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Artie Shaw Collection

Clarinet Tooter and Musician Master: Artie rivaled swing bandleaders Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller in the 1930s and 40s.

Artie Shaw

26 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 10 hours, 22 min)
available in the following formats:

1 MP3 CD
11 Audio CDs

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"Summer Terrace 1st Rose Room"

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Artie Shaw
(1910 – 2004)

Artie ShawArtie rivaled swing bandleaders Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller in the 1930s and 40s. The "king of Swing, Artie enjoyed great popularity during this time. Although he was a successful musician during certain times in his life, Artie became disillusioned with the music business many times in his life, eventually retiring from it in the 1950s.As a young Connecticutian and book worm, Artie started honking on a saxophone at the age of 14.

Tiring of the toot of the sax, Artie found the clarinet much more pleasing to his tender young ears, and left home a year later to tour America and study his newfound musical passion. The youngster settled in Cleveland for a time, working with Cleveland top band leader, Austin Wylie. Shaw did the arranging and rehearsing for Wylie's band.

Artie fell in love with the music he heard on "race records (then only sold in "colored" neighborhoods) in 1927. Artie picked up a Louis Armstrong record from the late 1920s and zoomed to Chicago to hear the Louie live. He joined Irving Aaronson's band at 19, moving to Hollywood. The band toured in Chicago in the sweltering summer of 1930, where Artie was introduced to the music of Bartok, Stravinsky, Ravel, Debussy and other avant-garde composers.

Artie Shaw at the MicrophoneTheir influence on Artie's work can be heard in his Carnegie Hall concerts. Aaronson's band continued on to New York the same year. Artie settled in New York at the age of 21, and quickly became the best lead alto sax and clarinet player in the big apple, with many performances on the radio and visits to the recording studios. Tiring of this life and unable to make a living playing the music he wanted to play, Artie bought an old farmhouse in Pennsylvania and began writing. He later returned to New York and began playing again.

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Artie ShawHis first appearance as a band leader was in 1936 at the first ever Swing Concert at Broadway's Imperial Theatre. The birth of American Big Band Jazz was upon us. He hired Billie Holiday to sing for his band, making himself the first white band leader to hire a black woman full time to sing with a band. He recorded Begin the Beguine, as he says, "a nice little tune from Cole Porter's very few flop shows. Shortly after, Artie's popularity skyrocketed, and his band's salary topped off at $60,000 weekly, an extraordinary amount for a band at that time. He recorded many more popular hits, including Moonglow, Dancing in the Dark, and Star Dust. Disillusioned by the music business once again, Artie took off for Mexico, and later joined the navy in WWII. He formed a service band and was later medically discharged. After a disastrous marriage to Betty Kern (Jerome's daughter), Artie turned back to jazz in 1944, touring the US with his band and making many recordings. He blew his last clarinet note in 1954, and turned to writing, buying a dairy farm and later moving to a mountain in Spain.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

For more big band swing, see also: Benny Goodman, Tommy Dorsey and Glenn Miller. See also: B.A. Rolfe and His Orchestra.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

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    20     4


    Buyers, proceed with confidence. What a great collection! I was looking at a very expensive 5-disc set and almost pulled the trigger - so glad I checked here first: I got twice the music for half the price.

    Bryan Verified Purchase

    If you're thinking of buying the Artie Shaw set, I would say, "Do it!" The sound quality is variable, but we are talking about radio broadcasts from 75 or 80 years ago. The performances are exceptional, as ever with Artie.

    Michael Verified Purchase

    I am so grateful for the opportunity to enjoy listening to old time Radio shows ,which allows me to relive my youthul memories . Thank you Jon for your courtesy and quick responses in accomodating my purchases .

    Anne Verified Purchase

    He's father of only child of Lana Turner!

    Robert Verified Purchase

    I'm a new listener to OTR having recently discovered Suspense and Escape on Audible. Being in the UK your instant downloads are perfect for me and despite only being in my mid forties I've been grabbed by how the age of the shows is irrelevant when the quality of the writing is so good. I have a feeling that over the coming year I'll be spending a lot of money with you. Thank you for your wonderful service. Keep safe and stay well.

    Jason Verified Purchase

    A delightful collection. It's the kind of music that gets you out of your worries and into a more relaxed and happier frame of mind. My recommendation: if you enjoy big band music like Glenn Miller, buy this collection. You can enjoy it for years!

    Steve Verified Purchase

    I love big band and Artie Shaw. These mp3s sound really good. And an occasional click and pop sounds authentic. There is no loss of fidelity in these recordings.

    Ron Verified Purchase

    The disc I received, #5, is a good example of Artie Shaw at his best. From 1938, in the Blue Room in The Hotel Lincoln in New York City, various numbers can be heard from " Begin The Beguine " to " Stardust ". In Radio's Golden Days ,Big Bands were king of the hill, and clarinet players were among some of the most prominent of Big Band's leaders.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I love Old Time Radio, whether comedy, drama, music, sports---I've been purchasing MP# CD's from OTRCAT for years and look through their site for more interesting shows to add to my collection.

    Thomas Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    26 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00. Total playtime 10 hours, 22 min
    26 recordings on 1 MP3 CD for just $5.00
    total playtime 10 hours, 22 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. 26 shows – total playtime 10 hours, 22 minutes
    2. Artie Shaw 381125 Blue Room Sobbin Blues.mp3
    3. Artie Shaw 381206 Blue Room If I Had You.mp3
    4. Artie Shaw 381230 Blue Room Begin Beguine.mp3
    5. Artie Shaw 39 43 1o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    6. Artie Shaw 39 43 2o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    7. Artie Shaw 39 43 3o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    8. Artie Shaw 390118 Blue Room Rose Room.mp3
    9. Artie Shaw 470819 Summer Terrace Rose Room.mp3
    10. Artie Shaw 90118 Hotel Lincoln Nyc.mp3
    11. Artie Shaw Blue Room My Revire.mp3
    12. Artie Shaw Blue Room Rose Room.mp3
    13. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 1.mp3
    14. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 4.mp3
    15. Cmnd Perf 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw.mp3
    16. Cmnd Perf 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers.mp3
    17. Cmnd Perf 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show.mp3
    18. Cmnd Perf 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler.mp3
    19. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin.mp3
    20. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Block Party Bert Gordon.mp3
    21. G I Jive Artie Shaw Indian Love Call.mp3
    22. Hall Of Fame 450304 Beatrice Lillypeter Lorreartie Shaw.mp3
    23. Heres To Veterans 1494 Artie Shaw.mp3
    24. Jubilee 450925 098 Jimmy Rushing Rhythm Man V Flux At Start.mp3
    25. Kraft Music Hall 450315 Macnamaras Band Artie Shaw.mp3
    26. Taystee Bread 16.mp3
    27. Taystee Bread 19.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    26 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00. Total playtime 10 hours, 22 min
    26 recordings on 1 MP3 Collection Download for just $5.00
    285 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 22 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. 26 shows – 285 MB – total playtime 10 hours, 22 minutes
    2. Artie Shaw 381125 Blue Room Sobbin Blues.mp3
    3. Artie Shaw 381206 Blue Room If I Had You.mp3
    4. Artie Shaw 381230 Blue Room Begin Beguine.mp3
    5. Artie Shaw 39 43 1o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    6. Artie Shaw 39 43 2o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    7. Artie Shaw 39 43 3o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts.mp3
    8. Artie Shaw 390118 Blue Room Rose Room.mp3
    9. Artie Shaw 470819 Summer Terrace Rose Room.mp3
    10. Artie Shaw 90118 Hotel Lincoln Nyc.mp3
    11. Artie Shaw Blue Room My Revire.mp3
    12. Artie Shaw Blue Room Rose Room.mp3
    13. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 1.mp3
    14. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 4.mp3
    15. Cmnd Perf 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw.mp3
    16. Cmnd Perf 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers.mp3
    17. Cmnd Perf 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show.mp3
    18. Cmnd Perf 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler.mp3
    19. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin.mp3
    20. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Block Party Bert Gordon.mp3
    21. G I Jive Artie Shaw Indian Love Call.mp3
    22. Hall Of Fame 450304 Beatrice Lillypeter Lorreartie Shaw.mp3
    23. Heres To Veterans 1494 Artie Shaw.mp3
    24. Jubilee 450925 098 Jimmy Rushing Rhythm Man V Flux At Start.mp3
    25. Kraft Music Hall 450315 Macnamaras Band Artie Shaw.mp3
    26. Taystee Bread 16.mp3
    27. Taystee Bread 19.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    26 recordings on 11 Audio CDs. Total playtime 10 hours, 22 min
    26 recordings on 11 Audio CDs
    total playtime 10 hours, 22 min

    Artie Shaw Disc A001

    1. Artie Shaw 39 43 1o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts
    2. Artie Shaw 39 43 2o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts
    3. Artie Shaw 39 43 3o3 Best Of Live Broadcasts
    4. Artie Shaw 90118 Hotel Lincoln Nyc

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A002

    1. Artie Shaw Blue Room My Revire
    2. Artie Shaw Blue Room Rose Room
    3. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 1

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A003

    1. Artieshaw At Hotel Lincoln 4
    2. G I Jive Artie Shaw Indian Love Call
    3. Heres To Veterans 1494 Artie Shaw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A004

    1. Taystee Bread 16
    2. Taystee Bread 19
    3. Artie Shaw 381125 Blue Room Sobbin Blues

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A005

    1. Artie Shaw 381206 Blue Room If I Had You
    2. Artie Shaw 381230 Blue Room Begin Beguine

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A006

    1. Artie Shaw 390118 Blue Room Rose Room
    2. Cmnd Perf 440610 124 Bette Davis Jimmy Durante Artie Shaw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A007

    1. Cmnd Perf 440930 140 Deanna Durbin Jack Benny Ginger Rogers
    2. Cmnd Perf 441014 142 Highlights Of 1944 Assembled Show

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A008

    1. Hall Of Fame 450304 Beatrice Lillypeter Lorreartie Shaw

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A009

    1. Kraft Music Hall 450315 Macnamaras Band Artie Shaw
    2. Jubilee 450925 098 Jimmy Rushing Rhythm Man V Flux At Start

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A010

    1. Cmnd Perf 460207 210 Johnny Mercer Larry Adler
    2. Columbia Workshop 460721 025 Pied Pied Piper Of Hamelin

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Artie Shaw Disc A011

    1. Artie Shaw 470819 Summer Terrace Rose Room
    2. Duffys Tavern 510330 Archie Throws Block Party Bert Gordon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00


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