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Big John and Sparky (Big Jon and Sparkie): No School Today

Many adults will be charmed by this gently humorous children's radio show.

Big John and Sparky

160 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 29 hours, 14 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
28 Audio CDs

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"Over The Falls In An Airplane"

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live performance of big john and sparkie
Children's radio (1950 - 1958)

Big John and Sparkie looking coyAlthough Jon Arthur created and produced Big Jon and Sparkie for kids, it is a wonderfully inventive and gently humorous show that many adults will find utterly charming. It may be for its opening theme, The Teddy Bear's Picnic. Big Jon is the regular mild-mannered father figure that loves and cares for Sparkie. "Ukie" is the pretty goofy but adventurous cabbie who is their friend. But the show really revolves around Sparkie who sounds like a little "elf from the land of make-believe" but acts and thinks just like a real boy. In that earlier time, a "live" voice like a cartoon that was a part of a "real" show was something special for kids. It's still special to listen to today, as Jon Arthur's gentle and witty writing about a small town's characters (although it's Cincinnati!) makes this show great fun. For the record, Jon Arthur did nearly all of the voices and oversaw the show's production single-handedly. His use of sound effects and interlude music is exemplary. He was quoted as saying that all the ideas on the show were from real life, or were sent in by the show's thousands of young fans. They even had a "What Does Sparkie Really Look Like Contest", and the accompanying photo is Jon

Big John and Sparkie outside performanceThe show began as a half hour, and was changed to a syndicated twelve-plus minute radio serial format in 1951. These rare episodes are from that period. Mayor Plumpfront, is getting married to the "fabulously wealthy" Florida widow Daffodil Dilly. We are with the boys coming back from an adventure-packed trip to Africa, and as the wedding plans near completion, kidnappers take Daffodil Dilly! The boys work to crack the case. The second major adventure in this group is a mystery involving Bunny, Sparkie's Boston Bulldog. It's called "The Canine Mutiny." The small-town qualities of so many old time radio favorites such as Fibber McGee and Molly, the Great Gildersleeve, Vic and Sade and are mirrored in The Further Adventures of Big Jon and Sparkie. And it's not a stretch to say that Jon Arthur liked I Love a Mystery. What radio adventure serial after Morse's I Love a Mystery wasn't influenced by its finely drawn, individual characters dealing with unexpected twists of plot?The Further Adventures of Big John and Sparkie developed through the 1950s and went to a longer format broadcast on Saturday mornings as "No School Today." Sparkie's irrepressible sense of belonging in a real if slightly wacky world, is very involving. John Dunning, in "On the Air, The Encyclopedia of Old Time Radio," says "It remained, for those who heard it, one of the "

For more charming children's adventure serials see also: Air Castle, Cinnamon Bear, Magic Island, and Little Orphan Annie. For older kids, there are many action-packed old time radio shows, some of them in the15 minute serial format. A few are Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Speed Gibson,Cisco Kid, Captain Midnight, Superman, The Green Hornet, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon, and Space .

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

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  • Show Rating

    9     1


    I listened to the show. I loved it. I saw Big John and Sparky live in Las Vegas when I was very young. I still have the souvenir booklet from that show somewhere.

    Patrick Verified Purchase

    I used to listen to BJ & S when I was 4 years old, some time before TV was common household entertainment. I had a habit of sucking my thumb and was about to enter day school when I was listening to BJ & S on my birthday. All of a sudden I heard my name being mentioned on the air, and it was Big John wishing me a happy birthday and telling me to stop sucking my thumb because big boys going to school do not suck their thumbs! I immediately stopped sucking on my thumb. Apparently my mother had written to the radio station and mentioned both my birthday and my thumb sucking habit but BJ & S took care of both! Seventy three years later I still remember that day, so thanks Mom and thanks Big John, where ever you are!

    Paul Karn

    I am trying to locate "The Three Litle Fishes" by Big Jon and the No school today gang. I have the 78rpm record we played as a child, but it is in terrible condition. I have 27 grandchildren and would live to share it with them.

    Debra Verified Purchase

    Hello-my kids and i loved listening to big john and sparkey when they were little - there was a woman who told stories on the 2nd half of the show, if my memory is correct-about clouds and rain drops and animals, etc.

    Sandy Verified Purchase

    Big John and Sparky is a fantastic show, very creative and engaging. I grew up listening to the broadcast on Family Radio, which included the singing of hymns and bible verses, all centered on kids. I loved it, and often taped the broadcast. I must have listened to those tapes a thousand times, to the extent that I memorized a lot of my favorite shows. I just re-listened to the 160 episodes available here on OTRCAT. Please acquire more Big John and Sparky!

    Jon-Marc Verified Purchase

    I found the episode where Eukey decides to go to the Land of Make-Believe to find Sparky. It's roughly episodes 108-113. I taped that sequence when I was a kid, and I must have listened to it a thousand times. Great to hear it again! Here's the kicker, though: unfortunately, there is a segment of episode 113 that is lost! And to make matters worse, it is the climax of the whole sequence, where Eukey jumps down into the Tangly Tower, flees the Swamp Wamps, and then wakes up out of his dream. But, hey, at least the rest of the episodes are in good condition. I know that these old recordings degrade after a long time. I haven't found the sequence where Sparky thinks the neighbors are Martians yet, but I'll let you know if I find it.

    JM Verified Purchase

    My big sister and I saw them at the Cow Palace What a great adventure that was! I think Dad liked this show more than we did, LOL.

    Lois Verified Purchase

    This show helped me get through when I was bedridden for months with rheumatoid arthritis when I was 11. I loved them before that, and they were wonderful companions and something to look forward to each day.

    Marshall Verified Purchase

    I was a little too old to listen to this one much, but, my younger brothers and sisters loved it. It was on 6 days a week. It was from Cincinnati.

    Daryl Verified Purchase

    I have gotten my dad the big John and sparky cds and he is looking to find the songs from the show...the theme song, the birthday song and other various songs from the show.

    Megan Verified Purchase

    I remember being a faithful follower of the radio show and attending a live show in Santa Cruz, CA with my Mom and little sister. Would you have the date of the show? Thanks!

    Douglas A Dean

    Enjoyed listenint to Big John and Sparky. Laughed out loud!!!!

    Paula Verified Purchase

    I remember most of these shows--especially Big John and Sparky-- from when I was a kid in the 50s and no one we knew had a TV.

    David Verified Purchase

    I didn’t know Sparky was a dummy... I thought he was real... it was hard to see him on the radio...even when one looked inside the radio from the back


    It didn't matter. You would still ride the magic carpet. Love that memory, and Cincinnati's Dancing pig.

    Dale Verified Purchase

    they did have a Saturday show of "No School Today". I believe it ran on ABC from 9 to 10 am and it was sponsored by Reubels Rye Bread and Barq's Root Beer, both Cincinnati products because that is where the program was broadcast. I was listening to it while we lived in Central New Hampshire and my mother told me that I was born in Cincinnati. Big Jon played a lot of children's records and even had a marching song played by Gil Houlihan and his Leprechaun Marching Band. You would march around the breakfast table. It also was on WCPO TV in Cincinnati during the Fifties.

    Mike Verified Purchase

    The show was off the air by the time I was old enough to remember what I heard on the radio. I've heard one of Big Jon & Sparky records (Little Red Caboose/Run, Rabbit, Run). But I do remember Rubel's Rye Bread--that was my dad's favorite rye bread. I wish they still made it--it was delicious.

    Sam Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    160 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 29 hours, 14 min
    160 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
    total playtime 29 hours, 14 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 98 shows – total playtime 18 hours, 15 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Big Jon And Sparky 001 Over Falls In An Airplane.mp3
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 002 Begining Of A Long Voyage Home.mp3
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 003 Long Voyage Home.mp3
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 004 AMysterious Speck On Far Horizon.mp3
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 005 A Surprise Awaits Mayor.mp3
    7. Big Jon And Sparky 006 A Surprise Awaits Mayor.mp3
    8. Big Jon And Sparky 007 Daffodil Dilly Strikes Again.mp3
    9. Big Jon And Sparky 008 Prisoners Of Love.mp3
    10. Big Jon And Sparky 009 Yukie Shows Us How.mp3
    11. Big Jon And Sparky 010 Yukie Butcha To Rescue.mp3
    12. Big Jon And Sparky 011 Sparky In Control.mp3
    13. Big Jon And Sparky 012 Mayor Tells Of His Wedding Plans.mp3
    14. Big Jon And Sparky 013 Yukie Gets Ready For Wedding.mp3
    15. Big Jon And Sparky 014 Yukie Unvails An Invention.mp3
    16. Big Jon And Sparky 015 Mayor's Wedding Day.mp3
    17. Big Jon And Sparky 016 An Interruption In Mayor's Wedding.mp3
    18. Big Jon And Sparky 017 Miss Dilly Kidnapped From Church.mp3
    19. Big Jon And Sparky 018 Great Kidnap Mystery.mp3
    20. Big Jon And Sparky 019 A Telephone Mix Up.mp3
    21. Big Jon And Sparky 020 Detectives.mp3
    22. Big Jon And Sparky 021 Stakeout.mp3
    23. Big Jon And Sparky 022 Detectives Sparky Yukie Go To Work.mp3
    24. Big Jon And Sparky 023 Detective Sparky Gets An Idea.mp3
    25. Big Jon And Sparky 024 Kidnappers Double Back Triple Back.mp3
    26. Big Jon And Sparky 025 Even Detectives Make Mistakes.mp3
    27. Big Jon And Sparky 026 Jailed.mp3
    28. Big Jon And Sparky 027 Kidnapping Case Continues.mp3
    29. Big Jon And Sparky 028 Kidnapping Case Continues.mp3
    30. Big Jon And Sparky 029 Who's Who.mp3
    31. Big Jon And Sparky 030 Who's Who Continued.mp3
    32. Big Jon And Sparky 031 Kidnapped Car Is Sighted Fragment.mp3
    33. Big Jon And Sparky 032 Sparky Tracks Down AClue.mp3
    34. Big Jon And Sparky 033 Sparky's Private Detective Agency.mp3
    35. Big Jon And Sparky 034 Back To Normal-IHope.mp3
    36. Big Jon And Sparky 035 ASurprise For All Concerned.mp3
    37. Big Jon And Sparky 036 Kidnappers Escape Again.mp3
    38. Big Jon And Sparky 037 Where's Yukie Now.mp3
    39. Big Jon And Sparky 038 Al Old Cloths Is Good Clues.mp3
    40. Big Jon And Sparky 039 Am So Close To Forest To See Trees.mp3
    41. Big Jon And Sparky 040 Prodigal Returns.mp3
    42. Big Jon And Sparky 041 Return Of Yukie Butcher.mp3
    43. Big Jon And Sparky 042 Yukie Looks For ALawyer.mp3
    44. Big Jon And Sparky 043 Yukie Sues City.mp3
    45. Big Jon And Sparky 044 Look Who's ALawyer.mp3
    46. Big Jon And Sparky 045 Yukie Takes Stand.mp3
    47. Big Jon And Sparky 046 Peace And Quiet Again Almost.mp3
    48. Big Jon And Sparky 047 Sparky Has Plans For Yukie.mp3
    49. Big Jon And Sparky 048 ASudden Change In Climate.mp3
    50. Big Jon And Sparky 049 Not Even ATeam Of Horses.mp3
    51. Big Jon And Sparky 050 Goodbye My Dilly.mp3
    52. Big Jon And Sparky 051 ALetter From Yukie.mp3
    53. Big Jon And Sparky 052 AMystreious Man In Shack.mp3
    54. Big Jon And Sparky 053 AMystreious Man In Shack.mp3
    55. Big Jon And Sparky 054 AMystreious Man In Shack Part 2.mp3
    56. Big Jon And Sparky 055 Who's Fooling Whom.mp3
    57. Big Jon And Sparky 056 Trouble In Ranks.mp3
    58. Big Jon And Sparky 057 Sparky's Telephone Troubles.mp3
    59. Big Jon And Sparky 058 AProposed Solution Serious Problem.mp3
    60. Big Jon And Sparky 059 Twelve Down Two To Go.mp3
    61. Big Jon And Sparky 060 Not Much Doing.mp3
    62. Big Jon And Sparky 061 Pane In Mrs Two Hill's Window.mp3
    63. Big Jon And Sparky 062 Tickets Tickets Who's Got Tickets.mp3
    64. Big Jon And Sparky 063 Opening Day 1953.mp3
    65. Big Jon And Sparky 064 Canine Mutiny.mp3
    66. Big Jon And Sparky 065 What's Wrong With Bunny.mp3
    67. Big Jon And Sparky 066 Where Oh Where Have Little Dogs Gone.mp3
    68. Big Jon And Sparky 067 Dogs Get Organized.mp3
    69. Big Jon And Sparky 068 Dogs Get Together.mp3
    70. Big Jon And Sparky 069 Someone Make Up His Mind.mp3
    71. Big Jon And Sparky 070 Want Ads Get Results.mp3
    72. Big Jon And Sparky 071 Mayor's Plan Begins To Work.mp3
    73. Big Jon And Sparky 072 Almost Captured.mp3
    74. Big Jon And Sparky 073 Dognappers Get Caught.mp3
    75. Big Jon And Sparky 074 Mayor Shows m How.mp3
    76. Big Jon And Sparky 075 Return Of Yukie Butcha.mp3
    77. Big Jon And Sparky 076 Yukie Makes ADecision.mp3
    78. Big Jon And Sparky 077 Surprise In Barn On Yukie's Farm.mp3
    79. Big Jon And Sparky 078 Surprise In Yukie's Barn.mp3
    80. Big Jon And Sparky 079 Sparky Drives ARacing Car.mp3
    81. Big Jon And Sparky 080 More n One Way To Catch AFish.mp3
    82. Big Jon And Sparky 081 AQuiet Day On Yukie's Farm.mp3
    83. Big Jon And Sparky 082 Yukie Hits Jackpot.mp3
    84. Big Jon And Sparky 083 Yukie's Radio Station.mp3
    85. Big Jon And Sparky 084 Big Broadcast.mp3
    86. Big Jon And Sparky 085 Ratings Are In.mp3
    87. Big Jon And Sparky 086 Sparky Finds ABug.mp3
    88. Big Jon And Sparky 087 Sparky's Mysterious Butterfly.mp3
    89. Big Jon And Sparky 088 Professor Speaks.mp3
    90. Big Jon And Sparky 089 THe Day Butterfly Flew.mp3
    91. Big Jon And Sparky 090 Off To Races.mp3
    92. Big Jon And Sparky 091 Yukie Tries Out His Racing Machine.mp3
    93. Big Jon And Sparky 092 Yukie Cracks Up.mp3
    94. Big Jon And Sparky 093 Big Little Race.mp3
    95. Big Jon And Sparky 094 Big Jon Gets AScreen Job.mp3
    96. Big Jon And Sparky 095 Big Jon Recuperates.mp3
    97. Big Jon And Sparky 096 Cheer Up Sick Boy.mp3
    98. Big Jon And Sparky 097 Big Jon Takes Plunge.mp3
    99. Big Jon And Sparky 098 Big Jon Gets Company Again.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 62 shows – total playtime 10 hours, 58 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 099 Sparkys Big Decision.mp3
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 100 Sparkys Big Decision 2.mp3
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 101 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Cake.mp3
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 102 Sparky Changes His Mind.mp3
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 103 Sparky Keeps His Word.mp3
    7. Big Jon And Sparky 104 Where Has Sparky Gone.mp3
    8. Big Jon And Sparky 105 Sparky Is Found-Almost.mp3
    9. Big Jon And Sparky 106 Search for Sparky Continues.mp3
    10. Big Jon And Sparky 107 Search for Sparky Continues 2.mp3
    11. Big Jon And Sparky 108 Yukies Magic Travel Machine.mp3
    12. Big Jon And Sparky 109 Yukies Magic Travel Machine Works.mp3
    13. Big Jon And Sparky 110 Tell It To the Judge.mp3
    14. Big Jon And Sparky 111 Yukie Meets the Boss.mp3
    15. Big Jon And Sparky 112 Yukie the Elf.mp3
    16. Big Jon And Sparky 113 Yukie the Elf 2.mp3
    17. Big Jon And Sparky 114 Yukies Supreme Sacrifice.mp3
    18. Big Jon And Sparky 115 Yukie Throws Down the Gauntlet.mp3
    19. Big Jon And Sparky 116 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry.mp3
    20. Big Jon And Sparky 117 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry 2.mp3
    21. Big Jon And Sparky 118 Rivalry Gets Serious.mp3
    22. Big Jon And Sparky 119 Swords or Pistols at Sunrise.mp3
    23. Big Jon And Sparky 120 Duel Is Fought.mp3
    24. Big Jon And Sparky 121 End of the Romance.mp3
    25. Big Jon And Sparky 122 Big Let-down.mp3
    26. Big Jon And Sparky 123 Big Jon Disappears.mp3
    27. Big Jon And Sparky 124 Yukies Moment of Truth.mp3
    28. Big Jon And Sparky 125 Bachelor Party.mp3
    29. Big Jon And Sparky 126 Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire.mp3
    30. Big Jon And Sparky 127 Shock in Yukies Head 1.mp3
    31. Big Jon And Sparky 128 Shock in Yukies Head 2.mp3
    32. Big Jon And Sparky 129 Shock in Yukies Head 3.mp3
    33. Big Jon And Sparky 130 Yukies Long Lost Mother.mp3
    34. Big Jon And Sparky 131 A Number in the Mayors Blue Book.mp3
    35. Big Jon And Sparky 132 Whose Little Boy Are You.mp3
    36. Big Jon And Sparky 133 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues.mp3
    37. Big Jon And Sparky 134 Off to Lake Michigan.mp3
    38. Big Jon And Sparky 135 Adventure on Lake Michigan.mp3
    39. Big Jon And Sparky 136 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues.mp3
    40. Big Jon And Sparky 137 John Paul Jones to the Rescue.mp3
    41. Big Jon And Sparky 138 Rescued from the Storm.mp3
    42. Big Jon And Sparky 139 Not So Welcome Guests.mp3
    43. Big Jon And Sparky 140 Boy What a Sandwich.mp3
    44. Big Jon And Sparky 141 Back Home Again in Cincinnati.mp3
    45. Big Jon And Sparky 142 Castle on Yorrick Hill Road.mp3
    46. Big Jon And Sparky 143 Up a Tree.mp3
    47. Big Jon And Sparky 144 Alas Poor Yorrick I Knew Him.mp3
    48. Big Jon And Sparky 145 Much Ado about Something.mp3
    49. Big Jon And Sparky 146 Strange Goings On.mp3
    50. Big Jon And Sparky 147 Big Jons Plan to Catch the Ghost.mp3
    51. Big Jon And Sparky 148 Secret Passageway.mp3
    52. Big Jon And Sparky 149 Some Light on the Mystery.mp3
    53. Big Jon And Sparky 150 Mystery Is Solved.mp3
    54. Big Jon And Sparky 151 Lost and Found.mp3
    55. Big Jon And Sparky 152 Last Day of Vacation.mp3
    56. Big Jon And Sparky 153 Trip to East Cantankerous.mp3
    57. Big Jon And Sparky 154 East Cantankerous for Real.mp3
    58. Big Jon And Sparky 155 Who Is Yukie Rustlaw.mp3
    59. Big Jon And Sparky 156 Wart on Yukies Neck.mp3
    60. Big Jon And Sparky 157 Back Home in Cincinnati.mp3
    61. Big Jon And Sparky 158 Why the Mayor Gets Gray.mp3
    62. Big Jon And Sparky 159 Back to School for Sparky.mp3
    63. Big Jon And Sparky Little Red Caboose.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    160 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 29 hours, 14 min
    160 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
    803 MB – total playtime 29 hours, 14 min
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    1. Volume 1 – 98 shows – 502 MB – total playtime 18 hours, 15 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. Big Jon And Sparky 001 Over Falls In An Airplane.mp3
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 002 Begining Of A Long Voyage Home.mp3
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 003 Long Voyage Home.mp3
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 004 AMysterious Speck On Far Horizon.mp3
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 005 A Surprise Awaits Mayor.mp3
    7. Big Jon And Sparky 006 A Surprise Awaits Mayor.mp3
    8. Big Jon And Sparky 007 Daffodil Dilly Strikes Again.mp3
    9. Big Jon And Sparky 008 Prisoners Of Love.mp3
    10. Big Jon And Sparky 009 Yukie Shows Us How.mp3
    11. Big Jon And Sparky 010 Yukie Butcha To Rescue.mp3
    12. Big Jon And Sparky 011 Sparky In Control.mp3
    13. Big Jon And Sparky 012 Mayor Tells Of His Wedding Plans.mp3
    14. Big Jon And Sparky 013 Yukie Gets Ready For Wedding.mp3
    15. Big Jon And Sparky 014 Yukie Unvails An Invention.mp3
    16. Big Jon And Sparky 015 Mayor's Wedding Day.mp3
    17. Big Jon And Sparky 016 An Interruption In Mayor's Wedding.mp3
    18. Big Jon And Sparky 017 Miss Dilly Kidnapped From Church.mp3
    19. Big Jon And Sparky 018 Great Kidnap Mystery.mp3
    20. Big Jon And Sparky 019 A Telephone Mix Up.mp3
    21. Big Jon And Sparky 020 Detectives.mp3
    22. Big Jon And Sparky 021 Stakeout.mp3
    23. Big Jon And Sparky 022 Detectives Sparky Yukie Go To Work.mp3
    24. Big Jon And Sparky 023 Detective Sparky Gets An Idea.mp3
    25. Big Jon And Sparky 024 Kidnappers Double Back Triple Back.mp3
    26. Big Jon And Sparky 025 Even Detectives Make Mistakes.mp3
    27. Big Jon And Sparky 026 Jailed.mp3
    28. Big Jon And Sparky 027 Kidnapping Case Continues.mp3
    29. Big Jon And Sparky 028 Kidnapping Case Continues.mp3
    30. Big Jon And Sparky 029 Who's Who.mp3
    31. Big Jon And Sparky 030 Who's Who Continued.mp3
    32. Big Jon And Sparky 031 Kidnapped Car Is Sighted Fragment.mp3
    33. Big Jon And Sparky 032 Sparky Tracks Down AClue.mp3
    34. Big Jon And Sparky 033 Sparky's Private Detective Agency.mp3
    35. Big Jon And Sparky 034 Back To Normal-IHope.mp3
    36. Big Jon And Sparky 035 ASurprise For All Concerned.mp3
    37. Big Jon And Sparky 036 Kidnappers Escape Again.mp3
    38. Big Jon And Sparky 037 Where's Yukie Now.mp3
    39. Big Jon And Sparky 038 Al Old Cloths Is Good Clues.mp3
    40. Big Jon And Sparky 039 Am So Close To Forest To See Trees.mp3
    41. Big Jon And Sparky 040 Prodigal Returns.mp3
    42. Big Jon And Sparky 041 Return Of Yukie Butcher.mp3
    43. Big Jon And Sparky 042 Yukie Looks For ALawyer.mp3
    44. Big Jon And Sparky 043 Yukie Sues City.mp3
    45. Big Jon And Sparky 044 Look Who's ALawyer.mp3
    46. Big Jon And Sparky 045 Yukie Takes Stand.mp3
    47. Big Jon And Sparky 046 Peace And Quiet Again Almost.mp3
    48. Big Jon And Sparky 047 Sparky Has Plans For Yukie.mp3
    49. Big Jon And Sparky 048 ASudden Change In Climate.mp3
    50. Big Jon And Sparky 049 Not Even ATeam Of Horses.mp3
    51. Big Jon And Sparky 050 Goodbye My Dilly.mp3
    52. Big Jon And Sparky 051 ALetter From Yukie.mp3
    53. Big Jon And Sparky 052 AMystreious Man In Shack.mp3
    54. Big Jon And Sparky 053 AMystreious Man In Shack.mp3
    55. Big Jon And Sparky 054 AMystreious Man In Shack Part 2.mp3
    56. Big Jon And Sparky 055 Who's Fooling Whom.mp3
    57. Big Jon And Sparky 056 Trouble In Ranks.mp3
    58. Big Jon And Sparky 057 Sparky's Telephone Troubles.mp3
    59. Big Jon And Sparky 058 AProposed Solution Serious Problem.mp3
    60. Big Jon And Sparky 059 Twelve Down Two To Go.mp3
    61. Big Jon And Sparky 060 Not Much Doing.mp3
    62. Big Jon And Sparky 061 Pane In Mrs Two Hill's Window.mp3
    63. Big Jon And Sparky 062 Tickets Tickets Who's Got Tickets.mp3
    64. Big Jon And Sparky 063 Opening Day 1953.mp3
    65. Big Jon And Sparky 064 Canine Mutiny.mp3
    66. Big Jon And Sparky 065 What's Wrong With Bunny.mp3
    67. Big Jon And Sparky 066 Where Oh Where Have Little Dogs Gone.mp3
    68. Big Jon And Sparky 067 Dogs Get Organized.mp3
    69. Big Jon And Sparky 068 Dogs Get Together.mp3
    70. Big Jon And Sparky 069 Someone Make Up His Mind.mp3
    71. Big Jon And Sparky 070 Want Ads Get Results.mp3
    72. Big Jon And Sparky 071 Mayor's Plan Begins To Work.mp3
    73. Big Jon And Sparky 072 Almost Captured.mp3
    74. Big Jon And Sparky 073 Dognappers Get Caught.mp3
    75. Big Jon And Sparky 074 Mayor Shows m How.mp3
    76. Big Jon And Sparky 075 Return Of Yukie Butcha.mp3
    77. Big Jon And Sparky 076 Yukie Makes ADecision.mp3
    78. Big Jon And Sparky 077 Surprise In Barn On Yukie's Farm.mp3
    79. Big Jon And Sparky 078 Surprise In Yukie's Barn.mp3
    80. Big Jon And Sparky 079 Sparky Drives ARacing Car.mp3
    81. Big Jon And Sparky 080 More n One Way To Catch AFish.mp3
    82. Big Jon And Sparky 081 AQuiet Day On Yukie's Farm.mp3
    83. Big Jon And Sparky 082 Yukie Hits Jackpot.mp3
    84. Big Jon And Sparky 083 Yukie's Radio Station.mp3
    85. Big Jon And Sparky 084 Big Broadcast.mp3
    86. Big Jon And Sparky 085 Ratings Are In.mp3
    87. Big Jon And Sparky 086 Sparky Finds ABug.mp3
    88. Big Jon And Sparky 087 Sparky's Mysterious Butterfly.mp3
    89. Big Jon And Sparky 088 Professor Speaks.mp3
    90. Big Jon And Sparky 089 THe Day Butterfly Flew.mp3
    91. Big Jon And Sparky 090 Off To Races.mp3
    92. Big Jon And Sparky 091 Yukie Tries Out His Racing Machine.mp3
    93. Big Jon And Sparky 092 Yukie Cracks Up.mp3
    94. Big Jon And Sparky 093 Big Little Race.mp3
    95. Big Jon And Sparky 094 Big Jon Gets AScreen Job.mp3
    96. Big Jon And Sparky 095 Big Jon Recuperates.mp3
    97. Big Jon And Sparky 096 Cheer Up Sick Boy.mp3
    98. Big Jon And Sparky 097 Big Jon Takes Plunge.mp3
    99. Big Jon And Sparky 098 Big Jon Gets Company Again.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 62 shows – 301 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 58 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. Big Jon And Sparky 099 Sparkys Big Decision.mp3
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 100 Sparkys Big Decision 2.mp3
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 101 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Cake.mp3
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 102 Sparky Changes His Mind.mp3
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 103 Sparky Keeps His Word.mp3
    7. Big Jon And Sparky 104 Where Has Sparky Gone.mp3
    8. Big Jon And Sparky 105 Sparky Is Found-Almost.mp3
    9. Big Jon And Sparky 106 Search for Sparky Continues.mp3
    10. Big Jon And Sparky 107 Search for Sparky Continues 2.mp3
    11. Big Jon And Sparky 108 Yukies Magic Travel Machine.mp3
    12. Big Jon And Sparky 109 Yukies Magic Travel Machine Works.mp3
    13. Big Jon And Sparky 110 Tell It To the Judge.mp3
    14. Big Jon And Sparky 111 Yukie Meets the Boss.mp3
    15. Big Jon And Sparky 112 Yukie the Elf.mp3
    16. Big Jon And Sparky 113 Yukie the Elf 2.mp3
    17. Big Jon And Sparky 114 Yukies Supreme Sacrifice.mp3
    18. Big Jon And Sparky 115 Yukie Throws Down the Gauntlet.mp3
    19. Big Jon And Sparky 116 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry.mp3
    20. Big Jon And Sparky 117 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry 2.mp3
    21. Big Jon And Sparky 118 Rivalry Gets Serious.mp3
    22. Big Jon And Sparky 119 Swords or Pistols at Sunrise.mp3
    23. Big Jon And Sparky 120 Duel Is Fought.mp3
    24. Big Jon And Sparky 121 End of the Romance.mp3
    25. Big Jon And Sparky 122 Big Let-down.mp3
    26. Big Jon And Sparky 123 Big Jon Disappears.mp3
    27. Big Jon And Sparky 124 Yukies Moment of Truth.mp3
    28. Big Jon And Sparky 125 Bachelor Party.mp3
    29. Big Jon And Sparky 126 Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire.mp3
    30. Big Jon And Sparky 127 Shock in Yukies Head 1.mp3
    31. Big Jon And Sparky 128 Shock in Yukies Head 2.mp3
    32. Big Jon And Sparky 129 Shock in Yukies Head 3.mp3
    33. Big Jon And Sparky 130 Yukies Long Lost Mother.mp3
    34. Big Jon And Sparky 131 A Number in the Mayors Blue Book.mp3
    35. Big Jon And Sparky 132 Whose Little Boy Are You.mp3
    36. Big Jon And Sparky 133 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues.mp3
    37. Big Jon And Sparky 134 Off to Lake Michigan.mp3
    38. Big Jon And Sparky 135 Adventure on Lake Michigan.mp3
    39. Big Jon And Sparky 136 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues.mp3
    40. Big Jon And Sparky 137 John Paul Jones to the Rescue.mp3
    41. Big Jon And Sparky 138 Rescued from the Storm.mp3
    42. Big Jon And Sparky 139 Not So Welcome Guests.mp3
    43. Big Jon And Sparky 140 Boy What a Sandwich.mp3
    44. Big Jon And Sparky 141 Back Home Again in Cincinnati.mp3
    45. Big Jon And Sparky 142 Castle on Yorrick Hill Road.mp3
    46. Big Jon And Sparky 143 Up a Tree.mp3
    47. Big Jon And Sparky 144 Alas Poor Yorrick I Knew Him.mp3
    48. Big Jon And Sparky 145 Much Ado about Something.mp3
    49. Big Jon And Sparky 146 Strange Goings On.mp3
    50. Big Jon And Sparky 147 Big Jons Plan to Catch the Ghost.mp3
    51. Big Jon And Sparky 148 Secret Passageway.mp3
    52. Big Jon And Sparky 149 Some Light on the Mystery.mp3
    53. Big Jon And Sparky 150 Mystery Is Solved.mp3
    54. Big Jon And Sparky 151 Lost and Found.mp3
    55. Big Jon And Sparky 152 Last Day of Vacation.mp3
    56. Big Jon And Sparky 153 Trip to East Cantankerous.mp3
    57. Big Jon And Sparky 154 East Cantankerous for Real.mp3
    58. Big Jon And Sparky 155 Who Is Yukie Rustlaw.mp3
    59. Big Jon And Sparky 156 Wart on Yukies Neck.mp3
    60. Big Jon And Sparky 157 Back Home in Cincinnati.mp3
    61. Big Jon And Sparky 158 Why the Mayor Gets Gray.mp3
    62. Big Jon And Sparky 159 Back to School for Sparky.mp3
    63. Big Jon And Sparky Little Red Caboose.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    160 recordings on 28 Audio CDs. Total playtime 29 hours, 14 min
    160 recordings on 28 Audio CDs
    total playtime 29 hours, 14 min

    Big John and Sparky Disc A001

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 001 Over Falls In An Airplane
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 002 Begining Of A Long Voyage Home
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 003 Long Voyage Home
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 004 AMysterious Speck On Far Horizon
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 005 A Surprise Awaits Mayor

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A002

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 006 A Surprise Awaits Mayor
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 007 Daffodil Dilly Strikes Again
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 008 Prisoners Of Love
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 009 Yukie Shows Us How
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 010 Yukie Butcha To Rescue

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A003

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 011 Sparky In Control
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 012 Mayor Tells Of His Wedding Plans
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 013 Yukie Gets Ready For Wedding
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 014 Yukie Unvails An Invention
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 015 Mayor's Wedding Day

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A004

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 016 An Interruption In Mayor's Wedding
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 017 Miss Dilly Kidnapped From Church
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 018 Great Kidnap Mystery
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 019 A Telephone Mix Up
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 020 Detectives
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 021 Stakeout

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A005

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 022 Detectives Sparky Yukie Go To Work
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 023 Detective Sparky Gets An Idea
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 024 Kidnappers Double Back Triple Back
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 025 Even Detectives Make Mistakes
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 026 Jailed
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 027 Kidnapping Case Continues

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A006

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 028 Kidnapping Case Continues
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 029 Who's Who
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 030 Who's Who Continued
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 031 Kidnapped Car Is Sighted Fragment
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 032 Sparky Tracks Down AClue
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 033 Sparky's Private Detective Agency

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A007

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 034 Back To Normal-IHope
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 035 ASurprise For All Concerned
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 036 Kidnappers Escape Again
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 037 Where's Yukie Now
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 038 Al Old Cloths Is Good Clues
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 039 Am So Close To Forest To See Trees

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A008

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 040 Prodigal Returns
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 041 Return Of Yukie Butcher
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 042 Yukie Looks For ALawyer
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 043 Yukie Sues City
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 044 Look Who's ALawyer
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 045 Yukie Takes Stand

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A009

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 046 Peace And Quiet Again Almost
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 047 Sparky Has Plans For Yukie
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 048 ASudden Change In Climate
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 049 Not Even ATeam Of Horses
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 050 Goodbye My Dilly

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A010

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 051 ALetter From Yukie
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 052 AMystreious Man In Shack
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 053 AMystreious Man In Shack
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 054 AMystreious Man In Shack Part 2
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 055 Who's Fooling Whom
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 056 Trouble In Ranks

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A011

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 057 Sparky's Telephone Troubles
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 058 AProposed Solution Serious Problem
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 059 Twelve Down Two To Go
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 060 Not Much Doing
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 061 Pane In Mrs Two Hill's Window
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 062 Tickets Tickets Who's Got Tickets

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A012

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 063 Opening Day 1953
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 064 Canine Mutiny
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 065 What's Wrong With Bunny
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 066 Where Oh Where Have Little Dogs Gone
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 067 Dogs Get Organized
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 068 Dogs Get Together

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A013

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 069 Someone Make Up His Mind
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 070 Want Ads Get Results
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 071 Mayor's Plan Begins To Work
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 072 Almost Captured
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 073 Dognappers Get Caught
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 074 Mayor Shows m How

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A014

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 075 Return Of Yukie Butcha
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 076 Yukie Makes ADecision
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 077 Surprise In Barn On Yukie's Farm
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 078 Surprise In Yukie's Barn
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 079 Sparky Drives ARacing Car
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 080 More n One Way To Catch AFish

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A015

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 081 AQuiet Day On Yukie's Farm
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 082 Yukie Hits Jackpot
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 083 Yukie's Radio Station
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 084 Big Broadcast
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 085 Ratings Are In
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 086 Sparky Finds ABug

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A016

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 087 Sparky's Mysterious Butterfly
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 088 Professor Speaks
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 089 THe Day Butterfly Flew
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 090 Off To Races
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 091 Yukie Tries Out His Racing Machine
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 092 Yukie Cracks Up

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A017

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 093 Big Little Race
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 094 Big Jon Gets AScreen Job
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 095 Big Jon Recuperates
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 096 Cheer Up Sick Boy
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 097 Big Jon Takes Plunge
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 098 Big Jon Gets Company Again

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A018

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 099 Sparkys Big Decision
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 100 Sparkys Big Decision 2
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 101 Too Many Cooks Spoil the Cake
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 102 Sparky Changes His Mind
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 103 Sparky Keeps His Word
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 104 Where Has Sparky Gone

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A019

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 105 Sparky Is Found-Almost
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 106 Search for Sparky Continues
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 107 Search for Sparky Continues 2
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 108 Yukies Magic Travel Machine
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 109 Yukies Magic Travel Machine Works
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 110 Tell It To the Judge

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A020

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 111 Yukie Meets the Boss
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 112 Yukie the Elf
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 113 Yukie the Elf 2
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 114 Yukies Supreme Sacrifice
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 115 Yukie Throws Down the Gauntlet
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 116 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A021

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 117 Yukie and Big Jons Rivalry 2
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 118 Rivalry Gets Serious
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 119 Swords or Pistols at Sunrise
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 120 Duel Is Fought
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 121 End of the Romance
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 122 Big Let-down

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A022

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 123 Big Jon Disappears
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 124 Yukies Moment of Truth
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 125 Bachelor Party
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 126 Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 127 Shock in Yukies Head 1
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 128 Shock in Yukies Head 2

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A023

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 129 Shock in Yukies Head 3
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 130 Yukies Long Lost Mother
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 131 A Number in the Mayors Blue Book
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 132 Whose Little Boy Are You
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 133 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 134 Off to Lake Michigan

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A024

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 135 Adventure on Lake Michigan
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 136 Yukie Butcha Mystery Continues
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 137 John Paul Jones to the Rescue
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 138 Rescued from the Storm
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 139 Not So Welcome Guests
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 140 Boy What a Sandwich

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A025

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 141 Back Home Again in Cincinnati
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 142 Castle on Yorrick Hill Road
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 143 Up a Tree
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 144 Alas Poor Yorrick I Knew Him
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 145 Much Ado about Something
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 146 Strange Goings On

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A026

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 147 Big Jons Plan to Catch the Ghost
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 148 Secret Passageway
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 149 Some Light on the Mystery
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 150 Mystery Is Solved
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 151 Lost and Found
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 152 Last Day of Vacation

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A027

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 153 Trip to East Cantankerous
    2. Big Jon And Sparky 154 East Cantankerous for Real
    3. Big Jon And Sparky 155 Who Is Yukie Rustlaw
    4. Big Jon And Sparky 156 Wart on Yukies Neck
    5. Big Jon And Sparky 157 Back Home in Cincinnati
    6. Big Jon And Sparky 158 Why the Mayor Gets Gray

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    Big John and Sparky Disc A028

    1. Big Jon And Sparky 159 Back to School for Sparky
    2. Big Jon And Sparky Little Red Caboose

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