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includes news reports and speeches on the german invasion across Europe as the atrocities unfolded.


91 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 9 hours, 30 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
9 Audio CDs

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"Elmer Davis & News: Voice of Pity no longer exists in Europe"

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Historical News Reports and Speeches (1940)

German troops in WarsawBlitzkrieg is a military tactic loosely translated as "Flash war or "Lightning War which employs an offensive high-tech bombardment followed by swift ground forces in vehicles attacking with speed before an enemy can engage in defensive measures.  The Germans first wrote about this method in military Journal "Deutsche Wehr" in 1935 but it was developed as early as the end of WWI conjunction with the Soviet Union.  This war making policy depended on shocking the enemy to reduce their communications, morale, logistics and general infrastructure. 

In general, this warfare method increased civilian causalities and used to cause panic among the general population.  This modern use of warfare developed by the German Heinz Wilhelm Guderian was first used by German volunteers to assist the fascist Franco regime in the Spanish Civil war most notably in the bombing of the Spanish town of Guernica and the atrocious aftermath depicted in Pablo Picasso's Guernica painting.  Guderian once wrote that "Success must be exploited without respite and with every ounce of strength, even by night. The defeated enemy must be given no peace."

Blitzkrieg is often used synonymously in America with the German invasion of Poland in September 1939 after a Time Magazine article written on September Warsaw remains 25, 1939 dubbed the invasion as "no war of occupation, but a war of quick penetration and obliteration—Blitzkrieg, lightning war.  This invasion occurred a week after the signing of the secret Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact which insured that both Germany and the Soviet Union would occupy the entirety of Poland.  The German forces invaded Poland from the north, south, and west forcing them to withdraw east where the Soviet Forces invaded.  The Germans utilized modern warfare machinery like aircraft in the Luftwaffe which targeted civilians, transportation, and infrastructure.

Polish soldiers and nationals fled to neutral Romania and in one month German and Soviet troops completely occupied Poland with the cost of about 150,000 Polish civilians; 680,000 Polish Prisoners of War; and 5,000 German Troops.  The invasion of Poland led to Britain and France to declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939 which commenced WWII

This collection includes news reports and speeches on the german invasion across Europe as the atrocities unfolded.

For more WWII radio shows, see also Adolf Hitler recordings.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    91 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 30 min
    91 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 9 hours, 30 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 91 shows – total playtime 9 hours, 30 minutes
    2. 400118 C Today In Europe.mp3
    3. 400120 B Winston Churchill House Many Mansions.mp3
    4. 4001xx N Alf Landon Speaks Against Lendlease.mp3
    5. 400216 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Altmark Incident.mp3
    6. 400223 B Winston Churchill The Navy Is Here.mp3
    7. 400227 RLord Haw Haw British Minister Misinformation.mp3
    8. 400330 B Winston Churchill A Sterner War.mp3
    9. 4003xx Bb Thomas Mann Deutsche Horer Warnung.mp3
    10. 400403 Ptt French Premier Paul Reynaud Appeals For Us Aid.mp3
    11. 400409 B Alvar Liddell On Invasion Of Denmark Norway.mp3
    12. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 1.mp3
    13. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 2.mp3
    14. 400413 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Russofinnish War Concluded.mp3
    15. 400416 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Scandinavian UD Schmidt Smith.mp3
    16. 400427 Rrg Foreign Minr Joachim Von Ribbentrop Allied Aggres.mp3
    17. 400508 C Murrow On Nonconfidence Debate In Commons.mp3
    18. 400510 Avro Proclmtn Queen Wilhelmina-Attack On Holland.mp3
    19. 400510 B Chamberlain Resigns As Prime Minister.mp3
    20. 400510 Ptt Hubert Pierlot Denonce LInvasion De La Belgique.mp3
    21. 400511 C Elmer Davis Reports On First Day Of Blitzkrieg.mp3
    22. 400513 B Bernard Stubbs On The Bef Advance Into Belgium.mp3
    23. 400513 B Winston Churchill The New Administration.mp3
    24. 400514 B German Advance On Antwerp.mp3
    25. 400514 B Sec St Anthony Eden Calls Local Defense Volunteers.mp3
    26. 400519 B Winston Churchill First Speech As Prime Minister.mp3
    27. 400526 Rrg British Troops In Full Retreat.mp3
    28. 400528 B Winston Churchill On Capitulation Of Belgium.mp3
    29. 400528 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Holland Belgium Invaded.mp3
    30. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk.mp3
    31. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops In London.mp3
    32. 400604 B Winston Churchill We Shall Never Surrender.mp3
    33. 400605 B Jb Priestly On Dunkirk.mp3
    34. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini Declares War On Allies-Eng Tran.mp3
    35. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini La Dichiarazione Di Guerra.mp3
    36. 400613 Ptt Paul Reynaud Tours La France Ne Peut Pas Mourir.mp3
    37. 400614 C Rebroadcasts Nazi Announcement.mp3
    38. 400614 Last Marseillaise Broadcast As Paris Falls.mp3
    39. 400614 Rrg Nazi Radio Announces Fall Of Paris.mp3
    40. 400617 B Winston Churchill Their Finest Hour.mp3
    41. 400617 C Princess Juliana Of Netherlands-Asylum-Canada.mp3
    42. 400619 C Elmer Davis And The News.mp3
    43. 400620 C Elmer Davis And The News.mp3
    44. 400621 Can Eric Sevareid On The Fall Of Paris.mp3
    45. 400621 Can William C Kirker On French Armistace At Compiegne.mp3
    46. 400621 Can Wm Shirer Coverage Of French Surrender.mp3
    47. 400621 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Fall Of France.mp3
    48. 400622 B Charles Degaulle Resistance-Occupant Allemand.mp3
    49. 400622 Conv Tel General Huntziger-General Weygand.mp3
    50. 400628 Rsh Lord Haw Haw British Invasion Looms.mp3
    51. 400704 Mbs Arthur Mann In London.mp3
    52. 400714 B Charles Gardner On Convoy Attack Dogfight.mp3
    53. 400714 B Charles Gardner Reports More On Dogfight.mp3
    54. 400714 B Winston Churchill War Of The Unknown Warrior.mp3
    55. 400723 C European News.mp3
    56. 400727 C European News.mp3
    57. 400729 B Secretary War Anthony Eden-Battle Of Britain.mp3
    58. 400814 C European News.mp3
    59. 400816 C European News.mp3
    60. 400820 B Winston Churchill The First Year.mp3
    61. 400824 C Special Broadcast London After Dark.mp3
    62. 400829 C European News.mp3
    63. 400902 C European News.mp3
    64. 400908 B A Londoner On Shelters And The Blitz.mp3
    65. 400911 B Winston Churchill The Crux Of The Whole War.mp3
    66. 400915 B Alvar Liddell Reports 175 German Aircraft Destroyed.mp3
    67. 400915 B Robin Duff Covers Convoy Attack Off Dover.mp3
    68. 400917 B Winston Churchill House Of Commons Secret Session.mp3
    69. 400920 C Edward Murrow On London Rooftop During Blitz.mp3
    70. 400920 C European News.mp3
    71. 400923 J Edgar Hoover On The Opponents Of War Preparedness.mp3
    72. 401005 B Robin Duff In Air Raid Shelter.mp3
    73. 401013 B Princess Elizabeth Margaret--Evacuated Children.mp3
    74. 401015 B Blitz Emergency Services.mp3
    75. 401021 B Winston Churchill Pledge To Free France.mp3
    76. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt1).mp3
    77. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt2).mp3
    78. 401026 Sec State Cordell Hull-Need Strong National Defense.mp3
    79. 401027 Mbs Ny Worlds Fair Closing.mp3
    80. 401030 Rdn Marechal Petain Collaboration Francoallemande.mp3
    81. 401115 B Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement.mp3
    82. 401115 B Very Reverend Rt Howard Coventry Cathdrl Destroyed.mp3
    83. 401118 Eiar Benito Mussolini L'Attecco Alla Grecia.mp3
    84. 401118 Rrg Baldur Von Schirach, Chef Der Hitlerjugend.mp3
    85. 401220 B Robin Duff Sees London Burning.mp3
    86. 401223 B Winston Churchill Address To Italy.mp3
    87. 401231 B Herbert Morrison Minister For Home Security.mp3
    88. 40xxxx B Girl Tells Of Bomb Shelters.mp3
    89. 40xxxx B Its That Man Again Tommy Handley.mp3
    90. 40xxxx Bd Lilli Marleen.mp3
    91. 40xxxx Rrg Adolf Hitler If Our Will Is Strong Enough.mp3
    92. Blitzkreig.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    91 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 9 hours, 30 min
    91 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    198 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 30 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 91 shows – 198 MB – total playtime 9 hours, 30 minutes
    2. 400118 C Today In Europe.mp3
    3. 400120 B Winston Churchill House Many Mansions.mp3
    4. 4001xx N Alf Landon Speaks Against Lendlease.mp3
    5. 400216 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Altmark Incident.mp3
    6. 400223 B Winston Churchill The Navy Is Here.mp3
    7. 400227 RLord Haw Haw British Minister Misinformation.mp3
    8. 400330 B Winston Churchill A Sterner War.mp3
    9. 4003xx Bb Thomas Mann Deutsche Horer Warnung.mp3
    10. 400403 Ptt French Premier Paul Reynaud Appeals For Us Aid.mp3
    11. 400409 B Alvar Liddell On Invasion Of Denmark Norway.mp3
    12. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 1.mp3
    13. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 2.mp3
    14. 400413 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Russofinnish War Concluded.mp3
    15. 400416 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Scandinavian UD Schmidt Smith.mp3
    16. 400427 Rrg Foreign Minr Joachim Von Ribbentrop Allied Aggres.mp3
    17. 400508 C Murrow On Nonconfidence Debate In Commons.mp3
    18. 400510 Avro Proclmtn Queen Wilhelmina-Attack On Holland.mp3
    19. 400510 B Chamberlain Resigns As Prime Minister.mp3
    20. 400510 Ptt Hubert Pierlot Denonce LInvasion De La Belgique.mp3
    21. 400511 C Elmer Davis Reports On First Day Of Blitzkrieg.mp3
    22. 400513 B Bernard Stubbs On The Bef Advance Into Belgium.mp3
    23. 400513 B Winston Churchill The New Administration.mp3
    24. 400514 B German Advance On Antwerp.mp3
    25. 400514 B Sec St Anthony Eden Calls Local Defense Volunteers.mp3
    26. 400519 B Winston Churchill First Speech As Prime Minister.mp3
    27. 400526 Rrg British Troops In Full Retreat.mp3
    28. 400528 B Winston Churchill On Capitulation Of Belgium.mp3
    29. 400528 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Holland Belgium Invaded.mp3
    30. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk.mp3
    31. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops In London.mp3
    32. 400604 B Winston Churchill We Shall Never Surrender.mp3
    33. 400605 B Jb Priestly On Dunkirk.mp3
    34. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini Declares War On Allies-Eng Tran.mp3
    35. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini La Dichiarazione Di Guerra.mp3
    36. 400613 Ptt Paul Reynaud Tours La France Ne Peut Pas Mourir.mp3
    37. 400614 C Rebroadcasts Nazi Announcement.mp3
    38. 400614 Last Marseillaise Broadcast As Paris Falls.mp3
    39. 400614 Rrg Nazi Radio Announces Fall Of Paris.mp3
    40. 400617 B Winston Churchill Their Finest Hour.mp3
    41. 400617 C Princess Juliana Of Netherlands-Asylum-Canada.mp3
    42. 400619 C Elmer Davis And The News.mp3
    43. 400620 C Elmer Davis And The News.mp3
    44. 400621 Can Eric Sevareid On The Fall Of Paris.mp3
    45. 400621 Can William C Kirker On French Armistace At Compiegne.mp3
    46. 400621 Can Wm Shirer Coverage Of French Surrender.mp3
    47. 400621 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Fall Of France.mp3
    48. 400622 B Charles Degaulle Resistance-Occupant Allemand.mp3
    49. 400622 Conv Tel General Huntziger-General Weygand.mp3
    50. 400628 Rsh Lord Haw Haw British Invasion Looms.mp3
    51. 400704 Mbs Arthur Mann In London.mp3
    52. 400714 B Charles Gardner On Convoy Attack Dogfight.mp3
    53. 400714 B Charles Gardner Reports More On Dogfight.mp3
    54. 400714 B Winston Churchill War Of The Unknown Warrior.mp3
    55. 400723 C European News.mp3
    56. 400727 C European News.mp3
    57. 400729 B Secretary War Anthony Eden-Battle Of Britain.mp3
    58. 400814 C European News.mp3
    59. 400816 C European News.mp3
    60. 400820 B Winston Churchill The First Year.mp3
    61. 400824 C Special Broadcast London After Dark.mp3
    62. 400829 C European News.mp3
    63. 400902 C European News.mp3
    64. 400908 B A Londoner On Shelters And The Blitz.mp3
    65. 400911 B Winston Churchill The Crux Of The Whole War.mp3
    66. 400915 B Alvar Liddell Reports 175 German Aircraft Destroyed.mp3
    67. 400915 B Robin Duff Covers Convoy Attack Off Dover.mp3
    68. 400917 B Winston Churchill House Of Commons Secret Session.mp3
    69. 400920 C Edward Murrow On London Rooftop During Blitz.mp3
    70. 400920 C European News.mp3
    71. 400923 J Edgar Hoover On The Opponents Of War Preparedness.mp3
    72. 401005 B Robin Duff In Air Raid Shelter.mp3
    73. 401013 B Princess Elizabeth Margaret--Evacuated Children.mp3
    74. 401015 B Blitz Emergency Services.mp3
    75. 401021 B Winston Churchill Pledge To Free France.mp3
    76. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt1).mp3
    77. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt2).mp3
    78. 401026 Sec State Cordell Hull-Need Strong National Defense.mp3
    79. 401027 Mbs Ny Worlds Fair Closing.mp3
    80. 401030 Rdn Marechal Petain Collaboration Francoallemande.mp3
    81. 401115 B Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement.mp3
    82. 401115 B Very Reverend Rt Howard Coventry Cathdrl Destroyed.mp3
    83. 401118 Eiar Benito Mussolini L'Attecco Alla Grecia.mp3
    84. 401118 Rrg Baldur Von Schirach, Chef Der Hitlerjugend.mp3
    85. 401220 B Robin Duff Sees London Burning.mp3
    86. 401223 B Winston Churchill Address To Italy.mp3
    87. 401231 B Herbert Morrison Minister For Home Security.mp3
    88. 40xxxx B Girl Tells Of Bomb Shelters.mp3
    89. 40xxxx B Its That Man Again Tommy Handley.mp3
    90. 40xxxx Bd Lilli Marleen.mp3
    91. 40xxxx Rrg Adolf Hitler If Our Will Is Strong Enough.mp3
    92. Blitzkreig.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    91 recordings on 9 Audio CDs. Total playtime 9 hours, 30 min
    91 recordings on 9 Audio CDs
    total playtime 9 hours, 30 min

    Blitzkrieg Disc A001

    1. 4001xx N Alf Landon Speaks Against Lendlease
    2. 4003xx Bb Thomas Mann Deutsche Horer Warnung
    3. 40xxxx B Girl Tells Of Bomb Shelters
    4. 40xxxx B Its That Man Again Tommy Handley
    5. 40xxxx Bd Lilli Marleen
    6. 40xxxx Rrg Adolf Hitler If Our Will Is Strong Enough
    7. Blitzkreig
    8. 400118 C Today In Europe
    9. 400120 B Winston Churchill House Many Mansions
    10. 400216 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Altmark Incident
    11. 400223 B Winston Churchill The Navy Is Here
    12. 400227 RLord Haw Haw British Minister Misinformation
    13. 400330 B Winston Churchill A Sterner War
    14. 400403 Ptt French Premier Paul Reynaud Appeals For Us Aid
    15. 400409 B Alvar Liddell On Invasion Of Denmark Norway
    16. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A002

    1. 400409 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Denmark Norway Part 2
    2. 400413 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Russofinnish War Concluded
    3. 400416 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Scandinavian UD Schmidt Smith
    4. 400427 Rrg Foreign Minr Joachim Von Ribbentrop Allied Aggres
    5. 400508 C Murrow On Nonconfidence Debate In Commons
    6. 400510 Avro Proclmtn Queen Wilhelmina-Attack On Holland
    7. 400510 B Chamberlain Resigns As Prime Minister
    8. 400510 Ptt Hubert Pierlot Denonce LInvasion De La Belgique
    9. 400511 C Elmer Davis Reports On First Day Of Blitzkrieg
    10. 400513 B Bernard Stubbs On The Bef Advance Into Belgium
    11. 400513 B Winston Churchill The New Administration
    12. 400514 B German Advance On Antwerp
    13. 400514 B Sec St Anthony Eden Calls Local Defense Volunteers
    14. 400519 B Winston Churchill First Speech As Prime Minister
    15. 400526 Rrg British Troops In Full Retreat

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A003

    1. 400528 B Winston Churchill On Capitulation Of Belgium
    2. 400528 Rsh Lord Haw Haw Holland Belgium Invaded
    3. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops From Dunkirk
    4. 400531 B Bernard Stubbs On Evacuated Troops In London
    5. 400604 B Winston Churchill We Shall Never Surrender
    6. 400605 B Jb Priestly On Dunkirk
    7. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini Declares War On Allies-Eng Tran
    8. 400610 Eiar Benito Mussolini La Dichiarazione Di Guerra
    9. 400613 Ptt Paul Reynaud Tours La France Ne Peut Pas Mourir
    10. 400614 C Rebroadcasts Nazi Announcement
    11. 400614 Last Marseillaise Broadcast As Paris Falls
    12. 400614 Rrg Nazi Radio Announces Fall Of Paris
    13. 400617 B Winston Churchill Their Finest Hour

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A004

    1. 400617 C Princess Juliana Of Netherlands-Asylum-Canada
    2. 400619 C Elmer Davis And The News
    3. 400620 C Elmer Davis And The News
    4. 400621 Can Eric Sevareid On The Fall Of Paris
    5. 400621 Can William C Kirker On French Armistace At Compiegne
    6. 400621 Can Wm Shirer Coverage Of French Surrender
    7. 400621 Rsh Lord Haw Haw The Fall Of France
    8. 400622 B Charles Degaulle Resistance-Occupant Allemand
    9. 400622 Conv Tel General Huntziger-General Weygand

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A005

    1. 400628 Rsh Lord Haw Haw British Invasion Looms
    2. 400704 Mbs Arthur Mann In London
    3. 400714 B Charles Gardner On Convoy Attack Dogfight
    4. 400714 B Charles Gardner Reports More On Dogfight
    5. 400714 B Winston Churchill War Of The Unknown Warrior
    6. 400723 C European News

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A006

    1. 400727 C European News
    2. 400729 B Secretary War Anthony Eden-Battle Of Britain
    3. 400814 C European News
    4. 400816 C European News
    5. 400820 B Winston Churchill The First Year

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A007

    1. 400824 C Special Broadcast London After Dark
    2. 400829 C European News
    3. 400902 C European News
    4. 400908 B A Londoner On Shelters And The Blitz

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A008

    1. 400911 B Winston Churchill The Crux Of The Whole War
    2. 400915 B Alvar Liddell Reports 175 German Aircraft Destroyed
    3. 400915 B Robin Duff Covers Convoy Attack Off Dover
    4. 400917 B Winston Churchill House Of Commons Secret Session
    5. 400920 C Edward Murrow On London Rooftop During Blitz
    6. 400920 C European News
    7. 400923 J Edgar Hoover On The Opponents Of War Preparedness
    8. 401005 B Robin Duff In Air Raid Shelter
    9. 401013 B Princess Elizabeth Margaret--Evacuated Children
    10. 401015 B Blitz Emergency Services
    11. 401021 B Winston Churchill Pledge To Free France
    12. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt1)
    13. 401021 Bf Winston Churchill To France (En Francais, Pt2)
    14. 401026 Sec State Cordell Hull-Need Strong National Defense

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Blitzkrieg Disc A009

    1. 401027 Mbs Ny Worlds Fair Closing
    2. 401030 Rdn Marechal Petain Collaboration Francoallemande
    3. 401115 B Coventry Loudspeaker Announcement
    4. 401115 B Very Reverend Rt Howard Coventry Cathdrl Destroyed
    5. 401118 Eiar Benito Mussolini L'Attecco Alla Grecia
    6. 401118 Rrg Baldur Von Schirach, Chef Der Hitlerjugend
    7. 401220 B Robin Duff Sees London Burning
    8. 401223 B Winston Churchill Address To Italy
    9. 401231 B Herbert Morrison Minister For Home Security

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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