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Billie Burke Collection

Heard on Saturday mornings, she played a flaky lady with the distinct high voice and an abundance of generosity and good will towards individuals in her community.

Billie Burke

31 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 16 hours, 40 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
18 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 08, 1946:

"Building a Playground"

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Billie Burke
(1884 – 1970)

Billy Burke
Billie Burke

Billie Burke "that bright morning star" was born Mary William Ethelbert Appleton Burke on August 7, 1885, in Washington, DC.  A child of a clown (literally), her family toured Europe as entertainers and she was born to perform . 

Billie Burke married Florenz Ziegfeld, a la Ziegfeld Follies, in 1914, and they had a daughter, Patricia. Though she preferred stage acting, the Stock Market crash of 1929 and following death of her husband in 1932 left Burke with debts and she returned to film acting.  She subsequently starred in many comedies and musicals, typecast as a ditzy lady, due to comedic flair and high pitched voice.  She is best remembered for her role of Glinda the Good Witch of the North in the Wizard of Oz; the character remains an icon of goodness, strength, and wisdom.

The Billie Burke Show was heard on Saturday mornings from April 3, 1943 to September 21, 1946.  The titlne character played as flaky lady with the distinct high voice and an abundance of generosity and good will towards individuals in her community.  Gullible and foolish, she mixed proverbs like "let sleeping dogs gather no moss.  In one of episode while helping a Willie, a homeless person, she mistakes him for a traveling salesman, but decides that he is a "respectable tramp" and feeds him all the food from her kitchen, angering her conniving brother Julius.  In the end of each episode, she teaches others of pathos and optimism.

Sponsored by Listerine, the show encouraged listeners to keep brushing and keep smiling with naturally bright shinning teeth. With Billie Burke's enchanting voice and heart of gold, it's hard not to smile.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    6     1


    Loved Miss Billie Burke in the old "Topper" movies.

    Art Ciccarelli

    Loved Miss Burke on the radio, but she was absolutely brilliant in all three of the "TOPPER" films...Her comedic timing as Henrietta Topper was close to Marx Brothers slap-stick as one could get.

    Art Verified Purchase

    No one was better at playing a ditz. Watch her in the "Topper" movies - it's high comic art.

    Linda Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    31 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 40 min
    31 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 16 hours, 40 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 31 shows – total playtime 16 hours, 40 minutes
    2. Bill Sterns Sports Newsreel 491007 518 Billie Burke.mp3
    3. Billie Burke Show 460000 Electric Wallpaper.mp3
    4. Billie Burke Show 460000 Uncle Ethans Inherit Electric Wlppr.mp3
    5. Billie Burke Show 460308 Building Playground.mp3
    6. Billie Burke Show 460427 Tramp.mp3
    7. Billie Burke Show 460603 Free For All Playground.mp3
    8. Billie Burke Show 460727 Concession Stand.mp3
    9. Billie Burke Show 460803 500 Dollars for a Playground.mp3
    10. Billie Burke Show 460824 The Thousand Dollar Bill.mp3
    11. Billie Burke Show 460824 Thousand Dollar Bill.mp3
    12. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore.mp3
    13. Duffys 440201 115 Archie Needs Finnegan Marry Billie Burke.mp3
    14. Ft 480722 076 One In Million.mp3
    15. Ft 520130 255 Curtain Call For Genesis.mp3
    16. Ft 520917 285 Curtain Call For Genesis.mp3
    17. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    18. Martin Lewis 490823 019 W Billie Burke.mp3
    19. Movietown Radio Theater 480000 You Must Meet Maggie.mp3
    20. Pabst Blue Ribbon 441022 Charlie Opens Frog Farm Welles.mp3
    21. Pabst Blue Ribbon 470216 Nelson Eddy Billie Burke.mp3
    22. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480513 073 Lauritz Melchior.mp3
    23. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480520 074 Revue Called Inside Hollywood.mp3
    24. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480527 36 Eddie Goes To Ucla.mp3
    25. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480608 Michael Redgrave Wants House.mp3
    26. Pabst Blue Ribbon480506 33 Going After Smith Vote.mp3
    27. Rudy Vallee 381201 George Gibbitt, Bille Burke, Paul Garetts.mp3
    28. Rudy Vallee 401128 Reh Escort Service.mp3
    29. Rudy Vallee 401226 Reh Courtroom Trial.mp3
    30. Screen Guild 390514 019 Variety.mp3
    31. Stagestruck 540321 Life And Career Of Florenz Ziegfeld.mp3
    32. Ziegfeld Follies Of Air 320403.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    31 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 16 hours, 40 min
    31 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    452 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 40 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 31 shows – 452 MB – total playtime 16 hours, 40 minutes
    2. Bill Sterns Sports Newsreel 491007 518 Billie Burke.mp3
    3. Billie Burke Show 460000 Electric Wallpaper.mp3
    4. Billie Burke Show 460000 Uncle Ethans Inherit Electric Wlppr.mp3
    5. Billie Burke Show 460308 Building Playground.mp3
    6. Billie Burke Show 460427 Tramp.mp3
    7. Billie Burke Show 460603 Free For All Playground.mp3
    8. Billie Burke Show 460727 Concession Stand.mp3
    9. Billie Burke Show 460803 500 Dollars for a Playground.mp3
    10. Billie Burke Show 460824 The Thousand Dollar Bill.mp3
    11. Billie Burke Show 460824 Thousand Dollar Bill.mp3
    12. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore.mp3
    13. Duffys 440201 115 Archie Needs Finnegan Marry Billie Burke.mp3
    14. Ft 480722 076 One In Million.mp3
    15. Ft 520130 255 Curtain Call For Genesis.mp3
    16. Ft 520917 285 Curtain Call For Genesis.mp3
    17. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford.mp3
    18. Martin Lewis 490823 019 W Billie Burke.mp3
    19. Movietown Radio Theater 480000 You Must Meet Maggie.mp3
    20. Pabst Blue Ribbon 441022 Charlie Opens Frog Farm Welles.mp3
    21. Pabst Blue Ribbon 470216 Nelson Eddy Billie Burke.mp3
    22. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480513 073 Lauritz Melchior.mp3
    23. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480520 074 Revue Called Inside Hollywood.mp3
    24. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480527 36 Eddie Goes To Ucla.mp3
    25. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480608 Michael Redgrave Wants House.mp3
    26. Pabst Blue Ribbon480506 33 Going After Smith Vote.mp3
    27. Rudy Vallee 381201 George Gibbitt, Bille Burke, Paul Garetts.mp3
    28. Rudy Vallee 401128 Reh Escort Service.mp3
    29. Rudy Vallee 401226 Reh Courtroom Trial.mp3
    30. Screen Guild 390514 019 Variety.mp3
    31. Stagestruck 540321 Life And Career Of Florenz Ziegfeld.mp3
    32. Ziegfeld Follies Of Air 320403.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    31 recordings on 18 Audio CDs. Total playtime 16 hours, 40 min
    31 recordings on 18 Audio CDs
    total playtime 16 hours, 40 min

    Billie Burke Disc A001

    1. Ziegfeld Follies Of Air 320403

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A002

    1. Good News 381020 043 W Joan Crawford

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A003

    1. Rudy Vallee 381201 George Gibbitt, Bille Burke, Paul Garetts

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A004

    1. Screen Guild 390514 019 Variety
    2. Rudy Vallee 401128 Reh Escort Service

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A005

    1. Rudy Vallee 401226 Reh Courtroom Trial
    2. Duffys 440201 115 Archie Needs Finnegan Marry Billie Burke

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A006

    1. Pabst Blue Ribbon 441022 Charlie Opens Frog Farm Welles
    2. Billie Burke Show 460000 Electric Wallpaper

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A007

    1. Billie Burke Show 460000 Uncle Ethans Inherit Electric Wlppr
    2. Billie Burke Show 460308 Building Playground

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A008

    1. Billie Burke Show 460427 Tramp
    2. Billie Burke Show 460603 Free For All Playground

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A009

    1. Billie Burke Show 460727 Concession Stand
    2. Billie Burke Show 460803 500 Dollars for a Playground

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A010

    1. Billie Burke Show 460824 The Thousand Dollar Bill
    2. Billie Burke Show 460824 Thousand Dollar Bill

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A011

    1. Pabst Blue Ribbon 470216 Nelson Eddy Billie Burke
    2. Movietown Radio Theater 480000 You Must Meet Maggie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A012

    1. Pabst Blue Ribbon480506 33 Going After Smith Vote
    2. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480513 073 Lauritz Melchior

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A013

    1. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480520 074 Revue Called Inside Hollywood
    2. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480527 36 Eddie Goes To Ucla

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A014

    1. Pabst Blue Ribbon 480608 Michael Redgrave Wants House
    2. Ft 480722 076 One In Million

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A015

    1. Martin Lewis 490823 019 W Billie Burke
    2. Bill Sterns Sports Newsreel 491007 518 Billie Burke

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A016

    1. Ft 520130 255 Curtain Call For Genesis
    2. Ft 520917 285 Curtain Call For Genesis

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A017

    1. Stagestruck 540321 Life And Career Of Florenz Ziegfeld

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Billie Burke Disc A018

    1. Biography In Sound 550320 10 Ethel Barrymore

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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