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Chandu the Magician

Evil doers and nogoodniks, beware! "CHANNNNNDOOOOOOO … the Magician!" is on the alert to thwart your nefarious schemes! Broadcast during the Depression and again in 1949, Chandu The Magician combines the best of crime fighting and Eastern Mysticism.

Chandu the Magician

307 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 78 hours, 20 min)
available in the following formats:

4 MP3 CDs
80 Audio CDs

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"December 8, 1948 Broadcast"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Juvenile adventure
(1932 - 1935, 1949 - 1950)


ChanduFrank Chandler, American born mystic, conquered the art of magic through his learnings with Indian yogi. Renaming himself Chandu and crystal balling around, Chandu the Magician delighted audiences for a number of years. Although his carpet is noticeably absent, Chandu does have other romantic appeals - he constantly gazes into a crystal ball, has a love affair with an Egyptian princess, searches for his sister's shipwrecked husband who was presumed dead for 10 years (Chandu knows otherwise), battles the evil Roxor, and scoots off to the Middle East as well as the fictitious lands of lost continent "Lemuria" and gypsy camp "Montabania."

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

White King Soap, sponsor of Chandu the Magician old time radio showVera Oldham, office girl cum radio writer, made this show a lasting success. Vera's contributions merited her a new Studebaker and Oriental vacation from the shows producers. When Chandu made a comeback in the late 40s and early 50s, Cyril Armbrister (known for his work on Land of the Lost and Terry and the Pirates was invited to direct. White King Soap sponsored our beloved Chandu, making him a household name on the lips of every juvenile who was any-juvenile.

For more mystic radio shows, see also: The Green Lama and The Shadow of Fu Manchu.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    23     3


    I am currently listening to the radio serial Chandu the Magician. I first heard it in 1948 on our local Mutual station in Tacoma, Washington. I was entranced by it and followed it religiously. Unfortunately we moved to Phoenix, Arizona where it was not presented and I never heard how it ends and hope to now. I recently googled it and found that entire serial was first presented in the 30s and was so popular that a movie serial was presented with Bela Lagose playing the evil villain Roxor. The 48 version was a redo of the script as was done in the 30s. Tom Collins played Chandu in the 48 version and also played the lead in the radio program, Frank Race. His sister Dorothy Regent was played by Irene Tedrow who appeared in many TV programs in the 50s and 60s. Believe me her face didn't fit her beautiful voice. If you want to hear a thrilling serial, listen to Chandu the Magician.

    Walter Verified Purchase

    I'm listening to it with my kids at the moment. The gee-whiz dialog from the youngsters hasn't dated well, but the stories are still great fun. I'm listening to the 40's version and we're all having a chuckle at the White King ads. Some of those old time ad readers delivered their lines with such earnestness that you really could almost believe that your choice of soap would be the difference between a life of health and ease or a life of misery.

    Craig Verified Purchase

    "There are reasons that White King is the best, but aren't you tired of hearing reasons all day long?"

    Max Verified Purchase

    There are all sorts of faces made for radio, just look at Jan Miner and Virginia Christine who often played sexy ladies on the radio but were Madge (Palmolive) and Mrs.Olsen (Folgers) in commercials later.

    Steven Verified Purchase

    Lillian Buyeff. Sultry radio voice, total radio face.

    Terence Verified Purchase

    Virginia was pretty hot in 1940... but time marches on and no one is exempt.

    Lance Verified Purchase

    I agree with Craig, that ad reader on Chandu could almost make you believe he makes the soap. I also agree the Gee whiz dialog of the kids is pretty corny but it is a really good serial that you could almost believe that it is aimed at adults.

    Walter Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    307 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00. Total playtime 78 hours, 20 min
    307 recordings on 4 MP3 CDs for just $20.00
    total playtime 78 hours, 20 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 101 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Chandu 320317 009 Transferred to Egypt.mp3
    3. Chandu 320323 013 The Slave Auction.mp3
    4. Chandu 320412 027 Important Papers Missing.mp3
    5. Chandu 320413 028 Betty & Bob Disappear.mp3
    6. Chandu 320420 033 Abdullah Joins Chandu.mp3
    7. Chandu 320421 034 Held At Gunpoint.mp3
    8. Chandu 320530 061 Hidden Passageway Found.mp3
    9. Chandu 320531 062 Captured by Roxor.mp3
    10. Chandu 320912 136 Chandu Warns Nicky.mp3
    11. Chandu 320913 137 Betty Reminisces.mp3
    12. Chandu 320914 138 Gunfire Heard.mp3
    13. Chandu 320930 150 Estaban's Identity Learned.mp3
    14. Chandu 321003 151 Nadji Disappears.mp3
    15. Chandu 321004 152 Dimitri Defeated.mp3
    16. Chandu 321005 153 Count Exposed to Nicholas.mp3
    17. Chandu 321006 154 Nadji Saved from Fire.mp3
    18. Chandu 321007 155 Leaving After the Fire.mp3
    19. Chandu 321011 157 Cafe Waiter Is Otto.mp3
    20. Chandu 321012 158 Yogi Warns Chandu.mp3
    21. Chandu 321013 159 The Clock Strikes 5.mp3
    22. Chandu 321108 177 News of Roberts Location.mp3
    23. Chandu 321111 180 Robert Returns.mp3
    24. Chandu 321116 183 Will Chandu Save Dorothy.mp3
    25. Chandu 321117 184 Magic Fails.mp3
    26. Chandu 321118 185 Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy.mp3
    27. Chandu 321121 186 Cobra Decides Fate.mp3
    28. Chandu 321122 187 Bob Plans a Swap.mp3
    29. Chandu 321123 188 To the Temple.mp3
    30. Chandu 321124 189 Robert Returns.mp3
    31. Chandu 321125 190 Betty & Bob Found.mp3
    32. Chandu 321128 191 Dr Shaw & Black Magic.mp3
    33. Chandu 321129 192 Nadji Arrives.mp3
    34. Chandu 321130 193 Magic Successful.mp3
    35. Chandu 330127 235 In Algiers.mp3
    36. Chandu 330130 236 Buying Perfume.mp3
    37. Chandu 330131 237 Nicholas Seen.mp3
    38. Chandu 330201 238 Warning from Chandu.mp3
    39. Chandu 330203 240 Boat Motor Trouble.mp3
    40. Chandu 330206 241 Family Reunited.mp3
    41. Chandu 330207 242 Betty & Bob Sneak Out.mp3
    42. Chandu 330208 243 Chandu Tells Story.mp3
    43. Chandu 330209 244 Note from Dimitri.mp3
    44. Chandu 330210 245 Blank Letter.mp3
    45. Chandu 330213 246 At Dimitri's Villa.mp3
    46. Chandu 330214 247 Driver Flees.mp3
    47. Chandu 330215 248 Nicky's Information.mp3
    48. Chandu 330216 249 Crystal Ball Smashed.mp3
    49. Chandu 330217 250 Snake Charmer.mp3
    50. Chandu 330220 251 Situation Discussed.mp3
    51. Chandu 330221 252 Locked in Inner Room.mp3
    52. Chandu 330222 253 Chandu Recognized.mp3
    53. Chandu 330223 254 Note Found.mp3
    54. Chandu 330307 262 Dimitri traps Robert Regent.mp3
    55. Chandu 330417 291 Water Supply Low.mp3
    56. Chandu 330418 292 Crystal Ball Vision Fulfilled.mp3
    57. Chandu 330419 293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect.mp3
    58. Chandu 330424 296 A Man Looks Like Vindion.mp3
    59. Chandu 330425 297 Native Tells a Story.mp3
    60. Chandu 330426 298 Aboard Wilson's Sailing Vessel.mp3
    61. Chandu 330427 299 The Island of Lura.mp3
    62. Chandu 330501 301 At the Entrance of the Cave.mp3
    63. Chandu 330502 302 Drums Underground.mp3
    64. Chandu 330503 303 Bob Explores the Cave.mp3
    65. Chandu 330504 304 Nadji Gives Chandu a Warning.mp3
    66. Chandu 330505 305 Vindion Talks to His People.mp3
    67. Chandu 330508 306 Nadgi Convinced She Must Stay.mp3
    68. Chandu 330509 307 Vindion Forced to Awaken the Children.mp3
    69. Chandu 330510 308 Vindion Tries to Stop Chandu.mp3
    70. Chandu 330511 309 Bob Finds Poison & a Letter.mp3
    71. Chandu 330517 313 Drawings from Lamuria.mp3
    72. Chandu 330523 317 Nadji Is Afraid of Vitrius.mp3
    73. Chandu 330524 318 In Vitrius Observatory.mp3
    74. Chandu 330525 319 Vitrius Telescope Is a Radio.mp3
    75. Chandu 330526 320 Plans of the Ruined Temple.mp3
    76. Chandu 330529 321 Vitrius Changes Plans.mp3
    77. Chandu 330530 322 Bob Betty Worried About Their Mother.mp3
    78. Chandu 330531 323 The Temple of Death.mp3
    79. Chandu 330601 324 Vitrius Thought Chandu Was Dead.mp3
    80. Chandu 330707 350 Mrs Regis Meets with Mr Motleon.mp3
    81. Chandu 330821 381 Preparing for the Next Trip.mp3
    82. Chandu 341024 xxx Chandu Warns Nicholas.mp3
    83. Chandu 341025 xxx Betty Reminisces.mp3
    84. Chandu 341026 xxx Gunfire Heard.mp3
    85. Chandu 341029 xxx Estaban's Identity Is Learned.mp3
    86. Chandu 341030 xxx Nadji Disappears.mp3
    87. Chandu 341031 xxx Dimitri Defeated.mp3
    88. Chandu 341101 xxx Exposes Count to Nicholas.mp3
    89. Chandu 341102 xxx Nadji Saved from Fire.mp3
    90. Chandu 341106 xxx Miniature Statue Recovered.mp3
    91. Chandu 341108 xxx Cafe Waiter Is Otto.mp3
    92. Chandu 341109 xxx Yogi Warns Chandu.mp3
    93. Chandu 341120 xxx News of Robert's Location.mp3
    94. Chandu 341219 xxx Will Chandu Save Dorothy.mp3
    95. Chandu 341220 xxx Magic Fails.mp3
    96. Chandu 341221 xxx Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy.mp3
    97. Chandu 341222 xxx Cobra Decides Fate.mp3
    98. Chandu 341225 xxx Bob Plans a Swap.mp3
    99. Chandu 341226 xxx To the Temple.mp3
    100. Chandu 341227 xxx Robert Returns.mp3
    101. Chandu 341228 xxx Bob & Betty Found.mp3
    102. Chandu 341231 xxx Dr Shaw & Black Magic.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 98 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Chandu 350101 xxx Nadji Arrives.mp3
    3. Chandu 350102 xxx Magic Successful.mp3
    4. Chandu 350624 xxx Adrift At Sea.mp3
    5. Chandu 350625 xxx Poison Death.mp3
    6. Chandu 350626 xxx Nadji Is Accused.mp3
    7. Chandu 350627 xxx Cigarettes of Death.mp3
    8. Chandu 350628 xxx Rescue At Sea.mp3
    9. Chandu 350701 xxx The Island of Suva.mp3
    10. Chandu 350702 xxx Mr Wilsons Charter Boat.mp3
    11. Chandu 350703 xxx The Footprint.mp3
    12. Chandu 350704 xxx Vindion Strikes.mp3
    13. Chandu 350706 xxx The Search for Nadji.mp3
    14. Chandu 350707 xxx Desertion.mp3
    15. Chandu 350709 xxx The Cave.mp3
    16. Chandu 350711 xxx Reunited.mp3
    17. Chandu 350712 xxx Another Encounter.mp3
    18. Chandu 350715 xxx Rescued.mp3
    19. Chandu 350716 xxx The Power of Chandu.mp3
    20. Chandu 350717 xxx The Awakening.mp3
    21. Chandu 350718 xxx Wilson's Mission.mp3
    22. Chandu 350723 xxx The Palace of the Secret Star.mp3
    23. Chandu 350730 xxx A Mental Picture.mp3
    24. Chandu 350731 xxx Rescued Again.mp3
    25. Chandu 350801 xxx The Devious Plot.mp3
    26. Chandu 350802 xxx Beware of Vitrius.mp3
    27. Chandu 350805 xxx Marshall Is Captured.mp3
    28. Chandu 350806 xxx A Message in Code.mp3
    29. Chandu 350807 xxx Clash of the Wizards.mp3
    30. Chandu 350808 xxx Chandu Victorious.mp3
    31. Chandu 350913 xxx Ruby Mine in Burma.mp3
    32. Chandu 480628 01 Chandler Returns.mp3
    33. Chandu 480629 02 Secret Papers Missing.mp3
    34. Chandu 480630 03 Is Regent Alive.mp3
    35. Chandu 480701 04 In Alexandria.mp3
    36. Chandu 480702 05 Dorothy Disappears.mp3
    37. Chandu 480705 06 Search for Dorothy.mp3
    38. Chandu 480706 07 Slave Auction Rescue.mp3
    39. Chandu 480707 08 To Cairo.mp3
    40. Chandu 480708 09 Blue Flame.mp3
    41. Chandu 480709 10 Secret Place.mp3
    42. Chandu 480712 11 Note From Nagi.mp3
    43. Chandu 480713 12 Betty Meets Abdullah.mp3
    44. Chandu 480714 13 Chandu Meets Nagi.mp3
    45. Chandu 480715 14 Betty Is Kidnapped.mp3
    46. Chandu 480716 15 Betty Is Found.mp3
    47. Chandu 480719 16 Roxor Meets Nagi.mp3
    48. Chandu 480720 17 Secret Entrance.mp3
    49. Chandu 480721 18 Spell on Dorothy.mp3
    50. Chandu 480722 19 Crystal Ball.mp3
    51. Chandu 480723 20 Breaking the Spell.mp3
    52. Chandu 480726 21 Betty & Bob Disappear.mp3
    53. Chandu 480727 22 Secret Door.mp3
    54. Chandu 480728 23 Roxor Threatens Death.mp3
    55. Chandu 480729 24 Bob Rescued.mp3
    56. Chandu 480730 Bob Is Rescued.mp3
    57. Chandu 480802 25 Abdullah Disappears.mp3
    58. Chandu 480803 26 Emerald Casket.mp3
    59. Chandu 480804 27 Disappearing Ink.mp3
    60. Chandu 480805 28 Looking for The Emerald Casket.mp3
    61. Chandu 480806 29 Sick Camel.mp3
    62. Chandu 480809 30 Trouble With Guides.mp3
    63. Chandu 480810 31 Low Water Supply.mp3
    64. Chandu 480811 32 Abdullah's Affections.mp3
    65. Chandu 480812 33 Gordon Douglas.mp3
    66. Chandu 480813 34 Douglas' Dinner.mp3
    67. Chandu 480816 35 Douglas Is an Imposter.mp3
    68. Chandu 480817 36 Finding a Letter.mp3
    69. Chandu 480818 37 Nile Cruise.mp3
    70. Chandu 480819 38 Chandu's Disguise.mp3
    71. Chandu 480820 39 Manuscript Found.mp3
    72. Chandu 480823 40 Douglas Tells Roxor.mp3
    73. Chandu 480824 41 Letter Arrives.mp3
    74. Chandu 480825 42 Roxor's Plans.mp3
    75. Chandu 480826 43 Fraud's Identity.mp3
    76. Chandu 480827 44 Abdullah Stabbed.mp3
    77. Chandu 480830 45 Inquest Planned.mp3
    78. Chandu 480831 46 Douglas Disappears.mp3
    79. Chandu 480901 47 Lost in the Catacombs.mp3
    80. Chandu 480902 48 Chandu's Rescue.mp3
    81. Chandu 480903 49 Roxor Is Alive.mp3
    82. Chandu 480906 50 Chandu Escapes.mp3
    83. Chandu 480907 51 Reaching the Ruins.mp3
    84. Chandu 480908 52 Judy Allen.mp3
    85. Chandu 480909 53 Torture Chamber.mp3
    86. Chandu 480910 54 Story Teller.mp3
    87. Chandu 480913 55 Cairo Restaurant.mp3
    88. Chandu 480914 56 Robert's Ring.mp3
    89. Chandu 480915 57 Arenia the Spider.mp3
    90. Chandu 480916 58 Curse on Betty.mp3
    91. Chandu 480917 59 Ben Ali's House.mp3
    92. Chandu 480920 60 Opening the Letter.mp3
    93. Chandu 480921 61 Sonya Shoots Nagi.mp3
    94. Chandu 480922 62 Betty & Bob Run.mp3
    95. Chandu 480923 63 Arenia Is Shot.mp3
    96. Chandu 480924 64 Message for Nagi.mp3
    97. Chandu 480927 65 Mirror of Life.mp3
    98. Chandu 480928 66 Roxor Is Killed.mp3
    99. Chandu 480929 67 Exploring the Garden.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 91 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Chandu 480930 68 Family Is Reunited.mp3
    3. Chandu 481001 69 Explosion.mp3
    4. Chandu 481004 70 Contacts Dorothy.mp3
    5. Chandu 481005 71 Gardener Recognized.mp3
    6. Chandu 481006 72 Bribery Attempt.mp3
    7. Chandu 481007 73 Secret Meeting.mp3
    8. Chandu 481008 74 Landmark Spotted.mp3
    9. Chandu 481011 75 Map Found.mp3
    10. Chandu 481012 76 Fortune Told.mp3
    11. Chandu 481013 77 Dancing Partner Recognized.mp3
    12. Chandu 481014 78 Meets Dimitri.mp3
    13. Chandu 481015 79 Spell Cast on Bob.mp3
    14. Chandu 481018 80 Gypsy Coming After Betty and Bob.mp3
    15. Chandu 481019 81 Dimitri Asked to Leave.mp3
    16. Chandu 481020 82 Castle Plans Found.mp3
    17. Chandu 481021 83 Warning From Nagi.mp3
    18. Chandu 481022 84 Advice for Nicholas.mp3
    19. Chandu 481025 85 Tells About Plans.mp3
    20. Chandu 481026 86 Spell Cast.mp3
    21. Chandu 481027 87 Nagi Told of Curse.mp3
    22. Chandu 481028 88 Looking for Dorothy.mp3
    23. Chandu 481029 89 Finding Dorothy's Hat.mp3
    24. Chandu 481101 90 Nicholas Has Disappeared.mp3
    25. Chandu 481102 91 Trying to Escape.mp3
    26. Chandu 481103 92 Thinks Nicholas Is in the Castle.mp3
    27. Chandu 481104 93 Nicholas Found.mp3
    28. Chandu 481105 94 Dwarf Spotted.mp3
    29. Chandu 481108 95 Chandler Admits Real Mission.mp3
    30. Chandu 481109 96 Going to Schmitar Mountain.mp3
    31. Chandu 481110 97 Call From Paris.mp3
    32. Chandu 481111 98 Threat From Dimitri.mp3
    33. Chandu 481112 99 Stranger Spotted.mp3
    34. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told.mp3
    35. Chandu 481116 101 Chandler Trapped.mp3
    36. Chandu 481117 102 Enters Cave.mp3
    37. Chandu 481118 103 Learns Estaben's Identity.mp3
    38. Chandu 481119 104 Influences Dimitri.mp3
    39. Chandu 481122 105 Metso's Killed.mp3
    40. Chandu 481123 106 Spell Broken.mp3
    41. Chandu 481124 107 Threat From Dwarf.mp3
    42. Chandu 481125 108 Nagi Arrives.mp3
    43. Chandu 481126 109 Fire.mp3
    44. Chandu 481129 110 Chandler Escapes Fire.mp3
    45. Chandu 481130 111 Forged Letter.mp3
    46. Chandu 481201 112 Nagi Leaves.mp3
    47. Chandu 481202 113 Lupu Arrives.mp3
    48. Chandu 481203 114 Chandler Discovered.mp3
    49. Chandu 481206 115 Reveals Himself as Chandu.mp3
    50. Chandu 481207 116 Kingdom Regained.mp3
    51. Chandu 481208 117 Phone Call From Robert.mp3
    52. Chandu 481209 118 Lab Emptied.mp3
    53. Chandu 481210 119 Gomez Spotted.mp3
    54. Chandu 481213 120 Robert Seen in Crystal.mp3
    55. Chandu 481214 121 Learns Roxor's Location.mp3
    56. Chandu 481215 122 Wants to Enter Village of the Lost.mp3
    57. Chandu 481216 123 Jeff Worried.mp3
    58. Chandu 481217 124 Warned About Jeff.mp3
    59. Chandu 481220 125 Jeff's New Mission.mp3
    60. Chandu 481221 126 House in the Desert.mp3
    61. Chandu 481222 127 Saved From Spider.mp3
    62. Chandu 481223 128 Jeff Found.mp3
    63. Chandu 481224 129 Tries to Contact Robert.mp3
    64. Chandu 481227 130 Imposter Found Out.mp3
    65. Chandu 481228 131 Robert Found.mp3
    66. Chandu 481229 132 Story Told.mp3
    67. Chandu 481230 133 Looking for Betty.mp3
    68. Chandu 481231 134 Dorothy in Temple.mp3
    69. Chandu 490103 135 Talks to Chief.mp3
    70. Chandu 490104 136 Fate to Be Decided Soon.mp3
    71. Chandu 490105 137 Fails Cobra Test.mp3
    72. Chandu 490106 138 Refuses Escape Plan.mp3
    73. Chandu 490107 139 Robert Returns.mp3
    74. Chandu 490110 140 Truth About Dr. Shaw.mp3
    75. Chandu 490111 141 Help From Yogi.mp3
    76. Chandu 490112 142 Murderer Revealed.mp3
    77. Chandu 490113 143 Dorothy Safe.mp3
    78. Chandu 490114 144 Planning Tiger Hunt.mp3
    79. Chandu 490117 145 Tiger Killed.mp3
    80. Chandu 490118 146 Saves Lao Sing.mp3
    81. Chandu 490119 147 In Calcutta.mp3
    82. Chandu 490120 148 Dinner Invitation.mp3
    83. Chandu 490121 149 Dr. Shaw in Calcutta.mp3
    84. Chandu 490124 150 Under Dr. Shaw's Influence.mp3
    85. Chandu 490125 151 Impersonates Chandler.mp3
    86. Chandu 490126 152 Bob Missing.mp3
    87. Chandu 490127 153 Strange Markings.mp3
    88. Chandu 490128 154 Frank Returns to India.mp3
    89. Chandu 490203 Black Steps.mp3
    90. Chandu 490210 Village Of Thieves.mp3
    91. Chandu 490217 Photographic Memory.mp3
    92. Chandu 490224 Blood Oath.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 17 shows – total playtime 8 hours, 8 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Chandu 490303 Spell Of Kimitri.mp3
    3. Chandu 490310 Drug Smuggling.mp3
    4. Chandu 490317 Temple At Karnak.mp3
    5. Chandu 490324 Temple Under The Sea.mp3
    6. Chandu 490331 The House Of Fear.mp3
    7. Chandu 490414 The Voice Of Darkness.mp3
    8. Chandu 490421 Ominous Deadly Sahara.mp3
    9. Chandu 490428 Fog Of Forgotten Valley.mp3
    10. Chandu 491126 002 Temple Under The Sea.mp3
    11. Chandu 491203 003 Death On The Golden Horn.mp3
    12. Chandu 491210 004 Wizard Of The Kalahari.mp3
    13. Chandu 491224 006 Counterfeiters.mp3
    14. Chandu 500802 008 Clever Jeff Adams.mp3
    15. Chandu 500809 009 The Dress Designer.mp3
    16. Chandu 500816 010 Black Market Hijackers.mp3
    17. Chandu 500823 011 Coleman Alias Dr Bauer.mp3
    18. Chandu 500830 012 Naval Drug Fraud.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    307 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00. Total playtime 78 hours, 20 min
    307 recordings on 4 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $20.00
    2152 MB – total playtime 78 hours, 20 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 101 shows – 645 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 28 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Chandu 320317 009 Transferred to Egypt.mp3
    3. Chandu 320323 013 The Slave Auction.mp3
    4. Chandu 320412 027 Important Papers Missing.mp3
    5. Chandu 320413 028 Betty & Bob Disappear.mp3
    6. Chandu 320420 033 Abdullah Joins Chandu.mp3
    7. Chandu 320421 034 Held At Gunpoint.mp3
    8. Chandu 320530 061 Hidden Passageway Found.mp3
    9. Chandu 320531 062 Captured by Roxor.mp3
    10. Chandu 320912 136 Chandu Warns Nicky.mp3
    11. Chandu 320913 137 Betty Reminisces.mp3
    12. Chandu 320914 138 Gunfire Heard.mp3
    13. Chandu 320930 150 Estaban's Identity Learned.mp3
    14. Chandu 321003 151 Nadji Disappears.mp3
    15. Chandu 321004 152 Dimitri Defeated.mp3
    16. Chandu 321005 153 Count Exposed to Nicholas.mp3
    17. Chandu 321006 154 Nadji Saved from Fire.mp3
    18. Chandu 321007 155 Leaving After the Fire.mp3
    19. Chandu 321011 157 Cafe Waiter Is Otto.mp3
    20. Chandu 321012 158 Yogi Warns Chandu.mp3
    21. Chandu 321013 159 The Clock Strikes 5.mp3
    22. Chandu 321108 177 News of Roberts Location.mp3
    23. Chandu 321111 180 Robert Returns.mp3
    24. Chandu 321116 183 Will Chandu Save Dorothy.mp3
    25. Chandu 321117 184 Magic Fails.mp3
    26. Chandu 321118 185 Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy.mp3
    27. Chandu 321121 186 Cobra Decides Fate.mp3
    28. Chandu 321122 187 Bob Plans a Swap.mp3
    29. Chandu 321123 188 To the Temple.mp3
    30. Chandu 321124 189 Robert Returns.mp3
    31. Chandu 321125 190 Betty & Bob Found.mp3
    32. Chandu 321128 191 Dr Shaw & Black Magic.mp3
    33. Chandu 321129 192 Nadji Arrives.mp3
    34. Chandu 321130 193 Magic Successful.mp3
    35. Chandu 330127 235 In Algiers.mp3
    36. Chandu 330130 236 Buying Perfume.mp3
    37. Chandu 330131 237 Nicholas Seen.mp3
    38. Chandu 330201 238 Warning from Chandu.mp3
    39. Chandu 330203 240 Boat Motor Trouble.mp3
    40. Chandu 330206 241 Family Reunited.mp3
    41. Chandu 330207 242 Betty & Bob Sneak Out.mp3
    42. Chandu 330208 243 Chandu Tells Story.mp3
    43. Chandu 330209 244 Note from Dimitri.mp3
    44. Chandu 330210 245 Blank Letter.mp3
    45. Chandu 330213 246 At Dimitri's Villa.mp3
    46. Chandu 330214 247 Driver Flees.mp3
    47. Chandu 330215 248 Nicky's Information.mp3
    48. Chandu 330216 249 Crystal Ball Smashed.mp3
    49. Chandu 330217 250 Snake Charmer.mp3
    50. Chandu 330220 251 Situation Discussed.mp3
    51. Chandu 330221 252 Locked in Inner Room.mp3
    52. Chandu 330222 253 Chandu Recognized.mp3
    53. Chandu 330223 254 Note Found.mp3
    54. Chandu 330307 262 Dimitri traps Robert Regent.mp3
    55. Chandu 330417 291 Water Supply Low.mp3
    56. Chandu 330418 292 Crystal Ball Vision Fulfilled.mp3
    57. Chandu 330419 293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect.mp3
    58. Chandu 330424 296 A Man Looks Like Vindion.mp3
    59. Chandu 330425 297 Native Tells a Story.mp3
    60. Chandu 330426 298 Aboard Wilson's Sailing Vessel.mp3
    61. Chandu 330427 299 The Island of Lura.mp3
    62. Chandu 330501 301 At the Entrance of the Cave.mp3
    63. Chandu 330502 302 Drums Underground.mp3
    64. Chandu 330503 303 Bob Explores the Cave.mp3
    65. Chandu 330504 304 Nadji Gives Chandu a Warning.mp3
    66. Chandu 330505 305 Vindion Talks to His People.mp3
    67. Chandu 330508 306 Nadgi Convinced She Must Stay.mp3
    68. Chandu 330509 307 Vindion Forced to Awaken the Children.mp3
    69. Chandu 330510 308 Vindion Tries to Stop Chandu.mp3
    70. Chandu 330511 309 Bob Finds Poison & a Letter.mp3
    71. Chandu 330517 313 Drawings from Lamuria.mp3
    72. Chandu 330523 317 Nadji Is Afraid of Vitrius.mp3
    73. Chandu 330524 318 In Vitrius Observatory.mp3
    74. Chandu 330525 319 Vitrius Telescope Is a Radio.mp3
    75. Chandu 330526 320 Plans of the Ruined Temple.mp3
    76. Chandu 330529 321 Vitrius Changes Plans.mp3
    77. Chandu 330530 322 Bob Betty Worried About Their Mother.mp3
    78. Chandu 330531 323 The Temple of Death.mp3
    79. Chandu 330601 324 Vitrius Thought Chandu Was Dead.mp3
    80. Chandu 330707 350 Mrs Regis Meets with Mr Motleon.mp3
    81. Chandu 330821 381 Preparing for the Next Trip.mp3
    82. Chandu 341024 xxx Chandu Warns Nicholas.mp3
    83. Chandu 341025 xxx Betty Reminisces.mp3
    84. Chandu 341026 xxx Gunfire Heard.mp3
    85. Chandu 341029 xxx Estaban's Identity Is Learned.mp3
    86. Chandu 341030 xxx Nadji Disappears.mp3
    87. Chandu 341031 xxx Dimitri Defeated.mp3
    88. Chandu 341101 xxx Exposes Count to Nicholas.mp3
    89. Chandu 341102 xxx Nadji Saved from Fire.mp3
    90. Chandu 341106 xxx Miniature Statue Recovered.mp3
    91. Chandu 341108 xxx Cafe Waiter Is Otto.mp3
    92. Chandu 341109 xxx Yogi Warns Chandu.mp3
    93. Chandu 341120 xxx News of Robert's Location.mp3
    94. Chandu 341219 xxx Will Chandu Save Dorothy.mp3
    95. Chandu 341220 xxx Magic Fails.mp3
    96. Chandu 341221 xxx Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy.mp3
    97. Chandu 341222 xxx Cobra Decides Fate.mp3
    98. Chandu 341225 xxx Bob Plans a Swap.mp3
    99. Chandu 341226 xxx To the Temple.mp3
    100. Chandu 341227 xxx Robert Returns.mp3
    101. Chandu 341228 xxx Bob & Betty Found.mp3
    102. Chandu 341231 xxx Dr Shaw & Black Magic.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 98 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 32 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Chandu 350101 xxx Nadji Arrives.mp3
    3. Chandu 350102 xxx Magic Successful.mp3
    4. Chandu 350624 xxx Adrift At Sea.mp3
    5. Chandu 350625 xxx Poison Death.mp3
    6. Chandu 350626 xxx Nadji Is Accused.mp3
    7. Chandu 350627 xxx Cigarettes of Death.mp3
    8. Chandu 350628 xxx Rescue At Sea.mp3
    9. Chandu 350701 xxx The Island of Suva.mp3
    10. Chandu 350702 xxx Mr Wilsons Charter Boat.mp3
    11. Chandu 350703 xxx The Footprint.mp3
    12. Chandu 350704 xxx Vindion Strikes.mp3
    13. Chandu 350706 xxx The Search for Nadji.mp3
    14. Chandu 350707 xxx Desertion.mp3
    15. Chandu 350709 xxx The Cave.mp3
    16. Chandu 350711 xxx Reunited.mp3
    17. Chandu 350712 xxx Another Encounter.mp3
    18. Chandu 350715 xxx Rescued.mp3
    19. Chandu 350716 xxx The Power of Chandu.mp3
    20. Chandu 350717 xxx The Awakening.mp3
    21. Chandu 350718 xxx Wilson's Mission.mp3
    22. Chandu 350723 xxx The Palace of the Secret Star.mp3
    23. Chandu 350730 xxx A Mental Picture.mp3
    24. Chandu 350731 xxx Rescued Again.mp3
    25. Chandu 350801 xxx The Devious Plot.mp3
    26. Chandu 350802 xxx Beware of Vitrius.mp3
    27. Chandu 350805 xxx Marshall Is Captured.mp3
    28. Chandu 350806 xxx A Message in Code.mp3
    29. Chandu 350807 xxx Clash of the Wizards.mp3
    30. Chandu 350808 xxx Chandu Victorious.mp3
    31. Chandu 350913 xxx Ruby Mine in Burma.mp3
    32. Chandu 480628 01 Chandler Returns.mp3
    33. Chandu 480629 02 Secret Papers Missing.mp3
    34. Chandu 480630 03 Is Regent Alive.mp3
    35. Chandu 480701 04 In Alexandria.mp3
    36. Chandu 480702 05 Dorothy Disappears.mp3
    37. Chandu 480705 06 Search for Dorothy.mp3
    38. Chandu 480706 07 Slave Auction Rescue.mp3
    39. Chandu 480707 08 To Cairo.mp3
    40. Chandu 480708 09 Blue Flame.mp3
    41. Chandu 480709 10 Secret Place.mp3
    42. Chandu 480712 11 Note From Nagi.mp3
    43. Chandu 480713 12 Betty Meets Abdullah.mp3
    44. Chandu 480714 13 Chandu Meets Nagi.mp3
    45. Chandu 480715 14 Betty Is Kidnapped.mp3
    46. Chandu 480716 15 Betty Is Found.mp3
    47. Chandu 480719 16 Roxor Meets Nagi.mp3
    48. Chandu 480720 17 Secret Entrance.mp3
    49. Chandu 480721 18 Spell on Dorothy.mp3
    50. Chandu 480722 19 Crystal Ball.mp3
    51. Chandu 480723 20 Breaking the Spell.mp3
    52. Chandu 480726 21 Betty & Bob Disappear.mp3
    53. Chandu 480727 22 Secret Door.mp3
    54. Chandu 480728 23 Roxor Threatens Death.mp3
    55. Chandu 480729 24 Bob Rescued.mp3
    56. Chandu 480730 Bob Is Rescued.mp3
    57. Chandu 480802 25 Abdullah Disappears.mp3
    58. Chandu 480803 26 Emerald Casket.mp3
    59. Chandu 480804 27 Disappearing Ink.mp3
    60. Chandu 480805 28 Looking for The Emerald Casket.mp3
    61. Chandu 480806 29 Sick Camel.mp3
    62. Chandu 480809 30 Trouble With Guides.mp3
    63. Chandu 480810 31 Low Water Supply.mp3
    64. Chandu 480811 32 Abdullah's Affections.mp3
    65. Chandu 480812 33 Gordon Douglas.mp3
    66. Chandu 480813 34 Douglas' Dinner.mp3
    67. Chandu 480816 35 Douglas Is an Imposter.mp3
    68. Chandu 480817 36 Finding a Letter.mp3
    69. Chandu 480818 37 Nile Cruise.mp3
    70. Chandu 480819 38 Chandu's Disguise.mp3
    71. Chandu 480820 39 Manuscript Found.mp3
    72. Chandu 480823 40 Douglas Tells Roxor.mp3
    73. Chandu 480824 41 Letter Arrives.mp3
    74. Chandu 480825 42 Roxor's Plans.mp3
    75. Chandu 480826 43 Fraud's Identity.mp3
    76. Chandu 480827 44 Abdullah Stabbed.mp3
    77. Chandu 480830 45 Inquest Planned.mp3
    78. Chandu 480831 46 Douglas Disappears.mp3
    79. Chandu 480901 47 Lost in the Catacombs.mp3
    80. Chandu 480902 48 Chandu's Rescue.mp3
    81. Chandu 480903 49 Roxor Is Alive.mp3
    82. Chandu 480906 50 Chandu Escapes.mp3
    83. Chandu 480907 51 Reaching the Ruins.mp3
    84. Chandu 480908 52 Judy Allen.mp3
    85. Chandu 480909 53 Torture Chamber.mp3
    86. Chandu 480910 54 Story Teller.mp3
    87. Chandu 480913 55 Cairo Restaurant.mp3
    88. Chandu 480914 56 Robert's Ring.mp3
    89. Chandu 480915 57 Arenia the Spider.mp3
    90. Chandu 480916 58 Curse on Betty.mp3
    91. Chandu 480917 59 Ben Ali's House.mp3
    92. Chandu 480920 60 Opening the Letter.mp3
    93. Chandu 480921 61 Sonya Shoots Nagi.mp3
    94. Chandu 480922 62 Betty & Bob Run.mp3
    95. Chandu 480923 63 Arenia Is Shot.mp3
    96. Chandu 480924 64 Message for Nagi.mp3
    97. Chandu 480927 65 Mirror of Life.mp3
    98. Chandu 480928 66 Roxor Is Killed.mp3
    99. Chandu 480929 67 Exploring the Garden.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 91 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. Chandu 480930 68 Family Is Reunited.mp3
    3. Chandu 481001 69 Explosion.mp3
    4. Chandu 481004 70 Contacts Dorothy.mp3
    5. Chandu 481005 71 Gardener Recognized.mp3
    6. Chandu 481006 72 Bribery Attempt.mp3
    7. Chandu 481007 73 Secret Meeting.mp3
    8. Chandu 481008 74 Landmark Spotted.mp3
    9. Chandu 481011 75 Map Found.mp3
    10. Chandu 481012 76 Fortune Told.mp3
    11. Chandu 481013 77 Dancing Partner Recognized.mp3
    12. Chandu 481014 78 Meets Dimitri.mp3
    13. Chandu 481015 79 Spell Cast on Bob.mp3
    14. Chandu 481018 80 Gypsy Coming After Betty and Bob.mp3
    15. Chandu 481019 81 Dimitri Asked to Leave.mp3
    16. Chandu 481020 82 Castle Plans Found.mp3
    17. Chandu 481021 83 Warning From Nagi.mp3
    18. Chandu 481022 84 Advice for Nicholas.mp3
    19. Chandu 481025 85 Tells About Plans.mp3
    20. Chandu 481026 86 Spell Cast.mp3
    21. Chandu 481027 87 Nagi Told of Curse.mp3
    22. Chandu 481028 88 Looking for Dorothy.mp3
    23. Chandu 481029 89 Finding Dorothy's Hat.mp3
    24. Chandu 481101 90 Nicholas Has Disappeared.mp3
    25. Chandu 481102 91 Trying to Escape.mp3
    26. Chandu 481103 92 Thinks Nicholas Is in the Castle.mp3
    27. Chandu 481104 93 Nicholas Found.mp3
    28. Chandu 481105 94 Dwarf Spotted.mp3
    29. Chandu 481108 95 Chandler Admits Real Mission.mp3
    30. Chandu 481109 96 Going to Schmitar Mountain.mp3
    31. Chandu 481110 97 Call From Paris.mp3
    32. Chandu 481111 98 Threat From Dimitri.mp3
    33. Chandu 481112 99 Stranger Spotted.mp3
    34. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told.mp3
    35. Chandu 481116 101 Chandler Trapped.mp3
    36. Chandu 481117 102 Enters Cave.mp3
    37. Chandu 481118 103 Learns Estaben's Identity.mp3
    38. Chandu 481119 104 Influences Dimitri.mp3
    39. Chandu 481122 105 Metso's Killed.mp3
    40. Chandu 481123 106 Spell Broken.mp3
    41. Chandu 481124 107 Threat From Dwarf.mp3
    42. Chandu 481125 108 Nagi Arrives.mp3
    43. Chandu 481126 109 Fire.mp3
    44. Chandu 481129 110 Chandler Escapes Fire.mp3
    45. Chandu 481130 111 Forged Letter.mp3
    46. Chandu 481201 112 Nagi Leaves.mp3
    47. Chandu 481202 113 Lupu Arrives.mp3
    48. Chandu 481203 114 Chandler Discovered.mp3
    49. Chandu 481206 115 Reveals Himself as Chandu.mp3
    50. Chandu 481207 116 Kingdom Regained.mp3
    51. Chandu 481208 117 Phone Call From Robert.mp3
    52. Chandu 481209 118 Lab Emptied.mp3
    53. Chandu 481210 119 Gomez Spotted.mp3
    54. Chandu 481213 120 Robert Seen in Crystal.mp3
    55. Chandu 481214 121 Learns Roxor's Location.mp3
    56. Chandu 481215 122 Wants to Enter Village of the Lost.mp3
    57. Chandu 481216 123 Jeff Worried.mp3
    58. Chandu 481217 124 Warned About Jeff.mp3
    59. Chandu 481220 125 Jeff's New Mission.mp3
    60. Chandu 481221 126 House in the Desert.mp3
    61. Chandu 481222 127 Saved From Spider.mp3
    62. Chandu 481223 128 Jeff Found.mp3
    63. Chandu 481224 129 Tries to Contact Robert.mp3
    64. Chandu 481227 130 Imposter Found Out.mp3
    65. Chandu 481228 131 Robert Found.mp3
    66. Chandu 481229 132 Story Told.mp3
    67. Chandu 481230 133 Looking for Betty.mp3
    68. Chandu 481231 134 Dorothy in Temple.mp3
    69. Chandu 490103 135 Talks to Chief.mp3
    70. Chandu 490104 136 Fate to Be Decided Soon.mp3
    71. Chandu 490105 137 Fails Cobra Test.mp3
    72. Chandu 490106 138 Refuses Escape Plan.mp3
    73. Chandu 490107 139 Robert Returns.mp3
    74. Chandu 490110 140 Truth About Dr. Shaw.mp3
    75. Chandu 490111 141 Help From Yogi.mp3
    76. Chandu 490112 142 Murderer Revealed.mp3
    77. Chandu 490113 143 Dorothy Safe.mp3
    78. Chandu 490114 144 Planning Tiger Hunt.mp3
    79. Chandu 490117 145 Tiger Killed.mp3
    80. Chandu 490118 146 Saves Lao Sing.mp3
    81. Chandu 490119 147 In Calcutta.mp3
    82. Chandu 490120 148 Dinner Invitation.mp3
    83. Chandu 490121 149 Dr. Shaw in Calcutta.mp3
    84. Chandu 490124 150 Under Dr. Shaw's Influence.mp3
    85. Chandu 490125 151 Impersonates Chandler.mp3
    86. Chandu 490126 152 Bob Missing.mp3
    87. Chandu 490127 153 Strange Markings.mp3
    88. Chandu 490128 154 Frank Returns to India.mp3
    89. Chandu 490203 Black Steps.mp3
    90. Chandu 490210 Village Of Thieves.mp3
    91. Chandu 490217 Photographic Memory.mp3
    92. Chandu 490224 Blood Oath.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 17 shows – 224 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 8 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. Chandu 490303 Spell Of Kimitri.mp3
    3. Chandu 490310 Drug Smuggling.mp3
    4. Chandu 490317 Temple At Karnak.mp3
    5. Chandu 490324 Temple Under The Sea.mp3
    6. Chandu 490331 The House Of Fear.mp3
    7. Chandu 490414 The Voice Of Darkness.mp3
    8. Chandu 490421 Ominous Deadly Sahara.mp3
    9. Chandu 490428 Fog Of Forgotten Valley.mp3
    10. Chandu 491126 002 Temple Under The Sea.mp3
    11. Chandu 491203 003 Death On The Golden Horn.mp3
    12. Chandu 491210 004 Wizard Of The Kalahari.mp3
    13. Chandu 491224 006 Counterfeiters.mp3
    14. Chandu 500802 008 Clever Jeff Adams.mp3
    15. Chandu 500809 009 The Dress Designer.mp3
    16. Chandu 500816 010 Black Market Hijackers.mp3
    17. Chandu 500823 011 Coleman Alias Dr Bauer.mp3
    18. Chandu 500830 012 Naval Drug Fraud.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    307 recordings on 80 Audio CDs. Total playtime 78 hours, 20 min
    307 recordings on 80 Audio CDs
    total playtime 78 hours, 20 min

    Chandu the Magician Disc A001

    1. Chandu 320317 009 Transferred to Egypt
    2. Chandu 320323 013 The Slave Auction
    3. Chandu 320412 027 Important Papers Missing
    4. Chandu 320413 028 Betty & Bob Disappear
    5. Chandu 320420 033 Abdullah Joins Chandu

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A002

    1. Chandu 320421 034 Held At Gunpoint
    2. Chandu 320530 061 Hidden Passageway Found
    3. Chandu 320531 062 Captured by Roxor
    4. Chandu 320912 136 Chandu Warns Nicky
    5. Chandu 320913 137 Betty Reminisces

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A003

    1. Chandu 320914 138 Gunfire Heard
    2. Chandu 320930 150 Estaban's Identity Learned
    3. Chandu 321003 151 Nadji Disappears
    4. Chandu 321004 152 Dimitri Defeated
    5. Chandu 321005 153 Count Exposed to Nicholas

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A004

    1. Chandu 321006 154 Nadji Saved from Fire
    2. Chandu 321007 155 Leaving After the Fire
    3. Chandu 321011 157 Cafe Waiter Is Otto
    4. Chandu 321012 158 Yogi Warns Chandu

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A005

    1. Chandu 321013 159 The Clock Strikes 5
    2. Chandu 321108 177 News of Roberts Location
    3. Chandu 321111 180 Robert Returns

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A006

    1. Chandu 321116 183 Will Chandu Save Dorothy
    2. Chandu 321117 184 Magic Fails
    3. Chandu 321118 185 Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy
    4. Chandu 321121 186 Cobra Decides Fate
    5. Chandu 321122 187 Bob Plans a Swap

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A007

    1. Chandu 321123 188 To the Temple
    2. Chandu 321124 189 Robert Returns
    3. Chandu 321125 190 Betty & Bob Found
    4. Chandu 321128 191 Dr Shaw & Black Magic
    5. Chandu 321129 192 Nadji Arrives

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A008

    1. Chandu 321130 193 Magic Successful
    2. Chandu 330127 235 In Algiers
    3. Chandu 330130 236 Buying Perfume
    4. Chandu 330131 237 Nicholas Seen

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A009

    1. Chandu 330201 238 Warning from Chandu
    2. Chandu 330203 240 Boat Motor Trouble
    3. Chandu 330206 241 Family Reunited
    4. Chandu 330207 242 Betty & Bob Sneak Out

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A010

    1. Chandu 330208 243 Chandu Tells Story
    2. Chandu 330209 244 Note from Dimitri
    3. Chandu 330210 245 Blank Letter
    4. Chandu 330213 246 At Dimitri's Villa

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A011

    1. Chandu 330214 247 Driver Flees
    2. Chandu 330215 248 Nicky's Information
    3. Chandu 330216 249 Crystal Ball Smashed
    4. Chandu 330217 250 Snake Charmer

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A012

    1. Chandu 330220 251 Situation Discussed
    2. Chandu 330221 252 Locked in Inner Room
    3. Chandu 330222 253 Chandu Recognized
    4. Chandu 330223 254 Note Found

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A013

    1. Chandu 330307 262 Dimitri traps Robert Regent
    2. Chandu 330417 291 Water Supply Low
    3. Chandu 330418 292 Crystal Ball Vision Fulfilled
    4. Chandu 330419 293 Nadji Is Murder Suspect

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A014

    1. Chandu 330424 296 A Man Looks Like Vindion
    2. Chandu 330425 297 Native Tells a Story
    3. Chandu 330426 298 Aboard Wilson's Sailing Vessel
    4. Chandu 330427 299 The Island of Lura

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A015

    1. Chandu 330501 301 At the Entrance of the Cave
    2. Chandu 330502 302 Drums Underground
    3. Chandu 330503 303 Bob Explores the Cave
    4. Chandu 330504 304 Nadji Gives Chandu a Warning

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A016

    1. Chandu 330505 305 Vindion Talks to His People
    2. Chandu 330508 306 Nadgi Convinced She Must Stay
    3. Chandu 330509 307 Vindion Forced to Awaken the Children
    4. Chandu 330510 308 Vindion Tries to Stop Chandu

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A017

    1. Chandu 330511 309 Bob Finds Poison & a Letter
    2. Chandu 330517 313 Drawings from Lamuria
    3. Chandu 330523 317 Nadji Is Afraid of Vitrius
    4. Chandu 330524 318 In Vitrius Observatory

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A018

    1. Chandu 330525 319 Vitrius Telescope Is a Radio
    2. Chandu 330526 320 Plans of the Ruined Temple
    3. Chandu 330529 321 Vitrius Changes Plans
    4. Chandu 330530 322 Bob Betty Worried About Their Mother

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A019

    1. Chandu 330531 323 The Temple of Death
    2. Chandu 330601 324 Vitrius Thought Chandu Was Dead
    3. Chandu 330707 350 Mrs Regis Meets with Mr Motleon
    4. Chandu 330821 381 Preparing for the Next Trip

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A020

    1. Chandu 341024 xxx Chandu Warns Nicholas
    2. Chandu 341025 xxx Betty Reminisces
    3. Chandu 341026 xxx Gunfire Heard
    4. Chandu 341029 xxx Estaban's Identity Is Learned
    5. Chandu 341030 xxx Nadji Disappears

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A021

    1. Chandu 341031 xxx Dimitri Defeated
    2. Chandu 341101 xxx Exposes Count to Nicholas
    3. Chandu 341102 xxx Nadji Saved from Fire
    4. Chandu 341106 xxx Miniature Statue Recovered
    5. Chandu 341108 xxx Cafe Waiter Is Otto

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A022

    1. Chandu 341109 xxx Yogi Warns Chandu
    2. Chandu 341120 xxx News of Robert's Location
    3. Chandu 341219 xxx Will Chandu Save Dorothy
    4. Chandu 341220 xxx Magic Fails
    5. Chandu 341221 xxx Chandu & Betty Visit Dorothy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A023

    1. Chandu 341222 xxx Cobra Decides Fate
    2. Chandu 341225 xxx Bob Plans a Swap
    3. Chandu 341226 xxx To the Temple
    4. Chandu 341227 xxx Robert Returns
    5. Chandu 341228 xxx Bob & Betty Found

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A024

    1. Chandu 341231 xxx Dr Shaw & Black Magic
    2. Chandu 350101 xxx Nadji Arrives
    3. Chandu 350102 xxx Magic Successful
    4. Chandu 350624 xxx Adrift At Sea
    5. Chandu 350625 xxx Poison Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A025

    1. Chandu 350626 xxx Nadji Is Accused
    2. Chandu 350627 xxx Cigarettes of Death
    3. Chandu 350628 xxx Rescue At Sea
    4. Chandu 350701 xxx The Island of Suva

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A026

    1. Chandu 350702 xxx Mr Wilsons Charter Boat
    2. Chandu 350703 xxx The Footprint
    3. Chandu 350704 xxx Vindion Strikes
    4. Chandu 350706 xxx The Search for Nadji

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A027

    1. Chandu 350707 xxx Desertion
    2. Chandu 350709 xxx The Cave
    3. Chandu 350711 xxx Reunited
    4. Chandu 350712 xxx Another Encounter

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A028

    1. Chandu 350715 xxx Rescued
    2. Chandu 350716 xxx The Power of Chandu
    3. Chandu 350717 xxx The Awakening
    4. Chandu 350718 xxx Wilson's Mission

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A029

    1. Chandu 350723 xxx The Palace of the Secret Star
    2. Chandu 350730 xxx A Mental Picture
    3. Chandu 350731 xxx Rescued Again
    4. Chandu 350801 xxx The Devious Plot

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A030

    1. Chandu 350802 xxx Beware of Vitrius
    2. Chandu 350805 xxx Marshall Is Captured
    3. Chandu 350806 xxx A Message in Code
    4. Chandu 350807 xxx Clash of the Wizards

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A031

    1. Chandu 350808 xxx Chandu Victorious
    2. Chandu 350913 xxx Ruby Mine in Burma
    3. Chandu 480628 01 Chandler Returns
    4. Chandu 480629 02 Secret Papers Missing

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A032

    1. Chandu 480630 03 Is Regent Alive
    2. Chandu 480701 04 In Alexandria
    3. Chandu 480702 05 Dorothy Disappears
    4. Chandu 480705 06 Search for Dorothy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A033

    1. Chandu 480706 07 Slave Auction Rescue
    2. Chandu 480707 08 To Cairo
    3. Chandu 480708 09 Blue Flame
    4. Chandu 480709 10 Secret Place

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A034

    1. Chandu 480712 11 Note From Nagi
    2. Chandu 480713 12 Betty Meets Abdullah
    3. Chandu 480714 13 Chandu Meets Nagi
    4. Chandu 480715 14 Betty Is Kidnapped

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A035

    1. Chandu 480716 15 Betty Is Found
    2. Chandu 480719 16 Roxor Meets Nagi
    3. Chandu 480720 17 Secret Entrance
    4. Chandu 480721 18 Spell on Dorothy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A036

    1. Chandu 480722 19 Crystal Ball
    2. Chandu 480723 20 Breaking the Spell
    3. Chandu 480726 21 Betty & Bob Disappear
    4. Chandu 480727 22 Secret Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A037

    1. Chandu 480728 23 Roxor Threatens Death
    2. Chandu 480729 24 Bob Rescued
    3. Chandu 480730 Bob Is Rescued
    4. Chandu 480802 25 Abdullah Disappears

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Chandu the Magician Disc A038

    1. Chandu 480803 26 Emerald Casket
    2. Chandu 480804 27 Disappearing Ink
    3. Chandu 480805 28 Looking for The Emerald Casket
    4. Chandu 480806 29 Sick Camel

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A039

    1. Chandu 480809 30 Trouble With Guides
    2. Chandu 480810 31 Low Water Supply
    3. Chandu 480811 32 Abdullah's Affections
    4. Chandu 480812 33 Gordon Douglas

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A040

    1. Chandu 480813 34 Douglas' Dinner
    2. Chandu 480816 35 Douglas Is an Imposter
    3. Chandu 480817 36 Finding a Letter
    4. Chandu 480818 37 Nile Cruise

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A041

    1. Chandu 480819 38 Chandu's Disguise
    2. Chandu 480820 39 Manuscript Found
    3. Chandu 480823 40 Douglas Tells Roxor
    4. Chandu 480824 41 Letter Arrives

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A042

    1. Chandu 480825 42 Roxor's Plans
    2. Chandu 480826 43 Fraud's Identity
    3. Chandu 480827 44 Abdullah Stabbed
    4. Chandu 480830 45 Inquest Planned

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A043

    1. Chandu 480831 46 Douglas Disappears
    2. Chandu 480901 47 Lost in the Catacombs
    3. Chandu 480902 48 Chandu's Rescue
    4. Chandu 480903 49 Roxor Is Alive

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A044

    1. Chandu 480906 50 Chandu Escapes
    2. Chandu 480907 51 Reaching the Ruins
    3. Chandu 480908 52 Judy Allen
    4. Chandu 480909 53 Torture Chamber

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A045

    1. Chandu 480910 54 Story Teller
    2. Chandu 480913 55 Cairo Restaurant
    3. Chandu 480914 56 Robert's Ring
    4. Chandu 480915 57 Arenia the Spider

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A046

    1. Chandu 480916 58 Curse on Betty
    2. Chandu 480917 59 Ben Ali's House
    3. Chandu 480920 60 Opening the Letter
    4. Chandu 480921 61 Sonya Shoots Nagi

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A047

    1. Chandu 480922 62 Betty & Bob Run
    2. Chandu 480923 63 Arenia Is Shot
    3. Chandu 480924 64 Message for Nagi
    4. Chandu 480927 65 Mirror of Life

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A048

    1. Chandu 480928 66 Roxor Is Killed
    2. Chandu 480929 67 Exploring the Garden
    3. Chandu 480930 68 Family Is Reunited
    4. Chandu 481001 69 Explosion

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A049

    1. Chandu 481004 70 Contacts Dorothy
    2. Chandu 481005 71 Gardener Recognized
    3. Chandu 481006 72 Bribery Attempt
    4. Chandu 481007 73 Secret Meeting

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A050

    1. Chandu 481008 74 Landmark Spotted
    2. Chandu 481011 75 Map Found
    3. Chandu 481012 76 Fortune Told
    4. Chandu 481013 77 Dancing Partner Recognized

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A051

    1. Chandu 481014 78 Meets Dimitri
    2. Chandu 481015 79 Spell Cast on Bob
    3. Chandu 481018 80 Gypsy Coming After Betty and Bob
    4. Chandu 481019 81 Dimitri Asked to Leave

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A052

    1. Chandu 481020 82 Castle Plans Found
    2. Chandu 481021 83 Warning From Nagi
    3. Chandu 481022 84 Advice for Nicholas
    4. Chandu 481025 85 Tells About Plans

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A053

    1. Chandu 481026 86 Spell Cast
    2. Chandu 481027 87 Nagi Told of Curse
    3. Chandu 481028 88 Looking for Dorothy
    4. Chandu 481029 89 Finding Dorothy's Hat

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A054

    1. Chandu 481101 90 Nicholas Has Disappeared
    2. Chandu 481102 91 Trying to Escape
    3. Chandu 481103 92 Thinks Nicholas Is in the Castle
    4. Chandu 481104 93 Nicholas Found

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A055

    1. Chandu 481105 94 Dwarf Spotted
    2. Chandu 481108 95 Chandler Admits Real Mission
    3. Chandu 481109 96 Going to Schmitar Mountain
    4. Chandu 481110 97 Call From Paris

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A056

    1. Chandu 481111 98 Threat From Dimitri
    2. Chandu 481112 99 Stranger Spotted
    3. Chandu 481115 100 Fortune Told
    4. Chandu 481116 101 Chandler Trapped

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A057

    1. Chandu 481117 102 Enters Cave
    2. Chandu 481118 103 Learns Estaben's Identity
    3. Chandu 481119 104 Influences Dimitri
    4. Chandu 481122 105 Metso's Killed

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A058

    1. Chandu 481123 106 Spell Broken
    2. Chandu 481124 107 Threat From Dwarf
    3. Chandu 481125 108 Nagi Arrives
    4. Chandu 481126 109 Fire

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A059

    1. Chandu 481129 110 Chandler Escapes Fire
    2. Chandu 481130 111 Forged Letter
    3. Chandu 481201 112 Nagi Leaves
    4. Chandu 481202 113 Lupu Arrives

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A060

    1. Chandu 481203 114 Chandler Discovered
    2. Chandu 481206 115 Reveals Himself as Chandu
    3. Chandu 481207 116 Kingdom Regained
    4. Chandu 481208 117 Phone Call From Robert

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A061

    1. Chandu 481209 118 Lab Emptied
    2. Chandu 481210 119 Gomez Spotted
    3. Chandu 481213 120 Robert Seen in Crystal
    4. Chandu 481214 121 Learns Roxor's Location

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A062

    1. Chandu 481215 122 Wants to Enter Village of the Lost
    2. Chandu 481216 123 Jeff Worried
    3. Chandu 481217 124 Warned About Jeff
    4. Chandu 481220 125 Jeff's New Mission

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A063

    1. Chandu 481221 126 House in the Desert
    2. Chandu 481222 127 Saved From Spider
    3. Chandu 481223 128 Jeff Found
    4. Chandu 481224 129 Tries to Contact Robert

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A064

    1. Chandu 481227 130 Imposter Found Out
    2. Chandu 481228 131 Robert Found
    3. Chandu 481229 132 Story Told
    4. Chandu 481230 133 Looking for Betty

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A065

    1. Chandu 481231 134 Dorothy in Temple
    2. Chandu 490103 135 Talks to Chief
    3. Chandu 490104 136 Fate to Be Decided Soon
    4. Chandu 490105 137 Fails Cobra Test

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A066

    1. Chandu 490106 138 Refuses Escape Plan
    2. Chandu 490107 139 Robert Returns
    3. Chandu 490110 140 Truth About Dr. Shaw
    4. Chandu 490111 141 Help From Yogi

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A067

    1. Chandu 490112 142 Murderer Revealed
    2. Chandu 490113 143 Dorothy Safe
    3. Chandu 490114 144 Planning Tiger Hunt
    4. Chandu 490117 145 Tiger Killed

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A068

    1. Chandu 490118 146 Saves Lao Sing
    2. Chandu 490119 147 In Calcutta
    3. Chandu 490120 148 Dinner Invitation
    4. Chandu 490121 149 Dr. Shaw in Calcutta

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A069

    1. Chandu 490124 150 Under Dr. Shaw's Influence
    2. Chandu 490125 151 Impersonates Chandler
    3. Chandu 490126 152 Bob Missing
    4. Chandu 490127 153 Strange Markings

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A070

    1. Chandu 490128 154 Frank Returns to India
    2. Chandu 490203 Black Steps

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A071

    1. Chandu 490210 Village Of Thieves
    2. Chandu 490217 Photographic Memory

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A072

    1. Chandu 490224 Blood Oath
    2. Chandu 490303 Spell Of Kimitri

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A073

    1. Chandu 490310 Drug Smuggling
    2. Chandu 490317 Temple At Karnak

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A074

    1. Chandu 490324 Temple Under The Sea
    2. Chandu 490331 The House Of Fear

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A075

    1. Chandu 490414 The Voice Of Darkness
    2. Chandu 490421 Ominous Deadly Sahara

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A076

    1. Chandu 490428 Fog Of Forgotten Valley
    2. Chandu 491126 002 Temple Under The Sea

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A077

    1. Chandu 491203 003 Death On The Golden Horn
    2. Chandu 491210 004 Wizard Of The Kalahari

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A078

    1. Chandu 491224 006 Counterfeiters
    2. Chandu 500802 008 Clever Jeff Adams

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A079

    1. Chandu 500809 009 The Dress Designer
    2. Chandu 500816 010 Black Market Hijackers

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    Chandu the Magician Disc A080

    1. Chandu 500823 011 Coleman Alias Dr Bauer
    2. Chandu 500830 012 Naval Drug Fraud

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