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Billy Jones and Ernie Hare

The Music and Comedy Duo starred in this Early Radio Show Sensation

Billy Jones and Ernie Hare

16 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 3 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
4 Audio CDs

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"Taystee Bread Episode 30"

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Music and Comedy (1931 - 1939)

Happiness Boys Ukuele Song Book"How do you do, everybody, how do you do?

Billy Jones and Ernie Hare created their first radio broadcast together on October 21, 1921. After two years of comedy and musical magic, they became The Happiness Boys in 1923 and did an old time radio show sponsored by the Happiness Candy Company. As such, they became the most popular comedic team of 1920s radio and had the first regularly scheduled comedy show on the air. They changed their names to the Interwoven Pair when their radio show was sponsored by Interwoven Socks in 1929. Two years later, Taystee Yeast became the sponsor, and they changed their names, once again, and alternated between being the Taystee Breadwinners and the Taystee Loafers.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Billy Jones and Ernie HareIn 1939, Ernie Hare fell ill and was replaced by his 15-year-old daughter, Marilyn, who continued the act with Jones for another year. They billed themselves as Heir of Jones and Hare.So tune in for these super rare shows of Billy Jones and Ernie Hare in their various radio programs from the 1930s. You'll hear them singing such tunes as "What's Good for the Goose is Good for the Gander and drumming up laughs that will leave you in stitches!

For more rare 1930s radio recordings, see also Rarities of the 1930s.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I know there are very few broadcasts extant, but I love the ones you were able to find from theae talented gentlemen. Thanks for including some of the recordings!

    Robert Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    16 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 58 min
    16 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 3 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 16 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 58 minutes
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare 340000 Taystee Bread Winners.mp3
    3. BillyJonesErnieHare Misc78s.mp3
    4. BillyJonesErnieHare SaksProgram 390212.mp3
    5. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 13.mp3
    6. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 14.mp3
    7. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 16.mp3
    8. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19.mp3
    9. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 26.mp3
    10. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 27.mp3
    11. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 28.mp3
    12. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 30.mp3
    13. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 6.mp3
    14. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 8 331208.mp3
    15. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 9 340102.mp3
    16. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 1 Aud.mp3
    17. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 2 Aud (bad start).mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    16 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 58 min
    16 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    106 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 58 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 16 shows – 106 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 58 minutes
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare 340000 Taystee Bread Winners.mp3
    3. BillyJonesErnieHare Misc78s.mp3
    4. BillyJonesErnieHare SaksProgram 390212.mp3
    5. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 13.mp3
    6. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 14.mp3
    7. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 16.mp3
    8. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19.mp3
    9. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 26.mp3
    10. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 27.mp3
    11. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 28.mp3
    12. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 30.mp3
    13. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 6.mp3
    14. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 8 331208.mp3
    15. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 9 340102.mp3
    16. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 1 Aud.mp3
    17. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 2 Aud (bad start).mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    16 recordings on 4 Audio CDs. Total playtime 3 hours, 58 min
    16 recordings on 4 Audio CDs
    total playtime 3 hours, 58 min

    Billy Jones and Ernie Hare Disc A001

    1. BillyJonesErnieHare Misc78s
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 13
    3. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 14
    4. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 16
    5. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 19

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billy Jones and Ernie Hare Disc A002

    1. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 26
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 27
    3. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 28
    4. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 30
    5. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 6

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billy Jones and Ernie Hare Disc A003

    1. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 8 331208
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare 340000 Taystee Bread Winners
    3. BillyJonesErnieHare TaysteeBread 9 340102
    4. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 1 Aud

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billy Jones and Ernie Hare Disc A004

    1. BillyJonesErnieHare TrailerShow 370913 2 Aud (bad start)
    2. BillyJonesErnieHare SaksProgram 390212

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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