This old time radio adventure series included the boy wonder and pilot, Jimmie Allen, his best teenage buddy, Speed Robertson, and mechanic, Flash Lewis.
138 old time radio show recordings
(total playtime 28 hours, 17 min)
available in the following formats:
2 MP3 CDs
27 Audio CDs
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
Transcribed Children's Adventure Series (1933-1947)
This series included the boy wonder and pilot, Jimmie Allen, his best teenage buddy, Speed Robertson, and mechanic, Flash Lewis. As a team they would solve crimes, often at the hands of their enemies - the corrupt Black Pete and the dishonorable Digger Dawson. Jimmie Allen was so popular a character that Paramount shot the feature film The Sky Parade.
Bob Burtt and Bill Moore WWI aces and Kansas City Missouri residents-came up with the idea of Jimmie Allen at a party. The character of Jimmie Allen was resourceful, smart, and courageous-an archetype for a fine American boy. John Frank directed the show and at 40 years old played the role of 16-year-old Jimmie Allen. Robert Fiske and Shelby Storck, respectively, played the role of Speed Robertson, a pilot in WWI--like the creators of the show, Burt and Moore.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
The show was sponsored by Skelly Oil which created the Jimmie Allen Flying Club requiring children to apply for the club at any Skelly gas station. Applicants received a set of wings, a membership emblem, and a "personal letter" from Jimmie Allen.
As the popularity of the show began to wane in 1937, Burtt and Moore focused their efforts on a new boy-pilot, Captain Midnight.
For other aviation adventure series, see also: Air Adventures of Jimmy Allen, Airplanes and Pilots in Old Time Radio, Anne of the Airlines, Air Stories of the World War, Captain Midnight,Hop Harrigan, Howie Wing, A Saga of Aviation, Rare Aviation Old Time Radio Shows, Airmail Mystery, Sky King, Speed Gibson, Tailspin Tommy, Terry & the Pirates, Sky King, Sky Blazers,Charles Lindbergh Recordings, Amelia Earhart, and Smilin' Jack.
For more exciting adventure programs, tune in to Jack Armstrong the All American Boy, Captain Midnight and Dick Tracy.
Text on ©2001-2025 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved. Reproduction is prohibited.
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A001
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A002
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A003
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A004
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A005
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A006
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A007
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A008
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A009
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A010
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A011
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A012
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A013
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A014
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A015
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A016
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A017
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A018
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A019
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A020
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A021
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A022
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A023
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A024
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A025
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A026
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Air Adventures Jimmie Allen Disc A027
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