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A spin-off of the Fibber McGee & Molly series, Beulah was a novelty character, created and sustained by the startling concept of a white man doing a black woman's voice.


40 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 10 hours, 55 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
12 Audio CDs

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"Honorary Santa"

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Situation comedy (1945 - 54)

Marlin Hunt
Marlin Hurt, a white actor,
played the radio voice of 'Beulah'
print advertisement for the radio program"Sombody bawl fo' Beulah?" is the line Marlin Hurt is known best for, the star of The Beulah Show, soon to be followed by the other famous line, "Loooove dat man!"

A spin-off of the Fibber McGee & Molly series, Beulah was a novelty character, created and sustained by the startling concept of a white man doing a black woman's voice. As envisioned by Hurt, Beulah was in her 30s, "is man-crazy, weighs about 140 pounds, has good teeth, wears her hair in bangs and a pageboy bob. She adores short skirts and extremely high heels. Beulah isn't lazy!"

The series transitioned into a television series by Ethel Waters. See also: article on the history of Minstrel Shows and Old Time Radio. This collection is part of the larger Minstrel Show Collection.  This show was closely related to the Amos and Andy, Johnson Family, Pick and Pat, Sam 'n Henry, Black Crows, and Fibber McGee and Molly shows that were so popular at the same time.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    One of my all time favorite shows on the radio...Marlin Hurt was the first (male) Beulah and was replaced by Bob Morley, followed by Hattie McDaniel, Lillian Randolph, and finally Amanda Randolph...Over the airwaves from 1945 until 1954....It was transferred to television from 1950 to 1952 with 87 episodes... Stars were Ethel Waters, Hattie McDaniel, and Louise Beavers....sadly only (6) videos exist and (21) radio shows....I loved this show so much....great comedy with such wonderful African American actors....

    Art Verified Purchase

    Hattie McDaniel was an American Oscar-winning actress and was the first black woman to sing on U.S. radio, and was the first black actress to win an Oscar (1940 for her supporting role as Mammy in Gone with the Wind). At the Academy Awards ceremony she was racially segregated from her co-stars and had to sit at a separate table at the back of the room. She was the first black American to star in her own radio show (1947, Beulah) and went on to reprise the role on television. A remarkable woman and actress. No matter how big or small the role, she makes it memorable.

    Fred Verified Purchase

    I always loved her response to critics who complained about her many “mammy” type roles. “I’d rather play a maid than be a maid”!


    She was talented and a classy lady. Hattie was criticized for playing subservient roles, and responded "I can *play* a maid in the movies for seven hundred dollars a week, or I can *be* a maid for seven dollars a week." Playing those subservient roles opened doors for other black actors/actresses.

    Michael Verified Purchase

    She's a favorite of mine in a Jimmy Cagney movie- Johnny Come Lately. She was treated like royalty at the Georgian Terrace Hotel in Atlanta (which is still there, still worth a visit) during her stay for the gala debut of GWTW at the Fox Theater right across Peachtree street (also still there, still worth a visit). Unfortunately, these days it's fashionable to accentuate the negative and eliminate the positive.

    Dan Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 10 hours, 55 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 10 hours, 55 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – total playtime 10 hours, 55 minutes
    2. Beulah 440125 fmm Show Beulah Looks For Job.mp3
    3. Beulah 440314 fmm Show Mcgee Hires Beulah.mp3
    4. Beulah 450716 003 Beulah Finds Wedding Ring.mp3
    5. Beulah 450813 007 Summer Heat.mp3
    6. Beulah 450826 009 Audition.mp3
    7. Beulah 470209 Audition Program Marlin Hurt.mp3
    8. Beulah 470507 050 Slogan Contest.mp3
    9. Beulah 500627 Vacation Troubles Part 1 Of 2.mp3
    10. Beulah 500628 Vacation Troubles Part 2 Of 2.mp3
    11. Beulah 500629 Still More Vacation Troubles.mp3
    12. Beulah 500630 Vacation Troubles Continue.mp3
    13. Beulah 530323 Building Permit.mp3
    14. Beulah 531009 Cutting Onions.mp3
    15. Beulah 531113 Flash Magazine.mp3
    16. Beulah 531116 Painting Donnys Room.mp3
    17. Beulah 531224 Honorary Santa.mp3
    18. Beulah 540000 Bill And Beulah Make April Showers Record.mp3
    19. Beulah 540000 Movie Director Visits For Dinner.mp3
    20. Beulah 540126 Bills Streetcar Lunchroom.mp3
    21. Beulah 540128 Lunchroom Grand Opening.mp3
    22. Beulah 540203 Beulah Becomes Waitress.mp3
    23. Beulah 540204 Writing Love Story.mp3
    24. Beulah 540205 Writing About Family.mp3
    25. Beulah 540208 Rumpus Room Construction.mp3
    26. Beulah 540209 Bill Builds Rumpus Room.mp3
    27. Beulah 540210 Cutting Onions.mp3
    28. Beulah 540518 The Gilberts Niece Gwen Comes to Visit.mp3
    29. Beulah 540519 Gwen Has Caused A Sensation.mp3
    30. Beulah 540520 Donnie Has A Crush On Gwen.mp3
    31. Beulah 540521 Formal Dinner With Gwen.mp3
    32. Beulah 540524 Beulah Enter Her Roses In Flower Show.mp3
    33. Beulah 540525 Bill Plans For Roses.mp3
    34. Beulah 540526 Real Estate Deal Stopping Beulahs Roses.mp3
    35. Beulah 540527 Oriole Has Cut Beulahs Roses.mp3
    36. Beulah 540528 Mr Matthews Happy Beulah Won Flower Contest.mp3
    37. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt1.mp3
    38. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt2.mp3
    39. Beulah 540602 Beulah 540602 Organizing the Fundraising Pt3.mp3
    40. Beulah 540910 Cutting Onions.mp3
    41. Beulah Hires Boy Friend.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 10 hours, 55 min
    40 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    300 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 55 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 40 shows – 300 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 55 minutes
    2. Beulah 440125 fmm Show Beulah Looks For Job.mp3
    3. Beulah 440314 fmm Show Mcgee Hires Beulah.mp3
    4. Beulah 450716 003 Beulah Finds Wedding Ring.mp3
    5. Beulah 450813 007 Summer Heat.mp3
    6. Beulah 450826 009 Audition.mp3
    7. Beulah 470209 Audition Program Marlin Hurt.mp3
    8. Beulah 470507 050 Slogan Contest.mp3
    9. Beulah 500627 Vacation Troubles Part 1 Of 2.mp3
    10. Beulah 500628 Vacation Troubles Part 2 Of 2.mp3
    11. Beulah 500629 Still More Vacation Troubles.mp3
    12. Beulah 500630 Vacation Troubles Continue.mp3
    13. Beulah 530323 Building Permit.mp3
    14. Beulah 531009 Cutting Onions.mp3
    15. Beulah 531113 Flash Magazine.mp3
    16. Beulah 531116 Painting Donnys Room.mp3
    17. Beulah 531224 Honorary Santa.mp3
    18. Beulah 540000 Bill And Beulah Make April Showers Record.mp3
    19. Beulah 540000 Movie Director Visits For Dinner.mp3
    20. Beulah 540126 Bills Streetcar Lunchroom.mp3
    21. Beulah 540128 Lunchroom Grand Opening.mp3
    22. Beulah 540203 Beulah Becomes Waitress.mp3
    23. Beulah 540204 Writing Love Story.mp3
    24. Beulah 540205 Writing About Family.mp3
    25. Beulah 540208 Rumpus Room Construction.mp3
    26. Beulah 540209 Bill Builds Rumpus Room.mp3
    27. Beulah 540210 Cutting Onions.mp3
    28. Beulah 540518 The Gilberts Niece Gwen Comes to Visit.mp3
    29. Beulah 540519 Gwen Has Caused A Sensation.mp3
    30. Beulah 540520 Donnie Has A Crush On Gwen.mp3
    31. Beulah 540521 Formal Dinner With Gwen.mp3
    32. Beulah 540524 Beulah Enter Her Roses In Flower Show.mp3
    33. Beulah 540525 Bill Plans For Roses.mp3
    34. Beulah 540526 Real Estate Deal Stopping Beulahs Roses.mp3
    35. Beulah 540527 Oriole Has Cut Beulahs Roses.mp3
    36. Beulah 540528 Mr Matthews Happy Beulah Won Flower Contest.mp3
    37. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt1.mp3
    38. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt2.mp3
    39. Beulah 540602 Beulah 540602 Organizing the Fundraising Pt3.mp3
    40. Beulah 540910 Cutting Onions.mp3
    41. Beulah Hires Boy Friend.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    40 recordings on 12 Audio CDs. Total playtime 10 hours, 55 min
    40 recordings on 12 Audio CDs
    total playtime 10 hours, 55 min

    Beulah Disc A001

    1. Beulah Hires Boy Friend
    2. Beulah 440125 fmm Show Beulah Looks For Job

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A002

    1. Beulah 440314 fmm Show Mcgee Hires Beulah
    2. Beulah 450716 003 Beulah Finds Wedding Ring

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A003

    1. Beulah 450813 007 Summer Heat
    2. Beulah 450826 009 Audition

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A004

    1. Beulah 470209 Audition Program Marlin Hurt
    2. Beulah 470507 050 Slogan Contest
    3. Beulah 500627 Vacation Troubles Part 1 Of 2

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A005

    1. Beulah 500628 Vacation Troubles Part 2 Of 2
    2. Beulah 500629 Still More Vacation Troubles
    3. Beulah 500630 Vacation Troubles Continue
    4. Beulah 530323 Building Permit
    5. Beulah 531009 Cutting Onions

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A006

    1. Beulah 531113 Flash Magazine
    2. Beulah 531116 Painting Donnys Room
    3. Beulah 531224 Honorary Santa
    4. Beulah 540000 Bill And Beulah Make April Showers Record

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A007

    1. Beulah 540000 Movie Director Visits For Dinner
    2. Beulah 540126 Bills Streetcar Lunchroom
    3. Beulah 540128 Lunchroom Grand Opening
    4. Beulah 540203 Beulah Becomes Waitress

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A008

    1. Beulah 540204 Writing Love Story
    2. Beulah 540205 Writing About Family
    3. Beulah 540208 Rumpus Room Construction
    4. Beulah 540209 Bill Builds Rumpus Room
    5. Beulah 540210 Cutting Onions

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A009

    1. Beulah 540518 The Gilberts Niece Gwen Comes to Visit
    2. Beulah 540519 Gwen Has Caused A Sensation
    3. Beulah 540520 Donnie Has A Crush On Gwen
    4. Beulah 540521 Formal Dinner With Gwen

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A010

    1. Beulah 540524 Beulah Enter Her Roses In Flower Show
    2. Beulah 540525 Bill Plans For Roses
    3. Beulah 540526 Real Estate Deal Stopping Beulahs Roses
    4. Beulah 540527 Oriole Has Cut Beulahs Roses

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A011

    1. Beulah 540528 Mr Matthews Happy Beulah Won Flower Contest
    2. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt1
    3. Beulah 540601 Beulah 540601 Organizing the Fundraising Pt2
    4. Beulah 540602 Beulah 540602 Organizing the Fundraising Pt3

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Beulah Disc A012

    1. Beulah 540910 Cutting Onions

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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