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Amos n Andy

One of most popular shows in 20th century, Amos and Andy were played by white actors. In its prime, entire towns listened to the show; Stores would close and even movie theatres would stop the film while the Amos and Andy show was played over the air.

Amos and Andy

408 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 163 hours, 19 min)
available in the following formats:

7 MP3 CDs
171 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from March 02, 1945:

"Andy Inflates His Tax Return To Impress A Girl"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

Amos n Andy
Comedy (1928 -1956)

Comedy milestone that grew out of a pre network series, Sam n' Henry -- heard in various formats and time slots during its 34-year run.

Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll at the microphone
Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll at the microphone
Freeman Gosden & Charles Correll

This show must be considered as what it was - one of the most popular shows in 20th century entertainment - on radio especially, as it even continued on TV with other actors. That white actors played black actors is reason for much of the dismissal of this show's impact on its listening audience. However, for 34 years Amos and Andy held a very singular place in the American old-time radio experience.In its early prime, the early 1930s, it was common for entire towns to be listening to the show. Stores would close, even movie theatres would stop the film while the Amos and Andy show was played instead for the movie audience. The national audience was estimated at 40 million, and that very large audience was made up of Americans of many races and national backgrounds.

All this was the creation of two men, Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll. They were Amos and Andy from the beginnings of national network radio until that form had passed on, beaten on radio Top 40 bland and blatant Rock 'n' Roll. John Dunning, in his authoritative On the Air, The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio, gives a comprehensive overview of this singular pair who became Amos and Andy.

Amos & Andy

For years, Gosden and Correll wrote the shows themselves, often finishing just before airtime. They did all the voices. They were in character every minute they were on the air, they never looked at each other, they did the show cold without any rehearsal, and they used different mikes to get just the sound and emotions they were looking for. From Chicago they grew to national fame, and together, they made the world of Amos and Andy live and

Through ups and downs in popularity through the 1930 and 1940s, they grew their characters and that world they inhabited. The lawyer Stonewall, and the Kingfish grew to be nearly as popular as the originals. Throughout the 1940s, the show went on, although the world had changed with WWII. The 1950s began an era that was to bring Amos and Andy to a close as major American entertainment figures. Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll lived to see the comedy form they had embraced, black face, had come to mean a very different thing from what it did then.

This collection is part of the larger Minstrel Show Collection.  For other similar series, see also Amos And Andy Music Hall, Beulah, Pick and Pat, Johnson Family, Black Crows, Johnson Family, Southland Echoes, and Sam n' Henry. See also: article on the history of Minstrel Shows and Old Time Radio.

(Please note that many of the rare recordings in this collection may be of inferior sound quality.)

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    56     11


    i love these old radion shows i listened to them as a child growing up in the 50s and early 60. my dad was in the army and when we were in germany we listened to these old shows on armed forces radio as we did not own tvs then in the mid 50s to early 60s.my favorite ones were westerns like the lone ranger and sci fi like X minus one shows like suspense and inner sanctum gave me nightmares as a young kid. i have been ordering these shows. amos and andy is also my favorite on cd and dvds. to bad and sad that today everything is so politically correct and racist. these shows are awsome.... ed

    Ed Verified Purchase

    This is a great collection of wonderful comedy radio shows. Just close your eyes and view the action. I like to play them through my antique radio. This is amazing that this is still available and at a great price. Thanks guys!

    Ronald Verified Purchase


    Franklin Verified Purchase

    Today, I listened to disc #2 with episodes dating to 1929. Even at this early time, the Kingfish was up to his old tricks and absconding with the Lodge's funds. Over the years, as Amos got wiser to what was going on, his lines diminished and the Kingfish's lines increased. Another contrast to later years is that there was no music at all in the early episodes.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    What a walk down memory lane! The Amos and Andy Collection is a real find! I remember the shows on television and recall their popularity, over radio and television, for some thirty years. The cheminstry between Freeman Gosden and Charles Caroll was singular. And despite later criticism, the entire cast included comedians who were down-to-earth, lovable characters who experienced situations that listeners could relate to. Even the sponsor, Rexall Drug Stores, with their blue and yellow ever-present signs, also provided another fond memory during commercials. A hearty "Thank You" to the folks at OTRCAT once again for this selection! Al

    Aldorigo Verified Purchase


    Franklin Verified Purchase

    My husband and I once heard a radio episode of Amos and Andy that had a dialog between shorty the barber and Calhoun the lawyer. They were arguing intelligently about a subject neither of them knew anything about. Neither of us can remember what the discussion was about, but thinking it was from the late 1940s.

    Pam Verified Purchase

    This is a review of disc #1 of Amos & Andy. It is a good sampler of Amos & Andy at the very beginning of their 30 + years on the radio. The routines date to 1929 and have everything from Ruby getting Andy's advice about making Amos jealous to hiring an efficency expert to try and make sense out of the Fresh Air Taxi's books. In the early years, Amos & Andy played like a daily serial with a continuing story line on various plot points. It is interesting to compare early episodes with those in the 1940's and 1950's.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    Very enjoyable.

    Walter Verified Purchase

    Only The Jack Benny Show on the radio was funnier than The Amos and Andy Show on the radio. Both shows lasted nearly the entire length of radio-show history.

    John Verified Purchase

    Great to listen to early and then later shows to witness the evolution of the series....the story lines are quite revealing...and humorous....

    Steven Verified Purchase

    I am now 86 years of age and my CDs collection is approaching 250. I appreciate the time and effort that you and your family put into providing us with the best old time radio programs available. I do have one request. Thank you for all you do to bring us old time radio as it once was.

    Vernon Verified Purchase

    I used to listen to this with my father when I was young. I loved it then and I love it now.

    Christine Verified Purchase

    I have always thought of radio as Theater of the Mind. I enjoy taking a rest from TV and listen to the radio shows from the 40's and 50's. It is interesting to see the reaction of kids when they are exposed to these shows . . . and they form their own mental stage.


    I listened to a disc with Kingfish and Sapphire involved in a pancake contest. It was pretty funny. Then came an episode about Kingfish's Kollege of Knowledge. They were both entertaining. Even though Andy usually gets taken in by Kingfish's schemes, karma has a way of coming back on the Kingfish.

    Dan Verified Purchase

    I listened to a disc with Kingfish and Sapphire involved in a pancake contest. It was pretty funny. Then came an episode about Kingfish's Kollege of Knowledge. They were both enttertaining. Even though Andy usually gets taken in by Kingfish's schemes, karma has a way of coming back on to the Kingfish.

    Dan Davis


    Franklin Verified Purchase

    Superb show - wonderful scripts , well acted and a believable cast. Certainly a golden gem from Old Time Radio. In today's politically correct atmosphere it wouldn't stand a chance , but if you look at the humor it transcends time perfectly. My favorite comedy show on OTR.

    Ned Verified Purchase

    One of the consistently funny shows from old time radio. Even though, through the years, Amos became less of a character on the show. The episodes became better wth the emergence of the Kingfish George Stevens. The show could have been retitled Kingfish and Andy. Great fun.

    Jerry Verified Purchase

    love learning about these shows

    Wilson Verified Purchase

    Amos and Andy are under constant pressure regarding their Black Face characters. Amos and Andy are of another time, less sensitive than today to differences. Still, their sitcom is the structural, if not the content, model for sitcoms until this day. The Kingfish influenced Jackie Gleason on "The Honeymooners," for example. The ever-innocent, ever gullible Andy is the model for Raj on "TBBT." If you can get past the issue of Black Face, these shows are remarkable.

    George Verified Purchase

    I talked with my Mom (now age 96) about the "Amos & Andy Show". She said that the humor of the A&A Show was NEVER about Race! They were JUST FUNNY! (Listen to any of the A&A shows from OTRcat - they were FUNNY!)

    David Verified Purchase

    Brings back memories of long ago, a great loving childhood, loving and caring parents.

    Franklin Verified Purchase

    I love listening to old radio shows! Way better than TV! Old Time Radio is a super app..and a lot of great shows.

    Sunnie Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    408 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00. Total playtime 163 hours, 19 min
    408 recordings on 7 MP3 CDs for just $35.00
    total playtime 163 hours, 19 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 111 shows – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa280623 0077.mp3
    3. aa280624 0078.mp3
    4. aa280625 0079.mp3
    5. aa280626 0080.mp3
    6. aa280715 0096.mp3
    7. aa280717 R-78 Is Everyone in Your Family as Dumb as You Is.mp3
    8. aa280717 R-78 The Presidential Election.mp3
    9. aa280719 0099.mp3
    10. aa280724 0104.mp3
    11. aa281227 0237.mp3
    12. aa281230 0240.mp3
    13. aa281231 0241.mp3
    14. aa290103 0243.mp3
    15. aa290114 0253 The Efficiency Expert.mp3
    16. aa290115 0254 Checking Things Out.mp3
    17. aa290117 0255 Stepping On Andy s Toes.mp3
    18. aa290321 0309 Widow Parker Marries John Watkins.mp3
    19. aa290322 0310 Andy and Widow's Father Talking in Taxi Cab.mp3
    20. aa290323 0311 0312 Andy Goes To The Doctor.mp3
    21. aa290414 0330.mp3
    22. aa290415 0331.mp3
    23. aa290416 0332.mp3
    24. aa290418 0333.mp3
    25. aa290419 0334.mp3
    26. aa290421 0336 Everyone Is Signing Andy s Name.mp3
    27. aa290422 0337 Ruby s Father Sees Amos Talking To Other Girl.mp3
    28. aa290423 0338 Raising Money For Lodge Renovations.mp3
    29. aa290425 0339 Amos Gets A dear John Telegram.mp3
    30. aa290426 0340 Getting Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations.mp3
    31. aa290427 0341 Reviewing Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations.mp3
    32. aa290519 0360 Amos And Andy Suspect Kingfish Is Embezzling.mp3
    33. aa290520 0361 Taxi Company Gets Competition From Earl Dixon.mp3
    34. aa290521 0362 Earl Dixon Applies For Lodge Membership.mp3
    35. aa290523 0363 Kingfish Helps Earl Compete For Taxi Business.mp3
    36. aa290602 0372.mp3
    37. aa290603 0373.mp3
    38. aa290604 0374.mp3
    39. aa290606 0375.mp3
    40. aa290608 0377 May Lose Fresh Air Taxi Company.mp3
    41. aa290609 0378 Miss Ruby Taylor Arrives.mp3
    42. aa290610 0379 Ruby Taylor Is Back.mp3
    43. aa290611 0380 Earl Dixon Offers a Job.mp3
    44. aa290613 0381 Conversation With Earl Taylor.mp3
    45. aa290615 0383.mp3
    46. aa290616 0384 Earl Dixon Tries To Break Up Amos And Ruby.mp3
    47. aa290617 0385 Amos Is Worried That He Has Lost Ruby.mp3
    48. aa290618 0386 Amos Gets Cut Off While Calling Ruby.mp3
    49. aa290620 0387 Andy Receives A Letter From Detroit.mp3
    50. aa290621 0388 Andy Prepares A Budget For The Cab Company.mp3
    51. aa290622 0389 Amos Is Framed In A Fur Robbery.mp3
    52. aa290623 0390 Andy And Kingfish Visit Amos In Jail.mp3
    53. aa290624 0391 Andy And Kingfish Get A Lawyer For Amos.mp3
    54. aa290625 0392 Andy Kingfish And Earl Dixon Talk About Amos.mp3
    55. aa290627 0393 Mr Taylor Bails Amos Out Of Jail.mp3
    56. aa290628 0394 Amos Tells His Story To His Lawyer.mp3
    57. aa290629 0395 Amos And Andy Go To The Lawyer s Office.mp3
    58. aa290701 0397 Andy Reads A Law Book To Help Amos.mp3
    59. aa290705 0400 The Real Criminals Talk About Framing Amos.mp3
    60. aa290718 0411.mp3
    61. aa290723 0416.mp3
    62. aa290725 0417.mp3
    63. aa290726 0418.mp3
    64. aa290727 0419.mp3
    65. aa290728 0420.mp3
    66. aa290808 0429.mp3
    67. aa290809 0430.mp3
    68. aa290810 0431.mp3
    69. aa290813 0434.mp3
    70. aa290815 0435.mp3
    71. aa290816 0436.mp3
    72. aa291122 R-78 At the Dairy - At the Bullfights.mp3
    73. aa300404 R-78 Check and Double Check - Ise Regusted.mp3
    74. aa310306 0922 Breach of Promise.mp3
    75. aa320324 1250 After the Rasslin Match.mp3
    76. aa330109 1498 Andy Learns To Work The Hotel Desk.mp3
    77. aa330222 1530 Madam Queen Gets Engaged.mp3
    78. aa360819 2395 2 395 th Day Of Broadcasting For Nbc.mp3
    79. aa361204 2471 Annual Minstrel Show At Lodge.mp3
    80. aa370809 2647 Camping Outside Boston.mp3
    81. aa390331 3076 March of Time Gag Show.mp3
    82. aa390403 3077 The Marriage Of Andrew H Brown.mp3
    83. aa390921 3200 Singing Recital Postponed.mp3
    84. aa391204 3252 Amos and Andy Minstrel Show.mp3
    85. aa401022 3483 Andy Out of the Tonic.mp3
    86. aa401112 3498 Trying to Get Out of Marriage Proposal.mp3
    87. aa411224 3788 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    88. aa421009 3995 Medbury Double Talk.mp3
    89. aa421224 4049 The Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    90. aa430000 0000 Auditions For 30 Minute Series.mp3
    91. aa431008 0001 Andy s New Wife.mp3
    92. aa431015 0002 The Maestro.mp3
    93. aa431022 0003 Kingfish Is Sued With Walter Huston.mp3
    94. aa431029 0004 Chair.mp3
    95. aa431105 0005 The Locked Trunks Secret.mp3
    96. aa431112 0006 Matrimonial Mishap.mp3
    97. aa431119 0007 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    98. aa431126 0008 Man s Best Friend.mp3
    99. aa431203 0009 Candy For Caroline.mp3
    100. aa431210 0010 Bookends And Babies.mp3
    101. aa431217 0011 The Marriage Counselor.mp3
    102. aa431231 0013 Mister 1943 With Edward G Robinson.mp3
    103. aa440107 0014 Making Sapphire Proud.mp3
    104. aa440114 0015 Violets And Orchids.mp3
    105. aa440121 0016 Charles Boyer s Valet.mp3
    106. aa440128 0017 Windfall.mp3
    107. aa440204 0018 Missing Persons Bureau.mp3
    108. aa440211 0019 Three Strikes And You re Out.mp3
    109. aa440218 0020 Ruby s Diamond.mp3
    110. aa440225 0021 Sunday Monday Or Always.mp3
    111. aa440303 0022 Trying To Find Madame Queen.mp3
    112. aa440310 0023 Sign On The Dotted Line.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 52 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa440317 0024 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    3. aa440324 0025 Between Life And Death.mp3
    4. aa440331 0026 Long Lost Harold.mp3
    5. aa440407 0027 Dating Club Disaster.mp3
    6. aa440414 0028 The Butler Did It.mp3
    7. aa440421 0029 Of Sound Mind And Body.mp3
    8. aa440428 0030 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits.mp3
    9. aa440505 0031 The Electric Clock Caper.mp3
    10. aa440512 0032 Impersonating An Officer.mp3
    11. aa440519 0033 And The Winner Is.mp3
    12. aa440526 0034 Andy The Fugitive.mp3
    13. aa440602 0035 Nazi Spy.mp3
    14. aa440609 0036 Shirt Trail.mp3
    15. aa440616 0037 One Step Ahead Of The Law.mp3
    16. aa440922 0038 Singing Contest.mp3
    17. aa440929 0039 Hotel House Detective.mp3
    18. aa441006 0040 Andy The Actor.mp3
    19. aa441013 0041 Ichthyologist.mp3
    20. aa441020 0042 Mistaken Identity.mp3
    21. aa441027 0043 Madame Queen Marriage.mp3
    22. aa441103 0044 Nieces.mp3
    23. aa441110 0045 Employment Agency.mp3
    24. aa441117 0046 Marriage Proposal Mixup.mp3
    25. aa441124 0047 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    26. aa441201 0048 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency.mp3
    27. aa441208 0049 The House Of Frank Morgan.mp3
    28. aa441215 0050 Fake Suicide.mp3
    29. aa441222 0051 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    30. aa441229 0052 Not Invited To The Party.mp3
    31. aa450105 0053 Honesty Insurance Company.mp3
    32. aa450112 0054 Washington s Love Letters.mp3
    33. aa450119 0055 Adoption Woes.mp3
    34. aa450126 0056 Advice To The Lovelorn.mp3
    35. aa450202 0057 Lovelorn Lawsuit.mp3
    36. aa450209 0058 Andy Plays Soldier.mp3
    37. aa450216 0059 Kingfish Gets Mystery Valentine.mp3
    38. aa450223 0060 Wax Mustache.mp3
    39. aa450302 0061 Andy Inflates Tax Return To Impress A Girl.mp3
    40. aa450309 0062 More Tax Woes.mp3
    41. aa450316 0063 The Lecture Bureau.mp3
    42. aa450323 0064 Prentice Clothing Company.mp3
    43. aa450330 0065 Easter Hat.mp3
    44. aa450406 0066 A Place To Call Home.mp3
    45. aa450420 0067 Kingfish Buys A Car.mp3
    46. aa450427 0068 Marriage Vows.mp3
    47. aa450504 0069 Beautiful Baby Contest.mp3
    48. aa450511 0070 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him.mp3
    49. aa450518 0071 A Case Of Bullion.mp3
    50. aa450525 0072 Andy The Sailor.mp3
    51. aa450601 0073 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    52. aa460205 0092 Kingfish Adopts Great Dane From Lodge Brother.mp3
    53. aa460305 0096 Insurance Plan.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa460312 0097 Birthday Gift For Sapphire.mp3
    3. aa460319 0098 Nerves.mp3
    4. aa460326 0099 Bald Head.mp3
    5. aa460402 0100 Model Husband.mp3
    6. aa460409 0101 Best Dressed Man.mp3
    7. aa460416 0102 Travel Bureau.mp3
    8. aa460423 0103 Flashback.mp3
    9. aa460430 0104 Eyeglasses.mp3
    10. aa460507 0105 Fur Coat.mp3
    11. aa460514 0106 Finding a Room For Cousin Leroy.mp3
    12. aa461001 0109 Lot On Rocky Hills.mp3
    13. aa461008 0110 Kingfish Remembers How He Met Sapphire afrs.mp3
    14. aa461015 0111 Sapphire Is A Wanted Criminal.mp3
    15. aa461112 0115 The Retroactive Insurance Policy.mp3
    16. aa461119 0116 Court of Marital Relations afrs.mp3
    17. aa461210 0119 The Stolen Car.mp3
    18. aa461217 0120 The Cigar Stand.mp3
    19. aa461224 0121 Christmas Show afrs.mp3
    20. aa470107 0123 Homesteading In Alaska.mp3
    21. aa470114 0124 Happily-Married Couple Contest.mp3
    22. aa470121 0125 Kingfish Wants Andy To Marry Sapphires Sister.mp3
    23. aa470128 0126 Proposal To Nancy Simpson.mp3
    24. aa470204 0127 Amos is Missing - with Fibber Mcgee And Molly.mp3
    25. aa470211 0128 Floyds of Florida.mp3
    26. aa470218 0129 A Generous Boyfriend.mp3
    27. aa470304 0131 Pearls.mp3
    28. aa470318 0133 Hospitalization Plan.mp3
    29. aa470325 0134 Kingfish Sells Andy A Trailer.mp3
    30. aa470401 0135 The Parking Lot.mp3
    31. aa470408 0136 Finding A Roomer.mp3
    32. aa470415 0137 New Evening Gown.mp3
    33. aa470422 0138 Kingfish s Travel Bureau.mp3
    34. aa470429 0139 Sapphire Wants A Vacation.mp3
    35. aa470506 0140 Kingfish's Marital Woes.mp3
    36. aa470513 0141 LeRoy's Lock Invention.mp3
    37. aa470520 0142 Alligator Bag.mp3
    38. aa470527 0143 Kingfish s Rest Home.mp3
    39. aa470930 0144 Raiding The Piggy Bank.mp3
    40. aa471028 0148 Adopting Andy.mp3
    41. aa471111 0150 Getting Rid of Leroy.mp3
    42. aa471125 0152 Rejuvenation Beauty Salon Paris.mp3
    43. aa471223 0156 Christmas Show.mp3
    44. aa480106 0158 French Car.mp3
    45. aa480420 0173 Sapphires Uncle.mp3
    46. aa480504 0175 Andy Saves The Millionaire.mp3
    47. aa480518 0176 Selling Andy A Cabin For $250.mp3
    48. aa480525 0177 California Vacation 1948 Plymouth Raffle.mp3
    49. aa481010 0178 Kingfish The Marriage Broker.mp3
    50. aa481017 0179 Kingfish Sells Andy A House.mp3
    51. aa481024 0180 The Hot Fur.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 47 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 1 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 4: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa481031 0181 The Secret Melody.mp3
    3. aa481107 0182 Correspondence School.mp3
    4. aa481114 0183 Kingfish's Tour Service.mp3
    5. aa481128 0185 Georgia Bank Reorganization.mp3
    6. aa481226 0189 Mysterious New Years Card.mp3
    7. aa490109 0191 Kingfish's Conscience (aka Cannery Stock).mp3
    8. aa490116 0192 1877 Nickel.mp3
    9. aa490123 0193 Kingfish's Luggage Stand.mp3
    10. aa490130 0194 The Antique Piano.mp3
    11. aa490206 0195 Lapsed Insurance Policy.mp3
    12. aa490213 0196 Kingfish Sets Andy Up With Opalacha Parker.mp3
    13. aa490220 0197 Godfather To Amos' Baby.mp3
    14. aa490306 0199 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery.mp3
    15. aa490313 0200 Andy to Marry D Richards.mp3
    16. aa490320 0201 100 Dollar Oil Stock.mp3
    17. aa490327 0202 Pawn Shop Robbery.mp3
    18. aa490403 0203 Deputy Dirt Commissioner.mp3
    19. aa490410 0204 Kingfish Is Evicted.mp3
    20. aa490424 0206 Andy Inherits $2000.mp3
    21. aa490501 0207 Kingfish's New Boarder.mp3
    22. aa490508 0208 Kingfish Has No Friends.mp3
    23. aa491002 0212 Social Security.mp3
    24. aa491009 0213 Kingfish Hires A Secretary.mp3
    25. aa491016 0214 Charmaign LaRue And Her Mother.mp3
    26. aa491023 0215 Kingfish's Car Used In Robbery.mp3
    27. aa491030 0216 Andy Has Two Dates At Once.mp3
    28. aa491106 0217 Four Hundred Dollar Loan To Rochester.mp3
    29. aa491113 0218 Love Letter Mix-Up.mp3
    30. aa491120 0219 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    31. aa491127 0220 TV Set Raffle.mp3
    32. aa491211 0222 Proxy Marriage.mp3
    33. aa491218 0223 223 Andy Married.mp3
    34. aa500108 0226 Andy Married.mp3
    35. aa500115 0227 Andy Versus Abigail Simpson Brown.mp3
    36. aa500122 0228 Andys Verdict.mp3
    37. aa500129 0229 The Bungling Burglars.mp3
    38. aa500205 0230 Sapphire Might Be Pregnant.mp3
    39. aa500212 0231 Kingfish's Flower Shop.mp3
    40. aa500319 0236 Andy And Eloise Walker.mp3
    41. aa500326 0237 Imitating The Happy Harringtons.mp3
    42. aa500402 0238 Andy Goes To Charm School.mp3
    43. aa500409 0239 Sapphire's Dream Man Slim.mp3
    44. aa500416 0240 The Census Taker.mp3
    45. aa500423 0241 Lodge Convention In Chicago.mp3
    46. aa500430 0242 Andy's Inheritance Part 1.mp3
    47. aa500507 0243 Andy's Inheritance Part 2.mp3
    48. aa500514 0244 Andy's Inheritance Part 3.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 5: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa500521 0245 Job At Pine Crest Lodge.mp3
    3. aa501001 0246 Kingfish Is Drafted.mp3
    4. aa501008 0247 Kingfish's Enlistment Problem.mp3
    5. aa501015 0248 Vacation Girlfriend rehearsal.mp3
    6. aa501022 0249 Friend From Back Home rehearsal.mp3
    7. aa501029 0250 Kingfish Finds Wallet rehearsal.mp3
    8. aa501105 0251 Counterfeiters rehearsal.mp3
    9. aa501119 0253 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    10. aa501126 0254 Andys Actress Girlfriend rehearsal.mp3
    11. aa501203 0255 Policewoman Mix-up.mp3
    12. aa501210 0256 Sapphires Fur Coat.mp3
    13. aa501217 0257 Kingfish Suspects Foul Play.mp3
    14. aa501224 0258 Christmas Show.mp3
    15. aa501231 0259 Sapphire's New Love Interest.mp3
    16. aa510107 0260 Is Sapphire Expecting.mp3
    17. aa510114 0261 Sapphire Returns.mp3
    18. aa510121 0262 Mama And Mr Smithers Again.mp3
    19. aa510128 0263 Mama and Hubert Smithers Part 2 rehearsal.mp3
    20. aa510204 0264 The Parking Lot.mp3
    21. aa510211 0265 Making Restitution rehearsal.mp3
    22. aa510218 0266 Lonely Hearts Club.mp3
    23. aa510225 0267 Andy Meets Girls Mother rehearsal.mp3
    24. aa510304 0268 Kingfish Sees Sapphire On TV.mp3
    25. aa510318 0270 Uncle Sylvester to Marry.mp3
    26. aa510325 0271 Easter Dresses.mp3
    27. aa510408 0273 Faith In Those You Love.mp3
    28. aa510415 0274 Job At Import-Export Garage.mp3
    29. aa510422 0275 Mother-In-Law Stays With Kingfish.mp3
    30. aa510429 0276 Cousin Sydney Moves In.mp3
    31. aa510506 0277 Annual Lodge Hall Picnic.mp3
    32. aa510513 0278 Ramona Thompson.mp3
    33. aa510520 0279 Kingfish The Nightclub Spotter.mp3
    34. aa510527 0280 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery.mp3
    35. aa510603 0281 Green-Eyed Monster.mp3
    36. aa510610 0282 Old Flame Florence Baxter.mp3
    37. aa510930 0283 $3000 Diamond Ring In Cracker Jack Box.mp3
    38. aa511007 0284 Aptitude Test.mp3
    39. aa511014 0285 Trip To South America.mp3
    40. aa511021 0286 DePiester's Party.mp3
    41. aa511028 0287 Engaged To Susan Bennett.mp3
    42. aa511104 0288 New Boarder Chester Benson.mp3
    43. aa511111 0289 Sapphire Is Looking For Romance.mp3
    44. aa511118 0290 Kingfish Buys a Turkey rehearsal.mp3
    45. aa511125 0291 Sapphire's Sister Moves In.mp3
    46. aa511202 0292 The New Neighbors.mp3
    47. aa511209 0293 Wedding Invitation Mixup.mp3
    48. aa511216 0294 Breaking Up Andy And Madame Queen.mp3
    49. aa511223 0295 Andy Plays Santa Claus.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 48 shows – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 6: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa511230 0296 Porch Wreckers.mp3
    3. aa520106 0297 Kingfishs Resolutions.mp3
    4. aa520113 0298 The Memory Box.mp3
    5. aa520203 0301 The Piggy Bank.mp3
    6. aa520210 0302 Good Samaritans.mp3
    7. aa520217 0303 Mommas Big Romance.mp3
    8. aa520224 0304 Trouble With the Government rehearsal.mp3
    9. aa520316 0307 Where Theres a Will Theres a Way afrs.mp3
    10. aa520504 0314 Andy Buys A Racehorse.mp3
    11. aa520511 0315 May and December afrs.mp3
    12. aa521012 0320 Long Lost Husband.mp3
    13. aa521019 0321 Jobs As Office Cleaners.mp3
    14. aa521026 0322 Leroy's Oil Stock.mp3
    15. aa521102 0323 Aunt Harriet Visits.mp3
    16. aa521109 0324 Andy Romances Drusilla Montgomery.mp3
    17. aa521116 0325 Ten Thousandth Show.mp3
    18. aa521228 0331 Old Mink Stole.mp3
    19. aa530201 0336 Mama And Percival Jackson.mp3
    20. aa530208 0337 The Drowning Millionaire.mp3
    21. aa530222 0339 Andy's Photo In Detective Magazine.mp3
    22. aa530308 0341 Mystic Knights Convention in Los Angeles.mp3
    23. aa530315 0342 Madame Queen's Chauffeur.mp3
    24. aa530322 0343 Is Sapphire Expecting.mp3
    25. aa530329 0344 Andy The Coward.mp3
    26. aa530412 0346 Andy And The Model.mp3
    27. aa530419 0347 Kingfish The Detective.mp3
    28. aa530426 0348 Boat Trip Outing For Lodge Brothers.mp3
    29. aa530503 0349 The Stock Market Tip.mp3
    30. aa530510 0350 Cabin In Connecticut.mp3
    31. aa530517 0351 Proxy Marriage.mp3
    32. aa530524 0352 Old Love Letters.mp3
    33. aa530927 0353 Bad Check To Hospital.mp3
    34. aa531004 0354 Coat Checking Concession.mp3
    35. aa531011 0355 Pancake Mix Contest.mp3
    36. aa531018 0356 Kingfish's Kollege Of Knowledge.mp3
    37. aa531025 0357 Aunt Matilda's Dowry.mp3
    38. aa531101 0358 Cat Burglar.mp3
    39. aa531108 0359 Sapphire's Old Boyfriend.mp3
    40. aa531115 0360 Shipping LeRoy's Car To Los Angeles.mp3
    41. aa531122 0361 New York Sightseeing Agency.mp3
    42. aa531129 0362 The Loan Business.mp3
    43. aa531206 0363 Cleaning 32 Typewriters.mp3
    44. aa531213 0364 The Baby Doctor.mp3
    45. aa531220 0365 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    46. aa531227 0366 Lucky Bucks Contest.mp3
    47. aa540103 0367 Tuxedo Rental Business.mp3
    48. aa540110 0368 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    49. aa540117 0369 Dog Lover.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 13 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 7: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. aa540124 0370 Andys Wedding.mp3
    3. aa540131 0371 The Very Nervous Sanitorium.mp3
    4. aa540207 0372 Lovelorn Column.mp3
    5. aa540214 0373 Twenty Fifth Anniversary Show.mp3
    6. aa540221 0374 At Home With Love Birds.mp3
    7. aa540228 0375 Sapphire is Assistant Buyer.mp3
    8. aa540307 0376 Fur Coat For Sapphires Birthday.mp3
    9. aa540314 0377 Florabelle Williams.mp3
    10. aa540321 0378 Construction Job in Guam.mp3
    11. aa540328 0379 Kingfish and Sapphires Elopement.mp3
    12. aa540404 0380 Radio And TV Delivery Job.mp3
    13. aa540411 0381 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa.mp3
    14. aa540418 0382 Andy Jilted by Teresa Wilson.mp3
    15. aa540425 0383 Mamas Romance with Reginald Dewithers.mp3
    16. aa540502 0384 Kingfish finds a Pistol.mp3
    17. aa540509 0385 The Honeymoon Cottage.mp3
    18. aa540516 0386 Sapphire at Lake View For the Summer.mp3
    19. aa540523 0387 Beersheba Jackson After Andy.mp3
    20. aa540913 MHxx Guests Jack Benny Liberace.mp3
    21. aa540915 MH03 Guest Frank Sinatra.mp3
    22. aa540923 MH11 Guest Kay Kyser.mp3
    23. aa540926 0388 A Trip To Flordia.mp3
    24. aa541003 0389 Andys Engaged To Susan Bennett.mp3
    25. aa541010 0390 Mamas Night Out.mp3
    26. aa541017 0391 Boo Boo Winters.mp3
    27. aa541024 0392 Kingfish Rents Apartment To A College Girl.mp3
    28. aa541031 0393 Kingfish Must Raise the Rent Money.mp3
    29. aa541107 0394 Kingfish Rents Office to Bookmaker.mp3
    30. aa541114 0395 Million Dollar Momma.mp3
    31. aa541121 0396 Who Gets A Job First.mp3
    32. aa541128 0397 Andys New Love - Hyacinth Jackson.mp3
    33. aa541205 0398 Andy Inherits $6000.mp3
    34. aa541212 0399 Sapphire Wants Kingfish Fire Lodge Secretary.mp3
    35. aa541219 0400 Christmas Show Andy As Santa.mp3
    36. aa541226 0401 New Years Show.mp3
    37. aa550102 0402 Getting the Best of Leroy.mp3
    38. aa550105 MHxx Guest Sarah Berner.mp3
    39. aa550109 0403 Wealthy Girl.mp3
    40. aa550123 0405 Romance.mp3
    41. aa550130 0406 Mrs Robert Gunthers Pocketbook Found.mp3
    42. aa550206 0407 Long Lost Husband.mp3
    43. aa550220 0409 Romeo and Juliet.mp3
    44. aa550313 0412 Wrong Pickup.mp3
    45. aa550320 0413 Kingfishs Mother-In-Law Kicks Him Out.mp3
    46. aa550327 0414 Kingfish Sapphire Both Rent Cottage Out.mp3
    47. aa550410 0416 Easter Sunday Dinner At Home.mp3
    48. aa550501 0419 Kingfish Gets a Delivery Job in a Flower Shop.mp3
    49. aa550711 MHxx Guest Les Brown.mp3
    50. aa550722 MHxx No Guest.mp3
    51. aa590823 MHxx 30th Anniversary.mp3
    52. aa600601 MHxx No Guest.mp3
    53. aa601125 MHxx Final Show.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    408 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00. Total playtime 163 hours, 19 min
    408 recordings on 7 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $35.00
    4486 MB – total playtime 163 hours, 19 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 111 shows – 629 MB – total playtime 22 hours, 54 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
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    2. aa280623 0077.mp3
    3. aa280624 0078.mp3
    4. aa280625 0079.mp3
    5. aa280626 0080.mp3
    6. aa280715 0096.mp3
    7. aa280717 R-78 Is Everyone in Your Family as Dumb as You Is.mp3
    8. aa280717 R-78 The Presidential Election.mp3
    9. aa280719 0099.mp3
    10. aa280724 0104.mp3
    11. aa281227 0237.mp3
    12. aa281230 0240.mp3
    13. aa281231 0241.mp3
    14. aa290103 0243.mp3
    15. aa290114 0253 The Efficiency Expert.mp3
    16. aa290115 0254 Checking Things Out.mp3
    17. aa290117 0255 Stepping On Andy s Toes.mp3
    18. aa290321 0309 Widow Parker Marries John Watkins.mp3
    19. aa290322 0310 Andy and Widow's Father Talking in Taxi Cab.mp3
    20. aa290323 0311 0312 Andy Goes To The Doctor.mp3
    21. aa290414 0330.mp3
    22. aa290415 0331.mp3
    23. aa290416 0332.mp3
    24. aa290418 0333.mp3
    25. aa290419 0334.mp3
    26. aa290421 0336 Everyone Is Signing Andy s Name.mp3
    27. aa290422 0337 Ruby s Father Sees Amos Talking To Other Girl.mp3
    28. aa290423 0338 Raising Money For Lodge Renovations.mp3
    29. aa290425 0339 Amos Gets A dear John Telegram.mp3
    30. aa290426 0340 Getting Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations.mp3
    31. aa290427 0341 Reviewing Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations.mp3
    32. aa290519 0360 Amos And Andy Suspect Kingfish Is Embezzling.mp3
    33. aa290520 0361 Taxi Company Gets Competition From Earl Dixon.mp3
    34. aa290521 0362 Earl Dixon Applies For Lodge Membership.mp3
    35. aa290523 0363 Kingfish Helps Earl Compete For Taxi Business.mp3
    36. aa290602 0372.mp3
    37. aa290603 0373.mp3
    38. aa290604 0374.mp3
    39. aa290606 0375.mp3
    40. aa290608 0377 May Lose Fresh Air Taxi Company.mp3
    41. aa290609 0378 Miss Ruby Taylor Arrives.mp3
    42. aa290610 0379 Ruby Taylor Is Back.mp3
    43. aa290611 0380 Earl Dixon Offers a Job.mp3
    44. aa290613 0381 Conversation With Earl Taylor.mp3
    45. aa290615 0383.mp3
    46. aa290616 0384 Earl Dixon Tries To Break Up Amos And Ruby.mp3
    47. aa290617 0385 Amos Is Worried That He Has Lost Ruby.mp3
    48. aa290618 0386 Amos Gets Cut Off While Calling Ruby.mp3
    49. aa290620 0387 Andy Receives A Letter From Detroit.mp3
    50. aa290621 0388 Andy Prepares A Budget For The Cab Company.mp3
    51. aa290622 0389 Amos Is Framed In A Fur Robbery.mp3
    52. aa290623 0390 Andy And Kingfish Visit Amos In Jail.mp3
    53. aa290624 0391 Andy And Kingfish Get A Lawyer For Amos.mp3
    54. aa290625 0392 Andy Kingfish And Earl Dixon Talk About Amos.mp3
    55. aa290627 0393 Mr Taylor Bails Amos Out Of Jail.mp3
    56. aa290628 0394 Amos Tells His Story To His Lawyer.mp3
    57. aa290629 0395 Amos And Andy Go To The Lawyer s Office.mp3
    58. aa290701 0397 Andy Reads A Law Book To Help Amos.mp3
    59. aa290705 0400 The Real Criminals Talk About Framing Amos.mp3
    60. aa290718 0411.mp3
    61. aa290723 0416.mp3
    62. aa290725 0417.mp3
    63. aa290726 0418.mp3
    64. aa290727 0419.mp3
    65. aa290728 0420.mp3
    66. aa290808 0429.mp3
    67. aa290809 0430.mp3
    68. aa290810 0431.mp3
    69. aa290813 0434.mp3
    70. aa290815 0435.mp3
    71. aa290816 0436.mp3
    72. aa291122 R-78 At the Dairy - At the Bullfights.mp3
    73. aa300404 R-78 Check and Double Check - Ise Regusted.mp3
    74. aa310306 0922 Breach of Promise.mp3
    75. aa320324 1250 After the Rasslin Match.mp3
    76. aa330109 1498 Andy Learns To Work The Hotel Desk.mp3
    77. aa330222 1530 Madam Queen Gets Engaged.mp3
    78. aa360819 2395 2 395 th Day Of Broadcasting For Nbc.mp3
    79. aa361204 2471 Annual Minstrel Show At Lodge.mp3
    80. aa370809 2647 Camping Outside Boston.mp3
    81. aa390331 3076 March of Time Gag Show.mp3
    82. aa390403 3077 The Marriage Of Andrew H Brown.mp3
    83. aa390921 3200 Singing Recital Postponed.mp3
    84. aa391204 3252 Amos and Andy Minstrel Show.mp3
    85. aa401022 3483 Andy Out of the Tonic.mp3
    86. aa401112 3498 Trying to Get Out of Marriage Proposal.mp3
    87. aa411224 3788 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    88. aa421009 3995 Medbury Double Talk.mp3
    89. aa421224 4049 The Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    90. aa430000 0000 Auditions For 30 Minute Series.mp3
    91. aa431008 0001 Andy s New Wife.mp3
    92. aa431015 0002 The Maestro.mp3
    93. aa431022 0003 Kingfish Is Sued With Walter Huston.mp3
    94. aa431029 0004 Chair.mp3
    95. aa431105 0005 The Locked Trunks Secret.mp3
    96. aa431112 0006 Matrimonial Mishap.mp3
    97. aa431119 0007 Turkey Trouble.mp3
    98. aa431126 0008 Man s Best Friend.mp3
    99. aa431203 0009 Candy For Caroline.mp3
    100. aa431210 0010 Bookends And Babies.mp3
    101. aa431217 0011 The Marriage Counselor.mp3
    102. aa431231 0013 Mister 1943 With Edward G Robinson.mp3
    103. aa440107 0014 Making Sapphire Proud.mp3
    104. aa440114 0015 Violets And Orchids.mp3
    105. aa440121 0016 Charles Boyer s Valet.mp3
    106. aa440128 0017 Windfall.mp3
    107. aa440204 0018 Missing Persons Bureau.mp3
    108. aa440211 0019 Three Strikes And You re Out.mp3
    109. aa440218 0020 Ruby s Diamond.mp3
    110. aa440225 0021 Sunday Monday Or Always.mp3
    111. aa440303 0022 Trying To Find Madame Queen.mp3
    112. aa440310 0023 Sign On The Dotted Line.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 52 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
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      Volume 2: $5.00
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    2. aa440317 0024 Insurance Fraud.mp3
    3. aa440324 0025 Between Life And Death.mp3
    4. aa440331 0026 Long Lost Harold.mp3
    5. aa440407 0027 Dating Club Disaster.mp3
    6. aa440414 0028 The Butler Did It.mp3
    7. aa440421 0029 Of Sound Mind And Body.mp3
    8. aa440428 0030 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits.mp3
    9. aa440505 0031 The Electric Clock Caper.mp3
    10. aa440512 0032 Impersonating An Officer.mp3
    11. aa440519 0033 And The Winner Is.mp3
    12. aa440526 0034 Andy The Fugitive.mp3
    13. aa440602 0035 Nazi Spy.mp3
    14. aa440609 0036 Shirt Trail.mp3
    15. aa440616 0037 One Step Ahead Of The Law.mp3
    16. aa440922 0038 Singing Contest.mp3
    17. aa440929 0039 Hotel House Detective.mp3
    18. aa441006 0040 Andy The Actor.mp3
    19. aa441013 0041 Ichthyologist.mp3
    20. aa441020 0042 Mistaken Identity.mp3
    21. aa441027 0043 Madame Queen Marriage.mp3
    22. aa441103 0044 Nieces.mp3
    23. aa441110 0045 Employment Agency.mp3
    24. aa441117 0046 Marriage Proposal Mixup.mp3
    25. aa441124 0047 Spot Removal Formula.mp3
    26. aa441201 0048 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency.mp3
    27. aa441208 0049 The House Of Frank Morgan.mp3
    28. aa441215 0050 Fake Suicide.mp3
    29. aa441222 0051 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    30. aa441229 0052 Not Invited To The Party.mp3
    31. aa450105 0053 Honesty Insurance Company.mp3
    32. aa450112 0054 Washington s Love Letters.mp3
    33. aa450119 0055 Adoption Woes.mp3
    34. aa450126 0056 Advice To The Lovelorn.mp3
    35. aa450202 0057 Lovelorn Lawsuit.mp3
    36. aa450209 0058 Andy Plays Soldier.mp3
    37. aa450216 0059 Kingfish Gets Mystery Valentine.mp3
    38. aa450223 0060 Wax Mustache.mp3
    39. aa450302 0061 Andy Inflates Tax Return To Impress A Girl.mp3
    40. aa450309 0062 More Tax Woes.mp3
    41. aa450316 0063 The Lecture Bureau.mp3
    42. aa450323 0064 Prentice Clothing Company.mp3
    43. aa450330 0065 Easter Hat.mp3
    44. aa450406 0066 A Place To Call Home.mp3
    45. aa450420 0067 Kingfish Buys A Car.mp3
    46. aa450427 0068 Marriage Vows.mp3
    47. aa450504 0069 Beautiful Baby Contest.mp3
    48. aa450511 0070 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him.mp3
    49. aa450518 0071 A Case Of Bullion.mp3
    50. aa450525 0072 Andy The Sailor.mp3
    51. aa450601 0073 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel.mp3
    52. aa460205 0092 Kingfish Adopts Great Dane From Lodge Brother.mp3
    53. aa460305 0096 Insurance Plan.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 50 shows – 644 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 27 minutes
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      Volume 3: $5.00
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    2. aa460312 0097 Birthday Gift For Sapphire.mp3
    3. aa460319 0098 Nerves.mp3
    4. aa460326 0099 Bald Head.mp3
    5. aa460402 0100 Model Husband.mp3
    6. aa460409 0101 Best Dressed Man.mp3
    7. aa460416 0102 Travel Bureau.mp3
    8. aa460423 0103 Flashback.mp3
    9. aa460430 0104 Eyeglasses.mp3
    10. aa460507 0105 Fur Coat.mp3
    11. aa460514 0106 Finding a Room For Cousin Leroy.mp3
    12. aa461001 0109 Lot On Rocky Hills.mp3
    13. aa461008 0110 Kingfish Remembers How He Met Sapphire afrs.mp3
    14. aa461015 0111 Sapphire Is A Wanted Criminal.mp3
    15. aa461112 0115 The Retroactive Insurance Policy.mp3
    16. aa461119 0116 Court of Marital Relations afrs.mp3
    17. aa461210 0119 The Stolen Car.mp3
    18. aa461217 0120 The Cigar Stand.mp3
    19. aa461224 0121 Christmas Show afrs.mp3
    20. aa470107 0123 Homesteading In Alaska.mp3
    21. aa470114 0124 Happily-Married Couple Contest.mp3
    22. aa470121 0125 Kingfish Wants Andy To Marry Sapphires Sister.mp3
    23. aa470128 0126 Proposal To Nancy Simpson.mp3
    24. aa470204 0127 Amos is Missing - with Fibber Mcgee And Molly.mp3
    25. aa470211 0128 Floyds of Florida.mp3
    26. aa470218 0129 A Generous Boyfriend.mp3
    27. aa470304 0131 Pearls.mp3
    28. aa470318 0133 Hospitalization Plan.mp3
    29. aa470325 0134 Kingfish Sells Andy A Trailer.mp3
    30. aa470401 0135 The Parking Lot.mp3
    31. aa470408 0136 Finding A Roomer.mp3
    32. aa470415 0137 New Evening Gown.mp3
    33. aa470422 0138 Kingfish s Travel Bureau.mp3
    34. aa470429 0139 Sapphire Wants A Vacation.mp3
    35. aa470506 0140 Kingfish's Marital Woes.mp3
    36. aa470513 0141 LeRoy's Lock Invention.mp3
    37. aa470520 0142 Alligator Bag.mp3
    38. aa470527 0143 Kingfish s Rest Home.mp3
    39. aa470930 0144 Raiding The Piggy Bank.mp3
    40. aa471028 0148 Adopting Andy.mp3
    41. aa471111 0150 Getting Rid of Leroy.mp3
    42. aa471125 0152 Rejuvenation Beauty Salon Paris.mp3
    43. aa471223 0156 Christmas Show.mp3
    44. aa480106 0158 French Car.mp3
    45. aa480420 0173 Sapphires Uncle.mp3
    46. aa480504 0175 Andy Saves The Millionaire.mp3
    47. aa480518 0176 Selling Andy A Cabin For $250.mp3
    48. aa480525 0177 California Vacation 1948 Plymouth Raffle.mp3
    49. aa481010 0178 Kingfish The Marriage Broker.mp3
    50. aa481017 0179 Kingfish Sells Andy A House.mp3
    51. aa481024 0180 The Hot Fur.mp3

    1. Volume 4 – 47 shows – 632 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 1 minutes
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      Volume 4: $5.00
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    2. aa481031 0181 The Secret Melody.mp3
    3. aa481107 0182 Correspondence School.mp3
    4. aa481114 0183 Kingfish's Tour Service.mp3
    5. aa481128 0185 Georgia Bank Reorganization.mp3
    6. aa481226 0189 Mysterious New Years Card.mp3
    7. aa490109 0191 Kingfish's Conscience (aka Cannery Stock).mp3
    8. aa490116 0192 1877 Nickel.mp3
    9. aa490123 0193 Kingfish's Luggage Stand.mp3
    10. aa490130 0194 The Antique Piano.mp3
    11. aa490206 0195 Lapsed Insurance Policy.mp3
    12. aa490213 0196 Kingfish Sets Andy Up With Opalacha Parker.mp3
    13. aa490220 0197 Godfather To Amos' Baby.mp3
    14. aa490306 0199 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery.mp3
    15. aa490313 0200 Andy to Marry D Richards.mp3
    16. aa490320 0201 100 Dollar Oil Stock.mp3
    17. aa490327 0202 Pawn Shop Robbery.mp3
    18. aa490403 0203 Deputy Dirt Commissioner.mp3
    19. aa490410 0204 Kingfish Is Evicted.mp3
    20. aa490424 0206 Andy Inherits $2000.mp3
    21. aa490501 0207 Kingfish's New Boarder.mp3
    22. aa490508 0208 Kingfish Has No Friends.mp3
    23. aa491002 0212 Social Security.mp3
    24. aa491009 0213 Kingfish Hires A Secretary.mp3
    25. aa491016 0214 Charmaign LaRue And Her Mother.mp3
    26. aa491023 0215 Kingfish's Car Used In Robbery.mp3
    27. aa491030 0216 Andy Has Two Dates At Once.mp3
    28. aa491106 0217 Four Hundred Dollar Loan To Rochester.mp3
    29. aa491113 0218 Love Letter Mix-Up.mp3
    30. aa491120 0219 Turkey Falls Off Truck.mp3
    31. aa491127 0220 TV Set Raffle.mp3
    32. aa491211 0222 Proxy Marriage.mp3
    33. aa491218 0223 223 Andy Married.mp3
    34. aa500108 0226 Andy Married.mp3
    35. aa500115 0227 Andy Versus Abigail Simpson Brown.mp3
    36. aa500122 0228 Andys Verdict.mp3
    37. aa500129 0229 The Bungling Burglars.mp3
    38. aa500205 0230 Sapphire Might Be Pregnant.mp3
    39. aa500212 0231 Kingfish's Flower Shop.mp3
    40. aa500319 0236 Andy And Eloise Walker.mp3
    41. aa500326 0237 Imitating The Happy Harringtons.mp3
    42. aa500402 0238 Andy Goes To Charm School.mp3
    43. aa500409 0239 Sapphire's Dream Man Slim.mp3
    44. aa500416 0240 The Census Taker.mp3
    45. aa500423 0241 Lodge Convention In Chicago.mp3
    46. aa500430 0242 Andy's Inheritance Part 1.mp3
    47. aa500507 0243 Andy's Inheritance Part 2.mp3
    48. aa500514 0244 Andy's Inheritance Part 3.mp3

    1. Volume 5 – 48 shows – 636 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 10 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 5: $5.00
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    2. aa500521 0245 Job At Pine Crest Lodge.mp3
    3. aa501001 0246 Kingfish Is Drafted.mp3
    4. aa501008 0247 Kingfish's Enlistment Problem.mp3
    5. aa501015 0248 Vacation Girlfriend rehearsal.mp3
    6. aa501022 0249 Friend From Back Home rehearsal.mp3
    7. aa501029 0250 Kingfish Finds Wallet rehearsal.mp3
    8. aa501105 0251 Counterfeiters rehearsal.mp3
    9. aa501119 0253 Thanksgiving Dinner.mp3
    10. aa501126 0254 Andys Actress Girlfriend rehearsal.mp3
    11. aa501203 0255 Policewoman Mix-up.mp3
    12. aa501210 0256 Sapphires Fur Coat.mp3
    13. aa501217 0257 Kingfish Suspects Foul Play.mp3
    14. aa501224 0258 Christmas Show.mp3
    15. aa501231 0259 Sapphire's New Love Interest.mp3
    16. aa510107 0260 Is Sapphire Expecting.mp3
    17. aa510114 0261 Sapphire Returns.mp3
    18. aa510121 0262 Mama And Mr Smithers Again.mp3
    19. aa510128 0263 Mama and Hubert Smithers Part 2 rehearsal.mp3
    20. aa510204 0264 The Parking Lot.mp3
    21. aa510211 0265 Making Restitution rehearsal.mp3
    22. aa510218 0266 Lonely Hearts Club.mp3
    23. aa510225 0267 Andy Meets Girls Mother rehearsal.mp3
    24. aa510304 0268 Kingfish Sees Sapphire On TV.mp3
    25. aa510318 0270 Uncle Sylvester to Marry.mp3
    26. aa510325 0271 Easter Dresses.mp3
    27. aa510408 0273 Faith In Those You Love.mp3
    28. aa510415 0274 Job At Import-Export Garage.mp3
    29. aa510422 0275 Mother-In-Law Stays With Kingfish.mp3
    30. aa510429 0276 Cousin Sydney Moves In.mp3
    31. aa510506 0277 Annual Lodge Hall Picnic.mp3
    32. aa510513 0278 Ramona Thompson.mp3
    33. aa510520 0279 Kingfish The Nightclub Spotter.mp3
    34. aa510527 0280 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery.mp3
    35. aa510603 0281 Green-Eyed Monster.mp3
    36. aa510610 0282 Old Flame Florence Baxter.mp3
    37. aa510930 0283 $3000 Diamond Ring In Cracker Jack Box.mp3
    38. aa511007 0284 Aptitude Test.mp3
    39. aa511014 0285 Trip To South America.mp3
    40. aa511021 0286 DePiester's Party.mp3
    41. aa511028 0287 Engaged To Susan Bennett.mp3
    42. aa511104 0288 New Boarder Chester Benson.mp3
    43. aa511111 0289 Sapphire Is Looking For Romance.mp3
    44. aa511118 0290 Kingfish Buys a Turkey rehearsal.mp3
    45. aa511125 0291 Sapphire's Sister Moves In.mp3
    46. aa511202 0292 The New Neighbors.mp3
    47. aa511209 0293 Wedding Invitation Mixup.mp3
    48. aa511216 0294 Breaking Up Andy And Madame Queen.mp3
    49. aa511223 0295 Andy Plays Santa Claus.mp3

    1. Volume 6 – 48 shows – 642 MB – total playtime 23 hours, 22 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 6: $5.00
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    2. aa511230 0296 Porch Wreckers.mp3
    3. aa520106 0297 Kingfishs Resolutions.mp3
    4. aa520113 0298 The Memory Box.mp3
    5. aa520203 0301 The Piggy Bank.mp3
    6. aa520210 0302 Good Samaritans.mp3
    7. aa520217 0303 Mommas Big Romance.mp3
    8. aa520224 0304 Trouble With the Government rehearsal.mp3
    9. aa520316 0307 Where Theres a Will Theres a Way afrs.mp3
    10. aa520504 0314 Andy Buys A Racehorse.mp3
    11. aa520511 0315 May and December afrs.mp3
    12. aa521012 0320 Long Lost Husband.mp3
    13. aa521019 0321 Jobs As Office Cleaners.mp3
    14. aa521026 0322 Leroy's Oil Stock.mp3
    15. aa521102 0323 Aunt Harriet Visits.mp3
    16. aa521109 0324 Andy Romances Drusilla Montgomery.mp3
    17. aa521116 0325 Ten Thousandth Show.mp3
    18. aa521228 0331 Old Mink Stole.mp3
    19. aa530201 0336 Mama And Percival Jackson.mp3
    20. aa530208 0337 The Drowning Millionaire.mp3
    21. aa530222 0339 Andy's Photo In Detective Magazine.mp3
    22. aa530308 0341 Mystic Knights Convention in Los Angeles.mp3
    23. aa530315 0342 Madame Queen's Chauffeur.mp3
    24. aa530322 0343 Is Sapphire Expecting.mp3
    25. aa530329 0344 Andy The Coward.mp3
    26. aa530412 0346 Andy And The Model.mp3
    27. aa530419 0347 Kingfish The Detective.mp3
    28. aa530426 0348 Boat Trip Outing For Lodge Brothers.mp3
    29. aa530503 0349 The Stock Market Tip.mp3
    30. aa530510 0350 Cabin In Connecticut.mp3
    31. aa530517 0351 Proxy Marriage.mp3
    32. aa530524 0352 Old Love Letters.mp3
    33. aa530927 0353 Bad Check To Hospital.mp3
    34. aa531004 0354 Coat Checking Concession.mp3
    35. aa531011 0355 Pancake Mix Contest.mp3
    36. aa531018 0356 Kingfish's Kollege Of Knowledge.mp3
    37. aa531025 0357 Aunt Matilda's Dowry.mp3
    38. aa531101 0358 Cat Burglar.mp3
    39. aa531108 0359 Sapphire's Old Boyfriend.mp3
    40. aa531115 0360 Shipping LeRoy's Car To Los Angeles.mp3
    41. aa531122 0361 New York Sightseeing Agency.mp3
    42. aa531129 0362 The Loan Business.mp3
    43. aa531206 0363 Cleaning 32 Typewriters.mp3
    44. aa531213 0364 The Baby Doctor.mp3
    45. aa531220 0365 Annual Christmas Show.mp3
    46. aa531227 0366 Lucky Bucks Contest.mp3
    47. aa540103 0367 Tuxedo Rental Business.mp3
    48. aa540110 0368 25th Wedding Anniversary.mp3
    49. aa540117 0369 Dog Lover.mp3

    1. Volume 7 – 52 shows – 665 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 13 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 7: $5.00
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    2. aa540124 0370 Andys Wedding.mp3
    3. aa540131 0371 The Very Nervous Sanitorium.mp3
    4. aa540207 0372 Lovelorn Column.mp3
    5. aa540214 0373 Twenty Fifth Anniversary Show.mp3
    6. aa540221 0374 At Home With Love Birds.mp3
    7. aa540228 0375 Sapphire is Assistant Buyer.mp3
    8. aa540307 0376 Fur Coat For Sapphires Birthday.mp3
    9. aa540314 0377 Florabelle Williams.mp3
    10. aa540321 0378 Construction Job in Guam.mp3
    11. aa540328 0379 Kingfish and Sapphires Elopement.mp3
    12. aa540404 0380 Radio And TV Delivery Job.mp3
    13. aa540411 0381 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa.mp3
    14. aa540418 0382 Andy Jilted by Teresa Wilson.mp3
    15. aa540425 0383 Mamas Romance with Reginald Dewithers.mp3
    16. aa540502 0384 Kingfish finds a Pistol.mp3
    17. aa540509 0385 The Honeymoon Cottage.mp3
    18. aa540516 0386 Sapphire at Lake View For the Summer.mp3
    19. aa540523 0387 Beersheba Jackson After Andy.mp3
    20. aa540913 MHxx Guests Jack Benny Liberace.mp3
    21. aa540915 MH03 Guest Frank Sinatra.mp3
    22. aa540923 MH11 Guest Kay Kyser.mp3
    23. aa540926 0388 A Trip To Flordia.mp3
    24. aa541003 0389 Andys Engaged To Susan Bennett.mp3
    25. aa541010 0390 Mamas Night Out.mp3
    26. aa541017 0391 Boo Boo Winters.mp3
    27. aa541024 0392 Kingfish Rents Apartment To A College Girl.mp3
    28. aa541031 0393 Kingfish Must Raise the Rent Money.mp3
    29. aa541107 0394 Kingfish Rents Office to Bookmaker.mp3
    30. aa541114 0395 Million Dollar Momma.mp3
    31. aa541121 0396 Who Gets A Job First.mp3
    32. aa541128 0397 Andys New Love - Hyacinth Jackson.mp3
    33. aa541205 0398 Andy Inherits $6000.mp3
    34. aa541212 0399 Sapphire Wants Kingfish Fire Lodge Secretary.mp3
    35. aa541219 0400 Christmas Show Andy As Santa.mp3
    36. aa541226 0401 New Years Show.mp3
    37. aa550102 0402 Getting the Best of Leroy.mp3
    38. aa550105 MHxx Guest Sarah Berner.mp3
    39. aa550109 0403 Wealthy Girl.mp3
    40. aa550123 0405 Romance.mp3
    41. aa550130 0406 Mrs Robert Gunthers Pocketbook Found.mp3
    42. aa550206 0407 Long Lost Husband.mp3
    43. aa550220 0409 Romeo and Juliet.mp3
    44. aa550313 0412 Wrong Pickup.mp3
    45. aa550320 0413 Kingfishs Mother-In-Law Kicks Him Out.mp3
    46. aa550327 0414 Kingfish Sapphire Both Rent Cottage Out.mp3
    47. aa550410 0416 Easter Sunday Dinner At Home.mp3
    48. aa550501 0419 Kingfish Gets a Delivery Job in a Flower Shop.mp3
    49. aa550711 MHxx Guest Les Brown.mp3
    50. aa550722 MHxx No Guest.mp3
    51. aa590823 MHxx 30th Anniversary.mp3
    52. aa600601 MHxx No Guest.mp3
    53. aa601125 MHxx Final Show.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    408 recordings on 171 Audio CDs. Total playtime 163 hours, 19 min
    408 recordings on 171 Audio CDs
    total playtime 163 hours, 19 min

    Amos and Andy Disc A001

    1. aa280623 0077
    2. aa280624 0078
    3. aa280625 0079
    4. aa280626 0080
    5. aa280715 0096
    6. aa280717 R-78 Is Everyone in Your Family as Dumb as You Is
    7. aa280717 R-78 The Presidential Election
    8. aa280719 0099

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    Amos and Andy Disc A002

    1. aa280724 0104
    2. aa281227 0237
    3. aa281230 0240
    4. aa281231 0241
    5. aa290103 0243
    6. aa290114 0253 The Efficiency Expert
    7. aa290115 0254 Checking Things Out
    8. aa290117 0255 Stepping On Andy s Toes

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    Amos and Andy Disc A003

    1. aa290321 0309 Widow Parker Marries John Watkins
    2. aa290322 0310 Andy and Widow's Father Talking in Taxi Cab
    3. aa290323 0311 0312 Andy Goes To The Doctor
    4. aa290414 0330
    5. aa290415 0331
    6. aa290416 0332
    7. aa290418 0333

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    Amos and Andy Disc A004

    1. aa290419 0334
    2. aa290421 0336 Everyone Is Signing Andy s Name
    3. aa290422 0337 Ruby s Father Sees Amos Talking To Other Girl
    4. aa290423 0338 Raising Money For Lodge Renovations
    5. aa290425 0339 Amos Gets A dear John Telegram
    6. aa290426 0340 Getting Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations
    7. aa290427 0341 Reviewing Bids For Lodge Hall Renovations
    8. aa290519 0360 Amos And Andy Suspect Kingfish Is Embezzling

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    Amos and Andy Disc A005

    1. aa290520 0361 Taxi Company Gets Competition From Earl Dixon
    2. aa290521 0362 Earl Dixon Applies For Lodge Membership
    3. aa290523 0363 Kingfish Helps Earl Compete For Taxi Business
    4. aa290602 0372
    5. aa290603 0373
    6. aa290604 0374
    7. aa290606 0375
    8. aa290608 0377 May Lose Fresh Air Taxi Company

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    Amos and Andy Disc A006

    1. aa290609 0378 Miss Ruby Taylor Arrives
    2. aa290610 0379 Ruby Taylor Is Back
    3. aa290611 0380 Earl Dixon Offers a Job
    4. aa290613 0381 Conversation With Earl Taylor
    5. aa290615 0383
    6. aa290616 0384 Earl Dixon Tries To Break Up Amos And Ruby
    7. aa290617 0385 Amos Is Worried That He Has Lost Ruby
    8. aa290618 0386 Amos Gets Cut Off While Calling Ruby

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    Amos and Andy Disc A007

    1. aa290620 0387 Andy Receives A Letter From Detroit
    2. aa290621 0388 Andy Prepares A Budget For The Cab Company
    3. aa290622 0389 Amos Is Framed In A Fur Robbery
    4. aa290623 0390 Andy And Kingfish Visit Amos In Jail
    5. aa290624 0391 Andy And Kingfish Get A Lawyer For Amos
    6. aa290625 0392 Andy Kingfish And Earl Dixon Talk About Amos
    7. aa290627 0393 Mr Taylor Bails Amos Out Of Jail
    8. aa290628 0394 Amos Tells His Story To His Lawyer

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    Amos and Andy Disc A008

    1. aa290629 0395 Amos And Andy Go To The Lawyer s Office
    2. aa290701 0397 Andy Reads A Law Book To Help Amos
    3. aa290705 0400 The Real Criminals Talk About Framing Amos
    4. aa290718 0411
    5. aa290723 0416
    6. aa290725 0417
    7. aa290726 0418
    8. aa290727 0419

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    Amos and Andy Disc A009

    1. aa290728 0420
    2. aa290808 0429
    3. aa290809 0430
    4. aa290810 0431
    5. aa290813 0434
    6. aa290815 0435
    7. aa290816 0436
    8. aa291122 R-78 At the Dairy - At the Bullfights

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    Amos and Andy Disc A010

    1. aa300404 R-78 Check and Double Check - Ise Regusted
    2. aa310306 0922 Breach of Promise
    3. aa320324 1250 After the Rasslin Match
    4. aa330109 1498 Andy Learns To Work The Hotel Desk
    5. aa330222 1530 Madam Queen Gets Engaged
    6. aa360819 2395 2 395 th Day Of Broadcasting For Nbc
    7. aa361204 2471 Annual Minstrel Show At Lodge

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    Amos and Andy Disc A011

    1. aa370809 2647 Camping Outside Boston
    2. aa390331 3076 March of Time Gag Show
    3. aa390403 3077 The Marriage Of Andrew H Brown
    4. aa390921 3200 Singing Recital Postponed
    5. aa391204 3252 Amos and Andy Minstrel Show

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    Amos and Andy Disc A012

    1. aa401022 3483 Andy Out of the Tonic
    2. aa401112 3498 Trying to Get Out of Marriage Proposal
    3. aa411224 3788 Annual Christmas Show
    4. aa421009 3995 Medbury Double Talk

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    Amos and Andy Disc A013

    1. aa421224 4049 The Annual Christmas Show
    2. aa430000 0000 Auditions For 30 Minute Series
    3. aa431008 0001 Andy s New Wife

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    Amos and Andy Disc A014

    1. aa431015 0002 The Maestro
    2. aa431022 0003 Kingfish Is Sued With Walter Huston
    3. aa431029 0004 Chair

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    Amos and Andy Disc A015

    1. aa431105 0005 The Locked Trunks Secret
    2. aa431112 0006 Matrimonial Mishap

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    Amos and Andy Disc A016

    1. aa431119 0007 Turkey Trouble
    2. aa431126 0008 Man s Best Friend

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    Amos and Andy Disc A017

    1. aa431203 0009 Candy For Caroline
    2. aa431210 0010 Bookends And Babies

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    Amos and Andy Disc A018

    1. aa431217 0011 The Marriage Counselor
    2. aa431231 0013 Mister 1943 With Edward G Robinson

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    Amos and Andy Disc A019

    1. aa440107 0014 Making Sapphire Proud
    2. aa440114 0015 Violets And Orchids

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    Amos and Andy Disc A020

    1. aa440121 0016 Charles Boyer s Valet
    2. aa440128 0017 Windfall

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    Amos and Andy Disc A021

    1. aa440204 0018 Missing Persons Bureau
    2. aa440211 0019 Three Strikes And You re Out

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    Amos and Andy Disc A022

    1. aa440218 0020 Ruby s Diamond
    2. aa440225 0021 Sunday Monday Or Always

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    Amos and Andy Disc A023

    1. aa440303 0022 Trying To Find Madame Queen
    2. aa440310 0023 Sign On The Dotted Line

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    Amos and Andy Disc A024

    1. aa440317 0024 Insurance Fraud
    2. aa440324 0025 Between Life And Death

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    Amos and Andy Disc A025

    1. aa440331 0026 Long Lost Harold
    2. aa440407 0027 Dating Club Disaster

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    Amos and Andy Disc A026

    1. aa440414 0028 The Butler Did It
    2. aa440421 0029 Of Sound Mind And Body

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    Amos and Andy Disc A027

    1. aa440428 0030 Sapphire s Brother Leroy Visits
    2. aa440505 0031 The Electric Clock Caper

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    Amos and Andy Disc A028

    1. aa440512 0032 Impersonating An Officer
    2. aa440519 0033 And The Winner Is

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    Amos and Andy Disc A029

    1. aa440526 0034 Andy The Fugitive
    2. aa440602 0035 Nazi Spy

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    Amos and Andy Disc A030

    1. aa440609 0036 Shirt Trail
    2. aa440616 0037 One Step Ahead Of The Law

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    Amos and Andy Disc A031

    1. aa440922 0038 Singing Contest
    2. aa440929 0039 Hotel House Detective

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    Amos and Andy Disc A032

    1. aa441006 0040 Andy The Actor
    2. aa441013 0041 Ichthyologist

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    Amos and Andy Disc A033

    1. aa441020 0042 Mistaken Identity
    2. aa441027 0043 Madame Queen Marriage

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    Amos and Andy Disc A034

    1. aa441103 0044 Nieces
    2. aa441110 0045 Employment Agency

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    Amos and Andy Disc A035

    1. aa441117 0046 Marriage Proposal Mixup
    2. aa441124 0047 Spot Removal Formula

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    Amos and Andy Disc A036

    1. aa441201 0048 Ink Flow Fountain Pen Agency
    2. aa441208 0049 The House Of Frank Morgan

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    Amos and Andy Disc A037

    1. aa441215 0050 Fake Suicide
    2. aa441222 0051 Annual Christmas Show

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    Amos and Andy Disc A038

    1. aa441229 0052 Not Invited To The Party
    2. aa450105 0053 Honesty Insurance Company

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    Amos and Andy Disc A039

    1. aa450112 0054 Washington s Love Letters
    2. aa450119 0055 Adoption Woes

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    Amos and Andy Disc A040

    1. aa450126 0056 Advice To The Lovelorn
    2. aa450202 0057 Lovelorn Lawsuit

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    Amos and Andy Disc A041

    1. aa450209 0058 Andy Plays Soldier
    2. aa450216 0059 Kingfish Gets Mystery Valentine

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    Amos and Andy Disc A042

    1. aa450223 0060 Wax Mustache
    2. aa450302 0061 Andy Inflates Tax Return To Impress A Girl

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    Amos and Andy Disc A043

    1. aa450309 0062 More Tax Woes
    2. aa450316 0063 The Lecture Bureau

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    Amos and Andy Disc A044

    1. aa450323 0064 Prentice Clothing Company
    2. aa450330 0065 Easter Hat

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    Amos and Andy Disc A045

    1. aa450406 0066 A Place To Call Home
    2. aa450420 0067 Kingfish Buys A Car

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    Amos and Andy Disc A046

    1. aa450427 0068 Marriage Vows
    2. aa450504 0069 Beautiful Baby Contest

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    Amos and Andy Disc A047

    1. aa450511 0070 Kingfish Thinks Sapphire Is Out To Kill Him
    2. aa450518 0071 A Case Of Bullion

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A048

    1. aa450525 0072 Andy The Sailor
    2. aa450601 0073 Engaged To Hattie Mcdaniel

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    Amos and Andy Disc A049

    1. aa460205 0092 Kingfish Adopts Great Dane From Lodge Brother
    2. aa460305 0096 Insurance Plan

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    Amos and Andy Disc A050

    1. aa460312 0097 Birthday Gift For Sapphire
    2. aa460319 0098 Nerves

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    Amos and Andy Disc A051

    1. aa460326 0099 Bald Head
    2. aa460402 0100 Model Husband

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    Amos and Andy Disc A052

    1. aa460409 0101 Best Dressed Man
    2. aa460416 0102 Travel Bureau

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    Amos and Andy Disc A053

    1. aa460423 0103 Flashback
    2. aa460430 0104 Eyeglasses

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    Amos and Andy Disc A054

    1. aa460507 0105 Fur Coat
    2. aa460514 0106 Finding a Room For Cousin Leroy

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    Amos and Andy Disc A055

    1. aa461001 0109 Lot On Rocky Hills
    2. aa461008 0110 Kingfish Remembers How He Met Sapphire afrs

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A056

    1. aa461015 0111 Sapphire Is A Wanted Criminal
    2. aa461112 0115 The Retroactive Insurance Policy

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A057

    1. aa461119 0116 Court of Marital Relations afrs
    2. aa461210 0119 The Stolen Car

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    Amos and Andy Disc A058

    1. aa461217 0120 The Cigar Stand
    2. aa461224 0121 Christmas Show afrs

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    Amos and Andy Disc A059

    1. aa470107 0123 Homesteading In Alaska
    2. aa470114 0124 Happily-Married Couple Contest

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A060

    1. aa470121 0125 Kingfish Wants Andy To Marry Sapphires Sister
    2. aa470128 0126 Proposal To Nancy Simpson

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A061

    1. aa470204 0127 Amos is Missing - with Fibber Mcgee And Molly
    2. aa470211 0128 Floyds of Florida

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    Amos and Andy Disc A062

    1. aa470218 0129 A Generous Boyfriend
    2. aa470304 0131 Pearls

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    Amos and Andy Disc A063

    1. aa470318 0133 Hospitalization Plan
    2. aa470325 0134 Kingfish Sells Andy A Trailer

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    Amos and Andy Disc A064

    1. aa470401 0135 The Parking Lot
    2. aa470408 0136 Finding A Roomer

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    Amos and Andy Disc A065

    1. aa470415 0137 New Evening Gown
    2. aa470422 0138 Kingfish s Travel Bureau

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    Amos and Andy Disc A066

    1. aa470429 0139 Sapphire Wants A Vacation
    2. aa470506 0140 Kingfish's Marital Woes

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    Amos and Andy Disc A067

    1. aa470513 0141 LeRoy's Lock Invention
    2. aa470520 0142 Alligator Bag

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    Amos and Andy Disc A068

    1. aa470527 0143 Kingfish s Rest Home
    2. aa470930 0144 Raiding The Piggy Bank

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    Amos and Andy Disc A069

    1. aa471028 0148 Adopting Andy
    2. aa471111 0150 Getting Rid of Leroy

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    Amos and Andy Disc A070

    1. aa471125 0152 Rejuvenation Beauty Salon Paris
    2. aa471223 0156 Christmas Show

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    Amos and Andy Disc A071

    1. aa480106 0158 French Car
    2. aa480420 0173 Sapphires Uncle

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    Amos and Andy Disc A072

    1. aa480504 0175 Andy Saves The Millionaire
    2. aa480518 0176 Selling Andy A Cabin For $250

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    Amos and Andy Disc A073

    1. aa480525 0177 California Vacation 1948 Plymouth Raffle
    2. aa481010 0178 Kingfish The Marriage Broker

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    Amos and Andy Disc A074

    1. aa481017 0179 Kingfish Sells Andy A House
    2. aa481024 0180 The Hot Fur

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    Amos and Andy Disc A075

    1. aa481031 0181 The Secret Melody
    2. aa481107 0182 Correspondence School

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    Amos and Andy Disc A076

    1. aa481114 0183 Kingfish's Tour Service
    2. aa481128 0185 Georgia Bank Reorganization

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    Amos and Andy Disc A077

    1. aa481226 0189 Mysterious New Years Card
    2. aa490109 0191 Kingfish's Conscience (aka Cannery Stock)

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A078

    1. aa490116 0192 1877 Nickel
    2. aa490123 0193 Kingfish's Luggage Stand

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    Amos and Andy Disc A079

    1. aa490130 0194 The Antique Piano
    2. aa490206 0195 Lapsed Insurance Policy

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    Amos and Andy Disc A080

    1. aa490213 0196 Kingfish Sets Andy Up With Opalacha Parker
    2. aa490220 0197 Godfather To Amos' Baby

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    Amos and Andy Disc A081

    1. aa490306 0199 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery
    2. aa490313 0200 Andy to Marry D Richards

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    Amos and Andy Disc A082

    1. aa490320 0201 100 Dollar Oil Stock
    2. aa490327 0202 Pawn Shop Robbery

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    Amos and Andy Disc A083

    1. aa490403 0203 Deputy Dirt Commissioner
    2. aa490410 0204 Kingfish Is Evicted

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Amos and Andy Disc A084

    1. aa490424 0206 Andy Inherits $2000
    2. aa490501 0207 Kingfish's New Boarder

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    Amos and Andy Disc A085

    1. aa490508 0208 Kingfish Has No Friends
    2. aa491002 0212 Social Security

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    Amos and Andy Disc A086

    1. aa491009 0213 Kingfish Hires A Secretary
    2. aa491016 0214 Charmaign LaRue And Her Mother

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    Amos and Andy Disc A087

    1. aa491023 0215 Kingfish's Car Used In Robbery
    2. aa491030 0216 Andy Has Two Dates At Once

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    Amos and Andy Disc A088

    1. aa491106 0217 Four Hundred Dollar Loan To Rochester
    2. aa491113 0218 Love Letter Mix-Up

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    Amos and Andy Disc A089

    1. aa491120 0219 Turkey Falls Off Truck
    2. aa491127 0220 TV Set Raffle

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    Amos and Andy Disc A090

    1. aa491211 0222 Proxy Marriage
    2. aa491218 0223 223 Andy Married

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    Amos and Andy Disc A091

    1. aa500108 0226 Andy Married
    2. aa500115 0227 Andy Versus Abigail Simpson Brown

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    Amos and Andy Disc A092

    1. aa500122 0228 Andys Verdict
    2. aa500129 0229 The Bungling Burglars

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    Amos and Andy Disc A093

    1. aa500205 0230 Sapphire Might Be Pregnant
    2. aa500212 0231 Kingfish's Flower Shop

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    Amos and Andy Disc A094

    1. aa500319 0236 Andy And Eloise Walker
    2. aa500326 0237 Imitating The Happy Harringtons

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    Amos and Andy Disc A095

    1. aa500402 0238 Andy Goes To Charm School
    2. aa500409 0239 Sapphire's Dream Man Slim

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    Amos and Andy Disc A096

    1. aa500416 0240 The Census Taker
    2. aa500423 0241 Lodge Convention In Chicago

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    Amos and Andy Disc A097

    1. aa500430 0242 Andy's Inheritance Part 1
    2. aa500507 0243 Andy's Inheritance Part 2

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    Amos and Andy Disc A098

    1. aa500514 0244 Andy's Inheritance Part 3
    2. aa500521 0245 Job At Pine Crest Lodge

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    Amos and Andy Disc A099

    1. aa501001 0246 Kingfish Is Drafted
    2. aa501008 0247 Kingfish's Enlistment Problem

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    Amos and Andy Disc A100

    1. aa501015 0248 Vacation Girlfriend rehearsal
    2. aa501022 0249 Friend From Back Home rehearsal

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    Amos and Andy Disc A101

    1. aa501029 0250 Kingfish Finds Wallet rehearsal
    2. aa501105 0251 Counterfeiters rehearsal

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    Amos and Andy Disc A102

    1. aa501119 0253 Thanksgiving Dinner
    2. aa501126 0254 Andys Actress Girlfriend rehearsal

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    Amos and Andy Disc A103

    1. aa501203 0255 Policewoman Mix-up
    2. aa501210 0256 Sapphires Fur Coat

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    Amos and Andy Disc A104

    1. aa501217 0257 Kingfish Suspects Foul Play
    2. aa501224 0258 Christmas Show

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    Amos and Andy Disc A105

    1. aa501231 0259 Sapphire's New Love Interest
    2. aa510107 0260 Is Sapphire Expecting

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    Amos and Andy Disc A106

    1. aa510114 0261 Sapphire Returns
    2. aa510121 0262 Mama And Mr Smithers Again

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    Amos and Andy Disc A107

    1. aa510128 0263 Mama and Hubert Smithers Part 2 rehearsal
    2. aa510204 0264 The Parking Lot

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    Amos and Andy Disc A108

    1. aa510211 0265 Making Restitution rehearsal
    2. aa510218 0266 Lonely Hearts Club

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    Amos and Andy Disc A109

    1. aa510225 0267 Andy Meets Girls Mother rehearsal
    2. aa510304 0268 Kingfish Sees Sapphire On TV

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    Amos and Andy Disc A110

    1. aa510318 0270 Uncle Sylvester to Marry
    2. aa510325 0271 Easter Dresses

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    Amos and Andy Disc A111

    1. aa510408 0273 Faith In Those You Love
    2. aa510415 0274 Job At Import-Export Garage

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    Amos and Andy Disc A112

    1. aa510422 0275 Mother-In-Law Stays With Kingfish
    2. aa510429 0276 Cousin Sydney Moves In

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    Amos and Andy Disc A113

    1. aa510506 0277 Annual Lodge Hall Picnic
    2. aa510513 0278 Ramona Thompson

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    Amos and Andy Disc A114

    1. aa510520 0279 Kingfish The Nightclub Spotter
    2. aa510527 0280 Photo Of Jewelry Store Robbery

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    Amos and Andy Disc A115

    1. aa510603 0281 Green-Eyed Monster
    2. aa510610 0282 Old Flame Florence Baxter

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    Amos and Andy Disc A116

    1. aa510930 0283 $3000 Diamond Ring In Cracker Jack Box
    2. aa511007 0284 Aptitude Test

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    Amos and Andy Disc A117

    1. aa511014 0285 Trip To South America
    2. aa511021 0286 DePiester's Party

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    Amos and Andy Disc A118

    1. aa511028 0287 Engaged To Susan Bennett
    2. aa511104 0288 New Boarder Chester Benson

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    Amos and Andy Disc A119

    1. aa511111 0289 Sapphire Is Looking For Romance
    2. aa511118 0290 Kingfish Buys a Turkey rehearsal

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    Amos and Andy Disc A120

    1. aa511125 0291 Sapphire's Sister Moves In
    2. aa511202 0292 The New Neighbors

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    Amos and Andy Disc A121

    1. aa511209 0293 Wedding Invitation Mixup
    2. aa511216 0294 Breaking Up Andy And Madame Queen

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    Amos and Andy Disc A122

    1. aa511223 0295 Andy Plays Santa Claus
    2. aa511230 0296 Porch Wreckers

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    Amos and Andy Disc A123

    1. aa520106 0297 Kingfishs Resolutions
    2. aa520113 0298 The Memory Box

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    Amos and Andy Disc A124

    1. aa520203 0301 The Piggy Bank
    2. aa520210 0302 Good Samaritans

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    Amos and Andy Disc A125

    1. aa520217 0303 Mommas Big Romance
    2. aa520224 0304 Trouble With the Government rehearsal

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    Amos and Andy Disc A126

    1. aa520316 0307 Where Theres a Will Theres a Way afrs
    2. aa520504 0314 Andy Buys A Racehorse

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    Amos and Andy Disc A127

    1. aa520511 0315 May and December afrs
    2. aa521012 0320 Long Lost Husband

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    Amos and Andy Disc A128

    1. aa521019 0321 Jobs As Office Cleaners
    2. aa521026 0322 Leroy's Oil Stock

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    Amos and Andy Disc A129

    1. aa521102 0323 Aunt Harriet Visits
    2. aa521109 0324 Andy Romances Drusilla Montgomery

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    Amos and Andy Disc A130

    1. aa521116 0325 Ten Thousandth Show
    2. aa521228 0331 Old Mink Stole

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    Amos and Andy Disc A131

    1. aa530201 0336 Mama And Percival Jackson
    2. aa530208 0337 The Drowning Millionaire

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    Amos and Andy Disc A132

    1. aa530222 0339 Andy's Photo In Detective Magazine
    2. aa530308 0341 Mystic Knights Convention in Los Angeles

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    Amos and Andy Disc A133

    1. aa530315 0342 Madame Queen's Chauffeur
    2. aa530322 0343 Is Sapphire Expecting

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    Amos and Andy Disc A134

    1. aa530329 0344 Andy The Coward
    2. aa530412 0346 Andy And The Model

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    Amos and Andy Disc A135

    1. aa530419 0347 Kingfish The Detective
    2. aa530426 0348 Boat Trip Outing For Lodge Brothers

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    Amos and Andy Disc A136

    1. aa530503 0349 The Stock Market Tip
    2. aa530510 0350 Cabin In Connecticut

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    Amos and Andy Disc A137

    1. aa530517 0351 Proxy Marriage
    2. aa530524 0352 Old Love Letters

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    Amos and Andy Disc A138

    1. aa530927 0353 Bad Check To Hospital
    2. aa531004 0354 Coat Checking Concession

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    Amos and Andy Disc A139

    1. aa531011 0355 Pancake Mix Contest
    2. aa531018 0356 Kingfish's Kollege Of Knowledge

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    Amos and Andy Disc A140

    1. aa531025 0357 Aunt Matilda's Dowry
    2. aa531101 0358 Cat Burglar

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    Amos and Andy Disc A141

    1. aa531108 0359 Sapphire's Old Boyfriend
    2. aa531115 0360 Shipping LeRoy's Car To Los Angeles

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    Amos and Andy Disc A142

    1. aa531122 0361 New York Sightseeing Agency
    2. aa531129 0362 The Loan Business

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    Amos and Andy Disc A143

    1. aa531206 0363 Cleaning 32 Typewriters
    2. aa531213 0364 The Baby Doctor

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    Amos and Andy Disc A144

    1. aa531220 0365 Annual Christmas Show
    2. aa531227 0366 Lucky Bucks Contest

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    Amos and Andy Disc A145

    1. aa540103 0367 Tuxedo Rental Business
    2. aa540110 0368 25th Wedding Anniversary

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    Amos and Andy Disc A146

    1. aa540117 0369 Dog Lover
    2. aa540124 0370 Andys Wedding

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    Amos and Andy Disc A147

    1. aa540131 0371 The Very Nervous Sanitorium
    2. aa540207 0372 Lovelorn Column

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    Amos and Andy Disc A148

    1. aa540214 0373 Twenty Fifth Anniversary Show
    2. aa540221 0374 At Home With Love Birds

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    Amos and Andy Disc A149

    1. aa540228 0375 Sapphire is Assistant Buyer
    2. aa540307 0376 Fur Coat For Sapphires Birthday

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    Amos and Andy Disc A150

    1. aa540314 0377 Florabelle Williams
    2. aa540321 0378 Construction Job in Guam

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    Amos and Andy Disc A151

    1. aa540328 0379 Kingfish and Sapphires Elopement
    2. aa540404 0380 Radio And TV Delivery Job

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    Amos and Andy Disc A152

    1. aa540411 0381 Vacation At Lake Chipawawa
    2. aa540418 0382 Andy Jilted by Teresa Wilson

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    Amos and Andy Disc A153

    1. aa540425 0383 Mamas Romance with Reginald Dewithers
    2. aa540502 0384 Kingfish finds a Pistol

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    Amos and Andy Disc A154

    1. aa540509 0385 The Honeymoon Cottage
    2. aa540516 0386 Sapphire at Lake View For the Summer

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    Amos and Andy Disc A155

    1. aa540523 0387 Beersheba Jackson After Andy
    2. aa540913 MHxx Guests Jack Benny Liberace

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    Amos and Andy Disc A156

    1. aa540915 MH03 Guest Frank Sinatra
    2. aa540923 MH11 Guest Kay Kyser

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    Amos and Andy Disc A157

    1. aa540926 0388 A Trip To Flordia
    2. aa541003 0389 Andys Engaged To Susan Bennett

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    Amos and Andy Disc A158

    1. aa541010 0390 Mamas Night Out
    2. aa541017 0391 Boo Boo Winters

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    Amos and Andy Disc A159

    1. aa541024 0392 Kingfish Rents Apartment To A College Girl
    2. aa541031 0393 Kingfish Must Raise the Rent Money

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    Amos and Andy Disc A160

    1. aa541107 0394 Kingfish Rents Office to Bookmaker
    2. aa541114 0395 Million Dollar Momma

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    Amos and Andy Disc A161

    1. aa541121 0396 Who Gets A Job First
    2. aa541128 0397 Andys New Love - Hyacinth Jackson

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    Amos and Andy Disc A162

    1. aa541205 0398 Andy Inherits $6000
    2. aa541212 0399 Sapphire Wants Kingfish Fire Lodge Secretary

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    Amos and Andy Disc A163

    1. aa541219 0400 Christmas Show Andy As Santa
    2. aa541226 0401 New Years Show

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    Amos and Andy Disc A164

    1. aa550102 0402 Getting the Best of Leroy
    2. aa550105 MHxx Guest Sarah Berner

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    Amos and Andy Disc A165

    1. aa550109 0403 Wealthy Girl
    2. aa550123 0405 Romance

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    Amos and Andy Disc A166

    1. aa550130 0406 Mrs Robert Gunthers Pocketbook Found
    2. aa550206 0407 Long Lost Husband

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    Amos and Andy Disc A167

    1. aa550220 0409 Romeo and Juliet
    2. aa550313 0412 Wrong Pickup

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    Amos and Andy Disc A168

    1. aa550320 0413 Kingfishs Mother-In-Law Kicks Him Out
    2. aa550327 0414 Kingfish Sapphire Both Rent Cottage Out

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    Amos and Andy Disc A169

    1. aa550410 0416 Easter Sunday Dinner At Home
    2. aa550501 0419 Kingfish Gets a Delivery Job in a Flower Shop

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    Amos and Andy Disc A170

    1. aa550711 MHxx Guest Les Brown
    2. aa550722 MHxx No Guest
    3. aa590823 MHxx 30th Anniversary

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    Amos and Andy Disc A171

    1. aa600601 MHxx No Guest
    2. aa601125 MHxx Final Show

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