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Bill Clinton (William J Clinton) Recordings

Relive the swinging 1990's through the historical speeches and radio addresses of President Clinton.

Bill Clinton

1087 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 669 hours, 35 min)
available in the following formats:

30 MP3 CDs
487 Audio CDs

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"December 16, 1998 Speech: Airstrikes on Iraq"

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William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946 in Hope Arkansas and was raised in Hot Springs, Arkansas. His father died tragically three months before he was born; his mother Virginia Dell Cassidy remarried in 1950 to Roger Clinton.

Young Bill Clinton Meeting JFK
Young Bill Clinton meeting John F Kennedy
As a young man Clinton excelled in academics and as a musician; he once considered becoming a professional saxophone player. However, after meeting President John Kennedy while in high school he decided to enter a life of public service. That same year, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., gave his historic "I Have a Dream" speech at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Bill Clinton watched the speech on television and was so deeply moved by Dr. King's words that he memorized them.

Clinton entered Georgetown University on scholarship and in 1968 won a exclusive Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University. Later he attended law degree from Yale University where he met fellow law student Hillary Diane Rodham. After completing his law degree in 1973 he entered politics in his home state of Arkansas. In 1978 and again in 1982, he was elected Governor of Arkansas and greatly improved the economy and educational system of the state. In 1991, he ran for President of the United States with running mate Tennessee Senator Al Gore against incumbent President George H.W. Bush for and won becoming the 42nd President of the United States.

Known for his remarkable speaking ability and his ability to relate to people on a personal level, this collection includes speeches from important events in his presidency. Including many State of the Union Address from his eight year presidency, Democrat National Convention Speeches, Radio Addresses and this collection gives a glimpse of the President that served his country during the majority of the 1990's, William Jefferson Clinton.

Clinton playing the saxophone

See additional Presidential Recordings:

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    Over all, I loved this one, but the 2nd Inauguration had a long gap.


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    1087 recordings on 30 MP3 CDs for just $125.00. Total playtime 669 hours, 35 min
    1087 recordings on 30 MP3 CDs for just $125.00
    total playtime 669 hours, 35 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19840000 P.Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19850206 Democratic Response to Reagan's State of the Union.mp3
    4. 19870222 Toast From Ronald Reagan.mp3
    5. 19880000 Interview Dukakis Senior Advisor.mp3
    6. 19880720 DNC Address.mp3
    7. 19900403 Visits Arkansas Children’s Hospital.mp3
    8. 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    9. 19911106 Democratic Primary Debate, Manchester, NH.mp3
    10. 19911215 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    11. 19920000 The Man From Hope.mp3
    12. 19920000 The New Covenant.mp3
    13. 19920123 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    14. 19920126 with Hillary Clinton, 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    15. 19920203 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    16. 19920218 NH Tonight Has Made the Comeback Kid.mp3
    17. 19920220 The American Dream.mp3
    18. 19920223 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    19. 19920229 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    20. 19920301 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    21. 19920307 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 19920315 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 19920327 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    24. 19920329 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 19920331 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    26. 19920402 Charlie Rose Interview.mp3
    27. 19920403 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 35 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19920406 Phil Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19920407 New York Primary Victory.mp3
    4. 19920603 Hillary Clinton, A.Hall Interview.mp3
    5. 19920612 Facing the Future Bill Clinton Young Voter Forum.mp3
    6. 19920716 DNC Acceptance.mp3
    7. 19920902 Montgomery College.mp3
    8. 19920914 Speaking with Timber Families, Eugene, OR.mp3
    9. 19921001 Ralph Emery Interview.mp3
    10. 19921011 First Debate.mp3
    11. 19921015 Second Debate.mp3
    12. 19921019 Third Debate.mp3
    13. 19921102 Paducah, KY Rally.mp3
    14. 19930110 the Immanuel Baptist Church.mp3
    15. 19930117 Pre-Inaugural Event at Monticello.mp3
    16. 19930120 First Inaugural.mp3
    17. 19930120 MTV Inaugural Ball.mp3
    18. 19930120 Presidential Inaugural Ball.mp3
    19. 19930121 White House Open House.mp3
    20. 19930122 Cabinet Member Swearing In.mp3
    21. 19930122 Medical Research and Reproductive Health.mp3
    22. 19930122 Prior to First Cabinet Meeting.mp3
    23. 19930128 Prior to Meeting Alan Greenspan.mp3
    24. 19930204 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    25. 19930205 National Conference of Mayors.mp3
    26. 19930205 Signing the Family and Medical Leave Act Into Law.mp3
    27. 19930208 Al Gore Creation WH Office of Envir Policy.mp3
    28. 19930210 Arrival to Detroit, MI.mp3
    29. 19930210 Town Hall Meeting in Detroit.mp3
    30. 19930211 Nomination of Janet Reno as Attorney General.mp3
    31. 19930212 Child Immunization.mp3
    32. 19930213 Exchange with Reporters.mp3
    33. 19930217 Address before Joint Congress.mp3
    34. 19930218 Economic Program.mp3
    35. 19930219 Economic Program, Hyde Park NY.mp3
    36. 19930219 Economic Program.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 44 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19930220 Answering Children’s Questions.mp3
    3. 19930220 The Urkel Air Bill.mp3
    4. 19930223 Chamber Commerce Business Rally.mp3
    5. 19930223 US Chamber of Commerce Rally.mp3
    6. 19930225 Remarks to Business and Labor Leaders.mp3
    7. 19930301 New Brunswick, NJ.mp3
    8. 19930305 Economic Support Event.mp3
    9. 19930305 Honoring Super Bowl Champions, the Dallas Cowboys.mp3
    10. 19930309 News Conference Francois Mitterrand.mp3
    11. 19930312 Tours USS Theodore Roosevelt.mp3
    12. 19930317 Nominates Jean Kennedy Smith Ambassador of Ireland.mp3
    13. 19930318 Treasury Department Employees.mp3
    14. 19930324 48 Hours Interview.mp3
    15. 19930404 Q and A with Russian Reporters.mp3
    16. 19930405 En Route to Camden Yards.mp3
    17. 19930407 a Strong Competitive Airline Industry.mp3
    18. 19930412 Immunization Proclamation.mp3
    19. 19930414 Summer Jobs Conference.mp3
    20. 19930420 Teacher of the Year Award.mp3
    21. 19930422 Dedication of the US Holocaust Museum.mp3
    22. 19930422 Earth Day.mp3
    23. 19930422 Volunteer Action Awards.mp3
    24. 19930423 Press Conference.mp3
    25. 19930428 Announcing Drug Czar.mp3
    26. 19930430 New Orleans.mp3
    27. 19930501 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    28. 19930505 National Nurses Week.mp3
    29. 19930506 Dedicating JFK Library.mp3
    30. 19930510 City Club of Cleveland.mp3
    31. 19930512 Swearing Eriskine Bowles Small Business Admin.mp3
    32. 19930513 Small Business Person of the Year Award.mp3
    33. 19930514 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 19930518 Playing Basketball at the Playground.mp3
    35. 19930520 Motor Voter Bill Signing.mp3
    36. 19930529 White House Staff Change.mp3
    37. 19930531 Vietnam Veterans Wall.mp3
    38. 19930605 Georgetown Class of 1968 25 Year Class Reunion.mp3
    39. 19930614 Announcement of Ruth Ginsburg.mp3
    40. 19930614 Flag Day Proclamation.mp3
    41. 19930615 News Conference on Economy.mp3
    42. 19930617 Press Conference.mp3
    43. 19930623 Presidential Scholars Ceremony.mp3
    44. 19930624 United States Academic Decathlon Winners.mp3
    45. 19930626 Address to the Nation on Iraq.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19930711 Camp Casey.mp3
    3. 19930711 Tour DMZ in South Korea.mp3
    4. 19930719 Don't Ask Don't Tell Announcement.mp3
    5. 19930721 Announcing the Death of Vince Foster.mp3
    6. 19930722 Wireless Technologies Event.mp3
    7. 19930724 Boys Nation Visit to the White House.mp3
    8. 19930726 Future of American Workplace Conference.mp3
    9. 19930805 Address on the Budget.mp3
    10. 19930806 Senate Action of American Economic Program.mp3
    11. 19930810 Signing of the Budget Bill.mp3
    12. 19930812 Missouri Flood Relief Bill.mp3
    13. 19930812 Signs Missouri Flood Relief Bill.mp3
    14. 19930813 Almeda Navel Base.mp3
    15. 19930831 Summer of Service Forum.mp3
    16. 19930913 Israeli Palestinian Declaration of Principles.mp3
    17. 19930913 Signing of the Israeli-Palestinian.mp3
    18. 19930921 National Service Bill Signing.mp3
    19. 19930924 All American Cities Event.mp3
    20. 19930924 St. Petersburg, FL.mp3
    21. 19930929 Clean Car Event.mp3
    22. 19930929 Oval Office Tour.mp3
    23. 19930930 Retirement of Colin Powell.mp3
    24. 19931003 McClellan Air Force Base.mp3
    25. 19931004 AFL CIO Convention.mp3
    26. 19931004 San Francisco Hilton.mp3
    27. 19931005 Q and A AARP.mp3
    28. 19931007 Military Mission in Somalia.mp3
    29. 19931012 University of NC Bicentennial Celebration.mp3
    30. 19931014 Press Conference.mp3
    31. 19931015 Joint Press Conference with Tansu Ciller.mp3
    32. 19931016 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    33. 19931023 Radio Address (Crime).mp3
    34. 19931026 Al Gore Fedl Procurement Reforms and Spending Cuts.mp3
    35. 19931030 California Wildfires.mp3
    36. 19931030 Radio Address (Healthcare).mp3
    37. 19931106 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    38. 19931111 Veterans Day.mp3
    39. 19931113 Memphis TN.mp3
    40. 19931113 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    41. 19931113 Remarks Convocation Church of God in Christ-Memphis.mp3
    42. 19931116 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.mp3
    43. 19931117 Statement Following NAFTA Vote.mp3
    44. 19931120 Radio Address.mp3
    45. 19931124 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    46. 19931127 Radio Address.mp3
    47. 19931130 Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    48. 19931130 Signing the Brady Bill Into Law.mp3
    49. 19931201 Intergovernmental Relations.mp3
    50. 19931201 World AIDS Day.mp3
    51. 19931204 Radio Address.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 51 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19931208 Signing of NAFTA.mp3
    3. 19931208 White House Hanukkah Ceremony.mp3
    4. 19931209 National Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    5. 19931211 Radio Address (Crime Rates).mp3
    6. 19931213 Conference on Entitlements.mp3
    7. 19931217 Amenburg Education Contribution.mp3
    8. 19931217 Reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.mp3
    9. 19931218 Radio Address.mp3
    10. 19931221 Honoring UNIECF Health Heroes.mp3
    11. 19931225 Radio Address (Christmas).mp3
    12. 19940101 Radio Address.mp3
    13. 19940111 Vaclav Havel, Bilateral Meeting.mp3
    14. 19940112 Loenid Kravchuk, News Conference.mp3
    15. 19940114 Boris Yeltsin, News Conference.mp3
    16. 19940114 Town Hall in Moscow.mp3
    17. 19940115 Radio Address.mp3
    18. 19940116 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference.mp3
    19. 19940117 Observance of Martin Luther King Day.mp3
    20. 19940122 Radio Address.mp3
    21. 19940124 Los Angeles Earthquake.mp3
    22. 19940124 Nomination William Perry Secretary of Def.mp3
    23. 19940125 State of the Union.mp3
    24. 19940129 Radio Address.mp3
    25. 19940203 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    26. 19940205 Radio Address.mp3
    27. 19940209 Remarks on Bosnia.mp3
    28. 19940210 Entitlement Reform.mp3
    29. 19940212 Radio Address.mp3
    30. 19940214 Signing of the Charter on Bilateral Relations.mp3
    31. 19940216 Remarks to AARP.mp3
    32. 19940219 Radio Address.mp3
    33. 19940222 American Council on Education.mp3
    34. 19940225 NCAA Men's Soccer Champions.mp3
    35. 19940225 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 19940226 Radio Address (Crime Bill).mp3
    37. 19940301 Honoring the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys.mp3
    38. 19940304 Leonid Kravchuk, News Conference.mp3
    39. 19940305 Radio Address.mp3
    40. 19940307 Eduard Shevardnadze, News Conference.mp3
    41. 19940308 Announcing Lloyd Culter as Special Counsel.mp3
    42. 19940312 Radio Address.mp3
    43. 19940314 G-7 Jobs Conference.mp3
    44. 19940318 A Message From Harry and Louise.mp3
    45. 19940319 Radio Address.mp3
    46. 19940321 Health Care Forum.mp3
    47. 19940324 News Conference.mp3
    48. 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    49. 19940326 Radio Address (poor sound).mp3
    50. 19940331 Goals 2000 Act.mp3
    51. 19940402 Radio Address.mp3
    52. 19940404 White House Easter Egg Roll.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 25 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19940409 Radio Address.mp3
    3. 19940413 Honoring the 1994 United States Winter Olympic Team.mp3
    4. 19940416 Radio Address.mp3
    5. 19940420 News Conference.mp3
    6. 19940422 Remarks on Death of Nixon.mp3
    7. 19940423 Radio Address.mp3
    8. 19940429 Remarks to Tribal Leaders.mp3
    9. 19940502 Banning Assault Weapons.mp3
    10. 19940504 School to Work Opportunities Act.mp3
    11. 19940514 Landmark for Peace Memorial.mp3
    12. 19940516 Goals 2000.mp3
    13. 19940516 Nom Stephen Breyer Supr Court.mp3
    14. 19940517 Brown vs Board of Education Q and A Students.mp3
    15. 19940517 Q&A With Students on Brown v Board of Education.mp3
    16. 19940518 Signing Human Services Amendments.mp3
    17. 19940520 Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base.mp3
    18. 19940520 UCLA Commencement Speech.mp3
    19. 19940523 National Park Week.mp3
    20. 19940523 Presenting Cng Medal Honor Gary Gordon Randall.mp3
    21. 19940526 News Conference.mp3
    22. 19940530 Memorial Day Services, Arlington National Cemetery.mp3
    23. 19940600 D-Day 50th Anniversary Address.mp3
    24. 19940604 US Cemetery, Cambridge, UK.mp3
    25. 19940605 North Korea.mp3
    26. 19940605 USS George Washington.mp3
    27. 19940606 Remarks Us National Cemetery, Normandy, France.mp3
    28. 19940616 IL Victory 94.mp3
    29. 19940627 White House Staff Changes.mp3
    30. 19940712 Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany.mp3
    31. 19940720 25th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.mp3
    32. 19940726 Reception for King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    33. 19940729 Assistance to Rwanda.mp3
    34. 19940815 Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    35. 19940819 News Conference.mp3
    36. 19940912 First Americorps Volunteers Swearing In.mp3
    37. 19940912 Oval Office Remarks Swearing In Americorps Members.mp3
    38. 19940913 Signing the Crime Bill Into Law.mp3
    39. 19940915 Address to the Nation on Haiti.mp3
    40. 19940916 Honor African-American WWII Veterans.mp3
    41. 19940919 Address to the Nation on Haiti.mp3
    42. 19940923 Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improvement Act.mp3
    43. 19941005 Sustainable End of Hunger Prizes.mp3
    44. 19941007 News Conference.mp3
    45. 19941011 Remarks to Auto Workers at the Ford Motor Company.mp3
    46. 19941012Community Policing Grants.mp3
    47. 19941014 Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    48. 19941018 Nuclear Agreement North Korea.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 36 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 24 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. 19941020 Improving Americans Schools Act.mp3
    3. 19941022 Kathleen Brown Dinner.mp3
    4. 19941024 Cleveland City Club.mp3
    5. 19941026 Hosni Mubarak, News Conference.mp3
    6. 19941026 Israeli Jordon Peace Treaty.mp3
    7. 19941027 Address tothe 13th Knesset in Jerusalem.mp3
    8. 19941027 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference.mp3
    9. 19941027 Yitzhak Rabin, News Conference.mp3
    10. 19941028 Surveying US and Coalition Troops in Kuwait.mp3
    11. 19941028 Visiting Kuwait.mp3
    12. 19941029 Italian American Foundation.mp3
    13. 19941105 Oakland CA Rally for Diane Feinstein.mp3
    14. 19941107 Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr.mp3
    15. 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19941111 Anchorage Museum of Art and History.mp3
    17. 19941121 Receiving Ambassador Credentials from Mihail Botez.mp3
    18. 19941206 Adoption PSA.mp3
    19. 19941207 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    20. 19941211 Summit of the Americas.mp3
    21. 19941215 Address to the Nation.mp3
    22. 19950105 Meets New Congressional Leadership.mp3
    23. 19950118 Loan Guarantees for Mexico.mp3
    24. 19950119 Retirement Protection Act.mp3
    25. 19950121 Remarks at the Democratic National Committee.mp3
    26. 19950122 Congressional Accountability Act.mp3
    27. 19950124 'New Covenant' State of Union Address.mp3
    28. 19950124 State of the Union Address.mp3
    29. 19950130 Democratic Governors’ Association Dinner.mp3
    30. 19950202 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    31. 19950207 94-95 Baseball Strike.mp3
    32. 19950302 Senate Action on the Budget.mp3
    33. 19950302 Youngstown State University Football Team.mp3
    34. 19950309 Patrick Henry Elementary School.mp3
    35. 19950313 NCAA Football Champions, Nabraska Cornhuskers.mp3
    36. 19950314 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    37. 19950331 Port - au - Prince, Haiti.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 41 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 8: $5.00
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    2. 19950331 Warrior Base, Port - au - Prince, Haiti.mp3
    3. 19950407 Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    4. 19950411 News Conference Benazir Bhutto.mp3
    5. 19950412 50th Anniversary of the Death of FDR.mp3
    6. 19950418 The President is Relevant.mp3
    7. 19950419 Bilateral Meeting with Tansu Ciller.mp3
    8. 19950419 Janet Reno Press Conf on Oklahoma City Bombing.mp3
    9. 19950420 Joint Press Conference with Fernando Cardoso.mp3
    10. 19950422 Hillary Clinton, OKC Bombing Radio Address.mp3
    11. 19950423 60 Minutes Interview from Oklahoma City.mp3
    12. 19950423 Time for Healing Ceremony, Oklahoma City.mp3
    13. 19950424 American Association of Community Colleges.mp3
    14. 19950429 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    15. 19950430 World Jewish Congress Dinner.mp3
    16. 19950515 Peace Officers Memorial Service.mp3
    17. 19950525 White House Conference Trade Investment Ireland.mp3
    18. 19950602 NCAA Mens and Womens Basketball Champions.mp3
    19. 19950607 Safe and Drug Free Schools Recognition Program.mp3
    20. 19950611 Town Hall Newt Gingrich.mp3
    21. 19950613 Address to the Nation, Balanced Federal Budget.mp3
    22. 19950706 Responsible Citizenship and the American Community.mp3
    23. 19950706 What Youre Facing As Go Out Build Your Future.mp3
    24. 19950711 Diplomatic Relations with Vietnam.mp3
    25. 19950712 James Madison High School.mp3
    26. 19950719 Affirmative Action.mp3
    27. 19950720 Remarks to Federal Law Enforcement Officials.mp3
    28. 19950724 Johnson Whittaker Commission Presentation.mp3
    29. 19950726 White House Community Empowerment Conference.mp3
    30. 19950727 Arrival Ceremony Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon.mp3
    31. 19950727 News Conference Kim Young-sam.mp3
    32. 19950727 State Dinner Honoring Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon.mp3
    33. 19950808 with Al Gore, Environmental Protection Event.mp3
    34. 19950809 Teen Health Connection Event.mp3
    35. 19950819 Diplomats Killed in Bosnia.mp3
    36. 19950825 Old Faithful Geyser.mp3
    37. 19950826 75th Anniversary of Womens Suffrage.mp3
    38. 19950906 The Budget.mp3
    39. 19950912 First Anniversary of Americorps.mp3
    40. 19950919 Jacksonville, FL.mp3
    41. 19950921 Al Gore, ClintonGore 96 Dinner.mp3
    42. 19950928 Interview Israeli Media.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 39 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 37 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 9: $5.00
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    2. 19950928 Israeli Palestinian Interim Agreement.mp3
    3. 19950929 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    4. 19951003 Human Radiation Experiments.mp3
    5. 19951005 Cease Fire in Bosnia.mp3
    6. 19951005 with Hillary Clinton, Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    7. 19951006 Freedom Breakfast.mp3
    8. 19951016 Race Relations.mp3
    9. 19951023 Hyde Park, NY Press Conference With Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    10. 19951027 Radio Address on the Budget Debate.mp3
    11. 19951031 Balkan Peace.mp3
    12. 19951102 Community Anti Drug Coalition of America.mp3
    13. 19951104 Remarks Upon the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    14. 19951106 State Funeral of Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    15. 19951111 World War II Memorial Site Dedication.mp3
    16. 19951114 Remarks on the Government Shutdown.mp3
    17. 19951116 Government Shutdown.mp3
    18. 19951121 Bosnia Peace Agreement.mp3
    19. 19951127 National Address on Bosnia.mp3
    20. 19951130 Christmas Tree Lighting, Belfast, Northern Ireland.mp3
    21. 19951130 Employees Mackie Metal Plant, Belfast N.Ireland.mp3
    22. 19951130 Londonderry, Northern Ireland.mp3
    23. 19951201 Dublin, Ireland.mp3
    24. 19951201 Joint Press Conference with John Bruton.mp3
    25. 19951205 Signs Human Rights Proclamation.mp3
    26. 19951206 Conference on HIV and AIDS.mp3
    27. 19951206 National Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    28. 19951206 Veto of Budget Reconciliation Legislation.mp3
    29. 19951213 Balkan Peace Process.mp3
    30. 19951214 Balkan Peace Agreement.mp3
    31. 19951215 Budget Negotiations.mp3
    32. 19951224 Meeting Members of Congress.mp3
    33. 19960000 A Place Called Hope.mp3
    34. 19960103 Budget Impasse.mp3
    35. 19960112 with Al Gore, Peterbilt Plant Nashville TN.mp3
    36. 19960113 Teen Pregnancy.mp3
    37. 19960115 MLK Ceremony.mp3
    38. 19960123 State of the Union.mp3
    39. 19960124 Male High School, Louisville, KY.mp3
    40. 19960129 Preventing Teen Pregnancy.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 38 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 10: $5.00
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    2. 19960201 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    3. 19960201 State Dinner for Jacque Chirac.mp3
    4. 19960201 State Visit of Jacque Chirac.mp3
    5. 19960202 Concord NH Rally.mp3
    6. 19960202 Salem NH Rally.mp3
    7. 19960206 NGA Dinner.mp3
    8. 19960208 Signing of the Telecommunications Act.mp3
    9. 19960210 Iowa City, Iowa.mp3
    10. 19960210 Mason City, Iowa.mp3
    11. 19960213 Ntnl Information Infrastructure Advisory Council.mp3
    12. 19960217 Keene NH Rally.mp3
    13. 19960217 Manchester NH Rally.mp3
    14. 19960217 Rochester NH Rally.mp3
    15. 19960224 Downing of US Aircraft by Cuba.mp3
    16. 19960224 Roundtable on Worker Retraining.mp3
    17. 19960224 Shoreline, WA.mp3
    18. 19960226 Sanctions Against Cuba.mp3
    19. 19960304 Democratic Party Luncheon, Detroit MI.mp3
    20. 19960304 Israeli Terrorist Attacks.mp3
    21. 19960304 Meeting America’s Challenges, Taylor MI.mp3
    22. 19960306 Swearing In of Berry McCaffrey as Drug Czar.mp3
    23. 19960309 Net Day 96.mp3
    24. 19960313 Arrival in Tel Aviv Israel.mp3
    25. 19960313 Summit of the Peacemakers.mp3
    26. 19960319 1997 Budget.mp3
    27. 19960323 Address at Xavier University, Cincinnati OH.mp3
    28. 19960323 DNC Dinner, Columbus OH.mp3
    29. 19960327 NGA Education Summit.mp3
    30. 19960330 Advocates Against Youth Smoking.mp3
    31. 19960330 Gridiron Dinner.mp3
    32. 19960406 Honoring Those Killed in Croatian Aircraft Crash.mp3
    33. 19960409 Signing of the Line Item Veto.mp3
    34. 19960411 Retirement Savings and Security Act.mp3
    35. 19960412 Japanese Auto Trade.mp3
    36. 19960422 with Al Gore, Earth Day.mp3
    37. 19960426 DNC Fundraiser, Philadelphia PA.mp3
    38. 19960427 John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.mp3
    39. 19960430 Israeli US Counterterrorism Cooperation Accord.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 43 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 19960504 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    3. 19960507 Kirk Butts Day.mp3
    4. 19960508 Democratic National Committee Dinner.mp3
    5. 19960513 Anti Gang and Crime Suppression.mp3
    6. 19960515 Visit with Christopher Reeve at the White House.mp3
    7. 19960517 Signing Megan's Law.mp3
    8. 19960521 Jeremy M Boorda Funeral.mp3
    9. 19960522 Democratic Party Dinner.mp3
    10. 19960523 Joint Press Conference with Helmut Kohl.mp3
    11. 19960609 Juvenile Crime Roundtable.mp3
    12. 19960609 Las Vegas NV Rally.mp3
    13. 19960609 San Francisco Rally.mp3
    14. 19960612 Mount Zion Church.mp3
    15. 19960613 Teen Pregnancy.mp3
    16. 19960619 35th Anniversary of Peace Corps.mp3
    17. 19960621 AFSCME Convention.mp3
    18. 19960627 Press Conference Jacques Chirac.mp3
    19. 19960704 Goose Creek Bridge, Maryland.mp3
    20. 19960704 Youngstown, Ohio 200 Year Anniversary.mp3
    21. 19960709 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    22. 19960711 School of Reconstruction.mp3
    23. 19960717 with Hillary Clinton, Arts in Embassies Event.mp3
    24. 19960725 TWA Flight 800.mp3
    25. 19960727 1996 Olympic Bombing.mp3
    26. 19960731 Statement on Welfare Reform.mp3
    27. 19960801 The Economy.mp3
    28. 19960802 Conditions in Apparel Industry Event.mp3
    29. 19960805 International Security Issues.mp3
    30. 19960805 Iran and Libya Sanctions.mp3
    31. 19960806 Safe Drinking Water Act.mp3
    32. 19960807 Possible Discovery of Life on Mars.mp3
    33. 19960807 with Hillary Clinton, US Olympic Team.mp3
    34. 19960818 Michigan City, IN Rally.mp3
    35. 19960819 Salem Missionary Baptist Church.mp3
    36. 19960821 Signs Kennedy Kassabaum Bill into Law.mp3
    37. 19960822 Signing Welfare Reform Into Law.mp3
    38. 19960823 Youth and Tobacco.mp3
    39. 19960825 Whistle Stop, Huntington, West Virginia.mp3
    40. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Arlington, Ohio.mp3
    41. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Bowling Green, Ohio.mp3
    42. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Pontiac, Michigan.mp3
    43. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Wyandotte, Michigan.mp3
    44. 19960828 Whistle Stop, Battle Creek, Michigan.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 35 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 12: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19960829 DNC Acceptance.mp3
    3. 19960830 with Al Gore Cairo IL Rally.mp3
    4. 19960830 with Al Gore Paducah KY Rally.mp3
    5. 19960830 with Al Gore, Cape Girardeau MO Rally.mp3
    6. 19960831 with Al Gore Dyersburg TN Rally.mp3
    7. 19960831 with Al Gore, Campaign Bus Tour, Memphis TN.mp3
    8. 19960902 De Pere, WI.mp3
    9. 19960903 Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    10. 19960905 Sunshine FL Rally.mp3
    11. 19960910 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    12. 19960918 Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.mp3
    13. 19960919 Tacoma, WA.mp3
    14. 19960924 Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    15. 19960924 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    16. 19960925 Robert Morris College.mp3
    17. 19960927 Fort Worth, TX.mp3
    18. 19960927 Houston TX Rally.mp3
    19. 19960927 Longview TX Rally.mp3
    20. 19960928 Fall River MA Rally.mp3
    21. 19960928 Providence RI Rally.mp3
    22. 19960928 with John Kerry, Boston MA Rally.mp3
    23. 19961002 News Conference Middle East Leaders.mp3
    24. 19961006 First Debate.mp3
    25. 19961016 Second Debate.mp3
    26. 19961022 Democratic National Committee Dinner.mp3
    27. 19961023 Daytona Beach FL Rally.mp3
    28. 19961023 Presidential Unity Fund Reception.mp3
    29. 19961027 Anticancer Initiative.mp3
    30. 19961027 Springfield VA Rally.mp3
    31. 19961028 St. Paul, MN.mp3
    32. 19961031 Arizona State University.mp3
    33. 19961031 Las Vegas, NV.mp3
    34. 19961031 Oakland CA Rally.mp3
    35. 19961101 Las Cruces, NM.mp3
    36. 19961101 Santa Barbara College Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 41 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 23 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 13: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19961102 Little Rock AR Rally.mp3
    3. 19961102 San Antonio TX Rally.mp3
    4. 19961103 Union Township NJ Rally.mp3
    5. 19961104 with Hillary Clinton, Sioux Falls SD Rally.mp3
    6. 19961105 Remarks at a Victory Celebration Little Rock AK.mp3
    7. 19961106 96 Victory Celebration.mp3
    8. 19961111 Veterans Day.mp3
    9. 19961127 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    10. 19961208 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Medal Awards.mp3
    11. 19961212 Drug Council Meeting.mp3
    12. 19961213 Second Term Transition.mp3
    13. 19961214 Hillary Clinton, Childhood Adoption.mp3
    14. 19970100 Inaugural Ceremony.mp3
    15. 19970109 Arts and Humanities Awards Event.mp3
    16. 19970117 Presidential Medal Freedom Bob Dole.mp3
    17. 19970120 OH and PA Inaugural Ball.mp3
    18. 19970120 Second Inaugural.mp3
    19. 19970122 Statement on Bomb Blast Outside DC Abortion Clinic.mp3
    20. 19970123 Swearing Madeleine Albright as Secretary of State.mp3
    21. 19970124 Swearing William Cohen as Secretary of Defense.mp3
    22. 19970204 State of the Union.mp3
    23. 19970206 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    24. 19970219 Juvenile Crime Roundtable.mp3
    25. 19970225 Drug Control Strategy.mp3
    26. 19970304 Federal Funding in Human Cloning.mp3
    27. 19970321 Joint Press Conference Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    28. 19970401 April Fools Press Conference.mp3
    29. 19970402 Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    30. 19970403 1996 NBA Champions, Chicago Bulls.mp3
    31. 19970408 Oval Office Meeting Jean Cretien.mp3
    32. 19970410 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    33. 19970414 Apparel Industry Partnership.mp3
    34. 19970415 Jackie Robinson Tribute.mp3
    35. 19970417 White House Conference on Childhood Development.mp3
    36. 19970422 Grand Forks, ND.mp3
    37. 19970428 Presidents Summit for the Future.mp3
    38. 19970502 Dedication FDR Memorial.mp3
    39. 19970516 Apology Survivors of Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment.mp3
    40. 19970518 Morgan State University Commencement Speech.mp3
    41. 19970521 US Conference of Mayors Summit.mp3
    42. 19970531 West Point Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 35 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 14: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19970604 Individuals Disabilities Education Act.mp3
    3. 19970609 Human Cloning.mp3
    4. 19970614 University of California San Diego Commencement.mp3
    5. 19970617 Title IX.mp3
    6. 19970621 Opening of the Summit of the Eight.mp3
    7. 19970622 Final Communique of the Summit of the Eight.mp3
    8. 19970627 LULAC Address.mp3
    9. 19970701 Electronic Commerce Initiative.mp3
    10. 19970716 E Chip Event.mp3
    11. 19970717 NAACP National Convention.mp3
    12. 19970724 Climate Change Discussion.mp3
    13. 19970725 Carol Moseley Braun Dinner.mp3
    14. 19970726 Presidential Forum.mp3
    15. 19970730 Boy Scout Jamboree.mp3
    16. 19970800 Balanced Budget Bill Signing.mp3
    17. 19970801 The Budget.mp3
    18. 19970805 Signing the Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    19. 19970808 Diabetes Initiative.mp3
    20. 19970831 Death of Princess Diana.mp3
    21. 19970916 50th Anniversary of the CIA.mp3
    22. 19970917 Landmine Removal.mp3
    23. 19970922 Address to the United Nations General Assembly.mp3
    24. 19970925 40th Anniv Desegregation little Rock Central HS.mp3
    25. 19970929 Presenting the Arts and Humanities Awards.mp3
    26. 19971001 Weather Forecasters Event.mp3
    27. 19971006 Conference of Global Climate Change.mp3
    28. 19971008 Democratic National Committee Reception.mp3
    29. 19971008 Reception for Jim McGreevey.mp3
    30. 19971009 National Wildlife Refuge System Act.mp3
    31. 19971009 Top Cops Event.mp3
    32. 19971015 Vila Olimpica da Mangeria School.mp3
    33. 19971023 White House Conference on Child Care.mp3
    34. 19971024 Asia Society.mp3
    35. 19971028 Standards Plus Accountability Equals Excellence.mp3
    36. 19971029 News Conference Jiang Zemin.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 39 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 15: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19971106 Dedication of the George Bush Presidential Library.mp3
    3. 19971109 50th Anniversary of Meet the Press.mp3
    4. 19971121 FDA Modernization Act.mp3
    5. 19971126 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    6. 19971203 Town Hall Meeting on Race.mp3
    7. 19971205 The Economy and Health Care.mp3
    8. 19971210 Boys and Girls Club.mp3
    9. 19971210 Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change.mp3
    10. 19971211 Remarks to the US Coast Guard.mp3
    11. 19971218 Children Christmas Event.mp3
    12. 19971218 Peace Process in Bosnia.mp3
    13. 19971222 Bosnia Herzgovina Visit.mp3
    14. 19971222 Hanukkah Celebration.mp3
    15. 19971222 Remarks on Bosnia.mp3
    16. 19980114 Health Care Bill of Rights.mp3
    17. 19980115 Community Policing.mp3
    18. 19980115 Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    19. 19980115 Wall Street Project Conference.mp3
    20. 19980116 Balkan US Charter of Partnership.mp3
    21. 19980121 White House Endowment Dinner.mp3
    22. 19980126 After School Child Care.mp3
    23. 19980126 Remarks on the After-School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    24. 19980127 State of the Union Address.mp3
    25. 19980128 La Crosse, WI.mp3
    26. 19980128 Overflow Event Champaign Urbana, IL,.mp3
    27. 19980128 University of Illinois, Champaign.mp3
    28. 19980200 State of the Union.mp3
    29. 19980202 1999 Budget.mp3
    30. 19980205 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    31. 19980206 News Conference Tony Blair.mp3
    32. 19980211 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 1.mp3
    33. 19980218 Childrens Health Care.mp3
    34. 19980303 75th Anniversary of Time Magazine.mp3
    35. 19980305 Meeting Stephen Hawking.mp3
    36. 19980305 Remarks at From Earth to the Moon Screening.mp3
    37. 19980306 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 2.mp3
    38. 19980316 Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    39. 19980317 St Patricks Day.mp3
    40. 19980323 Remarks in Ghana.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 34 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 16: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980324 Kisowera School, Mukono, Uganda.mp3
    3. 19980325 Arrival in Rwanda.mp3
    4. 19980325 Remarks Victims Survivors Genocide in Rwanda.mp3
    5. 19980327 Tour of Robben Island.mp3
    6. 19980410 Remarks on Ireland.mp3
    7. 19980422 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 3.mp3
    8. 19980430 Press Conference.mp3
    9. 19980505 Ronald Reagan Building Dedication.mp3
    10. 19980521 Commander In Cheif Trophy Presentation.mp3
    11. 19980525 Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    12. 19980526 Remarks on the Federal Budget.mp3
    13. 19980526 The Federal Budget.mp3
    14. 19980609 Trans Equality Act for the 21st Century.mp3
    15. 19980613 Portland State University Commencement Speech.mp3
    16. 19980615 Presidential Scholars Award.mp3
    17. 19980618 US Iran World Cup Match.mp3
    18. 19980622 Family Reunion VII Conference.mp3
    19. 19980625 Arrival in Xian, China.mp3
    20. 19980627 News Conference Jiang Zemin.mp3
    21. 19980629 Peking University.mp3
    22. 19980701 Remarks to Business Leaders in China.mp3
    23. 19980709 a Dialogue on Race.mp3
    24. 19980714 Remarks on Y2K.mp3
    25. 19980724 Addresses Boys Nation.mp3
    26. 19980730 Al Gore, American Heritage Rivers Designation.mp3
    27. 19980806 Con Native American and Alaskan Native Communities.mp3
    28. 19980817 Nation Testimony Independent Counsel's Grand Jury.mp3
    29. 19980819 Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    30. 19980820 Military Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    31. 19980828 Remarks 35th Anniversary March on Washington.mp3
    32. 19980831 Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    33. 19980902 News Conference Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    34. 19980903 Addressing the Northern Ireland Assembly.mp3
    35. 19980903 Armagh, Northern Ireland.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 40 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 52 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 17: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980904 Community Leaders in Dublin, Ireland.mp3
    3. 19980905 Addresses the People of Limerick, Ireland.mp3
    4. 19980908 FL Democratic Party Luncheon.mp3
    5. 19980911 Receiving the Paul ODwyer Award.mp3
    6. 19980911 Remarks Breakfast With Religious Leaders.mp3
    7. 19980911 Remarks Upon Receiving Paul O’Dwyer Award.mp3
    8. 19980914 with Al Gore, Lion King Musical.mp3
    9. 19980916 Arrival Ceremony for Vaclav Havel.mp3
    10. 19980916 Joint Press Conference with Vaclav Havel.mp3
    11. 19980916 State Dinner for Vaclav Havel.mp3
    12. 19980918 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 4.mp3
    13. 19980922 African American Religious Leaders Reception.mp3
    14. 19981009 NAPO Top Cops Event.mp3
    15. 19981012 Matthew Shepard Statement.mp3
    16. 19981020 White House Staff Changes.mp3
    17. 19981022 Remarks on Adjourning the Congress.mp3
    18. 19981023 Middle East Peace Summit.mp3
    19. 19981106 Dedication of Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport.mp3
    20. 19981112 Childcare and After School Care Event.mp3
    21. 19981115 Situation in Iraq.mp3
    22. 19981116 Tobacco Settlement.mp3
    23. 19981119 A Conversation in Tokyo, Japan.mp3
    24. 19981123 Hagatna, Guam.mp3
    25. 19981130 Remarks on Electronic Commerce.mp3
    26. 19981201 AIDS Initiatives Announced.mp3
    27. 19981201 Remarks on the Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    28. 19981204 Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    29. 19981213 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    30. 19981213 State Dinner in Jerusalem, Israel.mp3
    31. 19981214 Gaza International Airport.mp3
    32. 19981214 Remarks to the Palestine National Council.mp3
    33. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes (short).mp3
    34. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes.mp3
    35. 19981217 Special Olympics Dinner.mp3
    36. 19981219 Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    37. 19981219 Remarks Following House Rep Vote on Impeachment.mp3
    38. 19981228 Social Security Compliance with Y2K.mp3
    39. 19990000 State of Union Address.mp3
    40. 19990106 FY 1999 Budget Surplus.mp3
    41. 19990111 State Dinner for Carlos Menem.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 29 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 18: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19990115 the Wall Street Project.mp3
    3. 19990125 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 5.mp3
    4. 19990128 Detroit Red Wings.mp3
    5. 19990204 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    6. 19990212 Remarks After Acquittal By the Senate.mp3
    7. 19990219 Presidential Pardon of Henry O. Flipper.mp3
    8. 19990315 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 6.mp3
    9. 19990318 Dedication of the Yitzhak Rabin Center.mp3
    10. 19990319 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 19990321 Address to the Nation on Kosovo.mp3
    12. 19990323 Childrens Health Event.mp3
    13. 19990323 Conv Am Fed State County Employees.mp3
    14. 19990324 Address on Kosovo.mp3
    15. 19990331 the American President.mp3
    16. 19990407 Hillary Clinton, Equal Pay Roundtable.mp3
    17. 19990408 News Conference Zhu Rongi.mp3
    18. 19990412 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 7.mp3
    19. 19990420 Statement on the Columbine High School Shooting.mp3
    20. 19990520 Remarks to the Columbine High School Community.mp3
    21. 19990523 Grambling University Commencement Speech.mp3
    22. 19990607 Particip Asian Am Pacific Islanders Fed Prgms.mp3
    23. 19990608 National Association of Theater Owners.mp3
    24. 19990609 Dedication of the Dale and Betty Bumpers Center.mp3
    25. 19990610 Situation on Kosovo.mp3
    26. 19990611 Whiteman AFB.mp3
    27. 19990615 Gun Control Legislation.mp3
    28. 19990615 Rosa Parks Medal Honor.mp3
    29. 19990622 Kosovo International Security Force Troops.mp3
    30. 19990622 Visiting Kosovo Refugees.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 34 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 21 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 19: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19990625 News Conference.mp3
    3. 19990702 Bald Eagle Event.mp3
    4. 19990705 New Markets Tour, Hazard, KY.mp3
    5. 19990707 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.mp3
    6. 19990718 Russian Participation on KFOR.mp3
    7. 19990718 Search for John F Kennedy Jr Plane Wreckage.mp3
    8. 19990719 News Conference Ehud Barak.mp3
    9. 19990720 Summit to American Community.mp3
    10. 19990729 Medicare Modernization Plan.mp3
    11. 19990809 Medal of Freedom to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    12. 19990811 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    13. 19990817 School Violence.mp3
    14. 19990904 Remarks on the Middle East.mp3
    15. 19990909 Combating Crime.mp3
    16. 19990927 Sophie B Wright Middle School.mp3
    17. 19990930 National Education Summit.mp3
    18. 19991002 Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Rights Dinner.mp3
    19. 19991006 US Embassy Event Ottawa Canada.mp3
    20. 19991008 Forum of Federation Conference.mp3
    21. 19991012 White House Miillennium Lecture Series Number 8.mp3
    22. 19991014 US Secret Service Memorial Building Dedication.mp3
    23. 19991020 5th Anniversary of Americorps.mp3
    24. 19991021 National Association of Police Organizations.mp3
    25. 19991022 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.mp3
    26. 19991022 White House Conference on Philanthropy.mp3
    27. 19991028 News Conference Olusegun Obasanjo.mp3
    28. 19991108 Online Town Hall Meeting.mp3
    29. 19991109 Little Rock Nine Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    30. 19991110 Y2K Reediness.mp3
    31. 19991111 Education Appropriations.mp3
    32. 19991115 Joint Press Conference with Suleyman Demirel.mp3
    33. 19991115 Receiving Order State Turkish Republic.mp3
    34. 19991115 Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara, Turkey.mp3
    35. 19991116 Adress Business Leaders, Istanbul, Turkey.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 36 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 20: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19991116 State Dinner in Turkey.mp3
    3. 19991122 Address to the People of Bulgaria.mp3
    4. 19991122 State Dinner in Bulgaria.mp3
    5. 19991123 Remarks to the Citizens of Ferizaj Kosovo.mp3
    6. 19991210 Earle High School Dedication.mp3
    7. 19991211 Alcee Hastings Fundraiser.mp3
    8. 19991213 Millennium Around the World Event.mp3
    9. 19991214 Foster Care Independence Act.mp3
    10. 19991214 Lands Legacy Initiative.mp3
    11. 19991215 German Government Compensation.mp3
    12. 19991219 American Presidents Series, Bill Clinton.mp3
    13. 19991221 Emission Standards for Cars and SUVs.mp3
    14. 19991222 DC Soup Kitchen.mp3
    15. 19991228 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    16. 19991231 America's Millennium Evening Celebration Year 2000.mp3
    17. 19991231 America’s Millennium Celebration Opening Event.mp3
    18. 19991231 Toast to the New Millennium.mp3
    19. 20000000 Discusses Going Movies Roger Ebert.mp3
    20. 20000101 with Hillary Clinton, New Millennium Address.mp3
    21. 20000107 National Plan for Information Systems Protection.mp3
    22. 20000121 California Institute of Technology.mp3
    23. 20000127 Final State of the Union.mp3
    24. 20000129 World Economic Forum.mp3
    25. 20000201 Training in Puerto Rico on Vieques Island.mp3
    26. 20000203 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    27. 20000208 Presenting Congr Medal of Honor to Alfred Rascon.mp3
    28. 20000208 Signing Executive Order 13145.mp3
    29. 20000211 Dedication of the Jim Brady Press Room.mp3
    30. 20000222 Teleconference Nelson Mandela.mp3
    31. 20000224 Granoff Forum.mp3
    32. 20000305 Edmund Pettus Bridge Walk.mp3
    33. 20000310 The 2000 Carnegie Conference.mp3
    34. 20000317 Gun Safety Agreement.mp3
    35. 20000317 St. Patrick’s Day Reception.mp3
    36. 20000322 Addresses Joint Session of India Parliament.mp3
    37. 20000324 Addresses Business Community in Hyderabad, India.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 56 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 31 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 21: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20000415 Sequoia National Monument.mp3
    3. 20000417 Question and Answer Session, East Palo Alto, CA.mp3
    4. 20000419 Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Dedication.mp3
    5. 20000429 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    6. 20000429 The Final Days.mp3
    7. 20000504 Channel One Web Chat.mp3
    8. 20000512 Shakopee, MN.mp3
    9. 20000518 Parmanent Normal Trade Relations China.mp3
    10. 20000524 House Rep Action Prm Normal Trade Relations China.mp3
    11. 20000525 Asian Pacific American History Month.mp3
    12. 20000525 Asian Pacific American Institute Congr Studies.mp3
    13. 20000529 Arlington National Cemetery.mp3
    14. 20000604 Joint Press Conference Vladimir Putin.mp3
    15. 20000605 Russian Duma Address.mp3
    16. 20000612 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 9.mp3
    17. 20000624 Internet Address.mp3
    18. 20000628 Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    19. 20000628 Press Conference.mp3
    20. 20000629 Completion of the First Survey of the Human Genome.mp3
    21. 20000629 Nominates Norman Mineta as Secretary of Commerce.mp3
    22. 20000704 OpSail 2000 Event.mp3
    23. 20000705 Camp David Peace Accords.mp3
    24. 20000708 Radio Address (Website).mp3
    25. 20000708 Radio Address.mp3
    26. 20000711 Middle East Peace Summit.mp3
    27. 20000713 Trade Agreement Vietnam.mp3
    28. 20000715 Radio Address.mp3
    29. 20000722 Radio Address.mp3
    30. 20000729 Radio Address.mp3
    31. 20000731 PNTR with China.mp3
    32. 20000805 Radio Address.mp3
    33. 20000809 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    34. 20000812 Radio Address.mp3
    35. 20000814 DNC Address.mp3
    36. 20000819 Radio Address.mp3
    37. 20000826 Addresses the Nigerian Joint Assembly.mp3
    38. 20000826 Radio Address.mp3
    39. 20000827 Health Care Providers in Nigeria.mp3
    40. 20000902 Radio Address (Cutoff).mp3
    41. 20000909 Radio Address (Wild Fires).mp3
    42. 20000913 Hate Crimes Legislation.mp3
    43. 20000914 Patients’ Bill of Rights.mp3
    44. 20000916 Radio Address.mp3
    45. 20000923 Radio Address.mp3
    46. 20000926 Georgetown University Law School.mp3
    47. 20000929 Childrens Health Insurance Program.mp3
    48. 20000930 Radio Address.mp3
    49. 20001002 HIPC Meeting.mp3
    50. 20001007 Radio Address.mp3
    51. 20001012 Attacks on the USS Cole.mp3
    52. 20001014 Radio Address.mp3
    53. 20001021 Radio Address.mp3
    54. 20001024 Legislative Agenda School Construction Education.mp3
    55. 20001028 Radio Address.mp3
    56. 20001104 Radio Address.mp3
    57. 20001108 The 2000 Presidential Election.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 44 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 2 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 22: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20001109 White House 200 Year Anniversary Dinner.mp3
    3. 20001111 Radio Address.mp3
    4. 20001117 Vietnam National University.mp3
    5. 20001118 Full Accounting Evacuation Participants Vietnam.mp3
    6. 20001118 Radio Address.mp3
    7. 20001119 Vietnamese Business Community.mp3
    8. 20001122 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    9. 20001125 Radio Address.mp3
    10. 20001201 World AIDS Day.mp3
    11. 20001202 Radio Address.mp3
    12. 20001204 First Family Holiday Gift to America Tour WH.mp3
    13. 20001206 E.Roosevelt Award Medal Freedom Pres.mp3
    14. 20001208 A Foregin Policy for the Global Age.mp3
    15. 20001209 Plans for William Jefferson Clinton Pres Library.mp3
    16. 20001209 Radio Address.mp3
    17. 20001212 Addresses the People of Dundalk, Ireland.mp3
    18. 20001213 Addresses the People of Belfast, Northern Ireland.mp3
    19. 20001214 Reception with Bertie Ahern.mp3
    20. 20001216 Radio Address.mp3
    21. 20001223 Radio Address (poor sound).mp3
    22. 20001228 with George McGovern and Bob Dole, Food Initiative.mp3
    23. 20001230 Radio Address.mp3
    24. 20010106 Radio Address (Child Healthcare).mp3
    25. 20010108 Citizens Medal Presentation.mp3
    26. 20010110 Unveiling of FDR Statue at FDR Memorial.mp3
    27. 20010112 Bethesda, MD.mp3
    28. 20010113 Radio Address (Child Safety).mp3
    29. 20010116 Medal of Honor to Andrew Jackson Smith and Theodore.mp3
    30. 20010117 Designation of New National Monuments.mp3
    31. 20010118 Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    32. 20010918 Interview Tom Brokaw.mp3
    33. 20011119 Q and A on Gordon Track.mp3
    34. 20011205 Groundbreaking WJ Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    35. 20040000 Dole Lecture Series.mp3
    36. 20040726 DNC Address.mp3
    37. 20040803 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    38. 20041118 Dedication WJ Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    39. 20080827 DNC Address.mp3
    40. 20080925 The Bailout.mp3
    41. 20081012 Scranton PA Rally.mp3
    42. 20090612 Paralyzed Veterans of American Golf Tournament.mp3
    43. 20100116 Help For Haiti.mp3
    44. 20101210 Barack Obama, Tax Cuts For Working Americans.mp3
    45. 20110321 Points of Light Institute Tribute.mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 31 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 23: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20120000 Hillary Clinton, Memories of Their Mothers.mp3
    3. 20120905 DNC Address.mp3
    4. 20120912 Moving Forward Barack Obama.mp3
    5. 20120921 Jon Stewart Interview.mp3
    6. 20121104 Bristow VA Rally.mp3
    7. 20121104 Introduction of Barack Obama at Bristow, VA Rally.mp3
    8. 20130412 Interview Stephen Colbert.mp3
    9. 20130425 Dedication of the George W Bush Presidential Center.mp3
    10. 20130430 First Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    11. 20130904 The Affordable Care Act.mp3
    12. 20130924 Barack Obama, Discussion on Healthcare.mp3
    13. 20131001 Bosnia Symposium.mp3
    14. 20131001 with Al Gore, Charlie Rose Interview.mp3
    15. 20131120 Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom.mp3
    16. 20140501 Second Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    17. 20140707 The Case for Economic Justice.mp3
    18. 20140908 George W Bush, Presidential Leadership Scholars.mp3
    19. 20140914 Harkin Steak Fry.mp3
    20. 20150421 Third Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    21. 20150629 A Conversation With Tom Vilsack.mp3
    22. 20160104 Nashua Community College.mp3
    23. 20160419 We Are Emily Gala.mp3
    24. 20160715 with Jimmy Carter, Closing Conversation, CGI.mp3
    25. 20160726 DNC Address.mp3
    26. 20160915 Trevor Noah Interview.mp3
    27. 20161108 Chelsea and Hillary and Barack and Michelle Obama.mp3
    28. 20171218 John McCain For Whom the Bell Tolls.mp3
    29. 20191017 David Agus Interview.mp3
    30. 20200818 DNC Address.mp3
    31. 20210120 GW Bush and Barack Obama Special Mssg Joe Biden.mp3
    32. 20210312 Jimmy Carter GWBush Barack Obama COVID Vaccine PSA.mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 7 shows – total playtime 5 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 24: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 20220426 Shearer Lecture, Brown University.mp3
    3. 20220427 Eulogy to Madeleine Albright.mp3
    4. 20220505 Arkansas Politics and the Ukraine.mp3
    5. 20220929 Hillary Madeleine Albright Symposium.mp3
    6. 20230202 Joe Biden Kamala Harris 30th Anniv of FMLA.mp3
    7. 20240429 Jason Bateman Sean Hayes Will Arnett Interview.mp3
    8. 20240610 Milken Institute Global Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 37 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 25: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19920126 Hillary Intrvw Marriage.mp3
    3. 19920127 Gennifer Flowers Press Conf Affair.mp3
    4. 19920130 Hillary Interview Infidelity.mp3
    5. 19930721 Bill Clinton, Death of Vince Foster.mp3
    6. 19940324 Bill Clinton, Whitewater Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19940422 Hillary Clinton Pink Press Conference.mp3
    8. 19940616 Paula Jones, Sam Donaldson Interview.mp3
    9. 19950706 Addresses White House Interns.mp3
    10. 19960127 Hillary Clinton Statement Grand Jury Testimony.mp3
    11. 19971003 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    12. 19971005 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    13. 19971006 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    14. 19971015 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    15. 19971018 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    16. 19971019 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    17. 19971029 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    18. 19971108 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    19. 19971111 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    20. 19971113 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    21. 19971114 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    22. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 1.mp3
    23. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 2.mp3
    24. 19971117 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    25. 19971118 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    26. 19971120 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    27. 19971121 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    28. 19971209 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    29. 19971212 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    30. 19971222 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    31. 19980113 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    32. 19980115 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    33. 19980121 Bill Hillary Clinton White House Endowment Dinner.mp3
    34. 19980121 Clinton There is No Sexual Relationship.mp3
    35. 19980121 CNN Breaking Clinton-Lewinsky Affair.mp3
    36. 19980126 Hillary Bill After School Care Init.mp3
    37. 19980127 Bill Clinton State of the Union Address.mp3
    38. 19980127 Hillary Clinton Vast Right Wing Conspir.mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 35 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 26: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980128 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Remarks in La Crosse WI.mp3
    3. 19980128 Al Gore and Bill Clinton University of Illinois.mp3
    4. 19980128 Hillary Good Morning America Intvw.mp3
    5. 19980130 Bill Clinton Welcomes Detroit Red WingsWH.mp3
    6. 19980202 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget.mp3
    7. 19980205 Bill Clinton National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    8. 19980206 Bill Clinton Joint Press Conference with Tony Blair.mp3
    9. 19980211 Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton the Living Past.mp3
    10. 19980218 Hillary Bill Clinton Childrens Healthcare Init.mp3
    11. 19980303 Bill Clinton 75th Anniversary of TIME Magazine.mp3
    12. 19980305 Hillary Clinton JFK Jr. Bill Clinton Earth to Moon.mp3
    13. 19980306 Bill Clinton the National Economy.mp3
    14. 19980306 Hillary Clinton and Bill Imagination and Change.mp3
    15. 19980312 Bill Clinton Meets with the US Wrestling Team.mp3
    16. 19980316 Bill Clinton Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    17. 19980317 Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception.mp3
    18. 19980317 Hillary Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception.mp3
    19. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative.mp3
    20. 19980323 Bill Clinton Remarks to the People of Ghana.mp3
    21. 19980325 Bill Clinton Victims Survivors in Rwanda.mp3
    22. 19980410 Bill Clinton Good Friday Agreement.mp3
    23. 19980413 HilllaryBill Clinton White House Easter Egg Rol.mp3
    24. 19980422 Hillary Bill Clinton the American Voice in Poetry.mp3
    25. 19980425 Bill Clinton White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    26. 19980430 White House Press Conference.mp3
    27. 19980505 Nancy Reagan Bill Clinton Ded Ronald Reagan Bldng.mp3
    28. 19980526 Al Gore and Bill Clinton the Federal Budget.mp3
    29. 19980608 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech MIT.mp3
    30. 19980609 Bill Clinton Signs Trans Equality Act Into Law.mp3
    31. 19980613 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech Portland St Univ.mp3
    32. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    33. 19980618 Bill Clinton US Iran World Cup Match.mp3
    34. 19980622 Bill Clinton Family Reunion VII Conference.mp3
    35. 19980624 Bill Clinton Signing Deadbeat Parents Punishment.mp3
    36. 19980625 Bill Clinton Remarks in Xi'an China.mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 26 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 26 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 27: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980627 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf with Jiang Zemin.mp3
    3. 19980629 Bill Clinton Peking University.mp3
    4. 19980714 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Remarks on Y2K.mp3
    5. 19980724 Bill Clinton American Legion Boys Nation.mp3
    6. 19980730 Bill Clinton Al Gore American Herit Rivers Design.mp3
    7. 19980807 Bill Clinton Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act.mp3
    8. 19980817 Bill Clinton Grand Jury Testimony Pt1.mp3
    9. 19980817 Bill Clinton Grand Jury Testimony Pt2.mp3
    10. 19980817 Clinton Address Ntn Grnd Jury Testimony.mp3
    11. 19980817 Presidential Grand Jury Testimony.mp3
    12. 19980819 Bill Clinton Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan.mp3
    13. 19980820 Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan.mp3
    14. 19980831 Bill Clinton Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    15. 19980902 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf with Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    16. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses Northern Ireland Assembly.mp3
    17. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses People Armagh N.Ireland.mp3
    18. 19980904 Bill Clinton Addresses Com Leaders Dublin Ireland.mp3
    19. 19980905 Bill Clinton Remarks in Limerick Ireland.mp3
    20. 19980908 Bill Clinton FL Democratic Party Luncheon.mp3
    21. 19980909 Arrival of the Starr Report.mp3
    22. 19980911 Al Gore Hillary Bill Clinton Paul O'Dwyer Award.mp3
    23. 19980914 Bill Clinton the Lion King.mp3
    24. 19980918 Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton Jazz Performances.mp3
    25. 19980921 Bill Clinton Address Before the UN.mp3
    26. 19980922 Bill Clinton African American Religious Leaders.mp3
    27. 19980923 Bill Clinton Cong Gold Medal Nelson Mandela.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 30 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 28: $5.00
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    2. 19981005 Judiciary Committee News Conference.mp3
    3. 19981006 White House Daily Briefing.mp3
    4. 19981008 Maxine Waters Inq Speech.mp3
    5. 19981008 Nancy Pelosi Inq House.mp3
    6. 19981012 Bill Clinton Murder of Matthew Shepard.mp3
    7. 19981019 Bill Clinton Wye River Middle East Peace Talks.mp3
    8. 19981020 Bill Clinton White House Staff Changes.mp3
    9. 19981023 Bill Clinton Middle East Peace Summit Signing.mp3
    10. 19981028 Bill Clinton HIV AIDS Initiative.mp3
    11. 19981104 Bill Clinton Upcoming Legislative Agenda.mp3
    12. 19981105 Hillary Bill Clinton Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    13. 19981106 Bill Clinton LR9 Historic Site Bill Signing.mp3
    14. 19981112 Hillary Bill Clinton Childcare After School Care.mp3
    15. 19981115 Bill Clinton Situation in Iraq.mp3
    16. 19981118 Biden Speaks At National Press Club.mp3
    17. 19981119 Bill Clinton a Conversion in Tokyo Japan.mp3
    18. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 1.mp3
    19. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 2.mp3
    20. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 3.mp3
    21. 19981119 the Starr Report.mp3
    22. 19981123 Bill Clinton Hagatna Guam.mp3
    23. 19981124 Paula Jones Interview Roseanne Barr.mp3
    24. 19981127 Bill Clinton Thanksgiving Weekend Message.mp3
    25. 19981130 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Electronic Commerce.mp3
    26. 19981201 Bill Clinton AIDS Initiatives.mp3
    27. 19981204 Bill Clinton Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    28. 19981211 Clinton Remarks Prior House Jud ComVote.mp3
    29. 19981213 Bill Clinton Arrival Tel Aviv, Israel.mp3
    30. 19981213 Bill Clinton Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Ceremony.mp3
    31. 19981213 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 27 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 29: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19981214 Bill Clinton Addresses Palestine National Council.mp3
    3. 19981214 Bill Clinton Luncheon with Yasser Arafat.mp3
    4. 19981216 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    5. 19981216 Ron Paul Clinton and Iraq.mp3
    6. 19981217 Hillary Bill Clinton Honor Eunice Kennedy Shriver.mp3
    7. 19981218 Bernie Sanders Waste of Time Money.mp3
    8. 19981218 Nancy Pelosi Hatch Job the Presidency.mp3
    9. 19981219 Barbara Lee Lindsey Graham Flr Debate.mp3
    10. 19981219 Bill Clinton Concl Vote.mp3
    11. 19981219 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    12. 19981219 Bob Livingston Resigns Congress.mp3
    13. 19981219 House Debate Vote Clinton.mp3
    14. 19981228 Bill Clinton Social Security System Y2K Compliant.mp3
    15. 19990105 Gregg Explains Process.mp3
    16. 19990106 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget Surplus.mp3
    17. 19990114 First Day House Mgrs Evidence Pt 1.mp3
    18. 19990114 First Day House Mgrs Evidence Pt 3.mp3
    19. 19990114 Joe Biden and Bill Clinton COPS Initiative.mp3
    20. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 1.mp3
    21. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 2.mp3
    22. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 3.mp3
    23. 19990119 Bill Clinton State of the Union Address.mp3
    24. 19990119 Defense Team Presentation Senate Pt 2.mp3
    25. 19990120 Defense Team Presentation Senate Pt 3.mp3
    26. 19990122 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 2.mp3
    27. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 1.mp3
    28. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 2.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 21 shows – total playtime 13 hours, 29 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 30: $5.00
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    2. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 3.mp3
    3. 19990125 Hillary Bill Clinton the Meaning of the Millennium.mp3
    4. 19990201 Monica Lewinsky Grand Jury Deposition.mp3
    5. 19990208 Charlie Ruff WH Attorney Closing Argmnt.mp3
    6. 19990212 Bill Clinton Concl Senate Impeachment.mp3
    7. 19990212 Remarks By House Mgrs.mp3
    8. 19990303 Lewinsky Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    9. 19990304 Monica Lewinsky, John Snow Interview.mp3
    10. 20010111 Linda Tripp, Nancy Collins Interview.mp3
    11. 20100307 Monica Lewinsky, Larry King Interview.mp3
    12. 20130705 Linda Tripp, the Costa Report.mp3
    13. 20150320 Monica Lewinsky, the Price of Shame.mp3
    14. 20180605 Bill Clinton Apologizes Monica Lewinsky.mp3
    15. 20180607 Clinton Lewinsky Paid Quite Price.mp3
    16. 20180730 Linda Tripp Ntnl Whistleblowr Day Event.mp3
    17. 20190318 Monica Lewinsky, Public Shaming.mp3
    18. 20200206 HClinton Emotional Drained Abt Lewinsky.mp3
    19. 20211006 Monica Lewinsky J.Tapper Interview.mp3
    20. 20211012 Lewinsky Good Morning America Intvw.mp3
    21. 20211109 Thom Hartmann Having Affair Too.mp3
    22. 9981209 Bill Clinton Honoring Benjamin O. Davis.mp3
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    1087 recordings on 30 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $125.00. Total playtime 669 hours, 35 min
    1087 recordings on 30 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $125.00
    18431 MB – total playtime 669 hours, 35 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – 633 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 1 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. 19840000 P.Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19850206 Democratic Response to Reagan's State of the Union.mp3
    4. 19870222 Toast From Ronald Reagan.mp3
    5. 19880000 Interview Dukakis Senior Advisor.mp3
    6. 19880720 DNC Address.mp3
    7. 19900403 Visits Arkansas Children’s Hospital.mp3
    8. 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy for President.mp3
    9. 19911106 Democratic Primary Debate, Manchester, NH.mp3
    10. 19911215 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    11. 19920000 The Man From Hope.mp3
    12. 19920000 The New Covenant.mp3
    13. 19920123 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    14. 19920126 with Hillary Clinton, 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    15. 19920203 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    16. 19920218 NH Tonight Has Made the Comeback Kid.mp3
    17. 19920220 The American Dream.mp3
    18. 19920223 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    19. 19920229 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    20. 19920301 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    21. 19920307 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    22. 19920315 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    23. 19920327 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    24. 19920329 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    25. 19920331 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3
    26. 19920402 Charlie Rose Interview.mp3
    27. 19920403 Democratic Primary Debate.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 35 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 37 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. 19920406 Phil Donahue Interview.mp3
    3. 19920407 New York Primary Victory.mp3
    4. 19920603 Hillary Clinton, A.Hall Interview.mp3
    5. 19920612 Facing the Future Bill Clinton Young Voter Forum.mp3
    6. 19920716 DNC Acceptance.mp3
    7. 19920902 Montgomery College.mp3
    8. 19920914 Speaking with Timber Families, Eugene, OR.mp3
    9. 19921001 Ralph Emery Interview.mp3
    10. 19921011 First Debate.mp3
    11. 19921015 Second Debate.mp3
    12. 19921019 Third Debate.mp3
    13. 19921102 Paducah, KY Rally.mp3
    14. 19930110 the Immanuel Baptist Church.mp3
    15. 19930117 Pre-Inaugural Event at Monticello.mp3
    16. 19930120 First Inaugural.mp3
    17. 19930120 MTV Inaugural Ball.mp3
    18. 19930120 Presidential Inaugural Ball.mp3
    19. 19930121 White House Open House.mp3
    20. 19930122 Cabinet Member Swearing In.mp3
    21. 19930122 Medical Research and Reproductive Health.mp3
    22. 19930122 Prior to First Cabinet Meeting.mp3
    23. 19930128 Prior to Meeting Alan Greenspan.mp3
    24. 19930204 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    25. 19930205 National Conference of Mayors.mp3
    26. 19930205 Signing the Family and Medical Leave Act Into Law.mp3
    27. 19930208 Al Gore Creation WH Office of Envir Policy.mp3
    28. 19930210 Arrival to Detroit, MI.mp3
    29. 19930210 Town Hall Meeting in Detroit.mp3
    30. 19930211 Nomination of Janet Reno as Attorney General.mp3
    31. 19930212 Child Immunization.mp3
    32. 19930213 Exchange with Reporters.mp3
    33. 19930217 Address before Joint Congress.mp3
    34. 19930218 Economic Program.mp3
    35. 19930219 Economic Program, Hyde Park NY.mp3
    36. 19930219 Economic Program.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 44 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. 19930220 Answering Children’s Questions.mp3
    3. 19930220 The Urkel Air Bill.mp3
    4. 19930223 Chamber Commerce Business Rally.mp3
    5. 19930223 US Chamber of Commerce Rally.mp3
    6. 19930225 Remarks to Business and Labor Leaders.mp3
    7. 19930301 New Brunswick, NJ.mp3
    8. 19930305 Economic Support Event.mp3
    9. 19930305 Honoring Super Bowl Champions, the Dallas Cowboys.mp3
    10. 19930309 News Conference Francois Mitterrand.mp3
    11. 19930312 Tours USS Theodore Roosevelt.mp3
    12. 19930317 Nominates Jean Kennedy Smith Ambassador of Ireland.mp3
    13. 19930318 Treasury Department Employees.mp3
    14. 19930324 48 Hours Interview.mp3
    15. 19930404 Q and A with Russian Reporters.mp3
    16. 19930405 En Route to Camden Yards.mp3
    17. 19930407 a Strong Competitive Airline Industry.mp3
    18. 19930412 Immunization Proclamation.mp3
    19. 19930414 Summer Jobs Conference.mp3
    20. 19930420 Teacher of the Year Award.mp3
    21. 19930422 Dedication of the US Holocaust Museum.mp3
    22. 19930422 Earth Day.mp3
    23. 19930422 Volunteer Action Awards.mp3
    24. 19930423 Press Conference.mp3
    25. 19930428 Announcing Drug Czar.mp3
    26. 19930430 New Orleans.mp3
    27. 19930501 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    28. 19930505 National Nurses Week.mp3
    29. 19930506 Dedicating JFK Library.mp3
    30. 19930510 City Club of Cleveland.mp3
    31. 19930512 Swearing Eriskine Bowles Small Business Admin.mp3
    32. 19930513 Small Business Person of the Year Award.mp3
    33. 19930514 Press Conference.mp3
    34. 19930518 Playing Basketball at the Playground.mp3
    35. 19930520 Motor Voter Bill Signing.mp3
    36. 19930529 White House Staff Change.mp3
    37. 19930531 Vietnam Veterans Wall.mp3
    38. 19930605 Georgetown Class of 1968 25 Year Class Reunion.mp3
    39. 19930614 Announcement of Ruth Ginsburg.mp3
    40. 19930614 Flag Day Proclamation.mp3
    41. 19930615 News Conference on Economy.mp3
    42. 19930617 Press Conference.mp3
    43. 19930623 Presidential Scholars Ceremony.mp3
    44. 19930624 United States Academic Decathlon Winners.mp3
    45. 19930626 Address to the Nation on Iraq.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 50 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. 19930711 Camp Casey.mp3
    3. 19930711 Tour DMZ in South Korea.mp3
    4. 19930719 Don't Ask Don't Tell Announcement.mp3
    5. 19930721 Announcing the Death of Vince Foster.mp3
    6. 19930722 Wireless Technologies Event.mp3
    7. 19930724 Boys Nation Visit to the White House.mp3
    8. 19930726 Future of American Workplace Conference.mp3
    9. 19930805 Address on the Budget.mp3
    10. 19930806 Senate Action of American Economic Program.mp3
    11. 19930810 Signing of the Budget Bill.mp3
    12. 19930812 Missouri Flood Relief Bill.mp3
    13. 19930812 Signs Missouri Flood Relief Bill.mp3
    14. 19930813 Almeda Navel Base.mp3
    15. 19930831 Summer of Service Forum.mp3
    16. 19930913 Israeli Palestinian Declaration of Principles.mp3
    17. 19930913 Signing of the Israeli-Palestinian.mp3
    18. 19930921 National Service Bill Signing.mp3
    19. 19930924 All American Cities Event.mp3
    20. 19930924 St. Petersburg, FL.mp3
    21. 19930929 Clean Car Event.mp3
    22. 19930929 Oval Office Tour.mp3
    23. 19930930 Retirement of Colin Powell.mp3
    24. 19931003 McClellan Air Force Base.mp3
    25. 19931004 AFL CIO Convention.mp3
    26. 19931004 San Francisco Hilton.mp3
    27. 19931005 Q and A AARP.mp3
    28. 19931007 Military Mission in Somalia.mp3
    29. 19931012 University of NC Bicentennial Celebration.mp3
    30. 19931014 Press Conference.mp3
    31. 19931015 Joint Press Conference with Tansu Ciller.mp3
    32. 19931016 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    33. 19931023 Radio Address (Crime).mp3
    34. 19931026 Al Gore Fedl Procurement Reforms and Spending Cuts.mp3
    35. 19931030 California Wildfires.mp3
    36. 19931030 Radio Address (Healthcare).mp3
    37. 19931106 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    38. 19931111 Veterans Day.mp3
    39. 19931113 Memphis TN.mp3
    40. 19931113 Radio Address (NAFTA).mp3
    41. 19931113 Remarks Convocation Church of God in Christ-Memphis.mp3
    42. 19931116 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.mp3
    43. 19931117 Statement Following NAFTA Vote.mp3
    44. 19931120 Radio Address.mp3
    45. 19931124 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    46. 19931127 Radio Address.mp3
    47. 19931130 Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    48. 19931130 Signing the Brady Bill Into Law.mp3
    49. 19931201 Intergovernmental Relations.mp3
    50. 19931201 World AIDS Day.mp3
    51. 19931204 Radio Address.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 51 shows – 649 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 36 minutes
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      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. 19931208 Signing of NAFTA.mp3
    3. 19931208 White House Hanukkah Ceremony.mp3
    4. 19931209 National Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    5. 19931211 Radio Address (Crime Rates).mp3
    6. 19931213 Conference on Entitlements.mp3
    7. 19931217 Amenburg Education Contribution.mp3
    8. 19931217 Reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.mp3
    9. 19931218 Radio Address.mp3
    10. 19931221 Honoring UNIECF Health Heroes.mp3
    11. 19931225 Radio Address (Christmas).mp3
    12. 19940101 Radio Address.mp3
    13. 19940111 Vaclav Havel, Bilateral Meeting.mp3
    14. 19940112 Loenid Kravchuk, News Conference.mp3
    15. 19940114 Boris Yeltsin, News Conference.mp3
    16. 19940114 Town Hall in Moscow.mp3
    17. 19940115 Radio Address.mp3
    18. 19940116 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference.mp3
    19. 19940117 Observance of Martin Luther King Day.mp3
    20. 19940122 Radio Address.mp3
    21. 19940124 Los Angeles Earthquake.mp3
    22. 19940124 Nomination William Perry Secretary of Def.mp3
    23. 19940125 State of the Union.mp3
    24. 19940129 Radio Address.mp3
    25. 19940203 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    26. 19940205 Radio Address.mp3
    27. 19940209 Remarks on Bosnia.mp3
    28. 19940210 Entitlement Reform.mp3
    29. 19940212 Radio Address.mp3
    30. 19940214 Signing of the Charter on Bilateral Relations.mp3
    31. 19940216 Remarks to AARP.mp3
    32. 19940219 Radio Address.mp3
    33. 19940222 American Council on Education.mp3
    34. 19940225 NCAA Men's Soccer Champions.mp3
    35. 19940225 Press Conference.mp3
    36. 19940226 Radio Address (Crime Bill).mp3
    37. 19940301 Honoring the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys.mp3
    38. 19940304 Leonid Kravchuk, News Conference.mp3
    39. 19940305 Radio Address.mp3
    40. 19940307 Eduard Shevardnadze, News Conference.mp3
    41. 19940308 Announcing Lloyd Culter as Special Counsel.mp3
    42. 19940312 Radio Address.mp3
    43. 19940314 G-7 Jobs Conference.mp3
    44. 19940318 A Message From Harry and Louise.mp3
    45. 19940319 Radio Address.mp3
    46. 19940321 Health Care Forum.mp3
    47. 19940324 News Conference.mp3
    48. 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference.mp3
    49. 19940326 Radio Address (poor sound).mp3
    50. 19940331 Goals 2000 Act.mp3
    51. 19940402 Radio Address.mp3
    52. 19940404 White House Easter Egg Roll.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 47 shows – 643 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 25 minutes
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      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. 19940409 Radio Address.mp3
    3. 19940413 Honoring the 1994 United States Winter Olympic Team.mp3
    4. 19940416 Radio Address.mp3
    5. 19940420 News Conference.mp3
    6. 19940422 Remarks on Death of Nixon.mp3
    7. 19940423 Radio Address.mp3
    8. 19940429 Remarks to Tribal Leaders.mp3
    9. 19940502 Banning Assault Weapons.mp3
    10. 19940504 School to Work Opportunities Act.mp3
    11. 19940514 Landmark for Peace Memorial.mp3
    12. 19940516 Goals 2000.mp3
    13. 19940516 Nom Stephen Breyer Supr Court.mp3
    14. 19940517 Brown vs Board of Education Q and A Students.mp3
    15. 19940517 Q&A With Students on Brown v Board of Education.mp3
    16. 19940518 Signing Human Services Amendments.mp3
    17. 19940520 Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base.mp3
    18. 19940520 UCLA Commencement Speech.mp3
    19. 19940523 National Park Week.mp3
    20. 19940523 Presenting Cng Medal Honor Gary Gordon Randall.mp3
    21. 19940526 News Conference.mp3
    22. 19940530 Memorial Day Services, Arlington National Cemetery.mp3
    23. 19940600 D-Day 50th Anniversary Address.mp3
    24. 19940604 US Cemetery, Cambridge, UK.mp3
    25. 19940605 North Korea.mp3
    26. 19940605 USS George Washington.mp3
    27. 19940606 Remarks Us National Cemetery, Normandy, France.mp3
    28. 19940616 IL Victory 94.mp3
    29. 19940627 White House Staff Changes.mp3
    30. 19940712 Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany.mp3
    31. 19940720 25th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.mp3
    32. 19940726 Reception for King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    33. 19940729 Assistance to Rwanda.mp3
    34. 19940815 Anticrime Legislation.mp3
    35. 19940819 News Conference.mp3
    36. 19940912 First Americorps Volunteers Swearing In.mp3
    37. 19940912 Oval Office Remarks Swearing In Americorps Members.mp3
    38. 19940913 Signing the Crime Bill Into Law.mp3
    39. 19940915 Address to the Nation on Haiti.mp3
    40. 19940916 Honor African-American WWII Veterans.mp3
    41. 19940919 Address to the Nation on Haiti.mp3
    42. 19940923 Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improvement Act.mp3
    43. 19941005 Sustainable End of Hunger Prizes.mp3
    44. 19941007 News Conference.mp3
    45. 19941011 Remarks to Auto Workers at the Ford Motor Company.mp3
    46. 19941012Community Policing Grants.mp3
    47. 19941014 Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    48. 19941018 Nuclear Agreement North Korea.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 36 shows – 643 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 24 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19941020 Improving Americans Schools Act.mp3
    3. 19941022 Kathleen Brown Dinner.mp3
    4. 19941024 Cleveland City Club.mp3
    5. 19941026 Hosni Mubarak, News Conference.mp3
    6. 19941026 Israeli Jordon Peace Treaty.mp3
    7. 19941027 Address tothe 13th Knesset in Jerusalem.mp3
    8. 19941027 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference.mp3
    9. 19941027 Yitzhak Rabin, News Conference.mp3
    10. 19941028 Surveying US and Coalition Troops in Kuwait.mp3
    11. 19941028 Visiting Kuwait.mp3
    12. 19941029 Italian American Foundation.mp3
    13. 19941105 Oakland CA Rally for Diane Feinstein.mp3
    14. 19941107 Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr.mp3
    15. 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference.mp3
    16. 19941111 Anchorage Museum of Art and History.mp3
    17. 19941121 Receiving Ambassador Credentials from Mihail Botez.mp3
    18. 19941206 Adoption PSA.mp3
    19. 19941207 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree.mp3
    20. 19941211 Summit of the Americas.mp3
    21. 19941215 Address to the Nation.mp3
    22. 19950105 Meets New Congressional Leadership.mp3
    23. 19950118 Loan Guarantees for Mexico.mp3
    24. 19950119 Retirement Protection Act.mp3
    25. 19950121 Remarks at the Democratic National Committee.mp3
    26. 19950122 Congressional Accountability Act.mp3
    27. 19950124 'New Covenant' State of Union Address.mp3
    28. 19950124 State of the Union Address.mp3
    29. 19950130 Democratic Governors’ Association Dinner.mp3
    30. 19950202 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    31. 19950207 94-95 Baseball Strike.mp3
    32. 19950302 Senate Action on the Budget.mp3
    33. 19950302 Youngstown State University Football Team.mp3
    34. 19950309 Patrick Henry Elementary School.mp3
    35. 19950313 NCAA Football Champions, Nabraska Cornhuskers.mp3
    36. 19950314 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    37. 19950331 Port - au - Prince, Haiti.mp3

    1. Volume 8 – 41 shows – 621 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 35 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 8: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19950331 Warrior Base, Port - au - Prince, Haiti.mp3
    3. 19950407 Society of Newspaper Editors.mp3
    4. 19950411 News Conference Benazir Bhutto.mp3
    5. 19950412 50th Anniversary of the Death of FDR.mp3
    6. 19950418 The President is Relevant.mp3
    7. 19950419 Bilateral Meeting with Tansu Ciller.mp3
    8. 19950419 Janet Reno Press Conf on Oklahoma City Bombing.mp3
    9. 19950420 Joint Press Conference with Fernando Cardoso.mp3
    10. 19950422 Hillary Clinton, OKC Bombing Radio Address.mp3
    11. 19950423 60 Minutes Interview from Oklahoma City.mp3
    12. 19950423 Time for Healing Ceremony, Oklahoma City.mp3
    13. 19950424 American Association of Community Colleges.mp3
    14. 19950429 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    15. 19950430 World Jewish Congress Dinner.mp3
    16. 19950515 Peace Officers Memorial Service.mp3
    17. 19950525 White House Conference Trade Investment Ireland.mp3
    18. 19950602 NCAA Mens and Womens Basketball Champions.mp3
    19. 19950607 Safe and Drug Free Schools Recognition Program.mp3
    20. 19950611 Town Hall Newt Gingrich.mp3
    21. 19950613 Address to the Nation, Balanced Federal Budget.mp3
    22. 19950706 Responsible Citizenship and the American Community.mp3
    23. 19950706 What Youre Facing As Go Out Build Your Future.mp3
    24. 19950711 Diplomatic Relations with Vietnam.mp3
    25. 19950712 James Madison High School.mp3
    26. 19950719 Affirmative Action.mp3
    27. 19950720 Remarks to Federal Law Enforcement Officials.mp3
    28. 19950724 Johnson Whittaker Commission Presentation.mp3
    29. 19950726 White House Community Empowerment Conference.mp3
    30. 19950727 Arrival Ceremony Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon.mp3
    31. 19950727 News Conference Kim Young-sam.mp3
    32. 19950727 State Dinner Honoring Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon.mp3
    33. 19950808 with Al Gore, Environmental Protection Event.mp3
    34. 19950809 Teen Health Connection Event.mp3
    35. 19950819 Diplomats Killed in Bosnia.mp3
    36. 19950825 Old Faithful Geyser.mp3
    37. 19950826 75th Anniversary of Womens Suffrage.mp3
    38. 19950906 The Budget.mp3
    39. 19950912 First Anniversary of Americorps.mp3
    40. 19950919 Jacksonville, FL.mp3
    41. 19950921 Al Gore, ClintonGore 96 Dinner.mp3
    42. 19950928 Interview Israeli Media.mp3

    1. Volume 9 – 39 shows – 622 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 37 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 9: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19950928 Israeli Palestinian Interim Agreement.mp3
    3. 19950929 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    4. 19951003 Human Radiation Experiments.mp3
    5. 19951005 Cease Fire in Bosnia.mp3
    6. 19951005 with Hillary Clinton, Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    7. 19951006 Freedom Breakfast.mp3
    8. 19951016 Race Relations.mp3
    9. 19951023 Hyde Park, NY Press Conference With Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    10. 19951027 Radio Address on the Budget Debate.mp3
    11. 19951031 Balkan Peace.mp3
    12. 19951102 Community Anti Drug Coalition of America.mp3
    13. 19951104 Remarks Upon the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    14. 19951106 State Funeral of Yitzhak Rabin.mp3
    15. 19951111 World War II Memorial Site Dedication.mp3
    16. 19951114 Remarks on the Government Shutdown.mp3
    17. 19951116 Government Shutdown.mp3
    18. 19951121 Bosnia Peace Agreement.mp3
    19. 19951127 National Address on Bosnia.mp3
    20. 19951130 Christmas Tree Lighting, Belfast, Northern Ireland.mp3
    21. 19951130 Employees Mackie Metal Plant, Belfast N.Ireland.mp3
    22. 19951130 Londonderry, Northern Ireland.mp3
    23. 19951201 Dublin, Ireland.mp3
    24. 19951201 Joint Press Conference with John Bruton.mp3
    25. 19951205 Signs Human Rights Proclamation.mp3
    26. 19951206 Conference on HIV and AIDS.mp3
    27. 19951206 National Christmas Tree Lighting.mp3
    28. 19951206 Veto of Budget Reconciliation Legislation.mp3
    29. 19951213 Balkan Peace Process.mp3
    30. 19951214 Balkan Peace Agreement.mp3
    31. 19951215 Budget Negotiations.mp3
    32. 19951224 Meeting Members of Congress.mp3
    33. 19960000 A Place Called Hope.mp3
    34. 19960103 Budget Impasse.mp3
    35. 19960112 with Al Gore, Peterbilt Plant Nashville TN.mp3
    36. 19960113 Teen Pregnancy.mp3
    37. 19960115 MLK Ceremony.mp3
    38. 19960123 State of the Union.mp3
    39. 19960124 Male High School, Louisville, KY.mp3
    40. 19960129 Preventing Teen Pregnancy.mp3

    1. Volume 10 – 38 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 26 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 10: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19960201 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    3. 19960201 State Dinner for Jacque Chirac.mp3
    4. 19960201 State Visit of Jacque Chirac.mp3
    5. 19960202 Concord NH Rally.mp3
    6. 19960202 Salem NH Rally.mp3
    7. 19960206 NGA Dinner.mp3
    8. 19960208 Signing of the Telecommunications Act.mp3
    9. 19960210 Iowa City, Iowa.mp3
    10. 19960210 Mason City, Iowa.mp3
    11. 19960213 Ntnl Information Infrastructure Advisory Council.mp3
    12. 19960217 Keene NH Rally.mp3
    13. 19960217 Manchester NH Rally.mp3
    14. 19960217 Rochester NH Rally.mp3
    15. 19960224 Downing of US Aircraft by Cuba.mp3
    16. 19960224 Roundtable on Worker Retraining.mp3
    17. 19960224 Shoreline, WA.mp3
    18. 19960226 Sanctions Against Cuba.mp3
    19. 19960304 Democratic Party Luncheon, Detroit MI.mp3
    20. 19960304 Israeli Terrorist Attacks.mp3
    21. 19960304 Meeting America’s Challenges, Taylor MI.mp3
    22. 19960306 Swearing In of Berry McCaffrey as Drug Czar.mp3
    23. 19960309 Net Day 96.mp3
    24. 19960313 Arrival in Tel Aviv Israel.mp3
    25. 19960313 Summit of the Peacemakers.mp3
    26. 19960319 1997 Budget.mp3
    27. 19960323 Address at Xavier University, Cincinnati OH.mp3
    28. 19960323 DNC Dinner, Columbus OH.mp3
    29. 19960327 NGA Education Summit.mp3
    30. 19960330 Advocates Against Youth Smoking.mp3
    31. 19960330 Gridiron Dinner.mp3
    32. 19960406 Honoring Those Killed in Croatian Aircraft Crash.mp3
    33. 19960409 Signing of the Line Item Veto.mp3
    34. 19960411 Retirement Savings and Security Act.mp3
    35. 19960412 Japanese Auto Trade.mp3
    36. 19960422 with Al Gore, Earth Day.mp3
    37. 19960426 DNC Fundraiser, Philadelphia PA.mp3
    38. 19960427 John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.mp3
    39. 19960430 Israeli US Counterterrorism Cooperation Accord.mp3

    1. Volume 11 – 43 shows – 623 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 11: $5.00
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    2. 19960504 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    3. 19960507 Kirk Butts Day.mp3
    4. 19960508 Democratic National Committee Dinner.mp3
    5. 19960513 Anti Gang and Crime Suppression.mp3
    6. 19960515 Visit with Christopher Reeve at the White House.mp3
    7. 19960517 Signing Megan's Law.mp3
    8. 19960521 Jeremy M Boorda Funeral.mp3
    9. 19960522 Democratic Party Dinner.mp3
    10. 19960523 Joint Press Conference with Helmut Kohl.mp3
    11. 19960609 Juvenile Crime Roundtable.mp3
    12. 19960609 Las Vegas NV Rally.mp3
    13. 19960609 San Francisco Rally.mp3
    14. 19960612 Mount Zion Church.mp3
    15. 19960613 Teen Pregnancy.mp3
    16. 19960619 35th Anniversary of Peace Corps.mp3
    17. 19960621 AFSCME Convention.mp3
    18. 19960627 Press Conference Jacques Chirac.mp3
    19. 19960704 Goose Creek Bridge, Maryland.mp3
    20. 19960704 Youngstown, Ohio 200 Year Anniversary.mp3
    21. 19960709 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    22. 19960711 School of Reconstruction.mp3
    23. 19960717 with Hillary Clinton, Arts in Embassies Event.mp3
    24. 19960725 TWA Flight 800.mp3
    25. 19960727 1996 Olympic Bombing.mp3
    26. 19960731 Statement on Welfare Reform.mp3
    27. 19960801 The Economy.mp3
    28. 19960802 Conditions in Apparel Industry Event.mp3
    29. 19960805 International Security Issues.mp3
    30. 19960805 Iran and Libya Sanctions.mp3
    31. 19960806 Safe Drinking Water Act.mp3
    32. 19960807 Possible Discovery of Life on Mars.mp3
    33. 19960807 with Hillary Clinton, US Olympic Team.mp3
    34. 19960818 Michigan City, IN Rally.mp3
    35. 19960819 Salem Missionary Baptist Church.mp3
    36. 19960821 Signs Kennedy Kassabaum Bill into Law.mp3
    37. 19960822 Signing Welfare Reform Into Law.mp3
    38. 19960823 Youth and Tobacco.mp3
    39. 19960825 Whistle Stop, Huntington, West Virginia.mp3
    40. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Arlington, Ohio.mp3
    41. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Bowling Green, Ohio.mp3
    42. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Pontiac, Michigan.mp3
    43. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Wyandotte, Michigan.mp3
    44. 19960828 Whistle Stop, Battle Creek, Michigan.mp3

    1. Volume 12 – 35 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 33 minutes
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      Volume 12: $5.00
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    2. 19960829 DNC Acceptance.mp3
    3. 19960830 with Al Gore Cairo IL Rally.mp3
    4. 19960830 with Al Gore Paducah KY Rally.mp3
    5. 19960830 with Al Gore, Cape Girardeau MO Rally.mp3
    6. 19960831 with Al Gore Dyersburg TN Rally.mp3
    7. 19960831 with Al Gore, Campaign Bus Tour, Memphis TN.mp3
    8. 19960902 De Pere, WI.mp3
    9. 19960903 Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    10. 19960905 Sunshine FL Rally.mp3
    11. 19960910 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    12. 19960918 Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument.mp3
    13. 19960919 Tacoma, WA.mp3
    14. 19960924 Address to the UN General Assembly.mp3
    15. 19960924 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.mp3
    16. 19960925 Robert Morris College.mp3
    17. 19960927 Fort Worth, TX.mp3
    18. 19960927 Houston TX Rally.mp3
    19. 19960927 Longview TX Rally.mp3
    20. 19960928 Fall River MA Rally.mp3
    21. 19960928 Providence RI Rally.mp3
    22. 19960928 with John Kerry, Boston MA Rally.mp3
    23. 19961002 News Conference Middle East Leaders.mp3
    24. 19961006 First Debate.mp3
    25. 19961016 Second Debate.mp3
    26. 19961022 Democratic National Committee Dinner.mp3
    27. 19961023 Daytona Beach FL Rally.mp3
    28. 19961023 Presidential Unity Fund Reception.mp3
    29. 19961027 Anticancer Initiative.mp3
    30. 19961027 Springfield VA Rally.mp3
    31. 19961028 St. Paul, MN.mp3
    32. 19961031 Arizona State University.mp3
    33. 19961031 Las Vegas, NV.mp3
    34. 19961031 Oakland CA Rally.mp3
    35. 19961101 Las Cruces, NM.mp3
    36. 19961101 Santa Barbara College Rally.mp3

    1. Volume 13 – 41 shows – 643 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 23 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 13: $5.00
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    2. 19961102 Little Rock AR Rally.mp3
    3. 19961102 San Antonio TX Rally.mp3
    4. 19961103 Union Township NJ Rally.mp3
    5. 19961104 with Hillary Clinton, Sioux Falls SD Rally.mp3
    6. 19961105 Remarks at a Victory Celebration Little Rock AK.mp3
    7. 19961106 96 Victory Celebration.mp3
    8. 19961111 Veterans Day.mp3
    9. 19961127 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    10. 19961208 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Medal Awards.mp3
    11. 19961212 Drug Council Meeting.mp3
    12. 19961213 Second Term Transition.mp3
    13. 19961214 Hillary Clinton, Childhood Adoption.mp3
    14. 19970100 Inaugural Ceremony.mp3
    15. 19970109 Arts and Humanities Awards Event.mp3
    16. 19970117 Presidential Medal Freedom Bob Dole.mp3
    17. 19970120 OH and PA Inaugural Ball.mp3
    18. 19970120 Second Inaugural.mp3
    19. 19970122 Statement on Bomb Blast Outside DC Abortion Clinic.mp3
    20. 19970123 Swearing Madeleine Albright as Secretary of State.mp3
    21. 19970124 Swearing William Cohen as Secretary of Defense.mp3
    22. 19970204 State of the Union.mp3
    23. 19970206 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    24. 19970219 Juvenile Crime Roundtable.mp3
    25. 19970225 Drug Control Strategy.mp3
    26. 19970304 Federal Funding in Human Cloning.mp3
    27. 19970321 Joint Press Conference Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    28. 19970401 April Fools Press Conference.mp3
    29. 19970402 Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    30. 19970403 1996 NBA Champions, Chicago Bulls.mp3
    31. 19970408 Oval Office Meeting Jean Cretien.mp3
    32. 19970410 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    33. 19970414 Apparel Industry Partnership.mp3
    34. 19970415 Jackie Robinson Tribute.mp3
    35. 19970417 White House Conference on Childhood Development.mp3
    36. 19970422 Grand Forks, ND.mp3
    37. 19970428 Presidents Summit for the Future.mp3
    38. 19970502 Dedication FDR Memorial.mp3
    39. 19970516 Apology Survivors of Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment.mp3
    40. 19970518 Morgan State University Commencement Speech.mp3
    41. 19970521 US Conference of Mayors Summit.mp3
    42. 19970531 West Point Commencement.mp3

    1. Volume 14 – 35 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 14: $5.00
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    2. 19970604 Individuals Disabilities Education Act.mp3
    3. 19970609 Human Cloning.mp3
    4. 19970614 University of California San Diego Commencement.mp3
    5. 19970617 Title IX.mp3
    6. 19970621 Opening of the Summit of the Eight.mp3
    7. 19970622 Final Communique of the Summit of the Eight.mp3
    8. 19970627 LULAC Address.mp3
    9. 19970701 Electronic Commerce Initiative.mp3
    10. 19970716 E Chip Event.mp3
    11. 19970717 NAACP National Convention.mp3
    12. 19970724 Climate Change Discussion.mp3
    13. 19970725 Carol Moseley Braun Dinner.mp3
    14. 19970726 Presidential Forum.mp3
    15. 19970730 Boy Scout Jamboree.mp3
    16. 19970800 Balanced Budget Bill Signing.mp3
    17. 19970801 The Budget.mp3
    18. 19970805 Signing the Balanced Budget Amendment.mp3
    19. 19970808 Diabetes Initiative.mp3
    20. 19970831 Death of Princess Diana.mp3
    21. 19970916 50th Anniversary of the CIA.mp3
    22. 19970917 Landmine Removal.mp3
    23. 19970922 Address to the United Nations General Assembly.mp3
    24. 19970925 40th Anniv Desegregation little Rock Central HS.mp3
    25. 19970929 Presenting the Arts and Humanities Awards.mp3
    26. 19971001 Weather Forecasters Event.mp3
    27. 19971006 Conference of Global Climate Change.mp3
    28. 19971008 Democratic National Committee Reception.mp3
    29. 19971008 Reception for Jim McGreevey.mp3
    30. 19971009 National Wildlife Refuge System Act.mp3
    31. 19971009 Top Cops Event.mp3
    32. 19971015 Vila Olimpica da Mangeria School.mp3
    33. 19971023 White House Conference on Child Care.mp3
    34. 19971024 Asia Society.mp3
    35. 19971028 Standards Plus Accountability Equals Excellence.mp3
    36. 19971029 News Conference Jiang Zemin.mp3

    1. Volume 15 – 39 shows – 650 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 38 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 15: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19971106 Dedication of the George Bush Presidential Library.mp3
    3. 19971109 50th Anniversary of Meet the Press.mp3
    4. 19971121 FDA Modernization Act.mp3
    5. 19971126 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    6. 19971203 Town Hall Meeting on Race.mp3
    7. 19971205 The Economy and Health Care.mp3
    8. 19971210 Boys and Girls Club.mp3
    9. 19971210 Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change.mp3
    10. 19971211 Remarks to the US Coast Guard.mp3
    11. 19971218 Children Christmas Event.mp3
    12. 19971218 Peace Process in Bosnia.mp3
    13. 19971222 Bosnia Herzgovina Visit.mp3
    14. 19971222 Hanukkah Celebration.mp3
    15. 19971222 Remarks on Bosnia.mp3
    16. 19980114 Health Care Bill of Rights.mp3
    17. 19980115 Community Policing.mp3
    18. 19980115 Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    19. 19980115 Wall Street Project Conference.mp3
    20. 19980116 Balkan US Charter of Partnership.mp3
    21. 19980121 White House Endowment Dinner.mp3
    22. 19980126 After School Child Care.mp3
    23. 19980126 Remarks on the After-School Child Care Initiative.mp3
    24. 19980127 State of the Union Address.mp3
    25. 19980128 La Crosse, WI.mp3
    26. 19980128 Overflow Event Champaign Urbana, IL,.mp3
    27. 19980128 University of Illinois, Champaign.mp3
    28. 19980200 State of the Union.mp3
    29. 19980202 1999 Budget.mp3
    30. 19980205 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    31. 19980206 News Conference Tony Blair.mp3
    32. 19980211 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 1.mp3
    33. 19980218 Childrens Health Care.mp3
    34. 19980303 75th Anniversary of Time Magazine.mp3
    35. 19980305 Meeting Stephen Hawking.mp3
    36. 19980305 Remarks at From Earth to the Moon Screening.mp3
    37. 19980306 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 2.mp3
    38. 19980316 Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    39. 19980317 St Patricks Day.mp3
    40. 19980323 Remarks in Ghana.mp3

    1. Volume 16 – 34 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 16: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980324 Kisowera School, Mukono, Uganda.mp3
    3. 19980325 Arrival in Rwanda.mp3
    4. 19980325 Remarks Victims Survivors Genocide in Rwanda.mp3
    5. 19980327 Tour of Robben Island.mp3
    6. 19980410 Remarks on Ireland.mp3
    7. 19980422 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 3.mp3
    8. 19980430 Press Conference.mp3
    9. 19980505 Ronald Reagan Building Dedication.mp3
    10. 19980521 Commander In Cheif Trophy Presentation.mp3
    11. 19980525 Memorial Day Ceremony.mp3
    12. 19980526 Remarks on the Federal Budget.mp3
    13. 19980526 The Federal Budget.mp3
    14. 19980609 Trans Equality Act for the 21st Century.mp3
    15. 19980613 Portland State University Commencement Speech.mp3
    16. 19980615 Presidential Scholars Award.mp3
    17. 19980618 US Iran World Cup Match.mp3
    18. 19980622 Family Reunion VII Conference.mp3
    19. 19980625 Arrival in Xian, China.mp3
    20. 19980627 News Conference Jiang Zemin.mp3
    21. 19980629 Peking University.mp3
    22. 19980701 Remarks to Business Leaders in China.mp3
    23. 19980709 a Dialogue on Race.mp3
    24. 19980714 Remarks on Y2K.mp3
    25. 19980724 Addresses Boys Nation.mp3
    26. 19980730 Al Gore, American Heritage Rivers Designation.mp3
    27. 19980806 Con Native American and Alaskan Native Communities.mp3
    28. 19980817 Nation Testimony Independent Counsel's Grand Jury.mp3
    29. 19980819 Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    30. 19980820 Military Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan.mp3
    31. 19980828 Remarks 35th Anniversary March on Washington.mp3
    32. 19980831 Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    33. 19980902 News Conference Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    34. 19980903 Addressing the Northern Ireland Assembly.mp3
    35. 19980903 Armagh, Northern Ireland.mp3

    1. Volume 17 – 40 shows – 628 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 52 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 17: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19980904 Community Leaders in Dublin, Ireland.mp3
    3. 19980905 Addresses the People of Limerick, Ireland.mp3
    4. 19980908 FL Democratic Party Luncheon.mp3
    5. 19980911 Receiving the Paul ODwyer Award.mp3
    6. 19980911 Remarks Breakfast With Religious Leaders.mp3
    7. 19980911 Remarks Upon Receiving Paul O’Dwyer Award.mp3
    8. 19980914 with Al Gore, Lion King Musical.mp3
    9. 19980916 Arrival Ceremony for Vaclav Havel.mp3
    10. 19980916 Joint Press Conference with Vaclav Havel.mp3
    11. 19980916 State Dinner for Vaclav Havel.mp3
    12. 19980918 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 4.mp3
    13. 19980922 African American Religious Leaders Reception.mp3
    14. 19981009 NAPO Top Cops Event.mp3
    15. 19981012 Matthew Shepard Statement.mp3
    16. 19981020 White House Staff Changes.mp3
    17. 19981022 Remarks on Adjourning the Congress.mp3
    18. 19981023 Middle East Peace Summit.mp3
    19. 19981106 Dedication of Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport.mp3
    20. 19981112 Childcare and After School Care Event.mp3
    21. 19981115 Situation in Iraq.mp3
    22. 19981116 Tobacco Settlement.mp3
    23. 19981119 A Conversation in Tokyo, Japan.mp3
    24. 19981123 Hagatna, Guam.mp3
    25. 19981130 Remarks on Electronic Commerce.mp3
    26. 19981201 AIDS Initiatives Announced.mp3
    27. 19981201 Remarks on the Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    28. 19981204 Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    29. 19981213 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3
    30. 19981213 State Dinner in Jerusalem, Israel.mp3
    31. 19981214 Gaza International Airport.mp3
    32. 19981214 Remarks to the Palestine National Council.mp3
    33. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes (short).mp3
    34. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes.mp3
    35. 19981217 Special Olympics Dinner.mp3
    36. 19981219 Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    37. 19981219 Remarks Following House Rep Vote on Impeachment.mp3
    38. 19981228 Social Security Compliance with Y2K.mp3
    39. 19990000 State of Union Address.mp3
    40. 19990106 FY 1999 Budget Surplus.mp3
    41. 19990111 State Dinner for Carlos Menem.mp3

    1. Volume 18 – 29 shows – 623 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 40 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 18: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19990115 the Wall Street Project.mp3
    3. 19990125 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 5.mp3
    4. 19990128 Detroit Red Wings.mp3
    5. 19990204 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    6. 19990212 Remarks After Acquittal By the Senate.mp3
    7. 19990219 Presidential Pardon of Henry O. Flipper.mp3
    8. 19990315 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 6.mp3
    9. 19990318 Dedication of the Yitzhak Rabin Center.mp3
    10. 19990319 Press Conference.mp3
    11. 19990321 Address to the Nation on Kosovo.mp3
    12. 19990323 Childrens Health Event.mp3
    13. 19990323 Conv Am Fed State County Employees.mp3
    14. 19990324 Address on Kosovo.mp3
    15. 19990331 the American President.mp3
    16. 19990407 Hillary Clinton, Equal Pay Roundtable.mp3
    17. 19990408 News Conference Zhu Rongi.mp3
    18. 19990412 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 7.mp3
    19. 19990420 Statement on the Columbine High School Shooting.mp3
    20. 19990520 Remarks to the Columbine High School Community.mp3
    21. 19990523 Grambling University Commencement Speech.mp3
    22. 19990607 Particip Asian Am Pacific Islanders Fed Prgms.mp3
    23. 19990608 National Association of Theater Owners.mp3
    24. 19990609 Dedication of the Dale and Betty Bumpers Center.mp3
    25. 19990610 Situation on Kosovo.mp3
    26. 19990611 Whiteman AFB.mp3
    27. 19990615 Gun Control Legislation.mp3
    28. 19990615 Rosa Parks Medal Honor.mp3
    29. 19990622 Kosovo International Security Force Troops.mp3
    30. 19990622 Visiting Kosovo Refugees.mp3

    1. Volume 19 – 34 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 21 minutes
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      Volume 19: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 19990625 News Conference.mp3
    3. 19990702 Bald Eagle Event.mp3
    4. 19990705 New Markets Tour, Hazard, KY.mp3
    5. 19990707 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.mp3
    6. 19990718 Russian Participation on KFOR.mp3
    7. 19990718 Search for John F Kennedy Jr Plane Wreckage.mp3
    8. 19990719 News Conference Ehud Barak.mp3
    9. 19990720 Summit to American Community.mp3
    10. 19990729 Medicare Modernization Plan.mp3
    11. 19990809 Medal of Freedom to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.mp3
    12. 19990811 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    13. 19990817 School Violence.mp3
    14. 19990904 Remarks on the Middle East.mp3
    15. 19990909 Combating Crime.mp3
    16. 19990927 Sophie B Wright Middle School.mp3
    17. 19990930 National Education Summit.mp3
    18. 19991002 Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Rights Dinner.mp3
    19. 19991006 US Embassy Event Ottawa Canada.mp3
    20. 19991008 Forum of Federation Conference.mp3
    21. 19991012 White House Miillennium Lecture Series Number 8.mp3
    22. 19991014 US Secret Service Memorial Building Dedication.mp3
    23. 19991020 5th Anniversary of Americorps.mp3
    24. 19991021 National Association of Police Organizations.mp3
    25. 19991022 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.mp3
    26. 19991022 White House Conference on Philanthropy.mp3
    27. 19991028 News Conference Olusegun Obasanjo.mp3
    28. 19991108 Online Town Hall Meeting.mp3
    29. 19991109 Little Rock Nine Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony.mp3
    30. 19991110 Y2K Reediness.mp3
    31. 19991111 Education Appropriations.mp3
    32. 19991115 Joint Press Conference with Suleyman Demirel.mp3
    33. 19991115 Receiving Order State Turkish Republic.mp3
    34. 19991115 Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara, Turkey.mp3
    35. 19991116 Adress Business Leaders, Istanbul, Turkey.mp3

    1. Volume 20 – 36 shows – 640 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 18 minutes
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      Volume 20: $5.00
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    2. 19991116 State Dinner in Turkey.mp3
    3. 19991122 Address to the People of Bulgaria.mp3
    4. 19991122 State Dinner in Bulgaria.mp3
    5. 19991123 Remarks to the Citizens of Ferizaj Kosovo.mp3
    6. 19991210 Earle High School Dedication.mp3
    7. 19991211 Alcee Hastings Fundraiser.mp3
    8. 19991213 Millennium Around the World Event.mp3
    9. 19991214 Foster Care Independence Act.mp3
    10. 19991214 Lands Legacy Initiative.mp3
    11. 19991215 German Government Compensation.mp3
    12. 19991219 American Presidents Series, Bill Clinton.mp3
    13. 19991221 Emission Standards for Cars and SUVs.mp3
    14. 19991222 DC Soup Kitchen.mp3
    15. 19991228 60 Minutes Interview.mp3
    16. 19991231 America's Millennium Evening Celebration Year 2000.mp3
    17. 19991231 America’s Millennium Celebration Opening Event.mp3
    18. 19991231 Toast to the New Millennium.mp3
    19. 20000000 Discusses Going Movies Roger Ebert.mp3
    20. 20000101 with Hillary Clinton, New Millennium Address.mp3
    21. 20000107 National Plan for Information Systems Protection.mp3
    22. 20000121 California Institute of Technology.mp3
    23. 20000127 Final State of the Union.mp3
    24. 20000129 World Economic Forum.mp3
    25. 20000201 Training in Puerto Rico on Vieques Island.mp3
    26. 20000203 National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    27. 20000208 Presenting Congr Medal of Honor to Alfred Rascon.mp3
    28. 20000208 Signing Executive Order 13145.mp3
    29. 20000211 Dedication of the Jim Brady Press Room.mp3
    30. 20000222 Teleconference Nelson Mandela.mp3
    31. 20000224 Granoff Forum.mp3
    32. 20000305 Edmund Pettus Bridge Walk.mp3
    33. 20000310 The 2000 Carnegie Conference.mp3
    34. 20000317 Gun Safety Agreement.mp3
    35. 20000317 St. Patrick’s Day Reception.mp3
    36. 20000322 Addresses Joint Session of India Parliament.mp3
    37. 20000324 Addresses Business Community in Hyderabad, India.mp3

    1. Volume 21 – 56 shows – 619 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 31 minutes
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      Volume 21: $5.00
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    2. 20000415 Sequoia National Monument.mp3
    3. 20000417 Question and Answer Session, East Palo Alto, CA.mp3
    4. 20000419 Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial Dedication.mp3
    5. 20000429 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    6. 20000429 The Final Days.mp3
    7. 20000504 Channel One Web Chat.mp3
    8. 20000512 Shakopee, MN.mp3
    9. 20000518 Parmanent Normal Trade Relations China.mp3
    10. 20000524 House Rep Action Prm Normal Trade Relations China.mp3
    11. 20000525 Asian Pacific American History Month.mp3
    12. 20000525 Asian Pacific American Institute Congr Studies.mp3
    13. 20000529 Arlington National Cemetery.mp3
    14. 20000604 Joint Press Conference Vladimir Putin.mp3
    15. 20000605 Russian Duma Address.mp3
    16. 20000612 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 9.mp3
    17. 20000624 Internet Address.mp3
    18. 20000628 Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    19. 20000628 Press Conference.mp3
    20. 20000629 Completion of the First Survey of the Human Genome.mp3
    21. 20000629 Nominates Norman Mineta as Secretary of Commerce.mp3
    22. 20000704 OpSail 2000 Event.mp3
    23. 20000705 Camp David Peace Accords.mp3
    24. 20000708 Radio Address (Website).mp3
    25. 20000708 Radio Address.mp3
    26. 20000711 Middle East Peace Summit.mp3
    27. 20000713 Trade Agreement Vietnam.mp3
    28. 20000715 Radio Address.mp3
    29. 20000722 Radio Address.mp3
    30. 20000729 Radio Address.mp3
    31. 20000731 PNTR with China.mp3
    32. 20000805 Radio Address.mp3
    33. 20000809 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation.mp3
    34. 20000812 Radio Address.mp3
    35. 20000814 DNC Address.mp3
    36. 20000819 Radio Address.mp3
    37. 20000826 Addresses the Nigerian Joint Assembly.mp3
    38. 20000826 Radio Address.mp3
    39. 20000827 Health Care Providers in Nigeria.mp3
    40. 20000902 Radio Address (Cutoff).mp3
    41. 20000909 Radio Address (Wild Fires).mp3
    42. 20000913 Hate Crimes Legislation.mp3
    43. 20000914 Patients’ Bill of Rights.mp3
    44. 20000916 Radio Address.mp3
    45. 20000923 Radio Address.mp3
    46. 20000926 Georgetown University Law School.mp3
    47. 20000929 Childrens Health Insurance Program.mp3
    48. 20000930 Radio Address.mp3
    49. 20001002 HIPC Meeting.mp3
    50. 20001007 Radio Address.mp3
    51. 20001012 Attacks on the USS Cole.mp3
    52. 20001014 Radio Address.mp3
    53. 20001021 Radio Address.mp3
    54. 20001024 Legislative Agenda School Construction Education.mp3
    55. 20001028 Radio Address.mp3
    56. 20001104 Radio Address.mp3
    57. 20001108 The 2000 Presidential Election.mp3

    1. Volume 22 – 44 shows – 646 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 2 minutes
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      Volume 22: $5.00
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    2. 20001109 White House 200 Year Anniversary Dinner.mp3
    3. 20001111 Radio Address.mp3
    4. 20001117 Vietnam National University.mp3
    5. 20001118 Full Accounting Evacuation Participants Vietnam.mp3
    6. 20001118 Radio Address.mp3
    7. 20001119 Vietnamese Business Community.mp3
    8. 20001122 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony.mp3
    9. 20001125 Radio Address.mp3
    10. 20001201 World AIDS Day.mp3
    11. 20001202 Radio Address.mp3
    12. 20001204 First Family Holiday Gift to America Tour WH.mp3
    13. 20001206 E.Roosevelt Award Medal Freedom Pres.mp3
    14. 20001208 A Foregin Policy for the Global Age.mp3
    15. 20001209 Plans for William Jefferson Clinton Pres Library.mp3
    16. 20001209 Radio Address.mp3
    17. 20001212 Addresses the People of Dundalk, Ireland.mp3
    18. 20001213 Addresses the People of Belfast, Northern Ireland.mp3
    19. 20001214 Reception with Bertie Ahern.mp3
    20. 20001216 Radio Address.mp3
    21. 20001223 Radio Address (poor sound).mp3
    22. 20001228 with George McGovern and Bob Dole, Food Initiative.mp3
    23. 20001230 Radio Address.mp3
    24. 20010106 Radio Address (Child Healthcare).mp3
    25. 20010108 Citizens Medal Presentation.mp3
    26. 20010110 Unveiling of FDR Statue at FDR Memorial.mp3
    27. 20010112 Bethesda, MD.mp3
    28. 20010113 Radio Address (Child Safety).mp3
    29. 20010116 Medal of Honor to Andrew Jackson Smith and Theodore.mp3
    30. 20010117 Designation of New National Monuments.mp3
    31. 20010118 Farewell Address to Nation.mp3
    32. 20010918 Interview Tom Brokaw.mp3
    33. 20011119 Q and A on Gordon Track.mp3
    34. 20011205 Groundbreaking WJ Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    35. 20040000 Dole Lecture Series.mp3
    36. 20040726 DNC Address.mp3
    37. 20040803 David Letterman Interview.mp3
    38. 20041118 Dedication WJ Clinton Presidential Library.mp3
    39. 20080827 DNC Address.mp3
    40. 20080925 The Bailout.mp3
    41. 20081012 Scranton PA Rally.mp3
    42. 20090612 Paralyzed Veterans of American Golf Tournament.mp3
    43. 20100116 Help For Haiti.mp3
    44. 20101210 Barack Obama, Tax Cuts For Working Americans.mp3
    45. 20110321 Points of Light Institute Tribute.mp3

    1. Volume 23 – 31 shows – 637 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 12 minutes
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      Volume 23: $5.00
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    2. 20120000 Hillary Clinton, Memories of Their Mothers.mp3
    3. 20120905 DNC Address.mp3
    4. 20120912 Moving Forward Barack Obama.mp3
    5. 20120921 Jon Stewart Interview.mp3
    6. 20121104 Bristow VA Rally.mp3
    7. 20121104 Introduction of Barack Obama at Bristow, VA Rally.mp3
    8. 20130412 Interview Stephen Colbert.mp3
    9. 20130425 Dedication of the George W Bush Presidential Center.mp3
    10. 20130430 First Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    11. 20130904 The Affordable Care Act.mp3
    12. 20130924 Barack Obama, Discussion on Healthcare.mp3
    13. 20131001 Bosnia Symposium.mp3
    14. 20131001 with Al Gore, Charlie Rose Interview.mp3
    15. 20131120 Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom.mp3
    16. 20140501 Second Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    17. 20140707 The Case for Economic Justice.mp3
    18. 20140908 George W Bush, Presidential Leadership Scholars.mp3
    19. 20140914 Harkin Steak Fry.mp3
    20. 20150421 Third Clinton Lecture, Georgetown University.mp3
    21. 20150629 A Conversation With Tom Vilsack.mp3
    22. 20160104 Nashua Community College.mp3
    23. 20160419 We Are Emily Gala.mp3
    24. 20160715 with Jimmy Carter, Closing Conversation, CGI.mp3
    25. 20160726 DNC Address.mp3
    26. 20160915 Trevor Noah Interview.mp3
    27. 20161108 Chelsea and Hillary and Barack and Michelle Obama.mp3
    28. 20171218 John McCain For Whom the Bell Tolls.mp3
    29. 20191017 David Agus Interview.mp3
    30. 20200818 DNC Address.mp3
    31. 20210120 GW Bush and Barack Obama Special Mssg Joe Biden.mp3
    32. 20210312 Jimmy Carter GWBush Barack Obama COVID Vaccine PSA.mp3

    1. Volume 24 – 7 shows – 146 MB – total playtime 5 hours, 19 minutes
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      Volume 24: $5.00
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    2. 20220426 Shearer Lecture, Brown University.mp3
    3. 20220427 Eulogy to Madeleine Albright.mp3
    4. 20220505 Arkansas Politics and the Ukraine.mp3
    5. 20220929 Hillary Madeleine Albright Symposium.mp3
    6. 20230202 Joe Biden Kamala Harris 30th Anniv of FMLA.mp3
    7. 20240429 Jason Bateman Sean Hayes Will Arnett Interview.mp3
    8. 20240610 Milken Institute Global Conference.mp3

    1. Volume 25 – 37 shows – 678 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 41 minutes
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      Volume 25: $5.00
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    2. 19920126 Hillary Intrvw Marriage.mp3
    3. 19920127 Gennifer Flowers Press Conf Affair.mp3
    4. 19920130 Hillary Interview Infidelity.mp3
    5. 19930721 Bill Clinton, Death of Vince Foster.mp3
    6. 19940324 Bill Clinton, Whitewater Press Conf.mp3
    7. 19940422 Hillary Clinton Pink Press Conference.mp3
    8. 19940616 Paula Jones, Sam Donaldson Interview.mp3
    9. 19950706 Addresses White House Interns.mp3
    10. 19960127 Hillary Clinton Statement Grand Jury Testimony.mp3
    11. 19971003 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    12. 19971005 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    13. 19971006 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    14. 19971015 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    15. 19971018 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    16. 19971019 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    17. 19971029 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    18. 19971108 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    19. 19971111 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    20. 19971113 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    21. 19971114 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    22. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 1.mp3
    23. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 2.mp3
    24. 19971117 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    25. 19971118 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    26. 19971120 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    27. 19971121 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    28. 19971209 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    29. 19971212 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    30. 19971222 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    31. 19980113 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    32. 19980115 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation.mp3
    33. 19980121 Bill Hillary Clinton White House Endowment Dinner.mp3
    34. 19980121 Clinton There is No Sexual Relationship.mp3
    35. 19980121 CNN Breaking Clinton-Lewinsky Affair.mp3
    36. 19980126 Hillary Bill After School Care Init.mp3
    37. 19980127 Bill Clinton State of the Union Address.mp3
    38. 19980127 Hillary Clinton Vast Right Wing Conspir.mp3

    1. Volume 26 – 35 shows – 638 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 14 minutes
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      Volume 26: $5.00
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    2. 19980128 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Remarks in La Crosse WI.mp3
    3. 19980128 Al Gore and Bill Clinton University of Illinois.mp3
    4. 19980128 Hillary Good Morning America Intvw.mp3
    5. 19980130 Bill Clinton Welcomes Detroit Red WingsWH.mp3
    6. 19980202 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget.mp3
    7. 19980205 Bill Clinton National Prayer Breakfast.mp3
    8. 19980206 Bill Clinton Joint Press Conference with Tony Blair.mp3
    9. 19980211 Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton the Living Past.mp3
    10. 19980218 Hillary Bill Clinton Childrens Healthcare Init.mp3
    11. 19980303 Bill Clinton 75th Anniversary of TIME Magazine.mp3
    12. 19980305 Hillary Clinton JFK Jr. Bill Clinton Earth to Moon.mp3
    13. 19980306 Bill Clinton the National Economy.mp3
    14. 19980306 Hillary Clinton and Bill Imagination and Change.mp3
    15. 19980312 Bill Clinton Meets with the US Wrestling Team.mp3
    16. 19980316 Bill Clinton Democratic Business Council Dinner.mp3
    17. 19980317 Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception.mp3
    18. 19980317 Hillary Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception.mp3
    19. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative.mp3
    20. 19980323 Bill Clinton Remarks to the People of Ghana.mp3
    21. 19980325 Bill Clinton Victims Survivors in Rwanda.mp3
    22. 19980410 Bill Clinton Good Friday Agreement.mp3
    23. 19980413 HilllaryBill Clinton White House Easter Egg Rol.mp3
    24. 19980422 Hillary Bill Clinton the American Voice in Poetry.mp3
    25. 19980425 Bill Clinton White House Correspondents Dinner.mp3
    26. 19980430 White House Press Conference.mp3
    27. 19980505 Nancy Reagan Bill Clinton Ded Ronald Reagan Bldng.mp3
    28. 19980526 Al Gore and Bill Clinton the Federal Budget.mp3
    29. 19980608 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech MIT.mp3
    30. 19980609 Bill Clinton Signs Trans Equality Act Into Law.mp3
    31. 19980613 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech Portland St Univ.mp3
    32. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards.mp3
    33. 19980618 Bill Clinton US Iran World Cup Match.mp3
    34. 19980622 Bill Clinton Family Reunion VII Conference.mp3
    35. 19980624 Bill Clinton Signing Deadbeat Parents Punishment.mp3
    36. 19980625 Bill Clinton Remarks in Xi'an China.mp3

    1. Volume 27 – 26 shows – 671 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 26 minutes
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      Volume 27: $5.00
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    2. 19980627 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf with Jiang Zemin.mp3
    3. 19980629 Bill Clinton Peking University.mp3
    4. 19980714 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Remarks on Y2K.mp3
    5. 19980724 Bill Clinton American Legion Boys Nation.mp3
    6. 19980730 Bill Clinton Al Gore American Herit Rivers Design.mp3
    7. 19980807 Bill Clinton Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act.mp3
    8. 19980817 Bill Clinton Grand Jury Testimony Pt1.mp3
    9. 19980817 Bill Clinton Grand Jury Testimony Pt2.mp3
    10. 19980817 Clinton Address Ntn Grnd Jury Testimony.mp3
    11. 19980817 Presidential Grand Jury Testimony.mp3
    12. 19980819 Bill Clinton Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan.mp3
    13. 19980820 Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan.mp3
    14. 19980831 Bill Clinton Roundtable Discussion on Education.mp3
    15. 19980902 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf with Boris Yeltsin.mp3
    16. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses Northern Ireland Assembly.mp3
    17. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses People Armagh N.Ireland.mp3
    18. 19980904 Bill Clinton Addresses Com Leaders Dublin Ireland.mp3
    19. 19980905 Bill Clinton Remarks in Limerick Ireland.mp3
    20. 19980908 Bill Clinton FL Democratic Party Luncheon.mp3
    21. 19980909 Arrival of the Starr Report.mp3
    22. 19980911 Al Gore Hillary Bill Clinton Paul O'Dwyer Award.mp3
    23. 19980914 Bill Clinton the Lion King.mp3
    24. 19980918 Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton Jazz Performances.mp3
    25. 19980921 Bill Clinton Address Before the UN.mp3
    26. 19980922 Bill Clinton African American Religious Leaders.mp3
    27. 19980923 Bill Clinton Cong Gold Medal Nelson Mandela.mp3

    1. Volume 28 – 30 shows – 634 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 4 minutes
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      Volume 28: $5.00
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    2. 19981005 Judiciary Committee News Conference.mp3
    3. 19981006 White House Daily Briefing.mp3
    4. 19981008 Maxine Waters Inq Speech.mp3
    5. 19981008 Nancy Pelosi Inq House.mp3
    6. 19981012 Bill Clinton Murder of Matthew Shepard.mp3
    7. 19981019 Bill Clinton Wye River Middle East Peace Talks.mp3
    8. 19981020 Bill Clinton White House Staff Changes.mp3
    9. 19981023 Bill Clinton Middle East Peace Summit Signing.mp3
    10. 19981028 Bill Clinton HIV AIDS Initiative.mp3
    11. 19981104 Bill Clinton Upcoming Legislative Agenda.mp3
    12. 19981105 Hillary Bill Clinton Arts and Humanities Award.mp3
    13. 19981106 Bill Clinton LR9 Historic Site Bill Signing.mp3
    14. 19981112 Hillary Bill Clinton Childcare After School Care.mp3
    15. 19981115 Bill Clinton Situation in Iraq.mp3
    16. 19981118 Biden Speaks At National Press Club.mp3
    17. 19981119 Bill Clinton a Conversion in Tokyo Japan.mp3
    18. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 1.mp3
    19. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 2.mp3
    20. 19981119 Inquiry Pt 3.mp3
    21. 19981119 the Starr Report.mp3
    22. 19981123 Bill Clinton Hagatna Guam.mp3
    23. 19981124 Paula Jones Interview Roseanne Barr.mp3
    24. 19981127 Bill Clinton Thanksgiving Weekend Message.mp3
    25. 19981130 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Electronic Commerce.mp3
    26. 19981201 Bill Clinton AIDS Initiatives.mp3
    27. 19981204 Bill Clinton Earned Income Tax Credit.mp3
    28. 19981211 Clinton Remarks Prior House Jud ComVote.mp3
    29. 19981213 Bill Clinton Arrival Tel Aviv, Israel.mp3
    30. 19981213 Bill Clinton Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Ceremony.mp3
    31. 19981213 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu.mp3

    1. Volume 29 – 27 shows – 623 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 41 minutes
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      Volume 29: $5.00
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    2. 19981214 Bill Clinton Addresses Palestine National Council.mp3
    3. 19981214 Bill Clinton Luncheon with Yasser Arafat.mp3
    4. 19981216 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    5. 19981216 Ron Paul Clinton and Iraq.mp3
    6. 19981217 Hillary Bill Clinton Honor Eunice Kennedy Shriver.mp3
    7. 19981218 Bernie Sanders Waste of Time Money.mp3
    8. 19981218 Nancy Pelosi Hatch Job the Presidency.mp3
    9. 19981219 Barbara Lee Lindsey Graham Flr Debate.mp3
    10. 19981219 Bill Clinton Concl Vote.mp3
    11. 19981219 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq.mp3
    12. 19981219 Bob Livingston Resigns Congress.mp3
    13. 19981219 House Debate Vote Clinton.mp3
    14. 19981228 Bill Clinton Social Security System Y2K Compliant.mp3
    15. 19990105 Gregg Explains Process.mp3
    16. 19990106 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget Surplus.mp3
    17. 19990114 First Day House Mgrs Evidence Pt 1.mp3
    18. 19990114 First Day House Mgrs Evidence Pt 3.mp3
    19. 19990114 Joe Biden and Bill Clinton COPS Initiative.mp3
    20. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 1.mp3
    21. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 2.mp3
    22. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 3.mp3
    23. 19990119 Bill Clinton State of the Union Address.mp3
    24. 19990119 Defense Team Presentation Senate Pt 2.mp3
    25. 19990120 Defense Team Presentation Senate Pt 3.mp3
    26. 19990122 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 2.mp3
    27. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 1.mp3
    28. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 2.mp3

    1. Volume 30 – 21 shows – 371 MB – total playtime 13 hours, 29 minutes
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      Volume 30: $5.00
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    2. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 3.mp3
    3. 19990125 Hillary Bill Clinton the Meaning of the Millennium.mp3
    4. 19990201 Monica Lewinsky Grand Jury Deposition.mp3
    5. 19990208 Charlie Ruff WH Attorney Closing Argmnt.mp3
    6. 19990212 Bill Clinton Concl Senate Impeachment.mp3
    7. 19990212 Remarks By House Mgrs.mp3
    8. 19990303 Lewinsky Barbara Walters Interview.mp3
    9. 19990304 Monica Lewinsky, John Snow Interview.mp3
    10. 20010111 Linda Tripp, Nancy Collins Interview.mp3
    11. 20100307 Monica Lewinsky, Larry King Interview.mp3
    12. 20130705 Linda Tripp, the Costa Report.mp3
    13. 20150320 Monica Lewinsky, the Price of Shame.mp3
    14. 20180605 Bill Clinton Apologizes Monica Lewinsky.mp3
    15. 20180607 Clinton Lewinsky Paid Quite Price.mp3
    16. 20180730 Linda Tripp Ntnl Whistleblowr Day Event.mp3
    17. 20190318 Monica Lewinsky, Public Shaming.mp3
    18. 20200206 HClinton Emotional Drained Abt Lewinsky.mp3
    19. 20211006 Monica Lewinsky J.Tapper Interview.mp3
    20. 20211012 Lewinsky Good Morning America Intvw.mp3
    21. 20211109 Thom Hartmann Having Affair Too.mp3
    22. 9981209 Bill Clinton Honoring Benjamin O. Davis.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    1087 recordings on 487 Audio CDs. Total playtime 431 hours, 10 min
    1087 recordings on 487 Audio CDs
    total playtime 431 hours, 10 min

    Bill Clinton Disc A001

    1. 19840000 P.Donahue Interview
    2. 19850206 Democratic Response to Reagan's State of the Union

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A002

    1. 19870222 Toast From Ronald Reagan
    2. 19880000 Interview Dukakis Senior Advisor
    3. 19880720 DNC Address

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A003

    1. 19900403 Visits Arkansas Children’s Hospital
    2. 19911003 Announcing His Candidacy for President

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A004

    1. 19920000 The Man From Hope
    2. 19920000 The New Covenant
    3. 19920126 Hillary Intrvw Marriage
    4. 19920126 with Hillary Clinton, 60 Minutes Interview

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A005

    1. 19920127 Gennifer Flowers Press Conf Affair
    2. 19920130 Hillary Interview Infidelity
    3. 19920218 NH Tonight Has Made the Comeback Kid

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    Bill Clinton Disc A006

    1. 19920220 The American Dream

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    Bill Clinton Disc A007

    1. 19920315 Democratic Primary Debate

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    Bill Clinton Disc A008

    1. 19920329 Democratic Primary Debate

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    Bill Clinton Disc A009

    1. 19920331 Democratic Primary Debate

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    Bill Clinton Disc A010

    1. 19920402 Charlie Rose Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A011

    1. 19920406 Phil Donahue Interview
    2. 19920407 New York Primary Victory

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    Bill Clinton Disc A012

    1. 19920716 DNC Acceptance

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    Bill Clinton Disc A013

    1. 19920902 Montgomery College
    2. 19921001 Ralph Emery Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A014

    1. 19921102 Paducah, KY Rally
    2. 19930110 the Immanuel Baptist Church
    3. 19930117 Pre-Inaugural Event at Monticello
    4. 19930120 First Inaugural
    5. 19930120 MTV Inaugural Ball

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    Bill Clinton Disc A015

    1. 19930122 Cabinet Member Swearing In
    2. 19930122 Medical Research and Reproductive Health
    3. 19930122 Prior to First Cabinet Meeting
    4. 19930128 Prior to Meeting Alan Greenspan
    5. 19930204 National Prayer Breakfast
    6. 19930205 National Conference of Mayors

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    Bill Clinton Disc A016

    1. 19930205 Signing the Family and Medical Leave Act Into Law
    2. 19930208 Al Gore Creation WH Office of Envir Policy
    3. 19930210 Arrival to Detroit, MI

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    Bill Clinton Disc A017

    1. 19930210 Town Hall Meeting in Detroit

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    Bill Clinton Disc A018

    1. 19930211 Nomination of Janet Reno as Attorney General
    2. 19930212 Child Immunization
    3. 19930213 Exchange with Reporters

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    Bill Clinton Disc A019

    1. 19930217 Address before Joint Congress

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    Bill Clinton Disc A020

    1. 19930218 Economic Program
    2. 19930219 Economic Program, Hyde Park NY

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    Bill Clinton Disc A021

    1. 19930219 Economic Program

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    Bill Clinton Disc A022

    1. 19930220 The Urkel Air Bill
    2. 19930223 Chamber Commerce Business Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A023

    1. 19930225 Remarks to Business and Labor Leaders

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    Bill Clinton Disc A024

    1. 19930301 New Brunswick, NJ

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    Bill Clinton Disc A025

    1. 19930305 Economic Support Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A026

    1. 19930305 Honoring Super Bowl Champions, the Dallas Cowboys
    2. 19930309 News Conference Francois Mitterrand

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    Bill Clinton Disc A027

    1. 19930312 Tours USS Theodore Roosevelt
    2. 19930317 Nominates Jean Kennedy Smith Ambassador of Ireland
    3. 19930318 Treasury Department Employees

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    Bill Clinton Disc A028

    1. 19930324 48 Hours Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A029

    1. 19930404 Q and A with Russian Reporters
    2. 19930405 En Route to Camden Yards
    3. 19930407 a Strong Competitive Airline Industry
    4. 19930412 Immunization Proclamation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A030

    1. 19930414 Summer Jobs Conference
    2. 19930420 Teacher of the Year Award

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    Bill Clinton Disc A031

    1. 19930422 Dedication of the US Holocaust Museum

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    Bill Clinton Disc A032

    1. 19930422 Earth Day
    2. 19930422 Volunteer Action Awards

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    Bill Clinton Disc A033

    1. 19930423 Press Conference
    2. 19930428 Announcing Drug Czar

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    Bill Clinton Disc A034

    1. 19930430 New Orleans
    2. 19930501 White House Correspondents Dinner
    3. 19930505 National Nurses Week

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    Bill Clinton Disc A035

    1. 19930506 Dedicating JFK Library

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    Bill Clinton Disc A036

    1. 19930510 City Club of Cleveland

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    Bill Clinton Disc A037

    1. 19930512 Swearing Eriskine Bowles Small Business Admin
    2. 19930513 Small Business Person of the Year Award

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    Bill Clinton Disc A038

    1. 19930514 Press Conference
    2. 19930518 Playing Basketball at the Playground

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    Bill Clinton Disc A039

    1. 19930520 Motor Voter Bill Signing

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    Bill Clinton Disc A040

    1. 19930529 White House Staff Change
    2. 19930531 Vietnam Veterans Wall

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    Bill Clinton Disc A041

    1. 19930605 Georgetown Class of 1968 25 Year Class Reunion
    2. 19930614 Announcement of Ruth Ginsburg

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    Bill Clinton Disc A042

    1. 19930614 Flag Day Proclamation
    2. 19930615 News Conference on Economy

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    Bill Clinton Disc A043

    1. 19930617 Press Conference
    2. 19930623 Presidential Scholars Ceremony
    3. 19930624 United States Academic Decathlon Winners

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    Bill Clinton Disc A044

    1. 19930626 Address to the Nation on Iraq
    2. 19930711 Camp Casey
    3. 19930711 Tour DMZ in South Korea

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    Bill Clinton Disc A045

    1. 19930719 Don't Ask Don't Tell Announcement
    2. 19930721 Announcing the Death of Vince Foster
    3. 19930721 Bill Clinton, Death of Vince Foster
    4. 19930722 Wireless Technologies Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A046

    1. 19930724 Boys Nation Visit to the White House

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    Bill Clinton Disc A047

    1. 19930726 Future of American Workplace Conference
    2. 19930805 Address on the Budget
    3. 19930806 Senate Action of American Economic Program

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    Bill Clinton Disc A048

    1. 19930810 Signing of the Budget Bill
    2. 19930812 Missouri Flood Relief Bill

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    Bill Clinton Disc A049

    1. 19930812 Signs Missouri Flood Relief Bill
    2. 19930813 Almeda Navel Base

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    Bill Clinton Disc A050

    1. 19930913 Israeli Palestinian Declaration of Principles
    2. 19930921 National Service Bill Signing

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    Bill Clinton Disc A051

    1. 19930924 All American Cities Event
    2. 19930924 St. Petersburg, FL

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    Bill Clinton Disc A052

    1. 19930929 Clean Car Event
    2. 19930929 Oval Office Tour

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    Bill Clinton Disc A053

    1. 19931003 McClellan Air Force Base

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    Bill Clinton Disc A054

    1. 19931004 AFL CIO Convention

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    Bill Clinton Disc A055

    1. 19931004 San Francisco Hilton

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    Bill Clinton Disc A056

    1. 19931005 Q and A AARP
    2. 19931007 Military Mission in Somalia

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    Bill Clinton Disc A057

    1. 19931012 University of NC Bicentennial Celebration

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    Bill Clinton Disc A058

    1. 19931014 Press Conference
    2. 19931015 Joint Press Conference with Tansu Ciller
    3. 19931016 Radio Address (NAFTA)
    4. 19931023 Radio Address (Crime)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A059

    1. 19931026 Al Gore Fedl Procurement Reforms and Spending Cuts
    2. 19931030 California Wildfires
    3. 19931030 Radio Address (Healthcare)
    4. 19931106 Radio Address (NAFTA)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A060

    1. 19931111 Veterans Day
    2. 19931113 Memphis TN
    3. 19931113 Radio Address (NAFTA)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A061

    1. 19931113 Remarks Convocation Church of God in Christ-Memphis
    2. 19931116 Religious Freedom Restoration Act
    3. 19931117 Statement Following NAFTA Vote
    4. 19931120 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A062

    1. 19931124 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony
    2. 19931127 Radio Address
    3. 19931130 Medal of Freedom Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A063

    1. 19931130 Signing the Brady Bill Into Law
    2. 19931201 Intergovernmental Relations

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    Bill Clinton Disc A064

    1. 19931201 World AIDS Day
    2. 19931204 Radio Address
    3. 19931208 Signing of NAFTA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A065

    1. 19931208 White House Hanukkah Ceremony
    2. 19931209 National Christmas Tree Lighting

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    Bill Clinton Disc A066

    1. 19931211 Radio Address (Crime Rates)
    2. 19931217 Amenburg Education Contribution
    3. 19931217 Reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
    4. 19931218 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A067

    1. 19931221 Honoring UNIECF Health Heroes
    2. 19931225 Radio Address (Christmas)
    3. 19940101 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A068

    1. 19940111 Vaclav Havel, Bilateral Meeting

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    Bill Clinton Disc A069

    1. 19940112 Loenid Kravchuk, News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A070

    1. 19940114 Boris Yeltsin, News Conference
    2. 19940115 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A071

    1. 19940116 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference
    2. 19940117 Observance of Martin Luther King Day

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    Bill Clinton Disc A072

    1. 19940122 Radio Address
    2. 19940124 Los Angeles Earthquake
    3. 19940124 Nomination William Perry Secretary of Def

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    Bill Clinton Disc A073

    1. 19940125 State of the Union

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    Bill Clinton Disc A074

    1. 19940129 Radio Address
    2. 19940205 Radio Address
    3. 19940209 Remarks on Bosnia
    4. 19940210 Entitlement Reform
    5. 19940212 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A075

    1. 19940214 Signing of the Charter on Bilateral Relations

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    Bill Clinton Disc A076

    1. 19940216 Remarks to AARP
    2. 19940219 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A077

    1. 19940222 American Council on Education
    2. 19940225 NCAA Men's Soccer Champions

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    Bill Clinton Disc A078

    1. 19940225 Press Conference
    2. 19940226 Radio Address (Crime Bill)
    3. 19940301 Honoring the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys

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    Bill Clinton Disc A079

    1. 19940304 Leonid Kravchuk, News Conference
    2. 19940305 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A080

    1. 19940307 Eduard Shevardnadze, News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A081

    1. 19940308 Announcing Lloyd Culter as Special Counsel
    2. 19940312 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A082

    1. 19940314 G-7 Jobs Conference
    2. 19940318 A Message From Harry and Louise
    3. 19940319 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A083

    1. 19940324 Bill Clinton, Whitewater Press Conf

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    Bill Clinton Disc A084

    1. 19940324 News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A085

    1. 19940324 Whitewater Press Conference
    2. 19940326 Radio Address (poor sound)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A086

    1. 19940331 Goals 2000 Act
    2. 19940402 Radio Address
    3. 19940404 White House Easter Egg Roll
    4. 19940409 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A087

    1. 19940413 Honoring the 1994 United States Winter Olympic Team
    2. 19940416 Radio Address
    3. 19940420 News Conference
    4. 19940422 Remarks on Death of Nixon
    5. 19940423 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A088

    1. 19940502 Banning Assault Weapons
    2. 19940504 School to Work Opportunities Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A089

    1. 19940514 Landmark for Peace Memorial

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    Bill Clinton Disc A090

    1. 19940516 Goals 2000

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    Bill Clinton Disc A091

    1. 19940516 Nom Stephen Breyer Supr Court
    2. 19940517 Brown vs Board of Education Q and A Students

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    Bill Clinton Disc A092

    1. 19940517 Q&A With Students on Brown v Board of Education

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    Bill Clinton Disc A093

    1. 19940518 Signing Human Services Amendments

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    Bill Clinton Disc A094

    1. 19940520 Redevelopment and Reuse Norton Air Force Base
    2. 19940523 National Park Week

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    Bill Clinton Disc A095

    1. 19940523 Presenting Cng Medal Honor Gary Gordon Randall
    2. 19940526 News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A096

    1. 19940530 Memorial Day Services, Arlington National Cemetery
    2. 19940600 D-Day 50th Anniversary Address
    3. 19940605 North Korea

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    Bill Clinton Disc A097

    1. 19940605 USS George Washington
    2. 19940606 Remarks Us National Cemetery, Normandy, France
    3. 19940616 IL Victory 94

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    Bill Clinton Disc A098

    1. 19940616 Paula Jones, Sam Donaldson Interview
    2. 19940627 White House Staff Changes
    3. 19940712 Remarks at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, Germany

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    Bill Clinton Disc A099

    1. 19940720 25th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    2. 19940726 Reception for King Hussein and Yitzhak Rabin
    3. 19940729 Assistance to Rwanda
    4. 19940815 Anticrime Legislation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A100

    1. 19940819 News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A101

    1. 19940912 First Americorps Volunteers Swearing In
    2. 19940912 Oval Office Remarks Swearing In Americorps Members

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    Bill Clinton Disc A102

    1. 19940913 Signing the Crime Bill Into Law
    2. 19940915 Address to the Nation on Haiti

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    Bill Clinton Disc A103

    1. 19940916 Honor African-American WWII Veterans
    2. 19940919 Address to the Nation on Haiti

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    Bill Clinton Disc A104

    1. 19940923 Riegle Comm Dev Regulatory Improvement Act
    2. 19941005 Sustainable End of Hunger Prizes

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    Bill Clinton Disc A105

    1. 19941007 News Conference
    2. 19941011 Remarks to Auto Workers at the Ford Motor Company

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    Bill Clinton Disc A106

    1. 19941012Community Policing Grants
    2. 19941014 Arts and Humanities Award
    3. 19941018 Nuclear Agreement North Korea

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    Bill Clinton Disc A107

    1. 19941020 Improving Americans Schools Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A108

    1. 19941022 Kathleen Brown Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A109

    1. 19941024 Cleveland City Club

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    Bill Clinton Disc A110

    1. 19941026 Hosni Mubarak, News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A111

    1. 19941027 Address tothe 13th Knesset in Jerusalem

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    Bill Clinton Disc A112

    1. 19941027 Halfiz al-Asad, News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A113

    1. 19941027 Yitzhak Rabin, News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A114

    1. 19941028 Surveying US and Coalition Troops in Kuwait

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    Bill Clinton Disc A115

    1. 19941028 Visiting Kuwait
    2. 19941029 Italian American Foundation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A116

    1. 19941107 Flint MI Rally for Bob Carr

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    Bill Clinton Disc A117

    1. 19941109 Post Midterm Election Press Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A118

    1. 19941111 Anchorage Museum of Art and History
    2. 19941121 Receiving Ambassador Credentials from Mihail Botez
    3. 19941206 Adoption PSA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A119

    1. 19941207 Lighting of the National Christmas Tree
    2. 19941215 Address to the Nation
    3. 19950105 Meets New Congressional Leadership

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    Bill Clinton Disc A120

    1. 19950118 Loan Guarantees for Mexico
    2. 19950119 Retirement Protection Act
    3. 19950122 Congressional Accountability Act
    4. 19950124 'New Covenant' State of Union Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A121

    1. 19950130 Democratic Governors’ Association Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A122

    1. 19950202 National Prayer Breakfast

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    Bill Clinton Disc A123

    1. 19950207 94-95 Baseball Strike
    2. 19950302 Senate Action on the Budget
    3. 19950302 Youngstown State University Football Team
    4. 19950309 Patrick Henry Elementary School
    5. 19950313 NCAA Football Champions, Nabraska Cornhuskers

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    Bill Clinton Disc A124

    1. 19950314 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A125

    1. 19950331 Port - au - Prince, Haiti
    2. 19950331 Warrior Base, Port - au - Prince, Haiti

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    Bill Clinton Disc A126

    1. 19950407 Society of Newspaper Editors

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    Bill Clinton Disc A127

    1. 19950411 News Conference Benazir Bhutto
    2. 19950418 The President is Relevant

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    Bill Clinton Disc A128

    1. 19950419 Bilateral Meeting with Tansu Ciller
    2. 19950419 Janet Reno Press Conf on Oklahoma City Bombing
    3. 19950420 Joint Press Conference with Fernando Cardoso

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    Bill Clinton Disc A129

    1. 19950422 Hillary Clinton, OKC Bombing Radio Address
    2. 19950423 60 Minutes Interview from Oklahoma City
    3. 19950423 Time for Healing Ceremony, Oklahoma City

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    Bill Clinton Disc A130

    1. 19950424 American Association of Community Colleges

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    Bill Clinton Disc A131

    1. 19950429 White House Correspondents Dinner
    2. 19950515 Peace Officers Memorial Service

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    Bill Clinton Disc A132

    1. 19950525 White House Conference Trade Investment Ireland
    2. 19950602 NCAA Mens and Womens Basketball Champions
    3. 19950607 Safe and Drug Free Schools Recognition Program

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    Bill Clinton Disc A133

    1. 19950611 Town Hall Newt Gingrich
    2. 19950613 Address to the Nation, Balanced Federal Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A134

    1. 19950706 Addresses White House Interns

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    Bill Clinton Disc A135

    1. 19950706 Responsible Citizenship and the American Community

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    Bill Clinton Disc A136

    1. 19950706 What Youre Facing As Go Out Build Your Future
    2. 19950711 Diplomatic Relations with Vietnam

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    Bill Clinton Disc A137

    1. 19950712 James Madison High School

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    Bill Clinton Disc A138

    1. 19950719 Affirmative Action
    2. 19950720 Remarks to Federal Law Enforcement Officials
    3. 19950724 Johnson Whittaker Commission Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A139

    1. 19950726 White House Community Empowerment Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A140

    1. 19950727 Arrival Ceremony Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon

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    Bill Clinton Disc A141

    1. 19950727 News Conference Kim Young-sam

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    Bill Clinton Disc A142

    1. 19950727 State Dinner Honoring Kim Young-sam Son Myung-soon

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    Bill Clinton Disc A143

    1. 19950808 with Al Gore, Environmental Protection Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A144

    1. 19950809 Teen Health Connection Event
    2. 19950819 Diplomats Killed in Bosnia
    3. 19950825 Old Faithful Geyser

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    Bill Clinton Disc A145

    1. 19950826 75th Anniversary of Womens Suffrage
    2. 19950906 The Budget
    3. 19950912 First Anniversary of Americorps

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    Bill Clinton Disc A146

    1. 19950919 Jacksonville, FL
    2. 19950928 Interview Israeli Media

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    Bill Clinton Disc A147

    1. 19950929 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A148

    1. 19951003 Human Radiation Experiments
    2. 19951005 Cease Fire in Bosnia

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    Bill Clinton Disc A149

    1. 19951005 with Hillary Clinton, Arts and Humanities Award

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    Bill Clinton Disc A150

    1. 19951006 Freedom Breakfast

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    Bill Clinton Disc A151

    1. 19951016 Race Relations

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    Bill Clinton Disc A152

    1. 19951023 Hyde Park, NY Press Conference With Boris Yeltsin
    2. 19951027 Radio Address on the Budget Debate
    3. 19951031 Balkan Peace

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    Bill Clinton Disc A153

    1. 19951102 Community Anti Drug Coalition of America
    2. 19951104 Remarks Upon the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin
    3. 19951106 State Funeral of Yitzhak Rabin

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    Bill Clinton Disc A154

    1. 19951111 World War II Memorial Site Dedication
    2. 19951114 Remarks on the Government Shutdown

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    Bill Clinton Disc A155

    1. 19951116 Government Shutdown
    2. 19951121 Bosnia Peace Agreement
    3. 19951127 National Address on Bosnia

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    Bill Clinton Disc A156

    1. 19951130 Christmas Tree Lighting, Belfast, Northern Ireland
    2. 19951130 Employees Mackie Metal Plant, Belfast N.Ireland

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    Bill Clinton Disc A157

    1. 19951130 Londonderry, Northern Ireland
    2. 19951201 Dublin, Ireland

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    Bill Clinton Disc A158

    1. 19951201 Joint Press Conference with John Bruton
    2. 19951205 Signs Human Rights Proclamation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A159

    1. 19951206 National Christmas Tree Lighting
    2. 19951206 Veto of Budget Reconciliation Legislation
    3. 19951213 Balkan Peace Process

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    Bill Clinton Disc A160

    1. 19951215 Budget Negotiations
    2. 19951224 Meeting Members of Congress
    3. 19960000 A Place Called Hope
    4. 19960103 Budget Impasse

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    Bill Clinton Disc A161

    1. 19960112 with Al Gore, Peterbilt Plant Nashville TN

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    Bill Clinton Disc A162

    1. 19960113 Teen Pregnancy
    2. 19960123 State of the Union

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    Bill Clinton Disc A163

    1. 19960124 Male High School, Louisville, KY
    2. 19960127 Hillary Clinton Statement Grand Jury Testimony
    3. 19960129 Preventing Teen Pregnancy

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    Bill Clinton Disc A164

    1. 19960201 State Dinner for Jacque Chirac
    2. 19960201 State Visit of Jacque Chirac

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    Bill Clinton Disc A165

    1. 19960202 Concord NH Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A166

    1. 19960202 Salem NH Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A167

    1. 19960206 NGA Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A168

    1. 19960208 Signing of the Telecommunications Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A169

    1. 19960210 Mason City, Iowa

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    Bill Clinton Disc A170

    1. 19960213 Ntnl Information Infrastructure Advisory Council
    2. 19960217 Keene NH Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A171

    1. 19960217 Manchester NH Rally
    2. 19960217 Rochester NH Rally
    3. 19960224 Downing of US Aircraft by Cuba

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    Bill Clinton Disc A172

    1. 19960224 Roundtable on Worker Retraining

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    Bill Clinton Disc A173

    1. 19960224 Shoreline, WA
    2. 19960226 Sanctions Against Cuba

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    Bill Clinton Disc A174

    1. 19960304 Democratic Party Luncheon, Detroit MI
    2. 19960304 Israeli Terrorist Attacks

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    Bill Clinton Disc A175

    1. 19960304 Meeting America’s Challenges, Taylor MI

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A176

    1. 19960306 Swearing In of Berry McCaffrey as Drug Czar
    2. 19960309 Net Day 96

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    Bill Clinton Disc A177

    1. 19960313 Arrival in Tel Aviv Israel
    2. 19960313 Summit of the Peacemakers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A178

    1. 19960319 1997 Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A179

    1. 19960323 Address at Xavier University, Cincinnati OH

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    Bill Clinton Disc A180

    1. 19960323 DNC Dinner, Columbus OH

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A181

    1. 19960327 NGA Education Summit

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A182

    1. 19960330 Advocates Against Youth Smoking
    2. 19960330 Gridiron Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A183

    1. 19960406 Honoring Those Killed in Croatian Aircraft Crash
    2. 19960409 Signing of the Line Item Veto

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    Bill Clinton Disc A184

    1. 19960411 Retirement Savings and Security Act
    2. 19960412 Japanese Auto Trade

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A185

    1. 19960422 with Al Gore, Earth Day
    2. 19960426 DNC Fundraiser, Philadelphia PA
    3. 19960427 John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
    4. 19960430 Israeli US Counterterrorism Cooperation Accord

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    Bill Clinton Disc A186

    1. 19960504 White House Correspondents Dinner
    2. 19960507 Kirk Butts Day

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    Bill Clinton Disc A187

    1. 19960513 Anti Gang and Crime Suppression
    2. 19960515 Visit with Christopher Reeve at the White House

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A188

    1. 19960517 Signing Megan's Law

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    Bill Clinton Disc A189

    1. 19960522 Democratic Party Dinner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A190

    1. 19960523 Joint Press Conference with Helmut Kohl

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A191

    1. 19960609 Juvenile Crime Roundtable
    2. 19960609 Las Vegas NV Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A192

    1. 19960609 San Francisco Rally
    2. 19960612 Mount Zion Church

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    Bill Clinton Disc A193

    1. 19960613 Teen Pregnancy
    2. 19960619 35th Anniversary of Peace Corps

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    Bill Clinton Disc A194

    1. 19960621 AFSCME Convention
    2. 19960627 Press Conference Jacques Chirac

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    Bill Clinton Disc A195

    1. 19960704 Goose Creek Bridge, Maryland
    2. 19960704 Youngstown, Ohio 200 Year Anniversary

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A196

    1. 19960709 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu
    2. 19960711 School of Reconstruction
    3. 19960717 with Hillary Clinton, Arts in Embassies Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A197

    1. 19960725 TWA Flight 800
    2. 19960727 1996 Olympic Bombing
    3. 19960731 Statement on Welfare Reform
    4. 19960801 The Economy

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    Bill Clinton Disc A198

    1. 19960802 Conditions in Apparel Industry Event
    2. 19960805 International Security Issues

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A199

    1. 19960805 Iran and Libya Sanctions
    2. 19960806 Safe Drinking Water Act
    3. 19960807 Possible Discovery of Life on Mars
    4. 19960807 with Hillary Clinton, US Olympic Team

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    Bill Clinton Disc A200

    1. 19960818 Michigan City, IN Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A201

    1. 19960819 Salem Missionary Baptist Church
    2. 19960821 Signs Kennedy Kassabaum Bill into Law

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    Bill Clinton Disc A202

    1. 19960822 Signing Welfare Reform Into Law
    2. 19960823 Youth and Tobacco

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    Bill Clinton Disc A203

    1. 19960825 Whistle Stop, Huntington, West Virginia

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A204

    1. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Arlington, Ohio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A205

    1. 19960826 Whistle Stop, Bowling Green, Ohio

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A206

    1. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Pontiac, Michigan

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    Bill Clinton Disc A207

    1. 19960827 Whistle Stop, Wyandotte, Michigan

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A208

    1. 19960828 Whistle Stop, Battle Creek, Michigan
    2. 19960830 with Al Gore Cairo IL Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A209

    1. 19960830 with Al Gore Paducah KY Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A210

    1. 19960830 with Al Gore, Cape Girardeau MO Rally
    2. 19960831 with Al Gore Dyersburg TN Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A211

    1. 19960831 with Al Gore, Campaign Bus Tour, Memphis TN

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    Bill Clinton Disc A212

    1. 19960902 De Pere, WI
    2. 19960903 Military Strikes in Iraq

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    Bill Clinton Disc A213

    1. 19960905 Sunshine FL Rally
    2. 19960910 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A214

    1. 19960918 Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
    2. 19960919 Tacoma, WA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A215

    1. 19960924 Address to the UN General Assembly
    2. 19960924 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A216

    1. 19960925 Robert Morris College

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    Bill Clinton Disc A217

    1. 19960927 Fort Worth, TX

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A218

    1. 19960927 Houston TX Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A219

    1. 19960927 Longview TX Rally
    2. 19960928 Fall River MA Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A220

    1. 19960928 Providence RI Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A221

    1. 19960928 with John Kerry, Boston MA Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A222

    1. 19961002 News Conference Middle East Leaders
    2. 19961022 Democratic National Committee Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A223

    1. 19961023 Daytona Beach FL Rally
    2. 19961023 Presidential Unity Fund Reception

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    Bill Clinton Disc A224

    1. 19961027 Anticancer Initiative
    2. 19961027 Springfield VA Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A225

    1. 19961028 St. Paul, MN

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    Bill Clinton Disc A226

    1. 19961031 Las Vegas, NV

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    Bill Clinton Disc A227

    1. 19961031 Oakland CA Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A228

    1. 19961101 Las Cruces, NM

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A229

    1. 19961101 Santa Barbara College Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A230

    1. 19961102 Little Rock AR Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A231

    1. 19961102 San Antonio TX Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A232

    1. 19961103 Union Township NJ Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A233

    1. 19961104 with Hillary Clinton, Sioux Falls SD Rally
    2. 19961105 Remarks at a Victory Celebration Little Rock AK

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    Bill Clinton Disc A234

    1. 19961106 96 Victory Celebration
    2. 19961111 Veterans Day
    3. 19961127 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony

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    Bill Clinton Disc A235

    1. 19961208 Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Medal Awards
    2. 19961212 Drug Council Meeting

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    Bill Clinton Disc A236

    1. 19961213 Second Term Transition

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    Bill Clinton Disc A237

    1. 19961214 Hillary Clinton, Childhood Adoption
    2. 19970100 Inaugural Ceremony

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    Bill Clinton Disc A238

    1. 19970109 Arts and Humanities Awards Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A239

    1. 19970117 Presidential Medal Freedom Bob Dole
    2. 19970120 OH and PA Inaugural Ball
    3. 19970120 Second Inaugural
    4. 19970122 Statement on Bomb Blast Outside DC Abortion Clinic

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    Bill Clinton Disc A240

    1. 19970123 Swearing Madeleine Albright as Secretary of State
    2. 19970124 Swearing William Cohen as Secretary of Defense

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    Bill Clinton Disc A241

    1. 19970204 State of the Union

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    Bill Clinton Disc A242

    1. 19970219 Juvenile Crime Roundtable

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    Bill Clinton Disc A243

    1. 19970225 Drug Control Strategy
    2. 19970304 Federal Funding in Human Cloning

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    Bill Clinton Disc A244

    1. 19970321 Joint Press Conference Boris Yeltsin
    2. 19970401 April Fools Press Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A245

    1. 19970402 Roundtable Discussion on Education

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    Bill Clinton Disc A246

    1. 19970403 1996 NBA Champions, Chicago Bulls
    2. 19970408 Oval Office Meeting Jean Cretien

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    Bill Clinton Disc A247

    1. 19970410 Radio and TV Correspondents Dinner
    2. 19970414 Apparel Industry Partnership

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    Bill Clinton Disc A248

    1. 19970415 Jackie Robinson Tribute
    2. 19970417 White House Conference on Childhood Development
    3. 19970422 Grand Forks, ND

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    Bill Clinton Disc A249

    1. 19970428 Presidents Summit for the Future

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    Bill Clinton Disc A250

    1. 19970502 Dedication FDR Memorial
    2. 19970516 Apology Survivors of Tuskegee Syphillis Experiment

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    Bill Clinton Disc A251

    1. 19970521 US Conference of Mayors Summit

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    Bill Clinton Disc A252

    1. 19970531 West Point Commencement

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    Bill Clinton Disc A253

    1. 19970604 Individuals Disabilities Education Act
    2. 19970609 Human Cloning

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    Bill Clinton Disc A254

    1. 19970617 Title IX
    2. 19970621 Opening of the Summit of the Eight
    3. 19970622 Final Communique of the Summit of the Eight
    4. 19970627 LULAC Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A255

    1. 19970701 Electronic Commerce Initiative
    2. 19970716 E Chip Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A256

    1. 19970717 NAACP National Convention

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    Bill Clinton Disc A257

    1. 19970724 Climate Change Discussion

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    Bill Clinton Disc A258

    1. 19970725 Carol Moseley Braun Dinner
    2. 19970726 Presidential Forum

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    Bill Clinton Disc A259

    1. 19970730 Boy Scout Jamboree
    2. 19970800 Balanced Budget Bill Signing
    3. 19970801 The Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A260

    1. 19970805 Signing the Balanced Budget Amendment

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    Bill Clinton Disc A261

    1. 19970808 Diabetes Initiative
    2. 19970831 Death of Princess Diana
    3. 19970916 50th Anniversary of the CIA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A262

    1. 19970917 Landmine Removal
    2. 19970922 Address to the United Nations General Assembly

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    Bill Clinton Disc A263

    1. 19970929 Presenting the Arts and Humanities Awards

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    Bill Clinton Disc A264

    1. 19971005 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A265

    1. 19971008 Democratic National Committee Reception
    2. 19971008 Reception for Jim McGreevey
    3. 19971009 National Wildlife Refuge System Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A266

    1. 19971009 Top Cops Event
    2. 19971015 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A267

    1. 19971015 Vila Olimpica da Mangeria School

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A268

    1. 19971018 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A269

    1. 19971019 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation
    2. 19971024 Asia Society

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    Bill Clinton Disc A270

    1. 19971028 Standards Plus Accountability Equals Excellence

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    Bill Clinton Disc A271

    1. 19971029 News Conference Jiang Zemin

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    Bill Clinton Disc A272

    1. 19971029 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A273

    1. 19971108 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A274

    1. 19971109 50th Anniversary of Meet the Press

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    Bill Clinton Disc A275

    1. 19971111 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation
    2. 19971113 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A276

    1. 19971114 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation
    2. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 1
    3. 19971116 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation Pt 2

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    Bill Clinton Disc A277

    1. 19971117 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation
    2. 19971118 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A278

    1. 19971120 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A279

    1. 19971121 FDA Modernization Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A280

    1. 19971121 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation
    2. 19971126 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony
    3. 19971205 The Economy and Health Care

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    Bill Clinton Disc A281

    1. 19971209 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A282

    1. 19971210 Boys and Girls Club
    2. 19971210 Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change

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    Bill Clinton Disc A283

    1. 19971211 Remarks to the US Coast Guard

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    Bill Clinton Disc A284

    1. 19971212 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A285

    1. 19971218 Children Christmas Event
    2. 19971218 Peace Process in Bosnia
    3. 19971222 Bosnia Herzgovina Visit

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    Bill Clinton Disc A286

    1. 19971222 Hanukkah Celebration
    2. 19971222 Remarks on Bosnia

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    Bill Clinton Disc A287

    1. 19971222 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A288

    1. 19980114 Health Care Bill of Rights
    2. 19980115 Community Policing

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    Bill Clinton Disc A289

    1. 19980115 Medal of Freedom Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A290

    1. 19980115 Tripp Lewinsky Phone Conversation

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A291

    1. 19980115 Wall Street Project Conference
    2. 19980116 Balkan US Charter of Partnership

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    Bill Clinton Disc A292

    1. 19980121 Bill Hillary Clinton White House Endowment Dinner
    2. 19980121 Clinton There is No Sexual Relationship
    3. 19980121 CNN Breaking Clinton-Lewinsky Affair
    4. 19980121 White House Endowment Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A293

    1. 19980126 After School Child Care
    2. 19980126 Hillary Bill After School Care Init
    3. 19980126 Remarks on the After-School Child Care Initiative
    4. 19980127 Hillary Clinton Vast Right Wing Conspir

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    Bill Clinton Disc A294

    1. 19980128 Hillary Good Morning America Intvw
    2. 19980128 Overflow Event Champaign Urbana, IL,

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    Bill Clinton Disc A295

    1. 19980128 University of Illinois, Champaign

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    Bill Clinton Disc A296

    1. 19980130 Bill Clinton Welcomes Detroit Red WingsWH
    2. 19980200 State of the Union
    3. 19980202 1999 Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A297

    1. 19980202 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A298

    1. 19980206 Bill Clinton Joint Press Conference with Tony Blair

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    Bill Clinton Disc A299

    1. 19980206 News Conference Tony Blair

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    Bill Clinton Disc A300

    1. 19980211 Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton the Living Past

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    Bill Clinton Disc A301

    1. 19980211 White House Millennium Lecture Series Number 1

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    Bill Clinton Disc A302

    1. 19980218 Childrens Health Care
    2. 19980218 Hillary Bill Clinton Childrens Healthcare Init

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    Bill Clinton Disc A303

    1. 19980303 75th Anniversary of Time Magazine
    2. 19980303 Bill Clinton 75th Anniversary of TIME Magazine

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    Bill Clinton Disc A304

    1. 19980305 Hillary Clinton JFK Jr. Bill Clinton Earth to Moon
    2. 19980305 Meeting Stephen Hawking
    3. 19980305 Remarks at From Earth to the Moon Screening
    4. 19980306 Bill Clinton the National Economy

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    Bill Clinton Disc A305

    1. 19980312 Bill Clinton Meets with the US Wrestling Team
    2. 19980316 Bill Clinton Democratic Business Council Dinner
    3. 19980316 Democratic Business Council Dinner
    4. 19980317 Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception

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    Bill Clinton Disc A306

    1. 19980317 Hillary Bill Clinton St. Patrick's Day Reception

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    Bill Clinton Disc A307

    1. 19980317 St Patricks Day
    2. 19980319 Bill Clinton Safe Schools Initiative

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    Bill Clinton Disc A308

    1. 19980325 Arrival in Rwanda
    2. 19980325 Bill Clinton Victims Survivors in Rwanda

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    Bill Clinton Disc A309

    1. 19980325 Remarks Victims Survivors Genocide in Rwanda
    2. 19980327 Tour of Robben Island

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    Bill Clinton Disc A310

    1. 19980410 Bill Clinton Good Friday Agreement
    2. 19980410 Remarks on Ireland
    3. 19980413 HilllaryBill Clinton White House Easter Egg Rol
    4. 19980425 Bill Clinton White House Correspondents Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A311

    1. 19980505 Nancy Reagan Bill Clinton Ded Ronald Reagan Bldng

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    Bill Clinton Disc A312

    1. 19980505 Ronald Reagan Building Dedication
    2. 19980521 Commander In Cheif Trophy Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A313

    1. 19980525 Memorial Day Ceremony
    2. 19980526 Al Gore and Bill Clinton the Federal Budget

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    Bill Clinton Disc A314

    1. 19980526 Remarks on the Federal Budget
    2. 19980526 The Federal Budget
    3. 19980608 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech MIT

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    Bill Clinton Disc A315

    1. 19980609 Bill Clinton Signs Trans Equality Act Into Law
    2. 19980609 Trans Equality Act for the 21st Century

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A316

    1. 19980613 Bill Clinton Commencement Speech Portland St Univ

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    Bill Clinton Disc A317

    1. 19980613 Portland State University Commencement Speech

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    Bill Clinton Disc A318

    1. 19980615 Bill Clinton Presidential Scholars Awards
    2. 19980615 Presidential Scholars Award
    3. 19980618 Bill Clinton US Iran World Cup Match
    4. 19980618 US Iran World Cup Match

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    Bill Clinton Disc A319

    1. 19980624 Bill Clinton Signing Deadbeat Parents Punishment
    2. 19980625 Arrival in Xian, China
    3. 19980625 Bill Clinton Remarks in Xi'an China

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    Bill Clinton Disc A320

    1. 19980629 Bill Clinton Peking University

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    Bill Clinton Disc A321

    1. 19980629 Peking University

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    Bill Clinton Disc A322

    1. 19980701 Remarks to Business Leaders in China

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    Bill Clinton Disc A323

    1. 19980709 a Dialogue on Race

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    Bill Clinton Disc A324

    1. 19980714 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Remarks on Y2K

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    Bill Clinton Disc A325

    1. 19980714 Remarks on Y2K

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A326

    1. 19980724 Addresses Boys Nation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A327

    1. 19980724 Bill Clinton American Legion Boys Nation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A328

    1. 19980730 Al Gore, American Heritage Rivers Designation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A329

    1. 19980730 Bill Clinton Al Gore American Herit Rivers Design

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A330

    1. 19980806 Con Native American and Alaskan Native Communities
    2. 19980807 Bill Clinton Signs Workforce Reinvestment Act
    3. 19980817 Clinton Address Ntn Grnd Jury Testimony

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    Bill Clinton Disc A331

    1. 19980817 Nation Testimony Independent Counsel's Grand Jury
    2. 19980819 Bill Clinton Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan
    3. 19980819 Military Strikes Against Sudan and Afghanistan
    4. 19980820 Military Strikes in Sudan and Afghanistan
    5. 19980820 Military Strikes Sudan Afghanistan
    6. 19980828 Remarks 35th Anniversary March on Washington

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    Bill Clinton Disc A332

    1. 19980902 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf with Boris Yeltsin

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    Bill Clinton Disc A333

    1. 19980902 News Conference Boris Yeltsin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A334

    1. 19980903 Addressing the Northern Ireland Assembly

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A335

    1. 19980903 Armagh, Northern Ireland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A336

    1. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses Northern Ireland Assembly

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A337

    1. 19980903 Bill Clinton Addresses People Armagh N.Ireland
    2. 19980904 Bill Clinton Addresses Com Leaders Dublin Ireland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A338

    1. 19980904 Community Leaders in Dublin, Ireland
    2. 19980905 Addresses the People of Limerick, Ireland

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A339

    1. 19980905 Bill Clinton Remarks in Limerick Ireland
    2. 19980908 Bill Clinton FL Democratic Party Luncheon

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    Bill Clinton Disc A340

    1. 19980908 FL Democratic Party Luncheon
    2. 19980909 Arrival of the Starr Report
    3. 19980911 Remarks Breakfast With Religious Leaders
    4. 19980914 Bill Clinton the Lion King
    5. 19980914 with Al Gore, Lion King Musical

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    Bill Clinton Disc A341

    1. 19980916 Arrival Ceremony for Vaclav Havel

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    Bill Clinton Disc A342

    1. 19980916 Joint Press Conference with Vaclav Havel
    2. 19980916 State Dinner for Vaclav Havel

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    Bill Clinton Disc A343

    1. 19980921 Bill Clinton Address Before the UN

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    Bill Clinton Disc A344

    1. 19980922 African American Religious Leaders Reception

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    Bill Clinton Disc A345

    1. 19980922 Bill Clinton African American Religious Leaders

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    Bill Clinton Disc A346

    1. 19981005 Judiciary Committee News Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A347

    1. 19981006 White House Daily Briefing
    2. 19981008 Maxine Waters Inq Speech
    3. 19981008 Nancy Pelosi Inq House
    4. 19981009 NAPO Top Cops Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A348

    1. 19981012 Bill Clinton Murder of Matthew Shepard
    2. 19981012 Matthew Shepard Statement
    3. 19981019 Bill Clinton Wye River Middle East Peace Talks
    4. 19981020 Bill Clinton White House Staff Changes
    5. 19981020 White House Staff Changes

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    Bill Clinton Disc A349

    1. 19981022 Remarks on Adjourning the Congress
    2. 19981028 Bill Clinton HIV AIDS Initiative
    3. 19981104 Bill Clinton Upcoming Legislative Agenda

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    Bill Clinton Disc A350

    1. 19981105 Hillary Bill Clinton Arts and Humanities Award

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    Bill Clinton Disc A351

    1. 19981106 Bill Clinton LR9 Historic Site Bill Signing

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    Bill Clinton Disc A352

    1. 19981106 Dedication of Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport

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    Bill Clinton Disc A353

    1. 19981112 Childcare and After School Care Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A354

    1. 19981112 Hillary Bill Clinton Childcare After School Care

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Clinton Disc A355

    1. 19981115 Bill Clinton Situation in Iraq
    2. 19981115 Situation in Iraq
    3. 19981116 Tobacco Settlement

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    Bill Clinton Disc A356

    1. 19981118 Biden Speaks At National Press Club

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    Bill Clinton Disc A357

    1. 19981119 A Conversation in Tokyo, Japan

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    Bill Clinton Disc A358

    1. 19981119 Bill Clinton a Conversion in Tokyo Japan

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    Bill Clinton Disc A359

    1. 19981119 the Starr Report

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    Bill Clinton Disc A360

    1. 19981123 Bill Clinton Hagatna Guam

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    Bill Clinton Disc A361

    1. 19981123 Hagatna, Guam

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    Bill Clinton Disc A362

    1. 19981124 Paula Jones Interview Roseanne Barr
    2. 19981127 Bill Clinton Thanksgiving Weekend Message

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    Bill Clinton Disc A363

    1. 19981130 Al Gore and Bill Clinton Electronic Commerce

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    Bill Clinton Disc A364

    1. 19981130 Remarks on Electronic Commerce

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    Bill Clinton Disc A365

    1. 19981201 AIDS Initiatives Announced
    2. 19981201 Bill Clinton AIDS Initiatives

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    Bill Clinton Disc A366

    1. 19981201 Remarks on the Earned Income Tax Credit
    2. 19981204 Bill Clinton Earned Income Tax Credit
    3. 19981204 Earned Income Tax Credit
    4. 19981211 Clinton Remarks Prior House Jud ComVote

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    Bill Clinton Disc A367

    1. 19981213 Bill Clinton Arrival Tel Aviv, Israel
    2. 19981213 Bill Clinton Hanukkah Menorah Lighting Ceremony

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    Bill Clinton Disc A368

    1. 19981213 Bill Clinton Jt Press Conf Benjamin Netanyahu
    2. 19981213 News Conference Benjamin Netanyahu

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    Bill Clinton Disc A369

    1. 19981213 State Dinner in Jerusalem, Israel
    2. 19981214 Bill Clinton Luncheon with Yasser Arafat
    3. 19981214 Gaza International Airport
    4. 19981216 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq

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    Bill Clinton Disc A370

    1. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes (short)
    2. 19981216 Iraq Airstrikes
    3. 19981216 Ron Paul Clinton and Iraq
    4. 19981218 Bernie Sanders Waste of Time Money
    5. 19981218 Nancy Pelosi Hatch Job the Presidency
    6. 19981219 Barbara Lee Lindsey Graham Flr Debate
    7. 19981219 Bill Clinton Concl Vote
    8. 19981219 Bill Clinton Military Strikes in Iraq
    9. 19981219 Bob Livingston Resigns Congress
    10. 19981219 Military Strikes in Iraq
    11. 19981219 Remarks Following House Rep Vote on Impeachment

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    Bill Clinton Disc A371

    1. 19981228 Bill Clinton Social Security System Y2K Compliant
    2. 19981228 Social Security Compliance with Y2K
    3. 19990000 State of Union Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A372

    1. 19990105 Gregg Explains Process
    2. 19990106 Al Gore and Bill Clinton FY 1999 Budget Surplus
    3. 19990106 FY 1999 Budget Surplus

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    Bill Clinton Disc A373

    1. 19990111 State Dinner for Carlos Menem
    2. 19990114 Joe Biden and Bill Clinton COPS Initiative

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    Bill Clinton Disc A374

    1. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 1

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    Bill Clinton Disc A375

    1. 19990115 Second Day Hse Mgrs Evidence Pt 3

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    Bill Clinton Disc A376

    1. 19990123 Senate Asks Questions House Mgrs Pt 2

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    Bill Clinton Disc A377

    1. 19990128 Detroit Red Wings
    2. 19990201 Monica Lewinsky Grand Jury Deposition
    3. 19990212 Bill Clinton Concl Senate Impeachment
    4. 19990212 Remarks After Acquittal By the Senate
    5. 19990212 Remarks By House Mgrs

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    Bill Clinton Disc A378

    1. 19990219 Presidential Pardon of Henry O. Flipper
    2. 19990304 Monica Lewinsky, John Snow Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A379

    1. 19990318 Dedication of the Yitzhak Rabin Center

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    Bill Clinton Disc A380

    1. 19990319 Press Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A381

    1. 19990321 Address to the Nation on Kosovo
    2. 19990323 Childrens Health Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A382

    1. 19990323 Conv Am Fed State County Employees
    2. 19990324 Address on Kosovo

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    Bill Clinton Disc A383

    1. 19990331 the American President

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    Bill Clinton Disc A384

    1. 19990407 Hillary Clinton, Equal Pay Roundtable

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    Bill Clinton Disc A385

    1. 19990420 Statement on the Columbine High School Shooting
    2. 19990520 Remarks to the Columbine High School Community

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    Bill Clinton Disc A386

    1. 19990523 Grambling University Commencement Speech

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    Bill Clinton Disc A387

    1. 19990607 Particip Asian Am Pacific Islanders Fed Prgms
    2. 19990608 National Association of Theater Owners

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    Bill Clinton Disc A388

    1. 19990609 Dedication of the Dale and Betty Bumpers Center
    2. 19990610 Situation on Kosovo

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    Bill Clinton Disc A389

    1. 19990611 Whiteman AFB

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    Bill Clinton Disc A390

    1. 19990615 Gun Control Legislation
    2. 19990615 Rosa Parks Medal Honor
    3. 19990622 Kosovo International Security Force Troops
    4. 19990622 Visiting Kosovo Refugees

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    Bill Clinton Disc A391

    1. 19990702 Bald Eagle Event
    2. 19990705 New Markets Tour, Hazard, KY

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    Bill Clinton Disc A392

    1. 19990707 Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
    2. 19990718 Russian Participation on KFOR
    3. 19990718 Search for John F Kennedy Jr Plane Wreckage

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    Bill Clinton Disc A393

    1. 19990719 News Conference Ehud Barak
    2. 19990720 Summit to American Community

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    Bill Clinton Disc A394

    1. 19990729 Medicare Modernization Plan
    2. 19990809 Medal of Freedom to Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter

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    Bill Clinton Disc A395

    1. 19990811 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A396

    1. 19990817 School Violence
    2. 19990904 Remarks on the Middle East

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    Bill Clinton Disc A397

    1. 19990909 Combating Crime

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    Bill Clinton Disc A398

    1. 19990927 Sophie B Wright Middle School
    2. 19990930 National Education Summit

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    Bill Clinton Disc A399

    1. 19991002 Access Now for Gay and Lesbian Rights Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A400

    1. 19991006 US Embassy Event Ottawa Canada

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    Bill Clinton Disc A401

    1. 19991008 Forum of Federation Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A402

    1. 19991014 US Secret Service Memorial Building Dedication

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    Bill Clinton Disc A403

    1. 19991020 5th Anniversary of Americorps

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    Bill Clinton Disc A404

    1. 19991021 National Association of Police Organizations
    2. 19991022 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

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    Bill Clinton Disc A405

    1. 19991028 News Conference Olusegun Obasanjo
    2. 19991110 Y2K Reediness

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    Bill Clinton Disc A406

    1. 19991111 Education Appropriations
    2. 19991115 Joint Press Conference with Suleyman Demirel

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    Bill Clinton Disc A407

    1. 19991115 Receiving Order State Turkish Republic
    2. 19991115 Welcoming Ceremony in Ankara, Turkey

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    Bill Clinton Disc A408

    1. 19991116 Adress Business Leaders, Istanbul, Turkey
    2. 19991116 State Dinner in Turkey

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    Bill Clinton Disc A409

    1. 19991122 Address to the People of Bulgaria

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    Bill Clinton Disc A410

    1. 19991122 State Dinner in Bulgaria
    2. 19991123 Remarks to the Citizens of Ferizaj Kosovo

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    Bill Clinton Disc A411

    1. 19991210 Earle High School Dedication

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    Bill Clinton Disc A412

    1. 19991211 Alcee Hastings Fundraiser

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    Bill Clinton Disc A413

    1. 19991213 Millennium Around the World Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A414

    1. 19991214 Foster Care Independence Act
    2. 19991214 Lands Legacy Initiative
    3. 19991215 German Government Compensation
    4. 19991221 Emission Standards for Cars and SUVs

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    Bill Clinton Disc A415

    1. 19991222 DC Soup Kitchen
    2. 19991228 60 Minutes Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A416

    1. 19991231 America’s Millennium Celebration Opening Event
    2. 19991231 Toast to the New Millennium

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    Bill Clinton Disc A417

    1. 20130412 Interview Stephen Colbert
    2. 20130705 Linda Tripp, the Costa Report

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    Bill Clinton Disc A418

    1. 20130904 The Affordable Care Act

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    Bill Clinton Disc A419

    1. 20130924 Barack Obama, Discussion on Healthcare

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    Bill Clinton Disc A420

    1. 20131001 with Al Gore, Charlie Rose Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A421

    1. 20131120 Receives the Presidential Medal of Freedom

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    Bill Clinton Disc A422

    1. 20140707 The Case for Economic Justice

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    Bill Clinton Disc A423

    1. 20140908 George W Bush, Presidential Leadership Scholars

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    Bill Clinton Disc A424

    1. 20140914 Harkin Steak Fry
    2. 20150320 Monica Lewinsky, the Price of Shame
    3. 20150629 A Conversation With Tom Vilsack

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    Bill Clinton Disc A425

    1. 20160104 Nashua Community College

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    Bill Clinton Disc A426

    1. 20160419 We Are Emily Gala

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    Bill Clinton Disc A427

    1. 20160715 with Jimmy Carter, Closing Conversation, CGI

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    Bill Clinton Disc A428

    1. 20160726 DNC Address
    2. 20160915 Trevor Noah Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A429

    1. 20161108 Chelsea and Hillary and Barack and Michelle Obama

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    Bill Clinton Disc A430

    1. 20171218 John McCain For Whom the Bell Tolls
    2. 20180605 Bill Clinton Apologizes Monica Lewinsky
    3. 20180607 Clinton Lewinsky Paid Quite Price

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    Bill Clinton Disc A431

    1. 20180730 Linda Tripp Ntnl Whistleblowr Day Event

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    Bill Clinton Disc A432

    1. 20190318 Monica Lewinsky, Public Shaming
    2. 20191017 David Agus Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A433

    1. 20200206 HClinton Emotional Drained Abt Lewinsky
    2. 20200818 DNC Address
    3. 20210120 GW Bush and Barack Obama Special Mssg Joe Biden
    4. 20210312 Jimmy Carter GWBush Barack Obama COVID Vaccine PSA
    5. 20211006 Monica Lewinsky J.Tapper Interview
    6. 20211012 Lewinsky Good Morning America Intvw
    7. 20211109 Thom Hartmann Having Affair Too

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    Bill Clinton Disc A434

    1. 20220427 Eulogy to Madeleine Albright
    2. 20220505 Arkansas Politics and the Ukraine

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    Bill Clinton Disc A435

    1. 20220929 Hillary Madeleine Albright Symposium

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    Bill Clinton Disc A436

    1. 20230202 Joe Biden Kamala Harris 30th Anniv of FMLA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A437

    1. 20240429 Jason Bateman Sean Hayes Will Arnett Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A438

    1. 20240610 Milken Institute Global Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A439

    1. 9981209 Bill Clinton Honoring Benjamin O. Davis
    2. 20000000 Discusses Going Movies Roger Ebert
    3. 20000101 with Hillary Clinton, New Millennium Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A440

    1. 20000107 National Plan for Information Systems Protection
    2. 20000121 California Institute of Technology

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    Bill Clinton Disc A441

    1. 20000129 World Economic Forum
    2. 20000201 Training in Puerto Rico on Vieques Island

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    Bill Clinton Disc A442

    1. 20000208 Presenting Congr Medal of Honor to Alfred Rascon
    2. 20000208 Signing Executive Order 13145

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    Bill Clinton Disc A443

    1. 20000211 Dedication of the Jim Brady Press Room
    2. 20000222 Teleconference Nelson Mandela

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    Bill Clinton Disc A444

    1. 20000224 Granoff Forum

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    Bill Clinton Disc A445

    1. 20000305 Edmund Pettus Bridge Walk
    2. 20000310 The 2000 Carnegie Conference
    3. 20000317 Gun Safety Agreement

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    Bill Clinton Disc A446

    1. 20000317 St. Patrick’s Day Reception

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    Bill Clinton Disc A447

    1. 20000322 Addresses Joint Session of India Parliament

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    Bill Clinton Disc A448

    1. 20000324 Addresses Business Community in Hyderabad, India

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    Bill Clinton Disc A449

    1. 20000415 Sequoia National Monument

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    Bill Clinton Disc A450

    1. 20000417 Question and Answer Session, East Palo Alto, CA

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    Bill Clinton Disc A451

    1. 20000429 2000 White House Correspondents Dinner

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    Bill Clinton Disc A452

    1. 20000429 The Final Days
    2. 20000504 Channel One Web Chat

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    Bill Clinton Disc A453

    1. 20000512 Shakopee, MN
    2. 20000518 Parmanent Normal Trade Relations China
    3. 20000524 House Rep Action Prm Normal Trade Relations China

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    Bill Clinton Disc A454

    1. 20000525 Asian Pacific American History Month
    2. 20000525 Asian Pacific American Institute Congr Studies
    3. 20000529 Arlington National Cemetery

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    Bill Clinton Disc A455

    1. 20000604 Joint Press Conference Vladimir Putin

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    Bill Clinton Disc A456

    1. 20000605 Russian Duma Address
    2. 20000624 Internet Address
    3. 20000628 Presidential Scholars Awards

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    Bill Clinton Disc A457

    1. 20000628 Press Conference

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    Bill Clinton Disc A458

    1. 20000629 Completion of the First Survey of the Human Genome
    2. 20000629 Nominates Norman Mineta as Secretary of Commerce
    3. 20000705 Camp David Peace Accords

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    Bill Clinton Disc A459

    1. 20000708 Radio Address (Website)
    2. 20000708 Radio Address
    3. 20000711 Middle East Peace Summit
    4. 20000713 Trade Agreement Vietnam
    5. 20000715 Radio Address
    6. 20000722 Radio Address
    7. 20000729 Radio Address
    8. 20000731 PNTR with China
    9. 20000805 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A460

    1. 20000809 Presidential Medal of Freedom Presentation
    2. 20000812 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A461

    1. 20000814 DNC Address
    2. 20000819 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A462

    1. 20000826 Addresses the Nigerian Joint Assembly
    2. 20000826 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A463

    1. 20000827 Health Care Providers in Nigeria
    2. 20000902 Radio Address (Cutoff)
    3. 20000909 Radio Address (Wild Fires)
    4. 20000913 Hate Crimes Legislation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A464

    1. 20000914 Patients’ Bill of Rights
    2. 20000916 Radio Address
    3. 20000923 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A465

    1. 20000926 Georgetown University Law School
    2. 20000929 Childrens Health Insurance Program

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    Bill Clinton Disc A466

    1. 20000930 Radio Address
    2. 20001002 HIPC Meeting
    3. 20001007 Radio Address
    4. 20001012 Attacks on the USS Cole
    5. 20001014 Radio Address
    6. 20001021 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A467

    1. 20001024 Legislative Agenda School Construction Education
    2. 20001028 Radio Address
    3. 20001104 Radio Address
    4. 20001108 The 2000 Presidential Election
    5. 20001111 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A468

    1. 20001117 Vietnam National University
    2. 20001118 Full Accounting Evacuation Participants Vietnam
    3. 20001118 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A469

    1. 20001119 Vietnamese Business Community
    2. 20001122 Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon Ceremony
    3. 20001125 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A470

    1. 20001201 World AIDS Day
    2. 20001202 Radio Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A471

    1. 20001204 First Family Holiday Gift to America Tour WH

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    Bill Clinton Disc A472

    1. 20001206 E.Roosevelt Award Medal Freedom Pres
    2. 20001209 Plans for William Jefferson Clinton Pres Library

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    Bill Clinton Disc A473

    1. 20001209 Radio Address
    2. 20001212 Addresses the People of Dundalk, Ireland

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    Bill Clinton Disc A474

    1. 20001213 Addresses the People of Belfast, Northern Ireland

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    Bill Clinton Disc A475

    1. 20001214 Reception with Bertie Ahern
    2. 20001216 Radio Address
    3. 20001223 Radio Address (poor sound)
    4. 20001228 with George McGovern and Bob Dole, Food Initiative
    5. 20001230 Radio Address
    6. 20010106 Radio Address (Child Healthcare)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A476

    1. 20010108 Citizens Medal Presentation

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    Bill Clinton Disc A477

    1. 20010110 Unveiling of FDR Statue at FDR Memorial
    2. 20010111 Linda Tripp, Nancy Collins Interview
    3. 20010112 Bethesda, MD
    4. 20010113 Radio Address (Child Safety)

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    Bill Clinton Disc A478

    1. 20010116 Medal of Honor to Andrew Jackson Smith and Theodore
    2. 20010117 Designation of New National Monuments

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    Bill Clinton Disc A479

    1. 20010118 Farewell Address to Nation
    2. 20010918 Interview Tom Brokaw

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    Bill Clinton Disc A480

    1. 20011119 Q and A on Gordon Track

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    Bill Clinton Disc A481

    1. 20011205 Groundbreaking WJ Clinton Presidential Library
    2. 20040726 DNC Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A482

    1. 20040803 David Letterman Interview
    2. 20080827 DNC Address
    3. 20080925 The Bailout
    4. 20081012 Scranton PA Rally
    5. 20090612 Paralyzed Veterans of American Golf Tournament

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    Bill Clinton Disc A483

    1. 20100116 Help For Haiti
    2. 20100307 Monica Lewinsky, Larry King Interview

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    Bill Clinton Disc A484

    1. 20101210 Barack Obama, Tax Cuts For Working Americans
    2. 20110321 Points of Light Institute Tribute
    3. 20120000 Hillary Clinton, Memories of Their Mothers

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    Bill Clinton Disc A485

    1. 20120905 DNC Address

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    Bill Clinton Disc A486

    1. 20120912 Moving Forward Barack Obama
    2. 20121104 Bristow VA Rally

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    Bill Clinton Disc A487

    1. 20121104 Introduction of Barack Obama at Bristow, VA Rally

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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