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Vintage Airchecks from Great Radio Stations

Featuring on air personality D.J's performances, announcements, and skits.

Airchecks from Great Radio Stations

144 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 57 hours, 58 min)
available in the following formats:

3 MP3 CDs
56 Audio CDs

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Play a sample episode from February 05, 1974:

"Patty Hearst Kidnapping"

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Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

AirchecksAirchecks feature a recorded live radio program often made by the radio stations for quality control or for a local D.J.'s resume.  Some airchecks were recorded to entertain armed service members in Vietnam

See also: Alan Freed Show, Alan Freed Rock n Roll Dance Party, DJ Madness, News of the Kennedy Era, Airchecks from the 1960s, Airchecks of the 1970's, and Airchecks of the 1980s and 1990s.

Text on OTRCAT.com ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.

These classic recordings are available in the following formats:

  • Show Rating

    30     3


    do i get a cd in the mail as well hope i can put them on a mp3 cd sometime soon jim

    Jim Verified Purchase

    You do if you purchased the CD. I have added them to my MP3 player.


    Like so many other programs that otrcat.com puts out, history comes alive. Hearing these broadcasts from yesteryear in their real time gives me a new perspective of the era and the people who lived it. I can’t wait for more from otrcat.com. Thank you!


    A great collection of 1960s radio airchecks from such legendary disc jockeys as Alan Freed, Cousin Brucie, Dan Ingram, Casey Kasem, the real Don Steele and Joey Reynolds. Especially enjoy the unscoped recordings with the songs played in their entirety. A great time capsule of sounds from the golden age of top 40 radio.

    Mark Verified Purchase

    Love this site,keep up the great work.

    Warren Verified Purchase

    A great listen and a time machine to a time when the music was better.

    George Verified Purchase

    Unlocks many memories of my school days when I followed radio more closely back in those days. Duncan

    Duncan Verified Purchase

    I love the airchecks. For the price you can't beat it. Quality isn't always great, but Airchecks aren't necessarily designed for archival use. I listen to them when I take my daily walks. It's great to be able to get the Alan Freed shows before he went to WINS. I hope we can get more airchecks. It's like looking through mmy whole life in music. It would be great to have some Wolfman Jack shows. I also love the Offshore radio airchecks as well.

    Bill Verified Purchase

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  • MP3 CDs are delivered by mail. These archival quality MP3 CDs are playable in your computer and many MP3 player devices.

    144 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00. Total playtime 57 hours, 58 min
    144 recordings on 3 MP3 CDs for just $15.00
    total playtime 57 hours, 58 min
    Add MP3 CD Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 71 shows – total playtime 29 hours
      MP3 CD
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 620000 KOIL 1290 the Real Don Steele.mp3
    3. 770000 KOIL 1290 Tony Sledge.mp3
    4. ABC via WSGA Patty Hearst Kidnap.mp3
    5. AFRS Radio Bulletin VN 1963 Diem Assn.mp3
    6. Broadcast Buddy Holly Plane Crash 1950s.mp3
    7. CFTR radio aircheck Rick (Allen) Moranis Summer 73.mp3
    8. Johnny Donovan Summer 1972.mp3
    9. KFWB L.A. Elliot Field 590109.mp3
    10. KFWB LA Bob Hudson aircheck 11068 mon.mp3
    11. KFWB Los Angeles B Mitchel Reed 671003.mp3
    12. KHJ Gary Mack 660810.mp3
    13. KHJ Los Angeles Roger Christian 650429.mp3
    14. KHJ May 3 67 Don Steele enh.mp3
    15. KISN Portland 1964 Don Steele.mp3
    16. KLIF 1966.mp3
    17. KLIF Dallas 631122 Kennedy Assn.mp3
    18. KRLA 1966.mp3
    19. KRLA, LA 631026 Kasem.mp3
    20. PAMS Jingles 1960s and 50s radio.mp3
    21. PAMS Productions ABC News Sounder.mp3
    22. Radio Jingles WABC Cousin Brucie Jingles 1964-1968.mp3
    23. Radio Jingles.1960s.mp3
    24. Radio Top 40 AFVN Radio Vietnam News by Mike K.mp3
    25. Realdonsteele KHJ 680200.mp3
    26. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1971 WIXZ.mp3
    27. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1974.mp3
    28. Troy Stuff WLS Series 18 PAMS.mp3
    29. Vietnam War USA Songs Vietnam Show (Airchecks WLS).mp3
    30. VN 1971 Dave Rabbit bootleg station enh.mp3
    31. WABB Mobile 268 Scott Shannon evening show.mp3
    32. WABC 11965 East Coast Blackout.mp3
    33. WABC 9SEP68 8PM 9PM Cousin Brucie.mp3
    34. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 2 of 6.mp3
    35. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 5 of 6.mp3
    36. WABC Chuck Leonard 681231 enh.mp3
    37. WABC Cousin Brucie 680228.mp3
    38. WABC Dan Ingram 680102.mp3
    39. WABC Johnny Donovan George Michael NYC 9974.mp3
    40. WABC New York 1967 Bob Lewis aircheck.mp3
    41. WABC Top 100 of 1967.mp3
    42. WABC, New York, Roby Yonge, December, 1967.mp3
    43. WABC770 Cousin Brucie 631000.mp3
    44. WABC770 NYC 681009 9PM10PM.mp3
    45. WABCCousin Brucie7 Sep 1965 enh.mp3
    46. WABCDan Ingram April Fools 1964.mp3
    47. WABCNY (Cousin Brucie 671121).mp3
    48. WAKR Twist WACKER 1590 1962.mp3
    49. WAYS AM Charlotte Jul 13 1966.mp3
    50. WCFL American Top 40 with Casey Kasem Oct72.mp3
    51. WCLS Columbus GA June 1966 all night show.mp3
    52. WCLS Scott Shannon dedicates a record on WDAK.mp3
    53. WDAK Columbus GA Summer and Winter 1967.mp3
    54. WELW 19740000 Jim Deal.mp3
    55. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Dec 1953.mp3
    56. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Memphis Tenn 1952.mp3
    57. WJKF 1 Old Big Ape Jacksonvl.mp3
    58. WJW 19531212 Allan Freed Moondog Show.mp3
    59. WJW Alan Freed 1954.mp3
    60. WKBW 1520 AM Buffalo, NY 640201 Joey Reyno.mp3
    61. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (2 of 4) Joey Reynolds.mp3
    62. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (3 of 4) Bob Diamond.mp3
    63. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (4 of 4) Bob Diamond.mp3
    64. WKLO 1964 1080AM Louisville.mp3
    65. WKNT 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuius Coverage.mp3
    66. WKNT 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference.mp3
    67. WKNT 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage.mp3
    68. WKNT 1970050405 Ohio National Guard Press Conference.mp3
    69. WKNT 19700509 Interview with Robert White and Ronald Roskins.mp3
    70. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 1.mp3
    71. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 2.mp3
    72. WKNT 1971120708 Kent 25 Charges Dropped.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 52 shows – total playtime 24 hours, 16 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. WKNT 19721024 Interview with Jane Fonda and George Smith.mp3
    3. WKQV 670809.mp3
    4. WKSU 19700502 News Perspective.mp3
    5. WKSU 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage.mp3
    6. WKSU 1970050304 Continuous News Coverage.mp3
    7. WKSU 1970050304 Operation Information.mp3
    8. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 1.mp3
    9. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 2.mp3
    10. WKSU 19700508 News Broadcast.mp3
    11. WKSU 19700522 Talk Back Program.mp3
    12. WKSU 19700610 Talk Back Program.mp3
    13. WKYC Jim LaBarbara 670200.mp3
    14. WLS 1975 Landecker.mp3
    15. WLS Larry Lujack 701000.mp3
    16. WMCA Good Guys Jingles (1965 Composite).mp3
    17. WMCA Harry Harrison NY 680921.mp3
    18. WMEX Arnie (Woo Woo) Ginsburg WMEX Boston Dec 65.mp3
    19. WMMIS 19770000 The Buzzard Song.mp3
    20. WMMS 00000000 Buzzard Morning Zoo.mp3
    21. WMMS 19700000 Summer of 1970.mp3
    22. WMMS 19750000 Charlie Kendall.mp3
    23. WMMS 19780000 Euclid Beach Band Theres No Surf Cleveland.mp3
    24. WMMS 19780905 Coffebreak.mp3
    25. WMMS 19790000 Denny Sanders Interviews Gene Simmons.mp3
    26. WMMS 19791205 Harry Chapin.mp3
    27. WMMS 19810922 Ramones Live On the Air Concert.mp3
    28. WNEX Macon 721212 TTaylor 2of2.mp3
    29. WNIR 19900000 Jim Albright, the Dating Show.mp3
    30. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 1.mp3
    31. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 2.mp3
    32. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 3.mp3
    33. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 4.mp3
    34. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 5.mp3
    35. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 6.mp3
    36. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 7.mp3
    37. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 8.mp3
    38. WNIR 20020000 Howie Chizek, Howie's Crap Rap.mp3
    39. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Debates on the BOOSHMAN.mp3
    40. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Talks to Frequent Callers.mp3
    41. WNIR 20080000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner.mp3
    42. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner-.mp3
    43. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner.mp3
    44. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to a Concerned Parent.mp3
    45. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to Mr Stow.mp3
    46. WNIR 20120614 Howie Chizek, Partial Second to Last Show.mp3
    47. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 1.mp3
    48. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 2.mp3
    49. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 3.mp3
    50. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 4.mp3
    51. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 5.mp3
    52. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 6.mp3
    53. WNIR 20120619 Howie Chizek Mike Gallagher Phil Ferguson Trib.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 21 shows – total playtime 4 hours, 41 minutes
      MP3 CD
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. WNIR 20120621 Howie Chizek Funeral.mp3
    3. WNIR 20121030 Stan Piatt Interviews Sinbad.mp3
    4. WNKT 19700901 Kent 25 Charges Filed.mp3
    5. WOOS 19831231 New Years Eve.mp3
    6. WORFM Scott Muni The New Sound 1966.mp3
    7. WPHR 19890913 The Breakfast Flakes.mp3
    8. WPHR 19900105 Lou Gramm Interview.mp3
    9. WPLO Atlanta Honest John Fox 1973.mp3
    10. WPOP Hartford PAMS 60s jingles.mp3
    11. WPXI Charleston America's Top Rated Stn..mp3
    12. WQAM Miami Rick Shaw Tonto 1966.mp3
    13. WQAM Miami Scoped 1967.mp3
    14. WQAM Miami World's Greatest Radio Station.mp3
    15. WQBZ Ft Valley GA top 9 at 9 840601.mp3
    16. WQXI Atlanta Skinny Bobby Harper 690500.mp3
    17. WQXI Pat Hughes Atlanta 681015.mp3
    18. WRIP (FM) Rossville (Chattanooga) 273.mp3
    19. WSGA jingles Savannah GA 70s music.mp3
    20. WTIG 19790816 Ron Leader.mp3
    21. WTMA Charleston John Burwell 1976 (mono).mp3
    22. WZKL 19940000 Mark French.mp3
  • MP3 downloads are available instantly after purchase!

    144 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00. Total playtime 57 hours, 58 min
    144 recordings on 3 MP3 Collection Downloads for just $15.00
    1417 MB – total playtime 57 hours, 58 min
    Add Instant Download Collection to Cart

    1. Volume 1 – 71 shows – 643 MB – total playtime 29 hours
      Instant Download
      Volume 1: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. 620000 KOIL 1290 the Real Don Steele.mp3
    3. 770000 KOIL 1290 Tony Sledge.mp3
    4. ABC via WSGA Patty Hearst Kidnap.mp3
    5. AFRS Radio Bulletin VN 1963 Diem Assn.mp3
    6. Broadcast Buddy Holly Plane Crash 1950s.mp3
    7. CFTR radio aircheck Rick (Allen) Moranis Summer 73.mp3
    8. Johnny Donovan Summer 1972.mp3
    9. KFWB L.A. Elliot Field 590109.mp3
    10. KFWB LA Bob Hudson aircheck 11068 mon.mp3
    11. KFWB Los Angeles B Mitchel Reed 671003.mp3
    12. KHJ Gary Mack 660810.mp3
    13. KHJ Los Angeles Roger Christian 650429.mp3
    14. KHJ May 3 67 Don Steele enh.mp3
    15. KISN Portland 1964 Don Steele.mp3
    16. KLIF 1966.mp3
    17. KLIF Dallas 631122 Kennedy Assn.mp3
    18. KRLA 1966.mp3
    19. KRLA, LA 631026 Kasem.mp3
    20. PAMS Jingles 1960s and 50s radio.mp3
    21. PAMS Productions ABC News Sounder.mp3
    22. Radio Jingles WABC Cousin Brucie Jingles 1964-1968.mp3
    23. Radio Jingles.1960s.mp3
    24. Radio Top 40 AFVN Radio Vietnam News by Mike K.mp3
    25. Realdonsteele KHJ 680200.mp3
    26. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1971 WIXZ.mp3
    27. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1974.mp3
    28. Troy Stuff WLS Series 18 PAMS.mp3
    29. Vietnam War USA Songs Vietnam Show (Airchecks WLS).mp3
    30. VN 1971 Dave Rabbit bootleg station enh.mp3
    31. WABB Mobile 268 Scott Shannon evening show.mp3
    32. WABC 11965 East Coast Blackout.mp3
    33. WABC 9SEP68 8PM 9PM Cousin Brucie.mp3
    34. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 2 of 6.mp3
    35. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 5 of 6.mp3
    36. WABC Chuck Leonard 681231 enh.mp3
    37. WABC Cousin Brucie 680228.mp3
    38. WABC Dan Ingram 680102.mp3
    39. WABC Johnny Donovan George Michael NYC 9974.mp3
    40. WABC New York 1967 Bob Lewis aircheck.mp3
    41. WABC Top 100 of 1967.mp3
    42. WABC, New York, Roby Yonge, December, 1967.mp3
    43. WABC770 Cousin Brucie 631000.mp3
    44. WABC770 NYC 681009 9PM10PM.mp3
    45. WABCCousin Brucie7 Sep 1965 enh.mp3
    46. WABCDan Ingram April Fools 1964.mp3
    47. WABCNY (Cousin Brucie 671121).mp3
    48. WAKR Twist WACKER 1590 1962.mp3
    49. WAYS AM Charlotte Jul 13 1966.mp3
    50. WCFL American Top 40 with Casey Kasem Oct72.mp3
    51. WCLS Columbus GA June 1966 all night show.mp3
    52. WCLS Scott Shannon dedicates a record on WDAK.mp3
    53. WDAK Columbus GA Summer and Winter 1967.mp3
    54. WELW 19740000 Jim Deal.mp3
    55. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Dec 1953.mp3
    56. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Memphis Tenn 1952.mp3
    57. WJKF 1 Old Big Ape Jacksonvl.mp3
    58. WJW 19531212 Allan Freed Moondog Show.mp3
    59. WJW Alan Freed 1954.mp3
    60. WKBW 1520 AM Buffalo, NY 640201 Joey Reyno.mp3
    61. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (2 of 4) Joey Reynolds.mp3
    62. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (3 of 4) Bob Diamond.mp3
    63. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (4 of 4) Bob Diamond.mp3
    64. WKLO 1964 1080AM Louisville.mp3
    65. WKNT 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuius Coverage.mp3
    66. WKNT 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference.mp3
    67. WKNT 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage.mp3
    68. WKNT 1970050405 Ohio National Guard Press Conference.mp3
    69. WKNT 19700509 Interview with Robert White and Ronald Roskins.mp3
    70. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 1.mp3
    71. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 2.mp3
    72. WKNT 1971120708 Kent 25 Charges Dropped.mp3

    1. Volume 2 – 52 shows – 647 MB – total playtime 24 hours, 16 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 2: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. WKNT 19721024 Interview with Jane Fonda and George Smith.mp3
    3. WKQV 670809.mp3
    4. WKSU 19700502 News Perspective.mp3
    5. WKSU 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage.mp3
    6. WKSU 1970050304 Continuous News Coverage.mp3
    7. WKSU 1970050304 Operation Information.mp3
    8. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 1.mp3
    9. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 2.mp3
    10. WKSU 19700508 News Broadcast.mp3
    11. WKSU 19700522 Talk Back Program.mp3
    12. WKSU 19700610 Talk Back Program.mp3
    13. WKYC Jim LaBarbara 670200.mp3
    14. WLS 1975 Landecker.mp3
    15. WLS Larry Lujack 701000.mp3
    16. WMCA Good Guys Jingles (1965 Composite).mp3
    17. WMCA Harry Harrison NY 680921.mp3
    18. WMEX Arnie (Woo Woo) Ginsburg WMEX Boston Dec 65.mp3
    19. WMMIS 19770000 The Buzzard Song.mp3
    20. WMMS 00000000 Buzzard Morning Zoo.mp3
    21. WMMS 19700000 Summer of 1970.mp3
    22. WMMS 19750000 Charlie Kendall.mp3
    23. WMMS 19780000 Euclid Beach Band Theres No Surf Cleveland.mp3
    24. WMMS 19780905 Coffebreak.mp3
    25. WMMS 19790000 Denny Sanders Interviews Gene Simmons.mp3
    26. WMMS 19791205 Harry Chapin.mp3
    27. WMMS 19810922 Ramones Live On the Air Concert.mp3
    28. WNEX Macon 721212 TTaylor 2of2.mp3
    29. WNIR 19900000 Jim Albright, the Dating Show.mp3
    30. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 1.mp3
    31. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 2.mp3
    32. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 3.mp3
    33. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 4.mp3
    34. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 5.mp3
    35. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 6.mp3
    36. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 7.mp3
    37. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 8.mp3
    38. WNIR 20020000 Howie Chizek, Howie's Crap Rap.mp3
    39. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Debates on the BOOSHMAN.mp3
    40. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Talks to Frequent Callers.mp3
    41. WNIR 20080000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner.mp3
    42. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner-.mp3
    43. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner.mp3
    44. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to a Concerned Parent.mp3
    45. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to Mr Stow.mp3
    46. WNIR 20120614 Howie Chizek, Partial Second to Last Show.mp3
    47. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 1.mp3
    48. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 2.mp3
    49. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 3.mp3
    50. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 4.mp3
    51. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 5.mp3
    52. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 6.mp3
    53. WNIR 20120619 Howie Chizek Mike Gallagher Phil Ferguson Trib.mp3

    1. Volume 3 – 21 shows – 127 MB – total playtime 4 hours, 41 minutes
      Instant Download
      Volume 3: $5.00
      Add To Cart
    2. WNIR 20120621 Howie Chizek Funeral.mp3
    3. WNIR 20121030 Stan Piatt Interviews Sinbad.mp3
    4. WNKT 19700901 Kent 25 Charges Filed.mp3
    5. WOOS 19831231 New Years Eve.mp3
    6. WORFM Scott Muni The New Sound 1966.mp3
    7. WPHR 19890913 The Breakfast Flakes.mp3
    8. WPHR 19900105 Lou Gramm Interview.mp3
    9. WPLO Atlanta Honest John Fox 1973.mp3
    10. WPOP Hartford PAMS 60s jingles.mp3
    11. WPXI Charleston America's Top Rated Stn..mp3
    12. WQAM Miami Rick Shaw Tonto 1966.mp3
    13. WQAM Miami Scoped 1967.mp3
    14. WQAM Miami World's Greatest Radio Station.mp3
    15. WQBZ Ft Valley GA top 9 at 9 840601.mp3
    16. WQXI Atlanta Skinny Bobby Harper 690500.mp3
    17. WQXI Pat Hughes Atlanta 681015.mp3
    18. WRIP (FM) Rossville (Chattanooga) 273.mp3
    19. WSGA jingles Savannah GA 70s music.mp3
    20. WTIG 19790816 Ron Leader.mp3
    21. WTMA Charleston John Burwell 1976 (mono).mp3
    22. WZKL 19940000 Mark French.mp3
  • Standard Audio CDs are delivered by mail on archival quality media with up to 60 minutes on each CD and play in all CD players

    144 recordings on 56 Audio CDs. Total playtime 50 hours, 14 min
    144 recordings on 56 Audio CDs
    total playtime 50 hours, 14 min

    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A001

    1. ABC via WSGA Patty Hearst Kidnap
    2. AFRS Radio Bulletin VN 1963 Diem Assn
    3. Broadcast Buddy Holly Plane Crash 1950s
    4. CFTR radio aircheck Rick (Allen) Moranis Summer 73
    5. Johnny Donovan Summer 1972
    6. KFWB LA Bob Hudson aircheck 11068 mon

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A002

    1. KHJ May 3 67 Don Steele enh

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A003

    1. KISN Portland 1964 Don Steele

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A004

    1. KLIF 1966
    2. KRLA 1966
    3. PAMS Jingles 1960s and 50s radio
    4. PAMS Productions ABC News Sounder
    5. Radio Jingles WABC Cousin Brucie Jingles 1964-1968
    6. Radio Jingles.1960s
    7. Radio Top 40 AFVN Radio Vietnam News by Mike K

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A005

    1. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1971 WIXZ
    2. Rush Limbaugh AKA Jeff Christie 1974
    3. Troy Stuff WLS Series 18 PAMS
    4. Vietnam War USA Songs Vietnam Show (Airchecks WLS)
    5. VN 1971 Dave Rabbit bootleg station enh
    6. WABB Mobile 268 Scott Shannon evening show
    7. WABC 11965 East Coast Blackout

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A006

    1. WABC 9SEP68 8PM 9PM Cousin Brucie

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A007

    1. WABC Johnny Donovan George Michael NYC 9974
    2. WABC New York 1967 Bob Lewis aircheck

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A008

    1. WABC Top 100 of 1967
    2. WABC, New York, Roby Yonge, December, 1967

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A009

    1. WABCCousin Brucie7 Sep 1965 enh
    2. WABCDan Ingram April Fools 1964
    3. WAKR Twist WACKER 1590 1962

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A010

    1. WAYS AM Charlotte Jul 13 1966

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A011

    1. WCFL American Top 40 with Casey Kasem Oct72
    2. WCLS Columbus GA June 1966 all night show
    3. WCLS Scott Shannon dedicates a record on WDAK

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A012

    1. WDAK Columbus GA Summer and Winter 1967

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A013

    1. WELW 19740000 Jim Deal

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A014

    1. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Dec 1953
    2. WHBQ Dewey Phillips Memphis Tenn 1952
    3. WJKF 1 Old Big Ape Jacksonvl
    4. WJW 19531212 Allan Freed Moondog Show
    5. WJW Alan Freed 1954
    6. WKLO 1964 1080AM Louisville

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A015

    1. WKNT 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuius Coverage
    2. WKNT 19700503 James Rhodes Press Conference

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A016

    1. WKNT 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A017

    1. WKNT 1970050405 Ohio National Guard Press Conference
    2. WKNT 19700509 Interview with Robert White and Ronald Roskins

    Add Audio CD to Cart - $5.00
    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A018

    1. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 1
    2. WKNT 19710504 Four Days in May Part 2

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A019

    1. WKNT 1971120708 Kent 25 Charges Dropped
    2. WKNT 19721024 Interview with Jane Fonda and George Smith

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A020

    1. WKSU 19700502 News Perspective

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A021

    1. WKSU 1970050203 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A022

    1. WKSU 1970050304 Continuous News Coverage

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A023

    1. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 1

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A024

    1. WKSU 19700504 Live on the Scenes Continuous Coverage Part 2
    2. WKSU 19700508 News Broadcast
    3. WLS 1975 Landecker
    4. WMCA Good Guys Jingles (1965 Composite)

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A025

    1. WMEX Arnie (Woo Woo) Ginsburg WMEX Boston Dec 65
    2. WMMIS 19770000 The Buzzard Song

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A026

    1. WMMS 19700000 Summer of 1970

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A027

    1. WMMS 19750000 Charlie Kendall
    2. WMMS 19780000 Euclid Beach Band Theres No Surf Cleveland
    3. WMMS 19780905 Coffebreak
    4. WMMS 19790000 Denny Sanders Interviews Gene Simmons

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A028

    1. WMMS 19791205 Harry Chapin

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A029

    1. WMMS 19810922 Ramones Live On the Air Concert

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A030

    1. WNIR 19900000 Jim Albright, the Dating Show
    2. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 1
    3. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 2

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A031

    1. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 3
    2. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 4
    3. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 5

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A032

    1. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 6
    2. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 7
    3. WNIR 19910000 Howie Chizek and Janet DiGiacomo Dialogue 8

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A033

    1. WNKT 19700901 Kent 25 Charges Filed
    2. WOOS 19831231 New Years Eve
    3. WORFM Scott Muni The New Sound 1966
    4. WPHR 19890913 The Breakfast Flakes

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A034

    1. WPHR 19900105 Lou Gramm Interview
    2. WPLO Atlanta Honest John Fox 1973
    3. WPOP Hartford PAMS 60s jingles
    4. WPXI Charleston America's Top Rated Stn.
    5. WQAM Miami Rick Shaw Tonto 1966
    6. WQAM Miami Scoped 1967
    7. WQAM Miami World's Greatest Radio Station
    8. WRIP (FM) Rossville (Chattanooga) 273
    9. WSGA jingles Savannah GA 70s music

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A035

    1. WTIG 19790816 Ron Leader
    2. WTMA Charleston John Burwell 1976 (mono)
    3. WZKL 19940000 Mark French
    4. WMMS 00000000 Buzzard Morning Zoo
    5. WNIR 20020000 Howie Chizek, Howie's Crap Rap
    6. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Debates on the BOOSHMAN

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A036

    1. WNIR 20040000 Howie Chizek Talks to Frequent Callers
    2. WNIR 20080000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner
    3. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner-
    4. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek and Couch Burner
    5. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to a Concerned Parent
    6. WNIR 20120000 Howie Chizek Talks to Mr Stow

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A037

    1. WNIR 20120614 Howie Chizek, Partial Second to Last Show
    2. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 1

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A038

    1. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 2
    2. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 3
    3. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 4

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A039

    1. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 5
    2. WNIR 20120616 Howie Chizek Caller Tributes 6
    3. WNIR 20120619 Howie Chizek Mike Gallagher Phil Ferguson Trib
    4. WNIR 20120621 Howie Chizek Funeral

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A040

    1. WNIR 20121030 Stan Piatt Interviews Sinbad
    2. KFWB L.A. Elliot Field 590109

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A041

    1. 620000 KOIL 1290 the Real Don Steele

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A042

    1. WABC770 Cousin Brucie 631000
    2. KRLA, LA 631026 Kasem

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A043

    1. WKBW 1520 AM Buffalo, NY 640201 Joey Reyno

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A044

    1. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (2 of 4) Joey Reynolds

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A045

    1. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (3 of 4) Bob Diamond

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A046

    1. WKBW Buffalo 640222 (4 of 4) Bob Diamond

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A047

    1. KHJ Los Angeles Roger Christian 650429
    2. KHJ Gary Mack 660810
    3. WKYC Jim LaBarbara 670200

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A048

    1. WKQV 670809
    2. KFWB Los Angeles B Mitchel Reed 671003
    3. WABCNY (Cousin Brucie 671121)

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A049

    1. WABC Dan Ingram 680102
    2. Realdonsteele KHJ 680200

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A050

    1. WABC Cousin Brucie 680228

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A051

    1. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 2 of 6
    2. WABC AM 770 New York, NY 680704 Dan Ingram 5 of 6

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A052

    1. WMCA Harry Harrison NY 680921

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A053

    1. WABC770 NYC 681009 9PM10PM

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A054

    1. WQXI Pat Hughes Atlanta 681015

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A055

    1. WABC Chuck Leonard 681231 enh
    2. WQXI Atlanta Skinny Bobby Harper 690500
    3. WLS Larry Lujack 701000
    4. WNEX Macon 721212 TTaylor 2of2

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    Airchecks from Great Radio Stations Disc A056

    1. 770000 KOIL 1290 Tony Sledge
    2. WQBZ Ft Valley GA top 9 at 9 840601

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