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Comedy Collection

Chuckle Along with a Crazy Compilation Comedy Shows--An OTRCAT exclusive!

Comedy Collection

110 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 47 hours, 16 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
52 Audio CDs

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"Movie On Fred Allen's Life"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Comedy Shows (1930s-1950s)

Al Jolson comedy show advertisementThis comedy collection includes a single episode from every current OTRCAT comedy show. There are so many laughs in this collection that your belly will ache for weeks. All the big wigs are included, such as Bergen and McCarthy, Amos and Andy, Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Burns and Allen,Fibber McGee and Molly, Fred Allen, Jack Benny, Jimmy Durante, the Marx Brothers and more! Tune in to Al Jolson as he hosts The Kraft Music Hall, guest starring Red Skelton. Can't get enough of Red? Then travel on to Avalon, where Red hosts The Avalon Hour.

Tune in to A Date with Judy, guest starring old Blue Eyes, in a story where Judy goes with Ruby to see a Frank Sinatra movie.Or Abie's Irish Rose, about the young newlyweds from differing backgrounds, Abie and Rosemary Levy, who make a New Years resolution to stop fighting. Will it work? Then there's the rare Al Pearce Show, where Al plays a door-to-door salesman that tries to pawn off a slew of hot dogs. Will the customers bite already?

Join in on the laughs with family situation comedies, such as the Aldrich Family in an episode where they eat grouse for dinner and have a burnt pie incident. Or listen in on the Anderson Family as they argue about how to kick a football. Then there's Charlotte Greenwood, where Auntie Charlotte raises three children on her own, with hilarious results! There's also such classics as Father Knows Best or The Hardy Family, with goofball Mickey Rooney. Other classics include The Great Gildersleeve, which was radio's first bona Cast of comedy program Round the Hornefide spin-off where oddball Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve moves from the home of Fibber McGee and Molly to his own program.

In this collection, you'll hear many famous comedy duos, such as Bob and Ray and their hilarious ad-libbed patter, the dimwitted duo Laurel and Hardy and the zanyman-crooner duo, Martin and Lewis. There are also plenty of husband and wife duos, such as Ozzie and Harriet, and the Easy Aces, about a realtor and his kooky wife.

Then there are the shows that are about life - Life with Luigi, about a gentle Italian immigrant, Life with Riley, about an aircraft plant blue-collar worker, his family and their neighbors, and Life with the Lyons, with a real life family playing themselves on the air. Life is often good when you're at Duffy's Tavern, a place in New York where guest stars are always dropping by for a drink.

Other comedy shows have interesting themes, such as those that correspond to the comics. There's Archie Andrews and his crazy friend Jughead, Blondie, with Dagwood and his gigantic sandwiches, and Gasoline Alley with Skeezix. Then there's the Comic Weekly Man, a one-man show where Comic Weekly Man sings a ditty about himself and dramatizes the weekly comics using his personal collection of crazy voices.

Comedian Charlotte GreenwoodOther novelty series include such gems as Candid Microphone, a forerunner to Candid Camera. There's also Arthur Godfrey, a comedy and amateur talent show, where Arthur searches and evaluates budding stars. See how smart they aren't on It Pays to Be Ignorant, the baffoon's version of a quiz show with humorously idiotic judges and ensuing chaos. Also, you'll have a few stars in your eyes and more in your ears when you hear Hollywood is on the Air, which brings short previews of newly released movies. And don't miss The Jack Haley Wonder Show, played by none other than the tin man himself.

You won't want to forget the fine females of comedy. These are no damsels in distress, they can really give you a run for your one-liners. They are Barbara Stanwyk, who doubles as a dramatic actress and guest stars on Bergen and McCarthy , Carmen Miranda, Beulah, Irene Dunn, "Hollywood's First Lady, in Bright Star, Joan Davis, with her squeaky door vocal cords, as Judy Canova, who started the pigtail and calico fad at college campuses across the country, and the grand lady Kate Smith in The Kate Smith Show.

Edy Wynn, comedy star of Ed Wynn, Firechief

If you like a side of music with your laughs, you'll enjoy listening to those who can really dish it out - Billy Jones and Ernie Hare as The Easy Loafers, promoting their delicious Taystee Bread. Another musically delightful duo is Les Paul and Mary Ford, who drum up laughs and good music in their fun old time radio show. It sure keeps Mary Ford giggling! Bob Burns also calls for laughs with his crazy homemade bazooka instrument, and often features the music of Spike Jones on his own Bob Burns Show. Spike Jones also had his own program, The Spike Jones Show, full of musical hilarity.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    9     1


    I just want to take a moment to thank you for your excellent service. I believe I have more than 125 of your CDs and continuing to add more to my OTR collection. Your CDs are of high quality and are very soothing to the ear. I especially enjoy the comedy and detective programs. I will continue to order from you as long as I can.

    Al Verified Purchase

    I really enjoy Fibber and Molly CDs. They're so good I keep them in my fireproof box when not listening to them. Being on fixed income I still plan on ordering the Jack Benny, Phil Harris Alice Faye, Yours Truly Johnny Dollar, and Broadway is my Beat CDs. Thank you for preserving the best years in radio.

    Robert Verified Purchase

    I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the CDs I just received. I'm 82 years old and can remember listening to many of these as a kid. I especially enjoyed hearing the old time radio commercials, I remember them well too. Thanks for the memories.

    Bob Verified Purchase

    Today I listened to disc #19 which contained an episode of "Over Here", a program recorded in 1943 that was about supporting the war effort. This particular program was about the Russian people. The next program was the Eddie Cantor program "It's Time To Smile" with guest star Adolphe Menjou. In this episode from 1943, Adolphe attempts to give pointers to Eddie on being an ambassador for the war effort.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    110 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 16 min
    110 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 47 hours, 16 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 53 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 430203 Adolphe Menjou.mp3
    3. A Date w Judy 450320 Going To A Sinatra Movie.mp3
    4. Abies Irish Rose 410113 C144.mp3
    5. Al Jolson KMH 471204 Red Skelton.mp3
    6. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs.mp3
    7. Alan Young 470307 0022 Charity Masquerade Ball.mp3
    8. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner.mp3
    9. Amos and Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    10. Anderson Family Oliver Argues.mp3
    11. April Fools Collection Blondie 400401.mp3
    12. Archie Andrews 000000 Dinner at a Resturant.mp3
    13. Arthur Godfrey 500612.mp3
    14. Avalon Hour 391220 51 Househunting.mp3
    15. Barbara Stanwyck Collection Bergen McCarthy 430502.mp3
    16. Barrel Of Fun 44xxxx 20 Charlie Ruggles.mp3
    17. Bela Lugosi Collection Fred Allen 430425 418.mp3
    18. Bergen McCarthy 430221 Carmen Miranda.mp3
    19. Beulah 000000 00 Audition Program.mp3
    20. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19.mp3
    21. Blondie Circus Outing.mp3
    22. Bloopers Bob Hope Cooks.mp3
    23. Bob and Ray 490801 Xxx.mp3
    24. Bob Burns Show 430218 For Lifebuoy.mp3
    25. Bob Hope 480911 Bob And Jack Benny As Radio Djs.mp3
    26. Bright Star 530319 22 New Homemaker Page Editor.mp3
    27. Burkiss Way 10 Govern Britain.mp3
    28. Burns Allen 440229 George To Star Opposite Dorothy Lam.mp3
    29. Candid Microphone 470810 Woman Complains About The Program.mp3
    30. Charlotte Greenwood 450107 Inherits an Estate Family.mp3
    31. Comic Weekly Man 510408.mp3
    32. Dennis Day 471203 Get Job As Society Editor.mp3
    33. Doctor At Large (ep 04) - The Doctor's Dilemma.mp3
    34. Doctor In The House (ep 11) - Women Wine.mp3
    35. Drug Store Collection Great Gildersleeve 420222.mp3
    36. Duffys Tavern 460510 Pierre the Talking Dog.mp3
    37. Durante 471203 w Charles Boyer.mp3
    38. EA Albert Tries to Tell a Joke.mp3
    39. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight.mp3
    40. Ed Wynn 321018 T F C 1st 'butcher arms around me'.mp3
    41. Father Knows Best 500511 038 The Golf Challenge.mp3
    42. Fibber McGee and Molly 440222 Bill Smith, Old School Chum.mp3
    43. Forecast CBSPresents 440607 DaleJonesOrchHollywoodPalladium.mp3
    44. Fred Allen 460120 A Movie on Fred Allen's Life.mp3
    45. Friends Neighbors 730903 Love me, Love my Car.mp3
    46. Gasoline Alley 490107 26 Adventure Of Jealous Jessica.mp3
    47. Goldbergs 0943 Goldbergs Visit The Store.mp3
    48. Grand Marquee 470220 25 A Man's Home is Her Castle.mp3
    49. Grandby's Green Acre's 500710 Granby Plants A Crop.mp3
    50. Great Gildersleeve 441015 Job Hunting.mp3
    51. Happy Gang 560413.mp3
    52. Hardy Family 162b Andy Hardy, Jr Executive.mp3
    53. Henry Morgan 470129.mp3
    54. Heres To Veterans 0044 Kenny Baker.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 57 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hollywood Is On The Air [36] 1936 College Holiday.mp3
    3. It Pays to be Ignorant 451207 What is a Motherinlaw.mp3
    4. Its That Man Again 440413 723 Army Special.mp3
    5. Jack Benny 410330 1226 Jack Works I.mp3
    6. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade.mp3
    7. Jack Haley 381125 ep07 Sergeant O'Haley.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 451110 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest.mp3
    9. Kate Smith Show 440414 So Little Time.mp3
    10. Laurel Hardy Mr Slater's poultry market 1944.mp3
    11. Les Paul 500616 W Les Paul Mary Ford.mp3
    12. Life of Riley 471115 175 Riley In School Play.mp3
    13. Life with Luigi 481116 Luigi Attends PTA Meeting.mp3
    14. Life with the Lyons 510927 Home Again.mp3
    15. Lou Holtz Laugh Club 09.mp3
    16. Lucille Ball Collection Durante 480428.mp3
    17. Magnificent Montague 501222 07 A Child Visits.mp3
    18. Martin Lewis 530414 097 W Linda Darnell.mp3
    19. Marx Brothers Groucho Marx Attorney At Law.mp3
    20. Meet Corliss Archer 560916 Dexter to be Lawyer.mp3
    21. Meet the Meeks 471213 Date With Socrates.mp3
    22. Mel Blanc 461015 ThePostman'sBall.mp3
    23. Mickey Rooney Collection Duffy490302.mp3
    24. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 501118 Math Contest.mp3
    26. My Friend Irma 520203 e220 Newspaper Column.mp3
    27. My Little Margie 093 Verne Quarrels With Friend.mp3
    28. Old Gold Comedy 450107 Lady Eve, The.mp3
    29. Our Miss Brooks 490403 Special Party.mp3
    30. Over Here 430102 Charles Laughton (skips begin).mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment House.mp3
    32. People Are Funny 500214 Cinderella Wish May Come True.mp3
    33. Phil Harris 480425 The Kids Come To See Daddy At Work.mp3
    34. Random Rarities Tide Show 520610 W Ginny Simms.mp3
    35. Rarities of the 1930s Melody Madness 390122.mp3
    36. Red Skelton 470415 New West, The.mp3
    37. Results Inc 441216 11 The Bloody Gillettes.mp3
    38. Robert Benchley Collection Amos Andy Divorce Inc 121743pt1.mp3
    39. Round the Horne The Spy Who Came in from the Cold..mp3
    40. SamnHenry 260527 Victor 20093 A Speech At The Colored Lodge.mp3
    41. Smiths Hollywood 470221 e07 The Banquet.mp3
    42. Spike Jones 471024 Tex Williams.mp3
    43. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy.mp3
    44. Steve Allen Show 500604 01 W Eve Arden, Benny, Groucho.mp3
    45. Stoopnagle Bud 350315 Gloomchasers.mp3
    46. Take It From Here The Glums Pa Glum's Whisky.mp3
    47. Tax Time Collection EA Tax Audit 1o2.mp3
    48. Texaco 400207 Frances Langford, Kick In.mp3
    49. The Joan Davis Show 460107 Fighting Over Andy Russell.mp3
    50. The Navy Lark 590524 The Multiple Mines.mp3
    51. The Navy Lark 590621 A Watch On The Initiative Test.mp3
    52. This is your life XxXxXx Barney Ross.mp3
    53. Topper 450000 Malvena's Mother Visits.mp3
    54. Travels Mary Ward - 361217 (82).mp3
    55. Two Black Crows.mp3
    56. Vic Sade 390000 Rush I Hereby Resign.mp3
    57. WC Fields Collection Edgar Bergen 370905 Lupino and Eddy.mp3
    58. You Bet Your Life 50000x Name Sammy Kahn.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    110 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 47 hours, 16 min
    110 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    825 MB – total playtime 47 hours, 16 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 53 shows – 422 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 15 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 430203 Adolphe Menjou.mp3
    3. A Date w Judy 450320 Going To A Sinatra Movie.mp3
    4. Abies Irish Rose 410113 C144.mp3
    5. Al Jolson KMH 471204 Red Skelton.mp3
    6. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs.mp3
    7. Alan Young 470307 0022 Charity Masquerade Ball.mp3
    8. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner.mp3
    9. Amos and Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    10. Anderson Family Oliver Argues.mp3
    11. April Fools Collection Blondie 400401.mp3
    12. Archie Andrews 000000 Dinner at a Resturant.mp3
    13. Arthur Godfrey 500612.mp3
    14. Avalon Hour 391220 51 Househunting.mp3
    15. Barbara Stanwyck Collection Bergen McCarthy 430502.mp3
    16. Barrel Of Fun 44xxxx 20 Charlie Ruggles.mp3
    17. Bela Lugosi Collection Fred Allen 430425 418.mp3
    18. Bergen McCarthy 430221 Carmen Miranda.mp3
    19. Beulah 000000 00 Audition Program.mp3
    20. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19.mp3
    21. Blondie Circus Outing.mp3
    22. Bloopers Bob Hope Cooks.mp3
    23. Bob and Ray 490801 Xxx.mp3
    24. Bob Burns Show 430218 For Lifebuoy.mp3
    25. Bob Hope 480911 Bob And Jack Benny As Radio Djs.mp3
    26. Bright Star 530319 22 New Homemaker Page Editor.mp3
    27. Burkiss Way 10 Govern Britain.mp3
    28. Burns Allen 440229 George To Star Opposite Dorothy Lam.mp3
    29. Candid Microphone 470810 Woman Complains About The Program.mp3
    30. Charlotte Greenwood 450107 Inherits an Estate Family.mp3
    31. Comic Weekly Man 510408.mp3
    32. Dennis Day 471203 Get Job As Society Editor.mp3
    33. Doctor At Large (ep 04) - The Doctor's Dilemma.mp3
    34. Doctor In The House (ep 11) - Women Wine.mp3
    35. Drug Store Collection Great Gildersleeve 420222.mp3
    36. Duffys Tavern 460510 Pierre the Talking Dog.mp3
    37. Durante 471203 w Charles Boyer.mp3
    38. EA Albert Tries to Tell a Joke.mp3
    39. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight.mp3
    40. Ed Wynn 321018 T F C 1st 'butcher arms around me'.mp3
    41. Father Knows Best 500511 038 The Golf Challenge.mp3
    42. Fibber McGee and Molly 440222 Bill Smith, Old School Chum.mp3
    43. Forecast CBSPresents 440607 DaleJonesOrchHollywoodPalladium.mp3
    44. Fred Allen 460120 A Movie on Fred Allen's Life.mp3
    45. Friends Neighbors 730903 Love me, Love my Car.mp3
    46. Gasoline Alley 490107 26 Adventure Of Jealous Jessica.mp3
    47. Goldbergs 0943 Goldbergs Visit The Store.mp3
    48. Grand Marquee 470220 25 A Man's Home is Her Castle.mp3
    49. Grandby's Green Acre's 500710 Granby Plants A Crop.mp3
    50. Great Gildersleeve 441015 Job Hunting.mp3
    51. Happy Gang 560413.mp3
    52. Hardy Family 162b Andy Hardy, Jr Executive.mp3
    53. Henry Morgan 470129.mp3
    54. Heres To Veterans 0044 Kenny Baker.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 57 shows – 404 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 1 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Hollywood Is On The Air [36] 1936 College Holiday.mp3
    3. It Pays to be Ignorant 451207 What is a Motherinlaw.mp3
    4. Its That Man Again 440413 723 Army Special.mp3
    5. Jack Benny 410330 1226 Jack Works I.mp3
    6. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade.mp3
    7. Jack Haley 381125 ep07 Sergeant O'Haley.mp3
    8. Judy Canova 451110 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest.mp3
    9. Kate Smith Show 440414 So Little Time.mp3
    10. Laurel Hardy Mr Slater's poultry market 1944.mp3
    11. Les Paul 500616 W Les Paul Mary Ford.mp3
    12. Life of Riley 471115 175 Riley In School Play.mp3
    13. Life with Luigi 481116 Luigi Attends PTA Meeting.mp3
    14. Life with the Lyons 510927 Home Again.mp3
    15. Lou Holtz Laugh Club 09.mp3
    16. Lucille Ball Collection Durante 480428.mp3
    17. Magnificent Montague 501222 07 A Child Visits.mp3
    18. Martin Lewis 530414 097 W Linda Darnell.mp3
    19. Marx Brothers Groucho Marx Attorney At Law.mp3
    20. Meet Corliss Archer 560916 Dexter to be Lawyer.mp3
    21. Meet the Meeks 471213 Date With Socrates.mp3
    22. Mel Blanc 461015 ThePostman'sBall.mp3
    23. Mickey Rooney Collection Duffy490302.mp3
    24. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers.mp3
    25. My Favorite Husband 501118 Math Contest.mp3
    26. My Friend Irma 520203 e220 Newspaper Column.mp3
    27. My Little Margie 093 Verne Quarrels With Friend.mp3
    28. Old Gold Comedy 450107 Lady Eve, The.mp3
    29. Our Miss Brooks 490403 Special Party.mp3
    30. Over Here 430102 Charles Laughton (skips begin).mp3
    31. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment House.mp3
    32. People Are Funny 500214 Cinderella Wish May Come True.mp3
    33. Phil Harris 480425 The Kids Come To See Daddy At Work.mp3
    34. Random Rarities Tide Show 520610 W Ginny Simms.mp3
    35. Rarities of the 1930s Melody Madness 390122.mp3
    36. Red Skelton 470415 New West, The.mp3
    37. Results Inc 441216 11 The Bloody Gillettes.mp3
    38. Robert Benchley Collection Amos Andy Divorce Inc 121743pt1.mp3
    39. Round the Horne The Spy Who Came in from the Cold..mp3
    40. SamnHenry 260527 Victor 20093 A Speech At The Colored Lodge.mp3
    41. Smiths Hollywood 470221 e07 The Banquet.mp3
    42. Spike Jones 471024 Tex Williams.mp3
    43. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy.mp3
    44. Steve Allen Show 500604 01 W Eve Arden, Benny, Groucho.mp3
    45. Stoopnagle Bud 350315 Gloomchasers.mp3
    46. Take It From Here The Glums Pa Glum's Whisky.mp3
    47. Tax Time Collection EA Tax Audit 1o2.mp3
    48. Texaco 400207 Frances Langford, Kick In.mp3
    49. The Joan Davis Show 460107 Fighting Over Andy Russell.mp3
    50. The Navy Lark 590524 The Multiple Mines.mp3
    51. The Navy Lark 590621 A Watch On The Initiative Test.mp3
    52. This is your life XxXxXx Barney Ross.mp3
    53. Topper 450000 Malvena's Mother Visits.mp3
    54. Travels Mary Ward - 361217 (82).mp3
    55. Two Black Crows.mp3
    56. Vic Sade 390000 Rush I Hereby Resign.mp3
    57. WC Fields Collection Edgar Bergen 370905 Lupino and Eddy.mp3
    58. You Bet Your Life 50000x Name Sammy Kahn.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    110 recordings on 52 Audio CDs. Total playtime 47 hours, 16 min
    110 recordings on 52 Audio CDs
    total playtime 47 hours, 16 min

    Comedy Collection Disc A001

    1. Anderson Family Oliver Argues
    2. Barrel Of Fun 44xxxx 20 Charlie Ruggles

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A002

    1. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19
    2. Blondie Circus Outing
    3. Bloopers Bob Hope Cooks
    4. Burkiss Way 10 Govern Britain

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A003

    1. Doctor At Large (ep 04) - The Doctor's Dilemma
    2. Doctor In The House (ep 11) - Women Wine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A004

    1. EA Albert Tries to Tell a Joke
    2. Easy Aces e041 Cokie's First Fight
    3. Goldbergs 0943 Goldbergs Visit The Store

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A005

    1. Hardy Family 162b Andy Hardy, Jr Executive
    2. Heres To Veterans 0044 Kenny Baker
    3. Hollywood Is On The Air [36] 1936 College Holiday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A006

    1. Laurel Hardy Mr Slater's poultry market 1944
    2. Lou Holtz Laugh Club 09
    3. Marx Brothers Groucho Marx Attorney At Law
    4. My Little Margie 093 Verne Quarrels With Friend

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A007

    1. Robert Benchley Collection Amos Andy Divorce Inc 121743pt1
    2. Round the Horne The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.
    3. Take It From Here The Glums Pa Glum's Whisky
    4. Tax Time Collection EA Tax Audit 1o2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A008

    1. This is your life XxXxXx Barney Ross
    2. Two Black Crows
    3. You Bet Your Life 50000x Name Sammy Kahn

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A009

    1. Archie Andrews 000000 Dinner at a Resturant
    2. Beulah 000000 00 Audition Program
    3. SamnHenry 260527 Victor 20093 A Speech At The Colored Lodge

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A010

    1. Ed Wynn 321018 T F C 1st 'butcher arms around me'
    2. Stoopnagle Bud 350315 Gloomchasers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A011

    1. Travels Mary Ward - 361217 (82)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A012

    1. WC Fields Collection Edgar Bergen 370905 Lupino and Eddy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A013

    1. Jack Haley 381125 ep07 Sergeant O'Haley
    2. Vic Sade 390000 Rush I Hereby Resign

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A014

    1. Rarities of the 1930s Melody Madness 390122
    2. Avalon Hour 391220 51 Househunting

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A015

    1. Al Pearce 400207 Sells Hot Dogs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A016

    1. Texaco 400207 Frances Langford, Kick In

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A017

    1. April Fools Collection Blondie 400401
    2. Abies Irish Rose 410113 C144

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A018

    1. Jack Benny 410330 1226 Jack Works I
    2. Drug Store Collection Great Gildersleeve 420222

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A019

    1. Over Here 430102 Charles Laughton (skips begin)
    2. 430203 Adolphe Menjou

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A020

    1. Bob Burns Show 430218 For Lifebuoy
    2. Bergen McCarthy 430221 Carmen Miranda

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A021

    1. Bela Lugosi Collection Fred Allen 430425 418
    2. Barbara Stanwyck Collection Bergen McCarthy 430502

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A022

    1. Amos and Andy 431119 Turkey Trouble
    2. Fibber McGee and Molly 440222 Bill Smith, Old School Chum

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A023

    1. Burns Allen 440229 George To Star Opposite Dorothy Lam
    2. Its That Man Again 440413 723 Army Special

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A024

    1. Kate Smith Show 440414 So Little Time
    2. Forecast CBSPresents 440607 DaleJonesOrchHollywoodPalladium

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A025

    1. Great Gildersleeve 441015 Job Hunting
    2. Results Inc 441216 11 The Bloody Gillettes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A026

    1. Topper 450000 Malvena's Mother Visits
    2. Charlotte Greenwood 450107 Inherits an Estate Family

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A027

    1. Old Gold Comedy 450107 Lady Eve, The
    2. A Date w Judy 450320 Going To A Sinatra Movie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A028

    1. Ozzie Harriet 450923 Apartment House
    2. Judy Canova 451110 Gurgle Soda Pop Contest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A029

    1. It Pays to be Ignorant 451207 What is a Motherinlaw
    2. The Joan Davis Show 460107 Fighting Over Andy Russell

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A030

    1. Fred Allen 460120 A Movie on Fred Allen's Life
    2. Duffys Tavern 460510 Pierre the Talking Dog

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A031

    1. Mel Blanc 461015 ThePostman'sBall
    2. Henry Morgan 470129

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A032

    1. Grand Marquee 470220 25 A Man's Home is Her Castle
    2. Smiths Hollywood 470221 e07 The Banquet

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A033

    1. Jack Carson Show 470305 23 Sam Spade
    2. Alan Young 470307 0022 Charity Masquerade Ball

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Comedy Collection Disc A034

    1. Red Skelton 470415 New West, The
    2. Candid Microphone 470810 Woman Complains About The Program

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    Comedy Collection Disc A035

    1. Milton Berle 470909 27 American Farmers
    2. Spike Jones 471024 Tex Williams

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    Comedy Collection Disc A036

    1. Life of Riley 471115 175 Riley In School Play
    2. Dennis Day 471203 Get Job As Society Editor

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    Comedy Collection Disc A037

    1. Durante 471203 w Charles Boyer
    2. Al Jolson KMH 471204 Red Skelton

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    Comedy Collection Disc A038

    1. Meet the Meeks 471213 Date With Socrates
    2. Phil Harris 480425 The Kids Come To See Daddy At Work

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    Comedy Collection Disc A039

    1. Lucille Ball Collection Durante 480428
    2. Bob Hope 480911 Bob And Jack Benny As Radio Djs

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    Comedy Collection Disc A040

    1. Life with Luigi 481116 Luigi Attends PTA Meeting
    2. Gasoline Alley 490107 26 Adventure Of Jealous Jessica

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    Comedy Collection Disc A041

    1. Mickey Rooney Collection Duffy490302
    2. Our Miss Brooks 490403 Special Party

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    Comedy Collection Disc A042

    1. Bob and Ray 490801 Xxx
    2. Aldrich Family 491209 Grouse For Dinner

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    Comedy Collection Disc A043

    1. People Are Funny 500214 Cinderella Wish May Come True
    2. Father Knows Best 500511 038 The Golf Challenge

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    Comedy Collection Disc A044

    1. Steve Allen Show 500604 01 W Eve Arden, Benny, Groucho
    2. Arthur Godfrey 500612
    3. Les Paul 500616 W Les Paul Mary Ford

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    Comedy Collection Disc A045

    1. Grandby's Green Acre's 500710 Granby Plants A Crop
    2. My Favorite Husband 501118 Math Contest

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    Comedy Collection Disc A046

    1. Magnificent Montague 501222 07 A Child Visits
    2. Stars Over Hollywood 501230 06 Continental Cowboy

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    Comedy Collection Disc A047

    1. Comic Weekly Man 510408
    2. Life with the Lyons 510927 Home Again

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    Comedy Collection Disc A048

    1. My Friend Irma 520203 e220 Newspaper Column
    2. Random Rarities Tide Show 520610 W Ginny Simms

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    Comedy Collection Disc A049

    1. Bright Star 530319 22 New Homemaker Page Editor
    2. Martin Lewis 530414 097 W Linda Darnell

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    Comedy Collection Disc A050

    1. Happy Gang 560413
    2. Meet Corliss Archer 560916 Dexter to be Lawyer

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    Comedy Collection Disc A051

    1. The Navy Lark 590524 The Multiple Mines
    2. The Navy Lark 590621 A Watch On The Initiative Test

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    Comedy Collection Disc A052

    1. Friends Neighbors 730903 Love me, Love my Car

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