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Aunt Jemima

Harriette Widmer stars (from Amos and Andy) in this fun music and variety program promoting Aunt Jemima pancake mix.

Aunt Jemima

36 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 3 hours, 31 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
4 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from November 01, 1943:

"Happy Time"

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Aunt Jemima

Musical Series (1943)

Aunt Jemima Old Time Radio ShowChris Rutt and Charles Underwood developed a ready mix pancake recipe called Aunt Jemima in 1889. In 1890 Nancy Green was hired as the spokeswoman to portray Aunt Jemima for promotional events later the role was filled by Anna Robinson at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair until 1951, Aylene Lewis at the opening of Disneyland. Aunt JemimaThe image is Aunt Jemima is controversial due to the disparaging racial stereotype it promotes. Objections to the depiction of Aunt Jemima and other black advertising date back to the 1920s. To counter this, the image of Aunt Jemima has changed drastically throughout its 118-year history.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Throughout most of the old time radio series, Caucasian actress Tess Gardella portrayed Aunt Jemima's radio voice..Harriette Widmer from Amos and Andy also portrayed the famous pancake cook and her performances are included in this 1943 version of the show in this collection. The Aunt Jemima old time radio show includes the Jemima Chorus singing melodious tunes with interjections of announcer Marvin Miller and Aunt Jemima explaining why her pancakes are special and easy to make. She also offers a "Happy Thought for the Day" with traditional wisdom such as "You can't buy happiness, it has to be earned." But you can buy pancakes, and they make you happy.

Each show is approximately five minutes long and includes some surprisingly non-breakfast related but excellent musical numbers. Aunt JemimaBe forewarned, the Aunt Jemima old time radio show causes strong pancake cravings and would be a fun addition to breakfast.

This collection is part of the larger Minstrel Show Collection.  For more interesting reading, See also: article on the history of Minstrel Shows and Old Time Radio. This collection is in the extensive Hummert Radio Factory Collection. Called the parents of soap opera, Anne and Frank Hummert also created Betty and Bob, Front Page Farrell, Mr. Keen Tracer of Lost Persons, Ma Perkins, Just Plain Bill, Mary Noble Backstage Wife, Young Widder Brown, Mr. Chameleon, Stella Dallas, Manhattan Merry Go Round, Lora Lawton, The American Melody Hour, Hearthstone of the Death Squad, Lorenzo Jones, Nona From Nowhere, Our Gal Sunday, Inspector Thorne, Romance of Helen Trent, and more.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    I listened to "Aunt Jemima on the radio when I was a kid. This CD brings back pleasent memories.

    Charles Verified Purchase

    Definitely a curiosity piece. The new found shows are enjoyable as well.

    Anthony Verified Purchase

    A very nice piece of history that is quite entertaining to listen to.

    Warren Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    36 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 31 min
    36 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 3 hours, 31 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 36 shows – total playtime 3 hours, 31 minutes
    2. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider.mp3
    3. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row.mp3
    4. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am.mp3
    5. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza.mp3
    6. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie.mp3
    7. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining.mp3
    8. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row.mp3
    9. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    10. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    11. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    12. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield.mp3
    13. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie.mp3
    14. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No.mp3
    15. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    16. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S.mp3
    17. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut).mp3
    18. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side.mp3
    19. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water.mp3
    20. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please.mp3
    21. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row.mp3
    22. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    23. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    24. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    25. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No.mp3
    26. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    27. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo.mp3
    28. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    29. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee.mp3
    30. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    31. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    32. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia.mp3
    33. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    34. Aunt Jemima Audition Program.mp3
    35. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 520401.mp3
    36. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 530506.mp3
    37. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks Hey Good Looking.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    36 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 3 hours, 31 min
    36 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    97 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 31 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 36 shows – 97 MB – total playtime 3 hours, 31 minutes
    2. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider.mp3
    3. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row.mp3
    4. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am.mp3
    5. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza.mp3
    6. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie.mp3
    7. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining.mp3
    8. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row.mp3
    9. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    10. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    11. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    12. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield.mp3
    13. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie.mp3
    14. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No.mp3
    15. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    16. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S.mp3
    17. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut).mp3
    18. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side.mp3
    19. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water.mp3
    20. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please.mp3
    21. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row.mp3
    22. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol.mp3
    23. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones.mp3
    24. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore.mp3
    25. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No.mp3
    26. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door.mp3
    27. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo.mp3
    28. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    29. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee.mp3
    30. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    31. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee.mp3
    32. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia.mp3
    33. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose.mp3
    34. Aunt Jemima Audition Program.mp3
    35. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 520401.mp3
    36. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 530506.mp3
    37. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks Hey Good Looking.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    36 recordings on 4 Audio CDs. Total playtime 3 hours, 31 min
    36 recordings on 4 Audio CDs
    total playtime 3 hours, 31 min

    Aunt Jemima Disc A001

    1. Aunt Jemima 01 Ida, Sweet As Cider
    2. Aunt Jemima 02 And Then He Would Row Row Row
    3. Aunt Jemima 03 Tell Me Where I Am
    4. Aunt Jemima 04 Liza Liza
    5. Aunt Jemima 05 Sweet Alie
    6. Aunt Jemima 06 Carolina Moon Keep Shining
    7. Aunt Jemima 07 Row Row Row
    8. Aunt Jemima 08 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol
    9. Aunt Jemima 09 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones
    10. Aunt Jemima 10 Here Come The Shore
    11. Aunt Jemima 11 Get Away From This Cornfield
    12. Aunt Jemima 12 Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie
    13. Aunt Jemima 13 Yes, No
    14. Aunt Jemima 14 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Aunt Jemima Disc A002

    1. Aunt Jemima 15 How I Love To Hear The Trumpet S
    2. Aunt Jemima 16 Moving In My Heart (Op Cut)
    3. Aunt Jemima 17 Down By The River Side
    4. Aunt Jemima 18 Steely Water
    5. Aunt Jemima 19 You Can Do Just What You Please
    6. Aunt Jemima 20 Row Row Row
    7. Aunt Jemima 21 Can't You Hear Me Calling, Carol
    8. Aunt Jemima 22 Look Down, Look Down, That Lones
    9. Aunt Jemima 23 Here Come The Shore
    10. Aunt Jemima 26 Yes, No
    11. Aunt Jemima 27 Somebody's Knocking At Your Door
    12. Aunt Jemima 30 Chattanooga Choo Choo
    13. Aunt Jemima 31 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee
    14. Aunt Jemima 32 Swanee

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Aunt Jemima Disc A003

    1. Aunt Jemima 33 Honeysuckle Rose
    2. Aunt Jemima 34 Waiting For The Robert E. Lee
    3. Aunt Jemima 35 Sentimental Man From Georgia
    4. Aunt Jemima 36 Honeysuckle Rose
    5. Aunt Jemima Audition Program
    6. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks Hey Good Looking
    7. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 520401

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Aunt Jemima Disc A004

    1. Aunt Jemimas Home Folks 530506

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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