio CDs
    total playtime 168 hours, 21 min

    Command Performance Disc A001

    1. CP 000000 Benny Goodman Lina Romay Hoagy Carmichael
    2. CP 400823 000 The Rudy Wiedoeft Story

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    Command Performance Disc A002

    1. CP 420301 001 Eddie Cantor Danny Kaye Dinah Shore
    2. CP 420309 002 Fred Waring. Joe E. Lewis Tallulah Bankhead

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    Command Performance Disc A003

    1. CP 420313 003 Kate Smith Henny Youngman Robert Benchley
    2. CP 420315 002 Fred Waring

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    Command Performance Disc A004

    1. CP 420318 004 Fred Allen Henny Youngman Gladys Swarthout
    2. CP 420329 005 George Jessel Connie Boswell Oscar Levant

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    Command Performance Disc A005

    1. CP 420401 006 Kay Kyser Eddie Cantor Lou Holtz
    2. CP 420412 007 Gene Tierney Edgar Bergen Betty Hutton

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    Command Performance Disc A006

    1. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker
    2. CP 420419 009 Shirley Temple Abbott And Costello Fanny Brice

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    Command Performance Disc A007

    1. CP 420423 010 Pat Obrien Frances Langford Frank Morgan
    2. CP 420428 011 Adolphe Menjou Fibber Mcgee Molly Red Skelton

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    Command Performance Disc A008

    1. CP 420507 012 Betty Grable Jack Benny Judy Canova
    2. CP 420513 015 National Association Of Broadcasters Show

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    Command Performance Disc A009

    1. CP 420514 013 Edward G Robinson Hedy Lamarr Glenn Miller
    2. CP 420518 014 George Raft Deanna Durbin Rudy Vallee

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    Command Performance Disc A010

    1. CP 420602 016 Mickey Rooney Amos N Andy Harry James
    2. CP 420611 017 Don Ameche Bing Crosby Carole Landis

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    Command Performance Disc A011

    1. CP 420618 018 William Powell Gene Autry Judy Garland
    2. CP 420623 019 Loretta Young Ella Fitzgerald Phil Silvers

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    Command Performance Disc A012

    1. CP 420630 020 Spencer Tracy Groucho Marx Barbara Stanwyck
    2. CP 420707 021 Bob Hope Lena Horne Rosalind Russell

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    Command Performance Disc A013

    1. CP 420714 022 Edward Arnold Jack Benny Ethel Waters
    2. CP 420721 023 Pat Obrien Harold Peary Dick Powell

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    Command Performance Disc A014

    1. CP 420728 024 Cary Grant Judy Garland Woody Herman
    2. CP 420804 025 Clark Gable Bette Davis Count Basie

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    Command Performance Disc A015

    1. CP 420811 026 Walter Pidgeon Mary Martin Marlene Dietrich
    2. CP 420818 027 Cary Grant Virginia Obrien Freddie Slack

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    Command Performance Disc A016

    1. CP 420825 028 Red Skelton Betty Hutton Benny Goodman
    2. CP 420830 030 Bing Crosby James Cagney Larry Adler

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    Command Performance Disc A017

    1. CP 420830 031 Bing Crosby Abbott And Costello Kay Kyser
    2. CP 420904 029 Tallulah Bankhead Gene Krupa Jane Froman

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    Command Performance Disc A018

    1. CP 420911 Bing Crosby Connee Boswell Bert Wheeler
    2. CP 420922 032 Don Ameche Edgar Bergen Tommy Dorsey

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    Command Performance Disc A019

    1. CP 420929 033 Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey Lionel Hampton
    2. CP 421007 034 Cary Grant Spike Jones Rise Stevens

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    Command Performance Disc A020

    1. CP 421009 035 Bob Hope Judy Garland Claudette Colbert
    2. CP 421013 036 Bing Crosby Mary Martin Dinah Shore

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    Command Performance Disc A021

    1. CP 421021 037 Frances Langford Bob Burns Jimmy Dorsey
    2. CP 421024 038 Linda Darnell Red Skelton Erskine Hawkins

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    Command Performance Disc A022

    1. CP 421027 039 Rita Hayworth Lena Horne. Cass Daley
    2. CP 421103 040 Betty Grable Edgar Bergen Judy Canova

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    Command Performance Disc A023

    1. CP 421110 041 Jack Benny Alice Faye Cass Daley
    2. CP 421115 042 Leopold Stokowski

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    Command Performance Disc A024

    1. CP 421209 Dinah Shore Lionel Hampton Assembled Show 42a
    2. CP 421212 043 Cary Grant

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    Command Performance Disc A025

    1. CP 421224 044 Christmas Special

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    Command Performance Disc A026

    1. CP 430102 045 Linda Darnell Ink Spots Cab Calloway
    2. CP 430106 046 Robert Taylor Lum And Abner King Sisters

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    Command Performance Disc A027

    1. CP 430110 047 Joan Blondell Roy Rogers Connie Haines
    2. CP 430116 048 Jeanette Macdonald Mills Brothers Virg Obrien

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    Command Performance Disc A028

    1. CP 430123 049 Bob Hope Lena Horne Ginny Simms
    2. CP 430130 050 Dinah Shore Chill Wills Kathryn Grayson

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    Command Performance Disc A029

    1. CP 430206 051 Rita Hayworth Burns And Allen Betty Hutton
    2. CP 430213 052 Bing Crosby Janet Blair

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    Command Performance Disc A030

    1. CP 430220 053 Olivia De Havilland F Langford Allan Jones
    2. CP 430224 054 Tribute To British Army

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    Command Performance Disc A031

    1. CP 430227 055 Betty Grable Margaret Whiting Mel Blanc
    2. CP 430313 057 Dinah Shore Cornelia O Skinner Freddy Martin

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    Command Performance Disc A032

    1. CP 430320 058 Judy Garland John Charles Thomas Kenny Baker
    2. CP 430327 059 Kay Kyser Lennie Hayton Hedda Hopper

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    Command Performance Disc A033

    1. CP 430401 060 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Bob Burns
    2. CP 430403 061 Bob Hope Judy Garland Johnny Mercer

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    Command Performance Disc A034

    1. CP 430417 062 Dinah Shore Pied Pipers Glen Gray
    2. CP 430424 063 Ann Sheridan Gracie Allen Paul Whiteman

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    Command Performance Disc A035

    1. CP 430501 064 Kate Smith John Charles Thomas Cass Daley
    2. CP 430505 065 Ginny Simms Gene Autry

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    Command Performance Disc A036

    1. CP 430508 066 Martha Raye Rudy Vallee Mel Blanc
    2. CP 430515 067 Joan Blondell Dick Powell Martha Tilton

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    Command Performance Disc A037

    1. CP 430522 068 Dinah Shore Sportsmen Ruth Hussey
    2. CP 430605 069 Betty Hutton Amos N Andy Woody Herman

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    Command Performance Disc A038

    1. CP 430612 070 Bob Crosby Count Basie Jimmy Wakely
    2. CP 430619 071 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Vaughn Monroe

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    Command Performance Disc A039

    1. CP 430626 072 Fred Macmurray Alice Faye Jimmie Lunceford
    2. CP 430703 073 Kay Kyser Lena Horne Gertrude Niesen

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    Command Performance Disc A040

    1. CP 430710 074 R Colman Jeanette Macdonald Ella Mae Morse
    2. CP 430711 075 Bing Crosby Betty Grable Harry James

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    Command Performance Disc A041

    1. CP 430724 076 Dinah Shore Robert Benchley Tommy Dorsey
    2. CP 430731 077 Katharine Hepburn Ed Gardner Ted Lewis

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    Command Performance Disc A042

    1. CP 430807 078 Greer Garson Nelson Eddy Cass Daley
    2. CP 430814 079 Rosalind Russell Judy Canova Xavier Cugat

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    Command Performance Disc A043

    1. CP 430821 080 Ginger Rogers Frank Sinatra Arthur Q. Bryan
    2. CP 430828 081 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Jimmy Durante

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    Command Performance Disc A044

    1. CP 430906 083 Dinah Shore Garry Moore Jimmy Dorsey
    2. CP 430909 082 Marlene Dietrich Johnny Mercer Zero Mostel

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    Command Performance Disc A045

    1. CP 430911 084 Ginny Simms Andrews Sisters Roy Acuff
    2. CP 430918 085 Ronald Colman Jascha Heifetz Lena Horne

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    Command Performance Disc A046

    1. CP 430925 086 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Frances Langford
    2. CP 431002 087 Don Ameche Betty Hutton King Cole Trio

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    Command Performance Disc A047

    1. CP 431009 088 Robert Young Tex Ritter Charlie Spivak
    2. CP 431016 089 Bette Davis John Charles Thomas Georgia Gibbs

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    Command Performance Disc A048

    1. CP 431023 090 Bob Hope Carole Landis Cliff Arquette
    2. CP 431030 091 Judy Garland Dinah Shore Ginny Simms

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    Command Performance Disc A049

    1. CP 431113 092 Bob Hope Judy Garland Betty Hutton
    2. CP 431120 093 Ida Lupino Phil Harris Hoosier Hot Shots

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    Command Performance Disc A050

    1. CP 431127 094 Herbert Marshall Edgar Bergen Bob Wills
    2. CP 431204 095 Dinah Shore Abbott Costello Fats Waller

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    Command Performance Disc A051

    1. CP 431211 096 Salute To Aef North African Network
    2. CP 431218 097 Allmusic Program

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    Command Performance Disc A052

    1. CP 431218 097 Dinah Shore Bing Cros
    2. CP 431220 098 Fred Allen Ginny Simms Benny Goodman

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    Command Performance Disc A053

    1. CP 431221 099 Fred Waring Kate Smith Orson Welles

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    Command Performance Disc A054

    1. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 1

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    Command Performance Disc A055

    1. CP 431225 1943 Christmas Special Part 2
    2. CP 440108 100 Shirley Ross Carmen Miranda Veronica Lake

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    Command Performance Disc A056

    1. CP 440115 101 Frances Langford Virginia Obrien Revuers
    2. CP 440122 102 Bob Hope Joan Leslie Dennis Day

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    Command Performance Disc A057

    1. CP 440131 103 Robert Young Glenn Miller Mary Martin
    2. CP 440201 104 Bing Crosby Dinah Sho

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    Command Performance Disc A058

    1. CP 440201 104 Second Anniversary Show
    2. CP 440205 105 Jerry Colonna Fibber Mcgee Molly

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    Command Performance Disc A059

    1. CP 440212 106 Bob Hope Frank Sinatra Judy Garland
    2. CP 440219 107 Loretta Young Frances Langford Connie Boswell

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    Command Performance Disc A060

    1. CP 440226 108 Dorothy Lamour Virginia Obrien Dick Haymes
    2. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith San Fernando Valley

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    Command Performance Disc A061

    1. CP 440304 109 Kate Smith Randolph Scott Spade Cooley
    2. CP 440311 110 Dinah Shore Frank Sinatra Ginny Simms

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    Command Performance Disc A062

    1. CP 440318 111 Bea Wain Johnny Mercer Cliff Nazarro
    2. CP 440325 112 Don Ameche Cass Daley Carmen Miranda

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    Command Performance Disc A063

    1. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms San Fernando Valley Rough
    2. CP 440401 113 Ginny Simms Lena Horne Spike Jones

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    Command Performance Disc A064

    1. CP 440408 114 Frances Langford Jerry Colonna Jo Stafford
    2. CP 440415 115 Bing Crosby Dinah Shore Yehudi Menuhin

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    Command Performance Disc A065

    1. CP 440422 116 Gene Tierney Roy Acuff Martha Tilton
    2. CP 440429 117 Olivia De Havilland Bob Crosby Dennis Day

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    Command Performance Disc A066

    1. CP 440506 118 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Betty Hutton
    2. CP 440513 119 Jerry Colonna Dinah Shore Helen Forrest

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    Command Performance Disc A067

    1. CP 440520 120 Paulette Goddard Jimmy Durante Louis Armstrong
    2. CP 440527 121 Dinah Shore Dick Haymes Virginia Obrien

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    Command Performance Disc A068

    1. CP 440603 122 Bob Hope Bing Crosby J Garland Frank Sinatra
    2. CP 440603 123 Allfemale Program

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    Command Performance Disc A069

    1. CP 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw
    2. CP 440617 125 Jack Benny Harpo Marx Bing Crosby

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    Command Performance Disc A070

    1. CP 440624 126 Allwestern Program
    2. CP 440701 127 George Murphy Maxine Sullivan Nelson Eddy

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    Command Performance Disc A071

    1. CP 440708 128 Claudette Colbert Jimmy Durante Ronald Colman
    2. CP 440715 129 Bing Crosby Judy Garland Andrews Sisters

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    Command Performance Disc A072

    1. CP 440722 130 Ronald Colman Ginny Simms Cary Grant
    2. CP 440730 131 Barbara Stanwyck Dick Haymes June Allyson

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    Command Performance Disc A073

    1. CP 440805 132 Ginger Rogers Virginia Obrien Jimmy Durante
    2. CP 440812 133 Spencer Tracy Jo Stafford Johnny Mercer

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    Command Performance Disc A074

    1. CP 440819 134 Judy Garland Danny Kaye Helen Forrest
    2. CP 440826 135 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms

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    Command Performance Disc A075

    1. CP 440902 136 Ladies Night
    2. CP 440909 919 Groucho Marx

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    Command Performance Disc A076

    1. CP 440913 138 Bob Hope Johnny Mercer June Allyson
    2. CP 440923 139 Martha Raye Jack Carson Lina Romay

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    Command Performance Disc A077

    1. CP 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers
    2. CP 441007 141 Dinah Shore Art Tatum Chico Marx

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    Command Performance Disc A078

    1. CP 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show
    2. CP 441021 143 Eddie Cantor Janet Blair Danny Thomas

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    Command Performance Disc A079

    1. CP 441026 144 Winged Victory Edition
    2. CP 441101 145 Ethel Merman Joe E Lewis Connie Boswell

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    Command Performance Disc A080

    1. CP 441101 148 Encore CP Assembled Show
    2. CP 441107 149 Claudette Colbert Bob Burns Tommy Dorsey

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    Command Performance Disc A081

    1. CP 441108 146 Fred Waring Kate Smith Louis Prima
    2. CP 441118 150 Linda Darnell Woody Herman Amos N Andy

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    Command Performance Disc A082

    1. CP 441123 Sp Thanksgiving Special
    2. CP 441125 151 Ginny Simms Larry Adler Diana Lynn

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    Command Performance Disc A083

    1. CP 441202 152 Irene Dunne Johnny Mercer Jerome Kern
    2. CP 441209 153 Fibber Mcgee Molly Cass Daley Illinois Jacquet

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    Command Performance Disc A084

    1. CP 441216 154 Bob Hope Bing Crosby Anita Oday
    2. CP 450111 157 Linda Darnell Janet Blair Jimmy Durante

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    Command Performance Disc A085

    1. CP 450118 158 Burns And Allen Connie Haines C. Aubrey Smith
    2. CP 450125 159 Frank Morgan Frank Sinatra Andrews Sisters

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    Command Performance Disc A086

    1. CP 450201 160 Gloria De Haven Carmen Miranda Bing Crosby
    2. CP 450208 161 Jeannie Crain William Bendix Gene Krupa

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    Command Performance Disc A087

    1. CP 450215 162 Dick Tracy In B Flat

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    Command Performance Disc A088

    1. CP 450222 163 John Garfield Dick Haymes Ginny Simms
    2. CP 450301 164 Helen Forrest Jack Carson Basil Rathbone

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    Command Performance Disc A089

    1. CP 450308 165 Frank Sinatra Elizabeth Taylor Margaret Obrien
    2. CP 450315 166 Jimmy Durante Humphrey Bogart Lauren Bacall

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    Command Performance Disc A090

    1. CP 450322 167 Miss Gushmores Finishing School
    2. CP 450329 168 Bob Hope Ingrid Bergman Charles Boyer

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    Command Performance Disc A091

    1. CP 450405 169 Bing Crosby Lionel Barrymore Marilyn Maxwell
    2. CP 450412 Kaye Kyser Gary Cooper

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    Command Performance Disc A092

    1. CP 450419 170 Kay Kyser Gary Cooper Edward G Robinson
    2. CP 450419 171 Martha Stewart Peter Lorre Sydney Greenstreet

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    Command Performance Disc A093

    1. CP 450426 172 Bing Crosby Jimmy Durante Ella Mae Morse
    2. CP 450503 173 Tribute To Walt Disney

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    Command Performance Disc A094

    1. CP 450510 174 Jack Benny Paulette Goddard Hoagy Carmichael
    2. CP 450517 175 Orson Welles

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    Command Performance Disc A095

    1. CP 450524 176 Suppressed Desires
    2. CP 450531 Charles Boyer Nat King Cole

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    Command Performance Disc A096

    1. CP 450614 179 Ann Rutherford Bob Hope King Sisters
    2. CP 450621 180 Joan Edwards Jack Carson Arthur Treacher

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    Command Performance Disc A097

    1. CP 450622 181 Herbert Marshall Jack Haley Les Paul
    2. CP 450705 182 Juke Box Night Salute To Gi Jives 1000th Show

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    Command Performance Disc A098

    1. CP 450712 183 Janet Blair Victor Borge Rise Stevens
    2. CP 450719 184 Judy Canova Hoosier Hot Shots Danny Kaye

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    Command Performance Disc A099

    1. CP 450802 186 Allmale Program
    2. CP 450809 187 Walter Okeefe Rita Hayworth Les Paul

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    Command Performance Disc A100

    1. CP 450830 189 Frank Sinatra Humphrey Bogart Victor Borge
    2. CP 450906 190 Bing Bob Frank And J

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    Command Performance Disc A101

    1. CP 450927 193 Its Only Paper Moon Afrs
    2. CP 451004 194 Dinah Shore Lum And Abner Alan Reed

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    Command Performance Disc A102

    1. CP 451011 195 Truth Or Consequences Special
    2. CP 451018 196 Bob Hope Maureen Ohara Jerry Colonna

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    Command Performance Disc A103

    1. CP 451025 197 Eddie Cantor Mel Torme
    2. CP 451101 198 Ginny Simms. Dennis Day

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    Command Performance Disc A104

    1. CP 451108 199 Frances Langford Bob Crosby Harold Peary
    2. CP 451115 200 Garry Moore

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    Command Performance Disc A105

    1. CP 451129 201 Linda Darnell Lena Horne Jack Kirkwood
    2. CP 451213 202 Andrews Sisters Garry Moore Jimmy Durante

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    Command Performance Disc A106

    1. CP 451220 203 Dennis Day Jack Benny June Christy

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    Command Performance Disc A107

    1. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 1

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    Command Performance Disc A108

    1. CP 451225 1945 Christmas Special Part 2

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    Command Performance Disc A109

    1. CP 451227 204 Jane Wyman Alan Young Jim Backus
    2. CP 460103 205 Frances Langford Mel Torme And Meltones

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    Command Performance Disc A110

    1. CP 460110 206 Andrews Sisters Assembled Show
    2. CP 460117 207 Army Nurse Corps Anniversary Show

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    Command Performance Disc A111

    1. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Ever Feeling Moonlight
    2. CP 460131 209 Robert Young Jack Benny Chico Marx

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    Command Performance Disc A112

    1. CP 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler Assembled Show
    2. CP 460214 211 Carole Landis Vivian Blaine Bob Burns

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    Command Performance Disc A113

    1. CP 460221 212 Bing Crosby Bob Hope Ann Sheridan
    2. CP 460228 213 Frank Morgan Marilyn Maxwell Jose Iturbi

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    Command Performance Disc A114

    1. CP 460307 214 Ginger Rogers Burl Ives Kay Starr
    2. CP 460314 215 June Haver Desi Arnaz Red Skelton

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    Command Performance Disc A115

    1. CP 460321 216 Eddie Cantor Lets Sing Song About Susie

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    Command Performance Disc A116

    1. CP 460406 Army Day Special

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    Command Performance Disc A117

    1. CP 460414 217 Awards Ceremony
    2. CP 460414 217 Bob Hope Best Picture Lost Weekend

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    Command Performance Disc A118

    1. CP 460421 218 Fred Allen Jack Benny Ginny Simms
    2. CP 460428 219 Dinah Shore Jimmy Durante Andrews Sisters

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    Command Performance Disc A119

    1. CP 460505 220 Kay Kyser Lina Romay Esther Williams
    2. CP 460512 221 Betty Grable Oscar Levant Danny Kaye

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    Command Performance Disc A120

    1. CP 460526 223 June Allyson Dick Powell The Les Paul Trio
    2. CP 460602 224 Marilyn Maxwell

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    Command Performance Disc A121

    1. CP 460609 225 Gloria DeHaven
    2. CP 460616 226 Shirley Temple Anita Ellis Peter Lawford

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    Command Performance Disc A122

    1. CP 460623 227 Esther Williams Peggy Lee Lum And Abner
    2. CP 460630 228 Janet Blair Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda

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    Command Performance Disc A123

    1. CP 460922 231 Dinah Shore
    2. CP 460922 232 Janet Blair David Street

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    Command Performance Disc A124

    1. CP 460929 233 June Haver Wally Brown Eve Arden
    2. CP 460929 234 Mary Pickford Mel Blanc Dave Barry

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    Command Performance Disc A125

    1. CP 461020 235 Tyrone Power Walter Okeefe Town Criers
    2. CP 461027 236 Robert Young Janis Paige Sara Berner

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    Command Performance Disc A126

    1. CP 461103 237 Kay Kyser Laureen The Starlighters Ann Blyth
    2. CP 461110 238 Superman Bob Hope Bela Lugosi

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    Command Performance Disc A127

    1. CP 461117 239 Lina Romay
    2. CP 461124 240 Donna Reed Garry Moore Connie Haines

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    Command Performance Disc A128

    1. CP 461201 241 Judy Garland Frank Sinatra Phil Silvers
    2. CP 461208 242 Rudy Vallee Dorothy Patrick

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    Command Performance Disc A129

    1. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 1
    2. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Bob Hope Part 2

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    Command Performance Disc A130

    1. CP 461225 1946 Christmas Special Host Lionel Barrymore

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    Command Performance Disc A131

    1. CP 470119 248 Janet Blair The King Sisters Cornel Wilde
    2. CP 470209 251 Don Wilson Victor Borge Jimmy Durante

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    Command Performance Disc A132

    1. CP 470223 253 Ginger Rogers Rose Marie Phil Baker
    2. CP 470302 254 Carole Landis Frank Sinatra Jimmy Durante

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    Command Performance Disc A133

    1. CP 470309 255 Dick Haymes Helen Forrest Peter Lind Hayes
    2. CP 470316 256 John Payne

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    Command Performance Disc A134

    1. CP 470323 257 Glenn Ford Marilyn Maxwell Phil Silvers
    2. CP 470413 259 Ginnie Powell Alan Young Esther Williams

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    Command Performance Disc A135

    1. CP 470413 260 Donna Reed Danny Thomas James Stewart
    2. CP 470414 261 Lina Romay

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    Command Performance Disc A136

    1. CP 470414 266 George Murphy Martha Tilton Jerry Colonna
    2. CP 470504 272 Marilyn Maxwell Frank Sinatra Benny Goodman

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    Command Performance Disc A137

    1. CP 470511 273 Phil Baker
    2. CP 470514 271 June Havoc Connie Haines Edgar Bergen

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    Command Performance Disc A138

    1. CP 470525 275 Meredith Willson Lina Romay Paulina Carter
    2. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 1

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    Command Performance Disc A139

    1. CP 470529 Fifth Anniversary Special Assembled Show Part 2
    2. CP 470529 Special Lionel Barrymore Brazil 5th Aniv Pts 13

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    Command Performance Disc A140

    1. CP 470531 276 Bill Goodwin Alan Young Jane Russell
    2. CP 470701 274 Kay Kyser

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    Command Performance Disc A141

    1. CP 470708 280 Esther Williams Andy Russell Danny Thomas
    2. CP 470715 281 Eddie Cantor Joan Davis

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    Command Performance Disc A142

    1. CP 470805 284 Judy Canova Mel Blanc
    2. CP 470902 288 Penny Singleton Virginia Obrien Jack Haley

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    Command Performance Disc A143

    1. CP 470909 289 Groucho Marx
    2. CP 470909 292 Rudy Vallee Sweeney And March

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    Command Performance Disc A144

    1. CP 471021 300 Frank Sinatra Doris Day Jim Backus
    2. CP 471028 301 Joan Barton Hoagy Carmichael Howard Duff

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    Command Performance Disc A145

    1. CP 471202 290 Ella Raines
    2. CP 471209 294 Bill Goodwin Frank Loesser Jack Carson

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    Command Performance Disc A146

    1. CP 471216 295 Peter Lind Hayes Mary Healy Turhan Bey
    2. CP 471223 302 Kay Kyser Marsha Hunt Ilene Woods

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    Command Performance Disc A147

    1. CP 471230 303 Garry Moore
    2. CP 480106 308 Jack Kirkwood

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    Command Performance Disc A148

    1. CP 480120 307 Anita Ellis Harpo Marx Sweeney And March
    2. CP 480203 309 Kay Thompson

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    Command Performance Disc A149

    1. CP 480203 310 Vivian Blaine
    2. CP 480323 314 Martha Tilton Edgar Bergen

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    Command Performance Disc A150

    1. CP 480330 316 Celeste Holm Garry Moore
    2. CP 480427 319 Constance Moore

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    Command Performance Disc A151

    1. CP 480427 320 Marie McDonald
    2. CP 480518 323 Jack Mccoy Dan Dailey Evelyn Knight

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    Command Performance Disc A152

    1. CP 480525 324 Gloria Dehaven Andre Previn Donald Oconnor

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    Command Performance Disc A153

    1. CP 480529 Sixth Anniversary Special

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    Command Performance Disc A154

    1. CP 480601 325 Eddie Cantor Bert Gordon Art Linkletter
    2. CP 480615 327 Esther Williams, Jack Carson

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    Command Performance Disc A155

    1. CP 480907 340 Lina Romay Garry Moore Steve Allen
    2. CP 480914 341 Ava Gardner Steve Allen Herb Jeffries

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    Command Performance Disc A156

    1. CP 480921 338 Shirley Ross June Foray
    2. CP 481019 347 Margaret Whiting Jack Kirkwood

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    Command Performance Disc A157

    1. CP 481130 353 Vincent Price Kay Starr Joan Davis

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    Command Performance Disc A158

    1. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 1

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    Command Performance Disc A159

    1. CP 481225 1948 Christmas Special Ken Carpenter Part 2

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    Command Performance Disc A160

    1. CP 490125 365 Jimmy Durante Evelyn Knight
    2. CP 490208 357 Betty Grable Danny Kaye Carmen Miranda

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    Command Performance Disc A161

    1. CP 490215 361 Betty Garrett Jimmy Durante
    2. CP 490222 362 Gertrude Niesen Danny Kaye

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    Command Performance Disc A162

    1. CP 490329 368 Lina Romay Ed Gardner Danny Thomas
    2. CP 490503 375 Gloria DeHaven Phil Moore Four Frank Sinatra

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    Command Performance Disc A163

    1. CP 490510 377 Marie McDonald Alan Young

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    Command Performance Disc A164

    1. CP 490531 378 Lucille Ball Bob Hope Leonard Pennario

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    Command Performance Disc A165

    1. CP 490614 379 Margaret Whiting Steve Allen
    2. CP 490621 376 Evelyn Knight Dick Powell

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    Command Performance Disc A166

    1. CP 490705 381 Gertrude Nniesen
    2. CP 490830 391 J C Thomas Chili Williams A Young J Foray

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    Command Performance Disc A167

    1. CP 490906 392 Bill Goodwin
    2. CP 490920 393 Celeste Holm

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    Command Performance Disc A168

    1. CP 491004 395 Dinah Shore
    2. CP 491011 396 Linda Darnell Garry Moore Bob Carroll

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    Command Performance Disc A169

    1. CP 491018 397 Alexis Smith Dean Martin Jerry Lewis
    2. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Jack Carson

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    Command Performance Disc A170

    1. CP 491025 398 Marilyn Maxwell Nellie Lutcher Bobby Jordon
    2. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards S Wonderful

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    Command Performance Disc A171

    1. CP 491101 399 Ralph Edwards Ezra Stone
    2. CP 500314 418 Danny Kaye

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    Command Performance Disc A172

    1. CP 500328 420 Martha Tilton Blow Gabriel Blow
    2. CP 510000 476 Colleen Gray

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    Command Performance Disc A173

    1. CP 510000 480 Danny Kaye
    2. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 1

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    Command Performance Disc A174

    1. CP 770529 Thirtyfifth Anniversary Special Part 2

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