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The Bill Stern Collection

Batter up! The Bill Stern Sports Reel broadcasts are one of the most entertaining sports shows of all time.

Bill Stern Sports Reel

181 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 48 hours, 59 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
48 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from October 28, 1949:

"Red Grange"

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Bill Stern
(1907 – 1971)

Bill Stern Sports Reel
Sports legends and Tall Tales (1937 - 56)

Bill Sterns at the MicrophoneBill Stern the Colgate Shave Cream man is on the air!
Bill Stern the Colgate Shave Cream man with stories rare!
Take his advice and you'll look nice,
Your face will feel as cool as ice,
With Colgate shaves you'll be a fan!

Bill SternProbably the greatest sportscaster that ever lived, Bill Stern knew how to captivate his audience.

With a strong background in grand theater and vaudeville, Stern used techniques rarely heard on a radio sportscast. Stern eulogized the obscure, the near-great, and the great. Stern would tell fantastic tales about the oddest characters that have ever played professional sports. His stories ranged from horses winning races with dead jockeys on their backs, to armless and/or legless baseball players, to a blind athlete winning a marathon but lose his only love. Stern would punctuate his extraordinary legends with long, overstated pauses, soap-opera-like vocal emotion, relentless repetition, and major exaggerated words in every sentence (even the VERBS!). Advertisement for the radio show, Sports Newsreel

Up to this very day, sportscasters all around the world try to mimic the style of the great Bill Stern, but fall short of replicating his originality and pizzazz. In one form or another, sportscasters nowadays display unmistakable Stern influences in the broadcasts. So, come and hear what all the fuss is about. Come listen to Bill Stern go through "Reel one, Reel two, etc."

For more great sports reporting, see Grandland Rice. For other sports action, see also Sports and Baseball Collection, Dizzy Dean, The Joe DiMaggio Show, Big Moments in Sports, AFRS Sportsreel, and Don Drysdale's Bullpen

Bill Stern Colgate Advertisement

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    8     3


    I love his crazy stories, how did anyone believe them?

    Ray Verified Purchase


    Franklin Verified Purchase

    I remember Bill Stern, the sports caster who had the Colgate Sports News Reel. He would interview athletes and celebrities who might have had a sports background. His sign off was "That's our 3-0 for tonight." The number 30 at the bottom of a news copy indicated the end. I had said he used the expression "How 'bout that, sports fans." I remembered it was Mel Allen, who would use that expression anytime he was announcing a game and the athlete made a spectacular play.


    Mel Allen also used it whenever he narrated This Week In Baseball. Allen was also one of the announcers on Vic & Sade.


    The pace of the show, very rapid, was necessitated by the fifteen-minute format, but it didn't seem to injure the content of the show. Some of the "personalities" interviewed indicated a need to contrive certain reasons... I mean, J. Edgar Hoover?... but consider the times. Lots of interest.

    Douglas Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    181 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 59 min
    181 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 48 hours, 59 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 86 shows – total playtime 20 hours, 19 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Bill Stern 420912 W Harry James.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 421024 W John Wensil.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 430417 W Madeline Carroll.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 431101 W Lou Little.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 440317 228 W Constance Bennet.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 440512 239 Guest J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    8. Bill Stern 440818 252 Guest Ellery Queen.mp3
    9. Bill Stern 440901 252 W Ellery Queen.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 440922 255 W Dunninger.mp3
    11. Bill Stern 450124 276 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    12. Bill Stern 450309 279 W Lawrence Tibbit.mp3
    13. Bill Stern 450406 283 W Lena Horne.mp3
    14. Bill Stern 450420 285 W Larry Mcphail.mp3
    15. Bill Stern 450427 286 W Henny Youngman.mp3
    16. Bill Stern 450615 293 W Kathlene Windsor.mp3
    17. Bill Stern 450622 294 W Alan Jones.mp3
    18. Bill Stern 450629 295 Cab Calloway.mp3
    19. Bill Stern 450706 296 W H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    20. Bill Stern 450713 297 W H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    21. Bill Stern 450720 298 W Hennie Youngman.mp3
    22. Bill Stern 450727 299 W Byron Nelson.mp3
    23. Bill Stern 450803 300 W Joan Edwards.mp3
    24. Bill Stern 450817 302 W Eddie Rickenbacker.mp3
    25. Bill Stern 450831 304 W Charlie Spivak.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 450906 305 W Danny Kaye.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 450914 306 W Brace Beemer.mp3
    28. Bill Stern 451005 309 W Pat O'brien.mp3
    29. Bill Stern 451109 314 W Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    30. Bill Stern 451123 316 W Frank Sinatra.mp3
    31. Bill Stern 451207 318 W Joe Louis.mp3
    32. Bill Stern 451214 319 W Elsa Maxwell.mp3
    33. Bill Stern 451221 320 W Erza Stone.mp3
    34. Bill Stern 451228 321 W Jack Benny.mp3
    35. Bill Stern 460000 34X.mp3
    36. Bill Stern 460104 322 W.mp3
    37. Bill Stern 460201 326 W Kay Kyser.mp3
    38. Bill Stern 460301 330 W Linda Darnell.mp3
    39. Bill Stern 460308 331 W Jack Carson.mp3
    40. Bill Stern 460322 333 W Babe Ruth.mp3
    41. Bill Stern 460329 334 W Bonita Grandville.mp3
    42. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat.mp3
    43. Bill Stern 460509 339 Dinah Shore.mp3
    44. Bill Stern 460510 340 W Sammy Baugh.mp3
    45. Bill Stern 460517 341 W Guy Lombardo.mp3
    46. Bill Stern 460524 342 W Lucille Ball.mp3
    47. Bill Stern 460524 Afrs 034 Sports Reel W L Ball.mp3
    48. Bill Stern 460607 344 W Edie Anderson.mp3
    49. Bill Stern 460614 345 W David Ellman.mp3
    50. Bill Stern 460621 346 W Robert Ripley.mp3
    51. Bill Stern 460628 347 W Orson Welles.mp3
    52. Bill Stern 460802 352 W Joan Edwards.mp3
    53. Bill Stern 460809 353 W Dinah Shore.mp3
    54. Bill Stern 460816 354 W Vivian Blaine.mp3
    55. Bill Stern 460823 355 W Cab Calloway.mp3
    56. Bill Stern 460830 356 W Micsha Auer.mp3
    57. Bill Stern 460906 357 W Sammy Kaye.mp3
    58. Bill Stern 460913 358 W Ann Rutherford.mp3
    59. Bill Stern 460920 359 Drew Pearson.mp3
    60. Bill Stern 461004 361 W Connie Mack.mp3
    61. Bill Stern 461011 362 W Lizbeth Scott.mp3
    62. Bill Stern 461018 363 W Roddy Mcdowell.mp3
    63. Bill Stern 461025 364 W Gene Autry.mp3
    64. Bill Stern 461101 365 W Lou Little.mp3
    65. Bill Stern 461115 367 W Mickey Rooney.mp3
    66. Bill Stern 461122 368 W Mickey Rooney.mp3
    67. Bill Stern 461129 369 Elmer Layden.mp3
    68. Bill Stern 461213 371 W Guy Lombardo.mp3
    69. Bill Stern 461220 372 Jeff Cravat.mp3
    70. Bill Stern 461220 373.mp3
    71. Bill Stern 470117 375 W Morton Downey.mp3
    72. Bill Stern 470124 376 W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    73. Bill Stern 470131 377 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    74. Bill Stern 470207 378 W Spike Jones.mp3
    75. Bill Stern 470214 379 W Frantie Frisch.mp3
    76. Bill Stern 470221 380 Woody Herman.mp3
    77. Bill Stern 470228 381 Toots Shor.mp3
    78. Bill Stern 470301 382 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    79. Bill Stern 470411 385 W Dizzy Dean.mp3
    80. Bill Stern 470425 387 Happy Chandler.mp3
    81. Bill Stern 470516 389 W Eddie Arcaro.mp3
    82. Bill Stern 470530 391 Pauline Betz.mp3
    83. Bill Stern 470613 393 W Roy Rogers.mp3
    84. Bill Stern 470620 394 W Perry Como.mp3
    85. Bill Stern 470704 396 W George Jessel.mp3
    86. Bill Stern 470711 397 W Bob Feller.mp3
    87. Bill Stern 470725 399 Subs.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 79 shows – total playtime 19 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Bill Stern 470801 400 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 470808 401 John Garfield Subs.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 470808 404 W John Garfield Subs.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 470905 414 W Paul Whiteman.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 470926 417 W Babe Dietrickson.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 471003 418 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    8. Bill Stern 471010 419 W Gene Autry.mp3
    9. Bill Stern 471024 420 W Hildegard.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 471031 421 W Frank Lehy.mp3
    11. Bill Stern 471031 424 W Frank Leahy.mp3
    12. Bill Stern 480102 431 W Ronald Reagan.mp3
    13. Bill Stern 480109 432.mp3
    14. Bill Stern 480402 444 W Jack Dempsy.mp3
    15. Bill Stern 480416 446 W Canada Lee.mp3
    16. Bill Stern 480423 447 W Maxie Rosenbloom.mp3
    17. Bill Stern 480430 448 W Tony Martin.mp3
    18. Bill Stern 480507 449 W Jane Froman.mp3
    19. Bill Stern 480514 450 W Fred Waring.mp3
    20. Bill Stern 480601 451 W Jim Thorpe.mp3
    21. Bill Stern 480709 454 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    22. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Subs.mp3
    23. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Substitutes.mp3
    24. Bill Stern 480723 456 Jimmy Stweart Subs.mp3
    25. Bill Stern 480827 461 W Dick Powell.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 480901 462 W Lou Ness.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 481015 468 W Rex Harrison.mp3
    28. Bill Stern 481126 474 W Frankie Carl.mp3
    29. Bill Stern 481217 477 W Mariemcdonald.mp3
    30. Bill Stern 481231 479 W George Raft.mp3
    31. Bill Stern 490107 480.mp3
    32. Bill Stern 490121 482 W Horaceheidt.mp3
    33. Bill Stern 490128 483 W Jerry Colona.mp3
    34. Bill Stern 490204 484 W Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    35. Bill Stern 490218 486 W Casey Stengel.mp3
    36. Bill Stern 490225 487 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    37. Bill Stern 490304 488 W Zachary Scott.mp3
    38. Bill Stern 490318 490 W Susan Hayward.mp3
    39. Bill Stern 490408 493 W Jesse Owens.mp3
    40. Bill Stern 490415 494 W Jesse Owens.mp3
    41. Bill Stern 490520 499 W Ida Lupino.mp3
    42. Bill Stern 490603 501 W Mrs Lou Gehrig.mp3
    43. Bill Stern 490617 503 W Connie Mack.mp3
    44. Bill Stern 490715 507 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    45. Bill Stern 490722 508 Pat O'brien Subs.mp3
    46. Bill Stern 490729 509 Ronald Reagan Subs.mp3
    47. Bill Stern 490812 511 Tex And Jinx Substitute.mp3
    48. Bill Stern 490819 512 W Dizzy Dean.mp3
    49. Bill Stern 490902 514 W Herbert Hoover.mp3
    50. Bill Stern 490909 515 Eddie Dyer.mp3
    51. Bill Stern 490923 517 W Pancho Gonzales.mp3
    52. Bill Stern 491007 518 Billie Burke.mp3
    53. Bill Stern 491028 521 W Red Grange.mp3
    54. Bill Stern 491104 522 W Peter Lawford.mp3
    55. Bill Stern 491118 524 Doak Walker.mp3
    56. Bill Stern 491125 525 W Four Horsemen.mp3
    57. Bill Stern 491202 526 W Grantland Rice.mp3
    58. Bill Stern 491223 529 W Joe Louis.mp3
    59. Bill Stern 491230 530 Morton Downey.mp3
    60. Bill Stern 500113 532 W Boris Karloff.mp3
    61. Bill Stern 500120 533 W Sammy Kaye.mp3
    62. Bill Stern 500203 535 W Tommy Henrich.mp3
    63. Bill Stern 500210 536 W Bob Feller.mp3
    64. Bill Stern 500217 537 Sonja Henie.mp3
    65. Bill Stern 500303 539 General Carlos Romulo.mp3
    66. Bill Stern 500310 540 W Kirk Douglas.mp3
    67. Bill Stern 500407 544 W Jack Carson.mp3
    68. Bill Stern 500512 549 W Lorraine Day.mp3
    69. Bill Stern 500519 550 Ted Williams.mp3
    70. Bill Stern 500526 551 Jackie Robinson.mp3
    71. Bill Stern 500616 554 Shelley Winters.mp3
    72. Bill Stern 500707 557 Franchot Tone Subs.mp3
    73. Bill Stern 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs Boris Karloff.mp3
    74. Bill Stern 500728 560 W Fredric March Subs.mp3
    75. Bill Stern 501013 571 W Ann Sheridan.mp3
    76. Bill Stern 501020 572 12th Anniversary Show.mp3
    77. Bill Stern 510629 606 Final Show For Colgate.mp3
    78. Good News 381229 053 W Bill Stern.mp3
    79. Info Please 431004 Bill Stern Red Barber.mp3
    80. Phil Rizzutos Sports Caravan 540000 Bill Stern.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 16 shows – total playtime 8 hours, 44 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Behind Mike 401013 05 Sundown On Veldt.mp3
    3. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30.mp3
    4. Box Score Review 470000 Guest Bill Rigney.mp3
    5. Box Score Review 470000 Peewee Reese.mp3
    6. Cavalcade America 471117 Hurry Up Yost.mp3
    7. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker.mp3
    8. Eyes On Ball 1940 12 Watch That Puck.mp3
    9. Eyes On Ball 1940 Eyes Score Touchdown.mp3
    10. Good News Of 381229 053 Bill Stern.mp3
    11. Information Please 431004 274 Red Barber Bill Stern.mp3
    12. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 075 Colonel Henshel.mp3
    13. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 076 Ted Atkinson.mp3
    14. Nbc Parade Of Stars 461014 0000.mp3
    15. News 380714 Howard Hughes at Wold Chamberlinfield.mp3
    16. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461231 17 Margaret Whiting.mp3
    17. Voice Of Army 490000 470 From Wheels To Wings.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    181 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 48 hours, 59 min
    181 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1317 MB – total playtime 48 hours, 59 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 86 shows – 555 MB – total playtime 20 hours, 19 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Bill Stern 420912 W Harry James.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 421024 W John Wensil.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 430417 W Madeline Carroll.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 431101 W Lou Little.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 440317 228 W Constance Bennet.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 440512 239 Guest J Edgar Hoover.mp3
    8. Bill Stern 440818 252 Guest Ellery Queen.mp3
    9. Bill Stern 440901 252 W Ellery Queen.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 440922 255 W Dunninger.mp3
    11. Bill Stern 450124 276 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    12. Bill Stern 450309 279 W Lawrence Tibbit.mp3
    13. Bill Stern 450406 283 W Lena Horne.mp3
    14. Bill Stern 450420 285 W Larry Mcphail.mp3
    15. Bill Stern 450427 286 W Henny Youngman.mp3
    16. Bill Stern 450615 293 W Kathlene Windsor.mp3
    17. Bill Stern 450622 294 W Alan Jones.mp3
    18. Bill Stern 450629 295 Cab Calloway.mp3
    19. Bill Stern 450706 296 W H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    20. Bill Stern 450713 297 W H V Kaltenborn.mp3
    21. Bill Stern 450720 298 W Hennie Youngman.mp3
    22. Bill Stern 450727 299 W Byron Nelson.mp3
    23. Bill Stern 450803 300 W Joan Edwards.mp3
    24. Bill Stern 450817 302 W Eddie Rickenbacker.mp3
    25. Bill Stern 450831 304 W Charlie Spivak.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 450906 305 W Danny Kaye.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 450914 306 W Brace Beemer.mp3
    28. Bill Stern 451005 309 W Pat O'brien.mp3
    29. Bill Stern 451109 314 W Tommy Dorsey.mp3
    30. Bill Stern 451123 316 W Frank Sinatra.mp3
    31. Bill Stern 451207 318 W Joe Louis.mp3
    32. Bill Stern 451214 319 W Elsa Maxwell.mp3
    33. Bill Stern 451221 320 W Erza Stone.mp3
    34. Bill Stern 451228 321 W Jack Benny.mp3
    35. Bill Stern 460000 34X.mp3
    36. Bill Stern 460104 322 W.mp3
    37. Bill Stern 460201 326 W Kay Kyser.mp3
    38. Bill Stern 460301 330 W Linda Darnell.mp3
    39. Bill Stern 460308 331 W Jack Carson.mp3
    40. Bill Stern 460322 333 W Babe Ruth.mp3
    41. Bill Stern 460329 334 W Bonita Grandville.mp3
    42. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat.mp3
    43. Bill Stern 460509 339 Dinah Shore.mp3
    44. Bill Stern 460510 340 W Sammy Baugh.mp3
    45. Bill Stern 460517 341 W Guy Lombardo.mp3
    46. Bill Stern 460524 342 W Lucille Ball.mp3
    47. Bill Stern 460524 Afrs 034 Sports Reel W L Ball.mp3
    48. Bill Stern 460607 344 W Edie Anderson.mp3
    49. Bill Stern 460614 345 W David Ellman.mp3
    50. Bill Stern 460621 346 W Robert Ripley.mp3
    51. Bill Stern 460628 347 W Orson Welles.mp3
    52. Bill Stern 460802 352 W Joan Edwards.mp3
    53. Bill Stern 460809 353 W Dinah Shore.mp3
    54. Bill Stern 460816 354 W Vivian Blaine.mp3
    55. Bill Stern 460823 355 W Cab Calloway.mp3
    56. Bill Stern 460830 356 W Micsha Auer.mp3
    57. Bill Stern 460906 357 W Sammy Kaye.mp3
    58. Bill Stern 460913 358 W Ann Rutherford.mp3
    59. Bill Stern 460920 359 Drew Pearson.mp3
    60. Bill Stern 461004 361 W Connie Mack.mp3
    61. Bill Stern 461011 362 W Lizbeth Scott.mp3
    62. Bill Stern 461018 363 W Roddy Mcdowell.mp3
    63. Bill Stern 461025 364 W Gene Autry.mp3
    64. Bill Stern 461101 365 W Lou Little.mp3
    65. Bill Stern 461115 367 W Mickey Rooney.mp3
    66. Bill Stern 461122 368 W Mickey Rooney.mp3
    67. Bill Stern 461129 369 Elmer Layden.mp3
    68. Bill Stern 461213 371 W Guy Lombardo.mp3
    69. Bill Stern 461220 372 Jeff Cravat.mp3
    70. Bill Stern 461220 373.mp3
    71. Bill Stern 470117 375 W Morton Downey.mp3
    72. Bill Stern 470124 376 W Rudy Vallee.mp3
    73. Bill Stern 470131 377 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    74. Bill Stern 470207 378 W Spike Jones.mp3
    75. Bill Stern 470214 379 W Frantie Frisch.mp3
    76. Bill Stern 470221 380 Woody Herman.mp3
    77. Bill Stern 470228 381 Toots Shor.mp3
    78. Bill Stern 470301 382 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    79. Bill Stern 470411 385 W Dizzy Dean.mp3
    80. Bill Stern 470425 387 Happy Chandler.mp3
    81. Bill Stern 470516 389 W Eddie Arcaro.mp3
    82. Bill Stern 470530 391 Pauline Betz.mp3
    83. Bill Stern 470613 393 W Roy Rogers.mp3
    84. Bill Stern 470620 394 W Perry Como.mp3
    85. Bill Stern 470704 396 W George Jessel.mp3
    86. Bill Stern 470711 397 W Bob Feller.mp3
    87. Bill Stern 470725 399 Subs.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 79 shows – 522 MB – total playtime 19 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Bill Stern 470801 400 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    3. Bill Stern 470808 401 John Garfield Subs.mp3
    4. Bill Stern 470808 404 W John Garfield Subs.mp3
    5. Bill Stern 470905 414 W Paul Whiteman.mp3
    6. Bill Stern 470926 417 W Babe Dietrickson.mp3
    7. Bill Stern 471003 418 W Bucky Harris.mp3
    8. Bill Stern 471010 419 W Gene Autry.mp3
    9. Bill Stern 471024 420 W Hildegard.mp3
    10. Bill Stern 471031 421 W Frank Lehy.mp3
    11. Bill Stern 471031 424 W Frank Leahy.mp3
    12. Bill Stern 480102 431 W Ronald Reagan.mp3
    13. Bill Stern 480109 432.mp3
    14. Bill Stern 480402 444 W Jack Dempsy.mp3
    15. Bill Stern 480416 446 W Canada Lee.mp3
    16. Bill Stern 480423 447 W Maxie Rosenbloom.mp3
    17. Bill Stern 480430 448 W Tony Martin.mp3
    18. Bill Stern 480507 449 W Jane Froman.mp3
    19. Bill Stern 480514 450 W Fred Waring.mp3
    20. Bill Stern 480601 451 W Jim Thorpe.mp3
    21. Bill Stern 480709 454 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    22. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Subs.mp3
    23. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Substitutes.mp3
    24. Bill Stern 480723 456 Jimmy Stweart Subs.mp3
    25. Bill Stern 480827 461 W Dick Powell.mp3
    26. Bill Stern 480901 462 W Lou Ness.mp3
    27. Bill Stern 481015 468 W Rex Harrison.mp3
    28. Bill Stern 481126 474 W Frankie Carl.mp3
    29. Bill Stern 481217 477 W Mariemcdonald.mp3
    30. Bill Stern 481231 479 W George Raft.mp3
    31. Bill Stern 490107 480.mp3
    32. Bill Stern 490121 482 W Horaceheidt.mp3
    33. Bill Stern 490128 483 W Jerry Colona.mp3
    34. Bill Stern 490204 484 W Hoagy Carmichael.mp3
    35. Bill Stern 490218 486 W Casey Stengel.mp3
    36. Bill Stern 490225 487 Rudy Vallee.mp3
    37. Bill Stern 490304 488 W Zachary Scott.mp3
    38. Bill Stern 490318 490 W Susan Hayward.mp3
    39. Bill Stern 490408 493 W Jesse Owens.mp3
    40. Bill Stern 490415 494 W Jesse Owens.mp3
    41. Bill Stern 490520 499 W Ida Lupino.mp3
    42. Bill Stern 490603 501 W Mrs Lou Gehrig.mp3
    43. Bill Stern 490617 503 W Connie Mack.mp3
    44. Bill Stern 490715 507 Frank Sinatra Subs.mp3
    45. Bill Stern 490722 508 Pat O'brien Subs.mp3
    46. Bill Stern 490729 509 Ronald Reagan Subs.mp3
    47. Bill Stern 490812 511 Tex And Jinx Substitute.mp3
    48. Bill Stern 490819 512 W Dizzy Dean.mp3
    49. Bill Stern 490902 514 W Herbert Hoover.mp3
    50. Bill Stern 490909 515 Eddie Dyer.mp3
    51. Bill Stern 490923 517 W Pancho Gonzales.mp3
    52. Bill Stern 491007 518 Billie Burke.mp3
    53. Bill Stern 491028 521 W Red Grange.mp3
    54. Bill Stern 491104 522 W Peter Lawford.mp3
    55. Bill Stern 491118 524 Doak Walker.mp3
    56. Bill Stern 491125 525 W Four Horsemen.mp3
    57. Bill Stern 491202 526 W Grantland Rice.mp3
    58. Bill Stern 491223 529 W Joe Louis.mp3
    59. Bill Stern 491230 530 Morton Downey.mp3
    60. Bill Stern 500113 532 W Boris Karloff.mp3
    61. Bill Stern 500120 533 W Sammy Kaye.mp3
    62. Bill Stern 500203 535 W Tommy Henrich.mp3
    63. Bill Stern 500210 536 W Bob Feller.mp3
    64. Bill Stern 500217 537 Sonja Henie.mp3
    65. Bill Stern 500303 539 General Carlos Romulo.mp3
    66. Bill Stern 500310 540 W Kirk Douglas.mp3
    67. Bill Stern 500407 544 W Jack Carson.mp3
    68. Bill Stern 500512 549 W Lorraine Day.mp3
    69. Bill Stern 500519 550 Ted Williams.mp3
    70. Bill Stern 500526 551 Jackie Robinson.mp3
    71. Bill Stern 500616 554 Shelley Winters.mp3
    72. Bill Stern 500707 557 Franchot Tone Subs.mp3
    73. Bill Stern 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs Boris Karloff.mp3
    74. Bill Stern 500728 560 W Fredric March Subs.mp3
    75. Bill Stern 501013 571 W Ann Sheridan.mp3
    76. Bill Stern 501020 572 12th Anniversary Show.mp3
    77. Bill Stern 510629 606 Final Show For Colgate.mp3
    78. Good News 381229 053 W Bill Stern.mp3
    79. Info Please 431004 Bill Stern Red Barber.mp3
    80. Phil Rizzutos Sports Caravan 540000 Bill Stern.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 16 shows – 240 MB – total playtime 8 hours, 44 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Behind Mike 401013 05 Sundown On Veldt.mp3
    3. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30.mp3
    4. Box Score Review 470000 Guest Bill Rigney.mp3
    5. Box Score Review 470000 Peewee Reese.mp3
    6. Cavalcade America 471117 Hurry Up Yost.mp3
    7. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker.mp3
    8. Eyes On Ball 1940 12 Watch That Puck.mp3
    9. Eyes On Ball 1940 Eyes Score Touchdown.mp3
    10. Good News Of 381229 053 Bill Stern.mp3
    11. Information Please 431004 274 Red Barber Bill Stern.mp3
    12. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 075 Colonel Henshel.mp3
    13. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 076 Ted Atkinson.mp3
    14. Nbc Parade Of Stars 461014 0000.mp3
    15. News 380714 Howard Hughes at Wold Chamberlinfield.mp3
    16. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461231 17 Margaret Whiting.mp3
    17. Voice Of Army 490000 470 From Wheels To Wings.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    181 recordings on 48 Audio CDs. Total playtime 46 hours, 27 min
    181 recordings on 48 Audio CDs
    total playtime 46 hours, 27 min

    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A001

    1. Eyes On Ball 1940 12 Watch That Puck
    2. Eyes On Ball 1940 Eyes Score Touchdown
    3. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 075 Colonel Henshel
    4. Jackie Robinsons Radio Shots 076 Ted Atkinson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A002

    1. News 380714 Howard Hughes at Wold Chamberlinfield

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A003

    1. Good News 381229 053 W Bill Stern

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A004

    1. Good News Of 381229 053 Bill Stern

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A005

    1. Behind Mike 401013 05 Sundown On Veldt
    2. CP 420416 008 Clifton Fadiman Dinah Shore Phil Baker

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A006

    1. Bill Stern 420912 W Harry James
    2. Bill Stern 421024 W John Wensil
    3. Bill Stern 430417 W Madeline Carroll
    4. Info Please 431004 Bill Stern Red Barber

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A007

    1. Information Please 431004 274 Red Barber Bill Stern
    2. Bill Stern 431101 W Lou Little
    3. Bill Stern 440317 228 W Constance Bennet
    4. Bill Stern 440512 239 Guest J Edgar Hoover

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A008

    1. Bill Stern 440818 252 Guest Ellery Queen
    2. Bill Stern 440901 252 W Ellery Queen
    3. Bill Stern 440922 255 W Dunninger
    4. Bill Stern 450124 276 Rudy Vallee

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A009

    1. Bill Stern 450309 279 W Lawrence Tibbit
    2. Bill Stern 450406 283 W Lena Horne
    3. Bill Stern 450420 285 W Larry Mcphail
    4. Bill Stern 450427 286 W Henny Youngman

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A010

    1. Bill Stern 450615 293 W Kathlene Windsor
    2. Bill Stern 450622 294 W Alan Jones
    3. Bill Stern 450629 295 Cab Calloway
    4. Bill Stern 450706 296 W H V Kaltenborn
    5. Bill Stern 450713 297 W H V Kaltenborn

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A011

    1. Bill Stern 450720 298 W Hennie Youngman
    2. Bill Stern 450727 299 W Byron Nelson
    3. Bill Stern 450803 300 W Joan Edwards
    4. Bill Stern 450817 302 W Eddie Rickenbacker

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A012

    1. Bill Stern 450831 304 W Charlie Spivak
    2. Bill Stern 450906 305 W Danny Kaye
    3. Bill Stern 450914 306 W Brace Beemer
    4. Bill Stern 451005 309 W Pat O'brien
    5. Bill Stern 451109 314 W Tommy Dorsey

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A013

    1. Bill Stern 451123 316 W Frank Sinatra
    2. Bill Stern 451207 318 W Joe Louis
    3. Bill Stern 451214 319 W Elsa Maxwell
    4. Bill Stern 451221 320 W Erza Stone

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A014

    1. Bill Stern 451228 321 W Jack Benny
    2. Bill Stern 460000 34X
    3. Bill Stern 460104 322 W
    4. Bill Stern 460201 326 W Kay Kyser

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A015

    1. Bill Stern 460301 330 W Linda Darnell
    2. Bill Stern 460308 331 W Jack Carson
    3. Bill Stern 460322 333 W Babe Ruth
    4. Bill Stern 460329 334 W Bonita Grandville

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A016

    1. Bill Stern 460412 336 W Xavier Cugat
    2. Bill Stern 460509 339 Dinah Shore
    3. Bill Stern 460510 340 W Sammy Baugh
    4. Bill Stern 460517 341 W Guy Lombardo

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A017

    1. Bill Stern 460524 342 W Lucille Ball
    2. Bill Stern 460524 Afrs 034 Sports Reel W L Ball
    3. Bill Stern 460607 344 W Edie Anderson
    4. Bill Stern 460614 345 W David Ellman
    5. Bill Stern 460621 346 W Robert Ripley

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A018

    1. Bill Stern 460628 347 W Orson Welles
    2. Bill Stern 460802 352 W Joan Edwards
    3. Bill Stern 460809 353 W Dinah Shore
    4. Bill Stern 460816 354 W Vivian Blaine

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A019

    1. Bill Stern 460823 355 W Cab Calloway
    2. Bill Stern 460830 356 W Micsha Auer
    3. Bill Stern 460906 357 W Sammy Kaye
    4. Bill Stern 460913 358 W Ann Rutherford
    5. Bill Stern 460920 359 Drew Pearson

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A020

    1. Bill Stern 461004 361 W Connie Mack
    2. Bill Stern 461011 362 W Lizbeth Scott
    3. Bill Stern 461018 363 W Roddy Mcdowell
    4. Bill Stern 461025 364 W Gene Autry

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A021

    1. Bill Stern 461101 365 W Lou Little
    2. Bill Stern 461115 367 W Mickey Rooney
    3. Bill Stern 461122 368 W Mickey Rooney
    4. Bill Stern 461129 369 Elmer Layden

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A022

    1. Bill Stern 461213 371 W Guy Lombardo
    2. Bill Stern 461220 372 Jeff Cravat
    3. Bill Stern 461220 373

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A023

    1. Rudy Vallee Philip Morris 461231 17 Margaret Whiting
    2. Box Score Review 470000 Guest Bill Rigney
    3. Box Score Review 470000 Peewee Reese

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A024

    1. Bill Stern 470117 375 W Morton Downey
    2. Bill Stern 470124 376 W Rudy Vallee
    3. Bill Stern 470131 377 W Bucky Harris
    4. Bill Stern 470207 378 W Spike Jones

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A025

    1. Bill Stern 470214 379 W Frantie Frisch
    2. Bill Stern 470221 380 Woody Herman
    3. Bill Stern 470228 381 Toots Shor
    4. Bill Stern 470301 382 W Bucky Harris

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A026

    1. Bill Stern 470411 385 W Dizzy Dean
    2. Bill Stern 470425 387 Happy Chandler
    3. Bill Stern 470516 389 W Eddie Arcaro
    4. Bill Stern 470530 391 Pauline Betz

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A027

    1. Bill Stern 470613 393 W Roy Rogers
    2. Bill Stern 470620 394 W Perry Como
    3. Bill Stern 470704 396 W George Jessel
    4. Bill Stern 470711 397 W Bob Feller

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A028

    1. Bill Stern 470725 399 Subs
    2. Bill Stern 470801 400 Frank Sinatra Subs
    3. Bill Stern 470808 401 John Garfield Subs
    4. Bill Stern 470808 404 W John Garfield Subs

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A029

    1. Bill Stern 470905 414 W Paul Whiteman
    2. Bill Stern 470926 417 W Babe Dietrickson
    3. Bill Stern 471003 418 W Bucky Harris
    4. Bill Stern 471010 419 W Gene Autry

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A030

    1. Bill Stern 471024 420 W Hildegard
    2. Bill Stern 471031 421 W Frank Lehy
    3. Bill Stern 471031 424 W Frank Leahy

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A031

    1. Cavalcade America 471117 Hurry Up Yost
    2. Bill Stern 480102 431 W Ronald Reagan
    3. Bill Stern 480109 432

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A032

    1. Bill Stern 480402 444 W Jack Dempsy
    2. Bill Stern 480416 446 W Canada Lee
    3. Bill Stern 480423 447 W Maxie Rosenbloom
    4. Bill Stern 480430 448 W Tony Martin

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A033

    1. Bill Stern 480507 449 W Jane Froman
    2. Bill Stern 480514 450 W Fred Waring
    3. Bill Stern 480601 451 W Jim Thorpe
    4. Bill Stern 480709 454 Frank Sinatra Subs

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A034

    1. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Subs
    2. Bill Stern 480716 455 William Powell Substitutes
    3. Bill Stern 480723 456 Jimmy Stweart Subs
    4. Bill Stern 480827 461 W Dick Powell

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A035

    1. Bill Stern 480901 462 W Lou Ness
    2. Bill Stern 481015 468 W Rex Harrison
    3. Bill Stern 481126 474 W Frankie Carl
    4. Bill Stern 481217 477 W Mariemcdonald
    5. Bill Stern 481231 479 W George Raft

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A036

    1. Voice Of Army 490000 470 From Wheels To Wings
    2. Bill Stern 490107 480
    3. Bill Stern 490121 482 W Horaceheidt
    4. Bill Stern 490128 483 W Jerry Colona

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A037

    1. Bill Stern 490204 484 W Hoagy Carmichael
    2. Bill Stern 490218 486 W Casey Stengel
    3. Bill Stern 490225 487 Rudy Vallee
    4. Bill Stern 490304 488 W Zachary Scott

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A038

    1. Bill Stern 490318 490 W Susan Hayward
    2. Bill Stern 490408 493 W Jesse Owens
    3. Bill Stern 490415 494 W Jesse Owens
    4. Bill Stern 490520 499 W Ida Lupino

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A039

    1. Bill Stern 490603 501 W Mrs Lou Gehrig
    2. Bill Stern 490617 503 W Connie Mack
    3. Bill Stern 490715 507 Frank Sinatra Subs
    4. Bill Stern 490722 508 Pat O'brien Subs

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A040

    1. Bill Stern 490729 509 Ronald Reagan Subs
    2. Bill Stern 490812 511 Tex And Jinx Substitute
    3. Bill Stern 490819 512 W Dizzy Dean
    4. Bill Stern 490902 514 W Herbert Hoover

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A041

    1. Bill Stern 490909 515 Eddie Dyer
    2. Bill Stern 490923 517 W Pancho Gonzales
    3. Bill Stern 491007 518 Billie Burke
    4. Bill Stern 491028 521 W Red Grange

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A042

    1. Bill Stern 491104 522 W Peter Lawford
    2. Bill Stern 491118 524 Doak Walker
    3. Bill Stern 491125 525 W Four Horsemen
    4. Bill Stern 491202 526 W Grantland Rice

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A043

    1. Bill Stern 491223 529 W Joe Louis
    2. Bill Stern 491230 530 Morton Downey
    3. Bill Stern 500113 532 W Boris Karloff
    4. Bill Stern 500120 533 W Sammy Kaye

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A044

    1. Bill Stern 500203 535 W Tommy Henrich
    2. Bill Stern 500210 536 W Bob Feller
    3. Bill Stern 500217 537 Sonja Henie
    4. Bill Stern 500303 539 General Carlos Romulo

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A045

    1. Bill Stern 500310 540 W Kirk Douglas
    2. Bill Stern 500407 544 W Jack Carson
    3. Bill Stern 500512 549 W Lorraine Day
    4. Bill Stern 500519 550 Ted Williams

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A046

    1. Bill Stern 500526 551 Jackie Robinson
    2. Bill Stern 500616 554 Shelley Winters
    3. Bill Stern 500707 557 Franchot Tone Subs
    4. Bill Stern 500714 558 Basil Rathbone Subs Boris Karloff
    5. Bill Stern 500728 560 W Fredric March Subs

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A047

    1. Bill Stern 501013 571 W Ann Sheridan
    2. Bill Stern 501020 572 12th Anniversary Show
    3. Bill Stern 510629 606 Final Show For Colgate
    4. Phil Rizzutos Sports Caravan 540000 Bill Stern

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    Bill Stern Sports Reel Disc A048

    1. Biography In Sound 560515 49 Recolections At 30

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