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Casey Crime Photographer also known as Flashgun Casey, Crime Photographer

"SNAP!" Casey's crime photography often give him a snootfull of something foxingly mysterious. And the crime chase is on!

Casey Crime Photographer

86 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 40 hours, 16 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
43 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from April 24, 1947:

"The Gentle Strangler"

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Casey Crime Photographer

Mystery, based on the novels by George Harmon Coxe (1943 - 1955)

Casey Crime PhotoAlice Reinhart"SNAP!" Casey's crime photography often give him a snootfull of something foxingly mysterious. And the crime chase is on!

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Fans of Detective Fiction should be familiar with Black Mask magazine, which gave us such great Hard-boiled crime authors as Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Earl Stanley Gardner. Another very successful author for the magazine was George Harmon Coxe, who would be selected as a Grand Master of the Mystery Writers of America in 1964.

Coxe began writing in 1922, handling what ever genre he could in order to pay the bills. He especially enjoyed crime fiction. One of his popular characters, "Flashgun" Jack Casey, first appeared in Black Mask in 1934. Casey's job was as a photographer on the crime beat for "The Morning Express". He often worked with lovely reporter Ann Williams, and had a relatively good relationship with police detective Captain Logan. Jack Casey and Ann would hang out and discuss their assignments at the Blue Note Cafe, sharing wisecracks with the bartender Ethelbert and enjoying the fine jazz of the Archie Bleyer Orchestra or the Teddy Wilson Trio.

The short stories in Black Mask led to a pair of films, Women Are Trouble (1936) and Here's Flash Casey (1938). The films led to a series of novels, the first two published as serials in Black Mask. The characters came to CBS radio for the first time in 1943.

Staatsworth CottsThe program appear under different titles, Flashgun Casey (43-44), Casey, Press Photographer (44-45), Crime Photographer (45-47), and Casey, Crime Photographer (47-50). The title role was played by Matt Crowley, briefly by Jim Backus, and Staats Cotsworth. Jan Miner played his sidekick, reporter Ann Williams.

Author Coxes related that he had read and enjoyed stories where the Newspaper reporter got involved with the crimes they were reporting, and eventually solved them. However he began to wonder who was taking greater risks, the reporter or the photographer who had to get up-close and personal with the subjects. His first Flash Casey to appear in Black Mask would be the inspiration for the 1938 film "Here's Flash Casey".

Bill CullenThe radio network took a good deal of convincing before they took a risk on the characters, feeling that the market was already saturated with detective shows.Once production began, they went so far as to relegate the program to unfavorable late night time slots. However radio audiences responded and the show lasted on radio from 1943 until 1950.

The program did not enjoy the same success on television. Said star Darren McGavin about the short TV run "The cast of "Crime Photographer" didn't go down fighting,... They took off for the hills. It was so bad that it was never re-run..."

Side-kick Ann Williams was played by Jan Miller on both Radio and TV. Miller would achieve later fame as "Madge the Manicurist" in the Palmolive Dish Washing detergent ads.

For more newspaper-crime reporting, see also: Big Town, Big Story, Europe Confidential, Front Page Farrell, and Shorty Bell Cub Reporter.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    29     5


    Great fun, well produced with top notch stories and acting. I highly recommend this series.

    Daniel Verified Purchase


    JOSEPH Verified Purchase

    The other day my wife and I were listening to otr while driving and we heard this little jewel of wisdom. From Ethelbert the bar tender on Casey, Crime Photographer. " A woman's will, is always stronger than a man's won't."

    Tom Verified Purchase

    Love Casey, Crime Photographer. There were over 400 shows recorded, sadly, only about 80 exist. Ethelbert was a hoot with those quotes from his sister!


    I'm a big fan. Ethelbert played Barney on Speed Gibson of the International Secret Police. You are listening to a comic book -- the series is great fun, Cotsworth is superb, as is Gibson. Except for the Toni sponsorship era, most of the episodes are very entertaining. Sometimes Alonzo Deen Cole had some series continuity issues, in terms of keeping some facts straight now and then, but it's been a favorite light detective series in my collecting since I started. Wish more recordings would surface. Only about 15% of the episodes have survived. The bulk are from the Anchor Glass era, which was a high point production-wise. If it wasn't for AFRS recordings we would not have many of the episodes from the Philip Morris sponsored run.

    Bruce Verified Purchase

    Always liked Casey-Kind of a guilty pleasure for me. Search out the In-house episode that was done at Anchor Hocking in Lancaster, Ohio with Staats Cotsworth, Jan Miner, John Gibson and Tony Marvin. A fun listen-The 1947-48 Toni season was announced by a very young Bill Cullen..

    Tim Verified Purchase

    That was a good cast and you could tell that they meshed together so very well

    Joe Verified Purchase

    My favorite episode is "King of the Apes" which was the first I heard. "Demon Miner" was written by Cole as a Shadow script -- rejected by Blue Coal since they didn't like the idea of murder in a coal mine -- it still has a "Shadow feel" to it after Cole re-worked it. It was a very good Casey script.

    Joe Verified Purchase

    I wonder why a promotional shot, for newspaper photographer, would seat him at a typewriter ?????

    George Verified Purchase

    I listened to Casey Crime Photographer as a young lad traveling with my dad. I now listen to him while working in my workshop. Great show. All Old Time Radio shows are great!!

    James Verified Purchase

    Enjoyable program. Well recorded and adapted by OTRCAT! Also, my experience of OTRCAT has been excellent in every way. Excellent customer support as well as great choices in the catalogue!

    G. Douglas Verified Purchase

    These radio shows were brought to my attention by my late brother. I started to listen and immediately became hooked with OTR shows. Listening to these shows brings me right back to our long distance phone calls about the shows and the background information behind the shows. They have also been an audio form of therapy since my cancer treatments.(remission) I will be buying more Detective MP3 CDs for sure!👍

    Richard Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    86 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 40 hours, 16 min
    86 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 40 hours, 16 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 41 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 59 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Casey 430707 001 Case Of Switched Plates [Flashgun Casey].mp3
    3. Casey 440226 033 Clue In Clouds [Casey Press Photographer].mp3
    4. Casey 460603 137 Reunion Afrs Mystery Playhouse.mp3
    5. Casey 460715 143 A Tooth For Tooth.mp3
    6. Casey 460829 148 Red Raincoat.mp3
    7. Casey 460905 149 Handkerchief.mp3
    8. Casey 460919 151 Duke Of Skid Row.mp3
    9. Casey 461219 164 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    10. Casey 470116 168 Surprising Corpse.mp3
    11. Casey 470206 171 Grey Kitten.mp3
    12. Casey 470220 173 Twenty Minute Alibi.mp3
    13. Casey 470306 175 Mysterious Lodger.mp3
    14. Casey 470320 177 Demon Miner.mp3
    15. Casey 470403 179 Girl on the Dock.mp3
    16. Casey 470417 181 Box Of Death.mp3
    17. Casey 470424 182 Gentle Strangler.mp3
    18. Casey 470501 183 King Of Apes.mp3
    19. Casey 470508 184 Laughing Killer.mp3
    20. Casey 470522 186 Pickup.mp3
    21. Casey 470703 192 Acquitted.mp3
    22. Casey 470710 193 Lady Killer.mp3
    23. Casey 470717 194 Casey And Selfmade Hero 2 nd Repeat Of 36.mp3
    24. Casey 470724 195 Photo Of Dead.mp3
    25. Casey 470731 196 Bright New Star.mp3
    26. Casey 470807 197 Death Lovers Lane Anchorhocking.mp3
    27. Casey 470814 198 Chivalrous Gunman.mp3
    28. Casey 470821 199 Busmans Holiday.mp3
    29. Casey 470828 200 Hideout.mp3
    30. Casey 470904 201 Loaded Dice.mp3
    31. Casey 470911 202 Graveyard Gertie Repeat Of 128.mp3
    32. Casey 470918 203 Tobacco Pouch.mp3
    33. Casey 470925 204 Treasure Cave.mp3
    34. Casey 471002 205 Miscarriage Of Justice.mp3
    35. Casey 471009 206 Wedding Breakfast.mp3
    36. Casey 471016 207 Camera Bug.mp3
    37. Casey 471023 208 Lady In Distress.mp3
    38. Casey 471030 209 Great Grandfathers Rent Receipt.mp3
    39. Casey 471106 210 Tcot Blonde Lipstick.mp3
    40. Casey 471113 211 Too Many Angels.mp3
    41. Casey 471120 212 Earned Reward Repeat Of 122.mp3
    42. Casey 471127 213 After Turkey Bill.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 17 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Casey 471204 214 Serpent Goddess.mp3
    3. Casey 471211 215 New Will.mp3
    4. Casey 471218 216 Life Of Party.mp3
    5. Casey 471225 217 Santa Claus Of Bums Blvd.mp3
    6. Casey 480101 218 Hot New Years Party.mp3
    7. Casey 480108 219 Queen Of Amazons.mp3
    8. Casey 480115 220 Miracle.mp3
    9. Casey 480122 221 Exconvict.mp3
    10. Casey 480129 222 Piggy Bank Robbery.mp3
    11. Casey 480205 223 Music To Die By.mp3
    12. Casey 480212 224 Key Witness.mp3
    13. Casey 480219 225 Witchcraft.mp3
    14. Casey 480226 226 Fix.mp3
    15. Casey 480304 227 Tough Guy.mp3
    16. Casey 480311 228 Fog.mp3
    17. Casey 480318 229 Murder In Black And White.mp3
    18. Casey 480325 230 Blind Justice.mp3
    19. Casey 480527 Gun Wanted.mp3
    20. Casey 481125 264 Holiday.mp3
    21. Casey 490120 272 Action Photograph.mp3
    22. Casey 490310 279 Scene Of Crime.mp3
    23. Casey 490414 284 Too Many Knives.mp3
    24. Casey 490505 287 Wolverine.mp3
    25. Casey 490519 289 Cupid Is A Killer Repeat Of 112.mp3
    26. Casey 490804 300 Sellout.mp3
    27. Casey 490811 301 Death Of A Stranger.mp3
    28. Casey 490825 303 Snowball.mp3
    29. Casey 491020 311 Coffin.mp3
    30. Casey 491110 314 Thunderbolt.mp3
    31. Casey 491117 315 Upholsterer.mp3
    32. Casey 500119 324 Wanted A Gun.mp3
    33. Casey 500302 330 Bad Little Babe.mp3
    34. Casey 500302 Bad Little Babe AFRS.mp3
    35. Casey 500406 335 Fire.mp3
    36. Casey 500413 336 Disappearance Of Mr Dizzel.mp3
    37. Casey 500504 339 Suicide AFRS048.mp3
    38. Casey 500504 339 Suicide.mp3
    39. Casey 500615 345 Unlucky Numbers.mp3
    40. Casey 501102 365 The Deadly Wolf AFRS.mp3
    41. Casey 501109 366 Woman Of Mystery Afrts.mp3
    42. Casey 501116 367 Upholsterer Repeat Of 315.mp3
    43. Casey 540113 368 Road Angel Series Returns To Air.mp3
    44. Casey 540120 369 Source Of Information.mp3
    45. Casey Actress Auditions 470318.mp3
    46. Casey Spring Promo Disc 1947 Pt 01.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    86 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 40 hours, 16 min
    86 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    1106 MB – total playtime 40 hours, 16 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 41 shows – 549 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 59 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Casey 430707 001 Case Of Switched Plates [Flashgun Casey].mp3
    3. Casey 440226 033 Clue In Clouds [Casey Press Photographer].mp3
    4. Casey 460603 137 Reunion Afrs Mystery Playhouse.mp3
    5. Casey 460715 143 A Tooth For Tooth.mp3
    6. Casey 460829 148 Red Raincoat.mp3
    7. Casey 460905 149 Handkerchief.mp3
    8. Casey 460919 151 Duke Of Skid Row.mp3
    9. Casey 461219 164 Christmas Shopping.mp3
    10. Casey 470116 168 Surprising Corpse.mp3
    11. Casey 470206 171 Grey Kitten.mp3
    12. Casey 470220 173 Twenty Minute Alibi.mp3
    13. Casey 470306 175 Mysterious Lodger.mp3
    14. Casey 470320 177 Demon Miner.mp3
    15. Casey 470403 179 Girl on the Dock.mp3
    16. Casey 470417 181 Box Of Death.mp3
    17. Casey 470424 182 Gentle Strangler.mp3
    18. Casey 470501 183 King Of Apes.mp3
    19. Casey 470508 184 Laughing Killer.mp3
    20. Casey 470522 186 Pickup.mp3
    21. Casey 470703 192 Acquitted.mp3
    22. Casey 470710 193 Lady Killer.mp3
    23. Casey 470717 194 Casey And Selfmade Hero 2 nd Repeat Of 36.mp3
    24. Casey 470724 195 Photo Of Dead.mp3
    25. Casey 470731 196 Bright New Star.mp3
    26. Casey 470807 197 Death Lovers Lane Anchorhocking.mp3
    27. Casey 470814 198 Chivalrous Gunman.mp3
    28. Casey 470821 199 Busmans Holiday.mp3
    29. Casey 470828 200 Hideout.mp3
    30. Casey 470904 201 Loaded Dice.mp3
    31. Casey 470911 202 Graveyard Gertie Repeat Of 128.mp3
    32. Casey 470918 203 Tobacco Pouch.mp3
    33. Casey 470925 204 Treasure Cave.mp3
    34. Casey 471002 205 Miscarriage Of Justice.mp3
    35. Casey 471009 206 Wedding Breakfast.mp3
    36. Casey 471016 207 Camera Bug.mp3
    37. Casey 471023 208 Lady In Distress.mp3
    38. Casey 471030 209 Great Grandfathers Rent Receipt.mp3
    39. Casey 471106 210 Tcot Blonde Lipstick.mp3
    40. Casey 471113 211 Too Many Angels.mp3
    41. Casey 471120 212 Earned Reward Repeat Of 122.mp3
    42. Casey 471127 213 After Turkey Bill.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 45 shows – 557 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 17 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Casey 471204 214 Serpent Goddess.mp3
    3. Casey 471211 215 New Will.mp3
    4. Casey 471218 216 Life Of Party.mp3
    5. Casey 471225 217 Santa Claus Of Bums Blvd.mp3
    6. Casey 480101 218 Hot New Years Party.mp3
    7. Casey 480108 219 Queen Of Amazons.mp3
    8. Casey 480115 220 Miracle.mp3
    9. Casey 480122 221 Exconvict.mp3
    10. Casey 480129 222 Piggy Bank Robbery.mp3
    11. Casey 480205 223 Music To Die By.mp3
    12. Casey 480212 224 Key Witness.mp3
    13. Casey 480219 225 Witchcraft.mp3
    14. Casey 480226 226 Fix.mp3
    15. Casey 480304 227 Tough Guy.mp3
    16. Casey 480311 228 Fog.mp3
    17. Casey 480318 229 Murder In Black And White.mp3
    18. Casey 480325 230 Blind Justice.mp3
    19. Casey 480527 Gun Wanted.mp3
    20. Casey 481125 264 Holiday.mp3
    21. Casey 490120 272 Action Photograph.mp3
    22. Casey 490310 279 Scene Of Crime.mp3
    23. Casey 490414 284 Too Many Knives.mp3
    24. Casey 490505 287 Wolverine.mp3
    25. Casey 490519 289 Cupid Is A Killer Repeat Of 112.mp3
    26. Casey 490804 300 Sellout.mp3
    27. Casey 490811 301 Death Of A Stranger.mp3
    28. Casey 490825 303 Snowball.mp3
    29. Casey 491020 311 Coffin.mp3
    30. Casey 491110 314 Thunderbolt.mp3
    31. Casey 491117 315 Upholsterer.mp3
    32. Casey 500119 324 Wanted A Gun.mp3
    33. Casey 500302 330 Bad Little Babe.mp3
    34. Casey 500302 Bad Little Babe AFRS.mp3
    35. Casey 500406 335 Fire.mp3
    36. Casey 500413 336 Disappearance Of Mr Dizzel.mp3
    37. Casey 500504 339 Suicide AFRS048.mp3
    38. Casey 500504 339 Suicide.mp3
    39. Casey 500615 345 Unlucky Numbers.mp3
    40. Casey 501102 365 The Deadly Wolf AFRS.mp3
    41. Casey 501109 366 Woman Of Mystery Afrts.mp3
    42. Casey 501116 367 Upholsterer Repeat Of 315.mp3
    43. Casey 540113 368 Road Angel Series Returns To Air.mp3
    44. Casey 540120 369 Source Of Information.mp3
    45. Casey Actress Auditions 470318.mp3
    46. Casey Spring Promo Disc 1947 Pt 01.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    86 recordings on 43 Audio CDs. Total playtime 40 hours, 16 min
    86 recordings on 43 Audio CDs
    total playtime 40 hours, 16 min

    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A001

    1. Casey Spring Promo Disc 1947 Pt 01
    2. Casey 430707 001 Case Of Switched Plates [Flashgun Casey]
    3. Casey 440226 033 Clue In Clouds [Casey Press Photographer]

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A002

    1. Casey 460603 137 Reunion Afrs Mystery Playhouse
    2. Casey 460715 143 A Tooth For Tooth

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A003

    1. Casey 460829 148 Red Raincoat
    2. Casey 460905 149 Handkerchief

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A004

    1. Casey 460919 151 Duke Of Skid Row
    2. Casey 461219 164 Christmas Shopping

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A005

    1. Casey 470116 168 Surprising Corpse
    2. Casey 470206 171 Grey Kitten

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A006

    1. Casey 470220 173 Twenty Minute Alibi
    2. Casey 470306 175 Mysterious Lodger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A007

    1. Casey Actress Auditions 470318
    2. Casey 470320 177 Demon Miner

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A008

    1. Casey 470403 179 Girl on the Dock
    2. Casey 470417 181 Box Of Death

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A009

    1. Casey 470424 182 Gentle Strangler
    2. Casey 470501 183 King Of Apes

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A010

    1. Casey 470508 184 Laughing Killer
    2. Casey 470522 186 Pickup

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A011

    1. Casey 470703 192 Acquitted
    2. Casey 470710 193 Lady Killer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A012

    1. Casey 470717 194 Casey And Selfmade Hero 2 nd Repeat Of 36
    2. Casey 470724 195 Photo Of Dead

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A013

    1. Casey 470731 196 Bright New Star
    2. Casey 470807 197 Death Lovers Lane Anchorhocking

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A014

    1. Casey 470814 198 Chivalrous Gunman
    2. Casey 470821 199 Busmans Holiday

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A015

    1. Casey 470828 200 Hideout
    2. Casey 470904 201 Loaded Dice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A016

    1. Casey 470911 202 Graveyard Gertie Repeat Of 128
    2. Casey 470918 203 Tobacco Pouch

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A017

    1. Casey 470925 204 Treasure Cave
    2. Casey 471002 205 Miscarriage Of Justice

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A018

    1. Casey 471009 206 Wedding Breakfast
    2. Casey 471016 207 Camera Bug

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A019

    1. Casey 471023 208 Lady In Distress
    2. Casey 471030 209 Great Grandfathers Rent Receipt

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A020

    1. Casey 471106 210 Tcot Blonde Lipstick
    2. Casey 471113 211 Too Many Angels

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A021

    1. Casey 471120 212 Earned Reward Repeat Of 122
    2. Casey 471127 213 After Turkey Bill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A022

    1. Casey 471204 214 Serpent Goddess
    2. Casey 471211 215 New Will

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A023

    1. Casey 471218 216 Life Of Party
    2. Casey 471225 217 Santa Claus Of Bums Blvd

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A024

    1. Casey 480101 218 Hot New Years Party
    2. Casey 480108 219 Queen Of Amazons

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A025

    1. Casey 480115 220 Miracle
    2. Casey 480122 221 Exconvict

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A026

    1. Casey 480129 222 Piggy Bank Robbery
    2. Casey 480205 223 Music To Die By

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A027

    1. Casey 480212 224 Key Witness
    2. Casey 480219 225 Witchcraft

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A028

    1. Casey 480226 226 Fix
    2. Casey 480304 227 Tough Guy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A029

    1. Casey 480311 228 Fog
    2. Casey 480318 229 Murder In Black And White

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A030

    1. Casey 480325 230 Blind Justice
    2. Casey 480527 Gun Wanted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A031

    1. Casey 481125 264 Holiday
    2. Casey 490120 272 Action Photograph

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A032

    1. Casey 490310 279 Scene Of Crime
    2. Casey 490414 284 Too Many Knives

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A033

    1. Casey 490505 287 Wolverine
    2. Casey 490519 289 Cupid Is A Killer Repeat Of 112

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A034

    1. Casey 490804 300 Sellout
    2. Casey 490811 301 Death Of A Stranger

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A035

    1. Casey 490825 303 Snowball
    2. Casey 491020 311 Coffin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A036

    1. Casey 491110 314 Thunderbolt
    2. Casey 491117 315 Upholsterer

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A037

    1. Casey 500119 324 Wanted A Gun
    2. Casey 500302 330 Bad Little Babe

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A038

    1. Casey 500302 Bad Little Babe AFRS
    2. Casey 500406 335 Fire

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A039

    1. Casey 500413 336 Disappearance Of Mr Dizzel
    2. Casey 500504 339 Suicide AFRS048

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A040

    1. Casey 500504 339 Suicide
    2. Casey 500615 345 Unlucky Numbers

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A041

    1. Casey 501102 365 The Deadly Wolf AFRS
    2. Casey 501109 366 Woman Of Mystery Afrts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A042

    1. Casey 501116 367 Upholsterer Repeat Of 315
    2. Casey 540113 368 Road Angel Series Returns To Air

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Casey Crime Photographer Disc A043

    1. Casey 540120 369 Source Of Information

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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