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The Bell Telephone Hour

This collection includes some of the rare broadcasts known to exist and features some of the brightest stars in the day, even comedian Fred Allen.

Bell Telephone Hour Encores

50 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 24 hours, 22 min)
available in the following formats:

2 MP3 CDs
25 Audio CDs

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"Encores Helen Traubel"

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Bell Telephone Hour
Bell Telephone Hour Encores 40 new rare recovered shows!

Oscar LevantBell Telephone Hour Arthur RubensteinA music show focusing on classical music, Bell Telephone Hour Encores was broadcast on Monday evenings. This show was broadcast on AFRS (Armed Forces Radio Service) and was called "Music from America and "Heritage Radio Theater.  Donald Voorhees is the narrator featuring past Bell Telephone Hour Encores broadcasts.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

This collection includes some of the rare broadcasts known to exist. It features some of the brightest stars in the day, such as Italian operatic tenor Ferruccio Tagliavini, American sopranos Lucina Marra and Helen Traubel, even comedian Fred Allen with a whimsical tale "Peter and the Wolf with a cast of musical instruments.   

Gregor Piatigorsky
1945 Portrait

Other guest performers include the often racy pianist of Oscar Levant who was taken off the air twice for making comments about Marilyn Monroe and Mae West.  About Monroe's conversion to Judaism he said "Now that Marilyn Monroe is kosher, Arthur Miller can eat her."  Oscar Levant's music often called genius as it became a fixture on radio, television, and screen. The broadcast also featured John Charles Thomas.

Ukrainian Cellist Gregor Piatigorsky smuggled himself out of the Soviet Union during the revolution to study music in Germany then later fled to the United States when WWII began.  Considered one of the most expressive and dramatic string instrument players of all time composers like Stravinsky wrote arrangements for him. 


Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Each show gives and brief biography of the performer at the beginning and the remainder of the show features opera and classical music.

For additional classical and opera radio shows, see also:

      Bell Telephone Hour

      Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

      These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

      • Show Rating

        2     2


        Bell Telephone Encores will delight anyone who enjoys classical music. The series’ conductor Donald Vorhees recalls many of the great stars who appeared on the program and selects some of their outstanding performances from The Bell Telephone Hour. Here are some of my favorites: From Volume 1: Track 1—Jose Iturbi (includes a live interview), Track 9—John Charles Thomas, Track 10—Lily Pons (includes a live interview), Track 15—Mildred Miller with a great selection of Christmas carols and highlights from Humperdinck’s opera Hansel and Gretel, Track 19—Fritz Kreisler (includes live interview), Track 22—Fred Allen reads Peter and the Wolf, and Track 26-Josef Hoffman. For me, Volume 2’s outstanding program is Track 23: Martha Scott in a special one-hour show: An Old-Fashioned Christmas. Every year, my wife and I enjoy listening to this unique (and probably not completely realistic) re-creation of Christmas as it used to be.

        Steve Verified Purchase

        I just love all of the programs that have Nelson Eddy in them. And Chase & Sanborn's show is so funny. I simply love all of the radio programs with Nelson Eddy in them, the excellent singing, orchestra's music. Chase and Sanborn's program is so funny. I also love the Railroad Hour where you can hear operettas.

        Stephanie Verified Purchase

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      • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

        50 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00. Total playtime 24 hours, 22 min
        50 recordings on 2 MP3 CDs for just $10.00
        total playtime 24 hours, 22 min
        Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

        1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – total playtime 12 hours, 50 minutes
          MP3 CD
          Volume 1: $5.00
          Add To Cart
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 680915 Ep01 Ezio Pinza.mp3
        3. Bell Telephone Encores 680922 Ep02 Eileen Farrell.mp3
        4. Bell Telephone Encores 680929 Ep03 Zino Francescati.mp3
        5. Bell Telephone Encores 681006 Ep04 Helen Traubel.mp3
        6. Bell Telephone Encores 681013 Ep05 Jose Iturbi.mp3
        7. Bell Telephone Encores 681020 Ep06 Ferruccio Tagliavini.mp3
        8. Bell Telephone Encores 681027 Ep07 Grace Moore.mp3
        9. Bell Telephone Encores 681103 Ep08 Robert Casadesus.mp3
        10. Bell Telephone Encores 681110 Ep09 John Charles Thomas.mp3
        11. Bell Telephone Encores 681117 Ep10 Lily Pons.mp3
        12. Bell Telephone Encores 681124 Ep11 Bidu Sayao.mp3
        13. Bell Telephone Encores 681201 Ep12 Grant Johanneson.mp3
        14. Bell Telephone Encores 681208 Ep13 Brian Sullivan.mp3
        15. Bell Telephone Encores 681215 Ep14 Michael Rabin.mp3
        16. Bell Telephone Encores 681222 Ep15 Mildred Miller.mp3
        17. Bell Telephone Encores 681229 Ep16 George London.mp3
        18. Bell Telephone Encores 690105 Ep17 Clifford Kurzen.mp3
        19. Bell Telephone Encores 690112 Ep18 Nelson Eddy.mp3
        20. Bell Telephone Encores 690126 Ep20 Fritz Kreisler.mp3
        21. Bell Telephone Encores 690209 Ep22 Gladys Swarthout.mp3
        22. Bell Telephone Encores 690216 Ep23 Georgio Tozzi.mp3
        23. Bell Telephone Encores 690223 Ep24 Fred Allen.mp3
        24. Bell Telephone Encores 690302 Ep25 Lucina Marra.mp3
        25. Bell Telephone Encores 690309 Ep26 Nicolai Gerra.mp3
        26. Bell Telephone Encores 690316 Ep27 Blanche Thebom.mp3
        27. Bell Telephone Encores 690323 Ep28 Josep Huffman.mp3

        1. Volume 2 – 24 shows – total playtime 11 hours, 31 minutes
          MP3 CD
          Volume 2: $5.00
          Add To Cart
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690511 Ep35 Oscar Levant.mp3
        3. Bell Telephone Encores 690518 Ep36 Jussi Bjorling.mp3
        4. Bell Telephone Encores 690601 Ep38 Gregor Piatogorsky.mp3
        5. Bell Telephone Encores 690608 Ep39 Leonard Warren.mp3
        6. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Nelson Eddy.mp3
        7. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Robert Scarvaros.mp3
        8. Bell Telephone Hour 481212 Christmas Show.mp3
        9. Bell Telephone Hour 490425 W Lily Pons.mp3
        10. Bell Telephone Hour 561119 Renata Tibaldi.mp3
        11. Bell Telephone Hour Encores 681222 15 Christmas Special.mp3
        12. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Bida Savao.mp3
        13. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Clifford Curson.mp3
        14. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Elleen Farrell.mp3
        15. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Ezio Pina.mp3
        16. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Fritz Kreisbr.mp3
        17. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Grace Moore.mp3
        18. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Gregor Piatagorsky.mp3
        19. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Helen Trauble.mp3
        20. Bell Telephone Hour Encores John Charles Thomas.mp3
        21. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Leonard Warren.mp3
        22. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Lily Pons.mp3
        23. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Nelson Eddy.mp3
        24. Bell Telephone Hour W Martha Scott.mp3
        25. Promo Voice Of Firestone Telephone Hour.mp3
      • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

        50 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00. Total playtime 24 hours, 22 min
        50 recordings on 2 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $10.00
        669 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 22 min
        Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

        1. Volume 1 – 26 shows – 353 MB – total playtime 12 hours, 50 minutes
          Instant Download
          Volume 1: $5.00
          Add To Cart
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 680915 Ep01 Ezio Pinza.mp3
        3. Bell Telephone Encores 680922 Ep02 Eileen Farrell.mp3
        4. Bell Telephone Encores 680929 Ep03 Zino Francescati.mp3
        5. Bell Telephone Encores 681006 Ep04 Helen Traubel.mp3
        6. Bell Telephone Encores 681013 Ep05 Jose Iturbi.mp3
        7. Bell Telephone Encores 681020 Ep06 Ferruccio Tagliavini.mp3
        8. Bell Telephone Encores 681027 Ep07 Grace Moore.mp3
        9. Bell Telephone Encores 681103 Ep08 Robert Casadesus.mp3
        10. Bell Telephone Encores 681110 Ep09 John Charles Thomas.mp3
        11. Bell Telephone Encores 681117 Ep10 Lily Pons.mp3
        12. Bell Telephone Encores 681124 Ep11 Bidu Sayao.mp3
        13. Bell Telephone Encores 681201 Ep12 Grant Johanneson.mp3
        14. Bell Telephone Encores 681208 Ep13 Brian Sullivan.mp3
        15. Bell Telephone Encores 681215 Ep14 Michael Rabin.mp3
        16. Bell Telephone Encores 681222 Ep15 Mildred Miller.mp3
        17. Bell Telephone Encores 681229 Ep16 George London.mp3
        18. Bell Telephone Encores 690105 Ep17 Clifford Kurzen.mp3
        19. Bell Telephone Encores 690112 Ep18 Nelson Eddy.mp3
        20. Bell Telephone Encores 690126 Ep20 Fritz Kreisler.mp3
        21. Bell Telephone Encores 690209 Ep22 Gladys Swarthout.mp3
        22. Bell Telephone Encores 690216 Ep23 Georgio Tozzi.mp3
        23. Bell Telephone Encores 690223 Ep24 Fred Allen.mp3
        24. Bell Telephone Encores 690302 Ep25 Lucina Marra.mp3
        25. Bell Telephone Encores 690309 Ep26 Nicolai Gerra.mp3
        26. Bell Telephone Encores 690316 Ep27 Blanche Thebom.mp3
        27. Bell Telephone Encores 690323 Ep28 Josep Huffman.mp3

        1. Volume 2 – 24 shows – 317 MB – total playtime 11 hours, 31 minutes
          Instant Download
          Volume 2: $5.00
          Add To Cart
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690511 Ep35 Oscar Levant.mp3
        3. Bell Telephone Encores 690518 Ep36 Jussi Bjorling.mp3
        4. Bell Telephone Encores 690601 Ep38 Gregor Piatogorsky.mp3
        5. Bell Telephone Encores 690608 Ep39 Leonard Warren.mp3
        6. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Nelson Eddy.mp3
        7. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Robert Scarvaros.mp3
        8. Bell Telephone Hour 481212 Christmas Show.mp3
        9. Bell Telephone Hour 490425 W Lily Pons.mp3
        10. Bell Telephone Hour 561119 Renata Tibaldi.mp3
        11. Bell Telephone Hour Encores 681222 15 Christmas Special.mp3
        12. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Bida Savao.mp3
        13. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Clifford Curson.mp3
        14. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Elleen Farrell.mp3
        15. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Ezio Pina.mp3
        16. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Fritz Kreisbr.mp3
        17. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Grace Moore.mp3
        18. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Gregor Piatagorsky.mp3
        19. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Helen Trauble.mp3
        20. Bell Telephone Hour Encores John Charles Thomas.mp3
        21. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Leonard Warren.mp3
        22. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Lily Pons.mp3
        23. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Nelson Eddy.mp3
        24. Bell Telephone Hour W Martha Scott.mp3
        25. Promo Voice Of Firestone Telephone Hour.mp3
      • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

        50 recordings on 25 Audio CDs. Total playtime 24 hours, 22 min
        50 recordings on 25 Audio CDs
        total playtime 24 hours, 22 min

        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A001

        1. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Nelson Eddy
        2. Bell Telephone Hour 40xxxx Robert Scarvaros

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A002

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Bida Savao
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Clifford Curson

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A003

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Elleen Farrell
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Ezio Pina

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A004

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Fritz Kreisbr
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Grace Moore

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A005

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Gregor Piatagorsky
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Helen Trauble

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A006

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores John Charles Thomas
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Leonard Warren

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A007

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Lily Pons
        2. Bell Telephone Hour Encores Nelson Eddy

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A008

        1. Bell Telephone Hour W Martha Scott
        2. Promo Voice Of Firestone Telephone Hour

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A009

        1. Bell Telephone Hour 481212 Christmas Show
        2. Bell Telephone Hour 490425 W Lily Pons

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A010

        1. Bell Telephone Hour 561119 Renata Tibaldi
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 680915 Ep01 Ezio Pinza

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A011

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 680922 Ep02 Eileen Farrell
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 680929 Ep03 Zino Francescati

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A012

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681006 Ep04 Helen Traubel
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681013 Ep05 Jose Iturbi

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A013

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681020 Ep06 Ferruccio Tagliavini
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681027 Ep07 Grace Moore

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A014

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681103 Ep08 Robert Casadesus
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681110 Ep09 John Charles Thomas

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A015

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681117 Ep10 Lily Pons
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681124 Ep11 Bidu Sayao

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A016

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681201 Ep12 Grant Johanneson
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681208 Ep13 Brian Sullivan

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A017

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 681215 Ep14 Michael Rabin
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681222 Ep15 Mildred Miller

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A018

        1. Bell Telephone Hour Encores 681222 15 Christmas Special
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 681229 Ep16 George London

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A019

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690105 Ep17 Clifford Kurzen
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690112 Ep18 Nelson Eddy

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A020

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690126 Ep20 Fritz Kreisler
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690209 Ep22 Gladys Swarthout

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A021

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690216 Ep23 Georgio Tozzi
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690223 Ep24 Fred Allen

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A022

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690302 Ep25 Lucina Marra
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690309 Ep26 Nicolai Gerra

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A023

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690316 Ep27 Blanche Thebom
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690323 Ep28 Josep Huffman

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A024

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690511 Ep35 Oscar Levant
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690518 Ep36 Jussi Bjorling

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
        Bell Telephone Hour Encores Disc A025

        1. Bell Telephone Encores 690601 Ep38 Gregor Piatogorsky
        2. Bell Telephone Encores 690608 Ep39 Leonard Warren

        Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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